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ffimd ffiffiffiYffiffiffi

Activitg Book
Sto rter The Incredible Teom 2

tr At the librorg 4

E At the dig 12

E At the costle 20

Me snd mg world 28

Revision 30

E o, the museum 34

E o, the theotre 42

At the restouront 50

Me and mg wortd 58

Revision 60

B o, the onimol rescue centre 64

B On Be[[street 72

E Oa the odventure sports centre 80

Me ond mg world 88

Revision 90

Grommor reference 94

Wordlist 99

Mg pronunciotion record 102

Soroh Phillips ond Peter Redpoth

Reod ond mqtch. 3 Write questions qnd drow.

U +@+ Do gau likedrawing pictures?

., {. ri

d ,<
*E*- Do gou like Moths?

o@tr W
b@D d tls
'@E d@tr ffiffi
Write the words in the correct box. ffi

SchooI subjects:

Food: ttII

Ask gour portner the questions.


1 Reod. Write the nome.

Look ot Closs Book poge 4 to find the onswer.

2 Complete gour profile.

All qbout me

Drow gourself here.

3 Now write obout gourself.

Number the pictures. Find the people ond write the
' :. ,' . '1 ' " ':' '.

_ . .'. ,r.eo{.pg cgtrUmg:

..-.*-*--. tooki"*1g Gt ;. ..

strs ffitr ffitr om
E=s trffi tr Effi@
\$tr Wn #ffi
tffi.n@. E
Write the words. tr #"Tm
I often use these things: ffif,
I sometimes use these things:
I never use these things: E

IIrffi i---+@-i*.l!ff-_

I Ae"::::A *f m w*# i* sem**r*er:J.ra H*rds :fi fi.!i$ le*s*r:. -#

Shollwe look in the otlos? I don't know. Let's check in o dictionorg.

How do gou spell'broccoli'? Whot does'equotor' meon? Good ideo.

1 Listen ond number. @,.o 4 Write responses. Use Let's... ond


Whot do pondos eot?

I don't know. Shsllwe laokin

the encAclopedia?

Whot does'isobor' meon?

I don't know.
Order the diqlogues. Then listen
ond check.@ ''.;
1 o I don't know. Let's look in the otlos. D Whots the phone number of the museum?

b Where's Conberro? tr I don't know.

c It's in Austrotio. D
d Good ideo. tr g Whot dou of the week is gour
2 o Look, it opens ot 1Oom ond birthdoU this Ueor?
closes ot 8pm. D
b I don't know. Let's look ot I don't know.
the notice. tr
c Whot time does the librorg ctose? tr Now do the speoking tosk.
d OK. Come on. D
3 Listen ond repe ot.@ rc
Lets look in the newspqper'

Shollwe check
in the dictionoru?
I don't know. Let's check in o dictionorg.

There was ond There were
There wos o poster. There were some giroffes.

There wosn't on encgclopedio. There weren't ong snokes.

Wos there o computer room? Were there ong penguins?

Yes, there wos. Yes, there were.

No, there wosn't. No, there weren't.

1 Listen ond number. @r.r:' t* Whqt wos there ot the zoo?

Write questions ond onswers.

I went to the zoo gesterdog.

dolphins x monkeys r'

crocodile r' elephont r'
x torontulo X

Were there ang penguins?

No, there weren't.

Was there an elephsnt?

Moke sentences. Motch them to the

pictures in Activitg 1.
1ffiffiffiffiffiffi om
Wss there a camputer room?
Picture c
2 ffiffiffiffiffiffi
3 ffiffiffiffiffi
- rp


Now listen- ond check.@ r.,

Write Frrse or f;sdss obout gour 6 Answer the questions with complete
clossroom lost geor. Correct the folse sentences.
1 How monu children were there in gour
clossroom lost geor?

There were

There wosn't o teocher. 2 How mong girts were there?

Folsel There wos o teocherl

3 How mong bogs were there?
1 There were two blockboords.

4 How mong onimols were there?

2 There wosn't o whiteboord.

3 5 How mong plonts were there?
3 There were twentg desks. 6 How mong computers were there?
7 How mong cupboords were there?
4 There wos one door.

5 There weren't ong windows.

1 Reqd the storg sgqin. ceu @ ..'u

A Mqtch. Then cover the sentence endings ond tell the storg.
1 The IncredibleTeom went to o next to the computer.
2 Theg totked to b find the onswen
3 Theg sow c snd found the qnswer.
4 The Red Wolves hqd the d the librcrg.
5 The children decided to look e the Red Wolves.
6 There wosn't o mouse f on the internet.
7 Theg tooked in on encgclopedio g o librorion.
8 The RedWolves didn't h geogrophg CDs.

3 Complete the storu ptogscript.

1 Listen ond repeot.@,.e

2 Listen. Which sound do gou heor? Hold up gour left hond or gour right hond. @

3 Write the words next to the correct picture.

bush hooter root sugor wood foot boot scooter judo ffi

lm bush

$ -:r:-

4 Listen ond check. Then listen ond repeat.@ t:t

5 Listen to the chont. Then sog.@ r.,,

The crook in the book

Wos in the wood,
Riding on his scooter.
He hit o root,

And lost his boot,

And londed on his hooter! ))

we sometimes spellthe /u:/ sound ond the /u/ sound with the letters oo.
1 There ore diffferent kinds of books. Mqtch the descriptions to the books.
1 This is on odventure storg. 4 This is o book of folk toles.
2 This is o historicol storg. 5 This is o storg obout two men.
3 This is o detective storU.


Reod the book review. 3 Write GF,TS or CP bg the sentences.

Write the missing questions.
GF = The Greot Fire of London
lwLet !rrn4 qi.h"-g!s""r-., rt? *J i TS = The Teocher's Secret

wl.rrt is ion oF lVv, book? r

CP = Chonging Ptoces i
w[.o is lVe. authcr.? 1 There wos o greot fire in London
in 1666.
WI"',1+ is llv. book about?
The six stories in the book ore folk toles
what is lrs, l*la oF tVe. book? from round the world.
This is o storg obout two men,
book P--eview Hol ondTim.
by vq llarris Hol's life is exciting. Tim's tife
isn't excitin g.-
1V€. Eltp, Dian:rcrnd The fire destroged more thon
13,000 houses.
2 -
The men chonge ploces, but it isn't
Arthur Coran Doyla, o good ideo.
7 This is the storg of the fire.
The people in the stories wont to be clever,
rt is a detortva, story. 8
but sometimes theg oren't.
p) r"t is about
*olwvs and
tVv, gro-at detartwa. Slwlock
his Friend. Dr Watson. Jha
Write q book review. ffi
fanrous Blua Dianpnd. disappcars. : 1 Choose gour book.
5Vvslack ltolmas find.s a hat and a. gaase. 2 Answer the questions in Activitg 2 in gour
-lllay ara important clues. *a looks at notebook. Check gour work corefutlg.
lVv. clqes o:nd ha Finds l6a. aygu&y to tVv. 3 Complete the book review neotlg.
J' mystary.

t ltka tAa book a lot. rt is very

Use the longuoge on PMB poge 6 to
intarastirg. t- ratomrrcnd tt.
hetp gou write gour book review.

1 Look ot the concept mop old onr*", 1 Whot is the title of the concept mop?
the questions.
morlJtg 5-6'3ogm 2 How mong moin ideos hos it got?

3 Whot ore the teom's colours?

4 When do theg plog their motches?

5 Where do theg troin?

s t')'0
6 How mong children ore in the teom?
sdl ?$,tlt@

1 Write the words.

tr% coburs g4 E
/ Plotlsround

Add the words to the concept mqp.
tn rotg

3 6c= *g e:

l\y arupt rnaP is abart rny
taaclw. r.+'5 got Fax main
per,sonol ideas, 1fu. F,rst ides. is
pu*wl irrfiorrnation abart
Juia* Slv.'s elevan y?AYs
Address .
32 Adklree
old. 1lv, *md idaa. is
Road 6 Josa's epp€AYaYw,. Sl*'s
hoc(ey p 3i.r,
.dl braOufi 9Ot blue ey45 and brarrr
hatr h'air. 1fu tV;rd ides. is
b.ou,n I Josia.'s Wb'os. 5l* likas
playtvy ffu gwtar. stna plays
W' big smile \ ro,, football too.

Look bock ot the unit. Whqt con gou do? Think ond colour.
Not ot oll
1 I con remember the words for things we reod
from CB poge 5.
2 I con moke suggestions using Let's ... ond
3 I con moke sentences using Therewos... ond
Therewere... .
4 I con oct out mg version of the storu.

5 I con sou some wgrds with these sounds: /u:/

ond /u/.

6 I con tolk obout mg fovourite books.

7 I con write o book review.

8 I con remember the design words from

CB poge 1 1.

9 I con moke o concept mop.

1 Number the pictures. Write sentences. Use ollthe

trF EJ *---^ E ---------

@trffiD wD
EE\ Effi r
€dtr *D ffi @#ff
g 8ffi= nffit
tr r u, The glass is next to the plote.

The bowl is on the chair.

2 Write the words.

These things ore usuollg mode of metol:

These things ore usuollg mode of gloss: 6

These things ore usuollg mode of potterg:

fttffi @
Whot's it like? How old is it? Where's it from? It's big ond round.

Itt 50 geors old.

Listen ond n umber.@

]W r .20
It's mode of potterg.

It's from Chino.

Write the questions.

Whot's it mode of?

U ,#ffi

What's it like?

Its blue ond white, I think its prettu.

Complete the notes obout the 2

objects in Activitg 1.
Its from EqUpt.

How old is it? '150 gears
Its mode of potteru.

Where's it from?
Whot's it mode of? ItS 1500.Ueors old.

Whot's it like?
5 Listen qnd repe ot.@ nt
How old is it? Wheres it fron?
Where's it from? Whots it mode of?
Whqt's it mode of? Whots it like?

Whot's it like? How old is it?

How old is it? 6 Now do the speoking tosk.
Where's it from?
Whot's it mode of?
Whot's it like? big, raund

3 Now listen ogqin qnd check.@

could ond couldn't
I could swim when I wos four. She could write when she wos six.

I couldn't wolk when I wos one. She couldn't ride o bike when she wos three.
Could gou swim when gou were two? Could she write when she wos two?

Yes,l could. Yes, shecould.

No,I couldn't. No, she couldn't.

I Listen ond number. @ r.r' 4 Look qnd complete.

Whot could Meg do when she wos gounger?
plog the piono

Moke sentences. Motch them to the

pictures in Activitg 1.
oge5 | oge6 | ogeT I ogeS I oge9
Picture 1 She could swim underwoter
2, ffiffiffi,ffiffi
when she wos seven.
She couldn'f plog the piono when
she wos eight.
3 She count to o hundred
3 ffiffiffi,ffiffiffi
- when she wos five.
4 She couldn't
4 ffiffiffiEffirffiffiffi
5 She could
3 Now listen ond check.@ r.r'

ffiffi E#lt*t **uld U** ** wi:e* *** :arer* 3,5, *::# ? #**rs *l*? V*it"*.
Write questions obout Meg. 7 Write true sentences qbout gourself.

il Cauld she ride a bike when

shewas seven?

6 Now osk ond onswer.

1 Reqd the storg ogcin. ce',o @ r.rz

2 Mctch. Then cover the sentence endings ond tel[ the storg.
1 The children went to the dig o wos o knife.
2 Theg looked ot o plote b to find the oldest thing,
3 The Red Wolves wonted to c CI bone.
4 Theg showed the chitdren d from c chickenl
5 It wosn' e something to eat. .,
6 :It wos o bone f plog s trickon the Incredibleleom.
7 The oldest thing ot the dig g ond o knife.
I Fino[[g, theg ctthod h o dinossur bone.

3 Complete the storg plogscript.

1 Listen ond repeot.@ no

I Listen. Which sound do gou heor? Hold up gour left hond or gour right hond. @',.,,

ffitTrl Mffi
3 Write the words next to the correct picture.

@@ @p@D@K@
tortoise horse strong wolk socks

lq turn,ise

4 Listen ond check.Then listen ond repeot.@ 1.28

5 Listen to the chont. Then sog.@ r.r"

John likes fossits, Shoun likes shorts,

John [ikes rocks. Shoun likes wotking.
John [ikes comics, Shoun likes horses,

John likes socks. Shoun [ikes tolking.

We often spellthe /c:/ sound'With the letters or.

Reod the text ond complete the foct cord.

..,V€lpcir'Aptor: livad 7o 'to &o

.r*illiax' ye*rr, ' &4o, It wa', &
.,i*ail. :dint:fanar tha.t' a*e rvteat
.,it.'rrrdf .1,.!,,:*& 2 riE'fer lorrq ,

ffi Lenqth:---m
,:,* d :,:Ab6ilt '' l, ,rnrgtt e,, :*411. Ir ffi

= Height: obout m

,*eighea ,7'to lf ki'lo{r:Autet"

H weight:---kg
',Bacarrie it' ,rorat a" h*ater ffi
,it,,cor,lld'i'r{ rr vari ' lt E Speciolfeotures:

.:.*uld. itran4 l*^1s r,rha,rp cl6.M '

€ " could run fost

,,*ad .latf :.aS ,rh*rp :taeth. lt

t7 ' ra6cd., i*f' clawf r.nd teeth {or ,ffi xshorp-ond

ffi for ottocking

, Atta,rki,q 'other arrir'r*,l5,

2 Reod the foct cord ond complete the text.

Stagasaurus livsd

leari r^ras a big dinosaur lhal ale

It r^ras about 3

long and aboul a

tall. tl

uaighed about s
tonnes. lt had
ffi Weight: obout 2 t 6
on its bacY and aPiKes
Speciol feotures:
* big ptotes on its bock on ite 7
[t usod iis tail for
tt had a vorl small
" spikes on its toil
for defence ,, ,
and a vorl l0
* verg smo[[ heod
ond broin


Write obout q reolor imoginorg dinosour.

