Physical Science Week 10 Module 3

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 To describe and explain the subtle distinction between Newton’s 1 st Law of Motion (or Law of Inertia) and
Galileo’s assertion that force is not necessary to sustain horizontal motion.


Inertia is the tendency of matter to resist changes in its velocity.
Inertia is a property of matter. It is that property of matter which opposes changes in velocity.
Simply stated, a common object will not change its velocity spontaneously.
If something is moving along at a constant speed in a straight line, it will continue to move along at the same constant
speed in the same straight line. It will not, all on its own, speed up, slow down, or change direction. Something else must
push on the object to speed it up, slow it down, or change its direction.
Also, if something is standing still, it will, if left to itself, continue to stand still. Something else must push on an object to
get it moving. Actually, an object standing still is just a special case of an object keeping its velocity constant. Its velocity is
constantly 0 m/s.
Objects do not spontaneously change their velocities.
Center your thoughts:
 An object will not change its velocity on its own.
 Pushes, or pulls, from the outside are necessary to change an object's velocity.
 Therefore:
 Pushes, or pulls, are not necessary to keep a stationary object still.
 Once at rest, an object will stay at rest all on its own.
 Pushes, or pulls, are not necessary to keep an object moving.
 An object will keep moving all on its own.
Usually, Galileo gets the credit.
Again, the property of matter that is responsible for this nature is called inertia. Galileo is traditionally credited with
being the first scientist to formalize this concept. People before him often had it turned around. Many believed that a push
was necessary to keep something moving. It certainly seems that way at first thought. If you push a chair across a room,
it seems that your push is necessary to sustain the velocity of the chair. If you stop pushing, the chair stops moving.
Galileo, though, believed that when the push on the chair is taken away, the chair should continue to move along
without any assistance. And, as it turns out, it will, if the chair is entirely left alone. By 'left alone' we mean that nothing
pushes or pulls on the chair.
But the chair is not left alone. There is a force of friction between the chair and the floor. Friction continues to apply a
push to the chair after you take your hand away from it. It is this friction that prevents the chair from continuing its motion.
The friction quickly brings the chair to a halt. Without friction, the chair would just keep moving.
So, if you get something moving, and then leave it alone, it will continue to move without any more pushes from you.
Again, by leaving it alone we mean that no pushes or pulls are placed upon it.
As high as the ball rolls on the left, it rolls on the right.
Galileo figured this out by thinking of a ball rolling down an incline and and then up an identical incline. He imagined this
We must think of a very smooth ball and very smooth inclines. So smooth, in fact, that we do not have to worry about
friction slowing down the ball. Also, do not worry about the ball bouncing about when it abruptly changes direction at the
bottom of each incline. Imagine this transaction to be gradual, much like a marble rolling in a large bowl.
Galileo noticed that the ball could be started at a certain height on the left incline. It rolls over to the right incline and rolls
up that incline to the same height from which it was released on the left. Of course, for a real situation, the ball would not
make it to the other height exactly due to friction, so Galileo could not have really seen this. But here Galileo and we are
reasoning from experience and proceeding through a thought experiment where we imagine what things would be like
without outside influences, say from friction.
 The ball might roll farther, but just as high.
Then he reasoned what would happen if the right incline was not so steep.
The ball again rises to the same height from which it was released. Now, however, the ball must roll a greater
distance up the right incline before coming to a stop for an instant at the top of its journey. Therefore, it takes more time
for the ball to roll up the right incline than down the left, and the ball has rolled a greater distance on the right incline than
on the left..
Be sure to notice that it travels farther on the left incline.
Then Galileo demonstrated that the ball would roll for an even longer time on the right incline before coming to a stop if
that incline was made even less steep.
The less the slope on the right, the farther the ball rolls.
 Galileo and Inertia
Inertia is the tendency of matter to resist changes in its velocity.
Inertia is a property of matter. It is that property of matter which opposes changes in velocity.
Simply stated, a common object will not change its velocity spontaneously.
If something is moving along at a constant speed in a straight line, it will continue to move along at the same constant
speed in the same straight line. It will not, all on its own, speed up, slow down, or change direction. Something else must
push on the object to speed it up, slow it down, or change its direction.
Also, if something is standing still, it will, if left to itself, continue to stand still. Something else must push on an object to
