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EnP Board - Practice Questions

By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

Item Questions Answer

1. Any legal restriction or limitation on quantities, rates, and/or C

concentrations or any combination thereof, of physical, chemical or
biological parameters of effluent which a person or point source is
allowed to discharge into a body of water or land is referred to as:

A. Standard rate of discharge

B. Threshold rate
C. Effluent Standard
D. Standard Concentration

2. R.A. 9275, (Clean Water Act of 2004), Integrated Water Quality D

Management Framework contains the following, except one:

A. water quality goals and targets

B. period of compliance
C. water pollution control strategies and techniques;
D. list of pollutants

3. In R.A. 9275, Water Quality Management Area Action Plan includes the D
A. goals and targets including sewerage or septage program,
B. schedule of compliance to meet the requirements of R.A. 9275
C. water pollution control strategies or techniques
D. all of the above

4. How many provinces in the Philippines are in the coastal areas? C

A. 79 B. 56 C. 64 D. 52 E. 70

5. Coral reefs in the Philippines cover an area of about: D

A. 45,000 sq km B. 20,000 sq km D. 32,000 sq. km D. 27,000

sq km.

6. The following are major river basins except one: C

A. Agusan River
B. Mindanao River
C. Palawan Underground River
D. Cagayan River

7. Which of the following river basins has the largest drainage area? D
A. Agusan River
B. Mindanao River

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

C. Palawan Underground River

D. Cagayan River

8. Which government agency is the implementing arm of R.A. 9275 (Clean B

Water Act of 2004?

A. Local Water Utilities Administration

B. DENR -Environmental Management Bureau
C. DoH
D. National Water Resources Board

9. The Local Development Investment Program (LDIP) process is made up D

of three (3) streams of activities.
First - Producing a ranked list of projects and programs with
corresponding cost;
Second - Determining available funds for investment;

What is the third stream?

A. Securing Executive Legislative Agenda (ELA)
B. Seeking enactment of Zoning Ordinance
C. Finding financial sources for the projects/programs
D. Matching the fund requirements with projected funds available

10. The concept of malls in the Philippines is a good example of this B

planning theory:
A. Least Cost Theory of Industrial Location
B. Central Place Theory
C. Urban Environmental Transition Theory
D. Theory of Land Rent: Bid-Rent Function

11. Socio-economic development plan is the product of inputs from the D

following sectors, except one:
A. Institutional
B. Environmental
C. Physical
D. Industrial & Agricultural

12. These are the major policies of land uses except one that set the C
framework of land use planning:
A. Settlements
B. Protection
C. Ancestral Domains
D. Infrastructure
E. Production
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

13. This requires the preparation and implementation of the Comprehensive A.

Land Use Plans (CLUPs) of Local Government Units pursuant to the
Local Government Code of 1991 and other pertinent laws.
A. Executive Order No. 72
B. R.A. 7160
C. R.A. 7279
D. Memorandum Circular No. 54

14. This prescribes the guidelines for the city and municipal governments D
(Sec 20 of RA 7160) to reclassify agricultural lands into non-agricultural
A. Executive Order No. 156
B. Executive Order No. 72
C. Executive Order no. 124
D. Memorandum Circular No. 54

15. He is the "Father of Regional Planning". He introduced the notion of A.

region and conurbation. He emphasized the relationships of people and
cities, thus the city-region term. He used the rational planning method of
Survey Analysis. He wrote the book "Cities in Evolution":
A. Sir Patrick Geddes
B. Raymond Unwin
C. Frederic Osborn
D. Lewis Mumford

16. He wrote the book "Garden Cities of Tomorrow". He addressed C

population and pollution that came about the industrial revolution by
creating garden cities:
A. Kevin Lynch
B. Daniel Burnham
C. Sir Ebenzer Howard
D. George Haussman

17. He wrote the book "Design with Nature" which triggered responsible B
planning of landscapes and respecting natural features. He laid the
foundation for Geographic Information Systems:
A. Elridge Lovelace
B. Ian McHarg
C. William Whyte
D. Edward Soja

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

18. Project NOAH is a more accurate, integrated, and responsive disaster D.

prevention and mitigation system, especially in high-risk areas
throughout the Philippines. What does NOAH stands for:
A. National Observatory for Assessment of Hazards
B. Nationwide Operational Assessment of High-Risk Areas
C. Nationwide Operational Assessment of Health
D. Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards
19. It is the principal document in implementing the Comprehensive D
Development Plan (CDP) of an LGU.
A. Zoning Ordinance
B. Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)
C. Annual Investment Plan (AIP)
D. Local Development Investment Program (LDIP)
20. These are world conventions on climate change, except one: B
A. Kyoto Protocol
B. Davos Declaration
C. Rio Summit
D. Paris Agreement

21. Google Earth is widely used to view areas subjected to widespread D

disaster. When was Google Earth released?
A. December 2002
B. November 2004
C. January 2006
D. June 2005
22. One of the components of Project NOAH is the distribution of C
Hydrometeorological Devices in hard-hit areas in the Philippines
(Hydromet). A total of 600 automated rain gauges (ARG) and 400 water
level monitoring stations (WLMS) are installed along the country’s 18
major river basins (RBs). What is the largest river basin in the
A. Agusan River
B. Mindanao River
C. Cagayan River
D. Pampanga River

23. The socio-economic condition of a locality can be determined using the D

following tools, except one:
A. labor force participation rate
B. unemployment rate
C. poverty incidence
D. crude birth / death rate

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

24. This Classification of marine waters is suitable for propagation, survival A

and harvesting of shellfish for commercial purposes.
A. Class SA
B. Class SB
C. Class SC
D. Class SD
25. This book compiles case after case of environmental sciences, and B
looks specifically of how pollutants spread from a bottle of insecticide all
the way to a water body, the flying robins or a mother's breast milk. This
book launched an environmental movement around the world.
A. The Skeptical Environment
B. Silent Spring
C. The End of Nature
D. Ecotopia

26. This land economist studied 142 cities and came up with a sectoral D
model that showed radiating wedges. His model shows that the Central
Business District has commercial functions and high land values, while
surrounding areas take up the industrial and transport functions. Who is
A. Amartya Sen
B. Milton Friedman
C. Paul Samuelson
D. Homer Hoyt

27. In the ancient time, Sumer was the first urban civilization in the historical D
region of southern Mesopotamia with 15 city-states created. Out of
those Sumerian cities, the oldest and considered the first city in the
world was:
A. Larsa
B. Isin
C. Kullah
D. Eridu

28. It is the science of human settlements. It has five elements; nature, A

anthropos, society, shells and networks. It also provides the units from
anthropos (1person) to ecumenopolis (or 50 billion people).
A. Ekistics
B. Myrmecology
C. Anthropology
D. Lepidopterology

29. When financing an LGU project, the following financial approaches are A
available to the local governments, except one:
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

A. Strategic approach
B. Conservative approach
C. Developmental approach
D. Pragmatic approach
30. History of urbanization in the ancient time occurred in these periods; D

i. Medieval period
ii Ancient Egypt
iii, Mesopotamian era
iv. Roman empire
v. Ancient Greece.

Based on the above, the ancient urbanization history started in the

following order:
A. ii-iv-v-iii-i
B. v-iv-iii-ii-i
C. i-iii-ii-iv-v
D. iii-ii-v-iv-i

31. A structured process of assessing the environmental impacts associated C

with plans, programmes, and policies in a more extensive manner than
in EIAs.

A. Environmental Management Plan

B. Environmental Risk Assessment
C. Strategic Environmental Assessment
D. Environmental Hazard Identification Plan

32. It results in improved human well-being and social equity, while B

significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities.
A. Environmental mainstreaming
B. Green economy
C. Sustainable development
D. Environmental adaptation

33. The National Framework for Physical Planning (NFPP) from 2001 to D
2030 listed some of the principles, except one:

A. Food security
B. Environmental Stability and Ecological Integrity
C. Rational urban development
D. Economic Stability
E. Spatial Integration
F..Equitable Access to Physical and natural Resources
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

G. Private-Public Sector Partnership

H. People Empowerment
I. Recognition of the Rights of indigenous People
J. Market Orientation

34. Urban environmental concerns have often been categorised as D

belonging to either the ‘brown’ or the ‘green’ agenda. Brown agenda is
prevalent in the Third World Countries and are usually related to:
A. environmental health issues
B. inadequate water and sanitation,
C. urban air quality and solid waste
D. all of the above
35. Indigenous people (IP) and indigenous cultural communities (ICC) are C
protected in R.A.8371 thru several rights. Under the Right to
Redemption, lands which have been transferred to non-IP/ICC members
through fraudulent means can be redeemed within:
A. 5 years
B. 10 years
C. 15 years
D. 20 years

36. There are 17 regions in the Philippines. Which region has the most B
number of fresh and marine water body classification:
A. Region 3
B. Region 6
C. Region 9
D. Region 12

37. In the ancient history, this place is known as the Cradle of Civilization. B
This is regarded as the birthplace of urbanization, agriculture, trade,
science, history and organized religion. What is this place called?

A. Garden of Babylon
B. Fertile Crescent
C. Pyramids of Egypt
D. Assyrian Valleys

38. He is the Father of American Zoning. He was the first to use zoning as a C
means of implementing land use in New York. He coined the terms
freeway and parkway:
A. Raymund Unwin
B. Edmund Bacon
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

C. Edward Bassett
D. Robert Moses

39. Hippodamus of Miletus is considered as the "Inventor / Father of formal D

city planning". He was known for his Hippodamian Plan or Grid City
which was based on one advantage for such city planning:
A easy to locate houses as the streets are walkable network
B. easy to navigate at night
C. stylish design in rectangular blocks
D. maximize winds in summer and minimize in winter

40. He created the Radiant City which is modern, futuristic and orderly but A
socially disadvantageous and unrealistic for settlements. He wrote also
the books "Urbanisme" and "The City of Tomorrow and its Planning".
A. Le Corbusier
B. Tony Garnier
C. Gaston Bardet
D. Henry Deverin

41. Section 20 of PD 1152 states that.. "It shall be the responsibility of the C
polluter to contain, remove and clean up water pollution incidents at his
own expense. In case of his failure to do so, the government agencies
concerned shall undertake containment, removal and clean-up
operations and expenses incurred in said operations shall be charged
against the persons and/or entities responsible for such pollution." This
section is similar to the Polluters Pay Principle of this ancient

A. Socrates
B. Aristotle
C. Plato
D. Democritus

42. Sources of water supply that will require complete treatment to meet the B
Philippine National Standard for Drinking Water fall under this
A. Class AA
B. Class A
C. Class B
D. Class C

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

43. It is the ancient region in Mesopotamia where the first known cities C

A. Eram
B. Niniveh
C. Sumer
D. Mari

44. R.A. 6552 which is the Realty Installment Buyer Act is commonly known B

A. Recto Law
B. Maceda Law
C. Angara Law
D. Condominium Law

45. Below are some components of a Green Building except one: C

A. energy efficiency and renewable energy

B. water efficiency
C. circulation efficiency
D. environmentally preferable building materials and specifications

46. Mining rights are issued by blocks or meridional blocks. What is the area D
of one meridional block?

A. 100 hectares
B. 112 hectares
C. 75 hectares
D. 81 hectares

47. Kevin Lynch in his "Image of the City" identified the following image B
elements of a city, except one;
A. Path
B. Buildings
C. Landmark
D. Node
E. Edge
F. District

48. He was the designer of the Singapore Quay and River Esplanade. He A.
also designed the Iloilo River Esplanade. Who is he?
A. Paolo Alcazaren
B. Felino Palafox
C. Leandro Locsin
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

D. Carlos Arguelles

49 R.A 6810 which is the "Magna Carta for Countryside & Barangay C
Business Enterprises" is also commonly known as:

A. Asenso sa Negosyo
B. Philippine Agenda 21
C. Kalakalan 20
D.. None of the above

50. One of the goals of the Paris Climate Change Agreement was to hold C
the increase of the average global temperature to well below this figure:
A. 3 degrees C above the pre -industrial level
B. 2.5 degrees C above the pre-industrial level
C. 2 degrees C above the pre-industrial level
D. 1.5 degrees C above the pre-industrial level

51. In the Paris Climate Change Agreement of 2015, the Philippines C

Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to reduce green
house gas emission until 2030 is about:

A. 50%
B. 45%
C.. 70%
D. 75%

52. This requires for the preparation and implementation of the A

Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUPs) of Local Government Units
pursuant to the Local Government Code of 1991 and other pertinent
A. Executive Order No. 72
B. R.A. 7160
C. R.A. 7279
D. Memorandum Circular No. 54
53 According to the Philippine Statistics Authority, what is the female D
reproductive age bracket in the Philippines?
A. 14 - 50
B. 18 - 49
C. 16 - 45
D. 15 - 49
54. The Local Development Investment Program (LDIP) process is made up D
of three (3) streams of activities.
1. Producing a ranked list of projects and programs with corresponding

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

2. Determining available funds for investment.

What is the third stream?

A. Secure Executive Legislative Agenda (ELA)
B. Seek enactment of Zoning Ordinance
C. Finding financial sources for the projects/programs
D. Matching the fund requirements with projected funds available
55. The concept of malls in the Philippines is a good example of this B
planning theory:
A. Least Cost Theory of Industrial Location
B. Central Place Theory
C. Urban Environmental Transition Theory
D. Theory of Land Rent: Bid-Rent Function

56 Socio-economic development plan is the product of inputs from the D

following sectors, except one:

A. Institutional & Social

B. Environmental
C. Physical & Economic
D. Industrial & Agricultural

57. These are the major categories of land uses except one that set the C
framework of land use planning:
A. Settlements
B. Protection
C. Ancestral Domains
D. Infrastructure
E. Production
58. According to R.A. 10611 (Food Safety Act of 2013), this agency shall be D
responsible for food safety in food businesses such as, but not limited
to, activities in slaughterhouses, dressing plants, fish ports, wet markets,
supermarkets, school canteens, restaurants, catering establishments
and water refilling stations.
A. Department of Health
B. Department of Agriculture

59. This prescribes the guidelines for the city and municipal governments D
(Sec 20 of RA 7160) to reclassify agricultural lands into non-agricultural

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP


A. Executive Order No. 156

B. Executive Order No. 72
C. Executive Order no. 124
D. Memorandum Circular No. 54

60. Distance of burial ground from a dwelling house should not be less than: C
A. 15 meters
B. 20 meters
C. 25 meters
D. 50 meters

61. It is a threat to biodiversity: D

A. Climate Change
B. Deforestation
C. Invasive Alien Species
D. All of the above

62. According to Kevin Lynch in his "Image of the City", environmental A.

image maybe analyzed into these components except one:
A. aesthetics
B meaning
C. identity
D. structure

63. Septic tanks should not be constructed under any building and within D
this distance from any source of water supply:
A. 10 meters
B. 15 meters
C. 20 meters
D. 25 meters
E. 30 meters

64. Distance of groceries or sari-sari store from any source of contamination D

should not be less than:
A. 30 meters
B. 50 meters
C. 20 meters
D. 25 meters
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

E. 40 meters

65. Distance of burial ground from either side of a river should not be less A
A. 50 meters
B. 75 meters
C. 25 meters
D. 60 meters
E. 100 meters

66 Listed below are some pillars of a green growth economy except one: D
A. Mitigation
B. Adaptation
C. Competitiveness
D. Environmentally sustainable
E. Green jobs

67. It is one of the levels of biodiversity that is responsible for the B

uniqueness of every living organism:

A. Species diversity
B. Genetic diversity
C. Ecosystem diversity
D. None of the above

68. In RA 7279, acquisition of lands for socialized housing is defined D

according to priority. Which land is the first priority?

A. private lands
B. alienable lands of public domain
C. unregistered idle lands
D. government owned lands

69. Who is this Swiss-born architect who designed the San Francisco D.
Museum of Modern Art?

A. Le Corbusier
B. Frank Lloyd Wright
C. Santiago Calatrava
D. Mario Botta

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

70. Which among the following laws that was enacted in 1935 is still used B.

A. R.A. 7482
B. C. A. 141
C. RA 6950
D. RA 4359

71. He is the Father of American City Planning and a hallmark name in the C.
"City Beautiful Movement". He also gave the famous and inspirational
quote "Make no little plans... Aim high in hope and work, remembering
that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die, but long after
we are gone will be a living thing". He made the urban plan for the cities
of Manila and Baguio.

A. Sir Patrick Geddes

B. Le Corbusier
C. Daniel Burnham
D. Kevin Lynch

72. He came up with Broadacre City where settlements were allotted 1000 B.
hectares, complete with social infrastructure. He opened the door for
suburbanization and addressed urban decentralization, He was ridiculed
for including a helicopter in his conceptual ideal city.

A. Kevin Lynch
B. Frank Lloyd Wright
C. Clarence Stein
D. George Kessler

73. This book tackles the issue of sprawling and sustainability. It heavily C.
discusses topography, landscapes and responsible design. It also
greatly influenced the use of Geographic Information Systems.

A. The Geography of Nowhere

B. Cities of Tomorrow
C. Design with Nature
D. Design of Cities

74. It is the graphic presentation of the zone classifications/designations, C.

location and boundaries of the districts/zones that were duly established
in the zoning ordinance.

A. District map
B. Cadastral map
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

C. Zoning map
D. Topographic map

75. Under normal circumstances, preparation process of CLUP will be D.

completed in how many months?

A. 12 months
B. 6 months
C. 24 months
D. 18 months

76. LGUs being a political subdivision of the national government, it is C.

endowed with powers to manage its territorial jurisdiction for and on
behalf of the national government, including sharing the responsibility in
the management and maintenance of the ecological balance in their
respective territorial jurisdiction. This mandate is in accordance to these
sections of RA 7160, except:

A.. Section 2a
B.. Section 15
C.. Section 12
D.. Section 3i

77. Being a corporate body, every LGU is mandated to promote the general C.
welfare among
the inhabitants within its territorial jurisdiction in accordance to these
sections of RA 7160, except;

A. Section 2a
B. Section 16
C. Section 13
D. Section 17

78. These are components of the local planning system, except: D.

A. The organizational structure for planning and its functions,
B. The plan or plans that the planning structure is mandated to produce,
C. The processes that the planning structure will follow to produce the
desired plan outputs
D. The expected cash outlay for the projected plans/programs.
E. The authority levers or tools with which the LGU implements its plans
and programs

79. The local planning structure consists of two components; political and B.
technical. The private sector in the political component is represented by
_______ of the LDC membership.

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

A. 50%
B. 25%
C. 20%
D. 30%

80. Which sections of RA 7160 mandate the LGUs to prepare A.

comprehensive multi-sectoral development plans and public investment

A. Sections 106 and 109

B. Sections 116 to 119
C. Sections 104 and 105
D. None of the above

81. PD 957, what is the minimum area allocated for parks and playgrounds? .D.

A. 300 sq m
B. 400 sq. m
C. 200 sq m
D. 100 sq m

82. PD 957, trees with this trunk diameter shall be preserved in the site A.
development of subdivisions.

A. 200 mm
B. 150 mm
C. 250 mm
D. 300 mm

83. PD 1067, easement zone from the banks/margins of waterways in urban D.


A. 10m
B. 5 m
C. 15 m
D. 3m

84. PD 1067, easement zone from the banks/margins of waterways in B.

agricultural areas:

A. 30m
B. 20m
C. 25m
D. 40 m

85.. PD 1067, easement zone from the banks/margins of waterways in forest B.

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP


A. 30m
B. 40 m
C. 50 m
D. 60m

86. PD 957, the Average Daily Demand (ADD) for water in housing projects: D.

A. 90 LCPD
B. 100 LCPD
C. 120 LCPD
D. 150 LCPD

87. PD 957, the minimum diameter of drainage pipe in a subdivision A.


A. 300 mm
B. 200 mm
C. 250 mm
D. 150 mm

88. PD 957, maximum distance for off-site parking from a condominium B.


A. 250 m
B. 200 m
C. 150 m
D. 100 m

89. PD 957, minimum width of roads or righf-of-way in a subdivision: A.

A. 8 m
B. 6 m
C. 10m
D. 4 m

90 PD 957, Approving authority for Subdivision Development Plan? C.


91. The number of years required for the population of an area to double B.
its present size, given the current rate of population growth is called:

A. Double Growth Rate

B. Doubling Time
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

C. Double Growth
D. Accelerated growth

92. CARAGA's population has an annual growth rate of 2.3%. How many C.
years will it take to double its population?

A. 24
B. 28
C. 30
D. 35

93. The number of persons added to (or subtracted from) a population in D.

a year due to natural increase and net migration; expressed as a
percentage of the population at the beginning of the time period.

