Answer - Hidden Ep Quiz 15

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1) Basic principle of Heritage Conservation which holds that historic structures and treasures
should be utilized by preserving as much of their exteriors as possible while adopting more
modem uses in their interiors.

  A. Total Makeover

  B. Reconfigurative Renovation

  C. Converted Property

  D. Adaptive Reuse
2) The following reasons underlie locational motivation of urban poor to live in slum Colonies
and shantytowns. Which􀀘 reason is socio-cultural in nature and serves to compensate for the
lack of livelihood and employment opportunities in cities?
A. Proximity to low-skill jobs and sources of income in the urban services Sector, both
formal and informal
B. Zero to low land rents and occupancy fees in marginal lands, residual public lands,
easements, and danger 􀀨ones
C. Kinship-based, ethnic-related personal networks serving as safety nets that provide social
solidarity and reciprocity
  D. Alternative modes of access to squatter areas by water through rivers, canals, and coasts
  E. Ease of disposal of solid wastes and liquid wastes into esteros, creeks, and ditches.  
F. Coddling by traditional patronage politicians because of voting power of large
concentrations of urban poor

3) Also called 'cradle to grave'approach, this refers to the entire process of investigating and
valuing the environmental impacts of a given product or service, in particular, raw
materials production, manufacture, distribution, use and disposal as well as intervening
transportation steps necessitated or caused by the product's existence, in order to identify
the options least burdensome to the natural environment.
  A. Carbon Footprinting
  B. Zero Waste Management
  C. Industrial Design  
  D. Product Life Cycle Assessment

4) This is an intuitive method of demand analysis, needs assessment, or forecasting which
gathers the independent views and judgments of recognized experts in panel discussion; or
pols and consolidates their expert opinions thru a survey.
  A. Crystal Ball  
  B. Knowledge Management
  C. Delphi Technique
  D. Oracle Method
  E. Authoritative Approach

5) Specific principle contained in RA 7279 UDHA that 'developers of proposed subdivision

projects shall be required to develop an ares for socialized housing equivalent to at least
20% of total subdivision area or total subdivision project cost, at the option of developer,
within the same city or municipality, whenever feasible, so that both government and
market can jointly provide for the needs of lower socio-economic classes
  A. Public Private Resources Exchange
  B. Cooperative Housing Development
  C. Balanced Housing Development
  D. Corporate Social Responsibility  

6) Of the following solutions to address urban slums, which one adopts an 'as is, where is'
approach and hence not conducive to 'land assembly' for an integrated holistic settlement?
  A. Off-site resettlement
  B. In-city relocation  
  C. On-site slum upgrading
  D. Land readjustment
  E. Medium-rise tenements as temporary shelter
  F. Collaborative models such as Gawad Kalinga and 'Habitat for Humanity'

7) The process of obtaining from people technical advice or opinion which may or may not be
followed is called

  A. Consultation

  B. Cooptation

  C. Cooperation

  D. Collaboration
8) The second law of thermodynamics states that no man-made or natural process operates with
100% efficiency and therefore, waste is inherent in all nature, and waste will always be
  A. Thermal Wasting
  B. Atrophy  
  C. Entropy
  D. Dissipation

9) Related to time value of money (v) this refers to the rate used to adjust the future streams of
costs and benefits U into their present value, taking into account time preference,
opportunity cost of capital, externalities from currency and exchange, risk, and uncertainty.

  A. Inflation rate

  B. Discount rate

  C. Investment rate

  D. Depreciation rate
10) Land use conversion is limited by reclassification ceilings under various legal issuances.
Under AFMA, only 5% of the SAFDZ areas may be converted to other uses, while RA 7160
Local Government Code Sec. 20 limits it to
  A. 15% of the agricultural land in highly urbanized
  B. 20% of total arable land in any LGU  
  C. 10 %of total cultivable land in any city and independent chartered cities
  D. 25% of total alienable and disposable land

11) Of the five correct criteria for conversion of farmland into non-agricultural uses, which
criterion is within the control of the investor or project proponent, in terms of production
activity, design, selection and mobilization of men, money,materials, and machines.?
A. The reclassification of land use must be consistent with the natural expansion of the
municipality or city, as contained in their approved land use plan  
B. The area to be reclassified in use is not the only remaining food production area of the
  C. Areas with lower crop productivity will be accorded priority for land use conversion;
D. The proposed project is supportive of agro-industrial development, and will generate
alternative livelihood opportunities for the affected community.