get it moving. Actually, an object standing still is just a special case of an object keeping its velocity constant. Its
velocity is constantly 0 m/s.
 Objects do not spontaneously change their velocities.
Center your thoughts:
An object will not change its velocity on its own.
Pushes, or pulls, from the outside are necessary to change an object's velocity.
Pushes, or pulls, are not necessary to keep a stationary object still.
Once at rest, an object will stay at rest all on its own.
Pushes, or pulls, are not necessary to keep an object moving.
An object will keep moving all on its own.
 Usually, Galileo gets the credit.
Again, the property of matter that is responsible for this nature is called inertia. Galileo is traditionally credited with being
the first scientist to formalize this concept. People before him often had it turned around. Many believed that a push
was necessary to keep something moving. It certainly seems that way at first thought. If you push a chair across a room,
it seems that your push is necessary to sustain the velocity of the chair. If you stop pushing, the chair stops moving.
Galileo, though, believed that when the push on the chair is taken away, the chair should continue to move along without
any assistance. And, as it turns out, it will, if the chair is entirely left alone. By  'left alone' we mean that nothing pushes or
pulls on the chair.
But the chair is not left alone. There is a force of friction between the chair and the floor. Friction continues to apply a
push to the chair after you take your hand away from it. It is this friction that prevents the chair from continuing its motion.
The friction quickly brings the chair to a halt. Without friction, the chair would just keep moving.
So, if you get something moving, and then leave it alone, it will continue to move without any more pushes from you.
Again, by leaving it alone we mean that no pushes or pulls are placed upon it.
 As high as the ball rolls on the left, it rolls on the right.
Galileo figured this out by thinking of a ball rolling down an incline and and then up an identical incline. He imagined this
We must think of a very smooth ball and very smooth inclines. So smooth, in fact, that we do not have to worry about
friction slowing down the ball. Also, do not worry about the ball bouncing about when it abruptly changes direction at the
bottom of each incline. Imagine this transaction to be gradual, much like a marble rolling in a large bowl.
Galileo noticed that the ball could be started at a certain height on the left incline. It rolls over to the right incline and rolls
up that incline to the same height from which it was released on the left. Of course, for a real situation, the ball would not
make it to the other height exactly due to friction, so Galileo could not have really seen this. But here Galileo and we are
reasoning from experience and proceeding through a thought experiment where we imagine what things would be like
without outside influences, say from friction.
 The ball might roll farther, but just as high.
Then he reasoned what would happen if the right incline was not so steep. That motion looks like this:
The ball again rises to the same height from which it was released. Now, however, the ball must roll a greater
distance up the right incline before coming to a stop for an instant at the top of its journey. Therefore, it takes more time
for the ball to roll up the right incline than down the left, and the ball has rolled a greater distance on the right incline than
on the left..
Be sure to notice that it travels farther on the left incline.
 The ball might roll much farther, but just as high.
Then Galileo demonstrated that the ball would roll for an even longer time on the right incline before coming to a stop if
that incline was made even less steep. That motion would look like this:
The less the slope on the right, the farther the ball rolls.
 The ball will roll forever without the left hill.
Now, Galileo asks a simple question - How long would the ball roll before coming to a stop if you made the right incline
flat, that is, if you took away the right incline? He realized it would roll for an infinite amount of time; the ball would not
stop rolling. It would continue moving along with an unchanging velocity as long as nothing else effected it. That is, as
long as it experienced no other pushes or pulls
The ball will, all on its own, continue in its state of motion, moving at a constant speed in a straight line. This property of
matter is called inertia.
If you want to change its velocity, you will have to push on it, and it will push back. It will resist with an equal and opposite
force. That is what is meant by 'Inertia is that tendency of matter to resist changes in its velocity'.
 Objects will not change their velocities unless they are forced to by forces.
That is how Galileo came up with the concept of inertia. Inertia is that property of matter that  opposes changes in
motion. Or, one might say, inertia is that property of matter that keeps the velocity constant. If an object is in motion, it
will continue moving without help from the outside. The velocity of an object will not change unless you push or pull on
the object. A push or a pull is called a force.
Forces create changes in velocity as time passes.
When we say that the velocity of an object does not change we mean that its speed does not change and the direction in