' Remember to use o copitoI letter:
1 Moke o foct cord ond comPlete it.
- ot the beginning of o sentence
2 Drow o picture of the dinosour. ' - for the dinosour nomes
3 Write obout the dinosour. Check gour Finish Uour sentences with o full stop.
work corefullg.

Complete the storg. 2 Complete the crossword.

rhis is o
The discoverg of the Loscoux coves 2 Cove ortists lived in the _ Age.

One dog in 1940 four bogs went

3 -.
Cove ortists didn't use brushes. Theg

for o wolk with their dog. The dog

used sticks, feothers ond _ .

Theg mode point with powdered

sctw o robbit. He _ down
ond woter.
o hole.
The bogs the dog ond
5 There oren't onu cove pointings in

o wos dork ond theg

Theg with their teocher the
next dog. Theg torches ond
theg pointings of onimols on
the cove wolls.
Now people olloround the world t
the coves ond its omozing Whot wos the nome of the dog in the
Loscoux coves storU?
prehistoric ort.

1 Reod ond motch. 2 Write the words.

How to moke o tove pointing'

trw -#.
Mix woter ond point to moke thin
point in the colours Uou wont.
Point gour onimotwith gour fingers
or with o feother or o stick.
Choose the onimoI gou wont to drow.
Use chorcoolto drow the onimol.
D tr@% '%
d Crumple some thick poper.
tr qffiB
This is rny cave paintinS
1 qsed charcoal and paint
There are +wo horses, two
deer and o rnornr^o+h The
rnaYnrno*h is hairy, and it
has got big +usl{s The horses
are rqnnin$, and the deer
are ea+ing There are foqr
people They are following
the deer

Look bock ot the unit. Whot con gou do? Think ond colour.

1 I con remember the words for kitchen items

from CB poge 13.

2 I con describe objects in o museum.

3 I con moke sentences using could ond couldn't.

4 I con oct out mg version of the storg.

5 I con sog"some words with these sounds: /o/

ond /r/.

6 I con do o role plog obout going to the cinemo.

7 I con write o description of o dinosour.

I con remember the words for onimols from CB

poge 18.

I con describe o cove pointing.

ili ffii

1 Number the pictures. Drow the sgmbols on the mop.

Then write the sentences.

'l The hospital's an Highwall Street.

There's a supermsrket on EIm Raad"


2 Write the words.

You con go shopping ot these ploces:

Tourists visit these ploces:

You con eot ot these ploces:

Other ploces:

*r*rv * m*p *::d wrie* ***::: U**r t#i;*lfr {**ire.

Excuse me. Where's the costle, pleose? It's on the right. fl -->

Turn teft. El<l Turn right. Hi Go stroight oheod. ff f Toke the second teft. [il
Follow the instructions ond find the 3 Look ot the mop qnd complete
ploces on the mop. the diologues.

The hospitol? Let me see.
then It's

d t/
The church? Let me see.
then It'S

1 Turn right here.Turn left.Turn left.

It's on the left.
Where ore gou? At the 4 Listen ond rePeot.@ t'ta
2 Go stroight oheod. Toke the second right.
t"t[l"r1u.,nht qheod'
It's on the right.
Where ore gou? At the Toke the second left.
3 Go stroight oheod. Turn [eft. on the right.

It's on the right.

Where ore gou? At the 5 Now do the speoking tosk.

Listen ond find the ploces on the mop. Excuse me. Wheres the
Write A, B, C or D. @ swimming pool, pleose?

1 morket
2 costle
3 hotel -

The Post simple
I ploged tennis. I wrote o letter.

I didn't plog tennis. I didn't write o letter.

Did gou plog tennis? Did gou write o letter?

Yes,I did.
No,I didn't.

1 Listen ond number.@ ''.o,

4 Write the post forms. Circle the
irregulor post forms.

ptou plaged reod read

go moke
hove wotch
breok tolk
do eot
Ll-rri'I'-!" -'
2 Moke sentences. Motch them to the Write sentences. Use the correct form
pictures in Activitg 1. of the verb.
Picture write o letter
2 ffiffiffiffiffiffi
- e,logrfuotUett

eot on ice creom
- @fttfrt
g ffi a
4 ffiffiffiffiffi
do their homework

- breok her orm
3 Now listen ond check.@ r.o, break{nel.teg

Write obout gour dog gesterdog. Answer the questions.
Use verbs from Activitg 4. 1 Did gou hove breokfost ot eight otlock?
Na.I didn't" I had breakfast at half past seven.
Yec- t did.
E6^ Iateasandwich. 2 Did gou eot solod for lunch?
%,\ oR

UI fu) rdidn'teatasondwich.

Ecq 3 Did gou wotch television on Sundog?

4 Did gou hove dinner ot six otlock gesterdog?

trm 5 Did gou go shopping on Fridog?

ffi 6 Did gou go to schoo[ gesterdog?


I Becd the storg ogoin. mrz @ '"o

I Mstch,Then cove,r the sentenee endings and tell the storg'

t The chitdren went to the costle o ' wos missing!
2 , The Snowfoxdiomond b o womon,
3 ,The children,followed the thieft c the Greot Hott.
d footprints.
5 Theg sow the thief hiding e in room 14.
6 The thief wqs f to took for o grondfother clock.
7 The potice officers g behind c.mop.
I The ctock was h ,' orrested her.

3 Complete the storg plagscript.

I Listen ond repeat.@ rcz

2 Listen. Which sound do gou heor? Hold up gour left hond or gour right hond. @ t.+t



4 Listen ond check.Then listen ond repeot.@ 1.44

q Listen to the chont. Then sog.@ r.o'

I'm going round the tower, I'm showing Uou mg house,

I'm going round the moot. I'm showing Uou mg bow.
I'm going through the flowers, I"m showing Uou mU mouse,
'Ugli I'm wolking with o goot! I'm wolking on mg toes!

We often spellthe /aul sound with the letters ow or ou.

look ot the concept mop ond complete porogrophs 1, 2 ond 3.
Suglers .,",q
bisre*;i* \
.Fteddeva( -[tarret !

*hs*-t+ ,:*ffi ENTgRTAINMENT
There's lots to see and do at the
medieval market. Listen to the
!Watch the
jugglers and I Tly

i*:: butlt some medieval giamesl

a}**de* FOOD
We've got lots of nice things to eatl
r*??-1e& kag,ttnXs
h, T?y our cakes and
vel You can buy butter,
@ and jam too.
{-rhvi; bags

{nd&avd TOY'
mqdieval hubt shae,t 0uft e Buy a medieval toy!We've got
tops and . There are
Number the phroses. wooden animals and
Then write porogroph 4. too.

BUA a souvenir to take home.


:i medieval hats and shoes.

"r!*$If; iespiP4f,{sry':g!1!-BeElr]rys€.+f lHigry
Write o leoflet obout on ottroction.
1 Plon gour writing: moke o concept mop.
2 Write the text in gour notebook ond
check it corefullg. Moke gour work look ottroctive.
Use pictures ond write neotlg.
3 Design gour leoflet ond odd the text.
4 Decorote the leoflet.

Complete the sums. Then write the 2 Complete.
sums in words.

150+50= 200
One hundred snd fiftg plus fiftg
eauals two hundred.

3 100-'10=

4 400-150=

Do the puzzle. Complete the Romon numbers

You con moke these numbers with 3 stroight crossword.
lines. Reod the numbers.

ilt IV vl tx xt LI -.-- --*- ]

Con gou moke these numbers with iclx
4 stroight lines? i Mx-l
seven Yes VII
- -"-.------'.-
ten icl_{L' '*EG
fourteen Across Fl oown fJl
3 thirteen ' 1 one hundredond
5 thirtg 2 one hundred ond
twentU 6 twentg-five sixtg-two
7 one thousond 3 fourteen
ond ten 4 eightg
one thousond 8 nine 7 two thousond

bock ot the unit. Whot cqn gou do? Think ond colour.
Not ot oll
1 I con remember the town words from CB poge 21.

2 I con give ond follow directions.

3 I con moke sentences in the Post simple.

IX 1,

4 I con oct out mg version of the storu.

5 I con sog some words with these

sounds: /au/ ond /eal.
#i I con do o role plog obout visiting ploces in
o costle.

7 I con write o leoflet obout on ottroction.

8 I con remember the moths words

from CB poge 26.

I con reod Romon numbers.

'tr Look ond motch.
The storg of DickWhEttingtert: cn [nElish foik tmle

:il4r'.1:.r: I l DickWhittington Mr Fitzworren The King of Borborg



o nostu person o good mouse cotcher o rich businessmon

o poor bog

2 Listen to the storg ond number the pictures. @ t.s''

3 Listen qgoin ond qnsvver the questions. @ '#

1 Whg did Dick go to London? 6 Who bought the cot?
2 Where did Dick work? 7 Whot did the cot do?
3 Whg did he bug o cot? 8 Whg did Dick leove his job?
4 Whot did Dick send to Borborg? 9 Whot did the bells sog to Dick?
5 Whot wos the king's problem? 10 Whot did the king give Dick?

4 Work in poirs ond tellthe storg. Use the pictures to help gou.

The King of Borborg hod o problem.

There were lots of mice in ...

5 Reod the storg. Whot con gou leqrn from it?

S*up: a swedrsh rork sroru e.S

This is a a traveller and sn old woman. lt was nearly night time and the traveller was
story about
tired and hungnl. He saw a small house by the road. There was an old wom6n in the garden.
"Can you give some food and a bed for the night?" said the traveller.
"No, I can'tl" said the ald woman angrily. "l'm paor and there isn't anythin g in the kitchen."
"well," said the traveller, "l can make dinner. |ve got a nail in my bag. I can make nail soup."
"trtail soup? What's that?" said the woman.
"watch and learn," said the traveller.

The traveller made a good fire. Then he put a pot of water on the fire and drapped the nail in the pot. 'This is the
bestsoupintheworld,"hesaid. "Butwith somevegetables,it'ssoupforlordsandladies.Nevermind,we'repoor
peopte, we don't need any." The old woman thoughtfor a moment and then gave him some vegetables. then he
said, "the soup is nearly ready, butwith a piece of meatit's soup far kings and queens. Never mind, we're poor
people, so we don't need any." The old woman thought for moment and then gave him some meat. Then he said,
"The soup is ready.The king and queen always eat cheese sandwiches with this soup. Never mind, we're poor
people and we dan't need any." The old waman made cheese sandwiches.

Finally, he said,"Dinner is ready." They ate the saup and the sandwiches. "rhis
soup is delicious," said the old woman. "l can'tbelieveyou made it with o
nailt' the next day the old woman gave the traveller some breal<fast and a
silver coin. The traveller gave the old womsn the nail.
"coodbye," she said, "Thankyou for the nail. Now I ccn make delicious soup
every day."

6 Reod the storg ogoin. Where is the beginning, middle ond end?

7 Now write o folk tole from gour countrg.

1 Plon gour storg. Write gour storg.
. Who ore the chorocters? . Check it coreful[9.
. Whot hoppens in the beginning? . Drow some pictures.
. Whot hoppens in the middle? . Don't forget the title!
. Whot hoppens ot the end?
Grommor Vocobulorg

. The Post simple (regulor ond irregulor verbs) . Things we reod

. There wos ... There were ... . Kitchen items
. could couldn't . Ploces in o town

Look ond reod. Write the dogs under the pictures.


r Saturd"ay - Vi}4 d.rrivzd" ;n Sunnyport at four o'clock
and. uznt ta tVs btach. Jass rrr:.da a bg sand.castla
and. a took a photo. f.* uas brillianti we lrad. dinner
in tVv hotal. r ate. chi,ckan and, cVtps.

Sunday - Today *n ulrznt tc a bg ad.vantura

playground.. r climbad. up a" vcry V;gh l*d&ar. a't lika itl Aftar lunch fass c-nd, f. playad tannis.
And r. d.idn't likc tl",at eitharl

Ftonday - f.* rarnad. all day! Ln tha $)rrning f. urota

Vostcards to all aF ny *iends. Ln *ha *starrnan
u-v, vislte& a d"inosaur musuLtrn" Jass ulc:s vary

z Find five regulor post forms in 3 Find the irregulor post forms in
Jim's diorg. Jim's diorg. Complete the toble.

Infinitive Post form

go went
1 arrived 4
2 5
be was (were)

iCheck Uour onswers on poge 97 l,
.1.::l-l:1:ry1... **=**-*+
4 Write sentences obout Jess's dog rcle six differences.
gesterdog. Use verbs from Activitg 3. Write sentences obout 1890.

She had a shower. ihe didn't hove a bath.

ffi" ffil

In 1890...

E 1 There was c hotel.

2 There weren't anA trees.
@ t


6 Listen to Jim ond ress. 10 Find, circle ond write the words.
Write the oges.@ rcz
W e b s t e b d C

, o n I n m t n t I t
: latrrcd to rida a b'ka: &ga s c p e e W o u c e

, laarnad to sulm: &9e' d U e W t o r c t o

- n c I s I t h o I f
- t p
7 Complete the diologue.
o r ) m o
t o m o I o z n e

p o p e s o c o t
c e V e U c e r r n

e d m r o s t I U g

b I f o .p o s t e r.
c o e n d o r t d

ffi poster
\\ ,ffiI

I I leorned 8ft"8\

-. W\
l!!- |

Now listen ogoin ond check.@ r.',

8 l@tf
l-ll I

9 Ask ond onswer.
11 Ask ond onswer.

Mg sixth letter is in E sbss ond in
@- morket

Mg fourth letter is in
-ond," /
I June
ond in irc;-

Mg first letter is in

Mg third letter is in

Mg seventh [etter is in
Mg eighth letter is in A

Mg second letter is in
Ms fifth letter is in ondin
ffi f
Whot om I? A a _.
13 Look qt the picture. Find, circle ond write.

2 things beginning with b 3 things beginning with m

3 things beginning with c 3 things beginning with s

14 Now do the octivities in the PMB.

1 Number the pictures. Look ond tick ({) or cross (X). Then
write sentences

'@.t@.@, . aa-,,;,: ,,i

s t\ @

rf D daWz
n* string

tr point

poper clips drowing pins
tope D pointbrush

Write the words.