A. Population growth
B. Crude birth rate
C. Migration rate
D. Population growth rate

94 What is the principal instrument in implementing the CDP? B

A. Annual Investment Plan (AIP)

B. Local Development Investment Plan ( LDIP)
C. Zoning Ordinance
D. Provincial Development Investment Plan (PDIP)

95 In a population pyramid, the population of a particular place is A

"expansive" when it has this characteristic:

A. Large numbers are in the younger ages

B. Smaller numbers are in the younger ages
C. Roughly equal numbers in all age groups
D. None of the above

96 In a population pyramid, the population of a particular place is B

"constrictive" when it has this characteristic:

A. Large numbers are in the younger ages

B. Smaller numbers are in the younger ages
C. Roughly equal numbers in all age groups
D. None of the above

97 In a population pyramid, the population of a particular place is C

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

"stationary" when it has this characteristic:

A. Large numbers are in the younger ages

B. Smaller numbers are in the younger ages
C. Roughly equal numbers in all age groups
D. None of the above

98 This indicates the extent to which those who are too young or too old to B
earn a living depend for support on those who work.

A. Young dependency ratio

B. Age dependency ratio
C. Total dependency ratio
D. Elderly dependency ratio

99 The town of Santa Barbara has the following population data: A

0 - 14 years old - 34,000

15 - 64 years old - 110,000
65 years old & above - 14,000

Based on the above data, what is the Total Dependency Ratio?

A. 43.6
B. 33.6
C. 39.2
D 46.3

100 The town of Sta. Maria has the following population data: C

0 - 14 years old - 34,000

15 - 64 years old - 110,000
65 years old & above - 14,000

Based on the above data, what is the Young Dependency Ratio?

A. 31.2
B. 29.3
C. 30.9
D. 32.2

101 The town of Sta. Maria has the following population data: D

0 - 14 years old - 34,000

15 - 64 years old - 110,000
65 years old & above - 14,000

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

Based on the above data, what is the Elderly Dependency Ratio?

A. 11.5
B. 12.5
C. 11.8
D. 12.7

102 He is generally recognized as the "father of GIS.” He is the visionary B.

geographer who conceived and developed the first GIS for use by the
Canada Land Inventory in the early 1960s.

A. Jack Dangermond
B. Roger Tomlinson
C. Ian McHarg
D. Charles Picquet

103 This architect was very fond of cubist aesthetics and conceptualized D.
sky-high buildings and block apartments that would house 3 million
people. He provided a paradoxical solution to congestion, saying that
the city centers should be decongested by increasing the center density.

A. Arturo Mata
B. Daniel Burnham
C. Ebenezer Howard
D. Le Corbusier

104 This powerful book changed the course of traditional physical planning C
into human-centric planning. The sociologist author openly challenged
how everything in a city (highways and skyways) was built for a car
when there is too much evidence that people are the heartbeat of a city.
The author also championed mixed uses and diversity in growth. The
famous notion of "ballet on the street" is in this book.

A. The Geography of Nowhere

B. Design with nature
C. The Death and Life of Great American Cities
D. Design of Cities

105 This economic and geographic theory says that the higher the order and B.
the larger the range of goods and services, the longer the distance
people are willing to travel for them. This theory is based on the market
as a center, and uses the concepts of "threshold" and "range".

A. Patrick Geddes Theory

B. Central Place Theory
C. Public Choice Theory
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

D. Gardens City Concept

106. It is one of the theories in planning procedures that is the most widely D
accepted model among planning practitioners and scholars, and is
considered by many to be the orthodox view of planning. It would
generally come up with a list of steps that the planning process can be
at least relatively neatly sorted out into and that planning practitioners
should go through in order when setting out to plan in virtually any area.

A. Incremental planning
B. Transactive planning
C. Communicative planning
D. Rational-comprehensive planning

107. It is an urban planning concept that emphasizes involving the entire A.

community in the strategic and management processes of urban
planning; or, community-level planning processes, urban or rural.

A. Participatory planning
B. Strategic planning
C. Rational planning
D. Advocacy planning

108 RA 10587 lists some of the qualifications of the Members of the D.

Environmental Planning Board, except one:

A. A citizen and resident of the Philippines;

B. Of good moral character and of sound mind;
C. A holder of a Master’s Degree in Environmental Planning or its
D. A registered and licensed environmental planner with a valid
Certificate of Registration and a Professional Identification Card and
with at least five (5) years of practice in environmental planning prior to
his/her appointment;
E. All of the above

109 RA 10587 Section 35 - stipulates how many years of civil liability of an B

Environmental Planner?

A. 5 years
B. 10 years
C. 12 years
D. 8 years

110 RA 10587 allows holder of Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental C.

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

Planning, city planning or urban and regional planning, or town and

country planning, or its equivalent to take the EnP Board examination
provided he has _______ years of on-the-job training as environmental

A. 5 years
B. 3 years
C. 2 years
D. 0 year;

111 It is the ecosystem’s capacity to absorb waste and produce biological A.

materials demanded by human economy.

A. Bio-capacity
B. Biodiversity
C. Ecological threshold
D. Ecological capacity

112 It is an area of a biologically productive land and water that an individual C.

requires to produce for consumption and to absorb waste generated.

A. Farmland
B. Watershed Area
C. Ecological Footprint
D. Biosphere

113 “Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only C.
because, and only when, they are created by everybody.” This is
according to whom?

A. Kevin Lynch
B. Ian McHarg
C. Jane Jacobs
D. Thomas Sugrue

114 R.A. 9003; Which of the following item is not considered as solid waste? D.

A. hazardous waste
B. hospital waste
C waste from mining activities
D. all of the above

115 R.A. 9003; This solid waste refers to large worn-out or broken C.
household, commercial, and industrial appliances such as stoves,
refrigerators, dishwashers, and clothes washers and dryers collected

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

separately. These are usually dismantled for the recovery of specific

materials (e.g., copper, aluminum, etc.);

A. Recyclable materials
B. Reusable goods
C. White goods
D. Bulky waste

116 Which government body is involved for the implementation of R.A 9003 D.
(Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000)?

A. National Solid Waste Management Commission

B. National Ecology Center
C. DENR/Environmental Management Bureau (EMB).
D. All of the above

117 RA 9003: The National Solid Waste Management Commission is under B.

the Office of the President with the following composition:

A. 12 from the government sector and 4 from the private sector

B. 14 from the government sector and 3 from the private sector
C. 10 from the government sector and 2 from the private sector
D. 8 from the government sector and 4 from the private sector

118 What is the minimum distance required for a sanitary landfill from a A.
perennial stream, river or lake?

A. 50 m
B. 75 m
C. 100 m
D. 200 m

119 What is the minimum distance required for a sanitary landfill from a D.
Halocene fault or known recent active fault?

A. 100m
B 200m
C. 300 m
D. 75 m

120. RA 9003 prohibits the construction of any establishment within C.

_________ meters from open dump or controlled dumps or sanitary

A. 100 m
B. 150 m
C. 200 m.
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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

D. 250 m

121. This has the power to appropriate public funds for development C.
programs, projects and activities in the LGU. This also authorizes the
implementation of projects through the local budget.

A. Local Development Council

B. Local Chief Executive
C. Sanggunian
D. Budget Officer

122 The municipal or city CLUP should be consistent with its higher D.
counterpart which is the:

D. All of the above

123. What is the minimum distance required from built-up areas for medium A.
and large scale piggery and poultry farms?

A. 1 km
B. 750 m
C. 500 m
D. 2 km

124. R.A. 7277, Section 5, Disabled persons are allotted employment in C.

DSWD, DOH, DECS and other government agencies, offices or
corporations engaged in social development which should be equivalent
to _______% of all casual, contractual and emergency personnel:

A. 10%
B. 15%
C. 5%
D. 20%

125 Memorial park /cemetery should be located where the water table is less C.
than _______m. from the natural ground surface as certified by the
National Water Resources Board.

A. 3.5 m
B. 4 m
C. 4.5 m
D. 5 m

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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

126. Memorial parks should utilize ______% of the saleable area for A.
underground interment in order to maintain its park-like character.

A. 50%
B. 40%
C. 25%
D. 30%

127. Memorial parks / cemeteries that are located along national and D.
secondary roads should maintain a buffer strip or clear distance of
_____m from the road-right-of-way. No burials should be allowed in this
buffer strip.

A. 20 m
B. 30m
C. 50m
D. 25 m

128. Parking area in memorial parks /cemeteries shall be _______% of the C

gross area, over and above the required parking area for built up

A. 15%
B. 10%
C. 5%
D. 20%

129. He initiated plans to produce greenbelt resettlements all over the US. He D.
wrote the book "Toward New Towns for America".

A. Henry Wright
B. Sir Raymond Unwin
C. Sir Frederick James Osborn
D. Clarence Stein

130. He was the first Chairman of the Board of Environmental Planning: B.

A. Cesar Concio
B. Serafin Aquino
C. Luis Tungpalan
D. Leandro Viloria

131. In the Code of Ethics for Environmental Planners, this Article defines the D.
EnP's responsibilities to the public and to the country:

A. Article III

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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

B. Article V
C. Article VI
D. Article VII

132 In the Code of Ethics for Environmental Planners, this Article defines the A.
EnP's responsibilities to the profession and to the organization:

A. Article III
B. Article V
C. Article VI
D. Article VII

133 In the Code of Ethics for Environmental Planners, this Article defines the B.
EnP's responsibilities to co-professionals

A. Article III
B. Article V
C. Article VI
D. Article VII

134. In the Code of Ethics for Environmental Planners, this Article defines the C.
EnP's relationship to client.

A. Article III
B. Article V
C. Article VI
D. Article VII

135. The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is measured from the shoreline of C.
the archipelago up to 200 NM offshore and is reckoned from which tidal DAO -
datum? 96-40

A. MHW level
B. MHHW level
C. MLW level
D. MLLW level

136 RA 7942: The maximum area that a corporation is allowed in a mineral A

agreement for onshore mining throughout the country is 200 blocks
which is equivalent to:

A. 16,200 hectares
B. 17,000 hectares
C. 16,000 hectares
D. 16,500 hectares

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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

137. Which article of the 1987 Philippine Constitution discusses the local D.

A. Article III
B. Article VI
C. Article IX
D. Article X

138 Which Article of the 1987 Philippine Constitution protects and advances A.
the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with
the rhythm and harmony of nature.

A. Article II
B. Article XII
C. Article XI
D. Article X

139 These are some factors in predicting soil erosion rate except one: D

A. Vegetation
B. Frequency of rainfall
C. Type of soil & slope
D. Depth of water table

140 IRR of RA 7916: This operative act enables economic zone developers C
and locator enterprises to qualify for incentives:
A. Registration from PEZA
B. Issuance of MoU
C. Presidential Proclamation
D. Memorandum Circular from DTI

141 It is a natural carbon sink; D.

A. Soil
B. Ocean
C. Plants
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

142. It is a measure of statistical dispersion intended to represent the income B.

distribution of a nation's residents, and is the most commonly used
measure of inequality.
A. Lorenz curve
B. Gini coefficient

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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

C. Poverty incidence index

D. Human inequality index

143. Disaster risk management reduces risk to: D.

A. Climate and weather-related events

B. Geophysical events
C. Ecological events
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

144. A country with high Human Development Index (HDI) has these C.
characteristics, except one:
A. Higher life span
B. Higher GDP
C. Higher fertility rate
D. Lower inflation

145 Corals are actually: C.

A. Plants
B. Rocks
C. Animals
D .Sponges

146 Which among the following describes ancient planning of towns along B
the Tigris-Euphrates River?
I - At the center of these towns are Agoras
II - Towns are enclosed by walls
III - Structures are usually built with mud bricks
IV - The streets have no definite patterns
V - They usually have temples

A. I, III, V
C. I, II, III, IV, V

147 The following are examples of baroque churches in the Philippines E

established under Spanish rule, except:
A. Church of San Agustin in Manila
B. Church of La Nuestra Señora de la Asuncion in Santa Maria, Ilocos
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

C. Church of San Agustin in Paoay, Ilocos Norte

D. Church of Santo Tomas de Villanueva in Miag-ao, Iloilo
E. Church of San Sebastian in Manila
148. Who is this Swiss-born architect who designed the San Francisco D.
Museum of Modern Art?
A.. Le Corbusier
B.. Frank Lloyd Wright
C.. Santiago Calatrava
D.. Mario Botta

149. A written authorization to develop or use certain areas of any parcel of A.

land based on approved land use plan or zoning ordinance or in the
absence of such ordinance, could be based on HLURB planning
standards & guidelines.
A. Locational clearance
B. Situational clearance
C. Zoning clearance
D. Ordinance clearance
150 According to Kevin Lynch in his "Image of the City", environmental B.
image maybe analyzed into these components except one:
A. aesthetics
B meaning
C. identity
D. structure

151. Septic tanks should not be constructed under any building and within D.
this distance from any source of water supply:
A. 10 meters
B. 15 meters
C. 20 meters
D. 25 meters
E. 30 meters

152. The standard color scheme for parks and open spaces in a land use D.

A. Orange
B. Green
C. Yellow Orange
D. Yellow Green
153. Which government agency is authorized to carry out municipal waters C

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

delineation and delimitation? DAO-


154. The easement zone in the coastal area is measured from foreshore at D.
this tidal datum:

155. What is the recommended student-teacher ratio and student-classroom B

ratio in the elementary level?
A. 30
B. 35
C. 40
D. 50

156 What is the recommended student-teacher ratio and student-classroom C

ratio in the secondary level?
A. 30
B. 35
C. 40
D. 50

157. What is the minimum lot area for kindergarten? C.

A. 1 hectare
B. 600 sq m
C 500 sq m
D 800 sq m.
158. What is the minimum area required for each kindergarten pupil? C

A. 2 sq, m
B. 1.75 sq, m
C. 1.50 sq. m
D. 1.20 sq, m

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

159. This component of the CDP seeks to improve the state of well-being of B.
the local population and upgrade the quality of services such as health,
education, welfare, housing and the like.

A. Economic development plan

B. Social Development Plan
C. Infrastructure and land use development plan
D. Environment management plan

160. This component of the CDP embodies measures which the local A.
government intends to take to create a favorable climate for private

A. Economic development plan

B. Social development plan
C Infrastructure and land use development plan
D. Environment management plan

161. This component of the CDP focuses on strengthening the capability of D.

the local government bureaucracy as well as elected officials to manage
effectively planned growth and change in their territorial jurisdiction.

A. Social development plan

B . Infrastructure and land use development plan
C. Environment management plan
D. Institutional development plan

162 Earth Day is observed on this date: C.

A. December 16
B. May 20
C. April 22
D. March 24
163. Who is the Austrian-born architect that pioneered in the design of C.
shopping malls in the USA?
A. Gunther Domenig
B. Hans Hollein
C. Victor Gruen
D. Roland Rainer
164. World Environment Day is celebrated on which date? B.

A. May 22
B. June 5
C. September 12
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

D. November 6
165. What is the minimum coverage /planning period of CLUP? B.

A. 12 years
B. 9 years
C. 3 years
D. 10 years
166. Preparation of CLUP normally takes: C.

A. 20 months
B. 24 months
C. 18 months
D. 12 months
167. This office is primarily concerned with the formulation of integrated B.
economic, social, physical, and other development plans and policies as
per Sec. 476(b) (1) and (5) of RA 7160 or the Local Government Code
of 1991.
A. Sanggunian
168. What is the principal implementing tool of the CLUP? C.

A. Executive Legislative Agenda

B. Annual Investment Program
C. Zoning Ordinance
D. Annual Budget

169. What is the principal implementing tool of the CDP? A.

A. Local Development Investment Program

B. Executive Legislative Agenda
C. Zoning Ordinance
D. Annual Investment Plan

170. In the Philippine Development Plan (PDP 2017 -2022), what is the D.
targeted GDP growth?
A. 10 percent
B. 9 percent
C. 10-11 percent
D. 7-8 percent
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

171. In PDP 2017-2022, the expected decline in overall poverty incidence is C.

from 21.6% to:
A. 10%
B. 12%
C. 14%
D. 15%
172. The PDP 2017-2022 is founded on the following pillars except one: C.

A. Malasakit
B. Pagbabago
C. Pagkakaisa
D. Patuloy na Pag unlad
173. The pillars of the PDP are on these solid strategies: C.

i. Attaining just and lasting peace

ii. Controlling the population growth thru responsible parenthood
iii. Ensuring security, public order and safety
iv. Accelerating strategic infrastructure development
v. Ensuring ecological integrity and a clean and healthy environment
Which one is correct?
A. i, ii, iii, iv,
B. iii, v, iv, ii,
C. i, iii, iv, v,
D. v, i, iii, ii

174 The PDP targets a reduction in unemployment rate from the current B.
5.5% to _______ by 2022.
A. 4 to 4.5%
B. 3 to 5%
C. 3.5 to 4.5%
D. 3.5 to 5%

175. The PDP targets a reduction in poverty incidence from 30% in 2015 to D.
_______ in 2022.
A. 25%
B. 22%
C. 18%
D. 20%
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

176. The Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022 is the first medium- B.
term plan to be anchored on this national long-term vision,
A. Pagbabago Natin 2040
B. AmBisyon Natin 2040
C. Bagong Republika 2040
D. Maunlad na Bansa 2040

177. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are anthropogenic compounds that are C.

used in various applications such as in air-conditioning, refrigeration,
blowing agents in foams, insulations and packing materials, propellants
in aerosol cans, and as solvents. However, it was found later that the
continuous use of CFC has a detrimental effect as this is a/an:
A. Addictive substance which affects the nervous system of a person
B. Carcinogenic substance or cancer-causing substance
C. Ozone depleting substance
D. Radioactive substance

178. This Act authorizes the President of the Philippines to obtain foreign C.
loans and credits to finance economic development projects:
A. R.A. 4976
B. R.A. 8182
C. R.A. 4860
D. R.A. 5120

179. What are these flows of official financing from foreign sources which are D.
administered for the promotion of the economic development and
welfare of developing countries called?
A. Economic assistance fund
B. Development assistance fund
C. Overseas development assistance fund
D. Official development assistance
180 Topographic maps show point elevations, major road network, built up C.
areas, water bodies, other surface features. These maps can be
obtained specifically from this government agency:
A. LGU Page 55
E. Bureau of Lands

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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

181 Slope maps can be obtained specifically from this government agency: D

B. Bureau of Lands page 55.


182 In project management, it is a deliverable-oriented breakdown of a C.

project into smaller components. It is a key project deliverable that
organizes the team's work into manageable sections. What is this
A. Tasks
B. Activities
C. Work breakdown schedule (WBS)
D. Program
183 It is the provision of sufficient and affordable food products to all B.
citizens through local production and/or importation:
A. Food availability
B. Food security
C. Food sustainability
D. Food supply

184. It is an area around the Philippine archipelago with some islands being D.
claimed by neighboring countries:
A. Scarborough Shoal
B. Mabini Reef
C. Mischief Reef
D. Exclusive Economic Zone

185 CLUP is based on four (4) land use policy areas; C.

i. Production
ii. Settlements
iii. Infrastructure
iv. Protection
Which represent the built form environment?
A. i, ii, iv
B. ii, iii, iv

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

C. i, ii, iii
D. iii, iv, i
186. It is a relatively large area not materially altered by human activity D.
where extractive resource uses are not allowed and maintained to
protect outstanding natural and scenic areas of national or international
significance for scientific, educational and recreational use.
A. National park
B. Resource reserve
C. Natural biotic area
D. Natural park
R.A No. 7586 otherwise known as National Integrated Protected Areas
System Act of 1992 had established the following protected areas:

i. Strict nature reserve;

ii. Natural park;
iii. Natural monument;
iv. Wildlife sanctuary;
v. Protected landscapes and seascapes;
vi Resource reserve;
vii. Natural biotic areas; and
viii. Other categories established by law, conventions or international
agreements which the Philippine Government is a signatory.

Except for two areas as categorized above, exploration for energy

resources can be conducted in those other areas. What are these two

A. ii, vi
B. i, vi
C.iii, v
D. i, ii

188 Under the Public Land Act, _________ has the direct executive control D.
of the survey, classification, lease, sale or any other form of concession
or disposition and management of the lands of the public domain. 2016

A. Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce

B. President of the Philippines
C. Secretary of Natural Resources
D. Director of Lands

189 Under CA 141 or the Public Land Act, __________has the authority to C.
classify lands of the public domain into alienable or disposable, timber
land and mineral lands from time to time and in like manner transfer
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

such lands from one class to another for the purposes of their
administration and disposition.

