The Quartermaster Corps Organization, Supply, and Services Volume I CMH Pub 10-12-1

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Quartermaster Corps
Supply, and Services
D 114. 7:Q 2/V. 1/995

The Quarternaster Corps* Organi

Volume I


Volume I

WV ^*R?y
LT. GEN. EDMUND B. GREGORY, The Quartermaster General During World War II.

The Technical Services



Volume I


Erna Risch


First Printed 1953— CMH Pub 10-12-1
For sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office
Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, D.C. 20402

Kent Roberts Greenfield, General Editor

Advisory Committee

James P. Baxter William T. Hutchinson

President, Williams College University of Chicago

Henry S. Commager S. L. A. Marshall

Columbia University Detroit News
Douglas S. Freeman E. Dwight Salmon
Richmond News Leader Amherst College
Pendleton Herring Col. Thomas D. Stamps
Social Science Research Council United States Military Academy

John D. Hicks Charles S. Sydnor

University of California Duke University

Charles H. Taylor
Harvard University

Office of the Chief of Military History

Maj. Gen. Orlando Ward, Chief

Chief Historian Kent Roberts Greenfield

Chief, War Histories Division Col. George G. O'Connor
Chief, Editorial and Publication Division Col. B. A. Day
Chief, Editorial Branch Joseph R. Friedman
Chief, Cartographic Branch Wsevolod AglaimofT
Chief, Photographic Branch Maj. A. T Lawry
. . . to Those Who Served

This volume is the first in a series which will record the experiences of the Quarter-
master Corps in World War II. It should serve to impress students of military affairs,

particularly those in staff and command positions, with the vastness and complexity of
the activity involved in equipping and maintaining troops in the field. It tells a story of
rapid expansion to meet the needs of a growing Army, of organizational readjustment in
the midst of operations, of supply programs scrapped or modified in the face of unex-
pected demands, of improvisation and production under pressure when plans were
inadequate or lacking. It clearly demonstrates the necessity in time of peace for a flexible
organization, vision and care in planning, and a program of continuous military research
and development to meet the sudden impact of war.

Washington, D. C. Maj. Gen., U. S. A.
1 5 March 1952 Chief of Military History
Note on the History of
the Quartermaster Corps

This is volume of a group of four narrating the operation of the Quarter-

the first

master Corps World War II. Organization, Supply, and Services, Volume I, and its com-
panion volume of the same title, Volume II, analyze activities in the zone of interior.
Two other volumes, in preparation, describe Quartermaster operations in the war against
Germany and the war against Japan.
Primarily this volume relates the story of Quartermaster supply during World War
II, a phase of the broader subject of military supply which has been much neglected in
the past in favor of the more colorful and dramatic combat history. As the main function
of the Corps, supply operations included the development of Quartermaster items, the
estimation of requirements, the procurement of clothing, equipment, subsistence, and
general supplies, and their storage and distribution. These aspects of the supply process
are analyzed in this volume and set against the background of organizational changes in

the Office of The Quartermaster General and in the field.

The author, Dr. Erna Risch, received her Ph. D. degree from the University of
Chicago. After extensive teaching experience, she joined the staff of the Historical Sec-
tion, Office of The Quartermaster General, in 1943. She has prepared a number of
historical studies that have been published by the Quartermaster Corps, in addition to

writing the present volume.

Washington, D. C. Chief, Historical Section
1 January 1952 Office of The Quartermaster General

Some three centuries ago Lion Gardener, in his Relation of the Pequot Warres, sagely
observed that "war is like a three-footed Stool, want one foot and down comes all; and
these three feet are men,and munitions." Nevertheless, until quite recently,

military history has almost completely neglected problems of supply. The allocation of
volumes for the series, UNITED STATES IN ARMY WORLD WAR
II, promises a

more balanced approach to the subject. There has been a generous assignment of volumes
to the supply agencies of the Army, and among these are four covering the activities of
the Quartermaster Corps. Two of these, of which the present volume is the first, will be
devoted to operations of the Corps in the zone of interior.
One of the oldest of all War Department agencies, the Quartermaster Corps, in spite

of the loss of some of its traditional functions, remained throughout World War II one
of the most important of the supply, or technical, services. In addition to its main mission
of supplying broad categories of items needed by the Army, the Corps had, in the course
of its long existence, become responsible for a variety of services to troops in the field.
The multiplicity of its activities made a chronological treatment of the war period prac-
tically impossible. It was considered more advantageous to project a narrative which
would first develop completely the supply operation of the Corps as its major function,
then analyze personnel and training problems, and finally discuss the special services
performed by the Corps for the Army.
This volume begins but does not complete the analysis of Quartermaster supply,
which is envisaged in broad terms as a continuous process starting with the development
of military items and moving through the estimating of requirements, the procurement
of supplies, their storage and distribution, the reclamation and salvage of items to ease
supply, and the final process of industrial demobilization. This approach permitted a
functional treatment, although not all activities— notably the supply of subsistence and
of fuels and lubricants— were organized functionally in the Office of The Quartermaster
General. Within the limits of each function a chronological development is followed.
A history of Quartermaster activities in World War II could not begin with the attack
on Pearl Harbor nor even with the declaration of the national emergency in 1939, for
many of the Corps' policies were rooted in the years immediately following World War I.
Primary emphasis is placed upon developments after December 1941, but, in summary
at least, the period covered extends from 1920 to August 1945.
The historical program by the Historical Section of the Office of The

Quartermaster General in the summer of 1942 laid the groundwork for a thorough and
detailed analysis of the supply function of the Corps. A vast amount of source material
was examined and selections were, for the most part, photostated currently with the oper-
ations being described and analyzed in the monographic series published by the
Historical Section during the war years. This collection of material and published mono-
graphs, as well as the historical reports and monographs from historical units established
at Quartermaster field installations and supervised by the Historical Section, provided an
more general treatment of supply in this volume. It
invaluable body of material for the
was supplemented by additional research to provide more continuous coverage of the
supply program of the Corps.

Limitation of time has precluded any search into the records of other governmental
agencies with which the Quartermaster Corps co-operated during the war, as, for

example, the War Production Board. As a rule, however, sufficient interdepartmental cor-

respondence has been available in Quartermaster files to permit objective treatment.

Over- all supply of the Army was directed and co-ordinated by the Services of Supply,
later renamed the Army Service Forces as a result of the reorganization of the War
Department in March 1942. While relationships with this higher echelon have been ex-
plored, the point of view throughout this volume remains that of the Quartermaster
The material obtained from the official records maintained in the central files of the
Office of The Quartermaster General has been supplemented by a wide use of interviews.
Operating personnel were interviewed during the war years as a means of eking out the
many instances was meager, since transactions frequently were
written record, which in
completed by telephone, and transcriptions of such conversations were not necessarily
available.Correspondence and interviews, in the years since the war ended, with some of
the directors of Quartermaster wartime operations have also added to the record. The
memories of these directors may not always be precise as to their motives in a given
action or with regard to the exact sequence of events. With due allowances made, their
comments were nevertheless fruitful in directing research into neglected areas, or in

providing explanations nowhere else obtainable.

This volume was circulated in manuscript form before final editing and was greatly
benefited by the frank criticism accorded it by the wartime directors of the principal
divisions concerned with supply in the Office of The Quartermaster General and their
key operators. They were most generous in reading relevant portions of the text and in

commenting by letter or in personal interviews. These comments enabled the author to

correct errors of fact, to include developments that had been inadvertently omitted, and
to make such revisions as were warranted by re-examination of the record in the light of
the criticism offered.
Throughout the preparation of this volume the author could and did rely heavily
upon the scholarly advice and assistance offered by the Chief of the Historical Section,
Dr. Thomas M. Pitkin. Under his general direction work has been in progress since 1947
not only on this volume and its companion, which cover Quartermaster activities in the
zone of interior, but also on two volumes dealing with Quartermaster overseas opera-
tions. Throughout the years of her association with the program, the author has also
been indebted to her colleagues for their unfailing co-operation and help with problems
relevant to their specializedfields. No acknowledgment would be complete without a

large vote of thanks to the assistants who toiled in the central and storage files of the

Thanks are also due the Editorial and Photographic Sections, Office of the Chief of
Military History. Final editing of the volume was carried out by Mr. W
Brooks Phillips,
senior editor, assisted by Mrs. Loretto Stevens. Miss Margaret E. Tackley, photographic
editor, was most helpful in selecting the photographs and preparing them for the printer.

Washington, D. C.
1 January 1952 ERNA RISCH

The U.S. Army Center of Military History

The Center of Military History prepares and publishes histories as required by the U.S.
Army. It coordinates Army historical matters, including historical properties, and supervises
the Army museum system. It also maintains liaison with public and private agencies and in-

dividuals to stimulate interest and study in the field of military history. The Center is located
at 1099 14th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005-3402.
Part One: Administration
Chapter Page

Historical Background 3
Status of QMC in 1939 7
Effect of World War II 7

Expansion of the Organisation 11
Transfer of Functions 16
General Reorganisation after Pearl Harbor 22
Problems of Adjustment Under Office Order 84 26
Readjustments in 1942 28
Evolution of Functional-Commodity-Type Organisation, 1943-45 34
Field Organisation 38
Relations with Other Agencies 45

Part Two : Supply


Influence of World War I Surplus Property 52
Lack of Integrated Research Program 54
Financial Restrictions 55
Influence of Procurement Planning 56
Impact of Global War 57
Effect of Materials Shortages on Design 58


Organisation for Product Development 75
Development and Standardisation Procedure 86
Winter Combat Clothing 88
Summer Combat Clothing 97
Jungle Combat Clothing 99
Combat Headgear 101
Combat Footgear 102
Clothing for Women in the Army 110
and Leather Problems
Textile 117
Summary 121
Chapter Page


Personal Equipment 123
Organisational Equipment 138
Summary 172


Administrative Background 175
The Development of Special Rations 177
Development of Components of A and B Rations 192
Development of Packaging and Packing 201
Summary 206


Administrative Background 209
Theory of Forecasting Requirements 212
Elements in the Determination of Requirements 212
Evolution of the Army Supply Program 221
Quartermaster Contributions to Improved Techniques 224
Development of Supply Control System 226
Computation of Task Force Requirements 229
Overseas Requirements Tables 230
Subsistence Requirements 231
Elements in Subsistence Forecasting 233
Petroleum Requirements 238
Summary 242


The Quartermaster Supply System in 1939 243
War Procurement Plans 246
Developments in Procurement Organization 247
Expansion of Centralized Procurement 249
Experimentation with Decentralized Procurement Operations 251
Streamlining Procurement Methods 252
Contract Placement Policies and Problems 265
Special Procurement Responsibilities 279


Organization for Production Control 283
Causes of Contract Delinquency 285
Expediting Efforts of Contractors and Depots 287
Flow of Materials and Equipment 288
Production Planning and Scheduling 301
Other Aids for Expediting Production 303
Inspection of Quartermaster Procurements 308

Chapter Page


Administrative Background 323
Depot Storage Operations 326
Expansion of Depot Storage Facilities 329
Use of Commercial Storage Space 334
Space Control 342
Materials Handling 347
Packing Operations 355


Supply Administration Prior to 1942 360
Establishment of New Methods of Stock Control 364
Stock Control System in Operation 372
Administrative Developments 376
Excess Stocks 379
Disposal of Surplus Property 384





1. The Quartermaster Corps in the War Department: 1941 13

2. The Quartermaster Corps in the War Department: March 1942 25
3. Office of The Quartermaster General 31 July 1942 : 32
4. Office of The Quartermaster General 15 July 1944 : 37
5. Research and Development Branch, OQMG: 16 June 1944 78
6. Quartermaster Board Shoe Test Track 82
7. Quartermaster Board Combat Course (1,700 Feet) 83
8. Principal Changes in K Ration Components 187
9. Supply Pipeline (Quartermaster Items) 220
10. Quartermaster Corps Depot System 1939 : 331
11. Quartermaster Corps Depot System: 1 December 1944 335


Lt. Gen. Edmund B. Gregory Frontispiece

Service Uniforms of 1918 and 1941 89
Utilization of the Layering Principle 91

Field Jacket M-1943 92

Combat Uniform with Hood 93
Footwear Developed by the Quartermaster Corps 105
Shoepacs and Wool Ski Socks 108
The Original WAAC Uniform 112
Army Nurse Corps Uniforms 114
Nurse's Seersucker Uniform 115
Jungle Pack 125
Barracks Bag 128
Duffel Bag i 129
Intrenching Shovel M-1943 135
Combination Intrenching Tool 137
Filling Blitz Cans from Railroad Tank Car 145
FieldRange M-1937 147
Gasoline Cooking Stoves 148
Small Detachment Cooking Outfit 152
20-Man Cooking Outfit 153
Army Field Bake Oven No. 1 154
Portable Repair Units 162
Ten-in-One Army Field Ration 190
Dehydrated Food Products 198
Fork-Lift Truck 348

All illustrations in this volume are from U. S. Department of Defense files.

Historical Background responsibilities, being authorized "to purchase
military stores, camp equipage and other articles
The Quartermaster Corps (QMC) is one of requisite for the troops, and generally to procure
the oldest supply agencies of the War Depart- and provide means of transport for the army, its

ment. Its origin can be traced to 16 June 1775, and camp equipage," at the
stores, artillery,
when the Continental Congress passed a reso- same time Congress established a Commissary
lution providing "that there be one quarter General of Purchases whose duty it was "to
master general for the grand army, and a deputy, conduct the procuring and providing of all
under him, for the separate army." '
Known as arms, military stores, clothing, and generally all

the Quartermaster's Department during its early articles of supply requisite for the military
existence, it suffered many tribulations, includ- service of the United States."
ing temporary extinction on more than one Under the stress of war the overlapping juris-

occasion, but the importance of its functions dictions thus created, together with the absence
compelled its re-establishment. of specific provision for a subsistence depart-
The mission of the Quartermaster organiza- ment, soon brought confusion forcing remedial
tion has always been one of broad and varied legislation. Congress authorized the Secretary
service to combat troops. From Revolutionary of War to define more precisely the responsibil-
days it was responsible until recent years for all ities of the two agencies. Furthermore, when
transportation and most construction, as well as contracting failures occurred and such action
for the storage and issue of many types of sup- was deemed expedient by the President, the
plies for the support of armies in the field, Quartermaster's Department might be author-
though at first it did not always procure its own ized to procure and issue subsistence directly in
items. the field.

In the post-Revolutionary period, when the In the overhauling of the supply system that
Quartermaster's Department was temporarily followed the War of 1812, the responsibilities
abolished, the Secretary of War purchased sup- of the office of the Commissary General of Pur-
plies for the tiny peacetime army through chases were further delimited and reduced. The
civilian contractors. During the twenty years Ordnance Department acquired the right of
and more following the adoption of the Consti- procurement in its own field in 1815. A separate
tution, procurement of supplies was handled by Subsistence Department was created under its

a kaleidoscopic succession of quartermasters, own Commissary General in 1818. Although

contractors, and agents variously named, under the office of the Commissary General of Pur-
the direction, sometimes of the Treasury, some-
times of the War Department. 1
Journals of the Continental Congress, edited by
The approach of war with England brought Worthington C. Ford et al. (34 vols, Washington:

about the re-establishment of the department GPO, 1904-37), II, 94.

U.S. Statutes at Large, II, 696-99, act approved 28
early in the spring of 1812. : While the Quarter-
Mar 1812.
master General was given broad procurement ' Ibid., II, 816-18, act approved 3 Mar 1813.

chases remained in existence until 1842, its Quartermaster organization began during the
remaining functions were gradually absorbed by Civil War, with the problems incident to this

the Quartermaster's Department. In 1826 the first experience of mobilization and war that
Department acquired the additional responsi- absorbed a large part of the energy of the nation.
bilityof receiving from the purchasing depart- To supervise and handle the expanding procure-
ment and distributing to the Army "all clothing ment and distribution operations, among other
and camp and garrison equipage required for activities, and to direct the efforts of the many
the use of the troops." By 1842, just before the newly established field installations, a com-
Mexican War, the Quartermaster organization modity-type organization was eventually estab-
had taken over complete responsibility for pro- lished in the Quartermaster General's office
curement and distribution to the field forces of wherein designated branches handled the pur-
all noncombat supplies, except subsistence. 4 chase and distribution of one or more specific
The duties of the Quartermaster General types of supplies provided for the troops. All
were traditionally performed with the Army in functions expanded enormously in the course
the field and had been generally considered to of the war, and new facilities and programs of
exist only in time of war. With the appoint- lasting importance were set up in many fields.

ment of Lt. Col. Thomas S. Jesup in 1818, how- In 1862, for example, responsibility was as-

ever, it was understood that the new Quarter- sumed for the management of national ceme-
master General would establish his headquarters teries and the interment of the bodies of war
in Washington. Under his guidance the Depart- dead in these permanent locations. 8
ment emerged as a permanent supply staff In the thirty years following the Civil War
agency of the Secretary of War. 5 there were no large-scale operations to provide
During the long administration of Quarter- incentive for maintaining an alert, progressive
master General Jesup, which lasted until the agency and the Quartermaster's Department
summer of I860, central and regional organiza- merely drifted. With the outbreak of the Span-
tion and facilities developed slowly. Field facil- ish-American War, however, the Department
ities were largely improvised during the early was suddenly called upon to clothe and equip
years of the country's history, although the im- more than a quarter of a million men in contrast
portance of established depots to the movement to the peacetime force of only 26,000. Under the
and distribution of supplies over long distances, strain of mobilization, supply broke down.
as during the Indian campaigns, was recognized Troops were sent to the tropics in winter uni-
on several occasions. In 1842, with the abolition forms, and congestion of men and supplies at
of the office of the Commissary General of Pur- Port Tampa, the port of embarkation for oper-
chases, the Quartermaster's Department ac-

quired its principal depot, the Schuylkill 4

Ibid., Ill, 203, act approved 8 Feb 1815. Ibid., Ill,

Arsenal.Under the name of the Philadelphia 426-27, act approved 14 Apr 1818. Ibid., IV, 173-74,
act approved 18 May 1826. Ibid., V, 513, act approved
Quartermaster Depot, it became the cornerstone
23 Aug 1842.
of the great system of Quartermaster depots. 5
Thomas M.
Pitkin, "Evolution of the Quarter-
There, for more than
hundred years army
a master Corps, 1775-1950," Quartermaster Review, XXX
(May-June 1950), 104ff. Quartermaster Review is here-
clothing was procured and manufactured in
after cited as QMR.
peace and war. A system of reserve and field 6
U.S. Statutes at Large, XIII, 394-98, act approved
depots was established during the Civil War, 6 4 Jul 1864.
Ibid., XIII,
and a number of these were retained at its close. 8
XII, 596, act approved 17 Jul 1862.
Ibid., Ibid.,
In a sense, the modern development of the XIII, 394-98, act approved 4 Jul 1864.

ations in Cuba, defied description. The Subsist- turn, approved and forwarded the requisitions
ence Department, responsible for feeding the to the depot quartermasters who procured,
Army, was equally unprepared for the task con- stored, and issued supplies on the basis of these
fronting it. requisitions. There were seven general depots
The investigations and recommendations that and certain other specialized depots designated
followed the war resulted in the enactment in as points of supply. The procurement of certain
1912 of legislation consolidating the Army classes of supplies was centralized in specific
Subsistence, Pay, and Quartermaster's Depart- depots, as, for example, clothing at the Phila-
ments. Prior to 1912 the Quartermaster's De- delphia Depot and wagons and harness at the
partment had acquired responsibility for the Jeffersonville Depot. Thus a degree of "cen-
supply of clothing, camp and garrison equip- tralized decentralization" prevailed in this sup-
ment, individual equipment, and general sup- ply system. Most of the depots acted independ-
plies for the Army, the transportation of the ently of each other because of the policy of
Army, the handling of construction and real decentralization. The purchase of subsistence
estate activities, the operation of utilities at was even more decentralized since it was carried
camps and stations, and certain miscellaneous on "as near to the points of consumption as was
activities, including the administration of na- consistent with advantage to the Govern-
tional cemeteries. As a result of the merger of ment."
the three supply organizations, the newly desig- There was nothing wrong with this organiza-

nated Quartermaster Corps also acquired re- tion itself, but decentralization of purchase could
sponsibility for feeding and paying the Army. not continue under the economic strain of
The period from the summer of 1912 to early manufacturing for the Allies, for the govern-
1917 probably was the high-water mark in the ment, and for the civilian population. Further-
history of the Corps with respect to the mere more, in the absence of effective co-ordination,
number of important supply and service func- the QMC, as well as every other supply bureau,
tions for which it had general responsibility sought to accomplish its task independently of
throughout the War Department. all other agencies. In the ensuing competition
occasioned bv shortages of materials, facilities,

Impact of World War I and transportation, supply difficulties increased

and the need for a centralized control to direct

When World War I began, the Office of the the war effort became evident.
Quartermaster General (OQMG) was still or- Moreover, as the Army grew in size, the
ganized on a commodity basis. The office con- tendency was to multiply the number of sepa-
sisted of five divisions— Administrative, Finance rate bureaus to carry out expanded functions.
and Accounting, Construction and Repair, Responsibility for construction was transferred
Transportation, and Supplies— whose functions from the Corps to a new and separate Canton-
were largely administrative and supervisory. ment Division. Similarly, the duties of water
The operations of procurement and distribution transportation were taken over by the Embarka-
were decentralized to the field. The actual dis- tion Service.
tribution of supplies was accomplished by the In an effort to secure greater efficiency and
post and camp quartermasters who submitted co-ordination, the War Department reorganized
requisitions to the quartermasters of the terri-
XXXVII, 591, act approved 24 Aug 1912.
9 Ibid.,
torial departments into which the country was 10
Report of the Quartermaster General to the Secretary
divided for administrative purposes. They, in of War. 1919 (Washington: GPO, 1920), pp. 9-10.
the supply bureaus. These agencies, including potentially adaptable to the exigencies of a na-
the QMC,were temporarily absorbed by the tional emergency. A ready framework was to
General Staff in special divisions that were or- exist for adaptation and expansion.
ganized along functional lines. At the end of World War I experience with the Purchase,
the war, the QMC
was a part of the Purchase, Storage and Traffic Division, which had com-
Storage and Traffic Division. bined staff and operating functions in the same
Once again the shortcomings revealed by war, agency, had emphasized the desirability of sepa-
and particularly the failure to plan in advance rating staff agencies, which developed plans and
for mobilization, led to the enactment of reme- policies and specified procedures for their execu-
Under one of the provisions of
dial legislation. tion,from operating units, which carried them
the National Defense Act of 1920, the QMC out. As a consequence, the in 1920 OQMG
was re-established as a separate supply service, sought to place all staff or planning activities
and the functions of transportation and con- pertaining to supply in a Control Service. Op-
struction were restored to the Corps. On the erating activities lay within the province of the
other hand, the pay function of the Corps was Supply Division. The Control Service exercised
transferred permanently to a separate jurisdic- general administrative, procedural, and func-
tion. tional supervision. It was charged with formu-
lating war plans, controlling all fiscal matters,
Administrative Developments, 1920-39 preparing statistical data, consolidating require-
ments, and maintaining liaison with higher
When the National Defense Act of 1920 authority on these matters. Incidentally, during
abolished the Purchase, Storage and Traffic Di- the twenties and thirties the OQMG set up
vision and restored the functions of procure- planning and staff controls as directed by higher
ment, storage, and issue to the supply arms and authority, but the staff units were often skeleton
services, the OQMG was again organized along or mere paper organizations.
commodity The major units of its organ-
While the OQMG organization attempted to
ization were variously known as "services" or as separate staff and operating functions, the les-
"divisions" during the next few years. As the son of World War I was neglected more often
office gradually consolidated its many activities
than not. There was a steady tendency for cur-
for peacetime operation, four divisions emerged rent operations to absorb staff functions. Within
to handle most Quartermaster activities. These a comparatively short time the majority of the
were the Administrative Division, under which, control functions were delegated to the operat-
in general, functions of a staff character were ing branches. 14 This change resulted from the
combined; the Supply Division composed of developing self-sufficiency of the operating
several commodity branches, such as the Sub- agencies and the dwindling of supervisory duties
sistence Branch, the Clothing and Equipage and personnel in the OQMG. As a consequence,
Branch, and the General Supplies Branch,
it proved more feasible to lodge staff functions
among others; and the self-contained Construc-
in operating branches during a peacetime period
tion and Transportation Divisions. 13 The func-
tions of construction and transportation were 11
U.S. Statutes at Large, XLI, 766, act approved 4
lodged in divisions, each of which was estab- Jun 20.
lished as an integrated agency with plenary 12
OQMG Cir 11, 28 Jul 20, sub: Orgn of QMC.
operating powers, for itwas intended that the
OQMG OO 4, 7 Jan 37, sub: Office Orgn.
OQMG Office Memo 119, 30 Aug 21, sub:
organization set up in the OQMG should be Orgn of OQMG.

when the scope of Quartermaster activities was for expansion, in case of an emergency, into a

sharply reduced. large organization. It consisted of less than

Congress had been highly critical of the lack 12,000 military personnel and approximately
of planning revealed by World War I,and in 37,000 civilians, 17 who trained Quartermaster
legislating for national defense in 1920 it had personnel and provided supplies and services for
created the position of Assistant Secretary of an Army of not far from 200,000 men stationed
War, making him responsible for procurement at posts, camps, and stations in the United
planning and the supervision of the procure- States and at such outposts as Alaska, Hawaii,
ment of all military supplies. Hence The Quar- and the Panama Canal Zone. These activities
termaster General was under the supervision of were accomplished through a Washington head-
the Assistant Secretary of War in all these mat- quarters, organized on a commodity basis as it

ters,while directly responsible to the General had been since Civil War days, through field in-

Staff on all others. During this period the such as depots, engaged in procuring

OQMG established units with varying names and distributing supplies, and through certain
to carry on its war-planning functions. For ex- schools operated by the Corps— the Quarter-
ample, it created the War Plans and Training master School and the Motor Transport School—
Division in the Administrative Service in 1926 which trained the military personnel needed by
directly as a result of the need for meeting the the QMC. For the most part, the depots were
emphasis of the Assistant Secretary of War on located in the eastern half of the United States,
planning activities. But the inevitable tend- a significant fact in view of the necessity of
ency was to divorce planning for a distant mounting a war in the Pacific.

emergency from the organization for current

peacetime operations. This was to have impor- Effect of World War II

tant repercussions in World War II.

The OQMG organization during these years The outbreak of war in Europe was felt at
was not disturbed by the participation of the once in the United States Army. The presiden-
tial proclamation of limited emergency increased
QMC in the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
and other New Deal activities of the thirties. the size of the Army to 227,000 men from the

The impact was felt primarily at the field instal- 210,000 provided by earlier legislative action on

lations. If it had no important effect on head- the Army appropriation bill. The QMC and

quarters organization, participation in govern- other supply services took this limited increase

ment relief and other emergency economic in the military establishment more or less in

activities of the period proved an experience of stride. The fall of France in June 1940, however,

tremendous significance in other ways. 16 By brought a more dramatic enlargement of the

contributing to the improvement and crystalli- Army. Congressional action added to the size of
zation of operating methods, it undoubtedly the Regular Army, the National Guard was in-

smoothed the way for the intensification of ducted into the Federal service, and Congress
purely military preparations.
OQMG OO 19, 12 May 26, no sub.
For a summary view of these trends and develop-
Status of QMC in 1939 ments see the annual Report of the Secretary of War to

the President, Fiscal Years 1930-35.

In September 1939, when war began in

More than half of this civilian personnel was em-
ployed in the Civilian Conservation Corps, Public
Europe, the QMC was a small supply agency of Works Administration (PWA), and Works Progress
the War Department which had potentialities Administration (WPA) working on QMC

passed the Selective Service Act in September sponsible for the maintenance of national
providing for an Army of 1,400,000 men. 18 Be- cemeteries and the care of the dead.
cause of its broad and varied supply responsi- To accomplish these tasks and to meet new
bilities, the QMC was greatly and immediately responsibilities imposed on the Corps during
affected by this tremendous expansion. the war, the QMC expanded its personnel and
More than any other supply service, the its organization in the field and in Washington.
Corps had to anticipate the needs of the Army It enlarged its headquarters organization from
that was to be mobilized by having in readiness four to thirteen divisions before the war ended.
housing for the troops and the increased Its military personnel increased from less than
amounts of supplies needed to clothe, equip, 12,000 to more than 500,000. In sharp contrast
and feed them. Such supply was carried out to the continued rise in military personnel dur-
through the familiar system of depots which ing the war, civilian personnel tended to become
procured and distributed supplies requisitioned stabilized at about 75,000, after construction and
by quartermasters at posts, camps, and stations. transportation functions and the personnel con-
Purchase responsibility for the basic classes of nected with the execution of these responsibili-
items became even more concentrated than ties had been transferred from the Corps to
heretofore at designated key depots: for exam- other agencies early in the war.
ple, footwear at the Boston Quartermaster De- The commodity organization was simply ex-
pot, clothing still at the Philadelphia Depot, panded during the emergency period to handle
and tentage at the Jeffersonville Depot. This the increased Quartermaster burden. After Pearl
centralized purchase of specialty items by the Harbor, however, more fundamental changes
depots was a fundamental feature of the field occurred. The organization of the OQMG was
purchasing system that had been developing radically shifted from commodity to a func-
even before World War I. However, co-ordina- tional basis. Instead of commodity branches re-
tion was not neglected as it had been at the sponsible for the procurement and distribution
beginning of World War I, for the Supply Divi- of specific items of supply, single divisions were
sion and later the Procurement Division guided established which were responsible solely for
and directed these centralized purchase opera- the procurement of most Quartermaster sup-
tions and acted as the procurement control plies or for the storage and distribution of them.
agency of the OQMG. This was a change that occurred in the midst of
Supply of the troops was the primary mission war as a part of the drastic and fundamental re-

of the Corps, and this included the procurement organization of the War Department in March
of horses and mules and the purchase of auto- 1942. As might be expected, it posed many
motive equipment. But the Corps had other problems and entailed numerous adjustments.
functions to perform. It operated remount de- The field organization of the Corps was also
pots where horses were conditioned and trained, expanded and altered. During the emergency
and it repaired automotive equipment at its and early war years, the depot system was greatly
motor-transport bases and depots. It built camps, expanded and new facilities were established in

hospitals, and other facilities to accommo- the south and in the western part of the United
date the expanding Army; it transported troops; States to back up the war in the Pacific. The use
and it provided and operated laundries for them.
By the end of the emergency period it was also (1) Biennial Report of the Chief of Staff of the
United States Army, July 1, 1939, to June 30, 1941,
operating jrepair shops for shoes, clothing, and
to the Secretary of War (Washington: GPO, 1941), p. 2.
equipment. Furthermore, it continued to be re- (2) 54 U.S. Statutes 885-97, act approved 16 Sep 40.

of dogs in war resulted in the establishment of OQMG, and results were so impressive that it
centers for their training. The necessity to co- seems unlikely to be omitted from any future
ordinate the military procurement of subsistence operations. Instead, the importance of a contin-
led to the creation of a nationwide market cen- uous program of research in peace as well as in
ter system by the QMC. Other new facilities, war has been underscored.
such as repair subdepots and a great expansion Finally the war not only brought far-reaching
of Quartermaster repair shops followed from administrative changes and expansion in per-
the urgent need to conserve materials and de- sonnel, but it modified supply procedures by
crease the burden placed upon industry for the streamlining procurement methods as well as

production of new goods. those for storage and distribution. This was a

Of tremendous significance was the develop- war of mechanization and motorization not only
ment of Quartermaster laboratories, for in in the combat areas but in the zone of interior

World War II as never before an increasing as well. The use of IBM machines and teletypes

emphasis was placed on exploiting and applying speeded supply operations at depots and in the
scientific knowledge and technological skills to OQMG, while the use of fork-lift trucks and
the problems posed by military supplies. For the other mechanical equipment enabled the Corps
first time in Quartermaster history, a large and to handle the tremendous volume of tonnage
integrated research program was directed by the required for a global war.

Administrative Organization

Traditionally, the OQMG had been organized years in the Army in the service of the Corps,

along commodity lines, and the outbreak of war he brought a well-rounded knowledge to bear
in Europe September 1939 brought no signif-
in upon Quartermaster problems. 1

icant departure from this basic principle of com-

modity administration. The OQMG was then Expansion of the Organization
operating under a simple plan of organization
which, except for minor variations, had been in In order to handle its increasing activities, the
effect since 1920. Of the four divisions handling OQMG for the most part multiplied its adminis-
Quartermaster activities, the Administrative Di- trative units by expanding sections into branches
vision combined within its province functions and by separating branches and establishing
which were of a staff character. The Supply them as independent divisions. Nearly all this
Division, consisting of a number of commodity subdivision occurred within the Administrative
branches, handled the procurement and distri- Division. The one exception was the creation of
bution of Quartermaster supplies. The functions the important Motor Transport Division in the
of construction and transportation were vested summer of 1940 by separating it from the Trans-
in two self-contained divisions. portation Division. 2 Fiscal and personnel activi-

The extended period of the emergency, which ties were separated from the Administrative
lasted from the presidential proclamation of Division and given divisional status. 3 Within a
limited emergency in September 1939 until 7 few weeks, the expansion of numerous activities
December 1941, provided an opportunity for of the Administrative Division was recognized
orderly administrative development and expan- by the addition of a Statistical and Public Rela-
sion. However, the great expansion of Quarter- tions Branch and a Storage Control Branch to
master activity did not begin until mid-1940, the already existing Production Control, and
after the fall of France had increased the appre- War Plans and Training Branches. All four han-
hensions of the United States and defense prep- dled important planning and staff activities.

arations were accelerated. On the eve of that By the close of the year the Memorial Branch
expansion the QMC acquired a new Quarter- was raised to a division.

master General, who was to guide its activities More significant than this increase in admin-
throughout World War II. Maj. Gen. (later Lt. istrative units was the important realignment of
Gen.) Edmund Gregory was first appointed
(1) GO 5, 1 May 40, no sub. (2) "The New
for a four-year period beginning 1 April 1940,
Quartermaster General," QMR, XIX (March-April
and upon the expiration of this term he was re- 1940), 21ff.

appointed acting The Quartermaster General,

OQMG OO 49, 26 Jul 40, no sub.
* Ibid.
relinquishing the office on 31 January 1946. 4
OQMG OO 71, 24 Aug 40, no sub.
Having spent the greater part of his thirty-six 5
OQMG OO 144, 27 Dec 40, sub: Office Orgn.

staff and operating phases of Quartermaster or- tions were retained in the Administrative Divi-

ganization which occurred during this period. sion, which was renamed the General Service
For example, the activities of the War Plans and Division. It supervised those services of an
Training Branch were separated. Its military administrative nature which pertained primarily
training functions were transferred to the Per- to field activities and handled all administrative

sonnel Division. Its planning functions, along matters of general concern not assigned else-
with the activities of the Contracts and Claims where. 9 In the basic chart drawn to prescribe

Branch of the Supply Division, were vested in OQMG organization at this time, this division
a new War Procurement and Requirements and the Executive Office as well as the Fiscal,
Branch in the Administrative Division. 6 This Civilian Personnel, Military Personnel and
furthered the concentration of planning and Training, and Planning and Control Divisions
policy functions on the staff level. Unfortunately were placed in theoretically close association in

this development made the Administrative Di- a group of "Executive Divisions."

vision unwieldy; the need for reorganizing cer- The establishment of the Planning and Con-
tain of its important activities became apparent. trol Division early in 1941 resulted from the
The most important basic reorganization in need to co-ordinate basic operating functions
the OQMG before Pearl Harbor was initiated scattered throughout the commodity branches.
in a series of orders early in 1941. These were As problems relating to procurement and other
formalized and integrated later in the year by a functional aspects of supply activity increased
revision of the basic organizational directive of with the developing emergency, the necessity
the OQMG. 7
Separation of the Administrative for a control agency became increasingly more
Division's functions of administrative service compelling. After administrative and policy
from those of policy control constituted the phases of control had been separated, the neces-
most obvious need. Some of the former func- sity to consolidate, reorganize, and refine the

tions, namely those pertaining to departmental latter phase under a single agency became basic
or headquarters activities, had a tendency to in the reorganization of OQMG activities. In
gravitate toward the executive office; hence a establishing the Planning and Control Division,
separate supervisory Executive Office was estab- the procurement control, storage control, and
lished as a formal agency under The Quarter- war planning and requirements functions of the
master General. To this office were transferred former Administrative Division were transferred
the activities of communications and central to it as well as that division's activities in ref-

records, the OQMG library, a welfare service, erence to statistics, claims, and contracts. In
and other miscellaneous office services. Attached addition, the war planning activities of the
directly to the Executive Office was an Execu- Personnel Division were transferred to it.

tive Officer for Civilian Conservation Corps Staff-operating relations between the Planning
Affairs, charged with the control and supervision and Control Division and the Supply Division
of all duties of the Corps pertaining to its par- during the emergency period developed consid-
ticipation in CCC matters. An Executive Officer
for Civilian Personnel Affairs was responsible,
OQMG OO 99, 10 Oct 40, no sub.

under the direction and supervision of The

OQMG OO 25, 3 Feb 41, sub: Office Orgn, and
Supplements A-G, published from March to Decem-
Quartermaster General, for formulating and ad- ber, covering the organization of most of the separate

ministering all policy matters relating to civilian divisions.

employees of the Corps. 8

OQMG OO 25, 3 Feb 41, sub: Office Orgn.
OQMG OO 14, 23 Jan 41, no sub.
The remaining administrative service func- 10
See Chart 1.




erable friction. There were present, of course, who were developing a centralized procurement
the normal irritations and difficulties incident to system. Regional self-sufficiency and decentral-
expansion of personnel and perfection of organ- ization of procurement to districts that were
ization. Furthermore, the personalities and roughly coterminous with the corps areas con-
policies of certain of the key staff and operating stituted the heart of the procurement plans that
officials inevitably played a part, while the re- were drafted. Policies stemming from such a de-
luctance of the operating units to accept direc- centralized system were obviously at sharp vari-
tion and "interference" was undoubtedly a ance with those of centralized operations which
contributing factor. carried over into the emergency period. The
As to the general resistance of the operating planners were further handicapped in carrying
divisions to control, it is significant that a for- out their policies since procurement plans were
mal attempt was made to minimize this factor intended to be put into effect on an M Day
through designation of the staff units as "Exec- (Mobilization Day) which never came. Instead
utive Divisions." The chief of the Planning and a wholly unanticipated, prolonged emergency
Control Division was intended to have general period occurred, with the result that the plans
powers of direction over the activities of the were held in abeyance and operating personnel
OQMG, but these were translated with diffi- met the day-to-day problems by using estab-
culty into binding orders on procurement, dis- lished peacetime procedures. By the time war

tribution, and other activities. The operating was declared, the momentum was too great to
divisions were encouraged in their independence permit a resort to the plans that had been
by the relative unfamiliarity of the staff agencies prepared.

with operating problems and their uncertainty Because the emergency period was primarily
as to the scope of their jurisdiction and power. one of procurement effort, administrative ad-
commodity branches and divisions
In any event, justments naturally revolved around this activ-

had long been accustomed to having complete ity, and staff-operating relationships must be
and integrated responsibility for their operations. considered first it. The produc-
jn reference to
Conflict and confusion in policies were even tion control agencies weresomewhat intolerant
more basic causes of the difficulties. These de-
of concessions which had to be made as a result
veloped out of the uncertainties which stemmed of the actual course of emergency transition.

from the fact that the country was drifting along They were opposed to alternative systems and
through a period of partial or limited mobiliza- methods which negated the economic and in-
tion, whereas the procurement planners had dustrial benefits long planned through con-
based their plans on abrupt and complete indus- trolled mobilization and production. On the

trial mobilization for war. other hand, the approach of the current procure-
For twenty years following the passage of the ment agencies to this matter was more expedi-
National Defense Act, the procurement plan- ent.They recognized the difficulty under the
ners in the OQMG under the guidance of the circumstances of securing an ideal distribution
Assistant Secretary of War had been
formulat- of orders and allocation and full utilization of
ing war procurement plans to meet a future industrial facilities. They were interested pri-
emergency. Such planning had been separated marily in pushing those policies which seemed
from current peacetime operations in the com- acceptable and practicable in meeting procure-
modity branches of the Supply Division, and ment objectives."
it had followed a radically different line from Both production and purchasing policies relat-
that of the operators in the commodity branches '

' See below, Ch. VII.


ing to selection of contractors and facilities were The need had not yet developed for tight sched-
affected by various complex factors— profit and uling and therefore for welding the computation
competitive motives, business pressures, inde- of requirements, based on distribution and other
cision on the part of higher planning agencies field data, and the issuance of procurement di-

in the government, and other elements which rectives into a single, co-ordinated process.
tended to interfere with the procedures of mobi- OQMG staff-operating conflicts over this phase
lization developed by the procurement planners. of procurement control, however, were already
The latter had formulated programs for allocat- present.
ing contracts to industrial facilities, but depot If administrative adjustments thus far had
personnel ignored their advice in carrying out centered particularly on procurement activities,
current operations. Most depot officers and developments were looming nonetheless in

many officers in the Supply Division were also other fields, especially with respect to the dis-

extremely timorous about abandoning peace- tribution of supplies. The former Storage Con-
time purchasing policies and adopting the trolBranch of the Administrative Division had
method of negotiation advocated by the plan- remained for a time with the Planning and
The Supply Division, for the most part,
ners. Control Division, but by May 1941 it was
pursued a legalistic and hesitant approach to transferred to the Executive Office as a staff unit

emergency purchasing and production. Com- and renamed the Depot Division. 12 This divi-
modity organizations on all levels resisted or re- sion functioned as the agency dealing with
sented the pressure exerted by the staff units for Quartermaster depots and Quartermaster sec-
the application of new and more radical policies on all general matters of
tions of general depots

and methods. depot administration in which the various

Such differences probably acted as the great- OQMG divisions had an interest. It also served

est single deterrent to extension and perfection as the supply agency for warehouse equipment
of administrative controls on the part of the of all kinds, kept records bearing on the alloca-

staff agencies of the Planning and Control Divi- tion and utilization of storage space, and initi-

sion. But while the heritage of a ready-made set ated the procurement and training of personnel
of controls would have been of inestimable to meet the requirements of new depots. In the
value after Pearl Harbor, it must be emphasized summer of 1941 Quartermaster depots and
that relatively loose supervision could be toler- Quartermaster sections of general depots tended
ated before that time. Insofar as the supervision to operate as separate autonomies rather than as
of procurement policies by the Planning and parts of the depot system. Each installation was
Control Division was concerned, the situation using various methods and systems for doing
could even be rationalized as consisting merely business with little regard for the existence of
of a necessary, if troublesome, stage in the proc- similar supply organizations. It was the mission
ess of transition to war. of the Depot Division to standardize and co-

Considerations of administrative control and ordinate the activities of these installations and
orientation were highly interdependent in all to insure the efficient operation of the individ-
phases of procurement. One more illustration ual depot. 13
emphasizes this point. There was considerable
(1) OQMG OO 25A, 24 Mar
41, no sub. (2)
pressure for expediting procurement, but pro- OQMG OO 92, 14 May 41, no sub.
duction scheduling could still be viewed pri- (1) Chief of Depot Opns Div to Exec Off, S&D

Sv,28 Jul 42, sub: Material to be Included in Annual

marily as a fiscal matter and accomplished in the Rpt of SW. (2) See below, Ch. IX, passim, for elabora-
course of distributing appropriations and funds. tion of activities.

A weakness in the position of the Depot the commodity principle. Subject to directions
Division lay partly in the looseness of its re- from higher authority and to varying degrees of

sponsibility for the administrative servicing and functional supervision and aid from agencies
planning on the field level of a variety of activi- within the OQMG, each commodity branch
ties forwhich other divisions often claimed pri- retained fairly complete responsibility for the
mary responsibility. It was enjoined specifically handling of a group of supply items, from de-
from interfering with the "prerogatives of termining requirements to seeing that such
Chiefs of Operating Divisions" in supervising items reached points of issue.
the procurement, storage, and issue of supplies.
At the same time it was made the main channel Transfer of Functions
of contact with the depots on those matters of
administration in which it dealt, a function nor- War was to bring further changes in the ad-
mally assigned to an operating agency at head- ministrative organization of the OQMG and in
quarters. Because it was difficult to distinguish the mission assigned to the Corps. Within a
activities of general concern from those which few months after Pearl Harbor, a number of im-
were prerogatives of the operating units, there portant functions were lost to theQMC. As in
was ample ground for friction to develop with World War I, construction, transportation, and
the commodity branches of the Supply Division. motor transport activities were again either
As in the case of procurement, so in distribu- transferred to other technical services or estab-
tion there was no need during these months for lished as separate organizations.
rigid control. Just as the tight scheduling of re-
quirements depended upon influences develop-
ing later in the war, so inventory and stock
control were hardly required at this time, and In the case of construction, action to remove
the Depot Division concerned itself, insofar as this function from the QMC was actually begun
its administrative functions were involved, only in the fall of 1941 and completed a few days
with standard organization and procedures in before Pearl Harbor. In September the War De-
depots. The placing of stock accounting and re- partment submitted a bill to the House of
porting activities on a machine basis in 1941, Representatives, providing for the transfer of
however, superseding the old manual system, new construction for the Army and the main-
presaged the emergence of control problems as tenance and repair of buildings from The
well as the need for functional realignment of Quartermaster General to the Chief of Engi-
distribution activities. 14 neers. To justify this transfer the Secretary of
Although number of other changes, includ-
a War urged that it would eliminate a large
ing the setting up of a lend-lease agency in the amount of duplication of effort, cost, and ad-
OQMG, occurred in the last few months before ministrative personnel. A more efficient long-
Pearl Harbor, the administrative adjustments range program of construction could be set up.
involved in the staff-operating relationships on The proposed bill placed the construction work
procurement and distribution constituted the of the War Department under the Corps of
main lines of development. In the pre-Pearl Engineers because, even in peacetime, with its

Harbor period, despite the development of func- river and harbor and flood-control projects, the
tional controls and services and a general tend- Corps of Engineers, unlike the QMC, had a
ency to concentrate them in staff units, the
OQMG remained organized fundamentally on 14
See below, Ch. X.

large construction program. It was argued that Corps, on the other hand, handles specialized work
it also had a long-established organization to usually completely aloof from the rest of the Army
and entirely out of touch with the day to day life of
handle such work, whereas the organization of 16
military organizations.
the QMC for these activities was of much more
recent creation. Finally, was urged that the
it Although The Quartermaster General ob-
construction activities of the War Department jected to losing the construction function, the

during the emergency were more closely related War Department and the Construction Divi-
to the other functions of the Corps of Engineers sion, OQMG, had been much criticized by the
and to the training of combat engineer forces Truman Committee for the excessive cost of the
than they were to the other functions of the construction program for camps and canton-
QMC. 1 ^
ments. The committee had recommended that
The Quartermaster General, General Gregory, the Secretary of War be granted authority to
took exception to the reasons advanced for this assign additional construction work to the
transfer. He observed that if housing for the Corps of Engineers. Air Corps construction had
Civilian Conservation Corps were included the already been assigned to the Engineers by
Quartermaster expenditures for construction for Congress in 1940. 17
the past ten years would be larger than those of Under these circumstances there was little

the Engineer Corps. This program had been doubt that the bill offered by the Secretary of
carried out in an economical and satisfactory War would be enacted into law. The Quarter-
manner. Moreover, a small, continuous, perma- master General was therefore directed to col-

nent housing construction program had been laborate with the Chief of Engineers in develop-

handled by the Construction Division, OQMG. ing a plan for the transfer of construction
In any case, neither the peacetime construction Such
activities. a plan was submitted in

program of the Corps of Engineers nor that of November. 18 On 1 December 1941 Congress
the QMC was comparable to the load of con- passed the law transferring construction, real
struction in an emergency. In addition, the type estate, and repairs and utilities activities to the
of work done by the Engineer Corps was quite Corps of Engineers, a transfer that was made
different from that involved in the construction effective on 16 December 1941. 19

of troop housing. Except for a period during The QMC had borne the major burden of
World War I when a separate Construction Di- construction during the emergency period.
vision was formed, the QMC had handled con- Although it had been very critical of this pro-
struction at military posts for more than one gram, the Truman Committee observed:
hundred years. In The Quartermaster General's
opinion the training of combat engineering 15
Ltr,Robert P. Patterson, Actg SW, to Speaker of
forces had very little in common with the con- HR, 2 Sep 41, no sub.
struction work involved in the zone of interior.
Memo, TQMG for CofS, 4 Sep 41, no sub.
S Rpt 480, Part 2, 77th Cong, 1st Sess, "Camp
He objected to the transfer of maintenance ac- and Cantonment Investigation," p. 35.
tivities and the repair of buildings and utilities,
(1) Ltr, TAG to TQMG, 21 Oct 41, sub: Trans-

for these were intimately involved with the fer of Const Activities from QMC to CE, AG 600.12
(10-20-41) MO-D. TQMG
and CofEngrs
(2) Ltr,
functions of the Corps at all military posts. to TAG, 10 Nov 41, same sub. (3) Memo, ACofS for
CofS, 19 Nov 41, sub: Transfer of Const and Real
In short, the Quartermaster Corps is already on
Estate Activities from QMC to CE.
the job. It is in intimate touch with every phase of 19
(1) 66 U.S. Statutes 787-88. (2) Ltr, TAG to
Army life. There is a Quartermaster Officer wher- TQMG, 3 Dec 41, sub: Transfer of Const Activities
ever a group of soldiers can be found. The Engineer from QMC to CE, AG 600.12 (11-10-41) MO-D.

By making such criticism the committee does Staff exercised over-all supervision of transpor-
not wish to detract in any way from the very im- tation activities. 22
portant fact that housing, training, and recreational This decentralization was the real weakness
facilities for 1,216,459 men were provided in the
of the transportation organization. In the period
space of a few short months and in most instances
were finished and ready for occupancy before the of the emergency, when overseas bases were
troops arrived. The Construction Division of the being strengthened and transportation difficul-

Quartermaster General's Office supervised the con- ties were multiplying, the Transportation Branch
struction of projects which due to their size
. . .
of G-4 promoted the co-ordination of Army
and the necessity of speed, presented some of the
transportation activities. Its activities expanded
greatest problems ever encountered by any con-
struction agency in this country and the facilities
even more rapidly after Pearl Harbor. But this

so provided are better than the troop facilities co-ordination offered no real solution to the
possessed by any other country. Adequate provi- problem, which stemmed from the fact that no
sion has been made for the comfort and health of one operating organization was directly respon-
the soldiers. Furthermore, the facilities are better
sible for inland, terminal, and overseas transpor-
than those provided for the troops in the last
World War. 20 tation. 23 This was provided in March 1942 by
consolidating all War Department transporta-

tion and traffic control under SOS. A Transpor-
tation Division, in charge of a Chief of Trans-
Three months after the transfer of construc- portation, was established in the SOS. By 31
tion, as part of the general reorganization of the July 1942 it emerged as the Transportation
Army in March 1942, responsibility for trans- Corps. 24
portation and traffic control was centralized in
the Services of Supply (SOS), and the Trans- (1) S Rpt 480, Part 2, 77th Cong, 1st Sess,
"Camp and Cantonment Investigation," p. 34. (2)
portation Division, OQMG, was separated
This work was done under Lt. Col. Brehon B. Somer-
from that office.
In the years since 1920, when vell, Corps of Engineers, who was detailed for duty in

Congress by legislative action had returned the QMC

and assigned as chief of the Construction
transportation activities to the QMC despite
Division. OQMG OO 130, 11 Dec 40, no sub. (3)
For a detailed discussion of construction, see Reming-
recommendations for the establishment of a ton, Coll, and Fine, Corps of Engineers: Zone of
permanent transportation corps, decentralized Interior Construction, a volume in preparation for the

operating responsibilities had developed. The

Quartermaster General was responsible for the 21
Cir 59, 2 Mar 42, sub: Reorgn. Three WD
movement of troops and supplies by common commands were established: the Army Ground Forces
carriers in the zone of interior and by Army
(AGF), the Army Air Forces (AAF), and the SOS,
renamed Army Service Forces (ASF).
a year later the
transports and commercial vessels between the 22
30-1190, 12 Dec 41, sub: Oversea Mvmt
United States and its overseas bases. Command- of Orgns and Casuals. (2) AR 30-930, 6 Nov 30, sub:
Trans of Troops. (3) Rpt, 30 Nov 45, sub: Rpt of
ers of ports of embarkation, however, reported
Memo, Col T. N. Dillon, OQMG,
for Brig Gen
directly to the War Department General Staff. CofT ASF WW
II, pp. 17-18.

Their functions in regard to Army transports Brehon B. Somervell, ACofS G-4, 4 Feb 42, sub:
were not clearly differentiated from those of Trans Orgn.
(1) Maj Gen C. P. Gross, CofT, "The Transpor-
The Quartermaster General. The chiefs of other
tation Corps— Its Organization and Major Functions,"
supply services maintained separate traffic or- QMR, XXIII (January-February 1944), 19ff. (2)
ganizations to look after their transportation Chester Wardlow, The Transportation Corps: Respon-
sibilities, Organization, and Operations (Washington,
interests such as shipping and procuring agen- UNITED STATES ARMY IN
1951), in the series
cies. The Supply Division, G-4, of the General WORLD WAR II.

Motor Transport vehicles used commercial-type motors. 27 In

January 1942 Brig. Gen. Brehon B. Somervell,
The last important change made in Quarter- then Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4, informed
master activities during the war was the transfer The Quartermaster General that orders were
of motor transport activities in the summer of Army directing the pooling
being issued to the
1942. Long before this there had been rumors of third and fourth echelon shops of the QMC
of impending changes. The Under Secretary of and the Ordnance Department.
War was concerned with the problem of utiliz- Many officers of the Motor Transport Divi-
ing industrial capacity to the best advantage. He sion, OQMG, hoped that a separate corps
directedJohn D. Hertz, an authority on motor would be established. General Somervell also
transportation, to make a special study of the favored a separate automotive corps, which
subject, primarily from the viewpoint of effec- would be responsible not only for maintenance
tive use and conservation of automotive equip- but also for design and procurement of tanks
ment already on hand. The scope of this survey and other combat, as well as noncombat, cars.

was restricted to vehicles of Quartermaster re- In an analysis of the Hertz report submitted
sponsibility, and consequently tanks and other to the Chief of Staff, he emphasized that "the
combat vehicles, which were procured by the reconditioning of the present automotive fleet,

Ordnance Department, were excluded from the proper instruction of the present personnel,
consideration in this investigation. The report the provision of the necessary training of main-
of the Hertz committee, submitted in Novem- tenance units for the increased automotive fleet

ber 1941, recommended that one service be laid down in the program provide a tremendous
made completely responsible for all automotive problem which must be solved within the year

maintenance. This control agency was to be 1942 if our field armies are to wage successful
established in General Headquarters inasmuch
as the committee had found the activation of a
Headquarters Motor Transport approved in a (1) Ltr, John D. Hertz to Robert P. Patterson, 18

Table of Organization, November 1940. The

Nov 41, no sub, enclosing rpt. (2) Memo, for USW
CofS, 24 Nov 41, sub: Mr. John Hertz, Rpt on Mtr
Hertz report recommended no change in juris- Veh Maint. (3) Memo, Hertz for USW, 15 Jan 42,
diction over procurement of motor equipment. 25 sub: Criticisms on Rpt of Mtr Veh Maint. (4) Ltr,
Hertz et a/., to USW, 28 Jan 42, no sub.
A month earlier the General Staff had con- 20
Memo, Brig Gen H. L. Twaddle, ACofS, for
sidered the reorganization of the armored divi- TQMG, 21 Oct 41, sub: Reorgn of Armd Div.
sion, one aspect of which had involved the Memo, TQMG for
ACofS G-3, 3 Nov 41, Reorg
delegation of all third echelon vehicle mainte-
of Armd Div.
Memo, Gen Somervell for TQMG, 17 Jan 42,
nance to the divisional ordnance battalion. 26 At sub: Autmv Tng and Maint.
that time both Ordnance and Quartermaster In a study he prepared to be submitted to the

personnel maintained such third echelon activi-

Chief of General Somervell had the assistance of
Col. R. Shugg, Chief of Staff, 3d Armored Division.
ties. While acknowledging that this led to The latter heartily endorsed the Hertz report but rec-
duplication of overhead, equipment, and effort ommended one change, namely, that command control
should with one of all automotive equipment be exercised by one au-
and that this responsibility rest
thority. He had long been an advocate of a separate
agency, The Quartermaster General had urged motor transport corps. See (1) Ltr, Col Shugg to John
that it be placed with the QMC because about Hertz, 8 Dec 41, no sub; (2) Ltr, Shugg to Hertz, 18
two thirds of the 3,300 motor-propelled vehicles Nov no sub, enclosing rpt on Third Army maneu-
vers, by Shugg, 10 Jun 40; (3) Ltr, Shugg to Hertz,
provided for an armored division were procured
9 Dec 41, no sub, enclosing rpt to Gen Somervell
by the Corps. All but about four hundred of the commenting on Hertz rpt.
mechanized or motorized warfare." In his cars from the Ordnance Department to an auto-
opinion, however, the existing division of motor motive corps would be unfortunate. The Dep-
transport responsibilities among the QMC, the uty Chief of Staff concurred. He felt that the
Ordnance Department, the Corps of Engineers, would cause delay in pro-
resulting confusion
the corps areas, the General Staff, General curement and development of tanks, self-pro-
Headquarters, and the field armies would pre- pelled antitank guns and artillery, and other
vent the accomplishment of this program. automotive equipment of the Ordnance De-
Insofar as maintenance was concerned the partment. 33 The Chief of Ordnance and The
Hertz report had found existing procedures Quartermaster General strongly opposed the
clearly defined and adequate for a satisfactory establishment of a separate automotive corps.
maintenance program. This led the Assistant The idea was discarded for the time being. In-
Chief of Staff, G-4, to conclude that the fault stead, both the QMC and the Ordnance Depart-
rested in the controls established and the lack ment made efforts to improve their field

of attention given to this vital problem by the services, and the OQMG strengthened its Motor
high command. Maintenance companies had Transport Division. 34
been authorized months after equipment had In May 1942 General Somervell, as Com-
been put in service, spare parts had not been manding General, SOS, visited the European
ordered with vehicles, and efforts of The Quar- Theater of Operations (ETO). While there he
termaster General to create an organization at became interested in the unified maintenance
General Headquarters to supervise maintenance organization of the British Army. Upon his re-
had been disapproved on the recommendation turn he was more than ever convinced of the
of that agency. The latter's failure to provide desirability ofcombining maintenance for Ord-
adequate training had stemmed from the view nance and Quartermaster automotive and tank
of the Chief of Staff, General Headquarters, that equipment under a single head.
"maintenance of modern commercial vehicles Developments which culminated in the
is not a serious problem, provided sufficient transfer of motor transport functions from the
spare parts are available promptly." 31
QMC to the Ordnance Department now moved
The Chief of the Armored Force and the Chief rapidly. On 22 June 1942 General Somervell
of Field Artillery were strongly in favor of the sent a memorandum to Lt. Gen. Dwight D.
organization of a separate automotive corps as Eisenhower, discussing some of the difficulties
proposed by the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4. encountered in World War I because the organ-
The advocates of such a separate service urged ization of theAmerican Expeditionary Forces
that it would heighten combat efficiency, give ( AEF) differed from that of the War Depart-

access to the high command, promote economy 50

Memo, Gen Somervell for CofS, 7 Jan 42, sub:
of material and personnel, and provide a vital- Rpt on Mtr Veh Maint by Mr. John Hertz.
ized service with no other interests. In opposi-
tion was the weight of tradition, of "vested
(1) Memo, Robert P. Patterson, USW, for Maj

rights and privileges." 32 The opponents of a Gen R. C. Moore, Deputy CofS, 6 Jan 42, sub: MT.
separate service objected to reorganization in (2) Memo, Patterson for Moore, 12 Jan 42, sub: Mtr
Maint. (3) Memo, Deputy CofS for CofS, 10 Jan 42,
the midst of war, claiming that confusion would sub: Mtr Veh Maint.
result even if advantages did accrue at a later 34
(1) Memo, Gen Somervell for CofS, 7 Jan 42,
date. In the opinion of the Under Secretary of sub: Rpt on Mtr Veh Maint by Mr. John Hertz. (2)
Memo, Gen Moore, Deputy CofS, for CofS, 10 Jan 42,
War the transfer of responsibility for the design
sub: Mtr Veh Maint. (3) Memo, Moore for USW, 12
and procurement of tanks and other combat Jan 42, no sub.

ment. In this connection he asked whether a Any change from the present organization, he
separate motor transport corps, entirely divorced believed, could be justified only if the efficiency
from the QMC, were desirable. Within a week of the Army as a whole would thereby be in-

an affirmative message was received from Gen- creased, and he could find nothing in the pro-
eral Eisenhower's headquarters. On 3 July SOS posal that promised this result. Furthermore, he
informed The Quartermaster General that the argued that, if the new corps were created with-
establishment of a separate automotive corps out change in management and operating
was under consideration and invited him to personnel, the only result would be a change of
submit his views on the matter. 35 insignia; if personnel were also changed, it

General Gregory vigorously opposed the would mean the elimination of people who had
move. He outlined the current duties of the worked intensively on motor transport prob-
Motor Transport Service to show that it was not lems for the past two years. He concluded with
a transportation service but a supply organiza- the declaration that he did not feel the present
tion which purchased, stored, and distributed organization had failed, and therefore he could
general-purpose vehicles, parts, and equipment. not approve plans to create a separate motor
The Army commands were responsible for the transport corps. Two days later, having reflected

operation of the vehicles assigned to them. He further on the matter, General Gregory sent an-
urged that the distinction between the activities other memorandum to the Commanding Gen-
of the Motor Transport Service and a transpor- eral, SOS, emphasizing the duplication of
tation service should not be lost. He asserted overhead that would result from the establish-
that the establishment of a separate motor ment of a new service. 36
transport corps would create many new prob- Whether the arguments of The Quartermas-
lems. ter General were persuasive, or whether a coun-
While he conceded that there might be cer- terproposal was presented to focus attention of
tain advantages in creating an automotive corps the SOS elsewhere, interest shifted once more
to carry out the functions now performed by the from the creation of a separate motor transport
QMC, General Gregory declared that it was his corps to the transfer of maintenance responsi-
belief that "the activities involving design, pro- bility.This had been discussed for some time,
curement, storage and distribution, and the and there had been occasional talk about con-
operation of base shops are now being admin- centrating full responsibility for motor procure-
istered and controlled effectively." The proce- ment either in the Ordnance Department or the
dures under which these activities were QMC. Each service naturally felt that, if pro-
operating were understood by all, and constantly curement and other responsibilities for motors
increasing effectiveness could be expected as were combined, it should perform the work be-
field commanders came to realize more keenly cause it was best organized and qualified to do
the importance of "strict command supervision so. At any rate, less than a week after General

over the operation and maintenance of motor Gregory had submitted his second memoran-
vehicles." He
felt that it was inadvisable to dum opposing creation of a separate motor
number of organizations under the
increase the
(1) Memo, Somervell for Eisenhower, 22 Jun 42,

Commanding General, SOS, and that future im- no sub. (2) Cable 2398, London to AG WAR, 29 Jun
provements in the organization could be made 42. (3) Memo, Brig Gen W. D. Styer for TQMG, 3

within the existing structure as effectively as Jul 42, sub: Creation of a Separate Autmv Corps.
56 Memo, Gen Gregory for
( 1 ) CG SOS, 6 Jul 42,
\nder any new organization operating under a sub: Creation of a Separate Autmv Corps. (2) Memo,
different name. Gregory for CG SOS, 8 July 42, same sub.

corps, SOS asked him to submit his reasons for Engineers, the Transportation Corps, and the
believing that the Motor Transport Service Ordnance Department, the QMC ranked next
should not be separated from the QMC and at- to the Ordnance Department as the most impor-
tached to the Ordnance Department. tant procurement service of the ASF. The Quar-
General Gregory called attention to his two termaster General remained responsible for the
earlier memoranda on the subject and declared procurement, storage, and issue of subsistence,
that it was his understanding that the principal petroleum and lubricants, clothing, broad cate-
reason for the proposal was "that the Ordnance gories of equipment, and all general supplies.
repair activities and the Quartermaster Corps These functions constituted the basis of a mis-
repair activities may be combined." This he sion unusually broad for any single operating
conceded might have some advantages, particu- agency and involved many complex administra-
larly in the armored divisions, but in the ordi- tive problems.
nary triangular division Quartermaster vehicles
predominated. Moreover, transfer of the motor General Reorganization After Pearl Harbor
activities to the Ordnance Department, he felt,

would result in the establishment at every post When the United States entered the war, the
of another overhead organization, and "confu- supply mission of the QMC was administered
sion already exists at a great many posts because by a headquarters office in Washington, which
of the change in the Quartermasters' duties." for a short time continued to be organized on a
This change would add to the confusion. He commodity basis, and a field organization, the
insisted that a change at this time would require most important components of which consisted
an undesirable period of adjustment. If, how- of depots and market centers. The Quartermaster
ever, maintenance of vehicles were to be trans- General was still under the direct supervision of
ferred, he advocated that the procurement and the General Staff and, insofar as procurement
distribution of motor vehicles be left as a matters were concerned, the Assistant Secretary
function of the QMC. 37 of War, whose title by this time had been

The arguments of General Gregory did not changed to Under Secretary of War. Because of
prevail. The desirability of centralizing procure- pressures both within and without the office,
ment as well as maintenance of automotive the OQMG was soon to undergo a general
equipment was emphasized by a study being reorganization.
made by the Control Division, SOS. It surveyed Early in March 1942 the War Department
the problems of the Tank and Combat Vehicles was reorganized, and as a result the QMC came
Division of the Ordnance Department and rec- under the direct supervisory control of the
ommended centralization of all tank and auto- Commanding General, SOS. Apparently no par-
motive procurement in Detroit, a suggestion ticular change was contemplated, however, in
that was carried out immediately following the
transfer of motor transport activities. 38 On 17 37
Memo, Gen Gregory for Brig Gen LeRoy Lutes,
July 1942, three days after General Gregory had SOS, 14 Jul 42, sub: Transfer of MT Activities.
presented his case, Headquarters, SOS, issued an Hist Rpt, Hist Sec, Control Div, ASF, History of
Control Division, ASF, 1942-1945 (Apr 46), p. 53.
order transferring motor transport activities to
On file in the Office of the Chief of Military History
the Ordnance Department. The regulation (OCMH), Department of the Army.
which put the transfer into effect designated 39
(1) Ltr, Gen Somervell to TQMG, 17 Jul 42,
sub: Transfer of Certain Functions and Activities in
1 August as the effective date. 39
Connection with MTfrom QMC
to Ord Dept. (2)
Despite the loss of functions to the Corps of WD Cir 245, 24 Jul 42, sub: Transfer of MT Activities.

the responsibilities and functions of the QMC plans and policies and specified procedures for
and the other supply arms and services. While their execution, and operating units, which car-

achange occurred in the top structure of the ried them out. In the reorganization of the
War Department, it did not directly affect the OQMG in March 1942, an attempt was made
internal organization or operations of the sup- to differentiate between staff and operating di-

ply services. Indirectly and powerfully, however, visions, but analysis of their functions reveals
the functional organization of the SOS in- that responsibility for staff functions was often
fluenced the internal organization of the QMC. vested in operating units so that confusion re-

The functional type of organization was dia- sulted. Theory and practice were frequently in
metrically opposed to the commodity principle. conflict. Despite the fact that the OQMG was
Instead of a vertical organization it offered a undergoing a major reorganization, however,
horizontal type wherein one function was as- the QMC successfully achieved its part in
signed to a single unit of that organization. mounting the campaign in North Africa in 1942
Thus, instead of a group of branches in a supply and subsequent campaigns.
division, each concerned with one type of com- The Control Division, SOS, exerted vigorous
modity from procurement to issue, a single pressure from the beginning to promote a policy
procurement division would purchase all sup- of conformity in organization throughout the
plies bought by the agency, while a distribution supply services, primarily to facilitate control

division would distribute and issue such sup- and liaison. Since the organization of staff ac-

plies. Such clear-cut delineation of responsibili- tivities immediately under the commanding
ties could be projected in an ideal, theoretical general was logically functional, the main pres-
organization to prevent overlapping responsi- sure was designed to force into line with SOS
bilities which contributed to confusion and organization the activities of the technical head-
delay. In actual practice, however, the OQMG quarters as well as those of regional and field

never achieved a purely functional organization. organizations. The correlation of functions be-
To developments within the
anticipate tween agencies on the two levelswas designed
OQMG, the functional principle was frequently to create well-defined channels through which
compromised. Divisions, such as the Subsist- SOS instructions on policy and procedure could
ence and the Fuels and Lubricants Divisions, be circulated and enforced, and to make possible
were frankly organized on a commodity basis. more effective liaison on functional problems
Even within functionally organized divisions, between units of the OQMG and the other
branches were established on commodity lines. supply services.
The reorganization within the OQMG after Within the OQMG a control group under
Pearl Harbor resulted in the development of a Col. Harold A. Barnes worked closely with rep-

hybrid functional-commodity type organization. resentatives of the Control Division, SOS.

Because of the speed with which the OQMG Several civilian experts who came from com-
was reorganized, as well as misunderstandings of mercial organizations employing the functional
the functional principle, precise definitions of principle were added about this time to the
the responsibilities of divisions were not estab- group. In general, they were advocates of
lished. This resulted in considerable internal
conflict which was further aggravated by clash-
ing personalities
(!) WD Cir 59, 2 Mar 42, sub: WD
(2) Ltr, CG SOS to Chiefs of All Sup Arms and Svs
Similarly, in theory, a sharp distinction was et al., 9 Mar 42, sub: Initial Directive for Orgn of
drawn between staff agencies, which developed SOS.

immediate and fundamental change in Quarter- were grouped an Administrative Assistant to

master organization.
The Quartermaster General and the "staff" di-

On the other hand, criticism of the functional visions of Budget and Accounting, Civilian
principle was usually voiced by commodity Personnel Affairs, Military Personnel and Train-
operators and executives who naturally defended ing, Defense Aid, Inspection, and Organization
a system to which they were accustomed. But Planning and Control. A seventh staff division,
the trend of developments was against the con- General Administrative Services, was mentioned
tinuation of a purely commodity organization. only in the specific statement of functions. Ac-
Other government agencies with which the tivities of this division— the successor to the
Corps had relations were organized functionally, former General Service Division— were not
and ease of communication would be promoted fully determined at this time, but most of the
by a similar organizational arrangement in the former activities of the Executive Office were
OQMG. The business world, too, generally shortly transferred to it, making the division
made use of the functional principle. According responsible in general for administrative service
to The Quartermaster General, the OQMG activities in both the OQMG and the field.

would therefore have been reorganized gradu- Six "operating services" were provided for
ally along functional lines even if pressure had under the titles of Military Planning, Produc-
not been exerted from the SOS. 42 tion, Procurement, Storage and Distribution,
As a result of these pressures, the OQMG Service Installations, and Motor Transport. Ex-
suddenly abandoned its traditional commodity- cept for obscurity on certain matters of common
type organization. Within three weeks after the interest, the functions of the basic purchasing
formation of the SOS, the OQMG
was reor- and distributing services were outlined as might
ganized on a functional basis. There was little be expected for services with their general mis-
time for prolonged discussion. On 26 March sions. The title "Service Installations" was used
General Gregory informed his division chiefs of to designate the agency supervising a number of
the proposed changes and the allocation of office special field installations or activities in the
space in accordance with a planned move of the nature of services to the Army which had long
OQMG to new quarters in Washington. On 43
been identified with the QMC. Actually it was
31 March the OQMG issued Office Order 84, a catch-all agency for this purpose, since it

which became the blueprint for organization and handled a group of miscellaneous activities, such
responsibilities throughout the war. In the five- as remount, memorial, field printing, and laun-
day interval division chiefs had prepared or- dry, while at the same time it was a functional
ganization charts and functional statements for operating service, administering the activities of
their respective divisions, including each conservation, reclamation, and salvage, which
and section involved. This mass of data was were the final stages in the supply process. The
turned over to the newly formed administrative
Based on interviews with a number of the mem-
control staff to be drafted into Office Order 84. bers of this group and upon their points of view as
As a consequence, some matters involving con- later expressed and revealed in documentary evidence.
troversy were included, while others requiring
Interv, OQMG historian with Gen Gregory, 21
Feb 51.
further deliberation for their settlement, such as 43
Memo, TQMG for Chiefs of Proposed Divs &
the establishment of deputies for administration Svs, 26 Mar 42, sub: Modification of Orgn, OQMG.
and operations, were omitted. The quarters referred to were Temporary Buildings "B"
and "C," in which, together with Temporary Building
The new organization provided for an admin- "A," the OQMG
remained for the rest of the war.
istrative and advisory staff. Under this staff 44
See Chart 2.

interrelation of many of these activities, espe- co-operation between all units and individuals
cially salvage, with functions of the other basic and the necessity for resisting "the tendency to
services was to constitute a problem that even- build up autonomous organizations" within the
tually demanded definition. Divisional super- OQMG. 4, He re-emphasized that the function-
vision of the heterogeneous activities of Service al plan was in his opinion necessary to "meet
Installations was necessarily rather loose and the organization" of the SOS. The organization
was never completely satisfactory. being installed was by no means perfect and
would require many adjustments. Such duplica-
tions of effort as could be tolerated, he added,

Problems of Adjustment Under Office Order 84 would be mainly "in the nature of a double
check," as, for example, on the validity of re-
The broad, functional responsibilities of the quirements data. It was several months, how-
new staff divisions and operating services as ever, before the problem of extensive duplica-
outlined in Office Order 84 conformed, insofar tion of activities resulting from the failure to
as possible, to those of corresponding staff units. transfer and consolidate units came to a head.
Although the statements defining these respon- Although General Gregory was well aware of
sibilities were relatively clear-cut and distinct, the duplications that existed, he preferred to re-

they did not agree in all cases with those of strain the organization planners in the Organ-
specific functions allocated to divisions. These, ization Planning and Control Division who
in many instances, had been incorporated verba- were eager to carry out their theories at once
tim from the functional statements submitted and eliminate all maladjustments immediately.
by officers who were interested in the broadest He felt that he had to exercise patience and to
possible statement of their responsibilities. The tolerate duplications in the interest of maintain-
chiefs of many divisional and branch units were ing continuity of operations in the Corps, for
naturally reluctant to surrender traditional re- these changes were being made at a time when
sponsibilities, yet they were eager to obtain the QMC was under heavy and increasing pres-
others. The resultant overlapping of responsi- sure to supply the troops. The Quartermaster
bilities provided fertile ground for conflict General observed that where two groups were
because the functional statements could often, vested with the same responsibility, they fre-

with justification, be used to prevent the trans- quently prodded each other into action. When
fer of activities and personnel or to dispute the the opportune moment presented itself, he
jurisdiction and policies of other chiefs with could and did direct the necessary adjustments. 46
similar responsibilities. Among the many individual maladjustments
Within few days of the announcement of
a arising from the wording of Office Order 84 or
the reorganization it was evident that an im- from the organizational alignments created by
passe existed. Most of the areas of co-operative it,the most immediately critical were those
or overlapping responsibility between divisions and conduct of the
relating to the organization
were the subject of protracted discussion, and procurement and production functions of the
few if any of the suggested transfers of units Corps. Ambiguities in responsibilities for the
were taking place. By the second week in April estimation of requirements, purchasing, and
had progressed to the point where
this situation

The Quartermaster General felt constrained to 45

Memo, TQMG for Dirs of Svs, OQMG, 11 Apr
42, no sub.
address the directors of the several functional 46
Interv, OQMG historian with Gen Gregory, 21
agencies, calling attention to the need for full Feb 51.

production controls were typical of the general what it considered its proper functional sphere
indefiniteness regarding activities of common granted by specific order. 47
interest to two or more functional units. The Procurement functions offered another fruit-
details of the procurement and production ful source of conflict between the Procurement
organization and purchasing procedure, as well Service and the Storage and Distribution Serv-
as consideration of methods and organization ice. When the old Supply Division was broken
for requirements, came immediately under ex- up as a result of the functional reorganization
amination and criticism. While decisive action of the OQMG, the purchasing sections of its

on requirements was held in abeyance pending commodity branches formed the basis of the
the development of a need for rigid scheduling newly created Procurement Service. The rem-
and control of supply, a number of surveys nants of these commodity branches were ab-
reviewing the Quartermaster procurement or- sorbed by the Storage and Distribution Service.
ganization were made by the OQMG, the Con- In addition, the Subsistence Branch of the
trol Division, SOS, and other government former Supply Division and the Fuel and Util-

agencies. ities Branch of the Executive Office also became

Production expediting was one of the areas part of that service. It was only natural that
of conflicting jurisdiction. The production-ex- resistance to the transfer of procurement activ-

pediting functions of the former Production ities should come from units of the former Sup-
Branch in the Planning and Control Division ply Division lodged in the Storage and Distri-
were turned over to the Procurement Service bution Service. Office Order 84 made the Pro-
ostensibly in recognition of the necessity for curement Service responsible for the purchase

blending this phase of production control with of all supplies for the Quartermaster Corps
the purchasing program. Actually, very few of except those for motor transport. A survey in
the officials and employees of the Production the fall of 1942 disclosed, however, that the
Expediting Section were relinquished when this Storage and Distribution Service was still super-
transfer occurred. They remained with the Pro- vising purchase in several major categories,
duction Branch and became a part of the Pro- such as subsistence, and gasoline and lubricants

duction Service when it was created, in part by purchased under Treasury or Quartermaster
absorption of most of the Requirements and contracts. 49

Production Branches of the former Planning Adjustments between the Procurement Serv-
and Control Division. The Production Service ice and the Storage and Distribution Service
therefore had the only sizable and qualified were also hampered by the very broad view of
group available for expediting duties. It was
charged with providing a consulting service for 47
For elaboration see below, Ch. VIII.
the Procurement Service on production prob- 48
Hist Rpt, Hist Sec, OQMG,to Control Div, SOS,
Dec 42, 7 Dec
Rpt on Administrative Developments,
lems. As a result, depot personnel continued to
41-1 Dec 42.
call directly upon it for help in solving produc- 49
Although motor transport activities had been
tion problems. There were ample grounds for transferred to Ordnance on 1 August, certain functions
relating to motor transport supplies were subsequently
the view of some executives that the Produc-
returned to the QMC
and assigned to the Storage and
tion Service constituted in reality the agency Distribution Division. Oddly enough the purchase of
responsible for expediting production. There all motor transport supplies was also assigned to the

was equally good reason for the Procurement Director of Procurement. (1) OQMG OO
25-9, 30
Sep 42, sub: Reasgmt of QMC
Functions. (2) S&D
Service to resent interference with its super- Sv O 16, 29 Sep 42, sub: Establishment of Gasoline
vision of field activities and encroachment upon & Oil Br.

the latter's mission entertained by its director. master procurement organization was offered
He considered that the service was intended to in May by the Control Division, SOS. At the
be the real control agency and summarized his request of The Quartermaster General this divi-
views as follows: sion had attempted to appraise the efficacy of

The Storage and Distribution Service computes

the reorganization of the OQMG which oc-
the requirements of the Army in Quartermaster items
curred in March. For this purpose it employed
and transmits these requirements to the Director the services of Mr. R. R. Stevens of Mont-
of the Procurement Service who does the actual gomery Ward and Company 52
who proposed
purchasing. The Storage and Distribution Service certain organizational changes.
also furnishes the Director of Procurement with
His general conclusion was that the reorgan-
the desired distribution of the items to be pur-
chased. Once the items have been procured and accepted,
ization had been in the right direction but had

the Procurement Service has no further responsibility. not gone far enough in co-ordinating related
From this point on the Storage and Distribution activities and in decentralizing procurement
Service is responsible for the receipt of these items operations. He asserted that there was no justi-
at depots, their storage, classification, and safe-
fication for the existence of separate Production
guarding, and their subsequent issue to troops. 50
and Procurement Services, since the production
The computation of requirements and supply problem confronting the Corps was a relatively
control furnished still another area of disputed minor one. 53 He further recommended that
jurisdiction. Under Office Order 84 the Storage planning, production, and the programming of
and Distribution Service computed the require- requirements be consolidated with the procure-
ments actually used as the basis of Quarter- ment organization in a supply division and that
master procurement. On the other hand, the such general planning and controls as were
Requirements Division of the Production Serv- needed be placed on a staff basis within that
ice arrived at independent calculations for in- organization. Distribution functions were also
clusion in the long-range Army Supply Pro- to be included in the proposed supply division
gram, since it was responsible for calculating all as were research and developmental activities.
long-term requirements and translating these Actual procurement and distribution was to be
into terms of raw materials and production decentralized to commodity branches in the
facilities. The two sets of figures thus derived field, the chiefs of which would be in no way
proved mutually unacceptable to the services responsible to the commanding officers of the
concerned. In effect, the conflict present under depots but would be responsible to the director
the earlier OQMG organization, in which there of the supply division.
had been repeated difficulty in reconciling data
submitted by the Planning and Control Divi- 50 Transcript
of Speech, Brig Gen F. F. Scowden, 18
sion with that of the commodity branches, and Jun 42, Conf with OP&C Div Staff to Acquaint Mem-
in persuading the staff and operating agencies bers with Pers and Opns of Corps.
(1) Memo, Lawrence I. Peak, OP&C Div, 17 Apr
to accept each other's figures, was thus pre- 42, sub: Comments on OO 84. (2) See below, Ch. VI,
served. 51 for elaboration.
52 A representative of the Procurement and Distri-
Readjustments in 1942
bution Division, SOS, and members of the regular
staff of the Control Division, SOS, collaborated with
These maladjustments provoked a re-evalua- Mr. Stevens in this study of Quartermaster procure-
tion of the basic organization of the OQMG in ment
Col C. F. Robinson for CG SOS, 6 May
the summer of 1942. The first definite recom-
42,no sub, enclosing R. R. Stevens memo, n.d., sub:
mendation for modification of the Quarter- Notes on Suggested Reorgn of OQMG.

Obviously a large part of these recommenda- master procurement became the subject of an-
tions ran counter to Quartermaster experience other study with primary emphasis placed on
and particularly to the centralized procurement the process rather than the organizational struc-
system that the Corps had been developing ture. Itwas undertaken during the summer of
since World War I. Although the proposal for 1942 by a representative of the Bureau of the

field commodity branches was not accepted, Budget, Spencer Piatt, with the aid of members
there was nevertheless a trend toward decentral- of the OQMGand SOS control staffs and did
izing procurement. Decentralization was per- make thoroughgoing recommendations directly
sistently advocated by the ASF during the war applicable to Quartermaster activities. 5 This ''

and some steps were taken in that direction by survey undertook a complete analysis of all
the Corps. 54 Generally speaking, however, cen- OQMG functions relating to procurement. A
tralization remained the characteristic of Quar- work-flow study was submitted which showed
termaster procurement operations. how a commodity item was handled through
The proposal to unite research and procure- the various stages of work, including product
ment activities was rejected, although the char- development, computation of long-term re-
acter of Quartermaster research naturally de- quirements, procurement planning (scheduling
manded that it be correlated closely with cur- of purchases and production), resources analysis
rent procurement and industrial management (computation of the availability and require-
Corps as well as with produc-
activities of the ments of raw materials and plant facilities),
tion planning. During World War I, develop- purchasing, and production expediting. Urging
mental activities had been thoroughly sub- recognition of their control or staff nature, the
merged in various commodity branches of the Piatt Report called for the transfer of all pro-

office, a mistake that those who were aware of duction planning and resources-analysis activ-

the growing importance of research in the ities either to the Procurement Service as a staff

QMC were determined not to repeat. On the branch or to the Military Planning Service. This
other hand, the recommendation to unite pro- was the only specific proposal for realignment
duction and procurement in one division was of organization growing out of the survey.
accepted by the OQMG. Primarily the Piatt Report was concerned
Immediate action, however, was not taken on with the consolidation of functional activities

these matters. In part the delay in settling the in several important fields relating to procure-

outline of procurement organization was due to ment and the adjustment of responsibilities be-
consideration of a number of comprehensive tween divisions in order to promote better
surveys of procurement administration and control and more effective operations, particu-
policies which were being conducted by or in larly in relation to the vital matter of require-
conjunction with higher authority. Two of ments. recommended that all research and

these surveys, the so-called Cincinnati and the developmental work at the OQMG
be central-
New York Field Surveys, were studies of re- ized in the Product Development Branch of the

gional activities in the areas indicated. Con- Production Service. While Office Order 84 had
cerned mainly with integration of War Depart-
See below, Ch. VII.
ment procurement operations, they produced s' Chief of OP&C to Dirs of Divs, OQMG, 10 Sep
only incidental observations on the organization 42, no sub, with two attachments prepared by survey

of purchasing and production in the technical teams, subs: Memo of Recommendations— OQMG
Procurement, and Memo on Basic QMC Procurement
services. Functions. This report is hereafter referred to as the
In the meantime, the basic steps in Quarter- Piatt Report.

placed general functional responsibility for re- evident that a more or less fundamental reor-
search in this service, it had failed to provide ganization of OQMG activities was in the

for the transfer to it of the research units estab- offing. Among the surveys made, only one 58

lished in the commodity branches of the former had raised the question of the desirability of re-

Supply Division. Duplication and conflict re- turning to a commodity-type organization.

sulted.For example, when the Clothing and When reorganization of the OQMG came up
Equipage Branch was transferred to the Storage for definite consideration in June, the majority
and Distribution Division, it retained intact its of the Quartermaster organization planning
own research organization. 56 staff was convinced that the functional plan of
The Piatt Report specifically called for the organization was basically sound, but that some
transfer of all fiscal activities to the Fiscal Divi- of the existing functional responsibilities needed
sion. Virtually no change in the status of these clarification. 59 The need for developing ade-
activities had taken place, though a recent order quate co-ordination between the several func-
had provided for the progressive consolidation tional activities was recognized as imperative,
of the fiscal accounting units under the Fiscal for it was clear that the clash of personalities
Division. It did not touch directly the work of and competition for functions among certain of
the fiscal estimating units in the commodity the division and branch chiefs was actually im-
branches though it emphasized that "the Chief periling the successful execution of the supply
of the Fiscal Division represents the Quarter- program.
master Corps in securing the necessary funds to A further important factor dictating against
carry out the plans, programs, and operations of reconsideration of the decision to perfect a func-
the Corps." tional system was the determination on the
After noting the reluctance of units of the part of The Quartermaster General and others
former Supply Division to relinquish their pro- to merge the activities of motor transport, sub-
curement functions, the Piatt Report recom- sistence, and other large self-contained com-
mended that all purchasing be placed forthwith modity units into the functional organization
in the Procurement Service. It further recom- or at least subject them to a high degree of
mended that the Requirements Division take functional supervision. This determination
over the translation of the supply program into seems to have been due in part to the desire to
monthly requirements and that these be used present an integrated Quartermaster organiza
directly by the Procurement Service for pur- tion in answer to proposals for the transfer of
poses of procurement planning, thereby elimi- certain functions to other jurisdictions. The
nating the processing of a separate request or creation of a separate motor transport service
"plan" for purchase. It suggested, however, that was then under consideration and the QMC
to make the procedure effective the Require- was also confronted at this time by agitation
ments Division should be encouraged to de-
velop closer liaison with the Storage and Distri- 56
See below, Ch. III.
bution Service, thus avoiding the acceptance of 57
OQMG OO 130, 6 Jun 42, sub: Centralization
unrealistic figures. The Piatt Report was em- of Fiscal Accounting. It was at this time that the name
of the Budget and Accounting Division was changed
phatic in its insistence that the current separa-
to Fiscal Division.
tion of procurement planning and procurement 58
Memo, Col Robinson for CG SOS, 6 May 42, no
was a definite impediment to proper purchasing sub, enclosing R. R. Stevens memo, n.d., sub: Notes

on Suggested Reorgn of OQMG.
59 Transcript of Conf of Key Pers of OP&C with
By the middle of the summer of 1942 it was OQMG, 18 Jun 42.

for the assumption of all government food pro- curement planning districts from the Produc-
curement by the Department of Agriculture. 60 tion Service to the Procurement Division.
The arguments for a return to a commodity Thereafter technical control and co-ordination
basis were definitely rejected and this form of of field purchasing and production activities re-

organization was never officially under consid- mained a responsibility of the Procurement
eration again during the remainder of the war Division. It developed its own production serv-
period. As time went on, the further disad- ice program, which was not limited to the sur-

vantage of risking fundamental change in the vey of facilities and production expediting but
midst of intensified military activities had to be included activities in reference to priorities, the
considered. The reconsideration of OQMG or- handling of labor questions, and financial aid
ganization begun in May was resolved in favor to contractors, all of which were important in
of retention of the functional system. overcoming production difficulties.
The OQMG issued Office Order 184 on 31 One other important change in the reassign-

July 1942. It attempted to solve the problems ment of functions was made in July. This in-
that had arisen within the general framework volved a more extensive consolidation of pro-
of the functional organization established in curement activities than had taken place in
March. It sought first of all to correct the most March. Thus, the responsibility for the procure-
obvious deficiency of the earlier order by recog- ment of all pier, warehouse, and materials-
nizing that the supply planning and control handling equipment assigned to the Corps was
functions were in theory as well as in fact vested in the Procurement Division. Its respon-
"staff' in nature. An effort was therefore made sibility for the purchase of all general supplies
to group all of the existing activities relating to was reaffirmed, and all procurement functions
control of supply into a single agency, a new of the Service Installations Division were trans-

Military Planning Division, which was express- ferred to it. Furthermore, it became responsible
ly designated a staff agency. This division for the procurement of gasoline and lubricants.

combined the functions of the former Military On the other hand, the transfer of all subsist-

Planning Service and of the Production Service, ence procurement to the division as directed by
except for a residue transferred to the Procure- the order was never accomplished.
ment Division.
Office Order 184 combined production
Memo, Col E. W. Reilley to Col H. A. Barnes,
control and procurement. As late as the sum- OQMG, 17 Oct 42, enclosing staff memo of Howard
mer of 1942, however, this question had not C. Adams, asst chief of OP&C
Div, 10 Oct 42, sub:

been settled. At a staff conference in June many Recommended Changes in Office Layout to Effect
Closer Co-ordination and Increase Effectiveness. This
Quartermaster officials urged the continued memorandum summarized the attitude of the group
maintenance of production control as a separate of administrative specialists on the subject of basic or-
consolidation with ganization.
staff activity rather than its
62 All of the principal subdivisions of the
65 (1)
the purchasing organization. The fact that
OQMG were designated "divisions" by Office Order
procurement activities were tending to be de- 184, the next lower unit being the "branch." This
centralized more and more to the field ruled was done primarily as a result of instructions received
from Headquarters, SOS, requiring the use of uniform
out their administration by a staff agency. They designations of organizational units throughout the
could be handled more appropriately by the SOS. Ltr, Gen Styer, SOS, to OQMG, 23 Jul 42, no
sub. (2) See Chart 3.
agency directly supervising depot activities.
63 Transcript of Conf of Key Pers of OP&C Div
The order therefore transferred the Facilities withTQMG, 18jun 42.
Section and the supervision of the regional pro- 64 See below, p. 36.



