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Paar d= italia) Ome For each question, choose the correct answer Reading Part 1 Exam Tips ead the text and choose the sentence which goes with it. «© Lookat the layout andthe graphics, as this il help you to Understand the conte «2 Carefully rea the thee possible answers «Read again each possible answer while checkng the text ‘nd then, decide whien answer I the correct ene «Read your answer again to check that it matches correct corse vere athe bus tation 1 Frectusityou are going tobe te ana weit George shoul tell Adam i he is going to be delayed. A [cers Set acne O Gare subtree sn bear ry 7 A. Mary ites ty Ro We ae having a great tine in Rome B. Say got ted of waking in Rome. ore sna onl alae Says doe alot of steerg Trove weed er We poltne rows ples. So yu when we get Rome sally John John needs to see it he kes the hotel, 3 From Tina {'ve found a great hotel in the centre of a pars its cose tothe Rer Seine andthe B. Join neds to book the hotel mse. “Laue museum, Have alk at the website C. Join neds to tied a hotel near a muscu. Ivan you and conf you want me to book or ot. GMM 2 oc we oa oo IMPORTANT NOTICE “he rary wl be cling erly on Fi me | ee ee pe ay een Pee A. Th itary wl nt open on Fay. Dar Zp ond then reopening, a B. Te rary wil be closed atthe weekend. tn Mendy from Son 07m. . The itary wil close later than usvl on Money. JUNIOR ART COMPETITION he annual art competition this year 's based on the theme of animals. Itis open to anyone aged from 6 to 16. ‘The competition is only for chien who have a pet. Children must paint or draw a particular subject. CCicren can compete in both groups if they want to “There will be two groups The under 12s and 12-16 years old. ‘The competition closes on Friday May 5° ca Reading Part2 Exam Ti ‘Fist read the eight texts (AH) and then, ‘wad the five descriptions of people, ‘© Compare the texts to the people to find a possble match, Make sure thatall the person's Information matches the correct text. For each question, choose the correct answer ‘The people below are all ooking fora magazine to read, Look tthe descriptions of eight magazines, Decide which magazine would be the most suitable for the people below. Tenis ania and wou tht beat Hej agin te cute adtating 5 T photographs of animals and plants. He cares very much about the natural world around him. Gemma is avery good artis and shes thinking about going oar schoo to train sa clothes, designer She le wathingclebries on V tose wot heyae weaning, shear [7 Interested in celebrity gos, Mara ty as at moto ew hon difeingguteleneh esate aT tops fiterbuts not sure howto doit 9. Mek and Tony ove pop muse nd realty TV. Tey lve to flow what the latest Youngstars ‘are doing and they travel to alifferent places to try to meet their favourite singers and actors. 6) Ml 10, Georgia likes to read and she also writes short stories about her life and the people around her. Shehas also started to write fantasy stories for children. She would like to read things written [10] by people her own age. MAGAZINES 4-18 is always among the best magazines for tens. t's one of the frst magacines to target a teen audience wth articles focused manly on today's celebrity issues. So if you want to stay up-to-date mony on what Slena Gomez, One Destin, and other young stars are dong, J-8 may be the perfect ‘magazine for you “Twist keeps you up-to-date on al ofthe fashion and besity foices of our favourite celebs. It is your rumber ane choice when you need someone to give you eas on how to develop your ow urque and fabuous style! Twist also contains fun, teentargeted quizes tat are certainly worth tying Glitter is a magacine "Yor gs who rock f youre looking for more than gosin, youre in uk Giter nasa fabulous book ci column that discusses hot new books. iter also asa "ea people” section where everyday people can share ther stories wit you. ‘Young World isa magazine for teenagers who care about thor envionment tis ful of interesting artes about the ‘tural world and gies teenagers lots of advice about how they canbe more enirormentaly friend t aso orgarises special events that teenagers can attend in oder to learn ‘more tings about the envionment, E, Live your Lie is a magazine for teenagers that talks about teenage health and problems and gives lots of interesting ‘and helpful advice. thas @ popular Problems Page where teenagers can write and ach fr advice on anything tat is worying them, such as bulyng, exams and how to be more contidet, Teen Ink isan onine and print magaine with articles written ‘only by teens and fr teens But uke mast magazines, Teen lnkhas also fcton and poety section So if yout a young Iteratuce enthusiast, you