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Vehicle Point

Submitted by:
Zainab Fatima 2016-CS-659
Masood Sadiq 2016-CS-692
Shahzad Afzal 2016-CS-679
Muhammad Awais 2016-CS-673

Supervised by: Mr. Aizaz Akmal

Department of Computer Science, New Campus

University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan
Final Approval

This thesis is to be submitted to the Department of Computer Science, University of Engineering and
Technology, Lahore New Campus for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor‟s
degree in Computer Science.


Name: Mr. Aizaz Akmal

Designation: Lecturer

Chairman Dean
Signature Signature:

Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Shahzad Asif Prof. Dr. Tahir Izhar

Department of Computer Science, New Campus

University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan

We declare that the work contained in this thesis is our own, except where explicitly stated
otherwise. In addition, this work has not been submitted to obtain another degree or professional

(Members‟ Signature)

Date: 29-06-2020
Plagiarism Report
In the name of Allah, the most beneficent and the most merciful. Alhamdulillah we praise to
Allah for the strength and his blessings in completing this project. Special appreciation goes to
my supervisor Mr. Aizaz Akmal for the supervision and constant support. Their vibrant help of
useful comments and suggestions during the tentative and proposal works have contributed to the
success of this project and research. My acknowledgment also goes to all FYP Lab in charge and
office staff of UET New campus of their cooperation. Thanks to all my project members who
directly contributed to this project research. Thank you very much.

A final year project report presented to the University of Engineering and Technology, New
Campus in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor in Computer Science.
We dedicate our dissertation work to my family and many friends. A special feeling of gratitude
to my loving parents, Teachers and Project Advisor for always supporting us, because they are
the driving force in our life and career & they guided us in a right direction and gave their
precious time to us in completion of this project We also dedicate this dissertation to our many
friends who have supported me throughout the process. We dedicate this work and give special
thanks to our friends for being there for me throughout the Project. We will always appreciate all
they have done, without their love, none of this would matter. Throughout our life, they have
actively supported us in our determination to find and realize our potential, and make this
contribution to our world. They always play a very supportive role whenever we stuck anywhere
in project, studies and life. Now where we are standing all is the contribution of our beloved
parents and all teachers who teach us in our life.

Declaration .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................................... 4
Dedication ............................................................................................................................................... 5
List of Figures ......................................................................................................................................... 8
List of Tables .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Definitions and Acronyms ..................................................................................................................... 11
Abstract................................................................................................................................................. 11
Chapter 1: Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 12
1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 12
1.2 Motivations ............................................................................................................................ 12
1.3 Project Overview ................................................................................................................... 13
1.4 Problem Statement ................................................................................................................. 13
1.5 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 13
Chapter 2: Requirements Analysis ......................................................................................................... 14
2.1 Literature review / Existing system study................................................................................ 14
2.2 Requirements elicitation ......................................................................................................... 14
2.3 Use Case Description ............................................................................................................. 17
2.4 Use Case Design .................................................................................................................... 29
Chapter 3: System Design Analysis ....................................................................................................... 30
3.1 Work breakdown structure (WBS) .......................................................................................... 30
3.2 Activity diagram .................................................................................................................... 31
3.3 Sequence diagram .................................................................................................................. 32
3.4 Software development life cycle model (Database diagram (ERD)/ Collaboration diagram/
Network diagram (Gantt chart)) ......................................................................................................... 39
3.4 Class diagram......................................................................................................................... 40
3.5 User Interfaces (Mock Screens) .............................................................................................. 41
Chapter 4: Development & Implementation ........................................................................................... 48
4.1 Development Setup ................................................................................................................ 48
4.2 Constraints ............................................................................................................................. 48
4.2.1 Assumptions ................................................................................................................... 48
4.2.2 System constraints .......................................................................................................... 48
4.2.3 Restrictions .................................................................................................................... 49
4.2.3 Limitations ..................................................................................................................... 49
Chapter 5: Experimentation & Testing ................................................................................................... 50
5.1 Extended Test Cases .............................................................................................................. 50
5.1.1 Code Snippets .................................................................................................................... 61
5.2 Unit / Integration / Acceptance Testing: ....................................................................................... 63
5.2.1 Black box Testing ..................................................................................................................... 63
5.3 Requirements Traceability Matrix ................................................................................................ 64
5.3.1 RID vs UCID (Requirements vs Use Cases) .............................................................................. 66
Chapter 6: Results & Outputs ................................................................................................................ 68
6.1 %completion .......................................................................................................................... 68
6.2 %accuracy.............................................................................................................................. 68
6.3 %correctness .......................................................................................................................... 68
Chapter 7: Conclusions & Future Directions .......................................................................................... 69
7.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 69
7.2 Future Work ........................................................................................................................... 70
Chapter 8: References............................................................................................................................ 71
Chapter 9: Appendix ............................................................................................................................. 72
9.1 Glossary of terms ................................................................................................................... 72
9.2 Pre-requisites ......................................................................................................................... 72
List of Figures

Figure 2. 1 Use Case Diagram ............................................................................................ 29

Figure 3. 1 Work Breakdown Structure .............................................................................. 31

Figure 3. 2 Activity Diagram .............................................................................................. 31
Figure 3. 3 Sequence Diagram (Ad post) ............................................................................ 32
Figure 3. 4 Sequence Diagram (Login) ............................................................................... 33
Figure 3. 5 Sequence Diagram (Manage inventory) ............................................................ 34
Figure 3. 6 Sequence Diagram (Vehicle Purchase).............................................................. 35
Figure 3. 7 Sequence Diagram (Vehicle Sale) ..................................................................... 36
Figure 3. 8 Sequence Diagram (Vehicle Information) ......................................................... 37
Figure 3. 9 Sequence Diagram (View Invoice) ................................................................... 38
Figure 3. 10 Entity Relationship Diagram............................................................................. 39
Figure 3. 11 Class Diagram .................................................................................................. 40

Figure 3.5.1 Sign up Mock Screen for Users ........................................................................ 41

Figure 3.5.2 Admin Login Mock Screen............................................................................... 42
Figure 3.5.3 Admin Panel Mock Screen ............................................................................... 42
Figure 3.5.4 Admin Panel/Manager Mock Screen ................................................................ 43
Figure 3.5.5 Home Page of Vehicle Point Mock Screen ....................................................... 43
Figure 3.5.6 User View Mock Screen ................................................................................... 44
Figure 3.5.7 Search Vehicle Mock Screen ............................................................................ 44
Figure 3.5.8 Mock Screen for Posting Ad ............................................................................. 45
Figure 3.5.9 New Cars Mock Screen .................................................................................... 45
Figure 3.5.10 Used Cars Mock Screen ................................................................................... 46
Figure 3.5.11 Vehicle Accessories Mock Screen .................................................................... 46
Figure 3.5.12 Add to Cart Mock Screen ................................................................................. 47

Figure 5.1. 1: Code Snippet of ASP.NET - shows the code snippet of .NET code of Web
Application ............................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 5.1. 2: Code Snippet of Bootstrap - shows the code snippet of front end of Web
Application ............................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 5.1. 3: Code Snippet of Database - shows the code snippet of database of Web
Application ............................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 5.1. 4: Mock Screen for Posting Ad....................................................................................... 55
List of Tables

