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ALIVE ‘Words and Music by BARRY GIBI and MAURICE GIB! Slowly But you've got to live (© 1972 Gi8B BROTHERS MUSICLTD. ‘Administered in Due USA. by Cores Misc Inc, ; ne ee ig if little bit fast - ‘cause you’vegot a lit-tle less time to go. _ SO A ext tft it fae {et T ain't lost and I ain't search - ing, et fae He but then youknow me ver - y well. B/Dt Cm siti ca i And I can’t change the wind and make it blow the oth -er And I can’t change the world_ and make it go the oth-er that Pm a live and that’s all, that I can getup just as fast as I fall. walk and run butI’ll nev-er crawl. ‘And in the end it does-n’t mat-ter at all. A df al el> know a-bout_ the peo - ple that I read__a-bout__in books. And the kings_ with their quiet dir - ty looks. A fant i if Fn — I should_ be go - ing some-where, I just can’t ar -rive._ A E i if ie To Coda — rea - son for be-liev - ing that I've nev - er been — sed > 611 em I ain't lost and 1 ain’t but then you know me ver-y B A copa fel ri nev-er been_ A al a rea-son for be-liev - ing some-where, that I've nev A at T just can’t ar-rive._ 3 er been_ a et > live. yES There’s_a Lf BODYGUARD Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB cmaja Bm? ae fe s Bn? gs fi It hurts me when you cry when you feel the love is Bm? cmaj7 fH a Don't give up on us when you got so much to be - lieve ©1989 GiaB BROTHERS MUSIC LTD, Administer in the USA. by Careers Must ne rnetiministered in the U-S.A. by Careers Music Inc. 13 G Em An? te de" a ‘And so I beg you please stay But m7 bai 2 R. a flame that nev-er dies D Em Ba? c Am? f fg ae! pt rey world of lone-ly fa-ces you need some-one to sur-vive,__ a love like yoursshouldnever live a- Cmai9 7) Let me be your bo - dy-guard, (I canbe use-ful to wecan just get ex - ci - ted, stop be-fore we ‘Cmaid Fe far, ___ Let_me be your bo - dy- guard. £0 too Bm? = fe Giving in my pro-tec - tion) we can just get ig - ni - ted, it’s I know the signs and I'm tell-ing you only you and me. lee you're liv -ing on bor-rowed time, 1s Ant aaa ” = heartneeds love like a flo - wer needs rain, like I'm mak-ing you mine. 0? => fe Let me be your bo - dy-guard, we can just get ex - ci - ted, (can be useful to you. cmaig stop before we gotoo far. (iiv-ing in my pro - tec - tion) Let me beyour bo - dy-guard__ Ce ey we can just get ig. - what we hadnev-er known all our lives, cn re g Bm? = & ee a I would die by yourside my love I'm the life that you cin p Ea Fin? chor a ae fe ai Fi In this world_of pain and sorrow every wish is your com-mand,— Jai Bm? G DE Chm? fee os heart like yours should nev-er_ li a> lone. Tused todream of a spe-cialone and 7 Fim? Bm? a now I feel it com-ing true, but I could-n’t let go, I'm a jea- lous guy i what you're put-ting me through. be your dy + guard chm? tet ae —_ we can just get ex - ci - ted, stop be-forewe go too far, (1 canbe useful to you) 2d Dm? if chen ae — ving in my pro - tee - tion) Tet me be your bo - dy-guard__ we can just getig - ni - ted, T Fin? stop be -fore we go 2 stopibe-fore we go too far. _) (ean be ube-ful 2D Let me be your bo - dy guard Dmaig Cha? EB wecan just get ex - stop be-fore we 3 VERSE 2: There's things you shouldn’t do You lose your self-control Should the eyes of a perfect stranger Take you down to a new sensation Just turn back to me Don't wait till it’s gone Don’t go where you don’t belong Ina world of pain and sorrow Every wish is your command A heart like yours Chould alwase find o hrene 9 BOOGIE CHILD Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, Moderately, with a funky beat MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB. facet sex-y, sex-y boo-gie child. (© 1976 Glos BROTHERS MUSIC LTO, vedin the USA by Cor — can't stand. boo-gie child. # = right to the lim - bad girl, don’t Boo-gie; — put me through this. — it,___boo-gie child. Boo-gie;_you're a bad girl, you got me in_ it. HG HE Boo-gie; @ man could die___ for the way I’m think-ing, boogie child. a To coda FEE a just keep sink- ing. Boo-gie; and I'm in too deep and I = like _you_real-ly know_ me, I'll fol - low you wher-ev-er you gow I just wan-na lay_ my love on you.