tou start reading Teen I is ‘efitely not just anther teen magazine the the ones you are used to reacng. Teen Heroes is @ magazine that focuses on famous people that have ved inthe past and are stil lve tay, Ii full, of nsping articles ard storis of bravery and achievement Habs has art and history competitions as well as iormation about museums all ove the ward Fit for Life is a teen magazine about sporting heroes and teams around the worl. It has special features on events, such as The Olympic Games ard worl sporting championshins in every sport you can tk of There is always special article on extreme sports, to, and on how you can get involved in them WW IMPLY Ba) Preliminary toraschools ued For each question, choose the correct answer, Toe The New Forest by Simon Finch Lat week my schoo got the chance to takepart Ina week's work £ come up to tourists who are hav ‘experience in The New Forest. We were helping a charity that ingapieni and try to steal ther protects and counts the ponies that vein The Wew Forest. fod, whichis really funny. The IRvas really interesting works I was exited to beable to take | probiem is thatthe ponies should part. The ponies are ree to go wherever they want, which & | not be encouraged to get too ‘Wonderful butt also puts them in danger sometimes. I stayed! close to people in case they start to depend on them: 2 beaviful wooden hostelin themida ofthe forest wth some | Ls crungnely many ponies are hit by cars every ea There ‘other charity workers. Iwas abasic bulding but warm and. | are several roads that go through the forest and tourists drive {osyand got ree bed and food while was working wit he: 3¢ rea rads tat g though he foes and our rive ponies. We shared a dormitory with eight beds init so at night | 82H ear y ‘we chatted to eachother and really got to know everyone, Problems and here shoul be lot of notes everrwhere, ‘one ofthe things that shaced me during my ime inthe forest! Genera it was a wonderful experience and it has taught me teas that tourists donot act responsbiyn the forest, can une? Genera twa a wonderful exparince nd thas taught destend that they are excited about seeing the ponies and that ? Something | woul’ have thought about before. probably ‘they have come enjoy the beautiful forest but they don't” Sdyintondon as eve ing nthe cy and il deftly Understand that they shovid't get too coset the ponies. |: come and help in the forest again. so happy that spent. ‘Thisient because the pons are dangerous. Atualy que the (ec'mcnt woraawent ine ence It wasen ea edcatonal ‘poste is tre os they are usualy very renal. They wltoten : aweck work wi te pole, 1, Simon describes the accommodation Reading Part 3 Exam Tips A. as quite uncomfortable, having to share a room with others. “Fist, ead quickly (skim) the text and get B. as standard but inviting for guests ‘a genera understanding of what the text . as unexpectedly modern and luxurious. Is about, Now careful reed the text sin word by word. . as expensive, if one takes into account what was offered = i “Make sure that you work on one question ata time and carefull compare each 12, What was Simon's attitude towards tourists? weet ae A He enjoyed talking to them about animal issues. . Sa 8. He thought theyshould not be alowed in The New Forest anymore, | * Mev arate lok tte opin yah . He believed they needed to be more edcated about the ponies. meek ee cee . He tried to teach them about he wildlife in the forest but fale. Quewions 11 G14 cr Reema 2s the information appears in the text. 13, One of the problems ponies face's that ‘Question 15 looks atthe overall meaning |A. people treat them very badly. ofthe text. B. they lve in bad weather conditions. . they die as a result of car accidents involving tourists. . they are completely dependent on humans for their survival, 14, What effect has the experience had on Simon? [A. He wants to ive near the forest. 8B. He wants to study animals at university He wants to buy a pony if he can afford to . He doesn’t want to work with a charity again, 415. What might simon say about his experience in The New Forest? A. [After spending a week helping in The New Forest,] 8. Tam more certain than ever that animals need our help and attention, ‘The New Forest is slowly being destroyed and this is why the government should try to protect it. The wild ponies of The New Forest can be .