Table 2.2. 1 Functional Requirements .................................................................................. 14

Table 2.2. 2 Non-Functional Requirements .......................................................................... 17

Table 2.3. 1 UC001: Log in.......................................................................................................... 17

Table 2.3. 2 UC002: Sign Up ............................................................................................... 18
Table 2.3. 3 UC003: Visit Site ............................................................................................. 19
Table 2.3. 4 UC004: Manage Assets List .................................................................................... 19
Table 2.3. 5 UC005: Manage Inventory ............................................................................... 20
Table 2.3. 6 UC006: Post Ad ....................................................................................................... 20
Table 2.3. 7 UC007: Display Category................................................................................. 21
Table 2.3. 8 UC008: Search ................................................................................................. 22
Table 2.3. 9 UC009: Live Chat............................................................................................. 22
Table 2.3. 10 UC010: Live Call ............................................................................................. 23
Table 2.3. 11 UC011: Upload Picture .................................................................................... 23
Table 2.3. 12 UC012: Vehicle Comparison ............................................................................ 24
Table 2.3. 13 UC013: Vehicle Comparison ............................................................................ 25
Table 2.3. 14 UC014: View Blog ........................................................................................... 25
Table 2.3. 15 UC015: Block User .......................................................................................... 26
Table 2.3. 16 UC016: Vehicle Information ............................................................................ 26
Table 2.3. 17 UC017: Suggestions ......................................................................................... 27
Table 2.3. 18 UC018: Log Out............................................................................................... 27
Table 2.3. 19 UC019: View Invoice ....................................................................................... 28

Table 5.1. 1: Test Case 1 – test the signup button of the Application ..................................... 43
Table 5.1. 2: Test case 2 - Test the Login button of the Application ...................................... 44
Table 5.1. 3: Test case 3 - Test the Post Ad button of the Application ................................... 45
Table 5.1. 4: Test case 4 - Test the Edit button for Post Ad........................................................ 46
Table 5.1. 5: Test case 5 - Test the Delete button of Ad.............................................................. 47
Table 5.1. 6: Test case 6 - Test the Upload Picture button ..................................................... 48
Table 5.1. 7: Test case 7 – Test the Search Vehicle Bar ......................................................... 49
Table 5.1. 8: Test case 8 - Test the View Vehicle Categories Button ..................................... 49
Table 5.1. 9: Test case 9 - Test the View Vehicle Accessories Button .................................. 50
Table 5.1. 10: Test Case 10 – Test the Create button for Manager Profile ............................ 51
Table 5.1. 11: Test Case 11 – Test the Edit button for Profile .............................................. 52
Table 5.1. 12: Test Case 12 – Test the Delete button of Profile ............................................ 53
Table 5.3. 1: RID vs UCID Traceability Matrix..................................................................... 53
Definitions and Acronyms

Acronym Definition

UET University of Engineering and Technology

OS Operating System

CMS Content Management System

API Application Program Interface

UCID Use Case ID

TID Test Case ID

ERD Entity Relationship Diagram

WBS Work Breakdown Structure

MySQL Query Language to interrogate the System

Mock Screens Dummy Prototypes


Vehicle Sales and Purchase Management System is an application used to manage the sales and
purchases of new or used motor vehicles and their accessories. More than two-third of
automotive customers indicate that service convenience is a determining factor in selecting a
brand or purchasing from a specific dealer. The current system of online vehicle sales has some
drawbacks, ranging from information regarding sales of cars is manually done e.g. product
details, distributor details, purchases, and sales details. This calls for the need to develop a
system that corrects this limitation. The project Vehicle Sales Management System enables
customers to purchase vehicles online, thereby reducing the risk of traveling to purchase the car.
Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction

The present world is PC age; Stone Age is supplanted with breathtaking accomplishments
in science. We are living in the PC age so people are attempting to get computerized in every
single field of his need. Essentially, automation is a demonstration of supplanting human work
by machines. Automation is helpful on the grounds that when there are machines instead of
people then the likelihood of blunder is limited.
Web based business is quick making progress as an acknowledged and utilized business
worldview. Increased business houses are implementing web sites providing functionality for
performing commercial transactions over the web. It is reasonable to state that the way toward
shopping on the web is getting ordinary. The objective of this project is to develop a general-
purpose e-commerce store where vehicles can be bought from the comfort of home through the
Internet. However, for usage purposes, this framework is liable for dealing with the deals and
acquisition of utilized just as new vehicles from a predefined zone by direct managing the
vehicle's showroom or organization and plans to present more easy to use in the different
exercises, such as record updating, maintenance, and searching.
Front end of the website is based on the user's activities with vehicles such as posting
Ads for buying and selling. Back-end login system is for admin and employees that includes
different functions e.g. dealing with company‟s managers. At administrative end, managers and
dealers of Motors Company are also guaranteed access of the website. Registration process that
includes information on vehicle registration number, the type of that vehicle, and other related
information. In addition, the framework is answerable for dealing with the login and logout work
for the user who utilizes this framework. When enrolled to the database a user can post Ad of
second hand vehicle and auto adornments. This system is created with the measures to make the
way toward buying and selling vehicles simple and speedy for all.
1.2 Motivations

The motivation behind this project is to provide a platform for the people who had a
business of Vehicle Selling as well as the peoples (Customers) who desire to find the best vehicle
in efficient price. Every time when you want to buy a vehicle or any accessory, you have to visit
some multiple locations and showrooms. Visiting different showrooms can consume a lot of time
and energy and that not only, it also creates chaos. This platform not only ease peoples of
Vehicle business, but also give assistance to customers to find the suitable vehicles according to
their need and wishes.

1.3 Project Overview
This system/app provides its customers with a platform where they can buy or sell any
type of vehicle. An efficient search facility will be provided to customers to find things of their
interest across multiple locations. Anyone can easily access the application by just sign up their
account. There will be a CMS designed for the administrator (s) of website. Therefore, the aim of
the project is to auto dealer and keeping all the records of sales, purchase details and

1.4 Problem Statement

Private Seller Risks:
A private seller is an individual hoping to offer their vehicle to another person for the
greatest worth they could get. For buying a used car, there are lots of potential risks before you
invest the time and energy into buying from a private seller e.g. lack of consumer protection,
more paperwork, vehicle history reports, inspections, and worse negotiations.
Communication Problems:
For the payment and the paperwork related to the vehicle, vehicle manager and customer
had to meet up several times for the confirm booking of the vehicle.
Record Keeping Problems:
Car Dealers need to see the old records to take the decision about the vehicle and to
estimate the market price, before selling their vehicles.
Manual Problems:
Manual system is quite tedious, time consuming and less efficient and accurate in
comparison to the automated system. So, auto dealers, as well as startups will offer direct sales
of new vehicles through this website, latching onto the click-to-buy culture of online retailing.
Existing manual system has some shortcomings such as:
 Time consuming
 Less accurate
 Less efficient 
 Lot of paper work
 Slow data processing

1.5 Objectives
The objectives which we will achieve at the completion of this project are as follows:
 A platform where Automobile Dealers and Customers will interact with each other
effectively and efficiently. 
 A platform where Customers can buy or sell any type of new or used vehicles. 
 People have hands-on access to the Application where they can view, search and buy or sell
their vehicles. Besides user can also upgrade their vehicle performances and functionalities
by availing all additional features of the Application.
 Provide privacy and security to the data of dealer and customer, so that they feel secure and
free to use the application. 