— ‘That boo-gie child, she can Ah, you sex- y,sex- y —_boo-gie child. Piel the way you do it, boogie child. Boo-gie;___bad_girl, don’t put me through this. Boo-gie child, hon -ey sweet. She's got hun-gry love; You can't touch her ‘cause_ you know 23 000 HSS Come on, boo-gie child, let your love_ light ehine.— I just wan-na lay_ my love on you.— ‘That boo-gie child, she can, FRH7+9 8 No chord EBB Nc. F749 FH7+9 Gm Bbm oo a - don Boo-gie;_ chm Giz fe FF] FER ise 8 ah you sex-y, sex-y boo-gie child. Boo-gie;_ wrecks_ me. LLcan't stand__ the way you do_ it, boo-gie child. bad girl, don't put me through this. You can't touch her, ‘causé_ you know 2s Come on, boo-gie child, let your love light shine._ ht D.S.¥ al Coda @ ‘That boo-gie child, she can. I just wan-nalay_ my Eb7 E7) E7 OFA G7 GH? AT Bb7 37 c7 Gri mm a cme fetal (spoken) just boo - gie child. Repeat and fade COME ON OVER Moderately Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, Tacet MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB with the piec-es out of ©1975 Gis BROTHERS MUSIC LTD, Administered in the USA by Cages Must ne pp dministered in the U.S.A. by Careers Music inc. all my bad_—_ days at once you would know just what to can-not see— in of me and I know my dark-est s 5 do, Come on ba - by, you will see_ me through, day, come on - you can take—— it all— 2 - way, 5 OST HF pH B ae —— =f And if—— you think. I need—— you, come on 0 | PF ver, Bring your love— a - round; you can T=, Fim B And if —— you think — 1 ver, Lay your bod - Gtm 4k, ry a-way— my tears.— need —— you, come on Fim Es 0 Coda So bring your love around, 29 Coda 0 ® oo oo D.s.4al Codat EB o Foo 30 EDGE OF THE UNIVERSE Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, Moderately MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Tacet Just my dog — did ‘t wan-na bring her and I know it -"ll make her worse, _ ©1975 cise BROTHERS MUSIC ID, __ Administered in the US.A, by Careers Music In a Em, 0-000 And they call Em A D 9000 oo 170 Coda FH but I'mon - ly ___three- feet wide. — ney and I've come through the black of night. |_——~_ in- side an O- cean that flows — and hun - gry when I down— to may— sound And it I'm just me, ° looks —— like Fem Em it's gon-na be a Shen - an- do-ra, at the Em 9-000 all be sure I far_ too soon?__ got— here first, = » ite: love - ly af - -ter -noon,— edge of the u - ni - verse,— 3 G/D B Ea =— I thought that I Fe B EB HEE wellhere I am and — here— b 1. 2. D.S.4 al Coda® It's been my long - Just my dog — Repeat and fade 2 At the edge of the u-ni - verse, 7 [Repeat and fade G/D D GD 6 8 ‘At the edge of the u- nf FANNY (BE TENDER WITH MY LOVE) ~ Moderately Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, ‘Tacet ‘MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB oe 7 mI os i 7H HH First I rise,— then I— fall; — seems like you don't- want the love— say to yourself, boy, you're out of your brain;_ do you think I'm gomnastandhere all — 7 7 a z Emaig Fim? Bul Fém7 HH fff EH fee — — at—_ all, in the rain? —— 36 chm tga sure been start of 4h | der— Gt {ae Fim7 fe ot7 right up the mo - to So take want if, you And if you 4. EE a ru with = my— love; love— take — you know how FRm7 the time. Gt7 eas -y it is 48, 1 met— ment when I first met— bn break me. Fan-ny, be Si der with my— Sinz love, — aaa ‘cause it's all__ ‘de ~sert_ for- sake— that I've got — and my love — won't Tacet Et Gtm Af, our love will seal it_ to - geth isiry D.s.Wand fade you made- @prom-ise- you'll al- ways- love me— for - ev . FIRST OF