12) Also called 'subscription money,' this is a deposit given to the seller to show that the
potential buyer has serious intentions about the transaction.
  A. Mobilization fund  
  B. Subornment
  C. Marked money
  D. Earnest money
  E. Grease money
13) 'Ekistics' or the science of human settlements by Dr Konstantinos Doxiadis was built upon
the Concept of "basic needs," which were later categorized by Johann Galtung into
material survival & Security needs," "social or enabling needs," and non-material human
needs. Which grouping of needs was elaborated on by Abraham Maslow?
A. Food, water, clothing, shelter, sanitation, health care, energy/fuel, employment, peace
and Order,
B. Self-expression, sex, procreation, recreation, education, communication, and
C. Physiological needs, physical safety, love and belongingness, esteem, self-
  D. Freedom, security, identity, well-being, ecological balance

14) In the 21st century, many economically-poor but naturally-endowed countries have focused
on the "Pleasure Economy" or the "Experience Economy" through such flagship programs as
ecotourism, cultural tourism, me?ical tourism, adventure & sports tourism, arts, 'high-touch'
activities, high fashion design or haute couture, etc which are together called
  A. Tertiary services sector
  B. Quaternary services sector
  C. Quinary services sector
  D. Recreational and visitorial services sector

15) In welfare-oriented societies, this is a shelter program designed to help homeless

individuals and families progress toward self-sufficiency in an environment of security and
support, serving as a middle point between emergency shelter and permanent housing for a
time frame-of six months to two years.
  A. Mass Housing  
  B. Transitional Housing
  C. Public Row Housing
  D. Cooperative Housing

16) 17% of surveyed women wanted 2. 7 average births in contrast to aggregate fertility rate of
3.5 births per woman; 50% of women don't want any more children; % of women wanted to
space births but could not do so, and nearly 50% of women between ages 15 and 24 have had
premarital sex and have experienced unwanted pregnancies. Which rational conclusion is
supported by above data from ESCAP study1998? 
  A. Filipinos' fondness for babies is waning.
  B. Government and social institutions like family, church, and school need to be stricter
about people's sexual behavior
C. The women in the survey do not accurately represent the overall picture of Filipino
D. There is apparently an unmet need for contraception and family planning among Filipino
  E. Filipino women are more burdened compared to men when it comes to birth control

17) Which one do you like?


  A. Option 1

  B. Option 2

  C. Option 3

  D. Option 4
18) In RA 9397's amendment to expand socialized housing options of national local government
under RA7279 UDHA, which common model/program is being remedied for its uneven
effectiveness in addressing homelessness
  A. Transfer of homelot ownership in fee simple
  B. Public rental housing
  C. Usufruct or lease with option to purchase
  D. Timeshare arrangements and communal shelter

19) A member of the advocacy/activist/equity school of planning, this planner wrote the
classic "Eight Rungs in the Ladder  of Citizen Participation" which describes the varying
degrees of people's involvement in policies, plans, and programs.
  A. Ralph Nader  
  B. Susan S. Fainstein
  C. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
  D. Sherry Amstein

20) Conventional 'Euclidean' or exclusionary zoning is faulted for the following valid reasons.
Which reason comes from the feminist perspective of Jane Jacobs, et al?
  A. Rigid segregation of land uses unnecessarily lengthens travel distance to meet other needs
and discourages walking. social interaction, and neighborly behavior favorable to local
B. Self-contained, balanced, sociable communities deter crime, reduce anomie, lessen
  psychological distress caused by movement to/from work or school, increase quality
family time, and prevent other social problems.
C. Exclusionary use encourages satellite bedroom communities where work and other
needs are not available
D. Increased Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMl) correlates with traffic jatns, accidents, labor
  productivity losses, greater greenhouse gas emissions that aggravate air pollution, and
huge external economic costs borne by society in general
E. Mothers with infants and young children are zoned of production as jobs in the CBD or in
  factory district are too far from home to enable women to successfully carry out both
domestic duties and formal employment

21) Between census years 1990 and 2007, the lowest population growth rates per annum in
Metro Manila occurred in .San Juan, -0.03%; City of Manila, 0.09%; Pasay, 0.22%;
Makati, 0.3%; Mandaluyong, 0.53% (versus highest rate at 2.12% in Taguig City). Which
of the following statements, all valid, most considers sustainable capacity and livability? 
  A. These NCR areas have higher daytime population than nighttime population.
  B. These NCR areas are likely approaching their viable population limits.
C. These NCR areas tend to physically decay with population density beyond a tolerable
  D. New or young families in these NCR areas are likely to settle somewhere else.  