Chapter 2: Requirements Analysis

2.1 Literature review / Existing system study

Online shopping is one of the recent trends that have emerged very fast now, and people
prefer to buy items through different forums available online. But finding a right product with
right specifications and at right price from hundreds of online forums still takes a lot of energy
and time. It will now be easy for the buyers of the vehicles to find the desired vehicle along with
comparison by just entering some specifications. A complete internet shopping and buying
system allows a customer to configure a vehicle of their choice by selecting options and creating
and viewing a graphic model, locate a dealership, locate a specific vehicle, and purchase the
vehicle. The shopping process is divided into non-sequential phases including general
information, a virtual vehicle showroom, a vehicle configurator, a dealership locator, and
payment options. The buying process is divided into sequential phases including customer
profile, vehicle configurator, payment options, vehicle location and reservation, and
This chapter is mainly focus on the study that are done by work of developers in the
similar areas. Throughout this chapter, there will be detail discussion on theoretical and practical
views of previous studies done in online vehicles shopping. This study includes the interest of
customer toward online vehicles buying and selling. It includes the price attractiveness, time
saving, enjoyment and excitement, material, and high interactivity. All these factors will include
for the customer intention on online vehicles shopping.
There are some websites available online for vehicles buying and selling purposes such
like “”[2], “”[3], and many official websites of companies. After visiting
“” website we decide to make a website for vehicles such like that because this website
provide an option to users to post Ad for buying and selling of vehicles on a large scale. So, our
aim is to make a website which gives the additional features like vehicles comparisons and
managing the sales and purchases of used as well as new vehicles from a specified area by direct
dealing the vehicle‟s showroom or company.

2.2 Requirements elicitation

Table 2.2. 1 Functional Requirements

No Requirements Description

FR-00-01 Sign Up System sign up function by verifying email address,

with password change functionality after sign up.

FR-00-02 Log in System login function by verifying email address, with
password change functionality after login.

FR-00-03 Manage Assets List Manager can manage items and categories into system
assets list and supervise all other functions of website.

Inventory Manager can add or remove items and

FR-00-04 Manage Inventory categories from inventory and can view the status of all

By using Naïve Algorithm, system will automatically

FR-00-05 Manage Database erase and refresh records in the database when client
plays out a movement.

FR-00-06 Ad Post User can post a Free or Featured Ad to sale his/her

vehicle or vehicle accessory.

FR-00-07 Block User and Admin can block any user who post inappropriate
Content content in Ad.

FR-00-08 Display Vehicle Showcases a list of different categories of used or new

Categories vehicles e.g. Engine capacity, make and model.

User can search any vehicle by name, category, make,

Search Vehicle model, price, body type and area. When the customer
clicks on the search bar the list of vehicle categories will
be displayed. The following information will be needed:
 Search Bar

FR-00-10 Live Chat System Customer can chat with seller through application
program interface API.

FR-00-11 Live Call System Customer can also audio call with seller through
application program interface API.

FR-00-12 Upload Picture Provide user an option to upload picture with a runtime
camera or from gallery.

FR-00-13 Vehicle Comparison Provide user with a vehicle comparison option where
they can compare any two vehicle and their

FR-00-14 Keep User Keep service history of the user‟s vehicle and get SMS
Information reminders.

FR-00-15 Blog Posts User can see blog posts to keep in touch with vehicle

FR-00-16 Auto Accessories User can see auto parts & accessories of vehicles list

FR-00-17 Market Price User can find the market price of the vehicle he/she
want to buy and sell.

FR-00-18 View Information User can get information about the latest vehicles and
the most frequently updated new prices.

FR-00-19 Customer Seller Customer can contact with seller by sharing his/her
Contact verified contact number.

FR-00-20 Offer Discounts Discounts and promotions will be offered to customer

who buy or sell the vehicle more than twice.

FR-00-21 Manage Ad User can edit, update, delete or view his/her Ad.

FR-00-22 Log Out User can log out from his/her respective profile by
clicking on the Log Out button.

Table 2.2. 2 Non-Functional Requirements

No Requirements Description

 If someone wants to delete the Ad, he/ she will be able to

delete the Ad at any time.
NR-00-01 Performance  It also keeps all the records of customer.
 Response time will be minimum.
 Number of daily systems down will not be more than 5.

 Only those users can access the facility that is already

logged in or sign up.
 More than three attempts at login will create a red flag
to system administrator.
NR-00-02 Security
 Those who are not signed up cannot be able to post the
Ad or access additional features.
 All controls are under the authority of the
 This software stores all the data and information of
every user.
 Error handling and exceptions will block all illegal
operations such as hacking.

 This system will available 24/7. Anyone who log in by

NR-00-03 Availability correct email or password can access this application

2.3 Use Case Description

Table 2.3. 1 UC001: Log in

Use Case ID: UC001

Use Case Name Log In
Created By: Muhammad Shahzad Last Updated By: Muhammad Shahzad
Afzal Afzal
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: All the account holders of system.
Description: The user enters the username and password to login to the system.
Trigger: User wants to login into its account.
Preconditions: 1. The user must sign up into the system.

2. The user must have valid log in Id and password.
Post conditions: 1. User is logged into the system.
2. The system displays a main page according to the role that has logged
1. The user enters his username.
2. The user enters his password.
Normal Flow: 3. The user clicks on the „Login‟ button.
4. The system checks whether the user-name and password are correct.
5. The system displays the main page for the user to process further.

Alternative Flows: If user-name or password is wrong system asks the user to reenter his
[Alternative Flow user-name or password accordingly.
1 – No Network] In step 4 of the normal flow, If the user enters a wrong user-name or
1. The system will prompt user to re-enter username and password.
2. The customer accepts.
3. Use Case resumes at step 1

Alternative Flows: In step 4 of the normal flow, if the user is not registered in the system.
[Alternative Flow 1. The system will prompt customers to Sign up a new account.
2– Not Registered] 2. The customer accepts.
3. UC of sign up will start in normal flow.
Priority High
Frequency of Use High

Table 2.3. 2 UC002: Sign Up

Use Case ID: UC002

Use Case Name Sign Up
Created By: Muhammad Shahzad Last Updated By: Muhammad Shahzad
Afzal Afzal
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: All user of the system.
Description: The user must enter some valid information for register into the system.
Trigger: User needs an account.
Preconditions: User should access the System Login page and Sign up button. User
must have valid e-mail.
Post conditions: User account has been created.
1. User click on the create account option from navigation bar.
2. User enter First Name to be use in account.
Normal Flow: 3. User enter Middle name to be use in account.
4. User enter Last Name to be use in account.
5. User enter Email or Phone number to be use for login account.
6. User enter CNIC.

