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Revenue Model - Online Streaming Services

Our revenue model will be based upon Subscription based system as we are new so
we will try to break the clutter and competition by giving them 2 months free
subscription so to attract the market in a better way & we will come up with a pure
content movie, documentaries, serials, seasons with a 2 months free subscriptions and
we will offer up-selling plans like; Basic in 550/-, Standard in 750/- & Premium in
1050/- at a very attractive prices

And we will try to create partnerships with a film maker, writers and animators and
we will legally and profitability manage profits relationship and commission generate
through these movie

Will you be using Digital Right Management (DRM) on your content or

are your customers free to share your content?

We will try to use DRM controlled content as this is our business model and every
business end goal is to profit so we will try to use DRM controlled content so that no
one can copy our content and one have to subscribe with us to see the content and
even we are offering plans in a very less rates and 2 months free subscription so we
will opt DRM controlled content as this is a essence of our business model based on

Will you be offering any niche content? Why or why not?

No we wont opt niche content because as a streamlined service we want to cater a

large audience as everyone has own likeness in a movie and other content categories
so if we try to specific our content will be limited and profit will ultimately be low so
we try to cater every customers and satisfy their taste in context of content so that we
do have more subscriptions and profits.

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