Land Acquisition / Site Selection: JAN - FEB15

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• Frame out transparent plot allotment ity, etc.

ity, etc. to make the park functional, will • The price of the land is to be kept as
policy and specify procedures pursuant be the sole responsibility of the concerned low as possible in order to attract the
to the relevant State policies and their State Government. developers and, therefore, the site
amendments thereof should be selected in such a manner
• Provide directives for technology-spe- Land Acquisition / Site Selection so that inexpensive land can be made
cific land • Land for the setting up of the solar available.
• Engage the services of national agen- park will be identified by the State • If land cannot be made available in one
cies/global experts/consultants to pro- Government unless the implementing location, then land in few locations in
mote Solar Power Park and related agency has its own land. close vicinity may be taken.
activities • States are encouraged to identify sites • Possibility of using cold and hot de-
• Facilitate the State Government to es- receiving good solar radiation and sites serts, sides of highways can also be
tablish educational institutions/training which are closer to CTU (i.e. Power Grid actively explored
facilities within Solar Power Park for Corporation of India Limited), prefer-
development of manpower skill related ably locations with spare transmission Solar Park Facilities
to Solar Power capacities and water availability. The solar park will provide specialized ser-
• Include any other activity related to So- • The park must have at least 5 Acres vices to incentivize private developers to
lar Power Park, such as manufacturing per MW towards installation of solar invest in solar energy in the park. These
as per the directives from MNRE and projects and will give opportunity for services are to be provided in a central,
the State Government all technologies in a technologically one-stop-shop, single window format,
• Conduct necessary evaluation of envi- agnostic fashion. making it easier for investors to implement
ronmental and social impacts of utility • In order to provide for such a large tract their projects within the park in a signifi-
scale solar deployment as per law and of contiguous land with appropriate cantly shorter period of time.
before allocating the land to prospec- insolation levels, the state government The implementing agency is tasked with
tive developers may prioritize the use of government acquiring the land for the Park, cleaning
All infrastructural requirements outside waste/non-agricultural land in order to it, levelling it and allocating the plots for
the park such as connecting road, provi- speed up the acquisition process. individual projects. Apart from this, the
sion of water supply, construction electric- agency will also be entrusted with provid-

energetica india · JAN|FEB15 5

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