22) The process of facilitating and arranging activities and action-plans of different interest-
groups or sectors for the purpose of harmonizing, synchronizing, and consolidating inputs
and outputs is called
  A. Input-Output process
  B. Mainstreaming
  C. Coordination
  D. Faci-pulation

23) Ratio and Proportion. In 2008, the Philippines had 68 million cellphone units, of which 63
million were used. If 35% of population in urban areas have buying power to own and use
a cellphone while only 15% of population in rural areas can do the same. what would be
the approximate number of cellphone users in a rural barangay with 4000 people.
  A. 80
  B. 400
  C. 600  
  D. 1,200
24) This refers to any novel or improved product, process, gadget, or idea that adds utility to a
previous or existing good or service in the market beyond the usual expectations of
consumers and often in response to a felt demand in society.
  A. Ingenuity
  B. Invention
  C. Innovation
  D. Improvisation
  E. High tech gadgetry  

25) In a non-parametric test of correlation to,determine if amount of fertilizer has a􀂐nything to

do with quantity of farm yield, the following crops were computed to have their respective
difference of ranks square(d2): rice 1; com = 0; wheat = 0; beans = 0; mongo = 1. Given
'Spearman rho' formula "r=6Ed2/ n(n2-1)" what would be the 'r' value?
  A. 1.1
  B. 1.2
  C. 0.9
  D. 0.2  

26) The French urban theorist who first said that each individual, regardless of personal,
occupational, or economic ability of achievement, has a to live in the city in a rights-based
approach to urban development ('Right to the City,' 1968)
  A. Henri Lefebvre
  B. Manuel Castells
  C. Jean Jacques Costeau  
  D. Andre Gunder Frank

27) As per PD 856 or Sanitation Code of 1975, What should be acquired individually by all food
Workers, processors,preparers, vendors, servers in all food establishments, whether formal
or informal businesses?
  A. Lung -ray & HIV-AIDS test from public hospital
  B. Health Clearance from local health Office
  C. Food testing report from Bureau of Food and Drugs lab
  D. face mask and hairnet from Department of Health

28) What does an impact evaluation measure that is not dearly described in terminal evaluational
projects end? 
  A. Key outputs or outcomes of a project
  B. Indicators, benchmarks, and milestones
  C. Immediate results of an undertaking -  
  D. Long-term consequences on people, society, and nature

29) This is a provision made in advance for the gradual liquidation of a future obligation by
periodic charges against the capital account.
  A. Downpayment  
  B. Reservation
  C. Amortization
  D. Equity
  E. Surcharge
  F. Pay-off

30) This theory propounded by James s. Coleman (1988), Robert Putnam (1993), Diane Camey
(1998) and adopted by UNOP (1997), looks at collective non-market assets of people such as
trust, solidarity, norms of reciprocity, common purpose,equality and other resources that are
inherent in social relations and embedded in social networks.
  A. Theory of Social Change
  B. Social Mobilization  
  C. Theory of Social Learning
  D. Theory of Social Capital

31) According to BP 220, if the minimum distance between 2 two-storey houses is 4 meters,
and the minimum horizontal clearance between their respective roof eaves or overhang is
1.50 m, what would be the horizontal length of each building's overhang from exterior
wall up to the edge of roof
  A. 0.25m
  B. 0.50m
  C. 1.00m
  D. 1.75m  

32) 'Baby Boomers' refers to those born in the period 1946-1964. Generation X refers to those
born in the years 1965-1976, and Generation "Y" or "Echo Boomers" refers to those born in
the years
  A. 1980-2000
  B. 2001-2010  
  C. 1977-2000
  D. 1975-2015

33) The historic shift of birth and death rates from high to low levels, signaling t'"le tendency of
total population to decline after replacement-level fertility (1.1 % to 1.5%) has been
attained, is called

  A. Population Reversal

  B. Demographic Transition

  C. Population Shift

  D. Demographic Deceleration
34) The main difference between the economic method of projecting population growth and the
"mathematical methods" (arithmetic, geometric formulae, etc.) is that
A. The former takes into account movement of people while the latter only considers
reproduction and deaths.
B. The former forecasts varying rates of growth of local economic output and creates
alternative scenarios.
  C. The latter does not consider force majeure or recurrent natural disasters.  
D. The latter is based upon the assumption of do nothing while the former ignores historic

35) This refers to a set of accounts, usually in monetary figures, widely used in the analysis of
inter-industry relationships and the extent of importing/exporting among industries within
an economy whether focal, regional, or national.
  A. Value added chain
  B. Input/output model
  C. Discounted cash flow tables
  D. Inter-area analysis  

36) Under RA 7160 Local Government Code Section 20, reclassification of agricultural land in
component cities and first to third class municipalities is limited to _ of farm land.
  A. 5%
  B. 10%
  C. 15%
  D. 20%
37) Of the following central features of Free Market as described by classical economics,
which one has not been proved to be universally true in open capitalist societies?
  A. Law of Supply and Demand
  B. Profit Motive  
  C. Broad Range of Consumer Choices Through Diversified Production
  D. Perfect Competition

