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End-Term Examination, Fall Semester 2020-21

Name of Student- Diksha Kanwar

Enrolment No. LA19MCE140
Department / School- TSOM
COURSE NAME: Environment Studies, Human Rights & Media


Ans1- Firstly, the starting of the statement is in bad taste as it is suggesting that a guy
named Jared runs fast despite being white. The first line is insulting to men belonging
to the United States, who are often referred to as ‘white men’ or in this case ‘white
boy’ as it is being assumed that if a man is white he won’t have the ability to run fast.
Even though the statement is made to praise Jared, it is not correct to state that he runs
fast for a ‘white boy’, as the ability to run has nothing to do with a persons native
place or skin colour. 
In the second part of the statement, it is said that Kipkoech, the Kenyan runner looks
like a W.O.G which is a kind of insult slang or slur used for people who belong to
countries which are less developed and are not populated with people who are white in
colour. The acronym WOG is not insulting otherwise as it means Western Oriented
Gentleman, but when used in relation with ethnicity its meaning changes due to the
history and origin of the word. 
All in all, this statement when seen by the naked eye doesn’t look derogatory or
degrading, but it has some hidden insults which can be seen and should be avoided.

Ans2- Kangana has portrayed many female lead roles that go against Indian traditions
and how women are often taught to behave in the outside world. Whereas, the roles
she portrayed were brave, assertive and bold the reality however is somewhat the
opposite. Hence, Rekha who plays the perfect Indian woman roles is taken as the role-
model for a lady. This is as wrong as in statement as it is in practice. Indian traditions
and values hold a very important place if we take our culture into consideration, but
on the other hand they are also oppressive and biased towards the male-gender which
has in turn given birth to the patriarchal society that we live in today.
The statement above is correct with reference to what we’ve been taught over the
centuries and have been told to accept which is being the perfect woman, catering to
the needs of your family, behaving well and decently in front of the elders and always
obeying what you’re told. This is only fair if this is what you want to do with your
life, otherwise following some traditions at the cost of sacrificing what you actually
want to do is wrong in all aspects and not only on your part if you fall prey to these
traditions but also the society which has taught you that this is the only way to grow
up and the only option you have. 

Ans3- The first thing I’d like to point out is that even if we’re talking about the most-
wanted terrorist and about finding a way to get a confession out of him, we still cannot
say that ‘they tortured him as it was their right’. Torturing someone (anyone) is not
another persons right, even if it’s about the most wanted criminal because criminals
are still human beings and human beings have the right to live or in this case until
proven guilty and sentenced to a form of punishment. 
Torture is used against prisoners and terrorists to get them to confess and spare details
about their wrong doings, in order to get maximum information about their
background and probably their companions, it is nowhere in the constitution stated
that torturing a person under any circumstance is allowed in fact there is no provision
about torture at all. 
However, right to life exists as a fundamental right in the Indian Constitution and as
human beings they also have the right for a trial. 
But all this is rarely followed to the fullest and most terrorists are killed at the first
sighting or in an encounter anyway which makes this statement all the more wrong. 

Ans4- Even though cotton is the highest produced non-food crop, and that gives it an
economic edge over any other material for making clothes because of abundant
availability. It’s environmental ramifications are seriously dangerous, thus labelling a
pair of 100-percent jeans as ‘environment-friendly’ is beyond wrong. 
The crop uses up more than 2,700 litres of water and that is not considered an
environmental friendly option in any state of mind. 
Along with abundant water consumption while growing cotton crops, the chemical
usage is also something to be scared about, as it uses more amounts of pesticides than
almost any other non-food crop which is causing serious damage to soil replenishment
and by extent to the environment. 
Now about sustainability, the crop may not be doing so well on its own when it comes
to this but its better alternative ‘organic cotton’ is gaining momentum. 
So, all in all cotton is far from an environmental friendly option to make jeans that too
for a fast growing company that will obviously mass produce this clothing item. Last
and the most surprising  fact is that the amount of energy consumed to take care of
these cotton products and clothes is way more than it requires produce and even
transport them, which makes sense as it is a very delicate material and it may be the
best time for an alternative.  

Ans5- The coffee shop should be penalised for providing styrofoam cups, plastic
straws and the cute plastic bags with emoticons to their customers because of the ban
that has been placed on single-use plastic. The ban was placed so that the use of single
use plastic material can be curbed and less plastic waste is produced, because disposal
of plastic is a huge problem globally as it does not decompose and stays on for years
to come causing nothing but pollution and problems. 
Thus, this single coffee shop is also playing a huge role in contributing to the total
plastic waste production and the only way that can be stopped is through hefty fines. 
The statement also comes as a bit of a shock as the person is speaking is almost happy
for being provided with the cups and straws that are causing our planet to choke every
time you take a sip and more so about the plastic bags which are nothing but a threat
to the environment. This shows how irresponsible we are as citizens and how ignorant
of the bigger picture that never crosses our mind while eating out of plastic utensils
and using plastic cups to pour our drinks, while mother nature is gasping to catch a
breath every time  we take a bite. 

Ans8- If you have an electric car then you’ve already taken the first step towards a
better future and a better lifestyle, but they go to trash if your mind is still wandering
off to things like petrol to add to the list of your daily needs. 
Petrol is nothing but the poison that is slowly seeping into the earth and causing to die
a very slow and painful death. Chances are you already have blood on your hands for
this death if you have a petrol car.
The thing which is wrong about this statement is that the person thinks that one car is
not making a difference, it’s true one car will not make a difference IF you turn it into
a petrol car but it is making an ever so slight difference right now, as the number of
petrol cars on the road right now is huge whereas only 2.3% of the total cars on road
are electric. 
Now that you think about it, you’re the one with an edge, you’re the one who is being
the change and you’re the one making sure that the earth survives long enough for
your kids to see it. Thus, you’re the one who is actually making a difference and that
is why the statement above is so wrong. 

Ans9- Morals and ethics are what drove you to be an editor of the newspaper world in
the first place. But that doesn’t mean you won’t have to alter everything you ever were
in order to become the person who is actually responsible for some change. 
The first thing to note is the money spent to send the reporter away on work and, as
the editor would now be answerable to the seniors and would have to work on a way
around that because the budget set for the story coverage is being used elsewhere. The
second thing is, now that the reporter is busy with the child the important story about
the drought is left uncovered which breaks the ethical code for being a journalist in the
first place.
The main dilemma is if you as an editor can allow the reporter to do what he/she
wants and take care of the child, even though the reporting of the news is a pressing
issue at the moment and if the channel does not cover it, it’ll be a huge problem at the
hands of the editor which is ethically wrong and you’ll have nothing to substantiate
your argument with if you’re questioned about it but morally the right thing to do
would be to take the child to the hospital right away because a life is more important
than anything at any given moment. With this, I rest my case and the voices in my

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