A. Director of Lands
B. Congress
C. President of the Philippines
D. Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce

190 It is a contractual arrangement whereby the Project Proponent C

undertakes the financing and Construction of a given infrastructure or
development facility and after its completion turns it over to the Agency
or LGU concerned, which shall pay the Project Proponent on an agreed RA 7718
schedule its total investment expended on the project, plus a
Reasonable Rate of Return (ROR) thereon. BOT
A. Build- Operate -Transfer
B. Build-Lease-Transfer
C. Build-Transfer
D. Build - Own-and-Operate
E. Build-Transfer-and-Operate

191 What is this contractual arrangement between the government and D.

Project proponent where approval of the President of the Philippines is

A. Build Operate and Transfer

B. Build Transfer and Operate
C. Build Own and Transfer
D. Build Own and Operate
E. Rehabilitate, Own and Operate

192 It is a contractual arrangement whereby the Agency/LGU contracts out .E.

the Construction of an infrastructure facility to a private entity such that
the Contractor builds the facility on a turnkey basis, assuming cost
overruns, delays, and specified performance risks. Once the facility is
commissioned satisfactorily, title is transferred to the implementing
Agency/LGU. The private entity however operates the facility on behalf o
f the implementing Agency/LGU under an agreement.

A. Build- Operate -Transfer

B. Build-Lease-Transfer
C. Build-Transfer
D. Build - Own-and-Operate
E. Build-Transfer-and-Operate

193 IRR PD 957 requires Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) for subdivisions D.
having an area of:
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

A. 20 hectares above
B. 10 hectares above
C. 5 hectares above
D. 30 hectares above

194 IRR PD 957, for subdivisions above one hectare, the percentage of land D.
allocation between saleable and non-saleable areas shall be:

A. 50 - 50%
B. 60 - 40%
C. 80- 20%
D. 70- 30%

195 In RA 9184 or Government Procurement Reform Act, Consulting D.

services for government projects are procured through bidding The
winning bid is based on:

A. Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid

B. Lowest Rated Responsive Bid
C. Highest Calculated Responsive Bid
D. Highest Rated Responsive Bid

196 The province of Cebu has a Location Quotient (LQ) of 1.5 in its furniture- B
making industry. On this scenario, the following can be concluded:

i. Furniture-making industry in Cebu is non-basic.

ii. Furniture-making is a basic industry in Cebu.
iii. Cebu is capable of exporting furniture.
iv. Cebu is not an exporting province for furniture.
v. Furniture produced in Cebu is just enough for local use.
vi. More furniture craftsmen are available in Cebu.

Which of the above statement is correct?

A. i, iii, v
B. ii, iii, vi
C. i, iv, v
D. ii, iv, v
197 This economic theory was introduced by Francois Perroux in 1949. The B.
core idea of this theory is that economic development or growth is not
uniform over an entire region, but instead takes place around a specific
or central location. What is this theory called?

A. Core-periphery theory
B. Growth pole theory
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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

C. New growth theory

D. Rational Choice theory

198 What month is declared as the Environmental Awareness Month in the C.

RA 9512

A. April
B. June
C November
D. January

199 What is this Act that was enacted to be consistent with the policy of the A.
State under Sec 16, Article II of the Constitution which is to protect and
advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in
accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature?

A. R.A 9512
B. R.A. 9003
C. R.A. 9729
D R.A. 6969

200 What is this document that is issued by the DENR/EMB which certifies C.
that based on the representations of the proponent, the proposed project
or undertaking will not cause significant negative environmental impact?

A. Locational Clearance
B. Environmental Assessment Certificate
C. Environmental Compliance Certificate
D. Environmental Permit

201 PD 1586 requires private corporations, firms or entities including D.

agencies and instrumentalities of the government to prepare this
document for every proposed project and undertaking which significantly
affect the quality of the environment. What is this document called?

A. Environmental Management Plan

B. Environmental Risk Assessment
C. Strategic Impact Assessment
D. Environmental Impact Statement

202 What is the process that involves evaluating and predicting the likely D.
impacts of a project on the environment during construction,
commissioning, operation and abandonment?

A. Environmental Risk Assessment

B. Strategic Impact Assessment
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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

C. Environmental Management Plan

D. Environmental Impact Assessment

203 RA 9729 or Climate Change Act of 2009 has created the Climate A.
Change Commission which is tasked to coordinate, monitor and
evaluate the programs and action plans of the government relating to
climate change. Who heads the Climate Change Commission?

A. President
B. DENR Secretary
C. DND Secretary
D. Commissioner of the Climate Change Commission

204 These laws were enacted to address the environmental concerns of the D.
State except one:

A. R. A. 9003
B. PD 1586
C. R.A. 8749
D. R.A. 6657
E. R.A. 9275
F. R.A. 6969

205 Ian McHarg is an architect who valued site's natural features. He is B

credited for transforming traditional planning into environmental planning
by using a technique which took varied features of the environment.
What is this planning technique called?

A. Ecological profiling
B. Sieve analysis / map overlay
C. Site condition analysis
D. Environmental data gathering

206 It is a theory that was first coined by Ernest Ravenstein of England in the C.
19th century. It stated that people migrate because of factors that drive
them out of their existing nation and factors that drive them into
another. What is this theory?

A. Neo-classical economic theory

B. World systems theory
C. Push-pull theory
D. Segmented labor market theory

207 It is the process of putting two or more thematic maps on top of each B.
other to determine areas of convergence of certain features of land
contributing to the suitability of the area to a particular purpose and
conversely, to eliminate or screen out areas that are not suitable for that
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

purpose. What is this process called? RPS

page 57
A. Contour mapping
B. Sieve analysis / map overlay
C. Map tracing
D. Resource mapping

208 It is a process in public procurement when a public authority which has D.

received an unsolicited bid for a project publishes details of the bid and
invites third parties to match or exceed it.

A. Negotiated procurement
B. Limited Source Bidding
C. Selective bidding
D. Swiss challenge

209 RA 9175 or the Chain Saw Act of 2002 authorizes DENR to issue C.
permits to possess and/or use a chain saw for the felling and/or cutting
of trees, timber and other forest products to applicant, except one
A. who has a subsisting timber license agreement, production sharing
agreement,, or a private land timber permit
B. who is an orchard and fruit tree farmer
C. who is a commercial firewood gatherer
D. who is a licensed wood processor

210. It is a legal remedy under the Philippine law that provides protection of B.
one's Constitutional right to a healthy environment, as outlined in
Section 16, Article II of the Philippine Constitution which says the "state
shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and
healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.

A. Temporary Environmental Protection Order (TEPO)

B. Writ of Kalikasan
C. Temporary Environmental Restraining Order
D. Writ of amparo

211 In assessing the supply of land in terms of quantity and quality as well C.
as status of infrastructures, the map overlay analysis is preferably used.
In this analysis, conflicts or incompatibilities are highlighted for resolution
by authorities. These conflicts and incompatibilities are known as:

A. conflict zones
B. ground zero zone
C. decision zones
D. neutral zones

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

212. Base map shows fundamental information of an area upon which A.

additional data of specialized nature are compiled or overprinted. What
is the appropriate scale used in preparing municipal base maps?

A. 1: 10,000 to 1: 50,000
B. 1: 100, 000 to 1: 200,000
C 1: 50,000 to 1: 100,000
D 1: 200,000 to 1: 500,000

213 In the environmental assessment of an area, the P-S-R (Pressure - A.

State- Response) logic of presentation is used. Which pertains to the
different demands exerted by human society on a given ecosystem for
their survival and well-being?

A. P (Pressure)
B. S (State)
C. R (Response)
D. None of the above

214 Below are strategies used in augmenting supply of urban land: C.

i. Reclamation
ii. Urban renewal / redevelopment
iii. Densification
iv. Infilling
v. Agricultural land conversion

Which is the preferred order of priority?

A. i, ii, iii, iv, v
B. v,iv,ii, iii, i
C. iv,iii, ii, i, v
D. iii, ii, i, v, iv

215 The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required for A.

environmentally critical projects (ECP) or projects in environmentally
critical areas (ECA). What is the document that is issued by DENR-EMB
upon approval of the EIS?

A. Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)

B. Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC)
C Certificate of Compliance (CoC)
D. Certificate to Proceed (CtP)

216 This document is required for non- environmentally critical project or D.

projects that are not located in environmentally critical areas. This
usually indicates environmental measures basic information about the
proposed project. Upon approval of this document, the DENR-EMB will
issue the CNC or Certificate of Non-Coverage. What is this document
EnP Board - Practice Questions
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A. Initial Environmental Assessment

B. Environmental Assessment
C. Environmental risk Assessment
D. Project Description Report

217 In preparing a natural Disaster Risk Assessment (DRA), below is a list of B.

components in DRA, except one;

A. Hazard
B. Mitigation
C. Vulnerability
D. Exposure

218 In accordance with the NDRRMF, through the NDRRMP, the country will D.
have "Safer, adaptive and disaster resilient Filipino communities towards
sustainable development" which will be achieved through the following,
with four as priority areas:

i. Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

ii. Disaster Educational Campaign
iii. Disaster Preparedness
iv. Disaster Relief Assistance
v. Disaster Response
vi. Disaster Recovery and Rehabilitation

Based on the above list, identify the four priority areas:

A. i, ii, iii, iv
B. ii, iv, v, vi
C. iii, iv, v, vi
D. i, iii, v, vi

219 This law paved the way for the need to “adopt a disaster risk reduction A.
and management approach that is holistic, comprehensive, integrated,
and proactive in lessening the socio-economic and environmental
impacts of disasters including climate change, and promote the
involvement and participation of all sectors and all stakeholders
concerned, at all levels, especially the local community.”

A. RA 10121
B. RA 9729
C. RA 9003
D. RA 10587

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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

220 Below are phases of the local government budgeting process: D.

i. Budget preparation
ii. Budget execution
iii. Budget review
iv. Budget authorization
v. Budget accountability
What is the correct order of implementation?
A. I, iii, ii, iv, v
B. I, iv, v, iii, ii
C. I, v, iii, iv, ii
D. I, iv, iii, ii, v
221. This law requires every public officer to file his/her Statement of Assets A.
and Liabilities and net worth
A. RA 3019
B. RA. 3050
C. BP 195
D. PD 670
222. Of the Eight-Rungs in the Ladder of Citizen Participation by Sherry C.
Arnstein, which rung of the ladder denotes the highest level of

A. Informing
B. Consultation
C. Placation
D. Manipulation

223. The Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) has 358 operating B.
economic zones in the country as of October 2016. Which among the list
has the most number of operating economic zones?
A. Manufacturing Economic Zones website
B. Information Technology Parks / Centers
C. Agro Industrial Economic Zones
D. Tourism Economic Zones
E. Medical Tourism Parks /Centers

224. It is an isolated policed area adjacent to a port of entry (as a seaport) B

and/or airport where imported goods may be unloaded for immediate
transshipment or stored, repacked, sorted, mixed, or otherwise RA
manipulated without being subject to import duties. 7916.

A. Export Processing Zone

B. Free Trade Zone
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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

C. Industrial Estate
D. Special Economic Zone

225. It is a seismically active undersea region and extinct volcanic ridge C.

located in the northern Philippine Sea. It has been declared by the
Philippine government as a "protected food supply economic zone" in
May 2017. As a protected area, mining and oil exploration is banned.
What is the name of this area?

A. Economic Exclusive Zone

B. Urdaneta Plateau
C. Philippine Rise
D. Philippine Basin

226. These laws were enacted to establish and define the baselines of the C.
territorial sea of the Philippines, except one:

A. R.A. 5446
B.. R.A. 9522
C. R.A. 6154
D.. R.A. 3046

227 PD 1596 has declared this island in the South China Sea as part of the D.
Philippine territory:

A. Spratleys Islands
B. Scarborough Shoal
C. Paracel Island
D. Kalayaan Island Group

228 LGU officials who are travelling abroad should seek travel authority from C.
A. DILG Secretary
B. President
C. DILG Undersecretary
D. Executive Secretary
229 In the 1987 Constitution, he exercises general supervision of local B.
A. DILG Secretary
B. President
C. Office of the Civil Defense
D. DND Secretary
230. When the Spanish colonists arrived in the country, it was noted that the A.
native inhabitants lived in thousands of scattered hamlets or small
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

clusters of houses.. Which urban form would describe the early


A. Dispersed sheet
B. Urban star
C. The ring
D. Galaxy of settlements

231. It is the principal decision tool in resolving issues in a "Mixed Land Use" A.
PPT 375

A. Zoning Compatibility Matrix

B. Land Use Compatibility Matrix
C. Multiple Land Use Matrix
D. Multiple Zoning Matrix

232. In the LDC, the main function of the Secretariat is to provide technical B.
and administrative support, document proceedings and prepare reports.
Rps 12
Who heads the provincial, city and municipal Secretariat?

A. corresponding provincial, city and municipal secretaries

B. corresponding provincial, city and municipal local planning and
development coordinators
C. corresponding provincial, city and municipal development officers
D. corresponding provincial, city and municipal chief executives

233. The CLUP contains the following, except one: B

A. Four policy areas
Rps 36
B.. Zoning ordinance
C.. Desired Urban Form / Spatial strategy
D.. Land use policy framework

234. To ensure horizontal integration of CLUP and consistency of land use C

policy among adjoining LGUs, the municipal CLUP's are reviewed by
RPS 37
A. Sangguniang Panlalawigan
B. Local Chief Executive
C. Provincial Land Use Committee
D. Provincial Planning and Development Office

235 Using the Doubling Time formula for population growth rate projection; if B.
the value of r (growth rate) is greater than 1%, this indicates:

A. Doubling time is more than 69 years Rps 45

B. Doubling time is less than 69 years
C. Doubling time is 69 years
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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

D. None of the above

236. S-M-A-R-T test is best applied to define: C.

A. Goals
B. Vision
C. Objectives
D. Mission

237 What is the inverse of a problem tree? C.

A. Solution tree
B. Relief tree
C. Policy tree
D. Target tree

238. LGUs normally have their own Vision Statement. However in cases A.
where an LGU has not yet formulated a Vision Statement, the LGU can
adopt this section of the LGC as an alternative Vision Statement. What
is this?

A. General welfare goals

B. Basic services and facilities goals
C. Social welfare goals
D. Information services

239. He redesigned Paris by carrying out massive urban renewal program of A.

new boulevards, parks and public works.

A. Georges -Eugene Haussmann

B. Frederick Law Omsted
C. Lewis Mumford
D.Charles Garnier

240. Which activity does not belong to the Secondary Sector of the local C
economy as per Philippine Standard Industry Classification?
A. Mining and quarrying
B. Manufacturing
C. Transportation, storage and communication
D. Electricity, Gas and Water
E. Construction

241. In SWOT analysis, which represent the internal factors within an B.


A. Strengths - Opportunities
B. Strengths - Weaknesses
C. Opportunities - Threats
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

D. Weaknesses - Opportunities

242. In SWOT analysis, which represent the external factors stemming from A.
community or societal forces?

A. Opportunities - Threats
B. Weaknesses - Opportunities
C. Strengths - Weaknesses
D. Strengths - Threats

243 It is the result of excessive covering of land surface with asphalt, A.

concrete and building structures.

A. Heat Island Effect

B. Climate Change
C. El Nino
D. Solar heat radiation

244. It is a continuous and systematic process during which people and B.

organizations (community/stakeholders) make decisions about future
outcomes, how they are to be achieved, and how their success (or
otherwise) is to be measured and evaluated.

A. Strategic management
B. Strategic planning
C. Strategic thinking
D. Strategic process

245. It is a concept that says that humans 'hold the natural and cultural A.
environment of the Earth in common both with other members of the
present generation and with other generations, past and future.

A. Intergenerational equity
B. Generation inheritance
C. Intergenerational legacy
D. Intergenerational inequity

246 These are measures of population distribution and urbanization, except C.

A. Level of urbanization (urbanity)
B. Tempo of urbanization
C. Urban migration
D. Urban density

247. These are some laws that were enacted to address environmental C.
issues of our country.
i. Clean Air Act of 1999 (RA 8749)
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

ii. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 (RA 9003)

iii. Climate Change Act of 2009 (RA 9729)
iv. Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 (RA 9275)
v. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 (RA 10121)

Which laws were mainstreamed in the formulation of the "ridge-to-reef"

management framework of CLUP?

A. i, iii, iv
B. ii, iii, v
C. iii, v
D. ii, v
E. i, ii, iv

248. CLUP preparation involves a 12-step process and are grouped into D.
three stages; pre-planning, planning and plan implementation &
monitoring. The planning stage includes:

i. Set the vision

ii Analyze the situation
iii. Set the goals and objectives
iv. Establish development thrust and spatial strategies
v. Prepare the land use plan
vi. Draft the zoning ordinance.

Which of the above steps are interchangeable?

A. v and vi
B. iv and v
C. ii and iii
D. i and ii
E. iii and iv

249. The island of Boracay is besieged with environmental problems to the C.

extent that President Duterte labeled the island as a cesspool. One of
the problems that was noted is the encroachment of illegal structures in
the easement zone of the island. Under PD 1067 or the Water Code of
the Philippines, what is the easement zone from the banks of rivers and
streams and the shores of the seas and lakes throughout their entire
length in forested areas?

A. 15 m,
B. 20 m.
C. 40 m
D. 10 m.

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

250. Due to the environmental degradation of Boracay island, the D.

government decided to close the island from the influx of tourists for 6
months to give way for its rehabilitation. Among the problems in the
island are the following:

i. encroachment of illegal structures in the easement zone

ii. narrow roads resulting to traffic congestion
iii. unabated sewage disposal into the sea
iv. overcrowding or human congestion
v. graft and corruption

From among the above list, which are the priority issues that the
government has to address during the 6 months rehabilitation period?

A. ii, iii, iv
B. iii, iv, v
C. i, v, ii
D. i and iii
E. i and ii

251 The CLUPs of component cities and municipalities are reviewed by the A.
Provincial Land Use Committee. Which body is the approving authority?

A. Sangguniang Panlalawigan
B. HLURB - Regional Office
C. Provincial chief Executive
D. Sangguniang Panglungsod

252 The CLUPs of Highly Urbanized Cities (HUC's) and Independent D.

Component Cities (ICC's) are reviewed by the Regional Land Use
Committee (RLUC). Which/who is the approving authority?

A. Sangguniang Panglungsod
B. Sangguniang Panlalawigan
C. City Mayor

253. These are areas generally belonging to Indigenous Cultural D.

Communities / Indigenous Peoples (ICC's/IP's) comprising lands, inland
waters, coastal areas, and natural resources therein, held under a claim
of ownership, occupied or possessed by ICC's/IP's, themselves or
through their ancestors, communally or individually since time
immemorial continuously to the present except when interrupted by war,
force majeure or displacement by force, deceit, stealth or as a
consequence of government projects or any other voluntary dealings
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

entered into by government and private individuals, corporations, and

which are necessary to ensure their economic, social and cultural

A. Ancestral lands
B. Cultural communities
C. Tribal lands
D. Ancestral Domain

254 It is a land development scheme wherein project site is comprehensively B.

planned as an entity via a unitary site plan which permits flexibility in
planning/design, building, siting, complementarity of building types and
land uses, usable open spaces and the preservation of significant
natural land features.

A. Subdivision Development
B. Planned Unit Development
C. New Town Development
D. Townhomes Development

256. The municipality of Magallanes had submitted their CLUP and Zoning B.
Ordinance to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan for review and approval.
After its approval, what will be last action from the municipality of
Magallanes so that their CLUP and Zoning Ordinance become effective?

A. No further action is required

B. Post copy of the approval in the bulletin board in the entrance of their
Municipal Hall.
C. Announce by public address system or “bandillo” around the
D. Call Radio Bombo to announce such approval

257. The mayor of the municipality of San Andres is submitting their CLUP C
and Zoning Ordinance (ZO) to their Sangguniang Panlalawigan for
review and approval. To ensure a seamless approval, apart from the
CLUP and ZO, what other documents should be submitted?

i. Copy of Issued Invitation Letter / Notice of Public Hearing

ii. Minutes of Public Hearing
iii. Sangguniang Bayan (SB) / Sangguniang Panglungsod (SP)
Secretary's Certificate of Public Hearing Conducted
iv. Photographs during Public Hearing
v. Copy of Attendance Sheet
vi. List of Invitees and Sector represented
vii. Executive Summary of the CLUP

A. vii, vi, v, iv, iii, ii

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

B. iii. iv. v. vi. vii

C. i, ii, iii, v, vi, vii
D. ii, iii, iv, v, vi
E. i, vii, vi, v, iv

258. A development project is traversing into a forest land that will require DENR
cutting several naturally growing trees. What is the ratio for each cut tree
vs. replacement in support to the National Greening Program and 2012-02
climate change initiatives of the government?