| quite dangerous and tourists have to protect. |B. themselves from them. I joined a project to ban all tourists from The New Forest in order to protect the wild ponies. Five sentences have been removed from the text below. For each question, choose the correct answer. There are thee extra sentences which you do not need to use. Creating a youth club Last summer our town achteved something cute special We created a youth club in the town centre Before that there was absolutely nothing forthe youne people todo afterschool and atthe weekends, [JB] —] i took fog ime t finaly pen the Youth cab. Fist of al, we ha to find bul that we could use. We put up posters allover the town aking people to help usin place, We were ery uch because after a couple of weeks someone sad we coud have an old shop that had been dosed fora year [I7]_—] Best ofa he ai, we id not have to pay anything to se Te onl thing we hal to promis to do was to keepin good conto. ‘Once we had a building, lots of people came to help us paint the rather dirty rooms and put furniture init Fr) Then, a big business inthe town gave us three computers and a large TV. The local football team gave Ls some sport and fitness equipment and they send a coach twice a week to de health and fitness classes with us, [19] ] There we can buy drinks and snacks. My mother often bakes cakes forthe cafe. We also do lots of art at the youth club, We put our pictures on the walls to make the place ook really interesting and colourful | think the most important thing about our youth club though is that iti a place that young people can go to if they are feeling lonely and want someone to talk to. Also, there is a homework room where we can sit quietly and study. This s useful to me because | have to share a room with my litle sister at home, [20] __] Obviously that makes it hard for me to concentrate on my school work. Creating the youth club, in my opinion, isthe best thing that has happened in our town recently. Reading Part 4 Exam Tips © Fistral he whole text in order to getageneral understanding © Lookat each gap and see which ofthe sentences would best in thespp. © Read the sentances before and after your answer choice and check whether sin {grammatically andi allows thestory tlw leh ‘A We drt have to buy anything asso many people gave us chairs, tables, desks et. B. However, the shop wasn’t suitable for what we needed. Love hervery much but she tals all the time and makes alot of nose. .Asa result, people were very bored and it was dificult to make new fiends. The building was clean and bright so we didn’thave todo anything tit F. She always behaves very wel becouse she is shy and que 6.The owner did not want torent itto anyone and that’s why he said we could use it permanent «© Then, have look atthe other answer choles to mate sre thatthey don't inthe gap, «Read the whole text again as wells your answers, check that tall males sence H.Some ofthe parents run a smallcafe in the youth lub, too, Sida Ash pacity foe Sashes eee For each question, choose the correct answer Holidays in Tanzania For those who want special holidays away from the 21). staying in truly luxurious sari accommodation, why not combine the exclusive and lessvsted national parks of Ruaha and Selous? Then, add Zanzibar island 10 (22) mene the perfect beach and wife experience 2%), inthe southern part of Tanzania, Ruaha and Selous national parks are in less known areas and they provide a unique safari experience (24)... with the northern part of the country, which is the ‘more usual tourist (25) « Unlike the north, the south has a variety of animals to see throughout the year, with boat trips on many lakes and rivers being a wonderful way to see elephants, hippos and ‘crocodiles up close. After the safari, you can jump on a plane and in a few hours find yourself (26).. some of the best beaches in the world. 21, A. audiences B. crow cron D. pedestians 22. A. sungest support De involve 25. Located .Setled D. Seated 2, A.added B. compared invited D. applied 25. Acty 8. package . neighbourhood estnation 26. A.examining B. researching exploring D. inventing Reading Part S Exam Tips «First, skim (read qulcky through the text inorder to get an understanding of what the text is about. © Lookat the sik gaps and selet the correct option; thats the answer that makes sense and atthe same time makes the sentence grammatically correct. © After selecting your answer, read the sentence withthe other answer options to make sure that they are wrong. ' When you have selected all the correct answers, rad the text again to make sure that al the sentences are now rammaticallycoreect and that they sound ight. ia Cl eee For each question, wate the correct answer. Write ONE word for ech gop, Having a pen friend by Jane Cooper {Wve had an American pen friend (27)munnsnnunne LWas twelve years old So we have been writing to (28) 1» other for four years, There are ‘many good things about having a pen frend. think itis important that you write to someone (29) 1 is the same age as you because