The changes instituted in OQMG organiza- the Deputy Quartermaster General for Supply
tion in thesummer of 1942 represented the last Planning and Operations. 68
major reorganization affecting functions during Each Deputy Quartermaster General had
the war. Later changes were largely in the na- definite authority to make decisions concerning
ture of refinement, and administrative planning the activities of the divisions under his super-
was occupied primarily with improving co-or- vision. However, the Deputy Quartermaster
dination between divisions and creating a better General for Administration and Management
organization for management of OQMG activ- was also given authority to co-ordinate impor-
ities from the The functions and respon-
top. tant matters of administration in all echelons by
sibilities of divisions, particularly with reference the provision that division heads take up with
to the co-operative responsibilities of several of him all questions involving administrative ac-

them in handling specific phases of supply and personnel requiring the decision of

activity, were defined more exactly in basic The Quartermaster General.

office orders in an effort to make lines of au- To help him discharge his responsibilities, a
thority clear and to prevent duplication of small staff of specialists was organized, the
activities and confusion in command relation- members of which were designated "Executive
ships with the field. In addition, the divisions Assistants to the Deputy Quartermaster Gen-
in co-operation with the Organization Planning eral for Administration and Management." At-
and Control Division drafted more specific tached for administrative purposes to the
statements of functions. Specific instructions Organization Planning and Control Division,
were also drawn up, covering basic procedures they were selected particularly for their ability
and allocations of responsibility on general and to solve problems resulting from the recent
special phases of work. Thus, procedures gov- changes in the organization and distribution of
erning the co-operative handling of lend-lease functions. For example, the transfer of motor
transactions by the International Division and transportation to the Ordnance Department on
the operating divisions were precisely defined. 1 August 1942 required an expert in this field to
Illustrative of this same trend was the clarifica- assist in the redistribution of functions between
tion of procedures and the exact allocation of the two agencies. Similarly, relationships be-
responsibilities for handling various phases of tween the Corps and the newly organized serv-
6s 69
the Controlled Materials Plan. ice commands required that an expert be
The functional reorganization imposed a se- appointed to help co-ordinate policies and pro-
vere burden upon The Quartermaster General, cedures of the OQMG with functions of service
in that chiefs of twelve separate divisions were commands as established by Headquarters, SOS.
reporting directly to him and taking up time he The executive assistants conducted studies and
needed for more important matters of general investigations of matters assigned to them by
policy. He solved this problem in the fall of the Deputy Quartermaster General and prepared
1942 by delegating supervisory responsibility to
two deputies, each with responsibility for di-
See below, Ch. VIII.
recting and co-ordinating the activities of six
Generally speaking, functions of a
OQMG OO 25-10, 10 Oct 42, sub: Apmt and
Reasgmt of Key Pers.
staff character were placed under the Deputy 67
OP&C, Gen Admin Svs, Legal, Fiscal, Pers, and
Quartermaster General for Administration and Mil Tng Divs.
Procurement, S&D, Mil Ping, International, Sv
Management, 67 while those most closely associ- Instls, and Insp Divs.
ated with actual supply activities came under 69 See below, pp. 40-41.

recommendations for action to insure the proper bility for the purchase of fuels with the Director
determination, interpretation, and administra- of Procurement, the petroleum-procurement
tion of new policies and procedures. situation remained confused in the fall of 1942.
The Storage and Distribution Division was is-

suing directives to the Procurement Division

Evolution of Functional-Commodity- Type for the purchase of petroleum products for task
Organization, 1943-45 forces. All supply services in the SOS, many of
them in direct competition with one another,
Despite the efforts made in 1942 to transform
were procuring various petroleum products.
the Quartermaster administrative organization
The Navy also was purchasing petroleum prod-
from a commodity to a functional system, the
ucts for the Army, and practically all the ports
OQMG was never organized along purely func- of embarkation were individually directing pro-
tional lines. Instead was an organization that
curement of petroleum products in which they
consisted of both functional and commodity di-
were interested. Such diversity of procurement
visions. The commodity divisions handling the
might be permitted in peacetime, but it was not
procurement and distribution of subsistence and
feasible when the country was faced by the
petroleum products were outstanding excep-
exigencies of wartime markets.
tions to the general pattern of functional
The necessity for consolidating and centraliz-
ing petroleum procurement led to the establish-
ment of a Petroleum Branch in the Procurement
Division in December 1942. 71 By the following
Fuels and Lubricants Division
summer growing military needs, including un-
A commodity unit, ostensibly responsible for precedented demands for packaged fuels and
the procurement, storage, and distribution of lubricants, resulting from the invasion of North
petroleum supplies, had existed since 1920 with- Africa, required integrated staff work on the
in the Supply Division. While in theory it was part of the services. Petroleum had become so
responsible for the control of petroleum prod- important that it aroused the active interest and
ucts, in actual practice such operating divisions co-operation of the Commanding General, ASF,
as Transportation and Construction performed who proceeded to reconstitute the entire Army
almost all petroleum functions except the co- petroleum organization by creating in the
ordination of requirements. In March 1942 an OQMG a new Fuels and Lubricants Division.

attempt was made to divide petroleum responsi- It was a thoroughly integrated commodity or-
along functional lines between the Di-
bilities ganization which handled the procurement,
rector of Procurement and the Director of storage, and issue of petroleum products as well
Storage and Distribution. The
was reluc-latter
tant, however, to transfer the Fuel and Heavy
William A. McCormack to Col G. F. Doriot,
Equipment Branch, as the unit was then called,
OQMG, 22 Aug 42, sub: Personal and Confidential
to the Procurement Division despite the recom- Rpt on Fuel & Heavy Equip Div.
mendations of the Organization Planning and 71
OQMG OO 25-22, 3 Dec 42, sub: Reasgmt of

Control Division in its survey of the problem. 70

QMC Functions Relating to Petri and Petri Products,
Fuel Containers and Drums.
The survey contended that the branch was a 72
(1) OQMG OO 25-37, 29 May 43, sub: Estab-
procuring organization with no storage or dis- lishment of F&L Div. (2) For an analysis of the work
of this division during the war see Erna Risch, Fuels
tribution function.
for Global Conflict QMC
Historical Studies 9, rev ed
Although Office Order 184 lodged responsi- (Washington, 1952).

as research and developmental work in reference functional system, and it resisted all attempts to

to containers and equipment. Since the Direc- transfer the functions of subsistence procure-
tor, Military Planning Division, contended that ment or research to the appropriate functional
all on Quartermaster items should be
research divisions. 75

concentrated in the Research and Development In the summer of 1942, for example, respon-
Branch of that division, considerable friction sibility for the research, development, standard-
developed initially in this field. ization, and adaptation of all types of Quarter-
The Fuels and Lubricants Division was master equipment, except those utilized for

unique in that it not only retained all the oper- petroleum products, was vested in the Research

ating responsibility it had had prior to that time and Development Branch of the Military Plan-
as the Petroleum Branch in the OQMG, but it ning Division. Despite this assignment of re-

also acquired staff activities; that is, with certain sponsibility, subsistence research continued to

specified exceptions, The Quartermaster Gen- be conducted by the Subsistence Branch and the
eral became responsible for the performance of Subsistence Research Laboratory, 76 which was
all staff functions necessary to the discharge of formally connected with the OQMG only
the operating responsibilities either assigned or through the commanding officer of the Chicago
subsequently delegated by Headquarters, ASF, Quartermaster Depot. In the past there had
to the OQMG. 74 In addition, the director of the been some lack of co-ordination and some du-
division acted as deputy to the Commanding plication of activity, but on the whole the two
General, ASF, in his capacity as a member of units had worked in harmony and with good
the Army-Navy Petroleum Board (ANPB), so results. Subsistence research continued to be
that in this instance the division operated on handled by these units until the close of 1942.
the level of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. At that time the OQMG attempted to clarify
this situation by reaffirming the responsibility
of the Military Planning Division for all re-
search. 77 This division was responsible there-
Subsistence Division
after for assigning projects to, and directing

The Subsistence Division constituted another the technical activities of, the Subsistence Re-
exception to the general pattern of functional search Laboratory. The chief of the laboratory
organization. Until 1912 the Commissary Gen- remained under the authority of the command-
eral of Subsistence had always been independent
of The Quartermaster General. Although the 73 Dir of Mil Ping Div to Deputy QMG, 4 Aug
( 1 )

Subsistence Department was merged with the

43, no sub. (2) OQMG OO25-37B, 25 Aug 43, sub:
Responsibility for Spec, Design, R&D
of Containers
QMC in that year, its tradition of independence for Petri Products. (3) OQMG OO 25-70, 25 Mar 44,
lingered. Subsistence had for many years been sub: Asgmt
of Responsibility for Equip.
(1) ASF Cir 33, 26 May 43, sub: Procurement,
organized as a commodity branch, and its per-
S&D of Petri Products, Fuels (Liquid and Solid) and
sonnel insisted that it could function efficiently Lubricants. (2) Rescinded by ASF Cir 151, 15 Dec 43,
only on acommodity basis. At the time of Pearl same sub.
75 Based on intervs, author with Lt Col Cecil G.
Harbor itwas located in the Supply Division.
Dunn, Subs Br, 5 Jan 43, and Loyola M. Coyne, Mil
When the OQMG was reorganized function- Ping Div, 6 Jan 43.
76 See Walter Porges, The Subsistence Research
ally, it was transferred intact as a commodity
Laboratory (OQMG historical monograph, May 1943).
branch to the Storage and Distribution Service
On file in Hist Sec,OQMG.
(later Division). It refused to adopt an internal 77 OQMG OO 25-24, 14 Dec 42, sub: Subs R&D
organization which would lend itself to the Activities.

ing general of the Chicago Quartermaster Depot cause, in the opinion of The Quartermaster
with respect to all activities, except those relat- General, the move would have been of doubtful
ing to the technical aspects of subsistence re- effectiveness in promoting co-operation among
search. A Subsistence Research Project Board personnel within the OQMG. 78
was also created at this time. One of its duties The major part of Quartermaster activities
was to "initiate projects for research and devel- relating to the handling of subsistence in the
opment on any subject which it deems of bene- Army and its special problems continued to be
fit to Army The vice chairman and
subsistence." centralized under the Subsistence Branch of the
one other of the members appointed to this Storage and Distribution Division until the
board were from the Subsistence Branch. Thus, summer of 1944. Since subsistence always ac-

although the actual responsibility for research counted for the major portion of Quartermaster
and development with the
in this field rested procurement, the Subsistence Branch was actu-
Military Planning Division, was possible for
it doing more purchasing than the Procure-
the Subsistence Branch through its representa- ment Division. In May the branch was estab-
tion on the new board to maintain an active lished as a separate division 79 under a director
interest in subsistence research. who represented The Quartermaster General in

In pursuance of the functional plan of organ- all interagency contacts pertaining to the pur-
ization, Office Order 184 directed the transfer to chase, supply, and preparation of food. He also
the Procurement Division of all functions of directed all Army programs connected with
the Subsistence Branch related to procurement preparation and service of food. Thus the Sub-
and all personnel engaged in procurement ac- sistence Division continued as a commodity
tivities. At the same time, however, the order organization within the generally functionalized
also provided that "no physical movement of organization of the OQMG.
personnel of the Subsistence Division will be Creation of the Subsistence Division repre-
made without further approval of The Quarter- sented the last important modification in the
master General." Several problems were in- organization of the OQMG during the war
volved in this projected move. At the outset years. From May 1944 until the end of the war
there was the question of the feasibility of split- there were thirteen divisions carrying out the
ting purchase from distribution of subsistence. duties assigned to the QMC. 80 The pattern of
The entire operation, at least for perishable commodity-functional organization was set. De-
items, was a highly synchronized one, performed bate on the advantage of commodity versus
through the specialized machinery of the market functional organization was not reopened after
center system. Secondly, the operation was rec- the summer of 1942. Earlier conflicts, resulting
ognized as primarily one of commodity procure- from overlapping responsibilities, had been ad-
ment, with distribution accomplished more or justed by 1944, and the QMC accomplished its

and directly from the markets

less incidentally mission during the remainder of the war period
where the food was purchased to using compo- with a relatively smooth-functioning, harmoni-
nents of the Army, without the use of depot or ous organization.
other permanent storage in transit. Certainly
the projected division of responsibilities
have meant the transfer of virtually the entire 78
Transcript of Conf of Key Pers of OP&C Div with
Subsistence Branch organization to the Procure- OQMG, 18jun 42.

ment Division. Such a transfer had in fact been

79 OQMG OO 2 5-80, 17 May 44, sub: Establish-
ment of Subs Div.
under consideration earlier, but was rejected be- 80
See Chart 4.
6> CN
CL\J -

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O ? O J?
-O 61

CO 0"D D £.

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Field Organization the role they played in the supply of Quarter-

master items but because a number of other
In 1939 the basic field installations of the activities were located at these installations. For
QMC were the depots, with most Quartermas- instance, a factory at the Philadelphia Quarter-
ter field activities either administered through master Depot manufactured Army uniforms.
the depots or physically located at these instal- Such laboratories as existed at this time were to
lations. Some of the depots were of a specialized be found at the depots, as, for example, the
type known as Remount depots, which condi- Subsistence Research Laboratory at the Chicago
tioned and provided limited training of animals Quartermaster Depot. Quartermaster schools
and issued horses and mules to troop units. 81 were also located at depots. Quartermaster per-
The most important depots were those engaged sonnel were trained at the Quartermaster School
in the procurement and distribution of Quarter- at the Philadelphia Depot and at the Motor
master supplies. When the emergency began Transport School located at the Holabird Quar-
there were twelve of these supply depots, but termaster Depot. 82
some of them were relatively inactive, being The Quartermaster field organization ex-
used almost exclusively to store war reserve and panded rapidly during the emergency and war
other slow moving stocks. They exercised a periods. New depots were built and old ones
large degree of autonomy in conducting their were expanded. In addition, new staff functions
operations, for the OQMG provided little cen- were assigned to The Quartermaster General in
tralized control or co-ordination of their activi- relation to ASF depots. Such administrative
ties. Instead, each of the commodity branches changes as occurred after 1939 were in the direc-
of the Supply Division dealt with the depots, tion of increased control and co-ordination of
making for a multiplicity of contacts between the field installations. Field offices for the cen-
depots and the OQMG. tralized purchase of nonperishable subsistence
Depot quartermasters procured and issued emerged. Even more significant was the substi-
supplies on the basis of requisitions forwarded tution of centralized procurement of perishable
to them by corps area quartermasters. In 1939 foods for the decentralized purchase of such
the United States was divided for administrative foods which had been permitted at posts, camps,
purposes into nine geographical units called and stations in peacetime. As the Army ex-
corps areas, with The Quartermaster General panded during the emergency, this could no
exercising direct supervision over the quarter- longer be tolerated, and one of the most impor-
masters who represented him on the headquar- tant innovations was the creation of new field

ters staff of the corps area commanders. Quar- installations called market centers.
termaster activities at the posts, camps, and
stations located in the corps areaswere admin-
Market Center Program
isteredby the local quartermasters. They requi-
sitioned and issued supplies needed by the The need to co-ordinate food procurement
troops stationed at the posts and operated for for military agencies during the period of emer-
them such Quartermaster services as laundries. gency gave rise to the market center program.
These post, camp, and station quartermasters 81
For a discussion of theiractivities see Ch. of X
were the operating force of the Corps in the The Quartermaster Corps: Organization, Supply, and
field for carrying out its mission of supply and Services, Vol. II, in preparation for this series.
( 1 ) For the work of the laboratories see Chs. Ill
and V below. (2) For training at the Quartermaster
Depots were important not only because of School see Ch. VIII of volume cited above in n. 81.

The intent was to establish a centralized pro- preting and co-ordinating OQMG policies and
curement organization which could utilize those of governmental food administrative
speedy commercial methods of purchasing large agencies with Field Headquarters and the
quantities by negotiation and would give posts, market centers. 86
camps, and stations access to all the nation's
markets. The program promoted more econom-
Food Service Program
ical and more efficient Army procurement of
perishable subsistence. 83 The original provision Another important aspect of subsistence ad-

for the establishment of market centers was ministration was the initiation of the Food
made March 1941 84 and the program was
in Service Program. Food conservation had always
under way in May. By 7 December some twenty- been considered a normal concomitant of Army
five to thirty market centers were either planned feeding, and numerous rules and regulations
or in operation on a small scale. Approximately were aimed at enforcing moderation in the pur-
a year later over forty were in operation, addi- chase and preparation of food. In the summer
tional facilities having been set up from time to of 1941 the QMC contained in undeveloped
time to serve new marketing and distribution form the essential elements which went into the
areas or to give more adequate service to the future Food Service Program. One of these was
original areas. This expansion was necessary not the Bakery Section of the Subsistence Branch,
only to take care of the increase in personnel of OQMG, which co-ordinated the training in the
the Army but to provide facilities, beginning bakers' and cooks' schools, produced quality
with the spring of 1942, for the procurement bread in posts, camps, and stations, and prepared
of most of the perishable supplies for the Navy a balanced field ration menu. The central head-

and the Marine Corps. quarters of the market center system and the
The market centers were under the direct Subsistence Research Laboratory comprised
The Quartermaster General. Because
control of other components. The conservation branch of
control could best be handled in a central geo- the laboratory was later described as having the
graphical location, the Chicago Market Center, same mission as the Food Service Section of the
which was described as the "Central Office for OQMG, except that its work was done before
administrative purposes," developed into the the food got to the soldier. Finally, these ele-

national supervisory headquarters of the pro- ments included bakers' and cooks' schools (one
gram. By a slow and sometimes painful process, to each service command at that time) which
clear-cut lines of authority and responsibility were to multiply 700 percent within three years
were worked out eventually between the market but were even then carrying out their appointed
centers, the Chicago central office, and the task of training men for service in the Army
OQMG. In the summer of 1941 the Chicago messes and garrison bakeries.
central office was established as Field Headquar- The difficulty was that these agencies were
ters, Perishable Subsistence Section, OQMG 8 "'

completely unco-ordinated and insufficiently

Its activities, which were purely administrative 83 For
a detailed account of this program see H. R.
Rifkind, Fresh Foods for the Armed Forces: The Quarter-
and supervisory, were differentiated from those
master Market Center System (
QMC Historical Studies
of the Chicago Quartermaster Market Center, 20, August 1951).
an operating agency. The Perishable Section of 84
OQMG Cir Ltr 42, 19 Mar 41, sub: Purch of

Washington became Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.

the Subsistence Branch in
OQMG Cir Ltr 117, 23 Jun 41, no sub.
a liaison office for maintaining contact with the 86 Memo, Capt L. Morrill for Brig Gen C. A. Har-
Army and government agencies and for inter- digg, OQMG, 10 Feb 43, sub: Opns of Perishable Sec.

staffed to accomplish their work to the best pur- of operation of bakers' and cooks' schools. 90
pose. In the opinion of The Quartermaster The Food Service Program was not intended to
General the remedy lay in establishing "a sys- minimize the responsibility of the commanding
tem of supervision by trained personnel." n generals of the service commands but rather to
This anticipated in many respects the later Food implement their authority and to co-ordinate all

Service Program. The problem was to empha- food activities throughout the service com-
size at the posts the need for following proper mands. It became the business of the field

messing procedure, to provide the type of mess agencies to see that the measures, instructions,
supervision that would guarantee the enforce- data, and recommendations drawn up in Wash-
ment of such procedure, and and or-
to create ington were given significance.
ganize a nationwide conservation program
which could be administered by a central office.
Service Commands
The War Department early in 1943 sought to
bring home to service commanders an increased The service commands were the nine geo-
sense of their responsibility for saving and prop- graphical units into which the War Department
erly dispensing food by re-emphasizing food divided the continental United States for ad-
preparation and consumption as command func- ministrative purposes. Known as corps areas
tions. About the same time provision was made before 1942, they were assigned to the SOS in

for the appointment of mess officers at all posts, March when the Army was reorganized, and ac-

camps, and stations. 88 Thus the groundwork new name in July as a result of a
quired their
was laid for the Food Service Program which survey conducted by the Control Division,
was initiated in the fall of 1943. SOS. 91 The geographical boundaries of the old
From the beginning of 1943, as civilian short- corps areas were not changed, and the major
ages increased, there developed a mounting function of the service commands continued to
public pressure for food conservation that led be the operation of fixed Army installations.
General Somervell to direct The Quartermaster They were the principal field agencies for the
General to establish an organization which SOS and performed its basic functions, except
would assume adequate and proper mess super- those technical ones relating to procurement,
vision. The OQMG promptly drafted a plan new construction, depot operations, and port
whereby it became the staff agency at ASF head- and certain transportation activities.

quarters level for mess management, thus com- The relationship of the service commands to
pleting the chain of supervision for this the supply services, however, was radically
function throughout the ASF from the mess 8"
Memo, Gen Gregory for CofS G-3, 24 Feb 42,
supervisors and commanding officers of posts, sub: Tng and Supervision of Mess Pers.
camps, and stations through the food service di- 88
(1) WD Cir 16, 11 Jan 43, sub: Revised Proce-
dure for Distr of and Accounting for Fid Rations. (2)
rector at the staff level of the service com-
SOS Memo S-30-3-43, 15 Jan 43, sub: Supervision of
mand. 89 The plan replaced the old Bakery Sec- Messes and Elimination of Waste.
( 1 )Memo, Gen Somervell for TQMG,
tion within the Subsistence Branch with a Food 89
1 Jun 43,

Service Section having the power to supervise sub: Mess Supervision. (2) Memo, Gen Gregory for

the preparation and service of food, to eliminate

CG ASF, 26 Jun 43, sub: QM
Food Sv. (3) After ap-
proval, the plan was published as ASF Cir 45, 3 Jul
waste, and to insure adequately trained mess 43, sub: Food Sv Program.
supervisors, mess sergeants, and bakers and
OQMG OO 25-24A, 2 Aug 43, sub: Orgn of
Food Sv Sec.
cooks by developing proper material for train- 91
(1) WD GO 35, 22 Jul 42, no sub. (2) AR
ing courses and by inspecting the effectiveness 170-10, 10 Aug 42, sub: SvCs and Depots.

changed. Under the former corps area setup, the salvage of Quartermaster supplies and equip-
supply services exercised direct jurisdiction over ment. Within Headquarters, ASF, a Mainte-
their representativeson the headquarters staff nance Division was established because General
of the corps area commander. Under the new Somervell believed it necessary to have some
arrangements, the service commander had com- one agency co-ordinate maintenance among the
plete jurisdiction and any instructions from the seven technical services. Confusion developed
supply services had to go through his office. as to whether the Maintenance Division or The
The QMC had a dual function to perform un- Quartermaster General worked with the service
der this system. It was charged with the per- commander, an issue that in the fall of 1944 led
formance of certain technical activities which it one high-ranking officer to remark, "We have
carried out through field installations of its own never quite clearly settled that one."
located in service commands, such as market Even though staff responsibilities were not
centers, Quartermaster depots, and remount always clearly defined, The Quartermaster Gen-
areas. In addition to these direct operating re- eral was responsible for formulating and pub-
sponsibilities, the QMC had a staff responsi- lishing training doctrine and manuals for Quar-
bility to the Commanding General, SOS. 9: In termaster personnel being trained in the service
this relationship The Quartermaster General commands. He was also authorized to supervise
was in the same position as the director of a the establishment of installations for repair and
staff division of Headquarters, SOS. He advised salvage operations and other service installa-
the commanding general, issued plans, proce- tions and to insure by proper inspection the
dures, and directives to the service commanders, operating efficiency of Quartermaster installa-

assisted them, and followed up performance tions and of Quartermaster units under the
within their jurisdictions. service commands. Specific Quartermaster activ-
When a function that was the sole responsi- ities under the jurisdiction of the service com-

bility of the Corps was involved, the staff rela- mands with staff responsibility vested in The
tionship between The Quartermaster General Quartermaster General included the Food Serv-
and the service commander was clear cut. For ice Program, laundries and dry cleaning plants,

example, laundry service was a function peculiar Quartermaster repair shops, salvage depots,
to the Corps, and the Commanding General, service schools, replacement training centers,
SOS, later ASF, looked to The Quartermaster and cemeteries. 95
General as his staff officer in reference to this
activity. The same was true of the Food Service
Program, the arrangement of which was
characterized as "the best working staff arrange- The most important field installations of the
ment in the whole ASF." 93 On the other hand, QMC were the depots, since they constituted
where a function common to the technical serv- the backbone of the system of supply and as-

ices was concerned and ASF had a staff division sured the flexibility of supply operations. An
to supervise it, the relationship between the
chief of the technical service and the service
92 OQMG OO 185, 5 Aug 42, sub: SvC Reorgn.
93 Address, Maj Gen C. F. Robinson, sub: Relations
commander was "pretty hazy." The Quarter- of Technical Services with Service Commands, QMs'
master General had staff responsibility, for ex- Conf, 2-4 Oct 44, Camp Lee, Va.
94 Ibid.
ample, for preparing and recommending proce-
(1) AR 170-10, 24 Dec 42, sub: SvCs and De-
dues for the use of the service commands with pots. (2) AR 30-2135, C3, 12 Jan 43, sub: Laundries.
respect to the storage, issue, maintenance, and (3) AR 30-1840, 9 Oct 44, sub: National Cemeteries.

efficient, co-ordinated depot system was essen- In prewar days the supply sections were free of
tial to winning the war, but when the United any supervision save that exercised by the Quar-
States entered World War II, each supply termaster General acting for the War Depart-
service was procuring its supplies and distrib- ment. He designated a depot quartermaster who
uting them irrespective of other services. The was assigned the task of managing activities of
depot system consisted of general depots jointly concern to all the tenant services, such as guard,
occupied by the supply services and branch fire protection, general police, utilities, and
depots operated by each supply service. transportation activities of the installations. 97
At the beginning of the emergency, storage Because of autonomy, supply officers in
and distribution operations, like other supply general depots worked independently of each
functions, were loosely co-ordinated under the other, with little or no pooling of labor or
joint direction of the Supply Division, G-i, in equipment. This independence was further pro-
the War Department General Staff and the moted by the prewar fiscal system, for funds
Office of the Assistant Secretary of War, but in were not allotted to general depots as such but
practice these two agencies were often played were divided among the various supply sec-
off against each other so that the supply services tions. The authority of the depot commander
were almost as autonomous as they had been in was thus confined to "housekeeping problems"
1917, when the lack of adequate co-ordination and to labor and equipment of a nature com-
had produced unhappy consequences. This was mon to the supply sections. However, he had
remedied, however, in March 1942 by the estab- no control over labor and equipment of a par-
lishment of the SOS, which was given super- ticular supply section even when idle men and
visory responsibilities over all the operations of machines in one section might have been bene-
the supply services. For the next five months ficially employed in another.

the General Depot Service (later Division), This autonomy of the supply sections was
SOS, which had inherited the staff functions first subjected to remedial study by the General

associated with the construction, allocation, and Depot Service. 98 It proposed to eliminate waste-
use of War Department storage facilities, di- ful practices and duplication of work by organ-
rected the operations of the general depots. izing the general depots along functional lines
Then, in July, the General Depot Division was and by conferring on the depot commanders en-
discontinued, 96 and SOS transferred its operat- larged powers by which they could direct the
ing functions in reference to jointly occupied consolidation and use of both facilities and
depots to The Quartermaster General, while its labor for the benefit of the tenant services.
staff functions went to the Assistant Chief of Warehousemen, highly trained in storing and
Staff for Operations. When the SOS became handling supplies in civilian life, and experts in
the ASF in March 1943, these staff functions personnel administration were to be the major
were performed in the Office of the Director of instruments of the depot commanders in attain-
Operations. ing these objectives. The proposals, however,
General depots consisted of supply sections met formidable opposition from the QMC and
of the various tenant services, each of which was
organized in the same way as a branch depot of 96
SOS GO 22, 1 1 Jul 42, no sub.
the particular service to which it belonged. The 97
AR 700-10, Sec. Ill, 1 Jul 36, sub: Supplies: Stor
supply officers, heading these sections, were re- and Issue.
98 Memo,
Col R. E. Duff, Actg Chief of Gen Dep
sponsible to the chief of the supply service they
Div, SOS, for CGs all Gen Deps, 13 Apr 42, sub:
represented rather than to the depot commander. Functions of Gen Deps to Be Performed Under CO.

other technical services and were considerably ations, 103 it was deemed inadvisable to make
modified." radical changes in depot organization, adminis-
When the functions pertaining to general tration, and procedures which might interfere
depots were transferred to the QMC in July, the with depot operations during the intense activ-

same goals were pursued but in less drastic ity of the war period. No major changes in the
fashion. The general depots were temporarily administration of jointly occupied depots there-
called jointly occupied Quartermaster depots fore occurred between their designation as ASF
and subsequently ASF depots. 100 In the transfer depots in April 1943 and V-J Day. Co-ordina-
certain staff functions were imposed on the tion of the work of supply sections was most
OQMG. These included the installation of strikingly demonstrated in the development of
modern warehousing, space conservation, pool- labor and materials-handling-equipment pools
ing of common labor, and up-to-date commer- and in a more centralized supervision of per-
cial methods of materials-handling. Funds for sonnel affairs. In other matters, too, the depot
meeting all overhead expenses at jointly occu- commander assumed more authority than in
pied installations were allotted to The Quarter- prewar days, but, generally speaking, supply
master General, who was thus freed of financial officers retained control of the technical aspects
dependence upon the supply sections. The Op- of their functions, though the depot com-
erations Division, SOS, co-ordinated the alloca- manders could intervene if they considered the
tion of space for branch depots, but the OQMG operations of a supply section inefficient. The
was responsible for handling the applications of trend was unquestionably toward a more highly
supply services for space at jointly occupied centralized administration of jointly occupied
depots in accordance with SOS instructions. depots.
The Operations Division, SOS, supervised the Co-ordination, standardization, and control
general inspection of operations. 101 of storage and distribution operations were as

After the transfer, the OQMG outlined the inadequate at Quartermaster branch depots in

functions the commanding officer was to exer-

cise under the jurisdiction of The Quartermaster 99 ( 1 ) Dep Opn Div to Gen Scowden, OQMG, 20
General. Particular stress was laid on the requi- May 42, sub: Comments on Memo, Gen Dep Sv, 11
sitioning, pooling, distribution, and servicing of May 42. (2) Ltr, Col T. L. Holland, ATGD, to CO
Col Duff, SOS, 19 Apr 42, no sub. (3) Ltr, Col Duff
all warehouse and materials-handling equipment
to CO COGD et a/., 20 Jun 42, sub: Reorgn of Gen
(except that peculiar to a particular supply serv- Deps.
ice); on the application of modern storage 100
AG Memo S2 10-8-43, 30 Apr 43, sub: Designa-
tion of JointlyOccupied Deps.
methods; and on the co-ordination of wage and 101
(1) Ltr, TQMG
to COs, Former Gen Deps, 12
labor policies. The depot commander was to Aug 42, sub: Reorgn of Deps Jointly Occupied. (2)
have a qualified warehousing and materials- Memo, Col R. C. L. Graham, Dir of Plans Div, SOS,
handling representative on his staff to assist the
for TQMG et a/., 5 Sep 42, sub: Co-ordination of Stor
and Shipping Problems.
supply officers, and a personnel branch to 102
(1) Per ltr, TQMGA. Daniel- to Brig Gen W.
handle the procurement of civilian employees. 102 son, CO MEQMD, Aug
Ltr, Col
5 42, no sub. (2)
These changes thus followed the same trend J. W. G. Stephens, to COs OQMG,
Deps, 24 QM
Aug 42, sub: Orgn of QM
S&D Div at Deps. (3) Ltr,
initiated by the General Depot Service, SOS. TQMG to COs QM
Deps, 21 Oct 42, sub: Orgn of
Although Headquarters, ASF, continued to Civ Pers QM
study the organization of operations at branch (1) Rpt, Control Div, SOS, 17 Sep 42, sub:
Ultimate Plan of Dep Opns. (2) Memo, Gen Lutes,
and jointly occupied depots with the objective ASF, for Chiefs of Tech Svs, 21 May 43, sub: Dep
of modernizing and standardizing storage oper- Reorgn Under Rpt 67.

1939 as at jointly occupied general depots. No ization followed the OQMG organizational
single agency in the OQMG was responsible pattern, although there were many local vari-
for the supervision of these operations, and field ations. Some of these were traditional and
installations were know what agency
at a loss to others the result of exceptional responsibilities
in Washington to approach when problems re- imposed on installations, such as the dual pro-
quired immediate attention. It was feasible in curement and manufacturing functions of the
peacetime, when supply activities were limited Jeffersonville and Philadelphia Quartermaster
in scope, to permit the several commodity Depots. In the interest of greater standardiza-
branches of the Supply Division to deal with tion, the principle of functionalism was applied
depots, for the system could work then without to Quartermaster depot organization in 1942 as
close supervision. Thus each depot had multiple ithad been at higher echelons. A year later,
contacts with the OQMG and, at the same time, however, nonstandard organizations and pro-
had great autonomy in conducting its oper- cedures still existed to a large extent in depot
ations. This situation persisted as late as the operations. Although a standard framework had
summer of 1942 when was observed that
it early been recognized as "necessary to make
Quartermaster depots and Quartermaster sec- procedural instructions equally applicable and
tions of general depots "had a tendency to oper- to place operational and managerial studies on
ate as separate autonomies rather than as a part a basis was late in 1943
of comparability," it

of the depot system." Each installation was before depot organization became more or less
using various methods "for doing business with stable.

little regard for the existence of similar supply Inasmuch as the practicability and desirability
organizations." of delegating important responsibilities to the
Some steps toward centralized supervision field depended upon the existence of capable
were taken during the emergency period, cul- and dependable field units, the OQMG divi-

minating in the establishment of the Depot sions took measures to help the depots stream-
Division in May 194l. 105 Not until the OQMG line their organization
and build up strong
shifted to a functional organization in March technical staffs for handling various phases of
1942, however, were storage and distribution operations. This simplification and strengthen-
functions concentrated in a single unit called ing of field installations was important both to
the Storage and Distribution Division. It had headquarters controls and efficiency in the field.

managerial supervision over the operation of Equally important was the delegation of ade-
Quartermaster depots and Quartermaster sec- quate authority to field executives. One of the
tions of general depots, with the exception of prime purposes of the War Department reor-
their procurement functions, which were vested
in the Procurement Division. The Storage and
Distribution Division was charged with the
Dep Opn Div to Ex Off, Sv, S&D OQMG, 28
development of depot organization and pro-
Jul 42, sub: Material for Annual Rpt of SW.
cedures, the allocation of warehouse equipment, 105
See above, p. 15.
the initiation of recommendations for the con-
Ltr, Col Stephens, OQMG, to CO BQMD et a/.,
24 Aug 42, sub: Orgn of QM S&D
Div at Deps.
struction and expansion of depot facilities, the 107
For example, the Procurement Division con-
establishment and maintenance of stock levels, ducted studies for the improvement of expediting and
and the control of stockages, including excess inspection organization in the depots, and the Storage
and Distribution Division prescribed a standard or-
supplies at posts, camps, and stations.
ganization for the Storage and Distribution Section of
Between World Wars I and II, depot organ- each depot.

ganization in March 1942 was to effect maxi- many other agencies of the government. These
mum decentralization of operations while main- ranged from the older, well-established depart-
taining centralization for co-ordination of broad ments of government to the newly created war-
general policies and objectives. 108 Illustrative of time agencies. Thus in normal times the Corps
the application of this principle to Quartermas- relied for laboratory testing of materials upon
ter operations was the steady delegation of the National Bureau of Standards of the Depart-
responsibility for actual procurements and pro- ment of Commerce, the official government test-

curement expediting to the depots and the de- ing agency. The bureau continued to handle a
centralization of personnel routines and records large part of this work in wartime and also

to these field establishments. The major benefit undertook tests of completed experimental
in the OQMG of this decentralization policy items in cases where close scientific observation
was that it focused attention upon the consider- of performance was necessary. 109 In its research
ation of important policies and controls, but it and developmental work the OQMG also uti-

also helped prevent an undue increase of per- lized the laboratory and reference facilities of
sonnel atWashington headquarters. In regard the Department of Agriculture and the Depart-
to actual operations, this policy speeded up sup- ment of Interior. The Office of Scientific Re-
ply by eliminating red tape and unnecessary search and Development was established by an
clearances with headquarters. executive order in 1941 to assure adequate pro-
At the same time considerable progress was vision for research on scientific and medical
made in improving and tightening those con- problems relating to the national defense. This

trols essential to activities performed by the office was of increasing assistance to the OQMG
scattered field units. Among the major im- in its developmental work, for through its Na-
provements was the standardization and sim- tional Defense Research Committee the facili-
plification of instructions on policy and proce- ties of governmental, university, and industrial
dure for a wide variety of operations, such as laboratories all over the country were made
contracting, fiscal and property accounting, re- available for the solution of scientific prob-
porting, distribution of supplies, personnel lems. Fundamental research problems were
actions, and salvage operations. There were also ordinarily presented to it through the War De-

improvements in the quality of statistical and partment liaison which had been set up for

other information of operations reported by the such clearance in Headquarters, ASF.

field and summarized at OQMG for control One of the most important wartime agencies
purposes and for use by higher authority. An- was the War Production Board (WPB), estab-
other improvement was the establishment of lished on 16 January 1942 to assure "the most
more adequate and direct contacts with the field effective prosecution of war procurement and
in connection with phases of operations in production." In view of mounting military re-
which determinations in the had to OQMG re- quirements and decreasing supplies of critical
flect realistically field experience; for example, materials, priorities and allocations of materials
research and developmental work and the deter-

mination of requirements.
Memo, Gen Somervell to Dirs of all Staff Divs,
et at.. 27 Mar 42, sub: Control.
109 example, Rpt, National Bureau of Stand-
See, for

Relations with Other Agencies ards to OQMG,

2 3 Aug 43, sub: Tropical Helmets.
For a more detailed account see Erna Risch and
Thomas M. Pitkin, Clothing the Soldier of World War II
In the course of fulfilling its mission the (QMC Historical Studies 16, September 1946), pp.
QMC found it necessary to work closely with 12-14.


were necessary to balance resources between the most effective development and utilization of
military and civilian sections of the economy. petroleum in the United States, its territories,
The OQMG found it necessary to co-ordinate and possessions. It issued necessary directives to
activities with the WPB in connection with the petroleum industry and as far as practicable
many specific problems, such as over-all pro- served as the channel of communication be-
gram requirements of materials and allotments tween the units of the petroleum industry and
for them, production schedules, priorities, ex- the several departments and agencies of the
pediting production, allocations of materials to federal government on matters directly involv-
QMC contractors, and specifications. 111 The ing the functions and duties of the administra-
OQMG maintained contact with the WPB tor. On petroleum matters the Fuels and Lubri-

either directly or through the Army-Navy OQMG, worked through the

cants Division,
Munitions Board (ANMB) and ASF staff divi- Army-Navy Petroleum Board, since that agency
sions. maintained close liaison with PAW and effected
The need for control of prices to check close co-operation between the War and Navy
profiteering and other disruptive practices re- Departments on all matters pertaining to petro-
sulting from abnormal market conditions led to leum and petroleum products. At the same
the enactment of the Price Control Act of 1942. time, specific branches of the Fuels and Lubri-
At the same time, however, there was danger cants Division found it essential to maintain
that the Quartermaster supply mission would direct relations with various divisions of PAW,
be adversely affected. Consequently the OQMG as, for example, in reference to requirements,
established procedures and organizational units production capacity of the various refineries

to obtain such relief from OPA price control throughout the United States, and allocation of
was necessary in the interest of ex-
activities as petroleum products. ' 3

peditious war procurement. 112 The breadth and Solid fuels, like petroleum products, were
scope of Quartermaster purchases and the large also administered by a central agency, Solid
number of civilian-type commodities inevitably Fuels Administration for War (SFAW), with
brought delay and confusion in the application the result that as the supply of coal became
of OPA price controls. The OQMG, therefore, more critical the Solid Fuels Branch of the
had to obtain numerous rulings on the exemp- OQMG requested its allocations from the
tions from OPA price regulations. Quarter- SFAW and then advised a depot to execute a
master policy, however, called for the fullest co- contract with a designated contractor for so
operation with the OPA in checking inflation much coal to be delivered to a given post, camp,
through price control, and the OQMG
main- or station.
tained active liaison with that agency. Where Finally, manpower problems established the
matters of general policy or those of concern to need for other relationships. Early in the emer-
other technical services were involved, Head- gency the Labor Division of the Office of Pro-
quarters, ASF, dealt directly with the OPA in duction Management (OPM) was made respon-
solving over-all price control problems.
one product was more essential to the 111
OQMG OO 25-51, 11 Sep 43, sub: Coordina-

winning of the war than petroleum. To assure tion of Activities with WPB.
OQMG OO 25-54, 24 Sep 43, sub: Orgn
the prosecution of the war the Petroleum Ad- of Procurement Div. (2) OQMG OO 25-54A, 29 Sep
ministration for War (PAW) was established 43, same sub. (3) OQMG OO 25-54D, 17 Jan 44,
same sub.
with authority to formulate basic policies, 113
A fuller treatment is found in Risch, Fuels for
plans, and programs for the conservation and Global Conflict, pp. 10-12.

sible for providing an adequate and continuous in the recruitment and retention of essential

supply of trained manpower for the defense labor forces. Liaison with the above-mentioned
program. Later the WPB absorbed the OPM agencies was originally maintained within the
and assumed its labor supply responsibilities for War Department by Under
the Office of the
several months. By 18 April 1942 these were was absorbed in
Secretary of War. This activity
transferred to the War Manpower Commission. March 1942 by Headquarters, SOS. Within the
Like the OPM, the commission made use of the OQMG a Labor Section was established which
United States Employment Service as the cen- developed the necessary procedures for report-
tral exchange for labor market information and ing and follow-up of labor supply problems. It
for the recruitment, placement, and control of channeled labor problems through the Office of
the nation's manpower. the Under Secretary of War to the OPM
Quartermaster industries were particularly Supply Branch and later through Headquarters,
plagued by labor turnover which often seriously ASF, to the War Manpower Commission. The
impeded vital production. This situation was a impact of controls imposed by the commission,
reflection of existing wage differentials which the OPA, and the WPB are revealed more fully
provided an effective basis for pirating on the in Quartermaster operations.
part of rival suppliers in the same or other de-
fense industries. The QMC was therefore much
interested in manpower controls that would aid 14
See below, Ch. VII.

Factors Shaping Research


Total war requires the use of all national re- was the emphasis on research and develop-
sources and the exploitation of all scientific mental work in World War II that the war's
knowledge and technological skills. In World end found such activities established as a per-
War II the United States was engaged in global manent feature of military planning.
war which posed a supply problem of tremen- When the war began, however, the status of
dous proportions. The supply responsibility of research and developmental activities left much
the Quartermaster Corps included the procure- to be desired. Such activities had been carried
ent, storage, distribution, and salvage of such on since 1918, but there were two schools of
supplies as clothing, food, petroleum products, thought as to the significance of the achieve-
individual and organizational equipment, and ments of these twenty years. One group viewed
numerous "housekeeping" items. The QMC, the work done in that interval as the founda-
under the provisions of the National Defense tion for much that was accomplished in World
Act of 1920, was the most nearly universal sup- War II. The second group deemed negligible
ply agency of the Army. An essential part of its the research activities of those years. The latter
supply activity was research and developmental view was well expressed by the wartime direc-

work to improve existing items and provide tor of the Military Planning Division.
new equipment as the need became apparent.
To assure victory in the war it was necessary Ithas been said too often that the Army started
thiswar with the equipment with which it had
for the American soldier to be so equipped that
ended World War I. Actually, the situation was
he would be superior to his opponents in the much worse. Many items which had been devel-
field. As a result of the mechanization of war- oped asthe result of field experience in the mud
fare and the extension of battle fronts to all and rain of northern France in 1917 and 1918 were
kinds of terrain in all types of climate, an enor- "modified" in peacetime to be more suitable for
the garrison life at Ft. Benning, Georgia, or Ft.
mous demand was created for a wide range of
Sam Houston, Texas. Even after the outbreak of
equipment of the highest attainable quality.
the war, the importance of immediately improving
From the standpoint of Quartermaster respon- existing equipment was not recognized by
sibility, this equipment included water-repellent many. . Furthermore, many of the items which
. .

fabrics, arctic and jungle clothing, shoepacs, ski are procured by the Quartermaster Corps are of
commercial types. In peacetime research had to be
boots, shrinkproof socks, and waterproof
carried out on Ordnance material because there
matches, as well as nutritious rations, mobile were no commercial items available. On the other
laundry and bath units, clothing and textile re- hand, it was felt by many that the Quartermaster
pair units, and portable field bakeries. So great Corps could and would accept standard commer-

rial -designs and items without difficulty. No single were produced without an adequate service
point of view has perhaps done the Army more test. . The War Department policy which re-
. .

harm than this one. There are extremely few com- quires the use of equipment and armament now
mercial items which are suitable for military use. on hand, until exhausted, should not interfere with
The demands which the Army places upon equip- the development of new types to be authorized for
ment are such that the use of commercial items re- adoption for future use. 2
sults in lower higher casualties, and in-
cidentally, higher costs. The
inadequacies of exist-
To put this policy into effect the War De-
ing equipment and the dangers implicit in its use partment directed the chiefs of branches of the
were brought out at once in the snow and mud of Army make an annual survey of adopted
supposedly subtropical North Africa and in the types of equipment and armament with which
early campaigns in the Aleutians. 1
their troops were provided in order to deter-
mine if such types were up to date and satis-
Influence of World War I Surplus Property factory for an emergency. On or before 31 De-

Research and developmental activities of any cember of each year the chiefs of branches were
to submit a report of this survey to G-4 (the
period are conditioned chiefly by economic fac-

tors which determine their character and scope. Supply Division) of the General Staff. When-
In the years immediately following World War ever it was found that new or improved types

I surplus property was such a determining fac-

were desirable, steps were to be taken looking
tor. When World War I ended, the existence of
toward their development in accordance with
instructions which had already been issued.
great stocks of nearly all the items of clothing
and equipment which were then standard These instructions of the Secretary of War,
hindered the development of new items. It was issued on 5 January 1922, directed the chiefs of
the supply branches to systematize procedures
approved War Department policy to issue such
stocks until they were exhausted. The War De- for determining acceptable types of equipment,

partment recognized the danger of complacency for conducting research and developmental ac-

resulting from the possession of such a tremen-

tivities in connection with the standardization

dous mass of war gear. It kept in mind, too, the of equipment, and for preparing and standard-

fact that much of this equipment was already izing specifications. 3 Subsequently these instruc-
obsolescent at the time of its production. Ac- tions were formalized in Army Regulations
first published 15 December 1924 and revised,
cordingly, in 1922 the War Department inau-
gurated a policy of modernization. from time to time thereafter as necessitated by
the growth and reorganization of the Army. In
The policy of the War Department is to develop
general, both the instructions and the later reg-
and complete the best types of equipment and
armament in time of peace, irrespective of the 1
Brig Gen G. F. Doriot, "The Program of the
amount on hand as a result of the World War. Quartermaster Corps for Future Research," Proceed-
Wherever the amount of a particular article of ings of the Conference on Quartermaster Textile Re-
equipment or armament on hand precludes the search, 1945, pp. 55-56.
possibility of production of a newer type, never-
to 15 Sep 22, sub: Annual Sur-
theless the new type will be adopted, and complete vey of Adopted Types of Equip, AG 400.114 (9-14-
specifications drawn up and approved, to the end 22) (Misc) D.
that, in the event of an emergency, production
Ltr, TAG to Chiefs of WD
Sup Brs, et al., 5 Jan
22, sub: Instructions Relative to Type, Specs, and
could be begun of the latest type. It was found,
Standardization of Specs for Articles Used by U. S.
during the World War, that in some instances Army, AG 400.114 (12-21-21) (Misc Div)
necessity forced the quantity production of old CCW/LWW/ 154.4.
types of equipment because improved types had 4
AR 850-25, 15 Dec 24, sub: Misc Types of Equip
never been developed, and new types of equipment Used by USA.

ulations provided for determination of policy ried out without the delay incident to seeking a
and general supervision in the development of suitable type. ... It is necessary and essential for
war plans that there be a standard type adopted,
equipment by the General Staff. The latter was
and the principal purpose of the annual survey of
to indicate the types of equipment which it equipment is to determine this fact and to deter-
deemed necessary and the general characteristics mine also the deficiencies which exist and the rem-
which they should possess. The several chiefs edy which must be applied at the earliest practicable
of the supply branches might also initiate the date. 5

development of new items or changes in exist- Those portions of the annual survey reports
ing ones. The respective supply branches, with from the using services which pointed out in-
the co-operation of the using branches, were to adequacies in items of Quartermaster issue were
conduct the research and developmental work forwarded to The Quartermaster General for
in connection with those items for the procure- action in accordance with the provision of Army
ment of which they were responsible. Each sup- Regulations 850-25. Each year The Quartermas-
ply branchwas to maintain a technical commit- ter General in turn submitted to the War
tee, on which all the supply and combat Department a report indicating the progress
branches as well as the General Staff were to which had been made in correcting deficiencies
be represented. The technical committees were in equipment, either through the improve-
to pass upon proposed new or revised designs ment of existing designs or the development of
and to make recommendations for the approval new ones.
of specifications and the standardization of In the first of these annual survey reports the
items. Types were to be submitted to The Ad- Infantry, Cavalry, Field Artillery, and other
jutant General for approval. Items were to be using branches reported seventy items of Quar-
cleared for procurement through the Assistant termaster equipment as being deficient in one
Secretary of War to assure that, insofar as pos- or more respects. The number declined some-
sible, they were of such design as to be readily what in later years, but a considerable group of
produced in quantity in time of emergency. items continued to be reported on each year all

The General Staff, as the co-ordinating agency, during the period between the two wars. Many
was to be kept advised of the progress of re- of the complaints, especially in the earlier years,
search and developmental work in the various had to do with the quality of clothing and other
branches and of the lines along which it was items purchased during World War I. Because
being conducted. itwas approved policy to issue stocks on hand
Throughout the period between the two wars until they were exhausted and large quantities
the annual surveys of equipment and reports of of these items were available, little could be
deficiencies based on them were continued. done to meet these deficiencies as far as imme-
They constituted the principal stimulus to the diate issue was concerned. Though the state-
improvement of designs. The War Department ment of policy laid down in 1922 warned
in 1923 called attention to the importance of against the tendency, it was inevitable that the
these surveys and the action which it was hoped existence of surpluses should tend to postpone
would result from them, particularly in connec- action looking toward improvement. Never-
tion with mobilization plans. theless, there was a gradual development of im-
The established type of each article of equipment
and supply must not only be determined in time 5
Ltr, TAG to TQMG, et al., 15 jan 23, sub: Survey
of peace, but specifications drawn up so that in a of Types of Equip and Sup, AG 400. 1 14 ( 1-6-23)
great emergency the procurement plans can be car- Misc M-D.

proved specifications so that better types would for which the QMC had responsibility, this
be ready to go into production when their issue committee was charged with effecting a
became feasible. In 1927, for instance, the complete co-ordination among all interested
OQMG was able to report that, except for two branches of the Army. 8 Because the executive
items, "with reference to the Annual Survey of officer of the committee was also the chief of
Equipment, it is believed that satisfactory prog- the Standardization Branch these two units dur-
ress is being made on all items reported there- ing the next twenty years functioned almost as
under by the War Department branches." 6
one in co-ordinating and promoting Quarter-
master research and development.
Lack of Integrated Research Program While the early QMCTC served to bring to
bear on Quartermaster research and develop-
In the interval between World Wars I and II, mental activities the several points of view of
however, the QMC established no integrated the using arms and services, neither the com-
program of research. Except for motor transport mittee nor the Standardization Branch promoted
planning, the Corps did little to promote a pro- an aggressive, integrated program of research
gram which the relationships of items of
in within the QMC. Their mission was to co-
equipment to each other were developed. Pre- ordinate and not to control or direct develop-
cise objectives to be attained within any given mental activities. As a consequence, each of the
group were not worked out. For the most part, operating branches of the Supply Division and
items of clothing and equipment were taken up each of the manufacturing depots was left free

for improvement individually and only as defi- to develop its own research and developmental
ciencies were reported in them. To be sure some program, in the light of the annual equipment
efforts were made to co-ordinate Quartermaster reports from the using arms. The results of
research, both within the Corps and with other these individual programs were made known,
supply services. Thus, within the OQMG a however, to the other services by the QMCTC.
Standardization Branch was established in the Had the committee and the Standardization
summer of 1921, specifically charged with the Branch attempted to guide an integrated re-
responsibility of preparing specifications for ap- search program, their efforts would have been
proved types and co-ordinating Quartermaster foredoomed to failure in the period of the
research and developmental work. Never very twenties and the thirties. Manufacturing depots,
large or active until 1935, the Standardization such as the Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot,
Branch in practice acted mainly as a clearing- would have opposed such a program. Develop-
house, transmitting correspondence to the mental work had for many years been decen-
commodity branches of the Supply Division, tralized in the several Quartermaster depots
which in turn worked through the manufactur- and was for them a traditional prerogative that
ing depots. The several Quartermaster depots, was jealously insisted upon long after an inte-
or industries co-operating with them, accom- grated research program was initiated in 1942.
plished whatever research was done during this
period. In response to instructions from the
Ltr, TQMG to TAG, 31 Mar 27, sub: Annual
Survey of Equip, 400.1141.
Secretary of War, The Quartermaster General 7
OQMG O Memo 119, 30 Aug 21, sub: Orgn of
established on 24 January 1922 a Quartermaster OQMG.
Corps Technical Committee (QMCTC) as an
OQMG OO 10, 24 Jan 22, sub: Experimental,
Development and Spec Procedure. Since the extant
advisory board on equipment problems. During minutes of the committee date from 10 October 1921
the process of developing types of equipment it had been in existence before this date.

Furthermore, it was War Department policy to was given by either the Budget Advisory Commit-
leave research and developmental work to the tee or the Bureau of the Budget to the requirements
as presented to them. During the six-year period,
efforts of industry as much as possible. The
the Budget Advisory Committee, for example,
financial limitations imposed during this period,
heard estimates which included requirements of
particularly in the depression years, further re-
$524,650 for research and development and made
stricted the possibilities of developing an deletionsamounting to $290,250 or 5*5%. The
integrated research program. Bureau of the Budget in their action on the esti-
mates made cuts of 80% of the amounts presented
Financial Restrictions
or 36% of the requirements as originally stated. It
is interesting to note that Congress made no
The lack of adequate funds for research and changes in the estimates and thus appropriated
funds for research and development amounting to
developmental work was another factor— in
only 9% of the money originally requested. 9
many respects the controlling factor— limiting
these activities in the years following World Although there were reductions of funds, a
War I. In those years the fiscal estimates pro- comparable curtailment of research and devel-
posed by The Quartermaster General for re- opmental activities did not necessarily follow.
search purposes were modest. Even so, the lack Because of lump sum appropriation, it was pos-
of a long-range planned program of Quarter- sible to utilize a portion of the funds allocated
master research hampered a strong defense of for procurement or other Quartermaster opera-
these estimates. As a consequence the estimates tions to complete a given research project.
were generally sharply reduced by the Budget There is no way of calculating the extent to

Advisory Committee of the War Department which this practice alleviated the scarcity of

when representatives of the OQMG appeared funds appropriated for research and develop-
at its hearings to defend them. They were fur- mental activities. Without it, even the modest
ther lowered by the Bureau of the Budget. For programs of the period would have been hope-
the most part, the cuts made usually affected lessly crippled.

funds designed for the development of motor Despite financial restrictions and the lack of
vehicles. In the thirties reductions were also a co-ordinated research program, there was a

made in the estimates for developmental work steady, if slow, modernization of standard equip-

in the field of clothing and equipment. The ment for which the QMC was responsible dur-
sharpest decline in funds for research purposes ing the twenty-year interval between the wars.
took place after the depression began. Such Particularly in the thirties much of value was
funds, along withall others for the Army, were accomplished. A few important new pieces of
consistently reduced during the thirties. The equipment, such as the gasoline-burning field

trend persisted until the fiscal year 1940 and range, were developed. In the textile field the
was completely reversed only in the following basic uniform fabrics used throughout World
fiscal year. This situation was analyzed by the War II were developed before 1941. These in-
chief of the Fiscal Division in the following cluded the 18-ounce serge used in making en-
terms: Ltr, Col E. B. McKinley, OQMG, to Lt Col
E. S.Hoag, ACofS G-4, 22 Jan 42, sub: R&D Funds.
It will be noted that the policy of approving,
(2) See also Mark S. Watson, Chief of Staff: Prewar
without substantial cuts, the stated estimates for Plans and Preparations, in the series UNITED STATES
research and development has been apparent only ARMY IN WORLD WAR II (Washington, D. C,
since the "emergency" has been in full swing. In 1950), pp. 42, 47-49.
the six years prior to that time, . . . the situation 10
Interv, OQMG historian with Clay V. Davis,
was quite the opposite, and very little consideration Chief Clk, Fiscal Div, OQMG, 18 Mar 44.

listed men's uniforms, 32-ounce melton for thus to prepare plans for the emergency pro-
overcoats, elastique for officers' uniforms, and curement of coffee, cork, flaxseed, hides, jute,

herringbone twill for work clothes. Although manila fiber, quebracho, rubber, sisal, tin, and
these textiles were modified from time to time wool. This list was later considerably extended.

during World War II, the basic developmental The plans were revised from time to time in the
work had been accomplished prior to the out- following years under the supervision of the
break of the war. Much was also done in the committees, and new items were added for

motor transport field, notably in the develop- study. Occasionally, because of the develop-
ment of the jeep and other multiple-wheel-drive ment of sufficient domestic production, a com-
vehicles. modity was removed from the list. Plans for a
given commodity embraced a full description of
it, an estimate of wartime military and civilian

requirements, its sources, a comparison of re-

Influence of Procurement Planning quirements and estimated available supply, sub-
stitutes, prices, possible conservation, recom-
Aside from developmental work aimed at mendation of emergency control and distribu-
modernizing Army equipment, the OQMG was tion measures, and other pertinent data. The
engaged in a type of research that evolved from Navy finally came to participate in the program
the procurement planning undertaken during and joint "Army and Navy Munitions Board
the years 1920-40. This had involved the prep- Commodity Committees" were formed for the
aration of plans to secure adequate and satis- study of materials in which the Navy had a
factory raw materials for Army items in the procurement interest. Quartermaster Corps offi-

event of a major crisis. Materials in which cers, drawn from the procurement planning
shortages might be expected to develop were organization in the OQMG, were active as
divided into "strategic" and "critical" cate- chairmen or members of a considerable number
gories. Strategic materials were essential war- of these committees, which continued to func-
time commodities which were wholly or in tion into the period of the national emergency.

large part obtained from foreign sources. Criti- Corollary to the preparation of plans for the
cal materials were those ordinarily produced at emergency procurement of strategic and critical
home but which might be difficult to procure materials was research in substitutes. The neces-
in an emergency. sity forsuch a program early became apparent
Continuous studies of the procurement of to both the Office of the Assistant Secretary of
commodities were initiated as early as 1921 by War and the OQMG. The only alternative was
the Office of the Assistant Secretary of War. At to build huge reserves of strategic materials as
first intended to cover the whole field of Army Germany and Japan were doing, a course of
procurement, these studies were soon confined action that the War Department, in view of the
to the strategic and critical groups of materials. strong pacifist feeling of the time, could not
In 1924 there were formed "War Department pursue lest it be accused of fostering war.
Commodity Committees" for the clearance of In 1927 the Assistant Secretary of War re-
plans for the procurement of specified raw ma- quested The Quartermaster General to supple-
terials within these categories. The preparation
of these plans was assigned to the several sup-
Thomas M. Pitkin and Herbert R. Rifkind, Pro-
curement Planning in the Quartermaster Corps, 1920—40
ply services on the .basis of major interest in the (QMC Historical Studies 1, March 1943), pp. 31-34,
individual commodity involved. The QMC was 79-84.

ment his estimates for funds with additional Impact of Global War
data which would establish the value and neces-
sity of such research, thus making defense of The impact of global war greatly stimulated
the request for funds easier. 1
Unfortunately, research and developmental activities. This fact
this line of action was ineffectual and the lack was nowhere more apparent than in the
of funds continued to be a hampering factor. OQMG. Prior to 1940, military planning had
In fact, for each of the five fiscal years 1934 been based on a defensive concept which visu-
through 1938 — the all-important years preced- alized operations as taking place mainly near
ing the national emergency— The Quartermas- or within the borders of the continental United
ter General was forced to report to the Assistant States, or in similar climatic areas. As a result,

Secretary of War no funds had been avail-

that comparatively little attention had been given to
able "for the development of substitutes for the possibility of waging campaigns in steam-
strategic and critical raw materials and, as a ing jungles, in extensive desert areas, in arctic
consequence, no work in this connection was regions, or in extremely mountainous terrain.
accomplished during the year." Operational planning by the General Staff,

Despite the lack of funds considerable which envisioned no movement of large forces
progress was made by the QMC in developing to extreme climatic environments, set the tone
substitute materials. Research was undertaken for equipment planning within the supply
to develop substitutes for mercury and shellac services of the Army.
heretofore used in manufacturing the service In the interval between the wars the QMC
hat; for leather, utilized in the production of had gradually modernized standard items of
harness and items of equipage; and for silk, clothing and equipment for which it was re-
used in Army cravats, hat cords, and waists for sponsible, but it had developed no program
Army nurses. The Corps also established close looking toward the preparation of specialized
co-operation with industries engaged in devel- gear for use in areas of climatic extremes. With
oping synthetic rubber, tinless cans, and substi- the rapid expansion of the Army beginning in

tutes to replace shellac used in lacquering food 1940, the declaration of the unlimited national
containers. These examples are illustrative of emergency a year later, and especially with the
the earnest efforts made by the Corps to develop participation of the United States in the new
substitutes for critical raw materials. Even after world conflict, problems of this nature pre-
funds for such research were cut off in 1934 sented themselves for solution in rapid succes-
efforts along these lines continued. When the sion. The growing Japanese menace to Alaska
country entered the emergency period, frantic called for an increased garrison for that territory,
efforts were necessary to recover lost ground. in much of which arctic conditions prevailed.
Once Pearl Harbor was attacked, financial The occupation of bases in the North Atlantic
stringency was eliminated as a factor. Estimates which followed soon brought additional

of research and developmental funds submitted pressure for the design and procurement of suit-
by the OQMG continued to be reviewed and in
some instances were cut by the War Depart- OASW
for Chiefs of Sup Brs, 23 Dec
(1) Memo,
ment Budget Advisory Committee or the 27, sub: Research in Raw Materials Substitutes. (2)
Bureau of the Budget. Since The Quartermaster Memo, Col M. R. Hilgard, OQMG,
for ASW, 15 Feb
28,same sub. Both in 400.12.
General was authorized to transfer funds be- 13
Ltr, Maj M. V. Brunson, OQMG, to ASW, 26
tween fiscal projects, however, developmental Aug 38, sub: Development of Substitutes for Strategic
work did not suffer. and Critical Raw Materials, 400.12.

able clothing and equipment for arctic opera- In a number of instances, a succession of short-
tions. The rapid and spectacular development ages forced the substitution of one material for
of the technique of mechanized desert warfare another which was itself a substitution for
in North Africa, or winter and mountain opera- something else. This situation could have been
tions in northern Europe, and of airborne alleviated to some extent if, at the time the
tactics on the continent and in Crete forced the priority system was established, a higher rela-

creation of new types of military organizations tive importance had been accorded to Quarter-
and, concurrently, of new equipment. The swift master items involved in the over-all supply
Japanese conquests in the Southwest Pacific, in- program. This would have saved considerable
volving operations in supposedly impassable time, effort, and expense.
jungles and with the use of improved amphib- Although some progress had been made in
ious tactics, called imperatively for the rapid the development of substitute materials in the
development of countertechniques and new interval between the wars, the lack of funds for
types of clothing and equipment. The impact that purpose had handicapped such research.
of the war also brought marked changes in the With the outbreak of war in 1939 and especially
field of subsistence. These developments will be with the sharpening of the crisis in the follow-
discussed at length in succeeding chapters. ing year, problems of materials shortages, actual
or potential, began to make their appearance
on the national horizon. From all indications
these shortages would become more acute as
Effect of Materials Shortages on Design
the procurement program expanded.
The war also increased the need for conserva- The problem of the assignment of strategic
tion, probably the most important single factor and critical materials to manufacturers and de-
in shaping wartime Quartermaster research and fense agencies became the subject of a series of
developmental work. Enemy conquests of pro- administrative measures. The Army and Navy
ducing areas led to shortages of many raw ma- Munitions Board (ANMB) on 17 June 1940 set

terials, Wartime
forcing the use of substitutes. up Committee to assign priorities,
a Priorities
limitations in trade and the enormous increase as between the two services, in the materials
in domestic consumption due to the defense which were becoming critical. The President
program itself had the same effect. In many some months later appointed an "Administrator
instances the use of substitute materials involved of Priorities," and in January 1941 established
a more or less complete redesign of the item. the Office of Production Management (OPM)
At the same time, industrial advance in the field to direct the whole complex of defense produc-
of plastics, in textile fabrication, and elsewhere tion.
All matters of priorities, preference rat-

permitted many shifts from traditional to new ings, conservation studies, and the like were
materials. under its jurisdiction until it, in turn, was suc-
Some of these changes were difficult to make, ceeded by the War Production Board a year
and in many cases the QMC was forced to later. The policies of these agencies, insofar as
resort to inferior products, sometimes unnec- they affected the QMC
and the other supply
essarily. The Corps regarded most of these services of the Army, were effectuated through
changes temporary expedients. However,
as the Office of the Under Secretary of War until
occasionally a new material proved so satisfac-
tory that the Corps contemplated no return to 14
(1) EO, 21 Oct 40, Federal Register, V, 4199. (2)
the original when it should become available. EO, 7 Jan 41, Federal Register, VI, 191-92.

the reorganization of the Army in March 1942. first of each month, each supply service was to
After that time Headquarters, SOS (later ASF), report to the Office of the Under Secretary the
was the point of mutual contact. progress it had made in such revision of speci-
By early 1941 the procurement program of fications.

the QMC had begun to be affected by scarcities The Quartermaster General immediately
in such metals as aluminum, copper, nickel, turned to the task of announcing the policy to
brass, and stainless steel. The shortage of basic the Corps l?
and setting up the necessary organ-
and semifinished materials and the low priority ization. A policy was outlined with reference to
status accorded Quartermaster equipment ne- materials on the "Priorities Critical List." These
cessitated a comprehensive conservation pro- were to be specified only when no substitution
gram. In this the OQMG sought to substitute could be made without seriously impairing
less critical or noncritical materials wherever military efficiency. None of the materials listed

possible, thereby insuring successful procure- as critical were to be used "except on such items
ment and at the same time making critical or projects for which there is no known substi-

materials available for indispensable purposes. tute that will not result in the loss of essential
This policy was initiated in the OQMG on 24 efficiency." Suitable substitutes should not be
February 1941. Expecting the shortages to be- construed as meaning "equal" or "equivalent,"
come more and more drastic as the procurement but should be interpreted as meaning "those
program went on, the OQMG recommended to that will serve the same essential purpose even
the Under Secretary of War the following week though they may be less durable and involve
that steps be initiated "to co-ordinate all engi- some increased initial or ultimate cost." This
neering and designing branches with the pro- policy was to be applied immediately to new
curement branches for the purpose of establish- materials subsequently placed under mandatory
ing the flexibility required to meet the control by the OPM.
necessities of substitutions of metals as such Some months later more detailed instructions
necessities arise." to the Corps emphasized that "conservation
Conservation measures affecting the design should not be considered of secondary impor-
of equipment had thus already been projected tance but should be made the first order of
by the Corps when the Office of the Under business of all personnel concerned with speci-
Secretary of War took up the problem of con- fications and procurement." In considering the
servation of materials by the Army through a suitability of substitutes, the military character-
series of directives to the supply services. These istics and efficiency of the items were of funda-
memoranda, issued at intervals during the mental importance but the procurability,
spring, called attention to the need for the con- durability, and cost of substitutes were also to
servation of various metals. On 11 June 1941 be duly weighed. When an item possessed defi-

the Under Secretary of War stressed the need nite military characteristics, that is, when it had
for strict enforcement of a comprehensive con-
servation policy. He directed the supply services 15
(1) Memo, Lt Col Hugh B. Hester, OQMG, for
to conduct "a continuous study" of all specifi- USW, 3 Mar 41, sub: Substitutions. (2) Same to chiefs
of all branches, OQMG, 24 Feb 41, sub: Substitution
cations in order to reduce or eliminate require-
in Specs.
ments for strategic or critical materials which 16
Memo, Robert P. Patterson for TQMG, 11 Jun

had been placed under allocation or priority 41, sub: Conserv of Certain Basic and Semifinished
control unless such action seriously impaired 17
OQMG Cir Ltr 113, 16 Jun 41, sub: Conserv of
military efficiency of the equipment.
On the Critical Materials.

certain essential qualities which it must possess functions, administered by a Materials and
in order to fulfill a definite military purpose, the Conservation Section, ultimately were lodged in

effect on these characteristics of the use of a the Research and Development Branch of the
substitute was to be carefully considered. When Military Planning Division.
no definite military characteristics were in- Under the policy set forth, Quartermaster
involved, the essential efficiency of the item specifications were subjected to close study with
was to be given first consideration. The com- a view to conserving scarce materials. Every
mercial procurability of a substitute within a effort was made to find suitable substitutes that
reasonable time was to be weighed against the could be used either wholly or in part and that
time involved in obtaining the material orig- possessed the same performance abilities and
inally specified with applicable preference military characteristics as those then in use. The
ratings. Durability of a substitute was to receive basic work was accomplished at Quartermaster
due consideration, and items which could be depots, laboratories, and shops. Exceptions to
might be designed
readily repaired or replaced OPM and later WPB conservation orders were
of materials having a shorter probable life than requested only after continued research and
the original. Increase in original and mainte- experimentation failed to produce satisfactory
nance cost was to be weighed against durability, substitute materials. An analysis of the specific
and procurability, but in general,
efficiency, critical materials affecting the Quartermaster
where the other prerequisites were met, "cost procurement program reveals the scope of the
should not be the determining factor in deciding Quartermaster conservation program and its
whether or not the substitution should be impact on the design and development of items
made." for which the Corps had responsibility.
The administrative details of the conservation Under the strain of the defense program,
program were handled initially by a Conserva- shortages in a number of metals, such as alumi-
tion Steering Committee, established in July by num, copper, zinc, nickel, tin, and stainless
The Quartermaster General in the Planning steel,were first to appear. Aluminum, which
and Control Division. It effected co-ordination had been produced in this country by only a
and general supervision of the conservation single firm and largely from imported bauxite,
work of the Corps. 19 Responsibility for changes quickly came to present a very acute problem
in specifications, however, remained with the because of the extensive use of this metal in the
division chiefs. The committee also consoli- manufacture of airplanes. The initial effort of
dated and reviewed the monthly reports pre- the QMC in conserving aluminum was made
pared by the various divisions for the conserva- in the field of garrison equipment, the purchase
tion report to the Under Secretary of War as of which was forbidden if it required the use of
required by his instructions on 11 June. A aluminum. 21 But anumber of Quartermaster
requirements section prepared studies on raw field items also made extensive use of this
materials requirements for Quartermaster items. metal. The necessity of maintaining satisfactory
Subsequently, in a reorganization at the end of
1941, the functions of preparing estimates of
raw materials requirements and of carrying out
OQMG Cir Ltr 255, 30 Sep 41, sub: Conserv
the conservation policy were grouped together OQMG OO 168, 24 Jul 41, no sub.

in a Production Branch of the Planning and OQMG OO 25-A, 31 Dec 41, no sub.

(1) OQMG Cir Ltr 71, 22 Apr 41, sub: Substi-

Control Division. 20
When the major reorgan-
tutes for Aluminum. (2) OQMG Cir Ltr 104, 7 Jun
izations of the OQMG occurred in 1942, these 41, sub: Conserv of Aluminum.

military characteristics for field items precluded In their efforts to eliminate strategic materials,
such blanket prohibition of the use of alumi- engineers at the Jefferson ville Depot, the pro-
num as could safely be applied to garrison curing depot for most Quartermaster mechani-
equipment. Nevertheless, specifications for mess cal equipment, soon produced a revised design
gear and other field items utilizing aluminum for the field range. Blued steel sheets and gal-

were revised to incorporate satisfactory substi- vanized steel replaced aluminum and stainless
tute materials. steel, leaving a small amount of copper, essen-
The Army field mess gear, consisting of tial for the fuel lines, as the only critical metal

meat can, canteen cup, canteen, knife, fork, and in this important mobile cooking unit. In use
spoon, had for many years been made largely of this new design, which was later somewhat
aluminum. Mess gear made of this metal was modified, proved entirely satisfactory as far as

easy to clean, would stand fire, did not easily its basic materials were concerned. The weight
corrode, and was extremely light. It had served was only moderately increased and the efficiency
the Army well through one war and there was perhaps somewhat improved. 25
great reluctance on the part of the QMC and Shortages of certain types of steel and of the
the using arms to undertake the use of substi- alloy metals for making them began to be felt

tutes. It was easy to design a plastic handle to before the defense program had gone far. The
the knife, which effectedsome saving of alumi- whole group of ferro-alloy metals, such as
num. Redesign of the meat can, canteen cup, nickel, chromium, manganese, tungsten, and
and canteen was another matter. Under pressure the like, were on the list of materials specified
of a dwindling supply of aluminum, however, as critical in June 1941. Most of the world's
experimentation continued, and in 1943 large nickel came from Canada and ample supplies of
orders of stainless steel meat cans and canteen it were available in the United States until it

cups were procured. These items, though much began to be used in fantastic quantities for the

more costly than the aluminum types, proved tough nickel steel needed in armor plate and
satisfactory and were finally standardized. Satis- projectiles. Expansion of production was a slow
factory canteens of both plastic and stainless process, involving the construction of new mills

steel were eventually produced and received and smelters as well as the mining of more ore.

classification as substitute standard items.

22 Chromium, the master alloy metal in stainless
Among other field items of Quartermaster had a variety of other industrial uses. It

issue making extensive use of aluminum, the was produced mainly in South Africa, Turkey,
most important was the field range, M-1937. and the distant Pacific islands. The acute ship-
Until well into the war period the QMC was ping situation contributed to the shortage of
harassed by serious delinquency in the delivery this important material. Tungsten, essential in

of spare parts and accessories for this item.

Delinquencies were due in varying degrees to
delays in receipt of raw materials and equip- 22
(1) R&D Br to Procurement Div, OQMG, 19
ment by the manufacturer and to engineering Apr 43, sub: Type 430 Stainless Steel forMeat Cans
changes made necessary by the elimination of and Canteen Cups. (2) R&D Br, Status Rpt, 30 Apr-
31 Oct 43. (3) Ibid., 31 Jul 42-31 Dec 43.
critical materials, as well as to a lack of produc- » (1) Ltr, Lt Col O. E. Cound, OQMG, to OUSW,
tion capacity in the case of some contractors. To 17 Jan 42, sub: Conservation. (2) Interv, his- OQMG
help break the bottleneck created by the mate- torian with Eugene D. Halleck, Mechanical Sec, R&D
Br, OQMG, 9 Jun 44.
rials situation the QMC resorted both to higher 24
OQMG Cir Ltr 113, 16 Jun 41, sub: Conserv of
priority ratings and to revision of specifications. Critical Materials.

the manufacture of tool steel, had been pro- a procurement of 6,600,000 stainless steel iden-
duced chiefly in China. Though deposits in the tificationtags— an item previously manufac-
United States and in South America were being tured of monel metal which contains 60 percent
opened up, the growing difficulty of communi- nickel— was made, thus conserving approxi-
cation with China and the vast increase in tool mately 50,000 pounds of nickel. 27
making incidental to the defense program pro- Chromium was conserved largely through
duced a temporary scarcity. Manganese, a de- the substitution of other materials for stainless
sulphurizing and deoxidizing agent in the basic steel. Much of the tableware and many miscel-
steel making process as well as an important laneous kitchen utensils of the Army had been
alloy metal, was largely imported from abroad. made of stainless steel. These were now, for the
A large stockpile of it had been built up in the most part, redesigned in tinned or enameled
United States, however, and it was considered steel. Large quantities of corrosion-resisting
somewhat less critical than some of the other steel were freed by the use of galvanized iron in

alloy metals. 25 laundry equipment Stainless steel was also re-

A large part of the alloy steel used by the placed by cast iron in all mixers for bakers. In
QMC in 1941 went into automotive equip- the shipbuilding program, still under Quarter-
ment, which was then still a Quartermaster re- master direction in 1941, stainless steel was
sponsibility. Specification changes in the motor therefore used in the construction of vessels and
transport program, however, had to be viewed equipment only where excess corrosion resulted
with caution. The elimination of some critical if mild steel or other ferrous materials were
materials would have had unfortunate effects employed. 28
upon the ruggedness and performance of the The sheer bulk of the requirements of the de-
vehicles involved. Substitutions also would fenseprogram and of the expanding civilian
have required complete redesigning and retool- economy accompanying it, which was imposed
ing of particular parts and of the vehicle as a on an had been static for
industrial system that
whole, which would have consumed consider- many soon brought about shortages in
able time and resulted in complete production most types of steel. Pig iron and steel were
stoppage. In addition, substitutions in certain placed under priority control by the at OPM
types of automotive parts would have required the end of the summer of 1941. The was QMC
fuel and lubricants differing appreciably from instructed to make "every effort to conserve the
those in use for military vehicles. Despite these use of iron and steel products where they are
handicaps the Corps liberalized specifications now specified and substitute wood and other
and substituted less essential materials for alu-
minum, alloy steel, rubber, and other critical 25
(1) "The Crisis in Materials," Fortune, August
materials as rapidly as suitable substitutes could 1941, p. 69. (2) Memo, Dir of Info, OEM, for editors
be found to provide the performance considered of newspapers, Oct 41, sub: Materials for Defense.
Memo, Gen Gregory, TQMG, for USW, 18 Jul
essential for military vehicles. 26
41, sub: Rpt of Conserv of Strategic and Critical
As shortages of ferro-alloy metals became Materials.

more acute, specifications of Quartermaster

Standardization Br to Ping & Control Div,
( 1 )

9QMG, Mar 42, sub: Conserv of Nickel. (2) Pro-

items were repeatedly reviewed to conserve
duction Br to Asst Chief of Ping & Control Div,
these critical materials. Some thirty-eight minor OQMG, 19 Feb 42, sub: Nickel. (3) Standardization
items, chiefly accessories in harnessware, were Br to Production Br, OQMG, 13 Mar 42, sub: Nickel.
All in 410.2.
found in which substitutes of less critical mate- 28
Memo, TQMG for USW, 2 Jul 41, sub: Conserv
rials could be made for nickel. At the same time of Stainless Steel, 410.2.

29 and packs. Eyelets

materials wherever possible." Accordingly on belts for shoes and canvas
numerous construction projects, which at this leggings also make use of one or another copper
time were still a Quartermaster responsibility, alloy. In organizational equipment of Quarter-
efforts were made to conserve steel through master types, copper alloys are used for tent
structural designs involving greater use of wood grommets, musical instruments, kitchen uten-
and concrete. Wood sheathing replaced corru- sils, and incidentally in caparison equipage and

gated steel for siding and roofing. Construction various mechanical items. Although QMC con-
quartermasters stopped using galvanized fenc- sumption of copper in all forms was relatively
ing, specifying wood in place of steel for fence slight when compared with the use of this

posts. metal by the Ordnance Department in such

A survey had revealed that the QMC pur- items as small arms ammunition and shell cas-
chased approximately 150 items requiring large ings, its conservation was considered important

amounts of steel. Excluding the large quantities in view of the scarcity of copper which devel-
that went into the automotive program, con- oped with the defense program.
struction, and shipbuilding, a few important While the national copper supply had
items, including field ranges, tent stoves, cots, seemed ample only a short time before, direct
and lockers, utilized the remainder of the Corps' military uses in the rearmament program be-
steel requirements. It was a simple matter to ginning in 1940, with the infinitely varied uses

substitute wood for steel in the procurement of of the metal in the expanding industrial econ-
office furniture and filing equipment. Little omy, soon produced a shortage. A record pro-
could be done, however, about eliminating steel duction in the United States of 842,000 tons in

entirely from such items as field ranges and 1937 had seemed sufficient for any possible
stoves, although redesign of the range prac- need, but in 1941, even with the importation
tically eliminated the more critical types of the of 500,000 tons from South America, there was
metal. On the other hand, wood replaced steel an acute shortage. Requirements for 1942 were
in the standard Army cot and the folding chair at that time estimated at 2,500,000 tons.
while the locker box and field safe were rede- As the supply of copper became inadequate
signed so as to save much of the weight of steel to meet vital military needs, requests for allo-
and to effect other improvements. 30 cation for personal hardware— buckles, clips,
A considerable amount of copper, in the form grommets, and the like— were disapproved re-
of brass and bronze, has traditionally been used gardless of how essential they appeared to the

in the clothing and personal equipment of the QMC. This caused a serious delay in the pro-

soldier. Brass is considered good for ornamental curement program. Whereas manufacturers had
purposes because it takes on a high polish and been working three shifts to supply the Corps,
resembles gold. Copper alloys are also favored many were forced to cut down to one-shift
for utilitarian uses, since they are hard and operation and some shut down completely for
strong while at the same time much more re-

sistant to corrosion than iron or steel. Buttons 29

OQMG Cir Ltr 221, 2 Sep 41, sub: Conserv of
Iron and Steel Products.
for the uniform coat as well as distinctive mili-
( 1 ) OQMG Ltr 399, 22 Dec 41, sub: Purch of
tary insignia have for generations been made of Steel Furniture and Office Equip. (2) Resources Div,
brass. Brass or bronze has been used extensively OQMG, Rpt of Development Projects in Progress, 1
in theform of buckles and, since the introduc- Jun 42. (3) R&D Br, Status Rpt, 31 Aug 42-31
Dec 43.
tion of webbing, in eyelets, snaps, rings, and 31
"The Crisis in Materials," Fortune, August 1941,
end clips on personal gear such as cartridge p. 68.

lack of materials. In addition, the shortage of use involved friction which would scrape off
skilled molders made it difficult to obtain ade- any coating applied to an iron or steel substi-

quate supplies of molded types of hardware and tute, exposing it to rust. The director of the
created a major chokepoint in the production of Military Planning Division was convinced that
several types of buckles and clips. brass was essential for snap fasteners, but never-
Production engineers and expediters from the theless under pressure the QMC
allowed the
OQMG conferred with the Jeffersonville Quar- use of steel snap fasteners on a few items. 36
termaster Depot and leading suppliers of hard- Plastic substitutes were used in making end
ware components. As a result of their study they clips, which bound the tips of webbing belts
recommended comprehensive survey of the
a and straps. Olive drab plastic buttons replaced
entire line of Quartermaster hardware with a the bronze buttons heretofore used to brighten
view to standardizing designs and material the uniform. 37 Plastic proved to be one of the
specifications, eliminating unnecessary types most effective substitutes for brass in many
and sizes, and substituting stamped for molded Quartermaster items.
hardware wherever practicable. These recom- Tin was used in great quantity by the QMC
mendations were adopted. in the form of tin plate in cans for food packag-
At the same time the QMC endeavored to ing. In 1940, after the beginning of the limited
substitute for copper wherever possible. Among national emergency, the Corps, in collaboration
the substitutes considered for -small hardware
( 1 ) Ltr, Col F. H. Pope, OQMG, to Hon. Henry
items of bronze and brass, such as grommets,
buckles, clips, loops, and hinges, were enamel-
Cabot Lodge, Jr., 18 Dec 41, no sub. (2) Cir OQMG
Ltr 39, 19 Jan 42, sub: Conservation — Use of Zinc-
coated iron or steel, and zinc. Zinc sheet was Base Die Castings as Substitutes for Brass in Small
used to replace brass in tent grommets, conserv- Hardware Items.
ing an estimated 2,000,000 pounds of brass
(1) OQMG Weekly Progress Rpt, 29 Jun 42.
(2) MemoJQMG for USW, 18 Jul 41, sub: Rpt of
during a period of six to eight months, and a Conserv of Strategic and Critical Materials. (3) While
number of other effective substitutions were coated iron and steel substitutes for brass were reason-
ably satisfactory in most items of equipment under
soon made in the small hardware field, largely
normal climatic conditions, they proved entirely un-
eliminating brass from Quartermaster items of suitable for jungle use. As a result the depots were
equipage. 33 instructed that, with minor exceptions, brass should
be used in the specifications for all hardware for jungle
A more difficult problem was posed in the re-
items. Ltr, Maj S. J. Kennedy, OQMG, to CO PQMD
placement of the metal used in the attachments and CG JQMD, 2 Sep 42, sub: Jungle Equip.
and findings of the soldier's personal equip- 34
Ltr, R. R. Walton, OQMG, to Dr. M. G. Milli-
kin, Hercules Powder Co., et al., 20 Aug 42, no sub,
ment. The QMC finally issued an appeal to in- 095.
dustry to offer suggestions. 34 Zinc substitutes, 35 MaterialsConserv Sec to Plastics Sec, OQMG,
tried out for the eyelets in such heavy webbing 25 Aug on Belts.
42, sub: Plastic Eyelets
( 1 ) Memo, Col Doriot, OQMG, for Dir of Pro-
items as cartridge and pistol belts, proved too
duction Div, SOS, 29 Sep 42, sub: Conserv of Brass
soft for use. However, plastic eyelets which met in Snap Fasteners, 410.2. (2) Dir of Mil Ping Div to
with approval after tests by the Quartermaster Insp Div, OQMG, 13 Oct 42, no sub. (3) Henry Rau,
Jr., OQMG, to Chief of Conserv Sec, Copper Br,
Board were finally developed. 35 They were not
WPB, 18 Apr 43, sub: Construction of Snap Fasteners,
used because in the manufacturing process they 400.112.
were found difficult to apply. Snap fasteners, 37
(1) R&D Br to TQMG, 24 Aug 42, sub: Plastic
used for the pockets of cartridge belts and in a Buttons for Wool Serge Coat. (2) Plastics Sec to Dir
of Procurement Div, OQMG, 26 Nov 42, sub: Plastic
number of other items, presented a peculiar Uniform Buttons. (3) R&D Br to S&D Div, OQMG,
problem. They called for hard metal while their 26 Dec 42, sub: Plastic Cap Buttons.

with the National Canners' Association and the dip" galvanizing process in the manufacture of
several large can manufacturers of the country, items calling for a zinc coating. Instead, the less

began a series of tests of tin plate of lighter wasteful electroplating or sherardizing processes
grade than that normally used for food packag- were to be used for applying zinc coatings to
ing. These tests established the feasibility of re- steel. Galvanizing was eliminated entirely in

ducing the tin content in food cans. After the many metal construction items, painting being
United States entered the war the tests became ordinarily substituted.
the basis of a WPB order directing that no tin Late in 1943 the increased production of zinc,
plate should be manufactured heavier than the together with the reduction of the small arms
light grade which had been established as satis- ammunition program, brought about a definite

factory. As Japanese conquests extended through surplus of the metal.The supply services were
the tin-producing regions of southeast Asia, ef- then encouraged to make all possible use of zinc
fectively cutting off the bulk of the normal sup- inasmuch as the War Department desired to
ply of the metal, the QMC also directed its keep marginal mines in operation so that their

attention actively toward the development of production would be available for brass in the
substitute food-packaging materials, such as event that the ammunition program should be
black plate, glass, and fiber containers. 38 expanded again. 42
In addition, the procurement divisions of the In general, by the end of 1943 scarcities in
OQMG were directed to survey the items for most metals had disappeared. Aluminum had
which they were responsible and report those become so plentiful that the supply services
making use of tin and tin-bearing materials, were encouraged to find new uses for certain
with a view to effecting substitutions wherever types of the metal. Brass and bronze once more
possible. 39 Conservation of aluminum and stain- became available for design purposes. By that
less steel in kitchenware had turned attention to time, too, the situation in regard to chromium
the possibilities of enamel steel as a substitute. and stainless steel had eased so much that these
Efforts were now made to redesign, in enamel metals were available for a number of impor-
steel, cooking equipment and various containers tant Quartermaster uses, such as identification
which had been manufactured of tin-coated tags, canteens, mess trays, and certain parts of
steel, sometimes as a substitute for aluminum. the field range. Most grades and alloys of steel

Although zinc was a metal which had never had become available in ample quantity and
been on the critical list, as early as February were reintroduced into various pieces of equip-
1941 the Office of the Under Secretary of War
The efforts of the subsistence and packaging staff
informed the supply services that steps would
of the OQMG and the Subsistence Laboratory at the
have to be taken to reduce the quantities of Chicago Depot to devise effective substitutes for tin in
zinc being specified in order to guard against an the packaging of food are described in detail in Harold

acute shortage. Zinc, as a component of brass, W. Thatcher, The Packaging and Packing of Subsistence
for the Army (QMC Historical Studies 10, April 1945),
entered into the construction of a great many
pp. 27-41.
Quartermaster items. It was also used as a gal- 59 Ping & Control Div to MT and Sup Divs,
vanizing agent in such items as buckets and OQMG, 18 Mar
42, sub: Conserv of Tin.
40 Sup Div,
Chief of Standardization Br to Chief of
G. I. and as part of a compound in the
cans, OQMG, 2 May 41, sub: Conserv of Zinc.
manufacture of rubber goods. A few pieces of 41
OQMG Cir Ltr 136, 7 Jul 41, sub: Elimination
of Hot- Dip Galvanizing Process.
equipment used the metal in the pure state. 40 42 Henry Rau,
Jr., Chief of Material Sec, to Col
One of the basic measures taken toward zinc Doriot, OQMG, 18 Nov 43, sub: Meeting on Avail-
conservation consisted of eliminating the "hot- ability of Copper and Zinc.

ment from which they had been eliminated matter of a supply of crude rubber has reached
during the period of scarcity. 43 The story of a critical stage. Notwithstanding the drastic
metal conservation was one of famine followed curtailment of civilian uses of rubber, it is evi-

by feast. dent that the armed services must also materi-

Of all the nonmetallic raw materials in which ally conserve and curtail the use of rubber by all

shortages developed during the war, rubber was 45

practicable means."
by far the most vital. Rubber had come to oc- Rubber needed for automotive equipment,
cupy a unique place in the national economy, including tires, tubes, and mechanical parts,
its applications constantly broadening as the consumed 73 percent of Quartermaster rubber
knowledge of its chemistry developed. It was requirements. The rest was used in the manu-
always an exotic, a product of the tropics. Na- facture of service shoes, overshoes, raincoats,
though it was, its cultivation had
tive to Brazil rubber boots, and a variety of other items. 46 In
been developed in British Malaya and the the active rubber conservation program which
Dutch East Indies until more than 90 percent of now took place, the greatest emphasis was
our imports came from these regions and near- naturally placedon automotive items, which re-
by areas which were equally in danger of con- mained a Quartermaster responsibility for sev-
quest by Japan, in case of war involving Japan eral months longer. Numerous items of cloth-
with the white colonial powers in the Pacific. ing and equipage, however, were also affected
In the period of procurement planning, the by the program. Specifications were revised to
wartime supply of rubber had been the subject cut down sharply the weight of rubber in the
of a progressive commodity study by the QMC. raincoat, to reduce the rubber content in rubber
When there was an obvious abundance of rub- boots and overshoes, and to substitute plastic
ber and when the legend of "invincible Singa- for rubber in all combs. The purchase of all

pore" was still part of the accepted popular types of rubber matting had been stopped and
mythology, little was done to insure an ade- all outstanding contracts were canceled. At the

quate emergency supply. By 1940, however, the same time The Quartermaster General set forth
government was taking belated steps to stock- the policy henceforth to be observed by the
Not until some time after Pearl
pile rubber. Corps in conserving rubber. All specifications
Harbor, however, did rubber figure largely in were to be reviewed either to reduce the quan-
the Army conservation program. Prior to that tity of rubber prescribed or to substitute syn-
time Donald M. Nelson, then Director of Pur- thetic or reclaimed rubberwhere this could be
chases, OPM, had suggested the retreading of done without impairing military characteristics
automobile tires as a conservation measure. 44 of the items involved. 47
By August 1941 rubber was listed among the 43
(1) ASF Cir 3, Sec.
IX, 3 Jan 44, sub: Conserva-
materials consideredmost critical and The tion. (2) Memo, Chiefof Minerals Sec for Chief of
Quartermaster General had instructed the Corps Steel Sec, Materials Br, Production Div, ASF, 27 Oct
43, sub: Stainless Steel for Army Flat Ware.
to eliminate and reduce its use as much as 44
Ltr, Donald M. Nelson to Robert P. Patterson,
possible. USW, 28 Jul 41, sub: Tire Retreading.
It was the middle of January 1942, when Jap- Memo, Robert P. Patterson, USW, for TQMG,
12 Jan 42, no sub, 423.
anese conquest of the whole of southeastern 46
A. Daignault to Col Guy I. Rowe, OQMG, 25
Asia was imminent, that the Under Secretary Nov 41, sub: Rubber Rqmts of QMC, 423.
issued his first special directive to The Quarter-
(1) Memo, TQMG for USW, 20 Jan 42, sub:

master General and to the other supply chiefs

Rubber Conserv, 423. (2) OQMG
Cir Ltr 32, Sup-
plement 2, 23 Jan 42, sub: Conserv of Rubber. (3)
on the subject of rubber conservation. "The OQMG Cir Ltr 70, 17 Feb 42, same sub.