A. 1:25
B. 1:50 C.
C. 1:100
D. 1: 150
E. 1: 200

259 Earth Day is celebrated on what day? B.

A. January 28
B. April 22
C. May 24
D. Nov 16
E. Sep 5

260. Mr. Yoso has been living continuously for the last 15 years in an B.
abandoned military camp that is located in a highly urbanized city. Under
R.A. 10023, he is qualified to apply for a free patent title for the land he
is living on. What is the maximum lot area that he can avail?

A. 100 sq. m.
B. 200 sq. m
C. 500 sq. m
D. 1000 sq. m

261. DENR has classified fresh surface water according to its intended use: E
i. Sources of water supply requiring conventional treatment to meet
the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW);
ii. Agricultural, irrigation and livestock watering; DMC -
iii. Primary contact recreation (swimming, bathing, etc.) 2017-13
iv. Fishery water for propagation and growth of fish and other
aquatic resources;
v. Boating, fishing or similar activities

Based on the above uses, Class C is suitable for:

A. I, ii, iii, iv
B. Ii, iii, v, i
C. I, iii, iv, v
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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

D. Ii, iii, iv
E. Ii, iv, v

262. The local planning structure consists of political and technical D.

components such as:
i. Local Sangguniang
ii. Local Planning and Development Office
iii. Local Development Council
iv. LGU Department Heads
v. Congressman’s representative
vi. Local Special bodies
vii. Civil society organizations
viii. LDC Sectoral / Functional Committees
ix. NGA Office Chiefs in the locality
x. Private Sector representatives

From the above list, which constitutes the Political component?

A. I, ii, iv, v, iii
B. I, iii, ix, v, ii
C. Ii, iii, iv, v
D. I, iii, v, vii
E. Iv, v, ix, i

263. The local planning structure consists of political and technical A.

components such as:
i. Local Sangguniang
ii. Local Planning and Development Office Fig 1.1
iii. Local Development Council page 2
iv. LGU Department Heads
v. Congressman’s representative
vi. Local Special bodies
vii. Civil society organizations
viii. LDC Sectoral / Functional Committees
ix. NGA Office Chiefs in the locality
x. Private Sector representatives

From the above list, which constitute the technical component?

A. Ii, iv, vi, viii, ix, x
B. I, ii, vi, v, viii, ix
C. Iv, iii, vi, viii, ix, x
D. Iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii
E. Iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix

264 The population of Caraga grows at an average growth rate of 2.76%. By D

population doubling time, how long will it take to double its population?
A. 20 years
B. 30 years
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

C. 35 years
D. 25 years
E. 15 years
265. A proposed subdivision is located near the Marikina Valley Fault Trace. D.
To conform the easement limits set in IRR of PD 957, the developer has
Rev. IRR
to limit his development by how many meters from both sides of the fault of PD
line? 957
A. 10 m
B. 20 m
C. 50 m
D. 5 m
E. 25 m

266. A condominium is located in a neighborhood with the nearest park and E

playground located 1.5km away. As per IRR of PD 957, the developer of
Rev. IRR
the condominium should provide another park and playground to of PD
conform to IRR PD 957 which requires that parks and playground should 957.
be in the vicinity of the condominium with a distance not exceeding

A. 300 m
B. 500 m
C. 400 m
D. 200 m
E. 800 m
267. In residential subdivisions, park and playground is mandatory on A.
subdivisions with an area of:
A. 1 hectare of PD
B. 2 hectares 957
C. 3 hectares
D. 1.5 hectares
E. 2.5 hectares
268. In IRR of PD 957, it is a type of road that services pedestrian /vehicular B.
traffic from minor roads to major roads.
A. Gravel Road
B. Collector road
C. Alley
D. Motor courts
E. Service Road
269. A subdivision has an overall area of 35 hectares. Major road is required C.
to meet the requirements of PD 957. What is the right-of-way for this
A. 10m
B. 12m
C. 15m
D. 20m
E. 25m
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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

270 This serves as the link of two planning cycles and thereby reinforces the B.
cynical nature of the planning process:
A. Plan Monitoring
B. Plan Monitoring and Evaluation
C. Plan Evaluation
D. Plan review
271 RA 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991 provides the rules for C
the reclassification of agricultural lands at the local level in terms of
authority grounds for reclassification and limitations. Which government Adm
agency gives the final approval for the conversion of agricultural lands? Order 01
A. DENR - 2002
B. Department of Agriculture (DA)
C. Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)

272. It is a document embodying a set of policies accompanied by maps and D.

similar illustrations that serve as a policy guide for determining the future
use of lands and natural resources within the territorial jurisdiction of the

A. Comprehensive Development Plan

B. Development Plan
C. Physical Framework Plan
D. Comprehensive Land Use Plan

273. Public domain refers to lands belonging to the State which are classified B.
as follows:

i. Ancestral domain
ii. National parks
iii. Ancestral lands
iv. Mineral
v. Agricultural lands
vi. Forest or timber lands

A. i, ii, iv, v
B. ii, iv, v, vi
C. ii, iii, iv, vi
D. iii, iv, v, vi

274. It is a strip of land covering at least one (1) kilometer from the point C.
where seawater reaches during the highest high tide. What is this
A. Foreshore land
B. Coastal area
C. Shoreline
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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

D. Coastal zone

275. As per RA 7718, a Build -Operate-Transfer undertaking at the local level C.

with value between PHP200M - 300M has to be approved by whom?

A. Local Development Council

B. Regional Development Council
C. Investment Coordination Committee
D. Department of Finance
E. President

276. The MC 2018-3 of the DILG and MC10 -2017 of the Civil Service D.
Commission paved the way for the full implementation of Sec 34 of this
Republic Act regarding appointments of only licensed Environmental
Planners in various government positions in the LGUs. What law is
being referred to in these memorandum circulars?

A. RA 10121
B. RA 9729
C. RA 9003
D. RA 10587

277 RA 9485 also known as Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007 requires all D.
government agencies including departments, bureaus, offices,
instrumentalities, or government-owned and/or controlled corporations,
or local government or district units to set up their respective service
standards. It is in the form of information billboards which should be
posted at the main entrance of offices or at the most conspicuous place,
and in the form of published materials written either in English, Filipino,
or in the local dialect. What is the requirement called?

A. Vision Statement
B. Quality Statement
C. Customer Services Board
D. Citizen's Charter
E. Service Standards Board

278 The town of San Martin has a total population of 253,000 in 2015, C.
consisting of 124,000 women and 129,000 men. What is the sex ratio for
the population in San Martin?

A. 96
B. 51
C. 104
D. 49

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

279 The revised CLUP Guidelines adapted the "ridge-to-reef" or the D

integrated watershed ecosystems management framework with
additional focus on:

i. Climate change adaptation,

ii. Disaster risk reduction management,
iii. Human resources management
iv. Population control thru responsible parenthood
v. Integration of planning for critical resources such as upland, coastal,
ancestral domain, biodiversity areas, heritage and urban greening

A. i, iii, iv
B. ii, iii, v
C. iii, iv, v
D. i, ii, v

280 This plan is the main reference point by which subsequent national B.
and local sectoral or development plans are directly linked and
aligned. The Regional Physical Framework Plans (RPFPs), Provincial
Development and Physical Framework Plans (PDPFPs), and
Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUPs), that cover the physical
development of their respective territories, shall be consistent with this
Plan. What is this Plan called?
A. Philippine Medium-Term Development Plan
B. National Physical Framework Plan
C. Philippine Development Plan
D. National Development Investment Plan

281 Philippine Agenda 21 (PA21) is the national agenda for sustainable D

development. It outlines the integrating strategies for the country’s
overall sustainable development and identifies the intervention areas
(Action Agenda) from the national to the regional level, along with the
corresponding implementing platforms and plans. PA21 has the
following goal elements:
i. Poverty reduction
ii. Social equity
iii. Human rights advancement
iv. Empowerment and Governance
v. Green economy
vi. Peace and solidarity
vii. Ecological integrity

A. i, ii, iii, iv, v

B. ii, iii, iv, v, vi
C. iii, iv, v, vi, vii
D. i, ii, iv, vi, vii

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

E. ii, iii, v, vi, vii

282. John Tapulan was an OFW for several years and decided to stay in the C.
Philippines for good. With his savings, he put up a water-refilling station
Refer to
in his hometown. In order to attract more customers, he wanted to put a Art 6 Vol
signboard in front of his water refilling station. To make that legal, what 3 Clup
sort of document he has to get from the Zoning Administrator / Zoning

A. Zoning permit
B. Environmental Clearance
C. Locational Clearance
D. Safety Clearance
E. Signboard Permit

283. Memorandum Circular No. 54 prescribes the Guidelines Governing C.

Section 20 of RA 7160…authorizing cities and municipalities to
Sec 23
reclassify agricultural lands into non-agricultural uses. All applications Vol 3
for agricultural land re-classification that were approved by the city CLUP
/municipality shall be submitted to this government body for review
and final approval. What is this government body?
A. Regional Land Use Committee
B. Provincial Land Use Committee
C. HLURB / Sangguniang Panlalawigan
D. Department of Agrarian Reform
E. Department of Agriculture

284 In development projects such as residential, commercial, industrial and C

mixed-use subdivisions, developers are required to develop a network of
Vol 3
green and open spaces to avoid or minimize the urban heat islands Clup
effect. These include the following:
Sec 24
i. Provide tree-planted strips along the internal roads
ii. Provide covered car parking area
iii. Landscaping on roof decks of all buildings, if applicable
iv. Provide landscaped tree parks in some portions of the open space
v. Parking lots with at least 20 parking slots shall be landscaped with
suitable trees
vi. 50% of the parking lot shall be paved with permeable or semi
permeable materials such as grass, gravel, etc.

From the above list, which are the suitable measures?

A. i, ii, iii, iv, v
B. i, ii, iv, v, vi
C. i, iii, iv. v. vi
D. ii, iii, iv, v, vi

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

285. This document is required for all developers to submit together with the B.
development proposals in flood prone areas and all major proposals
likely to affect the existing drainage regime, including commercial- Vol 3
residential buildings or condominiums, shopping malls, public markets,
schools, universities, residential and industrial, and other similar Article 7
developments. shall be required to submit Drainage Impact Assessment
Study. This should be prepared, signed and sealed by duly licensed Civil
Engineers, Sanitary Engineers or Environmental Planners.

A. Sanitary Impact Assessment Study

B. Drainage Impact Assessment Study
C. Initial Environmental Impact Study
D. Environmental Impact Assessment Study

286. This document is required for development projects involving major, high B.
intensity facilities such as commercial-residential buildings or
Clup Vol
condominiums having four floors and above, shopping malls, public 3 Art 7
markets, transportation terminals/ garages, schools, universities,
residential and industrial subdivisions, cock fighting arena, sports stadia
and other similar developments. This study include impacts to the
surrounding area due to traffic generation.

A. Traffic Impact Assessment Report

B. Traffic Impact Statement
C. Traffic Generation Report
D. Traffic Safety Report

287. The approved city / municipal Zoning Maps shall be printed in standard A.
colored codes. What are the minimum dimensions?
Vol 3
A. 1.20m x 1.20m
B. 1.0m x 1.0 m
C. 0.80m x 0.80m
D. 0.60m x 0.60m

288. A building contractor was issued a Locational Clearance for his C.

proposed grocery building project. However due to financial problem, the
project was delayed. What is the validity of a Locational Clearance?
A. 2 years
B. 3 years
C. 1 year
D. 18 months

289. The Zoning Ordinance shall be enforced and administered by: B

A. Municipal/ City Planning Development Officer
B. Local Chief Executive Vol 3
C. Zoning Administrator / Zoning Officer
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

D. Municipal / City Police Department

290. According to the requirements in the implementation of the Zoning C.

Ordinance, the qualifications of a Zoning Administrator / Zoning Officer
should be: Vol 3
A. Civil Service eligible
B. Law graduate
C. Licensed Environmental Planner
D. College graduate with 3 years experience in Zoning Administration

291. The contents of the prescribed Zoning Ordinance include how many B.

A. 10
B. 9
C. 11
D. 12
E. 8

292. A Zoning Ordinance will always have this Article: A.

A. Title
B. Annexes
C. Preamble
D. Miscellaneous Provisions
E. Transitory Provisions

293. The Philippines is among the most countries at risk in the world because C
of vulnerability and susceptibility to natural hazards of its exposed
population, the Philippines is ranked on what position?

A. 2nd
B. 4th
C. 3rd
D. 5th
E. 6th

294 It is the process of studying risks and vulnerabilities of exposed D.

elements namely, the people, urban areas, agriculture, forestry and
fishery production areas, critical point facilities, and lifeline infrastructure Vol 4
associated with natural hazards and climate change. What is this
process called?

A. Environmental Risk Assessment

B. Risk Assessment
C. Disaster Risk Assessment
D. Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

295. The Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment involve a 6-step process. In C.
these steps, Climate Risk Assessment and Disaster Risk Assessment
Vol 4
are conducted simultaneously.

i. Collect and organize climate change and hazard information

ii. Scope the potential impacts of hazards and climate change
iii. Develop the exposure database
iv. Conduct a climate change vulnerability assessment
v. Conduct a disaster risk assessment
vi. Summarize findings

Among the list, what two steps can be done simultaneously?

A. Steps iii and iv

B. Steps ii and iii
C. Steps iv and v
D. Steps iii and iv

296. In the 12-step process for the CLUP preparation, steps 3 and 4 are B.
interchangeable. Similarly, in the 6-step process for the Climate and
Vol 4
Disaster Risk Assessment, there are steps that are also

i. Collect and organize climate change and hazard information

ii. Scope the potential impacts of hazards and climate change
iii. Develop the exposure database
iv. Conduct a climate change vulnerability assessment
v. Conduct a disaster risk assessment
vi. Summarize findings

What steps are interchangeable?

A. Steps ii and iii

B. Steps iii and iv
C. Steps iv and v
D. Steps v and vi

297. RA 9003 which is also called as the “Ecological Solid Waste B.

Management Act of 2000” was the first environmental law signed by
Pres. Gloria Arroyo. Among the prohibitive acts in this law include:

i. Slash and burn or “kaingin” farming

ii. Squatting in open dumps and landfills
iii. Littering, throwing, dumping of waste matters in public places,
such as roads, sidewalks, canals, esteros or parks, and
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

establishment, or causing or permitting the same

iv. Unauthorized removal of recyclable material intended for
collection by authorized persons
v. The open burning of solid waste or “pagsisiga”
vi. Cooking using firewood/charcoal including outdoor barbeque
vii. Open dumping, burying of biodegradable or non-biodegradable
materials in flood-prone areas

A. i, ii, iii, iv, v

B. ii, iii, iv, v, vii
C. i, iii, iv, v, vii
D. ii, iv, v, vi, vii

298. Mr. Cardo Dimautangan wanted to put up a business near a sanitary D.

landfill. How far should he establish his business away from the sanitary
landfill to comply with the requirements in RA 9003?

A. 500 m
B. 300 m
C. 250 m
D. 200 m
E. 100 m
299 Under RA 7160, Sec 241, a Local Sanggunian may impose a "special D.
benefit levy" on real properties that directly benefit from an LGU's
special investment on a section of their locality. Rate of levy is not
uniform but varies in calibrated manner according to degree of benefit
that a property derives from physical improvement. The special levy
lasts for:

A. three to five years

B. five to seven years
C. seven to nine years
D. five to ten years

300 Sec 234 of RA 7160 lists the following from payment of real property tax: A.

i. Real property owned by the Republic of the Philippines or any of its

political subdivisions

ii. Charitable institutions, churches, parsonages or convents appurtenant

thereto, mosques, nonprofit or religious cemeteries and all lands,
buildings, and improvements actually, directly, and exclusively used for
religious, charitable or educational purposes

iii. All machineries and equipment that are actually, directly and
exclusively used by local water districts and government-owned or -
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

controlled corporations engaged in the supply and distribution of water

and/or generation and transmission of electric power;

iv. All real property owned by duly registered cooperatives

v. Machinery and equipment used for pollution control and

environmental protection

A. i, ii, iii, iv, v

B. i. ii. iv
C. i,ii, iii, iv
D. i, iii, iv, v

301 Sec 107 of RA 7160 requires barangays to prepare a multi-sectoral A.

development plan. Who prepares this plan?

A. Barangay Development Council

B. Barangay Chairman
C. Village President
D. Chairman of the Association of Barangay Council

302 Total remittances of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) stood at $28.1B D.

in 2017 which is about 10% of the country's GDP. In economics, these
cash remittances are collectively called:

A. Foreign Direct Investment

B. Net Factor Income from Abroad
C. Personal Portfolio
D. Balance of Payment
E. Personal Investment

303 Infrastructure development in the National Framework for Physical D.

Planning (NFPP) for 2001 to 2030 covers the following subsectors;

i. Transportation
ii. Communications
iii Energy,
iv. Water resources,
v. Social infrastructure

A. i, ii, iii, iv
B. ii, iii, iv, v
C. iii, iv, v, i
D. i, ii, iii, iv, v

304. According to RA 8749 also known as the Philippine Clean Air Act of B.
1999, this geographic- based instrument for planners and decision-
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

makers presents an evaluation of the environmental quality and carrying

capacity of an area. It is the result of the integration of primary and
secondary data and information on natural resources and anthropogenic
activities on the land which are evaluated by various environmental risk
assessment and forecasting methodologies that enable planners and
government decision-makers to anticipate the type of development
control necessary in the planning area.

A. Environmental Accounting
B. Eco-profile
C. Scoping
D. Map overlay

305. Section 6 of RA 7160, allows LGU's like province, city, municipality, or B.

any other political subdivision to be created, divided, merged, abolished,
or its boundaries substantially altered by:

A. Sangguniang Panlalawigan
B. Congress
C. President
D. DILG Secretary

306. As per Section 6 of RA 7160, allows barangays to be created, divided, A.

merged, abolished, or its boundaries substantially altered within its
territorial jurisdiction by whom?

A. Sangguniang Panlalawigan / Sangguniang Panlungsod

B. DILG Secretary
C. Provincial Governor / City Mayor
D. Municipal Mayor

307. As per RA 7160 The creation of a local government unit or its A.

conversion from one level to another level shall be based on verifiable
Sec 7
indicators of viability and projected capacity based on the following
parameters except one:

A. Infrastructure
B. Income
C. Population
D. Land Area

308 The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan A.

(NDRRMP) listed this as one of the priority areas in the attainment of
their long term goals. It provides key strategic actions that give P
importance to activities revolving around hazards evaluation and
mitigation, vulnerability analyses, identification of hazard-prone areas
and mainstreaming DRRM into development plans. Which one below?
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

A. Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

B. Disaster Preparedness
C. Disaster Response
D. Disaster Recovery and Rehabilitation

309. B.
The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
(NDRRMP) listed this as one of the priority areas in the attainment of
their long term goals. It provides for the key strategic actions that give
importance to activities revolving around community awareness and
understanding; contingency planning; conduct of local drills and the
development of a national disaster response plan. Which one below?

A. Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

B. Disaster Preparedness
C. Disaster Response
D. Disaster Recovery and Rehabilitation

310. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan C.

(NDRRMP) listed this as one of the priority areas in the attainment of
their long term goals. It gives importance to activities during the actual
disaster response operations from needs assessment with emphasis to
search and rescue, relief operations and early recovery activities.

A. Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

B. Disaster Preparedness
C. Disaster Response
D. Disaster Recovery and Rehabilitation

311. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan D.

(NDRRMP) listed this as one of the priority areas in the attainment of
their long term goals. It covers areas like employment and livelihoods,
infrastructure and lifeline facilities, housing and resettlement, among
others. These are efforts done when people are already outside of the
evacuation centers.

A. Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

B. Disaster Preparedness
C. Disaster Response
D. Disaster Recovery and Rehabilitation

312 NDRRMP defines this as a process of establishing geographically where C

and to what extent particular hazards/ phenomena are likely to pose a
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

threat to people, property, infrastructure and economic activities. Which

one is being referred to below?