You con count these things

(countoble nouns):

You con't count these things

(uncountoble nouns):

M*ka c lig.+f tl':e v*cthxl*rg in'unit 4 whf*lr U+u {#rt *ee in U*ur *iossrcnrn. ,
Con I borrow gour glue, pleose? Sorrg,I hoven't got one.

Sorrg,I'm using it. Yes. Here Uou ore. Sorrg,I hoven't got ong.

Listen ond number.@ ''.uo Loolc reod ond complete the questions.
g You need some string.It is
F on Uour friend's desk.

l q gffi You need some poper clips.

l AW rhe teocher hos got some'

l You need o stopler but gou
hoven't got one. Your friend
Complete the questions.
hos got o stopler.
Use gour onswers from Activitg 1.
Then listen ogoin ond circle the
onswers gou heor. @ rco

4 Listen ond repeot.@

1 Con I hove o black pen , pleose? tope' Pleosd

Con I hove some
o Yes. Here Uou ore.
Con gou poss me the glue, pleose?
O Sorrg,I hoven't got one.
Con I borrow
Con gou poss me uour pgnq;1
o Yes. Here Uou ore.
b Sorrg,I'm using it. 5 Now do the speoking tosk.
3 Con I borrow
pleose? Con I hove o stopler, pleose?

o Yes,of course.
b Sorrg, I'm using it.
4 Con I hove pleose?
o Yes. Here Uou ore.
b Sorrg,I hoven't got onu.
Post simple questions with question words
Where did he go? He went to the museum.
Whot time did theg orrive? Theg orrived ot ten otlock.
Whot did gou drink? We dronk milkshokes.
Who did she plog with? She ploged with her friends.
When did he leove? He left ot holf post twelve.
How mong ice creoms did gou eot? I ote two ice creoms.

1 Listen qnd number. @ r-u, 4 Reod the onswers ond write the

d ffifu whodidshe

Moke sentences. Motch them to the
pictures in Activitg 1.
-m She went in August.
2 ffiffiffiffiffi
- She ote pizzo ond posto.

3 ffi#ffiffiffi
She sow the Tower of Piso.
4 ffiffiffiffiffi
Picture She trovelled bg plone ond
bg troin.
3 Now listen- qnd check.@ r.',

E@ WrEi* 3 *:*re q***t!*** t* *skffi*S ****t h*r h*{i#*U-

5 Write questions to osk gour portner. 7 Answer the questions obout gesterdog.
Use fullsentences.

1 Whot did gou hove for lunch?

1 Where did gou go on holidag? I had
2 2 Who did gou plog with?

3 How much woter did gou drink?

4 Whot did gou do ofter school?

5 When did gou hove dinner?

6 Whot time did Uou go to bed?

6 Now osk ond onswer.

I Resd the storu ogcin. ctr, @ t's"

2 Mctch. Thentover the sentence endings ond tell the stor,g.

l The children went to o on the floor.
2 Theg sow o,pot of b feet ih the gtue.
3','',The'Red Wolves ron c green glue,
4 Theglue felt d the Eorl of Ssndwiah.
5 Oliput his € the museurn.
6 Meg,and:Rov pulled f past the toble.
7 , Olissw some information obout g invented the $ffndwichl
8 The Eorl of Sondwich h Oli out of the glue.

3 Comptete the storg ptugsciipt.

Listen ond repe ot. @,.s,

Listen. Which sound do gou heqr? Hold up gour left hond or gour right hqnd. @ ''ao

ffiI.771 Mffi
3 Write the words next to the correct picture.

ffiwffiffiY ffirym*ffi
tM cousin

4 Listen qnd check. Then listen ond repe ot.@ ''s'

t Listen to the chont.Then sog.@,.u,

Mg ount hos got some cord, Mg brother's got some stors,

)rn"a cutting out some mosks. Mg fother's got some heorts.

Mg uncle's got some colours, Mg cousint got o brush

He colours verg fost! To decorote the mosks!

We often spellthe /,r/ sound with the letter u.

t Look, reod ond unscromble the words.
Jhis r a. Dr*gm prppdt. t wwda it out 6 WW,
tdroc cqrd and straus. I usad sc\sffisr 2apet
pair* and. a pair*brush *oo. F'irst t wsda. +|fi ln€.ed -._.*.-,
oir:d" tt:ir- tail out oF ard, and. t u*d snopit
to dw*ta *lwm. 1l*n r n*&e tha bod.y out of
aeprop . Nrxt r- glaed" +Vfi, lrcord and. *ail to *l*
body.. finally I sfuck tha swrosst to tha t'.er..d.
and. tail with

I- nade a wi*i-Kite. T w,.*de it out of ttni"ru pfr.pert

6tswrsq a+d slriw?f , :.
X,used Tegul
tape nzrd scissors too. First \ stuc( ft*e straws foVetl*er
wittt tup* to w*Ke & cross shnpa. NaXt L eut Kit;
sl,r.apa *ud n tria+wle oat ol tha *roppe ...---.
^ .
Tl*et T Vlued tni straws outo fr*e paper, n+d T VUued
tt*e triairq(Le oato ttne widd!.e ol lWe Kite, Fiua!-h
T ndded l't^, tni!. aad tlne esristn

Nu mber the se


1 ur.itad F* tW glaa *o dry. Naxt r prrt soma be*rs in tha shaker

*w t took art *ha balloon. arnd dffi€A *te. Me uth tapa.

t wsde a L Yrtde i* out of

*:v:.:kar. d. Finrlly r painted. my sl,raker.
a balloon, p*par *d, bra:v:F. L usad
gita, t*pe, paint and. a pain*brush first I st*ed tha baltoorr
toa. uiihgl*e and, papw.
Write obout on object gou hove mode. idr
1 Choose gour object. Moke o list of the
moteriols gou used.
2 Write obout gour object. Check gour work Use first, then, next, finallg in gour
corefullg. text.
3 Drow o picture. Write Uour text neotlg.
1 Write the words. rE1
It fi

2 Look. Motch the questions ond onswers.
1 When wos the strow invented?
2 Where wos the skoteboord invented? D
3 Where wos the botterg invented? D

4 When wos the digitolwotch invented?

5 Where wos the poper clip invented?

q In Norwog. c In 1888. e In Itolg

b In the USA. d In 1970.


Reod. Motch the text to the pictures.

1 Atexonder Grohom Beltinvented the tetephone.
He come from Scotlond, but he lived in the USA.
He wos o teocher ot o schoolfor deof people.
Bellwonted to send words olong wires.
He did [ots of experiments.
One dog in 1876 he hod on occident in his
loborotorg. He dropped ocid on his trousers!
He used his new invention to coll his ossistont.
He soid,'MrWotson!Come here!I wont gou!'
This wos the first telephone cotl.
This is a horneworl( When did she invent
rnochine 1 invented i+ in the homework
mochine? In 2005
2oos Itcan do A4aths,
Whot con it do?
English and Science
hornewonk J.t has gd a *-Gr @ 6 Whot do gou do for
screen and a printer Yol
Moths homework?
p+ +he exercise in*o the
hole at the top I-f i+ is
Aaths, press bLrt+on A 1+
tffis Whot do gou do for
English homework?

it is English, pull levr B If Whot do gou do for

it is Science, tqrn wheel Science homework?
C When yo.r hear *he bell
Whot do gou
yor hornq,vork is ready
heor when gour
homework is reodg?

look bock ot the unit. Whot con gou do? Think ond colour.
Not ot oll
1 I con remember the words for croft items
from CB poge 31.

I con osk for things politelg in the clossroom.

I con moke questions in the Post simple.

I con oct out mU version of the storg.

I con sog some words with these sounds:

/o:/ ond /rt/.
I con do o role plog obout moking models.

I con write obout something I hove mode.

I con remember the inventions words from

CB poge 36.

I con use o timeline to tolk obout inventions.

3 Look ond write sentences
How to spe[[-ing forms:

- most verbs: + ing:

plag --+ plaging sleep --+ sleeping

- 1 vowel+ 1 consonont: double the

swimmJng hop-+ hoPPng

- verbs ending in e.'e + ing:
write -'s writing skate'-+ skattng

2 Write the words.
E ffi
ffi He's making tf'se dinner'

the living room

d Theg're

the dinner
thewashing up
He hos to do the woshing up. I hove to moke mg bed.

She doesn't hove to tidg the living room. Do gou hove to cteon the windows?

Listen ond tick ({) or cross (X).@,' Write True or False for gou.
1 I hove to do the woshing up once o dog.

2 I hove to moke mg bed everg dog.

I don't hove to moke mg bed on

school dogs.

4 I don't hove to vocuum the corpet.

5 I sometimes hove to woter the plonts.

6 I usuollg hove to put out the rubbish.

4 Listen ond repeot.@ z.a

moke the dinner?

Write sentences. Use gour qnswers Do uou hqve to
from Activitg 1.
Do Uou
hoye to cleon
U W:ffi Mes hos to woter the ptants. the Wndows?

affi That don't haveto 5 Now do the speoking tosk.

E ffi-effi

gffi Mes

E ffiffi*i&
g1ry* rnes

trffi oti
The Post continuous
I wos tolking to mg friend. He wos ploging tennis.

I wosn't wotching TV. He wosn't swimming.

Were gou ploging footboll? Wos he visiting the museum?

Yes,I wos. Yes, he wos.

No,I wosn't. No, he wqsn't.

Listen ond number. @r., 4 Write questions obout gesterdog.

1 Were gou watching television at six

o'clock in the evening?

2 ffiffiffiffiffi 5 Now plog o guessing gome.
Score one point for eoch correct guess.

3 ffi - ffiffiffiffi Were gou hoving lunch ot one
o'clock in the ofternoon?

4 ffiffiffiffiffi

3 Now listen- ond check.@ r., Greotl One point for me!

x#rit* ab*a;t *ne *f tfue rler* *I:i p*g* 4,1 *f **ur {{*ss #**k
Look ond complete the sentences Write sentences qbout gourself
obout Rov. gesterdog ofternoon.

5.30 6.00 6.45

qsffi At auarter ta three.

At holf post six, he was ploginE an the

At quorter post five,
3 At seven otlock, F-*ig

4 At quorter to six,
5 At quorter to five,

T Resd thi:storg ogflin, c** @ '''

2 Mstch.Then cover the $entence endings ond tell the storg,

1 The RedWolves had q of the ptou.
.2 The'chitdren went through b the lqst ti{kets forthe plog,
3 Itwas the lost scene c killMrTrent.
14 , The detective wos osking d the detective st eiqht:dcloek.
, 5 .'Mr Pitt didn't e questions.
.,6, MrPittwoswith f kitted MrTrent.
7 Millg g the wrong onswer.
I The RedlVolves hcd h the stcge door.

t 3 Complete the storg plogs*ipt.

1 Listen ond repeat.@zto
& Listen. Which sound do gou heor? Hold up gour left hond or gour right hond. @

3 Write the words next to the correct picture.

#,vH & i@@

fwa @w ffi
king cheese beoch jeons *ffitsmffiM

4 Listen ond check. Then listen ond repe ot.@ z:z

5 Listen to the chont. Then sog.@ r.,,

The king is in the kitchen, The king is hoving dinner,

He's drinking cups of teo. He's eoting breod ond cheese.

The queen is ot the beoch, The queen is weoring jeons

She's swimming in the seo. To hide her knobblg knees!

We usuollg spellthe /i:/ sound with the letters ee or eo.

Reod the text ond complete the tqble.

Juliet Jennings is eleven. She is Dorothy in the Wizard of 02. She is in s\i,
Year 6 at school. This is her first biq part. She loves acting. Juliet says, F
'lt's great fun !'

Mark Springer is the Lion in the play. Mark is in Year 5. He's ten.
He says,'The Lion is a great character, but I don't like the mask.
It's too hot!'

Tamara Jones is the Bad Witch. She wants to be an actor. She is nine years
old and she is in Year 5. Tamara is good at singing and dancing. She loves
her hat. Tamara says, 'lt's funny d
"*t*'s*=*o*o*=*+#+*a$ff8 *-**o**4tee++=e.r*.ten+++##@ *r.M
Nqme Juliet Jennings Mork Springer John Flemming
Age 11 10
Yeor ot school 6 6
Chorocter Bod Witch Tin Mon
Likes / doesn't like likes octing doesn't like his costume

whg? it's too hot he con't move verg well

Look ot the toble ond complete the progromme note.

ffi --,
John Flemming is the 1
He is -- years old g 2

play. He loves acting, but he doesn't like a
ffi.F . John says, b

ffi '[t's very uncomfortable. l s j fl.'

' ' .,!..


=.**us -*-d-"-"S-"*'q+e"*-"+
.-F**o -*"#-**tsre*+**re+-:r,
".**"* #fl .*d8
..*.ffl- " f..

Imogine gou ore in o plog. write o progromme note obout gourself.

1 Complete the toble for gourself.
2 Write Uour progromme note.
3 Drow gourself ond write Uour text neotlg. Age
Yeor ot school
/ doesn't like
Use commos ond speech morks like this:
Tomara sogs , " It's funng!"

Write the words. 2 Guess the qnswers.
Listen ond check.@ r.','
1 Did theg ptog the guitor in
Ancient Eggpt?
o ues bno

ffi _,E!
drum @
2 How mong kegs does o piono
usuoltg hove?
@ Do gou plog the Howoiion

\ flute with gour nose?
p o ues bno
How long is the tube of o
@ trumpet?
Fd+;, lt
o oboutlm b obout2m
NT,, V Whot is o violin bow mode of?
o wood ond cow hoir

@ b wood ond horse hoir

Listen ond tick (/). whot kind of Look ot the picture qnd complete
instruments cqn gou heor? @ r.r, the sentences.

c !
! Ut cr) o
t, c
'= IJ
o o


1 There ore four instruments.

2 There ore three instruments.

6 3 There is one instrument.