7. User check the radio button for gender selection (Male/Female).
8. User create Password for login.
9. User re-enter the password for confirmation.
10. User click on “Sign Up” button for account creation.
Alternative Flows: If the account is not created by clicking the “Sign Up” button. At least
[Alternative Flow one of the fields filled is incorrect or empty.
1 – No Network] System will re load the page and user re-enter the data.
Priority High
Frequency of Use High

Table 2.3. 3 UC003: Visit Site

Use Case ID: UC003

Use Case Name Visit Site
Created By: Muhammad Shahzad Last Updated By: Muhammad Shahzad
Afzal Afzal
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: Guest User.
Description: The user is able to visit the site only i.e. Able to see images, details of
the vehicles.
Trigger: User wants to visit a site.
Preconditions: The user must enter the correct website or open the correct application.
Post conditions: The user is able to access the website or application.
1. User Enter the website or open the application
2. If user wants to View the Photos of the Vehicle, he/she clicked on the
Normal Flow: Vehicle.
3. The user is also able to see the available categories of vehicles by
clicking on the category.
Alternative Flows: If the server is busy, then the page is not loaded and asked to reload the
[Alternative Flow page.
1 – No Network]
Priority Medium
Frequency of Use Medium

Table 2.3. 4 UC004: Manage Assets List

Use Case ID: UC004

Use Case Name Manage assets list
Created By: Muhammad Shahzad Last Updated By: Muhammad Shahzad
Afzal Afzal
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: Manager.
Description: The manager is able to manage the assets list e.g. add or removal of

Trigger: Manager wants to manage assets list.
Preconditions: Manager is already login into account.
Post conditions: Manager has managed assets list.
Normal Flow: 1. Manager clicks on to manage icon present at the navigation bar.
2. Now he/she can add, remove assets.

Alternative Flows: If the server is busy, then the page is not loaded and asked to reload the
[Alternative Flow page.
1 – No Network]
Priority High
Frequency of Use High

Table 2.3. 5 UC005: Manage Inventory

Use Case ID: UC005

Use Case Name Manage inventory
Created By: Muhammad Shahzad Last Updated By: Muhammad Shahzad
Afzal Afzal
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: Inventory Manager.
Description: The inventory manager is able to manage the inventory list.
Trigger: Manager wants to manage assets list.
Preconditions: Manager is already login into account.
Post conditions: Inventory manager has managed inventory list.
Normal Flow: 1. Inventory manager clicks on to manage inventory icon present at the
navigation bar.
2. Now he/she can manage inventory.

Alternative Flows: If the server is busy, then the page is not loaded and asked to reload the
[Alternative Flow page.
1 – No Network]
Priority High
Frequency of Use High

Table 2.3. 6 UC006: Post Ad

Use Case ID: UC006

Use Case Name Post ad
Created By: Muhammad Shahzad Last Updated By: Muhammad Shahzad
Afzal Afzal
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: All account user of the system.
 Account user
Description: The account user is able to post add of vehicles for sell them.
Trigger: Account user wants to post add.
Preconditions: User is already login into account.
Post conditions: Ad has been posted successfully.
Normal Flow: 1. User click on the post ad button.
2. User should fill the vehicle required information e. g color, model,
price, mileage, location, registered city.
3. User upload photos of vehicle.
4. Click on the submit button.

Alternative Flows: If the server is busy, then the page is not loaded and asked to reload the
[Alternative Flow page.
1 – No Network]
Alternative Flows: If account user reached the limit of warnings for posted unrelated
[Alternative Flow material then he/she is not able to further post ads.
1 – warning limit
Priority High
Frequency of Use High

Table 2.3. 7 UC007: Display Category

Use Case ID: UC007

Use Case Name Display vehicle category
Created By: Muhammad Shahzad Last Updated By: Muhammad Shahzad
Afzal Afzal
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: All the user of system.
 Account User
 Guest user

Description: The user is able to view different categories of vehicles.

Trigger: User want to see categories of vehicles.
Preconditions: The user must enter the correct website or open the correct application.
user is already login into account.
Post conditions: User has seen different categories of vehicles.
Normal Flow: 1. User click on to category icon present at the navigation bar.
2. A drop-down box will appear.
3. User can select desire category.

Alternative Flows: If the server is busy, then the page is not loaded and asked to reload the
[Alternative Flow page.
1 – No Network]
Priority High
Frequency of Use High

Table 2.3. 8 UC008: Search

Use Case ID: UC008

Use Case Name Search
Created By: Muhammad Shahzad Last Updated By: Muhammad Shahzad
Afzal Afzal
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: All the user of system.
 Account User
 Guest user

Description: The user is able to search vehicles by using different search filters.
Trigger: User want to search vehicles.
Preconditions: The user must enter the correct website or open the correct application.
user is already login into account.
Post conditions: User obtains result of the search.
Normal Flow: 1. User click on to searching textbox present at the top navigation bar.
2. User can enter or select from drop down box, the name, model, body
type, category of vehicle which he wants to search.
3. User can also search a vehicle by giving specific price range.
4. According to selected search filter vehicle will show

Alternative Flows: If the server is busy, then the page is not loaded and asked to reload the
[Alternative Flow page.
1 – No Network]
Priority High
Frequency of Use High

Table 2.3. 9 UC009: Live Chat

Use Case ID: UC009

Use Case Name Live chat
Created By: Muhammad Shahzad Last Updated By: Muhammad Shahzad
Afzal Afzal
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: All the account user of system
Description: The user is able to chat with another online user.
Trigger: User want to communicate someone through text messages.
Preconditions: User is already login into account. The receiver must be online.
Post conditions: The message has been sent.
Normal Flow: 1. Open profile of anyone you want to chat.
2. Click on the chat box.
3. Write your message you want to send.

4. Press send message button

Alternative Flows: If the server is busy, then the page is not loaded and asked to reload the
[Alternative Flow page.
1 – No Network]
Priority High
Frequency of Use High

Table 2.3. 10 UC010: Live Call

Use Case ID: UC010

Use Case Name Live call
Created By: Muhammad Shahzad Last Updated By: Muhammad Shahzad
Afzal Afzal
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: All the account holders of system
 Account User
Description: The user is able to call with another online user.
Trigger: User want to communicate someone through call.
Preconditions: User is already login into account.
The receiver must be online.
Post conditions: The call has been gone.
Normal Flow: 1. Open profile of anyone online user you want to call.
2. Click on the call icon

Alternative Flows: If the server is busy, then the page is not loaded and asked to reload the
[Alternative Flow page.
1 – No Network]
Priority High
Frequency of Use High

Table 2.3. 11 UC011: Upload Picture

Use Case ID: UC011

Use Case Name Upload picture
Created By: Muhammad Awais Last Updated By: Muhammad Awais
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: All account user of the system.
 Account User

Description: The account holder will able to upload picture for selling cars and other
Trigger: Account user wants to upload picture for selling cars and other
Preconditions: User is already login into account.
Post conditions: Picture has been uploaded successfully.
1. User will click on the upload button.
2. He/she will be able to see a window which has three options. Take
photo, choose from gallery/computer, and cancel button.
3. If user click on Take photo button, then he/she will access his camera
Normal Flow: for taking photo. Then he will click on upload button or cancel
4. If user click on Chose from gallery/computer button then he/she will
access his/her gallery/computer to upload picture. Then click on
upload button or cancel button.
Alternative Flows: If the server is busy, then the page is not loaded and asked to refresh
[Alternative Flow page.
1 – No Network]
Alternative Flows: If account user reached the limit of warnings for posted unrelated
[Alternative Flow material then upload picture and post add button will be disable.
1 – warning limit
Priority High
Frequency of Use High