A. Disaster Area Mapping

B. Disaster Prone Area Mapping
C. Hazard Mapping
D. Disaster and Hazard Mapping

313 According to NDRRM, after a disaster, it is an assessment of obtaining a C.

rapid diagnosis of the remaining functions and operational of the
systems, the damaged suffered, its causes and required repairs and
rehabilitation. Such assessment will help to locate and quantify the
needs that must be met in order to establish key services and to
estimate the time needed until they can be back in operation. What is
this called?

A. Damage Assessment
B. Needs Analysis
C. Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis
D. Damage and Loss Assessment

314 In estimating the demand for urban land, this method is better applied to C.
rural areas rather than urban areas. Which method is that?

A. Goal Achievement Matrix

B. Planning Balance Sheet
C. FAO Urban Land Distribution Formula
D. Urban Density Method
315 This method in determining demand for urban land is considered the C.
most accurate but most tedious. Which one is that?

A. FAO Urban Land Distribution Formula

B. Urban Density Method
C. Special Studies
D. Planning Balance Sheet

316 RA 8550, The Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998 defines this as a band C.
of dry land and adjacent ocean space (water and submerged land) in
which terrestrial processes and uses directly affect oceanic processes
and uses, and vice versa; its geographic extent may include areas within
a landmark limit of one (1) kilometer from the shoreline at high tide to
include mangrove swamps, brackish water ponds, nipa swamps,
estuarine rivers, sandy beaches and other areas within a seaward limit
of 200 meters isobath to include coral reefs, algal flats, seagrass beds
and other soft-bottom areas. What is this called?

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

A. Seashore land
B. Foreshore land
C. Coastal Zone
D. Aqua marine zone

317. Which type of land use is most easily reversible or convertible to its C.
original state?
A. Infrastructure land
B. Commercial
C. Forest land
D. Cemetery / memorial park

318 What do “contour lines” on a topographic map indicate? B.

A. Boundaries
B. Elevation intervals
C. Paths
D. Terrain
319 Which Philippine city is recognized as the first city with organized bike C.

A. Cebu City
B. Iloilo City
C. Marikina City
D. Vigan City
E. None of the above

320 Which street in the Philippines is recognized as the first totally C.

pedestrianized street?

A. Calle Colon in Cebu City

B. Camino de Veteranos in Zamboanga City
C. Calle Crisologo in Vigan City
D. Calle Real in Iloilo City

321 The national government had honored the following cities in 2014 for B
being friendly to pedestrians and cyclists and were cited as the most
“walkable and bikeable” cities.

i. Cebu City
ii. Iloilo City
iii. Puerto Princesa City
iv. Vigan City
v. Marikina City
vi. Zamboanga City
vii. Pasig City

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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

Which of these cities got this distinction?

A. i, ii, iii, iv, v
B. i, ii ,iv, v, vii
C. ii, iii, iv, v, vi
D. ii, iv, v ,vi, vii

322. Characteristics that would be considered in a pedestrian-friendly street: D.

i. It must be accessible and permeable

ii. It must be safe and inviting - has certain characteristics
of publicness and transparency.
iii. It must be comfortable for users to walk on – must have
enough shade and cover and with well-designed and
well-constructed elements
iv. It must have shops along the way for pleasure shopping
v. It must provide users with a pleasant view - well-placed street
elements are great factors in making a route enjoyable
vi. It must be well-maintained
vii. It must have well maintained public toilets

Which are the most suitable characteristics?

A. i, ii, iii, iv, v

B. ii, iii, iv, v, vi
C. iii, iv, v, vi, vii
D. i, ii, iii, v, vi

323. It is a metropolitan sub-region where the layout, infrastructure, and C.

economy are centered on an airport which serves as a multimodal
"airport city" commercial core. It is similar in form to a traditional
metropolis, which contains a central city commercial core and
commuter-linked suburbs. What is this called?

A. Megalopolis
B. Metropolis
C. Aerotropolis
D. Aeropolis

324. When is World Town Planning Day celebrated? D.

A. December 12
B. January 22
C. April 5
D. November 8

325. Who initiated the World Town Planning Day in 1949 which aims to A.
advance public and professional interest in planning worldwide?
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

A. Carlos Maria della Paolera

B. Daniel Burnham
C. Ebenezer Howard
D. Robert Moses

326. C-5 is a 32.5 kilometers network of road and bridges that connects D
the north and the south of Metro Manila, which makes it an important
alternative to EDSA.
What type of road is C-5?

A. Expressway
B. By-pass road
C. Connector road
D. Circumferential road
E. Alternative Road

327. RA 10771 is an Act promoting the creation of green jobs, granting C.

incentives and appropriating funds therefor. This Act is known as what?

A. Philippine Incentives Act of 2016

B. Philippine Green Economy Act of 2016
C. Philippine Green Jobs Act of 2016
D. Philippine Green Jobs Incentives Act of 2601

328. These refer to employment that contributes to preserving or restoring the B.

quality of the environment, be it in the agriculture, industry or services
sector. These include jobs that help to protect ecosystems and
biodiversity, reduce energy, materials and water consumption through
high efficiency strategies, decarbonize the economy, and minimize or
altogether avoid generation of all forms of waste and pollution. What are
these called?

A. Green services
B. Green jobs
C. Green employment
D. Green economies

329 This refers to one which is low-carbon and resource efficient, and results B.
in the generation of green jobs and in improved human well-being and
social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and
ecological scarcities. What is this called?

A. Green technology
B. Green economy
C. Green goods and services
D. Green practices
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

330. IRR of RA 10771, which government body is mandated to certify C.

business enterprises who are qualified to avail tax incentives in this Act?

A. Department of Finance
C. Climate Change Commission

331. RA 6969 is an Act to control toxic substances and hazardous and B.

nuclear wastes, providing penalties for violations thereof, and for other
purposes. This Act is known as what?

A. Philippine Toxic and Hazardous Substances Act of 1990

B. Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control
Act of 1990
C. Toxic Substances and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990
D. Toxic and Hazardous Wastes Control Act of 1990

332. What is the width of the right-of-way for public highways, railroads, D.
irrigation ditches, aqueducts, telegraph and telephone lines, and similar
PD 635
works as the Government or any public or quasi-public service or
enterprise, including mining or forest concessionaires may reasonably
require for carrying on their business, with damages for the
improvements only?

A. 20 m
B. 50 m
C. 40 m
D. 60 m
E. 30 m
333. What is the term used in urban design strategy that involves converting D.
a street to a public space that is pedestrian-oriented rather than motor

A. Traffic calming strategy

B. Access management
C. Complete street strategy
D. Pedestrianization
E. Sustainable street strategy

334 What is the width of the right-of-way of the national roads when B.
measured from the centerline of the road?
PD 635

A. 10 m
B. 30 m
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

C. 25 m
D. 20 m.
E. 15 m
335. Which sole policy-making body of the government is tasked to E.
coordinate, monitor and evaluate the programs and action plans of the
government relating to climate change?

A. Environment Management Bureau

B. Department of Environment and Natural Resources
D. Department of Science and Technology
E. Climate Change Commission

336. Who is the chairperson of the Commission on Climate Change? C.

A. DENR Secretary
B. DOST Secretary
C. President
D. Commissioner of the Commission on Climate Change

337 In RA 9729 also known as the Climate Change Act of 2009, formulated D.
this strategy which shall serve as the basis for a program for climate
change planning, research and development, extension, and monitoring
of activities to protect vulnerable communities from the adverse effects
of climate change. What is this strategy called?

A. Framework Strategy and Program on Climate Change

B. Strategies on Climate Change
C. Framework and Program on Climate Change
D. Framework Strategy on Climate Change
338. What is the Plan that is formulated by the Climate Change Commission D.
(CCC) which is in accordance to the CCC framework?

A. Climate Change Plan

B. Climate Change Mitigation Plan
C. National Climate Change Plan
D. National Climate Change Action Plan

339 The components of the Climate Change Action Plan of the CCC include: D.
i. Assessment of the national impact of climate change;
ii. The identification of the most vulnerable communities/areas, including
ecosystems to the impacts of climate change, variability and extremes;
iii. The identification of differential impacts of climate change on men,
women and children;
iv. The assessment and management of risk and vulnerability;
v. The identification of Green House Gas (GHG) mitigation potentials
vi. The identification of options, prioritization of appropriate adaptation
measures for joint projects of national and local governments
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

Which are the components?

A. i, ii, iii, iv, v
B. ii, iii, iv, v, vi
C. i, iii, iv, v, vi
D. All of the above

340. In RA 9729, Which government agency is tasked to review international C.

agreements related to climate change and make the necessary
recommendation for ratification and compliance by the government on
matters pertaining thereto?

A. Climate Change Commission

C. Department of Foreign Affairs

341. In RA 9729, Which government agency is tasked to oversee the D.

establishment and maintenance of a climate change information
management system and network, including on climate change risks,
activities and investments, in collaboration with other concerned national
government agencies, institutions and LGUs?

A. Climate Change Commission

C. Philippine Statistics Authority
342. In RA 9729, which government body is also tasked to facilitate the B.
development and provision of a training program for LGUs in climate
change? board
A. Development Academy of the Philippines
B. Local Government Academy
C. Department of Education
D. Office of the Civil Defense

343 Which national agency is primarily responsible for the promulgation, B.

revision and enforcement of drinking water standards?
board ?
A. DENR RA 9275
D. DOST 2017

344 Which government agency is tasked to develop a special business B

facilitation program for individuals and business enterprises that create
green jobs?

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

A. DOLE board
C. DOST 2017

345. Which government agency is tasked to establish and maintain a climate B.

change information management system and network as reference in
the formulation of strategies and approaches to develop potential green board
A. Climate Change Commission (CCC) 2017

346. Which government agency is tasked to develop and implement C

programs that promote the importance of green building practices in
safeguarding the environment and its role in sustainable economic 2017


347 Which government agency is tasked to formulate a National Green Jobs B.

Human Resource Development Plan and to maintain a database of
green careers, professions and skills, list of emerging business board
enterprises that generate and sustain green jobs?
A. POEA 2017

348. Which government agency is tasked to ensure the mainstreaming of C

green jobs concern in development plans?
C. NEDA 2017
349. Which government agency is tasked to develop and implement C
curriculum and related standards and instructional materials in support
of the green economy? board

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

C. CHED 2017
350. Which government agency is tasked to encourage the development of D.
qualifications framework that can facilitate the recognition of knowledge,
skills, and competencies of professionals working in the green
economy? SPBE
A. TESDA 2017
B DepEd
351. Which government agency is tasked to assist the DOLE in analyzing C
skills, training and re-training needs in relation to the use of green
technology that has the potential to create new green occupations and 2017
greener jobs?

352 In the LGUs planning structure, who serves as the technical arm and B
head of the Local Development Council Secretariat?

A. LDC Secretary
B. Local Planning and Development Coordinator ( LPDC)
C. Local Sanggunian
D. Chairman of the Local Special Bodies (LSB)

353. In the local planning structure, which body is considered as the "mother" B
of all planning and programming bodies of the LGUs?
page 2
A. Local Sectoral Bodies
B. Local Development Council
C. Local Planning and Development Office
D. Local Sanggunian

354. What is the frequency of the Local Development Council's (LDC) D

A. at least once a month board
B. at least once in every 2 months question
C. at least once in every 3 months
D. at least once in every 6 months RPS
page 10

355. Which government body acts as the frontline for the formulation, D
planning and implementation of climate change action plans in their

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

respective areas? Vol 1

A. Office of the Civil Defense page 16
C. NEDA - Regional Offices

356. The CLUP's primary planning area of cities and municipalities is defined C
by their political boundaries including all component barangays and the
waters extending by how many kilometers from the shoreline? 1 page
A. 2 km
B. 5 km
C. 15 km
D. 10 km

357 What is the frequency of CLUP's review? C

A. every 2 years
B. every 9 years Vol 1
C. every 6 years page
D. every 3 years

358 In the 12-step CLUP's planning process, which step identifies the B.
issues, potentials and future development needs and spatial
requirements of the city/municipality?

A. Set the vision

B. Analyze the situation
C. Identify stakeholders
D. Organize

359 These are ventures wholly or partially owned by LGUs that generate D.
revenue/income through the sale of services and goods to meet a
perceived constituency demand. What are these called?
A. Local enterprises
B. Local economies
C. Local business enterprises
D. Local economic enterprises

360 In 2000, the population in the town of Buenavista was 180,000. In 2010, B
the population was recorded at 240,000. What was the annual
population growth rate?

A. 3.75%
B. 3.33%
C. 2.5%
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

D. 2.4%

361. What is the term used in an agreement whereby the government or any D
of its agencies or local government units assume responsibility for the
repayment of debt directly incurred by the project proponent in
implementing the project in case of a loan default? BOT
A. Finance guarantee
B. Loan guarantee
C. Direct loan guarantee
D. Direct government guarantee

362 This term refers to an agreement whereby the Government, or any of its C.
Agencies/LGUs will: (a) defray, pay for or shoulder a portion of the
Project Cost or the expenses and costs in operating or maintaining the Law
project; (b) contribute any property or assets to the project; (c) in the
case of LGUs, waive or grant special rates on real property taxes on the
project during the term of the contractual arrangement; and/or (d) waive
charges or fees relative to business permits or licenses that are to be
obtained for the Construction of the project, all without receiving
payment or value from the Project Proponent and/or Facility operator for
such payment, contribution or support.

A. Direct Government guarantee

B. Government warranty
C. Direct Government subsidy
D. Direct Government assistance

363. This term refers to the subscription by the Government or any of its B.
agencies or Local Government Units of shares of stock or other
securities convertible to shares of stock of the project company, whether Law
such subscription will be paid by the money or assets. What is this term?
A. Government share of stocks
B. Direct Government equity
C. Direct government subscription
d. Direct government securities
364 It is a land use management system which combines the production of B.
agricultural crops, forest trees and/or livestock simultaneously or
sequentially on the same unit of land for the purpose of creating
employment opportunities for upland farm labor, producing raw materials
for agriculture or forest-based industries, providing food and other
products for home consumption and improving ecological conditions in
the watersheds.

A. intercropping
B. Agro-forestry
C. Agro-industrial croplands
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

D. Inter-forest management

365. It is an authorization made by ordinance directing the payment of goods C.

and services from local government funds under specified conditions or
for specific purposes. What is this called?

A. Local budget
B. Local expenditure
C. Appropriation
D. Budget allocation

366. What is this map that serves as the working map and provides the B.
standard configuration of the planning unit for the preparation of the
thematic maps? It shows such features as political boundaries, main
river system, main road system and other important topographic

A. Topographic map
B. Base map
C. Zoning map
D. Resource map
E. Physical map

367 This refers to the act of defining the allocation, utilization, development A
and management of all lands within a given territory or jurisdiction
according to the inherent qualities of the land itself and supportive of
sustainable, economic, demographic, socio-cultural and environmental
objectives as an aid to decision-making and legislation.

A. Land use planning

B. Land use allocation
C. Land use management
D. Sustainable land use management

368. This refers to lands which are not effective for crop production due to B.
constraints such as topography of the area or poor yields. What are
these lands called?

A. Blighted lands
B. Marginal lands
C. Non-productive lands
D. Non-profitable lands

369. Investors and registered enterprises in the ECOZONES are entitled to D

the basic rights and guarantees provided in the Constitution and among
other rights recognized by the government like; 7916

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

i. Repatriation of investments
ii. Remittance of earnings
iii. Foreign loans and contracts
iv. Freedom from expropriation
v. Requisition of investment

On the above list, which are the rights and guarantees?

A. i, ii, iii, iv,
B. ii, iii, iv, v
C. iii, iv, v
D. i, ii, iii, iv, v

370. Who /which body is the approving authority for the establishment of new C.
Economic Zones?

A. PEZA - Director General

C. President

371. What is this type of commercial fishing that involves fishing with passive B
or active gear utilizing fishing vessels of 3.1 gross tons (GT) up to twenty
(20) GT? Vol2
A. Medium scale commercial fishing definition
B. Small scale commercial fishing s
C. Large scale commercial fishing
D. Municipal fishing

372. What is this type of commercial fishing that involves fishing utilizing A
active gears and vessels of 20.1 GT up to one hundred fifty (150) GT?
Vol 2
A. Medium scale commercial fishing
B. Small scale commercial fishing definition
C. Large scale commercial fishing
D. Very large scale commercial fishing

373. Which slope of land is suitable for forest use? B.

A. above 30 degrees
B. above 18 degrees
C. above 50 degrees
D. above 25 degrees
374 According to NAMRIA, a one meter sea level rise can translate to an C.
estimated land loss of how many hectares?

A. 125,240 hectares CLUP 2

B. 120, 450 hectares
C. 129, 114 hectares
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

D. 130, 216 hectares Page 19

375 Landslide susceptibility maps can be sourced from this government C


D. Philvocs
376. Flood susceptibility maps can be sources from this government agency: C

377. What is the allowable maximum noise level in a residential area during B
night time?
Vol 2
A. 50 db
B. 45 db Page 69
C. 60 db
D. 55 db

378 Areas that require quietness such as area within 100 meters from A.
school sites, nursery schools, hospitals, and special homes for the aged
are under which classification as stipulated in the maximum allowable Vol 2
noise quality standards? page 69

A. Class AA
B. Class A
C. Class B
D. Class C
E. Class D
379. In the maximum allowable noise quality standards, evening time refers C.
Vol 2
A. 6:00 pm to 5:00 am page 70
B. 10:00 pm to 5:00 am
C. 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
D. 8:00 pm to 5:00 am
380. In the ridge-to-reef concept of CLUP, the coastal zone extends inland C
from the foreshore by what distance?
A. 500m page
B. 750 m 103
C. 1 km
D. 1.5 km

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

E. 2 km
381. Which government agency is authorized to carry out delineation and C
delimitation in municipal waters?
Vol 2
A. DENR p111

382 It is a list of representative, rare, or unique wetland types that are D

internationally important for conserving biodiversity. They are protected
under the Convention of Wetlands of International Importance What is vol2
this list called?
A. International wetlands 118
B. Protected wetlands
C. Habitat list
D. Ramsar sites

383. These wetlands in the Philippines are under the protection of the E
Convention of Wetlands of International Importance except one:
Vol 2
A. Olango Island Wildlife Sanctuary in Cebu, page
B. Naujan Lake National Park in Oriental Mindoro,
C. Agusan Marsh Wildlife Santuary in Mindandao, 118
D. Tubbataha Reefs National Park in Palawan
E. Candaba Swamp / Wetland in Pampanga
F. Puerto Princesan Subterranean River National Park in Palawan
G. Las Piñas – Parañaque Critical Habitat and Ecotourism Area in
Metro Manila.
384. Extraction, removal, and/or disposition of mining resources from the A.
boundaries of reservoirs established for public water supply,
archaeological and historical sites or of any public or private works or Vol 2
structures is prohibited at what distance? page
A. 1 km
B. 800 m
C. 1.5 km
D. 500 m

385. DAO 96-40 prohibits extraction, removal, and/or disposition of materials D

in offshore areas at what distance from the coast?
A. within 250m
B. within 300 m
C. within 400m
D. within 500m

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

386 DAO 96-40 prohibits extraction, removal , and/or disposition of materials D

within this distance from the mean low tide along the beach:

A. 50m
B. 100m
C. 150m
D. 200m
387 A person is considered literate at what age? D
A. 10 years old and above
B. 6 years old and above Vol 2
C. 8 years old and above page
D. 7 years old and above 182

388. What is this structure that is intended for two households, with complete C
housing facilities for each?
A. Apartment
B. Flat
C. Duplex
D. Twin flat
389. This refers to housing programs and projects covering houses and lots D.
or homelots only undertaken by Government or the private sector for the
RA 7279
underprivileged and homeless citizens which shall include sites and
services development, long-term financing, liberalized terms or interest

A. Subsidized housing
B. Tenements
C. Pag-ibig housing
D. Socialized housing
E, Open market housing

390. What is the age bracket for children in a Day Care Service? C
A. 0 - 5 yrs
B. 1- 6 yrs
C. 0 - 6 yrs
D. 1 - 5 yrs
391 What is the age bracket for minors under the Day Care for street C
A. 6 - 15 yrs Vol 2
B. 6 - 14 yrs page
C. 7 - 15 yrs 309
D. 6 - 13 yrs
392. What is the ideal police-to-population ratio? B
A. 1: 400
B. 1: 500 V2
C. 1: 1000
D. 1: 200 Page