-4 There ore five instruments.
There ore bogpipes
f\y vwvrw s Aldara. T liva, rn Galicia in 5pain. *axe ara sawv
in Golicio.
G alician instrtrnznts.

The is a Galiaan bagpipa.. rt's a wtnd Aldoro's dod ptogs

irstrunznt. 1* is very poptrlar in Galicia. the drums.
my dad. plays it. Carlos Nurraz and. Cristirrr
Yato ara. famous bagptVe playas.
Corlos Nufrez is o
llsa ara lols oF pa-rassion instrunznts fomous guitor ploger.
in Galicia. we'vegot d.rums and.
tambounrras. I play tVv. tambouriha. Aldoro ptogs the
r go to classes evty wek. tombourine.
1lv* sLzlls eya Wrct\ssion trstrunznts
too. llvy ara. *llop sVvlls. You hit tham

e@ togelVvr. 5onvtirrvs Veople. play spoorsl

You con moke music
with scolop shells.

bqck ot the unit. Whot con gou do? Think qnd colour.
Not ot oll
1 I con remember the housework jobs words
from CB poge 39.

2 I con tolk obout whot I hove to do ot home.

3 I con moke sentences in the Post continuous.

4 I cqn oct out mU version of the storu.

5 I con sog some words with these sounds:

/tl ond /i:/.
6 I con do o role plog obout seeing o plog
or o film.
7 I con write o note obout mgself for o theotre
8 I con remember the musicol instrument words
from CB poge 44.
9 I con identifg different kinds of musicol

3 Write two sentences qbout eoch food.

ffi &,-
# ffi #
d Etr
ffi H w
dq #
@tr ffin @ #
tffi. trEe
ed ffi

*. ffitr H # ed

w trtr
@tr @D
M d ffi

tr Rav and Afi $ke sausages. Meg doesn't

like sausages.

il n@,u€
@D D Wtr
2 Write the words.

I like these dishes:

I don't like these dishes:

I hoven't tried these dishes:

Whot would gou [ike? Would gou like o dessert? I d tike tomoto soup, pleose.

Whot would gou like to drink? Angthing else? Cqn I hove some ice creom, pleose?

Listen ond tick (*4 the foods gou heor. Look of the menu. Answer the
@ z.z+ questions.

@ffi ..
Main courses
Sousoges and chips

:' Lamb,:stew ond mashed potato

Desserts Drinhs
Apple:pte ' Woter
Strawbrirry ice creom Benana nrilkshoke
Chocotste lce eream Appte juice Iu
Complete the diologue. Use gour "
onswers from Activitg 1. (Mdffi@*nry*:tlhxE -a3+-!:i1rrr]rr]r]rrrrrrjr1]]r1]11]1]lry

1 Whot would gou like to eot?

2 Whot would gou like to drink?

Id like chicken ond vegetoble 3 Whot would gou like for dessert?
, pleose.

5 Listen ond rePeot.@z'zs

Yes. Id like 2 ond gou likd
Whot would
pleose. ion I hove sousoges ond
IU like o milkshoke, pleose.
uou tikeo
Con I hove o bottle of
, pleose?

6 Now do the speoking tosk.

Yes, pleose. Id like some

, pleose.

3 Now listen ond check.@ '''o

much, mong ond enough

He eots too monu sweets. He's got too much sugor.

He's got enough oPPles. He's got enough flour.

He hqsn't got enough biscuits. He doesn't drink enough mitk.

How monu bononos hos he got? How much chocotote hos he got?
How monu tomotoes does he need? How much woter does he need?

1 Listen ond number. 4 Look ot the list. Write the questions'

j Sh*gPinq LisL &r

] tf*e prLrU

/y Fizzas
'J 1 l-Kq c L-'eoS€

5o . L-ocoLaLe 'D'":c"'-tt)
) il t-r*s *rwrge, *]ri,+fl
:-: ?* **e*n,*. r*LLs
3 L tre'6 $8 (r€*drY1
:. }

Moke sentences. Motch them to the 1 How much ice creom da theg
I pictures in Activitg 1.
r ffiffiffiffiffiffi 2
Three litres.

2 ffiffiffiffiffiffi
3 ffiffiffiffiffi'ffi
4 ffiffiffiffiffi

3 Now listen ond check.@ ''"

Effi &4ck* * *f {h* f**# in t*'lis tre*s*lt"

Wri?.e the h**Itltie*t f**ti {irst.
Look ot the picture ond write 6 Write qbout the children.

she eots one piece of fruit

U}fl everu week.

She doesn't eat enough fruit.

He eots thirtg biscuits everg dog.

1 Theg've got taa much cheese.

She drinks five litres of lemonode

everg dog

4 He drinks one gloss of woter

everg dog

1 Reod the storg qgoin. ceo, @ z''o

2 Motch.Then cover the sentence endings ond tellthe storu.

I The chitdren went to o flour.
2 The chitdren hetped b qrrived [ste.
3 Theg used corrots, ftour, c Mrs Midge moke o pie.
4 Rov hod too much d chicken ond onions.
5 Theg boked the pie in the oven e ote some pie.
6 The pie weighed f for holf on hour.
7 The Red Wolves g Midge's Restouront.
8 Atlthe children h one ond o quorter kilos.

3 Complete the storg plogscript.

Listen ond repe ot.@ z'zs

Listen. Which sound do gou heor? Hold up gour left hond or gour right hond. @

ffitr/] Mffi

tr ffi,ffi.ffie',f'
Write the words next to the correct picture.


4 Listen ond check.Then listen ond repeot.@,''"

5 Listen to the chont.Then soY.@ ,.-"

- rl\
It's tunchtime ot the Portg, Mg gron hos got o trumpet,

.,----->- E There's lomb ond opple pie. Mg dod hos got o drum.

There's honeu rn rne sonowrcnes, Mg grondod's got o flog,

The sun is in the skg. We're hoving lots of fun!


we often spellthe /,r/ sound u. But sometimes we spetl it with the letter o.

1 Reod ond complete the concept mop.

g4 *avour'i*s" $oad is,{,sk, anJ' chrps. .rrsh.rnJ ehps i*'a

bradi*io*af 8ri*rsh Jish. t*rs'$Lad& $rarw -(ish altd: po*a*oz,*
-Ihere- arL *?Leral *hops ix fnifiai*,,*ha* s&fi,{ish a*i*hip*.
N* a{*** havo {i*h a*d *hip* ah*^ rte- qo *a 44t* boa*h. :

I lavg- chieL*x eury+. 't+ ,'g a *r'adi*fuxal lndia*'J,gk. M4 naarr,r

r.v,ak*s i* o*'*uxdar5s. t4t* rxad*.Srrrm c;ltie?*w'a*d *pi**3. Maru
pa*s t4oqhur* ,r ,+ *oo. Yo*'aa{ i* ai*h ric*. *'* daliic.iaa*.

lfiade $t'r" 3pe"ia1 $hope

eqt' at'tha teoddiooa\
11 , 1^./ r 3
{u -i Lry^\ Xr\l*('
\ bh [\d
r ye]
^---t- --**---,^-",**-l{

{6od,s \
{,U,at, \'ke
f..a t't'{
ri}\- , *i r 4) ." ,*.r
€J ^. ^---^- ,-^---^!--,^--l [hio\.1nn
X__,_-.{A ^ -4-'*i
sdb urit'h
rnade, S*nn
SOeef L;scuit
flw,s6das O"d's Jo{ouci(e liacuidi

2 Complete the text. Use the concept mop.

I ttke 1 l*tg a,2 *d*a* bixui*.

*'* wada {rorr,r ,$our,ba***r aid auq;,qi,tda *am,ra- e*,i*,,a*
. $h* pa*s.lo*s o$:s/rqar o* *op.

3 Write obout something gou like eoting. i#

1 Moke o concept mop obout food thot gou like.
2 Choose one thing ond write obout it in gour Remember to use copitol letters for:
notebook. Check gour work corefullg.
- dogs of the week: Sundag
Drow o picture of the food. Copg Uour text neotlg.
- countries: India

1 Look ond complete the sentences.
1 Chocolote is high in sugar snl
high in rice, pototoes, breod,
storch posto
2 Fruit ond vegetobles ore high in
high in cokes, chocolote,
su9or sweets ond

3 Nuts ore high in

high in fish, meot, beons,
protein cheese, milk, nuts, eggs ond

4 Milk is high in ond

high in butter, oi[, cheese,
fot chocolote, nuts

high in milk, goghurt, cheese,

5 Brown breod is high in

colcium nuts, spinoch

high in
6 Beons ore high in ond
fruit, vegetobles

high in fruit, vegetobles, brown

7 Spinoch ond cheese ore high in
fibre breod, beons

'l Drow o meol. Complete the chqrt.


2 Complete the puzzle.

Everg row ond column must hove: F--r--l

one food thot is high in protein,
one food thot is high in starch, ond nasta
one food thot is high in vitomins.

look bqck qt the unit. Whqt con gou do? Think ond colour.
Not ot oll
I con remember the words for food ond drink
from CB poge 47.
2 I con order food in o restouront.
3 I con moke sentences with too much,too mang
ond enough.
4 I con oct out mU version of the storu.

5 I con sog some words with these

sounds: /a,/ ond /,t/.

I con do o role plog obout o portu or cornivol.

7 I con write o description of o food or dish.

8 I con remember the nutrient words

from CB poge 52.
I con tolk obout nutritionol tobles on
food pockets.
Ansnsi and the Pot of Knowledge: o storg from the west nf Africo
ffitrFffi;,il The Pot of Knowledge

Anonsi's son o clever spider the skg god

2 Listen to the storg ond number the pictures. @ zsa


3 Listen ogoin ond qnswer the question 5.@ zse

1 Whot wos Anonsi tike? 6 "'d
Whg wos it difficutt to climb the tree?
2 Whot wos the problem o long time ogo? 7 Whot didYoung Anonsisog?
3 Whot did Ngome give Anonsi? 8 Did Anonsi climb to the top of the tree?
4 Whg didn't Anonsi shore the pot? 9 Whg did Anonsithrow the pot in the oir?
5 Where did he wont to hide the pot? 10 Who hos got the knowledge now?
5 Reod the storg ond number the missing sentences.

ffiffitr {,
The Eour DragonJ and the Rivers of China: o Chinese

one sea. Four dragons lived in the

A long time ago there weren't any lakes or rivers on the tarth. there was only
sea.1- They loved swimming in the


fe B7 fu ffi. '"ii^anii,qinr;rioui'.
one day, when the dragons were playing in the slE, they looked down to tarth and saw thatthe fields were dry and ,ffi
the people were hungry. rhe people needed rain, and thq needed it soon.

The Dragons went to see the Emperor. "Please send some rain to the Earth," they said.
"Yes, yes," said the Emperar,"l'll send some rain tomorrow." z But it didn't rain the next day, or the next.
Then the Long Dragon had an idea. "Let's putthe sea water in our mouths,'fly up to the sky, and then letitfatl to #
Earth." the others thought this was a good idea, and so that -is what they did.3- i:!q

The Emperor was very cross with the dragons. He sent his soldiers to the sea. They
caughtthe dragons and they tookthem to the Palace. "Putthe dragons in the
mountains," said the Emperor.4 But the dragons wanted to help the people
qnd so they escaped from the mauntains in the form of rivers. Now there are four big
- Yellow Rive[ the elack River and the Pearl River.
rivers in China: the tong River; the rd

o So the soldiers put them in coves in the mountoins.

b The drogons were verg hoppg ond returned to the seo.
c "It's roiningi soid the people looking to the skg. "Thonk gou, drogons!"
d Theg were colled the Long Drogon, the Yellow Drogon, the Block Drogon ond the
PeorlDrogon. tr
Now write o storg obout o clever onimol.
1 Plon gour storg. Write gour storg.
Who ore the chorocters? . Check it corefullg.
Whot hoppens in the beginning? . Don't forget the titte!
Whot hoppens in the middle? . Drow some pictures.
Whot hoppens ot the end?
Grommor Vocobulorg

Post simple questions . Croft items

The Post continuous . Housework jobs
Quontifiers: too much too monA hot) enough . Food ond drink

Write the -fng form of the verbs.

vocuum vacuuming moke put out

do tidg cleon

2 Look ond write sentences. Use the verbs from Activitg 1.


1 At 1.45, theg were making lunch.

Jim ond Jess ore
tired.It is their 2 At 10.25, Iim was doing the washing.
mum's birthdog.
Theg worked 3 4t9.40,
verg hord this
4 At 10.50,

.s At 1 1.15,

At 12.10,

7 At 10.10,

At 1.05,
1 1.30-12.15


3 Write questions. 6 Now listen ond check.@ r.r,
What was Jim doing at 1 t.r+5? a
I Look ot the list ond write the

Banano coke
You need:
3 bananos, 150 g buitel 150 g sugor,
3009 ftouri 2 eggs

Use foo much, too mong or enough.

I \.' He hasn't got enough

Now osk ond onswer. bananas.

Circle the correct words. sugary/^\



strowr.;hlofre$t :
we need some
iH.. ryffi @
strows hove we got?.

We've got lots - Iookl

Write guestions ond qnswers obout

There isn't ffi oo,nr.
the pictures in Activitg 7.
1 How mang bananas has he gotT Two.