MAY Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Slowly Fim fe When 1 was small and _Christ-mas trees were tall, ap-ple tree that grew for you and me, used to love while oth-ers used to play. Don't ask me why, but time has watched the ap - ples fall-ing one by one. And I re-call the mo-ment FPP (© 1969 Gi8B BROTHERS MUSIC LTO. Admired in the US-A by Carers Mut Ie , pp tiministered in the U.S.A. by Careers Music Inc. Fim G A 30 fe fet EE passed us by; some-one else moved in from far a - them ail, the day I kissed your cheek and you were and Christ-mas trees are small, you don't ask the time of our love will nev-er die, aor a fi. A %p ——_ ooo x000 D.S.M (lyric 1) and fade guess who'll cry come first of _ May. HE’S A LIAR Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Driving beat rs 3 3 _ 3 Twas stood by the light as I 3 or-3— 3 iF = 3s p= 3 —__ 35 o—3—5__ 3 —i=> looked through the win = dow with the great - est in - ten - tion, not pears mo ae r3— © 1981 GIBB BROTHERS MUSIC LID. Administered inthe UA. by Catees Music Inc a Om Am o G D Ee is zy is i = 3 cing fo —3— there in the dark and 1 saw you to - geth - er, youwere i down on —3j— ag s r— 3— cI D Am fe I 3p 35 13 os c3n Get the cards on the table, no need to pre-tend, You've got _to be cruel to be 8 Tio coo 544 Tam 3 am! we Chorus i i ae & p34 M3 3 8S 85 KF He-can sell you his love and you know you will pay ‘cause-e’s A 3h 3 3 sn 8 3— _ tn, 1 should know. m3 32 Soa know. ‘Ahh cerese. poco a poco yr Om/c am7-5 . fF —3— ee —- told me 1 fell byt just_don't_re - mem - ber.— I was stand -ing face di m fell_by just stand - ing face dos 1 = tL oe su Le OL k D Bm Am Om ¢ Bo Am “3a & & Ee iz 3 8S es Therewas smoke in the air and the sweet _smell_ of 3 SO —I— 9 SG o Am i i er er ee -—3— 35 1 3S I out through the win dow and Well'm cold and Tm hun-sry but 3a 3 3 Hite 3 r35 3 ID m5 Fs Y'm still alive, Andis not how I want it_t9 be There's a hand on my shoulder, he a 3 3 8 35 3 age CODA fi Ey Coda 3 3, ‘aid sur - vive, but_He'sa I ag / - Am Am z 5 3, a 3— oS Fs — 37 not for the man that was blocking the drive, Was it not for the red lim- 0 - 3 I 3 I U3 And some - how in this—mad - be - Fim i Be IS yo 3; m3w yea IG, should know. ‘Ahh 45 HOLIDAY Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB a Moderately cA Tacet 0, you're a hol - 1 - some-thing I think's worth - 9 1967 88 aRoTHERS MUSIC, 000 one 0 @ sl al not, then you're throw-ing stones, throw-ing stones,__—throw-ing a ess 00, it's a fun-ny game; don't be - Meve that it’s all the same. Oo, you're a hol- i - day, ev-'ry day such a hol- i - day, Can't think what I've just sald; put the — soft _pil- low on my. Now it's my turn ‘to y, and 1 say you're a hol- i - day, f a7 c G am Em 00 000 og 9900 ra ee Mil-lions of eyes can see, why = am I so blind? some-thing I think's worth - whill pup - petmakes you smile; e some - one else is me, it's un - kind, it's un - kind _ not, then you're throw- ing stones, throw-ing stones, throw-ing — stones.— Fe Dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee, at 3 ban ‘ HOW CAN YOU MEND A BROKEN HEART Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB >: Jos r [ef = SS 2 Ze : oo fn qf T x t Z a x so z ag om ay ape 1 Gh Sa see tne Breeds eri se ets a cee ccce —_—_—_. = aa Fém7 0 00 — ana ee fin do, I couldnev-er see to - ev-'ry-thing a man could want to We couldnev-er see to - mist-y mem-o-ries of days gone by. © 1971 Gite BROTHERS MUSIC LTD. ctm FE B fe et 1 was nev -er pout the sor = row. no one said a bout the sor - row. bro-kep heart?_ 3 How can you stop the rain from fall-ing down? How__ ean you stop 3 A B FRm7 B E dt tt fs fe s the sun from shin-ing? What makes the world go Fim? om 3 8 How can you mend _—this_-bro-ken man?