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393. What is the minimum standard police-to-population ratio? A

A. 1: 1000 V2 page
B. 1: 500 318
C. 1: 750
D. 1: 2000

394 What is the ideal fireman-to-population ratio? C

A. 1: 1000
B. 1: 1,500 V2 page
C. 1: 2000 318
D. 1 : 500

395 What is the ideal fire truck-to-population ratio? B

A. 1: 20,000
B. 1: 28,000 V2 page
C. 1: 30,000 318
D. 1: 32,000

396 What is the minimum standard jail guard-to-inmate ratio? A

A. 1: 7
B. 1: 5 V2 page
C. 1: 10 318
D. 1: 12
397 What is this jail facility that can accommodate a maximum of 250 B

A. City jail CLUP

B. Municipal jail V2
C. District jail
E. Provincial jail Page

398. What is the maximum percentage of agricultural land that can be B

reclassified into non-agricultural land in component cities and 1st to 3rd
class municipalities? V2
a. 5%
B. 10% Page
C. 15% 334
D. 20%
399 What is the maximum percentage of agricultural land that can be C
reclassified into non agricultural land in highly urbanized and
independent component cities? 2 page
A. 5% 334
B. 10%
C. 15%
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D. 20%
400. What is the maximum percentage of agricultural land that can be A.
reclassified into non agricultural land in 4th to 6th class municipalities?
A. 5% V2 page
B. 10% 334
C. 15%
D. 20%
401. What is the recommended individual intake of vegetable as per the Food C
and Nutrition Resource Council standards?
V2 page
A. 25 kgs /yr 336
B. 32 kgs /yr
C. 39 kgs /yr
D. 40 kgs /yr
402. What is the recommended individual intake of cereals and cereal D
products as per the Food and Nutrition Resource Council standards?
V2 page
A. 125 kgs /yr 336
B. 130 kgs /yr
C. 142 kgs /yr
D. 124 kgs /yr

403 Lands to be devoted as grazing lands are those that have a topography B
not suited for cropland purposes. What slope ranges are suited for
grazing lands? V2
A. 18 -50
B. 25 -50 Page
C. 30 -50 345
D. 18-30
404 What is this type of industry that requires a capitalization of 15M - 60M B
with 100 -199 employees?
V2 page
A. Small scale industry 369
B. Medium scale industry
C. Large scale industry
D. Cottage industry

405 What is this type of industry that requires a capitalization of PHP150,000 C

- 1.5M and with less than 10 employees?
A. Micro industry V2
B. Small scale industry
C. Cottage industry Pag 369
D. Medium scale industry

406. The World Risk Index ranks 171 countries according to how exposed C
and vulnerable they are to natural hazards, including earthquakes,
floods and storms. What was the rank of the Philippines in 2016?
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

A. 1st
B. 2nd
C, 3rd
D. 4th
407. Site for agricultural purposes should be plains and plateaus and areas of B.
moderate slopes. What is the maximum slope of land that is suited for
A. 18 degrees 345
B. 15 degrees
C. 20 degrees
D. 25 degrees
E. 30 degrees
408 Based on the economic activity groupings of the Philippine Standard A
Industrial Classification (PSIC). extractive industries belong to which
A. Primary sector Page
B. Secondary sector 397
C. Tertiary sector
D. None of the above

409. In one Saturday morning, the traffic volume-capacity (V/C) ratio along B
Recto Street was 0.15. What does this mean?
A. Stable flow of traffic
B. Free flow of traffic Page
C. Unstable flow of traffic 401
D. Forced flow of traffic

410. These sources of water supply are generally for rural areas where B
houses are densely clustered enough to justify a piped distribution
system providing a number of households with faucets. What is this
water source called? Page
A. Level I water supply system 419
B. Level II Water supply system
C. Level III Water supply system
D. Others
411. These sources of water supply are generally for rural areas where A
houses are thinly scattered to justify a distribution system. These include
rain collectors, wells and springs. What is this water source called?
A. Level 1 water supply system Page
B. Level II water supply system 419
C. Level III water supply system
D. Others
412 It is a comprehensive approach for appraising the social worth of the A
options/alternatives or programs/projects which entail commitment
of resources. It is a useful aid in selecting the development strategy for Vol 1
carrying out a project as well as in choosing among a number of
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

investment programs/projects competing among a limited amount of page 99

A. Social-Cost Benefit Analysis
B. Goal Achievement Analysis
C. Goal Achievement Matrix
D. Carrying Capacity Analysis
413 What is the color code for Institutional in a land use plan? D
A. Yellow
Clup Vol
B. Green 1 page
C. Brown 117
D. Blue
414 What is the color code for Residential in a land use plan? A.
A. Yellow
Clup vol
B. Orange 1 page
C. Blue 117
D. Violet

415. It refers to an area with minimal or no existing infrastructure and tourism B

related development as determined by the Tourism Infrastructure and
RA 9593
Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA).

A. Brownfield Tourism Zone

B. Greenfield Tourism Zone
C. Whitefield Tourism Zone
D. Redfield Tourism Zone

416 This refers to a tract of land subdivided and developed according to a C

comprehensive plan under a unified continuous management and with
RA 7916
provisions for basic infrastructure and utilities, with or without pre-built
standard factory buildings and community facilities for the use of the Prev
community of industries. board

A. Export Processing Zone

B. Free Trade Zone
C. Industrial Estate
D. Special Economic Zone

417 It is the average number of children that would be born alive to a D

woman during her lifetime if she were to pass through her child-bearing
years conforming to the age- specific fertility rates of a given year. V2

A. Average Fertility rate Page

B. Birth rate 207
C. Crude birth rate
D. Total fertility rate

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

418 It is the number of deaths among women 15-49 years old from C
pregnancy-related causes per 100,000 live births in a given period
A. Mortality rate
B. Morbidity rate Page
C. Maternal mortality rate 207
D. Maternal crude death rate

419. It is the pace at which the population is increasing (or decreasing) during D
a given period on a yearly basis expressed as a percentage of the basic
A. Population Growth V2 page
B. Population growth rate 207
C. Annual population growth
D. Annual population growth rate

420. Crude birth rate is defined as: B

A. The number of live births per 100 during a given period
B. The number of live births per 1000 during a given period V2 page
C. The number of live births per 100 at mid-year of a given period. 207
D. The number of live births per 1000 at mid-year of a given period.

421. Crude death rate is defined as: D

A. The number of deaths per 100 during a given period.
B. The number of deaths per 1000 at mid-year of a given period V2 page
C. The number of deaths per 100 at mid-year of a given period 207
D. The number of deaths per 1000 during a given period.

422. It is the percent of population 15 years old and over who are either C
employed or unemployed but looking for work in relation to the total
A. Labor participation rate V2 page
B. Labor force participation rate 207
C. Labor force participation rate by sex
D. Labor force rate by sex

423 It is the number of total enrollees in the beginning grade/ year who D
reached the final grade/year at the end of the required number of years
of study expressed as a percentage of enrollees in the beginning grade / V2 page
year. 207

A. Elementary and Secondary Completion Rate

B. Elementary and Secondary Cohort Completion Rate
C. Elementary and Secondary Survival Rate
D. Elementary and Secondary Cohort Survival Rate
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

424 It is the speed at which a population is increasing in a given period as a A

result of the interaction of the natural demographic processes of births
and deaths. This is the difference between the crude birth rate (CBR)
and crude death rate (CDR). It is actually population increase per 1,000 CLUP 2
persons in a population.
A. Rate of Natural Increase 207
B. Population Growth
C. Population Growth Rate
D. Rate of Natural Growth

425 Under the ‘ridge-to-reef’ or integrated ecosystems management D

framework, the physical coverage area of an LGU’s CLUP is referenced
from: page 19

A. municipal waters of the locality and adjacent LGU

B. physical land boundaries between adjoining LGUs
C. water tributaries passing through the LGU
D. specific watershed / sub-watershed basin area within the municipality
/city or adjacent LGU

426. It is a broad statement of desired outcome in the medium or long term. It C

aims to address a general problem situation of a municipality/city as
derived from the situation analysis V1
A. Objective
B. Vision 86
C. Goal
D. Mission
427 These are more specific statements of short-range desired out comes or A
results towards which development activities in the municipality/city are
directed. CLUP
A. Objectives page
B. Vision 86
C. Goals
D. Mission
428 LEED or Leadership in Energy and Environment Design is the most C
widely used Green Building rating system in the world. What is the
equivalent green building rating system in the Philippines called?
A. Pinoy Leadership In Energy and Environment Design (PLEED)
B. Green Buildings Design Excellence
C. Building for Ecologically Responsive Design Excellence
D. Green Building Ratings for Leadership in Environmental Design
429. The current Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) for the LGUs represents D
how much percent from the National Internal Revenue Taxes (NIRT)
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

collections? Sec 284

A. 30% / 285 of
RA 7160
B. 25%
C. 60% DBM
D. 40% letter
mar 12,
2012 to
Abaya of

430. The Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) of the LGUs for the current fiscal C
year is based on the National Internal Revenue Taxes (NIRT) collections
Sec 284
of which year? / 285 of
A. Last year preceding to the current fiscal year LGC
B. past 2 years preceding the current fiscal year
C. past 3 years preceding the current fiscal year
D. None of the above
431. What is the % distribution of IRA share of the LGUs from the national C
government in the following order; province - city - municipality -
A. 25 -25- 30 -20
B. 24 - 24 - 32 – 20
C. 23 – 23 -34 – 20
D. 22 - 22 – 34 - 22
432. IRA shares of the LGUs are released on this schedule: D
A. Within 5 days after the start of the fiscal year
B. Within 5 days after 2nd quarter of the fiscal year
C. Within 5 days after 3rd quarter of the fiscal year
D. Within 5 days after each quarter of the fiscal year

433. A fiscal year is the twelve-month period that an organization or C

government uses for budgeting, forecasting and reporting. What is the
PD 777
official fiscal year in the Philippines?
A. July 1 - June 30 LGC Art
B. June 1 – May 31 455
C. Jan 1 - Dec 31
D. Oct 1 - Sep 30
434. Proceeds from the utilization of natural resources within the province by C
the national government shall be shared to the province having
LGC 292
jurisdiction on such natural wealth. What percentage of the total
provincial share will a component city / municipality receive?

A. 30%
B. 40%
C. 45%
D. 50%

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

435. What is the legal process whereby the registered voters of a local A.
government unit may directly propose, enact, or amend any LGC
A. Local initiative
B. Local referendum
C. Public hearing
D. Local plebiscite
436. What is the legal process whereby the registered voters of the B
local government units may approve, amend or reject any LGC 58
ordinance enacted by the Sanggunian?

A. Local initiative
B. Local referendum
C. Public hearing
D. Local plebiscite
437. Who approves the appointments of the provincial / city/ municipal C
LGC 236
A. Local Chief Executive
B. Commissioner of the Bureau of Internal Revenue
C. Secretary of the Department of Finance
D. Secretary of the Department of Interior and Local Government
438. What is the tax rate that a province may impose on the sale, donation, C
barter, or on any other mode of transferring ownership or title of real
property? 135

A. 1% of the total acquisition cost or fair market value, whichever is Prev

higher board
B. 2% of the total acquisition cost or fair market value, whichever is
C. 50% of 1% of the total acquisition cost or fair market value,
whichever is higher
D. 60% of 1% of the total acquisition cost or fair market value, whichever
is higher

439. Below are the LGC requirements for the creation of a new municipality: B.

i. Average annual income is 2.5M for the preceding year
II. Average annual income is 2.5M for the last 2 consecutive years 442
iii. Population of at least 50,000 as certified by the NSO
iv. Population of at least 25,000 as certified by the NSO
v. Contiguous territory of at least 50 sq. km as certified by NAMRIA.
vi. Contiguous territory of at least 25 sq. km as certified by the Land
Management Bureau
vii. Contiguous territory of at least 50 sq. km as certified by the Land
Management Bureau
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

On the above list, which is correct?

A. i, iii, v
B. ii, iii, vii
C. ii, iv, vi
D. i, iii, vi

440. It refers to an area with existing infrastructure or tourism related D

development as determined by the Tourism Infrastructure and
RA 9593
Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA).

A. Greenfield Tourism Zone

B. Whitefield Tourism Zone
C. Redfield Tourism Zone
D. Brownfield Tourism Zone

441. A municipality may be created, divided, merged, abolished, or its C

boundary substantially altered only by an Act of Congress and LGC 441
subject to the approval by a majority by:

A. Local initiative
B. Local referendum
C. Plebiscite
D Public hearing

442. Aside from the municipal mayor, vice-mayor, sangguniang members, D.

secretary and treasurer, the following officials are also considered in the
LGC 443
municipal government:
i. Administrator
ii. Legal Officer
iii. Assessor
iv. Accountant
v. Agriculturist
vi. Environment and Natural Resources Officer
vii. Budget Officer
viii. Social Welfare and Development Officer
ix. Planning and Development Coordinator
x. Engineer / Building Official
xi. Architect
xii. Health Officer
xiii. Information Officer
xiv. Civil Registrar

From the above list, identify those officials that are mandatory in the
municipal government:
A. i, ii, iv, v, viii, ix, xiv
B. iii, v, vi, vii, x, xii, xiv
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

C. i, iv, v vii, x, xiii, xiv

D. iii, iv, vii, ix, x, xii, xiv

443. Aside from the municipal mayor, vice-mayor, sangguniang members, C

secretary and treasurer, the following officials are also considered in the
LGC 443
municipal government:
i. Administrator
ii. Legal Officer
iii. Assessor
iv. Accountant
v. Agriculturist
vi. Environment and Natural Resources Officer
vii. Budget Officer
viii. Social Welfare and Development Officer
ix. Planning and Development Coordinator
x. Engineer / Building Official
xi. Architect
xii. Health Officer
xiii. Information Officer
xiv. Civil Registrar

From the above list, identify those officials that are optional in the
municipal government:
A. iii, v, vi, viii, x, xi, xiii
B. ii, v, vi, vii, viii, xi, xiv
C. i, ii, v, vi, viii, xi, xiii
D. ii, iv, v, vii, ix, xi, xiii,

444. A watershed is defined as: E

A. line which follows ridges or summits forming exterior boundary of a

drainage area or basin and which separates one drainage basin from

B. it serves as the reference point for the physical coverage area of an


C. an area or region bounded peripherally by mountain ridges and

drained by a stream or fixed body of water and its tributaries having a
common outlet for surface run-off

D. the area from which a river or lake receives its supply of water.

E. All of the above

445. LGUs are encouraged to adapt a Participatory Budgeting approach in B.

the formulation of their budgets. The following are the advantages of
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

Participatory Budgeting, except one: BOM

A. it allows the citizens to take part in the process of allocating public


B. it allows the citizens to establish priorities and allocate resources

during investment programming of Programs, Projects and Activities
(PPAs) as major links to budgeting

C. it offers citizens the opportunity to contribute in the formulation of

options and in making choices that will affect actions of the

D. it promotes transparency, hence it has the potential of reducing

government inefficiencies and corruption

446. In the Annual Investment Program format, how many columns are C
required to be completed during its preparation?

A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 16

447. In the Annual Investment Program format, what is the title of column 9? B
A. Implementing Office/ Department
C. Capital Outlay
D. Funding Source
E. None of the above

448 In Kevin Lynch “Image of the City”, he identified several image elements E.
of a city as listed below. In a local setting, Pasay Rotonda in Pasay City
would qualify in which element?

A. Path
B. District
C. Landmark
D. Edge
E. Node

449. CLUP’s preparation follows a 12-step process as enumerated below in D

random order:
i. Set the vision
ii. Organize

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

iii. Set the goals and objectives

iv. Analyze the situation
v. Conduct Public hearing
vi. Identify stakeholders
vii. Establish development thrust and spatial strategies
viii. Implement the CLUP and Zoning Ordinance
ix. Prepare the land use plan
x. Review, adopt and approve the CLUP and Zoning Ordinance
xi. Draft the zoning ordinance
xii. Monitor and evaluate the CLUP and Zoning Ordinance

Based on the above, which steps are interchangeable?

A. i and ii
B. i and iii
C. v and vi
D. i and iv

450. CLUP’s preparation follows a 12-step process as enumerated below in B

random order:
i. Set the vision
ii. Organize
iii. Set the goals and objectives
iv. Analyze the situation
v. Conduct Public hearing
vi. Identify stakeholders
vii. Establish development thrust and spatial strategies
viii. Implement the CLUP and Zoning Ordinance
ix. Prepare the land use plan
x. Review, adopt and approve the CLUP and Zoning Ordinance
xi. Draft the zoning ordinance
xii. Monitor and evaluate the CLUP and Zoning Ordinance

Based on the above, which steps are in the pre-planning stage?

A. i and iii
B. ii and vi
C. iii and vi
D. i and iv

451. CLUP’s preparation follows a 12-step process as enumerated below in C

random order:
i. Set the vision
ii. Organize
iii. Set the goals and objectives
iv. Analyze the situation
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

v. Conduct Public hearing

vi. Identify stakeholders
vii. Establish development thrust and spatial strategies
viii. Implement the CLUP and Zoning Ordinance
ix. Prepare the land use plan
x. Review, adopt and approve the CLUP and Zoning
xi. Draft the zoning ordinance
xii. Monitor and evaluate the CLUP and Zoning Ordinance

Based on the above, which steps are in the planning stage?

A. i, iii, iv, vi, vii, ix
B. iv, vi, vii, viii, ix, xi
C. i, iv, iii, vii, ix, xi
D. ii, iv, vi, viii, x, xii

452. CLUP’s preparation follows a 12-step process as enumerated below in B

random order:
i. Set the vision
ii. Organize
iii. Set the goals and objectives
iv. Analyze the situation
v. Conduct Public hearing
vi. Identify stakeholders
vii. Establish development thrust and spatial strategies
viii. Implement the CLUP and Zoning Ordinance
ix. Prepare the land use plan
x. Review, adopt and approve the CLUP and Zoning Ordinance
xi. Draft the zoning ordinance
xii. Monitor and evaluate the CLUP and Zoning Ordinance

Based on the above, which steps are in the plan implementation and
monitoring stage?

A. viii, v, ix, xii

B. v, x, viii, xii
C. v, vii, viii, xii
D. viii, x, xi, xii

453 The Philippines is composed of how many regions? B

A. 16
B. 17
C. 18
D. 15
454. It is a method that enables a planner to generate feasible alternative C
strategies for the LGU through an assessment of the present conditions,
characteristics, and current state and utilization of the LGU’s
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

natural/physical, human and fiscal resources.

A. Inter-cross sectoral analysis technique

B. Scalar technique
C. SWOT Analysis
D. Suitability analysis

455. Which of this is not a thematic map? E

A. Hazard map
B. Slope Map V1 page
C. Existing land use map 80
D. Protected area map
E. None of the above
456. These are the results or changes expected from a local condition or D.
LGU level of development.
V1 page
A. Outputs 87
B. Effects
C End products
D. Outcomes

457. These are the products, goods, services or facilities that are directly B.
delivered and provided for by the LGU or local agencies/ organizations
that are needed to achieve the desired key outcomes of the CLUP.
A. Results V1 page
B. Outputs 87
C. Outcomes
D. Effects

458. Which of this is not an evaluation tool/ technique that is recommended E

in the selection of preferred development thrust and spatial strategy?
A. Social Cost-Benefit Analysis V1 page
B. Goal Achievement Matrix 109
C. Carrying capacity analysis
D. Committed land analysis
E. None of the above

459. These refer to portions of land within the municipality or barangay C.

actually occupied as residential, commercial or industrial areas as
embodied in a duly approved land use plan by the appropriate
Sanggunian. DAO 96-
A. Settlement areas
B. Production areas
C. Built-up areas
D. Infrastructure area
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

460. This refers to geographic based instruments for planners and decision- C
makers, which presents a description of the environmental setting
including the state of environmental quality and evaluation of the
assimilative capacity of an area. DAO 96-
A. Geographical Information System (GIS)
B. Environmental map
C. Ecological Profile
D. Area capacity map

461 Which government agency approves applications for small scale mining, C
sand and gravel, quarry, guano, gemstone gathering and gratuitous
Sec 8 B
permits and for industrial sand and gravel permits not exceeding five (5) IRR of
hectares? 7942
A. Environmental Management Bureau - Regional Office
B. Mines and Geosciences Bureau - Regional Office
D. Bureau of Lands

462 This refers to the rational and judicious development, utilization and C
management of land resources in a sustainable manner to ensure that
needs of the present generation can be met without jeopardizing the
needs of the future generations.