2 How much sugar has he gatT 25AE.

9 Moke questions qbout Jim's dog 12 Find, circle ond write the words.
on Soturdog.
1ffiffiffiffiffi h



S h





What time did he get up?
k s r r g U p I e I

d b e j x d
2 ffiffiffiffiffi U

f o V t e s

k h

ffiffi o c k g o b o s o e

ffiffi o r e r b s o h c

s o d n I o e o n r
-ftn+t o o z e p k e
_ I

o o g e o
u s u s s

p t u h k d n d t m

fu$ e c I € t

lomb sfeur
e W,

o f e

10 Now osk ond onswer.
2 chocolote
11 Complete the questions qbout Jess's
dog on Soturdog. Find the onswers. 3 opple

4 pototo ond
Whattime did she get up? tr 5 vonillo
did she hove
for breokfost?
did she do in
tr 6 mushroom

the morning? D 7
@ ond
did she see ot
the tennis court? D 8
@ beef ond
did she hove [unch? D -
o Cereolond toost.
13 Ask ond onswer.
b At home.
c She ploged tennis.
d At eight otlock.
e Her best friend.
rari.r:: : f,ir:_

,.. :.-. iillii'. ,- - -:. jJ" ',1;i ,.:rri ;..i _!'6' -

14 Solve the riddle.

Mg seventh letter is in =-
BL alue ond in iE wire

Mg fourth letter is in ond in @

Mg third letter isin in
A ond
Ms sixth retter isin
lI ond in h -\g

Mg first letter isin @ ond in 6@

Mg fifth letter is in Y ond in g
Mg eighth letter is in g ond in
Mg second letter is in

Whot om I? A
e _.
ond in
I5 Look qt the picture. Find, circle ond write.
3 things beginning with s

16 Now do the octivities in the PMB. pMB35ond36

I Number the pictures. 3 Write the onswers for 1-3. Then write
the questions for 4-8.

Fav't Naturs ?hotos

I aaw theai animal* la*l uo+K

t*.'&.u**. rffiffi
9tuabsll tt-lood, in Moga ga{eit, al rchool, an
on Moudal an $lad*o*da1 :lhurada1


.s, -ffiiE
"Nffi &
twrt:%.t,,ffi, 1
or fridal on talurdal'

Whot did he see on Thursdog? A caterpillor.

at Norlhr.aurt
,6aallr. on iundal

2 When did he see o howk?

3 Where did he see o fox?

2 Write the words.
On Wednesdog.
I've seen these onimols:

A hedgehog.

At Northcourt Costle.

I hoven't seen these onimols:

In Oti's gorden.

Futth* *t"liv?r*ls fi*rn this $*s$*n i*,*n *fpfrmb*ticcl iist.

It's o mommol. lt eots worms ond roots. It's got four legs.

It's got o big beok ond strong clows. It's block ond white. It lives in gordens ond woods.

Listen ond number. @ r.o, Complete the diologues.

Tick (/) the correct descriptions.
Listen ond rePeat.@z'+z

Appaaraneo: b-rown, with *harp *pin+s

Its o mommol'
brown, r^rith big toeth
Its red or greu.
Habitat*: mountains and uoodt
Its got o big toil.
rlr+odr and gardon*
It lives in trees.
Food: cmall birda and animals

uqrynt. uo-1lt, .-ootr r:,lyn 6 Now do the speoking tqsk.

Its o mommol,Its brown.

Pigaon - Its got o long lives in trees.

A,ppe.araneo: :blacE,and uhits

gr:*1 and urhttr u Is it o squirrel?


,Habttats:" woods; to*n+ and'*itios

mcrintains'and l,oodt : l
Food:, graet and leaves
,ti' ,;:il: ,,;:_i
#uii;'sssd6. iosd in rubbi*h bina
Now listen qnd check.@ r.o,
going to
I'm going to hove o She's going to wotch TV. Theg're going to visit the
sondwich. muSeum.
I'm not going to go She isn't going to do her Theg oren't going to go
swimming. homework. swimming.
Are gou going to reod gour ls she going to climb o Are theg going to do their
book? tree? homework?
Yes,l om. Yes, she is. Yes, theg ore.
No,I'm not. No, she isn't. No, theg oren't.

List en ond number. @ z.+o 4

E tr

't Are uou aoino to wotch television

this evening?

Mqke sentences. Motch them to the

pictures in Activitg 1. 4
1 ffiffiffiffiffi"ffi
2 f#ffiffi*!ffiffi,ffi,ffiffiffiffiffi
3, - ffiir"ffiitr#,H.@t#
4 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi+.t
Picture 5 Now osk ond onswer.

3 Now listen- ond check.@ ''ou

Answer Yes,I om or No,I'm not,

Giliffi Hrite *b*r*t whtr{ U*# *re #*i*S t# *# {*ri* w**}q*r'*cB"

5 Look ond write sentences. 7 Write obout gour plons.
1 Whot ore Uou going to do this evening?

I'm ooina to

He's goino to tske a phota. 2 Whot ore Uou going to do tomorrow?

3 Whot ore Uou going to do on Soturdog?

4 Whot ore Uou going to do ot the weekend?

5 Whot ore Uou going to do next week?

6 Whot ore Uou going to do on gour birthdog?

1 Beoet,thE $org erygi11; ce

1 @ ''*
zat MatchJhen cover.the sentence endings ond tellthe storg.
'l ;*"*-
The chitdrenwgnted to reod c in the tower.
; 'Theg
top :
ctimhedto the \r b theg were scored.
3,i Theg,heorilanoisesnd ' \***q themesssgeontheftog.
4 The$ reqd the messog€ ' d with Oli's binoculors.
5 Therewos sn owl ,
€, the onimqtrescue centre.
6 It croshed f of the church tower.
' .7. The chi{dren took it to g the owl3life,
' 8 T'heg scved ,, . .., ' . fi into s wqll.
3 Complete the storg plogscript.

1 Listen ond repe ot. @,,'o'

I Listen. Which sound do gou heor? Hold up gour left hond or gour right hond.
@ z'+a

ffit17\ Mffi
3 Write the words next to the correct picture'

\ "#ofu 4sM fimG

strow bird circle church foui burger stormu drow shirt morning

tlil *raw

4 Listen ond check.Then listen ond repeot.@,''o'

5 Listen to the chont. Then sog.@ '''o

obirdwithoworm, Drowogirlonochurch,
Drow o girlin o skirt' Drow o bird in o skirt!
.ffiq,* Drow o howk on o church, Drow o four on o worm,

V h
Drow o rour on o shirt' Drow o howk in o shirtl

Here ore three woUS of spelling the /s:l sound ir, ur ond or'

1 Write the words under the correct picture.


2 Reod ond find the missing sentences. Write the letters.

A DAY OUT AT TH' ANII\AL R-'5CU' C'NTR"' A \a5r.T -fO -tH€. R-OYAL -M€,\-I?-T
t f aur class visitad. tVv. R-oyal -llvatre
. wa want 4 b"u and, uv,
rrrr,ved al fan o'clock. T.t uas a sunny d.ay. last vszk. t tha tVv,a*a.
is yvAr our school, so wa, u-wlked ftere.
A rrxrn told us about tl.c It u.ras raining!
Cantra. 3
llvn tl turs lu.rchtinz Mlss Jhomas urrks at lVe. lVct*a..
and un Vsd ?icnic. 5Vv. sVpund qs tha, diFFarent parts
AFler lunch uz sati.r lots oF diFFarant oF tVv tVvstra.. t ltka.d lVv. astwma.
a.nirmls. -lttqa u.Jd.s d- dezr and. sovtw bast. u
badgers. a llwn uu untcVvd tVv Vlay. f.t uas
called elle. 5ad 5lory oF Stavan 5mith'.
wa h'ad. a graat tivrv. and r dd.n't uia.nt to 7-. -llv, costuvrvs uure,
go Vorrt.
o He showed us pictures of plonts ond onimols I wos verg excited becouse I wont to be
in the oreo. on octor!
b Miss Thomos showed us o beoutifuI dress. Closs 5B went to the AnimoI Rescue Centre
c First we went to o clossroom. lost week.
d It wosn't sod - it wos verg funng! Mg fovourite onimols were the bobg

3 Write qbout o dog out.

1 Choose gour topic. Moke gour text interesting.
2 Write o list of usefulwords. Include gour opinions ond feelings:
3 Write Uour composition. Check it corefullg. The costumes were fantastic.
4 Drow o picture. CopU Uour composition neotlg.
1 Complete the sentences. 2 Look qt the food choins. Complete the sentences.

ffi+-- ffi-
The give energg to the
1 A sheep onlg eots's
ond then the gives energg to the

2 Allonimols ore d \rM'

- ................>
@ ................+
- mouSe snoke
A solmon eots other fish,
The gives energg to the
but it doesn't eot plonts.It's
ond then the gives energu to the

4 Everg food choin storts with E6-=-'

- ,....- _-
gross -impolo cheetoh
A mouse eots fruit, seeds ond
The gives energg to the
The gives energg to the cheetoh. The cheetoh
gives energg to the
Port of o food web in the Antorctic
Look ond onswer the questions.
kitler whole
1 Whot do leopord seols eot?
Theg eot em?eror Penguins otnfl % leooord seoI
crobeater seols
2 Whot do squid eot?
Theg eot
3 Whot do emperor penguins eot?
Theg eot
Whot do killer wholes eot?
Theg eot ond
Whot do crobeoter seols eot?
Theg eot

Look bock ot the unit. Whot con gou do? Think ond colour.
Not ot oll
1 I con remember the woodlond
onimols words from CB poge 57.

I con describe onimols. HI

2 I I ----t-
3 I con moke sentences with going to.

4 I con oct out mU version of the storu.

5 I con sog some words with these

sounds: /s:/ ond /c:/.
6 I con do o role plog obout odopting
on onimol.

7 I con write obout o dog out.

I I con remember the food choin words

from CB poge 62.
I con tolk obout food choins
ond food webs.
3 Complete the sentences

- one person: +'s

the postmon's hat the postman's shoes
- two or more peop[e: +'
the mechanics'garage
the mechanics' jackets

ug+ trffi
"E k
@D D ,rt*d3
l d e tr i*
f, s s r#rl U,e''w

*ff3 ffiD #n
2 Write the words.
r@ This is the shop assistant's iacket.

g@ This is the palice officers' car.

These people usuollg work inside:
il @ These ore

w @ These ore

trffi This is
These people usuollg work outside:
% B$
These ore

These ore

g %
#tffi I Writ* * f,i$t *f e*:* j*h rr+*rds in *r#*r *f irv:p*rt**e*. f.
Whot do gou wont to be when gou grow up? Becouse I like Biologg.

I wont to be o doctor. Becouse I wont to work with people.

Listen ond motch.@

UE€ 3 Listen ond repeot.@ z.oo


wont to
Whot do Uou


tr* I wont to be
o police

Answer the questions obout gou.


Moke sentences . Then listen ogoin ond
check. @ z-ss

I Ssrn wonts
E r,,*
to be
to be,

\ Eonno E***
\ wonts wonts
tobe to be
Whot do gou wont to be?

oshop \ Q.
ossistont firefighter Becouse

o bultder

berause she 5 Now do the speoking tosk.

wonts to
workwith Whot do Uou wont to be when gou grow up?

becquse becouse he
itt wontsto work
exciting. outside.

Questions ond short onswers
Did the children find Firefighter Potch? Yes, theg did. No, theg didn't.

Were the Red Wolves ot the fire stotion? Yes, theg were. No, theg weren't.

Could Potch tqlk? Yes, he could. No, he couldn't.

Wos there o fire in the storg? Yes, there wos. No, there wosn't.

I Listen ond number. @,'' 4 Answer the questions with short

.. _-***,@
Story 1: Were the Red Wolves at the
Ye , theq w*re,

Story 2: Wts the plate the oldest thing at

the dig?
Mqke guestions qnd onswers. Mqtch to
the pictures in Activitg 1.
1,ffiffiffiffi Story 3: Coutd Lily Lightfinger,s swim?

$tory 4: Did the Earl of Sandwich invent
the pizza?

,: .@ "i - ry -.3 B:"":rr-

,r*;#4 Story 5: Did Mitly kill Mr Trent?
##ffi #rffi

Story 6: Were there any carrots in

Picture Mrs Midge's pie?
ffiffiffi Story 7: Was there a badger in the tower?

Picture Story 8: Was Firefrghter Patch a cat?

3 Now listen ond check.@,.,

mffi \Srlt* *r:*ther q*esti*r* *b**t ench *f the S st*flEes" Sw*p end fr*$wer.
Answer the questions with short Write five questions to osk o friend.
1 Do gou live in Europe?
1 Hove Uou got

2 Are gou ten geors old? 2 Do gou

3 Hove gou got o pet?

3 Are gou

4 Con gou speok ltolion?

4 Con gou

5 Is gour English teocher from Americo?

5 Did gou
6 Is there o computer in gour clossroom?

7 Are there ong onimols in gour clossroom?

7 Now osk o friend the questions.

8 Hos gour schoolgot o swimming pool?

1 Reod the storg qgoin. ,,"" @ '''

2 Motch.Then cover the sentence endings ond tell the storg.
1 The children went to q Firefighter Potch.
2 Theg wonted to find b but he didn't fight fires.
3 First theg tolked to c Firefighter Mogo.
4 A firefighter wos ploging d thefirefighters'pet.
5 The dog's nome e the Fire Service.
6 Potch worked for f the fire stotion.
7 He llved in the fire stotion, g with o dog in the gord.
I 8 Hewos h wos Potch!

3 Complete the storg plogscript.

1 Listen ond repeot.@*
2 Listen. Which sound do gou heor? Hold up gour left hond or gour right hqnd. @ r.'

3 Write the words next to the correct picture.

line string rice pigeon biscuit high
ffi f,@,+
mrrror knife squirrel right

tiallll nne

4 Listen ond check.Then listen ond repeot.@

5 Listen to the chont. Then sog.@ r.,

@@..@@-.:,,u. w..@
pigeon's got
- tr The pigeon's eoting rice. The -ro. some string.

k ffi The builder's climbing hhish,

ffi *'e ou]taer, o kite,

q,,ffi The knisht bike!
knight is on o bike! The knight is on o swing!

We usuollg spell the /arl sound with i + consonont + e, or with igh.

Reod the letters ond onswer the questions.