__ can a los-er ever 3 3 Please help me mend ~ ken heart F#m? B le ° HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE Moderately Bb a av Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Abyab eee” Abmmaj7 aaa Fm7 in the mom ing sun, I be-lieve in you. Bb an” And the mo - You're the light ment that you wan-der I feel you You know ‘the touch me in the pour -ing rain.. door to_my ver - y_ soul. Gm7 at mz Bt. far__ dark ~ from me,— est hour, I wan- na in my deep-est, you're my aad (© 1977 Gina BROTHERS MUSIC LTO. Administer inthe USA by Careers Mus Ie. ‘areers Music Inc. Fm7 Ab/Bb Abmaj7 a fi feel you in my arms a - gain, __ sav - jor when I fall. warm in -your love, then you soft - know. down “in - side that “I real- Db9 Gm? EER aft how deep is your love, Lf How deep_ coef Andit's me you need_ to Lt Eb Ebmaj7 ‘Abmaj7 # ea firth fe is your love. How deap—_ is your. love? T real-ly mean to learn. Abm6 Bb Bbm /Db ‘Cause we're liv-ing in a world of fools, __ break-ing us I should let_us We be - long— Abm6 Eb Gm? Ab/Bb 5. ea fer eee ah 54 I CAN’T SEE NOBODY Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, ‘Moderately MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Em A B00 o” 0 I walk the —lone-ly I used to have a E Em, ber pass-ing by. I usedto smile and say hel-1o, Guess man-y things. Twatched the fall - ing rain and 3 Ei ° on Boo red rete I was just. a -hap-py guy. ‘Then you hap-pened, girl this lis-tened to _ the _sweet birds sing. Don't ask me why, ‘Lit-tle girl, T — © 1967, 1968 Gia BROTHERS MUSIC LTD. Administered in the USA, by Carats Mus te ip Administered in the U.S.A. by Careers Music Inc. 35 Em Sa] ES r 3 1 feel-ing that — po - sess- es me, — 1 Just can't love you and — that's all I can say. You're eve'ry, ev - ‘ty 3 44 WE move my - self. 1 guessit all just had to be, breath that 1 take, © You are my —_ nights, my night and day, I can't see— no - bod - No, I can't see—— no - bod - y. My eyes can on — heart of CE love like Don't know Ev-'zy sin-gle 0000 1 nev-er felt like I 9, Patt yours, — 80 why. Said I young and don't know to for-get— you,— oe word you hear, girl, this be - lost you such a longtime 2 Bm To coda fine. why. 20 EH it does-n't work out an- y way. im. 000 I lost you such a longtime a - Coda atcodae My eyes canon - ly 37 IF | CAN’T HAVE YOU Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, BCR ReC neat MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB cm I'm sur - viv-ing ev-'ry lone - when there's got_, (© 1977 Gi8B BROTHERS MUSICLTD. 6 en a My life would end é Bbm/F pa C/F Bb/F a i fies fie just don't mat-ter how my tears__ of love c/F Bb cra - zy is what I will do____ if Ican't have you. don't want__ no- bod - y, ba - by, Am HH can't have you, can't have you. ah, Can't let Bbm/F and it does-n't mat-ter how Gm7 that nev-er will come true Gm? Ta 8 is what I will strong e-nough to see it fee D.S.#and fade do___ if I can't have you, o7 | STARTED A JOKE Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, ‘MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Moderately slow, in 2 Tacet He which start - ed the whole —3— {©.1968 GIBB BROTHERS MUSIC LTD. ‘Admiinere in tha UA by Careers Music I iaiministered in the U-S.A. by Careers Music Inc. 59 that the joke aie start-ed to cry which start -ed the whole world -nal-ly died which start -ed the whole world —3— 9000 poptreNey iI 1 hurt - ing my things that F gradual cresc: G 000 loo 62 I’VE GOTTA GET A MESSAGE TO YOU Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Moderately slow, with a beat Tacet preach-er talked with me and he 1 told him I'm in no laughed but that did - n't He EE "Come and walk with me, come and walk one more I broke her heart, then won't you tell her I'm on - ly her love that keeps me wear - ing this © 1968, 1975 GIBB BROTHERS MUSIC LTD, ea once in my life— I'm a- Jone, and cry-ing, but deep_ down in- side, well, got-ta lether know just in did it to him,_ now it's