which it is moving does not change. It continues with unchanging speed in a straight line.
Note that an object standing still maintains a constant velocity. It's velocity is zero. An object with zero constant velocity
will continue to have zero constant velocity if you do not apply forces to it. Objects standing still will continue to stand still.
They will not start to move on their own unless they receive a push or pull from something. 
Isaac Newton's first law of motion captures the concept of inertia.
Throughout this discussion we have used the words push and pull. The term for a push or a pull is  force. Therefore, you
can only change the velocity of an object if you place a force on the object. This is Sir Isaac Newton's First Law of
Motion. Newton's first law of motion. It is basically the same as Galileo's explanation of inertia.
Zero net force works the same as 'left alone'.
Throughout this discussion we have used the term 'left alone' to mean that no forces (no pushes or pulls) are placed on
the object. Actually, several forces can act on an object, but if they cancel each other, then the effect is the same as if no
forces at all were applied. For example a push to the right could be canceled by an equally strong push to the left. In this
case the object has  two forces on it, but it moves as if it had zero force on it. This summing of forces is called calculating
the net force. Here's a link to section on net force.
Galileo's laws of Motion:
Aside from his numerous inventions, Galileo also laid down the first accurate laws of motion for masses. Galileo
measured that all bodies accelerate at the same rate regardless of their size or mass.
Key among his investigations are:
developed the concept of motion in terms of velocity (speed and direction) through the use of inclined planes.
developed the idea of force, as a cause for motion.
determined that the natural state of an object is rest or uniform motion, i.e. objects always have a velocity, sometimes that
velocity has a magnitude of zero = rest.
objects resist change in motion, which is called inertia.
Balancing Act
What You Need
• Vocabulary cards • Small paper cup • Empty detergent bottle or soda bottle • Water • Tissue paper
1. After moistening the tissue paper with water, use it to plug the hole in the top of the detergent bottle.
2. Flip the cup upside down and place it over the top of the bottle.
3. Squeeze the bottle and tell students to watch what happens.
1. What happened?
2. Were the forces balanced or unbalanced?
1. What property of matter tends to resists a change in an object’s state of motion?
A. mass B. volume C. inertia D. force
2. Who was the scientist who first explained the concept of inertia?
A. Galileo Galilei B. Sir Isaac Newton C. Nicolas Copernicus D. Aristotle
When a ball rolls on the floor, it will eventually stop.
3. What force causes the ball to stop?
A. weight B. inertia C. gravity D. friction
4. Which of the following is Galileo’s assertion on horizontal motion?
A. No force is needed to start the motion of an object.
B. No force is required to decrease or increase the motion of an object.
C. When an object is left alone, it will continue to move with constant velocity.
D. The inertia of an object will keep the object moving with constant velocity.
5. In Galileo’s experiment, what force, aside from friction, affects the motion of the ball in rolling up and down the inclined
A. gravity B. weight C. friction D. inertia
6. Which of the following statements is true about Galileo’s work on horizontal motion?
A. When the ball rolls down a slope, its speed increases because of friction.
B. In the absence of friction, the object will stop from moving.
C. When an object moves with gravity, its speed increases.
D. When the object is moving against gravity, its velocity increases.
7. What is the difference between Galileo’s assertion of horizontal motion and Newton’s 1st law of motion?
A. Newton’s inertia is based on mass, while Galileo’s inertia is based on weight.
B. Newton’s 1st law emphasizes that a force is required to keep the motion of the object.
C. Galileo did not use the concept of force in his assertions but only used 'push or pull'.
D. Galileo asserted that a force is needed to keep the motion of the object.
A ball is rolled on top of a table and slowly comes to a stop.
8. How would Galileo explain this phenomenon?
A. When the ball rolls on top of the table, it is moving against gravity.
B. The ball stops because no force maintains its motion.
C. The friction between the ball and the table stops the motion of the ball.
D. The ball’s inertia keeps it from moving, eventually stopping its motion.
A ball is rolling to the right on a friction-free surface.
9. If the ball is pushed to the right, what will happen to its motion?
A. The ball will decrease its speed.
B. The ball will increase its speed.
C. The ball will change the direction of movement without changing speed.
D. Its motion will remain constant.
10. All statements below are similarities of Galileo’s assertion on horizontal motion and Newton’s 1st law of motion except
A. Inertia is the property of an object that keeps it from changing its state of motion.
B. All objects have inertia that tends to increase or decrease its speed.
C. No force is needed in order to keep an object moving in a straight line with constant speed.
D. Force is required to change the state of motion of an object.