A. Intergenerational Equity
B. Sustainable development
C. Land use planning
D. Urban land use management

463 This pertains to the way future population and related activities are A.
organized and distributed over the municipal territory, taking into
account the need to retain some areas in their open character and to
ensure safe and sustainable environments for human habitat.

A. Urban form
B. Zoning
C. Land use management
D. Comprehensive land use plan

464 What is this administrative regulatory agency of the local government A

that exercises both original and appellate functions in the
implementation of the local zoning ordinance?
A. Local Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals
C. Local Sanggunian

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465 What is this mitigating device, or a discretionary permit that is given to a A.

project proponent allowing him to proceed with the use of his property or
development of project, despite its non-compliance with the physical
standards because of technical difficulties?

A. Variance
B. Exemption
C. Permission
D. Exception

466 It is an authorization granting a property owner relief from Zoning C.

Ordinance provisions because the specific zoned use will result in
hardship for the owner. What is this called?
A. Exemption
B. Variance
C. Exception
D. Permission

467 It is a continuous and systematic process during which people and A

organizations make decisions about future outcomes, how they are to be
achieved, and how their success is to be measured and evaluated. Guide
A. Strategic planning
B. Radical planning
C. Participatory planning
D. Communicative planning

468 The authenticity of the technical descriptions in a Land Title can be B.

verified from which plan /map?
A. Base map
B. Cadastral survey map
C. Zoning map
D. Topographic map

469. RA 10931 is an Act promoting universal access to quality tertiary D

education by providing for free tuition and other school fees in state
universities and colleges, local universities and colleges and state-run
technical-vocational institutions, establishing the tertiary education
subsidy and student loan program, strengthening the unified student
financial assistance system fir tertiary education and appropriating fund
therefor. What is the title of this Act?

A. Free Tuition and Other School Fees Act of 2017

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

B. Free Tertiary Education Act of 2017

C. Universal Access to Free Education Act of 2017

D. Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act

470. The land’s demand-supply balancing is to determine whether C

there is adequate supply of land to meet the projected demand for RPS 97
urban development. This activity consists of the following steps,
except one?
A. Projection of future demand for urban land
B. Assessment of land supply
C. Determining which intervention is required to augment the
land supply
D. Matching the demand with available supply

471. What is this type of zoning approach that is characterized by the A.

segregation of land uses into specified geographic zones with provisions
on limitations of activities (such as use, building height, etc.) within each page
type of zone? 125

A. Euclidean Zoning
B. Performance Zoning
C. Incentive Zoning
D. Form-based zoning

472. What is this type of zoning approach that does not rely on the B.
segregation of land uses but on a set of performance-based or goal-
oriented criteria used and a points-system to evaluate development
proposals in any part of the city/ municipality? Page
A. Incentive Zoning
B. Performance Zoning
C. Form-based Zoning
D. Conventional Zoning

473 C
What is this type of zoning approach that is anchored on a rewards-
based system for developments that meet a city/municipality’s
development objectives? Page
A. Point-based zoning
B. Reward-based zoning
A. Incentive Zoning
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B. Form-based zoning

474. What is this type of zoning approach that does not fully regulate the type B
of land use but is intended to guide the form that the proposed
development will take such as through regulations on building setbacks,
building heights, floor areas, pedestrian access, etc? Page
A. Smart zoning
B. Form-based zoning
C. Conventional zoning
D. Performance zoning

475 What is this type of Form-based Zoning which incorporates subdivision B.

regulations, urban design guidelines, architectural design standards, and
some land use regulations (for critical activities only such as heavy
industries), etc. into a unified ordinance? Page
A. Conventional zoning
B. Smart zoning
C. Performance zoning
D. Euclidean zoning
476. What is the zone designation for medium-to-high density residential? C
A. Residential – 2 (R-2) Zone
B. Residential – 3 (R-3) Zone page
C. Residential – 4 (R-4) Zone 128
D. Residential – 5 (R-5) Zone

477. What is the zone designation for municipal or city level commercial? B
A. Commercial – 1 (C-1) Zone
B. Commercial – 2 (C-2) Zone
C. Commercial – 3 (C-3) Zone Page
D. General Commercial Zone 128

478. What is the zone designation for highly pollutive / non-hazardous; highly C
pollutive / hazardous; highly pollutive / extremely hazardous; non –
pollutive / extremely hazardous manufacturing and processing
establishments? Page
A. Industrial – 1 (I-1) Zone
B. Industrial – 2 (I-2) Zone
C. Industrial – 3 (I-3) Zone
D. Industrial – 4 (I-4 ) Zone

479. It is a form of Cluster Zoning that is intended to facilitate unitarily D

planned or master-planned mixed-use developments, such as
commercial, industrial and residential. What is this technique in

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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

designating zones called? Page

A. Subdivision Development Zone
B. Compact Development zone
C. Overlay zone
D. Planned Unit Development zone

480. It is a “transparent zone” that is overlain on top of the Base Zone or B

another Overlay Zone and provides an additional set [or layer] of
regulations intended to address specific objectives for the zone in
consideration. What is this technique in designating zones called? Page
A. Base zone
B. Overlay zone
C. Intermediate zone
D. Sieve zone
481. These are planning tools that provide better pedestrian access to B
commercial and residential areas and transit stops through compact
development, mixed-use, traffic calming and pedestrian and transit
orientation. page
A. Transit Oriented Development Overlay Zones
B. Pedestrian Oriented Development Overlay Zones
C. Pedestrian Traffic Calming Overlay
D. Infill Development Overlays
482. These are planning tools that concentrate commercial and residential A.
growth around transit centers to maximize access to public transit.
A. Transit Oriented Development Overlay Zones 158
B. Pedestrian Oriented Development Overlay Zones
C. Urban Growth Boundaries
D. Infill Development Overlays

483 It is also known as urban and regional planning, city planning, town and D
country planning, and/or human settlements planning, refers to the multi-
disciplinary art and science of analyzing, specifying, clarifying, 10587
harmonizing, managing and regulating the use and development of land
and water resources, in relation to their environs, for the development of
sustainable communities and ecosystems.

A. Sustainable environmental planning

B. Strategic environmental planning
C. Land use planning
D. Environmental planning

484 It is the multi-sectoral plan formulated at the city or municipal level, A.

which embodies the vision, sectoral goals, objectives, development
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strategies and policies within the terms of LGU officials and the medium- BOM
term. Page 5

A. Comprehensive Development Plan

B.. Local Development Investment Program
C. Comprehensive Land Use Plan
D. Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan

485 Which is not a content of the Comprehensive Development Plan? D.

A. Ecological Profile
B. Sectoral Development Plan Page 6
C. Implementing Instruments
D. None of the above
486 Which is not a definition of the Local Development Investment Program E.

A. It is a basic document linking the local development plan to the Page 6

budget for cities and municipalities

B . It contains a prioritized list of PPAs which are derived from the CDP
matched with financing resources, and to be implemented within a three
to six-year period.

C. It is the principal document for implementing the CDP.

D. It translates the CDP into PPAs, and reflects those which shall be
prioritized by the LGU for funding in the general fund budgets or through
other fund generation schemes.

E. None of the above

487. It is a document that identifies strategies and corresponding PPAs that C.

serve as primary inputs to the provincial investment programming
process. It also serves as a key vertical influence in linking provincial
development objectives with local, regional and national policies and Page 6

A. Provincial Development Plan

B. Provincial Development Investment Program
C. Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan
D. Provincial Annual Investment Program

488. The LGU's planning-budgeting cycle commences on which schedule? B

A. Beginning of the fiscal year
B. July of an election year
C. Start of 3rd quarter of the fiscal year
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D. None of the above Page 7

489. Which tool/s is used for screening /prioritizing the PPA list prior to its E
inclusion in the LDIP?
A. Urgency Test Matrix
B. Resource Impact Matrix Page 8
C. Conflict-Compatibility-Complementary Matrix
D. Goal Achievement Matrix (GAM)
E. All of the above
490. It is an integrated group of activities that contribute to a particular A.
continuing objective of a department/agency.

A. Program Page 10
B. Project
C. Activity
D. Plan

491. It is a special undertaking carried out within a definite time frame and D
intended to result in some pre-determined measure of goods and
services. Page 10

A. Plan
B. Activity
C. Program
D. Project

492 It is a work process that contributes to the implementation of a program, B

sub-program or project.
Page 10
A. Task
B. Activity
C. Project
D. Program

493 In provinces/cities/municipalities where there are no environment and B.

natural resources officers, the local executive concerned may, with the
Sec 20
approval of the Secretary of the DENR designate preferably which local of RA
official? 9275

A. Provincial / City /Municipal Planning and Development Officer

B. Provincial / City / Municipal Agriculturist
C. Provincial / City / Municipal Engineer
D. None of the above
494 Which government agency in coordination with the DA and the DENR D.
shall enforce for the enforcement of water quality standards in marine
Sec 22
waters specifically from offshore sources? RA 9275

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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

A. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)

C. Philippine Navy
D. Philippine Coast Guard

495 What are these discharges from known source which are passed into a B
body of water or land, or wastewater flowing out of a manufacturing
RA 9275
plant, industrial plant including domestic, commercial and recreational

A. Septage
B. Effluent
C. Sewage
D. Tailings

496 As per RA 9275, the technical secretariat in each Water Quality C

Management Area (WQMA) shall be composed of the following, except
Sec 5
one: RA 9275

A. one (1) member shall be a member of the Philippine Bar

B. one (1) member shall be a Chemical Engineer, Chemist, Sanitary
Engineer, Environmental Engineer or Ecologist
C. one (1) member shall be a Medical doctor
D. one (1) member shall be a Civil Engineer or Hydrologist
E. one (1) member shall be a Geologist or Biologist

497. The DENR, in coordination with National Water Resources Board D

(NWRB), shall designate certain areas as Water Quality Management
Areas (WQMA) using appropriate physiographic units such as website
watershed, river basins or water resources regions. As of June 2016,
how many WQMAs throughout the Philippines have been officially-
designated by the DENR?

A. 31
B. 32
C. 40
D. 34

498. What is this fee that is imposed for the discharge of effluents into a body B.
of water?
RA 9275
A. Effluent discharge fee
B. Wastewater discharge fee
C. Septage fee
D. Sewerage fee
499. What is the term for easement that goes beyond the prescribed C.
easement limits in the Water Code which the LGU can declare should
risk considerations make it necessary to protect life and property, based
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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

on its mandate to regulate development within its territory? 143

A. Relaxed easement
B. Additional easement
C. Expanded easement
D. Adjusted easement
500. The CLUPs and Zoning Ordinances of the component cities and D.
municipalities are reviewed by the Provincial Land Use Committee
(PLUC) and approved by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan. Who / Which
is the chairman of the PLUC? 185
C. Provincial Agriculturist
D. Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator

501 The CLUPs and Zoning Ordinances of highly urbanized cities and C.
independent component cities are reviewed by the Regional Land Use
Committee (RLUC) and approved by HLURB. Which government 186
agency acts as chairman of the RLUC?


502. HLURB approves the CLUPs and Zoning Ordinances of Metro Manila B
cities and municipalities. Which government body is the reviewer?
D. Metro Manila Council (MMC)

503 Which LGU office issues development permits for subdivisions and B
A. Engineering office
B. Zoning Officer or City/Municipal Planning Development Office 205
C. Business Permits and Licensing Office
D. Environment and Natural Resources Office

504 It is a process that aims to externalize or draw out the community’s C.

interpretation of the landscape, its elements, and the activities within it;
their socio-cultural relations with their environment; and their perceptions
on how best to implement forest resource management. Definitio
A. Resource mapping
B. Forest resource mapping
C. Community mapping
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D. Ground truthing
505. Which is not a benefit of participatory budgeting? E

A. Helps the LGU maximize use of its resources page 3
B. Reduces delay in the implementation of urgent projects
C. Develops trust in the government
D. Ensures continuity and sustainability of plans and budgets
E. None of the above choices

506 It is an approach in budget preparation wherein the budget is prepared B

with due regard to local government policy, which in turn, should be
harmonized with the development plans and reflected in the investment page 4
programs of the LGUs.

A. Participatory budgeting
B. Policy-based budgeting
C. Balanced budgeting
D. Synchronized budgeting

507 It is a new budgeting approach that uses performance information in B

appropriation documents to link funding to results and to provide a
framework for more informed resource allocation and management.

A. Balanced budgeting
B. Performance Informed budgeting
C. Synchronized budgeting
D. Policy-based budgeting

508 The Local Finance Committee (LFC) is composed of the following, A

except one
A. Local Chief Executive
B. Local Planning and Development Coordinator 16
C. Local Budget Officer
D. Local Treasurer

509 In the LGU’s budget preparation, what is the input from the Local C.
BOM 17
A. Estimates of income and budgetary ceilings
B. Budget proposals of departments
C. Statement of income and expenditures
D. All of the above
510 In the LGU’s budget preparation, what is the input from the Local C
Finance Committee?
BOM 17
A. Budget proposals of departments
B. Statement of income and expenditures
C. Estimates of income and budgetary ceilings

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

D. All of the above

E. None of the above
511 In the LGU’s budget preparation, who analyzes the income and C
expenditure patterns, and recommends fiscal plan and policies for
BOM 18
consideration of the Local Finance Committee of the LGU?
A. Local Accountant
B. Local Budget Officer
C. Local Planning and Development Coordinator
D. Local Treasurer
512 Who reviews and consolidates the budget proposals of different B
departments and offices of the LGU and also assist the LCE in the
BOM 18
preparation of the budget and during consultation meetings with

A. Local Treasurer
B. Local Budget Officer
C. Local Planning and Development Coordinator
D. Local Finance Committee
513 It is a directive from the Local Chief Executive that contains general D
objectives, policy decisions, strategies, and prioritized PPAs by sector
BOM 19
/office as reflected in the AIP for the budget year?
A. Budget Agenda
B. Budget Forum
C. Budget Proposal
D. Budget Call

514 What is not found in a Budget Call? F

BOM 22
A.Spending ceilings by major expenditure (PS, MOOE and CO);
B. Resource allocation scheme or fscal policy decisions;
C. Objectives, strategies and priority PAPs;
D. Expected results;
E. Budget Calendar and budget preparation forms
F. None of the above

515 These are the type of costs that are reflected in the LGU budget; C
i. Overhead costs
BOM 22
ii. Current operating expenditures
iii. Direct costs
iv. Financial Expenditures
v. Indirect Costs
vi. Capital costs,

A. ii, i, v
B. ii iii, vi
C. ii, iv, vi

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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

D. iii. v, i

516 Baselines of which areas are determined as "Regime of Islands" under B

the Republic of the Philippines consistent with Article121 of the United
RA 9522
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)?

i. Mabini Reef
ii. Kalayaan Island Group
iii. Scarborough Shoal
iv. Mischief Reef

A. i and ii
B. ii and iii
C. i and iv
D. iii and iv

517 Sections 106 and 109 of the LGC mandate the LGUs to prepare which C
i. Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) Memo
ii. Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) on CDP
iii. Public Investment Program Formulat
iv. Zoning Ordinance ion

A. i and ii
B. i and iv
C.ii and iii
D. iii and iv
518 Which LGU plan is referred to as the "Peoples Plan"? C
A. Comprehensive Development Plan
B. Multi-Sectoral Development Plan Memo
C. Comprehensive Land Use Plan on CDP
D. Local Development Investment Plan Guide

519 CLUP and CDP are distinct and separate as the responsibility in each B.
plan is given to separate bodies. CLUP is the responsibility of the local
Sanggunian while the CDP is under which responsibility? Memo
on CDP
A. Local Chief Executive Guide
B. Local Development Council
C. Local Finance Committee
D. Local Planning and Development Office

520. These are the authority levers in implementing the CLUP, except one: C

RPS viii
A. Zoning Ordinance
B. Use of selected taxes on real property
C. Use of fiscal authority
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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

D. Eminent domain proceedings

E. Public capital investments
F. Co-management arrangements with NGA

521 It is a planning document, covering a 3-year period corresponding to the C.

term of local elective officials that is mutually developed and agreed
upon by both the executive and legislative departments of an LGU. Guide

A. Comprehensive Development Plan Page 2

B. Multi-Sectoral Development Plan
C. Executive and Legislative Agenda
D. Local Development Investment Program

522 Budget authorization is the second phase of the local budget process. B
What law is enacted in this phase that directs payment of goods and
services from local government funds? page 63

A. Budget Authorization Ordinance

B. Appropriation Ordinance
C. Budget Ordinance
D. Budget Release Ordinance

523 In RA 7718, these are the conditions of the government in accepting an D

unsolicited proposal from project proponents:
Sec 5
i. Such projects involve a new concept or technology and/or the
project is not part of the list on priority projects RA 7718
ii. No direct government guarantee, subsidy or equity is required
iii. The project is of national significance and implementing it should BOT
not be delayed; Law
iv. The government agency / LGU has invited by publication for 3
consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation for a
comparative, competitive proposal and no other proposal is
received within 60 days.
v. Such project will bolster the image of the country
vi. The government believes that the proponent is the best in
implementing the project

A. i, iii, vi
B. ii, iv, v
C. iii, v, vi
D. i, ii, iv

524. Under the BOT law, direct negotiation of contract shall be resorted only B
in case of the occurrence of this condition:
A. No bidder for a particular project
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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

B. Only one complying bidder is left

C. Failure of bidding
D. Occurrence of force majeure
525. Which government agency/body reviews the ordinances authorizing the B
annual or supplemental appropriations of provinces, highly-urbanized
cities, independent component cities, and municipalities within the
Metropolitan Manila Area? 85

A. Department of Finance Regional Office

B. Department of Budget and Management Regional Office
C. Sangguniang Panlalawigan
D. Provincial Finance Committee

526 Who reviews the ordinance authorizing annual or supplemental C

appropriations of component cities and municipalities within the
A. Department of Finance Regional Office
B. Department of Budget and Management Regional Office
C. Sangguniang Panlalawigan
D. Provincial Budget Officer

527. What is the time frame for the review of the Appropriation Ordinance of C
provinces, highly-urbanized cities, independent component cities,
BOM 86
component cities and municipalities reckoned from receipt of copies of
such ordinances?

A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 90 days
D. 120 days

528 It is an authorization issued by the Local Chief Executive (LCE) to a A

Department/Office of the LGU which authorizes it to incur obligations for
a specific amount within its appropriation.

A. Allotment
B. Disbursement
C. Appropriation
D. Obligation

529. It is the specific amount within the allotment which is committed to be C

paid by the LGU for any lawful expenditure made by an accountable
officer for and in behalf of the LGU concerned.
A. Disbursement
B. Allotment
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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

C. Obligation
D. Appropriation

530. Who monitors the LGU compliance on the release of allotments, the B
preparation of cash program and financial and physical performance
targets and corresponding adjustments, the postings as required under
R.A. No. 7160 and the Full Disclosure Policy of the DILG and the 112
appropriate interventions and measures taken up by the LGU on
negative deviations and may assist LGUs in implementing said
interventions and measures?

A. Local Budget Officer

B. Civil Society Organizations
C. Local Planning and Development Coordinator
D. Local Auditor

531 Who signs all warrants drawn on the provincial/city/municipal treasury C

and for all expenditures appropriated for the operations of the
Sanggunian Panlalawigan/Panglungsod/Bayan and signs appointments 112
for employees in the Sanggunian?