once in your life you're a - lone,____ but you ain't got a dime,— there's no I 1 cresc. time for the phone. time be - fore 1 mes-sage to you; my turn to die. Eee hold on. One more hour and_my life will be through; hold on, {went 68 JIVE TALKIN’ Word and Music by BARRY CIB, MAURI Moderately, with a strong beat ICEGIBB anc ay Tacet It’s just your jive Hat a tell - in’ me lies, yeah; talk - in, you wear a dis- guie_ (© 1975 Gib BROTHERS MUSIC LTD, “administered inthe U3. gets in my even No - bod - y — be-lieveswhat you say; it's just your 7 yeah; wear a dis - guise. Jive talk - in’, $0 mis-un- der - stoos jive talk = in’ that gets in’ the | way Love talk = int is jive talk = in} you just. ain’t_no good. all ver = y fine, yeah; jive talk = in’ just’ is- mt a crime. And if there’s you'll love till you die, then all that jive Bb Hee gets in your eee No chord Repeat and fade c O09 Repeat and fade Do be Iu bu loop do be lu bu loop loop do be Iv bu loop 1 JUMBO Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Moderately D 2 — Jum-bo said to say___good- night. See you in— the mora- "Play no games,"he'd say— to me, “when my life- is gone.” ing. Please don't lose— your ap - pe - tite. “He is right, he'd = say to me.— ~~ He knows who Is To - mor - row We know who is please don't (© 1968 cine BROTHERS MUSIC ID, climb hes - a i moun - tain, - ta = tion, sail a There will sail be boat Bb through a re: 73 Dsus¢ 0. spar-row, and it shoots a bow ‘n' song that's like a pow- der with @ gun that's e- ven loud- er. And cD its arene neue enn etree dunnT Ear OOnTIEE ES RRUITTOEEEE eT SSS SS sade -nough to hear you must- a lis- ten with your ear in or-der to a - F r Repeat and fade D D7 7A ° _—————————— ‘Repeat and fade Moderate Rock world keeps on mov in’ but, 75 LIVING EYES Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Would you believeme if I told youyourto-mor-row ismy be T know that : . O Tn the begin ning Iwas Pm hold = int stk When T'beeno'. ver I been A ©1981 Cie BROTHERS MUSIC LTD. ministered in the USA by Careers Music Ine B Om & fara =way and pray-ing for my un-der I don’town adream to — you're born we T do Be. - lieve in the soul will 0 Om A ef war in my_ mind D ag ae > out in the rain will be here state of __ that But when_ the and_— the the sun my_ heart F a would af-rive the mo mnent _ Liv- in’ Eyes you know that — mi + de ma- gic of Living Eyes, a7 We are of age we are in time we are for - now when_ the pow-er_ is mine 1 leave you hea-ven and the earth I leave you DS.atcoe cova ; Liv-ing Eyes when un - der. the sun don’t Repeat and Fade of_ my— heart cry No war in my_ mind state . LONELY DAYS Words and Music by BARRY GiBB, MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Slowly i Ee morning Mis - ter Sun shine, see you ev = "ry morn - ing BL Ebmaj7 Eb7 Ab sit be + side mu-sic plays. Fm Bb Baim inyour way. so non - cha-lant._ (© 1970 GIBB BROTHERS MUSIC LTD, “Administered inthe USA. by Careers Must nc 79 Moderate Rock Cc Bb F Bb tt Hatt it Ht ae Jone - ly nights, be with-out my F Where would I be —with-out| = my wom - an? Zz PO Cm | 5 if fe o where would I be —_with-out z Slowly Lone - ly o where would I be z LOVE SO RIGHT . Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, Slowly MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB ‘re tt “ap — = SS Seca oe Se held on— tight,— —— = HH 73 # 5 + ao é F#m7/8 o Foo ae HEE She moved in like a friend, start-ed Gtm7 Ffm7 Emaj? lov -ing me. And I thought I'd found the heav-en in her Fim7 87 a Cin morn-ing when T__ woke Iwas here and_ she was goney—_ ue maj? Gim7 Chm? Fém7 Fee fea 4 aR can turn out to be oh, my dar- maj? Gtm7 Fem7/B ama]? am ctm7 0 right can turn out to be F}m7/B ae FREE a 3 “ee per #? am Be # ee 7 4“ Ama| Emaj7 es, emt, close to me?