Quick doodles
 Doodle/draw two or three concepts presented in the lesson. You may include words or numbers.
 on-

 To describe how the propagation of light, reflection and refraction are explained by the wave model and
the particle model of light.
The Particle Model of Light Explains Rectilinear Propagation of Light
Newton used the analogy of a ball to explain the rectilinear motion of light. When a ball is thrown, it describes a
parabolic path because of the effect of gravity. In order to follow a straight-line path, the ball must be thrown very quickly.
Newton reasoned that particles of light must move at very high speeds.
Model: Throw a baseball slowly and then very fast. At slow speeds, a curvature is easily observed, but at high speeds the
ball travels in a straight line.
Light: Make a light beam pass through a cloud of chalk dust to observe that light travels in straight lines.
Reflection of light: Newton showed that, in an elastic collision between hard spheres, the angle of incidence equals the
angle of reflection.
Newton was interested in light from very early on in his career; the work that first brought him to the attention of
the scientific community was his experimental investigation of colour, & his invention of the ‘Newtonian’ reflecting
telescope (work done in 1666-68, and published in 1672). However this work provided no theory of how light worked, and
Newton made attempts at this for many years. For various reasons he favoured a particle theory of light – the explanation
of light propagation in straight lines, except at interfaces, was then easily understood. Still, the light particles were acted
upon by an invisible aether. Newton did not publish his theory until 1704, after the death of Huyghens; he was by then the
best-known scientist in Europe.
C Huyghens made key contributions to mathematics, astronomy, & physics. However his most important
contribution to science by far was his wave theory of light. He argued that the known properties of light, such as refraction,
reflection, & propagation in straight lines, could be understood by assuming that light was a wave in some invisible
medium, analogous to waves moving in a fluid. Refraction could be understood if the waves traveled more slowly in a
dense medium (like waves in shallow water). He gave the first theory of wave propagation, showing, amongst other things
how they could be built up from ‘elementary wavelets’, radiated in circular patterns from multiple sources.
In common with most thinkers in his day, Newton thought that light was a motion of particles (light
corpuscles) in straight lines. This made a lot of sense- it seemed to be in accord with Newton’s 2nd
law (refraction being explained by forces acting on boundaries between different media), and
explained image formation by lenses or pinholes. In the same way one could understand reflected
light beams, mirrors, etc. The dependence of refraction on colour was explained by assuming the
force acting at interfaces depends on colour.
In the top figure we see the formation of an image by a lens- the paths of different light rays from a
given point of the light bulb all focus to the same point on the screen if (i) the lens has the right shape, and (ii) the screen
is at the right distance. The pinhole (below) forms an image at any distance.
In spite of the virtues of the particle theory of light, careful thinkers like Huyghens realized that
there were weaknesses that could not be dismissed.

For example (i) at

an interface, one
never has refraction OR
reflection- both happens, with the relative intensities of the 2 components depending on the angle of incidence. (ii) if one
makes a pinhole very small, the image of the light going through begins to widen, instead of narrowing (see below). The
problem of simultaneous reflection and refraction is very hard to answer in a corpuscular theory- Newton’s attempts were
not satisfactory.
The WAVE THEORY of LIGHT (C Huyghens)
In work very far ahead of its time, C. Huyghens succeeded in explaining almost all of the properties of light
propagation known at that time, assuming light was a wave traveling in an unknown medium. His theory, along with
detailed analysis of any cases, was published in 1690, very shortly after Newton’s ‘Principia’, as the “Traite de la
Lumiere”. The details of this are shown in the next 2 slides. By assuming that the waves traveled at different speeds in
different media, reflection and refraction were easily explained. The way in which waves propagate across interfaces is
easily seen by looking at surface waves on water (the speed depends on the water depth). Once this is understood, one
can work out a theory of how waves propagate through, eg., lenses (the waves traveling more slowly in the glass) – the
direction of propagation of a ray is perpendicular to the wave fronts. In a lens light passing via the centre is held up, and
the light around the edges catches up to it, so they focus together.


Wavelengths, Reflection, & Refraction
The famous Hughens construction is shown at right. We imagine that at each point of a wave-
front, another wave front is emitted in all directions at equal velocity (unless it arrives in another
medium where the velocity is different). In this way, by imagining the
re-emission’ of wave fronts after successive short intervals of time, one can build up the dynamics of
the wave fronts
Reflection is easily understood as the radiation of the wave back into the medium – it is
fairly obvious by symmetry that a wave incident at some angle on an interface must
have led to a wave moving out at the same angle to the interface. Refraction is
produced by imagining the same wavelets now radiating INTO the new medium, but at
a different velocity. One can actually show how all this works by purely geometric
constructions, without elaborate mathematics. Note that simultaneous reflection &
refraction is Reflection in the wavelength theory INEVITABLE in this theory.
Using the wave theory Huyghens could also explain more complex phenomena – eg., the way sound and light
can be slowly refracted downwards, because air density decreases with height; or the flickering light from a multiple light
source like a candle flame, where the sources themselves changed in intensity with time. Huyghens also understood that
the way to understand wave dynamics in a crystal was to suppose that the crystal was made up of a lattice of particles.
He assumed that the medium (the ‘aether’) via which light was transmitted was made up of tiny spherical particles,
through which compression waves could pass. In remarkable work he treated the refraction of light through ‘iceland spar’
(calcite) which splits a light beam into 2 beams – he was able to partly understand this in terms of wavelets (but not what
caused it).
Huyghens also realised that phenomena like diffraction (see left) had a natural explanation in terms of his waves.
Although neither Newton nor Huyghens realised it, they had uncovered 2 key aspects of one of the most crucial questions
in physics – the fundamental nature of light. It would need another 250 years to resolve it.
1) Wave-Particle Duality:
a) Watch Double-slit interference buildup
v=H11hJWIcUY0& (1:00 – 1:44)
b) Explain and describe your observation on the video.


1. What is a wave theory?
2. What is a particle theory?
3. What is the difference between wave theory and particle theory?
 Make a slogan about the importance of wave and particle theory of light in one’s life.

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