then you will probably share some interests, Also, you should remember that (30) » you want to improve your language skis, You should have a pen friend that speaks the language that you are learning. Some people even become {00d friends with their pen friend and they go to visit them, This isa really special thing as you get to ‘meet their family and see how their life really (31). vie « But you shouldnt think that pen friends are just for young people. People of (32). «ages enjoy writing letters, or even sending ‘emails, so it’s never too late to start, Reading Part6 Exam Tips © Fist, you should skim through the whole text togeta general understanding ‘Then look atl the gaps one by one and try to think of one word that cule be the correct © Check that you are spelling the words right. “© When you hve answered allthe questions, read the whole text again to make sure thatthe sentences make sense now, and that they are fgrammatcally correct, Wy SIMPLY Ba |Preliminarysforschools: co uu You must answer this question. Write your answer in about 100 words Question 1 ‘ead this email from your English-speaking frien John andthe nots you have made. a From: — [loin Subject: [Pauls birthday Hi Great. Yes. ''m so excited. I's Pauls birthday on Saturday His family and | have talked about having a garden party. What do you think? Hope the: "weather's good during the weeken | guess we also need to think about food and music. Should we have a barbecue or ust some snacks? Im not sure. Suggest... ‘Anyway, have you got any ideas for a present? | was thinking you'd know what he'd ke. ‘Write soon, Jobn Tell. ‘write your emallto John using all the notes. Que = Nene Writing Ideas «© Make anote of any questions asked in the email ® Create an answer for each question. «Use vocabulary relating to having a party. ‘loncin, 0), ames, blankets, arass « Also se vocabulary relating to food and eating. ‘seusoges, burgers, sled fish, vegetarian ice cream, cakes «© You can use phrases Ike: Do you think, Why don’t we, [think we should, Why not, thnk t's great idea Suggested Structure aragraph 2 - Thank John fo the emall and say you are ‘excited about the party. paragraph 2 - Answer his fist question. aragraph 3 - Answer John's other questions and any ideas vou have that can go with your answers. agraph 4 Write your own suggestions. FREER Choose one of these questions ( Write your answer in about 100 words. Writing Ideas «ead the question property and make a note of what s Question 2 reauled «= Thnk of how often you use your smartphone ‘You see tis notice onan international English ‘Think the things that you se for Bo you use for ‘webs for young people texting, phoning peopl, sing the internet playing games ec? + You can use pirates lik: /qute often sometimes, ie fo Oe RO CU Think about how smartphones might change in the future. {You ean oe vocabulary and phrases hts hrtec, seren, Smartphones sy/eompleatedto ute, €oworkon your phon, translate languages, new technology Write an article telling us what you use your smartphone for and how often you use i. Suggested Structure Do you think that smartphones will change raga peeisnenis — much inthe future or not? Why or Why not? Paragraph 1 -Sey how often you uze your Pi ‘The best articles answering these questions «© Paragraph 2 Say what you use your hone for will be published next month ragraph 3- Say how you thinksmartphones might change in the future «© Paragraph 4 - Finish off with a closing comment Write your aril. Question 3 ‘Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. WEEMS inate! drei wengheeytopy toon (| Writing ideas Write your story. «© Ask yourself what sort of problems you have, ' Think about how you can pay forthe bil « Isthere someone that can help you? © imagine how you would feel a this time. © Use phases ike: dn know what todo, Iwas emberrassed, wes very worried, suddenly had an idea, Suggested Structure j 4730 1- Use the sentence pen nd say where you were ‘Paragraph 2 Say how you et * Paragraph 3- Explain what you decided too, © Paragraph 4- Say what happened inthe end SIMPLY B1 Preliminary for.schools PAPER 3 LISTENING uae ne For each question, choose the correct answer. Listening Part1 Exam Tips ‘Fist, look at the 3images/options carefully, ‘© Then, read the question. «© Wow, listen tothe fst stoning and choose the best answer. Haven mind that a3 options are heard in the recording, but only one of them isthe correct answer. * During the second listening check that yo hhave selected the right answer by check the information again L oa 3. Where was the dog found? A A del, Vea] oo 5, Which DVO did the boy ike most? # 6. Which sport lid the gil do for the fs time last summer? ae nk 7. What can you buy half price today? = SIMPLY B41 Preliminary for.schools PART 2 | Questions 8-13 For each question, choose the correct answer. 