_ And the per-fect sto-ry end-ed at the start. thought you came__ for - ev-er, and you came to break my__ heart. F Fim7 Ftm7/B by ea fon the chance that you'll come back to me. How a cresc. Amaj7 mn’ maj? Gm? chm? Fim7 ee “i love so right can tum out to be oh, my dar- Fim7s maj? Gim7 ctm7 FEE HH fee" ee “* love 50 right can turn out to be Fhm7 Fhm7/B A Eee er oh,my dar - ling. could take it in my stride, start 8 Am Gtm7 fo 4 HH ee for the mo-ment. May-be half the things_ we sought chy Fim? nev-er there. Sim-ply open up our eyes and break it down to size. — Repeat and fade F§m7/B Amaj7 Gim7 is-n't real-ly fair___ love so right Repeat and fade Ctm7 Fem7 Fem7/B “ fe ee LOVE YOU INSIDE OUT ‘Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, ‘MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Moderately a Ba-by, I can't fig-ure it out, iss - es taste like hon = ey ‘Sweet lies don't gim-me mo rise on; oh, what you try-i (© 1978.Gi8e BROTHERS MUSIC LTD, Administered nthe US-A: by Careers Must nc jp Administered in the U.S.A. by Careers Music Inc. A 87, cheat - in’, and the pain grows 87 Em9 driv - ing me in = sane— 7 On, rn rm Wrap my - ‘self ATsusé Dmaj7 and I'm hang - ing on. nev-er give in, our up ‘and "take me but you're B1(b9) ee ~ NS got the pow - er, again, — lov + es in heart -- aches in too man = y too man - y Dmaj7 You treat_me 1 fig- ure it's__ aa there to stand be - hind ‘mo-ment be when you for-ev - er Atsus4 ain’t_no vi - sion, I'm_ the one like a the your won't ev - er life - time life - time ain't ain’t good good Am7 in vie love__ sion in that keeps the night, you warm, Hi world work - in’ fel the ain’t Em7, Em7, Fim7 man Bm7 ATsus4 Dmaj7 fe aia in side and out, back-wards and for - wards with my heart hang Em7 F#m? Bm7 Em? Atsus4 D7 BHR aa lose that fire?__ Don't try to tell me it's all No man could love you more and that’s what I'm cry = in’ for.__. Youcan'tchangethe way. I feel. in-side._ + son for my Hae HH aR Iaugh-ter_ and my sor - row, Blowout the can- dle I will burn a-gain to- mor - row.— Dmaj7 Am7 No man on earth. can stand be = tween my love a B7 Em9 ATsus4 ma Hi a mat-ter how you hurt_me I will love you till I die I ain't no vi - sion, I'm the Repeat and fade, Em7 AT Ee 0d FOES Bm? Hl «6 fea CTR] de + side and, out, ATsus4 Dmaj7 Em7, Fm? A ee icici back-wards and for -wards with my heart hang - ing out.— Bm7 Em7, ATsust ee iH no oth-er way... What am I gon-na do if we MASSACHUSETTS (THE LIGHTS WENT OUT) Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Moderately Tacet I'm go - ing Tried to hitch a = ride to. ‘San Fran - cis - co; Talk a = bout the life in Mas - sa - chu - setts; F ©1967 Gia BROTHERS MUSIC LTD, ‘Administered in the USA. by Careers Mute stand- ing on see my way one place I Repeat and fade 2800. And the — lights ‘And the lights And the — lights x00 her own, with you, have seen, Am ¢ G Am c om 0, % chu- setts. MELODY FAIR Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Moderately D Em7/A He the girl withthe ing Who is the girl atthe = win > dow - pane, look - ing at watch - ing the © 1969 Gis BROTHERS MUSIC LID. Admbiteredinthe US A by Carers Must inc aptdministered in the U.S.A. by Careers Music Inc. 107 Em/D G 2p x000 Fair,_ won't you comb— mem -ber you're on mem-ber you're on - Fara Waza D.S.¥ (lyric 1) se and fade MORE THAN A WOMAN Medium Disco beat Dbmaj7 Gisl, I've known you ver = y well ‘There are sto-riee old and true 1977 by BROTHERS GieB BLY. Gertled in ta USA Canada by STIGHCOD TONISHAPPELL MUSIC ING, amin saat CHAPPELL SA. V2 run Sa Bont ture T5608 Paris pour ls France, trrtores GACEM, Lasernbourg 6 Paroles anglaises et Musique de BARRY GIBB, ROBIN GIBB et MAURICE GIBB evo- cy day Trev seen you grow = i Tove— like you and me, peo- ple So in tye of but now you take my breath a -wey,— Tet his "tory re- peat it -salf.. Re Music INC Evops 1. G.SA.14169 pert of ey = "ty = Ging 1 do. You sudden -ly__ you're ta___ my thinkin! ‘bout those peo” ple thea, T flect-ing how. 1 feel. for gor me Work - ing dey and night USC UY to keep a hold on you. know dat (na dow > sand years Td fell in love with you 2 goin Here ig your arms— I found my par a ‘ise, ‘This is “me on = ly way___ tat We should. fy. my on - ly chance_ for hap - pt ‘This isthe an ty way esanesa say youll al - ways be omy ba ~ by. Wo can take for-or - or jst a minute at More than 2 Worn an esate sink koow we T would T would can make More than a womcan te me. Ab on Domaj7 m* More than a woman to me. Repeat and fade Bbc. Dbmai? esAsures ems m= 2-09 MORE THAN A WOMAN INSTRUMENT SID rape 1. S.A.1459 MORE THAN A WOMAN Lise I Te ee it oS eo SS SSS SSS MR. NATURAL pedir neat Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, Se ‘MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Burn - ing em - bers, Just when I think I'm Dp /c Ee = all of those lit - tle things, But I don't feel it s0 much_'cause I am an old friend I should see. He said he knewyou well, and, bi f 3s touch - with my heart, and it won't tell. You know he ‘knew you more than = 4 f ©1974, 1978 Glas BROTHERS MUSIC LTD. __ Administered inthe USA by Careers Music Wc. 9 Rust = y rain - ‘That's how the T went home laugh - ing, and in - side I'm e 7 turn-ing me in - side out, Well, I come home at night — and you are We had a spe - cial thing, ‘You know I loved you so much, But,girl, I'm pr" SF oF tf out of my sight, Yes, I'm ing and there ain't no so out of touch with my and it won't Well, I'm dy ‘You know my. ing andthere's no way — heart Just won't sing. 1 try, try, try, try, Mis~ter Nat - (Come on, ba When I walk in the rain,— you won't know_, eile e — that I'm cry = ing: smile on my face._ And I'm try And you can look like a hap - py 9 Mis-ter Nat - u-ral, (Comeon,ba - by.) — Well,I try,_. Sa Repeat and fade 102 MY WORLD Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, Moderately ‘MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Verse FRRH it's not___ your style, ee that's not your style, ___. eel a FIT E7 ee iim ay then it's not worth while. ©1972 Giep BROTHERS MUSIC LID, Administered in tha US.A by Carnes Musi nc; Interna in the U.S.A. by Careers Music Inc. 103 Chorus FAH world and Bm E7 Ell, £7 A Verse ot 2, I've been Ido to have you to I've need - . am? " ae ay EHH T've writ-ten to you near-ly ev -'ry Chorus EEEH ae world and this___ world is and is 105 EEE Repeat end jade My, World is world and S Repeat and fade Cm FET B Ctm FH? Chm? FT ee an ae World and NEW YORK MINING DISASTER 1941 | Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Am Moderately Dy? Tacet + [: In the e - vent of some-thing hap-pen-ing to there is some-thing I would like you all to . It's just a Am ary 2 xib0 So 0 ea Pho-to-graph of some-one that I knew. NO ic F 9 GEE ae Do you know what it’s like on the out - side? «69 To Coda oo talk - ing too loud, you'll causea _land - slide, Mis-ter Jones, strain - ing my ears to hear a sound; D7 ° fn 280 Some-one is dig-ging un-der - ground, Orhave they giv-en up and all gone home to fa think- ing those who once ex-ist-ed must be dead? Have you my wife, Mis-ter Jones? know what it's like ey ee out - side? Don't go talk - ing too loud, you'll cause land - slide, ° coda oe EH D.S.Hal Codae H FH 18 NIGHT FEVER Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, Medium Rock beat MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Dm7 Gm? Fmaj7 Gm? Oe eo an pats fa Listen to the ground:_ there is move-ment all___ a - round._ There is heat of our. love,_don't need no help for us__ to make it, Gim-me fe ee some-thing go - in’ down, and I can feel it. just © = nough_ to take’ us. tothe morn ~ in’, waves of _ the fire in my mind we can the dark; sweet cit -y wom = air, Hae share, 1 she danc - in’ out high - er there._ It it's in my