As the Japanese conquests continued and it webbing in the suspension of the helmet liner.
became apparent that very little new crude rub- In the summer of 1942 a new series of items,
ber would be available for years to come, the constituting the specialized clothing and per-
pressure on the supply services to reduce their sonal equipment for jungle operations, became
consumption of this material increased. The a QMC responsibility. Jungle equipment was
elimination of all rubber from supply procure- soon in production on a large scale, in prepara-

ments soon came to be the objective of the tion for major American offensive operations in

QMC. This ideal was never attained, though the Southwest Pacific. Some of the items in-

surprising progress was made toward it. A re- volved the extensive use of rubber and in the
view of rubber conservation projects prepared urgent need for this equipment first procure-
by the OQMG in August 1942 indicated that ments had been made without question of the
thirty-seven different items and groups of re- amount of rubber involved. Specifications for
lated items containing rubber had been under jungle items, such as the jungle boot, essen-
study with a view to eliminating this material. tially a high-top sneaker made with a full rub-

Great progress had been made in reducing the ber sole and heel, and the jungle food bag, used
rubber content in the service shoe. All crude for carrying dried foods, were soon revised,
rubber had been eliminated from the heel, and however, to conserve rubber. 49
the use of reclaimed rubber had been minimized In the course of the conservation program,
by the adoption of a heel with a wood core. every item of Quartermaster issue involving the
Crude rubber had been completely replaced by use of rubber was carefully scrutinized. In most
reclaimed rubber in shoe taps. The rubber con- cases, satisfactory substitutes from the plastic

tent of the overshoe had been successively re- field or elsewhere were eventually found for
duced by lowering the compound specifications rubber items, or the crude rubber content was
and by the adoption of a cloth instead of a rub- at least materially reduced through the use of
ber top. The rubber content of hip and knee reclaimed or synthetic material. The urgency of
boots had been considerably reduced by changes rubber conservation continued for a long time.
in the specifications for the compounds in- Since changes in the design of Quartermaster
volved. Oil-treated fabrics and synthetic resins equipment containing rubber had been pushed
were specified in the raincoat, completely elimi- as far and as rapidly as possible in the direction

nating rubber. The former were quickly found of conservation, there remained for the time
to be unsatisfactory, particularly in extreme being only tightened control measures covering
climatic conditions. The synthetic resin coats, the use of rubber items and the suggested delay
on the other hand, were developed to the point of procurement as means for further reducing

where they were equal or even superior to those rubber consumption. As the production of syn-
using natural rubber. Waxes and other finish- thetic rubber began to take on significant pro-
ing materials had been found suitable to replace portions, however, the supply services were
the chlorinated rubber formerly used in the
water-repellent and fire-resistant treatment of 48
Ltr, Col Doriot, OQMG, to S. P. Thacher, Chief

tentage duck. Completed or under way were of Rubber Sec, ANMB, 10 Aug 42, sub: Rpt on Rub-
ber Conserv.
projects for the elimination or reduction of the 49 Ltr, Doriot to Thacher, 8 Oct 42, sub: Rpt on

rubber content in such miscellaneous items as Rubber Conserv. (2) For a summary of the develop-
firemen's coats, wire cutters, shoepacs, ski boots,
ment and hurried first procurement of the jungle
equipment see Thomas M. Pitkin, Quartermaster Equip-
latex-dipped gloves, gaskets for food and water ment for Special Forces (QMC Historical Studies 5, Feb-
containers, canvas field bags, and the elastic ruary 1944), pp. 198-207.

urged to emphasize conversion of remaining ment of cotton rope, with a view to its more
rubber items from the natural to the synthetic extended use, as well as experiments with rope
product. 50 Rubber conservation measures in the made of jute, of which a considerable quantity
QMC from the fall of 1943 on, insofar as they was now found available, were carried on by the
involved the design of equipment, centered in Jeffersonville Quartermaster Depot and the
the application of one or another of the syn- Bureau of Standards. Ropes of jute and of both
thetics, as these became available, to uses for- braided and twisted cotton, satisfactory for most
merly calling for crude rubber. purposes, were developed and specifications
Cordage fibers, such as hemp, sisal, and jute, drafted. 52
constituted a group of largely imported raw Among the items needed for the new moun-
materials extensively used by the Corps. Jute, a tain troops was a climbing rope. Such rope had
product of India, was used chiefly for burlap to have a great tensile strength and unusual
bagging. Noting the increased shipping rates resistance to sudden shock. Climbing ropes had
on burlap from India, the hazardous nature of traditionally been made of first-class Manila.
such shipping, and the heavy stocks of cotton While it was believed by mountaineers that no
accumulated within the United States because other material would serve, under the pressure
of the loss of export markets, The Quarter- of critical shortage lower grade Manila was
master General in 1941 directed that cotton used. At the same time reports of experiments
cloth and cotton bagging be procured in the by manufacturers with nylon rope were followed
place of jute burlap whenever possible. 51 up and actively encouraged by the OQMG
Shortly afterward all stocks of first-class Ultimately mountain climbing rope made of
Manila fiber, produced in the Philippines and nylon, actually superior to the best Manila, was
generally used for the better grades of rope, produced. However, nylon itself was a critical
were ordered "frozen" by the OPM. Since this material, and there was some difficulty at first
Manila fiber was essential to the expanding in getting it allocated for this purpose. Limited
Navy, the QMC was requested to review its quantities were finally made available to meet
cordage specifications with a view to utilizing the most urgent needs for climbing rope. 53
sisal and cotton rope or Grade C Manila, as far Developmental work in the textile and cloth-
as possible, to meet its requirements. Tentage ing program was conditioned by the need for
rope was the most important single classifica- the conservation of various fabrics. Wool was
tion of Quartermaster cordage. Sisal replaced used by the QMC in great quantity for winter
the use of Manila fiber. The best sisal is ob- clothing and blankets. It had been a scarce com-
tained from Java and East Africa; somewhat modity during World War I. As a consequence,
lower grades are grown in Mexico. With the during the period of procurement planning, the
supply of the best grades soon cut off or reduced OQMG had studied the means of assuring a

by the progress of the war, Quartermaster spec-

50 ASF Cir
70, Sec. II, 3 Sep 43, sub: Conversion
ifications made use of the less desirable Mexican from Crude to Synthetic Rubber.
variety. Also, a considerable amount of cotton ,]
(1) OQMGCir Ltr 82, 1 May 41, sub: Use of
Substitutes for Jute Burlap. (2) Ibid., 130, 3 Jul 41,
rope had already been procured for a number
same sub.
of uses. Cotton rope has a tensile strength 52
(1) Ltr, Col Doriot, OQMG, to CG JQMD, 24
about half that of Manila of the same diameter. Sep 42, sub: Sisal Rope. (2) R&D Br, Status Rpt, 31

It has a high rate of water absorption and lacks Oct 42-31 Oct 43.
( 1 ) R&D
Br to S&D Div, OQMG, 23 Mar 43,
resistance to mildew. The material was cheap sub: Climbing Ropes. (2) Pitkin, Quartermaster Equip-
and abundant, however, and further develop- ment for Special Forces, pp. 97-98.

supply of it in another emergency as well as the who might be ordered to extremely cold cli-

possibilities of effecting substitutions for it. For mates. The 18-ounce serge, used for much of
the most part, domestic production was suffi- the Army's winter clothing, was lighter than the
cient for ordinary needs during the early part of material used in any previous war and lighter
World War II. The prospect of a considerable than the fabric used by other armies.
mobilization of manpower, however, foreshad- The Corps had already substituted cotton
owed an eventual shortage and caused the comforters for wool blankets for use in barracks.
OQMG in the spring of 1940 to urge that Substitutions for the field blanket, however,
measures be taken toward building up a stock- had to be viewed with caution. Preliminary
pile of Australian wool."' 4 This action eventually tests had shown that a mixture of reworked

resulted in the accumulation of a supply suffi- wool or cotton immediately resulted in reduced
cient to meet all essential military needs. warmth. The peculiar virtue of wool was that
Before this program had become effective, it absorbed large quantities of moisture without
however, and when for a time military events becoming saturated. Blankets with an admix-
threatened to cut off the larger part of wool im- ture of cotton would be less efficient in this re-
ports, prospective shortageshad considerable spect and wind resistant. Nor would it be

on the design of items using wool. In the

effect efficient to increase the weight of the blanket

summer of 1941 the OQMG

reviewed its wool to offset the reduction in wool content, since
uses and began active consideration of substi- the soldier would have to carry the added burden
tute materials. The increased rate of mobiliza- on his back.
tion resulting from our entry into the war in Quartermaster representatives revealed that
December and the possibility that wool sup- 35 percent of reworked wool was already being
plies from abroad might be cut off or seriously used in the material for overcoating and that
reduced forced the OPM to take measures con- flannel shirting was 20 percent cotton. Thus it

trolling civilian consumption and brought a appeared that wool requirements could not be
renewed study of Army specifications. materially reduced through lowering the weight
A movement began among conservation and quality of basic Quartermaster items.
officials to persuade the QMC to lighten the Nevertheless, the OQMG
undertook to cut
weight of the winter uniform and effect other wool consumption wherever possible and a
savings in wool. The wool conservation pro- committee was formed to study the subject of
gram urged upon the Corps by the WPB cen- wool conservation. This committee held meet-
tered upon four principal items and materials- ings at intervals throughout the next few
blankets, 32-ounce overcoating, 18-ounce serge, months at the OQMG and at the Philadelphia
and flannel shirting— which accounted for over Quartermaster Depot, the procuring depot for

80 percent of Army wool purchases. 55 These clothing.

recommendations, prepared in the light of civil- As a result of the committee's deliberations

ian experience, were discussed at a conference a number of additional measures were taken.
in the OQMG between representatives of the
WPB, the QMC, and civilian textile specialists.
Memo, Brig Gen C. L. Corbin, OQMG, for ASW,
21 May 40, sub: Shortage of Raw Wool to Meet Mo-
Some of the dangers involved in effecting sub-
bilization Rqmts, 423.
stitutions for wool in basic field items were 55
(1) Memo, Deputy Dir of Procurement & Distr,
clarified. While 16-ounce woolen cloth, for in- SOS, for Gen Corbin, OQMG, 30 Mar 42, no sub. (2)
Memo for file, F. S. Blanchard, Textile Consultant,
stance, might be considered ample for ordinary Bureau of Industrial Conserv, 4 Apr 42, sub: Wool
civilian use, it was hardly suitable for troops Supply and Mil Rqmts- Mtg at OQMG, 2 Apr 42.

The "bi-swing back," designed to allow greater munication with Australia and other wool-
freedom of movement, was taken out of the It was anticipated that the
producing countries.
service coat, effecting a 12 percent saving in the QMC would not consume even the domestic
yardage of serge used on each garment. Since wool clip for 1943 or 1944. The stockpile of
the introduction of the field jacket, this coat was wool was large and could even
in the country
no longer considered a combat garment nor did be reduced with safety. While it might be de-
the return to the snug-fitting back lessen its sirable to maintain a modest reserve, The Quar-
utility for ordinary wear. The proportion of re- termaster General advised the WPB that "the
worked wool in overcoating material was in- same reasons do not prevail today, as did prevail
increased further by 15 percent. A trench coat of a year and one-half ago, for carrying a reserve of
water-repellent, wind-resistant poplin, with a re- 57
the present size."
movable wool lining, was proposed as a possible Silk had always been one of the strategic ma-
replacement for the woolen overcoat and the terials under the classification maintained during
raincoat in the European theater. Blankets with the procurement planning period. Imported
a low percentage of wool content were proposed largely from Japan, would be prac-
this material
for barrack use, making all-wool blankets in use tically war with that
unobtainable in case of a
in barracks available for reissue in the field and power. Silk, on which the Air Corps had first
eventually cutting down the procurement of claim for use in parachutes, became subject to
the all-wool type. In line with the committee's strict conservation measures in the summer of
recommendations, trench coats and experimen- 1941. The Supply Division of the OQMG was
tal blankets of various mixtures were procured directed to prepare a report indicating the uses
for thorough testing, while investigations of of this material in Quartermaster items and the
possible substitute wool and rayon mixtures to measures that could be taken to conserve it.

take the place of the basic 18-ounce uniform Silk was used extensively by the Corps in
serge cloth were undertaken. 56 banners and ribbons for decorations and medals,
Tests conducted by the Quartermaster Board in nurses' white waists and enlisted men's black
indicated that blankets made with as much as ties, seam material in
in hat cords, as lining or
35 percent of reworked wool were as warm as numerous items of clothing, and as thread. For
those made entirely of virgin wool, while any most uses substitutions were readily effected.
considerable admixture of rayon was inadvis- Mercerized cotton thread replaced silk thread;

able as it increased the tendency to absorb mois- mercerized cotton and rayon replaced silk lin-

ture and lessened the fire resistence of the ing; the issue of silk neckties and nurses' waists
blanket. Trench coats were approved for use by was discontinued; rayon replaced silk in hat
officers, and extensive tests by service boards of cords and in some other items. 59 For banners
similar coats for enlisted men were undertaken. and decoration ribbons, replacement was a little
The project was dropped, however, in August
1943 when the M-1943 combat ensemble was 56
(1) Maj Kennedy to Col Doriot, OQMG, 23
adopted. By that time, in fact, there was little May Committee to Review
42, sub: QM
Wool Specs.
need of further experimentation along the line (2) Preliminary Rpt of QM
Wool Conserv Com, 8
Jun 42. (3) QM Wool Conserv Com Rpt, 11 Sep 42.
of wool substitutions. The size of the Army was 57 Ltr, Gen Gregory to Donald M. Nelson, 10 Aug

becoming stabilized and initial clothing issues 43, no sub, 423.

were expected to decline rapidly. The military
Ping & Control Div to Chief of Sup Div, OQMG,
29 Jul 41, no sub.
situation had so improved that there was little 59 Memo, Gen Gregory for USW, 1 Sep 41, sub:
likelihood of interruption of the lines of com- Conserv of Strategic and Critical Materials.

more difficult and was not at first recommended. Carpet, plush, tapestry, and upholstery indus-
The special weathering and draping qualities of tries were converted to its production despite a
silk, together with its high degree of strength, substantial increase in cost to the government.
made it the most desirable material for such The QMC was assigned the task of buying all
items, intimately associated as they were with duck for the Army. Efforts already under way
individual and organizational morale. The Phil- were stepped up to develop a substitute ma-
adelphia Depot had, however, for a number of terial for the type of duck used in shelter tents.

years been investigating all types of synthetic In the face of enormous demands, specifications
fibers for use as substitutes for banner silk. By for numbered and flat duck had to be revised to

June 1942 had developed a specification for

it include the more abundant double- and single-
rayon banner cloth which was approved as satis- filled flat duck, heavy twill, and other substitute
factory for procurement. materials. Because of the difficulties in procur-
It had long been known in the QMC that the ing the heavy duck required for pyramidal and
facilities available for the production of cotton other large tents, the Army had to gear its

duck, used for tentage, tarpaulins, and many specifications more realistically to potential
items of clothing and personal equipment, supply and accept a wide variety of nonstand-
would be insufficient to meet all needs in case ard tentage. Concessions were made with respect

of a great emergency involving the mobilization to color, weight, and width in order to eliminate

of a large army. This situation had made the the difference between commercial and Army
study of duck procurement one of the most im- production where possible. 62 In addition, a
portant aspects of Quartermaster procurement study was made of all items of duck and web-
planning. bing equipment, primarily to reduce the weight
Even the limited expansion of the Army carried by the soldier but also in an effort to
which took place in 1940 forced almost immedi- make greater use of lighter and more available

ate departures from the specifications of tentage materials. The WPB issued an order forbidding,
duck. By November procurement officers in the in general, the use of duck for civilian purposes,
OQMG were admittedly "securing practically "unless such cotton duck has been rejected as

every fabric that can be be considered as a pos- unfit for use by both the Army and the Navy of
sible substitute for the regular 15.5 oz. plied the United States."
yarn duck." 6l
Tentage made from substitute With many new manufacturers brought into

material, it was directed, was to be marked so the field and with substitutions and changes in
that it could be readily identified in the field. the finishing technique, the production of duck
The shortage of duck was so serious by the fol-
( 1 ) Ltr, Col Vere Painter, PQMD, to TQMG, 2
lowing year that a study of clothing items was Jun 42, sub: Banner Silk Substitute. (2) 1st ind, Maj
made with a view to eliminating this material. Kennedy, OQMG, to CG PQMD, 15 Jun 42, same
sub. (3) 2d ind, Col Painter to TQMG, 19 Jun 42,
One of the savings effected was replacement of
same sub. (4) Ltr, Lt Paul E. Walz, PQMD, to
the 10.2-ounce waterproofed duck used as the TQMG, 1 Oct 42, sub: QMC Tentative Spec for Rayon
outer fabric of the mackinaw by a lighter cotton Banner Cloth. All in 400.1141.
Ltr, Capt James E. Baker, OQMG, to John M.
fabric that was in greater production and could
Reeves, Reeves Bros, Inc., 20 Nov 40, no sub.
be readily waterproofed. 62
( 1 ) Ltr, Col W. A. McCain, PQMD, to TQMG,

With the increased rate of mobilization fol- 2 Oct 40, sub: Utilization of Carpet Mills for Duck.

lowing Pearl Harbor, the Army's duck require- (2) Rpt, Col Robert T. Stevens and Ralph A. Butland,
n. d., sub: The QMC
Duck and Webbing Pool.
ments approximately doubled. Every effort was 61 WPB, General Preference Order M-91 to Con-

made to extend the production of this material. serve Sup and Direct Distr of Cotton Duck, 28 Feb 42.

was gradually stepped up to meet the needs of emergency a shortage of down became appar-
thearmed forces, and procurements of substi- ent.Kapok, a fluffy vegetable fiber, was an ob-
tute fabrics were made less frequently. The duck vious substitute, and this material was used for
problem, however, was and continued to be some procurements for the Alaskan garrison. It
one of the most serious production difficulties proved, however, to lack sufficient warmth to
which the QMC
was called upon to face and, meet the rigors of the arctic winter, and Maj.
for a time, a large proportion of the items into Gen. S. B. Buckner, commanding in Alaska,
which the material entered was affected by the protested vigorously against its use.

shortage. Down had been largely imported from China

Fur had been extensively used in the special and Europe. Most of the foreign sources were
list of clothing for the small peacetime Alaskan soon shut off. The WPB
in February 1942 is-
garrison. With the expansion of the Army and sued an order restricting the use of goose and
the establishment of large garrisons in Alaska duck feathers and down to fulfilling defense
and other far northern areas, any large depend- contracts, but the limited domestic supply, even
ence upon furs for cold-climate clothing became when so channeled, proved insufficient to meet
impracticable. For a time the Corps made wide the needs of the Army. The QMC explored
use of "shearling," or yearling lambskin, in its every avenue in the search for a really efficient
cold-climate clothing. But there were practical down. Extensive experimentation
substitute for
objections to this material, and its use by the was carried on with milkweed fiber, curled
Air Corps was so great that by the end of 1941 chicken feathers, kinked acetate fiber, and other
ittended to become a critical material. For some natural and synthetic materials. Nothing as ef-
years explorers and mountaineers had been 40 percent down and
fective as the mixture of
tending to minimize the use of furs in their 60 percent waterfowl feathers was discovered,
clothing, substituting loosely woven woolen however, though the shorter feathers of turkeys
protected by outer shells of closely woven, and chickens made a reasonably satisfactory ma-
wind-resistant cotton. Textile men had also been when used in a mixture not exceeding 25
experimenting with the use of plush or "pile" percent with down and waterfowl feathers.
of alpaca and mohair for cold weather garments. Sleeping bags were purchased chiefly with the
The QMC, conducting cold-chamber lab-
after 40-60 percent mixture of down and feathers,
oratory experiments with soldiers wearing dif- although in 1944 dilution with 25 percent of
ferent types of garments, found that pile cloth- chicken feathers was authorized. 66
ing with wind-breaker shells was efficient. The
clothing designers of the Corps turned more
Pitkin, Quartermaster Equipment for Special Forces,
and more to pile material to meet cold-climate
pp. 23-29.
clothing needs. By 1943 the Army clothing list 65
( 1 ) Memo, Maj Gen S. B. for CG Fourth
for cold areas included very few items involving Army, 30 Sep 41, no sub. (2) Col Robert M. Lit-

the use of fur.

64 tlejohn, OQMG, to Gen Buckner, CG Alaska Defense
Command, Gen Buckner
17 Jan 42, no sub. (3) Ltr,
The expansion of the northern garrison also to CG Western Denfense Command, 22 Jun 42, no
brought to light another serious material short- sub.

age. Sleeping bags are essential equipment for

( 1 ) Memo for file, Materials & Conserv Sec,
OQMG, 19 Dec 42, sub: Down, Feather, and Kapok
troops in cold climates. Down, which consists OQMG, to Dr. E. G.
Situation. (2) Ltr, Col Doriot,
of the soft, fluffy under feathers of ducks, geese, Auchter, Research Administrator, Dept of Agricul-
and other aquatic ture, 11 Mar 43, no sub. (3) Special Forces Sec to
birds, is considered the most Materials Sec, OQMG, 6 Mar 43, sub: Filler for Sleep-
efficient filler for sleeping bags. Early in the ing Bags.

Quartermaster items also made use of large growing shortage of sole leather was a consid-
quantities of leather of various types, much of eration. Its effect was to reduce greatly the
which was normally imported. Most of the leather requirements for this basic Quarter-
leathers used in the manufacture of equipment master item. 69 A further conservation measure
became critical materials sooner or later. The consisted in the replacement of the leather bot-
first serious shortage to appear was in horse- tom filler by a cork filler. Since the rubber situa-
hide, used for heavy leather gloves. A cowhide tion became very tight after the United States
tannage was developed which was intended to entered the war, conservation in the footwear
give cowhide the same characteristics as horse- program from this time on was centered more
hide, and this material was used as a substitute. amount of crude rubber
in efforts to reduce the
Another substitute specification for horsehide consumed than in the saving of leather. In fact,
gloves was worked out in goatskin. As cowhide at one time it was expected that it would be

became a critical material, a new glove de-

itself necessary to return to the use of leather soles.
sign, in which leather was used only in the Nevertheless, leather remained a critical com-
palm, was developed in 1942. This cut-and-sewn modity and the QMC continued to watch for
glove replaced the wool knit glove previously opportunities to save this material.
supplied as the general issue item of hand- A notable feature of the whole conservation
wear. program was the extensive use of synthetic plas-
Within a few months after Pearl Harbor, tic materials as substitutes for natural raw ma-

hides, skins, and most types of leather were terials. Plastics constituted a relatively new field

placed under close control by the WPB, pri- of industrial development. Progress in this field
marily to make these materials available for was immensely stimulated during the war by
military needs. The Army supply services, how- the needs of the QMC
and the other supply
ever, were not brought under such heavy pres- services. For Quartermaster items alone plastics
sure to eliminate leather as in the case of rub- were considered, tested, and to some extent
ber and certain of the metals. Footwear con- used as substitutes for metals, rubber, and other
sumed by far the largest part of the leather used materials. This new group of substances also
in Quartermaster items. The most effective occasionally permitted the development of a
measure taken by the Corps to conserve leather new item for which no natural material was
was the initiation of a shoe-rebuilding program quite suitable. In a number of instances, plastic
both in this country and in the theaters. 68 In substitutes for orthodox materials were so supe-
addition, the QMC took advantage of every rior to the original that no return to the latter
opportunity to reduce its consumption by effect- was contemplated when it should again become
ing substitutions or eliminating leather from a abundant.
number of other items, such as scabbards for
rifles, carbines, and submachine guns. Specifica- ( 1 ) Standardization Br, Rpt of Test and Develop-

tions were relaxed to permit the use of lower

ment Work in Progress, 1 Mar-1 May 42. (2) R&D
Br, Status Rpts, 30 Jun-31 Jul 42, 31 Aug-30 Nov 42.
grade and thinner leathers. 68
See section on shoe-rebuilding program in Ch.
The most important new development in the II of The Quartermaster Corps: Organization, Supply,
and Services, Vol. II, a volume now in preparation for
design of the service shoe, affecting the quantity
this subseries.
of leather used, consisted in the change from a 69
( 1 ) Memo, Harold M. Florsheim, OPM, for Col
leather to a composition sole. This step was Littlejohn, OQMG, 23 May 41, no sub. (2) Memo,
Gen Corbin for ACofS G-4, 6 Jun 41, sub: Composi-
taken primarily because of the superior wearing
tion Soles for Sv Shoes, 421. (3) Ltr, Gen Littlejohn
qualities of the composition material, but the to Maj Gen W. C. Baker, 14 Feb 42, sub: Sv Shoes.

Plastic buttons not only replaced the brass wear. Rainsuits and light-weight ponchos for
buttons of the uniform, but also took the place tropical wear were designed in nylon. Tooth-
of vegetable ivory and bone buttons of other brush and shaving brush bristles were made of
garments. Plastic replaced brass in whistles, it, and the material was considered for a whole
water bag faucets, bugles, and razors; it took range of jungle fabric items. Nylon was also
the place of aluminum in knife handles and, in deemed the best material for mountain tents. 71
a limited procurement, in canteens; it replaced Unfortunately for the Corps, nylon was the
rubber in raincoats and other waterproof fabrics. only satisfactory substitute available to the Air
Certain new and important Quartermaster Forces for the Japanese silk formerly used in
items, such as the helmet liner and the methyl parachutes. It was used not only for the fabric
bromide delousing set, were made of plastic but also for the shroud lines of the parachutes.
substances from the beginning. Rifle and other Nylon fabric was therefore largely allocated to
weapon covers of expendable plastic material the Air Forces, and the supply services for some
were developed for the use of the amphibious time had to do without it or to accept such
forces. Plastic insoles for the jungle boot added quantities of rejected parachute material as be-
to the health and comfort of troops campaign- came available. Production of nylon increased
ing in the steaming tropical forests of the but so too did Air Forces' requirements. While
Southwest Pacific. The applications of plas- substantial allocations were eventually made to
tics, largely but not entirely as substitutes, the QMC in 1944, the organization was for a
eventually became so extensive that shortages of long time unable to make as free use of this
these synthetic substances frequently appeared, amazingly versatile product as it would other-
sometimes forcing the substitution of one plas- wise have done. 72
tic for another.
Nylon was a new plastic material which came
to have varied and useful applications in Quar-
Col C. A. Schwarzwaelder, OQMG, to
( 1 ) Ltr,
termaster equipment. Best known before the Office Chief of CWS, 21 Sep 42, sub: Scientific Info.
war from which sheer stock-
as a silk substitute (2) Pitkin, Quartermaster Equipment for Special Forces,
ings were made, nylon showed protean possibil- 266, 273-75.
7 '
( 1 ) Footwear & Leather Sec to Materials Sec,
ities under the stimulus of war. Mountain OQMG, 7 Aug 43, sub: Nylon for QMC Uses. (2)
climbing rope, superior to the best Manila, was Materials Sec to Textile Sec, et a/., OQMG, 6 Aug 43,
developed from it. Shoe laces made of filament sub: Nylon for QMC Uses.
Materials & Conserv Sec to Col Doriot, OQMG,
nylon showed such excellent wearing qualities
25 Aug 42, sub: August Nylon Allocation Meeting,
that they came to be used with all jungle foot- Hq SOS.

The Development of Army

In any discussion of wartime scientific ing the development and standardization of
achievement it is inevitably the spectacular— jet types of clothing and equipment for which the
propulsion, new explosives, radar— which ob- Corps had responsibility, and the preparation
tains the most publicity. This may obscure but and co-ordination of specifications. Lt. Col.
by no means diminishes the importance of the Letcher O. Grice was chief of the Standardiza-
research done by the Quartermaster Corps in tion Branch and executive officer of the com-
co-operation with industrial and university lab- mittee. The Clothing and Equipage Branch was
oratories in developing those items of clothing under the direction of Col. Robert M. Little-
which contributed to the physical and mental john, later to become Chief Quartermaster of
World War II.
well-being of the soldier in the European Theater of Operations (ETO).
Although primarily concerned with procure-
Organization for Product Development
ment, this branch had been accustomed to take
a dominant part in the design of items within

Quartermaster research activities were cen- its province and continued to be active in de-

tered in the Supply Division at the beginning velopmental work.

of the national emergency in 1939- Two units of In the emergency period Quartermaster re-

that division— the Standardization Branch and search was confined, as heretofore, largely to

the Clothing and Equipage Branch — were correcting deficiencies in items as pointed out

active in the development of new items of in the annual surveys of equipment made by the
Quartermaster clothing and equipment and in chiefs of branches of the Army. Occasionally
the revision of specifications.
The Standard- upon request new items were developed. Quar-

ization Branch, the heart of which was the Spec- termaster research did not become an activity in

ifications Section, was responsible for supervis- its own right, however, until the end of 1941.
ing the development, preparation, and standard- This development resulted from the mounting
ization of specifications for all articles provided international crisis, which by 1940 had forced
by the Quartermaster Corps. This supervision the United States into a vast defense program,

meant checking and clearance rather than the including the dispatch of a greatly enlarged gar-

direction of an active program of co-ordination. rison to Alaska.

The branch also handled administrative details The Alaskan clothing list, revised to some
for the Quartermaster Corps Technical Com-
(1) OQMG OO 4, 7 Jan 37, sub: Office Orgn.
mittee (QMTC), which effected co-ordination
(2) OQMG OO 24, 7 Sep 38, same sub. (3) OQMG
among all interested branches of the Army dur- OO 25F, 15 May 41, no sub.

extent in 1928, had remained almost unchanged solidation gave recognition to the fact that
until 1940. Both the Clothing and Equipage product development and production problems
and the Standardization Branches were engaged were closely associated. The Clothing and
in 1940 in revising this list and in developing Equipage Branch, which kept its own research
and procuring suitable cold-climate clothing organization intact in the transfer, became a
and equipment. A series of meetings on the branch in the new Storage and Distribution
problem emphasized the need for an organiza- Service.

tion, unhampered by problems of procurement, Two distinct organizations in the OQMG,

storage, and distribution, to study cold-climate rather widely separated from a control stand-
equipment. As a result, Brig. Gen. Clifford L. point, were now performing essentially the
Corbin, chief of the Supply Division, author- same functions because this divided responsi-
ized the establishment of a new Cold Climate bility was not clarified during the process of

Unit in the Standardization Branch late in reorganization. The conflict was presently re-
Quartermaster wartime research and solved by the adoption of a recommendation
developmental activities stem from these made in the Piatt Report to the effect that "all

beginnings. design and development work at headquarters,

Lines of responsibility for the details of the OQMG, should be centralized in Product De-
development of items of clothing and equip- velopment Branch; such work being carried on
ment necessarily remained somewhat flexible. now in Storage and Distribution Service should
Both the Clothing and Equipage Branch and be transferred to Product Development." The
the Standardization Branch were acquiring in- Production Service had made good its claim to
dustrial specialists and expanding rapidly to jurisdiction in this field.
meet their responsibilities. There was a certain
Responsibility for product development was
amount of duplication of organization and func- further clarified in the second reorganization of
tions which was of minor consequence as long the OQMG at the end of July 1942. The Mili-
as the two branches remained in close touch tary Planning Division absorbed the Production
within the same division under chiefs who were Service, taking over its organizational units in-
in harmonious relationship. The prime objec- tact. Its mission was declared to be, in part, to
tive was to get the work done, and consequent- "develop Quartermaster items to meet chang-
ly specific problems were handled by personnel ing needs and conditions." 5 The Resources
of either branch as the qualifications of individ- Division, with Colonel Doriot continuing as its

uals dictated.
The reorganization of the OQMG along 2
For a fuller treatment of these developments see
functional lines March 1942 altered this
in Pitkin, Quartermaster Equipment for Special Forces, pp.
situation. The Supply Division was broken up. 8-71.
The Standardization Branch, absorbed by the
(1) Col L. O. Grice, "The Standardization
Branch," QMR, XXI (March- April 1942), 23-24,
new Production Service, became the Product 103. (2) Gen Robert M. Littlejohn, "Clothing and
Development Branch within the Resources Di- Equipage," QMR, XXI (March-April 1942), 20-21.
( 1 ) Chief of OP&C Div to Dirs of Divs, OQMG,
vision,and was headed by Lt. Col. Georges F.
10 Sep 42, with attachments prepared by survey teams,
Doriot. At the same time the Resources Divi- subs: Memo of Recommendations on OQMG
sion also absorbed the Production Branch of the ment and Memo on Basic QMC
Procurement Func-
Planning and Control Division, thus merging in tions. (2) For a fuller discussion of the Piatt Report
see Ch. I, above.
one organization the problems of production, OQMG OO
184, 31 Jul 42, sub: Reasgmt of
materials conservation, and design. This con- QMC Functions.

chief, became the Research and Development search and Development Branch of the Military
Branch of the new Military Planning Division. Planning Division over responsibility for re-

Quartermaster research with some exceptions search in subsistence and in the packaging of
was now centralized in the Research and De- subsistence. It was the end of 1942 before this

velopment Branch, which continued to be the difficulty had been settled to the satisfaction of
chief organization for product development in both divisions. Responsibility for research in
the OQMG during the remainder of the war. packing was never vested in the Military Plan-
A broad assignment of responsibility was ning Division but remained with the Storage
made to the Research and Development Branch. and Distribution Division throughout the war.
It initiated action to insure continued practical when petroleum procurement for the

development of Quartermaster equipment; ap- Army was centralized in an integrated com-

proved all specifications for Quartermaster modity organization in the OQMG called the
items; ascertained problems of production and Fuels and Lubricants Division, that division
materials, recommending solutions; and super- was also given responsibility for the develop-
vised conservation work as well as activities in ment of containers and petroleum equipment
the Corps concerned with the operations of the despite the contention of the director of the
Controlled Materials Plan. In collaboration Military Planning Division that all research

with other divisions of the OQMG, the Re- concerning Quartermaster items should be con-
search and Development Branch prepared the centrated in the Research and Development
Master Production Schedule and translated Branch. 7
schedules for end items into requirements for The Research and Development Branch co-

raw materials. It co-ordinated the testing activ- ordinated the research activities of all QMC
ities of the Corps, represented the OQMG on agencies in the field. Notable among these were
the technical committees of other arms and four of the Quartermaster procuring depots-
services, and served as the executive office of the Boston, Philadelphia, Jeffersonville, and Chi-
QMCTC. The products sections of the branch cago. Boston specialized in footwear; Philadel-
had the primary responsibility for the develop- phia in clothing and textiles; Jeffersonville in

ment of specific items assigned to them. Al- mechanical items, webbing, tentage, and tent-

though a number of organizational adjustments age textiles; and Chicago in subsistence. In the
were later made within the Research and Devel- years before the national emergency, the larger
opment Branch, the organization for the devel- part of such research work as was done by the
opment of Quartermaster items of clothing and QMC was actually conducted at these depots,
equipment had, by the end of 1942, taken on a or by private manufacturers co-operating under
more or less fixed form for the duration of the their direction. Problems of equipment design,
war. 6
presented to the Corps from the using forces,
While in theory all research activity of the were ordinarily cleared through the OQMG
QMC was centralized in the Research and De- and referred to the appropriate depots for re-

velopment Branch when the OQMG was re- commended solution. The Philadelphia and
organized along functional lines after March 6
See Chart 5.
1942, in practice this centralization took place 7
(1)OQMG OO 24-37B, 25 Aug 43, sub: Re-
slowly and was not completely accomplished sponsibility for Spec, Design, R&D of Containers for
Petri Products. (2) OQMG OO 25-70, 25 Mar 44,
during the war. For many months there was
sub: Asgmt of Responsibility for Equip Especially De-
frictionbetween the Subsistence Branch of the signed for Handling of Petri Products. (3) Dir of Mil
Storage and Distribution Division and the Re- Ping Div to the Deputy QMG, 4 Aug 43, no sub.






Jeffersonville depots maintained manufacturing sponsibility for research, it also encountered op-
plants, producing many of the items within position from the depots. Like other long-estab-
their respective fields. These two depots con- lished field agencies in any widespread organ-
tained quality-control laboratories which tested ization, they tended to generate their own
for specification purposes samples of items esprit de corps, their own local loyalties, and their
under procurement taken from the production own jealously guarded prerogatives. In connec-
line. In these laboratories, too, a certain amount tion with developmental work they had over a
of experimental work was carried on to im- period of years built up a tradition of semi-in-
prove existing items and develop new ones. 8 dependence, which was little disturbed during
All the varied activities of the depots were, the first years of the emergency. When the re-

of course, greatly expanded with the national search and development organization within
emergency. The facilities of the Philadelphia the OQMG began to take on final form, how-
and Jeffersonville laboratories were enlarged ever, it started to assert control over the research
and modernized. In the vast developmental pro- activities of the depots.

gram incident to the preparation of suitable Full co-ordination was not secured without
clothing and equipment for the wartime Army, some pressure. In May 1942 the depots were
they became a leading reliance of the QMC. first required to submit to the OQMG regular
Even before the great expansion of the Army, monthly reports showing the status of all their
the Philadelphia Depot was engaged in a con- projects. 9 A few months later information in
siderable variety of research and developmental the OQMG
on the research activities of one of
projects in clothing and textiles. By August the depots was still very meager. It was neces-

1942 it was conducting studies and tests rang- sary for The Quartermaster General to reiterate
ing from the water absorption of resin-coated that responsibility for "supervising and coor-
fabrics to the reconditioning of World War I dinating development and engi-
all research,
buttons. At the same time the Jeffersonville neering of Quartermaster supplies and equip-
Depot was working on a number of projects ment" was vested in the Production Service. To
looking toward the substitution of more avail- secure better co-ordination he soon directed that
able materials for strategic metals in Quarter- all depot research and developmental projects
master items, the improvement of tentage duck, be submitted to the OQMG for approval be-
the study of rot- and mildew-resistant com- fore work was started on them. 10
pounds, and the improvement or initial devel- 8
( 1) The growth and activities of the textile lab-
opment of a number of duck and mechanical oratory of the Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot are
described at considerable length in a report by James
items. In September 1942 the Boston Depot re-
A. Barnes, The Laboratory: Philadelphia Quartermas-
ported activity on a number of projects for the ter Depot, July 1943. (2) Two reports by David
improvement of the design of the service shoe Spence Hill, The Engineering Division, June 1943,
as well as studies for the conservation of rubber and The Manufacturing Division, September 1943,
cover the work of the laboratory and manufacturing
in the arctic overshoe and the jungle boot. Such plant at the Jeffersonville Quartermaster Depot. These
projects are illustrative of the research activities are all typescript reports prepared under the direction

pursued by the depots — the prime agencies of of, and filed with, the Historical Section, OQMG.
Ltr, TQMG to CG PQMD et ah, 13 May 42, sub:
the Corps in meeting its basic responsibility of R&D Projects.
supplying the Army. 10
(1) Ltr, Col Doriot, OQMG,
to Brig Gen Allen
R. Kimball, JQMD, 18 Jul 42, no sub. (2) Ltr, Gen
If the Research and Development Branch of
Gregory to CG
JQMD, 4 Aug 42, no sub. (3) Ltr,
the Military Planning Division had difficulty in Gen Gregory to CG
JQMD, 8 Aug 42, sub: R&D
securing recognition in the OQMG of its re- Projects. All in 400.112.

The depots had traditionally written many of the board, testing of various new items began
the specifications for the items which they pro- shortly after the board moved to Camp Lee and
cured and had a tendency to take over this func- increased rapidly thereafter.
tion more or less The responsibility
completely. Field testing, as done by the board, was not
of the Research and Development Branch in intended to be a substitute for laboratory test-

this respect was now underscored. It was em- ing but rather its complement. Field testing was
phasized that this office would "furnish recom- divided into two main groups, normal and ex-
mendations where necessary on specifications to pedited testing. In normal testing items were
be written by the depots since this office is in used by personnel in the performance of regular
closer contact with the varying needs of differ- daily activities. In expedited testing the life

ent sections of the Army and with the changing span of an article was compressed into a frac-
availability of materials and facilities."
n Even tion of its normal expected life. Expedited test-
emergency specifications were to be submitted ing was used when time was a major considera-
to the central office for concurrence. tion, while normal testing permitted a finer

A policy of making frequent visits to the de- degree of accuracy. 14

pots to discuss problems, the submission of Both special and fixed installations were used
regular depot reports, and the approval of re- for testing items. To test various types of
search projects and emergency specifications by mechanical devices, where a high degree of op-
the OQMG brought a closer integration of the erating skill might be required and the utmost
research activities of the depots with the Quar- control be essential, special installations which
termaster program as a whole and made the or- could be dismantled at the end of the test were
ganization into a more effective working team. set up for individual tests. On the other hand,
The control of the Research and Development fixed installations, such as the shoe test track
Branch over depot research was further strength- and the combat course, 15 were set up at the
ened in the autumn of 1943 by an order which Quartermaster Board for many of the tests on
specifically made the assignment of projects to, footgear and clothing. By the use of these prov-
and the direction of technical activities in, all ing grounds definite patterns of wear could be
Quartermaster research laboratories "the direct established. Still another method was to test
responsibility of the Military Planning Divi- under controlled conditions. Thus, a principal
sion." test method involved the use of many samples
The official QMC field testing agency was the of clothing and equipment items by troops en-
Quartermaster Board, which conducted tests at gaged in controlled activities in the field. In this
the request of the Research and Development type of testing actual tactical problems were de-
Branch. Created by direction of the Chief of vised and were executed by trained units of men
Staff, U.S. Army, in 1934 at the Quartermaster under conditions designed to duplicate realis-
School in Philadelphia, this board was re-estab- conditions to which the items under
tically field
lished in 1942 at Camp Lee, Va., the chief train-
ing center for the QMC during World War II.
13 11
Mil Ping Div to Insp Div, OQMG, 5 Oct 42,
Its president was directly responsible to The sub: Insp Rpt at JQMD.
Quartermaster General in technical matters.
OQMG OO 25-56,
25 Oct 43, sub: Mil Plng-
QM R&D Activities.
While the Quartermaster Board had been estab- 15
(1) AR 30-10, 8 Jun 34, sub: QM Bd. (2)
lished under a broad charter, its chief activity OQMG OO 18, 19 Jan 42, sub: QM Bd.
became that of field testing clothing
Rpt, Col Wainer to OQMG,
Fid Testing Proce-
and equip- dures, QM Bd, Camp Lee, Va. [circa 1943].
ment. Under Col. Max R. Wainer, director of 15
See Charts 6 and 7.

consideration might be subjected. Another associated with the work of the Harvard Fatigue
method, invariably supplemented by other ap- Laboratory, was appointed to take charge of the
proaches, employed considerable numbers of laboratory. Its work expanded rapidly. Later the
samples, and personnel engaged in their nor- Climatic Research Laboratory constructed a hot
mal duties. Personnel of the regular training chamber where desert and jungle conditions
regiments at Camp Lee were equipped with the could be simulated. The laboratory became the
materials undergoing test, and observers and principal facility of the Research and Develop-
recorders were attached to such units during the ment Branch in the performance of such tests
test period. on clothing and equipment for climatic ex-
Another important QMC testing agency for tremes as could be performed in a laboratory,

clothing and equipment, established after the though much testing of this nature continued
war began, was the Climatic Research Labora- to be done also in co-operating private labora-
tory, at Lawrence, Mass. This laboratory was tories.

first projected by Dr. Paul A. Siple, authority Testing of new items of Quartermaster issue
on the Antarctic, when he was temporarily em- by the Army service boards had long been part

ployed by the Corps as an analyst of cold-cli- of the regular procedure leading to standardiza-
mate clothing in the summer and autumn of tion. These boards were organizations set up by
1941. He believed that the Corps, with its vast the chief of each technical service to test items
and increasing responsibility for clothing and that were developed, and such testing continued
equipping troops for service in varied climates, during the war. In addition, the Research and
should have under its own control a fully Development Branch was responsible for secur-

equipped laboratory where extreme conditions ing the collaboration of a considerable number
of both cold and heat could be produced. There of governmental and private agencies in this
the techniques of the physiologist, the physicist, work. Governmental agencies which carried on
the textile expert, and the climatologist could laboratory work for the Corps included the Na-
be applied and the results synthesized to place tional Bureau of Standards, the official govern-
the selection of clothing for any given environ- ment testing agency, which in normal times
ment on a really scientific basis. Dr. Siple be-
lieved such a laboratory was particularly essen- 16
(1) Ltr, Dr. Siple to Col Grice, OQMG,
28 Oct
had 41, no sub. (2) Pitkin, Quartermaster Equipment for
tial inasmuch as physiological laboratories
Special Forces, pp. 279-81.
not taken into consideration the effects of 17
( 1 ) Authority for the establishment of the labora-

clothing in their studies of climatic stress. He tory was formally received from the Commanding
General, SOS, 7 January 1943, and its activation was
was given carte blanche to organize the labora-
officially confirmed 4 February 1943. AGO
Memo S
tory,although by agreement with the chief of 30-5-43, 4 Feb 43, sub: Establishment of QM
the Research and Development Branch he was SPX 322.29 (1-20-43) OB-I-SPQ-MP-FH. (2)
Construction of the laboratory was achieved by using
not obliged to operate the laboratory. Instead
maximum construction funds allowable to The Quar-
he was permitted to set up a companion clima- termaster General without special approval of the SOS.
tology unit in the branch in which to work out Manpower as test subjects, however, had to be ap-
proved and so for the first time the SOS became
more of his ideas.
aware of the laboratory. SOS approval of the labora-
While considerable time elapsed before the tory was reluctant and was given only because it al-

laboratory was eventually established, by March ready existed. Ltr, Dr. Siple to Maj Gen Orlando

1943 it had begun the testing of cold-climate Ward, Chief of Military History, 10 Nov 50, with incl,
no sub. ( 3) For a fuller discussion of these develop-
clothing and equipment. Lt. Col. John H. Tal- ments see Pitkin, Quartermaster Equipment for Special
bott of the Medical Corps, who had long been Forces, pp. 282-92.






was the principal reliance of the Corps for lab- assistance in the development of equipment.
oratory testing of materials, and the Textile By posing questions and problems and by ana-
Foundation, another agency in the Department lyzing reports, the Research and Development
of Commerce. The laboratory and reference Branch guided its co-operating laboratories in
facilities of the Department of Agriculture and the work to be accomplished. Among the uni-
the Department of the Interior also gave con- versity laboratories contributing to the results
siderable assistance in the work of the Research achieved, the Fatigue Laboratory of Harvard
and Development Branch. University was especially notable. When the
The Office of Scientific Research and Devel- war began was under the direc-
this laboratory

opment (OSRD), established by executive torship of Dr. David B. Dill, 18 who was suc-
order in 1941 for the purpose of assuring ade- ceeded in 1941 by Dr. William Forbes as acting
quate provision for research on scientific and director. The laboratory had undertaken a
medical problems relating to national defense, broad program of physiological research, in-
was of great and steadily increasing assistance volving studies in all phases of the physiology
to the OQMG developmental work.
in its of fatigue, including effects of heat, cold, and
Fundamental research problems were ordinarily altitude on human During the war

presented to the OSRD through the War De- it was engaged on war research projects,
partment liaison staff which had been set up for nearly all of which concerned the OQMG.
such clearance in Headquarters, ASF. Through These included basic research on clothing prin-
its National Defense Research Committee the ciples, in particular the efficiency of Army cloth-
OSRD made available the facilities of govern- program
ing, as well as nutritional studies. Its

mental, university, and industrial laboratories was integrated with that of the Climatic Re-
all over the country for the solution of scientific search Laboratory at Lawrence and the Subsist-
problems. Assisted by this committee, the Mili- ence Research Laboratory at Chicago. 19 As the
tary Planning Division placed contracts with new Climatic Research Laboratory came into
the laboratories considered most able to per- action, work was divided between it and the
form the desired research. In placing contracts Fatigue Laboratory. In general, practical tests of
the division also dealt directly with representa- completed items were made by the Lawrence
tives of a particular industry or a university Laboratory, while research into the principles of
laboratory. design for clothing suitable to climatic extremes
In addition, the Research and Development remained the function of the Harvard organ-
Branch had its own Advisory Board, composed ization.
of executives in various fields of research as well Valuable work in the physiological testing of
as outstanding scientists and explorers who Quartermaster clothing for climatic extremes
were able either to contribute directly to the was also performed by Dr. Lovic P. Herrington
solution of specific problems or who headed or- and his staff of the John B. Pierce Laboratory
ganizations with scientific personnel whose of Hygiene at New Haven, Conn. The Depart-
services could be made available. This board ment of Physiology at Indiana University under
was organized in the spring of 1942, when the
product development organization of the 18
Dr. Dill, after becoming a lieutenant colonel, was
OQMG was taking on permanent form under transferred in the spring of 1943 from the Air Corps
the direction of Colonel Doriot. to the QMC
to become Assistant for Product Analysis
in the Research and Development Branch.
A number of university laboratories, special- 19
For the work of the Subsistence Research Labora-
izing in various fields, were called upon for tory see Ch. V, below.

the direction of Dr. Sid Robinson also con- When a new item was needed, or field reports

ducted laboratory testing of uniforms for hot indicated the necessity of an improvement in

climates. Assistance was given to the Research design, whole industrial groups were often
and Development Branch in the study of prob- called upon to offer their suggestions or to take

lems of fiber, yarn, and fabric properties by the up the necessary development with their own
Textile Laboratories of the Massachusetts Insti- facilities. Thus, when a new stove, small and

tute of Technology, under the direction of Pro- lightenough to be carried in the rucksack, was
fessor Edward R. Schwartz. Leather problems needed for mountain troops, a meeting of the
were analyzed, by the research laboratory of the design engineers of nine of the leading stove
Tanners' Council located at the University of manufacturers of the country was called at the
Cincinnati. Chicago Quartermaster Depot, and the problem
In wartime, as in peace, the Corps depended was presented to them. When the QMC took
on private industry for a great part of its re- over from the Ordnance Department the devel-

search and developmental work. In November opment of the liner for the new steel helmet,
1940, shortly after the first considerable enlarge- half a dozen manufacturers of plastics and other
ment of the Army had taken place, there were firms interested in the problem were brought
some nineteen firms co-operating in eleven into conference and asked to pool their re-

projects of the Supply Division. In January sources in order to hasten the development and
1942 more than 200 business firms were re- mass production of this badly needed item.
ported as engaged in co-operative development When M-1937
trouble with the burner of the
of seventy-five different items, aside from motor field range persisted in the Coleman
field, the
transport, for the QMC. These firms included Lamp and Stove Company and the American
leaders in the fields of chemicals, rubber, tex- Gas Machine Company, two of the leading
tiles, clothing, leather goods, light metal firms in the development of gasoline-burning
products, chinaware, and others. equipment, with the Ethyl Corporation, research
Industry generally was eager, under the authority on leaded gasoline, were asked to co-
stimulus of war, to contribute its inventive operate and produce a better burner.
genius, laboratory facilities, and technical skill The Research and Development Branch dealt

to the solution of Quartermaster equipment with industrial firms, as far as practicable,

problems. Many new products were regularly through committees and associations set up by
brought to the attention of the OQMG as of- the various industries for their common benefit.

fering possibilities in the way of meeting Army Many such associations were established during
needs. As early as February 1941 the flood of the war to handle the highly specialized prob-
such offerings had become so great that there lems growing out of the needs of the armed
was established a special Quartermaster Equip-
20 Sup Div to Admin Div, OQMG, 29 Nov 40,
( 1 )
ment Board within the Supply Division for the
sub: Commercial Cooperation in R&D, 400.312. (2)
purpose of passing upon new articles and pro- Ltr, TAG to TQMG, 18 Oct 41, same sub. AG 400.114

posed changes in design submitted by manufac- (10-17-41) MB-D. (3) 1st ind, Col F. H. Pope,
turers and others. The OQMG
also, through its
OQMG, to TAG, 1 Jan 42, on same.
(1) Dir of Production, Resources Div, to Dir of
varied technical staff, attempted to keep in
Procurement, OQMG, 21 May 42, sub: Ski Stoves.
touch with all pertinent technical advances in (2) Memo,unsigned, 4 Jun 42, sub: Production Pro-

industry, and frequently inquired for samples of

gram for Cold Climate Stove. (3) Conference on Hel-
met Liners, 14 Jan 42. (4) Ltr, Col Doriot, OQMG,
new materials or finished items which might to American Gas Machine Co, 17 Sep 42, no sub.
have Quartermaster application. (5) Ltr, Col Doriot to Ethyl Corp, 19 Sep 42, no sub.

forces. Conferences with such associations, at the necessary developmental program was pre-
the call of the OQMG, were part of the regular pared by the chief of the technical service con-
routine of the office. Sometimes such an organ- cerned. Development was pursued in close
ization, with its member firms working on con- liaison with the using arm. When experimental
tracts for the same item, would take the initia- types had been developed and procured, they
tive and call a conference to discuss and present underwent engineering tests, conducted by the
to the QMC problems of production and sug- technical service, to determine their engineering
gestions for the improvement of designs. soundness, and service tests, conducted by the
The contributions of American industry to using arms and services, to determine their suit-

the development of Quartermaster clothing and ability for service use. The developing service
equipment eventually became almost infinite in co-ordinated all tests to insure that they were
number and variety. They ranged from minor comprehensive, without incurring delay or du-
suggestions as to the design of a relatively sim- plication of effort. Classification of the item
ple piece of wearing apparel to the development, after testing was recommended by the using
sometimes by a single firm, of a complicated arm or through the appro-
service, co-ordinated
mechanical item. Hundreds of industrial organ- priate technical committee. This committee
izations in many fields of production aided, submitted recommendation for classification to
with consultant service, individual or co-opera- the Commanding General, ASF, for approval.
tive design, or laboratory testing of the finished The classification of an item as standard or sub-
product, in the solution of the developmental stitute standard permitted determination of the
problems of the OQMG. basis of issue and procurement planning for

production. Specifications were prepared by the

Development and Standardization Procedure technical service and submitted to the Com-
manding General, ASF, for approval. 2-

The general procedure to be followed in the Within this general framework, a consider-
work of research, development, and classifica- able variety of detailed procedures was possible.
tion of items of equipment for the Army was The new item of Quar-
actual inspiration for a
prescribed by AR 850-25. This regulation, as termaster equipment might come from any one
revised in 1943, stated in substance that research of a number of sources — the presentation of a
and development were functions of the techni- new device by a manufacturer or inventor, the
cal services under the general direction of the idea of a technician in the Research and Devel-
Commanding General, ASF, or in case of Air opment Branch or in one of the manufacturing
Force items, of the Commanding General, AAF. depots, a report from an observer or a unit on
Under established procedure a developmental maneuvers or in a theater of operations calling
project was initiatedwhenever a using arm de- attention to a deficiency or a need, the examina-
cided that a given development was desirable. tion of a piece of captured enemy equipment,
The using arm also formulated the statement the need for conserving a critical material, or
of the military characteristics which the pro- the alteration of a related item. If the project
jected item was to possess. The development originated in or came to the attention of

was then co-ordinated through the technical the Research and Development Branch and was
committee of the service charged with the pro- approved there, normal procedure called for a
curement of that class of equipment. The pro- request to be submitted to Headquarters, ASF,
curement of experimental types was approved 22
AR 850-25, 30 Jun 43, sub: Development, Classi-
by the Commanding General, ASF, after which fication of, and Specs for Types of Equip.

for permission to develop the item experimen- ASF, for final adoption. A new item might be
tally. If the project first cleared through Head- adopted as "standard," representing the highest
quarters, ASF, and was approved there, the qualifications for the purpose intended and
Research and Development Branch would learn therefore preferred for procurement. Or it might
of the proposed item by way of a directive to be classified as "substitute standard," represent-
carry on such experimental development. In ing something less than the most desirable
either case, research to determine the military qualifications but the best immediately available
characteristics of the desired new item was the because of material shortage or for some other
next step. Technicians of the branch usually se- reason. It could therefore be procured as a sub-
cured the collaboration of personnel of the using stitute for a standard article. With the develop-
arms in this work, which involved the study of ment of a new item to replace another, the latter
the functions to be performed by the item, the might be reclassified as "limited standard," rep-
prospective military and geographic conditions resenting an article which did not have as satis-
of its use, the review of similar existing equip- factory military characteristics as a standard
ment, and the functional relationship of the article, but which could be used as a substitute
proposed item to other pieces of equipment. since it was either in use or available for issue
Preparation of the design followed, most often to meet supply demands. Upon the adoption of
with the assistance of one of the Quartermaster it was prepared,
the item, a basis of issue for
manufacturing depots, an industrial firm, or a specificationswere written, and a plan for its
whole industrial group. An experimental order procurement was drawn up. 23
would then be placed with a manufacturer, or The organizational background was identical
the necessary test samples might be made in a for product development in both clothing and
manufacturing depot. equipment 24 and consequently has been here
When samples sufficient for testing had been presented as a unit, preliminary to discussion of
procured, laboratory testswould be undertaken the developmental work in these two fields.

under the direction of the Test Section. These Since similar methods of testing were applied
tests might be conducted in the Corps' own to items of clothing and equipment and the
facilities— the manufacturing and testing depots same general procedure was utilized to achieve
or the Climatic Research Laboratory, for exam- their standardization, these aspects have also
ple. They might be made by a co-operating been treated at this point as a unit. Against this
agency, such as a government, university, or in- background the specific achievements in the
dustrial laboratory. Field tests followed, co- development of clothing and equipment during
ordinated but not directed by the Test Section. the war years, as well as the trends and prob-
These were usually conducted by a number of lems involved in research in the clothing field,

appropriate service boards, normally including are analyzed in the following sections.
the Quartermaster Board. The range of Quartermaster product develop-
On the completion of the test program, the ment was wide. Hundreds of new items were
item was presented to the QMCTC for adop- developed during the war and many previously
tion. In this committee, which usually operated
through subcommittees, the arms and service 23
A considerable number of "case histories" of indi-
which were interested in the item were able vidual items have been drawn upon in the preparation
through their representatives to make known of this brief account of the procedure followed in
Quartermaster product development.
their views. If the item was approved by the 24
The exceptions in the field of subsistence research
committee, it was forwarded to Headquarters, are discussed below in Ch. V.

adopted items were modified in the light of crit- II, neither was it a good combat uniform, al-

icism from the field. Projects were initiated though a bi-swing back had been adopted for
ranging in variety and complexity from the de- the coat late in 1939 as a means of providing a
velopment of asbestos mittens to the design of more functional garment. To meet its shortcom-
command tents. Since only a selective account ings a field jacket was designed and developed
of this work is possible, primary emphasis has in the same year to be used in lieu of the service

been placed on the development of items of coat in the field. 26 Under the pressure of ma-
combat clothing and equipment. In combat the terial shortages the silk tie gave way to a black

enlisted man and the officer wore the same com- wool worsted tie in 1940 and then to an olive
bat clothing whether it was herringbone twill in drab mohair tie by the end of 1941. In 1939
the Pacific or olive drab woolens in the ETO. canvas leggings had replaced the spiral leggings
New items, commonly empha-used, have been of the World War I infantryman. 27
sized, although examples have been drawn from Global war caught the Army short of cloth-
among the more specialized items to illustrate ing specialized for extreme climatic environ-
the impact of global war upon Quartermaster ments, and of necessity much of the early work
research. on clothing was devoted to filling this need. In
the development of cold-climate clothing, which
was pushed first because of the urgent program
Winter Combat Clothing of defense measures involving the sending of
an enlarged garrison to Alaska, the OQMG
The American went into World War
soldier utilized the principle of "layering." More and
II clad in a uniform evolved from that of World more, experienced cold-climate men had aban-
War I. In the wave of economy that swept Con- doned the use of furs, using instead loosely
gress after 1918 it was deemed unnecessary for woven woolens, covered by windproof gar-
the Army to have a dress uniform. As a conse- ments of light but finely woven cotton, to pro-
quence, the combat uniform of World War I tect the enclosed air from wind erosion. This
underwent gradual modifications in the interval layering principle had become widely accepted
of peace until it approached as nearly a dress before the outbreak of World War II, and the
uniform as it could. The basic uniform of World OQMG, after utilizing it in the development of
War I consisted of olive drab woolen service arcticcombat clothing, also applied it in the
breeches and coat. The latter was designed as a development of the standard winter combat
single-breasted sack coat with a standing collar. uniform of the American soldier.
Beginning in 1926 the "choker" collar of the
coat gave way to a collar-and-lapel design, ne- 25
(1) AR 600-35, 31 Dec 26, sub: Prescribed Uni-
cessitating the use of a tie. A black silk four-in- form. (2) AR 600-40, 31 Dec 26, sub: Wearing of
hand cravat was selected. Gradually during the Uniform. (3) WD
Cir 71, Sec. I, 23 Nov 38, sub: Sv
thirties trousers replaced breeches as a standard 26
( 1 ) Ltr, Brig Gen A. B. Warfield, OQMG, to
part of the uniform, but it was not until 1 Feb- ASW, 6 Feb 40, sub: Procurement Clearance on US
ruary 1939 that they were authorized for all
Spec 8-31D, EM's Sv Coat. (2) 1st ind, to ASW
TQMG, 7 Feb 40, on same, 400.1141. (3) Ltr, Gen
arms and services. Corbin, to ACofS G-4, 21 Sep 40, sub: Windbreakers.
At the beginning of the emergency this 27
( 1 ) Ltr, Gen Corbin, OQMG, to TAG, 7 Dec 40,

service coat and the trousers comprised the sub: Neckties, and 2d ind, AG to TQMG, 2 Jan 41.
(2) Ltr, Gen Corbin, to ACofS G-4, 4 Feb 42, same
basic uniform. It was not really a dress uniform,
sub, and 2d ind, AG to TQMG, 24 Feb 42. (3) Min
and, as was promptly disclosed in World War of QMCTC, 13 Jan 39.

In line with this development was the adop- when worn alone, would provide a battle dress
tion of a plush-type or "pile" material for inner for mild weather; when combined with pile

garments. The idea of shifting away from the fabric liners, they would offer adequate protec-
use of furs as a major reliance in the design of tion for severe weather. It was thought that the
cold-climate clothing was particularly stimu- combination of wind-resistant, water-repellent,
lated in 1941 by the upholstery industry, which cotton outer shell and pile liner would permit
was in search of new business since the automo- the elimination of the overcoat, the mackinaw,
bile industry, under government compulsion, and the olive drab field jacket.

was cutting down on its production of pleasure An experimental combat outfit was soon
cars. Once tests had demonstrated early in 1942 under test, but developmental work progressed
that satisfactory clothing for arctic use could be slowly, since differences of opinion arose be-
made of pile, more and more cold- weather gar- tween the ETO and the OQMG as to what
ments, such as caps and liners for field jackets constituted the most desirable combat outfit.

and parka overcoats, were made of this The Research and Development Branch sup-
material. ported the use of the layering principle. The
The Army's initial emphasis on special troop new winter combat uniform }0
it developed con-
organizations resulted in concentration on the sisted basically of a cotton outer shell with
development of specialized clothing to meet layers of insulation added inside as warmth was
the needs of such units. Thus, special cold- needed. The cotton outer shell consisted of
climate clothing was designed for the new olive drab field trousers and a field jacket,
mountain troops. The Armored Force asked for M-1943, both made of 9-ounce sateen, for
and received a different winter uniform, snug which 9-ounce oxford cloth was later substi-
fitting and with a minimum of protrusions, for tuted in 1945 as an improved wind-resistant
wear in tanks. Another special uniform and spe- fabric.

cial jumping boots were developed for para- In the process of standardizing a basic combat
chute troops. For a time it seemed that there uniform, the object of the Research and Devel-
was to be no end to the specialty uniforms, each opment Branch was to simplify the clothing
bringing its own new production problems. issued to the enlisted man by eliminating many
Their bewildering variety placed a heavy burden special types. Thus, the assembly of wool trou-
upon the system of distribution, and it was in- sers and cotton outer shell which was standard-
evitable that a reaction should set in. After the ized by the summer of 1943 51
replaced five

first war Quartermaster efforts were

year of the other types heretofore issued to the soldiers.
centered on the development of combat clothing Kersey-lined trousers, winter-combat trousers,
adaptable to general issue. mountain trousers, wool ski trousers, and para-
Developmental work on the winter combat chute-jumper trousers were all declared limited
uniform was initiated early in the fall of 1942 standard. Similarly, five different types of
when Col. David H. Cowles, then chief of the
Military Planning Division, requested the early
development of a combat jacket and trousers. Pitkin, Quartermaster Equipment for Special Forces,
pp. 26-27.
It was proposed to use 9-ounce sateen or a fabric
29 Ltr, Brig
Gen J. L. Frink, OQMG,
to Bd, 21 QM
having similar wind- and tear-resistant charac- Dec 42, sub: Battle Clo, Test QMB
teristics for the new battle trousers and jacket For a full discussion of the development of this
uniform see Risch and Pitkin, Clothing the Soldier of
in order to provide a satisfactory wind-resistant
World War II, pp. 47ff.
outer shell. The theory was that these garments, »' QMCTC, min of mtg No.
15, 13 Jul 43.

combat uniform it was developing, Headquar- the American type, it was argued, would only
ters, ETO, advocated a uniform similar to the complicate matters by offering two contrasting
They indorsed a short wool
British battle dress. styles of the same garment.
jacket as the outergarment of the combat uni- The OQMG
and the ETO were moving
form. As early as 1942 the idea of what later toward agreement on design, but there were
evolved into the wool field jacket was con- deep differences of opinion on the place of the
ceived by Maj. Gen. Robert M. Littlejohn, Chief wool jacket in the uniform system. The OQMG,
Quartermaster, ETO, under whose direction the guided by a physiological-climatological ap-
design and development of the ETO jacket proach to the problem, embraced the applica-
were perfected by Lt. Col. Robert L. Cohen. A was convinced
tion of the layering principle. It
considerable number of such jackets was locally that the wool jacket, which could be worn for
procured, and, after extensive tests had been both combat and dress, should replace the coats
conducted among the field forces in England of the enlisted man and the officer, at least in
during the summer of 1943, specific recommen- theaters of operations." From the standpoint of
dations were made to the War Department. 36 In warmth, the garment was regarded as adequate
the fall of 1943 further impetus was given to for wear in the temperate zone when combined
this project by a letter from General Eisenhower with the field jacket, M-1943, wool shirt, and
to General Marshall, which in turn was passed wool undergarments. On the other hand, it felt
on to The Quartermaster General, suggesting that the proposed ETO uniform without the
that a wool jacket, along the lines of the British M-1943 jacket was "sadly lacking in water re-
battle jacket but with a distinctive style, be pellent items" and would not be adequate for
considered. the wet-cold weather conditions that prevailed
The OQMG had been working on its combat in France. 58
uniform to replace the multiplicity of uniforms The OQMG attempted to keep the theater
then plaguing distribution, and it did not view informed on the new items being developed,
favorably the development of still another uni- but this could only be accomplished by letter,

form. From the beginning therefore it sought since the office had at first no success in obtain-
to place the wool field jacket in the layering ing approval for observers to visit the theater.
pattern that it had adopted. It was aware of de- Early in February 1944, however, Capt. William
velopments in the ETO, and upon the basis of F. Pounder was sent to the ETO as a field ob-
analysis of the British battle dress, it developed server to exhibit the new combat uniform de-
a series of model jackets which, beginning in
September 1943, the office sent to the Chief
(1) Ltr, Gen Littlejohn to Gen Somervell, CG
ASF, 3 Marno sub, and incls, of which see Sec. V,
Quartermaster of the ETO. These were even- sub: Jacket, Fid, Wool, Personal Papers of Gen Little-
tually modified to produce one model that in- john. (2) Ltr, Maj Gen John C. H. Lee, CG SOS ETO,
to CG ETOUSA, 14 Sep 43, no sub, enclosing pam-
corporated all desirable features. A model of the
phlet, ETO Jacket, Fid, Wool, OD. USFET AG 421
wool field jacket developed by the Research and Uniforms. (3) For details of the ETO development,
Development Branch was shown to the Chief see I. G. Cheslaw and W. C. Chaikin, Quartermaster
Quartermaster, ETO, and his staff on 16 Feb- Operations in the War Against Germany, in prepara-
tion for this series.
ruary 1944. They regarded the jacket as inferior
(1) Memo, Gen Gregory for Gen Somervell, 28

to the ETO-style jacket developed in England. Jan 44, no sub. (2) Memo, Brig Gen H. Feldman,
Furthermore, they stated that it could not be OQMG, for Hq ASF, 23 Mar 44, sub: Wool Fid Jacket.
Both in 421.1.
produced in quantity in the ETO. Since issues ,8
Ltr, Capt W. F. Pounder, Fid Observer, to Col
had already been made of the ETO-style jacket, Doriot, OQMG, 30 Jun 44, no sub.

veloped by the Research and Development it. The wool field jacket was supposed to be so
Branch, but the theater was reluctant to have fitted that it could be worn over the wool un-
him demonstrate the items to supply officers. dershirt, flannel shirt, and high-neck sweater,
The Chief Quartermaster had at first been much and under the field jacket, M-1943. The appli-
interested in the field jacket, M-1943, and its cation of the layering principle, however, broke
use with the wool field jacket fitted into ETO down in practice because men would not wear
plans, but only if it could be obtained in suffi- the wool field jacket in combat, preferring to

cient quantities to dress units uniformly. The save it for dress wear when they were returned
small amount of depot stocks then available and to rest areas.
the low production figures were disappoint- The existing lack of knowledge of the War
ing. 39
Time and availability were the problems. Department uniform as a complete unit and the
General Littlejohn made a personal visit to limited use made of the M-1943 assembly dur-
the United States in the spring of 1944 in an ing the war prevented a thorough combat test

effort to expedite the approval of the final de- of the assembly. was not used in the ETO,

sign and the initiation of production of the where the wool field jacket was not issued in
wool field jacket. On 18 April samples of the quantity during hostilities, although experi-
latest jackets were reviewed by representatives mental quantities were issued to troops in the
of the Chief Quartermaster, ETO, the ASF, and field. Only in Italy during the winter of 1944-45

the Military Planning Division, OQMG. Inso- was the M-1943 assembly used as planned.
far as developmental questions were concerned, Even when the assembly was issued as a unit,
a basic design was agreed upon with certain troops tended to regard the wool field jacket as
modifications in detail of design recommended a dress item and they did not wear it in combat.

for further investigation. On the other hand, The sweater and the field jacket, M-1943, alone
decisions at this conference on availability and were not sufficient to keep the men warm in
the supply of jackets apparently were not defini- severe weather. Information obtained at Camp
tive and clear and became the crux of the later Lee from men returning from the Mediterranean
controversy on winter clothing. 40 Jackets em- Theater revealed that they obtained the addi-
bodying the conference modifications were sub- tional warmth made necessary by their refusal
mitted for final approval to Headquarters, ASF, to wear the short wool jacket for both combat
and to the Quartermaster, ETO. The following and dress either by wearing two sweaters or by
month Headquarters, ASF, directed that the cutting a blanket to fit and sewing it inside the
wool field jacket be presented to QMCTC for jacket, M-1943. 42
classification as to type, but such action was
Pounder to Doriot, 29 Mar 44, no sub.
39 Ltr,

deferred in order to give the using arms and 40

For the supply aspects of this controversy, see
services time to consider their requirements for Cheslaw and Chaikin, Quartermaster Operations in the
the garment. Not until 2 November 1944 was War Against Germany.
( 1 ) Memo, Dir of Reqmts Div, ASF, for TQMG,

the wool field jacket classified as the standard 10 May 44, sub: Wool Fid Jacket, and 1st ind, Col
item of issue and the wool serge coat reclassified Doriot to CG ASF, 31 May 44. (2) Min subcom mtg,
as limited standard.
41 QMCTC, 16 May 44, same sub. (3) Memo, Col
Doriot, OQMG, for CG ASF, 5 Oct 44, same sub,
This wool field jacket had been designed pri-
and 2d ind, Col M.. M. Irvine, Actg Dir of R&D Div,
marily as a field garment which could also be ASF, to TQMG, 2 Nov 44.
42 Asst for Product Analysis to Clothing Sec,
used for dress purposes. It was a component ( 1 )


22 May 45, sub: Observation Rpt
part of the combat uniform, but in extremely Abstract. (2) Rpt of Investigating Committee, 16 May
cold climates the pile liner was substituted for 45, sub: Investigation Supply of Clothing in ETO. At

These facts were confirmed by the findings of Branch on the individual garments comprising
a representative of the Clothing Section of the the outfit. Only after the difficult problem of
Research and Development Branch, who visited the short wool jacket had been satisfactorily
the ETO in the summer of 1945. He, too, found solved, both as to design and its place in the
that soldiers had a tendency to have the jacket combination of garments composing the com-
fitted too small for combat use because they bat uniform, did Headquarters, ETO, indorse
thought of it in terms of a dress item. The diffi- the latter.
culties in fitting the jacket had developed be- The difference of opinion between the ETO
cause it was not understood to be a component and the OQMG regarding the combat uniform
part of the field uniform. Conditions were cor- had serious effects on the supply of clothing in

rected by instructing personnel responsible for the ETO in the winter of 1944-45. The theater
the issue of the jacket on its purpose, how it had planned to supply clothing and equipment
should be worn, and how it should be fitted in in accordance with Table of Equipment 21, the
conjunction with the various layers of the com- new comprehensive table for clothing and in-

bat unit to obtain the maximum flexibility and dividual equipment. As changes were made in
functional benefit from the item. this table theater plans were changed according-
Fundamentally the new combat uniform of ly. Of the new clothing items scheduled to be-
1944 was the same uniform that the OQMG, in come available for general issue from produc-
conjunction with a board of officers from the tion during 1944, the theater included in its

AGF, had recommended in March of 1943. In plans the wool jacket and the high-neck sweater
lieu of the pile jacket liner the short wool jacket but not the field jacket, M-1943. The War De-
was substituted, although for extremely cold partment and the OQMG in accordance with
areas the pile liner was still utilized. As a result the layering principle had recommended that
of repeated requests from field observers, one the latter be worn over a combination of other
new item was added to the outfit in 1944, garments to replace the overcoat in the ETO.
namely, a hood for the field jacket, M-1943. However, the theater decision, approved by
With the new combat uniform the American SHAEF, rejected the field jacket, M-1943, in
soldier wore
newly designed, olive drab, cot-
a favor of the overcoat for general issue. It was
ton field cap and new combat boots, designed reluctant to accept the field jacket, M-1943, on
with a wide cuff at the top and made of leather the supposition that acceptance of it would pre-

with the flesh side turned out. In cold, wet clude the adoption of the short wool jacket.
weather he wore the shoepac. The theater intended the wool field jacket to

The final design of the combat uniform was be the basic garment for all troops. Unfortunate-
accomplished only after prolonged develop- ly,although a schedule of delivery that would
mental work by the Research and Development meet its needs was promised, it proved impos-
sible to develop the required production in
the direction of the Commanding General, ASF, the
time. Production was limited by the lack of
Assistant Director of Materiel, Brig. Gen. Albert J.
Browning, appointed this investigating committee, pocket-creasing machines and by the style of
whose report indicated that "as of 28 February no tailoring which required manufacture by the
issues had been made in ETO and theater stocks were
2,100,000" of wool field jackets. (3) The report con-
men's clothing industry. Every effort was made
tained no explanation of why these jackets had not to accelerate production, but shipments lagged
been issued during the period covered by the report. appreciably behind the promised schedules.
Memo, Maj Gen C. F. Robinson, Dir of Control Div,
ASF, for CG ASF, 21 Jun 45, sub: Investigation Supply 45 T. F. White to Gen Doriot, OQMG, 4 Jul 45,
of Clothing in ETO. sub: Rpt of Insp in ETO.

Until the wool field jacket became available struction details; manufacturing difficulties;

the theater was promised continued shipments and the relative place of the one- and two-piece
of the earlier olive drab field jacket which was suits in the clothing program.
limited standard but an authorized substitute These problems culminated in a general re-
for the field jacket, M-1943. This old style view of the entire subject of the battle dress in
jacket, however, was out of production, and the fall of 1942. As in the case of winter combat
supply could only be made from remaining clothing, the initial tendency of the QMC had
zone of interior stocks which were exhausted been toward the development of a wide variety
before the wool field jacket became available. of specialized types of one- and two-piece her-
As a consequence, the ETO then submitted ringbone working suits, pro-
twill suits, such as

requisitions for the field jacket, M-1943. Be- and jungle suits. By
tective suits, desert suits,
cause of the theater's earlier decision not to September 1942, however, it was felt that, ex-
requisition this jacket, a cut back had been cept for special forces operating in climatic ex-
made in the originally planned production tremes, it would be desirable to move in the
which resulted in a short stock position in the direction of a single design.
zone of interior and an inability to meet require- At the suggestion of the Philadelphia Depot
ments when the ETO submitted its requisitions the first step in the process of simplification was
in the fall of 1944. As a result, some soldiers taken by eliminating special protective clothing
had the wool field jacket without the field to be used in the event of a gas attack. Instead,
jacket,M-1943; others had the later jacket but existing herringbone twill clothing was modi-
not the wool field jacket to wear with it. In fiedby the addition of protective flaps, such as
such cases the men were not properly dressed, fliesand gussets at the sleeve and front open-
and was necessary to issue the overcoat for
it ings of the one- and two-piece suits, which
combat wear in Europe during the winter of would assist in gas protection. These protective
1944-45, although the overcoat had come to be flaps, imposed by the Chemical Warfare Service,

regarded as a dress rather than a combat item. were disliked intensely by men serving in the
The differences in point of view and the results jungles, but they were used on all herringbone
stemming from them account in part for the twill clothing throughout the war. 47
difficulties encountered by the ETO in supply-

ing clothing in the winter of 1944-45.

44 44
( 1 ) Rpt, Investigation: Sup of Clo to ETO, 16
May 45, unsigned. Personal Papers of General Little-
john. This report is the result of an investigation of
Summer Combat Clothing winter clothing supply in the ETO which General
Somervell instructed General Browning to make, after
receipt of a letter from General Littlejohn on 2 March
While winter combat clothing was used dur-
ing the greater part of the year in the ETO, 45 For an account of the development of fatigue

though originally de- clothing see Risch and Pitkin, Clothing the Soldier of
herringbone twill suits,
World War II, pp. 64-67.
veloped became the ac-
as fatigue clothing, 46
min of mtg No. 9, 15 Sep 42. (2)
cepted year-round combat clothing in the Insp Rpt, Lt N. J. Block to TQMG,
16 Sep 42, no
tropical Pacific areas. The development of her-
(1) Ltr, Col Vere Painter, PQMD, to TQMG,21
ringbone twill clothing involved a multiplicity
May 42, sub: One-Piece Working Suits, and 1st ind,
of problems, ranging from the use of camou- Maj Kennedy, OQMG, to CG PQMD, 17 June 42.

flage patterns and the reversibility of garments (2) Characteristic of the comment from the field is
the following extract: "As far as the cut is concerned
through the addition to such clothing of pro- these things are a waste of time and cloth; the but-
tective features against gas; design and con- toning of sleeves, around ankles, flap on front of

In the fall of 1942 the desirability of using However, a camouflage pattern, in a green
camouflage patterns for all summer combat gar- combination on one side and tan on the other,
ments was another problem under considera- was applied to the jungle suit but not with not-
tion. The development of camouflage patterns able success. Reports received from the South-
and all problems relating to color were respon- west Pacific Theater criticized this camouflage
sibilities of the Corps of Engineers, which jungle suit as too visible when men were in
advocated no less than three color combina- motion. A camouflage pattern was considered
tions.Samples of clothing utilizing different satisfactory for snipers, but it was felt that mov-
camouflage patterns were shown to the ing troops did not require a special suit. Sub-
QMCTC in the summer of 1942. It was sug- sequently, Headquarters, AGF, reported that
gested that clothing could be regular herring- the special jungle uniform was considered un-
bone twill one- and two-piece suits of standard suited for use in jungle areas, a fact verified by
appearance on the exterior but with camouflage officers of the United States Marine Corps who
patterns printed on the inside. The possibility had had battle experience "The con-
in jungles.
of reversing the garments would make them sensus of opinion is that the dark green No. 7
useful under varying conditions. shade is desired because it provides the best
The use of camouflage in different colors and blending color for jungle areas." The War
patterns would require several different suits, Department General Staff directed that, after
multiplying the problems of issue and handling. stocks of camouflage cloth on hand had been
The Corps of Engineers insisted that its studies utilized, the herringbone twill camouflage
showed that camouflage clothing should be jungle suits were to be reclassified as limited
available to all military personnel abroad. The standard. This was accomplished by 30 March
AGF, however, opposed this view although 1944, and the recommendation of the QMCTC
they agreed to the necessity for outfitting snip- that no further shipments of these items be
ers in camouflage suits. These conflicting opin- made to theaters of operations was approved.'50
ions were resolved by the end of 1942 when a A problem in relation to herringbone twill
directive from Headquarters, SOS, was received clothing demanding immediate attention in the
by the OQMG instructing that no further con- fall of 1942 was the necessity of simplifying

sideration be given to camouflaging regular design in order to obtain sufficient production

issue garments. This directive followed action of the garments. Such action would enable
by the Corps of Engineers in October to ap- manufacturers of work clothing to handle the
prove the use of an olive drab No. 7 green large quantities of one- and two-piece herring-
shade as the best available all-purpose camou- bone twill suits. It would bring into production
flage color for combat clothing. 48 of military items a class of industry then con-
tributing little. At the same time it would re-
trousers, and the gusset front of blouse or coat. I pre-
sume these things are imposed by the Medicos, if so, 48 QMCTC, min of mtgs No. 6, 8 Jul 42; No. 13,
all I can say is that the fellow who dreamed it was a 27 Oct 42; No. 18, 29 Dec 42.
brother to thosewho say Infantry will use hammocks, 49
( 1 ) 3d ind, Maj R. J. Delacroix, Hq AGF, to CG
and mosquito nets, and cotton gloves in combat. If ASF, 22 Jan 44 on Ltr, Col Doriot to same, 4 Dec 43,
he's fool enough to believe such stuff he will wake up sub: Jungle Uniform. (2) Rpt, 1st Lt Robert L. Wood-
with a bayonet in him. The first thing the soldier does bury, QM Observer in SWP Theater, 1 Feb-15 May 43.
( 1 ) 4th ind, Dir of Reqmts Div, ASF, to TQMG,
is to cut all those things out of which I've written and

curse those who put them in." From rpt by Capt 28 Jan 44, on Ltr, Col Doriot to CG ASF, 4 Dec 43,
Harold Haney, Hq, I62d Infantry, 7 Oct 44, in memo, sub: Jungle Uniform. (2) 9th ind, same to TQMG, 30
Asst for Product Analysis to Clo Sec, Br, R&D Mar 44, on same ltr. (3) QMCTC, min of mtg No. 3,
OQMG, 3 Nov 44, sub: Jungle Uniform. 29 Feb 44.

lease other producers for the manufacture of from the military characteristics demanded in
jungle suits and winter combat outfits. the design of a one-piece working suit.

Such simplification of design was initially ac-

complished, for example, through the elimina-

Jungle Combat Clothing
tion of a decorative pleat in the jacket pocket of
the two-piece suit and the substitution of a While the general trend in the was OQMG
simple hemmed style for the shirt-type cuff of toward the development of one uniform suit-
the sleeve. In February 1943, in view of the able for summer combat wear by all troops, an
heavy procurement of herringbone twill cloth- exception was made for troops operating in the
ing planned for the months ahead, a conference jungle. Although the OQMG
had received no
was held at Philadelphia between depot and official request from any source, it had been at

OQMG representatives to discuss changes in work for some time on the development of
manufacturing operations which would facili- jungle equipment when suddenly, toward the
tate procurement. The design of herringbone end of July 1942, General MacArthur urgently
twill clothing was thereupon further simplified, requested 150,000 sets of special jungle equip-
as, for example, by the substitution of a plain, ment including a jungle uniform. 54 The AGF
one-piece back for the bi-swing back heretofore formally sanctioned the development of a jun-

used in making the one-piece suit. By simplify- gle uniform having certain military character-
ing manufacturing operations as well as offering istics on 28 July 1942. It was to be a one-piece

optional specifications, the OQMG hoped to herringbone twill suit with tight-fitting cuffs at
increase production of herringbone twill gar- wrist and internal adjustable suspenders to take
ments. 51 the weight of clothing and equipment from the
A problem of design that persisted through- shoulders and collar of the garment, thus im-
out the war years and seemingly defied solution proving ventilation and preventing insect bites

was the incorporation of a drop seat in the de- through clothing. The suit was to have two
sign of the one-piece herringbone twill suit. large cargo pockets on the sides at the hips and
Originally requested by the Desert Warfare two medium-sized cargo pockets on the waist.
Board in the summer of 1942 and subsequently The fabric was to be insect-proof and made up
discarded as efforts to produce special clothing in camouflage pattern. The OQMG took swift
for desert troops were abandoned, the request Samples were prepared by the Philadel-
was renewed by the AGF in May 1943.
At first phia Depot and a specification was drafted.
these requests were in conflict with the efforts 51
(1) See Spec PQMD 42A, 30 Oct 42, sub: Cotton
being made to promote greater production of HBT Trousers, and 45B, 2 Nov 42, sub: HBT Jackets.
(2) Ltr, Col Doriot, OQMG, to CO PQMD, 27 Feb
herringbone twill clothing by simplifying man- HBT Suits
43, sub: Simplification of Special One-Piece,
ufacturing operations. It was the general opinion and Jackets. (3) Ltr, Lt Col F. M. Steadman, PQMD,
that a one-piece suit with a drop seat would to TQMG, 1 Mar 43, same sub. All in 400.1141.
(1) Ltr, Capt R.J. Delacroix, AGF, ASF, to CG
cause insurmountable difficulties from a pro- Work
2 May 43, sub: Redesign of One-Piece and Suit,
curement standpoint. When renewed efforts at 1st ind, Hq ASF, to TQMG, 4 May 43. (2) See Risch

redesigning the garment were made between and Pitkin, Clothing the Soldier of World War II, pp. 70ff.
Ltr, Lt Col R. A. Meredith, AGF, to CG ASF, 23

1943 and 1945, it was found impossible to de- Mar 45, sub: One-Piece Working Suits with Drop Seat,
velop a satisfactory type of drop seat that would and 1st ind, Col P. R. Faymonville, Dir of R&D Div,
meet the requirements of protection against ASF, to TQMG, 9 Apr 45.
54 For
a full discussion of the early development of
chemical warfare. Finally in the spring of 1945
jungle equipment see Pitkin, Quartermaster Equipment
the AGF decided to eliminate this requirement for Special Forces, pp. 198ff.


Within a month the jungle suit had been stand- the lowest possible water-holding capacity.
ardized." Poplin and Byrd cloth were found to be cooler,
Even as the one-piece jungle suit was being to weigh less when dry, to absorb less weight of
developed and procured, a second school of water, and therefore to dry more quickly than
thought stressed the advantages of a two-piece any of the other fabrics tested. As tightly woven

jungle Although the one-piece suit had

suit. fabrics, they also gave better protection against
been useful in Panama where it was first tested, mosquito bites. The Committee on Jungle
in the jungles of New Guinea it proved a fail- Clothing recommended the adoption of pop-
ure. Here the "frog-skin" suit was reported as lin.

"too heavy, too hot, and too uncomfortable." 5<s

At the same time the Clothing Section of the
When wet, herringbone twill increased in Research and Development Branch worked to
weight substantially, adding to the load carried perfect the most desirable design for a jungle
by an individual soldier under humid, tropical uniform. Many modified styles of the basic
conditions. The most serious criticism was the two-piece suit were developed in experimental
lack of a drop seat in the suit. The fact that men models. Jungle combat uniforms made in the
had practically to disrobe to perform normal new design and from the new fabrics were
functions, thereby exposing themselves to the tested during the period from
July to 1 No-

bites of any and all insects, defeated the purpose vember 1944 at Bougainville, and by the4lst
for which the uniform had been designed, Infantry Division during September and Octo-
namely, to give the maximum protection ber 1944 on Biak Island. In addition, they were
against the forays of insects carrying such dis- tested in the Central Pacific Area and the
dengue fever, and scrub typhus.
eases as malaria, China-Burma-India Theater. During the sum-
On the basis of the arguments advanced, the mer of 1944 the Quartermaster Board also un-
advocates of the two-piece uniform were suc- dertook a comprehensive field test of tropical
cessful in substituting that outfit for the one- clothing, equipment, and rations at Camp
piece jungle suit in the spring of 1943. v Indian Bay, Fla. 59
The two-piece jungle suits proved more pop- A lightweight tropical combat uniform had
ular than the one-piece suits, but the OQMG been desired by all the theaters in which it was
felt that there was room for improvement. Crit- tried experimentally. The War Department
icism of the issue of herringbone twill garments General Staff had also expressed a desire for this
for jungle use continued. Inasmuch as little
clothing or textile design of a radical nature 55
[4th ind], Col W. A. Wood, Jr., Dir of Reqmts
had been evolved to provide the necessary pro- Div, SOS, to TQMG, 31 Aug 42. (An indorsement
cited in brackets refers to a basic document which can-
tection against insects, terrain, and other en- not be located.
vironmental hazards encountered in jungle war- 56 Rpt, Lt Woodbury, QM Observer, SWP Theater,
fare, the Military Planning Division initiated a 1 Feb- 15 May 43.
Ltr, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 30 Apr
( 1 )
comprehensive project in requirements for jun- Two- Piece Jungle Suit. (2) QMCTC, min of
43, sub:
gle clothing in August 1943. This included field mtg No. 9, 4 May 43. (3) [2d ind], Hq ASF, to
study at the Everglades in Florida, tests for TQMG, 8jun 43.
( 1 ) Action min of 1st mtg on Jungle Clo, 5 Aug
physiological reactions in hot, humid atmos- 43. (2) R&D Br, Status Rpt, 31 Aug43, p. 21. (3)
phere conducted at Indiana University and wear Com on Jungle Clo, min of mtg, 13 Oct 43.
tests at Camp Lee.
For comment on Camp Indian Bay tests see (1)
The Textile Section sought to perfect a jun-
Dir of QM
Bd to TQMG, Rpt on Bd, Camp Lee, QM
Va., 1 Feb 42 to 30 Jun 44, pp. 80ff; (2) Ibid., 1 Jul
gle cloth which would be thin, dense, and of 44-30 Jun 45, pp. 43ff.

uniform. Action to initiate its manufacture, headband inside the suspension which, with a
however, was delayed because of the shortage of neckband (issued in three sizes), made possible
fabrics at that time. Not until June 1945 did the a close fit to the head. Together, helmet and
OQMG near its production goals. Only then liner weighed approximately 3 pounds, and the
was it possible to divert 5-ounce poplin to the liner alone weighed about 10 ounces.
manufacture of jungle uniforms. So great had While the Ordnance Department was respon-
been the demand for lightweight, wind-resistant sible for the development of the combat helmet,
fabrics that a choice had had to be made be- the liner for it was developed as a joint product
tween the manufacture of winter combat uni- of private industry, the Ordnance Department,
forms to protect men from the cold and rain and the QMC. The helmet and liner idea had
and lightweight jungle uniforms to ease the been originally suggested as early as 1932. The
burden of the heat. On 11 July 1945 standard- first tangible version, however, was derived in

ization of the new jungle uniform was approved large part from a plastic football helmet and
by Headquarters, ASF, but the war ended be- suspension invented and patented by John T.
fore the new uniform could be issued to troops Riddell, a Chicago manufacturer of football
in the field. supplies. The Infantry Board in early 1941 was
the first to consider the design of the Riddell
Combat Headgear football helmet likely for adaptation in devel-
oping cumbersome and un-
a substitute for the
One of the important contributions to the safe steel helmet of World War I. The Ord-
comfort and safety of the soldier was the devel- nance Department then took a hand in the
opment of the helmet assembly. 61 In World development of sample liners, utilizing the
War I the American doughboy had worn the football helmet suspension, but before the year
M-1917 helmet which was neither comfortable was over the QMC had contributed a great deal
nor an adequate protection from shrapnel flung of experimentation, and the liner, originally

upward from the ground. The steel helmet and developed as a fiber hat worn under a steel

liner of World War II was a radical departure had been made

shell, a Quartermaster item.

from the "tin hat" of the first war. Consisting Almost from the first, however, the fiber liner

of an outer, pot-shaped, steel body and a snugly was considered unsatisfactory. From the sum-
inserted plastic shell which contained a suspen- mer of 1941 the Standardization Branch of the
sion to fit the whole assembly comfortably to OQMG conducted experiments on liners, using
the wearer's head, the helmet and liner were al- various plastics, and enlisting the co-operation
ways worn in combat, except in the jungle of several industrial firms. In 1942 a plastic

where the liner alone was sometimes used for shell was substituted for the original fiber liner,

combat fighting. and proved to be a stronger, longer-wearing

In the forward areas of all theaters the liner item.
was commonly worn in place of the garrison
cap. Itwas suitable for wear both in the tropics (1) [1st ind], Col M. M. Irvine, Actg Dir of
and, with the addition of a specially designed
R&D Div, ASF, to TQMG, 11 Jul 45, no sub. (2) For
a fuller discussion of the development of the jungle
knit cap, in the Arctic. Since the steel helmet uniform see Risch and Pitkin, Clothing the Soldier of
itself was without head harness, it could be used World War II, pp. 72-77.
This account is based on the more detailed study
as a wash basin or bucket and in many other
prepared by the depot historian at the Chicago Quar-
ways. Made in one size to fit the conformity of termaster Depot: Marion Massen, The History of the
the steel helmet, the liner carried an adjustable Helmet Liner (CQMD Historical Studies 5, 1944).