3 l+\ll s*eet , FIa* 38

27 Aak Tre"e Raad
6R-1 3AF Marg*an
t"18b 1AX
/3r d I'aay
^At? l4+h t4a4 ?eZ
Datr $elart'a,
l\v lovas votlr PYagl&Tffit.l'la urculd' lil ,e. to ba M4 aunt lovzs t4our proqraMwL. ghz
o.i't want your rob''-*a's a FteFgl*w' tt's a 1o bz on't kani your dlb,. Si",;';;;;i.. like
vwy inlwesting-1ob, but lt an be, dangac us too. ltls vnLrrt us.1{utsob, bu* i*
can;;rii;"';;'ioo. nu,o
Fala*ia, pefrA *v-1ob is rexaivy cals *wn lrats. )avouri4z phrt o1 4he.j:rob i*
u *aatin,
-'-J"!T *i)y* r,
Pa*ien*sl lvvur
Ye-ag, inv*a him soon-
Dabb'a 5milh Your$,
lvan Rober*sax

Letter 1 Letter 2
1 Who is the letter from? Debbie Smith
2 Where does he / she [ive? Flat 38
29 OakTree Rsad
3 When did he / she write the letter?

4 Who is the letter to? Melanie

5 Who is the letter obout? Debbie's dad
6 Whot does he / she do? Shek a nurse"
7 Whot is his / her job like? i nteresti ng, da n g ero u s
8 Whot's his / her fovourite port of
the job?

2 Imogine this letter is from gou. 3 Write o letter to Meloni". #

Complete the spoces. 1 Think of someone with on interesting job.
Answer questions 6,7 ond 8 from the toble.
Use gour onswers to write the letter in gour
notebook. Check gour work corefullg.
CopU gour letter neotlg.

Moke sure Uou write evergthing in the
correct ploce on Uour letter.

1 Complete the sentences. 2 Complete the crossword.

You con find the onswers on CB poge 70.

1 A triongte hos got three

2 A potggon hos got equol sides ond
a,,\ An- hos got eight sides.
1 This is o regulor Pentagan 3

2 4N \,,-
These ore
A squore hos got four
All polggons hove got

1\ This is o
A hos got six sides.
A heptogon hqs got
- sides.
4 Fe) These ore
1------'1 This is on irregulor

rQ These ore irregulor

7 This is o

11_r-r These ore
(rL__.1 Whot is the nome for o shope with ten sides?

Reod ond drow. 2 Look, count qnd mqtch.

Drow three different triongles.

Drow th ree different quodri [oterols.

There ore four quodriloterols.

Drow two different hexogons. There ore two pentogons.

3 c
There ore five triongles.

4 There ore three d hexogons.

#il1ffi ri
:ft ,,-.r_ -.... i:.r.: :. j.._F-' j:..
I i ! 'r, _1".' ; --i ..

ir'ft: , -i ;:-1.I ti-'-;'..'_t',..",,1 \.-. ..",--.1.. I-!--

I,i+., :,.'r -,-,..,.,_,,:.r,r,1 r-r.--i--"-,,t...'.-1,.,.. ThiS pattefn :tS: f:tfade of one Squafe) fouf
|, four octagons and eight hexagons.
The square is green and the triangles
;1,.i ',,...,, -'r.:.. I-{ /-.,
i- ,$-fi-\{",:.1-8..1 ;;'
-",-- red. Tlre octagons are yellow and the
-ji .. t -
f,gr@e'.EFe; oifftge;i
tii ,.,r,t +I*S(l,-llt,r. Jp'jf\,71i ' -rhi
Itii -'i''--..iJ ',F-$;{: :;-l{lots of different shapes.
i:,r;:i.i '. .". -r ' .. r '.
i:,= .f--J"- i; 1'

It.' t
-1' \J ffi;i;'l;;;.",'-;.*l"no- P'1i,q1radr
quadrilaterals, and eight
..i.i: .-- j- :
.a::i.r: :-.. :'t-..;'":.", ':' .'';,,.''
...i -,r
,. -;!l - i -.1':. -: ; W
-'-''---i -'-.,i
i::::i: i .1 .lr-...
.."i'.- -1..'l''..'-;-..".
,"''"f i.'.'i'...!.-i':--,1- 1"*'
-jli.- i l:. .:- i i, .1 : 1 i, _-1 -l'- -trr:-- -

:V,-Z[{2 1* ;'''r,o,: triangles.

Look bqck ot the unit. Whot con gou do? Think ond colour.
Not ot oll
1 I con remember the jobs words from CB poge 65.

2 I con totk qbout the job I wont to do.

3 I con use short onswers.

4 I con oct out mg version of the storu.

5 I con sog some words with these sounds:

hl ond /at/.
I con do o role plog obout jobs.

I con write o simple letter.

I con remember the words for polggons from

CB poge 70.

I con tolk obout polggons in potterns.

1 Number the Pictures. 3 Look ond write sentences.

'#rt str%.**'
r m- m Thegwentsnowboarding.
P::tq /E\
Thes didn't sa rock climbins'
E g.ffi,

2 Write the words.

Woter sports:

Mountoin sports:
tr @ ffi
tr ffi\7 ffi
Other sports:

# ffi

ffi*?c* fi *ists; { {*r sp#r{$ ry*u tik* cr:* th* e{li#i'f*i $F*fEs 1d*u d*#t like' ,l
I think rollerbloding is more
exciting thon ice skoting. I think skiing is the most expensive sport. I don't think so.

I think snowboording is sofer thon skiing. I think hiking is the cheopest sport. I think so too.

1 Motch the odjectives with their 4 Complete the toble.

Adjective Comporotive Superlotive
difficult exciting
cheop cheoper
boring sofe
eosg the eosiest
expensive eosu

dongerous cheop the sofest

expensive more
Listen qnd tick (/) the sports expensive
gou heor. @ tts the most
,a-.-=G exciting

#&" more difficult

-++"1e1 Fg
\ dongerous
i-rl-r I. lJ+

% # 5 Listen ond repeat.@ xs

-ts&L Whots the most

Whots the sofest sport?

Listen ogoin ond choose the

correct words. @ zts
1 She thinks mountoin biking is
6 Now do the speoking tosk.
@thon horse riding.
2 Hethinks .ffi
hiking,rffi sport.
I don't think so. Hiking is
eosier thon rollerbloding.
3 Theg think conoeing is

thon windsurfing.
4 She thinks snowboording is

The Present perfect
*ffi*S$. $,{,':. I've ploged bosketbo ll. She's eoten octopus.

I've never ploged bodminton. She's never eoten snoils.

Quesiiong .t'".' .:, Hove Uou ever ploged votlegbolt? Hos she ever eoten duck?
Yes, I hove. Yes, she hos.

No,I hqven't. No, she hqsn't.

1 Listen ond number the pictures. @us 4


climb climbed swrm

A (.-*..-.
r,clden I
ride --:/- drink
see breok
plou win
visit eot

t;, Moke sentences. Motch them to the

pictures in Activitg 1.
1mffiffiffiffitrffi r6 @ He's never climbed

a mountsin.

2 ffiffiffirffituT
- d
Picture Effitr
!i.,. J;:i


4 [$iffiffiffiffi
- tr
3 Now listen ond check.@ r.r"

{"**k st gt}* pf{tf.rr*s i* #*q.ivi{.# 5 *#min. Effrit* ****t +J*r*.

Write questions for the pictures in I Write true sentences obout gou.
Activitg 5.
Use post porticiples from Activitg 4.

1 Have gau ever climbed a mountain7

1 I've never swum with a dolphin.

2 I've ridden o camel.

7 Now osk gour portner the questions.

1 Reod the storg ogsin. wro @ t'.'t

2 Mqtch. Then cover the sentence endings ond tell the storg.
1 The children went to q climbing ond ccnoeing.
2 Theg hod to go horse riding, b the voice on the phone.
3 Rsv didn't like c o cup.
4 Rov hurt his knee d when he wCIs ctimbing.
5 Theg conoed olong the river e to the finish line.
6 The womon 0t the finish line wos f the winners of the competition!
7 The IncredibleTEom were the odventure sports centre.
8 Theg won the horse riding.

3 Complete the storg plagscript.

1 Listen ond repeot.@*o

Z Listen. Which sound do gou heor? Hotd up gour left hqnd or gour right hond. @ '''''

ffind) Mffi
3 Write the words next to the correct picture.

i ,


morket soiI
w@fustopler snoil


4 Listen ond check. Then listen ond repe at.@ nz

Listen to the chqnt.Then sog.@''"

The woves ore greu, The most is high, \
The woves ore dork. I mend the soit,

I climb the most, And from the most

I see o shork! I see o whole!

We often spetlthe /q:/ sound with the [etters ar.

1 Reod the diorg qnd write the dot e under eoch picture.

Friday }lst 1t/ne

Taday is t,4e ot rur boat trip.@lt oqr ca,ptain we lare t, Ae/p Alm on
tle b"at.
9atardav \Zrtd 5'tne :

We ta{ I
junped inta tAe urater artd sulam unt,l tAen. TAe
solne dalpAlns today.
water {as p,/ar,4,and'tAe dafpAinr *ranled to p/ay vt'itA,'ne.It *as brillianl.
9unday 23rd'5qoe
We stopped at aai 'fsfartd taday, T,1ere t{as a /ory beacA uritA pa/n trees. I cfirbed'a
-tree and'got ,a Cocaoqt. we apgned ft artd drank tAe ni/k. T'rc nerei drqik cocanqt
*t/k o*ff Tf
.*u'.u,r** !*,,..
Circle the importqnt words for Use the concept mop to complete the
Soturdog qnd Sundog in the text. text obout Mondog.
Then complete the concept mop.
ftonday ZatA J,lne
It nras 1
today. Wc
stepped at az we did
some 3
and "tkrt,:ure Aad
a4 a restaur-an{. ft
hlas a bft borlng. Pedro ,ay, tf's
gaing ta be a s
.!a ' Vlrtgers crassedt
fuiq t'+l'rl.*$


'@ 4 Imogine gou ore on holidog.
Write gour diorg.
1 Moke o concept mop for gour trip or
2 Write gour diorg entries. Check them
3 Drow pictures for gour diorg. Copg gour
entries neotlg.

Write the words. 2 Look, reod ond write the force numbers.
Wind speed Description
km/h of seo

I branch The seo is tike o mirror.

0 0
There is no wind.

The woves ore veru

4 high ond theg hide
1 1 I 103-117
smollboots.The seo
is white.

Force Force

Guess the onswers. Listen ond check. @ z'ze

The wind turbine ot the
Ecotech Centre, Norfolk
1 When wos this wind turbine built?
o 1989 b 1999

2 How mong wind turbines hos Britoin got?

q more thon 1800 bmore thon 2800

3 How mong homes does it moke electricitg for in o geor?

o obout 500 b obout 1000

4 How mong cups of teo con Uou moke with the electricitg
it produces in o geor?
o 1 million b 170 million

5 How mong steps ore there inside the tower?

o 300 b 500

6 How mong people hove visited the wind turbine?

o more thon 50,000 b more thon 500,000
ttirn'tverywindltodal.tcantvo\thsr^rind onml{aco,bu'ithe\oavotaron'I moving.tthinKil'tatorce tr^rind.
'l\tocy are bofio -Ihe1
tt'o quito windl tod4. ?a?eri outeide. are blouring around in tho wind. I thinK it's a
forca 4 wind.
tt'e very windl toda1. tt's raining, but tcan't uae m'1 umbrolla. tthinK ii's atorco b wind.
It'a quiie windl toda1. tho\eavn and iurige are moving in ths trsoa.lhYf\ags in front of m1 school are fl1ing.
t 'thinK ii't a torce 5 urind.

Look bock qt the unit. Whot con gou do? Think ond colour.
Not ot oll

1 I con remember the odventure sports words

from CB poge 73.
2 I con discuss ond compore sports.

3 I con moke sentences with the Present perfect.

4 I con oct out mg version of the storg.

5 I con sog some words with these

sounds: /er/ ond /s:/.

6 I con tolk obout mg sports hero.

7 I con write o diorg.

8 I con remember the Beoufort scole words

from CB poge 78.
9 I con use the Beoufort scole to estimote
the wind speed.

1 Look qnd motch.
The Elephcnt's Child: odopted from o st*rq bg Rudgord Kipling
1:FFi+-!agBil*r.+r The Elephont's Child A rock pgthon

Eli. i ..t..

r:. !: :r'

who is strong who is hetPfut who is hungrg who is verg curious

2 Listen to the storg ond number the pictures. @ *o

.llll,:;r I


3 Listen ogoin ond onswer the question 5.@ *o ' l'd

. Did elephonts hove trunks o [ong time ogo? 6 Whot did he see in the river?
': ,;'-;,'ill:i
Whot did the Elephont's Child do everg dog? 7 Where did the Elephont's Child put his heod?
t, Whot wos his question obout the crocodile? 8 Whot did the crocodile do?
I Who told him to go to the river? 9 Whot did the rock pgthon do?
I Who did he meet neqr the river? 10 Whot could the Elephont's Child do with his
I new nose?

4 Work in poirs ond tell the storg. Use the pictures to help gou.

5 Reod ond write words from the text thot hove o similor meoning.


A long, long time ago, Bear had a thick, long tail. tt was beautiful and Bear
showed his tail to all the animals. "took at my tail," he said. "tt's berutiful,
it's more beautiful than your tail; it's the vrost beautiful tail in the world."
The other animals didn'ttike Bear, buthe had huge claws, so they replied,
"Yes, yes, it's a beautifut tail." #
One winter Bear went to the take and he saw Fox there. Fox was sitting on the ice and he had a pile of fish by
him. gear loved fish. "uow did you catch all those fish?" he asked. "with my tail," said Fox. "with your taitt"

said Bear, "How?" =

"Well," said Fox. " Sit here by this hole in the ice and put your tail in the water, then wait for the fish to bite." ,:]:j
So Be6rput his tail in the hole and waited and waited. He was tired and :l
went to sleep. tt was freezing and it started to snow and soon the hole in the {
ice closed up.
Fox woke up Bear, "A fish!" he said, "Pullt" sear jumped up and pulled and
pulled and ... his tail broke off because the ice had closed around it. " My tail,
my tailt" cried Bear "where is my beautiful tail?"
50 now Bear and Fox aren'tfriends and bears have shofttails.