walk-in, And I'm Moves through the light, ——- 2S trol - ling my mind __ and my =" 9 10 reach out for me, night fe = ver, night Ema, ee fe = ver, night Gm7 3, Gim- me that 3 We know how to show, wa Fmaj? om? a pray-in' for this mo-ment mak-in! it 122 Fmaj7 ° Dm7 Gm7 night fe-ver, night fe -ver,__ 3, Gm7 Gm7 af, Gim-me that Fmaj? ‘FH We know how to show__ it. D,S.Mand fade m2 NIGHTS ON BROADWAY Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, Moderately slow (in 2), with a strong beat MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Tacet 9975 88 ores Music 1x0 Administered "3 EEE stand - ing in__ the dark where your eyes could- n't stand-ing in the line; how long will they stand be - that won't stop my can't stay__ Blam -in' it all fon the nights on u5 Bbm a ~ sing- in’ them straight - to - the - heart + Am on the nights_ on sing-in' them cra - zy, cra- 7 era- zy, cra - zy town, nN6 No chord 1 will wait, it takes 7 ae if takes a life - time. Some-how I feel in = side e-ven it you nev-er ev-er left my Make it like it if it takes a life - g He D.S.Wand fade Blam-in' it all__ 172 WORDS Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Moderately slow Tacet Go an ev - er- last - ing smile; smile could bring you er let me find you ©1968 GiB BROTHERS MUSIC LTD, Administered in the USA by Caters Must lc 73 ‘cause that would bring a has lost its glo - ry; let's start. a brand-new there'll be no oth - er and 1 can show you how, 174 ev-er-last-ing words cate them all will give you all my life, I'm here if you should a sin- gle word G 2000 to take your heart and words are all to take your heart a - on - words, and words are all to take your heart a - 176 Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, Moderately slow MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB D x90 A that the world and of course Dsus 0. leu. leo (© 1967 GiaB BROTHERS MUSIC LTO, spdhiniistered in the 3.4 by Caoers Musk W7 Bm SG Fim eR Ha fe where in the world will- 1 be? ‘all of— the things T—— have done, Bm S Fim Em C 9000 00 Or am I need-ed Why do they keep me decresc. So and of course Repeat and fade B ° 0 Bog A Fim that the world E Asus ° “YOU SHOULD BE DANCING Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Moderately, with a beat Tacet My —_ba-by moves__at_ midnight, juie-y and she's trou- ble, right on till the dawn; wom-an takes me high - er, gets it to me good; wom-an gives me pow - er, © 1976.c188 BROTHERS MUSIC LTD, Administered in the US.A, by Carers Must Inc ‘natdministered in the U.S.A. by Careers Music Inc. 185 my wom-an keeps__me wath goes right down to__— my blood. — cm Cm(maj7) cm? cm(maj7) ae ae ee com Cm(inaj7) m7 Om¢mal7) Gm Fea“ ar AR ae ee do-in’ on your back, 186 cm Cm(maj7) [RS a oh 3, ae Bee What you doin’ on your back, m7 cm(maj7) cm cm(maj7) St. eget ie eRe what you do~ in’ on your back, cm7 Cm¢maj7) Gm of fap pn Efe You should be 187 BS4 Code Ga Jc Teno repeats 7 (riern reoee % —— My 79 YOU STEPPED INTO MY LIFE Words and Music by BARRY GIBB, ‘MAURICE GIBB and ROBIN GIBB Medium Disco beat Tacet Em Bm? ‘You stepped Em Bm7 9000 eae You stepped in - to my life and I'm (© 1976.GiBB BROTHERS MUSIC LTD. ‘Admistered inthe USA by Carers Mosc ic. __ Administered in the U.S.A. by Careers Music Inc. You stepped in- to my life, stepped in- to my life, Em boo ‘You stepped Bm? in-to my life andI'm pa I al- ways checked this so much what you have done, = my You gave me when you came— ec - sta~sy,—— you stepped i Em. 9008 love 0 fore your much. touch. be - lieve in kneel be close to close to me, — Sud - den ~ ly,— Bm7 in-to my life and I'm Em, 9000 70 Coda stepped in-to my 183, Em By 9000 in-to my life and I'm 9900 You stepped into my life and I'm Bm7 Coda Em? | HB D.stat Codd EE Repeat and fade ‘Am Em7 ono oo | Repeat and fade

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