The first plastic liners were unsatisfactory in liner.At the same time a pile cap of improved
many ways, and the Research and Development was designed for wear in
military characteristics
Branch, successor to the Standardization Branch, extreme cold. The Research and Development
sought to improve them. The helmet liner was Branch decided that these two items of head-
anything but static in design after the first ex- gear met all the requirements for temperate,
perimental stages had passed. Industry and the cold, and arctic climates, and they were sub-
Research and Development Branch in co-opera- sequently classified as standard, thereby elimi-
tion with the Chicago Quartermaster Depot, nating a multiplicity of field caps previously
the procuring agency for the item, worked long used. 63
and hard to examine and perfect any suggested Combat Footgear
changes that would make the liner a more com-
fortable headpiece. The adjustable headband, Adequate footwear is essential in war, for it

which eliminated burdensome tariff sizes, was may determine in no small measure the out-
worked out; hardware was redesigned so as to come of a battle. The fact that World War II
be as comfortable as possible and eliminate was fought in many climates and terrains com-
many pressure points on the wearer's head; a plicated the QMC's problem of supplying ade-
chin strap which could be removed for the de- quate footwear. That problem was also made
lousing operation was developed; and a textured more difficult as a result of the fortunes of war
paint coating, less inclined to chip and less which cut off many sources of raw materials.
reflective, was also developed. The trend of development in both world wars
The proposed use of the helmet assembly had was similar. The Army was caught unprepared
led the OQMG in 1941 to undertake a compre- for the emergency in both instances. In World
hensive survey of all headgear for purposes of War I the first issue of footwear was the peace-
simplification. When the helmet assembly was time shoe recommended for adoption by the
adopted, it was necessary to develop a woolen Munson Board in 1912. A sturdier marching
liner to provide warmth in winter. The Chief shoe appeared by May 1917, but it was not
of Infantry advocated the use of a skullcap, but until the spring of 1918 that a heavier shoe with
the QMC, because of manufacturing difficulties more waterproof construction was developed to
limiting production, favored a knitted cap, suit the demands of trench warfare. The so-
which was adopted as a standard item of issue called "Pershing" boot, made of leather with
on 26 February 1942. 62 flesh side out and was admir-
a hobnailed sole,
The Chief of Infantry remained unfavorably ably designed to meet the demands of combat
disposed toward the use of the knitted cap, and service for that period.
in October 1942 a project was initiated to de- As in the case of the World War I combat
velop an all-purpose field cap. Using a ski cap uniform, so the combat shoe underwent modifi-
as the point of departure, the OQMG con- cation after the war to emerge as a more suit-
tinued developmental work until there was de-
vised early in 1943 a windproof, water-repellent 62
( 1 ) QMCTC, min mtg No. 7, 16 Jun 41. (2)
poplin cap with a stiffened sun visor, which Memo, Gen Corbin, OQMG, to ACofS G-4, 1 1 Feb
42, sub: Headgear for Wear Under Helmet Liner. (3)
gave protection to the eyes without protruding
2d ind, TAG to TQMG, 26 Feb 42, on same. Last two
beyond the helmet liner. This field cap, M-1943, in 400.112.
was designed to be worn with the field jacket, 65
QMCTC, min
of mtg No. 15, 13 Jul 43.
Helen R. Brooks, Development of the Modern
M-1943. It could also be worn under the hood
Service Shoe (BQMD Historical Monograph 1, July
of that jacket and with the steel helmet and 1945), pp. 10-11.

able garrison shoe. It was developed for a small numerous that the outsole wore through in the
peacetime army with a regard for appearance short period of two to three weeks. Government
and comfort. Made with grain side out, polished technicians, in an effort to develop more dura-
upper leather, full leather outsoles and whole ble soles, turned their attention to the use of
leather heels, this Type I service shoe was ob- composition soles. Experiments resulted in a re-
viously a product of an economy of surplus. vised service shoe, Type II, which utilized a
Some official studies of combat-type footgear rubber tap and heel. 66 But just as the Army suc-
were conducted during the twenty years follow- ceeded in producing a sole that would wear, it

ing World War I, but the specification for was forced, because of the serious rubber short-
service shoes remained substantially unchanged age, to keep reducing the new rubber content of
at the beginning of the period of emergency in these taps until the point was reached when no
1939. Until September 1941 all service shoes new rubber was used and taps were made
procured were Type I. entirely of reclaimed rubber.
Instead of profiting by the lessons of World As materials shortages increased, the motivat-
War I, the QMC entered World War II pursu- ing factor behind all initial wartime develop-
ing the same course of action with regard to mental activities in the field of footgear became
shoes that it had taken in 1917. Starting with a conservation of resources. During 1942 there
peacetime shoe, it developed one of greater dur- was a considerable amount of experimental
ability until finally a shoe of the type of the work toward such conservation, although the
Pershing boot was again specified. Apparently Boston Depot insisted that standards of current
no thought was given to making use of this specifications ought to be maintained. Lighter
specification to begin with, although it had insoles, strip gemming, cork filler material, re-

proved very satisfactory during the closing claimed rubber taps, wood-core heels, and zinc-

months of World War I. coated steel reinforcing nails were introduced

As the emergency period began, although the into the manufacture of service shoes to con-
need for a sturdy combat shoe was obvious, serve leather, duck, rubber, and brass. The serv-

Quartermaster personnel showed a lack of ice shoe was actually being weakened when the
imagination in anticipating requirements. sturdiest possible footgear was needed.
Thinking was still in terms of a peacetime About mid- 1942 the Research and Develop-
army. The major question of discussion during ment Branch, OQMG, became interested in a
1939 was the possible replacement of the high- boot which would supplant the shoe and leg-
top garrison shoe with a low quarter shoe in the ging combination in use since the beginning of
interest of appearance, comfort, economy, and the war but thoroughly disliked by the troops.
With the federalization of the Na- Laces broke, leggings wore out quickly and were
tional Guard and the establishment of the Se- difficult to put on and take off. Observers' re-

lective Service System in the fall of 1940, the ports subsequently indicated that rather than go
military program began to assume wartime pro- 65
( 1 ) Ltr, Col C. A. Hunt, 5th Infantry, to CG 1st
The year before our entry into the war
portions. CA, 2 Feb 39, sub: Garrison Shoes. (2) Ltr, Subcom,

was marked by considerable developmental QMCTC, to QMCTC, 20 Sep 39, sub: Low Quarter
Shoes. Both in 421.5.
work. 66
( 1 ) Ltr, Col Littlejohn, OQMG, to CO BQMD,
During the small-scale maneuvers character- 16 May 41, sub: Sv Shoes. (2) Ltr, Gen Corbin,

istic of the early training period, the light OQMG, to TAG, 12 Apr 41, sub: Composition Soles
for Sv Shoes, and 1st ind, TAG to TQMG, 16 Apr 41.
service shoe, Type I, 'issued to the soldiers Both in 421.5. (3) QMC Spec 9-6F, 19 Nov 41, sub:
worked out satisfactorily, but complaints were Sv Shoes, Type I and II.

through the tedious procedure of removing their bility and waterproofing, and it was more com-
shoes, soldiers occasionally went for long fortable in the breaking-in stage than grain-out

periods without taking them off, thus opening leather.

the way to foot ailments. At the same time it was also decided to pro-
Since the combat boot eventually produced duce a new combat boot in limited quantities
was a product of complicated developments, it for test purposes. The boot was the same as the

is difficult to trace any particular shoe as its shoe, plus a cuff and buckle top which gave it

predecessor. Initially the Desert Training Center a 10-inch height as compared to the 6 inches
had stimulated interest in a combat boot by its for the Type III shoe. The boot was intended to

request for boot suitable for desert

a special eliminate the shoe and legging combination
troops. The scope of the project was widened to worn by infantrymen and the special boot worn
develop a combat boot suitable for all troops. A by parachute troops.
thorough examination of all the service shoes Deliveries of the Type III shoe began April
in use at the time revealed that the type of con- 1943. By July, experimentation on the combat
struction sought was most closely approximated boot as a replacement for Type III shoes was
in the Canadian combat boot, a heavy-duty shoe fairly well advanced. Field test reports were
with a cuff and strap at the top. The OQMG re- favorable and on 16 November 1943 the
quested the Boston Depot to produce samples QMCTC approved a committee report calling
of boots of this type. for standardization of the combat boot. A few
Development of the combat boot was stimu- days later this recommendation was concurred
lated by the findings of the Chief of Staff, Gen- in by the ASF. 69 By January 1944 the shoe in-

eral Marshall, after his return early in 1943 from dustry began production of the combat boot for
an inspection tour of the combat zone in North regular issue.
Africa. He reported in conference on 1 February Although the combat boot was well received
1943 that the service shoes were unfit for field in most theaters, there was some complaint
use and that he would request the development about it in the ETO in the winter of 1944-45.

of a "suitable shoe along the lines of the field In the fall of 1944 combat troops in that theater
shoe issued in France during the last war." The were confronted with mud, slush, and cold-
shoe in use in the combat zone was "too light, elements against which the new service shoes
and too much on the order of the garrison shoe offered only relative protection— and trench foot
68 appeared.
for field service."
Samples of improved shoes had been devel- Trench foot had first showed itself as a serious
oped earlier by the OQMG, and these were problem in the summer of 1943 during the at-
submitted to the Chief of Staff on 5 February. tack on Attu, in the Aleutians. Of the total
A decision was reached to change production as 2,900 casualties during the Attu operation,
soon as possible from the Type II service shoe 1,200 were due to exposure, resulting chiefly in
to a new Type III shoe. The latter was to be
made with flesh-out upper leather and a full 67
Rpt, Capt Pounder, QM Observer, Rpt of QM
rubber sole and heel, which, with the scarcity Opns in NATO, 5 Mar-2 Jun 43.
Memo, Gen Corbin, for OQMG,
SOS, 18 Feb CG
of rubber, was later changed to reclaimed and
43, sub: Unsuitability of Present Issue. Shoe in T/O,
then to synthetic rubber. The use of flesh-out 421.3.
Army retan had been decided upon because it
69QMCTC, min of mtg No. 2 5, 16 Nov 43.
( 1 )

Hq ASF, to OQMG, 22 Nov 43, on ltr,

(2) 3d ind,
was more durable, it absorbed dubbing more QMCTC to TQMG, 19 Nov 43, sub: Combat Sv Boot,
readily, thereby increasing the qualities of flexi- Composition Sole, 400.1141.
(above) andfield combat boot (below).

trench foot. About 40 percent of the total cas- or boots, but he felt that the soft rubber sole
ualties, therefore, were not directly attributable wore out quickly and did not provide proper
to enemy action. In November of the same year support or protection for the soldier's feet.

trench foot reappeared during the first winter Hence he rejected the recommendation. Experi-
campaign in Italy, accounting for 20 percent of ence with the wet, muddy conditions in France
the casualties at its peak incidence. The Quar- soon forecast the need for shoepacs and the
termaster of the Fifth Army took steps to pre- ETO submitted its first requisition for 446,000
vent a recurrence of such an outbreak the on August 1944. 7}
following winter by issuing shoepacs and wool It was understood perfectly in the OQMG
ski socks tocombat troops and by instituting that the Type III service shoe and combat boot
an educational campaign in foot care. At the were not, by themselves, sufficient for foot pro-
same time the OQMG, through its observers in tection in conditions like those encountered in
the field, closely followed the action taken and Europe during the last winter of the war. Since
made efforts to explain the fit and use of shoe- leather is a permeable material, no leather boot
pacs and other new items of winter clothing. As is waterproof, no matter how carefully designed.

a result the incidence of trench foot declined The major leaking occurred at the seams and
sharply in Italy, only to rise to epidemic pro- could not be eliminated by the use of dubbing,
portions in the ETO during the winter of which furthermore inhibited rapid drying.
1944-45. 70 Quartermaster specialists recommended either
The OQMG had long recognized the need the addition of rubber overshoes, or the substi-
of providing specialized footgear for operations tution of shoepacs in wet-cold conditions. With
in cold, wet climates. The shoepac, which was waterproof footgear, frequent changes of socks,
a well-known commercial item with a moccasin- and proper training and discipline, trench foot
type rubber foot and a leather top, was consid- can be kept to a minimum, though its elimina-
ered best for such conditions. When the Attu tion in a winter campaign is probably impos-
task force was getting ready to depart, in May sible. Perhaps the most important reason for
1943, Quartermaster cold-climate specialists had the prevalence of trench foot in the ETO dur-
recommended shoepacs to the commanding ing the winter of 1944-45 was the prolonged
general. Instead of the shoepac he had chosen
a 12-inch leather Blucher boot, which was per-
haps a more comfortable item but not so well
(1) 1st Lt Robert D. Orr, QM
Observer, Rpt on
Attu Opns, 11 May-16 Jun 43. (2) SGO to ASF,
insulated nor so efficient as the rubber-footed Monthly Rpt, 30 Jun 44, Sec. 7, sub: Health, p. 9.
shoepac would have been in the slush of Attu. During January and February 1944 there were 2,800
hospital admissions for trench foot in the Fifth Army
The director of the Military Planning Division
in comparison to 12,900 admissions for battle wounds.
later attributed the foot casualties suffered on (3) Ltr, Maj Robert H. Bates, QM
Observer with
this expedition largely to the failure to adopt Fifth Army, to Gen Doriot, 24 May 45, sub: Observers'
Bulletins, 319.25. (4) Memo, Maj Gen Norman T.
the recommendation of his representatives. 71
^Cirk, SG, for CofS, 9 Dec 44, sub: Trench Foot in
Similarly, in reviewing the proposed ETO ETO.
winter combat outfit, which included the use of
Ltr, Col Doriot, OQMG, to CG, ASF, 24 Jul 44,
sub: Footwear for Cool and Cold Wet Climates.
combat boots or service shoes and overshoes, 72 QM
( 1) Memo, Col
A. M. Brumbaugh, for Chief
Captain Pounder recommended the use of shoe- ETO, sub: Comments on Capt Pounder's
2 Jul 44,
pacs. The chief of the Supply Division in the Rpt, 30 Jun 44. (2) See also Ltr, Capt Pounder to Col

Office of the Chief Quartermaster,

Doriot, OQMG,
1 3 Mar 44, no sub.
ETO, agreed 75 Rad, Hq Com Zone to AG WAR
for Somervell,
that shoepacs were more waterproof than shoes 15 Aug 44, sub: Winter Clo for Special Conditions.
SHOEPACS AND WOOL SKI SOCKS are tried on by afoot soldier of the 4th Infantry Division

in the ETO, 25 January 1945.


period of front-line service required of combat During the next two years the shoepac under-
divisions. Peak efficiency, including foot care, went many modifications designed to improve
cannot be maintained under such conditions. its military characteristics and to meet the criti-

Lateness of supply, aggravated by a limited cisms of the men who wore it. Early procure-
amount of shipping and the low priority ments had been made with a variety of com-
allotted clothing and footwear items, was also a mercial lasts. In 1943, the Boston Depot de-
factor.By midwinter a sufficient distribution of signed a uniform last which, in turn, necessitated
overshoes was made to give a fairly adequate other changes in the pattern. An improved heel,

supply to combat troops, though a full distribu- which gave better support to the instep, was
tion of large sizes was not effected until the also provided. When final details were worked
middle of March. Shoepacs were issued to the out, production was converted to the new
Seventh Army early enough to be used effec- model in August 1944. 75 The shoepac was not
tively during the winter, but the First, Ninth, standardized, however, until 1945.
and Third Armies did not receive an initial issue Although a greatly improved shoepac had
of shoepacs until the latter part of January. been developed, it could not be produced in

The arctic overshoe used over the combat large enough quantities to meet the increased
boot or the Type III shoe was offered as a com- requisitions made by the ETO in December
bination that would keep the feet dry. But the 1944. The M-1944 shoepac, incorporating an
weight of such a combination proved a hin- arch support and raised heel, and made in three

drance to fast movement and often caused the widths, was the most adequate item of wet- and
soldier to discard the overshoes in combat. cold- weather footgear available, but most of the
Moreover, the overshoes first issued in quantity shoepacs issued even in the last winter of the
had been made during the worst of the rubber war did not contain these improvements. Com-
shortage and were provided with cloth tops plaints which were justified only against the
which leaked badly and tore easily. This type earlier models were registered about shoepacs
was discontinued in favor of the all-rubber over- in general. Shoepacs, in any case, required time
shoe as soon as sufficient rubber was made become accustomed to them. 76
for the soldier to
available. In the winter of 1944-45 there was not always
Lightness and increased insulation made the time.
shoepac a more satisfactory item for winter wear wet areas posed problems
If fighting in cold,
than the boot and overshoe combination. While in thedevelopment of adequate footgear to the
the shoepac had formed a part of the Alaska technicians of the Research and Development
clothing list before the war, little attention had
been paid to it as a basic military item until
Ltr, Brig Gen James R. Alfonte, OQMG, to CO
BQMD, Jul 42, sub: Shoepac, 400.1141.
1941. At that time cold-climate men in the 75
(1) Lt Col D. B. Dill, Special Forces Sec, to Col
OQMG undertook its improvement and a num- Doriot, Mil Ping Div, OQMG,
12 Jul 43, sub: Shoe-

ber of changes were made in the specification.

pacs. (2) QMC Spec BQD 570, 19 Jul 44, sub: Shoe-
pac, 12-inch, M-1944. (3) Ltr,Col C. P. Bellican,
One of its weaknesses was a tendency to pull OQMG, to CG ASF, 13 Nov 45, sub: Shoepac, 12-
apart at the point where the rubber foot was inch, M-1944 and 1st ind, Hq ASF to TQMG,

stitched to the leather upper. Improved shoepacs

Nov 45. All in 421.3.
Rpt, Maj Paul A. Siple, QMC
Tech Observer,
were procured only when the U. S. Rubber Co. G-4, 12 Apr 45, sub: Rpt on Observations and Con-
made available to other firms its patented con- clusions Concerning the Adequacy of Winter Clothing
in ETO Winter 1944-45, incl in Ltr, Maj Gen T B.
struction method which provided a more effec-
Larkin, DCofS, ETO, to CofS, USA, 19 May 45. Per-
tive type of junction. 74 sonal papers of Gen Littlejohn.

Branch, OQMG, and of the Boston Depot, The items, including the boot, attracted the
combat in jungle areas presented other difficul- favorable attention of quartermasters on the
ties. Shortly after Pearl Harbor four jungle ground, and was expected that they would

platoons were activated and equipped for the have an effect on later operations.
purpose of patrolling jungle areas for consider- The jungle boot was a sneaker-type shoe
able distances on each side of the Canal Zone. made with a corrugated rubber sole, to give bet-
In the early days of experimental development ter footing on slippery and grassy slopes, and a
of jungle gear in Panama under the direction of permeable duck top, some eleven and a half
Capt. Cresson H. Kearny, it had been revealed inches in height, which allowed air to reach the
that leather service shoes deteriorated very rap- feet and legs, permitting ventilation and cool-
idly under conditions of heat, moisture, and ing and preventing tropical rashes. Thus the
parasitic growth existing in the jungle. The legging could be discarded. The boot had a re-

jungle forces had been experimenting with a movable fabric insole" 8 to keep the foot from
boot, developed by the U. S. Rubber Co., which contact with the rubber sole and insulate it

gave four to five times the wear obtained from against ground heat. It had the advantage of
leather service shoes. being porous, light, and easily cleaned and
The OQMG took up the development of the dried.
jungle boot and under pressure of a request Its disadvantages made the jungle boot un-
from General MacArthur in July 1942 quickly successful in the field. It afforded too little sup-
completed the project. The jungle boot was port, resulting in many cases of "aching arches"
standardized on 31 August 1942. The Boston and gave too little protection to the foot. Men
Depot prepared a specification, and arrange- complained that the canvas top chafed the low-
ments were immediately made for the procure- er leg and in the operations on Leyte "it was
ment of 200,000 pairs. This procurement at once not an uncommon sight to see the tops folded
ran into difficulties. Production of the jungle down about way to the sole and hanging
boot involved the rehabilitation of the canvas loose." Sometimes the tops were cut off above
footwear industry, which had been virtually the ankles. 79 Since the jungle boot was made
shut down for several months by a WPB order over the manufacturers' own lasts and not over
forbidding the use of either crude or reclaimed
rubber for canvas footwear. The trained oper-
Insp rpt, A. T. Daignault to TQMG, 3 Aug 42,
no sub.
ators of this industry had scattered to other 78
Since fabric insoles proved unsatisfactory, the
fields. These had to be relocated or new oper- OQMG experimented with other materials. A new
ators trained. 77 plastic substance called "Saran" was finally used by Lt.
Robert L. Woodbury and Earl P. Hanson to produce
Production difficulties and other delays pre-
an insole that solved the problem. Saran insoles were a
vented extensive use of the jungle boot as well significant development, and after World War II they

as other new items of jungle equipment in the were put to civilian uses. It appears likely that they
will be used in arctic footwear also. (1) E. P. Hanson
Guadalcanal fighting and in the New Guinea to Col B. Robinson, OQMG, 14 Oct 42, sub: Patents
campaign which began outside Port Moresby in on Shoe Ventilation. (2) Special Forces Sec to Patent
October and closed at Buna in February 1943. Sec, Legal Div, OQMG, 7 Nov 42, sub: Insoles.
( 1 )Col Glenn J. Jacoby to CG USAFPOA,
Ltr, Lt
These operations were carried on largely with 14 Dec 44, sub: QM
Observer's Rpt 319.2 5 to PAC.
the older standard equipment supplemented by (2) See also Brig Gen George E. Hartman, Hq
items improvised locally. The new jungle equip- USAFCPA, to Col Doriot, 4 Dec 44, no sub. General
Hartman encloses the report of an observer who was
ment was arriving toward the close of this phase
attached to the XXIV Corps during the Leyte oper-
of the fighting and was being issued to troops. ations.

the Army Munson last, there was also consider- of 1945. The end of the war brought the termi-
able complaint about the fit. nation of all contracts.

A number of specification changes were made

without producing a thoroughly adequate or Clothing for Women in the Army
satisfactory jungle boot, and developmental
work was resumed. The OQMG
instructed the The Corps' concern with the problems in-

Boston Depot to produce models incorporating volved in developing and issuing clothing to

various ideas with reference to materials and women in the armed service dates from the
patterns. The object was still to develop a light- spring of 1942, when a bill to establish a
weight boot which would dry out quickly, even Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) 81

when soaked through by heavy tropical rains, was under consideration by Congress. Some uni-
and which would afford adequate traction in the forms had been furnished to members of the
sole. At the same time it was to be made of ma- Army Nurse Corps (ANC) in the period be-
terials which had been subjected to some form tween World War I and World War II, but
of special treatment for preventing mildew. Quartermaster personnel thus far had been con-
In the course of experimentation and testing fronted with no special problems in providing
of models, spun nylon was selected as the most clothing for women in the Army. They had
satisfactory fabric for use in the new boot. The little no past experience upon which to draw.
most difficult problem involved development of No body of information existed in reference to
a mold for the Bramani rubber sole with lugs design, pattern, sizing, specifications, or pro-
placed in such a position as to permit stitching curement of women's clothing such as that
of the sole to the welt. 80 By February 1945 a which had been built up over the years for
satisfactory boot had been designed and was men's clothing by the OQMG
and the Philadel-
ready for large-scale procurement. The new phia Depot. The OQMG
was now embarking
tropical combat boot specification called for a on a new venture, made more difficult by the
10V^-inch boot of welt construction, made in a haste with which the wardrobe for the WAAC
plain-toe blucher pattern without a toe cap. had to be designed and procured. 82
The top was made of spun nylon duck fastened Between 1942 and 1945 the development of
by two straps and buckles. The boot had a WAAC clothing at the OQMG was the respon-
leather mid sole, a full-length, cleated, rubber sibility of only two men. Colonel Grice, chief
outer sole, and a molded, cleated rubber heel. A of the Standardization Branch, piloted the pro-
ventilating-type insole was to be worn with the gram through the preliminary stages of plan-
boot. ning during the period February to August
When, after testing, favorable reports on the 1942, when the basic details of the uniform
efficiency of the tropical combat boot had been were determined. In August Maj. Stephen J.
received from the AGF, the QMCTC initiated Kennedy, chief of the Textile Section in the Re-
standardization in November 1944. It was
planned to substitute the tropical combat boot 80
Gregory J. Tobin, BQMD, to James P. Giblin,

for the jungle boot, although the latter was to

OQMG, 20 Sep 44, no sub.
When the organization was incorporated as part
be issued until the supply was exhausted. Be- of the Army under legislation enacted on 1 July 1943,
cause of the uncertainty of requirements, since it became known as the Women's Army Corps
the war in the Pacific was moving northward (WAC).
For account of this activity see Etna
a detailed
out of the jungles, production of the tropical Risch, Wardrobe for the Women of the Army (QMC
combat boot was not started until the summer Historical Studies 12, October 1945).

search and Development Branch, became the noteworthy example is to be found in the case
officer in charge of the WAAC clothing pro- of specifications written by the depot which
gram. To him fell the task of making the modi- called for the use of haircloth and heavy canvas
fications in WAAC clothing necessitated by in women's jackets, as in men's. 83 As the result,
practical experience, as well as of developing a hard, stiff jacket was produced in place of one
new items subsequently needed by the WAC. with the soft lines considered desirable in wom-
Closely associated with the developmental work en's clothing.
at the Philadelphia Depot throughout this peri- Subject to the approval of Mrs. Oveta Culp
od were two officers, Maj. Frank M. Steadman Hobby, who participated in the preliminary
and Capt. William L.Johnson. None of these planning as Director Designate of the WAAC
officers were specialists in the field of women's prior to the passage of legislation establishing
clothing nor were their staffs experienced. Late the organization, a design for a WAAC service
in 1942 this situation was modified by the ad- uniform was developed in three months of furi-
some officers who knew the
dition of field of ous activity in the OQMG
between February
women's clothing, and both the OQMG and and May 1942. The uniform evolved painfully;
the depot added women consultants to their it was the design of no one person but the re-
staffs, primarily to present the woman's point sult of group work. As originally developed the
of view. It is difficult, however, to evaluate the uniform consisted of a six-gore skirt and a semi-
influence of these women consultants. Their fitted, single-breasted jacket, using four buttons
more active participation in the program came down the front and a detachable belt of self-

only after the initial planning had been com- material with cloth-covered plastic buckle.
pleted. There were two upper breast pockets with flaps

Both the OQMG and the Philadelphia De- and two lower, diagonal, slash pockets. 84 All
pot sought assistance from outside sources to subsequent modifications were improvements
acquire as rapidly as possible the necessary of this basic design.
"know-how." They consulted manufacturers, No sooner was the issue of the summer

stylists, designers, technical experts, and depart- uniform made Des Moines in July 1942
at Fort

ment store buyers of women's garments, both than a barrage of criticism was let loose which
in conference and by means of correspondence. resulted in further study of the appearance, fit,

While such consultation was most helpful, the pattern, and functional suitability of the uni-
failure to utilize personnel trained in the wom- form. 8 ' From the fall of 1942 through 1944
from the beginning of the
en's clothing field modifications were made in the uniform begin-
program resulted in the modifications which ning with the elimination of the jacket belt and
followed close upon the first issue of WAAC working through improvement of patterns.

clothing at Fort Des Moines in July 1942.

Itwas unfortunate, too, that not until early
( 1 ) Interv, OQMG historian with Miss Maxine
Spengler, PQMD consultant, 23 Apr 45. (2) The
in 1945 was a Women's Clothing Section estab-
Philadelphia Depot justified its action by insisting that
lished as a unit within the Research and Devel- the jacket was a uniform, not a civilian outfit, and that
a more substantial construction was necessary in order
opment Branch. Until that time responsibility
to eliminate the need for frequent pressings. Interv,
for women's clothing, both at the OQMG and
OQMG historian with Maj Wm. L. Johnson, PQMD,
at the Philadelphia Depot, was delegated to 20 Apr 45.
organizations responsible for men's clothing.
Memo, Gen Gregory for ACofS G-l, 16 May 42,
sub: Uniform for WAAC.
This could not fail to affect the course of the de- 85
Risch, A Wardrobe for the Women of the Army, pp.
velopment of women's clothing. A particularly 37ff.

THE ORIGINAL WAAC UNIFORM. From left to right, officers' winter uniform, officers' summer
uniform, and enlisted women's winter uniform.

Much of the difficulty came from pattern defects depot had to utilize the facilities of the men's
which were eliminated only when commercial garment industry. Accustomed to tailoring
pattern makers were called in. In the hasty pro- men's uniforms, they retained in their produc-

curement of the first uniforms, the manufactur- tion ofwomen's uniforms the characteristics of
ers rather than the OQMG or the Philadelphia men's clothing. The manufacturers of women's
Depot had made the original patterns. Since clothing were not able to handle the production
there had been no made of their correctness
test of uniforms at prices the depot was willing to
prior to procurement, whatever was wrong with pay, particularly when the WAAC program was
the basic patterns was reproduced in both the greatly expanded in November 1942. Further
summer and winter uniforms initially procured. difficulties stemmed from the fact that the qual-
Later when the Philadelphia Depot incorpo- ity work of a designer of high-priced clothing
rated many improvements in the patterns, the could not be duplicated in the mass production
desired results were not achieved because the of the jacket. Gradually these difficulties were

adjusted and a satisfactory uniform was eventu- for the WAAC, but not until the fall of 1942
ally achieved. was any effort made to correlate the develop-
Basic to the trend of the development of the ment of clothing for the two organizations.
uniform was the fact that the director of the Then a program of co-ordination was gradually
WAAC and her associates wanted to look as developed, leading to the adoption of the same
much like the Army as possible. Although this service uniform for both the WAAC and the
policy was questioned by the OQMG, it was ANC. Other items of the outfit, such as waist,
never changed by WAAC Headquarters. The necktie, stockings, gloves, and coats were iden-
WAAC selected Army colors for the uniform tical for Army nurses and Waacs. The only dis-

and adopted a shirtwaist and the Army regula- tinctive items of the nurses' uniform were the
tion khaki tie. These were included in the items cap, bag, and insignia. The impact of all the
submitted for general staff approval by The modifications in the WAAC uniform was felt
Quartermaster General on 16 May 1942, along in the nurses' outfit.
with an overcoat, a raincoat, an in-between util- No adequate consideration was given to the
ity coat, and the WAAC cap, adopted after pro- development of functional clothing suitable to

longed discussion and the fashioning of innu- the various occupations performed by the wom-
merable samples. By 1945 this cap had been en of the Army. This was particularly true of
dropped in favor of a garrison cap. the nurses. The one set of outdoor clothing and
Unlike the WAAC, the ANC could trace its six ward uniforms supplied nurses sent overseas
history back to the Civil War, but only after it could scarcely be described as sufficient for

was established as a part of the United States active service. An OQMG observer in the
Army in 1901 was the provision of adequate NATO wrote as follows:
uniforms a possible problem. Even then the
There is one Service in the American Army that
need was not recognized, and a uniform was not has been sadly neglected in the way of providing
adopted until World War I. In the next twenty clothing for combat areas. This Service is the
years little consideration was given to the ade- Army Nurses' Corps. Formerly, peace-loving
quacy of the nurse's wardrobe. Not until war Americans could only picture the nurse in a tidy
established hospital well back in the rear areas;
loomed in 1940, and it was apparent that the
however, such is definitely not the case. Army
ANC would have to expand, was any effort nurses now accompany task forces on landing oper-
made to improve the outdoor uniform in design ations. They go through exactly the same rigors of

and color. At the suggestion of the Office of the warfare as do the soldiers, with the exception that
they do not participate in actual combat. The
Surgeon General new blue uniforms were
nurse's duties are to follow as closely as is necessary
adopted, but various complications prevented
the progress of the fighting troops. Thus in land-
the nurses from being fully equipped with the ing operations they disembark shortly after the in-
new uniform even at the beginning of 1942. vasion troops have forced a beach head and imme-
Belatedly was discovered that the nurses'
it diately upon landing begin their duties of serving
the wounded. During land battles, they proceed as
wool uniforms and overcoats were cut on mas-
close to the fighting front as is reasonably safe in
culine lines not adapted to the female figure
order to carry out their medical work. It can now
and bore no relation in sizing to the standard be seen that the nurse travels the same route as the
forms used commercially. 86 soldier. Consequently, she must have clothing that

Early in 1941 the Philadelphia Depot began is as rugged and as well-designed as the combat

to cope with the problem of and patterns.


At the same time the OQMG

was becoming
immersed in the problem of providing clothing Ibid., p. 101.

ARMY NURSE CORPS UNIFORMS. Old winter uniform (left) and new winter uniform (right,

soldier's. Nurses lacked this type clothing during sloppy dress caused considerable laughter. It is im-
the Tunisian campaign. It was impossible for them perative that the nurses have a uniform that will
to wear the usual nurse's dresses, caps, chic under- allow them freedom of movement and afford suffi-
wear, Cuban heel shoes, etc. In order to keep ade- cient warmth and sufficient durability for wear in
quately warm and be able to hit foxholes when combat areas.
necessary, the American nurses were forced to wear
regular men's G. I. underwear, shoes, HBT suits, When a thorough review of nurses' clothing
helmet with helmet liner, etc. Needless to say, was initiated in September 1942, hospital uni-
women's sizes differ from men's. Consequently, forms were studied and redesigned to satisfy
nurses were wearing shoes several sizes too large, functional needs as well as to improve their ap-
HBT uniforms that could be wrapped around them
pearance. A new fabric, a 4-ounce brown- and
twice, underwear that was not designed for femi-
nine forms, and overcoats that draped around them white-striped seersucker, was selected for the
like a tent. The only items that were satisfactory hospital uniform to be worn in oversea areas.
were the helmet and the helmet liner. It can be
easily seen that the nurse was not as pretty a sight 87
Rpt, Capt Pounder, QM Observer, Rpt of QM
as she might well have been. In many cases, their Opns in NATO, 5 Mar-Jun 43.

Later in the summer of 1944 this same uniform

was also authorized to be worn in the United
States. The traditional white uniform was thus
discarded during the war years in favor of the
seersucker dress which provided a simple, short-
sleeved, wrap-around uniform with a tie belt.

The design was chosen to allow ease in fitting,

and in laundering under difficult conditions. A
matching seersucker jacket was developed to be
worn with the uniform, thereby providing the
nurses with a serviceable street outfit for warm
weather. As designed, the jacket was made in a
semifitted, collarless, one-button, cardigan style
which was approved and standardized on 14
December 1942. 88 A new seersucker cap was
also designed for wear with the hospital uni-

In the summer of 1943 it became necessary to
develop other items as part of the hospital uni-
form of the nurses. The Office of the Surgeon
General indicated that nurses needed a uniform
with trousers for wear on hospital ships and
trains where it was frequently necessary to

climb ladders to attend patients in upper bunks.

It was also needed by all nurses in oversea areas,
where normal duty required from time to time

that they serve in hospitals using litters instead

of beds. The OQMG requested the Philadel-
phia Depot to develop seersucker slacks and
shirts. These were standardized on 28 August
Insofar as suitable work clothing was con-
cerned, Waacs
no better than nurses in the
beginning. In the initial development of cloth-
ing neither Headquarters nor the
OQMG gave much attention to work clothing,
( 1 ) Ltr, Col Doriot, OQMG, to Chief of Devel-
opment Br, Reqmts Div, SOS, 30 Nov 42, sub: Stand-
ardization of Seersucker Jacket, and 2d ind, Gen Wood,
SOS, to OQMG, 14 Dec 42. (2) Insp rpt, Miss Emily
Alexander to TQMG, 23 Jan 43.
( 1) Ltr, Col R. W. Bliss to TQMG, 6 Jul 43, sub:

Nurses Uniforms. (2) Ltr, Capt W. P. Barrett, OQMG,

to COPQMD, 1 Jul 43, sub: Women's Seersucker
Trousers and Shirts. (3) [4th ind], Gen Wood, ASF,

primarily because the duties which the Waacs khaki slacks and shirts came from the NATO
were to perform were not clearly denned until for WAC drivers as well as from the SWPA for
long after the program was under way. Origi- nurses. Malaria control officers in the latter area
nally a one-piece herringbone twill suit and would not permit nurses to wear either herring-
later a two-piece suit provided satisfactory sum- bone twill or seersucker slacks and shirts be-
mer work clothing. The major portion of cause they offered insufficient protection against
WAAC activity, however, was thought of in mosquitoes. After considerable developmental
terms of clerical and administrative work for work khaki shirts and slacks were classified as
which the service uniform was regarded as ade- standard items of issue to women personnel. 91
quate. It proved, however, to be wholly inade- In providing appropriate women's footwear,
quate as winter apparel for personnel engaged the QMC duplicated the course of development
in outdoor occupations, such as motor trans- for men's shoes. Nurses were sent overseas early
port service, or for personnel performing many in the war in service shoes wholly inadequate
duties at unheated hangars or other buildings to the demands of field wear. Quartermaster
where warm clothing was required. In the win- technicians were not unfamiliar with the prob-
ter of 1942^3 and part of 1943^4, WAAC lem of furnishing shoes for women, but com-
personnel engaged in outdoor activities were mercial lasts had always been used in shoes
issued whatever warm clothing was available at procured for the ANC. There was a tendency
the discretion of the commander of the local to leave the details of specifications to the dis-
post. This included enlisted men's items, such cretion of the contractors, and thus the Army
as overcoats, wool socks, long wool drawers and was unable to maintain rigid control of the
shirts, combat jackets and trousers, as well as quality or fit of the shoes it bought. The WAAC
CCC mackinaws. service shoe, originally selected and approved
At the same time that WAAC Headquarters by WAAC Headquarters, was also made over a
in the fallof 1942 was requesting suitable win- commercial last. Criticism from the field

ter clothing for motor transport units, the promptly revealed the unsuitability of this shoe.
Office of the Surgeon General requested The In the fall of 1942 a trend developed for uni-
Quartermaster General to standardize arctic formity of footgear for all women in the Army.
equipment for nurses. 90 In its developmental A systematic consideration of the shoe problem
work the OQMG used the same basic principle was begun, resulting in the development by the
of layering which had been applied in fashion- Boston Depot, in co-operation with industry,
ing men's clothing. Items developed for the of satisfactory models for service and field shoes
men were now adapted for the use of women, manufactured over government-owned lasts.
and nurses and Wacs were provided with outer
cover trousers and wool liners; with the field 90
( 1 ) Ltr, Brig Gen L. B. McAfee, SGO, to CG

jacket, M-1943, liner, and hood; and with a bat- SOS, 5 Sep 42, sub: Arctic Clo and Equip for Nurses,
and 1st ind, Col Wood, Dir of Reqmts Div, SOS, to
tle jacket. Although in arctic clothing men con-
TQMG, 7 Sep 42. (2) Ltr, Gen Lutes, ACofS for
tinued to use pile liners, in women's arctic Opns SOS, to TQMG, 27 Nov 42, sub: Clo for WAAC
clothing wool liners replaced them. Pers.
1) Ltr, Col H. W. Roberts, Hq NATO, to TAG.
Where soldiers were sent, nurses and Wacs 25 May

44, sub: WAC Summer MT Uniform, and 1st

soon followed; hence suitable tropical clothing ind, Dir of R&D Div ASF, to TQMG, 14 Jun 44. (2)
was as essential for them as cold-climate cloth- Ltr, Maj Gen George F. Lull, SGO, to CG ASF, 3 Jul
44, sub: Tropical Fid Uniform for Army Nurses. (3)
ing.Both the WAC
and the ANC
were critical QMCTC, min of mtg No. 21, 10 Oct 44. (4) 2d ind,
of herringbone twill garments. Requests for Actg Dir of R&D Div ASF, to TQMG, on same.

Subsequently, at the request of The Surgeon Gen. J.

K. Parsons, commanding general of the
General, a combat boot, identical in design to Third Corps Area, to develop a lightweight field
that issued the men, was developed for nurses, jacket to replace the service coat for field duty
except that it was made over the same last as in 1939. Heretofore, like most other armed
the women's field shoe. 92 Thus the gamut was forces of the world, the American Army had al-

run from oxfords to combat boots for field wear. ways fought wool clothing. Abandonment of
the use of wool in the outer garments of the
Textile and Leather Problems Army was one of the important changes in mil-
itary textiles during the war. It stemmed from
The design of functionally appropriate uni- the adoption of the layering principle applied
forms for Army personnel was only one phase to winter combat clothing. Wind-resistant,
of the problem of developing Army clothing. water-repellent cotton fabrics afforded the sol-

The development of suitable military textiles dier better protection against wind and rain
also was fundamental. This field of activity had than wool. They were stronger, more resistant
long received the attention of technicians at the to tearing, and dried more quickly.
Philadelphia Depot. In the interval between At first a wind-resistant poplin and later,
World Wars I and II, the laboratory of the de- about the end of 1942, a 9-ounce sateen were
pot had engaged in routine testing of fabrics developed and adopted for use in such garments
and some experimental work directed toward as field jackets and outer cover trousers. In 1943
the development of better military fabrics. Most the OQMG learned of a series of fabrics devel-
of the standard fabrics used for Army uniforms, oped at the Textile Institute in Manchester,
such as 18-ounce wool serge, 8.2-ounce cotton England, which produced fabrics having better
khaki, and herringbone twill, had been devel- water-resistant properties than any known in
oped prior to 1939. this country. Basically, the principle of con-
When the Military Planning Division, struction involved utilizing the swelling prop-
OQMG, initiated an integrated program of re- erties of cotton when wet in such a manner as

search in 1942, much was learned about both to close up the fabric, preventing the penetra-
military clothing and fabrics. As the war pro- tion of water. Full data on the construction was
gressed, it was realized that improvements could obtained from the Textile Institute by the
be made. In regard to military textiles already OQMG and applied by the textile industry in
accepted and in use, the Textile Section of the developing improved water-resistant fabrics. 93

Research and Development Branch was con- In 1945 a 9-ounce, wind-resistant oxford cloth
cerned with obtaining such improvements by became the standard fabric for winter combat
raising the level of specification performance, clothing. It had been found in 1944 that dense
by adopting a better fabric construction, or by fabrics were also satisfactory for a new purpose,
using a new finishing treatment. The shrink- namely, to give protection against mosquitoes.
proofing of woolens and the development of Hence they were used in the development of
improved water-resistant fabrics were illustrative the tropical combat uniform.
of this trend.
(1) Ltr, Gen Bliss, SGO, to TQMG, 29 Jun 44,
One of the major fields of Quartermaster re-
sub: Footwear for Army Nurses Assigned to SWP and
search during the war was the improvement of SP Theaters. (2) Risch, A Wardrobe for the Women of

water-resistant fabrics. The use of cotton cloth the Army, pp. 76-81.
93 Col Kennedy, Chief of Textile Sec, "Problems for
with this characteristic had been introduced in
Future Quartermaster Textile Research," Textile Re-
the Army as a result of an order directing Maj. search Journal, November 1945, pp. 414-15.

The problem of keeping the soldier dry in panies in 1942. The Philadelphia Depot co-
the field was susceptible of a second line of at- operated in this experimental work, and a
tack. His outer garments could also be made contract was signed with the National Associa-
more protective by giving them a water-repel- tion of Dyers and Cleaners, making its facilities
lent treatment. Although some technologists available for testing purposes. As a result, the
believed that improved water repellents would existing specification was revised to provide in-
solve the problem largely by themselves, the creased water repellency and stability. Field con-
most satisfactory results were obtained by apply- ditions of mobile warfare, however, would never
ing the best available water repellent to specially permit constant re-treating of garments. If

designed water-resistant fabrics. water repellency had any military advantage at

Both before and during the war the QMC all, it was argued, it would have to be in the

carriedon research to develop improved water- garment prior to issue. This raised anew the
repellent finishes. Though such developmental question of durability.
work was concentrated at the Philadelphia De- QMC personnel were divided between the
pot before the war, the depot's activities had advocates of durable and nondurable water-
been largely limited to liaison work with indus- repellent treatments. Lack of knowledge con-
try. Chemical manufacturers had for many years cerning the true performance of water-repellent
pursued intensive research on a competitive finishes dictated a systematic review of the
basis in this field, since water-repellent finishes whole field of such finishes. As the year 1942
were used on hunting and ski clothes and on closed, a program to evaluate all commercial
tentage. They continued such research during water-repellent products was inaugurated. Un-
the war years, when developmental work was der a contract with the National Defense Re-
undertaken by the Chemical Section of the Re- search Committe, the Textile Foundation and
search and Development Branch. The Philadel- the QMC conducted a study to determine bet-
phia Depot co-operated in this work. termethods of evaluating water-repellent com-
At the beginning of the emergency the QMC pounds. '" As a result of this work, four finishes
was using a so-called durable type of water- were deemed sufficiently durable to meet the
repellent finish on cotton fabrics used for outer minimum military requirements and were ap-
garments. 94 In the course of time deterioration Army use. Out of this developmental
proved for
of this finish resulted from either dry cleaning work emerged two new tests which proved
or laundering. As a consequence, either a more effective in correlating laboratory test methods
durable finish had to be developed, or such gar- and actual wear performance to the extent that
ments had to be treated again in the field to laboratory tests alone, thereafter, proved suffi-

insure water repellency for the lifetime of the cient to evaluate additional finishes for flat cot-

garment. To restore water repellency to the gar- ton fabrics.

The QMC specification, "Test
ment after laundering, the QMC, at the begin- Methods for Textiles," was thereupon revised to
ning of the war, was using an emulsion of
waxes and aluminum salts. Not only did the 94
(1) Interv, OQMG historian with Dr. J. E. Simp-
Corps wishto improve this type but it was also son, Chemical Sec, Nov 1945. (2) Dr. J. E. Simpson,
"The Army's Water Repellent Clothing," American
desirous of developing an adequate solvent type
Dyestuff Reporter, XXV (1946), pp. 243-52, 272,
of water repellent for use after dry cleaning. 288-90.
Developmental work in reference to such 95
(1) R&D Br, Status Rpts, 31 Dec 42, 31 Jan 43.
(2) For the details of this work see Risch and Pitkin,
nondurable or re-treating types of water repel-
Clothing the Soldter of World War II, pp. 95-96.
lents was taken up with various chemical com- 96 R&D Br, Status Rpt, 31 Aug 44.

provide for evaluation of new water-repellent Through the National Research Council a proj-
finishes, not by fixed composition limitations, ectwas set up for studying various shrinkproof-
but by performance tests known to measure de- ing processes, which led to the conclusion by
sired characteristics without reference to trade- the late summer of 1944 that satisfactory results
name products. What was accomplished in ref- could be obtained with a very simple chlorina-
erence to water repellency was applicable, how- tion on the alkaline side. The process was sim-
ever, only to cotton fabrics. Research in the use ple enough for application in any mill with
of water-repellent finishes for woolen fabrics even the most meager equipment. Immediate
was only beginning as the war ended. attention, thereupon, was given to renegotiating
Although woolens constituted the major por- contracts to provide for the application of this
tion of Army clothing, little consideration had treatment to all cushion-sole socks, with the
been given before the war to the role that result that the cushion-sole sock industry was
shrinkage played in reducing the wearability of converted to the production of shrinkproof
woolens. Industry had developed the sanforiz- socks by the end of 1944." Subsequently the
ing process for cottons but had done little to same treatment also was applied to heavy wool
produce washable woolens. By 1943 the prob- socks and wool ski socks.
lem of shrinkage was being forcibly brought to With the conversion of the hosiery industry
the attention of the OQMG not only by the under way it was possible for the OQMG to
comments of observers in the field but also by give consideration to shrinkage in other wool
salvage studies which revealed that shrinkage items. The information and experience gained
caused the great number of failures in all in shrinkproofing one knitted item could be ap-
woolen garments. plied to another, as, for example, woolen under-
It was the high rate of shrinkage on socks wear, which is usually knitted and made from
which was the immediate cause for the initia- the same type of merino yarn as socks. Work
tion of a study of antishrink processes by the on the development of shrink-resistant treat-
Research and Development Branch. 97 The ments for woven fabrics was resumed simulta-
branch believed that faster progress could be neously. Considerable progress was made but
made by concentrating on one item. It selected none of these developments reached the pro-
the cushion-sole sock because field experience duction stage before the war ended.
had shown that this sock was the most comfort- Quartermaster research was also interested in
able to wear and afforded the most foot protec- the development of any construction or finish
tion. Its useful life, however, was very limited that would make fabrics wear longer, thereby
because shrinkage was so great after three to six reducing the cost of Army clothing and textile
field launderings that the sock became unwear- equipage. One line of investigation was con-
able. 98 cerned with the development of abrasion-resist-
Of the several commercial processes available ant finishes to be applied to textiles. Tests at the
for pretreatment of socks to prevent shrinkage, Philadelphia Depot revealed that greater claims
one, using a chlorination treatment called the for commercial treatments were made than
Hypol process, was found to be most satisfac- could be verified. A second approach to the
tory. To obtain the benefits of washability at the 97 Ibid., 31 Jul 43.
earliest possible time this process was applied 98 Capt Harry F. Clapham, "Washable Woolens for

to at least a part of the cushion-sole socks then the Army," Proceedings of the Conference on Quartermas-
ter Textile Research, p. 17.
under production. In the meantime further re- 99 R&D Br, Status Rpts, 31 Aug, 30 Sep, 31
search was carried on in the hosiery industry. Oct, 30 Nov, 3 1 Dec 44.

problem was made through the redesign of tex- of leather used in Army footwear. Considerable
tile fabrics. Increased durability was the goal developmental work in tannages was conducted
sought by the OQMG, but although consider- at the laboratory facilities of the University of
able experimentation was undertaken, results Cincinnati. Improving the water resistance of
were not immediately applicable to textiles leather was a fundamental research problem
utilized in World War II. which was attacked in various ways. One
The QMC was interested, too, in developing method was to improve the quality of dubbing,
clothing which would afford some protection a mixture of oil and tallow used to preserve

against flash burns. The Armored Force needed leather and increase its resistance to water. 103
flameproof clothing for tank crews under com- Testing the relative merits of having the flesh
bat conditions. The problem was turned over side out or the grain side out was another ap-
to the Philadelphia Depot early in 1943 with proach to the same problem, although tests re-

instructions to "carry on the necessary investi- vealed no appreciable difference in water resist-

gations to develop the best fire-resistant treat- ance. The ultimate solution of this problem was
ment for herringbone-twill to be used by tank dependent on considerably more research which
troops." 101
In the meantime the OQMG ap- was projected for the postwar period.
proached various manufacturers and co-ordi- Still another problem was mold and rot pre-
nated the work with the Chemical Warfare vention in leather. Not only shoes but also
Service. Developmental work continued into various items of jungle equipment, such as
1945. By the end of the war a process for obtain- machete sheaths, deteriorated rapidly because of
ing an excellent, durable, flame-resistant treat- the growth of molds under continual humid
ment on clothing had been developed and was conditions. Mold preventive agents had been
just getting into production. successfully applied to canvas, and some had
The application of various treatments to tex- been used commercially on leather. Information,
tiles has been here limited to a discussion of however, was meager as to the effectiveness of
soldiers' clothing, but had a wider potential
it such agents. The question of toxicity and re-

use. Military textiles were also utilized in the sulting skin irritations had also to be considered
form of tents and tarpaulins to provide shelter since many of the leather items came into close
for both soldiers and materiel, and were used in contact with the soldier's skin. Under the Na-
many items of personal equipage. Developments tionalDefense Research Committee, a contract
in fabric construction and finishes were as ap- was negotiated with the University of Cincin-
plicable to these items as to clothing. Jungle nati to develop a mold-proofing treatment for
operations opened another large field of re- leather. The scope of this project was subse-
search, necessitating treatments to prevent mil- quently widened to include studies of leather
dew. The chief of the Textile Section in the preservatives, shoe sterilization and disinfection,
Research and Development Branch believed
that the progress made by the Army in the
See R&D Br, Status Rpts, 29 Feb 44-30 Apr 45,
sub: Wear Resistance of Apparel Textiles.
study of tropical deterioration of textile prod- 101
Ltr, Col Kennedy, OQMG, to CO PQMD, 16
uctswould rank as a major scientific achieve- Jan 43, sub: Flameproofing.
(1) Col Kennedy, Textile Research Journal, No-
ment in the field of biochemistry. 102 ,

vember 1945, p. 419. (2) See also William H.

If the Corps was concerned with improving Weston, "Tropical Deterioration of Textile Products,"
textiles by changes in the construction of fabrics Proceedings of the Conference on Quartermaster Textile
Research, pp. 29ff.
and by the application of various finishes, it was 103
See R&D
Br, Status Rpts, 1943 and 1944, sub:
equally concerned with improving the quality Dubbing.

thread preservation, and the effects of perspira- clothes. If the soldier is at rest, lying in a fox-
tion on leather. hole or sleeping, he may not generate enough
In the course of experimentation and testing body heat to do this, with the result that body
at the University of Cincinnati and the National temperature is lowered, efficiency lost, and
Bureau of Standards, it was established that the health endangered. Weight, too, is a drain on
use of paranitrophenol was effective and safe. the soldier's reserves of resistance. The differ-

Its use was approved by the Office of the Sur- ence between a 5-pound pair of combat boots
geon General provided that the skin did not and a 3-pound pair of jungle boots is equivalent
come into contact with the leather. Specifica- in terms of heat stress to four times that differ-
tions accordingly were prepared in the spring of pounds additional weight to be carried
ence, or 8
1945 for the protection of upper, midsole, and by the Additional weight means in-

insole leathers used in military footwear for creased sweat production, pulse rate, and skin
tropical areas, but the war ended and shoe con- and internal temperature. The nearer to heat ex-

tractswere canceled before mold preventives haustion the soldier approaches, the lower his

were applied to footgear. 11" Experiments to im- efficiency becomes. By bitter experience the
prove the water resistance of leather and to pre- jungle fighter learned the price of weight; he
vent the growth of molds are illustrative of the discarded all but the minimum essentials. Such
trends in fundamental research in leather prob- factors of environmental protection and weight
lems, though they by no means cover all research had to be taken into consideration by Quarter-
undertaken by the Corps in this field. master designers of clothing. Bulk and volume
had also to be weighed in terms of thermal pro-

tection as opposed to maneuverability. Finally,

Summary the designer had to assess the values of military

appearance as these affected discipline and
Since World War I there has been a growing morale.
awareness in the War Department of the need The emphasis placed on the development of
for continuous research in those branches which suitable garrison clothing and footgear in the
would contribute effectively to the military effi- interlude of peace resulted in the failure to have
ciency of the country. Unfortunately, the funds in readiness adequate combat clothing when the
made available by Congress for this purpose in emergency began in 1939. Increasingly, in the
the period between World Wars I and II late thirties stress was placed on the develop-
proved wholly inadequate. While some devel- ment of functional clothing for general field use
opmental work was accomplished by the QMC and there was a growing differentiation between
during these twenty years, no integrated pro- barrack and field clothing. This interest of
gram of fundamental research was initiated Quartermaster clothing designers in functional-
before 1942. ism was further stimulated by the impact of
As a result of the World War II program, global war and the establishment of new types

much pertinent data has been accumulated in of military organizations. With the advent of
reference to military clothing and the role it war numerous new types of clothing and equip-
may play in maintaining or reducing the physi- ment were designed for parachutists, armored
cal resistance of the soldier. Clothing which af-

fords inadequate protection against moisture,

(1) R&D
Br, Status Rpt, 31 Aug 42. See month-
ly Status Rpts thereafter for 1943 and 1944 under
for example, necessitates the expenditure of heading, Leather Mold and Rot Prevention.
body energy to evaporate the moisture in wet 105
Ibid., 31 Aug 45.

and mechanized forces, ski troops, and special- Thus one field jacket replaced numerous coats
type forces serving in cold climates. and jackets and two caps were made to serve the
In the beginning it was the tendency of the purpose of a multiplicity of headgear for winter
QMC to develop special garments for each new and arctic wear. This trend toward simplifica-
type of military organization. Procurement, tion was still predominant in the developmental
storage, and issue of basic clothing by the work under way when World War II ended.
Corps were rendered considerably more difficult Using scientific methods the QMC sought
by the need for processing different articles hav- improvements in both the construction of mili-
ing similar functional use. The Philadelphia and the finishes applied to them.
tary fabrics
Quartermaster Depot early protested against Warmth without bulk, strength without weight,
this trend. water impermeability without loss of air and
water-vapor permeability, and elimination of
With all due respect to the desires of higher
authority for perfect protection and absolute suit- shrinkage of wool without affecting its other
ability for specialized personnel, the multiplicity of qualities were the objectives. The scientific
new items of clothing and variations in design be- method necessitated careful analysis and pro-
ing adopted without service tests will render the
longed testing, and consequently, as hostilities
task of the Quartermaster Corps increasingly diffi-
cult if not impossible of fulfillment unless a halt
ended, many of the items to which its findings

is called on all but essential changes.

106 had been applied were just getting into produc-
tion. Much of the scientific work in progress
Even before the first phase of developing remained to be completed in the postwar period.
specialized items of clothing had ended, the These considerations are equally applicable to
OQMG began making the specialized parts developments in the field of design. It was
interchangeable with the component parts of futile, for example, to improve water-repellent
the basic uniform. It was felt that while differ- finishes if designers used horizontal seams
ences in climate and terrain in the various the- which permitted rain to wick through, thereby
aters of war were complicating factors, they had nullifying the advantages gained. As science
to be subordinated to the development of stand- was applied to the fundamental problems in-
ard basic clothing for use by all arms and volved in the development of military textiles,
services. By the fall of 1942, therefore, the it became apparent that the design of garments

OQMG was moving toward the development would have to be revised in the light of the
of an all-purpose combat uniform, in the design findings. Much basic work remained to be ac-
of which the layering principle was adopted, complished in the postwar period before all the
and for the first time in Army clothing the use anticipated advantages could be reflected in mil-
of wool in outer garments was abandoned. The itary clothing and textiles. Under the stimulus
trend in military clothing for men and women of war, scientific methods have been applied to
alike was from specialized types to a standardized Quartermaster problems and much has been
field uniform. achieved. In order to maintain superior stand-
By consolidating garments having the same ards in Army clothing and footgear, it is

functional utility into single types the Military obviously necessary to support a continuous
Planning Division promoted the simplification program of research in peace as well as in war.
of the over-all Army Supply Program. In devel-
opmental work was given
special consideration
Ltr, Col W. A. McCain, PQMD, to TQMG,
to designing all-purpose items which could be
4 Nov 40, sub: Complication of Clo Sup by Adoption
substituted for one or more standard items. of New Items.

The Development of Personal

and Organizational Equipment
Among the Army supply services, the Quar- same kind that his father carried in 1917. The
termaster Corps has by far the broadest range of uniform of World War I had been modified in

responsibilities in the field of equipment, which, the interval of peace to provide an improved
in military terminology, includes everything garrison outfit, but little or no change had been
needed to outfit an individual or an organiza- made in personal equipment, primarily because
tion. Generally speaking, everything that is not large quantities of such supplies were on hand
a weapon nor so technically specialized as to fall from World War I. Some refinements had been
naturally into the province of one of the other introduced, particularly in the thirties, but these
services is a Quartermaster item. In the follow- were minor in character. Not until World War
ing discussion equipment is limited to items of II was well under way were any significant
personal equipment, such as field packs, sleep- modifications made to improve items of equip-
ing bags, and intrenching shovels, carried by ment.
the combat soldier, and to organizational equip-
ment, such as field ranges, mobile shoe and and
Field Packs, Bags, Carriers
clothing repair units, textile repair units, and
mobile sterilizer and bath outfits, issued to units The basic equipment of the soldier in the
in the field. field has always included some sort of knapsack,
To trace the development of each of the nu- or pack, to carry spare clothing, miscellaneous
merous items of personal and organizational small equipment, blankets, personal articles,

equipment procured and issued by the Corps is and sometimes rations. Since the U. S. Army
neither feasible nor necessary to an understand- pack was made of duck and webbing and since
ing of the problems involved. Representative brass was used in the form of buckles, rings,
items within major groups, therefore, have been grommets, and other small hardware to join,
selected for detailed treatment to illustrate the open, close, or suspend its various parts, war-
difficulties encountered and the trends that time shortages in these materials affected the
developmental activity took in solving them. pack's design. All developmental work in tex-
tile finishes, such as that with regard to abrasion
resistance and water resistance, was applicable
Personal Equipment to textiles used for packs and other equipage,
just as it was to those converted into clothing.

Much of the personal equipment issued to Mildew-resistant treatments were also applied
the American soldier in World War II was the to all textile equipage items during the war.

Virtually no change had taken place since canvas sack, closed at the top by a drawstring,

1918 in the infantry pack used in the field. with a covering flap and pockets at the back and
Some refinements had been made in it, but sides. It had web shoulder straps and a web
when World War II began the Army retained belly strap which encircled the body and pre-

the haversack with a detachable pack carrier as vented the sack from swinging while the soldier
one of" the two basic items for carrying personal was in motion. The sack was mounted on a

equipment in the field. Known collectively as light, tubular, steel frame so constructed that
the field pack, M-1928, it was difficult to sepa- the weight of the whole pack was distributed
rate when a light field pack was needed. Actu- low around the hips. Two of the frames, when
ally, the haversack was a canvas wrapper in detached from their sacks, could be attached to
which equipment was rolled. It was complicated skis to form an emergency sled. A white cover

to assemble, and the completed pack was long for camouflage use in snowy country was issued

and narrow, with a high silhouette. The other with the rucksack. 2
basic item was a relatively small canvas field During the Attu operations, soldiers com-
bag, M-1936, based upon the design of the plained that the rucksack was too large and was
French musette bag. It had a number of com- extremely uncomfortable because it rested so
partments in which a few personal effects as heavily on the hips. The Quartermaster ob-
well as maps and papers could be carried. Orig- server thought that the discomfort was caused
inally intended for the use of officers, in World by the frame and the improper packing of the
War II it was also issued to motorized units and rucksack. Even when heavier items were put on
various other types of troops. the top, however, the pack was "none too com-
As in the design of clothing, attention in fortable." 5 While there were no subsequent
1941 was first concentrated on the develop- changes in the basic design, a number of modi-
ment of equipment for specialized troops. fications to increase the efficiency of the rucksack
Neither the haversack nor the canvas field bag were made during the war years.

was adequate for arctic or jungle use. For ex- Jungle troops also needed a specialized type
ample, a more suitable carrier had to be devel- of carrier. The haversack, M-1928, was unsatis-
oped for troops sent to the defense of Alaska. factory for use in tropical swamps, where there
The standard Army pack was too small to carry was no dry or level ground on which to lay out
the personal equipment necessary to a soldier a roll of cloth and insert personal effects accord-

operating in extremely cold weather. The load ing to a prearranged system. The jungle pack
shifted around too much for safe skiing, and the evolved from the experimental work conducted
pack restricted free movement of the arms es- by Capt. Cresson H. Kearny in Panama. It con-
sential in skiing and climbing. Brig. Gen. Simon sisted of a rainproof bag attached to the web-
B. Buckner, Commanding General, Alaska De- bing of the standard issue pack. Pairs of enclos-
fense Command, recommended the use of the ing straps ran horizontally and vertically,
"Norse Pac," a form of rucksack carried by Nor-
wegian and other European ski troops. 1

The OQMG and the Jeffersonville Quarter- 1

Ltr, Brig Gen S. B. Buckner to CG Ninth CA,
3 Mar 41, sub: Reduction in Number of Items of Alas-
master Depot, following this recommendation,
kan C&E
and Modification of Specs.
co-operated with industry in developing a spe- 2
( 1) QMC
Spec JQD 88, 14 Mar 42, sub: Ruck-
cial type of carrier for arctic and mountain sack, 400. 1 141. (2) Pitkin, Quartermaster Equipment
for Special Forces, pp. 101-02.
troops called the rucksack, based on the design
1st Lt Robert D. Orr, QM Observer, Rpt on Attu
of the Norse Pac. This was a large-capacity Opns, 11 May-l6Jun 43.

permitting adjustment of the pack to any

desired size. The bag was large enough to carry

a considerable load. It closed at the top with a

cord and was covered by a rainproof flap. On
top of this flap was a small zippered pouch for
canteen, medical kit, and other small articles.

Separate waterproof bags in the main pack kept

the hammock, spare clothing, and rations dry
and gave added buoyancy to the pack when it
was necessary to swim with it. 4
On the whole the jungle pack was satisfactory
in its first large-scale use in the Southwest

Pacific. It had definite advantages over the haver-

sack, M-1928. There was, however, some com-
plaint because the arrangement for fastening on
the bayonet was so far back that aman wearing
the pack could not reach it. The web strap
proved uncomfortable, and the canvas surface
which rested on a man's back caused sweating
and produced prickly heat. Critics from New
Guinea complained that the bag was not water-
proof, but the Quartermaster observer noted
that this criticism arose from a misunderstand- JUNGLE PACK
ing of the use of the waterproof clothing bag.
Intended as a liner to the jungle pack, the water-

proof clothing bag, he found, was used as a field except where the canvas field bag was issued to
equivalent of the barracks bag. Renaming it a officers and enlisted men in cavalry and moun-
"pack liner," he felt, would clarify its real tain units. Tests of the enlarged jungle pack
purposed were under way at the Quartermaster Board
When the QMC had completed its develop- when a subcommittee of the Quartermaster
mental work on the jungle pack in the summer Corps Technical Committee recommended
of 1942, it continued to study possible modifica- standardization of the jungle pack, renamed the
tions of the item, including enlargement to field pack, M-1943. The committee, however,

carry a heavier load, which would make it sponsored only limited procurement of the
adaptable for general Army use. The pressure of
other priority projects, however, prevented any
( 1) QMCSpec 190, 10 Aug 43, sub: Jungle
progress from being made until the beginning
Pack, 400.1141. (2) Pitkin, Quartermaster Equipment
of 1943 when experimental models embodying for Special Forces, pp. 200ff.

these modifications were developed.

Rpt, 1st Lt Robert L. Woodbury, QM Observer,
SWP Theater, 1 Feb-15 May 43.
By the spring of 1943 contracts for haversacks 6 Col D. H. Cowles, OQMG, to Hq ASF,
(1) Ltr,
and pack carriers were expiring and new pro- 12 Apr43, sub: Substitution of Jungle Pack for Haver-
sacks, Pack Carriers, and Canvas Fid Bags. (2) 1st ind,
curements were required. Headquarters, AGF,
Capt R. J. Delacroix,
AGF, to CG ASF, 27 Apr 43, on
favored the replacement of haversacks, pack car-
same. (3) 4th ind. Col R. R. Robins, ASF, to TQMG,
riers, and canvas field bags by the jungle pack, 18 May 43, on same. All in 428.

item. Standardization was held in abeyance by the Infantry Board were approved in the
pending further test before final adoption. 7 In standardization action. 10
the field this enlarged pack was not well re- Under test by the Infantry Board, the quick-
ceived because of its bulk and the difficulty of release buckles used on the pack were found un-
packing and adjusting it. At the same time satisfactory. They did not provide a connection
officers returning from the Pacific commented tight enough to prevent the pack from swaying.
favorably upon the versatility of the Marine Straps running under the cargo bag and at-

Corps pack. 8 tached to three-bar buckles on the combat pack

Personnel in the AGF were experimenting were therefore substituted. This change was the
with a pack embodying the best ideas of the chief difference between the modified pack and
Marine pack, the canvas field bag, and the the original M-1944 model. The AGF recom-
jungle pack. The salient characteristic of this mended the incorporation of this modification
experimental pack was its construction in two into current procurement at the earliest possible
separable sections, which permitted the soldier moment. 11
to drop a part of it, retaining a small light- Standardization of the improved M-1945
weight pack for combat. Salvage crews gathered cargo-and-combat field pack, however, was held
the dropped portion. This pack was the proto- up for some time pending a decision to elimi-

type of the cargo-and-combat field pack ulti- nate the canvas field bag in favor of the new
mately developed. In the spring of 1944 the field pack in the Table of Equipment (T/E) 21.

AGF proposed that this field pack be standard- The AGF improved items of equip-
felt that

ized without tests. The OQMG opposed adop- ment should be issued to combat troops as soon
tion of any untested item, but it was willing to as available. The OQMG, on the other hand,
supply the pack if requested by the AGF, pro- preferred to issue haversacks, pack carriers, and
vided the latter realized that production could canvas field bags until the supply was exhaust-
not be halted immediately after adoption to ed. It indicated that there would be difficulty in
make improvements or modifications. Mean- manufacturing sufficient cargo-and-combat field

while, the Infantry Board expressed an adverse packs because the supply of duck and webbing
opinion of the item. This field pack was not
standardized but the recommendedQMCTC 7
(1) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 27 May
development of a new pack along the general 43, sub: Fid Pack. (2) QMCTC, min of mtg No. 12,
8 Jun 43. Both in 428.
lines requested by Headquarters, AGF. On the 8
Maj D. L. McCaskey, The Role of Army Ground
basis of a directive issued by Headquarters, ASF, Forces in the Development of Equipment (AGF Studies
the QMC, in co-operation with the AGF, began 34, 1946), p. 84.
(1) QMCTC, min of mtg No. 5, 28 Mar 44. (2)
work to develop a divisible type of pack. 9 Ibid., No. 6, 4 Apr44. (3) Maj W. H. McLean, Ex
As developed, the field pack, M-1944, con- Off QMCTC, to TQMG, 6 Apr 44, sub: Fid Pack,
sisted of two parts. The upper part, called the and 3d ind, Hq ASF to TQMG, 15 Apr 44, on same.
All in 428.
combat pack, was about the size of the former
(1) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 23 Jun

canvas field bag. The lower part, known as the 44, sub: Cargo-and-Combat Pack. (2) QMCTC, min
cargo pack, was similar to an overnight bag but of mtg No. 27 Jun 44. (3) Ltr, Col Doriot,
ASF, 5 Jul 44, sub: Cargo-and-Combat
somewhat larger. A small canvas handle was at-
Pack, and 2d ind, Hq ASF to TQMG, 20 Jul 44, on
tached so that it could be used as a traveling same. All in 428.
bag in garrison. was standardized as the
It Ltr, Dir of Inf Bd to Chief of Ground Reqmts
Sec, ASF, 24 Oct 44, sub: Cargo-and-Combat Fid Pack,
cargo-and-combat field pack, M-1944, on 20
and 1st ind, Hq ASF to CG ASF, 1 Nov 44, on same,
July 1944. Many modifications recommended 428.

was very critical. Despite the supply difficulties ets were never used extensively as ammunition
the cargo-and-combat field pack, M-1945, was carriers and in fact had disappeared entirely
standardized on 9 April 1945, at which time from combat uniforms by 1944.
the M-1944 pack was reclassified as limited The new duffel bag, developed to replace the
standard. 12 denim barracks bag, contributed much to the
The design of new tools and new weapons soldier. The blue
comfort and convenience of the
for the soldier forced Quartermaster develop- denim barracks bag had been issued in World
ment of new carriers, sheaths, and scabbards to War I and, after modification and standardiza-
enable him to carry such equipment, or of new tion in 1929, was being procured when World
ways for attaching them to his webbing gear. War II began. Late in 1941 the Standardization
Thus the creation of a new intrenching shovel Branch proposed redesigning this bag, making
required a new carrier so that the soldier might it longer and narrower in shape, and substitut-
attach it to his pack. When the Ordnance De- ing themore durable olive drab duck for denim.
partment procured and began to issue a new The impact of war requirements on the duck
carbine, .30-caliber Ml, the QMC in the fall of industry, however, was so great that duck was
1942 was called upon to develop a canvas scab- not available. Denim therefore was retained as
bard for carrying it that could be strapped to the fabric but its color was changed to an olive
the leg. In field use this item proved impracti- drab. This barracks bag, made with a round
caland was subsequently declared obsolete. bottom, was 32 inches high and l4V^ inches in
Development of an 18-inch machete for jungle diameter. It used a drawstring closing. 14
troops necessitated the design of a suitable can- The QMC knew at the time that a denim bag
vas sheath. would not compare favorably with one made of
Similarly, new types of ammunition required duck, and field reports soon made the fact pain-
the development of new ammunition carriers, fully apparent. The barracks bag was criticized
such as the general-purpose ammunition bag, because of its poor shape. When packed, it

standardized in the spring of 1943 and capable bulged at the sides and took the form of a ball,

of carrying nineteen different types of ammuni- awkward to stow or to carry. Each soldier re-

tion, and a rocket-carrying bag, completed quired two barracks bags to contain his cloth-
about the same time, to carry ammunition for ing, making the handling extremely difficult.
the 2.36-inch rocket launcher (bazooka). A new The usual method was to tie the strings to-
but unsuccessful approach to this problem was gether and put the loop over the shoulder, car-

the utilization of cargo pockets as ammunition rying one bag in front and the other in back.
carriers. These pockets were used in the jungle
(1) 2d ind, Gen Doriot, OQMG, to Hq ASF, 21
suit, in herringbone twill trousers, and in ex- Feb 45, on Itr, Hq AGF to CG ASF, 7 Feb 45, sub:
perimental models of cotton trousers. Although Basis of Issue for Cargo-and-Combat Fid Pack. (2)
the OQMG enthusiastically endorsed them, the Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, QMCTC,
27 Feb 45, sub:
Cargo-and-Combat Fid Pack. (3) Gen Doriot, Ltr,
soldier in the field was just as vigorously op- OQMG, to CG ASF, 12 Mar 45, same sub, and 2d
posed to their use. An adverse report from ind, Hq ASF to TQMG, 9 Apr 45, on same. All in

NATO noted that cargo pockets on combat 428.

W. Pounder, QM Observer, Rpt
(1) Capt F. Jr.,
trousers "bulged like the chaps of a Hollywood of QM Opns in NATO, 5 Mar-2 Jun 43. (2) Rpt, Lt
cowboy." It was found preferable to carry gre- Col W. J. Preston, Jr., to CG AGF, 1 May 45, sub:

nades in an empty canteen cover. From the Observations During Recent Opns of XXIV Corps in
Pacific came word that troops regarded cargo 14
Standardization Br, Rpts of Test and Develop-
pockets as a "nuisance." Actually, cargo pock- ment Work in Progress, 2 Jan-1 Apr 42.
BARRACKS BAG with drawstring closing.
DUFFEL BAG with improved closure.

This soon proved tiresome, whereupon the sol- spite such occasional compromises in quality

dier resorted to dragging both along the ground the duffel bag was stronger and more portable
behind him. The bags quickly wore through than the barracks bag.
and their contents were lost. The barracks bag
proved thoroughly unsatisfactory when the sol-
Shelter Half
dier was shipped overseas. At debarkation it fre-

quently burst. One of the bags was stored in An important item of personal equipment
the hold of the ship, and when the soldier went carried by each soldier was a piece of canvas
ashore and moved away from the port area it called a shelter half. Two soldiers, by matching
frequently happened that it never caught up shelter halves and the poles and pins they car-
with him. A more substantial bag similar to ried, were able to erect a field shelter for them-

that of the Marine Corps was generally in- selves, the familiar "pup tent." Each shelter half

dorsed. 15 consisted of a rectangular piece of canvas with

In the light of this field experience, the QMC a triangular piece sewed to one end. When the
began to develop experimental duffel bags large two pieces were buttoned together and assem-
enough to carry the soldier's entire issue of bled, they formed a tent closed at the rear and
clothing and equipment. In conjunction with open at the front. In an effort to keep dry, sol-

representatives of the NewYork Port of Em- diers hung their raincoats over the front of the
barkation, the OQMG worked out dimensions pup tent when it rained, but the shelter afforded
which would accommodate the soldier's full al- little protection from the elements. Though the

lowance of clothing and equipment and take item was generally execrated by the troops who
cognizance of space requirements on board ship. used it in 1918, nothing was done for the next

It was soon apparent that a better means of car- twenty years to improve At the beginning of

rying the bag was needed than that offered by the emergency period all on hand
shelter halves
the Marine model. A double-purpose handle and in use had been bought during World
was therefore devised which permitted the bag War I.

to be carried at the side, like a suitcase, or slung In the course of maneuvers during the emer-
over the shoulder, like a golf-bag. An improved gency, suggestions for providing additional pro-
closure was also contrived. The mouth was fit- tection were offered. A subcommittee of the
ted with a long metal staple on one side. The QMCTC dismissed them as unsatisfactory but
eyelets on the three remaining sides could be recommended that the Standardization Branch
slipped over this staple and held in place by a study the possibilities of improving the shelter
snap link attached to the end of the shoulder half. Shelter halves with triangular pieces
strap. The bag could be locked if desired. De- sewn on both ends, to form completely en-
spite the fact that it was still in short supply, closed tents, were tested by various service
duck was used in the improved duffel bag which boards. The tests indicated that such shelter
was standardized in April 1943. It was approxi-
mately 12!/2 inches square and 37 inches in
length. Because of fabric shortages and limita-
(1) Capt Pounder, QM Observer, Rpt of QM
Opns in NATO, 5 (2) Maj C. M.
Mar-2 Jun 43.
was given
tions of production, priority of issue Burnhome, Rpt 8 to Chief of Mil Ping Div, 29 Mar 43.
to troops already overseas or embarking for 16
(1) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 19 Mar
theaters of operations. 16 During the critical 43, sub: Overseas Bag. (2) 4th ind, Dir of Reqmts
Div, ASF, toTQMG, n. d., on same, 428.
shortage of duck and webbing in 1944-45 it was 17
Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 14 Aug 40,
necessary to utilize substitute materials, but de- sub: Redesign of Tent, Shelter Half, 400.112.

halves would provide more protection and tent lightweight poncho for use in the Southwest
space. As a result this new shelter half was Pacific area. By 1944 a lightweight nylon pon-
standardized in October 1941, and the old type cho was standardized. 22 Versatility was its chief
was reclassified as substitute standard. 18 At the characteristic, since it could be used as a rain-

same time the subcommittee of the QMCTC coat, an individual shelter, a sleeping bag, or, if
recommended that stocks of the old type shelter several were combined, a tent.

half still on hand be modified by the addition of The shelter half, unlike the German model,
a second triangular piece. could not be utilized as a poncho. With slight
While the OQMG concurred in the recom- modification, however, it could be assembled
mendations it noted that a duck shortage ex- into tents of varying In September 1944

isted and recommended that no modification of the Research and Development Branch began
the old style shelter halves be made for about a to investigate the possibility of combining six
year, or until an adequate supply of duck be- shelter halves to form a six-man tent. This com-
came available. 19
Not until the fall of 1943 were bination was accomplished by the use of ten
sufficient quantities of duck on hand for the buttonholes placed along the lower edge of the
production of the new shelter half, which re- shelter half. On the strength of a report by the
quired slightly more duck than the old. The old Field Artillery Board, the AGF requested that
type shelter half was then reclassified from sub- all future shelter halves be fabricated with this
stitute to limited standard. By the end of 1943 modification and that existing stocks also be
all contracts for this type had been completed. 20 modified. The Textile Section, OQMG, advised
Shelter-half tents were rarely pitched in oper- that contractors were working at capacity and
ations near the enemy, since they made obvious estimated that the addition of ten more button-
targets. When not pitched as a tent, the shelter holes to each shelter half would reduce produc-
ground cloth. It was not
half could be used as a tion by 30 percent. The QMCTC therefore rec-
waterproof, however, and troops in the field ommended that the change be accomplished "in
continued to be critical of the item. The greater future production as soon as possible consistent
versatility German shelter tent was called
of the with maintenance of necessary production."
to the attention of The Quartermaster Gen-
eral. It weighed one pound less than the

American type, it could be made up into tents

(1) Ltr, Brig Gen C. L. Corbin, OQMG, to TAG,
22 Aug 40, sub: Shelter Tents. (2) Memo, Actg Chief
of varying size, and it could also be used as a
of Test Sec for Dir of Inf Bd, 1 Aug 41, no sub. (3)
poncho. 6th ind, TAG to TQMG, 20 Oct 41, on rpt, Subcom,
Early in the war the Special Forces Section of QMCTC, to QMCTC, 1 Oct 40, sub: Redesign of
Tent, Shelter Half.
the OQMG had investigated the desirability of 19
4th ind, Gen Corbin, OQMG, to ACofS G-4,
equipping desert troops with a poncho in lieu 11 Oct 41, on rpt cited in n. 18.
(1) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 23 Nov
of a shelter half and a raincoat. In October 1942
43, sub: Tent, Shelter Half (Old Style). (2) 3d ind,
the Research and Development Branch initiated Hq ASF to TQMG,
15 Dec 43, on memo, Ex Off
a project to a sectional poncho tent,
develop QMCTC, for TQMG,
30 Nov 43, same sub. (3) 4th
but this was dropped in mid-1943 upon direc- ind, Col Doriot, OQMG, to CG ASF, 4 Jan 44, on
tive from Headquarters, ASF. In the meantime 21
Maj Gen C. H. Gerhardt, Hq 29th Inf Div,
synthetic-resin-coated ponchos were developed to TQMG, 4 Oct 44, sub: German Shelter Tent, 424.1.
and procured. When the possibility of using
(1) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 22 Feb
44, sub: Lightweight Poncho. (2) QMCTC, min of
coated nylon arose, Headquarters, ASF, request-
mtg No. 3, 29 Feb 44. (3) [3d ind], Hq ASF to
ed the OQMG to develop as soon as possible a TQMG, 19 Mar 44, 422.3.

This action was approved by Headquarters, Developmental work, however, continued

ASF, early in 1945. 23 and in the fall of 1942 the first specification for
the wool sleeping bag was published. 24 Unlike
the arctic and mountain sleeping bags, the wool
Sleeping Bags
bag was not filled with down or feathers and
The necessity for providing better shelter for was made of knitted wool cloth. It was mum-
the soldier in the field turned Quartermaster at- my-shaped and provided with a 30-inch heavy
tention to the problem of improved sleeping slide fastener. Because of the extreme shrinkage,
gear. Traditionally, blankets had been issued as which occurred when the knitted wool cloth

a part of the personal equipment of the soldier. bag was laundered, the OQMG
substituted a

They were so provided in World War II. While woven, 21 /2-ounce

napped wool cloth in the

the GI blanket was durable, it was not very summer of 1943. Thereafter wool sleeping bags
warm for its weight and afforded inadequate were made of wool blanket material equivalent

protection no matter how artfully a bed was in weight and durability to that of standard

contrived. Army blankets. The design was somewhat

Protection was especially needed by troops bag could also be used inside
altered so that the

stationed in extremely cold areas. Because of en- the mountain sleeping bag. During the summer
larged garrisons in Alaska, the OQMG placed the Philadelphia Depot further amended the

primary emphasis on the development of spe- specification, and altered the pattern to conserve
and mountain
cialized sleeping gear for arctic cloth and reduce cost.
troops. The arctic and the mountain sleeping Consistent reports from the British Isles and
bags, developed by the Corps early in the war, other places with raw, cold climates emphasized
used down and feathers which were considered the inadequacy of two blankets as sleeping
the best fillers available for sleeping bags. gear. Headquarters, AGF, therefore requested
The problem in developing sleeping bags was standardization of the wool sleeping bag in the

to secure maximum insulation with a minimum fall of 1943 and its issue on a basis of one for

of bulk and weight. The outer shell had to be each man except in the tropics, the arctic, and
water resistant but sufficiently permeable to en- in cold mountain operations. 26 Early in 1944
able body vapors to escape and thus prevent the item was standardized. Because sufficient
condensation within the bag. In addition to sleeping bags could not be manufactured im-
these basic characteristics the sleeping bag had mediately, the proposed basis of issue was mod-
to be easy to get out of, durable, portable, and ified to provide one for each individual in the-
Early in the war Quartermaster consultants, " (1) Textile Sec to QMCTC
Sec, OQMG,
10 Jan
in the interest of adding to the comfort of 45, sub: Tent, Shelter Half, Modified. (2) Rpt, Sub-
corn, to QMCTC, 9 Jan 45, same sub. (3)
troops and increasing their efficiency, suggested
QMCTC, min of mtg No. 2, 16 Jan 45. (4) 1st ind,
the desirability of issuing sleeping bags to all
Hq ASF to TQMG, 25 Jan 45, on ltr, Col Doriot to
troops in lieu of all or part of the blankets fur- CG ASF, 22 Jan 45, same sub. All in 424.1.
nished them. Because practically all materials
QMC Spec PQD 273, 29 Sep 42, sub: Wool
Sleeping Bag, 400.1141.
used in the production of sleeping bags were 25 QMC Spec PQD 273B, 21 Jun 43, and 273C,
on the critical list, the wool-conservation com- 30 Aug 43, sub: Wool Sleeping Bag. (2) Ltr, Maj
mittee did not recommend adoption of a sleep- Francis Boyle, OQMG, to CO PQMD, 4 Mar 43, same
sub. Both in 400.1141.
ing bag for the enlisted man as proposed in 26
Ltr, Hq AGF to CG ASF, 22 Nov 43, sub: Wool
May 1942. Sleeping Bag, 427.

aters of operations in temperate climates when sleeping bag underwent further modifications
approved by the commanding general of the to meet the criticisms made. The slide fastener
theater. This issue was in lieu of the mandatory was lengthened to provide a closure at least
allowance of two wool blankets.- After the seventy inches long, and a simplified construc-
wool sleeping bag became an item of issue for tion was provided in the new pattern which
combat troops, further changes were made to eliminated waste portions of cloth at the end
conserve materials. At the same time a simpler and center of the pattern lay. The wool sleeping
method of construction speeded production of bag, M-1945, was standardized as the war
which were also increased in length
the bags, ended. 30
and girth.
During the winter of 1944-45 wool sleeping Intrenching Tools
bags were issued in quantity to troops in Italy
and northern Europe. Many modifications were An indispensable item of individual equip-
suggested as a result of this first large-scale use ment for combat use in World War II was the
of the item. There was general agreement that a intrenching shovel. As a Quartermaster ob-
longer zipper was needed to facilitate rapid server in Tunisia commented:
egress from the bag. One observer reported: This is one of the few items that the fighting sol-

dier will not discard, but will actually carry right

bag, sleeping, wool is the best item of
into battle with him. It is probably the most useful
equipment that has ever been issued for the pur-
utensil that he has in his possession. In every new
pose of allowing men in the front areas to sleep. It
position that he takes, either advancing or retreat-
is by everyone except those actually
suitable for use
ing, it is absolutely necessary that a foxhole be dug.
in the veryforward foxholes, i. e. by anyone who
can reasonably expect 30 seconds warning before
When foxholes are needed, they are usually needed
he must personally fight. 28
IN A HURRY- and DEEP! 31

In contrast to the trench warfare of 1917-18,

Not all reports, however, agreed with this view.
World War II emphasized the importance of
Some held that the wool sleeping bag was not
individual shelters and foxholes. Each soldier
practical for front-line soldiers, who had to re-
had therefore to be provided with such tools as
spond rapidly to an alarm, and indicated a pref-
he would need under varying conditions of iso-
erence for blankets. 29
The mummy-shaped bag
lation and in varying types of soil.
was an issue bitterly fought over throughout
the war. One of the problems was that soldiers 27
( 1 ) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, QMCTC, 26 Nov

had to learn new sleeping habits because of the 43, sub: Wool Sleeping Bag. (2) 3d ind, Hq ASF to
TQMG, 18 Jan 44, on ltr, Ex Off QMCTC to TQMG,
restricting confines of the bag. Large individuals
7 Dec same sub. Both in 427.
particularly had difficulties, and an oversized 28
Ltr, Col Albert H. Dickerson, WD Observers Bd,
bag finally proved essential. Hq ETO, to CG
AGF, 12 Feb 45, sub: AGF Rpt 638:
Wool Sleeping Bag, 427.
An integral part of the sleeping-bag problem
(1) AGF Bd, MTOUSA, 8 Apr 45, sub: Rpt 370.

throughout the war was the development and ( 2 ) Ltr, Hq 1.0th Mountain Div to CG MTOUSA, 30

use of a sleeping pad to minimize heat loss to Mar 45, sub: Comment on Wool and Mountain Sleep-
ing Bags. Both in 427.
the ground or snow under the pressure of the 50
(1) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 19 Jun
body. Although no acceptable solution was 45, sub: Sleeping Bags and Cases for Same. (2) Ltr,
found, an experimental half-length air mattress Hq to AGF CG
ASF, 25 Jun 45, sub: Wool Sleeping

which weighed only half a pound showed Bag and Others. (3) 3d ind, Dir of Div, ASF, to R&D
TQMG, 30 Jul 45, on same. All in 427.
promise. 51
Capt Pounder, QM
Observer, Rpt of QM Opns
In the closing weeks of the war the wool in NATO, 5 Mar-2 Jun 43.

When the United States entered the war in awaited the results of the tests being made. In
1941, the American was equipped with
soldier March the Quartermaster Board reported that,

a number of intrenching tools adopted before with slight modifications, the intrenching
World War I. These included an ax, a pick mat- shovel with a pike handle was for most pur-
tock, and a shovel standardized in 1910. The poses a satisfactory replacement for the M-1910
shovel was 22 inches long and weighed 29% intrenching shovel, the pick mattock, and the
ounces. In the spring of 1942 several minor ax. Two months later, however, the Research
changes were introduced. In particular, the cut- and Development Branch closed this project on
ting edge of the shovel was to be sharpened intrenching tools until formal authority for its

during manufacture so as to be ready for service continuance could be obtained from Headquar-
when issued to the soldier. 32 ters, ASF. 35
Shortly thereafter, upon oral directive of the In July 1943 the AGF urged the adoption of
Deputy The Quartermaster General, the Spe- an intrenching tool similar to the German
cial Forces Section initiated a new project to shovel. The chief distinguishing characteristic
improve the intrenching shovel. The T-shaped of the German item was its folding blade.
grip of the M-1910 shovel had a tendency to When extended it was used as a shovel; when
catch in barbed wire. It could not be used as a folded at right angles to the handle and locked,
pick and its handle was not long enough. The it served as a pick. For carrying, it could be
object was to increase the effectiveness of the folded completely against the handle. Exact du-
shovel without increasing its weight. Samples plication of the German shovel was neither
of Japanese and German Army shovels were desirable nor possible. At the request of the
studied with a view to incorporating their best Mechanical Section, the Ames Baldwin Wyo-
features in the new design. The Special Forces ming Co. developed a shovel similar to the Ger-

Section sought to develop a combination tool man type but adapted to American mass-
to replace the shovel and pick mattock. Samples production methods. High-carbon steel was
were developed of an experimental intrenching substituted for the high-chrome-alloy steel,

shovel which had one side of the blade sharp- which was not available in this country. The
ened and the other serrated for cutting through construction of the shovel was strengthened,
roots and low undergrowth. This shovel had a and it was made slightly longer and heavier
detachable handle designed for use as a pick. 33 than the German model. Despite the lack of
By the end of 1942 small quantities of these service tests the QMCTC approved its adoption
shovels had been procured and distributed for as a standard item of issue. The M-1910 in-

test purposes to various service boards. A Quar-

QMC Spec JQD 104, 15 Apr 42, sub: Intrench-
termaster observer in the Southwest Pacific ing Shovel, M-1910, 400.1141.
Theater carried a sample with him to New }J & Review
( 1 ) Special Forces Sec to Product Test

Guinea where it was well was the

liked. "It Sec, OQMG,23 Dec 42, sub: Japanese Intrenching
Shovel. (2) Ltr, Capt John W. Mockabee to National
consensus that this type of shovel was worth Inventors Council, Dept of Commerce, 14 Nov 42, no
the extra weight, although it was thought that sub.

the weight could well be reduced. In coming

Rpt, Lt Woodbury, QM Observer, SWP Theater,
1 Feb- 15 May 43.
over the Owen Stanley Mountains, a man with 35
(1) R&D
Br, Status Rpt, 31 Mar 43. (2) QMB
a shovel could never find a companion with a Rpt, Project T-125, Rpt of Test of Intrenching Shovel,
pick or vice versa; hence the enthusiasm for with Pike Handle, 16 Mar 43. (3) Br, StatusR&D
Rpt, 31 May 43.
this new design." 34 •
56 Ltr, Hq AGF to CG ASF, 14 Jul 43, sub: Indi-
During the winter of 1942-43 the OQMG vidual Intrenching Tools.


trenching shovel was reclassified as limited was satisfactory for the purpose intended. 39
standard. 37 Although QMC activity was not continued at
This M-1943 intrenching shovel, which had this time, the Infantry Board was developing

been hurriedly standardized and put into pro- and testing combination intrenching tools. It
duction at the insistence of the AGF, was "an reported on a design which, it claimed, would,
adequate shovel, a good hoe, only a fair pick "when refined as to design for production," be
and an indifferent axe." 38
At the time of stand- a satisfactory and desirable combination in-

ardization the OQMG had requested the trenching tool, suitable for standardization and
QMCTC to recommend further developmental
work on intrenching tools in order that a better
(1) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC to QMCTC, 12 Jul
43, sub: Intrenching Shovel M-1943. (2) QMCTC,
all-purpose tool might be devised. The fact that
min of mtg No. 16, 20 Jul 43. (3) [4th ind], Hq ASF
the various arms and services insisted that the toTQMG, 28 Jul 43.
pick mattock and ax were essential in addition
(1) Insp Rpt, Eugene D. Hallock, Mechanical
Sec, to TQMG, 13 Feb 45, no sub, 400.112. (2) Rpt,
to the M-1943 intrenching shovel was evidence Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 12 Jul 43, sub: In-
that such research was justifiable. This recom- trenching Shovel, M-1943. (3) QMCTC, min of mtg
mendation, however, was rejected by Headquar- No. 20 Jul 43.
59 Ltr, Col Doriot, OQMG, to Hq ASF, 30 Jun
( 1 )
ters, ASF, on the ground that reports from 44, sub: Intrenching Tool, M-1944. (2) 1st ind, Hq
NATO indicated that the intrenching shovel ASF to TQMG, 12 Jul 44, on same. Both in 400.112.

issue in lieu of the intrenching shovel, M-1943. 40 was completed no procurement was made.
The OQMG agreed that there was a need for In design the new tool was similar to the
a combination intrenching tool which the M-1943 was made of heavy
shovel, but it steel

shovel did not fill, but it did not concur in the and was of more rugged construction. The fold-

conclusions drawn by the Infantry Board on the ing pick was attached to the same hinge as the
basis of its test. From a supply viewpoint, the blade and could be locked in any one of three
OQMG objected because the manufacturing positions by the nut that locked the blade in
cost of the proposed design was prohibitive. In position. These positions were (1) along the
addition, it was a heavier tool than the intrench- back of the handle, to be out of the way when
ing shovel, adding weight to the soldier's load. the tool was used as a shovel; (2) at right
Action by the QMCTC was deferred, and the angles from the handle for use as a pick; and
OQMG initiated a project, utilizing the experi- (3) extended to 180 degrees from the folded
ence gained in the Infantry Board test, to pro- position for use as a probe. When completely
duce test samples of improved combination folded for carrying, the tool was 20 V2 inches
intrenching tools, incorporating design features long. In extended position it was about 28
that would lend themselves to low cost and to inches long and weighed slightly less than 50
mass-production facilities readily available. 41 ounces.
With the assistance of the Ames Baldwin
Wyoming Co. several designs were worked out
18-Inch Machete
and were then submitted to tests by the several
service boards. The Infantry Board and the The basic tool essential for combat troops in

Quartermaster Board agreed that the design jungle operations was the machete, useful for
which combined the shovel with a separate pick disposing of sentries and in ambush attacks at
hinged on the same pin as the blade was most night, as well as for clearing a path through
satisfactory. On the basis of the findings of the tangled vegetation. A commercial machete with
Infantry Board, Headquarters, AGF, recom- a 22-inch blade and a leather sheath had been
mended that this type of intrenching tool be standardized in 1937 for issue to certain troops
standardized on the basis of one for each indi-
A subcommittee of the QMCTC recom- 40
(1) IB Rpt 1549B, Intrenching Tools, 19 Oct 44.
mended that the combination intrenching tool (2) 2d ind, Capt Holman Hamilton, AGF, to ASF, CG
be declared standard without further service 29 Nov 44, on Hq AGF
to Pres, Inf Bd, 27 May 44,
sub: Combination Intrenching Tool.
tests. It further recommended that the new tool

be issued immediately to combat and combat

(1) Mechanical Sec to Col Doriot, 28 OQMG,
Dec Rpt of IB 1594B, Intrenching Tools. (2)
44, sub:
support units as replacement for the M-1943 4th ind, Col Doriot, OQMG,
to Hq ASF, 24 Jan 45,
shovel, the pick mattock, and the ax, regardless on Hq AGF to Pres of Inf Bd, 27 May 44, sub: Com-
bination Intrenching Tool. Both in 400.112.
of the condition of the intrenching tools in the 42
( 1 ) Ltr, Lt Col R. A. Meredith, AGF, to CG ASF,
possession of these units. The M-1943 shovel, 30 Jun 45, sub: Combination Intrenching Tool. (2)
pick mattock, and ax were reclassified as limited 1st ind, Hq ASF to TQMG, 4 Jul 45, on same. Both
in 413.17.
standard and were to be issued to units other 4}
(1) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 7 Aug
than the combat and combat support units until 45, sub:Combination Intrenching Tool. (2) QMCTC,
exhausted.The new combination intrenching min of mtg No. 18, 14 Aug 45. (3) Ltr, Gen Doriot,
toolwas standardized on 21 September 1945. 4 *
OQMG, to CG ASF, 5 Sep 45, sub: Combination In-
trenching Tool. (4) 1st ind, Hq ASF to TQMG, 21
Because the war had ended before this action Sep 45, on same. All in 413.17.