Table 2.3. 12 UC012: Vehicle Comparison

Use Case ID: UC012

Use Case Name Vehicle comparison
Created By: Muhammad Awais Last Updated By: Muhammad Awais
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: All account holders and guest user of the system
 All Users

Description: The user will able to compare vehicles for getting specifications among
Trigger: User wants to compare vehicles for getting information about their
Preconditions: Account holder must be logged-in and other user must open the correct
application or website.
Post conditions: The user successfully compared vehicles.
1. User will click on the comparison button.
Normal Flow: 2. User will select vehicles to compare them.
3. Click on the compare button for getting information about their
specification or exit button to cancel.
Alternative Flows: If the server is busy, then the page is not loaded and asked to refresh
[Alternative Flow page.
1 – No Network]
Alternative Flows: The user will be able to select at least one vehicle and at most five
[Alternative Flow vehicles at a time.
1 – warning limit If user reached the limit of comparison then he/she will not able to select

reached] more vehicles.
Priority High
Frequency of Use High

Table 2.3. 13 UC013: Vehicle Comparison

Use Case ID: UC013

Use Case Name Vehicle comparison
Created By: Muhammad Awais Last Updated By: Muhammad Awais
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: All account holders and guest user of the system
 All Users

Description: The user will able to compare vehicles for getting specifications among
Trigger: User wants to compare vehicles for getting information about their
Preconditions: Account holder must be logged-in and other user must open the correct
application or website.
Post conditions: The user successfully compared vehicles.
4. User will click on the comparison button.
Normal Flow: 5. User will select vehicles to compare them.
6. Click on the compare button for getting information about their
specification or exit button to cancel.
Alternative Flows: If the server is busy, then the page is not loaded and asked to refresh
[Alternative Flow page.
1 – No Network]
Alternative Flows: The user will be able to select at least one vehicle and at most five
[Alternative Flow vehicles at a time.
1 – warning limit If user reached the limit of comparison then he/she will not able to select
reached] more vehicles.
Priority High
Frequency of Use High

Table 2.3. 14 UC014: View Blog

Use Case ID: UC014

Use Case Name View Blog
Created By: Muhammad Awais Last Updated By: Muhammad Awais
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: All account holders and guest user of the system
 All Users
Description: The user will able to view blog for getting news and trends vehicles.
Trigger: User wants to view blog for getting new news and car trends.

Preconditions: Account holder must be logged-in and other user must open the correct
application or website.
Post conditions: The user successfully view blog.
User will click on view blog icon.
Normal Flow: Latest news or car trends will show.
Alternative Flows: If the server is busy, then the page is not loaded and asked to refresh
[Alternative Flow page.
1 – No Network]

Table 2.3. 15 UC015: Block User

Use Case ID: UC015

Use Case Name Block User
Created By: Muhammad Shahzad Last Updated By: Muhammad Shahzad
Afzal Afzal
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: Admin
Description: Admin is able to block registered users who post un-relevant data.
Trigger: Admin wants to block registered user.
Preconditions: Admin is already login into account.
Post conditions: User has been blocked successfully.
Normal Flow: Admin will click on manage user icon
All user account list will show
Admin will open profile of selected user and clicks on block user button.
Alternative Flows: If the server is busy, then the page is not loaded and asked to reload the
[Alternative Flow page.
1 – No Network]
Priority High
Frequency of Use High

Table 2.3. 16 UC016: Vehicle Information

Use Case ID: UC016

Use Case Name Vehicle information
Created By: Muhammad Shahzad Last Updated By: Muhammad Shahzad
Afzal Afzal
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: All user of the system.
Description: The user is able view vehicles information for sell/purchase them.
Trigger: Account user wants to view vehicle information.
Preconditions: User is already login into account.
Post conditions: Vehicle information has been viewed successfully.
Normal Flow: User search specific vehicle
User clicks on description button
All information about vehicle will show

Alternative Flows: If the server is busy, then the page is not loaded and asked to reload the
[Alternative Flow page.
1 – No Network]
Priority High
Frequency of Use High

Table 2.3. 17 UC017: Suggestions

Use Case ID: UC017

Use Case Name Suggestions
Created By: Muhammad Shahzad Last Updated By: Muhammad Shahzad
Afzal Afzal
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: All user of the system.
Description: The user is able view suggestion of vehicle for purchase them.
Trigger: Account user wants to view vehicles.
Preconditions: User is already login into account.
Post conditions: Vehicle has been suggested successfully.
Normal Flow: User will search specific category of vehicle
System will show/suggest relevant vehicles according to his search
Alternative Flows: If the server is busy, then the page is not loaded and asked to reload the
[Alternative Flow page.
1 – No Network]
Priority High
Frequency of Use High

Table 2.3. 18 UC018: Log Out

Use Case ID: UC018

Use Case Name Log out
Created By: Muhammad Shahzad Last Updated By: Muhammad Shahzad
Afzal Afzal
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: All the account holders of system
 Account User
Description: The user is able to log out from system.
Trigger: User want to log out from application.
Preconditions: User is already login into account.
Post conditions: User has been successfully logged out.
Normal Flow: 1. User click on to setting icon present at the navigation bar.
2. User click on the log out option.

Priority High
Frequency of Use High

Table 2.3. 19 UC019: View Invoice

Use Case ID: UC019

Use Case Name View Invoice
Created By: Muhammad Awais Last Updated By: Muhammad Awais
Date Created: 26/09/2019 Last Revision Date: 26/09/2019
Actors: All user except guest user.
Description: The user is able to see his invoice i.e. to see his previous order and sell
Trigger: User want to check his previous invoice.
Preconditions: User must successfully logged-in his account.
Post conditions: User successfully check his invoice list.
Normal Flow: 1. User will click on the view invoice button.
2. View invoice list will be open to check previous record.
3. User will successfully check his previous record.

Alternative Flows: If the server is busy, then the page is not loaded and asked to reload the
[Alternative Flow page.
1 – No Network]
Priority High
Frequency of Use High

2.4 Use Case Design

Figure 2. 1 Use Case Diagram

Chapter 3: System Design Analysis

3.1 Work breakdown structure (WBS)

Vehicle Sale & Purchase



Programming Project
Practise Proposal

Fronted/UI & System Use

Backend Case
Development Description

Vehicle Sale &

Purchase Report

Figure 3. 1 Work Breakdown Structure

3.2 Activity diagram

Figure 3. 2 Activity Diagram

3.3 Sequence diagram

User Applicatio Database


Post Ad

Media Uploaded

Figure 3. 3 Sequence Diagram (Ad post)

Login Validate User Database

Clicks on Login

Clicks on Login


Figure 3. 4 Sequence Diagram (Login)

Manager Applicatio

Clicks Manage Inventory

Show Requirement Page

Figure 3. 5 Sequence Diagram (Manage inventory)

User Applicatio

Show Suggestion List

Figure 3. 6 Sequence Diagram (Vehicle Purchase)