A. Local Treasurer
B. Local Budget Officer
C. Vice Governor / Vice Mayor
D. Local Chief Executive

532. The 20% Development Fund from the LGU's IRA share can be used on C.
these projects, except one:
A. Rehabilitation of cultural/historical sites
B. Construction or rehabilitation of local roads or bridges and purchase
of appropriate engineering equipment such as dump trucks, graders and
pay loaders
C. Construction, repair or refinishing of administrative offices
D. Reforestation and urban greening
E. Installation and maintenance of street lighting system except payment
of electric bills

533. Which is not a type of national wealth that the LGU gets a share from E
the proceeds of its utilization from their territory?
A. Forest charges
B. Royalties and Mineral Reservation 154
C. Energy Production Resources
D. Mining taxes
E. None of the above

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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

534 This is a set of laws and guidelines that were decreed by King Philip II of D.
Spain in 1573. The laws guided the colonists on how to create and
expand towns in Spanish territories in America and in the Philippines. It
consists of 148 guidelines and establishes the church as an urban
landmark and plaza as public space. These laws were collectively called

A. Laws of Burgos
B. New Laws of 1542
C. Laws of the Kingdoms of the Indies
D. Laws of the Indies
535 Who/Which government body is the approving authority for national C
projects costing up to PhP300M?
A. NEDA Board Sec 2.7
B. Department of Finance
C. Investment Coordination Committee (ICC)
D. President
536. Who / Which government body is the approving authority for national B
projects costing more than PhP300M?
A. President
B. NEDA Board Sec 2.7
C. Investment Coordination Committee (ICC)
D. Department of Finance
537. Regardless of the project cost, negotiated national projects shall be C
approved by whom?
A. President
B. Investment Coordination Committee (ICC) Sec 2.7
C. NEDA Board
D. Department of Finance
538. Local municipal projects costing up to PhP 20M shall be submitted to A
which government body for confirmation?
A. Municipal Development Council
B. Sangguniang Bayan Sec 2.7
C. Provincial Development Council
D. Local Finance Committee

539. Local provincial projects costing above PhP20M up to PhP50M shall be B

submitted to which government body for confirmation?

A. Sangguniang Panlalawigan 7718

B. Provincial Development Council
C. Regional Development Council Sec 2.7
D. Provincial Finance Committee
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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

540. Local city projects costing up to PhP50M shall be submitted to which B

government body for confirmation?
A. Sangguniang Panglungsod
B. City Development Council Sec 2.7
C. Provincial Development Council
D. Regional Development Council

541. Local projects costing above PhP50M up to PhP200M shall be C

submitted to which government body for confirmation?
A. NEDA -Regional Office 7718
B. Sangguniang Panlalawigan
C. Regional Development Council Sec 2.7
D. Provincial Development Council

542. Local projects costing above PhP200M shall be submitted to which C

government body for confirmation?
A. Regional Development Council 7718
B. NEDA - Regional Office
C. Investment Coordination Committee (ICC) Sec 2.7
D. Department of Finance

543. Local municipal / city /provincial and regional projects costing up to C

PhP200M shall be approved by whom?
A. NEDA Board 7718
B. Investment Coordination Committee (ICC)
C. Local Sanggunian Sec 2.7
D. Regional Development Council
544 What is the time frame for the approval of solicited projects /contracts A
reckoned from its submission by the concerned Agency /LGU to the
approving authority? 7718
A. 30 days
B. 60 days Sec 2.11
C. 45 days
D. 90 days
545. What is the allowable time frame for the preparation of pre-qualification A
documents of prospective bidders for projects costing at least PhP300M
reckoned from the last day of publication of the Invitation to Pre-qualify 7718
and Bid?
Sec 5.3
A. 45 days
B. 30 days
C. 60 days
D. 90 days
546 What is the time frame for the evaluation of pre-qualification documents B.
of prospective bidders?
A. 15 days
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B. 30 days 7718
C. 45 days
Sec 5.4
D. 60 days
547 It is the outcome document agreed upon at the Habitat III cities C
conference in Quito, Ecuador, in October 2016. It will guide the efforts
around urbanization of a wide range of actors — nation states, city and
regional leaders, international development funders, United Nations
programmes and civil society for the next 20 years. What is this
document called?

A. Agenda for Sustainable Development

B. Millennium Development Goals
C. New Urban Agenda
D. Universal Declaration on Urbanization

548 It is an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for national B

action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of
wetlands and their resources.

A. Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals

B. Ramsar Convention
C. Convention on Biological Diversity
D. Nairobi Convention

549 RA 10587 refers this as the multi-disciplinary art and science of F

analyzing, specifying, clarifying, harmonizing, managing and regulating
the use and development of land and water resources, in relation to their 10587
environs, for the development of sustainable communities and

A. Environmental Planning
B. Urban and regional planning
C. City planning
D. Town and country planning
E. Human Settlements planning
F. All of the above

550 Which is not a role of an Environmental Planner? F.

A. Creates and recommends plans on land use and other planning fields
B. Advisor and regulator to the government, private sector and the
C. an urban designer
D. Someone who looks far into the future for the welfare of a place
E. Capacity builder, facilitator and educator
F. None of the above

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By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

551. It is an aggregation of continuous network of urban communities. It is a D.

region comprising a number of cities, large towns, and other urban areas
that, through population growth and physical expansion, have merged to
form one continuous urban or industrially developed area.

A. Agglomeration
B. Sprawl
C. Urban Fringe
D. Conurbation

552. Which is the un-built environment in the four policy areas of CLUP? B

A. Settlement
B. Protection
C. Production
D. Infrastructure

553. It is a doctrine used by the Spanish conquerors about Philippine lands C.

where upon their conquest, ownership of lands, territories and
possessions in the Philippines was passed to the Spanish Crown. The
present public land law is rooted in this doctrine and this is enshrined in
the 1935, 1973 and 1987 Philippine Constitutions. It dictates that all
lands of the public domain belong to the State, and that the State is the
source of any asserted right to ownership of land and charged with the
conservation of such patrimony. What is this doctrine called?

A. Public rights to land doctrine

B. Public trust doctrine
C. Regalian Doctrine
D. Public use doctrine

554. In the land "demand-supply balancing model", except one, these are the B
demand management strategies:

A. Improved rural services

B. Agricultural land conversion
C. Alternative growth centers
D. Relocation /resettlement

555. Social development is one of the sectors addressed in the CPD process D.
with the following concerns:
i. quality of life
ii. social characteristics
iii. promotion of health and safety
iv. access to social services
v. social justice
vi. public participation
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

vii. general welfare

viii. food security

What are the concerns in this sector?

A. i, ii, v, vi, vii
B. ii, iii, iv, v, viii
C. iii, v, vi, vii, viii
D. i, ii, iv, v, vii

556 It is a systematic process of collecting and analyzing information about B

activities and results of a project in order to determine the project's
relevance and/or to make decisions to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of a project.

A. Review
B. Evaluation
C. Interpretation
D. Monitor
557 It is continuous process of data collection and analysis to check whether C
a project is running according to plan and to make adjustments if

A. Reviewing
B. Following up
C. Monitoring
D. Evaluating
558 The basic needs of human settlements are the following: D
i. Water
ii. Storm Drainage
iii. Power BP 220
iv. Park and Playground
v. Movement and circulation
vi. Solid and liquid waste disposal

In descending order what would be the basic needs?

A. i, iii, iv, vi, v ,ii

B. iii, ii, i, vi, v, iv
C. i, vi, iii, ii, v, iv
D. i, v, ii, vi, iv, iii
559. What is the ROW for minor roads in economic and socialized housing? C
A. 10m
B. 8 m BP220
C. 6.5 m
D. 7 m
560. What is the minimum lot area for socialized row house? D
A. 36 sq m
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

B. 48 sq. m IRR
C. 60 sq. m BP220
D. 28 sq m.
561 What is the minimum lot frontage for economic and socialized single B
detached housing on a regular lot?
A. 6m BP220
B. 8m
C. 10m
D. 5m
562 What is the maximum number of units in one block of row houses? A
A. 20 units
B. 30 units BP220
C. 40 units
D. 50 units

563. It is a single-attached dwelling containing 3 or more separate living units D

designed in such a way that they abut each other at the sides, as in a
row, and are separated from each other by party walls; provided with
independent access, and use of land. IRR

A. Apartment Definitio
B. Multi- family dwelling n
C. Single family dwelling
D. Row house
564. It is a public way with a width of 2.0 meters intended to break a block B.
and to serve both pedestrian and for emergency vehicles, both ends
connecting to streets.
A. Sidewalk BP220
B. Alley
C. Corridor
D. Pathway
565. In R.A. 10884, it requires owners or developers of residential subdivision C
and condominium projects to develop an area for socialized housing
equivalent to what percent of the total subdivision project area or total 10884
subdivision project cost?

A. 30%
B. 20%
C. 15%
D. 25%
566. It refers to a financing window or scheme, funded by the Government B
through the Social Housing Finance Corporation (SHFC), that provides
long-term loans to a legally-organized association consisting of the 10884
residents of a blighted and depressed community, enabling the
association and its qualified members to acquire ownership or tenurial
security on the property and the land they occupy.

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

A. Socializing Housing Program

B. Community Mortgage Program
C. Socialized Lending Program
D. Subsidized Loan Program
567. Which is not a Housing / Shelter Agency as per RA 10884? C

A. Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council 10884
B. National Housing Authority {NHA),
C. Social Security System (SSS)
D. National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation (NHMFC),
E. Social Housing Finance Corporation (SHFC)
F. Home Guaranty Corporation (HGC)
568 Intangible Cultural Heritage refers to the practices, representations, F
expressions, knowledge, skills, as well as instruments, objects and
artifacts associated therewith, that communities, groups and individuals 10066
recognize as part of their cultural heritage, Which of the following is not
an intangible cultural heritage?
A. oral traditions, usages, customs, languages and other expressions
B. performing arts
C. social practices, religious rites, rituals, culinary traditions and festive
events D. knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe,
E. traditional craftsmanship
F. None of the above

569. It refers to cultural property with historical, archival, anthropological, B

archeological, artistic, and/or architectural value and with exceptional or
traditional production, whether of Philippine origin or not, including
antiques and natural history specimens with significant value. RA
A. Intangible cultural property
B. Tangible cultural property
C. National property of cultural significance
D. Important cultural property

570. Which is declared as Grade II level cultural property? D

A. World Heritage Sites
B. National Cultural Treasures
C. National Historical Landmarks RA
D. Important Cultural Properties 10066
E. National Historical Shrines
F. National Historical Monuments
571. Which church is not listed in the World Heritage sites in the Philippines? C

A. San Agustin Church in Manila

B. Santa Maria Church in Ilocos sur
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

C. Boljoon Church in Cebu

D. Paoay Church in Ilocos Norte
E. Miagao Church in Iloilo

572. Among the natural world heritage sites in the Philippines, which one is B.
not included in the list?
A. Subterranean River National Park in Palawan
B. Mayon Volcano Natural Park in Albay
C. Rice Terraces of the Cordilleras
D. Mount Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary in Davao Oriental
E. Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park in Palawan

573. Which government agency is in charge in the issuance of licenses to A

cultural property dealers?
Sec 13
A. National Museum of IRR
B. National Historical Commission of the Philippines 10066
C. National Library of the Philippines
D. National Archives of the Philippines

574. Renaming of historical streets and buildings designated as cultural C.

treasure or important cultural property is the responsibility of which
government body?

A. Congress
C. National Historical Commission of the Philippines
D. National Museum

575. This government agency is in charge in issuing Permit to Conduct C

Archaeological Exploration and Excavation.

A. National Historical Commission of the Philippines

C. National Museum
D. Cultural Center of the Philippines

576. In RA 10066, the Department of Education is responsible in instituting C

the governance of basic education act, and the conservation and
restoration of its built heritage. Which particular type of school building is
considered significant by the National Historical Commission of the

A. Spanish grant school building

B. Marcos type building
C. Gabaldon building
D. Magsaysay type building

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

577 Which statement does not apply to a Level II Water Supply - C

Communal Faucet System or Standposts?
IRR for
A. It is a system composed of a source, a reservoir, a piped distribution sec 2 of
network and communal faucets, located at not more than 25 meters PD 856
from the farthest house.

B. The system is designed to deliver 40-80 liters of water per capita per
day to an average of 100 households, with one faucet per 4 to 6 Adm
households. Order
C. It normally serves around 15 to 25 households and its outreach must (1994)
not be more than 250 meters from the farthest user

D. Generally suitable for rural and urban areas where houses are
clustered densely to justify a simple piped system.
578. Which statement does not apply to a Level I Water Supply - Point E
A. It is a protected well or a developed spring with an outlet but without a
distribution system. IRR sec
2 PD
B. It is generally adaptable for rural areas where the houses are thinly 856
C. It normally serves around 15 to 25 households and its outreach must Order
not be more than 250 meters from the farthest user. 26-A
series of
D. The yield or discharge is generally from 40 to 140 liters per minute. 1994

E. None of the above

579 One of the principles in Urban Design is to make connections so that D
places are accessible and integrated with their surroundings.
Accessibility could be through the following modes: page
i. Car 444
ii. Bicycle
iii. Foot
iv. Public Transport

What is the recommended order of accessibility?

A. ii, i, iv, iii

B. iv, i, ii, iii
C. ii, iv, iii, i
D. iii, ii, iv, i

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

580 These are means to grant relief in complying with certain provisions of A.
the Zoning Ordinance such as, but not limited to, those pertaining to
use, building bulk and density, and performance standards.
A. Mitigating Devices ns
B. Variances
C. Exceptions
D. Deviations

581. Which body is responsible in handling appeals for variances and A

exceptions from the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance?

A. Local Zoning Board of Appeals Page 73

B. Sangguniang
C. Local Planning and Development Office
D. Zoning Administration Office

582. Which is not an article in an integrated model Zoning Ordinance? D

A. Zone Regulations
B. Administration and Enforcement
C. Performance Standards
D. Special Regulations
E. Zone Classifications

583. Which national agency is primarily responsible for the promulgation, B

revision and enforcement of drinking water standards?

A. DENR RA 9275
D. DOST 2017

584. Which body approves the Ecotourism Management Plan in protected B

A. Regional Ecotourism Committee AO 2013
B. Protected Area Management Board -19
C. Environmental Management Bureau
D. Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau

585. Which body is in-charge in issuing Water Permit for a deep well? C
A. Local Water Utilities Administration
C. National Water Resources Board Page 71
586 Which is not a criteria in selecting a Tourism Enterprise Zone (TEZ)? D

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

A. Area is capable of being defined into one contiguous territory RA 9593

B. It has historical and cultural significance, environmental beauty, or

existing or potential integrated leisure facilities within its bounds or within
reasonable distances from it

C. Should have strategic access through transportation infrastructure,

and reasonable connection with utilities infrastructure systems;

D. Area must be at least ten (10) hectares

E. The area must be situated where controls can easily be established

to curtail illegal activities.

F. It is in a strategic location such as to stimulate the sustainable socio-

economic development of neighboring communities

587. Republic Act No. 10963, is a tax reform law that amends several C
aspects of taxation in the Philippines. It is commonly known as the
TRAIN Act. What is the meaning of TRAIN?

A. Tax Reform for Agriculture and Industries

B. Tax Reform for Advancement of the Nation
C. Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion
D. Tax Reform for All Industries

588 It is the average result of a test, survey, or experiment. C

A. Median
B. Mode
C. Mean
D. Significance

589 It is the most frequent value of a test, survey, or experiment. B.

A. Median
B. Mode
C. Mean
D. Average

590 It is the score that divides the results in half. B

A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
D. Average

591 In this data set, 7, 2, 43, 16, 11, 5, find the median: C
A. 7
B. 10
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

C. 9
D. 8
592 In this data set, 5, 5, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 10, 13, find the mode: C
A. 8
B. 7.7
C. 7
D. 7.5

593 In this data set, 12, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 24, 16, find the mean: B

A. 13
B. 14
C. 10
D. 15
594. A person is considered an illegal worker if his age is: D.
A. below 18 years
B. below 17 years
C. below 16 years
D. below 15 years
E. All of the above

595. A newly born infant is considered underweight if the weight at birth is: B.
A. below 3 kg
B. below 2.5 kg
C. below 2 kg Page
D. below 3.5 kg 212

596. It refers to the percentage of first year (female/male) entrants in the D

cycle of (elementary / secondary) education surviving to the end of the
A. Completion rate definition
B. Retention rate
C. Survival rate
D. All of the above

597. It refers to any departure, subjective or objective from a stage of D

physiological well-being.

A. Mortality P213
B. Incidence definition
C. Prevalence
D. Morbidity

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

598. It is an accepted formal system of ideas which has some power to C

explain causal relationships, to organize data about real world
phenomena, and to predict in a speculative rather than precise sense.
Elements of theory are concepts, variables, and propositions.
A. Concept
B. Proposition
C. Theory
D. Variable

599. These are the elements of theory except one: C

A. Concepts
B. Variables
C. Hypothesis
D. Propositions

600. Research data could be qualitative or quantitative. What are the types of D.
qualitative data?
A. Nominal
B. Ordinal
C. Unmeasurabe
D. All of the above

601. In descriptive statistics, these are measures of central tendency; D

i. Mean
ii. Mode
iii. Range
iv. Median

A. i, ii, iii
B. ii, iii, iv
C. iii, iv, i
D. i, ii, iv

602. In descriptive statistics, these are measures of dispersion: B.

i. Mode
ii. Range
iii. Variance
iv. Standard Deviation

A. i, ii, iii
B. ii,iii, iv
C. iii, iv, i
D. i, ii, iv

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

603. The following techniques are examples of probability sampling except E.


A. Systematic
B. Simple Random
C. Cluster
D. Stratified
E. Judgmental

604. Population projection can be done in the following methods; C.

A. Arithmetic or Linear
B. Geometric
C. Exponential
Which method is also called the "Malthusian” growth?

605 PERT is a project management technique that defines shared activities C.

and creates a sequence of events. What does PERT stands for?

A. Program Evaluation and Reporting Technique

B. Project Evaluation and Reporting Technique
C. Program Evaluation and Review Technique
D. Project Evaluation and Review Technique

606. Daniel H. Burnham's Plan of Manila include the following except one: D.

A. Development of water-front and location of parks and parkways

B. Diagonal arteries and radiating streets
C. Location of building sites for various activities
D. Low cost residential houses
E. Development of waterways for transportation
F. Summer resorts

607. It is putting to use in-lying vacant or idle lands within the built-up area. A.
A. Infilling
RPS 103
B. Densification
C. Relocation
D. Reclamation
608. In urban forms, which one is not a characteristic of a Dispersed Sheet? B.

A. Developments spread evenly over wide continuous tract;

B. Development clustered into relatively small units, each with an RPS
internal peak of density and separated from the next by a zone of
low or zero density
C. No traffic congestions, no multi-purpose trips, only single-
purpose trips.
D. Public service provision is expensive.

EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

E. No vivid or memorable image of the city.

609 In urban forms, which one is not a characteristic of Galaxy of E.
RPS 106

A. Each cluster is equal to the next in importance although

specialization say, financial center, cultural center, etc. is possible.
B. Circulation mainly by private vehicle but supplementary public
transport is possible.
C. Access to open country is assured if interstitial open spaces are
D. Development clustered into relatively small units, each with an
internal peak of density and separated from the next by a zone of
low or zero density.
E. Narrow range of housing choice available.
610 In urban forms, which is not a characteristic of The Core City? D

RPS 107
A. Development packed into one continuous body.
B. Accessibility is high both to activity centers and to open country
at the edge of the city.
C. Produces strong visual image for the whole town.
D. Private vehicles allowed in the fringes but may have to be
curtailed in the center.
E. Highly rigid and inflexible; any change or rearrangement is very
611 In urban forms, which is not a characteristic of The Urban Star? A

RPS 107
A. High density increases discomfort due to noise, pollution, and
poor climate.
B. A dominant core surrounded by secondary centers distributed
along main radials.
C. Central core accommodates rapid communications &
specialized services; offers wide variety of choice of habitat &
D. Flexible, could easily accommodate future growth.
E. Congestion occurs at central core and main radials.
612 In urban forms, which is not a characteristic of The Ring? E

RPS 107
A. No single dominant center but several centers which might be
B. Center kept open or at very low density surrounded by high-
density developments & special activities.
C. Wide range of choice of housing and services.
D. Rigid and inflexible as a form.
E. Costly circumferential road network.
EnP Board - Practice Questions
By: Esoy Costiniano, CE, EnP

613 This method in evaluating an urban form was developed by Nathaniel A.

Lichfied, It attempts to present not only the tangible costs and
benefits but also the intangible and unmeasured costs and
benefits for different affected groups.

A. Planning Balance Sheet

B. Cost Benefit Analysis
C. Goal - Achievement Matrix
D. SWOT Analysis

614. What is the basis for which an agricultural land can be considered as A.
idle and could be subjected to idle land tax?
A. if it has an area of not less than one hectare and one half of
which is unutilized for agriculture. RPS 158
B. If land is actually used for grazing
C. If land is planted to permanent or perennial crops with at least
fifty (50) trees to a hectare.
D. All of the above
615 In the imposition of the special benefit levy, what is the amount from the C
cost of the project that is targeted for recovery by the LGU from RPS
contributions by the owners of the lands that stand to benefit as a
result of the project in the form of increased land values? 159

A. 40% of the project cost

B. 50% of the project cost
C. 60% of the project cost
D. 30% of the project cost


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