COMBINATION INTRENCHING TOOL, folded (left) and open (right).

in Panama. 44 Not until World War II, however, the stroke while held only with the thumb and
did the machete become an important item of the index and middle fingers. In this loose, free-
personal equipment. swinging grip the sharp corner on the butt
When Capt. Cresson H. Kearny organized an caused blisters. South American Indians had
experimental jungle platoon in Panama during plenty of time to grind this corner down, but
the emergency period, he developed, among Army equipment had to be ready for use when
other items of jungle equipment, a machete issued. In the redesign of the commercial
with an 18-inch blade. This was a straight-back machete this corner was rounded off. A hole
modification of the Collins commercial-type was also drilled in the handle for a wrist cord,
machete, proved by extensive use in the tropics. which kept the machete from being dropped or
Machetes had been manufactured commercially lost.

in the United States for 150 years, but no manu- In commercial practice it had also been cus-

facturer had ever bothered to find out how they tomary to grind only a token edge on the blade,
were actually used. As a consequence, the han- leaving the edge to be completed in the field.

dle, with a sharp corner at the rear of the butt, The Quartermaster specification remedied this

was designed to be gripped tightly like a omission by requiring the factory to do all the
hatchet. The machete, however, depended on
velocity rather than weight for its cutting ac- 44
Ltr, Lt Col C. A. Hardigg, OQMG, to ASW, 27
tion, being allowed to pivot in the hand during Sep 40, sub: Procurement Clearance, 400.1141.

grinding. To avoid the action of tropical rot and success. It was used, as intended, by jungle
mold upon leather, the OQMG replaced the troops for cutting trails, and for a great variety

leather sheath with one made of heavy, water- of other purposes by natives who obtained pos-
repellent duck. 45 session of it. "The natives in New Guinea . . .

When General MacArthur requested delivery use our machetes for everything imaginable, for
of jungle equipment in the summer of 1942, the building quarters, for constructing storage huts,
AGF recommended that immediate steps be for clearing air strips, for hacking out roads and
taken to adopt an 18-inch machete and sheath. trails and even, among the wilder natives, for
The military characteristics of these items con- taking Jap heads."
formed to those which had been evolved by
Captain Kearny and the OQMG. Standardiza- Organizational Equipment
tion was quickly accomplished. 46 The first speci-
fication for the 18-inch machete had already Organizational equipment underwent few
been issued by the Jeffersonville Quartermaster modifications in the decade following World
Depot. This original specification was revised War I. Limited Congressional appropriations
many times to incorporate modifications which during that period, as well as quantities of sur-
improved the machete, such as the substitution plus equipment left from World War I, largely
of a Bakelite pistol-grip handle for the wooden accounted for this lack of progress. By the mid-
one which often caused blisters. Both styles of thirties, however, developmental activity was
handles, however, continued to be specified and resumed in a leisurely manner.
procured. 47 Modern warfare was increasingly character-
At the same time consideration was given to ized by mechanization, with emphasis on auto-
the problem of camouflage. Jungle troops rec- motive and motorized items. Aside from devel-
ommended that the 18-inch machete be fur- opments in the field of automotive design,
nished with an unpolished blade. Instead of Quartermaster effort was predominantly de-
going through the final processes of manufac- voted to motorizing various types of organiza-
ture, the blades were taken immediately after 45
(1) Rpt, Capt C. H. Kearny, 4 Sep 42, sub: De-
forging, when they were still dark in color and scription and Use of New Indiv Jungle Equip. (2) Lt
scaled from oxidation. After being subjected to Woodbury to Hist Sec, OQMG,
11 Sep 43, sub: His-
tory of Development of Jungle Equip. (3) Ltr, Maj
a tumbling process to remove the excess scales,
Bestor Robinson, OQMG,
to The Collins Co., 25 Jul
the blades were left with a rough, dark finish.
43, no sub.
Tests in Panama indicated that not only did the 46
( 1 ) Ltr, Hq AGF
to TQMG,
28 Jul 42: Stand-
ardization of 18-Inch Machete. (2) Memo, Hq SOS
"carbon-colored," unpolished finish of the blade
for TQMG, 31 Jul 42, sub: Jungle C&E. (3) 4th ind,
reduce rusting but it also decreased the risk of same to same, 31 Aug 42, on same. All in 422.3.
the blade's reflecting the sun's rays and thus re-
(1) QMC Spec JQD 188B, 19 Nov 42, sub: 18-
Inch Machete and Sheath. (2) Ltr, 2d Lt R. M.
vealing positions to the enemy. Furthermore,
Toucey, OQMG, to CG JQMD, 20 Oct 42, sub: Ten-
the use of unpolished blades cut down the cost tative Spec JQD 188, 6 Aug 42 for Machete. Both in
of manufacture and speeded production by 400.1141.
eliminating bottlenecks in grinding machinery.
(1) Ltr, Lt Col H. E. Rounds, OQMG, to CG
JQMD, 30 Nov 42, sub: 18-Inch Machete, M-1942,
Consequently, in November 1942, the OQMG enclosing extracts from Rpt on Tests of Jungle Equip,
directed the Jeffersonville Depot to change the 17 Nov42, by Capt Kearny, 474.7. (2) Spec QMC
existing contracts on the balance of the mache- JQD 188E, 18 Feb 43, sub: 18-Inch Machete, M-1942,
tes being procured to incorporate this finish. 49 Rpt, Lt Woodbury, Observer,QM Theater, SWP
The 18-inch machete proved an unqualified 1 Feb- 15 May 43.

tional equipment in order to keep pace with the The one exception to this development was that
rapid advances made by mobile armies. When responsibility for petroleum-handling equip-
modern armies moved, practically all the serv- ment, despite the objections registered by the
ices of a municipality had to move with them. Director of the Military Planning Division,
Quartermaster mobile supply columns became was vested in the newly created Fuels and
"Main Street on wheels." 50
The QMC had to Lubricants Division.
develop and perfect portable and mobile kitch-
ens, bakeries, launderies, baths, and shoe, cloth-
Automotive Equipment
ing, and textile repair units.

The tempo of development was greatly Under Army regulations 31 the responsibility
accelerated after 1939. Much of the preliminary of the QMC in regard to the development of
developmental activity was accomplished in the motor vehicles was limited to the general-
emergency period so that when the United purpose vehicles which were used for hauling
States entered the war in December 1941, the cargo, ammunition, personnel, or equipment.
QMC was prepared to take the field with units Combat vehicles, such as tanks and armored
equipped for mobile warfare. The use of such cars, came under the jurisdiction of the Ord-

organizational equipment in Army maneuvers nance Department/ Quartermaster vehicles


and particularly in the campaigns in NATO re- were further divided into two general classes.
vealed shortcomings in portable and mobile Administrative vehicles, closely paralleling nor-
equipment which were corrected by subsequent mal commercial products, were used for house-
modifications. keeping purposes in the zone of interior.
Two Quartermaster installations co-operated Tactical vehicles, distinguished from the admin-
in this developmental work. Until August 1942 istrative typeby always having the all-wheel
the Holabird Quartermaster Motor Base, center drive —
the most notable difference between
of motor transport activities, and, throughout military and commercial trucks — filled the re-
the war, the Jeffersonville Quartermaster De- quirements of the field forces for transporting
pot, were active in developing mobile organiza- supplies, personnel, and equipment under
tional equipment. Within the the OQMG maneuver or combat conditions.
initial developmental work was accomplished Among the contributions of the QMC to the
through the co-operative efforts of the Motor war effort, the development of the jeep was
Transport Division and various branches within
the Supply Division responsible for particular '
Address, Lt Col E. S. Van Deusen, Div MT
OQMG, before Metropolitan Chapter, SAE, New York
phases of Quartermaster activity, such as the
City, 19 Feb 42.
Laundry Branch, and the Subsistence Branch of 51
AR 850-15, 29 Sep 39, sub: Mil Mtr Vehs.
the Storage and Distribution Division. Al- The QMC Motor Transport Service
52 of 1918 be-
came a separate Motor Transport Corps in the same
though responsibility for automotive equip-
year and was returned to the QMC in 1920. Here it
ment was transferred to the Ordnance Depart- remained until 1 August 1942 when all functions re-
ment in the summer of 1942, responsibility for lating toboth types of vehicles were consolidated under
the different kinds of mobile organizational one organization by the transfer of the entire QMC
Motor Transport Service to the Ordnance Department.
equipment remained in the QMC and was cen- WD Cir 245, Sec. IV, 25 Jul 42, sub: Transfer of Cer-
tralized by the following summer in the Re- tain MT Activities.
33 For a detailed account see Herbert R. Rifkind,
search and Development Branch of the Military
The Jeep— Its Development and Procurement Under
Planning Division, which thereafter undertook the Quartermaster Corps, 1940-42 ( typescript copy on
such modifications as field experience dictated. file, Hist Sec, OQMG).

probably the most spectacular single accom- gested that the Holabird Quartermaster Depot,
plishment. Officially known as the V^-ton 4x4 center of motor transport activities, be author-
truck, 54 was developed primarily as a tactical
it ized to investigate the light passenger car of the
vehicle, although its remarkable versatility American Bantam Co. as a possible solution of
made it useful for a host of administrative pur- the problem, a suggestion that was passed along
poses.The project originated in the thirties, to the Chief of Ordnance. 57 On 19 June 1940 a
when a program for the replacement of obso- special subcommittee, appointed by the Chief
lete equipment and the complete motorization of Ordnance, met with officials and engineers
of the Army was begun. The and other QMC of the American Bantam Co. at their plant at

services and arms, particularly the Infantry, Butler, Pa. It drew up and recommended for

were aware of the need for a lightweight vehicle adoption a set of military characteristics for the
to replace the motorcycle for cross-country re- vehicle.These limited the weight to a maxi-
connaissance and messenger purposes. At the mum of 1,200 pounds, the wheel base to ap-
same time the Army was also aware of its need proximately 75 inches, and the maximum
for a light weapons carrier to give quick and height to 36 inches. It was also recommended
close support to attacking infantry. The Motor that 70 of these cars be procured for service test-
Transport Division, OQMG, carried on con- ing. Since the vehicle was a commercial wheeled
siderable experimentation with extra light type without armor and fell within the general
models of the regular 1 V^-ton 4x4 cargo truck purpose classification, the subcommittee also
and later a V^-ton 4x4 was adopted as a stand- recommended that the QMC be charged with
ard model. 55 The latter, however, did not fill the its development and procurement. 58 The Secre-
Infantry's requirement for a light car for recon- tary of War approved the subcommittee's rec-

naissance purposes. ommendation and authorized the expenditure

In the summer of 1940 the Chief of Infantry of not more than $175,000 of Quartermaster
emphasized the need for a vehicle that would funds for the project. 59
have a maximum height of 36 inches and a The Infantry and Cavalry were interested in a
weight of 750 to 1,000 pounds. This vehicle, four-wheel-steer type of jeep, and eight of the
possessing a low silhouette and four-wheel seventy trucks procured for testing were pro-
drive, was to have a cross-country and grade vided with this feature. These two arms wanted
ability equal to that of standard cargo vehicles, the four-wheel-steer feature because of the
an integral or detachable .30-caliber machine greater mobility and maneuverability that it

gun mount, and a capacity of at least two men, gave to the jeep, but it was never standardized.
one machine gun including accessories, and
Official designation of Army trucks indicates the
3,000 rounds of ammunition. If feasible, and if
number of wheels and driving wheels. Thus a "4x4"
the production of test vehicles would not be means four wheels, all of which are driving wheels.
55 QMCTC, min of mtg, 18 Nov
unduly delayed, the frame and body were to be 38.
Ltr, Coflnf to TAG, 6Jun 40, sub: Light Veh
designed with amphibious characteristics. 56 Dev, 400.112.
Thus the concept of an amphibious comple- " ( 1) 2d ind, AGO to TQMG and CofOrd, 14 Jun
ment to the light reconnaissance car was born 40, on ltr cited in n. 56. (2) 3d ind, TQMG to CO
Holabird QMD, TAG to
14 Jun 40, on same. (3) Ltr,
simultaneously with the land model idea.
CofOrd, 15 Jun 40, sub: Light Veh Dev. All in 400.112.
The Adjutant General forwarded this pro- 58
Rpt, Subcom on Automotive Equip to Ord Com-
posal for comment and recommendation to both mittee, Tech Staff, 22 Jun 40, sub: Dev of Light Inf
and Cav Vehs, 400.112.
The Quartermaster General and the Chief of 59 4th ind, TAG to CofOrd and TQMG,
5 Jul 40,
Ordnance. The Quartermaster General sug- on rpt cited in n. 58.

Viewing the problem from the standpoint of However spectacular the success of the jeep,
production and standardization, the Motor it represented but one of many developmental
Transport Division opposed its adoption be- projects undertaken by the QMC in the auto-
cause it would have used four instead of two of motive field before August 1942. Other trucks
the critical bottleneck items so essential to the developed included the amphibious jeep, nick-
all-wheel drive and its standardization would named the "waterbug," and the 2!^-ton 6x6
have meant one more maintenance problem. 60 truck, the basic cargo truck of the United States
On the basis of competitive bidding the Army, which became known as "the workhorse
QMC awarded the order for the first seventy of the Army" and enjoyed a success equal to
jeeps to the American Bantam Co. on 25 July that of the jeep. 64
1940. Earlier in the month a tentative speci- The development of motor vehicles for mili-
fication had been drafted at the Holabird Depot. tary purposes in World War II required a meet-
Engineers of the company and the depot co- ing of minds between the QMC, which set
operated in ironing out engineering difficulties. forth the specification for a given item, and the
During the construction of the first pilot model automobile industry, which translated it into
it became evident that it would be necessary to an acceptable motor vehicle. Technically, the
increase the weight of the truck, and substantial Army's functions in the development of any
changes were made before the model passed the new vehicle ended with the preparation of mili-
severe Holabird test. After testing under super- tary characteristics by the using arms and the
vision of the test boards of the using arms, the writing of specifications by the QMC. The
QMCTC co-ordinated their findings and recom- automotive engineers of private industry carried
mended standardization of the jeep on 22 on from that point, designing, engineering, and
January 194l. building the pilot model in accordance with the
The success of the jeep was instantaneous stated specification. Collaboration and consulta-
and sensational. So versatile did it prove that its tion, however, on all aspects of each automotive
uses multiplied in a fashion never even dreamed development, including design and engineer-
of by its creators. When news reports began to ing, had to take place between the QMC and
come in from theaters of operations all over the industry if the undertaking was to be successful.
world, it was realized that the 14 -ton 4x4 truck The drafting of specifications was significant
had attained for itself and the QMC a reputa- in relation to the development of a standard-
tion equal in its way, perhaps, to that of the 60
For a discussion of the experimentation with the
famous Flying Fortress of the Air Forces, or the four-wheel-steer jeep see Rifkind, The Jeep, pp.
General Sherman tank, the pride of the Ord- 159-70.
nance Department. Ernie Pyle, famous war cor-
(1) Current Procurement Br, OQMG,
to ASW,
10 Jul 40, sub: Procurement of Trucks, Light Recon
respondent, who characterized the jeep as "a and Comd Cars, 14 -ton, 4x4. (2) 1st ind, ASW
divine instrument of wartime locomotion," TQMG, 11 Jul 40, on same. (3) Ltr, Holabird QMD
eulogized it as follows:
to TQMG, 24 Jul 40, sub: Invitation for Bids
398-41-9. (4) 1st ind, OQMGto CO
QMD, 25 Jul 40, on same. All in 451.
Good Lord, I don't think we could continue the
QMCTC, min of mtg No. 1, 22 Jan 41.
65 Ernie Pyle, The Washington Daily News,
war without the does everything. It goes June 4,
jeep. It
everywhere. It's as faithful as a dog, as strong as a 64
The design and development of the 2l/>-ton 6x6
mule, and as agile as a goat. It constantly carries
by the Motor Transport Division, OQMG, was essen-
twice what it was designed for, and still keeps on tially complete when it was taken over by the Ord-
going. It doesn't even ride so badly after you get nance Department in August and standardized by it
used to it. 63 on 23 October 1942. OCM, item 19107, 23 Oct 42.

motor vehicles, consisting of a

ized fleet of strenuous efforts to achieve standardization, even
minimum number of types and sizes, which was to the extent of venturing into the manufacture
the objective of the Corps throughout the peri- of trucks of its own design at the Holabird
od of its motor transport. A
responsibility for Depot, a procedure forbidden by War Depart-
specification, however, was no better than the ment directive after the fall of 1933- 66 Thereafter
procurement policy on which it was based, and all vehicles purchased were commercial models
Quartermaster specifications for motor vehicles with such modifications as would make them
were written to dovetail with the productive suitable for military use. A multiplicity of makes
ability of the manufacturers. Under established and models of trucks were purchased in the fol-

procurement policy, 65 making mandatory the lowing years, creating, in the event of war, an
use of competitive bidding methods, the QMC impossible maintenance problem.
had to draft motor vehicle specifications in such By 1939 military requirements in the general-
general terms as to enable several makers to purpose category were limited to five

meet them with vehicles of their own design. chassis types, 67

which were expanded to nine
This procedure differed entirely from that gov- during the war years. 68 Within the limits of
erning the detailed specifications provided for existing War Department policies, procurement,
other Quartermaster items of supply. A specifi- law, and the decisions of the Comptroller Gen-
cation for a service uniform, for example, could eral, however, standardization could not be

be prepared to a single design, which all cloth- achieved. Only when Congress enacted legisla-
ing manufacturers could produce without the tion in 1940 69 permitting exceptions to the
necessity of making drastic changes in their op- mandatory use of competitive bidding methods
erations or facilities. could any real progress be made by the QMC
In general, was not feasible for automotive
it in standardizing the motor fleet. It was then
concerns in peacetime to make identical vehi- possible for the Corps to negotiate contracts
cles, or for one plant to manufacture a truck in 65
The basic policy provided that the procurement
accordance with the design of another maker. of motor vehicles, other than combat vehicles, was to
The be limited to models produced commercially by two
cost of the extensive retooling that would
or more companies, "with the minimum deviation
be required, considered in relation to the small from standard commercial chassis necessary to con-
amount of the normal peacetime contract, pre- form to approved military characteristics." AR 850-15,
par. 3b, 29 Sep 39, sub: Mil Mtr Vehs.
cludedthis. As a consequence, there was no

peacetime alternative to the use of general

WD GO 9, Sec. I, 11 Sep 33, sub: Policies Per-
taining to Mtr Vehs.
specifications formotor vehicles, which meant These were the i/2-ton, 1^-ton, 21/2 -ton, 4-ton,
and ly^-ton types. (1) See ltr, Brig Gen R. H.Jor-
that they could be met by the standard com-
dan, OQMG, to TAG, 15 Jun 39, sub: Standardization
mercial chassis of any manufacture making a of Mtr Vehs. (2) Ltr, TAG to TQMG, 12 Aug 39,
truck in the desired class. All of this was basi- same sub.
cally incompatible with the whole concept of The |4 -ton was introduced in 1940. The %-ton
replaced the V^-ton while the 4-5-ton, 5-6-ton, and
standardization which held that, in order to
6-ton chassis were added to fill the gap between the 4-
escape in future conflicts the rather disastrous and 7V2 _ton groups.
( 1 ) On 2 July Congress authorized war contract-
maintenance experience of World War I, motor
ing "with or without advertising." PL 703, Sec. 1 (a).
vehicles would have to be standardized into a
(2) The Secretary of War immediately issued a direc-
few basic sizes and types, thus holding the spare tive permitting awards to be made without formal

parts supply system down to a minimum num- competitive bidding whenever such methods "will
serve to expedite the accomplishment of the defense •

ber of spare parts and assemblies.

program." Ltr, SW
to Chiefs of Sup Arms and Svs,
Between World Wars I and II the QMC made 2 Jul 40, sub: Procurement Without Advertising.

which achieved a greater degree of standardiza- ment, the Federal Specifications Board, and serv-
models to
tion by restricting purchase of truck ice advisory committees from industry, were all

those of the one commercial manufacturer in concerned in setting specifications for fuels and
each weight classification whose product most lubricants. Both the QMCand the Ordnance
closely approached military requirements, or by Department recommended the creation of a
requiring vehicles to be assembled by the auto- committee which would supervise the prepara-
mobile industry from the standard commercial tion of specifications for the whole field. 70 As a
units and assemblies that came closest to meet- result, on 24 April 1941 the War Department
ing military needs. Thus, in the heavier field, it Committee on Liquid Fuels and Lubricants was
was planned to have the 6-ton prime mover established 71 and emerged as the co-ordinating
made of standard major units by the White, and expediting committee on specifications dur-
Federal, and Autocar companies. For the medi- ing World War II.

um types, Chevrolet and Yellow Truck and At the same time that The Quartermaster
Coach, both divisions of General Motors, were General was recommending co-ordinated action
first selected to make exclusively their 1 Vi-ton on specifications, he was also urging the stand-
and 2 Vi -ton trucks, respectively. In the lighter ardization of specifications, reducing the number
field, the outstanding example of identical con- of grades to one for gasoline and one for diesel
struction was the jeep, which ultimately was to The Chief of Ordnance was in entire agree-

be made by both Ford and Willys from the ment with these proposals, and the Ordnance
designs and blueprints of the Willys model. Department took an active part in the initial
When the exigencies of World War II com- standardization of Army specifications. 72
pelled procurement by negotiation, a greater When this standardization program began,
degree of standardization resulted. three types of gasoline were used for combat
and motor transport vehicles. The Ordnance
Petroleum Products
Department, assisted by the Coordinating Re-
search Council and test data obtained from thea-
Equally important in World War II was the ters of operations, Army installations, and in-

standardization and simplification of the differ- dustrial organizations, developed a specification

ent kinds of petroleum products used in main- for an all-purpose gasoline designed to meet the
taining and operating automotive equipment. year-round combat requirements of all vehicles
The many kinds of fuels and lubricants required of the ground forces from ^-ton trucks to
by Army vehicles created an acute problem of tanks. This new specification for 80-octane gaso-
supply for the QMC. Under combat conditions, line, issued 3 November 1943, eliminated the
however, only a minimum number of grades of necessity of differentiating between summer
fuel could be supplied by tank cars, tank trucks, and winter grades by providing an all-purpose
portable pipelines, and cans. In industrial life a gasoline which assured maximum operating
special lubricant could be designed to give the 70
( 1 ) Ltr, CofOrd to USW, 14 Feb 41, sub: For-
best possible performance in each given type of mation of Committees on Liquid F&L. (2) Ltr, TQMG
bearing. What the Army needed, however, were to TAG, 2 5 Feb 41, sub: Liquid Fuels. Both in 463.
For a fuller discussion of the work of this com-
fuels and lubricants which would be as universal
mittee see Erna Risch, Fuels for Global Conflict QMC
as possible in application. Historical Studies 9, rev ed (Washington, 1952), pp.

At the beginning of 1941 a number of official 77-78.

(1) Ltr, TQMG to TAG, 25 Feb 41, sub: Liquid
and quasi-official organizations, such as the Fuels. (2) Memo, CofOrd for ACofS G-4, 28 Mar 41,
supply services of the Army, the Navy Depart- same sub. Both in 463.

efficiency regardless of temperatures, except in of Engineers should continue developmental

extreme arctic conditions where a special arctic work and testing in this field upon specific di-
grade was used. With the centralization of pe- rective from the Fuels and Lubricants Divi-
troleum procurement and distribution in the sion.

Fuels and Lubricants Division, OQMG, 1 June After responsibility for the development of
1943, that division accomplished the final petroleum-handling equipment had been cen-
work of co-ordination on the 80-octane gasoline tralized in the Fuels and Lubricants Division, a
specification by insuring its use by all the serv- number of refinements equipment were
in such
ices, by arranging for the Petroleum Adminis- undertaken. The division also developed new
tration for War to assure its supply, and by pro- items, such as the portable can cleaner, and the
moting co-ordination with the British. 2,500-gallon tank truck and 2,500-gallon trailer,

In a similar manner the two types and seven which increased the facility of handling petro-
grades of gear lubricants utilized before the war leum products in the field.
were reduced to one type and three grades. In One item, the popular 5-gallon "blitz" can,
line with the trend in gasoline it seemed advis- was developed by the QMC
long before central-
able to have an all-purpose diesel fuel, an ob- ization of responsibility for petroleum-handling
jective that was accomplished largely under the equipment had been achieved. Made of 20-
direction of the Fuels and Lubricants Division, gauge steel, the blitz can was equipped with
OQMG. 74 carrying handles. It was-designed primarily as

an item of issue for fuel-consuming vehicles and

gasoline companies. However, it had a wider
Petroleum-Handling Equipment
use than this implies. Not only was the blitz

Since complete responsibility for the develop- can used as a distribution medium for motor
ment of equipment especially designed for fuel between railhead or fuel dump and the

handling petroleum products was not central- combat zone, but it was also the primary basis
ized in the Fuels and Lubricants Division until of initial and continued supply to beachheads
the spring of 1944, the original developmental until port facilities permitted the use of tankers
work on many such items was accomplished in and pipelines.
other supply services, such as the Ordnance De- The blitz can was an adaptation to American
partment, the Transportation Corps, and the usage of the 5-gallon German can, or "Jerry
Corps of Engineers. For example, the 100-gal- Can," a sample of which was brought to the
lon-per-minute portable gasoline dispenser was OQMG in the summer of 1940. The Motor
approved and standardized on 23 December
1943 by action of the Ordnance Technical Com- 73
(1) ASF Cir 33, 26 May 43, sub: Procurement,
mittee. 75 On the other hand, developmental Storage and Distr of Petri Products, Fuels (Liquid and
work on "Mareng" cells, or collapsible contain- Solid) and Lubricants. (2) OQMG OO
25-37, 29
May 43, sub: Establishment of F&L Div.
ers made of canvas impregnated with synthetic 74
Risch, Fuels for Global Conflict, p 81.
rubber, was initiated in 1942 by the Transporta- 75
Memo, OCO for CG, 23 Dec 43, sub: Pump,
tion Corps. Subsequently responsibility for de- Gasoline, Dispensing, 100 GPM— Standardization
velopment was vested
It carried
in the Corps of Engineers.
development of four types to the
AGO Memo W 850-15-43, 10 Apr 43, sub:
Asgmt of Responsibility for Handling Liquid Fuel
point of standardization before responsibility Equip.

was transferred to the QMC. 76 As a result of

Ltr, Brig Gen W. E. R. Covell to CG ASF, 23
Aug 43, Responsibility for Development and
conferences, it was later decided that the Corps Procurement of Collapsible Liquid Fuel Units.
FILLING BLITZ CANS FROM RAILROAD TANK CAR by use ofportable gasoline pump.

Transport Division instructed the Holabird ville Quartermaster Depot began developmental
Quartermaster Motor Base to prepare specifica- work in 1932. By 1937 it submitted a specifica-
tions for a 5-gallon galvanized can following tion to the Standardization Branch, OQMG. In
generally the pattern of those captured from the its form the M-1937 field range con-
Germans in Europe. 78 In order to use the as- sisted of one or more self-contained cabinets,
sembly-line technique and mass production, the constructed of aluminum and stainless steel,
QMC constructed the blitz can in three pieces each of which contained a roast or bake pan
instead of thetwo used by the Germans, who with griddle cover and a steel cradle for support-
welded the parts together and assembled them ing a large boiler and a fire unit. It was designed
by hand. Other changes were made including to be transportable on a 2V^-ton truck and
the use of an American type of closure, which could be operated while in transit. The newly
would take a flexible nozzle essential to servic- designed range underwent extensive field tests

ing vehicles, and automatic venting, which per- which resulted in numerous alterations in the
mitted complete discharge of contents in a min- original design. 81 In May 1939 it was classified
imum of time. 79
Procurement was initiated in as a standard item of issue,
not because these
the fall of 1940. Although a number of refine- testshad demonstrated that it worked with
ments were later developed by the Fuels and maximum efficiency but to permit immediate
Lubricants Division, the blitz can used during procurement. Many problems, from the use of
World War II was essentially the same as the leaded gasoline to the design of proper utensils
model developed by the Motor Transport Divi- for an efficient field range, remained to be
sion in 1940. solved.
Since the M-1937 range was developed in

Field Range
peacetime, it was designed of materials— chiefly
aluminum and stainless steel— judged best for
A portable, gasoline-burning field range was the purpose rather than of those most readily
one of the more important items of develop- obtainable in a period of scarcity. As war became
ment among those used in the storage, handling, imminent, the necessity to conserve raw mate-
and preparation of food. Wood-burning field rials forced the redesign of the field range and
ranges No. 1 and No. 2, as well as so-called roll- the use of substitute materials. 83 Inasmuch as

ing kitchens consisting of horse-drawn ranges these changes increased its weight from 138 to
and accessories, were developed and used in the 178 pounds and numerous minor breakdowns of
field during World War
These ranges were
I. parts were reported, it was with considerable
limited as to the variety and desirability of the
78 Rpt, Lt
Heller to Lt Col H. B. Hester and Col
food prepared on them, and the smoke they
Doriot, OQMG,
27 Oct 41, sub: History of the Gas
emitted enabled the enemy to determine the and Water Can Procurement Program.
79 Risch, Fuels for Global Conflict, pp. 90-91.
location of Army units. 80 This equipment con-
Maj O. E. Cound, "The Army's New Field
tinued to be used in the years following, and, in
Range,'' QMR, XIX (September-October 1939), 10.
fact, field ranges No. 1 and No. 2 were pro- 81
(1) Memo draft, Brig Gen A. B. Warfield,
cured even in the early period of World War II OQMG, Feb 39, sub: Tests for Improve-
to Coflnf, 23

but only because equipment recognized as

ment of QM Portable Fid Range. (2) Capt Cound to
TQMG, 20 Mar 39, sub: Outline of Changes to be
superior could not be supplied in quantities Made in 17 Units of QM
Portable Gasoline Fid Range,
sufficient to fill the demand at that time. M-1937.
2d ind, TAG to TQMG, 16 May 39, on ltr, Col
The need for a portable, gasoline-burning
Hardigg, OQMG, to TAG, 10 May 39, no sub.
field range was recognized, and the Jefferson- 83
See above, Ch. II.

FIELD RANGE M-1937, set up in the box of a two and one-half ton truck near Haller, Luxembourg,
January 1945.

relief that the Mechanical Section of the Re- the field was motor fuel, a high-test leaded

search and Development Branch returned to the gasoline.The use of this fuel posed two prob-
use of aluminum and stainless steel when the lems. The toxicity of burner fumes created a
metal situation improved in the late summer of hazard to health. The lead in the gasoline, de-
1944. posited in tubes, valves, and burner slots,

The fire unit of the field range provided the clogged the burner parts, creating maintenance
most troublesome problem in design, and under- difficulties.

went considerable modification during the war. In order to remove the lead the original fire

As a gasoline-burning unit, it used either white unit used an asbestos disc about three inches in
or leaded gasoline. Its design was simple, but diameter and one eighth of an inch thick. It was
maintenance proved extremely difficult, as a located in a special case at the mid point of the
direct result of the type of gasoline used. While generator tube and all vaporized gasoline had
the use of white gasoline created no particular to pass through this filter. It removed about 60
problems, the gasoline most readily available in to 70 percent of the lead in the gasoline, but


GASOLINE COOKING STOVES M-1941 (left) and M- 1942 (right).

this type of filter had to be replaced after two to The fire units therefore failed to give adequate
six hours of operation. In actual practice filter service.
changing appears to have been required after Even before the North African campaign
the preparation of almost every meal. One re- demonstrated the acute need for improving the
port from the field stated that, even after the maintenance characteristics of the fire unit, the

leaded gasoline had been filtered through five or Research and Development Branch instituted a
six gas mask canisters, "it was still necessary to program to solve the problem of lead removal
tear the range down at least three times per day and to simplify and redesign the burner. It asked
in order to have it work at all." Frequently the Ethyl Corporation, the American Gas Ma-
the lead not stopped by the filter clogged other chine Co., and the Coleman Lamp & Stove Co.
parts of the fire unit. to pool their engineering knowledge for this
Before the North African campaign, experi- purpose. 85
ence with the fire unit had been limited to The net result was the adoption of a tube
maneuvers which operating personnel had
usually obtained white gasoline by one means
Capt Pounder, Rpt of QM Opns in NATO, 5
Mar-2 Jun 43.
or another. In North Africa, when only leaded 85
( 1 ) Ltr, Col Doriot, OQMG, to Ethyl Corp, 19

gasoline was available, no one was prepared to Sep 42, no sub. (2) Ltr, Doriot to CG JQMD, 30 Sep
42, sub: Research Work on Fire Unit. (3) See R&D
meet the maintenance problem because of in- Br, Status Rpts, 31 Aug 42-31 Mar 43, under heading:
experience as well as lack of parts for the range. Deleading of Gasoline for Fid Range.

packed with steel wool as a filter generator. The designed a functionally satisfactory stove which
new generator could be operated for 200 to 300 was known as the cold-climate stove. 8 ^ Essen-
hours before requiring renewal, and it increased tially it was the same stove subsequently called

the amount of lead removed up to 95 percent or the M-1941, a one-burner gasoline stove. This
more, thereby reducing maintenance consider- stove, compact in size and rugged in construc-
ably. The design of the fire unit was modified tion, weighed thirty-seven ounces and would
to incorporate the changes necessitated by the burn over two hours on either white or leaded
use of the new filter. At the same time the gasoline. The burner was designed to light in-

design of the flame valve was altered to make it stantaneously without priming, even at low
self-cleaning. This improvement, together with temperature. Pending the outcome of tests, the

the more satisfactory filter, reduced flame valve stove was classified as a limited procurement
cleaning from once in 4 to 8 hours to once in 50 type.
to 100 hours. These improvements were im- In the meantime desire for an even more com-
mediately made applicable to new procurements pact and a lighter stove led the QMC to call a
of the field range. A conversion kit was designed conference of eight of the leading gasoline stove
and procured to convert equipment, especially manufacturers at Chicago on 9 February 1942.
that already in use in the field, where the prob- They were invited to produce a new single-
lem was most acute. The new generator, an burner unit for use in mountain operations and
adequate supply of spare parts, and the cumula- also to incorporate two of the burners in a larger

tive effects of an educational program on repair stove to serve vehicle crews. The ensuing de-
caused the field range and fire unit thereafter to velopmental work resulted in the design of a
be considered entirely acceptable. new M-1942 model. By test in
stove called the
the Bureau of Standards the M-1941 and
M-1942 stoves were considered practically
identical on the basis of heating, fuel consump-
Small Stoves
tion, and general efficiency. The M-1942 gaso-
Centralized messing facilities were not always line stove, however, weighed less than half the
available to soldiers in World War II. Circum- earlier one (17 ounces as against 37 ounces),
stances frequently called for wide dispersal of was more compact, and required only half as
units. The possibility of operations in cold- much material in its manufacture. It was also
climate areas first raised the problem of provid- believed to have better igniting characteristics
ing cooking and heating facilities for the indi- at low temperatures. The stove had tripod fold-

vidual soldier or for small groups. In the ing legs and tripod folding brackets on top of
summer of 1941 the QMC attacked the problem the burner. When folded the whole stove could
in behalf of mountain and ski troops. The be carried within a straight-sided pot seven

Primus stove, a light, compact stove burning

liquid fuel, had been used by arctic explorers 86
( 1 ) Rpt, Carl H. Rasmussen, Mechanical Sec,
and mountaineers for many years, but a one- R&D Br, Unit Fire, M-1937, 15 Nov
Range Fid, 45.

burner gasoline stove that would satisfy military (2) 3d ind, Col Doriot to Hq SOS, 5 Dec 42, on Itr,

Hq 72d Fid Artillery Brigade to CG AGF, 16 Nov 42,

requirements was not available on the com- sub: Rpt on Use of Fid Ranges.
mercial market. Stoves used by campers were 87
(1) Ltr, Col Robinson to JQMD, 5 Jun 41, no
too heavy and operated only on white gasoline. sub. (2) Ltr, same to Lt Col H. M. Schofield, WDGS,
14 Jun 41, no
sub. (3) QMC Spec JQD 33, 10 Oct 42,
At the request of the QMC the Coleman sub: Cold-Climate Stove.
Lamp and Stove Co. in the summer of 1941 88
QMCTC, min of mtg No. 6, 8 Jul 42.

inches in diameter and four inches deep. 89 In the Clements of the Storage and Distribution Divi-
fall of 1942 the new model was standardized sion" 93 and later taken over and modified by the
while the M-1941 stove was reclassified as Special Forces Section of the Research and De-
substitute standard. 90 velopment Branch. Designed to be used particu-
Where weight and bulk were primary factors larly by antiaircraft and searchlight detachments,
to be considered as in the case of equipment it was recommended for standardization by the
used by ski troops, mountain forces, and special QMCTC on 15 September 1942. The outfit con-
task forces, the M-1942, one-burner gasoline sisted oftwo gasoline stoves of the two-burner
stove was considered the best small stove. In type; two metal cases, one for each stove, which
all other cases, particularly when the stove could be used as a cooking vessel and a frying
would be used by mechanized forces, the pan; a set of nested cooking vessels including
M-1941 model could be utilized to good ad- two coffee pots; and miscellaneous utensils,
vantage. Although the later model, which was such as can openers, paring knives, and a ladle.
subsequently somewhat modified, had been The complete outfit weighed about fifty pounds
intended to replace the M-1941 stove, produc- and was packed in a canvas carrying bag.
tion difficulties made it necessary to procure This 20-man cooking outfit was criticized in
both till the end of the war. because food, unless closely watched
test reports

The one-burner gasoline stove proved to be by the cook, burned easily. An intensely hot,
one of the most popular items of equipment localized flame was furnished by the burners,
developed by the QMC. Ernie Pyle wrote: which were the same as those used in the
M-1941 one-burner stoves. In addition, the fre-
One of the most practical pieces of equipment
our Army has got around to is the little Coleman quent clogging of generators posed a main-
stove for cooking. . . . tenance problem. Within a year a considerable
Almost every group of front-line soldiers has one number of modifications had been made to
now. They heat their C-rations in it, make coffee overcome these difficulties as well as to redesign
several times a day, heat water for shaving, and if
the components of the outfit. 94
they're in an enclosed place such as a dugout they
even use it for warmth. Because of the inadequacy of the 20-man
You have no idea what a big thing some practical cooking outfit, a project had been initiated
little device like a successful stove is in the life of a
man at the front.
89 Special Forces Sec, Mil Ping Div, to Mil Intel Div,
OQMG, 10 Oct 42, sub: One-Burner Gasoline Stove,
The 1942 stove as combined with a mountain M-1942, 414.2.
cookset and issued as a one-burner cooking out- (1) QMCTC, min of mtg No. 9, 15 Sep 42. (2)

fit would serve about five men. The mountain By an oversight the reclassification of the M-1941
stove was not accomplished until the summer of 1943.
cookset consisted of two aluminum pots, nest- Ltr, Col Cowles, OQMG, to CG ASF, 1 1 Jun 43, sub:
ing into each other, with a stainless steel cover One-Burner Gasoline Stove, M-1941, and One-Burner
which also served as a frying pan. When not in Cooking Outfit, and 2d ind, Hq ASF to TQMG, 21
Jun 43, on same, 414.2.
use the stove fitted within the pots, and a steel 91
Ernie Pyle, "Krauts and Tedeschi," The Washington
wire handle on the cover folded out of the way Daily News, May 1, 1944.
and locked all units together securely. 92
92 R&D Project Register, Case Record on the Moun-
tain Cookset, 10 June-26 Oct 42.
Other cooking outfits for small groups of 95
Col Robinson to Capt McLean, Mil Ping Div,
( 1 )

men operating away from organizational mess OQMG, 18 Dec 42, no sub. (2) QMCTC, min of
facilities were developed by the QMC. Among mtg No. 9, 15 Sep 42.
(1) [2d ind], AAABd to CG AACmd, 28 May
20-man cooking outfit, initially
these was the
43. (2) Ltr, Col Doriot, OQMG, to CG AGF, 25 Sep
"developed under the auspices of Major 43, sub: 20- Man Cooking Outfit. Both in 414.2.

about March 1943 to develop a more satisfactory obviously not well designed for use under diffi-

item. In the months following a considerable cult field conditions.

amount of research was accomplished, resulting The QMC was aware of the need for improv-
in the development of the small detachment ing field bakery equipment. As early as 1931 the
cooking outfit to provide hot meals for 20 to 30 Motor Transport Board at Holabird was in-

men. Standardized at first on a basis of limited structed to study the problem of mobility in
procurement, the new outfit proved superior in connection with such equipment. 96 For the next
tests to the 20-man cooking unit. As a conse- ten years this problem was studied in a leisurely
quence in the summer of 1944 the QMCTC fashion by the Corps. Not until 1940, however,
recommended its standardization and the re- when the need had become urgent, was the Jef-
classification of the 20-man cooking outfit as fersonville Depot instructed to develop a field
substitute standard. 95 bake oven and a mixer designed to use gasoline
This small detachment cooking outfit weighed as fuel.

80 pounds but was so constructed that it could By June 1941 the depot had developed equip-
be packed in two equal parts, which could be ment which was ready for preliminary inspec-
carried on pack boards by two men. When set tion. Informal tests revealed that further devel-

up for cooking, the stove was a rectangular box opmental work was required, and it was sug-
measuring 18 by 24 by 12 inches in size, with a gested that qualified engineers from the best
sectional stovepipe about 6 feet long. This stove manufacturing companies of bakery equipment
was operated by a flow of liquid fuel from a 5- be consulted. With the co-operation of indus-
gallon gasoline can. Components of the outfit try, working models were constructed. Among

included aluminum cookpots of assorted sizes, the various models tested at Fort Meade, Md.,
stainless steel frying pans, a sterilizing pan for early in 1942, the oven constructed by the Cen-
mess gear, and various other small accessories. tury Machine Co. of Cincinnati was deemed
For packing purposes, the cooking utensils fit- best by the Subsistence Branch, OQMG, which
ted together in the upper half of the stove, opposed further experimentation as fruitless. In
while the stovepipe— telescoped into one short consequence it directed the Jeffersonville Depot
length— and the burner were packed in the to make "no purchases of Field Bake Ovens
lower half. other than that developed by the Century Ma-
chineCompany" until further notice. 98 In the
Field Bakeries
summer of 1942 the field bake oven, M-1942,
was standardized and used by the services as
When World War began the Army was

using the same kind of field bakery equipment 95

(1) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 26 Oct
utilized without change for twenty-three years. 43, sub: SmallDetachment Cooking Outfit. (2) Rpt,
The regular item of issue to bakery companies Same to same, 17 Aug 44, same sub. (3) QMCTC,
min of mtg No. 16, 22 Aug 44. (4) This action was
was the Army field baking oven No. 1, which approved by Hq ASF, 8 Sept 44. 2d ind, Hq ASF to
required that all mixing, moulding, and divid- TQMG, 8 Sep 44, on ltr, Col Doriot to CG ASF, 28
ing of dough be done by hand. It was a port- Aug 44, same sub, 414.2.
able, knock-down piece of equipment, designed
96 Ltr, Lt Col B. Taylor, OQMG, to CO Holabird
QMD, 1 Apr 31, sub: Mobile Bakeries, 414.2.
to be assembled in the field. Since its gross 97
Ltr, Gen Corbin, OQMG, to CO JQMD, 3 Aug
weight was 3,714 pounds when assembled, and 40, sub: Development of Fid Bakery.
since it included eighteen separate pieces when
Ltr, Gen Hardigg, Chief of Subs Br, OQMG, to
CG, JQMD, 14 Apr 42, sub: Portable Fid Bakery
packed for shipment, the field baking oven was Units.


standard field equipment throughout World ment over the old equipment. It was a two-sec-
War II." tion oven. Each section weighed about 550
Although the field bake oven, M-1942, was pounds and was equipped with bars so that it
developed by the Subsistence Branch, OQMG, could be lifted and carried by four men. The

and the Jeffersonville Depot in co-operation upper section consisted of two separate baking
with industry, responsibility for subsequent decks, while the lower contained the burners
modifications of it and the development of a and a built-in proofing chamber. Later pot-type
mobile bakery was vested in the Research and gasoline burners were substituted for the two
Development Branch by the end of 1942. De-
spite the reluctance of the SubsistenceBranch 99
(1) Ltr, Col Doriot, OQMG, to Chief of Dev Br,
to admit the need for additional research, the Reqmts Div, SOS, 5 Aug 42, sub: FidBaking Outfit.
Mechanical Section of the Research and Devel- (2) 2d ind, Hq SOS to TQMG, 26 Aug 42, on same.
Both in 414.2.
opment Branch began further developmental 100
( 1 ) Rpt, Mil Ping Div, Summary of Rpt on
work on ovens and made a number of modifica- New Fid Bake Ovens, 4 Jan 43. (2) Chief of Subs Br
tions to improve the operations of the M-1942 to Dir of S&D
Div, OQMG,
28 Jan 43, sub: Com-
ments on Rpt of Development of Fid Bake Oven,
model. 100
M-1942. (3) Insp Div to TQMG, 1 Feb 43, sub:
The M-1942 oven was definitely an improve- Insp-JQMD & Cincinnati, Ohio, 6-10 Dec 42.


M-1937 fire units originally used. Hand mixing evacuate a location was time consuming. When
of dough was eliminated by the use of a dough- marching orders were received a Quartermaster
mixing machine powered by a gasoline engine. truck company had to furnish forty-five trucks
While the M-1942 oven was portable in com- to move the equipment of an American baking
parison with the Army field baking oven No. 1, company. 101 The M-1942 field bakery lacked
it was in no sense mobile, and it operated the mobility demanded by modern war. In ad-
mechanically only in respect to the mixer. Man- dition, the equipment itself was criticized. The
ual handling of the dough — which was not con- proofing chamber was not used because it was
ducive to cleanliness— was still necessary to pre- too hot in summer and too cold in winter; in-

pare, divide, weigh, mould, and set the dough stead, in the field, proofing racks were impro-
in pans. vised by Quartermaster bakers. The gasoline
When the M-1942 baking outfit began to engine for the mixer failed to operate satisfac-
operate in the field, defects in the equipment torily over an extended period, since it was ap-

became apparent and criticisms were directed to parently too small for the mixer. Maintenance
the OQMG from theaters of operations. The
A Quartermaster bakery company was equipped
routine of assembling the equipment manually
with 32 ovens, 16 dough mixers, 64 insulated fermen-
to begin baking bread and dismantling it to tation cans, and complementary equipment.
ARMY FIELD BAKE OVEN No. 1 in operation at New Caledonia, April 1942.

was difficult and replacement parts were not Work on an improved oven, lighter in weight
readily available. than the M-1942 model but rugged in construc-

Generally, "so called mobile equipment" was tion, continued for many months. It remained
considered by one Quartermaster observer to be uncompleted when the war ended. 105
"too large and too complicated." "Movable" In the meantime developmental work on a

rather than"mobile" was the term applicable to truly mobile bakery unit had been started in
it. In particular, he found British bakeries more 1944 The design of the mobile bakery was
efficient than American. "The British bakery undertaken only after a thorough study of field

can be moved in much shorter time than ours bakery operations and of the deficiencies and ad-
can. It takes fewer personnel to operate it and vantages of both the British mobile bakery and
it produces the same amount of bread." All theM-1942 bakery. The Research and Develop-
reports from the ETO supported this view. ment Branch consulted the best engineering
Many American bakery units in the ETO made talent of the country, and over fifteen com-
use of the British mobile bakery, all of the panies participated in the development of the
major items of which were mounted on two- mobile bakery unit.

wheel, high-platform trailers. Components of the bakery unit consisted of

Through the ingenuity of the American sol- one machinery trailer carrying mixing and
dier fresh bread was being delivered to the make-up machinery, two oven trailers, and two
troops, but the cost in time, morale of using generator trailers. Auxiliary equipment, such as

troops, efficiency, transportation, maintenance, dough troughs, racks, conveyors, scales, and
and spare-parts supply problems made it appar- tentage, was also included. This equipment was
ent that major improvements would have to be factory tested at the respective manufacturing
effected. Early in 1944 the Research and Devel- plants and then assembled in complete units at
opment Branch requested permission of Head- the Jeffersonville Quartermaster Depot, where
quarters, ASF, to develop a field bakery unit necessary engineering changes were effected as
with mobility "equal to that of a 2 1/2-ton a result of further preliminary tests. Early in the

truck." 104 This mobile equipment was to have summer of 1945 extensive baking tests were un-
adequate productive capacity for supplying large dertaken at Fort Knox, Ky.
concentrations of personnel.The M-1942 port- World War II ended before the mobile bak-
able bakery equipment would continue to be ery unit could be put into combat service, but

issued to supply small bodies of troops prima- the tests had demonstrated its superiority to the

rily in the Pacific areas where such groups were

isolated and the use of mobile equipment, cap-
(1) Abstract, 1st Lt Owen N. Tucker, Rpt of
Investigation of Am
Fid Bakery Equip in NATO, 30
able of producing for large numbers, was not Aug 43. (2) Rpt, Maj Burnhome, European- North
justified. African -Persian Areas, Nov 1943. (3) Asst for Product

The M-1942 equipment was to be modified, Analysis to Mechanical Sec, R&D Br, OQMG, 26 Aug
43, sub: Fid Bake Oven.
however, to meet the criticisms that had been 103
Rpt, Maj Burnhome, European- North African-
made. Leading industrial firms co-operated with Persian Areas, Nov 1943.
Ltr, Col Doriot to Hq ASF, 28 Jan 44, sub: Mo-
the Jeffersonville Depot and the Mechanical
bile Fid Bakery.
Section, OQMG, to improve the oven, mixer, io5
(1) R&D Br, Status Rpts, 31 Aug 44-31 Aug
and gasoline engine. Mixers having larger bowl 45, under heading Portable Fid Bakery, M-1944. (2)

new R&D Br to General Supplies Br, S&D Div, OQMG,

capacity were designed, and a engine, capa-
23 Mar 45, sub: Fid Bakery Equip.
ble of standing constant hard use for longer 106
See R&D Br, Status Rpts, 31 Jan 44-31 Aug 45,
periods, was substituted for the original model. under heading, Bakery, Fid, Mobile.

old equipment in conservation of manpower, in Board, ASF, which reassigned to the Corps the
productive capacity, and in mobility. Limited responsibility for preparing specifications and
procurement was requested by the and QMC procuring mechanical and ice-cooled refrigera-
initiated as thewar was ending in order to pro- tors, including frozen-food storage units to be
vide equipment for training and to obtain field used in new facilities or in portable or mobile
experience on production models. The new mo- equipment. 109 Refrigerators for marine and rail

bile bakery unit was intended for use wherever use and for aircraft were excluded. In the
requirements had to be met for 5,500 or more OQMG the function of developing refrigera-
pounds of bread per day. Where less than that tion equipment was centralized in the Military
amount was required, the M-1942 bakery was Planning Division. 110
to be used. The mobile bakery unit, M-1945, The division of responsibilities, however, be-
was standardized in the fall of 1945. 107 tween the Engineer Corps and the for OQMG
each major type of refrigeration equipment had
not been entirely and satisfactorily clarified. Re-
peated conferences between the two services
Responsibility for Refrigeration Equipment
solved these difficulties, and in April 1944 a
The development of mechanical equipment new War Department circular spelled out in de-

to handle the storage of perishable food was an tail the assignment of responsibilities. In gen-
essential part of the task of feeding the Army. eral, the Corps of Engineers was responsible for
Unfortunately, uncertainty over the question of larger refrigeration equipment for fixed installa-
responsibility for developmental work on re- tions, such as permanent ice-making plants,
frigeration equipment prevailed throughout the while the QMC was responsible for small
war, inevitably hindering work in this field.
Prior to World War II responsibility for the de-
velopment of all military refrigeration had been
(1) Ltr, Gen Doriot, OQMG, to CG ASF, 6
Aug 45, sub: Procurement of US Mobile Bakeries. (2)
vested in the QMC. When Congress by legisla-
Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 21 Aug 45, sub:
tive action on 1 December 1941 transferred con- Mobile Bakery Unit, M-1945. (3) QMCTC, min of
struction, real estate activities, and repairs and mtg No. 19, 11 Sep 45. (4) Ltr, Gen Doriot to CG
ASF, 17 Sep 45, same sub, and 1st ind, Hq ASF to
utilities from the QMC to the Corps of Engi- TQMG, 8 Nov 45. All in 414.2.
neers, responsibility for refrigeration equipment 108
(1) WDCir 248, 4 Dec 41, sub: Transfer of

was included. War Department implementation Constr and Real Estate Activities from QMC
to CE.

of the law, however, left unclarified for three

(2) WD Cir 69, 7 Mar 42, sub: Definition of Respon-
sibility. (3) For a period of five months responsibility
months whether a complete transfer or a divi- for refrigerated semitrailers was vested in the Ordnance

sion of responsibilities had been directed insofar Department: from 1 August 1942, when the Motor
Transport Division was transferred to Ordnance, to
as the development of refrigeration equipment
24 December 1942, when research, design, and de-
was concerned. By March 1942 the Chief of velopmental responsibility for special purpose vehicles
Engineers had been directed to assume respon- pertaining to the QMC
were returned to its jurisdic-

such developmental work. An

tion. WDCir 245, 25 Jul 42, Sec. IV, sub: Transfer
sibility for excep-
of Certain MT Activities, and WD
Cir 418, 24 Dec
tion to this transfer was the developmental 42, sub: MT Responsibilities.
work on refrigerated semitrailers, the respon-
AGO Memo S5-103-43, 8 Jun 43, sub: Asmgts
of PAB.
sibility for which remained in the Motor Trans- 110
(1) OQMG OO 25-46, 10 Aug 43, sub: Asgmt
port Division, OQMG. 108 of Functions Transferred from CE. ( 2 ) About the same
In the summer of 1943, however, at the re- time responsibility for the development of the refrig-
erated semitrailer was also transferred to the division.
quest of the Chief of Engineers the problem
OQMG OO 25-48, 14 Aug 43, sub: Transfer of Func-
was taken up by the Procurement Assignment

equipment for fixed installations and for prac- to troops in forward areas. Tests were conducted
tically all portable and mobile refrigeration both in the laboratory and in the field to deter-

equipment. 111 mine the mobility and usefulness of the refrig-

erated semitrailer in accomplishing its mission.

As a result the Quartermaster Board reported
Refrigerated Semitrailers that the refrigerated semitrailer was satisfactory
for operation in rear echelons only, inasmuch as
One of the earliest items developed for han- greater mobility was required in forward areas.
dling perishable subsistence was the refrigerated The size and the weight of the semitrailer were
semitrailer. The purpose of the developmental such that it could not leave a road quickly to
work, begun in the spring of 1941, was to pro- seek shelter from an air attack. Moreover its

vide a semitrailer of the van type with a refrig- size, weight, and slowness would definitely im-
erator body capable of handling at least one pede traffic on important supply roads. On the
day's meat and vegetable supply for one divi- other hand, the semitrailer had capacity to sup-
sion. Various industries co-operated with the number of troops than it had mo-
ply a greater
OQMG and the Holabird Quartermaster Depot bility toThe Quartermaster Board
in the early developmental work. recommended that "consideration be given to
The first specification drafted by Holabird the development of portable equipment to be
was made broad enough to cover several com- mounted on iVi-ton 6x6, cargo trucks and 1-ton
mercial models, which were purchased for ex- cargo trailers to replace the van-type, two-
perimental purposes. 112 The semitrailer was wheel, semitrailers and 4-5 ton, 4x4 tractors."

made principally of steel and insulated with Reports from theaters of operations amply sup-
corkboard and fiberglass. The refrigerating sys- ported the findings of the board.
tem was an integral part of the semitrailer, capa- Although refrigerated semitrailers of the
ble of maintaining temperatures of 10° F. for heavy type were still being delivered as late as
frozen foods and 35° F. for fresh foods. As a re- May 1945 to fill the requirements of the Service
sult of tests made by the Quartermaster Board Installations Division, the Mechanical Section
and field use by a quartermaster refrigerator had, in July 1944, initiated a project to decrease
company during maneuvers in the fall of the the weight of this item to permit greater ma-
year, several modifications, such as increased neuverability and to increase the payload. A
cork insulation in the floor, sides, and ceiling,
were incorporated in a new specification. In 111
(1) Memo, Brig Gen H. Feldman, OQMG, for
June of 1942, the 10-ton, two-wheel, refriger- CG ASF, 9 Feb 44, sub: Asgmt of Responsibility for
ated semitrailer, utilizing a 4-5 ton 4x4 tractor,
Refrigeration Equip. (2) WD
Cir 156, Sec. V, 20 Apr
44, sub: Refrigeration. (3) These provisions were
was standardized. 114
slightly modified in the WD Cir 446, Sec. VI, 23

Shortly thereafter motor transport activities, Nov 44, same sub.

including the development of the refrigerated

Ltr, Col Van Deusen, OQMG, to CO Holabird
QMD, 17 May 41, sub: Development of Semitrailer,
semitrailer, were transferred to the Ordnance Body Type, 400.112.
Department. By the end of the year, however, 113
Ltr,E. H. Holtzkemper, OQMG, to CO
Holabird QMD, 31 Dec 41, sub: Mobile Refrigerator
responsibility for the design and development
Unit, 400.1141.
of special-purpose motor vehicles pertaining to 114
(1) Memo, Col Van Deusen, OQMG, for CG
the QMC had once more been restored to the SOS, 12 Jun 42, sub: Standardization of Semitrailer,
10-ton, 2- wheel (2dt), Refrigerator. (2) 3d ind, Hq
Corps. In the following summer the Research
SOS to TQMG, 30 Jun 42, on same. Both in 451.3.
and Development Branch reviewed the entire 115 QMB Rpt, 10 Sep 43, sub: Project S-63, Rpt of
problem of providing fresh meat and vegetables Test of Mobile Refrigeration Unit, pp. 8-9.

plug-in type of refrigerating system was to be conclusions drawn from tests made during the
used because, as a separateand self-contained developmental program. The question of its

unit, it could easily be removed and replaced. 116 usefulness in delivering perishable food to
The heavy model of the refrigerated semitrailer troops in forward areas remained speculative.
weighed 14,700 pounds. An experimental model,
weighing about half the amount, or 7,500 130-Cubic-Foot Portable Refrigerator
pounds, was ordered by the Mechanical Section.
This weight reduction was accomplished by the The need for a refrigerator unit more port-
use of aluminum and featherweight insulation. able than the 10,000-pound semitrailer resulted
It was expected that a payload of 15,000 pounds in the initiation inAugust 1943 of a project for
could be carried as compared with 10,000 the development of a 150- (at one time planned
pounds carried in the heavy model. as a 125-) cubic-foot portable cabinet that could
The model of the aluminum semitrailer
pilot withstand rough handling in forward areas.

was completed in September and driven cross Comparative tests of the serviceability and mo-
country from Spokane, Wash., to Camp Lee, bility of the 10-ton semitrailer and various sized
Va. This road test revealed minor defects but portable units were made at Camp Lee, Va. 119
aside from a few changes the Quartermaster This project was barely begun when a requi-
Board considered that unit satisfactory. The first sition for several hundred 150-cubic-foot refrig-

production model of the aluminum trailer body erators, operated by gasoline engines, was re-

was completed and inspected in May 1945 and ceived from the South Pacific area under the
found to be "highly satisfactory." 117 The proj- mistaken belief that the units already in use
ect was thereupon closed, since the develop- there were Army items. Actually they were is-

mental work was considered completed. sued by the Navy. Theater requests for the
The development of the lightweight semi- Navy-type, 150-cubic-foot refrigerator led to the
trailer was accomplished without too much dif- development of the Army unit, since the Navy
ficulty but developing a satisfactory separate re- refrigerator was found to be too heavy for easy
frigerating unit raised many problems. The transportation. 120
chief one was the inadequacy of the small gaso- The Mechanical Section continued develop-
line engine to provide power for the refrigerat- mental work on a 150-cubic-foot refrigerator in
ing unit. In a test it broke down completely co-operation with various manufacturers who
after 107 hours of operation, and the Quarter- produced experimental models for testing at
master Board was therefore unable to test the Camp Lee. By the beginning of 1944 a prelimi-
refrigerating unit according to plan. 118 The nary report covering refrigeration and structural
problem had not been satisfactorily solved when performance had been received from the Quar-
the war ended and all contracts were canceled.
The OQMG was convinced, however, of the 116

(1) R&D Project Record, 189-44, sub: Semi-
Two- Wheel, 10-ton gross, Refrigerator Body,
need for a long-range developmental program
Improved. (2) See also R&D Br, Status Rpts, 31 Jul
for small gasoline engines, which was accord- 44-31 May 45, under same title.
ingly planned.
Ibid., 31 May 45.

Although a small number of lightweight

QMBRpt, 23 Mar 45, Project S-132, Prelimi-
nary Rpt of Study of Semitrailer, Two- Wheel, 10-ton,
semitrailerswere produced in the summer of Refrigerator Body, Lightweight (Refrigerating Sys-
1945 they were not placed in service in the field. tem), T-1579.

Any claims to superiority of the new design

R&D Br, Status Rpts, 31 Aug-30 Sep 43.
Asst Chief of R&D Br to QMCTC Sec, OQMG,
over the earlier heavy model must rest on the 31 Jan 45, sub: Walk-In Portable Refrigerator, 414.1.

termaster Board. It was sufficiently complete so tem was developed by the OQMG
and tested
that prior to the drafting of a specification and by the bureau.
drawings Research and Development
the This new lightweight model of the 150-cubic-
Branch could recommend purchase by the Pro- foot refrigerator was standardized on 16 June
curement Division of the best model tested. 121 1945 although it had not been service tested.

By the end of February the drawings and speci- In contrast to the earlier model the lightweight
fication had been completed. refrigerator with an electric-motor-driven refrig-

This portable refrigerator unit, weighing erating unit weighed about 1,900 pounds but
about 3,900 pounds, utilized steel in its con- had the same payload. When a gasoline-engine-

struction and corkboard for insulation. It had a driven unit was plugged in, the refrigerator
twofold purpose. It was designed for the trans- weighed 2,200 pounds. Made of aluminum
portation and storage of frozen food up to ap- sheet and insulated with rubber board in the
proximately 4,200 pounds of boneless beef, for floor and semi-rigid glass wool in the walls and

which purpose its temperature could be auto- ceiling, the refrigerator was also provided with

matically held at about 10° F. When used for lifting rings at the top corners for convenient
the transportation and storage of unfrozen per- handling. Runners were provided for dragging
ishable produce, the temperature could be auto- the refrigerator during loading and unloading
matically held at about 35° F. Designed for operations.
rough usage, this "all-purpose, all-temperature The lightweight refrigerator had other ad-

refrigerator" could be operated while being vantages over the earlier heavy model. Unlike
transported over good roads on a 2 V^-ton truck the latter, the lightweight refrigerator and re-

or over rough terrain on a 4-ton truck. 122 frigerating unit were independent components,
Although deficiencies in the unit were recog- which simplified the problems of procurement
nized, this model was produced to fill imme- and maintenance. In the event of a major break-
diate requirements in the field but it was never down the plug-in unit could easily be replaced.
standardized. Simultaneously, the Mechanical Where power was available, the electric-motor-
Section began developmental work on an im- driven refrigerating unit was satisfactory for use
proved model. The ratio of the weight of the in a stationary field refrigerator. As in the case

refrigerator to its payload, which was about 1:1, of the heavy model, a gasoline-engine-driven
was not considered uneconomical but it was felt generator was used to operate the lightweight
that it could be improved. A lighter weight refrigerator while in transit on a truck. The in-

model was also desired. At a meeting attended adequacy of the small gasoline engine, however,
by representatives of the OQMG, the Jefferson- handicapped development in the refrigeration
ville Quartermaster Depot, and industry, the did in reference to many other Quar-
field as it

details and component parts to be incorporated

in an approved pilot model were settled. In de- R&D Br, Status Rpt, 31 Jan 44, p. 23.

Capt Wetherbee to Chief of Mechanical Sec,
veloping the experimental featherweight mod- OQMG, 26 Jun 44, sub: Comparison of 26l/2 50, 125 ,

els, manufacturers used aluminum alloys in cu. ft. Refrigerator Units.

their construction while the mechanical units
R&D Br, Status Rpts, 31 Mar-30 Jun 44, under
heading Refrigerator, 'Portable, 125 cu. ft.
were of the plug-in type. 123 Early in 1945 the 124
(1) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 16 May
Bureau of Standards made tests of the thermal 45, sub: Portable Refrigerator, Walk-In, Plug-In Type,
characteristics of the lightweight refrigerators. 150 cu. ft. (2) QMCTC, min of mtg. No. 10, 22 May
45. (3) Ltr, Gen Doriot, OQMG, to CG ASF, 29 May
In the meantime an electric-driven, as well as a
45, same sub, and 1st ind, Hq ASF to TQMG, 16 Jun
gasoline-engine drive, plug-in, refrigerating sys- 45. All in 414.1.

termaster items which it powered. Since the war feet,with a height of 6V2 feet, and which
ended before the lightweight portable refriger- weighed approximately 20,000 pounds each
ator was put into field use, its advantage over when fully equipped. The prime movers were
the heavy model in field operation cannot be in all cases 4-5 ton 4x4 tractors. These, like the
evaluated. semitrailers, had been standardized by earlier
action of the Motor Committee of the QMCTC.
Mobile Salvage Equipment A number of these mobile units
were sent overseas. By the following summer of
When the modernization and expansion of 1943 reports from the North African Theater be-
the Army began in 1940, all QMC tactical or- gan to come in. The shoe repair and the cloth-
ganizations were restudied. This led to the or- ing and textile repair units were doing a good
ganization of new mobile units, such as laundry job, but it was observed that they were set up as

companies, sterilization and bath companies, semipermanent installations, chiefly in the sal-
and shoe and textile repair companies. These vage depot at Casablanca. Mobile laundry units
so-called comfort organizations rendered impor- operating in NATO were for the most part at-
tant service to troops in the field, for high mo- tached directly to hospitals. They handled hos-
rale is partly attributable to comfortable shoes, pital laundry exclusively, and early in the cam-
clean clothes, and baths. At the same time the paign they remained with the larger base
requirements of the expanding Army for cloth- hospitals in rear areas. The mobile sterilization

ing and equipage were enormous, emphasizing and bath units "performed a fine job for front
the need to conserve these items by salvage op- line troops in the Tunisian campaign." Because
erations since the supply of wool, duck, leather, of their size, however, they could not proceed
and other materials was not limitless. too close to the forward lines. The vans were
With the authorization of such mobile units set up just out of artillery range of the enemy,
by the War Department, the QMC began and division quartermasters arranged schedules
action to purchase the necessary equipment for for the fighting troops to come back to the mo-
them. For example, in the spring of 1941 the bile units during their period of relief from
OQMG requested and received permission to combat duty. On the other hand, men within
purchase two semitrailers with equipment artillery range relied on the combat engineers
mounted in them for the repair of barracks bags, to erect shower facilities by means of portable
blankets, coats, shirts, trousers, and shelter-half shower pipes. According to one observer, twice
tents. This equipment was to be used for ex- the number of mobile laundry and sterilization
perimental and training purposes at Camp Lee and bath units could have been used to good
with view to standardization. 125 By August
a advantage in NATO. The limited number of
semitrailers with commercial equipment appro- such units available was due to the fact that
priate for each of the new mobile units were their size precluded getting shipping priority
standardized. 126
This equipment— in the case of the mobile 125
Ltr, Gen Corbin, OQMG,
to ACofS G-4, 25
clothing repair shop it included a sewing ma- Mar 41, sub: Mobile C&E Repair Units, and 1st ind,
TAG to TQMG, 1 Apr 41, 413.8.
chine, together with a tack button, darning, and 126
(1) Memo, TQMG for ACofS G-4, 29 Jul 41,
button-sewing machine— was operated by an sub: Mobile Clo Repair Shop. (2) Memo, same to
generator powered by a gasoline engine.
electric same, 30 Jul 41, sub: Mobile Shoe Repair Shop. (3)
Memo, same to same, 29 Jul 41, sub: Mobile Laundry.
It was mounted on one or more two-wheel,
(4) 2d ind, AGO
to TQMG, 2 Aug 41, on each
van-type semitrailers which measured 22 by 8 memo. All in 413.8.

for them. A great amount of deck space and were eliminated and replaced by one-ton, two-
special handling was required to transport the wheel cargo trailers which weighed about 3,900

mobile semitrailers. The use of a more compact pounds equipped, and measured 5 feet 7 inches
unit was recommended. It was obvious, too, in width by 9 feet in length by 5 feet 6 inches
that these units were not sufficiently mobile or in height. These trailers were towed by 2 /2-ton 1

maneuverable to be used in tactical situations as 6x6 trucks in place of the 4-5 ton 4x4 tractors.
had been intended. 127 The new equipment used in the shoe, clothing,
By this time the experiences of the Army and textile repair units was basically similar in
provided a basis for appraisal of the field oper- general operating characteristics to that used in
ations of the mobile units hurriedly organized the earlier units. Unlike the early mobile units,
in 1941. Itwas now possible to institute desir- which mounted the equipment in a semitrailer
able improvements, and, as a preliminary step, for both movement and operation, the new de-
the OQMG directed the Quartermaster Board sign provided for boxing the machinery and ar-

to conduct a series of studies on mobile units ranging it compactly in special compartments

for the purpose of accumulating data on their in each trailer for transit. In operation this
mobility, operating efficiency, tactical employ- equipment was dismounted from the trailer and
ment, maintenance requirements, and on the installed on the ground in tentage or buildings.
adequacy of tables of organization and equip- In addition to mobility, maneuverability,
ment. 128 compactness, and lightness, the QMC by the
The findings of the Quartermaster Board sup- summer of 1944 was considering the desirability
ported the criticisms made in the field about of adding another military characteristic to
mobile equipment. Mobile semitrailers lacked mobile and portable units, namely, capability of
mobility and maneuverability for operations in being transported by air. 132 The success of air-
forward areas. "Not only were they found to be borne supply in theaters of operations suggested
easy targets for attacking aircraft and vulnerable the possibility of greater use of this method,
to attack and capture by ground action, but it particularly in the Asiatic and Pacific theaters.
was disclosed that their low speed and maneu- It was proposed to bring the matter before the
verability constitute a definite danger if em- QMCTC for decision and, if favorably acted
ployed on important supply roads on which upon, to obtain from the Air Forces information
other military traffic demands are heavy." as to the types of planes or gliders in which each
At the same time responsibility for the re-
search, design, and development of special vehi- 127
(1) Capt Pounder, Rpt of QM
Opns in NATO,
cles peculiar to the QMC was transferred from 5 Mar-2 Jun 43. (2) Compare, Lt Morison, Rpt of
Observation, Desert Tng Center, Sep-Oct 1943^. (3)
the Mobile Equipment Branch of the Service Product Analysis Sec to Mechanical Sec, OQMG, 8 Jul
Installations Division to the Military Planning 44, sub: Semi-Mobile Units, giving extracts from rpt,
Division. 1 '
The Research and Development Capt Orr, SWP base, 9 Jun 44.

Branch thus became responsible for designing

Dir of QM
Bd to TQMG, Rpt on QM
Bd, Camp
Lee, Va., 1 Feb 42-30 Jun 44, p. 102.
more suitable mobile equipment. 129
Ibid., pp. 103-04.

In January 1944 the Mechanical Section ini-

no OQMG OO 25-48, 14 Aug 43, sub: Transfer
of Functions.
tiated a project to design, in co-operation with 1.1
(1) R&D
Project Record, R- 103-44, 29 Jan 44,
industry and the Jeffersonville Quartermaster sub: Salv Repair Unit. (2) See also R&D, Status Rpts,
Depot, more portable and mobile salvage re- 31 Mar-30 Nov 44, under heading Salv Repair Units.

pair units. 131

A new approach was taken. The
Lt Col David B. Dill to Maj McLean, OQMG,
Jun 44, sub: Air Transport of QM
Mobile and Portable
cumbersome two-wheel, van-type semitrailers Units.

PORTABLE REPAIR UNITS. Clothing repair unit set up for operation (above) and trailer type shoe

repair unit (below).


class of items would be transported. The new trailers could be towed by 2V^-ton trucks which
military was approved and the
characteristic carried personnel as well as equipment and sup-
completed mobile trailer units were made so plies. When the wheels were removed from the
that they could either be towed by 2 /2-ton 6x6 1
trailer bed, the units could also be transported
trucks or carried in C-47 airplanes or CG-4A by C-47 airplanes. The unit was capable of
gliders. processing 1,000 pounds of clothing per 8-hour
Tests of the new salvage repair mobile units shift. On the basis of 5 pounds a week for each

by the Quartermaster Board proved satisfactory. man, one laundry company could serve 48,000
The Jeffersonville Depot prepared specifications troops. 1 35

by November. In the following month the The two-trailer type mobile laundry was first

QMCTC recommended standardization of the tested at Camp Indian Bay, Fla., by the Quarter-
new mobile units and reclassification of the master Board during the summer of While
earlier models as limited standard. As the war it was most respects, a
satisfactory in number of
ended these new salvage repair units were just deficiencieswere revealed affecting the capacity
beginning to come from the factories. of the unit. On the assurance of the manufac-
turer that the burner defects could be corrected,
the mobile laundry was standardized on 5 Janu-
ary 1945 because of the urgent need for this
Laundry Equipment 136
type of equipment in the field.

The laundry equipment standardized in the Because of production difficulties a tumbler

summer of 1941 was a vast improvement over made by the Huebsch Co. was substituted for
that used in World War I but suffered from the the Hoffman Co. model used in the develop-
same defects as other mobile equipment uti- mental work. As a consequence it was necessary
lizing van-type semitrailers.
Early in 1944 the to engage in more experimental work to adapt

Mechanical Section initiated a project to de- the Huebsch standard tumbler to the new-type
velop a more mobile laundry unit. Jeffersonville gasoline air model com-
heater. Tests of this

Depot technicians contributed to each phase of pleted by the Quartermaster Board during the
the development. It was proposed to design a first weekJuly revealed that the operation of

new laundry unit mounted on two small-sized the tumbler prevented the laundry from reach-
two-wheel The tires and the wheels
trailers. ing its rated output capacity. In addition,
of the latter were made interchangeable with repeated attempts failed to make the original

those of a 2 h -ton 6x6 truck. One trailer was


equipped with a washer, extractor, drain bin,

'» (1) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 28 Nov
electric auxiliary pump, and an automatic water 44, sub: Two- Wheel, Tractor, Shoe Repair et al. (2)
heater which operated on either automotive or QMCTC, min of mtg No. 25, 5 Dec 44. (3) Ltr, Col
aviation-type gasoline. This trailer with its
Doriot to CG ASF, 11 Dec 44, same sub, and 2d ind,

Hq ASF toTQMG, 5 Jan 45. All in 412.

equipment weighed 4,720 pounds. The second 1,4
For a fuller treatment of the development of
trailer carried a drying tumbler with a gasoline- laundry equipment see Louis Filler, Laundry and
Related Activities of the The Quartermaster General
fired air heater, an electric generator providing
(QMC Historical Studies 13, March 1946).
power equipment on both trailers and light-
for 135 R&D Project Record, R-102-44, Feb 44.
ing for night operations, and a hose reel for 15b
(l) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 28 Nov
44, sub: Two-Trailer Type Mobile Laundry. (2)
storing all water hose. This trailer weighed
QMCTC, min of mtg No. 25, 5 Dec 44. (3) Ltr, Col
4,420 pounds. Fuel tanks, spare parts, and ex- Doriot to CG ASF, 1 1 Dec 44, same sub, and 2d ind,
haust hose were carried on each trailer. These Hq ASF to TQMG, 5 Jan 45, 412.

burners operate satisfactorily. " 1

A conference the war. Early in 1942 as a result of conferences
with the manufacturers was held immediately to between the Sanitation Division of The Surgeon
effect modifications. After the war ended, de- General's Office and the Laundry Branch,
velopmental work to perfect an improved OQMG, the conclusion was reached that steam
tumbler was continued as a postwar project. sterilizationwas not necessary to kill disease
germs and that fumigation would suffice. Fumi-
Mobile Bath Units gation chambers used less critical material in
their construction and were lighter in weight
Like other mobile equipment developed than the older steam sterilizing chambers. As a
during 1940-41, the sterilization and bath unit consequence they could be moved closer to
proved unsuitable for use in forward areas. combat areas.
There were about four such units in the North The Department of Agriculture for many
African Theater during the Tunisian Campaign. years had been interested in the use of methyl
These, however, were left behind in Africa dur- bromide as a fumigant. At the request of The
ing the Sicilian Campaign. The first unit to Surgeon General, the Bureau of Entomology
reach Italy was moved into the rear area of the and Plant Quarantine of the Department of
Fifth Army in late November 1943. Few infantry Agriculture designed a mobile methyl-bromide
troops in Italy used the massive sterilization and chamber. 140 Tested at Camp Lee, this chamber
bath unit for it was not "considered practical to was found to be too small and not properly
place it within their reach." constructed for use with a mobile sterilization
The sterilization and bath equipment con- company. From this preliminary design, how-
sisted of four tents and a trailer. The four tents ever, the QMC evolved a satisfactory 330-cubic-
were set up near the trailer and used for un- footchamber made of plywood panels which
dressing, physical examination, salvaging soiled was capable of holding 60 barracks bags. The
clothes, and providing new clothes and dressing sterilization and bath unit was reclassified as
space. The was equipped with a steam
trailer limited standard and the new mobile fumigation
chamber in which the soldier's clothes were and bath unit was standardized in March
steamed under pressure at 252° for fifteen min- 1943.141
utes. Outside the chamber were twelve shower In the following months a considerable
heads for baths. The trailer was also equipped amount of developmental work was carried on
with a boiler. No field complaint was made of
the serviceability of the shower facilities, but it 137
Memo, Gen Doriot for TQMG, 3 Aug 45, sub:
was found that the sterilization equipment was Two-Trailer Type Mobile Laundry.

not used to any great extent for

(1) Col Dill to Dirof Mil Ping Div, OQMG,
clothing. It was
n. d., sub: Rpt of Travel to NATO, 26 Oct- 13 Dec
used primarily to sterilize blankets and mat- 43. (2) Capt Pounder, Rpt of QM
Opns in NATO,
tresses. While hospitals needed sterilization 5 Mar-2 Jun 43.
Col Dill to Dir of Mil Ping Div, OQMG, n. d.,
equipment Quartermaster observer suggested
sub: Rpt of Travel to NATO, 26 Oct- 13 Dec 43.
that the only fumigation equipment needed by 140
( 1 ) Louis Filler, Laundry and Related Activities of

the soldier was the individual methyl-bromide The Quartermaster General, pp. 154ff. (2) Ltr, OSG to
Hq SOS, 20 Jun 42, sub: Delousing of C&E, 727.4.
bag. 139
(3) 2d ind, Lt Col T. M. Duff, OQMG, to CG SOS,
The QMC employed two types of delousing— 1 1 Jul 42, on same.

(1) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 21 Jan

•steam and methyl bromide. The latter was in-
43, sub: Mobile Fumigation and Bath Unit. (2) 1st
tended eventually to replace the steam units but
ind, QMCTC to OQMG, 26 Jan 43, on same. (3) 4th
both methods continued to be used throughout ind, SOS to TQMG, 16 Mar 43. All in 414.4.

to improve the construction of the fumigation and bath companies just before the United
chamber. After 14 August 1943 this was accom- States entered World War II.

plished by the Mechanical Section, following When the QMC initiated development of a
the transfer of responsibility for research and new fumigation and bath unit and dropped
developmental work on fumigation chambers procurement of the sterilization unit after Janu-

from the Service Installations Division. About ary 1943,it was most interested in providing a

two months earlier the QMC

had been given more mobile outfit. For a new bathing unit the
the responsibility for the procurement of all Military Planning Division turned to a mobile
portable and mobile delousing equipment, eight-head shower unit developed by the Corps
including the writing of specifications. of Engineers and favorably tested in 1941. It

The fumigating chamber was not used to any had been rejected for standardization by the
great extent in the field, largely because there Assistant Chief of Engineers because he felt that

was no more need for it than there had been for rubber tires and manufacturing facilities should
among combat
the sterilization unit. Infestation not be wasted in "providing luxuries and exces-
troops was uncommon, and when it occurred sive convenience as implied by trailer mount-
other methods, particularly the use of DDT, ing." Procurement had been limited to sixty
were effective. Less than 100 cases of infestation sets which were turned over to the QMC and
occurred in the Fifth Army during the entire subsequently standardized. l45 The OQMG
month of January 1944. w On the basis of these revised the design to provide for units with
findings The Surgeon General's Office was twelve instead of eight shower heads for use in

queried on the desirability of continuing pro- the new mobile fumigation and bath unit. Sub-

curement of the methyl-bromide chamber. In sequently a twenty-four-head shower unit

the spring of 1944 he recommended discontinu- replaced the twelve-head unit, and the fumiga-
ance as soon as possible. tion chamber and shower unit were standard-
While the successful use of DDT diminished ized separately, thereby facilitating the practice
the need for fumigation chambers and raised of setting up bath units independently of
the question of the reorganization of the fumi- sterilization and fumigation activities. Unfor-
gation and bath company, the OQMG found tunately for purposes of operation by the
there was a real need for highly mobile field trained personnel of the fumigation and bath
bathing facilities. Until the very end of the war companies, the fumigation and bath units were
responsibility for field bathing equipment was not separated. Because fumigation facilities

divided between the QMC and the Corps of were not required in the various theaters to any
Engineers. The pioneer work in the develop- 142 OQMG OO 25-48, 14 Aug 43, sub: Trans-
ment of shower facilities for soldiers in the field fer of Functions. (2) ASF Memo S5-103-43, 8 Jun
was carried out by the Corps of Engineers. 43, sub: Asgmts of PAB.
Col Dill to Dir of Mil Ping Div, n. d., sub: Rpt
Its activities in this undertaking dated from
on Travel to NATO, 26 Oct- 13 Dec 43.
the period immediately following the termina- 144
(1) Ltr, Col Doriot, OQMG,
to OSG, 18 Mar

tion of World War I. The use of improvised 44, sub: Methyl Bromide Fumigation Chambers. (2)
2d ind, OSG
to TQMG, 1 Apr 44, on same. Both in
types of field showers during that war had
demonstrated that troop morale and health 145
4th ind, Hq SOS to TQMG, 16 Mar 43, on rpt,
could be improved by adequate bathing facili- Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 21 Jan 43, sub: Mobile
Fumigator and Bath Unit, 414.4.
ties. Quartermaster interest also dated from the 146
4th ind, Hq ASF to TQMG, 30 Nov 43, on rpt,
period after World War I and was further stim- Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 19 Oct 43, sub: Equip
ulated by the organization of the sterilization for Fumigation and Bath Co.

considerable extent, the complementary mobile and improve performance. The developmental
shower units were not provided to the fullest work on this lightweight model was continued
extent possible. 147 As a consequence, by the after the war ended.
middle of 1944 many complaints were being In April the AAF requested the development
received from the theaters concerning the of a portable eight-head shower unit which
inadequacy of the bath facilities provided for would be an improvement over the shower unit
the troops. To remedy this situation the Mili- developed by the Corps of Engineers. Head-
tary Planning Division in October proposed upon the Chief of Engi-
quarters, ASF, called
the use on maneuvers of small mobile shower neers forcomment, and the latter took the op-
detachments operated by six men and equipped portunity of recommending that the develop-
with one bath unit and one 2 1/2-ton truck. Such ment of shower equipment for field use be as-
a test would provide the basis for a decision on signed to his office to avoid competitive devel-
the advisability of providing this equipment as opment between the QMC and the Corps of
part of the organizational set-up for a division Engineers. Headquarters, ASF, concurred. 151
and for corps and army troops. 148 Later the ASF The OQMG, however, protested promptly and
provided for essentially the same bath unit in a vigorously, outlining its case so effectively that
revised Table of Organization and Equipment Headquarters, ASF, on 27 July 1945 rescinded
10-500, published 10 January 1945. l49 There is its earlier order and concentrated in the QMC
no indication, however, that any of these units the responsibility for the development of all mo-
were ever activated. bile and portable bath equipment to accompany
The Jeffersonville Depot published a speci- troops in the field.

fication for the separate bath unit which pro-

vided for an oil-fired water heater mounted on
a steel channel frame. The fuel pump, water
pump, and air blower were operated by a In the developmental work initiated to pro-
single-cylinder, four-cycle, air-cooled gasoline vide the Army with suitable tents, the OQMG
engine mounted on the trailer. Piping, shower and the Jeffersonville Quartermaster Depot
heads, and hose were designed to be mounted analyzed and investigated problems of design,
on brackets on the side of the unit when the fabric construction, and finishes which increased
trailer was being towed. The complete unit the resistance of cotton duck to water, fire, and
weighed about 3,800 pounds, and the trailer mildew. At first the QMC was most concerned
was so designed that the front wheel could be with the performance of tentage. The desire for
folded under for transport by a C-47 or C-54 a superior finish and color for tentage duck had
Shower facilities were tremendously effective 147
Memo, Col Doriot, OQMG, to CG AGF, 18
morale builders. They were extremely popular, Oct 44, sub: Use of 24-Showerhead Mobile Fid Bath
Unit, 412.2.
particularly when set up in connection with a 148
clothing exchange unit which enabled the 149
3d ind, Hq ASF to TQMG, 8 Dec 44, see memo
soldier to don an entirely clean outfit after bath- cited in n. 147.
A number JQD 1035, 21 Nov 44, sub: 24-Showerhead
ing. of deficiencies in the bath units
Mobile Bath Unit.
were revealed in use, however, and on the basis 151
5th ind, Hq ASF to CE, 4 May 45, on ltr, AAF
of theater criticism the Military Planning to ASF, 15 Feb 45, sub: 8- Head Portable Shower Unit.

Division initiated a project in April 1945 to

Memo, Brig Gen H. A. Barnes, OQMG,
for CG
ASF, 21May 45, sub: Fid Shower Equip, and 1st ind,
eliminate the defects, reduce the over- all weight, Hq ASF to TQMG, 27 Jul 45, 412.2.

crystallized throughout the Army during 1940 chlorine were on the list of strategic and critical

and 1941. In anticipation of decisions to be tak- materials. A study was therefore undertaken to
en, the Air Corps had conducted exhaustive find suitable substitutes. This project was com-
visibility tests in 1935, and subsequently the pleted by the spring of 1942 when waxes and
Corps of Engineers, responsible for camouflage, other materials were substituted for crude rub-
made studies to develop the most suitable color ber. Efforts to develop an improved finish

for Army materiel. continued for many months at the Jeffersonville

Ever since World War I Army tentage had Depot, resulting in the replacement of the 1939
been made of 15.5-ounce duck, colored to a performance specification by a new one clearly

khaki shade with mineral colors and then treat- statingwhich materials were mandatory in the
ed with aluminum acetate, soap, and wax to preparation of the finish and which were pro-
gain water repellency. The weight of this finish hibited. 158
added only slightly to the weight of the goods. A comparatively new requirement for Army
On the eve of World War II, to promote uni- tentage was mildew resistance. Prior to World
formity, the QMC adopted the standard olive War II mildew-proofing had not been a major
drab shade No. 3 for all personal and organiza- military problem. Warfare in humid, tropical

tional equipment using duck and webbing. jungles, however, created a demand for preserv-

Later, to conceal military equipment and mate- ative treatments of textile items of both equip-
riel more effectively, the dark green olive drab ment and clothing to prevent loss of service

shade No. 7 was adopted because this color was through the action of mold-rot and mildew. In
less visible from the air than the No. 3 shade.
the summer of 1942 the Jeffersonville Depot
As a protection against incendiaries, the began a study of mildew and mildew-resistant
QMC also decided to treat Army canvas with a compounds. Certain fungicides were on the
fire-resistant finish. This "746" finish had been market and under commercial development,
developed during the thirties through the co- but it was necessary to evaluate their claims of
operative efforts of private industry, the Depart- effectiveness, durability, and safety as well as to

ment of Agriculture, and the QMC. 154

The ap- set up test methods for acceptance purposes.

plication of the finish 1

to 15.5-ounce duck in- Through the work of the Department of Agri-
creased weight by nearly 50 percent, but in
its culture, long engaged in study of the preven-
view of the advantages to be gained through its
use the factor of increased weight had to be dis- 155
(1) QMCTC, min of mtg No. 2, 26 Jan 43. (2)
regarded. To compensate for the additional Ltr, Col Kennedy, OQMG, to Hq SOS, 30 Dec 42,
sub: Color for C&E. (3) 1st ind, Hq SOS to ACofS
weight, however, the QMC substituted a 12.29- G-4, 1 Jan 43, on same. (4) Memo, ACofS G-4, for
ounce duck for the 15.5-ounce duck, thereby CG ASF, 30 Mar 43, same sub. All in 400.1141.
lightening the weight of the treated duck by
Memo for file, James R. Redmond, Chief of Fire-
Resistant Duck Sec, JQMD, 19 Apr 43, no sub.
about ounces per square yard. 156 The 746 fin-
5 155 Fed Spec CCC-D-746, 17 Feb 39, sub: Cotton
ish had the advantage of giving fire and water Duck, Fire, Water, and Weather Resistant.
156 Rpt, Col Robert T. Stevens, Deputy Dir for Pur-
resistance and of providing longer life and good
chases, OQMG, and Ralph A. Butland, Textile Tech-
color for camouflage to the heavy tentage can-
nologist, 1 Feb 44, sub: QMC
Duck and Webbing
vas used in making large tents. Pool.
The national emergency soon directed atten-
Ltr, Col Doriot to S. P. Thacher, Chief of Rubber

tion to the finish applied to tentage fabric, since

Conservation, ANMB, 10 Aug 42, sub: Rpt on Rubber
chlorinated rubber was used as a fireproofing 158
QMC Spec JQD 242, 2 Dec 42, sub: Cotton
and waterproofing agent. Both crude rubber and Duck, Fire, Water, and Weather Resistant.

tion of the growth of microorganisms on fab- World War I, which was commonly used for
rics, and the Jeffersonville and Philadelphia De- housing personnel. In addition, the Army used
pots, several fungicides and treatments proved various other tents— command post, storage,
reasonably satisfactory for the purpose intended hospital ward, surgical operating, and as-

and were accepted on procurements of military sembly—as well as a large wall tent, which
items. 1 -

Since it was believed that the funda- served for general utility, and a smaller one for
mental principles of mildew-proofing should be officers' quarters.

clarified and established and that treatments Reviewing this situation, the ini- OQMG
could be improved, research continued in this development of a twelve-man experi-
tiated the
field throughout the war years. mental tent to effect simplification of the tent
The progress made in solving the problems procurement program and conservation of cot-
of water, fire, and mildew resistance was appli- ton duck. 163 Since the Army had adopted the
cable to textile items of clothing and of equip- twelve-man squad as a tactical unit, this new
ment. Similarly, what was learned about fabric tent was called the squad tent and was designed
construction in the development of water-re- to house the entire squad in training or over-
sistant fabrics for use in combat clothing could seas. It was twice as large as the pyramidal tent

also be applied to tentage fabrics. From the be- which it was intended to replace, but it con-
ginning of 1944 the high-sley oxford principle served duck by using somewhat less material
of construction was carried into heavier weight than two pyramidal tents. 164
fabrics. Since a critical shortage of cotton duck Simplification of issue through reduction in
developed during that year, this experimenta- the number of types of tents was to be pro-
tion proved helpful in solving the problem. moted by the substitution of the squad tent for
Tests conducted by the Textile Foundation the storage, hospital ward, and large wall tents
showed that flat ducks made in a jo-cloth
as well as for the pyramidal tent. These by ac-
type were superior in water repellency to num- tion of the QMCTC, were reclassified as limited

bered ducks of equal weight. This was extreme- standard items to be issued until the supply was
ly significant since it made possible the use of exhausted. The squad tent, which retained the
single yarn material in place of plied yarn dur- basic conceptions of the pyramidal tent, was
ing the duck shortage then facing the QMC.
The importance of restudying fabrics used for
159 Ltr, Col Doriot to Dr. E. C. Auchter, Dept of
tentage was evident to the Textile Section, and
Agriculture, 12 Feb 43, no sub.
developmental work in this field was continued 160
See R&DBr, Status Rpts for 1944 and 1945
through the war period. 162 under headings: Finish, Mildew, Pretreatment, for
Military Fabrics; and Finish, Textile, Resistant to
Degradation of Microorganism and Tropical Exposure.
This was the Quartermaster name applied to
fabrics using the principle of construction derived from
Squad Tent
the Textile Institute of Manchester, England. Officially
the specifications read high-sley oxford.
Development of newly designed tents began 162
R&D Br, Status Rpts, 31 Oct 44, pp. 56-57; 31
in 1942. Improved construction techniques were Dec 44, p. 56; 30 Apr 45, p. 57; 31 Jul 45, pp. 47-4£.
(1) Standardization Br, Rpt of Test and Devel-
not then factors for consideration. The QMC opment Work in Progress, 2 Jan 42. (2) QMCTC,
was concerned primarily with the production of min of mtg No. 10, 6 Oct 42.
special types of tents for a particular use. When 164
(1) Lt Earl M. Savitt to Chief of R&D Sec,

the war started the Corps was procuring and

OQMG, 15 Feb 42, sub: Squad Tent, Model 1942
(Experimental). (2) Memo, Gen Corbin, OQMG, for
utilizing the pyramidal eight-man squad tent of ACofS G-4, 5 Mar 42, same sub. Both in 400.112.

standardized on 16 December 1942."" strength that their structural design presented

The Jeffersonville Depot objected to the pro- no particular problem when they were used, as

posed substitution of the squad tent for the heretofore, over relatively short periods of time.
other four tents because it would disrupt the In 1944, however, when the production of
procurement program and result in a serious the squad tent was to be greatly increased to
loss of production. "The present program will meet the large quantities requisitioned from the
meet the needs of our troops, and why make field, the structural soundness of the tent and
changes when the change will not materially af- the principles of its construction were ques-
fect any factor in winning the War?" l66
It was tioned. When reports of excessive tent failures
suggested that procurement be limited to an began to come in from the Pacific early in the

experimental quantity of 10,000 squad tents so war, the explanation at first was in terms of in-

that the difficulties of production could be de- adequate protection against fungus attack. Later
termined before a complete change-over was it became evident that basic structural weak-
made. These views, supported by the Procure- nesses existed in the tents used by the Army.
ment Division, OQMG, were not concurred in Contrary to the principles employed in other

by the Military Planning Division, which advo- types of housing, the entire support of the tent
cated the substitution. was provided by the roof fabric itself. Concen-
The views of Quartermaster procurement trated stress at various points led to excessive
personnel prevailed because of the necessity for elongation of the fabric, resulting in leakage at

continuing large-scale production of the old- the seams and rupture of the fabric.
style tents after the United States entered the Through the National Research Council, the
war, inasmuch as no new design was immedi- Military Planning Division entered into a con-
ately available. Even after a new design had tractual arrangement with the Institute of In-

been developed, many months would elapse be- dustrial Research at the University of Louisville

fore volume production could be attained. By to study the problem of stresses and strains

the time the new squad tent had been standard- placed on tentage fabrics when used in tents.

ized in 1942, more than a million of the four The study of tent design and construction was
old-type tents had been manufactured, a quanti- later broadened to include other phases, such as

ty sufficient to meet immediate Army require- the problem of heating and ventilating tents. 169
ments. Only 19,000 squad tents were delivered Based on the findings of the Institute of In-
168 dustrial Research, certain constructional modifi-
in 1943. Although production of this item
increased many times to meet the large require-
ments of 1944 and 1945, the squad tent did not
( 1 ) [2d ind], Hq SOS to TQMG, 16 Dec 42.
(2) QMCTC, min of mtg No. 12, 20 Oct 42. (3) The
replace the storage, hospital ward, large wall, hospital ward tent remained in use for field hospitals
and pyramidal tents during World War II, and having more than 500 beds.
thus the simplification objective of the Research
166 Ltr, Brig Ben Allen R. Kimball, CG JQMD, to
TQMG, 2 Nov
Squad Tents, 424.1.
42, sub:
and Development Branch was not attained. 167
(1) Mil Ping Div to Procurement Div, OQMG,
No radical changes in construction were em- 11 Nov 42, sub: Squad Tent. (2) Procurement Div to

The Mil Ping Div, OQMG, 21 Nov 42, same sub. Both
bodied in the design of the squad tent. con-
in 424.1.
struction of tents was still viewed chiefly as a 168 QMC, 1945, p. 53.
Statistical Yearbook of the
matter of providing a desired amount of cov- 169
(1) Institute of Industrial Research, University
of Louisville, Tent Design and Construction, Textile
ered floor space by using certain conventional
Series, Rpt 15, Tent Research Rpt, 1, n.d. (2) R&D
elements of construction, such as walls and Br, Status Rpts, Feb-Aug 45, under headings: Tent,
sloping decks, and by utilizing fabrics of such Construction and Material; Tent, Design and Material.

cations of the squad tent design were proposed needs, The Quartermaster General requested
early in 1945. To eliminate the strain placed authority to procure 30,000 of the portable shel-
upon canvas used in the tent roof, it was planned ters as direct substitutes for the squad tent.

to suspend the roof canvas on a webbing frame To permit this procurement, the QMCTC rec-
which would carry the load.' 70 At the same time ommended, and Headquarters, ASF, approved
consideration was also given to raising the classification of the item as a limited procure-
height of the side walls of the squad tent from ment type. The war ended before results
the approved AVi feet to 6 feet. Information could be obtained, but developmental work
from Pacific theaters had indicated that tents continued.
were being erected over built-up frames to raise

the tent higher from the ground, thereby pro-

viding better ventilation and more efficient use Maintenance Shelter Tent
of interior floor space. 171
Unfortunately the proposed modifications re- The development of one other type of tent
quired the use of more duck for the side walls merits attention since it involved a basic change
and more cotton yarn to produce the required in design, a rigid frame in
namely, the use of
webbing. The limitations of production again lieu of poles and pins. The mechanization of
prevented the procurement of a new design. the Army gave rise to a need for portable shel-
The findings of research were therefore not ap- ters in which to repair vehicles under blackout

plied to the production of tents during the conditions. This need was particularly stressed
war.' by Armored Force observers returning from

By this type of construction "the entire strain of
the tent is carried from the ridge line through a piece
Portable Squad Shelter of heavy webbing to a D-ring at the eave-line to which
the tent rope is attached through a movable bar." The
One development in design that evolved out roof canvas was simply laid on the webbing and
stitched to it but carried no strain other than its own
of the critical shortage of duck in 1944 grew out
weight. Textile Sec to QMCTC
Sec, OQMG, 3 May
of the effort to find substitutes for tentage duck. 45, sub: New Type Tent Construction, 424.1.
At the request of Headquarters, ASF, 173 a proj- 171
(1) Col Dill, Rpt on Observations in SWPA
and POA, Oct-Dec 1944. (2) Ltr, Gen Doriot,
ect was initiated to develop a lightweight port-
OQMG, to Hq ASF, 21 Mar 45, sub: Modified Squad
able shelter which would use less duck yet be Tent, 424.1.
comparable in size and shape to the squad tent. 172
(1) 7th ind, Hq ASF to TQMG, 19 May 45, on
The shelter was also to provide more storage ltr, Gen Doriot toHq ASF, 21 Mar 45, sub: Modified
Squad Tent. (2) QMCTC, min of mtg No. 9, 8 May
space than the storage tent and to be transport- 45.Both in 424.1.
able in a 2V^-ton 6x6 truck.
Developmental 175
( 1 ) Memo, Hq ASF for TQMG, 1 1 Nov 44,

contracts were given to a number of engineer- sub: Substitute for Duck. (2) Ltr, Hq ASF to TQMG,
5 Dec44, sub: Substitutes for Tents.
ing concerns, and experimental models employ- 174
(1) R&D
Br, Project Record SD 4-45, Jan 45,
ing aluminum, steel, or plywood roofs, and cot- sub: Substitute for Tents. (2) R&D
Br, Status Rpts,
31 Jan-31 Jul 45, heading, Substitute for Tents.
ton duck sides and ends, were designed. 175
Ltr, OQMG to Hq ASF, 10 Mar 45, sub: Sub-
On the basis of these models the OQMG stitute for Tents, 400.112.
drafted a specification embodying the best fea- 176
(1) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 30jun
tures of each. Models constructed along the 45, sub: Portable Squad Shelter. (2) QMCTC, min of
mtg. No. 14, 2 Jul 45. (3) 1st ind, Hq ASF to
specified lines were tested during the summer TQMG, 16 Jul 45, on ltr, OQMG to ASF, 11 Jul 45,
of 1945. In the meantime, to meet immediate sub: Portable Squad Shelter.