10. a 2, 2, ‘You will hear two friends talking about a family visit to a cafe. ‘What did the gir's mother ike best? A. the apple juice B, the pictures hanging on the walls . the cake along with her drink You will hear a boy talking about his big brother learning to drive. How did the boy's brother feel about his first lesson? ‘A, quite nervous as he was afrald of erashing - excited to have the chance to get around on his own . bored as he already knew how to drive ‘You will hear two friends talking about getting a Saturday job. ‘The girl thinks that A. it's a good idea to look for ajob. B. they would both be too tired, . they should take any job they can get ‘You will hear two friends talking about a film they have seen. ‘What do they agree on? ‘A. The film was better than they had expected. B. The characters were not believable. . There should have been less ation. ‘You will hear a boy telling his friend about a school trip to a museum. How did he feel about it? A. He would be willing to visit it again soon, B. He thought itwas a waste of time. . It was more interesting than he had expected. You will hear two friends talking about a new teacher. ‘They think the new teacher is A, more interesting than the rest ofthe teachers. 8. funny and never gives them any homework. . too serious sometimes. Paar sean: Listening Part 2. Exam Tips ‘2 First look atthe sentence before the ‘question. Then, read the question and the three possible answers. ‘© When you listen forthe first time, you should concentrate on understanding “hate being said and try to choose the correct answer, «© Before the second listening, have 2 look atyour answers « During the second listening, check your nsaters again, against the Information trenton. Listening Part 3. Exam Tips «© Fst sten tothe Instueions and use the pause in the recording to read the text With the gaps. Think about the sentences and try to predict what you think you might hear «© The sentences are in the same order as ‘the recording. ‘© While you are listening forthe fist time, make a note of words and short phrases ‘hich you can use to answer the questions. ‘8 The correct words fr the answers areal Inthe recording. Don’ try to change the words or write your answers innate form, “¢ While you listen to the recording again, check your answers and make sure that they make sense inthe sentence. «© Check your speling sight. Papers listening Gtieee cose) For each question, write the corect answer inthe gap. Wire one or two words ora number oro date ora time. ‘You will hear a student called Andreana giving a presentatior Flying High ‘Andreana’s project is about (14), n to her class about her father’s job. ‘After university, her father worked as a teacher in a (25) (On his frst flight (26), Difficult passengers and bad (17) [Andreana's father says that some plane traveller feel that they ose (13) their life when flying, She says that he drinks a cup of (19) Cue eee) For each question, choose the correct answer. You will hear an interview with a young writer called Darren. 20, When did Darren first start to write stories? {A after reading alot while he was a child when he was recovering from an illness C.while he was in hospital 21. Writing helped Darren to ‘A help his family financially, 8. talk more to his friends and family . become one of the happiest teenagers. 22. Why didn’t Darren send his book to a publisher? A. He wanted to write a second book first. ', He wanted to finish his therapy fist. . He didn’t think it was good enough, passengers were travelling to Italy on his plane. are problems that a plot has to deal with of Just after his plane has taken off Listening Part 4 Exam Tips «Have a look at and listen tothe instructions. During the pause in the recording, read the ‘questions to understand the context. «© Pay attention tothe meaning of the text. ‘While you listen tothe frst recording, get an understanding ofthe context and choose the best answers. ‘¢ While you listen tothe recording agaln, have look at your answers to make sure they are Fight Darren's family ead his book because ‘A. they were anxious about his feelings. B. they always liked the stories he writes in his diary. . they wanted his sister to make a copy of i. 23, How did Darren fee! when the publisher emailed him? ‘A. He was excited about the opportunity he was offered, 8. He thought it was a joke. . He was angry at his parents for going behind his back "- What does Darren plan to do next? ‘A. write another book immediately B. get a proper job €.gotouniversty

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