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1. Stock during the early morning or late in the afternoon when the water is cool
to avoid the weakening of the fish. Care should be maintained. Choose pure
quality stocks and do not allow them to crossbreed with other species to preserve
their genetic quality.
2. Deliver the fingerlings to the pond in oxygenated plastic bags to ensure
maximum survival of the fingerlings.
3. To assimilate water in plastic bags, open the plastic bags of fingerlings to float
within the pond from 30 minutes to one hour. Open the plastic bags in water to
allow the fingerlings to swim freely.

4. Stock the ponds of at least 6 fingerlings/sqm. The ratio is 1 male is to 3

females. Avoid to pair many male tilapias because this tends to slow down the
production of fingerlings since they tend to eat their own fingerlings due to lack of

Care and Maintenance

1. Feed the tilapias twice daily (morning and afternoon) in one portion of the
pond. Supplement feeds with fine rice bran, bread crumbs, earthworms and
others at an initial rate of 5% of the total body weight of the fish.

2. Maintain the natural fishfood by adding more fertilizer every week. Place
chicken droppings in sacks and suspend in the water at every corner of the pond.
Put 2.5 kg of chicken manure per bag.

3. Maintain a water depth level of 1- 1.5 meters.

4. Gradually remove excess fingerlings after the third month of stocking. Retain 6
fingerlings/sqm. Excess fingerlings can be used in the manufacture of fish meal
and as ingredient for livestock and poultry needs.

5. Plant kangkong and gabi at one portion of the pond to provide shade for the
fish during hot weather and to serve as growing media for natural fish food.
Water lily also provides shade. However, do not totally cover the pond with plants
as these will interfere with the natural food production process.

6. Prevent seepages and leakages by patching them with muds. Clear the pond
dikes with weeds.

7. Plant trees and grass near the dike to avoid erosion and avoid dumping of

1. Introduce catfish to pond to control the population of small fishes for at least
three months before harvest. After 4-6 months, tilapias weigh 200-400 grams and
are ready for harvest.
2. Drain the pond totally and allow fish to accommodate the lowest portion in the
drainage area for easy harvesting. After harvesting stock the pond again.

Sources on procedures:
Sustainable Livelihood Options for the Philippines– An Information kit (Coastal
Ecosystem). Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

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