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End-Term Examination, Fall Semester 2020-21

Name of Student- Diksha Kanwar

Enrolment No. LA19MCE140
Department / School- TSOM
COURSE NAME: Media planning and buying


After being pioneers of glassware, Borosil is now ready to venture into steel-ware and
other home appliances. They’ve already won the world with their top in class product
quality and are now set to conquer by fulfilling their prior promises in the steel world
Launching a whole new line of kitchen appliances like microwave ovens, food
processors, refrigerators, toasters and air fryers. 


Target audience- The target audience for our products remains the same and
collectively falls under the umbrella of the middle-income Indian households. Except,
with the introduction of home appliances and steel-ware our target on housewives,
with bigger families increases. This is because home appliances will be viewed as a
helping hand for women who spend most of their time at home taking care of the
needs of her family. 

Competitors- Companies such as Philips, Inalsa, Bajaj Electricals and Morphy

Richards are the top competitors the brand will face when it comes to kitchen
appliances. Whereas other home appliances may have much bigger competition like
LG, Godrej, IFB and 
Steel-ware by BOROSIL may have competition such as brands like Prestige and other
local retailers from where people buy their steel-ware. 

Vision- Our vision is to be the most customer-centric company in the world. 

Now this may seem impossible, but the standards BOROSIL has already reached
through its glass ware all around, it will for sure reach those same heights in no time
for all its future endeavours. 

The message to be communicated- As we go on about our daily work we never care

to think about the people who are at home making sure that all our needs are met and
we don’t have to face difficulty in any aspect of our lives. Little do we know that even
they are facing the hardest of time at home, so Borosil is now here with an all new
range of home appliances and steel-ware to make the life of the homemakers a little
easier and a little better.

Message type- The message we’re trying to convey with this range is supposed to be
an emotional and family-based one, touching on the lives of housewives and their
struggles at home. 


The advertisement for such a big announcement (BOROSIL entering the steel-ware
and home appliances world) should take place on Television and Social Media as well
as Newspapers. 

Platforms that will be used to advertise-

Television- TV ads will display a portrayal of a family, with a working wife and a
house-husband (which is a dream) this will then be reversed as the husband realises
the struggles a wife has to face at home and bring her new appliances and kitchenware
in the morning, thanking her for everything she does. This will touch a sentimental
note and encourage people to indulge in BOROSILs new introductions.

Social Media (promotion)- With the introduction of the new range, all social media
influencers who are also wives and have to manage their work and home together will
be presented with the company’s new appliances and will be asked to promote them
by making an innovative video with their use and combining it with their personal
content, this way these products will reach even the younger generation who are fond
of social media. 

Newspaper- Newspaper ads will be simple, with just the announcement of the new
range along with pictures of the products which are introduced. 

Scheduling pattern- 
Pulsing- which is a mix of both the other strategies, where a base amount of activity is
set and the media activity is increased during some periods. 
This pattern will help in the boost of the products as they are launched. As BOROSIL
is a well-known brand, it need not advertise all year round, and only has to increase
the advertising pulse once in a while for its kitchenware and appliances. 

Ads will be scheduled based on-

Marketing Objective- As our objective for now is making people aware of our new
products and thus eventually an increase in their sales, we should focus on advertising
maximum for now and eventually lower down the number of ads as the people
become more aware about the new BOROSIL. 

TG Viewership- As the TG is middle-income families and housewives, the maximum

number of ads on TV should be around early noon (around 12pm) when most mothers
are free from their work at home and their children are not yet back from school, thus
giving them plenty of free time to watch television. Also late evening (after 9pm),
when they are about to retire from their household responsibilities for the day and
have time to relax before going to sleep. 

Sales Trend- The sales for these products happen all year round as per the
requirements of the customer, whenever they feel the need. Although, summers see a
peak in the sales of electronics as most stores have SALE on these items. Thus, the
advertising for our new products should increase when the SALE season, that is
during summers arrives and more and more customers can be made by presenting
attractive offers at the time. 

Purchase cycle- Purchase of electrics is a big deal as they are a long term purchase,
and thus a purchase cycle cannot be determined because these items if used well can
last a lifetime. 

Product Availability- This means that when the advertising is at its peak the product
should always remain in the market and in right in front of peoples eyes, thus product
availability has to increase around the summer season when stores have SALE so as to
not be declared sold out anywhere. 

Markets and competition- It is important to know your competition but not

important to follow their scheduling and advertising pattern, this is because we can
make our presence seen and make a spot in peoples mind when they are at their

Budget- Our budget is a big contributing factor but as BOROSIL is a huge

comparison in terms of glass ware, the advertisements for its new introductions should
be done by going all in, this budget for the above mentioned products is not a

Reach and frequency- 

Promotional pulse- The advertising for the new launch should be somewhat like a
promotional pulse, as people are not yet aware that BOROSIL is indulging in steel-
ware and appliances and if they are told it should be big and grand. They should be
reminded and told frequently, that is showcasing its ads on TV everyday of the week
initially. This will make sure that a prominent presence is made and then ensure an
increase in sales eventually. 

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