User Applicatio

Figure 3. 7 Sequence Diagram (Vehicle Sale)

User Applicatio

Figure 3. 8 Sequence Diagram (Vehicle Information)

User Applicatio

Show Invoice List

Figure 3. 9 Sequence Diagram (View Invoice)

3.4 Software development life cycle model (Database diagram (ERD)/
Collaboration diagram/ Network diagram (Gantt chart))


PK actor_id PK manager_id PK login_id PK order_id

name name username order_date

address address password payment_date


FK actor_id
nationality nationality

phone phone

role FK login_id

FK login_id FK company_id FEED BACK

PK feed_back_id


VEHICLE rating
PK vehicle_id FK ad_post_id
PK model_id PK company_id

FK company_id
name name

year_id model_year

FK company_id vehicle_type



PK sold_id PK image_id PK accessory_id

quantity FK model_id
image_url name

FK order_id FK ad_post_id quantity

FK accessory_id product_image

FK actor_id price


FK company_id


PK post_id







FK company_id

FK actor_id

FK model_id

Figure 3. 10 Entity Relationship Diagram

3.4 Class diagram

Figure 3. 11 Class Diagram

3.5 User Interfaces (Mock Screens)

Figure 3.5.1: Sign up Mock Screen for Users

Figure 3.5.2: Admin Login - This mock sign in screen is used by admin which allow them to sign in to the
application. Admin, access the application only when they sign in to the application.

Figure 3.5.3: Admin Panel - This mock screen shows that the Admin can manage company makers and
Figure 3.5.4: Admin Panel/Manager - This mock screen shows that the Admin can add new company
makers and managers.

Figure 3.5.5: Home Page of Vehicle Point

Figure 3.5.6: User View – This mock screen shows that, the user opens the application, all the vehicle
categories will be shown

Figure 3.5.7: Search Vehicle – This mock screen shows that; the user can be able to search the vehicle by
Name, City as well as by Price Range

Figure 3.5.8: Mock Screen for posting Ad

Figure 3.5.9: New Cars – This mock screen shows that the user can be able to view the new cars

Figure 3.5.10: Used Cars – This mock screen shows that the user can be able to view the second hand

Figure 3.5.11: Vehicle Accessories – This mock screen shows that the user can be able to view any vehicle

Figure 3.5.12: Add to Cart – This mock screen shows that the user can be able to add any product in cart

Chapter 4: Development & Implementation

4.1 Development Setup

Following are the resources and Development tools that used in the development of this project:

 Visual Studio (2017)

 Visual Studio latest Version
 Any Operating System that supports Visual Studio
 Adobe Photoshop
 Sublime Text or any other similar Editor
 Google Chrome
 Laptop or PC
o Minimum 500 GB Hard Disk
o Minimum 8 GB RAM
o Minimum Intel i3 Processor
 Real Time database for Data Storage
o SQL Server (SSMS)

4.2 Constraints

4.2.1 Assumptions

 We will easily gather requirements from the stakeholders.

 All database maintenance will be handled by the admin.
 The user will able to see all types of vehicles and accessories for purchasing.
 Online user will able to get the information like vehicle pricing, vehicle comparison etc.
 Most of the people will have internet connection to use our web application.

4.2.2 System constraints

 The system must operate on the OS for which it will be build.

 The application will require an active internet connection.
 Web Application is free of cost for the limited time, and must require an active internet

4.2.3 Restrictions

 Data of the customer must be protected

 Every Manager has privacy, so that no other registered manager accesses the account of
other managers and vice versa.
 User must have to input his/her proper information as required.

4.2.3 Limitations

 Online Payment of the vehicles

 In-App calling service

Chapter 5: Experimentation & Testing

5.1 Extended Test Cases

Table 5.1. 1: Test Case 1 – test the signup button of the Application

Test Case ID: - 1 Test Design By: Zainab Fatima

Test Module Name: Sign up Button on Web Test Design Date: 03-06-2020
Test Priority: High Test Executed by: Zainab Fatima
Test Title/Name: Test the Sign-up Button Test Executed Date: 03-06-2020
Description: Test the Sign-up button in Web Application
Pre-Condition: The user opens the Vehicle Point Application and click on the sign-up button and
fill all the form according to the format.
Expected Actual Status
Step Test Step Test Data Notes
Result Result (Pass/Fail)
1 to Signup - - -
Click on
2 Sign up - - -
Fill the Name:
form Mohammad
according Awais PASS
3 to the Email: - -
Click on User can User
submit make new successfully
Button - Account on make new
application account

to their role
Post Condition: The user has new Account and user can Log in to the Account.

Table 5.1. 2: Test case 2 - Test the Login button of the Application

Test Case ID: - 2 Test Design By: Zainab Fatima

Test Module Name: Login Portal Test Design Date: 03-06-2020

Test Priority: High Test Executed by: Zainab Fatima

Test Title/Name: Test the Login & Logout Button Test Executed Date: 03-06-2020
Description: Test the Log In & Logout Button in Web Application
Pre-Condition: The user opens the Vehicle Point Application and provide the email/phone number
according to the format
Expected Actual Status
Step Test Step Test Data Notes
Result Result (Pass/Fail)
Navigate to
1 - - -
Login Page
Fill the
Email/phone number:
2 ####### - -
to the
Password: 12345
Click on PASS
User can
Login User is
Login into
Button to log into
Login the
3 And after - account
login, click & logout
on logout from the
button to account
Post Condition: The user will log into the Account.

Table 5.1. 3: Test case 3 - Test the Post Ad button of the Application

Test Case ID: - 3 Test Design By: Zainab Fatima

Test Module Name: Post Ad Button on Web Test Design Date: 03-06-2020
Test Priority: High Test Executed by: Zainab Fatima
Test Title/Name: Test the Post Ad Button Test Executed Date: 03-06-2020
Description: Test the Post Ad Button in Web Application
Pre-Condition: The user opens the Vehicle Point Application and must Log in to their account.

Expected Actual Status
Step Test Step Test Data Notes
Result Result (Pass/Fail)
Navigate to
1 Post Ad - - -
Navigate to
2 Post New - - -
Name: Shahzad Afzal
Cell no. 0310- PASS
Enter the #######
Ad will be
data Vehicle Name: Honda
created Ad will
3 required to City
upon save be posted
post a new Vehicle Specs: Enter
the button
Ad all the specifications
of vehicle according
to format
Post Condition: Ad will be posted successfully on application.

Table 5.1. 4: Test case 4 - Test the Edit button for Post Ad

Test Case ID: - 4 Test Design By: Zainab Fatima

Test Module Name: Post Ad Button on Web Test Design Date: 03-06-2020
Test Priority: High Test Executed by: Zainab Fatima
Test Title/Name: Test the Post Ad Button Test Executed Date: 03-06-2020
Description: Test the Edit Button for Post Ad in Web Application
Pre-Condition: The user opens the Vehicle Point Application and must Log in to their account.

