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The Tulip Tower - Worthy of Planning Permission?

The Tulip is a proposed tower, situated in central London near The Swiss Re Tower. It stands at 305
meters in height and its body, which imitates that of a tulip flower, has been recognised to resemble
a prison camp watchtower. Tom Lowe (2020) Fosters’ partner denies Tulip, Available at:
camp/5108863.article, [Accessed November 2020]. From my perspective, the flower resembling
tower lacks conformity and cohesion amongst London’s uniformed skyline, similarly mentioned by
Sadiq Khan who implied it would ‘harm’ the London skyline. BBC (2020) Tulip Tower proposal to go
to public inquiry, Available at:,
[Accessed November 2020]. It’s concrete shaft heavily contrasts the reflective properties of majority
of London’s tower buildings and as a popular tourist city, a change of such magnitude to London’s
uniform skyline could disappoint visitors, leading to a downturn in tourism and its industry. A way it
already began being a hinderance to London, was that it failed to constitute for the high design
standard of tall buildings in the location. Tom Lowe (2020) Fosters’ partner denies Tulip, Available at:
camp/5108863.article, [Accessed November 2020]. In addition, the tower will impact views at The
Tower of London heritage site, further affecting a change in tourism in London. The Guardian (2019)
Tulip Tower project in city of London, Available at:
news/2019/jul/15/tulip-tower-project-in-city-of-london-vetoed-by-sadiq-khan, [Accessed November
2020]. In conclusion, I believe, The Tulip Tower drastically shifts from London’s sustained skyline and
therefore should not be built in London City.

BBC (2020) Tulip Tower proposal to go to public inquiry, Available at: , [Accessed November 2020]

The Guardian (2019) Tulip Tower project in city of London, Available at:
by-sadiq-khan, [Accessed November 2020].

Tom Lowe (2020) Fosters’ partner denies Tulip, Available at:
camp/5108863.article , [Accessed November 2020].

Ashley Maburutse

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