38) Of the following forms of evidence that Indigenous Peoples can use to claim aboriginal land,
which category of evidence needs substantial assistance from a planner with extensive
background in anthropology?
  A. Tax declarations and proof of payment of taxes; survey plans and/or sketch maps;
B. Old improvements such as planted trees, stone walls, rice fields, water systems, orchards,
farms,monuments, houses and other old structures, or pictures thereof;
  C. Historical accounts, Spanish Documents, ancient documents;
D. Genealogical surveys; written and oral testimonies of living witnesses made under oath;
written records of customs and traditions
  E. Burial grounds or pictures thereof religious sites andfor artifacts in the area

39) The declared population policy of the Philippine government 2001-2010 aimed to
  A. Uplift reproductive health of women as basis of population management
B. Support couples in making decisions on the timing, spacing, and the number of
children they want in accordance with their cultural and religious beliefs
  C. Encourage use of contraception among married couples
  D. Enforce one-child rule for all couples  

40) Which of the following -all true -about people's participation in planning, implementation and
management holds the same meaning as the statement "people are the principal actors, the
subject rather than the object, of development."
A. Participation increases the likelihood that policy will be effective and will have long-term
benefits as people
provide data and feedback on ground-level needs and concerns to policy-makers and
  B. People are not passive beneficiaries or mere recipients of dole-outs.
C. Participation hastens people's ownership of their problems and builds community
  leadership so that they gain control over their own fate and learn to make critical decisions
for their common future.
  D. Community participation contributes to institutionalizing positive refonns envisioned by
changes in policy.

41) Under International Standards Organization ISO 14001 (1996) for business organizations,
the principle that no money should be lent or extended to any firm that has not proven
itself to be environmentally responsible, is contained in which goal of a company's ISO
14001 Environmental Management System?
  A. To reduce overall costs
  B. To attract more ethical investment
  C. To gain or retain market share via a green corporate image
  D. To reduce prosecution risks and insurance risks  

42) This family of cross-disciplinary, cross-sectoral approaches in research engages communities
to share their - indigenous knowledge, analyze their local -conditions, in order to plan and to
act on their own problems, through dialogic and participatory processes such as cross-
walking, transect, semi-structured interviews, community mapping, preference ranking,
seasonal and historical diagrams, and other tools of rapid rural appraisal (RRA). 
  A. Interactive Andragogy
  B. Participatory Action Research
  C. Virtual Learning Network  
  D. Social Anthropology

43) An enumerative method of study which covers all the units of a population is called

  A. Holism

  B. Gestalt

  C. Sociology

  D. Census
44) Which part of the feasibility study aims to determine a projects desirability in terms of its net
contribution to the overall welfare of the locality, region, or country as a whole?
  A. Sensitivity analysis  
  B. Discriminant analysis
  C. Stakeholder or distributive analysis
  D. Economic analysis

45) In a PERT-CPM, this is a starting node to two or more activities


  A. Concurrent node

  B. Merge node

  C. Simultaneous nodes

  D. Burst node
46) RA 87 49 Clean Air Act, Sec. 20, generally bans burning which results in poisonous and
toxic fumes, but with a few exceptions. What agency oversees cremation and incineration of
pathological, biological, and contagious wastes?
  A. Bureau of Fire Protection
  B. Department of Interior and Local Government  
  C. Philippine Hospitals Association
  D. Department of Health

47) Program Review and Evaluation Technique-Critical Path Method(PERTCPM) is a project

management technique designed to
  A. Logically connect program and project  
  B. Mitigate effects of failed program
  C. Seek efficiency of time & resources in execution & implementation
  D. Identify evacuation routes and remedy errors in disaster risk estimation

48) World Bank describes this process as the expansion of assets.and capabilities of poor people,
as well as.the expansion of their freedom of choice and action, to participate in, negotiate
with, influence, control, aria hold accountable institutions that affect their lives 
  A. Self-Reliance
  B. Needs Achievement  
  C. Entitlement
  D. Empowennent

49) What does ex post facto evaluation seek to do?

  A. Describe conditions under which an undertaking is effective
  B. Identify any unanticipated effects of an undertaking  
  C. Detemiine whether stated goals have been achieved
  D. All of the choices
50) It is the international collective term for inclusive, non-State actors whose aims are neither to
generate profits nor to seek governing power but to unite people around the broadest public
interest based ethnical, cultural, religious,scientific, professional, or philanthropic
  A. Cause-Oriented Groups
  B. Charities
  C. Social Movements
  D. Civil Society

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