Expected Actual Status
Step Test Step Test Data Notes
Result Result (Pass/Fail)
Navigate to
1 Post Ad - - -
Navigate to
2 - - -
Edit Button
Name: Shahzad Afzal
Cell no. 0310-
Enter the #######
Ad will be
data Vehicle Name: Honda Ad will
3 required to City be
upon save
update the Vehicle Specs: Enter updated
the button
Ad all the specifications
of vehicle according
to format
Post Condition: Ad will be updated successfully on application

Table 5.1. 5: Test case 5 - Test the Delete button of Ad

Test Case ID: - 5 Test Design By: Zainab Fatima

Test Module Name: Post Ad Button on Web Application Test Design Date: 03-06-2020

Test Priority: High Test Executed by: Zainab Fatima

Test Title/Name: Test Delete Button of Ad Test Executed Date: 03-06-2020
Description: Test the Delete Button of Ad in Web Application
Pre-Condition: The user opens the Vehicle Point Application and must Log in to their account.

Expected Actual Status
Step Test Step Test Data Notes
Result Result (Pass/Fail)
Navigate to
1 Manage Ad - - -
Navigate to
the Ad and
2 - - -
click Delete
The Ad
will be
Ad data will
deleted Ad will
be shown and
3 - upon click be
confirm the
on the deleted
delete button
again to
delete the Ad
Post Condition: Ad will be deleted successfully

Table 5.1. 6: Test case 6 - Test the Upload Picture button

Test Case ID: - 6 Test Design By: Zainab Fatima

Test Module Name: Upload Picture Button on Web Test Design Date: 03-06-2020
Test Priority: High Test Executed by: Zainab Fatima
Test Title/Name: Test the Upload Picture Button Test Executed Date: 03-06-2020
Description: Test the Upload Picture Button in Ad
Pre-Condition: The user opens the Vehicle Point Application and must Log in to their account.

Expected Actual Status
Step Test Step Test Data Notes
Result Result (Pass/Fail)
Navigate to
1 Post Ad - - -
Navigate to
2 - - -
Upload the
picture(s) Photo will
from be Photo
3 gallery or - uploaded will be
by upon save posted
accessing the button
Post Condition: Vehicle Photos will be posted successfully on Ad.

Table 5.1. 7: Test case 7 – Test the Search Vehicle Bar

Test Case ID: - 7 Test Design By: Zainab Fatima

Test Module Name: Search Vehicle Bar on Web Test Design Date: 03-06-2020
Test Priority: High Test Executed by: Zainab Fatima
Test Title/Name: Test the Search Vehicle Bar Test Executed Date: 03-06-2020
Description: Test the Search Vehicle Bar on Web Application
Pre-Condition: The user must open the Vehicle Point Application

Expected Actual Status
Step Test Step Test Data Notes
Result Result (Pass/Fail)
Navigate to
1 - - -
Search the PASS
Searched Searched
vehicle or
Enter the vehicle vehicle vehicle
2 auto
name want to search will be will be
displayed displayed
Post Condition: The list of vehicles with details will be displayed

Table 5.1. 8: Test case 8 - Test the View Vehicle Categories Button

Test Case ID: - 8 Test Design By: Zainab Fatima

Test Module Name: Vehicle Categories Test Design Date: 03-06-2020
Test Priority: High Test Executed by: Zainab Fatima
Test Title/Name: Test Vehicle Categories Test Executed Date: 03-06-2020
Description: Test the Vehicle Categories in Web Application
Pre-Condition: The user must open the Vehicle Point Application

Expected Actual Status
Step Test Step Test Data Notes
Result Result (Pass/Fail)
1 to Vehicle - - -
Click on
1500 CC Cars,
2 any - -
Motor Bikes
The list of Vehicles
related Shown PASS
vehicles upon
3 - halls must
will be clicking on
show to the
shown to any vehicle
the user category
Post Condition: The list of vehicles with details will be displayed

Table 5.1. 9: Test case 9 - Test the View Vehicle Accessories Button

Test Case ID: - 9 Test Design By: Zainab Fatima

Test Module Name: Vehicle Accessories Test Design Date: 03-06-2020
Test Priority: High Test Executed by: Zainab Fatima
Test Title/Name: Test Vehicle Categories Test Executed Date: 03-06-2020
Description: Test the Vehicle Categories in Web Application
Pre-Condition: The user must open the Vehicle Point Application
Expected Actual Status
Step Test Step Test Data Notes
Result Result (Pass/Fail)
Navigate to
1 Vehicle - - -
Click on
2 any - - -
category PASS

The list of Accessories
related Vehicle Shown
accessories accessories upon
3 -
will be must show clicking on
shown to to the user any vehicle
the user accessory
Post Condition: The list of auto accessories with details will be displayed

Table 5.1. 10: Test Case 10 – Test the Create button for Manager Profile

Test Case ID: - 10 Test Design By: Zainab Fatima

Test Module Name: Manager Test Design Date: 04-06-2020
Test Priority: High Test Executed by: Zainab Fatima
Test Title/Name: Test Manager‟s Profile Create Test Executed Date: 04-06-2020
Description: Test the Manager‟s Profile Create button in Web Application
Pre-Condition: The admin must log in to the account
Expected Actual Status
Step Test Step Test Data Notes
Result Result (Pass/Fail)
to Manage
1 New - - -
to Create PASS
2 - - -
Enter the Username: abc The profile Profile will
data Password:123 will be be created
required to Type Id: Event created
create the Manager upon save

manager Cell no: 0310- the button
profile #######
Address: abc
Post Condition: The profile of manager will be created

Table 5.1. 11: Test Case 11 – Test the Edit button for Profile

Test Case ID: - 11 Test Design By: Zainab Fatima

Test Module Name: Manager Test Design Date: 04-06-2020
Test Priority: High Test Executed by: Zainab Fatima
Test Title/Name: Test Manager Edit Profile Test Executed Date: 04-06-2020
Description: Test the Edit button in Web Application
Pre-Condition: The manager must have an account
Expected Actual Status
Step Test Step Test Data Notes
Result Result (Pass/Fail)
to Manage
1 Manager‟s - - -
2 to Edit - - -
Button PASS
Username: xyz
Enter the
Password:12345 The profile
Type Id: Event will be
required to Profile will
3 Manager updated
update the be updated
Cell no: 0310- upon save
####### the button

Address: abc
Post Condition: The profile of the manager will be updated

Table 5.1. 12: Test Case 12 – Test the Delete button of Profile

Test Case ID: - 12 Test Design By: Zainab Fatima

Test Module Name: Manager Test Design Date: 04-06-2020
Test Priority: High Test Executed by: Zainab Fatima
Test Title/Name: Test Manager Delete Profile Test Executed Date: 04-06-2020
Description: Test the Delete button in Web Application
Pre-Condition: The manager must have an account
Expected Actual Status
Step Test Step Test Data Notes
Result Result (Pass/Fail)
Navigate to
1 - - -
Profile Button
Navigate to
the profile
2 - - -
and click
Delete Button
data will be
shown and Profile
3 confirm the - ] will be
delete button deleted
again to
delete the
Post Condition: The profile of the manager will be deleted

5.1.1 Code Snippets

Figure 5.1. 1: Code Snippet of ASP.NET - shows the code snippet of .NET code of Web Application

Figure 5.1. 2: Code Snippet of Bootstrap - shows the code snippet of front end of Web Application

Figure 5.1. 3: Code Snippet of Database - shows the code snippet of database of Web Application

5.2 Unit / Integration / Acceptance Testing:
In the process of unit testing we test each of our component separately.
In the process of integration testing we test each of our individual component in combination. In
this level of testing we check that based on the data stored in our firebase database. We check
whether the techniques are working properly or not.
In the process of integration testing we test each of our system is compliance with the functional
or non-functional requirement and check the whole system performance .