1 monu ueors ogo 5 reollg [iked

2 verg prettg 6 sleepg

3 verg big 7 verg cold

4 onswered I shouted

6 Now write o storg obout on onimol in gour countrg.

1 Plon gour storg. 2 Write gour storg.
Which onimolis the storg obout? Check it corefullg.
Whot hoppens in the beginning? Don't forget the title!
Whot hoppens in the middte? Drow some pictures.
Whot hoppens ot the end?
Grommor Vocobulorg

. going to . Woodlond onimols

. Questions ond short onswers . Jobs
. The Present perfect (for totking obout experiences) . Adventure sports

Look ond write sentences with 2 Look ond write. Then proctise the
going ta.

Whot hove Uou got in gour bog?

We've got some

Whot ore Uou going to do?

We?e qoing to

1 Tim ,s aoino to make a video.

Whot hove Uou got in Uour bog?
2 Iim ond Jess are aoing to

3 Thedeer

Tong Were

5 Two men

The pigeons
3 Write sentences. 5 :


1 I'm ooino to do mu homeworkafter school.

2 Jess: 1 Did gou like the film, Jim?

Jim: Yes,I2

Jess: t Were gou scored?

Jim: No,I a
.The Giont Bodger
wos funng.

Jess: gou hungrg, Jim?

Jim: Yes,I6 .I'm storving.

Jess: 7
gou wont some chips?
-Tim: Yes, I

o Listen ond check. @,.,''

Then proctise the diologue.
Complete the verb toble.
Infinitive Post form Post porticiple
sleep slept slept
visit visited
4 Ask ond onswer. Use the time phroses eot ote
from Activitg 3. ride rode
win won
plou ploged
breok broken
swtm swom
climb climbed
,: .::r - t::r3!

a, "ift
I Look qnd complete the sentences. 11 Find, circle ond write the words.
ffi ffi i#,
Y^ 6.\l
f c k b o h c m d
Activits 7. /
lfrom b o p o t m o u s e

r@* &
# n t e d e f r b q e

# ffi ed


d I

h o


u r

f@@ # ed
# t p s r d e d s r

Jg@ M












r# o b e k V W t o X
ed dB
c r m p g n k o I )
(o lot of moneg) fim and fess have never f b I o c k b I r d
won a lot of moneA.
(bodminton) less has Plaged
'd robin 7
(Indion food)Jim 2
@ 8
4 (o mountoin)less 3 {_ e
5 (in o tent) Jim ond Jess
@ u
6 (o donkeg)Jim
id 11
Write question s obout Jim ond Jess.
6c h
1 Hos Jim ever
12 Ask ond onswer.
2 Hos

13 Solve the riddle.

Mg third letter is in postmon ond in nine

fu $
Mg first letter is in H ond in-8
Mg fourth letter is in ond in td :

@ l

Mg eighth letter is in ,@'{ ondin *

'qE @
Mg second letter is in ond in ffi
Ms fifth letter is in
ft ond in
Mg seventh letter is in
lE ond rn G\a
Mg sixth letter is in
ond in qfu
Whot sport om I? n n
- -.
14 Look ot the picture. Find, circle ond write.

15 Now do the qctivities in the PMB. pMBs2onds3

Unit 1 There wos / were ...
Affirmative o comic.
on ottos.
some comics.
four otloses.
Neg*tive o toble.
o choir.
ong tobles.
ong choirs.
Que*tions on etephont?
o giroffe?
ong elephonts?
ong giroffes?

Unit 2 could ondcouldn't

*ffirmutive run.
f{egctive swim.
Suestionr run?
Could theg Could ondcouldnt don't chonge. Use could
swim? ond couldnt with oll the subjects: I, gou, he,
reod? she, it, we, theg.

Unit 3 The Post simple

Affirmutivs climbed the tree.
ote o sondwich.
N*g*tive didn't climb the lodder.
didn't eot on tce creom. Note:
GHsstions climb the rope? Use the some verb form for otlthe
Did he
eot on opple? subjects: I, gou, he, she, it, we, theg.

Unit 4 Post simple guestions with question words

hove for dinner?
do qesterdoU?
go to school?
Where did uou Did doesn't chonge. Use did with ollthe subjects:
buq hisT-shirt? I, goLr, he, she, it, we, theg.
finish the book? Use this structure with other question words too.
see the film? For exomple: Who .. .? What time . . .? Whg . ..?
Unit 5 The Post continuous
Affirmutivr I
We were
Theg ploging boseboll.
l{egctive I wotching television.
We wgren't
Que*tions I
reoding o book?
Were WC
Whot UOU
looking ot? Note:
were WC
" He ond it olwogs use.the some form of the
theL, verb os she.

Unit 6 much, monA, enough

Countsble Rouni
Affirmqtive I've got too monU
There ore enough
Negotive He hosn'tgot
enough poper clips.
There oren't
Ouestions opples ore there?
How mong choirs hove we got?
poper clips does she need?
UncouRtnble nouns ,

Affirmstive She's got too much

There's enough
Negative We hoven't got
enough poper.
There isn't
Ouastions su9or is there?
How much glue hos she got?
poper do rJou need?
Unit 7 going to
Affirmstive I om
We ore
Theu go to the pork.
She* is wotch television.
going to
NeEative I om not onswer the question.
You eot o sondwich.
We oren't
She* isn't
Qus*tianr uou go to the pork?
Are WC wotch television?
going to
theu onswer the question?
Is she* eot o sondwich?
qre WC do tomorrow?
Whot going to
theU hove for breokfost?
ts she*
ore WC
Where going to go on Soturdog?
ptog footbol[? " He ond it olwogs use the
ls she* some form of the verb os she.

Unit 8 Questions ond short onswers

Do UOU like horses? Yes,I do. No,I don't.
Does he plog footboll on Soturdogs? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Are theu hoppg? Yes, theg ore. No, theg oren't.
Is she o secretorU? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
Hove WC got ong drowing pins? Yes, we hove. No, we hoven't.
Hos she qot brown hoir? Yes, she hos. No, she hosn't.
Con uou swim? Yes,I con. No,I con't.
Did he go to school gesterdog? Yes, he did. No, he didn't.
Wos she sod? Yes, she wos. No, she wosn't.
Were theg in the pork ot six otlock? Yes, theg were. No, theg weren't.
Wos there o librorg in 1960? Yes, there wos. No, there wosn't.
Were there ong children in the pork? Yes, there were. No, there weren't.
Could he swim when he wqs five? Yes, he could. No, he couldn't.
Unit 9 The Present perfect
tried snowboording.
Shex hqs
eoten snoils.
sI+99!iyg I
ptoged hockeg.
We never
She* hos
tried soiling?
Hove WC
ever eoten duck? Note:
ploged bosebotl? " He ond it olwogs use the some
Hos she* form of the verb os she.

Infinitive Post form qnd post porticiple Infinitive Pqst form Post porticiple
buu lbarl bought lbcrtl be (om/is/ore) lbi:l wos/were lwoz,ws:l been ftli:nl
cotch lkretll cought lkc:tl blow lblaal blew /blu:/ blown /bleun/
cut lkt'tl cut lkrtl breok lbretkl broke /breuk/ broken /breukenl
feed lfidl fed lfedl choose lt!u:zl chose ltIauzl chosen lt"Iauzetl
feel lfi:ll fett lfeltl come lkt'ml come /kermi come lk,tml
fight lfattl fought lfc:tl do ldu:l did ldrdl done
find lfandl found /faundi drow ldrc:l drew ldru:l drown ldrc:nl
get lgetl got lgotl drink /drr4k/ dronk ldrr,\kl drunk /dr.r,4k/
hove lhevl hod lhxdl eot li:tl ote leftl eoten li:lanl
heor /hre(r)/ heord /h3:d/ fotl lfc:ll fetl lfell follen lfc:Ienl
hit lhrtl hit lhrtl flg lflatl flew lflu:l flown /fleon/
hold /heuld/ hetd /heldl forget ltdQetl forgot lfd'gotl forgotten fidgotnl
leove lli:vl teft lleftl give lgwl gove lgewl given lfuwenl
lose lltt:zl lost /lost/ go lgeal went lwentl gone lgonl
moke /merk/ mode lmerdl grow lgreol grew lgru:l grown /graun/
meon /mi:ni meont lmentl hide lhafil hid lhril hidden lhtdnl
meet lmi:tl met lmetl know lnaul knew lnju:l known /neun/
pog lperl poid lpefil leorn lls:nl teorned ils:ndi leornt lls:ntl
put lpatl put lpatl ride hardl rode haudl ridden l'rldnl
reod lri dl reod hedl run lrl'nl ron henl run h,tnl
sog lsetl soid lsed/ see lsi:l sow lsc:l seen /si:n/
send /send/ sent /sent/ shoke l.fel]r.l shook l[ukl shoken l|elrkenl
sit lsrtl sot lsletl show l[aul showed l[eudl shown {eun/
sleep /sli:pi slept /slept/ sing /sr4/ song lsa,gl sung /srrl/
stond /staend/ stood istud/ steo[ /sti:l/ stote /steuV stolen /'steulen/
stick /strk/ stuck /st,tki swim /swrm/ swom /swem/ swum /sw,rm/
tetl lteU told lteuldl toke lterkl took ltokl token /terkeni
think /0rgk/ thought l9c:tl weor iwee(r)/ wore /wc:(r)/ worn lwc nl
win lwnl won lwr..:r'l write lruttl wrote heatl written l'rtnl
Hswto make Sholtwe look in the otlos? oK.
suggestions Let's check in o dictionorg. Good ideo.
How to tolk sbout How do Uou sog in English?
words How do gou spell
Whot does meon?
How to describe Whot's it like? -? It's big ond round.
objects -
How old is it? It's 50 geors old.
Where's it from? It's from Chino.
Whot's it mode of? It's mqde of potteru.
How to qrk for qnd Excuse me. Where's the costle, pleose? Turn left.
give directions Turn right.
Go stroight oheod.
Toke the second left.
! It's on the riqht.
How to oskforthings Con gou poss me the tope, pleose? Yes. Here gou ore.
potitetg Con I hove some cord, pleose? Sorrg, I hoven't got qnU.
Con I borrow o stopler, pleose? Sorrg,I hoven't got one.
it Sorru,I'm usinq it.
I How to tslk obout I hove to moke mg bed.
obtiEution We don't hove to cleon the windows.
He hos to do the woshing up.
She doesn't hove to tidg the living room.
Do gou hqve to cleon the windows? Yes,I do. No, I don't.
Does he hove to wosh the cor? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Whot would gou like?
How ts order food in I'd tike tomoto soup, pleose.
I 0 restoursnt Would gou like o dessert?
Whot would gou like to drink? Con I hqve some juice, pleose?
Angthing else?
i How to describe It's o mommol. It eots worms ond roots.
qnimotr It's block ond white. It lives in gordens ond woods.

It's got four legs.
I How to tolk obout Whot do gou wont to be when gou grow up? I wont to be o doctor.
the job Uou wont to whg? Becouse I like biologg.
do Becouse I wont to work
with people.
I think rollerbloding is more exciting thon ice
:lii How to discuss ond I think so too.
I cCImpore sports skoting. I don't think so.
I think snowboording is sofer thon skiing.
iI I think skiing is the most expensive sport.
I think hiking is the cheopest sport.

This wordlist contoins the moin longuoge thot pupils will see in the Closs Book for eoch unit. Some longuoge
from the Activitg Book is olso included. Core longuoge items ore in bold. Other longuoge (e.9. from stories
ond texts) ore non-bold. Note thot this list doesn't include irregulor verbs thot ore listed on poge 97.

ot /'lok tet/ next to /'nekst tu/

Storter unit look
love (v) lll,vl pointing(n) /'perntt6/
onswer(n)(v) /'o:nsa(r)/ mogozine lmngo'zi:nl plote lple*l
Art lo:tl mouse(computer) /maus/ trick) lpletl
ptou (o
certificote /se'trfrkat/ need (v) /ni:d/ pound (f) lpaurdl
competition /kompe'trJnl newspoper /'nju:spetpe(r)/ rhino l'ratnaal
enter (o competition) /'ents(r)/ notice /'nautrs/ rocks /roks/
exptore /rk'splc:1r1/ pictures I'ptkttazl soucer /'sr:se(r)/
Geogrophg ld1r'ografil ploce mot /'plers met/ sketeton /'skelatan/
goodot... /'gudet/ poster/'peuste(r)/ spoon /spu:nl
GUm ldVrrl remember lu'membe(r)/ stou lsterl
HistorU /'hrsteri/ shelf {'elf/ sticks /strks/
internet /'rntanet/ smoll letters /'smr:l letazl strong /stroq/
listen to (v) /'hsn tul spu /spar/ tetI the time /tel de 'tarrr/
Moths lmre0s/ stronge /strernd3l ticket l'ttkltl
Music I'mju:zrW thick lines l9rk'lamzl vose lvs:zl
Never mind. /'neva matndl thin lines l9n'lanzl wont (v) /wont/
Science l'sarens/ thinkof /'0rnk avl weigh lwetl
skoteboording /'skertbr:dIp/ title l'tartll
Stop her! /'stDp hs(r)/ use (v) lju:zl
surnome /'ss:nerm/ website /'websart/ Unit 3
toke port (in) /terk 'po:t/ work (v) /ws:k/ odd ladl
teom lti:nt/ (suit of) ormour /'o:ma(r)/
text messoge /'tekst mestd3i orrow l'ir.raul
Too [ote. ltu:'lefil Unit 2 bow lbaol
orticte I'o:ltkl/ costle l'ko:sl/
between /br'twr:n/ chemist /'kemrst/
Unit 1
bison /'barsn/ church ltl3i.l'l
otlos /'zetles/ bones lbaunzl (grondfother) ctock /klokr
outhor /'c:0e(r)l bottle l'botU count (v) /kaont/
bod-tempered /baed'tempod/ bowl lbaull diomond /'daromend/
book review /'buk ravju:/ brush lbrrfl equols l'i:kwelzl
brittiont /'brrliont/ bult lball fotconer /'fnlkene(r)/
colendor /'kahnde(r)/ cove /kerv/ fight lfattl
copitol letters lkapftl'letazl cinemo /'srnems/ footprint l'frstprtntl
corru I'kalil ctimb (v) lklarm/ hospito[ /'hosprtl/
cortoon /ko:'tu:n/ cup lk,',pl hotel /heu'tel/
chorocter l'karrkta(r)/ deer ldra(r)l hundred /'h,tndred/
clever /'kleve(r)/ different /'drfrant/ kid lktdl
colours I'kttlozl dig (n) (v) ldtgl king lkr4l
comic /'komrk/ dinosour /'darnasc:(r)/ knight lnattl
concept mop /'konsept mep/ discover /drs' mop lmepl
crosh (computer) (v) lkrae.J'l fost /fo:st/ morket /'mo:krt/
crook /krok/ feothers I'Iedozl minus /'marnes/
dictionorg /'drkJnri/ fork lf::kl moot lmeatl
dress /dres/
fossit /'fosl/ museum /mju:'zrem/
encaclopedio /rnsarkleu'pi:die/ gloss /gio: s/ notebook /'neutbuk/
equotor h'kwerta(r)/ goot lgautl penci[ /'pensl/
findout lfamd'autl hondprint /'haendprrnt/ plus /pl,rs/
hetp (v) lhelpl police stotion /pe'li:s sterJn/
heovg /'hevi/
hotidog /'holsder/ I'm storving! /aIm 'sto:vr4/ queen /kwi:ni
ideo lar'drcl jug /d3,xgl restouront /'restront/
interview I'rntavju:/ knife lnatf I rubber /'r,,rba(r)/
islond l'ailandl [omp /lemp/ shop lJopl
leoflet l'li:flet/ mommoth i'mame0/ sign /sarn-/
Let's... /lets/ metre /'mi:ta(r)/ subtroct /seb'trekt/
librorion /lar'breerien/ (v) /mrks/
mix supermorket /'su:pemo:ktt/
[ibrorg /'larbrori./ mug lmtgl sgmbo[ /'srmbl/