Libya, and in the summer of 1942 Headquar- al hospital tent, standardized on 7 July of that
ters, Armored Force, Fort Knox, Ky., requested year.
standardization of a blackout maintenance shel- The sectional hospital tent unit was rectan-
ter at an early date. 177 was recommended that
It gular in shape. Supported by a web frame, the
the tent be made large enough to accommodate tent was constructed so that a complete end sec-

a medium M3 tank or a 2V^-ton truck without and blackout

tion, including roof, side walls,
interference from uprights or ridge pole. doors, could be detached from the main body.
Headquarters, SOS, directed The Quarter- Additional center sections could be added to ex-
master General to initiate a project for develop- tend the tent to any desired length. At the time
ing such a tent. The Jeffersonville Depot of standardization it was the intent of the
manufactured a tent according to the proposed QMCTC to utilize the sectional tent to replace
military characteristics. The tent was suspended all miscellaneous tentage. Any of the special
over a steel frame to eliminate interior poles purpose tents, including the squad tent, could
that might interfere with maintenance work. A be constructed by adding or removing sections.
9-by-10-foot opening was provided in the tent Because of the stringency of the duck supply in
roof to enable cranes located outside the tent to the summer of 1944, however, it was inadvis-
raise or lower heavy parts of equipment. In able to make this change. The goal of standard-
order that the tent might be used for other pur- ization in tentage, therefore, could not be
poses than motor repair, this opening was achieved and remained a postwar objective.
equipped with heavy-duty slide fasteners. A These selected items of tentage by no means
number of the maintenance shelter tents were included all developmental projects on tents.

tested and found satisfactory by the Armored The QMC devoted considerable attention to
Force Board. The tent was standardized on 24 the development of such tents as the command
July 1943. post tent and the surgical operating tent for the
Medical Department. Discussion has been
limited, however, to only such developmental
projects as contributed to basic changes in the
Sectional Hospital Tent

One other feature introduced in tent con-

Ltr, Hq Armored Force to CG ASF, 11 Aug 42,
struction during World War was the use of a
sub: Proposed Mil Characteristics and Request for
liner. The value of a layer of dead air as an in- Standardization of Blackout Maint Shelter, 424.1.
sulator had long been well known, but prior to 178
2d ind, Hq SOS to TQMG, 25 Sep 42, on above
1943 no attempt had been made to use a light-
(I) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 18 Jun

weight liner 180 to trap an insulating body of air 43, sub: Maint Shelter Tent with Frame. (2) 4th ind,
beneath the roof of a tent. Troops operating in Hq ASF, 24 Jul 43, on ltr, Hq AAF to TQMG, 24 Jun
43, same sub. Both in 424.1.
hot climates had discovered the merits of this 180
washable liner of tent twill, coated white, had
principle and some had improvised their own been used in the heavy operating surgical tent, but
insulating liners from salvaged parachute cloth. was intended chiefly for sanitation purposes and to
reflect and diffuse light within the operating chamber.
A liner was particularly needed in hospital tents,
(1) Ltr, Brig Gen R. W. Bliss, SGO, to TQMG,

and when a developmental project was initiated 2 44, sub: Hospital Ward Tent. (2) Memo, Col
in 1944 to modify the existing hospital ward Doriot for QMCTC, 1 Jun 44, sub: Tents. (3)
tent, a white liner made of 4-ounce cotton QMCTC, min of mtg No. 10, 6 Jun 44. (4) Ltr, Col
Doriot, OQMG, to CG ASF, 10 Jun 44, sub: Section-
sheeting to cover the entire inside of the tent alTent, and 3d ind, Hq ASF to TQMG, 7 Jul 44, on
was incorporated in the newly designed section- same. All in 424.1.

design of tents or to the trend toward standard- combination intrenching tool developed late in
ization. the war. In the field of organizational equip-
ment, the sectional tent was designed to replace
Summary all miscellaneous tentage.
Unfortunately, the program of simplification
In the years between World Wars I and II, was often nullified by other factors. The strin-
War Department appropriations permitted gency of the duck supply in the case of tents,
scant allowance for continued research in the for example, prohibited changes in procurement
field of personal and organizational equipment. to effect the standardization desired by the
At the same time the existence of large stocks QMC. Similarly, the immediate war needs in
lefton hand from World War I tended to stifle 1942 resulted in the initiation of procurement
initiative toward new designs, particularly in of old-style items of equipment which continued
the relatively simple items of personal equip- to be used throughout World War II.

ment. The American soldier went war in

to The QMC came to place primary emphasis
1941 equipped, for the most part, with items upon reduction in the weight of equipment
familiar to the doughboy in 1918. The larger which it designed. The Germans had been par-
part of the funds made available to the QMC ticularly successful in this field because of the
for developmental work in these years was chan- large supply of aluminum available to them.
neled into the field of automotive equipment, The QMC, handicapped by a lack of that light-
enabling the Army to enter World War II weight metal, was forced to work with substi-
equipped with the 2 V^-ton 6x6 truck and the tutes. As a consequence, the objectives of weight
jeep, two of the major contributions of the reduction and conservation of critical raw ma-
Corps to the winning of the war. terials were frequently in conflict. The use of
The nature of the war placed initial emphasis substitute metals resulted in an increase in the
on the development of special items of person- weight of the field range, for example, which
al equipment as well as specialized clothing. could be lessened only when improvement in
Immediate attention therefore was given to the the metal situation in the late summer of 1944
development of a jungle pack and other items permitted the Corps to return to the use of alu-
for the use of jungle troops, and such gear as minum and stainless steel. This factor of weight
rucksacks and arctic sleeping bags for troops op- was particularly important in mobile equip-
erating in Alaska. The ultimate trend in this ment of various types. The original models had
field, however, as in the development of cloth- all proved too heavy and slow for use in mod-

ing, was toward the use of standard items of ern warfare. These handicaps were overcome by
equipment by all troops, with specialized gear the use of aluminum, as in the new refrigerated
developed only for use by troops operating un- semitrailer, or by substituting for the van-tvpe
der extremes of climatic conditions. semitrailer with repair machinery installed in
While the demands of war required the de- it, a one-ton two-wheel cargo trailer in which

velopment of many new items, such as carriers the machinery was boxed and compactly ar-
for new types of ammunition and tools, the ranged for transit but set up in tents or build-
QMC emphasized a program of simplification ings for operation. Factors of weight and com-
which would make one item serve the purpose pactness became increasingly important during
of several, thereby simplifying the problem of the war as the use of supply by air increased.
supply. Thus the M-1943 shovel, pick-mattock, The capacity of being transported by air came
and ax were intended to be replaced by the new to be accepted as a necessary military character-

istic of Quartermaster organizational equip- the maximum production needed for winning
ment during World War II. the war. As a consequence, immediate procure-
Standardization, simplification, and weight ment could not always be initiated for an item
reduction were the major trends in the develop- of equipment developed by the QMC. Critical
ment of equipment. These, however, had to be reports from the field led to efforts to improve
achieved within the limits of the prevailing pro- existing items of equipment. More often than
gram of conservation of critical materials and of not the finalimprovement came too late to see
adjustments necessary to achieve and maintain service in the field during World War II.

The Development of Subsistence

Food supplied by the Quartermaster Corps to ingredients used in their preparation. This ra-

the Army is called subsistence. It has always tion, however, was not issued in kind but was
been among the most important items of mili- a money credit based on the cost of a definite
tary supply. Food must be adequate in quantity, quantity and quality of specified subsistence
varied enough to provide all the ingredients of items, both perishable and nonperishable.
a properly balanced diet, and acceptable to the Using this credit, organization commanders
soldier. To furnish energy his diet must contain might purchase a wide variety of subsistence
fats and carbohydrates; to build and repair his items to provide a balanced diet. The ration per-
body it must provide proteins and minerals. At mitted what was called a ration savings privi-
the same time his food must have sufficient vita- lege, permitting any savings from the money
mins and bulk to foster health. The regular credit of a certain month or period to be carried
serving of palatable food is the greatest single over for subsequent use. It could be used by the
factor in building and maintaining high spirit officer in charge of an organization mess to pro-
and morale. vide supplemental food and beverages on special
In time of peace supplying the United States occasions. Under system the commissary
Army with food was a relatively simple task. In of a post, camp, or station was organized to
the years between the two world wars, the provide daily a wide variety of subsistence items
strength of the Army was less than 200,000 in accordance with the individual wishes of or-
men. Small groups of soldiers were located at ganization commanders. Such supply offered no
scattered, permanent stations, and it was con- problems of research for the QMC.
venient for each post, camp, or station to pur- In time of national emergency and war, how-
chase its own food. Perishables were obtained ever, the garrison ration system was not used.
from local sources, while nonperishable foods Instead, the Army prescribed the items of food
were bought by the depots for direct delivery in to be issued for consumption on a certain day
regular quantities. The Army prescribed the use or during a prescribed period of time, both as
of a garrison ration in peacetime for all persons to variety and quantity. Each messing organiza-
entitled to it, the ration being "the allowance of tion drew its share of the prescribed food items
food for subsistence of one person for one and prepared menus accordingly. The compo-
day." 1
It consisted of thirty-nine components, nents of thefield ration had to be diversified to

the quality of which was prescribed by federal meet existing conditions of supply, availability
specifications. These components included not of transportation, storage space, and messing
only the meat, vegetables, fruit, dairy products,
and beverages served at mealtimes but also the AR 30-2210, Sec. I, par. 1, 15 Mar 40, sub: Rat.

facilities available to the consuming organiza- processing as dehydration, while the need to
tions. reduce the weight carried by soldiers, particu-
Only four of the field rations of World War larly members of special task forces, necessitated
II existed in 1939, but considerable confusion processing food so that it would occupy the
over ration nomenclature had developed by that smallest amount of space and yet provide the
time. To clarify the situation a subcommittee of required nutritional values. An emergency food
the Quartermaster Corps Technical Committee supply might be compressed into special choco-
in the fall of that year proposed the substitution late bars. Military requirements imposed by war
of the single term "field ration" for all old could not be satisfied by the extremely short
names, and the use of letters to distinguish shelf life and simplicity of packaging character-
among them. Consequently, the field ration was istic of commercial products. Hence foods of
classified into four types — A, B, the then new long shelf which maintained their nutri-

C, and D. 2 Each was intended for issue in a tional value, vitamin content,and palatability
given military situation. This nomenclature was had to be developed. Moreover, foods had to be
used throughout World War II but was greatly packaged to afford protection from the ele-
expanded during the war years by the addition ments, rough handling, gas contamination, and
of a number of other rations, such as the jungle, insect infestation. The solution of these prob-
mountain, five-in-one, ten-in-one, and K rations. lems formed a vital phase of subsistence supply.
Additional special rations were developed for
the Air Corps. Administrative Background
Although was once customary for armies

to subsist at least partly "on the country," sup- Administrative responsibility for research and
plementing basic supplies by foraging, most developmental activity in subsistence and in its
modern armies, including that of the United packaging and packing was subjected to a num-
States, found it necessary to use field rations for ber of changes in the opening years of World
feeding their troops in combat zones. Regard- War II. When the war began, all responsibilities

less of the military situation, American troops for subsistence, including research in this field,

had to be fed. The fact, also, that during World were centralized in a Subsistence Branch within
War II they were widely distributed in many the Supply Division. A Subsistence Research
areas of varying climatic conditions, thousands Laboratory, 3 established in Chicago in the sum-
of miles and many days away from the home
source of supply, introduced other elements
which had to be considered in subsistence re-
(1) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 15 Sep
39, sub: Fid Rat. (2) 2dind, TAG to TQMG, 1 Nov
search. The development of adequate rations
39, on memo, Brig Gen A. B. Warfield, OQMG, for
posed problems ranging from the maintenance TAG, 5 Oct 39, no sub. (3) See Harold W. Thatcher,
The Development of Special Rations for the Army (QMC
of their nutritional adequacy to their acceptabil-
Historical Studies 6,September 1944), pp. 7-8. Here-
ity, utility, and stability, despite prolonged ship- Thatcher, Special Rations.
after cited as
ment and storage under a variety of adverse 5
The laboratory will be referred to by this name
although after its reorganization in February 1944 it
was renamed the Subsistence Research and Develop-
In addition, Quartermaster subsistence per- ment Laboratory. In the postwar period, after 1 March
sonnel were concerned with problems of pack- 1946, it became known as the Quartermaster Food and
Container Institute for the Armed Forces. (2) For an
aging and packing and the conservation of
extended account see Walter Porges, The Subsistence
shipping. The limited amount of shipping Research Laboratory (CQMD
Historical Studies 1,
space dictated the use of such-techniques of food 1 May 1943).

mer of 1936, gave the Subsistence Branch and the Subsistence Research Laboratory at
technical advice, carried on research and devel- Chicago. As in the case of subsistence research,
opment for rations and subsistence items, and by December 1942 responsibility for it was
prepared specifications governing their procure- vested in the Research and Development
ment. Responsibility for subsistence had for Branch of the Military Planning Division. Re-
many years been vested in an independent Sub- sponsibility for packing,on the other hand, was
sistence Department, which was absorbed by transferred from the Standardization Branch to
the QMC in 1912 and was thereafter organized theDepot Division early in 1942 and in July of
on an integrated commodity basis, first as the that year was vested in the Storage and Distri-
Subsistence Branch and then as a division. Thus bution Division where it remained during the
a tradition of autonomy was fostered, which war years. 8
conditioned many of the organization's adminis- Because the facilities of the Subsistence Re-
trative relationships during the war. 4 By Decem- search Laboratory for research on, and testing
ber 1942, in line with the functional reorganiza- of, packaging and packing were limited, the
tion of the OQMG, responsibility for research Military Planning Division early in 1943 made
and developmental activity in subsistence had arrangements to up a physical testing labora-

been transferred to the Research and Develop- tory, called the Washington Package Research
ment Branch of the Military Planning Division. 5 and Development Laboratory, at the Washing-
By reason of its membership in the Subsistence ton Quartermaster Depot in Cameron, Va., for
Research Project Board, however, the Sub- conducting research on the packaging and pack-
sistence Branch continued to maintain an active ing of all Quartermaster supplies. The testing
interest in research. of materials and the interpretation of the results

The Subsistence Research Laboratory re- were the joint responsibility of the Military
mained administratively a division of the Chi- Planning Division and the Storage and Dis-
cago Quartermaster Depot, but after December tribution Division. 9 Functions were divided be-
a Subsistence Section in the Research and De- tween this laboratory and the Subsistence Re-
velopment Branch of the Military Planning Di-
vision became responsible for assigning projects 4
See above, Ch. I, section on Evolution of Func-
to, and directing the technical activities of, the tional-Commodity Type Organization.
laboratory. From the fall of 1944 the director
OQMG OO 25-24, 14 Dec 42, sub: Subs R&D
of the laboratory also acted chief of the
-as 6
( 1 ) Activities Report of the QM Food and Con-
Subsistence Section. 6 tainer Institute for the Armed Forces, Vol.I, No. 3

Insofar as research in the packaging and pack- (August, 1948), 298-99. (2) CQMD Activity Rpt,
1-15 Oct 44.
ing of subsistence was concerned, responsibility 7
ASF Cir 29, 13 May 43, sub: Staff Responsibility
in 1939 was distributed among several offices for Packaging and Packing.
within the QMC. The distinction between
( 1 ) OQMG OO48, 20 Feb 42, sub: Asgmt of

packaging and packing was not always clearly

Responsibilities to Depot Div. (2) OQMG OO
31 Jul 42, sub: Reasgmt of QMC
Functions. Under
drawn, but, officially, packaging contained the this order the Depot Division became the Depot

product itself and frequently was designed along Operations Branch of the Storage and Distribution
Division. (3) It was subsequently renamed the Storage
with the product. Packaging was usually ac- Branch, OQMG OO25-38, 31 May 43, sub: Establish-
complished at the production point. Packing ment of Storage Br, S&D Div.
referred to the exterior or shipping container. 7
Ltr, Col G. F. Doriot, OQMG,
to Reqmts Div,
SOS, 12 Mar 43, sub: Packaging Program, and 2d ind,
Initially research in subsistence packaging was
Brig Gen W. A. Wood, Jr., Hq SOS, to TQMG, 1 Apr
carried out by the Subsistence Branch, OQMG, 43, on same.

search Laboratory to eliminate any duplication early sought by the Subsistence Branch,
of research activities in this field.
OQMG, and was continued under contractual
Efforts to develop food products for military arrangements by the Subsistence Section of the
use were centered at the Subsistence Research Research and Development Branch, OQMG,
Laboratory. Starting as a small, ill-equipped, after December 1942. Many universities and
understaffed organization in 1941, the labora- colleges contributed to subsistence research
tory added more people and equipment as its either through direct contact with the QMC
activities increased during the war. In the early concerning special problems referred to them,
part of the war the laboratory's facilities were or as a result of experimentation undertaken in
adequate for rather rough storage, utilization, conjunction with various bureaus of the Depart-
and acceptability testing and for chemical, bac- ment of Agriculture, its experimental stations,
and vitamin evaluations. Subse-
teriological, and its regional research laboratories.
quently additional equipment enabled it to In addition to dealing with food and food
perform more refined testing of all these as well packaging concerns and with university groups,
as to undertake other developmental work. the QMC also had connections with other serv-
For lack of time the results of a true research ice laboratories interested in similar problems,
program could neither be established nor such as the Medical Nutrition Laboratory of the
utilized during the war. Although a consider- Office of The Surgeon General and the Aero
able body of technological and production Medical Research Laboratory at Wright Field.

knowledge and skill existed in industry, it had To these must be added the informal and for-
not been related to military requirements for mal relationships with a number of other gov-
food products, which, in any case, were being ernment agencies, among them the Department
determined as the war progressed. During the of Agriculture and the Fish and Wildlife Serv-
first two years of the war, the laboratory was ice of the Department of Interior. The achieve-
occupied with learning the latest production ments made in subsistence research during the
methods and applying these to the manufacture war therefore represented the cumulative knowl-
of products which would meet military needs. edge and co-operative efforts of all these organ-
In the last two years of the war, the laboratory, izations, both public and private.
with more people, increased facilities, and added
knowledge and experience, was able to concen- The Development of Special Rations
trate to a large extent on the development of
new and more satisfactory products and more The Subsistence Research Laboratory was
suitable rations. Its achievements were always, concerned chiefly with the development of
attained with the wholehearted co-operation of rations designed for use under operational con-

industry, whose contributions to the develop- ditions. Packaged operational rations were
ment of Army subsistence are too numerous for required not only for troops in actual contact
detailed discussion. with the enemy but for those cut off from their
In carrying out its mission the laboratory acted 10
(1) Ltr, B. E. Proctor, Chief of Subs Sec OQMG,
"as the hitherto missing military link between to Dr. J. H. White, Actg Dir SRL, 14 Apr 44, sub:
u Asgmt of Responsibilities and Functions. (2) Harold
research groups and production groups."
W. Thatcher, Packaging and Packing of Subsistence for
University laboratories, as well as the facilities the Army (QMC Historical Studies 10, April 1945),

of industry, were called upon to assist in the p. 16. Hereafter cited as Thatcher, Packaging and
solution of technical problems involved in de- 1
Activities Report of the Quartermaster Food and

veloping food for Army use. Such assistance was Container Institute, Vol. I, No. 3 (August 1948), 298.

normal source of supply or advancing so rapidly on the military operation in which it was to be
that their field kitchens could not keep pace used, but in general any ration had to be
with them. The problem of feeding soldiers in "economical of space and weight in transporta-
such situations was not new, but modern war- tion and storage, of facilities and labor in
fare, with its emphasis on mobile units, para- unloading, carrying, issue, preparation, and con-
chute-troop action, commando raids, and rapid sumption." l4
Eleven special rations l5
armored advances, broadened this subsistence standardized to meet specific tactical situations
problem. during World War II. These included types of
Even during the relatively immobile warfare rations designed for survival, combat, and group
of World War I, several special rations were feeding,from which the following illustrative
used, such as the reserve ration, the trench examples have been drawn for analysis.
ration developed in 1918, and the emergency
ration, popularly known as the "Armour
D Ration— Survival Type
ration" or "iron ration." In the years follow-
ing this war the QMC made efforts to improve One of the subsistence problems confronting
the reserve ration, but ration planning during the QMC was that of issuing food for the
this period was for the most part an academic individual survivor who could not get or expect
exercise. The history of subsistence research outside help. In World War I this problem had
parallels that of other Quartermaster items of been met by the use of the Armour ration,
supply in that lack of funds and personnel issued as an individual emergency ration. This
during the interlude of peace narrowly limited was replaced in World War II by the D ration,
developmental activity. After the mid-thirties which had been developed before the outbreak
interest in preparation for national defense of the war.
began to revive, and by the outbreak of war Field ration D was strictly an emergency
new field rations C and D had been developed ration. As a result of an OQMG
directive, work
to replace the obsolete reserve and emergency on it was begun in 1935 by Capt. Paul P.
rations then officially in use. As a result of the Logan, then head of the Subsistence School in
lack of interest in ration planning between the Chicago. 16 This work was completed by 1937.
two world wars, however, the Corps was com-
pelled to solve the ration problem hurriedly Porges, The Subsistence Research Laboratory, pp.
and under pressure during World War II, a 13
SR&DL, A Report of Wartime Problems in Sub-
procedure that emphasized the necessity for a sistence Researchand Development (13 vols projected
program of continuous research. by Quartermaster Food and Container Institute for the
Armed Forces), Vol. XII, Ration Development, prepared
In the development of packaged rations the by Capt John P. Samuels June 1947, pp. 4-5.
et a/.,

Subsistence Research Laboratory had to take Hereafter cited as SR&DL, Ration Development.
Ibid., p. 5.
into account factors which were often in con-
These were D, C, K, and
as follows: field rations
flict. Whatever the military or individual ten-in-one; the parachute emergency, and life-
life raft,

requirements were, they could be satisfied only boat rations, which were of emergency character; and
within the limitations of the availability of the the hospital supplement, aid station beverage pack,
kitchen spice pack, and aircrew lunch, which were
nation's food supply. Out of experience the
considered supplemental in nature.
laboratory eventually formulated four requisites 16
(1) Ltr, Lt Col Paul P. Logan, to Col OQMG,
for a satisfactory ration: acceptability, nutri- Gillespie, Fort Lewis, Wash., 1 May 41, no sub, 430.2.

13 (2) Porges, The Subsistence Research Laboratory,

tional adequacy, stability, and military utility.
Appendix IV, ltr to Col R. A. Isker, OIC SRL, 26 Apr
The particular kind of ration needed depended 43, no sub.

The D ration was the result of hundreds of Air Corps and in one of the menus of the ten-

experiments in combining chocolate, the basic in-one ration when the latter was standardized
ingredient, with different cereals. In the begin- in the late spring of 1943.
ning developmental work was based on the The D ration fulfilled the most rigid Army
theory that an emergency ration should not be requirements for minimum space and weight.
palatable lest it be consumed before an emer- From the standpoint of energy yield it was an
gency arose. Subsequently, at the instigation of especially good food source. Experience indi-

G-4 of the general staff, palatability was made cated, however, that the D bar was not com-
a requisite in order that the D ration might also pletely satisfactory even when used as a means
be used to supplement other food, such as of survival. While many soldiers found it useful

reserve and regular field rations, in the theaters as a concentrated, tasty, and quick means of
of operations. 17 acquiring energy, it produced nausea in some

In the end a palatable 4-ounce bar, contain- cases andmade men thirsty. This disadvan-

ing 600 calories, was developed. The chief tage alone made use of it inadvisable if drink-
ingredients were chocolate, sugar, oat flour, ing water was limited in supply. 21
cocoa fat, skim milk powder, and artificial Although it had been developed as a strictly
flavoring. The chocolate was unique in that it survival food item, the D bar was used exten-
was high melting point; it could
stabilized to a sively to supplement C and K rations. Men ate
withstand temperatures up to 120° F. Except it as candy or used it for making hot chocolate.

for minor changes in ingredients and in forti- Kitchens utilized it in baking pies and cakes
fication of the chocolate with vitamin B,, 18 no and in making puddings and cocoa. 22 Similarly,
changes were made in the formula for the D in the Southwest Pacific Area, the D ration was
ration during World War II. A ration consisted "rarely issued, except as a supplement to 'C
of three of these bars with a total weight of 12 Ration."
ounces and a total caloric content of 1,800. 19 In this area, certain defects were particularly
This new was always regarded as one to
ration noticed. D bars stored in hot, dry places were
be used strictly as a last resort, and then for subject to crumbling, a process that was pre-

only a brief period covering very few meals. ceded by the appearance of a white "bloom" on
The caloric content was therefore deemed ade-
quate for such a stop-gap use. 18
Ltr, Maj J. J. Powers, OQMG, to CO
In the summer of 1937 the new ration was CQMD, 24 Jul 40, sub: Addition of Thiamin Chloride
tested on a reasonably large scale in the field to Type D Rat, 400.112. (2) For a fuller account of

and provision was also made for storage testing.

the development of the D
ration as well as other spe-
cial rations see Thatcher, Special Rations, pp. 4-15.
The results of both proved favorable. Having 19
Col Rohland A. Isker, "Army Foods— Army
passed its "Logan
early tests successfully, the Menus," QMR, XXXII (July-August 1942), 90.
( 1 ) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 9 Nov
bar," as it was popularly called, was recom-
38, sub: Further Consideration of Emergency Rat. (2)
mended for standardization in the fall of 1938. 20 QMCTC, min of mtg 6, 18 Nov 38. Both in 400.112.
In addition to being used as a separate meal 21
SR&DL, Ration Development, p. 62.
in emergencies, theD ration was used as a com- OQMG,(1) Asst for Product Analysis to Sub Sec,
24 Apr 45, sub: Rpt 18-Hq ComZ, ETO,
ponent of other Army rations. A two-ounce D OofCQM, Mar, signed Littlejohn. (2) Same to same, 5

bar was included as a part of one of the meals 8 Feb 45, sub: Rations, extract from QM Fid Obsn
Rpt Maj Gen R. L. Littlejohn.
of the new K ration. It remained a component 5,
Memo, Maj Carl R. Fellers for CO QM Subs
of the supper unit of this ration. It was also Depot, USASOS, 3 Sep 43, sub: US Army Rat
included in the "bail-out ration" of the Army D, RAC ORB AFWESPAC QM Sec 430.2 Rat.

the surface of the bar. This bloom was a crys- for general use on a campaign and the other, a
tallization of the fat mixed with oat flour and more Spartan diet, to be consumed under actual
powdered milk in the bar itself. It did not combat conditions. The latter consisted of two
impair the food value of the ration, and, even cans containing the meat and vegetable com-
when crumbled, the D bar was still acceptable ponents, one 12-ounce can containing 8 ounces
for use in cocoa. of bran cereal, a 3-ounce chocolate jam bar,

The D ration, developed before World War and 1 ounce of soluble coffee. In September the
IIbegan, was available for immediate issue. rationwas shown to members of the General
During the war other types of survival rations Staffand representatives of the Navy and
were developed, particularly for the Army Air Marine Corps. All were keenly interested. The
Forces. The Subsistence Research Laboratory, OQMG, however, felt that the caloric value of
working in co-operation with the Aero Medical the ration ought to be checked and increased
Laboratory, developed several different food and directed the laboratory to undertake further
units, such as the life raft ration and the para- study along these lines.

chute ration, for inclusion in Air Forces kits. The laboratory soon discovered that the total
of 4,200 calories claimed for the ration was
based on a miscalculation of the nutritional
C Ration— Combat Type
value of the chocolate jam bars. The actual
While the D ration was the first modern caloric content of the three cans was only
emergency ration, it was not designed to fill the slightly more than 2,000. Since it was not fea-
need for a nutritionally balanced combat ration, sible to increase this content to the required
which could be readily carried by the soldier, amount, the only alternative was to include
and which would provide three satisfying meals more cans in the ration. The laboratory there-
a day, independent of outside sources of supply fore recommended that the ration be composed
and of central messing facilities. of six 12-ounce cans. Three of them would con-
When the Subsistence Research Laboratory tain meat and vegetable components. These
began in 1937 to study the problem of the com- were later designated as the M unit. The other
bat-reserve ration, it was interested primarily in three, subsequently called the B unit, would
revising the existing reserve ration. Not until contain bread, coffee, and sugar components.
March 1938 did this study take a turn. new The total would have a caloric content of 3,348.
Then the director of the laboratory became con- By the addition of 8 ounces of the chocolate
vinced that "some system of individual carrying emergency ration, called the D bar, this content
of rations must be devised immediately." 24 By could be raised to approximately 4,500 calories.

June the main features of a new combat ration In the fall of 1938 the QMCTC approved a
had been worked out, and the director enthu- subcommittee recommendation that this ration
siastically described this revolutionary develop-
W. R. McReynolds, SRL, to Capt
(1) Ltr, Maj
ment to the OQMG. Packed in three cans, the
Logan, OQMG,
24 Mar 38, no sub, SRL File 430.02
ration, having a weight of 36 ounces and pro- Combat Rat. (2) For a full account of the early devel-
viding 4,200 calories, had "all the vitamins, fuel opment of the C ration see Porges, The Subsistence Re-
search Laboratory, pp. 53ff.
and regulating foods, and is far better in edi- 25 Ltr, Maj McReynolds, SRL, to Capt Logan,
bility and palatability than any meal that can be OQMG, 3 Jun 38, no sub, SRL File 430.02 Combat
cooked in a peacetime Army mess, let alone a Rat.

rolling kitchen in gas and shell attack." 25

Ltr, Capt O. E. Cound, OQMG, to CO CQMD,
18 Sep 38, sub: Combat Rat, 400.112.
Two forms of the ration were proposed: one 27
SRL, Research Rpt 95, 15 Oct 38, 400.112.

be considered as a replacement for the reserve popular with the troops. The awkwardness and
ration, and that it be developed until completely bulk of the containers made it almost impos-
perfected. In the meantime the Subsistence sible for the soldiers to carry a full day's rations.
Research Laboratory had been investigating ex- They wanted a flat, rectangular type of can, and
isting commercial products for possible use in recurrently expressed this preference during the
the M unit, but these were rejected because of war. 51 The men complained that there was an
their poor quality. By the summer of 1939 the excessive quantity of food, that it lacked variety,
laboratory was ready to report its findings to the and that in some instances it caused nausea. 32
OQMG. It listed ten varieties of the M unit it As a result, the size of the can was reduced in
had developed as well as three types of biscuit December 1940 to 12 ounces, and the amount
for the B unit, all differing from each other in of biscuits and coffee was also decreased. 33 At
flavor and texture. The ration weighed 5 the same time there was added to the B unit a
pounds, 10 ounces, and contained 4,437 calories. 1-ounce chocolate bar. This was a type of fudge
At the same time the laboratory adopted the and not to be confused with the 1- or 2-ounce
standard cylindrical sanitary can, holding about D bar previously suggested for inclusion. Later
16 fluid ounces, for packaging the ration in lieu hard candy was substituted for the chocolate bar
of the 12-ounce rectangular can which was no because it was felt that soldiers would and
longer produced commercially in sufficient should carry hard candy to eat between meals.
quantities to make large-scale procurement fea- The Subsistence Research Laboratory engaged
sible. in extensivedevelopmental work on the com-
Developmental work had now reached the
QMCTC, min of mtg 6, 18 Nov 38.
stage where the new reserve ration could be 29 SRL, Research Rpt 111, 21 Jun 39.
considered for adoption by the Army. In the 30
(1) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 15 Sep
fall of 1939 a subcommittee of the QMCTC, 39, sub: Fid Rat. (2) QMCTC, min of mtg 6, 28 Sep
39. (3) 2d ind, TAG to TQMG, Nov 39, on memo,
reviewing the whole field of ration nomencla- TQMG, TAG,
Gen Warfield, Actg for 5 Oct 39, no
ture,recommended standardization of the new sub.
reserve or combat ration as field ration, type C.
As late as the summer
of 1945 an observer in the
ETO reported: "Preference for the ration over the K
The ten varieties of the M unit, suggested in C still continues, in spite of the fact that on several
the June report of the Subsistence Research occasions new menus have been available to troops.
Laboratory, were reduced to three: beef stew, This preference, it seems, is due to the bulkiness of
the C ration and the difficulty encountered in carrying
pork and beans, and meat hash. The B unit was
it. For example, during the two recent river crossings

confined to a single type, which included all made in this area, those across the Rhine and the Roer,
three varieties of crackers developed by the lab- generally one ration was carried by the individual and
this ration was predominately the K. ration. ... If
oratory. Subsequently, to simplify production
the C ration were manufactured in a flat can approxi-
line operation, a kind of biscuit known as the mately the size of a K
ration package, it would no

"C square was substituted for these

biscuit" doubt be more popular, especially as new menus be-
come more plentiful." Hq ETO, OofCQM, Rpt 20,
three types. Formal announcement of the adop-
sub: Comments and Recommendations on QM Equip,
tion and standardization of the C ration was ETO, n. d. (circa May 1945), 319.1 Sullivan Papers.
made by The Adjutant General on 1 November
(1) Memo, Maj McReynolds, QM Sec Third
Army Depot, Alexandria, La., for TQMG, 22 May 40,
no sub, 430.2. (2) Lt Col F. V. Hemenway, Hq Third
Standardization of the C ration was accom- Div, Ft Lewis, Wash., to CG
Ninth Corps Area, 6 Jun
plished before a field test was arranged. The first 40, sub: Test of Fid Rat, 400.1 12.
2d ind, Col Logan, OQMG,
to TAG, 16 Dec 40,
large-scale tests were conducted during the 1940 on memo, Maj P. B. Mayson, Hq Fourth Corps Area,
maneuvers. The C ration was not unqualifiedly for TAG, 2 Dec 40, no sub.

ponents of the C ration. It found most commer- oratory and the Subsistence Section of the
cial canned meat products unsuitable for mili- Research and Development Branch, OQMG,
tary use. The more satisfactory of them, such as were intent on widening the variety of canned
pork luncheon meat, corned beef, and roast meats for ration components, improving exist-
beef, were being used in the B ration. In formu- ing commodities, developing new types, and
lating recipes for canned meat products and de- attempting to get the more desirable into pro-
veloping processing methods, the laboratory at duction. The buyer of canned meats at the
firstemphasized nutritional adequacy and bal- Chicago Depot and the procurement agencies
ance. As it became apparent, however, that all of the QMC generally were responsible, despite
nutritive factors could not be combined in a shortages of materials and labor, for filling pro-
single product, palatability became the primary curement demands with nutritionally adequate
goal. 34 When satisfactory formulas had been products which could be obtained most simply,
evolved they were submitted to the OQMG. uniformly, and in the largest amounts. The buy-
As previously stated, the ten different kinds er was interested in quality but he tended to
of M
unit suggested by the laboratory were re- favor the products he was sure to get in suffi-

duced to three at the time of standardization. cient amounts at the time desired. 36
The C ration had not been designed for contin- Even the limited variety of meats specified
uous consumption over long periods of time. It for the C ration, however, was greater than that

was not to be issued for more than 72 hours sometimes received by the soldier in the field.
and, within this limit, its three meat compo- The ration was supposed to be assembled with
nents were satisfactory. In actual theater opera- equal quantities of each meat component, but
tions, however, the ration was frequently used assemblers who had exhausted their stock of
for long periods. Instances were reported of sol- one meat unit would substitute one or two of
diers being fed the C ration for as long as 90 the others. The result was that packed cases
days. Such prolonged wartime use had not been sometimes contained quantities of one or two
anticipated. In the summer of 1940 the Subsist- meat units but none of the third. 37

ence Branch had indicated that the ration was The monotony of the C ration, the first of the
intended for use in emergencies in the forward special rations perfected that contained meat,
areas of the combat zone, where it was imprac- was heightened by the fact that its meat com-
ticable to use cooking or heating facilities. "The ponents, stew or hash, also appeared in the B
use of this ration will, therefore," it prophesied, ration. Such duplication was opposed in prin-

"be very infrequent and consequently a large ciple by the laboratory but this agency was not
variety is not essential." 35
responsible for filling supply requirements. The
The Subsistence Research Laboratory recog- factor of monotony was of minor importance to
nized that a greater variety of meat components
was desirable, but variety had to be subordi-
Report of Wartime Problems in Sub-
sistence Researchand Development (13 vols projected
nated to other considerations. When the first
by Quartermaster Food & Container Institute for the
large-scale procurement of the C ration was in- Armed Forces), Vol. XI, Meat Products, prepared by
Capt Joseph Czarnecki et al.,)\x\y 1948, p. 61. Here-
stituted in August 1941, it had to be confined
after cited as SR&DL, Meat Products.
largely to items available in great volume and Subs Br to Chief of Sup Div, OQMG, 28 May

from as many sources of supply as possible. 40, no sub, 430.2.

36 Marion Massen, Canned Meats Procurement for the
Throughout the war there was a constant strug-
Arnied Forces During World War II (CQMD Historical
gle in the canned-meats program between quan- Studies, Rpt 7, March 1946), p. 295.
tity and quality. The Subsistence Research Lab-
SR&DL, Meat Products, p. 63.

procurement personnel who were confronted one meat would appear more than four times
with themany problems involved in providing in the same packing case. The ten components

canned meats in large quantities. As a conse- were to be procured in equal quantities. Un-
quence, the low degree of acceptability of such fortunately, assemblers were again permitted by
foods as canned hash and luncheon meat was the Procurement Division to make substitu-

repeatedly reported during World War II. tions when they ran out of certain components,
The C ration retained its original form for and thus the procurement history of the old C
several years of the war. Its three meat compo- ration was repeated in the new type.

nents underwent only minor revisions. In re- Although the most conspicuous of the
sponse to the changing supply situation, the changes in the C
was the increased variety

grades, cuts, and proportions of the meat ingre- of the meat components, the B unit of the
dients were changed. 38 An attempt was made ration was also modified. To increase variety

to meet the criticism that the meat particles and acceptability the Subsistence Research Lab-
were ground too small by increasing their size oratory provided six B units. The bread com-
from one half to three fourths of an inch. It was ponent was changed by the use of three types
well into 1944, however, before automatic pack- of biscuits or crackers rather than the standard
ing of larger chunks of meat was at all success- C biscuit. Although crackers were still used,
ful. pending the outcome of studies on canned
By the spring of 1944 the need for an im- bread, the inclusion of jam components in the
proved combat ration had become imperative. new C ration made them more palatable. In ad-
There had been an interminable use of stew and dition, several new confections were included to
hash as staple B and C ration components. As a relieve the former emphasis on hard candy.
result of this overuse, complaints that the The original beverage of the C ration was

rations were unpalatable mounted steadily. In soluble coffee, which was included in each of
an effort to relieve the monotony the laboratory the three B unit cans. By the summer of 1942
had developed in 1942 four additional meat a greater variety had been achieved in beverage
units, but nothing came of them at the time.
39 components. It was decided that one of the B
In December 1943, however, one new unit con- unit cans should contain soluble coffee, one
sisting of ground meat and spaghetti was added. cocoa beverage powder, and one the lemon
Major changes in the C ration were made in powder which had also been used in the K
the summer of 1944 when a new specification
ration. The lemon juice powder, as well as

was issued providing for ten different kinds of other beverage crystals introduced later, carried

meat units, including such items as chicken and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). In theory three
vegetables;ham, egg, and potato; frankfurters beverages were thus provided for the soldier,
and beans; and ham and lima beans. The M but the men in the field refused to use lemon
unit of meat and vegetable hash was dropped powder, whether in C or K rations. There was
from the ration at this time. In April 1945 38Thatcher, Special Radons, pp. 26-27.
the meat and vegetable stew also was replaced 39 Ibid., 28. These units consisted of ham, eggs,
and potatoes; beef and noodles; ham and eggs; and
by a new type of beef stew. In an effort to in-
meat and spaghetti.
sure that the variety provided by the new meat 40 CQD 183, 28 June 44, sub: Rat, Type C, Assem-

components would actually be made available bly, Packaging, and Packing, 400.1141.
SR&DL, Meat Products, pp. 69-70.
to the men in the field, the new specification
4 -
Ltr, Col Logan, to
listed six specific menus along with packing 42, sub: Changes in the B Units of the Type C Rat,
schedules. These menus were rotated so that no 430.2.

not always enough sugar to sweeten it, and served, or other details necessary for guidance
whether itwas sweet or sour, few men eating in further developmental work. Instead of prac-
in the cold wanted a cold beverage. There were tical field experience the laboratory had often
reports of its use as a cleaning agent for stoves to rely upon its simulations of field conditions
or even as a hair rinse! A quartermaster of the in taking corrective action on subsistence items.
2d Infantry Division noted: Insofar as the old C ration was concerned the
reports showed that the biscuits of this ration
We used ration lemon powder dissolved in were not very acceptable. Soldier comments re-
buckets of water for scrubbing the floor when we
flected a deep-seated dislike for hash, stew, and
were living in buildings, and it worked out excep-
tionally well, cutting dirt spots and more or less lemon juice powder. So powerful was the preju-
bleaching the wooden floors. 43 dice against the C ration in the Pacific theaters
that was questionable whether the new type

When the new specification for the C ration of C ration could overcome it. The Assistant for
was published in April 1945, 44 synthetic lemon Product Analysis in the Research and Develop-
juice powder was eliminated. ment Branch, OQMG, suggested the desirabil-
The new C ration was further improved by ity of changing the labeling or the packaging

the addition of an accessory kit. Cigarettes and of the new ration to eliminate this handicap. 45
matches had been included in two of the B units When the new C ration began to reach the
since March 1943. They were now increased in field, however, it was praised very highly, lead-
quantity, and gum was also added. The useful- ing one observer to conclude that "the simplic-
ness of toilet paper as an accessory item had ity of supplying and preparing C ration, the ac-
been shown in the ten-in-one ration and was ceptability of its new components, and the
therefore now added to the new C ration. All filling properties of this ration as modified, all
of these items, including halazone tablets for insure it a leading role in future operations."
purifying water, and a small can opener, were
assembled in accessory packets which were
K Ration— Assault Phase
made from laminated to kraft paper, and

were inserted between the round cans when The C ration was a combat ration but the
they were packed in shipping cases. combat situation had to be sufficiently stable to
Soldier opinion of the old C ration, as well permit daily resupply. When the soldier was
was expressed in a num-
as of all other rations, actually fighting, as in the assault phase of com-
ber of reports, most of which were received by bat, he required a different type of ration. For
the QMC during the last year of the war. Ex-
cerpts from some of these reports became avail- 43
(1)Hq ETO, OofCQM, QM
Fid Observation
able to the Subsistence Research Laboratory, Rpt 14,1-7 Jan 45, 319.1 Sullivan Papers. (2) See
but soldier comments were apt to be too gen- also Lt Col D. B. Dill to Dir of Mil Ping Div, OQMG,
Rpt on Travel to NATO, 26 Oct- 13 Dec 43.
eral and too conflicting in nature to be of much 44
CQD 183B, 12 Apr 45, sub: Rat, Type C, Assem-
use as a guide to corrective action. The labora- bly, Packaging and Packing, 400.1141.

tory was permitted to send very few technically 45

Asst for Product Analysis to Subs Sec, OQMG,
23 Nov 44, sub: C Rat.
trained observers overseas. Hence it did not 46
(1) Col Dill, Rpt on Observation in SWP and
know what was being praised or criti-
precisely POA, Oct-Dec 44. (2) USAFFE Bd Rpt 138, 29 Mar
cized—under what specifications the item had 45, sub: QM
Bull #11 (Rat). (3) See also the
voluminous analysis of observers' and soldiers' com-
been produced, whether or not it had deviated
ments by the Assistant for Product Analysis on file in
from specifications, how the item was issued or the R&D Br, OQMG.

this situation the Subsistence Research Labo- phasis was therefore placed on securing the
ratory developed the K ration. greatest variety of palatable, stable, and nutri-
Although the laboratory had been experi- tious foods obtainable within the imposed limits
menting in 1940 and 1941 with pemmican as of space and weight. Maximum palatability of
the chief ingredient of a ration for mobile theK ration was sacrificed to these limitations,
troops, the origin of the K ration dates from which exerted the primary influence in the de-
June 1941 when the Chief of Infantry request- velopment of this ration.
ed the development of a ration which could be Late in the summer of 1941 development of
carried in the pockets of paratroopers' uniforms. this ration, usually referred to as the parachute
It was suggested that, in order to fit such pock- ration, had reached- the point where field tests

ets, each packaged ration should be 6 inches were desirable. About the same time the Chief
long by 2 Vi inches wide by 1 inch thick, with a of Infantry emphasized that there was no
weight of not more than three fourths of a conflict between the needs of parachute troops
pound. The recommendation proposed the in- and other types of troops, and he recommended
clusion of four sodium chloride tablets, to be that "all-around suitability rather than a highly
used to replace salt lost from the body by ex- specialized use be the objective."
cessive perspiration, and suggested consider- Shortly thereafter representatives of The
ation of the use of chocolate, peanuts, raisins, Quartermaster General and the Chief of In-

concentrated soups, bouillon cubes, and fruit fantry agreed to designate the new item as Field

juice powder because of their food value and Ration, Type K, thereby eliminating any limita-
compactness. 47 tion as to the function which the ration might
Working in co-operation with Dr. Ancel fulfill.
Extensive tests were made of the K
Keys of the University of Minnesota, the Sub- ration in the fall and winter of 1941-42, and it

sistence Research Laboratory had been experi- emerged with flying colors. 51

menting with pemmican biscuits, cervelat The commanding general of the Army
sausage, beverage concentrates, and special con- Ground Forces felt that the findings of some of
fections, and it was therefore able to make the tests were sufficiently conclusive to warrant
counterproposals. 48 In particular the laboratory standardization of the K ration without waiting
objected to the small size of the ration, propos- for completion of all the comprehensive tests.

ing instead dimensions of 6V2 by 5V4 by \ A

In thesummer of 1942 the QMCTC recom-
inches. The laboratory viewed favorably the use mended adoption of the K ration. Official an-

of all the proposed ration items except sodium

chloride tablets, which were already being is-
( 1 ) Ltr, Lt Col W. C. Lee, Hq Provisional Para-

sued by the Army, and concentrated soups, chute Group, Ft Benning, Ga., to Coflnf, 17 Jun 41,
which required boiling water for preparation. sub: Rat for Use by Parachutists. (2) 2d ind, OCI to

Two sample rations were sent for consideration

TQMG, 27 Jun 41, on same. Both in 400.112.
(1) 4th ind, Col Henry B. Barry, CQMD, to
to the Provisional Parachute Group. One of TQMG, 22 Jul 41, on ltr cited in n. 47. (2) Ltr, Col
these, containing 12 pemmican biscuits, a \Vi- Isker, SRL, to Col Lee, Ft Benning, Ga., 22 Jul 41,
sub: Parachute Rat. Both in 400.112.
ounce cake of Type D chocolate, a meat prep- "9 2d ind, Col M. S. Lough, OCI, to TQMG, on
aration, and a lemon or orange powder soluble memo, Col Lee, Ft Benning, Ga., to SRL, 28 Jul 41,
in cold water, may be considered the direct pro- no sub, 400.112.
*° Ltr, Col Logan, OQMG, to Col Isker, SRL, 13
totype of the K ration. Early experimentation
Nov 41, no sub.
of the laboratory had demonstrated that a ration 51
For an extended discussion of these tests see

must be appealing as well as nutritious. Em- Thatcher, Special Rations, pp. 43-48.

nouncement of the standardization, however, When pressed, soldiers would admit that the
was delayed until November. 52 K ration was a necessary item, but it was sound-
Development tended toward designing the K ly criticized nonetheless. Similar complaints
ration in meal packages rather than a single flowed into the OQMG from all theaters. All
package for an entire day. These were labeled troops disliked the biscuits— Defense, K-l, and
"breakfast unit," "dinner unit," and "supper K-2— whether on Attu, in North Africa, or on
unit." In the course of development the weight Leyte.They were decidedly opposed to the use
of theK ration increased to 36 Vi ounces net of lemon powder and were extremely critical of
weight or A6V2 ounces including the outer the inclusion of nonpopular brands of cigarettes.
wrappings, but the caloric content remained
In general the men will not eat K rations after
about the same. The composition and the pack- a few days. They will pick out the chocolate bar,
aging of the K ration varied in many minor de- drink the coffee, and eat the soda crackers if they
tails during the war period. To trace these are the salted type. They will usually eat the cheese
for about a week, after which they get tired of it. 54
changes in detail would be tedious, and a
graphic presentation (Chart 8) is sufficiently Although from a nutritional viewpoint it was
explanatory. 53 necessary for a soldier to eat all portions of the
The successive revisions of the K ration in- K ration in order to receive full food value, ob-
creased its palatability but it remained inferior servers agreed that troops threw away disliked
in this respect to the improved C ration. Like items, thereby upsetting the nutritional balance
the latter it included, by the end of the war, the laboratory had sought to achieve in this
nonfoodstufT items intended to provide addi- ration. 55
tional comfort for the soldier. Similarly, the The K ration represented only one of several
trend of development moved from the use of rations developed for use during the assault
finely ground potted meats to the use of sliced phase of combat. On the basis of requirements
meat or chunk meat products. A number of in the Pacific theaters the Subsistence Research
these— chicken solid pack, ham steak, and pork Laboratory in 1944 undertook the development
steak— were developed by the Subsistence Re- of a ration that would satisfy troops in the first
search Laboratory and approved by the OQMG, phase of an amphibious assault. As a result an
but the war ended before these items could be assault lunch was perfected. The provision of
procured. Field criticism had underscored the in-flight food for air crew members opened up
need for revision of the K ration, but priority of 52
(1) Memo, Maj J. R. Dryden, AGF, for TQMG,
development at the laboratory was given to the 1 1 May 42, sub: Test of Fid Rat, Type K Emergency,
new C ration and the ten-in-one. 400.112. (2) QMCTC, minofmtg4, 25 May 42. (3)
2d ind, Hq SOS to OQMG, 27 Nov 42, on memo,
The K ration was intended for use in the as-
Col Doriot, OQMG, for Chief of Dev Br, Reqmts
sault phase of combat. The
and succeeding
first Div, SOS, 17 Nov 42, sub: Standardization of Rat
waves of troops would go into action carrying Type K, 430.2.
See Thatcher, Special Rations, pp. 56-58.
K rations, with D rations in their pockets for Dir of Mil Ping Div to Dir of Subs Div, OQMG,

use in case they were cut off. As positions were 30 Mar 45, sub: Rat, giving extracts from a report of
consolidated, the C ration would be issued to a captain of the Medical Corps recently returned from
the troops. In actual operation in the theaters, 55
See the voluminous
on soldiers' and observ-
however, both C and K rations might be uti- ers' comments on the K
from all theaters, cov-
lized during this period until, with the estab- ering the period 1943-46, extracts from which were
compiled by the Assistant for Product Analysis and
lishment of a beachhead, groups of men could
are now on file in the Research and Development
be supplied with the ten-in-one ration. Branch, OQMG.
Chart 8— Principal Changes in K Ration Components


K ^. :

AUG 1941 DEC 1941 APPI! 1945








uh "





4 OZ





s s
foiar paper



a large field of development posing many intri- were nevertheless procured before they were
cate problems. In the beginning little or no finally dropped.
attention had been given to in-flight feeding, Concurrently the Subsistence Research Labo-
but by the spring of 1943 the laboratory, in ratorywas developing a five-in-one ration,
co-operation with the Army Air Forces, was which was planned as a unit assembly of suffi-
developing the air crew lunch. 56 cient food to take care of five men for one day.
This ration grew out of the need of the Armored
Force to supply rations to individual tank crews
Ten-in-One Ration
and to fast-moving organizations. It was
Among the special rations developed by the intended to provide a ration as much like the
QMC the ten-in-one was the most important regular B ration as possible but one which
packaged ration for group feeding. It was would enable men to be completely self-suffi-
intended for use in combat situations not suf- cient in the field. Hence the selection of foods
ficiently stabilized to permit kitchen-prepared was suggested by the B ration but was modified
meals, though still allowing a minimum of to the extent that soluble coffee and pre-cooked
food preparation. It could be used for troops readily prepared cereals were used. Such food-
isolated in small groups, such as gun crews, stuffs were selected as could be easily prepared
armored vehicle crews, and small tactical by troops with limited cooking experience and
groups. However, when developmental work more limited cooking facilities. They were com-
on rations for group feeding was first initiated, mercially produced items both as to type of
the operational conditions for which they were product and size of container. Three menus
to be used were not clearly foreseen. were developed by the laboratory for this
The ten-in-one ration had three predeces- ration, which included forty different food
sors—the mountain, the jungle, and the five-in- items. By August 1942 developmental work was
one rations. 57 The first two of these originated approaching completion, and a considerable
during 1941 and 1942 in the OQMG, where the quantity of the five-in-one ration was procured,
Army's emphasis on the organization of special although like other group-feeding rations it

troops, such as parachute troops, jungle troops, was not standardized.

mountain troops, and armored forces, was A special ration providing food for ten men
translated into Quartermaster concentration on for one day had been under consideration in
specialized clothing, equipment, and food for this same period, but the project remained
such troops. The developmental work on these dormant until the spring of 1943. Then it was
two rations, each intended to feed four men for suddenly revived and rapidly pushed to a suc-
one day, was chiefly accomplished by the Spe- cessful conclusion as a result of two factors.

cial Forces Section of the OQMG. However One was the great success of the British Com-
essential a special ration might be for mountain posite Pack during the North African campaign
troops, considerable doubt existed as to the in the fall of 1942. This "Compo" ration, pack-
need for special types of food for troops operat- aged to feed fourteen men for one day and con-
ing in jungle areas. The Subsistence Research taining nine different menus, was intended to
Laboratory was extremely critical of these two provide the only subsistence in new operations
rations and urged that procurement be held to
56 For elaboration of this development work see
a minimum until field reports demonstrated
SR&DL, Ration Development, pp. 49-59.
their adequacy. Although these rations were not 57
For an analysis of the development of these
standardized considerable quantities of them rations see Thatcher, Special Rations, pp. 64-90.

for as long as forty-two days. The Research and conference between representatives of the
Development Branch made complete study of
a OQMG and the AGF. Since theater reports
this ration in the spring of 1943, and it stressed the need for speed, the Research and
undoubtedly had much influence on the devel- Development Branch, in collaboration with the
opment of the ten-in-one ration. 58 Subsistence Research Laboratory, undertook to
The second factor was the movement for complete development of the ration within 30
simplification of rations which gathered impe- to 45 days. A weight limitation of 40 pounds
tus in the fall of 1942. The trend toward diversi- had been imposed, necessitating a considerable
fication, illustrated by the mountain and jungle use of dehydrated foods. During the course of
rations, reached its climax in the spring. A development the laboratory evolved two ver-
critic described the situation as follows: sions of the ration, each containing three
menus. The chief difference between them was
Development during the last two years in an
that in one set all meals were arranged on a
effort to furnish a suitable type of combat ration
having the qualities of light weight, small bulk group basis, and in the other a unit of the K
and adequate nutritional value has been highly suc- ration was substituted for the dinner in each
cessful insofar as bulk, weight, nutritional value menu, thus permitting individual distribution
and palatability are concerned, but has also had the of the midday meal. 61 The use of the K ration
undesirable result of producing a large number of
permitted the inclusion of a greater number of
different types of packaging and types of com-
ponents to fit local conditions of terrain and cli- items for the two group meals and resulted in a
mate, and even to fit particular types of equipment. higher caloric value for the entire ration.
The resulting complexity has so involved both the Accordingly it was this set which was selected
supply problem and the problem of the ultimate for adoption. It had also been decided that
breakdown for use that an immediate simplifica-
distribution to smaller tactical units would be
tion is considered essential. 59
materially aided by packing the ration on a
As a result of a series of conferences in the fall double five-in-one basis. Before standardization
and winter of 1942^43, representatives of the in June some additional changes were made,
AGF and the QMC agreed upon the develop- including the increase of the number of menus
ment and standardization of two special rations to five and the addition of towels to the non-
(in addition to the type A and type B field food items in the ration.
rations) that should eventually replace all the Although a number of other minor changes
special rations then being procured for the were made, the most important modification of
AGF. The two special rations included an indi- the ten-in-one ration was initiated in 1944. In
vidual combat ration and a smali-group field the original development ithad been assumed
ration. Development of the former proved that tactical considerations would necessitate an
unsuccessful, and consequently the C, K, and
D types of field rations continued to be utilized
58 R&D Br to Opns Br, Mil Ping Div, OQMG, 16
Mar 43, sub: Lessons Derived from Opns at
during World War II. On the other hand, the Casablanca and Oran.
J. S. Tanner, Asst Ground Adj Gen, to
59 Ltr, Lt Col
quest for a small-group ration was successful
and resulted in the standardization of the ten- CG ASF, 28 Mar 43, sub: Simplification of Rat for
Active Fid Opns.
in-one ration in June 1943. 60 It replaced the 60
( 1 ) Rpt, Subcom, QMCTC, to QMCTC, 7 Jun
mountain, jungle, and five-in-one rations, which 43, sub: Ten-in-One Rat. (2) QMCTC, min of mtg
12, 8 Jun 43. (3) 4th ind, Hq ASF to TQMG, 25 Jun
were classified as limited standard.
43, on subcom rpt. Both in 430.2.
In March 1943 the military characteristics of 61
Ltr, Col Isker, SRL, to George Burgess, R&D Br,

the ten-in-one ration had been determined at a OQMG, 13 Apr 43, no sub.

2nd.HM.F0r 5 RATIONS


individual issue at noon. Use of the ration in nized, the Subsistence Research Laboratory
theaters of operations, however, demonstrated work toward increasing
started developmental
that, except in the case of the most exposed the food value and bulk of the noon meal,
infantry, was possible to heat all three meals.
it improving its acceptability and getting away
Reports from overseas indicated that the five- from the K type lunch. This had to be accom-
in-one ration with a group noon meal was more plished, however, without substantially exceed-
acceptable than the ten-in-one ration with indi- ing a slightly increased weight of 45 pounds per
vidual dinners. Furthermore, complaints from unit and without sacrificing individual messing
NATO about the similarity of the K ration and at the noon meal. 63 The weight factor was
the K type lunch provided for the noon meal
of the ten-in-one ration led to suggestions to
( 1 ) Ltr, Brig Gen J. P. Sullivan, Hq Fifth Army,
modify it.
Middleswart, Hq SOS NATOUSA, 19
to Col W. H.
The K rationnoon meal had been included May 44, no sub. (2) Ltr, Col Middleswart to Brig Gen
as the bestimmediate solution of the problem H. Feldman, OQMG, 25 May 44, no sub. Both in
in the rapid development of the ten-in-one 6J Ltr, Gen Feldman to Col Middleswart, Hq SOS
ration. Since its limitations had been recog- NATOUSA, 3 Jun 44, np sub, 430.2.

deemed to be especially important for opera- the five-in-one ration, the laboratory success-
tions in the Pacific. fully defended the use of five on the basis of
The laboratory was successful in developing their effect on acceptability.The commodity
new products permitting menus of greater branches of the laboratory were called upon to
variety. Such meat items as hamburger, pork recommend components on the basis of maxi-
tenderloin, pork and corn, pork and apple, and mum acceptability and availability.
sausage and apple were substituted for the dis- New menus, No. 6 through No. 10,
liked hash-type products. At the same time the submitted to the OQMG for approval. The
size of the meat cans was increased from 4 to 6 greatest single advance in the new ten-in-one
ounces. New confections were introduced and a was undoubtedly the use of canned breads
can of pudding was included as a dessert in the instead of the usual biscuits. Canned fruits were
noon meal. It was expected that the change to added to all five breakfast meals, and the bever-
the new meat items and confections could be age components were increased. The accept-
effected in six weeks, although it would take a ability of the noon meal was greatly improved
little longer to get production established and by the use of two popular chunk meats— beef
include the puddings. 64 To the accessory kit, and gravy and roast beef— as well as canned
containing cigarettes, halazone tablets, matches, hamburgers and frankfurters. For the first time,
can opener, soap, paper towels, and toilet paper, too, canned tuna and salmon were included as
were added other items, including a sponge for main meal items. Chunk meats were also used
cleaning mess gear used in cooking. Where for the supper meals. In addition, canned whole
space permitted, the allotment of cigarettes was white potatoes and sweet potatoes were added
increased to twenty per man. ascomponents separate from meat to avoid any
Further developmental work on the ration similarity to the stews which had been found so
during 1945 was aimed at increasing the accept- universally monotonous. The varieties of con-
ability of its components, and revision of the fections were increased, and all accessories were

ration was authorized accordingly in February standardized throughout the menus.

The Subsistence Research Laboratory The revised ten-in-one ration met with such
undertook to plan a ration that would be approval in Washington that Headquarters,
acceptable and nutritionally adequate, would AGF, recommended that the standard menus
permit standardization of container sizes and No. through No. 5 be reclassified as limited

interchangeability of components from menu to standard and that future procurement be made
menu, and would, at the same time, be practical of the new menus. It was understood that this
from a production and procurement viewpoint. revision had increased the weight of the unit to
The production requirements were particularly 58 pounds, but this was considered unimportant
important in the spring of 1945 because short- in view of the increased acceptability of the

ages and transportation difficulties were affect- ration. Troops, according to Headquarters, AGF,
ing the quality of the ten-in-one ration then 64
(1) Ltr, Feldman to Middleswart, 26 Jun 44, no
being procured. sub. (2) Memo, Capt Walter A. Maclinn for George

In February the laboratory revised the ration W. Burgess, OQMG,

14 Jun 44, sub: Modifications in
the Ten-in-One Rat, 430.2.
by changing the noon meal from an individual 65 For an analysis of the laboratory's work in the fol-
to a group issue basis. In this revision a fresh lowing months, see SR&DL, Ration Development, pp.
planning. Although 90-100.
start was made in menu 66
Br, Status Rpt, 28 Feb 45, p. 54.
the OQMG favored the use of three menus For reproduction of the proposed menus, see

because of the popularity these had achieved in SR&DL, Ration Development, pp. 95-99.

would seldom be required to carry the ration by zone of interior. was issued behind the com-

hand for any appreciable distance, and it could bat lines wherever troops were removed from
easily be divided into a two-man load.
A trial the sources of fresh foodstuffs and sometimes
procurement of the revised ration had been ap- even at the front itself. Front-line fighting
proved by the QMCTC, but the end of the war troops, however, normally consumed combat or
suspended the procurement of all special ra- emergency rations, such as C, K, or D.
tions. Theater evaluation of the new ten-in-one The B ration corresponded as nearly as was
during World War II is therefore not available. practicable with the components of field ration
A except that nonperishable processed or
canned products replaced those of a perishable
Development of Components of A and B Rations nature. Thus canned meats were substituted for
fresh meats; dehydrated and canned fruits and
The development of packaged operational ra- vegetables for fresh ones; evaporated or dried
tions constituted a primary, but not the only, milk for fresh milk; hard bread or crackers and
interest of the Subsistence Research Laboratory, canned jelly or jam for fresh bread and butter.
since the QMC had to feed troops behind the The B ration was a nonperishable one which
combat lines in theaters of operations as well as did not require refrigeration facilities and could
those located in the zone of interior. Field ra- be stocked at depots and railheads. It usually re-
tions, types A and B, the latter of which re- quired full field kitchens and ordinarily also
quired considerable developmental work, had needed field bakeries, although these might be
been designated for these purposes. Field ration eliminated by the use of hard bread or biscuits.
A corresponded as nearly as practicable with the The American meal pattern, which included
components, or substitutes therefor, of the gar- meats, vegetables, and dairy products, was re-

rison ration. 69 It was issued daily whenever cir- produced in the Army subsistence program'
cumstances permitted. Ordinarily it included The adaptation of many of the normal Amer-
such items as fresh fruits and vegetables. With ican food items to mass production and field

a few exceptions, field ration A was first pre- use brought a variety of developmental prob-
scribed for all posts, camps, and stations within lems.
the United States for a 3-month trial period be-
ginning 1 May 1941. 70 This directive was later

extended to provide throughout the war for the

Boneless Beef
use of the A ration within the zone of interior
at all posts, camps, and stations of more than Because of limited refrigerated storage and
2,500 strength, with some few exceptions. 71 The transportation facilities, the only fresh meats
A ration was also used overseas where availabil- available in overseas theaters were fresh frozen
ity of local perishables and refrigerated trans- meats, such as Army-style boneless beef and
portation permitted. semiboneless pork loins. When possible these
In overseas theaters, however, the limited were used to supplement the B ration. The de-

amount of refrigerated storage and refrigerated

transportation greatly restricted the quantity of
68 Ltr, Hq AGF to CG ASF, 14 Jul 45, sub: Ten-
in-One Rat, 430.2.
perishableswhich could be used. Often it was 69 AR 30-2210, Sec. I, par. 4d, 15 Mar 40, sub: Rat.
not possible or practical to use the A ration. 70
WD Cir 28, par. 17 Feb 41, sub: Rat.
(1) WD Cir 170, Sec. 16 Aug 41, sub: Rat.
Field ration B was normally used in operations
(2) WD Cir 195, 18 Sep 41, sub: Sales Commissaries,
overseas as well as during field training in the Fid Commissaries, and Rat.

velopment of boneless beef 72 was the result of for the preparation of Army boneless beef. The
many years of experimentation. The idea of basic characteristics of the technique thereafter
using it on a large scale in the field had origi- remained much the same. Changes made subse-
nated with Col. William R. Grove, Chief of quently were effected to improve the cuts of
Subsistence, during World War I as a means of meat, the distribution of cuts, and the packag-
eliminating the waste of carcass beef and of sav- ing. 76
ing shipping space. 73 The method used for bon- Late in 1939 the OQMG directed the Sub-
ing, freezing, and packaging beef in 1918 was sistence Research Laboratory to make a study of
rudimentary. At the end of the war, moreover, the feasibility of using boneless beef on maneu-
further developmental work was suspended vers. Itwas proposed to test its use during the
since no civilian or military demand existed for Second Army maneuvers in the spring of 1940.
boneless beef. The Army returned to the use of The laboratory recommended that the meat be
carcass beef. packaged in three groups instead of the two
Developmental work on boneless beef was used heretofore. It proposed packing 40 percent
revived in 1934 at the Quartermaster Subsist- for roasting and frying, 40 percent for stewing
ence School and was continued after 1936 by and boiling, and 20 percent as ground meat.
the Subsistence Research Laboratory at Chi- This division, it was urged, would result in the
cago. 75 This work was promoted by Dr. Jesse most satisfactory use of the whole carcass. 77 The
H. White, who had supervised the production introduction of the third class of boneless beef
of boneless beef for the Navy during World was a new development in the preparation of
War I. His efforts, however, received little or no the product. The Subsistence Branch, OQMG,
support until the when the lab-
late thirties, did not concur. It believed only two classes of
oratory enlisted the co-operation of Armour & meat should be provided on a 50-50 percent
Co. and Swift & Co. in the development of this basis— (1) roasting and frying meat and (2)
purely military item. It was anticipated that the stewing, boiling, and grinding meat. Since the
savings to be effected in storage, shipping space, equipment of the field range included a hand-
weight, and packaging materials would more operated grinder, the grinding of meat before
than compensate for the additional cost of pre- shipment was not deemed essential. Later in
paring boneless beef. A number of problems the summer of 1941, as a result of criticisms
were involved in this developmental work. The
first was the utilization of all edible meat from 72 discussion of this development see
For a full
each carcass to avoid prohibitive costs for the Elliott Cassidy, The Development of Meat, Dairy, Poul-
product. A
boning method had to be perfected try, and Fish Products for the Army (QMC Historical
Studies October 1944), pp. 4-15.
that would
result in the economical use of the 73 Ltr, Col William R. Grove to Maj Gen E. E.

edible meat of the carcass and, at the same time, Booth, 15 Sep 38, no sub.
74 For an elaboration of this method see SR&DL,
produce cuts of meat suitable for roasting, slic-
Meat Products, pp. 10-11.
ing into steaks, stewing, or grinding. Further- 75 Col Paul Logan, "Food's Part in Defense,"
more, the problem of packaging had to be QMR, XXI (May-June 1942), 63.
solved to provide for easy removal of coverings Cassidy, Development of Meat, Dairy, Poultry, and
Fish Products for the Army, p. 6.
and easy separation of individual pieces of 77
SRL, Research Rpt 125-40, 6 Mar 40, sub: Army
frozen meat to promote ease of use in the field Boneless Beef, 431.
with a minimum of preparation time. It was
(1) Subs Br to Chief of Sup Div, 11 OQMG,
Mar 40, sub: Boneless Beef for Fid Rat. (2) Ltr, Lt
1938 before a satisfactory boning technique was Col Carl A. Hardigg, to OQMG,25 Mar CO CQMD,
perfected and the QMC could write instructions 40, same sub. Both in 431.

made during tests on maneuvers, the specifica- in the continental United States which were
tion was revised to include ground beef. close to sources of supply. The successful de-
Boneless beef proved so successful during the velopment of partially boned pork loins was ac-
1940 maneuvers that various posts, camps, and complished in 1942, and frozen pork according-
stations requested it. In September 1940, for the ly was shipped overseas. Lamb represented only
first time since World War I, boneless beef was a small percentage of the total meat procure-
procured on other than a test basis. By January ment, but it was desirable to provide it to vary
1941 the OQMG was giving attention to pro- ration menus. Boneless lamb was developed
curing boneless beef in quantity. during 1942, but it was not procured because
World War II experience confirmed the ad- the yield of edible lamb was low in comparison
vantages which the laboratory believed boneless with the cost of the labor involved. In 1945,
beef possessed over carcass beef. Approximately however, the laboratory developed a method of
60 to 70 percent savings were made in transpor- breaking down and packing the carcass of lamb,
tation and storage space, and a saving of about called which not only required
30 percent was effected in weight. 79 From 45 to little labor but saved about 40 percent of the
55 pounds of meat could be packed in one fiber- shipping space. In 1945, too, the laboratory ini-

board box, 80 and these boxes could be easily tiated developmental work on "fabricated" veal.
and uniformly stored. The satisfactory storage This experimentation was brought to a success-
life of boneless beef was greatly increased over ful close only after the war ended. 81
that of the usual carcass beef. Since boneless
beef was packed according to definite uses for
which the respective cuts were adapted, its use Smoked Meats
largely eliminated the need for butchers in the Ham and bacon are among the most familiar
field to cut meat for distribution. The time re- meats in the American diet. The objective of
quired for preparing boneless beef in the field the QMCwas to provide the Army with
was only a fraction of that needed for thawing, smoked meat products that would remain palat-
boning, and cutting carcass beef. Furthermore, able and stable without refrigeration. During
the beef was 100 percent edible as compared to the Spanish- American War ham had been de-
a yield of approximately 70 percent for the best veloped that would stand up under field condi-
carcass beef. By excluding inedible and unus- tions without refrigeration. Dry salt bacon had
able portions from delivery, its use also reduced been used at an even earlier date. Unfortunately
to a minimum garbage disposal problems and the excessive dryness and saltiness of the meat
loss. An unanticipated advantage of frozen made it unpalatable. The experiences of World
boneless beef was that it could be used exten- War I had yielded similar and unsatisfactory re-

sively in the field to chill other perishable foods sults. With the advent of refrigeration, meat
while it was thawing. Boneless beef proved to packers developed a new type of mildly cured
be one of the most popular meat items used by ham and bacon commercial market.
for the
the Army during World War II. These products, however, were perishable, and
Undoubtedly the success of boneless beef required constant refrigeration. As a conse-
spurred the initiation during the war years of
developmental work applying similar tech- 79 SR&DL, Meat Products, pp. 15, 21.
niques to other meat products. Pork was second Packers were allowed to fill boxes with ground
meat to a maximum of 62 pounds, net weight.
to beef among meats used by the Army. Fresh 81
For discussion of these developments see SR&DL,
chilled pork was used primarily by installations Meat Products, pp. 22-31.

quence, commercial smoked meats were of tion to Hawaii in March 1942. 87 This failure re-

limited use to the Army in time of war. 82

They sulted in intensified developmental work on
were used at installations in the United States, smoked meat products for overseas shipment.
but they could not be shipped overseas since re- The processing method used for such products
frigerated space was extremely critical early in required long curing and produced a rather salty
the war, and food had to be held months before meat that was not highly palatable. In the con-
consumption. version of perishable to nonperishable products
With the enactment of selective service legis- the QMC was not completely successful in

lation in 1940 and the resultant expansion of achieving its goal, but the laboratory's develop-
the Armed Forces, the OQMG
and the Subsist- mental work did make smoked meat products
ence Laboratory became interested in develop- available overseas, adding variety to the sol-
ing ham and bacon that could be used in the diers' food.

field without refrigeration. Developmental work Surface mold, however, remained a wartime
was begun under Dr. Jesse H. White of the lab- problem. In an effort to eliminate it, the labora-
oratory, who worked in close co-operation with tory early in 1942 investigated and experi-
Mr. Harry Williams of the Research Depart- mented with various packing methods. 88 Pack-
ment of Wilson & Most of
Co. of Chicago. 83
ing hams in salt was the best method available
work had been ac-
the preliminary laboratory at the time of adoption, but it had disadvan-

complished by February 1941. Smoked hams tages. In particular, over a long period of storage
were prepared according to formulas prescribed it increased the brackish taste of the product.
by the laboratory. By April a proposed specifica- The laboratory experimented with packing ham
tion provided for two types of hams. 84 Those in lard. This method was found to be quite suc-

prepared by the long-cure method were des- cessful, but the OQMG did not follow up the
tined for overseas. "Defense" hams, essentially experiment. As a result of many complaints, the
a short-cured product, were developed for use packing of overseas hams and bacon in salt was
in this country, Puerto Rico, and Alaska, and discontinued in January 1944. A few months
dry salt-cured bacon for issue in the Hawaiian, later the use of ventilated boxes was specified to
Panama Canal, and Philippine Departments. permit the circulation of air which would
Defense hams were expected to keep from vaporize the moisture condensing on hams or
two to four weeks under field conditions, but draining from them. This new packing method
the first reports received from the field in June Col Logan, Subs Br, to Col Hardigg, Sup Div,

1941 indicated unsatisfactory performance. 85 OQMG, 17 Feb 41, no sub.

85 Ltr, Col Hardigg, OQMG, to Col Barry, CQMD,
Complaints of the development of slime and
21 Feb 41, sub: Travel Orders.
mold on the hams caused the laboratory to re- 84
( 1 ) Proposed Army Spec drafted by CQMD, 16
view the processing and packaging procedure. Apr 41, sub: Smoked Hams. (2) Cassidy, The Devel-
opment of Meat, Dairy, Poultry, and Fish Products for
The changes made were incorporated in a new
the Army, pp. 17-18.
specification, and resulted in better products. 85
Ltr, Col Barry, CO CQMD, to Col Logan,

The defense ham was regarded as satisfactory OQMG, 25 Jun 41, sub: Defense Hams.
U. S. Army spec drafted by CQMD, 16 Jul 41,
for Army use and was procured throughout
sub: Smoked Ham.
1941. 87
Ltr, Capt W. O.
Kester, Food Insp, to Subs Off,
Defense ham and bacon, however, were not Hawaiian QMDepot, 10 Apr 42, sub: Rpt on Condi-
tion of Defense Ham.
designed for and hence were unsuitable for ship- 88
( 1 ) Cassidy, The Development of Meat, Dairy,
ment overseas, as was demonstrated by their Poultry, and Fish Products for the Army, pp. 20-21. (2)
failure to withstand nonrefrigerated transporta- SR&DL, Meat Products, pp. 39-41.

was fairly successful in preventing slime and ingly called all pork luncheon meat "Spam."
mold resulting from wet hams. As refrigeration Through its overissue to troops, it became the
facilities increased in the ETO, the problem butt of many jokes. A Quartermaster observer
diminished in importance, not because the at Biak, referring to corned beef, corned beef
problem of developing smoked ham capable of hash, and meat and vegetable stew, inquired:
retaining its palatability and stability without
When going to be eliminated?
are those items
refrigeration had been solved, but because re-
Troops have been fed those three
in this theater
frigeration kept difficulties with this method of items so often that they simply pass them up now
packing to a minimum. The overseas ham, how- when they appear on the table. It is an old . . .

ever, was not suitable for shipment to the Pacif- contention of mine that GI Joe has become thor-
ic theater where refrigeration facilities were not
oughly allergic to stews and hashes. He wants
whole meat products. 90
similarly available, and an extreme shortage of
hams existed there. So deep-seated was this dislike that when the
observer showed a list of new meat compo-
nents, including one called beef and vegetables,
Canned Meats
to officers at Biak the general reaction, without
In the early stages of an invasion, troops ex- their having even seen the new ration, was:
isted on combat rations for a period varying "Look, they are giving meat and vegetables a
from a week to a month. Thereafter the B ra- new name."
tionwas utilized for a period of 60 to 90 days, It was the contention of the laboratory that

or until refrigeration became available in the it was not the products so much as the methods

new theater, after which the B ration was sup- of distribution and preparation which were at
plemented with perishable products. Until then fault. Certainly the frequent use of the same
frozen meats could not be used, and troops were meat components,whether indifferently or well
entirely dependent upon canned meats. The prepared in overseas kitchens, made for monot-
bulk of canned meats procured for the B ration ony and promoted criticism of the items. The
at the beginning of the war consisted of corned laboratory had pursued a program of continuous
beef hash, meat and vegetable stew, meat and developmental work to obtain a wide variety of
vegetable hash, pork luncheon meat, and canned meat products which had been submit-
Vienna sausage. The products were quite simi- ted to the OQMG. As a result of the com-
lar to those sold commercially and, in fact, prior plaints the OQMGapproved a wider variety of
to the issuance of specifications by the Chicago palatable and nutritious canned meats. Before
Quartermaster Depot, were obtained in their the war ended more than kinds were being

commercial forms. produced for' the B ration and the various com-
Although the B ration was described by one bat rations. 92 As in the case of packaged rations,
Quartermaster officer in Italy as the "best field
89 See, for example, Lt Col
D. B. Dill to Dir of Mil
ration the Army was the target of
ever had," it
Ping Div, n. d. (circa Apr 44), sub: Rpt on Travel to
considerable criticism from the North African NATO, 26 Oct- 13 Dec 43.
and Pacific theaters of operations. 89 Most of the 90
Memo for file, Asst for Product Analysis, R&D
Br, OQMG, 24 Oct 44, giving an extract from Letter
complaints centered about the distaste the
22, Capt Robert D. Orr, 19 Sep 44.
troops had acquired for certain meat compo- 91
SR&DL, Meat Products, p. 94.
nents, particularly the stews, hashes, Vienna See chart of canned meats procured for the Armed
Forces during the war in Marion Massen, Canned
sausage, and pork luncheon meat. Regardless of
Meats Procurement for the Armed Forces During World
the source of production, the soldier disparag- War //, p. 320.


the trend was toward the use of chunks of meat such products in various ways. As a conse-

so that by the end of the war such items as beef quence, the Subsistence Research Laboratory
and gravy, pork and gravy, and ham chunks had to test these commodities to determine
were being procured. Canned boned chicken their suitability for extended use overseas. Il-
and turkey were also procured for the B ration. 93 lustrative of the stability problems investigated
by the laboratory was the control of thermo-
philic spoilage. Thermophilic bacteria are pres-
Fruit and Vegetable Products
ent in many canned foods, but they are gener-
Vegetables, which form an important part of ally harmless unless such products are exposed
any American meal except breakfast, are gen- to temperatures from 100° to 130° F. In storage
erally acceptable in the following order of pref- conditions at many overseas installations such
erence: fresh, frozen, canned, and dehydrated. temperatures prevailed. Under these circum-
Fresh and frozen vegetables and fruits, the pro- stances the bacteria multiply rapidly, causing
curement and inspection of which were under spoilage of the canned products. 94
the direction of the Chicago Quartermaster Reports in 1943 indicated that considerable
Market Center, were important in the A ration spoilage was occurring in canned peas and corn
as used at installations in the United States. stored for any length of time in the tropics. An
Their use involved no developmental problems investigation by the National Canners Associa-
for the QMC. The use of frozen foods resulted tionshowed that specific spots in the processing
in savings of money, packaging materials — line were foci of thermophilic bacterial infec-
highly important factor during the tin short- tion in pea- and corn-canning plants. At a
age—and shipping space for the Army. The meeting held at the laboratory in May 1943, at-

lack of sufficient refrigerated storage and trans- tended by representatives of the National Can-
portation equipment, however, limited the ex- ners Association, the American Can Co., the
tent to which frozen foods could be used in Continental Can Co., and the Owens-Illinois
World War II. Glass Co.,it was decided that a control program

Canned fruits and vegetables had long been for nonacid canned products should be insti-
extensively used by the Army because they were tuted. Mobile laboratories were to be placed in

relatively easy to handle, prepare, and store. operation to investigate causes of spoilage.
However, they were bulky and heavy and used Because the OQMG wanted the National
strategic materials, especially tin. Such canned Canners Association to participate actively in
products were used in the A ration only when this program, it took no further action until

fresh foods were out of season or frozen vegeta- September 1943. Then, supplied with informa-
bles were too expensive. They formed the basis, tion by the research laboratories of the associa-
however, of the B ration. tion and as a result of a number of conferences,
Commercial canning of fruits and vegetables the Subsistence Research Laboratory made plans
had been so perfected by industry that the
QMC had no need to initiate special develop- 93 For specific developmental problems involved in

mental projects. On the other hand, special the evolution of these items see SR&DL, Meat Products,
pp. 94-107.
storage problems, which had not heretofore 94 For a discussion of the different types of spoilage

confronted industry, were posed by the global see SR&DL, A Report of Wartime Problems in Sub-
sistence Research and Development, Vol. IX, Fruit
nature of World War II. This was particularly
and Vegetable Products, prepared by Maj Matthew E.
true of canned vegetables destined for the Highlands et at., September 1947, pp. 19-20. Here-
tropics. Freezing and extreme cold also affected after cited as SR&DL, Fruit and Vegetable Products.


for the construction and operation of a mobile saving in weight and ship tonnage that could
chemical and bacteriological laboratory. This be made through the removal of moisture from
mobile laboratory was completed and utilized vegetables, fruits, and other food products
for making two surveys of 50 pea-canning shipped overseas. Furthermore, the fact that

plants and 77 corn-canning plants in the sum- nonrigid containers instead of tin cans could be
mer of 1944. So successful were these surveys used for packing many dehydrated products re-

that the program was expanded by the con- sulted in large savings of strategic materials.
struction of two additional mobile laboratories With few exceptions, too, dehydrated foods
which were placed in operation in the summer withstood extremes of temperature as well as,

of 1945. It had been estimated that, by prevent- or better than, certain canned foods. Since pre-
ing Army procurement of unsatisfactory canned cooked dehydrated foods required only the ad-

peas and corn for overseas use, the first mobile dition of water or milk to reconstitute them for

laboratory in 1944 saved a total of $2,350,000. 95 use, preparation in the field was greatly simpli-

Wartime conditions compelled the use of de- fied. Some dehydrated products required special
hydrated products, which had special advan- treatment by the cook for proper rehydration,
tages for meeting the restrictions imposed by
World War II. Foremost among these was the »' Ibid., p. 33.

and unless directions were followed an inferior ity. Improving the quality of dehydrated vege-
food resulted. If improperly handled, dehy- tables involved selection of suitable varieties of
drated vegetables acquired a grasslike flavor and raw materials for dehydration, studies of each
aroma, although their nutritive value was re- step in the preparation of dehydrated foods, and
tained. New techniques, however, tended to analysis of the desirability of adopting such
minimize this loss of flavor, which had caused practices as blanching, sulfiting, and reducing
the doughboy of 1917 to sing: moisture content to very low levels. The mo-
bilization of all research facilities— in govern-
They feed us carrots every day
ment, industry, and educational institutions—
Which taste just like alfalfa hay
and the formulation of a co-ordinated research
Hinky, dinkey parley voo.
program directed and supervised by the Army
While dehydrated vegetables were not a new and the Department of Agriculture were the
development, 96 and had been used during most feasible approaches to solving the many
World War I, the return of peace in 1918 led perplexing problems in a relatively short time.
to an abrupt slump in the dehydration indus- This method made possible simultaneous en-
try. Not until early in 1941 did the QMC begin gagement in a variety of different tests and ex-
to study dehydration seriously, although the periments. After December 1942 this program
Subsistence Research Laboratory had been ex- of co-ordinated research was directed and super-
amining and testing samples of dehydrated vised for the Army by the Military Planning
products submitted by industry for some time Division. 99
before 1941, and Quartermaster personnel had The accomplishments of this co-ordinated

kept themselves informed of technical develop- program resulted not only in greatly increased
ment in this phase of food processing. With production but also in the development of new
the outbreak of war in 1939 general interest in dehydrated products and the radical improve-
this problem was stimulated. A special com- ment of all dehydrated foods. The research on
mittee of the Institute of Food Technologists dehydrated vegetables produced many foods
was appointed in 1940 to study the food needs 96 For a full account of developments in this field
of the Armed Forces. 97 The Department of see Elliott Cassidy, The Development of Dehydrated
Agriculture expanded its studies of dehydration, Foods for the Army, June 1946, 525 pp. Typescript

in which it had been interested since 1935, and

study on file atHist Sec, OQMG.
97 Ltr, S. C. Prescott to Maj Logan, OQMG, 2 Nov
the War Department conducted an extensive 40, no sub.
98 On 8 May 1941 Capt Cecil G. Dunn, assistant
survey of the production facilities of the entire
professor of food technology at the Massachusetts In-
industry in 1941-42.
stitute of Technology, was called to active duty in the
Aside from promoting expansion of the de- Subsistence Division, OQMG,
and assigned the task
hydration industry to meet its requirements, 98 of directing the planning and co-ordinating of the de-
hydration program for the War Department. This
the QMC was concerned with such problems as work became a major assignment in April 1942.
the improvement of processing procedures, the 99 No major research project was supervised after

design and construction of equipment, and the that date by the Subsistence Division, which had re-
search responsibility until then for subsistence items.
improvement of the quality and storage life of
Thereafter many research projects were undertaken by
dehydrated products. To this end the OQMG the Research and Development Branch of the Military
and the Subsistence Research Laboratory insti- Planning Division upon request of the Subsistence
Division, such projects as sulfiting, and bacteriological
tuted a program for the collection and dissemi-
examination of equipment and processes in dehydra-
nation of information to dehydrators, with the tion plants. Ltr, Col Cecil G. Dunn to Dr. Harold W.
laboratory acting as the focal point in this activ- Thatcher, OQMG, 7 Dec 45, no sub.

having a bright natural color and improved accomplished. Improved methods of gas pack-
aroma and flavor. Nevertheless, dehydrated aging dry milk had been put into effect, and
vegetables were never very popular with the copper contamination had been reduced. These
troops. measures helped prevent milk fats from becom-
Quartermaster interest in dehydrated fruits ing rancid through oxidation. Thereafter other
had been aroused anew in 1937 when a field test off-flavors became apparent, stressing the need
was requested for a number of such fruits. The for further research. Work in this field con-
Subsistence Research Laboratory also made tinued after the war.
some tests. While dubious of the usefulness of Dried whole eggs were improved over the
the dehydrated products, the laboratory recom- prewar product by rigidly controlling the qual-
mended that constant contact be maintained ity of the raw materials, by reducing the mois-
with the manufacturers and that the Army keep ture content, and by using multistage dehydra-
informed of developments. 100 Before
itself tion. Partly because of poor preparation in the
World War II the Army's attitude toward the field, dried eggs were not very popular with the
use of dehydrated fruits was passive. During the troops during the war.
war research in the field was emphasized after The research accomplished to develop dehy-
other phases of the dehydration program were drated foods was probably as extensive in scope
well advanced. It resulted in the introduction of and as varied as any experimental work per-
new processing methods. Research on blanched, formed in Army World War
subsistence during
dehydrated apricots, peaches, and pears was ac- II. Certainly more progress was made in
complished at the University of California. improving dehydrated food products from 1942
Members of the California Dried Fruit Associa- to 1945 than in the preceding thirty years, and
tion and the Subsistence Research Laboratory it was of the utmost importance in feeding the

participated in the developmental and trial pro- Armed Forces.

duction conducted in 1944 and 1945. When the The use of butter by armies is unusual, for it

war ended, however, developmental work on is regarded as a luxury food. During World
blanched, dehydrated fruits satisfactory for mili- War II butter was supplied at the rate of two
tary use was still in an experimental stage. 101 ounces per man per day whenever it was avail-

able in sufficient quantity and where refrigera-

Egg and Dairy Products tion facilities were adequate. Since butter
becomes rancid during unrefrigerated storage
The progress made in dehydration included and melts at high temperatures, what the Army
its application to other food products, such as needed was a product that would remain stable
milk and eggs. 102 The extensive research and without refrigeration. The Subsistence Research
developmental work conducted by the in QMC Laboratory and the Kraft Cheese Co. began
these fields can only be suggested here. The developmental work on a modified butter prod-
need of the Army for huge quantities of dry 100
(1) Ltr, Capt Logan to Commandant, School for
whole milk, intended primarily for beverage Bakers and Cooks, Ft Slocum, N. Y., 23 Apr 37, no
purposes, resulted in a concentration of effort sub. (2) Rpt, SRL, 28 May 37, sub: Research Rpt
on this product. It was believed that the find- 101
For an elaboration of the research undertaken
ings in this field could be applied to nonfat dry see Cassidy, The Development of Dehydrated Foods
milk solids, that skimmed milk, used
is, dry for the Army, pp. 395fT.
See Cassidy, The Development of Meat, Dairy,
mainly in baking. When World War II ended
Poultry, and Fish Products for the Army, pp. 37-41,
considerable developmental work had been 47-50.

uct late in 1941. By January of the following subsistence was not fully appreciated by indus-
year the laboratory submitted to the OQMG a try or the QMC. 106 Industry's peacetime pack-
tentative specification for what came to be aging efforts were based largely on eye appeal
called Carter's spread, a combination of butter and low cost. The fact that commercial prod-
and hydrogenated vegetable shortening. It ucts were consumed within a few months and
had the advantage of a high melting point, but that handling in transit was closely controlled
the hydrogenated oil component gave the eliminated any need formore than a minimum
spread a waxy body. It was procured and used amount of protective packaging.
in the North African campaign but not without No Army specifications covering packaging
eliciting considerable adverse criticism. One and packing for overseas shipment existed at

observer remarked that no single item had been the outbreak of the war. Federal specifications
the butt of more jibes than Carter's spread. It covered packs for commercial use only, and
was described by one soldier as having a "greasy early procurements of subsistence were pack-
tang." By 1943 its procurement had been dis- aged and packed accordingly. Flexible packag-
continued. It was replaced by a more acceptable ing materials, such as cellophane and coated or
butter and cheese combination known as Army waxed glassine, offered little moisture protec-
spread, which had been developed in the mean- tion,and industry had given slight attention to
time by the Subsistence Research Laboratory sealing bags and cartons tightly. Corrugated
and the Kraft Cheese Co. This was widely used fiber boxes were generally used as shipping
in the later campaigns of World War II. cases.