5.2.1 Black box Testing

Black-box testing is a method of software testing that examines the functionality of an
application without peering into its internal structures or workings. This technique for test can be
applied to basically every level of software testing: unit, integration, system, and acceptance.

Explicit information on the application's code/inside structure and programming information by

and large isn't required. The analyzer knows about what the product should do yet doesn't know
about how it does it. For example, the analyzer knows that a specific information restores a
specific, perpetual yield however doesn't know about how the product delivers the yield in any
case. Different techniques for black box testing are:

 Equivalence Partitioning
 Boundary Value Analysis
 Decision Table Testing
 State Transition Testing
 Error Guessing
 Graph-Based Testing Methods
 Comparison Testing

5.3 Requirements Traceability Matrix

Functional Test Case ID Test Case Description

TC_01 User click on the create account option from
the navigation bar.
TC_02 User must enter the First Name to be used in
TC_03 User must enter the Last Name to be used in
TC_04 User must enter the Email or Phone number
to be used for login account.
Sign Up TC_05 User must enter CNIC.
TC_06 User must check the radio button for gender
selection (Male/Female).
TC_07 User must create a Password for login.
TC_08 User must re-enter the password for
TC_09 User click on “Sign Up” button for account
TC_10 User must enter the correct email and the
Login TC_11 User may enter the incorrect email and the
TC_12 User may enter incorrect email and correct
TC_13 User may enter correct email and incorrect
TC_14 User Navigate Properly over the login page.
TC_15 User can visit all categories of vehicles over
the website.
TC_16 All Vehicle text, Vehicle category, Vehicle
name, Vehicle price and Vehicle description
Visit Site
is visible to user
TC_17 All Vehicle Images are visible to user.
TC_18 All Vehicle are listed correctly with their
TC_19 User click on the post ad button.
TC_20 User must fill the vehicle required
information e.g.
 Colour
 Model
Post Ad  Price
 Mileage
 Location
 Registered City

TC_21 User must upload photos of vehicle.

TC_22 User must click on the submit button.
TC_23 User click on to category icon present at the
navigation bar.
Display TC_24 A drop down box will appear.
Category TC_25 User can select desire category.
TC_26 User can visit all categories of vehicles over
the website.
TC_27 User can enter or select from drop down
box, the name, model, body type, category
of vehicle which he wants to search.
TC_28 User can also search a vehicle by giving a
specific price range.
TC_29 According to selected search filter vehicle
will show.
TC_30 User click on the upload picture button.
TC_31 User will be able to see a window which has
three options.
 Take photo
 Choose from gallery or computer
Upload Picture  Cancel button

TC_32 If user clicks on Take photo button, then

he/she will access his/her camera for taking
photo. Then he will click on upload button
or cancel button.
TC_33 If user clicks on choose from
gallery/computer button then he/she will
access his/her gallery or computer to upload
picture. Then click on upload button or
cancel button.
Log Out TC_34 User can logout his account properly.

5.3.1 RID vs UCID (requirements vs use cases)

Requirements Sign Login Visit Post Display Search Upload Log
Up Site Ad Category Vehicle Picture Out
Test Case - - - - - - - -
UC_01 X
UC_02 X
UC_03 X
UC_04 X
UC_05 X
UC_06 X
UC_07 X
UC_08 X
UC_09 X
UC_10 X
UC_11 X
UC_12 X
UC_13 X
UC_14 X
UC_15 X X
UC_16 X
UC_17 X
UC_18 X
UC_19 X
UC_20 X
UC_21 X
UC_22 X
UC_23 X
UC_24 X
UC_25 X
UC_26 X
UC_27 X

UC_28 X
UC_29 X
UC_30 X
UC_31 X
UC_32 X
UC_33 X
UC_34 X

Table 5.3.1: RID vs UCID Traceability Matrix – shows the traceability between requirements and use cases

Chapter 6: Results & Outputs

This section comprises the results of the above judgment or assessment.

6.1 %completion
We have completed our project 85%. We have met most of the functional requirements that we

6.2 %accuracy
Our project is working 95% accurate. It fulfills most of the functional and nonfunctional

6.3 %correctness
As we have tested all the requirements and made their test cases mentioned and clear all the
mistakes so now our project is 98% correct.

Chapter 7: Conclusions & Future Directions

7.1 Conclusion
Our Project is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs to manage their project work. User-
Friendly Codes have also been adopted. This Project shall prove to be a Powerful Package in
satisfying and achieving the main objective of this project and the basic requirements of the users
objective of software planning is to provide a framework that enable the manager to make
reasonable estimate made within a limited time frame at the beginning of the software project
and should update regularly as the project is completed.

At the end it is concluded that we have made effort on following points:

• A description of background and context of the project.

• Made declaration of the aims and objectives of the project.

• We describe the requirements specification of the system and actions that can be done on
these things.

• We designed the Diagrams and Tables accurate to better understand the system

• Design the database according to the fact that the application will be managed from Web

• Finally, most of the system is implemented and tested according to the test cases.

7.2 Future Work

It can be summarizing that the future scope of the project circles around adding new features and
maintaining information regarding:

 We will add advance features for vehicle sales and purchase system including more facilities.
 We will add the facility of the Online Payment System
 Add the Dynamic Recommendation System so that people get more idea or view related to
the vehicles.
 Create the master database structure to reduce the excess of the database queries.

The above stated points are the improvements which can be done to increase applicability and
the performance of the project. Here we can maintain the records of vehicles and booking. Also,
it can be seen that now a day‟s people are handy, consequently there is a scope for presenting a
method to maintain the Vehicle Point. Improvement can be done to maintain all the vehicles,
booking, customer and employee.

Chapter 8: References

7. M.Lalena, “Traveling Salesman Problem retrieved from
9. Enrique Alba. Parallel Met heuristics: A New Class of Algorithms. Wiley- Intercedence,
10. Boehm B, "A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement", IEEE
Computer, IEEE, May 1988
11. Ganesan, S. (1994). Determinants of Long-term Orientation in Buyer–Seller
Relationship, Journal of Marketing.
12. David Abramson and J Abela. In 15 Australian Computer Science Conference,1992.
13. Y. Has an A Bahanrum, O. Maharum, “A Job-Shop Scheduling Problem using Genetic
Algorithm”. Proceedings of the Second IMT-GT Regional
14. Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Applications. University Sains Malaysia,
Penang June 13-15, 2006.
15. V.T. Matthew, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai, 2005.
16. D. Abramson. Constructing school e-commerce using simulated annealing: sequential
and parallel algorithms. Manage. Sci., January 1991.

Chapter 9: Appendix

9.1 Glossary of terms


9.2 Pre-requisites
One should have knowledge about Web Technologies to develop a web-based Application,
MySQL database and Database Queries and how they worked in complex databases and Web
development (Visual studio) to develop a Web-Based Application.


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