ten ltenl Wet[ spotted. /wel 'spotrd/ decorotions /deko'rer.finzl
theotre /'0Iete(r)/ wire /'waro(r)/ everuone /'evriw,tn/
thief /0i:f/ You're kidding! /jc: 'krdrg/ fot (n) lf8tl
thousond l'9auzndl zip lztpl fibre /'farbo(r)/
tournoment /'tc:nement/ flour 'flaue(r)/

tower /'taoo(r)/ fruit ltrlu:tl

tru on ltrat'onl Unit 5 hord-boited eggs /ho:d bcIld 'egzl
in the middte iIn rle 'mrdl/
window /'wrndao/ otibi I'elabarl
zelo l'uereul bee lbi:l ingredients An'gri:diantsi
broin /brern/ lomb stew /lam'stju:/
broom /brurm/ lemonode /leme'nerd/
Unit 4 clorinet /klrerI'net/ lemons l'lemanzl
cleon the windows /kli:n 6e 'wtndauz/
moshedpototo imej't Pa'terteu/
orrive le'rall meol lmi:U
botonce (v) /'balens/ cook (v) /kuk/
(v) meot lmi:tl
bollpoint pen ,/bc:lpcrnt 'Pen/ donce /do:ns/
move (v) /mu:v/
Better luck next time! /bete 'nekst disoppeor /drsa'pre(r)l
do the woshing /du: 6e 'woJrl/
nuts /nats/
tarm/ oil ltll
comero l'kaemral do the woshing uP /du: de wnJrg 'aP/
drums ldrtmzl onions l',tnjenzl
cor iko:(r)/ oven I't vnl
cord /ko:d/ electronic kegboord hlek'tronik'ki:bc:dl
flute people I'Pi:Pll
colour (v) /'k.tle(r)/ lflu:tl
pizzo(s) /'pi;tsa/
copu (v) /'knpi/ (hove) fun lf t'nl
protein /'preuti:n/
cut (out) lkrtrl guitor /gr'to:(r)/
heort lhs:tl recipe /'resepi/
difficutt /'dtflkalt/ reporter /u'pc:ta(r)/
Don't besillg! /deont bi 'srli/ lost night /lo:st 'nart/
for /'krk fo:(r)/
rice lrarsl
dottedline /dotrd 'larn/ look
roostbeef /raust 'bi:f/
drowing pins /'drc:t6 plnzl moke the bed /meIk de 'bedl
dinner /merk de 'drne(r)/ solod /'salad/
drop idrop/ moke the
sott /scrlt/
end (n) lendl moroco ime'raka/
somosos /se'meusez/
fotd (v) /feuld/ musicol instrument /mju:zrkl'rnstrement/
sousoges /'sosrdSrz/
follow /'fnleu/ orgon l'tganl
percussion /pe'ka.fn/ spinoch /'sprnrdg/
fridge lfrtdsl storch /sto:tJl
future /'fjurtJa(r)/ piono /pi'eneu/
plou (ottheotre) (n) lpletl
(strowberrg) ice creom /'als kri:m/
glue lght:l portu /'stri:t po:tii
hotd (v) /hauid/ ptogground /'plergraund/
ptuck(strings) /pl,rk/ street /stri:t/
instructions hn'strakJnz/ sugor /'.fuge(r)/
interesting /'tntrestrg/ put out the rubbish lput aut 6e 'r,rbrfl
recorder irr'kr:do(r)/ sweets /swi:ts/
invent ln'ventl (tomoto) soup /su:p/
invention /rn'venJn/ signo[ /'srgneV
tombourine /tembo'ri:n/ vegetobles l'ved3teblzl
inventor hn'vente(r)/ vitomins l'vftemnzl
It doesn't motter. lfi drznt'mete(r)/ theotreprogromme /'eretepreugrem/ (n) /'wc:te(r)/
It tooks tike... irt 'luks lalld tidg the living room /taIdi de 'hvt4 ru:m/
finished! /wi:v 'frnr.[tl
It'scotled... hts'kr:ld/ trumpet /'tr,rmprti
jeons ldSi:nzl vocuum the corpet /vekju:m da 'kc:pIt/
wonderfu[ /'w,rndsfV
violin /vare'lrn/ world-fomous /wsrld fermas/
tight bulb i'lart b,rlb/
gesterdog /'iestedel/
microwoveoven /markreuwerv',rvn/ wotertheplonts /wc:teda'Plo:nts/
mirror /'mrro(r)/ wove (goodbue) (v) /werv/ Uoghurt l'iogatl
mobilephone imaubarl'faurl witch lwft!l
modetting clog /'modh4 kleri wizord l'wruadl
point /peInt/ xglophone l'zailafounl
Unit 7
pointbrush /'perntbr,rfl You'rewrong. ljt:'roql odopt le'doptl
poper clips /'peIpa khPs/ odvert /'redvs:t/
post (n)/porst/ onimoI rescue centre /aenrmel 'reskju: sente(r)/
periscope i'perlskeupi Unit 6 onUthing /'eni0rg/
rodio /'rerdieu/ opple pie l*pl'patl bodger /'bedse(r)/
solid [ine /sohd'larn/ pototo bond (music) lber:ndl
boked iberkt pe'tertaul
spinner i'sprna(r)/ binoculors ibI'nokjulaz/
bononomilkshoke lbeno:ne'mrlkJetk/
stopler /'sterple(r)/ beons lbi:nzl
blockbird /'blekb3:dl
strows lstrc:zl portg /'b::OdeI po:til
cornivore /'ko:nrvc:(r)/
string /strrg/ broccoli /'brokalil coterpillor /'keeteprla(r)/
stuck (odj) /stak/ butter /'birte(r)/ consumer /ken's.iu;me(r)/
tope ltetpl crosh (v) lkrr,.ll
colcium /'kalsiam/
teobog l'ti:bagl creepU /'kri:pi/
condle /'kandl/
time mochine l'tarm maJi:n/ decomposer /di:kem'Pauze(r)/
corbohgdrote iko:be'hardrelt/
timeline I'tatmlanl corrots /'karets/ deer /dra(r)/
trovel I'travU donotion /deu'nerJn/
chips /tJrps/
troveIter /'trevle(r)/ (chocolote) mousse fmu:s/ energg /'ened3i/

food choin /'fu:d tJ'ern/ regulor /'regjele(r)/ Festivols
food web /'fu:d web/ secretorg /'sekratri/
fox /foks/ shirt {s:t/ Brusselssprouts /'braslz'sprauts/
genius /'d3i:nias/ shop ossistont /'Jop osrstentl burn /lg:nl
hobitot I'ha,bfiatl side (of shope) lsardl corn lkc:nl
howk /hc:h/ squqre iskwee(r)/ cronberrg souce /'kraenberi'sc:s/
hedgehog /'hedShog/ triongle l'trat'aqgll decorote /'dekerert/
herbivore /'hs:brvc:(r)/ trousers I'trauzezl dragon I'dragenl
Itt hurt. /rts 'hs:t/ T-shirt l'ti: ls:tl envelope /'enveleup/
leoves llt:vzl TV progromme iti: 'vi: preugrrem./ fietd lfi:ld/
messoge /'mestdSi unequol /,rn'i:kwel/ horvest /'ho:vrsti
mouse(onimol) lmausi uniform /'ju:nrfc:m/ horn lht:nl
omnivore l'omnlc:zl woitress /'weltres/ lontern l'lrntanl
orphon l'c:fenl Whot do gou meon? /wot du ju 'mi:n/ luckg /'l.r,ki/
perhops /pe'haps/ gord ijo:d/ mondorin oronge /'mendrln'orrndS/
pigeon l'prdSlr,l moon /murn/
Poor thing. /pc:'0tr1l NewYeor's Dog /njur jiez del
postcord /'peustko:d/ Unit 9 onions l'rnjanzl
producer ipre'dju:se(r)/ porode /pa'rerdi
odventure sports centre /edventJe 'spc:ts
robbit I'rtrbfil pottern /'pet(e)ni
robin /'robln/ Beoufort scote /'beufo:t skerl/
Pilgrim /'prlgrrm/
rOOtS /ru:ts/ bronch /bro:nt.fl
pumpkin pie /'pampkrn'par/
seeds lsi:dzl pumpkin /'p,rmpkrn/
conoeing /ke'nu:r1i
snoil /snerV roost pototoes /reust pe'teltauz/
crowd lkraudl
squirrel /'skwrral/ dongerous /'dernd3eras/
region l'ri:d1@)nl
stems lstemzl diorg l'darcril squosh lskwofl
survive /se'varv/ eosu I'ilzil Thonksgiving /'ee4ksgrvr4/
photo /terk
toke o o 'fautao/ finish line /'finrJ larn/
turkeg I'13:kil
tonight lta'nattl flog lflr,gl
vet lvetl freezing (odj) l'fri:znjl
wood lwud/ go-korting /'gauko:tr4/
Me ond mg world 1
worm lws:fiJ group lgru:pl ottic I'atikl
hiking /'harkrs/ businessmon /'brznrsmon/
horse riding /'hc:s rardrp/ costle /'ko:sV
Unit 8 ice skoting /'ars skertrg/ coin lkc:li,l
obseiling /'ebserh4/ iceberg /'arsbs:g/ mice /mars/
ongle l're49V kite lka-,tl noil /nerl
ongwhere /'eniweo(r)i leof /li:f/ sondwich i 'sendwrdSi
ortist/'o:trst/ mongo /'maggeu/ soup /su:p/
beover /'bi:va(r)/ most /mo:st/
builder /'brlda(r)/ medol /'medV
bus driver /'b,rs drarve(r)/ mountoin biking /'mauntrn barkr4/ Me ond mg world 2
compsite /'kempsart/ mountoin l'mauntrnl cloud /klaudl
cleqner /'kli:ne(r)/ record (n) /'rekr:d/ Emperor /'emp(a)rel
cook(n) lkuV rock climbing /'rok klarmrgi hide ftl'aldl
documentorg /dokje'mentri/ rollerbloding /'rauleblerdr4/ hungrg /'h,r4gri/
exciting /rk'sartrl/ root hu:fl knowledge /'nohd3/
fire engine i 'fara(r) endgrn/ sofe (odj) /serf/ noughtg I'nt:til
firestotion /'fare sterJn/ soil (n) /serl/ soldier /'sould3e/
firefighter /'farefarte(r)/ soiling /'serhg/
heptogon /'heptegen/ skiing /'ski:14/
hexogon /'heksagen/ smoke /smauk/ Me qnd mg world 3
importont irm'pc:tenti snowboording /'sneobr:dr6/ crocodile /'kroedarl/
irregulor /r'regjala(r)/ sportsmon /'spo:tsmen/ clow lkb:l
jocket l'd3r,kttl tile ltail curious /'k.iuerias/
job ld3obl tru(windsurfing) ltratl hurt /hs:tl
kind (odj) /karnd/ twig ltwrgl snow /sneir/
letter /'leto(r)/ umbrello /,rm'brelai spottg /'spnti/
look ofter iluk 'o:fta(r)/ wove (in seo) (n) lwetvl trunk /tr,r.8k/
mechonic /mo'kaenlk/ whole lwe{ll
octogon /'oktegen/ wind /wrnd./
pottern l'petan/ windsurfing /'wrnds::fr4/
pentogon i'pentegan/ winner /'wrne(r)/
police officer
/pa'li:s ofrse(r)/
postmon /'paustmen/
quodriloterol /kwndrr'letraU
quiz lkwtz/
rectongle i 'rektengU
1 Look ot Uour Closs Book ond Activitg Book for the unit.
2 Find three new words for eoch of the sounds for thot unit.
3 Write the new words next to the correct sound.

Unit 1 lt:l ond lul

lu:l UI

@ #
Unit 2 lol ond lc:l

Unit 3 laul ond leul


Unit 4 la,:l ond ltyl

Unit 5 ltl snd h:l

Unit 6 lnl ond /,r/

lnl l,tl

Unit 7 ls:l ond lczl

ls:l lc:l

Unit 8 ltl ond latl


Unit I letl ond /o:/

letl lg;l

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