So extensive was the subsistence research These commercial techniques, suitable to

program of the QMC
that the discussion here domestic distribution, were inadequate in the
has been necessarily limited to the major field. Early shipments of canned goods packed

aspects. Only passing mention can be made of in commercial containers arrived at overseas

the developmental work done on a variety of destinations with cases broken open and the
other components, such as dehydrated soups, cans scattered loose in the holds of ships and
desserts, and beverage powders used in the B over docks. 107 Furthermore, packages broke and
and special combat rations. 105 No discussion of
subsistence would be complete, however, that 103
Rpt, ASF Food Sv Conf, 11-14 Aug 43, address
omitted mention of the research directed toward by Col Logan, p. 239.
Rpt, Col Dill to Dir of Mil Ping Div, OQMG,
the development of effectivemethods of pack- Apr 44), sub: Rpt on Travel to NATO,
n. d. (circa
aging and packing the Army's food. No matter 26 0ct-13 Dec 43.
( 1 ) For development of these items see SR&DL,
how high the quality of the food obtained for
Fruit and Vegetable Products, pp. 63-70. (2) SR&DL,
the troops, unless it was delivered in edible con-
A Report of Wartime Problems in Subsistence
dition the efforts of laboratory technicians Research and Development, Vol. X, General Products,
would be in vain. As a consequence a major prepared by Capt Vernon M. White et al., November
part of subsistence research had to be devoted 106
( 1 ) For a thorough analysis of the develop-
to this problem. mental work in this field see Thatcher, Packaging and
Packing. (2) SR&DL, A Report of Wartime Problems
in Subsistence Research and Development, Vol. V,
Subsistence Packaging and Packing, prepared by Maj

Development of Packaging and Packing Robert R. Melson et al., January 1947.

For illustrations of the rigorous conditions to
which subsistence packages were subjected see the
At the outset of World War II the vital need comments of observers, analyzed in Thatcher, Packag-
for special overseaspackaging and packing of ing and Packing, pp. 1-13.

spilled their contents, and foods in flexible ing and Crating Section of the Storage and Dis-
packages picked up moisture. Subsistence losses tribution Division, OQMG. 108 As a conse-
due to the failure of packaging and packing quence, specifications on many items were
materials at the beginning of the war were sub- prepared by 1943, and industry had acquired a
stantial. better understanding of the Army's needs.
The qualities required for military packaging During the last eighteen months of the war the
and packing, gradually revealed during the QMC improved and refined its packaging and
progress of the war, were many and varied. packing materials and types of containers. It

Such subsistence packages had to provide ade- also developed substitutes for some of the mate-
quate protection for a minimum of at least rials which were becoming increasingly scarce,
a year, in all kinds of weather and under all and amended specifications accordingly.
extremes of climate. Because of the excessively In this developmental work, basic research
rough handling of shipping cases, packing on the qualities of a raw material was done
materials had to be durable and rigid enough to either by private industry, trade associations,
permit stacking without crushing the case or its or government laboratories. The work on pack-
contents. They also had to be resistant to aging and on the outer shipping container was
the effects of both high and low humidity and closely correlated and the finished products
of water. Some foods contained ingredients were tested by the Subsistence Research Labora-
requiring special properties in packaging mate- toryand the Washington Package Research and
rials to afford protection against rancidity or Development Laboratory. When the specifica-
against acid reaction with the package. Packag- tion for a new package was drafted, industry
ing and packing materials also had to be resist- was consulted on any changes which might
ant to the destructiveness of molds, insects, and affect its conversion of equipment to the pro-
rats. At the same time wartime shortages com- duction of the new item, and the QMC
pelled the QMC to avoid the use of scarce co-operated fully in facilitating the change-
materials or those which were not adaptable to over. 109
production with existing machinery. Finally
packs had to be so designed as to conserve as Packaging
much shipping space as possible. Meeting such
rigid requirements challenged the ingenuity of Most of the packaging problems arose out of
experts in the QMC and industry. the necessity for conserving tin. The packaging
By the end of 1942 the Army had established of subsistence would have been greatly simpli-
the necessary military characteristics for sub- fied restrictions on the use of
had there been no
sistence packaging and packing materials. The tin plate, inasmuch as hermetically sealed cans
translation of military characteristics into pre- were the best means of packaging food. Unfor-
cise functional requirements was a continuous tunately, tin was listed as a strategic material in
process, for, as new materials were developed 1940 and Japanese conquests cut off most of the
during the war, new requirements were formu- supply two years later. Quartermaster efforts
lated. By December 1942 the confusion in were therefore devoted to conservation of this
administrative responsibility had been clarified metal, which was accomplished by reducing the
by vesting responsibility for packaging in the
Research and Development Branch of the 108g ee a t>o vej p. 176.
OQMG and the Subsistence Research Labora- 109 Ltr, Col Doriot, OQMG,to Reqmts Div, SOS,
tory, and responsibility for packing in the Pack- 12 Mar 43, sub: Packaging Program, 400.162.

thickness of the coating of standard tin plate, 110 work in this field during the war years.
lowering the tin content of the solders, elim- trative of this work was the development of
inating the tin coating on keys, and using laminated (bonded) foils and films.
bonderized plate wherever possible. 111 The suc- The most promising flexible packaging mate-
cess of the conservationprogram as well as the rials were aluminum foil and pliofilm. Unfor-

development of a small supply of Bolivian tin tunately, the shortage of the raw materials-
made tin plate more available for essential mili- aluminum for foil and crude rubber used in
tary uses by January 1944, permitting the elim- pliofilm— precluded the use of these materials,
ination of some substitute types of containers. although a small quantity of aluminum foil was
For example, the use of composite fiber made available for packaging soluble coffee in
cans—-paperboard containers with metal ends— certain of the special rations.When aluminum
which had been utilized for packaging such foil became available early in 1944, a laminated
items as hard candy, cocoa, gelatin, spices, des- foil made from sulphite paper, aluminum foil,

sert powders, and tea, was discontinued as far and kraft paper was developed and specified for
as possible. Their performance in the field had use with the K ration. According to the Sub-
been unsatisfactory and a large percentage of sistence Research Laboratory the laminated foil
food spoilage had been reported from the wrap employed in the K ration carton was the
North African and Pacific theaters. chief example of an entirely adequate flexible
While tin conservation measures were pro- package developed during World War II. 116
moted, steps were also taken to protect more 110
By this means an estimated saving ot 4,588,000
adequately the tin cans in use. Reports from the pounds was made by the summer of 1942. Ltr, Col
theaters 113
indicated that cans were rusting
Doriot, OQMG,
to Dir of Resources Div, SOS, 8 Aug
42, sub: Rpt by the Conservation Div, WPB, 400.3.
under the severe conditions encountered, result- 111
(1) Thatcher, Packaging and Packing, pp. 30-40.
ing in the spoilage of large quantities of food. (2) Any sheet steel plate suitable for manufacture into
containers was known as black plate. To prevent cor-
Paper labels, by holding moisture, accelerated
rosion it had to be lacquered, and the easiest way to
rusting. In addition, the paper labels often make the lacquer stick was to treat the black plate at
became detached from the cans, making identi- the steel mill in a zinc phosphate solution, a process
which was called "bonderizing." This gave the steel a
fication of the contents difficult. These develop- matte surface and formed a film affording protection
ments, as well as the need for camouflage in against rust. Supplementary rpt, Advisory Com on
combat areas, led to the decision to cover food Metals and Minerals, NRC, National Academy of
Sciences, n. d. (circa Jun 42), sub: Conservation of
cans with a corrosion-resistant coating and to
Tin in the Food-Canning Industry.
replace the paper labels with an abbreviated 112
(1) Transcript of proceedings, mtg of Subcom
statement of the contents embossed or of Container Coordinating Com on Fiber Boxes,
Drums, and Cans, 10 Nov 43. (2) Ltr, Gen Gregory
imprinted in ink on the end or side of each
to all purchasing depots, 7 Apr 42, sub: Packing of
can. 114 Subs Items for Overseas Shpmt.
To further the conservation program and to
(1) See, for example, ltr, Brig Gen F. Gilbrath,
CG SFPE, to Col D. H. Cowles, OQMG, 9 Sep 42, no
develop substitutes which in their own right
sub, quoting CG SOS, New Caledonia. (2) Rpt, 1st
could help to meet the great demand for pack- Lt R. L. Woodbury, QM
Observer in SWP, 1 Feb-15
aging food products, the QMC investigated a May
(1) For a discussion of the procoating program
variety of flexible packaging materials, such as
see Thatcher, Packaging and Packing, pp. 41-45. (2)
cellophane, glassine,waxed papers, and foils, Cir Ltr 46, 9 Mar 43, sub: Permanent Identification

which were used as carton liners, wrappers, Marking.

1,5 For a discussion of this developmental work see
small" bags, and unit packages for combat
SR&DL, Subsistence Packaging and Packing, pp. 37-48.
rations. There was continuous developmental 116
Ibid., p. 48.

At the beginning of the war other flexible factorily without utilizing tin. Waterproof bags
packaging materials were available in large had not been widely employed as case liners be-

quantities but they were not exceptionally pro- fore World War II, but ultimately the use of
tective. Development of materials with high three types was specified by the Chicago Quar-
water-vapor transfer resistance was a primary termaster Depot. Two of these— the Reynolds
problem. Since cellophane and glassine did not bag and the X-crepe bag — were developed and
have moisture protective qualities adequate for in large-scale production by mid-1942. 119 A

Army use, industry developed and the Sub- third type, the two-ply case liner, was developed

sistence Research Laboratory tested laminated by industry and the SubsistenceResearch Lab-
sheets of these materials. After considerable oratory in 1943. 12 °
experimentation industry developed improved
materials by laminating two coated films Packing
together with a material similar to micro-
crystalline wax. Such materials were widely Failure of shipping cases used for overseas
used for packaging the smaller components of movement caused the first major repercussion
the special rations. Although flexible packag- of the war insofar as packing was concerned.
ing materials could not take the place of tin The first intimation that commercial corrugated
cans as the sole source of protection, these fiber boxes were inadequate for Army use had
materials were important in providing inner come during maneuvers in the summer of
packaging for overseas shipment of subsistence 1941. 121 Shipments to Iceland had further em-
items. phasized their shortcomings, but a veritable
The use of flexible packaging materials as storm of criticism followed deliveries to North
possible substitutes for tin cans was only one Africa and the Pacific. The inadequacy of com-
line of investigation pursued by the Subsistence mercial boxes raised the problem of whether to
Research Laboratory. Other methods of solv- pack subsistence supplies originally in more
ing the conservation problem were examined, durable containers or simply to overpack com-
among them the use of waterproof bags and mercial containers before shipment overseas.
wax-dipped cartons and boxes. The latter were It was found impractical to purchase all canned
used during the war for packaging D, K, jungle, goods in wooden or solid fiber containers. Over-
five-in-one,and ten-in-one rations. Their suc- packing, though considered unsatisfactory, at
cessful usewas the result of a continuous war- first appeared to be the only solution. In the

time developmental program initiated in 1941. fall of 1941 a definite program was evolved of

It was concerned with methods of constructing using wirebound boxes for overpacking paper-
the carton and with experimentation directed board commercial containers. 122
toward the development of new waxes. 118 Like 117
See Thatcher, Special Rations, passim,
other substitutes the wax-dipped carton did not For the details of this technical development see
SR&DL, Subsistence Packaging and Packing, pp. 65-78.
offer a final solution to the problem of material 119
For their development see Thatcher, Packaging
shortages, but the wax-impregnated and coated and Packing, pp. 48-49.
folding carton was widely and satisfactorily
120 For its development see SR&DL, Subsistence
Packaging and Packing, pp. 85-87.
used during World War II. 121
Memo, Brig Gen E. Reybold, Actg CofS, for
The use of waterproof bags, whose chief TQMG, 11 Aug 41, sub: Containers for Canned Rat,
value was in protecting foods by providing a 457.

barrier to moisture, afforded still another ap-

( 1 ) Ltr, Col Logan to QM Sup Off, SF Gen De-
pot, 2 Dec 41, no sub. (2) Memo, Col Hardigg for
proach to the problem of packaging foods satis- TAG, 26 Dec 41, no sub.

Two days after Pearl Harbor a general specifi- kraft paper itself. The "sisal box" originated
cation was issued by the Office of the Under from this experimentation.

Secretary of War for packing canned goods for Meantime the container industry worked to
overseas shipment. This stop-gap measure pro- meet the challenge imposed by wartime condi-
vided for the use of corrugated and solid fiber tions, developing a superstrength, all-kraft,

boxes, nailed wooden boxes, and wirebound solid fiber box. These boxes had many advan-

wooden boxes. 123 Since this was not in line tages. They withstood rougher handling than
with the policy of overpacking previously nailed boxes, hitherto considered the best con-
adopted, it is obvious that considerable confu- tainers for overseas shipment. They took up less

sion existed. During the winter of 1941-42, space than wooden boxes and their color was
however, the various government agencies better for camouflage purposes. On the other
reached agreement on specifications for packing hand, they lacked the rigidity of wooden boxes
articles for overseas shipment that, for the most and hence did not stack as well. At the sugges-
part, eliminated overpacking. The first compre- tion of the Chief, Packing and Crating Section,
hensive set of directions for the packaging and OQMG, the new material was dubbed "V-
packing of subsistence items for overseas ship- board." The development of V boxes represent-
ment in the QMC was issued in April 1942. 124 ed a major triumph of wartime research.
It permitted the use of either the new type of Specifications for several new types of contain-
weatherproof solid fiber containers, or wire- ers made from these materials were issued on

bound or nailed wooden boxes. Later instruc- 2 December 1942. Three grades of V board

tions made clear that overpacking was to be re- were used. The first grade, Vl, was made of
tained only in the case of food in glass con- virgin fiber. Its use was intended for boxes
tainers. shipped to areas of heavy moisture. The V2
Except for the special rations, which were grade combined both virgin and used fibers to

packed in nailed wooden boxes, it was the produce containers destined for areas of moder-
Quartermaster policy by the summer of 1942 to ate rainfall. The V3 grade was the poorest,
utilize weatherproof fiber containers in prefer- merely increasing the protective qualities of the
ence to wooden boxes. Their use saved weight, former weatherproof solid fiber box. 127 Al-
space, and cost. Field experience, however, dem- though the grades of fiberboard were intended
onstrated that the weatherproof fiber containers to be correlated with the moisture of given
did not have sufficient strength when wet. More
and more the trend was toward the use of 123
U. S. Army Spec 22-273, 9 Dec 41, sub: Gen
wooden containers. Since the supply of wood Specs for Packing Canned Goods (Subs) for Overseas
Shpmt (Boxes, Strapping, and Marking).
was becoming critical, however, its use could 124
QMCTentative Spec 12-A, 27 Apr 42, sub: Gen
not be viewed as a permanent solution. Specs for Packing Overseas Shpmt, Canned Fruits and
In June of 1942 the QMC was investigating
Vegetables and Other Items of Subs.
SRL, Rpt of R&D
Projects for Month Ending 31
the possibility of developing a new, durable Aug 42, p. 2.
fiber container in which to pack the five-in-one 126
(1) Ltr, Col Logan, to OQMG,
ration. l25 In their developmental work the Sub- Aug 42, sub: Rpt on Five-in-One Ration by Desert
Warfare Bd, 400.1141. (2) Memo, Col Doriot,
sistence Research Laboratory and industry pur- OQMG, for Resources Div, SOS, 15 Sep 42, sub: Con-
sued new lines of investigation, including the servation of Wood and Metal by Use of Fiber Con-
tainers, 457.
use of an asphalt barrier lamination in the kraft 127
For a full discussion of the development of the
paper used to construct the fiberboard and the V boxes see Thatcher, Packaging and Packing, pp.
utilization of sisal in the construction of the 65-70.

areas, in actual use it was impossible to control was established and research was initiated, re-
the delivery of boxes in the field in this way. In sulting in the development of the D and C ra-
practice an effort was made to use Vl solid tions prior to the outbreak of World War II.

fiberboard boxes for the front lines and V3 Laboratory personnel were primarily con-
boxes for the rear. The critical shortage of kraft cerned with the development of special rations,
pulp that developed with the advent of V boxes which also involved considerable work on pack-
contributed to delays in procurement, but the aging. While the supply of perishables involved
boxes were put into use as fast as they were pro- problems of procurement and distribution, their

duced during the spring of 1943. C, D, and K use called for no research other than the appli-
rations continued to be packed in wooden boxes cation of principles of nutrition to the prepara-
but other special rations were packed in V tion of menus. The development of special ra-
boxes. tions involved many considerations. Neither
Burlap and osnaburg were other packing subsistence personnel nor the food industries
materials that became critical early in the war. could be called experienced in ration design
It was commercial practice to pack flour, sugar, when World War II began. Out of experience
and salt in bags made from these materials. War obtained early in the war the laboratory formu-
shortages necessitated a search for substitutes. lated four requisites for a satisfactory ration: ac-

Multiwall paper bags, made of heavy virgin ceptability, nutritional adequacy, stability, and

kraft paper, of three to five walls, intersticed military utility.

with layers of asphalt to make them moisture At the outset of the war nutritional value was
proof,had been used commercially for packing the primary requirement of special ration items.
cement and fertilizer. When the need for sub- Subsistence personnel attempted to develop
stitutes arose, such multiwall bags were tested in food components which would provide the
the spring of 1942 and adapted by the QMC for greatest nutritive value in the smallest space
packing flour and granular foods. 128 They were and weight. Acceptability was of secondary im-
extensively used throughout World War II. portance. Although the Army never went to the
extreme of sacrificing acceptability for nutritive

Summary value as, for example, by using soy beans for

meat, nevertheless at times nutritive value was
In subsistence research as in other fields of stressed at the expense of palatability. Actual
Quartermaster developmental work, the decade experience demonstrated that troops would not
following World War I was characterized by a eat what they did not like. No matter how per-
dearth of activity, resulting in large measure fectly balanced a diet was provided in a special
from the lack of funds allotted for this purpose. ration, its value was reduced if it was not com-
The Congress and of the public in
interest of pletely consumed. As the war progressed, al-
national defense was at a low ebb. At the same though nutritive values continued to receive
time, military planning in subsistence was con- due consideration, greater stress was placed on
ditioned by the type of warfare conducted dur- acceptability. The development of the C ration
ing World War I. The demands and problems from the old to the new type clearly illustrated
of the "blitzkrieg" had not yet stirred the im- this shift in objective.
agination of military planners. By the mid- It is to be observed that other factors beyond
thirties, however, interest in preparation for
A detailed account of the work accomplished in
national defense, including rations, began to
developing multiwall bags for Army use is found in
revive. The Subsistence Research Laboratory Thatcher, Packaging and Packing, pp. 89-93.

the control of the laboratory worked in opposi- development of packaging and packing, suffi-

tion to the principle of acceptability. While ciently protective to permit distribution of

variety ofcomponents promoted acceptability, foods in satisfactory condition at the consump-
itwas subordinated in the early stages of the tion point, had to be accomplished, however,
war to procurement consideration. Items which despite material shortages and the necessity for
could be obtained in great volume and from as conservation. This not only imposed major
many sources as possible were purchased. limitations upon the form that the development
Throughout the war a conflict existed between of packaging and packing took, but also led to

quantity and quality. The lack of variety pro- a search for substitutes to replace such critical

moted monotony and was responsible for the materials as tin, aluminum foil, wood, burlap,
stream of criticism that flowed into the QMC and osnaburg. The development of flexible
from the field. packaging materials that would be moisture re-
An initial insistence by Quartermaster plan- sistant was stimulated, as well as the production

ners in 1941-42 upon the development of spe- of new packs far superior to anything utilized
cial rations for special troops was an ephemeral by industry before the war. Even these packs,
trend that characterized subsistence research as however, were not indestructible. This fact

well as the development of clothing and equi- stressed the necessity for more intensive train-
page. Illustrative were the rations developed for ing to eliminate careless handling and storage
jungle and mountain troops. They gave way to of subsistence. The lack of an integrated re-

the ten-in-one ration, suitable for group feeding search program between 1918 and 1941 was re-

in a variety of military situations. sponsible for the hurried experimentation and

Weight and space were limiting factors not production of subsistence items during World
only in the development of packaged rations War II. Nevertheless, the United States Army
but also of meat products. These considerations was well fed, although the rations issued to the
led to the production of boneless beef and semi- troops were not always the best possible, in
boned pork loins for overseas use. They also view of all the factors involved in ration plan-
stimulated renewed interest in the dehydration ning. Under the spur of criticisms from the
industry, which was greatly expanded through field, subsistence personnel overcame the initial

the co-operative efforts of the QMC. Dehy- defects of their program. Unfortunately, experi-
drated fruit, vegetables, milk, and eggs were mentation was time consuming, and many of
shipped abroad in large quantities, saving critir the best products developed by the laboratory
calshipping space. Dehydration enabled the failed to reach the field before the war ended.
Corps to provide foods which otherwise might The concerted effort of industry and the QMC
not have reached the field at all. achieved gratifying results during the war, but
Weight and space likewise were considera- a continuing research program in peace as well

tions in subsistence packaging and packing. The as in war would pay larger dividends.

Forecasting War Requirements

for Quartermaster Supplies

A primary step in the logistical planning of for forecasting requirements with the greatest
the Army was the determination of war require- degree of accuracy.
ments for the myriads of items that went into In time of peace, industry and agriculture
the supply line to provide for training and alert- were able to fill the relatively small Army de-
ing units in the zone of interior and to sustain mands without benefit of advance planning.
overseas combat operations during World War Even during the emergency period and the early
II. Insofar as Quartermaster supply was con- phases of the war, when military requirements
cerned, this included many thousands of items were increasing sharply as mobilization pro-
of clothing, equipment, subsistence, fuels and gressed and industries were converting to war
lubricants, and general supplies for which the production, the lack of accuracy in forecasting
OQMG forecast requirements from one to three requirements made little difference. The major
years in advance of Army needs, but not items problem was buying sufficient quantities to
of reserve stock needs. keep ahead of demand. Practically everything
The problem of supply in World War II was that could be produced could be used effectively
one of great complexity. It involved the supply by the armed forces. Any errors of oversupply
of a large number of men who for the first time could be and were absorbed by an army still in

in our history were widely distributed, fighting the process of expansion and needing to be ini-

in all kinds of climates and in geographic areas tially equipped. Once a stockpile had been
encircling the globe. This great dispersion com- built up and the filling of initial demands gave
plicated maintenance of the supply line. The requirements personnel time to review develop-
multiplicity of equipment items furnished the ments, a more careful balancing of supply and
American soldier also increased the difficulties demand was necessary. As the Army approached
of supply. Moreover, the United States not only its full strength, requiring primarily mainte-
supplied its own troops but also contributed ex- nance and the replacement of equipment, and
tensively to equipping those of its allies, a re- as the problem of allocations of scarce materials
versal of the situation in World War I. Under to industry became acute, refinements in fore-
lend-lease arrangements it shipped overseas a casting requirements occurred. Since raw mate-
vast variety of both military and nonmilitary rials and manpower were not inexhaustible and
supplies. Subsequently, the necessity for provid- the maintenance of the civilian economy was
ing for civilians in liberated areas increased the essential to the prosecution of the war, accuracy
supply responsibility of the Quartermaster in forecasting was underscored and new tech-
Corps. All of these factors sharpened the need niques for supply planning were adopted.

Administrative Background War responsible not only for current procure-

ment of Army supplies but also for the prepara-
The supply process from the computation of tion of plans for procurement and industrial
requirements through the manufacture and de- mobilization to be used in the event of another
livery of supplies and equipment to the troops major conflict.

is an integrated whole, the control of which Disagreement immediately arose as to the

should be directed by a single head. At the be- division of responsibility between the Assistant
ginning of World War II, however, the War Secretary of War and the War Department Gen-
Department did not have a proper system for eral Staff. This problem was settled by making
the control of supply. Nor did it have in use the General Staff responsible in procurement
proper methods for computing requirements, or planning for the determination of supply re-

uniformity of basic records. These deficiencies

quirements for the Army. In other words, under
had to be corrected during the course of the its mobilization plans the General Staff deter-
war. mined the gross requirements of the Army—
At the time of Harbor responsibility for
Pearl when supplies would be needed, and what
the supervision of supply was divided between quantities would be required. The Office of the
two independent offices of the War Department Assistant Secretary of War controlled the com-
as provided by the National Defense Act in putation of procurement requirements. From a

June 1920. The Office of the Under Secretary of computation of stocks on hand it determined
War 2 was responsible for supervising the actual the amount of additional supplies which would
procurement of supplies. Purchasing policy, the have to be procured to meet the demands of the
determination of new production facilities, the General Staff. It also determined how and
control of the flow of raw materials, labor prob- where such supplies might be procured within
lems, production expediting, and inspection all the time limits of the mobilization plan. Pro-
came within the scope of this authority. On the curement requirements were the supply require-

other hand, G-4 of the War Department Gen- ments of the General Staff minus the stock on
eral Staff was responsible for determining sup- hand. 4
ply requirements of the Army and, after delivery Both the General and the Assistant
was made, for supervising the storage, transpor- Secretary of War were dependent on the supply
tation, distribution, and issue of supplies and services for carrying out these functions. The
equipment. Each of these offices dealt directly 1
Lecture, ICAF, Lt Gen LeRoy Lutes, 23 Sep 46,
and separately with the supply services. Co-or- sub: The ASP, pp. 10-11. On file in Hist Sec, OQMG.
Until 1941 this office was designated the Office of
dination between G-4 and the Office of the
the Assistant Secretary of War. See WD
Bull 1, Sec.
Under Secretary of War was inadequate. As a I,22 Jan 41, sub: Act of Congress— Apmt of USW
result of this situation, was not uncommon
it 5
( 1 ) John D. Millett, The Organization and Role

for a supply service to play one office against of the Army Service Forces, a volume in preparation
for the series U.S. ARMY IN WORLD WAR
II, Ch.
the other. 3 On OCMH. "The Direction of
II. file in (2) Millett,
World War I had emphasized the importance Supply Activities in the War Department: An Admin-
istrative Survey, II," The American Political Science Re-
of forecasting requirements. The lack of ade-
view, XXVIII (June 1944), p. 494.
quate plans for industrial mobilization and pro- 4
(1) Harold W. Thatcher, Planning for Industrial
curement had been a costly experience, the Mobilization, 1920-1940 (QMC Historical Studies 4,

repetition of which, it was realized, could not

August 1943), pp. 6-9. (2) See also Thomas M. Pit-
kin and Herbert R. Rifkind, Procurement Planning in
be permitted. As
a consequence, the National the Quartermaster Corps, 1920-1940 (QMC Historical
Defense Act made the Assistant Secretary of Studies 1, March 1943), passim.

services did the actual work of computing the on the normal peacetime functions of the
supply requirements and also furnished the in- Corps. By a system of apportionment the
formation on the amount of stock on hand and OQMG allotted funds to field installations in
the additional sources of supply. Under the Na- accordance with their requests.
tional Defense Act of 1920 supply planning for made
Until 1942 no successful attempt was
war for the first time became a recognized func- to combine the estimating of current require-
tion of the OQMG, which computed Quarter- ments with those for planning purposes so as
master war requirements to be used in various to develop common methods and reports.
plans for mobilization drafted during the next When in January 1941 the war planning activ-

twenty years. ities of the Administrative Division were trans-

Within the OQMG the responsibility for ferred to the Planning and Control Division,
the computation of such requirements, initially the computation of requirements both for spe-
vested in the Executive Office, had by 1937 cific plans and for current estimates was in-

come to be a function of the War Plans and cluded in its mission. However, responsibilities
Training Branch of the Administrative Divi- for preparing estimates for current requirements
sion. 5
There it remained until January 1941. were not withdrawn from the operating
Quartermaster requirements computed for pro- branches of the Supply Division and, in fact,

curement planning purposes in the twenty-year were reaffirmed to them in May 1941. 7
As a con-

interval of peace, however, were not used in sequence dual responsibility for requirements
World War II. Other estimates prepared by op- continued, and the Planning and Control and
erating branches were used and the war plans the Supply Divisions each prepared a set of re-
were disregarded. Primarily this situation re- quirements. Actual procurement, however, was
sulted from the fact that mobilization plans not based on either set, both of which were de-
were drafted on the premise that they would be signed for long-range planning— in the one
used at a specific time, whereas events devel- case, for future mobilization plans and in the
oped so gradually during the emergency period other, for current estimates on the basis of
that problems were resolved by personnel in which congressional appropriations were ob-
the operating divisions rather than by the tained. Actual procurement instead rested on
planners. short-range requirements, prepared by the com-
Throughout this same twenty-year period the modity branches, on the basis of which action
estimating of current Quartermaster require- was taken to procure cloth or end items and to
ments of the Army was accomplished by the maintain proper stock levels and proper distri-
operating branches of the Supply Division. Al- bution of stock by the depots.
though much had been learned during World 5
(1) OQMG Office Memo 119, 30 Aug 21, sub:
War I,
in the interval between the wars the Orgn of OQMG.(2) OQMG OO
4, 7 Jan 37,
OQMG resumed its prewar system of estimat- sub: Office Orgn. (3) OQMG OO
10, 15 Jan 41,

ing requirements by the use of the Yearly

sub: OO
4, 1937 amended.
For an analysis of the determination of require-
Estimate of Funds— a statement of Quartermas- ments in World War I see Donald F. Bradford, Meth-
ter expenditures for the next fiscal year based on ods of Forecasting War Requirements for Quartermaster

requests from the various Corps installations. It

Supplies (QMC
Historical Studies 14, May 1946),
pp. 5-27. Hereafter referred to as Methods of Forecast-
was prepared by the operating branches— Sub- ing.
sistence, Clothing and Equipage, and General 7
10, 15 Jan 41, sub: OO 4, 1937

Supplies— of the Supply Division to obtain con- amended. (2) OQMG OO 25A, 31 Dec 41, sub:
Orgn and Functions, Ping & Control Div. (3) OQMG
gressional appropriations necessary for carrying OO 25F, 15 May 41, no sub.

The duality of control in the OQMG and in food, and, until the summer of 1943, petroleum
the higher echelons of the War Department products. Short-range requirements were com-
continued until March 1942 when the Army puted by the commodity branches of the Stor-
was reorganized into three major commands. age and Distribution Division. Their actual
In the process certain procurement and plan- operations were based not on the ASP but on
ning functions of the Office of the Under Secre- the Master Production Schedule, changes in
tary of War and certain supply planning func- which were initiated by the operating branches,
tions of the Office of the Assistant Chief of a system which provided for some flexibility,
Staff, G-4, were combined and vested in Head- within the over-all limits of the ASP.
quarters, Services of Supply (later Army Service In the process of computing requirements
Forces). This concentration of the major phases programs the Requirements Branch developed
of the supply process "under one top manage- a fair degree of co-operation with the operating
ment had a tremendous influence on the Army branches of the OQMG. The exception was the
Supply Program." Subsistence Branch. Relations with this branch
Within the OQMG these changes were re- were complicated by the fact that the War De-
flected in the reorganization of the office along partment designated its chief, Brig. Gen Carl
functional lines. The requirements functions A. Hardigg, as the official Army representative

of the Planning and Control Division were on all interagency food committees. 10 Petro-
assigned to the Production Service, which was leum requirements also presented special prob-
charged with the primary responsibility for lems. As a consequence of the partial central-
requirements forecasting. The newly created ization of petroleum procurement for the Army
Storage and Distribution Service, which took in the Fuels and Lubricants Division, which
over the commodity branches of the Supply was established in May 1943, responsibility for
Division, was directed to collaborate with the petroleum requirements was vested in that divi-

Production Service in determining requirements sion. Included were all Army petroleum re-

to insure conformity to "actual experience quirements except fuels and lubricants used for
factors." 9 Army Air Forces aircraft. While the respon-
Within four months the Requirements Divi- sibilities of the Requirements Branch were re-

sion of the Production Service was transferred duced by this action, they were expanded in

as a branch to the Military Planning Division, another direction. Except for fuels and lubri-
where it remained during the war. In the mean- cants, the branch was given the additional re-
time, it had initiated a program to improve re- sponsibility of estimating requirements for
quirements forecasting by securing personnel Quartermaster items for the civilian popula-
trained in economics, statistics, and business tions of liberated areas. It also supplied Head-
methods and by obtaining the necessary data quarters, ASF, with advance estimates of ship-
formaking more accurate estimates. ping space and tonnage needed for such supplies
It was the primary function of the Require- and, for planning purposes, prepared potential
ments Branch to compute requirements for the
Lecture, ICAF, Gen Lutes, 23 Sep 46, sub: The
Army Supply Program (ASP), designed for ASP, p. 3.
fiscal purposes and as a guide to the War Pro- 9 OQMG OO 84, 31 Mar 42, sub: Orgn of OQMG.
duction Board for long-range planning of the
Ltr,Maj Gen Lucius D. Clay, ACofS for Materiel,
to Roy Hendrickson, Dir of Food Distribution Admin-
country's wartime production program. These
istration, Dept of Agriculture, 29 Jan 43, no sub.
long-range forecasts were for Quartermaster 11
For discussion of both subsistence and petroleum
items of clothing, equipment, general supplies requirements see sections in this chapter, below.

requirements for civilian populations in terri- initial issue, replacements, and distribution. 15
tories still held by the enemy. 12 Added together, these components stated total
demand, or gross requirements for a specified
Theory of Forecasting Requirements period of time. To make a final estimate of new
supplies needed, however, the amount of the
The QMC tried to achieve balance between stock on hand had to be determined and sub-
supply and demand by anticipating the quan- tracted, giving the net requirements for the
tity of goods it would be required to deliver to same period of time. The basic formula for
the troops at given periods of time. If demand computing requirements for nonexpendable
were known far enough in advance to gear pro- items therefore stated that required production,
duction to meet it, then the Army could be sup- or net requirements, was equal to total demand,
plied without dislocating the civilian economy. or gross requirements, minus stock on hand. 14
Requirements had to be computed for both ex- This is a highly simplified statement of the
pendable and nonexpendable items. The deter- theoryupon which the computation of require-
mination of these requirements was based on ments was based. A closer examination of re-
different elements and each is therefore dis- quirements forecasting will indicate some of the
cussed separately. Expendable items are illus- difficulties inherent in it as well as the nature
trated by subsistence and petroleum products. of the modifications made by the Requirements
Nonexpendable items are represented by cloth- Branch, OQMG, in its efforts to establish a
ing and equipment. The theory and the ele- scientific basis for estimating requirements.
ments underlying the computation of require-
ments for nonexpendable items are analyzed Elements in the Determination of Requirements
first, but much of this discussion must neces-
Initial Issue
be basic to the computation of all require-

ments. The first of the elements in total demand was

Estimating requirements always had to be ap- initial issue. Initial issues were the numbers of
plied to definite periods of time, since it would articles authorized by various Tables of Basic
be meaningless to say, for example, that the Allowances (T/BA's), Tables of Equipment
Army needed The
10,000,000 pairs of shoes. (T/E's), and Tables of Allowances (T/A's) to
estimate would have to indicate the number of be issued to an individual or organization for
shoes required for a certain length of time. The the firstThe T/BA listed the clothing and
determination of supply requirements was organizational equipment authorized for issue
therefore the process of forecasting required to individuals and units, to be taken with the
production. Such procurement forecasting was organizations or individuals wherever located.
complicated by the fact that it was based on a The T/ A showed items of equipment not con-
number of variables. Among themore impor- tained in the T/BA but which were needed by
tant of these were troop bases, probable rate of 12
OQMG OO 25-56A, 2 Nov 43, sub: Establish-
induction and possible geographic distribution ment of Civ Supply Sec, Reqmts Br.
of troops, probable life of items, operational
Much of this discussion of theory and methods is
based on (1) Bradford, Methods of Forecasting. (2)
plans, possible overseas procurement, and losses
Dr. Sidney Hoos, Chief, Methods & Factors Sec,
due to enemy action. OQMG, Lectures on Elements of Quartermaster Re-
The military demand for nonexpendable quirements, Feb 44. A mimeographed copy is in the
National War College Library. Hereafter referred to
items which Quartermaster forecasters sought
as Elements of QM
to measure was comprised of three elements: 14
Hoos, Elements of QM
Reqmts, p. 2.

the organizations in posts, camps, and stations. more specific information, forecasts of require-

Such equipment— mattresses and barracks chairs ments became more accurate.
for example— was not usually taken with a unit The troop basis prepared by G-3 stated the
into the field or on change of station. The T/E, number of units of each type authorized to exist
however, listed the items of equipment author- in the future. From the T/O's
by a specified date
ized to be taken with an organization on change forecasters obtained the number and classes of
of station and, under normal conditions, into men, animals, and a few of the major items of
the field. equipment of military units. Forecasters had to
Individual equipment was usually issued at know the number and grades of officers and
reception centers and organizational equipment enlisted men in order to determine the quanti-
at the station at which the unit was activated. ties needed of such items as gloves or cook's
Initial issues were therefore partly determined clothing. The number and kinds of animals
by the rate of induction and the troop basis, made it possible for them to determine the
which presented a detailed breakdown of the quantities needed of saddles, pack equipment,
projected number of men and the number of and similar items. Such equipment as motor ve-

hicles had to be specified to enable them to

each type of organization in the Army. To
compute initial-issue quantities for a given determine, for example, the number of gasoline
period of time, therefore, it was necessary to drums required. These tables were revised from
know the projected troop strength or troop basis time to time in the light of experience in the
and the probable authorized allowances for the field.

period in question. The troop basis was pre- Itwould be inaccurate to assume that the use
pared by the War Department General Staff, of these T/BA's and T/A's involved a relatively
but it had to be combined with Tables of Or- simple process of calculation in estimating
ganization (T/O's) and various T/BA's and initial-issue requirements. These tables were

T/A's to obtain initial-issue requirements for subjected to frequent revision with the result
organizational equipment and for items of indi- that estimates, requisitions, and issue were not
vidual clothing and equipment for the period always based on the use of the same table.

used. Changes were constantly being made in the

The value of initial issues depended upon the T/BA's. New items were added as they were
accuracy with which the troop basis reflected developed, obsolete items were deleted, and
the actual troop strength organization. Unfor- authorized allowances were increased or de-
tunately, instead of one authoritative troop creased as field experience dictated. Such changes
basis from which to compute requirements, generally reached the supply sergeant in the
several troop lists were prepared by different di- field months after they had been inserted in the

visions of the General Staff, with resulting in- T/BA. 17 His requisitions would therefore be
consistencies. "One troop list prepared by G-3 based on one table while issue was made on
showed the activation of units, another prepared another. From time to time the tables were gen-
by the Operations Division showed the con-
" Ibid., p. 4.
templated deployment, and still another planned
16 Lecture, ICAF, Gen Lutes, 23 Sep 46, sub: The
sailing of units overseas. There was a tendency to ASP, p. 5.
buy on one basis and try to supply on another." 17
Special Studies Sub-Sec, Reqmts Br, 28 Jul 43,

At the end of the war there was still more than sub: Rpt on Analysis of Reqmts, Study 5-28. This was
a study of the time-lags between the date of an ASF
one troop basis, but some improvement had oc- authorization of a change in allowances in T/BA's and
curred. As the troop basis provided more and the date of field change.

erally revised. During the period of the emer- 1943 as Table of Equipment 21. This table was
gency each arm or service had its T/BA — four- used until the end of the war. In theory at least,

teen in all. By the fall of 1941 the difficulties of it permitted determination of issue to be made
computation for the issue of Quartermaster of issue were listed
at a glance since all items
items had become so great that simplification of and the quantities entered under three col-
the tables was a necessity. The OQMG pre- umns—Arctic, Temperate Climate, and Trop-
pared a consolidated table which listed all ics—according to the amount of each item
Quartermaster items of clothing and individual authorized for the type of climatic region
equipment for issue to troops, regardless of arm indicated.
or service. This table was issued by the War Although simplification had been promoted,
Department as T/BA 21 on 1 October 1941, T/A's were not always clear-cut or simple to
covering clothing and individual equipment. use. Generally allowances were related to man-
Items of organizational equipment remained power, being expressed as the quantity of each
in the T/BA's of the respective arms and item per individual. But World War II was
services, but since they were fewer in number global in nature, and highly specialized equip-
they were somewhat easier to handle. Subse- ment was used by the Army. Authorized allow-
quently, early in 1943, T/E's replaced the ances for each piece of equipment also had to
cumbersome T/BA's, excepting T/BA 21. 18 be related to a particular unit of the Army, to a
Tables of Equipment included the initial allow- specific use, to special areas, and to particular
ances for only one designated type of organiza- periods of time. 20 Some articles were issued only
tion in the Army instead, as in the old T/BA's, for a particular occupation or duty assignment.
of allowances for all types of units of an entire For example, because of the nature of his work,
arm or Within a short time these new
service. each mechanic was furnished a mackinaw. The
tables were combined with the T/O's to pro- problem was further complicated by the fact
vide Tables of Organization and Equipment that some articles were issued at the discretion
(T/O&E's), thereby simplifying the work of of the commanding general of the theater of
the supply officer in the field. operations. Special considerations, such as the
Issuance of T/BA 21 marked progress toward intensity of climate or the logistical situation,
simplification, but it was rapidly nullified by the dictated such issues. Thus, where the glare of
adoption of special clothing for the many new the sun was too great for ordinary vision to
types of organizations, such as parachute units withstand, sun glasses were authorized for issue
and amphibious troops. This produced a com- by the commanding general of the theater. A
plicated table that not only confused computa- certain clairvoyance was needed by Quarter-
tion of requirements but resulted in supply dif- master forecasters in trying to "prognosticate
ficulties Developments reached
in the field. the Commanding Officers' thinking" in such
their peak about mid-1942 and again empha- cases.
sized the problem of simplification. It was Wherever a qualification to an allowance
attacked this time by the Requirements Branch existed, it was necessary to establish an "initial

from the angle of climatic distribution of the factor." Tables of Basic Allowances provided for
troops, and the co-operation of the Research 18
(1) AR 310-60, 12 Oct 42, sub: T/O's, Tables
and Development Branch was sought in con- of Distribution, T/E's, T/B's, and T/A's. (2) Ibid.,
nection with its environmental protection change 1, 8 Jan 43.

studies. A new table was prepared and pub-

WD Cir 129, 1 Jun 43, sub: T/O&E's.
Bradford, Methods of Forecasting, p. 71.
lished by the War Department on 10 March 21
Hoos, Elements of QM Reqmts, p. 4.

the issue of two pairs of service shoes, but each ment was not only important for forecasting
inductee did not automatically receive these consumption but also for maintaining stock
shoes. The issue was regulated by the type of levels which were computed on the basis of re-

work to which he was assigned. Instead of deriv- placement issues rather than initial issues after
ing initial issue through multiplying the allow- the strength of the Army was stabilized. 25
ance by the number of inductions listed in the In estimating the quantities of replacements
troop schedule, a weighted average initial factor would be needed, Quartermaster forecasters

was computed from past experience. Supposing made use of replacement factors. A replacement
that the forecaster was concerned with the factor was expressed as a percentage figure to
initial issue of service shoes in 1943, he would indicate for each authorized allowance of initial
ascertain the number issued as initial issue in issue the rate per month at which it disappeared
1942 and then by dividing that figure by the in the hands of troops through wear, tear, con-

number of inductees for that year, he would have sumption, and loss. For example, if the author-

an average initial factor that could be applied ized initial allowance of cotton khaki shirts was
against the number of inductees contemplated four per man and experience showed that, on
in 1943.
The difficulties of determining an ac- the average, they lasted two years, then the
curate initial factor increased when representa- monthly replacement factor was 4.2 percent. In
tive experience in issue was not available, or other words the four shirts wore out at the
when the bases of issue were so complex as to average rate of 4.2 percent per month, and two
render past data valueless for interpretative shirts would, on the average, have to be re-

purposes. 23 placed at the end of a year. 26

This percentage replacement factor was one
of two general types of factors used in forecast-
ing requirements. It was used for determining
requirements for nonexpendable items. How-
The second element in calculating military ever, in estimating requirements for expendable
demand was replacement. 24 Items of clothing items, such as soap, as well as for subsistence,
and equipment initially issued to the troops a consumption factor was used. Unlike the re-
wore out under the strain to which they were placement factor, the consumption factor was
subjected during training as well as in combat not a rate expressed in terms of percentage but
where they were exposed to all the destructive was instead expressed in terms of the consump-
forces of battle. In many instances they were tion of a specific number of units of an item by
lost, pilfered, or destroyed before they could be a specific number of men during a particular
used. Replacement was, therefore, the estimate
of the quantities of items needed to replace
Ibid., p. 7.
losses and maintain the full complement of 23
For further elaboration see Bradford, Methods of
initial issues of most items at all times. In esti-
Forecasting, pp. 73-74.
mating total military demand, replacement be- 24 Until the fall of 1943 this element was also re-

came the controlling influence when the Army ferred to as maintenance. WD Cir 297, 13 Nov 43,
Sec. sub: Maint— Change in Terminology.
reached its full strength. Except for inductions 25
(1) Bradford, Methods of Forecasting, p. 75. (2)
of men necessary to maintain the Army at its Lecture, Dr. Sidney Hoos, Deputy Chief of Reqmts

authorized strength, initial issues ceased. Pro-

Br, OQMG,1945, sub: The Development and Revi-
sion of Repl Factors.
curement then was largely concerned with fill- 26
(1) Ibid. (2) Bradford, Methods of Forecasting,
ing replacement needs. The replacement ele- p. 76.

period of time, usually per month. Thus, if the most of the armed forces were in this country.
consumption was 1,350 pounds
factor for soap Replacements were needed only for losses sus-
per 1,000 men per month, then on the average tained in training and during maneuvers. Insofar
each group of 1,000 men had to be supplied as battle losses were concerned, it was assumed
with 1,350 pounds of soap each month. 27 would be generally twice the
that theater rates
Replacement and consumption factors were zone of interior rates. This was a practice
also divided into zone of interior and theater of inherited from peacetime planning. 29
operations categories. The former reflected re- Many new items for which no experience
placement or consumption experience at posts, existed were developed in the early years of the
camps, and stations in this country, whereas war. For such an item the Requirements Branch
theater factors reflected combat conditions in established a replacement factor for the zone of
the theaters. During the course of the war, interior as close as possible to that already ap-
theater factors came to be subdivided into a dif- proved for a comparable article. However, the
ferent factor for each theater. By the end of the accuracy of previously established factors was
war there were a number of factors in use for open to question. The only data available for
each initial allowance of an item. verifying that accuracy were the reports of total
During the war years not only was the con- shipments contained in the records of distribut-
cept of replacement factors considerably refined, ing depots. These were not always reliable and
but accuracy was also increased by the expan- did not distinguish between issue for initial sup-
sion of data on replacement experience in the ply and issue for replacement. In other words,
zone of interior and in the major theaters of in 1942 no scientific method for determining
operations. One of the major problems con- realistic factors had been evolved.
fronting Quartermaster requirements personnel The OQMG was aware of this need and at-

was the determination and measurement of the tacked the problem in the summer of that year.

elements influencing the replacement factor. To check the accuracy of existing records, it di-

This difficulty arose partly out of the definition rected the Quartermaster Board at Camp Lee to
of the term "life expectancy," which combined examine stock records at that camp and derive
the incompatible ideas of wear and tear and replacement factors from them. 30 As the year
combat loss. ended the Requirements Branch had initiated
field studies which were broader in scope. Field
The expected life of an item of equipment is its
survey teams began in September to collect ex-
estimated average length of serviceable life from
the time of its original issue to total loss or un- perience data on which to base replacement
serviceability. The actual life may vary from zero, rates. On the basis of their findings many
in the case of an item destroyed or lost on its first Quartermaster replacement factors were re-
day of issue, to a period greatly in excess of its
duced. In this activity the Quartermaster Gen-
expected life when the item is used under the most
favorable conditions of upkeep and wear. 28
eral set the pace for the Army. The Corps was
using such teams in the zone of interior before
The of the Requirements Branch,
first efforts the policy was extended by Headquarters, ASF,
OQMG, were directed towards measuring the
Lecture, Hoos, 1945, sub: Development and
rate of wear and tear. Progress in improving the
Revision of Repl Factors.
accuracy of factors was delayed because empha- 28
AGO Memo S 700-9-43, 20 Feb 43, sub: De-
sis during the period of an expanding army was termination and Use of Maint Factors and Distr.
29 Bradford, Methods
of Forecasting, p. 77.
on initial issue and not on replacement. 50 QM BD, 19 Aug
Ltr, Col D. H. Cowles to Pres,
Throughout 1942 and during much of 1943 42, sub: Verification of Maint Factors.

in 1943 to all technical services.

The introduc- been made for obtaining loss and expenditure
tion of the Stock Control System June of that
in rates in the North African campaign. The
year made provision for monthly reports which OQMG had been interested in acquiring such
subsequently supplied data on replacement data but could send no teams overseas until
issues to troops at posts, camps, and stations, on officially directed to do so in June 1943. 36 By
the basis of which revisions of zone of interior directive at that time each technical service sent
were made thereafter periodically.
factors specially trained officers into the theaters to
The development of accurate theater factors collect the required data for selected items of its

was equally essential. At the beginning of the issue.Each theater commander was responsible
war a single over-all factor was used to deter- for submitting complete data on replacement
mine requirements for replacements in the issues in monthly and quarterly reports to the
As early as the summer
theaters of operations. ASF. The QMC
again took the initiative. It was
of 1942, however, the Requirements Branch, the first service to organize and utilize replace-

OQMG, regarded this as an oversimplification ment-data teams. Quartermaster teams made an

of the problem of determining requirements. 32 outstanding record in compiling data on re-

Variations in climate and terrain demanded that placement and expenditure rates resulting from
the theaters of operations be divided into sev- combat conditions. 37
eral areas. The branch proposed six such areas, The data supplied by the theater reports
but until 1944 Headquarters, ASF, refused to covered all issues to troops except initial sup-
permit their establishment on the theory that ply, losses due to spoilage and shrinkage, quan-
any variations in the rate of deterioration aris- tities repaired for stock or for reissue, and
ing from geographic conditions would be offset initial issues for the period covered by the re-

by the use of an average factor. 33 port. By the fall of 1943 such reports were being
The application of an average factor to the
(1) Reqmts Div, ASF, Manual, July 1943, sub:
needs of a theater of operations was also ques- Determination and Use of Maint Factors and Distr,
tioned by Quartermaster requirements person- pp.1 1-12. (2) Hist rpt, Lt Col Simon M. Frank, The
There was as much difference, it was con- Determination of Army Supply Requirements, n. d.,
p. 122. This is a typescript report, accompanied by 4
tended, between the use of items and their life
volumes of documents, on file in OCMH.
expectancy in the areas comprising a theater as 32 Lecture, Hoos, 8
Jul 42, sub: Method of De-

among the different theaters of operations. Each termining Reqmts.

33 Memo, Col L. A. Denson, Dir of Reqmts Div,
theater was divided into a combat area and a ASF, for TQMG et a I., 22 May 44, sub: Computation
supply or noncombat area. It would have been of Sec. I,ASP, 1 Aug 44, 400.314.
more accurate to establish a factor for each of
Hoos, Elements of QM
Reqmts, p. 9.
Memo, Brig Gen W. A. Wood, Jr., Dir of Reqmts
these areas. Certainly the amount of wear and Div, ASF, for TQMG et al., Computa-
15 Jun 43, sub:
tear in some parts of a theater of operations was tion of Reqmts, Sec. ASP, 1 Aug 43, 400.314.
36 Memo, Actg TAG for CinC, SWPA, et a/., 24 Jun
no greater than in the zone of interior. This
43, sub: Determination of Maint Factor and Rates of
argument was partially accepted by the ASF in Consumption and Expenditure, AG, 400 (21 Jun 43)
the August 1943 ASP, when zone of interior re- OB-S-SPOPP-M.
( 1 ) Frank, The Determination of Army Supply
placement rates were applied to inactive
Requirements, p. 121. (2) For an elaboration of their
theaters, such as the Caribbean Defense work see Lt Sidney Karasik and Lt Robert Stott,

Command.^ "Quartermaster Replacements North African in the

Theater," QMR, XXIV (November-December 1944),
It was not until the spring of 1943 that ASF
28, 120. (3) Maj William G. Ashmore, "Supply
interest in theater replacement factors was Planning for Beachhead Operations," QMR, XXIV
emphasized. As a consequence no provision had (January- February 1945), 18.

received in sufficient numbers to warrant their applied to the sum of initial and maintenance
use as a basis for procurement estimates. 38 requirements for the period having the largest
Innumerable revisions were made in replace- requirements, which in mobilization planning
ment factors, a large percentage of which were was the first month. Application of the distribu-
downward. More accurate and realistic theater tion factor only to the first period was based
replacement factors were developed. As a con- on the theory that distribution requirements be-
sequence special factors were set up for the came frozen stock and that once this stock had
ETO, MTO, SWPA, CPA, and CBI. 39 The over- been established for the maximum amount to
all replacement factor for all theaters with be distributed in any one period, it remained
which forecasters had begun their work was available. This concept was accepted and in-
superseded in the supply and demand studies by corporated by Headquarters, SOS, in its direc-
a much more realistic different factor for each tive for computing the 1 September 1942 ASP
theater for which issue experience became but was even more restrictive in that it limited
available. application of distribution factors only to initial
requirements. 41

Distribution Requirements
The computation of requirements for distri-
bution by this factor method was rejected by
The third basic element in the computation the Requirements Branch, OQMG, as basically
of requirements for nonexpendable items was unsound. The distribution factors which had
the stock level. Variously referred to as "distri- been inherited were inadequate, logically un-
bution," "pipeline," "carry-over," "working sound, and statistically indefensible. As supply
stock," and "inventory," this term meant the lines lengthened and stockage points increased,

amount of stock which had to be on hand at they were too inelastic for determining the
any particular point in time to serve as a work- quantities of distribution required. The Army
ing inventory and as a reserve. Since the sum- distribution process involved the establishment
mer of 1942 the Requirements Branch had cen- of stocks as working inventories at several sup-

tered its attention upon this element. As in all ply points. In the zone of interior, stocks in
cases it questioned the validity of each general general moved from factory to depots and
assumption whenever it was based on "accepted thence to posts, camps, and stations for issue to
procedure" rather than upon statistical analysis the enlisted man. If the stocks were destined for
or the operating needs of the QMC. Thus it a theater of operations, they were normally
rejected the distribution factors inherited from shipped from factory to filler depot, to port of
the war planning agencies. embarkation, to port of debarkation, to base de-
In mobilization planning, requirements for pot, intermediate depot, and advance depot, and
distributionhad presumably been computed by thence to supply dumps of the armies where
percentages known as distribution factors which eventual issue to the soldier took place. Not
were derived from past experience. Such distri- 38
[1st ind] Col Cowles, OQMG, to Dir of Stock
bution requirements represented an allowance Control Div, ASF, 22 Sep 43, sub: Maint Factors.
39 Ltr, TAG to CinC, SWPA,
for additional stock necessary to et al, 11 Jul 44, sub:
fill the pipe-
Determination of Repl Factors, Rates of Consumption
line, to provide goods in transit, and to allow and Expenditures, AG 400 (7 Jul 44) OB-S-C-M.
depots a working inventory. Where size tariffs 40 Maj George H. Horkan, "The Computation of

were applicable, the factor was increased in Requirements," QMR, XIX (March-April 1940), 58.

proportion to the number of sizes listed in the

41 Memo, Dir of Reqmts
Div, SOS, for TQMG
et al., 15 Jul 42, sub: Recomputation of Sec. I, Equip,
tariff table. These distribution factors were then Ground Reqmts for ASR

only were supplies needed to start and maintain ly a mathematical and statistical problem, was
a normal flow but also they had to be available extremely important in determining how much
at all these supply points to insure continuation stockage must be carried at various points in
of that flow. The distribution factor, however, the pipeline. 45
was and inflexible. "It was valid for all
static The OQMG proposed including a further re-

points in time only if troops in the areas, the finement in the theory of distribution. This was
rate of inductions, and the supply system re- the classification of all Quartermaster items into
mained constant." 42 Obviously such a combi- four groups depending upon their importance
nation was unlikely to occur in modern warfare. to the combat function. The more essential the
During the summer and fall of 1942 the Re- item the higher the distribution level author-
quirements Branch had developed a procedure ized. Thus service shoes would be in Group I

for estimating stock needs called the "carry-over and handkerchiefs in Group IV. However,, no
43 reduction by reason of decreased importance of
method," which stated supply levels in terms
of days and would reflect the expansion and the item was made in stock levels established
contraction of inventories as required by supply for initial issue because the rate of induction
operations. This method of computing distri- changed so frequently that supply had to be as-
bution had grown out of the need for flexibility sured for this allowance.
and more accurate knowledge of stock
a levels. At a conference on 13 July 1942, attended by
By this method distribution requirements for representatives of both the Requirements Divi-
nonexpendable items were computed by multi- sion, SOS, and the OQMG, the latter registered
plying cumulative initial-issue requirements for their objections to the existing method of com-
any given period by the replacement factor for puting distribution requirements and outlined
the given item, and then multiplying the result
by a figure representing the number of months 42
(1) See Chart For the various supply points
of maintenance or replacement authorized by see Charts 10 and Methods of Fore-
11. (2) Bradford,
the War Department to maintain the desired casting, p. 35. (3) Hoos, Elements of Reqmts, QM
pp. 13ff.
stock level. Instead of distribution referring to 43 The practical development of this method grew
percentage distribution based with reference to out of the remarkably co-operative teamwork of the
initial issue as in the SOS directive, the OQMG requirements group. Although Dr. Hoos, Chief,
Methods and Factors Section, Requirements Branch,
proposed to make distribution refer to carry-
participated in a leading way in thedevelopment of
over based on established stock levels expressed the carry-over method, many others played helpful
in terms of months. Since supplies tied up in and significant roles in its administrative development
and modification. In collaboration with Col. Henry W.
storage and in transit varied according to
Bobrink, Dr. Hoos also developed the idea that stock
changes in the military program and could not level needs should vary in accordance with the im-
be reduced to a predetermined distribution fac- portance of the item to combat operations.
( 1 ) Memo, Maj Gen E. B. Gregory for CG SOS,
tor, flexibility was promoted by the carry-over
23 Jul 42, sub: Supplemental Computation of ASP.
method. 44 (2) Memo, Col Cowles, OQMG, for Reqmts Div,
The carry-over method would not have been SOS, 21 Oct 42, sub: Proposed Method for Recom-
puting Sec. I, ASP, dated 9 Oct 42, 400.314.
completely accurate without a careful consider- 45
(1) Bradford, Methods of Forecasting, pp. 82-85.
ation of the size-tariff problem. As a conse-
(2) Hoos, Elements of QM
Reqmts, pp. 16, 27. (3)
quence a size-tariff adjustment for sized items Lecture, Hoos, n. d., sub: Explanation of Size Tariff
Factor Used in Deriving Depot Stock Levels. (4) Rpt,
was incorporated in distribution as determined
Methods & Factors Sec, Reqmts Br, OQMG, 2 Jul 45,
by the carry-over method. The development of sub: Determination of Depot Stock Levels Based on
the size- tariff adjustment factors, although large- Operating Experience.



the carry-over method. Although refused per- fined, however, it was a system developed dur-
mission to use this method in computing Quar- ing the war for
termaster requirements for the 1 September
estimating the future needs of the Army for sup-
1942 ASP, the OQMG prepared an alternative plies and equipment, correlating these needs with
program in the hope that the advantages of the assets already in the hands of the Army, and coor-
new method would be recognized by Headquar- dinating them with production capabilities in
terms of facilities, raw materials, components,
ters, SOS. After this program was submitted on
manpower; governing and scheduling purchasing
7 September, conferences were held between
and production; adjusting pricing, and controlling
representatives of the OQMG
and Headquar- stockages and stock levels. 49
SOS, which resulted in acceptance of the

Quartermaster method of computing distribu- The ASP evolved gradually. In 1939 War
tion requirements but not of the levels proposed Department requirements for equipment, muni-
nor of the idea of grouping items by their im- tions, and supplies were determined by the use

portance to the combat function. The QMC of what was called the "Rearmament and Re-
supply program prepared by the carry-over equipment Program." This program had been
method was not published by Headquarters, started by G-4 in the fall of 1932. It was a
SOS, because an acute shortage of certain criti- limited and unrefined statement of procurement
cal raw materials led to an economy drive in the needs which was designed to provide for the
fall of 1942. It was used, however, as a planning Army and Na-
existing strength of the Regular
document by the OQMG in preparing contracts tionalGuard units. 50
and delivery schedules for end items and con- During the period of emergency, budget and
tributory material.
equipment preparation activities of the War
It was the persistence of the Requirements Department were delayed reactions to adverse
Branch, OQMG, that won gradual adoption of events in Europe. A number of increases were
the carry-over method by Headquarters, ASF. made in the authorized strength of the Army
The directive for the February 1943 ASP did necessitating recomputations of requirements.
not accept this method. With Headquarters' The big expansion, however, came with the col-
permission, however, the OQMG calculated lapse of France in the early summer of 1940.
and used realistic distribution factors employ- Then, on the recommendation of a special com-
ing most of the elements used in the carry-over
principle. If not officially recorded in a direc- 46
Min of mtg concerning reqmts for ASP, 13 Jul 42,
tive, in substance the method was accepted. In 400.314.
( 1 ) Memo, Dir of Reqmts Div, SOS, for TQMG,
the directive for the August 1943 ASP, however,
16 Oct 42, sub: Supplemental Computation of Sec. I,
Headquarters, ASF, for the first time gave offi- ASP. (2) Memo, TQMG
for Dirs of S&D, Fiscal, Sv

cial recognition to the carry-over principle of Instls, and Procurement Divs, OQMG,
17 Nov 42,

estimating stock requirements by directing the

sub: QMC Reqmt Program for Planning Purposes,
use of this method by all technical services. 48 Memo, Actg Dir of Reqmts Div, ASF, for TQMG
et al., 15 Jun 43, sub: Computation of Reqmts Sec. I,
ASP, 1 Aug 43, 400.314.
Evolution of the Army Supply Program 49 Lecture, ICAF, Gen Lutes, 23 Sep 46, sub: The
ASP, p. 1.

In a narrow sense the ASP may be defined as 50

(1) Lecture, ICAF, Maj Simon Frank, 17 Jan 45,
sub: History of the Army Requirements Program, pp.
a printed document which periodically set forth
4-5. On file at Hist Sec, OQMG. (2) See also a more
during World War II the requirements of the extended account in Frank, The Determination of
Army for supplies and equipment. Broadly de- Army Supply Requirements, pp. 3ff.

mittee appointed by the President, Army re- materials and to the productive capacity of
quirements were raised to nearly six billion dol- available facilities. He requested information
lars. This program of 30 June 1940 was the first from the Secretary of War on the Army's sched-
of the munitions programs. To control the un- ule of requirements by quarter periods to be
precedented expenditure, an "Equipment Ex- sent to the Office of Production Management. 53
penditure Program" was developed by G-4 of In the meantime the War Department Gen-
the General was intended to facilitate
Staff. It eral Staff was preparing a revised troop basis
the administration of the Munitions Programs. estimating the force required to defeat the
The first of this series of Expenditure Programs country's potential enemies. On the basis of
was published on 12 August 1940 and the last this troop schedule a supply program known as

on 30 June 1942. Thereafter the ASP became the "Victory Program" was completed and
the means for authorizing procurement. 51 transmitted early in October to the OPM. After
In effect the Expenditure Programs were a 7 December 1941 up time ob-
the need to set
breakdown of the monies appropriated by Con- jectives for the procurement program became
gress for supplies and equipment for the Army urgent. On 27 December a revised troop basis,
into specific items or categories of items and indicating the periods in which units would be
quantities which the procuring services were activated, was obtained. The supply program
authorized to buy after G-4 approval of the computed on the basis of this troop schedule
programs. They were, however, an inadequate was completed in February 1942. It was called
means of governing the supply program of the the "War Munitions Program" but was never
Army. They were limited in scope and did not authorized for procurement because its require-
cover all necessary items nor did they indicate ments were too high to be met. It proved to be
when the items would be needed, whether in in the nature of a "dry run" edition of the ASP.
1941, 1942, or 1944. In other words, they were In addition to stating production goals in terms
not phased in time, a fact which compelled a of calendar-year periods, it had other desirable
revision of theprogram when the United States features, namely, the incorporation of Navy and
entered the war. Although these programs were lend-lease requirements. 54
inadequate as a basis for production planning An immediate revision of this program was
and scheduling and for determining the Army's called for by the Office of the Under Secretary
needs for raw materials and industrial facilities, of War and G-4. 55 Such revision was dictated
they were a "meager but important beginning by production possibilities and the availability
in determining the requirements of the Army
and translating these requirements into feasible
Memo, Hq SOS for TQMG et al., 22 Jul 42, sub:
Equip Expenditure Program.
production schedules." 52 52
Lecture, Gen Lutes, 2 3 Sep 46, sub: The ASP,
The attack on Pearl Harbor in December p. 2.
1941 necessitated the establishment of time ob- » Memo, Nelson for SW, 17 Sep 41, sub: Mili-
tary Reqmts and Probable Production of Finished
jectives for the procurement program. Aware- Products. (2) See Mark S. Watson, Chief of Staff: Pre-
ness of this need had been growing in various war Plans and Preparations, in U. S. ARMY IN
quarters. In September 1941 Donald M. Nelson, WORLD WAR II (Washington, D. C, 1950), pp.
33 Iff.
then Executive Director of the Supply, Prior- 54 Frank, The Determination of Army Supply
ities, and Allocations Board (SPAB) sought a Reqmts, pp. 17-20.
more approach to the problem of set-
55 Memo, OUSW for Chiefs of Sup Arms and
( 1 )

Svs, 5 Feb 42, sub: Equip Sec of ASP. (2) Memos,

ting procurement objectives. His goal was to
ACofS G-4, for TQMG et al., 20 Feb 42 and 2 Mar
relate over-all requirements to the supply of 42, same sub, 400.314.

of shipping. Thus was initiated the first com- of raw materials and facilities. The standardiza-
prehensive ASP which appeared in April 1942 tion of new items of equipment and the
shortly after the major phases of the supply elimination of the use of programmed items
process had been concentrated under one top were also primary causes for revision of the ASP.
management in the newly organized Headquar- The scope of the ASP extended to all types of
ters, SOS. equipment procured by the Army for the armed
During 1942 the problem of production pos- forces of the United States and its allies. The
sibilities was of primary concern to those re- development and supervision of this program
sponsible for supply. Within the War Depart- were responsibilities of Headquarters, SOS, but
ment the ASP was the medium by which the implementation of its directives was accom-
balance was to be attained in production and in plished by the technical services. The program
over-all supply and demand among the several set forth the procurement objectives of the sev-
military programs and between end items and eral technical services by calendar years in terms
their components. The program was therefore of end items. was divided into a number of

developed and operated under two phases. In separate sections which varied at times but in-
the first an initial long-range program was to cluded such categories as ground equipment, air
be developed and immediate broad analysis and equipment, expendable supplies for ground
adjustment were to be made. In Phase II peri- forces and for air forces, miscellaneous supplies
odic, detailed, short-range analysis and adjust- for international aid, and construction supplies.

ments of the long-range program were to be After July 1942 the ASP was used as the sole
made. 56 Until a realistic relationship between source of procurement authority for the QMC
military requirements and industrial capacity and the other supply services. To relate the pro-
had been determined, Phase I was of great im- gram to availability of critical materials and in-
portance. Its significance waned, however, after dustrial facilities, The Quartermaster General
the early stages of the war. and the other supply service chiefs, at the di-
Phase I gave effect to such considerations as rection of the Production Division, SOS, trans-

significant changes in planned troop strength, lated end items listed in the ASP into terms of
availability of raw materials, the capacity of raw materials. The raw material requirements
industry, and limitations on shipping. During were determined by compiling bills of materials
1942 the ASP was adjusted radically to attain obtained from contractors or by estimation.
the balance sought. For example, a revision was These were transmitted to the WPB and Army
necessary when the President authorized a new and Navy Munitions Board where the informa-
troop strength in August. By October another tion on availability of supply enabled Head-
critical decision was made placing production quarters,SOS, to adjust the ASP when necessary
emphasis on the aircraft and escort vessel pro- and secure an appropriate tentative allocation of
grams. The WPB indicated that the production materials. The ASP therefore served as a guide
capacity of the country would not support the for allocation of raw materials by the WPB and
ground equipment program as stated in the ASP the ANMB.
as well as provide for accelerated production of
the aircraft and escort vessel programs. As a re- 56
Memo, Gen Lucius D. Clay, Deputy CofS
sult a 20 percent cut in ground equipment had for Reqmts &
Resources, SOS, for Chiefs of Operating
to be taken. 57 Revisions of the ASP were made Divs, SOS et al., 5 Apr 42, sub: Procedure in the
Development and Execution of ASP, 400.314.
because of changes in the troop basis, in allow- ,7
Lecture, Frank, 17 Jan 45, sub: History of Army
ance tables, in strategic plans, and in availability Reqmts Program, p. 12.

In this connection, controlling the flow of and last edition of the ASP appeared, the pro-
critical materials, such as aluminum, into es- gram underwent many developments. Tech-
sential war programs was one of the most vexa- niques of computing it were improved and
tious problems early in the war. An effort to principles of forecasting were refined. In this
solve this difficulty through the use of a priority process of development the Requirements
system failed. The Production Requirements Branch, OQMG, "not only anticipated but
Plan, which attempted to allocate materials on formulated, refined, and induced the ASF to
the basis of manufacturers' estimates rather than accept most of the requirements policies and
on end item programs, was equally unsuccess- procedures that were eventually adopted by that
ful.In the fall of 1942 the materials problem agency." Foremost among these was the carry-

was solved through the development of the over method of computing distribution require-
Controlled Materials Plan which provided for ments. This concept of stock levels as operating
an allocation of materials to claimant agencies reserves that fluctuated in accordance with an-
in accordance with scheduled programs of re- was carried over into the supply
ticipated issues
quirements. Since the QMC was a compara- and demand and supply control systems that
tively small user of critical metals, it did not later superseded the ASP.
figure as prominently in the operations of the Since the carry-over method related stock
Controlled Materials Plan as did other technical level requirements directly to initial and main-
The use of this plan required the tenance issues, it enabled a new concept of stock
translation of the ASP into scheduled quantities on hand to be incorporated in the estimate by
of the various controlled materials. Head- adjusting the number of months of maintenance
supplemented the ASP with a
quarters, ASF, used in the computation. 61 Formerly emphasis
document issued quarterly and known as the was placed on estimating total assets and total
"Army Requirements for Controlled Materials" consumption, but attention could now be cen-
from the second quarter of 1943 to the end of tered onlyon the increases to these assets and
the war. on consumption as reflected by issues from the
In addition to being used as the sole source of depots.
procurement authority and as a guide for the The OQMGwas interested in eliminating
allocation of raw materials, the ASP served from the definition of tangible assets such
other purposes. It was used for co-ordinating vagaries as stocks in the hands of troops. At
the demands of the Navy and of international best such figures could only be "computed esti-
aid which the Army had to procure. Finally the mates for the large majority of Quartermaster
ASP was used as a basis for budget estimates items." One of the outstanding features of the
submitted to Congress. The total amounts of 58
For a full discussion on controlling the flow of
equipment, expressed in dollars, were incorpo- materials to Quartermaster contractors see Harry B.
rated in the budget for securing funds for future Yoshpe, Production Control in the Quartermaster Corps,

appropriations. The ASP was

1939-1944 (QMC Historical Studies 8, December
also used as a
1944), pp. 36-41.
basis for defending these estimates in Congress. 59 59 Frank, The Determination of Army Supply
Reqmts, pp. 38-39.
Bradford, Methods of Forecasting, p. 46.
Quartermaster Contributions to Improved 61
Dir of Mil Ping Div to TQMG, 18 Jun 43, sub:
Techniques Comparison of QM
Subsections, 1 Feb 43, ASP Sec. I
and 1Aug 43, ASP.
Between April 1942 when the first ASP was
Memo, Col Cowles, OQMG, for Reqmts Div
ASF, 22 Sep 43, sub: On Hand Figures for 1 Feb 44
published and October 1944 when the seventh Revision of ASP.

August 1943 ASP was the deletion of stocks in had been considered in the OQMG a year
the hands of troops from the on hand figure. earlier in the summer of 1942. 66
Data for the program were based only on actual Still another Quartermaster concept proposed
stocks in storage. The on hand figure included as early as July 1942 found acceptance in the
stocks at posts, camps, stations, and depots, August 1944 ASP. The OQMG
had urged the
which were ready for issue, as well as reserves division of the world into a number of separate

at ports of embarkation. It also included the areas in order to reflect geographic peculiarities

stock in transit to these installations and the in the computation of requirements. In the di-
quantities consigned as port reserves to ports of rective for the August 1944 program Head-
embarkation. It did not include supplies actually quarters, ASF, took the first step in this direc-
in transit and consigned for shipment overseas tion by authorizing a European Area and a
since these were considered part of the assets of Pacific Area in the computation of require-

the theater of operations. The inventory was ments. 67

limited to stocks located in the continental Itwas Quartermaster persistence which won
United States.
Calculated on hand figures took ASF acceptance of improved techniques de-
the place of totaled inventories. Although the veloped by the OQMG
Problems of operations
Stock Control Division, ASF, proposed inclu- were naturally realized at the technical service
sion of the stocks in the hands of troops in the level before they became known to the higher

February 1944 revision of the ASP the validity echelons. Solutions to these problems could be

of the OQMG objections was recognized, and and were devised at that level but ASF approval
the QMC program included only those ele- came slowly. This had the effect of discouraging

ments incorporated in the August 1943 pro- the presentation of other improvements to the
gram. 64 technique of determining requirements. Thus
The ASF directive for the August 1943 ASP the difficulty of winning acceptance of the
showed acceptance of other Quartermaster con- carry-over method made the OQMG reluctant
cepts. The application of zone of interior re- to urge acceptance in the fall of 1942 of a

placement factors to supplies in noncombat method for forecasting supply needs and for

areas physically located in theaters of operations controlling their procurement and distribution
had been advanced by the Corps. It received which embodied all the essential features of the

partial recognition by the ASF when zone of supply control system established by Headquar-
interior replacement rates were applied to inac- ters, ASF, two years later in the fall of 1944. 68
tive theaters of operations, such as the Carib-
bean Defense Command. A more realistic ap-
AGO Memo S700-18-43, 26 Mar 43, sub: De-
termination of "On Hand" Figures as of 1 Jul 43, for
proach was further promoted by the official
use in ASP.
recognition given for the first time in this di- 64
( 1 ) Memo,
Stock Control Div, ASF, for TQMG
et al., n. d. Sep 43) sub: On Hand Figures for
rective to overseas procurement. The total of
1 Feb 44 Revision of ASP. (2) Memo, Col Cowles,
required production for each period was to be OQMG, for Reqmts Div ASF, 22 Sep 43, same sub.
reduced by the amount of anticipated overseas 65
1st ind, Gen Clay to TQMG, 2 Jul 43, on memo,

procurement determined by the chiefs of the

TQMG for CG ASF, 24 Jun 43, sub: Computation of
Reqmts Sec. I ASP, 1 Aug 43.
supply services from theater reports. 65 Reverse 66 Brig Gen F. F. Scowden to TQMG, 24 Aug 42,

lend-lease was included in overseas procurement sub: Reverse Lend- Lease.

since was supply which did not need to be

Memo, Col Denson, Reqmts Div, ASF, for TQMG
et al., 22 May 44, sub: Computation of Sec. I ASP, 1
manufactured in this country. The effect of Aug 44, 400.314.
68 Bradford, Methods
overseas procurement on production schedules of Forecasting, p. 46.

Development of Supply Control System curement. Its estimates were accepted as guid-
ance data by the operating branches but were
Supply and Demand Study
often bypassed in actual procurement by the
During the early phases of the war when the practice of "forward buying." This, for example,
problem of supply was confined to provision- enabled the operating branch to procure some
ing an expanding Army with initial equipment of the 1943 requirements of a given item in
and stockage, the ASP served its purpose of 1942 on the plea that all the 1942 requirements
guiding procurement activities although fore- had been procured early in the year and con-
casting was only on a long-range basis. Short- tinuous production was necessary to retain the
range forecasting was accomplished by the facilities for the manufacture of Quartermaster
commodity branches of the Storage and Dis- items. This practice grew out of fear that the
tribution Division. When the shortage of scarce QMC would be caught in short supply. Such
materials allocated to industry became critical fear could be dispelled only by a statement of
and when the problem of supplying the Army demand for shorter periods than those used in
shifted to the maintenance of men and pipe- the ASP which provided for semiannual compu-
lines, the necessity of estimating requirements tations of demand and supply. To be sure there
as accurately as possible became increasingly were interim changes computed for the pro-
important. Underestimating requirements was gram but these were sporadic and discretionary
as serious as overestimating them. The latter in nature. Not until the later days of the ASP
would produce a dislocation of industry and an were revised estimates processed for approval
unjustifiable curtailment of civilian supply. on the basis of continuing modification and
Underestimation meant the loss, probably revision in line with experience.
beyond recovery, of raw materials and the The necessity for periodic review of require-
capacity for production of other vital work. ments in the light of operating needs gave rise
This was particularly significant for Quarter- to the development of the supply and demand
master items which were in direct competition study. 71 During the latter part of 1943 the Re-
with civilian commodities. 69 quirements Branch developed methods of com-
The ASP was not so much a control measure puting requirements on the basis of forecasts of
as a planning document, setting future objec- depot issues. Forecasts of depot issues were pre-
tives and providing the basis for appropriation pared so that adequate stocks could be main-
requests. By the summer of 1943 it was clear tained "to meet all legitimate requisitions by
that the ASP was a none too accurate "horizon
setter" rather than a mechanism for achieving
69 Address, Alvin Mayne, Reqmts Br OQMG, sub:
Supply and Demand Studies and Field Information
smooth production schedules, integration of the Essential to Computation of Reqmts, QM
production processes, sufficient raw materials, 2-4 Oct 44, Camp Lee, Va.
and effective control of stocks. 70 The need for
Dir of Mil Ping Div to TQMG, 8 Feb 44, sub:
Comments on Atchd Memo concerning ASP by Mr.
closer co-ordination between production and Bruce.
consumption required that the supply status be 71
Like the carry-over method, the development of
established on a monthly basis. the supply and demand study was the product of the
co-operative effort of personnel in various operating
The ASP provided a statement of annual divisions of the OQMG. Within the Requirements
needs but no guide existed for scheduling de- Branch, Alvin Mayne
crystallized the concept and
mand within the year. In the QMC the require- Hyman G. Landau performed the detailed work. The
resulting technique was submitted to the Deputy The
ments forecasts of the Requirements Branch Quartermaster General for Supply Planning and
had only a limited application as a basis for pro- Operations on 20 January 1944.

regional and filler depots." The planning of validity of experience as a basis for determining

supplies was confined to the depot level, since requirements and in essence accepted the pro-
the method was devised to enable The Quarter- cedures already developed by the Requirements
master General to control his supply, and he Branch, OQMG. 75
It replaced the ASP with the
lost that control when supplies left the depot. Supply Control System, which was made ap-
The OQMG assumed that field experience plicable to all Quartermaster items except sub-
had advanced sufficiently to be used as the basis sistence. During December 1944, however, it
for forecasting. The method developed was ex- was extended to these items. The Supply Con-
plained to representatives of the ASF at a con- trol System established an integrated method of

ference in November 1943. The ASF did not requirements forecasting, production schedul-
approve the use of this system as a substitute ing, stock accounting, stock control, and dis-

for the method it prescribed for the ASP. Maj. posal of excess supplies. Continuous short-term
Gen. Lucius D. Clay, Director of Materiel, op- review was the keynote of the system, which
posed the use of the method because he believed provided data on a monthly basis, in contrast to

it would cause Army demands to fluctuate the ASP, which was concerned with annual
sharply from month to month. The changes procurement requirements.
would be reflected in production schedules and Procedures were set forth for attaining the
the frequency of them would be detrimental to objectives of the program. To facilitate control
Army procurement and to industry. While the all military property was divided into two broad

use of this method was opposed for official re- groups. Group "P" included all items of major
quirements, the ASF representatives found suffi- importance from a military or monetary stand-

cient merit in it to suggest its use and continued point, on which centralized control was there-

development for checking and reviewing re- fore desirable. It also included those items the
quirement estimates. Furthermore, Mr. Howard demand which could not be adequately esti-

Bruce in the Office of the Director of Materiel mated on past experience. Group "S"
was assigned to study and evaluate the method. 75 comprised all other materiel. These groupings
His report criticized the system because it followed the same general division of items
relied too much on recent, actual experience in- recommended in the Bruce memorandum.
stead of upon a combination of experience and As a method of reviewing items in both
judgment as heretofore. The method was found categories, the circular directed the technical
applicable, however, to certain types of items. services to prepare supply and demand studies
He suggested that one group of items be esti- in order to regulate procurement more closely
mated compliance with directives
in strict and correlate it and requirements to current
formulated by Headquarters, ASF, and a second needs. These studies were to embody three
group, by reference to inventory and issue data.
The Requirements Branch objected to the as-
Address, Mayne, Supply and Demand Studies and
Field Information Essential to Computation of Reqmts,
sumption that it used experience without anal- QM Conf, 2-4 Oct 44, Camp Lee, Va.
ysis and questioned the value of the proposed 75 Bradford, Methods of Forecasting, p. 51.
grouping of items. 74
Dir of Mil Ping Div to TQMG,
8 Feb 44, sub:
Comments on Atchd Memo Concerning ASP by Mr.
( 1 ) Memo, Gen Clay, for Dir of Purchases Div,
Supply Control System
ASF, et al., 26 Jan 44, no sub. (2) For an analysis of
Quartermaster methods see Bradford, Methods of Fore-
When on 7 March 1944 Headquarters, ASF, casting, pp. 47-51.
published Circular 67, it acknowledged the 76 ASF Cir 67, Sec. II, par 3, 7 Mar 44, no sub.

major phases: (1) a forecast of future issues, (2) 1944 was one of conferences and reports con-
the computation of authorized stock levels, and cerning the extent of the presentation of sup-
(3) the determination of status and adjustment The OQMG recommended
ply control data. 79
of procurement schedules and stocks. Where adequate but minimum accounting; the ASF
items did not have a readily predictable rate of requested detailed information. The Supply
issue, the ASF directed the technical services to Control Form developed as the reporting docu-
follow the ASP method in developing issue ment for the principal items was divided into
forecast. For items having a stable rate of issue seven major areas of functions: (1) identifica-
the determination of future issue requirements tion of the item, (2) past supply status, (3)
was to be based on a critical evaluation of past present supply status, (4) future supply status,
issue experienceand a projection of this experi- (5) stock status, (6) disposal, and (7) annual
ence into the future. data comparisons. 80 These forms were pre-
Stock levels excluded amounts already shipped pared for each item reported. Collected and
overseas as well as quantities under the control published monthly they were called the
of posts, camps, and stations in the United Monthly Progress Report, Section 20. This
States. They were based upon anticipated depot replaced the ASP as the official statement of
issues to the extent authorized. For distribution required production and the authority for

in thezone of interior a 45-day level of supply procurement.

was prescribed; for the theater of operations it The Supply Control System required the
was established at 60 days. An additional 30 closest co-ordination between all requirements,
days of supply, entitled "overseas contingency procurement, and stock control agencies. With-
reserve" was authorized for those items issued in the QMC the administration of the system
overseas which did not have a strategic re- was worked out without establishing a central

serve. 77 Basing levels on anticipated issues, as authority for requirements forecasting, produc-
calculated in the supply and demand study, tion scheduling, and the other closely related
changed the concept of stockage as set forth in functions. 81 A greater degree of co-ordination
the ASP directives as a static quantity to one was effected but the determination of require-
which fluctuated as estimated issues varied and ments remained a joint responsibility in the
number of days authorized was changed.
as the OQMG because the Military Planning Division
The method to be used in determining the still had to obtain concurrence in its forecast
status of an item and adjusting its procurement
schedules and stocks was left to the judgement 77
WD Cir 85, Sec. Ill, 25 Feb 44, sub: Stock Level
of the technical service. The objective was "to within Z/I.
ASF Cir 67, Sec. II, par 5 e (3), 7 Mar 44, no
bring stocks in line with the total authorized sub.
stock levels (U. 79
S.) at the earliest practicable ( 1 ) Chief of Reqmts Br to Chief of Mil Ping Div,

date, and thereafter to make procurement OQMG, 20 Mar 44, sub: Tentative Form of Sup and
Demand Rpt. (2) Same to OP&C Div, OQMG, 9
schedules accord with future demand." 78 This
Aug 44, sub: Conf on Sup Control Rpts. (3) Memo,
date depended on the status of production and Col Doriot, OQMG, forCG ASF, 3 Nov 44, sub:
the procurement problems involved, but unless Proposed Revision of Sup Control Rpt. (4) Memo,
Doriot for same, 13 Nov 44, sub: Comments on Pro-
an extension was specifically authorized by
posed Sup Control Form.
Headquarters, ASF, the necessary adjustments 80
For an analysis of this form see Bradford, Methods
were to be accomplished within six months. of Forecasting, pp. 60-70.

Insofar as related to Quartermaster require-

(1) OQMG OO 25-72, 31 Mar 44, sub: Asgmt
of Responsibilities. (2) OQMG OO 2 5-72 A, 1 1 Jul
ments, the history of supply control during 44, same sub.

studies from other interested divisions. portions with the mounting of the North Afri-
The Supply Control Report was an improve- can and Normandy During the
operations." 83

ment over its predecessor, the ASP, to the war the section prepared approximately 4,000
extent that administratively it tended to force requirements reports for task forces and for
the requirements and procurement groups to various other special operations.
work together more closely than heretofore. International BusinessMachine (IBM) tabu-
Embodying a close supervision over supply lation was computing such data. Before
vital in
planning and operations, it represented the final the outbreak of hostilities every computation—
instrument adopted by the War Department every addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
during World War II as a solution to the whole division— was performed manually by a clerk
control problem. It had one vital deficiency for with the aid of an adding machine or calculator.
it was basically weak in the forecasting of is- One computation, for example, prepared short-
sues. The validity of the entire report depended ly before Pearl Harbor for a relatively small
on forecast of issues to the Army but the report task force required approximately six weeks.
had no check as to the accuracy of that one ele- Such laborious procedures were unsuited to the
ment. While the report contained data on the tempo of modern war, which demanded the use
most recent issues and cumulative issues for of machine methods and the conversion of all
each item from the beginning of the year, these basic data needed for requirements computation
data were insufficient to permit the reviewing to electrical accounting machine punch cards.

group more than a cursory review of the issue Within a short time after the outbreak of war,
forecast. There was no explanation of the inter- the section, with the co-operation of the Ma-
pretations given to authorized allowances, nor chine Tabulating Branch, had developed an ef-

was it what portion of the issues were

indicated ficient and flexible system for the accurate prep-
in anticipation of consumption by troops or aration of all the various types of requirements
how many articles were to be shipped as addi- reports.
tions to the stocks required overseas. Computing task force requirements involved
not only the initial issue and replacement quan-
Computation of Task Force Requirements tity of each item of food, clothing, equipage,
regular supplies, and fuels needed by a particu-
In addition to calculating requirements for lar force, but also the total weight and cubic
supply programs which involved long-range displacement of this shipment. Such data served
planning, the Requirements Branch was also
(1) Bradford, Methods of Forecasting, p. 70. (2)
responsible for computing immediate initial
According to Dr. Hoos, if requirements and procure-
and replacement requirements for task forces. ment personnel could have been brought to work
The most essential element here was time. Task together more closely under the latest ASP procedures,
the "net result would have been even better because
forces generally moved on short orders, and per-
ASP forecasting record, analyses would show, was
sonnel of the Overseas Requirements Section the more accurate largely because it was less mech-
of the branch had to compute requirements for anistic and not hindered with random non-controllable
variations." Ltr, Dr. Hoos to Chief of Military History,
them quickly, based on War Department move- 21 Dec 50, no sub.
ment orders. Beginning inconspicuously with 83 Rpt, Overseas Reqmts Sec, Reqmts Br, Mil Ping

the computation of supply requirements for Div, OQMG, Oct 45, sub: History and Record of
Accomplishment, p. 12.007. Copy on file at Hist Sec,
forces assigned to garrison bases obtained from
Britain in trade for a number of over-age de- 84
For elaboration of the problems involved see ibid.,

stroyers, this activity "grew to staggering pro- pp. 12.010ff.


as the basis for requisitions directing shipment to serve similar ends. This "Guide for Use in

from depots, as the basis for planning rail and Preparing and Editing Requisitions for Quarter-
water shipping requirements, and as a check list master Supplies in the Theater of Operations"
for conducting showdown inspections of troops was sent to all ports and theaters on 1 March
and equipment at staging areas and ports of 1943. The shortcomings of this pamphlet
embarkation. They were the key instrument for were recognized, and therefore its use was rec-
the shipment of supplies for forces moving into ommended only as a guide for future needs in
theaters of operations. the absence of accurate consumption data in
any theater. 86
In the meantime data obtained by overseas
Overseas Requirements Tables teams were being screened and converted by the
Requirements Branch into tentative replace-
Obviously if forecasts of requirements esti- ment factors by theaters. In response to a re-
mated in the War Department and requisitions quest of the Central Pacific Base Command, the
for supplies prepared in overseas commands Requirements Branch in December 1943 pre-
were based on common assumptions, the state- pared an Overseas Requirements Report. At
ments of requirements would be more accurate. about the same time a preliminary computation
Perhaps the chief deficiency in the method of was made covering the United Kingdom. This
determining requirements during World War became the first Overseas Requirements Table,
II was the lack of co-ordination between the as- and it was submitted to the New York Port of
sumption underlying the estimates of the Re- Embarkation for review. Various recommenda-
quirements Branch, OQMG, and the basis of tions made by the port were accepted. The Re-
requisitions from the theaters of operations. quirements Branch suggested that the re-
The desirability of such co-ordination had al- placement factors derived from theater issue
ways been recognized, but its necessity was experience supplant the over-all replacement
sharply emphasized when supply planning percentage approved by the War Department. 87
shifted from long-range planning under the Overseas requirements tables were thereupon
ASP to short-term operations under the Supply prepared during the next few months for the
Control System. A more precise correlation be- six theaters of operations showing the total

tween forecasts and requisitions was demanded authorized initial allowances, stock level, re-

by the short-term estimates of that system. The serve requirements, the monthly replacement
OQMG sought to achieve co-ordination factor, and the replacement quantities for 1,000
through the development of overseas require- individuals for 30 days in each of the theaters
ments tables. 85 The Guide was subsequently revised and pub-
Personnel at ports of embarkation and thea- lished as a War Department supply bulletin, SB 10-12,
ter commanders were both need of lists of
in 1 1 Feb 44, sub: Guide for Use in Preparation of
Requisitions in Overseas Commands and Editing
consumption and replacement factors. Although Thereof by Ports of Embarkation. It was succeeded by
the Requirements Branch recognized this need, SB 10-98, 21 Jul 44, and was rescinded on 21 March
it was in no position to provide realistic factors 45. Both bulletins advised use of the overseas require-
ments tables, if available, because of their more direct
for each theater in 1942. In the meantime, while applicability.
it collected and analyzed data, the Storage and 86
For further analysis of the pamphlet see Bradford,
Distribution Division, as an operating division Methods of Forecasting, p. 86.
Travel Rpt, Capt H. A. Naisbitt to TQMG, 21
87 '

in closer touch with problems in the field,

Jan 44, sub: Rpt of Inspection of QM
Activities at
sought to fill this need by drafting a pamphlet NYPE.

of operations. These tables were not applicable Subsistence Requirements

to all items. They covered clothing and equip-
Administrative Background
ment, expendable supplies, spare parts for se-

lected items, certain groups of sales items, and In the forecasting of subsistence requirements
salvage repair supplies. They did not apply to close working relations were necessary between
such Class I supplies as rations, or to fuels and the Requirements Branch, Military Planning
lubricants, or certain Class IV supplies requir- Division, and the Subsistence Branch (later
ing special justification, as tentage for housing Division). Harmonious relationships, however,
and storage. 88 were not easily achieved, in part because of the
After the tables had been used for several tradition of independence long enjoyed by the
months and their contribution to efficiency As a commodity unit,
subsistence organization.
demonstrated, Headquarters, ASF, directed the ithad been accustomed to computing its own
preparation of similar tables by the other tech- requirements. The Subsistence Branch viewed
nical services. 89 The overseas requirements long-range requirements estimated by the Re-
tables attained almost universal acceptance and quirements Branch as too theoretical in nature
contributed markedly to promoting co-ordina- and too dissociated from its day-to-day operat-
tion between the theater commands, the ports ing problems to have much practical application.
of embarkation, and the War Department in Headquarters of SOS and later of ASF did
the estimating of requirements. Although the not actively engage in detailed supervision of
tables were widely used at ports of embarkation food requirements during most of World War
and overseas commands, they were not consist- II as it did for other materiel. Nor did it repre-

ently and regularly used by the analysts of the sent the War Department in matters of subsist-

Requirements Branch itself. For several reasons ence production and procurement. 90 Instead, on
their use was more limited in preparing esti- 29 January 1943 the Chief of Staff for Materiel,
mates for supply control. The most important SOS, advised the Department of Agriculture
reason was the lapse of time between receipt of that the "War Department has centered its re-

data requiring a change in the estimate of re- sponsibility with respect to the food require-
quirements and the incorporation of that data ments of the Army" under the specific supervi-

in the quarterly revision of the Overseas Re- sion of Brig. Gen. Carl A. Hardigg, Chief of the
quirements Table. Since this information was Subsistence Branch, OQMG. 91
Since this

available to the analyst, there was no point in branch was also procuring food, influencing
his waiting for the table's publication before production, and making the actual operating
taking corrective action. To achieve greater decisions, it followed that agencies of the De-
co-ordination in this area a Factor Control partment of Agriculture tended to confine their
Committee was established in the Require- relations with the War Department to the Sub-
ments Branch in November 1944 to bring sistence Branch, OQMG. The Requirements
about as complete agreement as possible be-
Bradford, Methods of Forecasting, p. 88.
tween the factors and allowances used in the
supply program computations and those com- Memo, Gen Somervell for Chiefs of Tech Svs, 8

Jul 44, sub: Computation of Allowances for Overseas

puted for the Overseas Requirements Tables. Bases.
90 Memo, Deputy Dir of Resources & Production
Although some success was thereby achieved,
Div, SOS, for TQMG, 2 Feb 43, sub: Transfer of Food
complete co-ordination between the supply
Functions, 430.
programs and the tables was not effected before 91
Ltr, Gen Clay to Roy Hendrickson, Dir of Food
the war ended. Distribution Administration, 29 Jan 43, no sub.

Branch, as a means of keeping in touch with ration accessory packets. Field ration A, consist-
current development and probable future trends ing of fresh foods supplemented by some
for long-range planning in subsistence, tried in canned foods, was issued to troops in the zone
vain to secure representation on the Inter- of interior except when they were on maneu-
Agency Food Allocations Committee estab- vers. Front-line combat troops received special
lished by theDepartment of Agriculture. Not rations, such as C, K, or ten-in-one. Other thea-
until 4 August 1945 was the Military Planning ter troops were issued field ration B, which in-

Division definitely assigned to represent the cluded a large number of nonperishable foods.
QMC on the commodities sub-committees of
the Food Requirements and Allocation Com- Basic Formula
mittee—successor to the Inter- Agency Food
Allocations Committee— for the purpose of pre- In computing the net ASP requirements 94 for
Army food requirements.
senting and justifying these foods, the personnel of the Requirements
The Subsistence Division continued to repre- Branch used a basic formula that remained un-
sent the War Department in all matters of food changed during the war, although elements
procurement. 92 composing it underwent many refinements to
Despite the irritations that grew out of these effect greater accuracy of the forecasts made. In
relationships, the personnel of the Subsistence anticipation of further analysis, this formula
Branch and of the Requirements Branch collab- may be stated simply. Net Army requirements
orated in preparing requirements for subsistence equaled the quantities of food consumed by the
and post exchange items. In time a working ar- troops, plus necessary closing stock inventories
rangement was evolved. Before beginning a in the zone of interior and theaters of opera-
computation, personnel from the two branches tions, minus the actual opening inventories.
discussed the method and assumptions to be The net purchases of subsistence made in the
used. The decisions made included agreement United States by the QMC included not only
as to consumption factors, strength data, ship- these net requirements, minus anticipated local
ping time, stock levels overseas and in the zone procurement overseas, but also the quantities
of interior, loss allowances, and other data. purchased for and transferred to other agencies,
During the computation frequent checks were such as the Navy and the Red Cross, as well as
made by the Subsistence Division to catch errors the subsistence provided for civilians in occu-
before the work was completed. Subsequently, pied areas. The necessary closing inventories
when the Supply Control Reports replaced the consisted of post, camp, and station stock levels
ASP, the work of preparing them was done for zone of interior personnel and theater levels

by these two agencies. The actual forms

jointly for overseas personnel authorized by the War
were computed by personnel of the Require- Department on the basis of a certain number
ments Branch from requirements previously of days of supply for the personnel being sub-
concurred in by the Subsistence Division. The 92 OQMG OO 30-74, 4 Aug 45, sub: Representa-
reports were then reviewed and approved by tion on Inter-Agency Food Subcommittees of Require-
personnel of the Subsistence Division. Both ments and Allocation Committee.
95 Rpt, Reqmts Br, OQMG, Oct 1945, sub: Army
agencies were represented at review meetings
Subs and PX Reqmts, Jul 42-Aug 45, Pt. I, p. 10.
conducted by Headquarters, ASF. 93 94 The following discussion of methodology is large-

Requirements had to be estimated ly based on a report prepared by the operating per-

for perish-
sonnel of theRequirements Branch. Rpt, Reqmts Br, •

able and nonperishable foods and for special

OQMG, Oct 45, sub: Army Subs and PX Reqmts, Jul
rations as well as for post exchange items and 42-Aug 45, Pt. Ill, pp. 14-32, 40-56.

sisted at the end of the month. These invento- and overseas. Both computations suffered from
ries also comprised stock levels required at filler the fact that such data could not be obtained
depots, including normal operating levels and from the General Staff sufficiently far in advance
production reserves. Opening inventories con- to allow for the proper computation of require-
sisted of the stocks on hand at posts, camps, ments and the implementation of procurement
and stations, and at filler depots in the zone of programs. "It just seemed impossible to get the
interior and at base depots in the theaters of Staff to understand the importance of lead time
operations. in production." Furthermore, since strength
To compute the quantities of food consumed figures were given on a quarterly or semiannual
by the troops the forecaster multiplied the num- basis, was necessary to assume uniform

ber of rations by consumption factors in order monthly changes in order to compute monthly
to arrive at the issue demand. The first step in subsistence schedules.
the process was to determine the "multiplier" For subsistence requirements one of the main
to be used for the area for which the computa- inadequacies in these figures was the fact that
tion was being made. It was obtained by mul- they contained no information on non-Army
tiplying the average number of personnel in personnel being fed by the Army. Such data had
each feeding category, such as prisoners of war, to be obtained from whatever sources could be
liberated allies, allied military personnel, and secured at the time ration schedules were pre-
Army personnel fed in organized messes, who pared, and had to be adjusted to reflect correctly
were being fed each month, by the number of the strength actually being subsisted by the
days in the month. Beginning with the ASP of Army. In general, such personnel were grouped
1 February 1944 an average month of 30.5 days by type of menus in order to reduce the number
was used instead. The list of all multipliers was of categories involved in the computation of
known as the ration schedule, and for con- issue demand requirements. Thus in the Medi-
venience in computation a ration schedule was terranean Theater of Operations (MTO) native
set up for each area for which requirements cooks, waiters, and mess attendants were
were computed. Separate computations were grouped with prisoner of war strength because
made for the zone of interior and overseas. In of the similarity in menus supplied rather than
the theater computation, allowance was also as an indication of military status. By the Feb-
made for loss by pilferage, spoilage, and ship ruary 1945 program the lack of data had become
sinkings. serious because the various groups of non- Army
personnel represented a substantial portion of
the total strength. As a result of continued agi-
Elements in Subsistence Forecasting
tation by the Requirements Branch, G-4 finally

included a "Subsistence Rations" section in the

Strength Data
Supply Supplement to the War Department
In computing subsistence requirements a Troop Deployment. Beginning with the March
number of elements were important. Obvious- 1945 issue official strength figures became avail-
ly, accurate strength data were as essential to able on an area basis for non- Army personnel.

computing requirements for expendable items

as they were to nonexpendable items. In both 95 Lecture, Gen Lutes, 2 3 Sep 46, sub: The ASP,
Troop Basis and later the War Depart-
cases the p. 5.
96Rpt, Reqmts Br, OQMG, Oct 45, sub: Army
ment Troop Deployment were used to obtain Subs and PX Reqmts, Jul 42-Aug 45, Pt. Ill, pp. 27,
cumulative strengths for the zone of interior 50-51.

Consumption Factors substitutions of the food included in the menu.

Local conditions of supply also caused a certain
Strength figures were necessary for the prep- number of substitutions to be made. 99
aration of ration schedules, but before total Personnel of the Subsistence Division and of
quantities of subsistence could be estimated the Requirements Branch were not in agree-
consumption factors also had to be established. ment on the use of consumption factors. The
Unlike the forecast for nonexpendable items, latter viewed consumption factors derived from
the basic equation used in estimating subsistence menu rates as appropriate for the immediate
requirements did not use the element of initial future only because conditions likely to prevail
issue nor replacement factors. Instead, consump- at a more remote date were not adequately con-
tion factors were utilized which expressed the sidered. The Subsistence Division insisted on
rate at which pounds of a particular subsistence relating factors rather closely to the present
item were consumed by a specified strength availability of supplies, and difficulties were en-
during a specified period of time. 97 countered in obtaining its concurrence to fac-

Since consumption rates derived from actual tors not established on that basis. Subsistence
issue experience were not available, consump- personnel thought it desirable to use whatever
tion factors in practice were based in 1942 upon factors were appropriate for the next few
authorized menu rates. These menus were pre- months regardless of how adequately or inade-
pared by the Subsistence Branch. The master quately they might reflect conditions at a later

menu, known as the domestic menu, was in- date. As a consequence the issue demands com-
tended as a guide for the company mess in the puted actually represented quantities required,
zone of interior. Composed of perishables and based on the assumption that the current de-
nonperishables collectively known as ration A, mand situation would continue to the end of
the master menu contained a menu for three the period for which the computations were
meals a day, for each day of the month, each being made. 100
menu differing from the others. It was pub- To overcome the difficulties stemming from
lished each month, three months in advance. relianceon menu rates, the Requirements
The overseas menu, planned for use in the the- Branch sought to develop consumption factors
ater, consisted of two separate menus — No. 1 for the zone of interior based on actual issue
for use in tropic and temperate zones and No. 2 experience. In the February 1943 ASP the Re-
for frigid zones. It included only nonperishable quirements Branch no longer relied wholly on
foods collectively known as ration B. the master menu in computing zone of interior
The use of such data, although in many cases requirements. Instead menus were obtained
the best available, was not entirely satisfactory. from a cross section of forty camps, and rates of
Because menu rates for subsistence items were consumption were computed from these. By
authorized it did not necessarily follow that
actual usage in either the theaters or the zone
Hoos, Elements of QM Reqmts, p. 28.
98 Ltr (tentative draft), Maj C. L. Campbell, Subs
of interior was in accordance with such pre- Br, to Spencer Piatt and Edward J. Bennett, Bureau
scribed rates of issue. The European Theater of of the Budget, 1 Dec 42, sub: Food Reqmts of US
Army, 430.
Operations (ETO), for example, operated dur- 99
(1) Ibid. (2) Lecture, Dr. R. M. Macy, Reqmts
ing the war on its own menu. Even under the Br, OQMG, 16 Jan 43, sub: Talk Given on Rqmts
best conditions the menu could not be followed before Group of Officers from Camp Lee, Va. (3)
Messing in the ETO.
amount of latitude was
exactly because a certain 100
Rpt, Reqmts Br, OQMG, Oct 45, sub: Army
given commanding officers to make permissible Subs and PX Reqmts, Jul 42-Aug 45, Pt. Ill, p. 52.

this period of the war the need for greater ac- ply, or left to deteriorate because troops moved
curacy in forecasting subsistence requirements to a different island, for example, and it was not
was emphasized by the necessity to conserve feasible to ship their supplies with them. This
food. To achieve this end the War Department would not be reflected in shipping records.

in 1943 attempted a more rigid control of ra- Insofar as perishable items were concerned,
tions for Army messes and ordered a reduction overseas requirements could not be related en-
in the authorized allowances for field rations. tirely to either menu rates or shipping rates.

This action was based on extensive studies of Forecasted issue demands had to be related to
Army food consumption and wastage initiated the quantities that could be shipped based upon
at the Quartermaster Board shortly after Pearl availability of "reefer" (refrigerator) ships. Re-

Harbor upon directive of The Quartermaster quirements personnel had to take into consider-
General. 101
In order to accumulate the necessary ation the effect on consumption factors of the

subsistence data on issue experience the Re- use of substitute nonperishable foods. A sub-
quirements Branch sent field survey teams to stantial change in the number of reefer ships
visit representative posts, camps, and stations available for shipping fresh butter, meat, and
in the United States. While this study was other perishable foods to a given area, for ex-
originally projected to cover all Quartermaster ample, meant that the use of canned butter and
items, in the spring of 1943 was reorganized
it meats and other substitute items would be al-
to exclude all but subsistence items. As a result tered correspondingly.
of this study detailed consumption rates in the Similarly, determination of requirements for
zone of interior were derived from actual issue special rations could not be based upon total

experience for each subsistence item. It was pos- strengths and average consumption factors be-
sible for the first time to reflect in the 1 Febru- cause of the emergency nature of the issue of
ary 1944 ASP the reduction in subsistence issues such items. During the first two and a half years

in the zone of interior due to "absenteeism" of the war, requirements for special rations
from messes. The effect was to produce "a were computed as a percentage of the total
$117,000,000 savings in 1944 requirements as quantity of menus No. 1 and No. 2 B rations

stated in the current ASP" 10}

For theaters of operations the Requirements 101

(1) WD
Or 16, 11 Jan 43, sub: Revised Pro-
consumption on the cedure for Distr of and Accounting for Fid Rations.
Branch based its factors
(2) WD Cir 179, 7 Aug 43, Sec. II, sub: Authorized
authorized menu rates of overseas menus No. 1 Allowances for Fid Rations. (3) Dir of Bd to QM
and No. 2. Wherever feasible it also used ship- TQMG, n. d., sub: Rpt on the QM
Bd, Camp Lee,
Va., 1 Feb 42-30 Jun 44, pp. 89-95.
ping rates. Shipping rates to the South Pacific
(1) Standard Fid Procedure for Reqmts Study
Area (SPA) and such bases as Alaska and Ice-
18, revised 21 Apr 43. (2) Carroll Belknap to Chief
land were considered suitable for determining of Reqmts Br, OQMG, 15 Apr 43, sub: Reqmts Study
Chief of Subs Subsec to Chief of Reqmts Br,
18. (3)
subsistence requirements. The use of shipping
OQMG, 17 Nov 43, sub: Necessity for Continuation
rates, however, had certain disadvantages. It
of Reqmts Study 18 for Subs.
was difficult to determine what the experience 103
(1) Memo, Col Doriot, OQMG, for Dir of

rates actually were. Furthermore, shipping rates Reqmts Div, ASF, 17 May 44, sub: First Rpt of
Reqmts Study 18, 430. (2) See section on Food Serv-
did not take into account a change in the use of ice Program in Ch. XII of Quartermaster Corps:
subsistence sent to a theater. Thus quantities of Organization, Supply, and Services, Vol. II, in prep-
aration for this series.
subsistence which accumulated in excess of the
104 Rpt, Reqmts Br, OQMG, Oct 45, sub: Army
needs of a given theater could be transferred to Subs and PX Reqmts, Jul 42-Aug 45, Pt. Ill, p. 22.
allied military personnel, used for civilian sup- Ibid.

required for use in overseas areas. In the Sep- ing inventories in the zone of interior and in
tember 1942 ASP and the one of February 1943, theaters of operations. Except for inventories at
for example, 25 percent of the total B rations regional and filler depots, which were ade-
for overseas consumption was used in comput- quately reflected in ASP computations, actual
ing special rations requirements. These percent- stock on hand was not used as a beginning
ages were fixed by Headquarters, SOS, but the credit in computing subsistence requirements.
apportionment of the requirements among the Forecasters simply assumed that stocks at posts,
C, K, and D rations was determined by the Sub- camps, and stations in the zone of interior and
sistence Branch. at overseas bases were authorized levels.

By August 1944 sufficient information had In the February 1943 ASP an effort was made
been obtained from requisitions, cables, and to use actual inventories insofar as these were
theater reports to permit special rations require- available. Thus stock figures covering quantities
ments for some areas to be computed for the on hand in depots, ports, and commercial or
first time on an individual area basis. Before the contractors' warehouses were used. Actual data
war ended the method of computing require- on post, camp, and station inventories were
ments for special rations had been greatly re- used for the first time in computing the April

fined. The procedures, however, were complex, 1943 ASP, but the figures were limited to only
for an attempt was made to arrive at the number certain items. 107 In most programs, forecasters
of troops who would be using special rations in continued to assume that stocks were at author-

each theater and the extent to which such ra- ized levels for posts, camps, and stations, and
tions would be used each month. In the process, for overseas bases.
personnel of the Requirements Branch gave an Actual overseas stocks were not included in

increasing amount of attention to the influence any of the calculations during the war because
of anticipated military operations upon special adequate information was not available. Had
rations requirements in the several theaters. such information been available it might have
Thus in the computation of the program for been applied to reduce requirements in theaters
April 1945, was assumed that the European
it of operations. A study made by the Subsistence
war would end that summer. Procurement re- Section of the Requirements Branch for the
quirements for special rations would therefore period January to July 1945 revealed that sub-
drop sharply, but when operations against Japan sistence stocks overseas were on the average 55
increased, theywould probably rise again. An percent above the authorized levels. The excess
attempt was therefore made to determine the ex- stocks were greater for perishable items than
tent of these needs in the Pacific, in order that for nonperishables. One third of the items were
the complex process of producing and assem- in excess of 100 percent or more. Of the items
bling the components of the special rations above authorized levels the average excess was
might not be interrupted by cutbacks to the about 80 percent; of items below authorized
point where it would be impossible for produc- levels, the average deficit amounted to about 30
tion to rise in time to meet these needs. 106 percent. 108

106 Rpt, Reqmts Br, OQMG, Jan 46, sub: Army

Reserves and Inventory Data Forecasted Reqmts and Procurement of Special Rations
During the Period, Jul 42-Aug 45, passim.
Essential to computing net subsistence 107
Rpt, Reqmts Br, OQMG, Oct 45, sub: Army .

Subs and PX Reqmts, Jul 42-Aug 45, Pt. II, pp.

requirements of the Army were the necessary
10, 16.
closing stock inventories and the actual open- 108
Ibid., Pt. Ill, p. 41.

Each post, camp, and station in the zone of were fragmentary and unsatisfactory. This
interior and each overseas theater was permitted information was used, however, to adjust gross
to carry supplies equivalent to a certain number overseas issue demands by deducting the
of days of supply for the personnel being sub- amounts estimated as procurable in any given
end of the month. These author-
sisted at the theater. Using the gross overseas issue demand
were changed periodically
ized operating levels rather than net requirements permitted a larger
by the War Department. As supply conditions margin of safety. 110
changed, authorized levels in the various the- 1943 ASP was the first program
The February
aters were revised from time to time. Although in which an adjustment was made for estimated
revisions were also made in zone of interior local procurement in the overseas theaters. By
depot levels, these tended to remain at about 45 agreement with General Hardigg this adjust-
days projected issue for the zone of interior and ment was made applicable only to the 1943
60 days for filler depots backing up overseas requirements and not to those of 1944. In the
shipments. In addition to these operating beginning such adjustments were made for the
reserves production reserves were established for United Kingdom (UK), SPA, and the South-
certain subsistence items requiring additional west Pacific Area (SWPA). Thus with the
stocks because of importing hazards, manu- exception of coffee, canned fruits and vegeta-
facturing obstacles, such as setting up assembly bles, multivitamin and salt tablets, all require-

lines for canned butter, and seasonal avail- ments for troops in the SWPA, computed on
ability, particularly in the case of processed menu No. 1 factors, were eliminated. This was
fruits and vegetables. Such seasonal reserves made possible by very extensive local procure-
were forecasted in terms of months of supply— ment in Australia. In subsequent programs con-
for example, of canned peas— necessary to be on sideration was given to local procurement in

hand at the end of the calendar year to meet other theaters. 111
requirements until the new supply became Because of the limited usefulness of local

available. Procurement of canned peas took procurement information, allowances were made
place during a certain season of the year but only in the case of principal items. It was

since consumption occurred generally during procurement of other items

realized that local
the whole year, the advanced procurement car- occurred, but such quantities were considered
ried in stock became seasonal reserves.
Oper- supplemental supplies. A preliminary study of
ating and production reserves insured a con- local procurement for subsistence items was

tinuous flow of subsistence through the supply begun June 1945 but not completed. On an

pipeline to feed our troops at home and it showed that the bulk of the local
area basis
overseas. procurement was concentrated in the SWPA,
averaging about 60 percent of the total. For the
Overseas Procurement
rest, 25 percent was procured in the ETO, 10
In estimating issue demand for overseas areas, percent in the SPA, and only 5 percent in all the
allowance had to be made not only for pilfer- other areas. These percentage distributions,
age and spoilage, as in the case of non- however, tend to indicate a more precise set of
expendable items, but also for local procure- ^ Ibid., Pt. Ill, pp. 28, 29.
ment. During the war considerable quantities of Ibid., Pt. Ill, p. 29.

subsistence items, particularly perishables, were

Memo, ColOQMG, for Reqmts
Div, ASF, 29 May
Data on Foreign Procure-
43, sub:
obtained by local procurement overseas. Data ment of Subs for ASP, and 1st ind, Hq ASF to
on the quantities of subsistence so obtained TQMG, 1 1 Jun 43, 430.

information than actually existed. 112 might be made. Six months later on 1 June
As in the case of forecasting requirements for 1943 the Petroleum Branch was replaced by the
nonexpendable items, each of the elements Fuels and Lubricants Division. For the remain-
entering into estimating subsistence require- der of the war this division computed petro-
ments was scrutinized by personnel of the leum requirements and was responsible for all
Requirements Branch to promote greater accu- petroleum functions assigned to the QMC. The
racy of the final results. While the scientific Military Planning Division remained the chan-
approach used in forecasting requirements fre- nel through which supply programs were trans-

quently fell short of the goals of accuracy and mitted to Headquarters, ASF. 115
co-ordination deemed desirable by the Require- Prior to the war and until the summer of
ments Branch, many modifications toward 1942 each supply service computed its own

those ends were effected. Subsistence forecasts petroleum requirements. These were assembled
in 1945 rested on a sounder basis than in 1941. in a more or less haphazard manner and were
usually greatly out of line with actual require-
Petroleum Requirements ments. By mid- 1942, in view of the prospect of
nationwide gasoline and fuel oil rationing, it
Administrative Developments
was essential that Army petroleum require-
Petroleum products are among the most ments be accurate in order that shortages might
important items of supply for a modern mech- be forecast and supply programs planned
anized army. The enormous demands for these accordingly. Though Army requirements were
products during World War II led to the grad- small in comparison with those of the Navy or
ual evolution of an organization which exercised the Air Forces, it was advisable to anticipate
centralized control over petroleum supply to them well in advance of actual need.
the Army. 113 In the process, responsibility for The first step toward bringing requirements
the computation of long-term petroleum into line was taken on 19 August 1942 when
requirements was rapidly shifted from one unit Headquarters, SOS, directed the Requirements
to another in the OQMG. 114 In the spring of Branch, OQMG, to make a study of the prob-
1942 when the OQMG
was reorganized along lem. In particular it was to draw up the petro-
functional lines, responsibility for determining leum requirements of the Army for the balance
Quartermaster petroleum requirements for the of 1942 and all of 1943 and 1944 for incorpora-
ASP was vested in the Requirements Branch of tion into the September 1942 ASP. To accom-
the Military Planning Division. By the end of plish this it was necessary for the Requirements
the year, however, this responsibility had been Branch to obtain estimated requirements from
transferred to the newly created Petroleum each of the various supply services and ascer-
Branch in the Procurement Division. The tain the basis for calculating such requirements
Military Planning Division was to collaborate
Reqmts Br, OQMG, Oct 45, Army Subs
with the Petroleum Branch in the compilation
and PXReqmts, Jul 42-Aug 45, Pt. Ill, p. 47.
of long-term petroleum requirements but in 113
See above, Ch. I, pp. 34-35.
IU For a full analysis of the development of the
actuality the Petroleum Branch became respon-
petroleum organization and the computation of petro-
sible for them. The Military Planning Division
leum requirements see Erna Risch, Fuels for Global
thereafter merely acted as an agency through Conflict QMC Historical Studies 9, rev ed (Washing-
which requirements were submitted to Head- ton, 1952) pp. 1-17.

quarters, SOS, in order that a more uniform

(1)OQMG OO 25-22, 3 Dec 42, sub: Reasgmt
of QM Functions Relating to Petri. (2) OQMG OO
presentation of the Quartermaster program 25-37, 29 May 43, sub: Establishment of F&L Div.

in each instance. gasoline, oil, and lubricants for all armored

In the course of preparing this program it motor and track-laying vehicles. It secured from
became apparent that standard methods of the other supply services and from the AAF in
requesting requirements, presenting and sub- relation to its ground equipment all other
mitting them, and setting up reserve stocks petroleum requirements, which were then
would have to be established. In the interest of assembled into the ASP and submitted to the
accuracy and as a means of co-ordinating the Resources Division, ASF 117 Staff responsibili
requirements of all services, the Requirements tieswere lodged with the Fuels Branch of thi
Branch proposed that one individual be division, which screened 118 and adjusted
appointed in each supply service and the Army requirements in the light of long-range produc-
Ground Forces with the responsibility for col- tion possibilities and transmitted them to the
lecting, compiling, and submitting petroleum Requirements Division, ASF, for inclusion in
requirements. This proposal was acted upon the ASP, and to the Army-Navy Petroleum
favorably and such "custodians" were appointed. Board. The chief of the Fuels Branch continued
A referee, named by the director of the Require- to act as the War Department liaison officer for
ments Division, SOS, acted as the clearing petroleum.
agent for that organization. Where discrep- When the Fuels and Lubricants Division was
ancies in the estimates submitted were observed established, it retained all the operating respon-
by the Requirements Branch, OQMG, and the sibility formerly exercised by the Petroleum
matter could not be resolved informally with Branch and in addition was made responsible
the service concerned, the question was laid for the performance of all staff functions neces-

before the referee of the Requirements Divi- sary to the discharge of these operating respon-
sion,SOS, for decision. In no event, however, sibilities, with the exception of certain ones
"would the Requirements Branch of OQMG specifically assigned to Headquarters, ASF 119
go directly to the Services involved in an Thus, insofar as requirements were concerned
attempt to iron out discrepancies in require- the Planning Division, ASF, was to screen re-
ments." It was hoped that this procedure quirements and requisitions received from thea-
would insure complete coverage for all services, ters of operations. Within two weeks, however,
prevent duplication of requirements, and estab-
lish standard methods in computing them. The
(1) Dr. Macy to Dr. Baker, Reqmts Br, OQMG,
23 Sep 42, sub: Conf with Brig Gen W. B. Pyron on
computation of accurate petroleum require- Petri Reqmts. (2) Memo, Maj John L. King, Chief of
ments was needed not only for purposes of the Fuels Sec, Resources Div, for Gen Pyron, Chief for
ASP but by Brig. Gen. Walter B. Pyron, Chief Opns, Resources Div, SOS, 1 Oct 42, sub: Army Petri
Reqmts— Exclusive of Aircraft of AAF. (3) Memo, Dir
for Operations, Fuel Section, Resources Divi- of Resources Div, SOS, for Dir of Reqmts Div, SOS,
sion, SOS, who at this time was responsible for 3 Oct 42, sub: Reqmts for Petri. (4) 2d ind, Col

co-ordinating the total petroleum requirements Cowles, OQMG, to Hq SOS, 17 Oct 42, on same.
All in 463.
of the Army— exclusive of the AAF— with the 117
(1) WD Cir 317, Sec. Ill, 17 Sep 42, sub: Re-
Office of the Petroleum Coordinator, the Army- sponsibility for Gasoline, Lubricants and Misc Items.
Navy Petroleum Board, and with other gov- (2) ASF Adm Memo S-20, 20 Mar 43, sub: Proce-
dure, Storage and Distr of Petri Products.
ernmental agencies. 118
Screening was a process of evaluating estimates
The procedure of channeling requirements against all the known factors and included the elimi-

through the OQMG continued when the Petro- nation of duplications which might otherwise have
been overlooked.
leum Branch was established in December 119 ASF Cir
33, 26 May 43, sub: Procurement, Stor-
1942. The branch computed requirements for age, and Distr of Petri Products.

this responsibility had been delegated to the ments Division, ASF. This review was, in fact,
Fuels and Lubricants Division. 1
In effect, the an acceptance of the program. In addition, the
Requirements Branch of that division inherited Fuels and Lubricants Division assembled and
the responsibilities formerly exercised by the submitted to the International Division, ASF,
Fuels Branch of the Resources and Production the petroleum requirements for civilians in oc-
Division, ASF. cupied territories. These requirements were

In the performance of its staff functions per- then submitted to the Combined Civil Affairs
taining to requirements of petroleum products, Committee for final review, approval, and in-

excluding those for AAF aircraft, the Fuels and corporation into the ASP. All requirements
Lubricants Division formulated policies govern- were then forwarded to the Army-Navy Petro-
ing the technical services in their computation leum Board. It is significant that the director of
of requirements, it supervised and standardized the Fuels and Lubricants Division acted as dep-
methods, and it screened and adjusted such re- uty to theCommanding General, ASF, in his
quirements in accordance with consumption member of this board. The board
capacity as a
factors and records of consumption collected reviewed and combined Army requirements
and maintained by the OQMG. with those of the AAF aircraft and the Navy
From the summer of 1943 to the end of the and transmitted them along with lend-lease re-
war the Fuels and Lubricants Division was re- quirements to the Petroleum Administration
sponsible for estimating petroleum require- forWar. There the requirements were reviewed
ments for the entire United States Army and screened by the Requirements Committee,
throughout the world, except petroleum used of which the director of the Fuels and Lubri-
in aircraft. It was solely responsible for estimat- cants Division was a member and his chief of
ing the gasoline, lubricating oil, grease, and the Requirements Branch was an alternate.
other products to be used in all general purpose Thereafter allocation of material was made by
vehicles, in motorcycles, passenger cars, trucks, the WPB. Subsequently the Fuels and Lubri-
and tanks, regardless of the service or branch of cants Division notified the technical services of
the Army using the vehicle or product, either in the approval, or, if reductions occurred, it made

the zone of interior or overseas. In addition, it allocations between the technical services and
was responsible for estimating the quantity of the AAF and notified them accordingly. 121
petroleum used in many types of special equip-
Elements in Forecasting Petroleum
ment. Of course, the individual technical serv-
ices developed basic estimating data incidental
to petroleum requirements for their special pur- The collection and analysis of factors of ex-
pose vehicles and equipment, such as crash- perience and service were fundamental to im-
trucks in the Air Corps, barges, ferries, and provement in estimating petroleum require-
locomotives for Transportation, fog oil and gas- ments. When the Requirements Branch of the
bombs for Chemical Warfare Service,
oline for Military Planning Division was called upon to
petrolatum for the Medical Department, gaso- compute petroleum requirements for the Sep-
line and diesel fuel for the operation of power tember 1942 ASP, it found itself then and later
units by the Signal Corps, and asphalt for roads
and fuel oil for utilities for the Engineers. 120
Memo, Opns ASF, for TQMG, 10 Jun
Dir of
Once the division had assembled, screened, 43, sub: Screening Reqmts and Reqns, 463.
Address, Chief of Reqmts Br to officers of
and adjusted these requirements they were sub-
branch, Dec 43, sub: Staff Responsibilities of Reqmts
mitted for review and approval to the Require- Br.

suffering from a lack of basic data. The branch The first step in computing petroleum re-

had barely begun to use the improved methods quirements was to determine the consumption
it was developing for computing requirements factors in gallons of fuel per day or per mile as

for other Quartermaster items when changes in might be appropriate for each individual type

organization transferred these problems first to of equipment, ranging from a kerosene lantern
the Petroleum Branch and then to the Fuels and to a searchlight, and from a motorcycle to a
Lubricants Division. Each of these organizations tank, operating under normal conditions. When
built upon the work of its predecessor, collect- the requirements for each kind of product for
ing data on factors and improving the tech- all equipment in a military unit using such

niques used in the computation of petroleum products were added together, consumption fac-

requirements. tors could be estimated for the unit. The total

Three factors— consumption, service, and unit consumption factors for all the units in the

usage— had to be considered in computing Army equaled the total requirements of the
petroleum requirements. 122 Petroleum products Army, but only for normal conditions. It was
were expendable items, and the consumption necessary to adjust the normal unit consump-
factor was, therefore, the amount of fuel or tion factors for variations in climate, terrain,
lubricants that a given piece of equipment con- and other special conditions of the season or
sumed in a given period of time. Consumption region in which the vehicles would operate by
of gasoline by a vehicle varied in periods of multiplying the consumption factor by an oper-
actual combat, during inactive periods, when ation factor. The latter was the ratio of gaso-

operating in cold, moderate, or temperate cli- line consumed under special or irregular condi-

mates, or according to topography, that is, in tions of operation to that consumed under
the desert, mountains, plains, or jungle. While normal conditions. This result multiplied by the
the various types of terrain and climate had a estimated average miles per day which the vehi-
considerable effect on the requirements for cles were expected to travel— thereby giving the
petroleum products, insufficient information vehicle consumption factor in gallons per day-
was available for quantitative determination of times the number of days in the period equaled

these effects. the total requirements for petroleum products.

The was the time period of op-
service factor Consumption factors for stationary equip-
eration. Consideration had to be given to the ment were listed in gallons per day. Since most
length of time that a certain piece of fixed of this equipment was used intermittently, these
equipment was operated; num-
for example, the factors were based on an average use of the

ber of hours per day that a company used its equipment for a certain number of hours per
cooking stove, the number of hours per day that day. The average number of hours of operation
generating equipment for a radio station oper- per day for some of the equipment was fairly
ated, or the number of hours per day necessary constant under all conditions, as for example,
to provide heating in a base or field hospital. field ranges, stoves, water heaters, and radios.
Some equipment was both mobile and station- The hours of operation per day of other equip-
ary, using petroleum on both counts. Thus, a
The followingdiscussion of factors is largely
truck-mounted air compressor consumed fuel
based on prepared by a firm of statistical en-
a report
while moving under its own power and when giners for the Fuels and Lubricants Division. Rpt,
operating as a piece of stationary equipment. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill and W. Earle Andrews
The usage
for F&L Div, OQMG,
30 Nov 43, sub: Rpt of Fuels
factor was obtained by multiplying
and Lubricants Survey. See particularly the section,
the consumption factor by the service factor. Factors for Estimating Petri Reqmts.

ment might vary widely according to the condi- various types of petroleum products. 125

tions of use, as in the case of a fog generator, a By mid- 1944 great strides had been made in

surgicalpower unit, or a water purification unit. the collection of data and the improvement of
One important approach to the problem of techniques upon which to base the computa-
accuracy in computing petroleum requirements tion of accurate petroleum requirements. As

was the formulation and establishment of ade- conditions changed, the basis of estimating re-

quate records on consumption and inventory quirements changed; hence the problem re-

both in the zone of interior and the theaters of mained one of continuous study for the Fuels
operations. Headquarters, ASF, required The and Lubricants Division. While the computa-
Quartermaster General to "collect and maintain tion of petroleum products has been selected
records of petroleum consumption factors." for illustrative purposes here, it should be noted
To this end the Petroleum Branch initiated a re- that this division was also responsible for com-
curring report, further refined by the Fuels and puting the requirements of the Army for solid
Lubricants Division, which started an experi- fuels and for containers for petroleum products.
ence record for the zone of interior. By the
end of 1943 the problem of securing an accurate
determination of stocks, issues, and require- Whether requirements were being computed
ments of the Army (except AAF aircraft) in the for clothing, equipment, subsistence, or petro-
zone of interior was well in hand. leum products, the basic needs at the beginning
Basic information from the theaters of oper- of World War II were accurate data and records
ations, however, was inadequate. The petroleum on which forecasters might base their estimates.
analyst had no one standardized report from the A dearth of such information existed in 1941,
theaters. Instead he was dependent for informa- but until material shortages appeared this had
tion on the automatic supply report prepared no untoward effect. During 1942 the problem
by ports of embarkation, the "stat report" of the of procurement planning and requirements fore-

area petroleum officer in the theater, and a num- casting became more difficult. Then the need
ber of miscellaneous reports. None of these for logically sound concepts and ideas concern-
produced any real information of value in ob- ing requirements, for scientific statistical meth-
taining either consumption or future require- ods, and for the development of basic records
ments of the Army. To replace this variety of was evident. Trained personnel were brought
inadequate reports the Requirements Branch of into the OQMG for this purpose, and methods
the Fuels and Lubricants Division designed a were modified in the light of their findings. Re-
monthly report called "The Fuels and Petro- finements of methods continued till the end of
leum Report" to be submitted from all overseas the war. By that time, too, the fundamental
commands showing stocks and receipts by procurement authority was no longer based
sources, issues to claimant agencies, and require- upon the ASP but upon the Supply Control
ments of the United States Army for thirty-one Report, which embodied a close supervision of
classifications of petroleum products as well as supply planning and operations.
for 5- and 55-gallon drums. This report became
ASF Adm Memo S-20, 20 Mar 43, sub: Procure-
the basis for the successful control of petroleum
ment, Storage, and Distr of Petri Products.
allocation by the Army-Navy Petroleum Board, 124
For elaboration of these reports see Risch, Fuels
for accurately estimating requirements for the- for Global Conflict, pp. 26-27, 33-34.

aters of operations, and for providing an ac-

125 This report was put into effect by WD
29 Mar 44, file AG 463.7 (21 Mar 44) OB-S-D-
counting system for lend-lease in reference to SPDDL-M.

Procurement Policies and


Military procurement is a complex, fluid, and goods and promptly to permit their

integrated process in which the various phases rapid movement to the points where they were
of supply— from research and development of needed.
items to their purchase, distribution, mainte-
nance, and salvage— are closely interdependent. The Quartermaster Supply System in 1939
In this discussion, however, procurement is

more narrowly defined to include the policies, The essential character of the war supply sys-

procedures, and administrative arrangements tem of the Corps had been fairly well developed
under which Quartermaster contracts were in peacetime. During World War I and in the

placed and production on them was controlled interlude of peace following the war years, cen-
to insure delivery in the quantity, quality, and tralized purchase of the basic items of supply

time required. became the core of Quartermaster operations.

The huge volume and complexity of war pro- The OQMG was the procurement control
curement placed unprecedented demands on the agency for the centralized purchase operations
Quartermaster Corps and its suppliers. The pro- conducted by a few key depots. It formulated
curement mission of the Corps involved much and supervised the execution of policy, issued
more than contracting for the production and procurement directives, maintained liaison with
delivery of the approximately 70,000 different higher authority, and helped to eliminate pro-
items assigned to it for purchase. Not only did curement bottlenecks. The key depots, to which
the OQMG have to streamline its procurement were allocated certain classes of items for pur-

organization and procedures to insure efficiency chase either for depot stock or for distribution
and economy of operations but Quartermaster to other depots or points of consumption, fed
personnel had to perform many tasks inextrica- the regional distributing areas into which the
bly interwoven with the job of purchasing. country was divided. The basic feature of the

These included servicing contracts at every

stage to insure delivery of needed supplies; re- 1
H. B. Yoshpe and M. U. Massen, Procurement Pol-
lentlessly following up contract performance
iciesand Procedures in the Quartermaster Corps During
World War II (QMC Historical Studies 17, June 1947),
and rendering engineering assistance to elimi- pp. 7-12. Hereafter cited as Procurement Policies and
nate chokepoints in production; developing Procedures. The following discussion of procurement is
largely indebted to this study and to Yoshpe, Produc-
and implementing techniques to guarantee a
tion Control in the Quartermaster Corps, 1939-44 (QMC
steady flow of materials and component parts
Historical Studies 8, December 1944). Hereafter cited
to Quartermaster suppliers; and inspecting as Production Control in QMC.

fieldpurchasing system was this centralized ment purchasing agencies." 3

In an effort to
purchase of specialty items. Thus, all footwear avoid the consequences of harmful interagency
was contractedfor by the Boston Quartermaster competition, the President had consolidated
Depot, clothing by the Philadelphia Depot, Army purchasing through the establishment of
motor transport items by the Holabird Depot, an interbureau procurement system on the
and tentage and manufactured canvas articles by authority granted by the Overman Act of May
the Jeffersonville Depot. These depots drew 1918. It permitted one supply service to pur-

upon the entire country for their requirements, chase goods for another. This wartime emer-
soliciting formal sealed bids from all interested gency idea was carried over into the National
suppliers, awarding contracts to the lowest re- Defense Act of 1920. The Corps' part in the
sponsible bidders, and servicing these contracts program was especially large because under this

through every stage to completion. act The Quartermaster General was charged
A substantial amount of regional and local with "the purchase and procurement for the
buying of various articles of a general nature Army of all supplies of standard manufacture
supplemented this centralized procurement sys- and all supplies common to two or more
tem. Quartermaster installations in the distrib- branches." Other supply services were re-

uting areas procured not only all Quartermaster quired to participate in indefinite-quantity con-
supplies of a general nature but also any item tracts executed by The Quartermaster General
which a central procurement depot or another or any agency under his control, except when
supply service requested them to purchase. The the needs of the requiring service did not per-
posts, camps, and stations were the final link in mit the delay incident to such purchase. Before
the procurement chain. They were responsible World War II, however, this program of cen-
for the local purchase of subsistence, forage, tralizing the purchasing function for items com-
maintenance items, and such emergency items mon to the needs of various supply services de-
as were ordered by corps area or district quar- veloped very slowly. 5
termasters. The elimination of interagency competition
Centralization of procurement control in the was also promoted by the system of interdepart-
OQMG and concentration of purchase respon- mental procurement. 6 Dictated by laws or other
sibility for certain classes of items at designated instructions, this system consolidated require-
key depots thus characterized the procurement ments of various agencies and centralized sup-
organization of the QMC in 1939. Contracts,
however, might be placed in any section of the 2
Interbranch procurement is the procurement of
country. By the beginning of World War II the supplies by one supply arm, service, or bureau for an-
other such arm, service, or bureau. AR
5-300, 10 Dec
QMC had developed the utmost confidence in 36, sub: ASW: Procurement of Supplies.
the effectiveness of its supply system for meet- 3
Annual Report of The Quartermaster General, 1919
ing both normal and expanded Army needs. (Washington, 1920), p. 19.
41 U. S. Statutes 766.
To meet the requirements of its peacetime 5
For steps taken in the decade of the thirties see
supply system, the Corps purchased directly Yoshpe and Massen, Procurement Policies and Procedures,
from industry and from government agencies, pp. 21-22.
As distinguished from interbranch procurement,
or under contracts executed by them. It also
interdepartmental procurement is the procurement of
participated in the interbranch procurement sys- supplies by one executive department or independent
tem. 2 This system was a product of World War agency of the government from another such depart-
ment or agency, or under a contract executed by the
I experience and had the effect of making the
latter. AR 5-300, 10 Oct 36, sub: ASW: Procurement
QMC "the most important of the War Depart- of Supplies.

ply responsibility. It was particularly effective federal prison industries and from the Commit-
in peacetime, when the need for supplies could tee on Purchases of Blind-Made Products. 8
be estimated in advance and the necessary ar- These purchases included such items as brooms,
rangements made Un-
for satisfactory delivery. pillowcases, and cotton felt mattresses. The
der the system, the supplying agencies— for Corps acquired various supplies from still other
example, the Treasury Department— issued federal agencies, such as plain and printed en-
schedules containing detailed information as to velopes from the Post Office Department, and
the items, procedures to be followed, and the inks, glues, and other supplies carried in stock
departments that were required to participate in by the Government Printing Office.
this manner of purchase. The QMC merely The requirements of the Corps' peacetime
drew a purchase order on the contractor of the supply system also were filled through the man-
supplying agency at the prices designated in the ufacturing operations of certain of its depots.
contract, and goods were made available direct Such depot factories had been in existence since
to posts and stations. the early days of the nation's military history. 9
Many Quartermaster items were acquired A large plant at the Philadelphia Depot man-
through participation in contracts negotiated by ufactured and renovated a great variety of cloth-
other federal departments. The most important ing and textile and canvas products. In the
of these purchases were made under the Gen- decade before World War II this factory pro-
eral Schedule of Supplies of the Treasury De- duced all the outer clothing for the enlisted per-
partment. Among the basic items covered by sonnel of the Regular Army and was an impor-
such indefinite-quantity contracts were: tires, tant source of supply for the National Guard.
tubes, and other motor vehicle accessories and Various shops at the Jeffersonville Depot man-
parts; gasoline, fuel oil,and diesel engine oil ufactured and repaired leather products, such as
delivered in tank cars, tank wagons, and drums; harness items and saddles. They also produced
machine tools, small machinery, and accessories tents and other canvas articles as well as metal,
and and office furni-
parts; electrical supplies; woodworking, tin, and sheetmetal products. A
ture and equipment. It was mandatory for the third center of manufacturing operations was
QMC to obtain these supplies from such Treas- located at the Holabird Depot, where motor
ury Procurement Schedules. Even before the transport activities were centralized. With the
establishment of the Procurement Division in great automotive industry professing its readi-

the Treasury Department in 1933, the Corps ness to furnish the QMC anything it required,
participated in lubricating oil contracts entered it was contrary to War Department policy to
into annually by the Navy Department. After make trucks. Fire-fighting vehicles, however,
1933 the Navy Department continued to be were assembled at Holabird, and maintenance
designated as the procuring agency for lubricat-
ing oils and for gasoline, fuel oil, and diesel
engine oil for marine deliveries. Unless the 7
(1) See OQMG
Cir 1-4, 1 Mar 39, sub: Procure-
"Contract Bulletin" of the Navy Department ment and Distr of Supplies. (2) Erna Risch, Fuels for

stated otherwise, or unless exemption was spe-

Global Conflict, QMC
Historical Studies 9, rev ed
(Washington, 1952), p. 43.
cifically obtained, the QMC purchased these 8
(1) 46 U. S. Statutes 392, Act of 27 May 30. (2)
supplies on contracts executed by the Navy 52 U. S. Statutes 1 196, Act of 25 Jun 38.
For a detailed account of one such plant see Paul
R. Doolin, The Factory at the Philadelphia Quarter-
It was also compulsory for the Corps to pur- master Depot (PQMD hist rpt, Jul 46). On file at
chase such goods as met its requirements from Hist Sec, OQMG.


units were engaged in the general repair and re- Quartermaster procurement remained generally
building of all motor vehicle equip-
types of static in the two decades preceding the declara-

ment from 1918, when the work was first begun tion of the emergency. The Corps purchased
at the depot, until the summer of 1942, when supplies on the basis of competitive bidding,

this responsibility was transferred to the Ord- and, except under special conditions, it adhered
nance Department. to the formal advertising procedure by means of
The National Defense Act of 1920 authorized circular proposal rather than newspaper adver-
the Assistant Secretary of War to have manu- tising. Articles or services could be procured by
factured at the government arsenals or govern- open-market purchase, but the use of this meth-
ment-owned factories all supplies needed by the od was limited to emergencies when the public
War Department which they could produce on exigency required immediate delivery or per-
an economical basis. Notwithstanding this leg- formance, to purchases of relatively low cost—
islative mandate, repeated efforts were made by maximum of $500 was placed on any such pur-
business interests and their congressional chase—and to those instances where advertising
spokesmen to curtail or abolish these manufac- was impracticable. In addition, the Corps used
turing operations, on the ground that they con- indefinite-quantity contracts for services and
stituted unfair competition with commercial supplies, such as perishable subsistence, the de-
enterprise. Such charges were made particularly mand for which was so variable that it could
in depression periods. In the years following not with safety obligate itself to purchase defi-
the panic of 1929 persistent pressure resulted in nite amounts.
a substantial reduction of some Quartermaster
manufacturing operations, a reduction which War Procurement Plans
continued until the outbreak of World War II.

Factors other than their ability to meet sup- During the years when the operating person-
ply requirements justified the continued exist- nel of the QMC were developing a centralized

ence of depot factory operations. Depot experi- procurement system, the planners were formu-
ence in production provided yardsticks for lating their war procurement plans based on a

establishing minimum costs which became gov- radically different concept. The need to plan for
erning factors in setting prices to be paid con- war production and procurement in advance of
tractors, thereby reducing profiteering. The an emergency resulted directly from the un-
depot factory also served as a manufacturing happy supply experience of World War I. The
laboratory for testing new manufacturing meth- purpose of such planning was to eliminate the
ods, for manufacturing pilot samples of new disastrous interagency competition of World
items, and for experimenting with substitutions War I; to minimize production delays; to direct

of materials and equipment. Furthermore, when the national resources into essential channels;
the need arose, the depots were in a position to and to avoid industrial congestion, transporta-
furnish expert guidance to industry in the inter- undue cur-
tion difficulties, skyrocketing prices,
pretation of Army specifications. The continu-
ous operation of the depot factories also served 10
Yoshpe and Massen, Procurement Policies and Pro-
as a cushion in meeting the initial demands of cedures, pp. 16-18.
mobilization and offsetting the inevitable delays 11
(1) See ibid., pp. 22-24 for elaboration of these
incident to putting unusual requirements into peacetime contracting practices. (2) Regulations gov-
erning contracting procedures are to be found in the
5-series of Army Regulations and in OQMD
The policies, laws, and regulations governing 1-3.

tailment of civilian needs, and unnecessary post- procurement planning in the Corps went on as
war dislocations. a separate activity side by side with current pro-
In contrast to the peacetime central procure- curement. During this period the planners aided
ment system, the war procurement plans of the the depots in advising manufacturers on Quar-
Corps revolved around the idea of decentraliza- termaster requirements and procurement pol-
tion to procurement districts that were more or icies, investigating contract delinquencies, and
less coterminous with the corps areas into performing other useful services. The official

which the country was divided for military pur- existence of procurement planning was ended
poses. These districts were to draw upon the on 3 October 1942 13 when the OQMG
production facilities within their own regions tinued its offices and made its personnel and
for the food, clothing, shelter, and equipment equipment available to the commanding officers

needed by the troops to be mobilized in the of the depots. 14

corps areas. The procurement planners furthered
the objective of regional self-sufficiency in war- Developments in Procurement Organization
time by surveying the industrial facilities of
these districts, allocating them to the needs of As a result of World War I experience, Con-
the Corps, and executing schedules of produc- gress provided in the National Defense Act that
tion with plants earmarked for the use of the responsibility for supervision of the procure-
Corps. Furthermore, on M Day and during the ment of all military supplies should be vested
subsequent war the procurement plans provided in the Assistant Secretary of War. By con-
forabandonment of the formal advertising gressional action in 1940 his title was changed
method and the negotiation of contracts with to Under Secretary of War. His procurement
the allocated facilities in accordance with these supervisory duties expanded as the procurement
detailed, periodically revised plans. All these activities of the supply arms and services grew.
plans were to go into effect on M Day, when Until March 1942 the line of authority on pro-

procurement planning activities were to be ab- curement matters extended directly from the
sorbed by current procurement. Office of the Under Secretary of War to The
As it turned out the transition from a state of Quartermaster General and the chiefs of the
limited emergency proclaimed by the President
in 1939 to war was so gradual that no Day M 12
(1) For an exhaustive analysis of the evolution of
plans for the over- all administrative and industrial con-
was recognized. Despite the expanding pur- trols required in war consult Harold W. Thatcher,
chasing program, the QMC procurement or- Planning for Industrial Mobilization, 1920-40 (QMC
ganization and techniques underwent no radical August 1943). (2) For a com-
Historical Studies 4,
prehensive account of the development of Quarter-
changes following the declaration of limited master procurement plans developed in accordance
emergency. No authority was granted for allo- with the requirements set forth in the Industrial Mo-
bilization Plan, see Thomas M. Pitkin and Herbert R.
cating orders as proposed in the Industrial Mo-
Rifkind, Procurement Planning in the Quartermaster
bilization Plan. Not until the spring of 1942 did Corps, 1920-40 (QMC Historical Studies 1, March
the Corps abandon formal advertising. As the 1943).
Ltr, Gen Corbin, Procurement Div, OQMG, to
emergency progressed, it gradually extended
CO BQMD, 3 Oct 42, sub: Discontinuance of War
contract negotiation, but the principle of com- Procurement Ping. Other depots were notified by an
petition remained the basis of Quartermaster identical letter.

procurement. No immediate merger of procure- 14

For an analysis of the contributions made by the
procurement planners during the period 1939 to 1942
ment planning with current procurement oc- see Yoshpe and Massen, Procurement Policies and
curred.For ten months after Pearl Harbor Procedures, pp. 30-38.

other supply services. At that time the creation certificates, and the execution of emergency
of the Services of Supply interposed another plant facilities contracts and Defense Plant
office between The Quartermaster General and Corporation leases. The branch maintained
the Under Secretary of War. liaison on all matters of procurement policy and
War Department the national
Outside the procedure with other divisions of the OQMG,
defense program established other govern- with higher echelons, and with other agencies.
mental agencies which had a direct and very Early in January 1941 this branch, together
definite influence on procurement operations with others concerned with the determination
within the QMC. The principal agency in this of requirements, procurement plans, and the
respect atwas the National Defense
first expediting of production, was transferred to a
Advisory Committee, which was originally Planning and Control Division, newly created
designed to encourage the expansion of indus- to strengthen staff supervision in the OQMG. 17

trial production and to assist and advise all This division became responsible for continu-
national defense agencies procuring supplies in ing the review and co-ordination of procure-
the co-ordination of their efforts where these ment policies and procedures. Shortly after
were in was followed by the Office
conflict. It Pearl Harbor the Procurement Control Branch
of Production Management, which in turn was was replaced by the Purchase and Contract
replaced by the War Production Board, the Branch in the same division. By that time its
most important single agency directing eco- functions had been widened so that it was also
nomic mobilization during the war. charged with authorizing the negotiation of
Within the OQMG, procurement responsi- contracts, reviewing proposed financing of
1939 was vested in a supply Division. 15
bility in Quartermaster contractors, co-ordinating and
This commodity-type organization, which had supervising the distribution of defense orders,
evolved many years before the emergency, con- and reporting on labor difficulties to the Office

tinued to function until early in 1942. Five of the Under Secretary of War. 18 A Contract
branches of the Supply Division— Clothing and Examination Branch in the same division
Equipage, General Supplies, Remount (ani- reviewed contracts and handled change orders.
mals), Subsistence, and Fuel and Construction Running throughout the procurement proc-
Materials— were responsible for procuring the ess in this period were the policies and proce-
various Quartermaster commodities. dures established and supervised by the
As the procurement program of the Corps Planning and Control Division. It administered
expanded, however, the OQMG in 1940 estab- all matters pertaining to priorities, conserva-
lished a Procurement Control Branch within tion, contract distribution, labor, general pro-
the Administrative Division in an effort to curement policies of higher authority, and all
assure compliance with all acts of Congress and pertinent legal problems. This did not mean
all policies, instructions, and regulations of that the division scrutinized all steps in a
superior defense agencies. Generally this branch
performed staff functions. It was charged with 15
The Motor Transport and the Water Transport
controlling and co-ordinating all matters relat- Branches of the Transportation Division procured

ing to procurement policy and procedure.

motor vehicles and water transport supplies. OQMG
OO 4, 7 Jan 37, sub: Office Orgn.
furnished legal advice on all procurement OQMG OO
32, 22 Jun 40, no sub.

questions, such as those relating to preference

(1) 10, 15 Jan 41, no sub. (2)

ratings, assignment of contracts, making

OQMG OO 25A, 24 Mar 41, no sub.
2 5 A, 31 Dec 41, sub: Orgn and
advance payments, the issue of tax amortization Functions, Ping & Control Div.

procurement process, nor that papers had to be tion, contract termination, and procurement
routed to and cleared by it. Its functions might was anticipated that the reorganiza-
services. It
be "properly likened to the general background tion would define executive responsibility,
of the entire process rather than specific opera- reduce paperwork, improve the planning and
tions in connection with each individual scheduling of procurement activity, and clarify
procurement." the relations of depot legal and fiscal divisions
Although staff supervision had been strength- to thenew procurement set-up. 23
ened, a commodity-type organization continued These organizational developments, the
to function in the OQMG until March 1942, expansion of Quartermaster procurement, and
when the establishment of the SOS led to a the changes in procedures emphasized the need
move to realign the technical services and their for a new kind of personnel in buying opera-
field organizations in a similar functional pat- tions. The QMC had a nucleus of Regular
tern. In the OQMG
Procurement Service
a Army and Reserve officers trained for wartime
(later Division), headed during the war years procurement duties. With the advent of the
by Brig. Gen. (later Maj. Gen.) Clifford L. emergency, outstanding experts in the indus-
Corbin, acquired the procurement control func- trial field were commissioned from civil life to

tions of the former Planning and Control Divi- assist in the supervision and direction of the
sion and the procurement directing functions of Quartermaster war
procurement program.
the old Supply Division. 20 Numerous were added to the
civilian specialists
The concept of placing all procurement staffs of the OQMG
and its central procuring
activity under the control of one division depots as procurement specialists, market spe-
organized along functional lines, however, was cialists, and expert consultants. Accustomed to

not realized. Clothing, textiles, general supplies, a faster tempo than that found in government
and equipment were purchased by the Procure- organization prior to the war, these new Army
ment Division, but the handling of petroleum buyers contributed to the stepping up of oper-
products and subsistence items raised problems ations in the Corps.
which could not be solved by a division of pur-
chasing and distribution activities among the Expansion of Centralized Procurement
functional divisions. As a consequence, these
items were purchased throughout the war by Preceding and accompanying efforts to organ-

branches or divisions organized on a com- ize the OQMG and the field procuring depots
modity basis. With these exceptions procure- along functional lines were the steps taken by
ment remained organized along functional lines the QMC to strengthen and expand its cen-
during World War II. tralized procurement system to meet emergency
In the fall of 1942 the OQMG turned its

attention to improving the procurement organ-

Chief of Purch & Contract Br to Chief of Ping &
Control Div, OQMG, 5 Jan 42, sub: Steps in Procure-
izations of its depots. In accordance with a ment Opns.
directivefrom Headquarters, SOS, early in the 20
OQMG OO 84, 31 Mar 42, sub: Reasgmt of
following year, it initiated a program for the QMC Functions.
See Ch. I, above.
purpose of installing a standard procurement 22
Ltr, Col H. A.
Barnes, to allOQMG, QM
organization in all Quartermaster procuring Fid Installations, 6 Mar 43, sub: Elimination of
depots. 22 This provided for seven branches: Organizational Duplications, Overlappings, and Con-
flicts, 321.5.
buying and production, cost and price analysis, 23
Yoshpe and Massen, Procurement Policies and Pro-
legal, government-furnished materials, inspec- cedures, pp. 53-57.

and war needs. Such developments were espe- was not until June 1943 that procurement con-

cially apparent in the purchase of subsistence trol of petroleum products for the Army,

and of fuels and lubricants. Confronted by the excluding those for aircraft, was centralized in
needs of a rapidly expanding Army in 1940, the the Fuels and Lubricants Division, OQMG,
OQMG found its decentralized and localized with field operations centralized in a number of
system of purchasing perishables inadequate. In specified depots.

its place was substituted a market center system Some measure of co-ordination had been
in the spring of 1941, which combined co- achieved in prewar days through interdepart-
ordinated and centralized control at Field Head- mental procurement of petroleum products by
quarters, Chicago, with field operations central- the Treasury and Navy Departments. The bulk
ized in a number of market centers. 24 of the Army's petroleum requirements for the
Similarly, to overcome the interdepot com- zone of interior continued to be supplied under
petition and unwholesome effects upon the Treasury Department contracts during World
market of the prewar system of regional-
civilian War II, but control was centralized by channel-
depot procurement of nonperishables from ing such requirements through the Fuels and
wholesale grocers and distributors, the OQMG Lubricants Division. The latter was able to
centralized procurement and made purchases obtain exemption from such contracts for
directly from producers before and during the lubricating oils, but was only partially success-

producing season. Three depots Chicago, New ful in reference to greases and gear lubricants.

York (later Jersey City), and San Francisco Direct purchase of these items was made by key
(later designated California)— were made procuring depots acting upon the division's
responsible for the centralized purchase in large instructions. Purchases of petroleum products
lotsof most of the nonperishable foods, includ- for maneuvers and overseas shipment were

ing dried, dehydrated, and canned foods. Dis- exempt from Treasury Procurement Schedules.
tribution was effected either directly to the posts The Jersey City Depot handled the bulk of gas-
or through the various distributing depots. The oline requirements for the east coast while the
Chicago Depot became the chief procurement Washington Depot procured most of the lubri-

agency of the war for nonperishables, procuring cants and greases required for offshore ship-
approximately 7 subsistence items by the end ment. On the Pacific coast the bulk of petro-
of 1942. The Jersey City Depot procured about leum requirements was handled by the Cali-
44 items and the California Depot 23. fornia and The purchase of con-
Seattle Depots.
The need for centralizing the purchase of tainers and petroleum equipment was accom-
petroleum products was apparent early and plished centrally by the Jefferson ville Depot at
became acute in the face of growing shortages the direction of the Fuels and Lubricants
and the necessity to ration supplies. Under the Division. 2
uncontrolled and un-co-ordinated decentralized A corollary of this policy of extending cen-
procurement system which had prevailed in the tralized procurement was the trend toward
Army World War I, all of the supply
ever since reducing local purchasing by posts, camps, and
services, commanding generals of armies on stations. The purpose was not only to avoid
maneuvers, and, after December 1941, practi- 24
See Ch. I, above.
cally all of the pons of embarkation were 25
OQMG Ltr 399, 30 Oct 42, sub: Pro-
curement, S&D of Nonperishable Subs Supplies.
individually directing the purchase of petro-
See Ch. I, above.
leum products in which they were interested. 2~
For a more detailed discussion see Risch, Fuels for
Centralization of purchase evolved slowly. It Global Conflict, pp. 43-60.

duplication of Army demand in the market but beds and cots, it was logical to transfer mat-

also to control the buying of scarce articles so tresses and mattress covers to it, thereby reliev-
as to disturb the civilian economy as little ing Philadelphia of the burden. Similar action
as possible. While local purchase of some non- was taken in regard to other items to spread the
perishable subsistence continued throughout purchase load.
the war, the operation of the market center With the greatly extended purchasing activi-
program virtually eliminated local purchases of ties of the Corps during the emergency and war
fresh foods within the zone of interior. Soon periods, the OQMG made changes in the desig-
after Pearl Harbor the OQMG also found that nation of supply points and activated numerous
general supplies could not be procured satis- additional depots. Where 8 principal purchas-
factorily on a local basis. By the end of ing depots had existed in 1939, after expansion
1942 centralization of procurement of various the procurement organization included 17
general supplies had been effected.Thus the depots— 11 major and 6 minor depots — apart
purchase of paper and paper products became from the network of market centers and field
the responsibility of the Jersey City Depot buying offices for perishable subsistence. 30
while requirements for rope and noncotton type
cordage were assigned for purchase to the Jef- Experimentation with Decentralized
fersonville Depot. 28 Procurement Operations
Although the policy of reducing local pur-
chases was followed by the QMC, neither the Although centralized procurement was the
results achieved by it nor those attained by the heart of the QMC supply organization, persist-
other technical services were deemed satis- ent pressures in the summer of 1942 from higher
factory by Headquarters, ASF, which urged a authority, Congress, and business groups led to
material reduction in the "excessive" number of an experiment to decentralize procurement oper-
small orders being placed. The Quartermaster ations from the central procuring depots to other
General took steps to centralize procurement sections of the country. Decentralized purchas-
of other supplies and gave the regional depots ingwould permit a wider distribution of orders,
much closer control over local purchases by an objective stimulated by the passage of the
posts, camps, and stations. 29 By May 1944 the Small Business Act in June. It was anticipated
bulk of QMCpurchases was being procured by that a geographic distribution of procurement
central procuring depots and by the market
centers. 28
(1) Ltr, Col F. C. Harding, OQMG,
to CO's of
all depots, 5 Nov 42, sub: Local Purch of Gen Sup-
In the assignment of items to central procure-
plies Items, 400.13- (2) Ltr, Capt D. L. Lawton,
ment depots consideration had to be given to OQMG, to CG
JQMD, 3 Dec 42, sub: Designation
the proximity of depots to sources of supply JQMD
of Procurement of Rope and Cordage. (3)
Ltr, Col Roy C. Moore, OQMG, to Hq SOS, 7 Dec
and the desirability of centralizing the purchase
42, sub: Centralization of Paper and Paper Products.
of closely related items within a particular » (l) Memo, TAG for Chiefs of Tech Svs, 22 Aug
depot. Before the emergency, however, these 43, sub: Procurement Procedures and Small Orders,
objectives had not been fully realized. Sub- 400.12. (2) OQMG
Cir Ltr 129, 26 Aug 43,
sub: Restricted Purch and Distr. (3) Memo, Gen
sequently, with a view to preventing the over- Corbin, OQMG, for Purchases Div, ASF, 28 Sep 43,
loading of any one depot, the made OQMG sub: Corrective Action in Connection with Small Pur-
chases, 400.13.
some changes in the assignment of items for 30
( 1 ) See OQMG Cir 1-4, 1 Mar 39, sub: Procure-
centralized procurement. For example, since the ment and Distr of Supplies. (2) WD SB 38-3-QM,
Chicago Quartermaster Depot already bought 19 Oct 44.

would promote speed and economy in the mained unco-operative. The problem of con-
servicing of contracts by bringing about closer was settled by the creation
tract administration

contact with manufacturing sources and WPB of a zone inspection system late in 1943,

field by avoiding long hauls and un-

offices, responsibility for letting of contracts remained

necessary expense in distributing items from largely with the central procuring depots. The

plants to storage depots, by facilitating the work opponents of decentralization were favored by
of surveying plants, inspecting goods, investi- the complexities of war procurement. The im-
gating contract delinquency, and by assisting in pact of tight market conditions, material alloca-
the elimination of production bottlenecks. tions, and labor shortages required a centralized
By way of experiment a portion of Quarter- control. As a consequence, the experiment with
master requirements for clothing items was decentralization ended after about a year in a

allocated to the Seattle and California Depots renewed emphasis upon centralized procure-
for their procurement from manufacturers on ment.
the Pacific coast. Since in some instances similar
items were procured both centrally and region- Streamlining Procurement Methods
ally, the spheres of operation of the central and
regional depots were clearly defined to elimi- When World War II began in Europe, the
nate any confusion in the soliciting of bids.
peacetime procurement machinery of the QMC
A branch procurement office representing a was simply expanded and adjusted to meet the
number of the central procuring depots was increased load imposed by the events of the
established in New York City to enable the emergency period. The basic War Department
Corps to award more contracts in that distressed policies and procedures in procurement, how-
area. This trend toward decentralization culmi- ever, were materially though slowly altered

nated in the fall of 1942 in the establishment of during the war. Procurement procedures in the
fifteen procurement districts, the boundaries of Corps, as in all supply services, were based on
each of which corresponded to the distributing the legislation enacted to promote national
area of its depot. Each district was to act as an defense, directives of the superdefense agencies,
agent in the negotiation and servicing of con- such as the Advisory Commission to the

tracts. Unlike other supply services which had Council of National Defense and particularly
completely decentralized their purchasing to the OPM
and its successor, the WPB, and on
procurement districts, this effort was a "com-
bination set up," designed to permit centralized 51
( 1) Ltr, Gen Corbin, OQMG, to Brig Gen W. A.

buying by commodity, yet at the same time McCain, PQMD, 9 Jun 42, no sub. (2) Ltr, Corbin to
CG JQMD, 12 Aug 42, sub: Procurement Policy.
establish a nationwide organization permitting 32
(1) Ltr, Corbin to CG PQMD, 29 May 42, sub:
closer contact with the local manufacturing Allocation of Procurements to Seattle General Depot.

situation throughout the country.

34 (2) Ltr, Corbin to CO
Seattle General Depot, 29 May
42, sub: Allocation of Certain Items of Clothing. Both
This decentralization of procurement responsi- in 421.
bilities was viewed with hostility by the major "(1) Ltr, Corbin to CO PQMD, 21 Jul 42,

central procuring depots that felt their tradi- sub: Branch Office in NYC.
(2) 1st ind, Col T. W.
Jones, PQMD, to TQMG, 29 Jul 42, on same.
tional contractual prerogatives threatened. The 34
(1) OQMG Cir Ltr 409, 14 Nov 42, sub: QM
plan did not work smoothly and was not in- Procurement Districts, and Supplement 1, 3 Dec 42.

voked to any appreciable extent despite the (2) Memo,Col Barnes, OQMG, for CG SOS, 8 Feb
43, sub: Rpt of Survey on Red Tape in Army
belief of the OQMG that its advantages out- Procurement.
weighed its disadvantages. The depots re- 35 See below, Ch. VIII.

the various regulations— procurement circulars, procedure close resemblance to formal advertis-
Army Regulations, and Procurement Regula- ing, the only substantial difference being that
tions—issued by the War Department to imple- informal bids were not opened publicly. 38 Thus,
ment these directives. Specific provisions of the even when contracts were negotiated, the meth-
Procurement Regulations, which by the sum- ods used were much the same and consumed
mer of 1942 had superseded all earlier War the same amount of time as the old formal
Department instructions in this field, were advertising method. Severe limitations imposed
interpreted or extended by the OQMG in a on The Quartermaster General by higher
"Supplement" intended for use of personnel authority and the several superagencies resulted
procuring Quartermaster supplies. in a natural reluctance to delegate much pur-
chase responsibility to the field. Many inter-
Abandonment of Formal Advertising office restrictions were imposed to prevent
Method abuse of the novel process of negotiating con-
tracts. 39
In particular the Procurement Control
Although by December 1941 Congress had Branch closely supervised the operating divi-
enacted a variety of laws designed to remove sions and procuring depots to maintain safe-
obstacles to the speedy placement and execu- guards against any charges of favoritism, col-
tion of contracts and had in particular freed lusion, or improper awards in the procurement
Army procurement in July 1940 by authorizing of items by negotiation.
the Secretary of War to enter into contracts Nevertheless, even before Pearl Harbor, a
"with or without advertising," Quartermaster widened use of negotiated contracts was stimu-
contracting officers, in common with all other lated by the efforts to aid small business
contracting officers of the War Department, concerns by a wide dispersion of defense orders.
continued to follow the long-familiar method Unlike the period of formal competitive bid-
of soliciting formal bids in the purchase of sup- ding when the small businessman saw slight
plies until after the attack on Pearl Harbor. prospect of competing successfully with large
Then speed in placing contracts and obtaining firms, the authorization of procurement with-
deliveries became of prime importance, and the out advertising permitted the procurement
chiefs of the supply services were urged to put officer to exercise discretion in the award of con-
Army procurement "into the highest gear at tracts and enabled him to place contracts with
once." small plants in order to increase production
During the emergency period, however, there capacity. More than any other supply service
was, in practice, little deviation from the prin- the QMC, because of the commercial character
ciple of awarding contracts on the basis of of many of its items, felt the impact of the pres-
formal and informal advertising. Even when sure to spread contracts among small plants and
Quartermaster contracting officers negotiated a
(1) 54 U. S. Statutes 712, 2 Jul 40. (2) Memo,
contract, the principle of competition was Dir of Current Procurement, OASW, for TQMG
et a I.,
deemed essential to the government's interest. 2 Jul 40, sub: Procurement Without Advertising,
They were required to solicit quotations from 400.13.
Memo, Robert P. Patterson, USW, for Chiefs of
responsible suppliers of the articles in question,
Sup Arms and Svs, 8 Dec 41, no sub.
and awards were made to the lowest bidder 38
Col Guy I. Rowe, Chief of Ping & Control Div,
meeting the terms of the invitation. The fact to TQMG, 27 May 41, sub: Negotiating Contracts
with Best Qualified Manufacturers, 161.
that it was the general practice to invite bids of 39 For elaboration
of these controls see Yoshpe and
all known interested manufacturers gave the Massen, Procurement Policies and Procedures, pp. 60-66.
in labor-surplus areas throughout the country. were to be negotiated with firms "needing to
Interest in negotiationwas further stimulated acquire the least amounts of additional machin-
by the needs of an expanding Army and lend- ery and equipment for performance of the con-
lease requirements which increasingly taxed tracts." The use of formal advertising was to
production facilities. be permitted only upon specific authorization
The real stimulus, however, for a more of the Director of Purchases, WPB, or such

streamlined purchasing system came soon after persons as he might designate.

Pearl Harbor. Under authority of the First War In accordance with the directive of the Under
Powers Act, approved 18 December 1941, and Secretary of War, The Quartermaster General
the Executive Order of 27 December, vesting took steps to put the program into effect. He

broad procurement powers in the Secretary of advised field purchasing officers that they could
War, substantially all legal restrictions on Army negotiate contracts up to $50,000 by soliciting

buying were suspended except those provided as many bids as was practicable and making
in certain labor laws and limitations on awards to the lowest bidders without reference
The War Department was permitted to higher authority. Unless otherwise directed,
to negotiate contracts in much the same way the procuring depots could negotiate purchases
that ordinary commercial transactions were without regard to the amount by securing bids
handled. on the "QMC Form of Request for Informal
The Under Secretary of War in the meantime Bids (Negotiated Contracts)" from all known
advised the chiefs of the supply arms and prospective bidders. No individual award or
services that awards of defense contracts entered change in contract amounting to $1,000,000 or
into without advertising required his approval more was to be made without submitting the
only when they amounted to $5,000,000 or proposal to the OQMG for the approval of

more. Contract awards and changes required higher authority. 44

clearance by the OPM when they amounted to When the WPB was sent to the

$1,000,000 or more. To expedite the war effort field, negotiation of became a

all contracts
the actual work of procurement was to be "must." Awards were made after negotiation on
deputized to the field as far as consistent with the basis of quotations solicited and received
efficiency and the public interest. from a number of responsible and qualified sup-
The WPB promptly swept away the formal pliers by telephone, telegraph, or letter, or in
advertising method when replaced the OPM
it response to request for informal bids. Such
on 16 January 1942. All supply contracts relat- factors of sound procedure as speed in procure-
ing to war procurement were to be placed by ment, price, plant facilities, compliance with
negotiation, but, "when consistent with the 40 For a detailed discussion of the early contract dis-

required speed of war procurement," notifica- tribution program, see Harry B. Yoshpe, The Small
Business Man and Quartermaster Contracts, 1940-42
tion of the proposed purchase was to be given
(QMC Historical Studies 2, April 1943), passim.
to "qualified possible contractors and quota- 41
(1) 55 U. S. Statutes 838. (2) 9001, 6
tions secured from them." Special factors were Federal Register 6787.

to be considered in negotiating contracts. Con-

(1) OUSW
P&C General Directive 81, 17 Dec
41, sub: Decentralization of Procurement. (2) Ibid.,
tractswere to be placed so that difficult produc- 87, 17 Dec 41, sub: Procurement Without Advertising.
tion problems were handled by those facilities
43 WPB
Directive 2, 3 Mar 42, no sub.

whose resources were best suited to the task,

( 1 ) to Chief of Sup Div, OQMG,
Dec 41, sub: Decentralization of Procurement, 400.13.
while items of simple production were to be (2) OQMG Cir Ltr 336, 19 Dec 41, sub: Procure-
placed with smaller concerns. Contracts also ment Without Advertising.

specifications, financial responsibility, and various ways. Thus, two weeks after Pearl Har-
dependability of management continued to be bor, the Under Secretary of War authorized the
considered by contracting officers. Since clear- chiefs of the supply arms and services to make
ance of contract awards by the Director of Pur- "minor deviations" from the language of stand-
chases, WPB, was no longer required, no mat- ard and approved contract forms and clauses.
ter what the amount, the full power of The Any "material change" in contract provisions or
Quartermaster General to make awards or policies, however, still had to be approved by
changes in contracts without regard to higher his office. The chiefs of the supply arms and
authority up to $5,000,000) was delegated
(i. e., services were authorized to delegate this power
to field procurement offices. to their contracting officers.
Six months after the United States had Distinguishing between minor and material
entered the war, the responsibility of the changes, however, posed difficulties. Situations

Procurement Division and other purchasing were constantly arising in the QMC

divisions in the OQMG

had become primarily ing deviations from standard contract forms and
directive and supervisory. They directed the cen- the drafting of substitute clauses to reflect more
tral depot procurement officers to purchase, and precisely the rights and liabilities of the con-
advised on delivery schedules. Essentially their tracting parties. Among the major deviations
task was to see that the depot procurement from standard contract provisions which the
officers took timely and suitable action, OQMG was being called upon to make were
although there might be instances in which escalator clauses providing for price adjustment
they selected a specific plant and directed a par- on the basis of changes in ceiling prices set up
ticular award. by the OPA; a clause protecting the contractor
with respect to wage increases "resulting from
an increase in zone standard wage rates"; a
Delegation of Broader Responsibility
clause protecting a contractor "in regard to in-

During the emergency period controls exer- creased labor or material costs due to the forced
cised by higher authority and the superdefense migration of Japanese labor"; and a contract
agencies had the effect of throttling what little designating a private corporation as an agent of
initiative contracting officers might have en- the United States "for the performance of war
joyed. Desirable as their objectives might have work in a foreign country." was suggested

been, these controls seriously delayed the execu- that the government's interest would be better
tion of contracts. The Office of the Assistant served by permitting deviations "in exceptional
Secretary of War had to approve all contracts of cases" subject to the approval of The Quarter-
$500,000 or more and all deviations, however master General. 48
insignificant, from standard contract forms and To meet these and other contingencies arising
clauses. Not Harbor were these
until after Pearl out of the expanding and increasingly complex
checks loosened or eliminated. Then broader re-

sponsibility was delegated to field installations, 45

(1) OQMG Cir Ltr 114, 17 Mar 42, sub: Pro-
such as the right to negotiate contracts of in- curement Without Advertising. (2) OQMG Cir Ltr
175, 27 Apr 42, sub: Negotiated Purchases.
creasing value— eventually up to $5,000,000— 46
OUSW, P&C Gen Directive 93, 23 Dec 41, sub:
without the necessity of obtaining clearance Deviations from Approved Contract Forms or Clauses,
from the OQMG
in the case of the Corps. To 161.
Memo, TQMG for Deputy Dir of Procurement &
facilitate procurement the War Department ex-
Distr Div, SOS, 7 Apr 42, no sub, 310.
tended the authority of contracting officers in 48
Memo, TQMG for CG SOS, 9 Mar 42, no sub.

procurement program, Headquarters, SOS, ap- increased to $5,000,000, and The Quartermaster
proved for general use by all the supply services General was authorized to delegate this author-

many new contract forms and clauses. In addi- ity under such safeguards as he saw fit to

tion, approved the general use by a particular

it impose. 52
supply service of contract forms devised by it to Since The Quartermaster General could not
meet the needs of "a recurrent situation of a approve personally the large number of change
special type," provided these complied with the orders and supplemental agreements that it was
appropriate contract provisions. The supply anticipated would flood his office, he took steps
services were authorized to make such contracts to deputize this responsibility. He authorized
without further approval by higher authority. certain division chiefs— Supply, Motor Trans-
They could also make other contracts without port, Transportation, Memorial, and Planning
approval if these embodied applicable contract and Control— to give approval in cases involv-
clauses and contained no provision or policy ing an increase in contract price of no more
matter, such as important or doubtful legal is- than $1,000,000. Branch chiefs of these divisions
sues or decisions involving uniformity among could act on amounts up to $100,000. Subject
the supply services, which, in the opinion of the to instructions from the OQMG, commanding
supply service, should be passed upon by higher officers of Quartermaster depots and quarter-
authority. 49 master supply officers of general depots also
Effecting amendment of contracts through were authorized to handle cases involving the
change orders and supplemental agreements 50 same amount of money. Instructions limited
with the least possible delay also contributed to the authority to approve change orders and sup-
expediting the procurement program. Early in plemental agreements involving not more than
the emergency, however, Quartermaster con- $100,000 to the five main procuring depots,
tracting officers could make changes without while all other purchasing depots were granted
prior approval of The Quartermaster General this authority up to $50,000. By April 1942, in
only if they involved $500 or less. Regulations line with the policy to decentralize procurement
provided for modification of a contract by sup- responsibility as much as possible, the full
plemental agreement only when it was "for the authority of The Quartermaster General to
benefit of the United States" or "when a new award contracts or execute changes had been
valuable consideration" passed to the govern-
ment. Any mutual mistakes in
effort to correct
49 WD
PR 3 (9-5-42), par. 304.3, and (11-12-
42), pars. 306.1 and 306.2.
contracts by supplemental agreement was de- 50 Change orders and supplemental agreements were

instruments by which original contracts could be al-

pendent upon the presentation to the General
tered to fit conditions arising after they had been
Accounting Office of "the most convincing signed. Change orders required only the signature of
evidence" as to the intent of the contracting the contracting officer because the right to make the
51 change was reserved to the government in the original
contract. Supplemental agreements were not so author-
As the procurement program expanded, such ized and therefore, like an original contract, required
imposed by higher authority had to
restrictions acceptance and consent of the contractor.
be relaxed. In the fall of 1941 the Secretary of
AR 5-200, pars. 19a, 20d (4), 2 Jan 40, sub:
ASW: Procurement of Supplies; Contracts, Formal and
War designated The Quartermaster General Informal.
and certain officers of the OQMG as his repre- 52
(1) OUSW
P&C Gen Directive 18, 17 Dec 41,

sentatives for the purpose of approving changes sub: Decentralization of Procurement. (2) WD Pro-
curement Cir 91, 29 Dec 41, no sub. (3) OQMG GO
in standard supply contracts which did not ex- 6,6 Jan 42, sub: Designation of Representatives to
ceed $100,000. After Pearl Harbor this sum was Approve Changes in Sup Contracts for SW.


delegated to all the field agencies under his chases, of course, had to be limited to hides,
control. 53 wool, nitrates, manganese, and other items

In recognition of the need for speed in the listed in the Under Secretary of War's certifi-
correction of errors which were unavoidable cates of determination. When, for example, a

under the extensive wartime procurement pro- Chilean shoe manufacturer wanted an oppor-
gram, procurement regulations later granted tunity to bid on Army shoe requirements, the
authority to the chiefs of supply services, under OQMG advised him that it would be contrary
certain circumstances, to correct mistakes by to the Buy American Act. Similarly, when an
supplemental agreement. The Quartermaster effort was made to allow Argentine corned beef
General delegated this authority to the Direc- hash to compete with domestic products, the
tor, Procurement Division, OQMG. 54 Subsistence Branch was advised that no author-
ity existed for purchasing this item in Argen-
Removal of Restrictive Controls tina or any other foreign country. If the price

and Regulations difference was great enough to justify a request

for purchase authority, the essential facts and

Various federal and state laws also hampered recommendations were to be furnished to the
the freedom of the Corps to purchase items. Under Secretary of War. 57
Chief among the federal laws were those relat- After Pearl Harbor, on the recommendation
ing to the purchase of foreign-manufactured of the Joint War Production Committee of
goods, the mandatory procurement of certain Canada and the United States, such restrictions
items from the Federal Prison Industries, Inc., were eliminated insofar as Canada was con-
and the Committee on Purchases of Blind-Made cerned. In line with the new policy announced
Products, and the purchase of other items by the Office of the Under Secretary of War,
through the Treasury Department. At both the The Quartermaster General advised his pro-
federal and state level various tax and price-fix- curement officers that purchases of Canadian
ing laws interfered with effective procurement. products were to be on "an equal basis" with
Although these legislative controls were not 53 Chief of Ping & Control Div,
( 1 ) OQMG,
completely removed during the war, certain re-
TQMG, 31 Jan 42, sub: Delegation of Authority to
laxations did take place. Approve Change Orders and Supplemental Agree-
Under the "Buy American" Act of 1933, the ments, 161. (2) OQMG OO 29, 3 Feb 42, same sub.
(3) OQMG Cir Ltr 175, 27 Apr 42, sub: Negotiated
Corps was required to purchase supplies of Purchases.
domestic production only, unless the Secretary 54
(1) OQMG OO30-16, 13 Mar 43, sub: Dele-
gation of Authority to Correct Mistakes in Contracts.
of War determined that it was inconsistent with
the public interest, or considered the cost un-
(2) WD PR 3 (3-26-43), par. 308-B.
55 47 U. S. Statutes 1520. The law did not apply to
reasonable." The defense program soon caused items used outside the United States or to articles or
the materials for their manufacture which could not
the Under Secretary of War to issue certificates
be supplied in the United States "in sufficient and
of determination making the provisions of the reasonably available commercial quantities and of a
act inapplicable during the emergency for the satisfactory quality."

purchase of items from foreign suppliers and es-

OUSW Memos, 18 Apr and 24 Jul 41, sub: De-
termination Under Buy American Act.
sential materials that could not be produced in 57
(1) Ltr, Lt Col H. B. Hester, Chief of Production
the United States. 56 Control Br, OQMG, to G. Klammer, Latin American
In the interest of hemispheric solidarity spe- Commercial Office, 19 Mar 41, no sub. (2) Lt Col O.
E. Cound, Production Control Br, to Subs Br, Sup
cialconsideration came to be given to articles
Div, OQMG, 3 Nov 41, sub: Purch of Corned Beef
produced in the western hemisphere. Such pur- Hash.

and subject to the same restrictions as purchases exigency required immediate delivery or per-
of articles of domestic origin. The Quarter- formance; or when second-hand or used articles
master General urged, however, that action be could be procured. 62
taken to permit the purchase of materials pro- Throughout the war the QMC continued to
duced in the western hemisphere "without re- purchase many items under the General Sched-
gard to the country of origin." By March 1942 ule of Supplies of the Treasury Department.
the Under Secretary of War issued a certificate Where limitations on quantities, for example,
of determination freeing war purchases of all might compel a contracting officer to procure
supplies, except food and clothing not hereto- outside the schedule, each such action had to be
fore specifically exempted, from the restrictions payment. Obtaining the nec-
justified to insure

imposed by the Buy American Act. 59 was too time consuming during
essary clearance
The necessity of obtaining special clear- an emergency or war period. Under the acceler-
ances—frequently in each individual case — from ated purchasing program many instances arose
the Federal Prison Industries, Inc., and the of purchases inadvertently made outside the
Committee on Purchases of Blind-Made Prod- schedule. A major bottleneck was removed
ucts before certain of their items could be pur- when the Procurement Division of the Treasury
chased from commercial sources hampered ex- Department approved an amendment to the
peditious procurement. Even when clearances War Department Procurement Regulations
were issued the administrative procedures were authorizing the chief of the supply service con-
time consuming. Each clearance had to be pub- cerned to ratify such purchases when it appeared
lished in a circular letter, and all posts, camps, that the oversight represented "an isolated in-
and stations had to keep their files up-to-date stance and not a continued course of neglect."
and cite a clearance on every purchase order This ratification greatly expedited payments for
placed outside the schedules. 60
(1) OUSW P&C Gen Directive 94, 27 Dec 41,
While the OQMG held that Executive sub: War Production Policy for Canada and US. (2)
Order 9001, 27 December 1941, afforded ample OQMG Cir Ltr 127, Supplement 1, 7 Aug 42, sub:

legal authority to enter into contracts without

Buy American Act.
" ( 1 ) Memo, TQMG for CG SOS, 9Mar 42, no
regard for limiting legislation, Headquarters, sub. (2) Hq SOS Gen Directive 30, 16 Mar 42, sub:
SOS, thought it more expedient to evolve a Buy American Act. (3) WD PR 5 (9-5-42), par.
workable plan that would not cut off these 503.2.
( 1 ) Memo, Col Cound, OQMG, for Col H. Feld-
agencies from furnishing such items of their man, SOS, 11 Mar 42, sub: Reqmts of Higher Author-
manufacture as the War Department used. 61 ity Hindering Procurement, 310. (2) Memo, Col
Except for the automatic clearance granted for Cound for Gen Corbin, OQMG, 24 Mar 42, sub: Ltr
to CG SOS, 9 Mar 42.
purchases requiring delivery within two weeks, 61
(1) Col Cound, Production Control Br, to Chief
no new arrangements seem to have been of Sup Div, OQMG, 22 Jan 42, sub: Clearance from
worked out with the Committee on Purchases Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (2) Memo, Hq SOS,
14 Apr 42, sub: Expediting the Administration of Pro-
of Blind-Made Products. The Federal Prison In-
dustries, Inc., continued to grant periodic clear- 62
OQMG Cir Ltr 280, 10 Jul 42, sub: Clearance for
ances, but blanket clearances were granted for Items Manufactured by Federal Prison Industries, Inc.

commercial procurement of any articles in cases

(2) OQMG
Cir Ltr 9, 14 Jan 43, sub: Purchases from
Federal Prison Industries, Inc.
where cost-plus-a-fixed-fee construction or sup- 6J
(1) AGO
Memo S5-31-43, 8 Feb 43, sub: In-
ply contracts were used; when certain govern- advertent Purchases Outside the Gen Schedule of Sup-

ment-furnished materials were used in the exe-

plies. (2) WD
PR 6 (2-19-43), par. 606.5. (3)
OQMG 30-15, 6 Mar 43, sub: Ratification by Dir of
cution of lump-sum contracts; when the public Purchases.

such purchases since it eliminated the need for ernment for everything except radio and radio
handling them as claims. products and on the purchase of a certain lim-
Tax laws, both federal and state, as well as a ited number of items which in the opinion of
variety of state regulations, hampered effective the Secretary of the Treasury could be handled
The policy of the War Depart-
procurement. most economically on a tax-exemption basis.

ment with respect to federal excise taxes Thereafter all purchases were made on a tax-in-
changed materially during the war. Prior to the clusive basis. 67 The passage of this act largely
war was accepted War Department policy to
it eliminated the work load connected with the
purchase free of tax. The contractor had the administration of the tax clause used in Army
right under the tax law to receive from the con- contracting.
tracting activity a certificate of exemption, ap- State and local tax laws were not uniform in

proved by the Treasury Department, exempting their application but as a general rule govern-
the transaction from the federal tax. 64 This pol- ment purchases were exempt from such taxes.
icy was based on the idea of budgetary savings There were, however, various other state regu-
which would result from cutting down the lations which hampered Quartermaster procure-
amount the military services would expend ment. These included labor laws, particularly
from their own appropriations. If the contrac- those which limited hours of work and regu-
tor paid the tax he would pass it along to the lated female employment; transportation reg-
services in an increased contract price. ulations pertaining to maximum truck loads
The use of tax exemption certificates was and licensing of trucks; and egg and milk
continued during the opening years of World marketing laws, designed to protect trade. 68
War II. It was a cumbersome procedure, how- Most of these difficulties were resolved by se-
ever, necessitating records from both contrac- curing waivers through appeal to state boards
tors and contracting officers. As the volume of and by administrative orders.
war procurement mounted, the desirability of Milk control legislation fixing prices under
eliminating exemptions was underscored. This a state authority posed a problem not so readily
elimination would cost the government nothing resolved. Some nineteen states had such legis-

but would save a considerable amount of paper lation which, by subjecting the Army to an ar-

work and manpower expended in issuing tax tificially controlled market, was disadvantageous
exemption certificates. Early in 1943 the War to its procurement program. The fact that the
and Navy Departments adopted a new policy state laws varied widely and prices were subject
on the payment of, and the exemption from, to change at any time made impossible the for-

federal excise taxes. The Under Secretary of War mulation of a central administrative policy on
and the Under Secretary of the Navy issued a fluid-milk purchases. The Office of the Judge
memorandum making this policy effective on 1 Advocate General, the legal officers of the Na-
March 1943. 66 The policy was limited in that it 64
See, for example, AR 5-100, par. 7, 20 Jul 37,
provided for the elimination of exemptions sub: ASW: Procurement of Supplies.
only with respect to various subsidiary articles 65
7 Federal Register 579, Treasury Decision 5114, 27
or components used in the performance of a Jan 42.
For this memorandum see PR 8 (2-19-43) par.
prime contract but continued the use of exemp-
tions for final finished products. On 25 Febru- 67
8 (5-18-44), Appendix, par. 890ff.
ary 1944 Congress passed the Revenue Act of
Col Cound, Chief of Purch & Contract Br,

abolished the
OQMG, to Stanley F. Teele, Special Asst to Deputy
1943 over a presidential veto. It
Dir of Procurement & Distr, SOS, 22, 23, 27 Apr 42,
former exemption on sales to the federal gov- sub: State Laws Hampering War Production.

tional Defense Advisory Commission, the De- also authorized to draw contracts in a form to

partment of Justice, and the OQMG were meet special circumstances. Such contracts were
agreed that the application of state milk mar- to include clauses from approved or standard
keting laws to purchases made by the Army was forms or clauses that might have been specially
an unconstitutional interference with the oper- approved by the Under Secretary of War for use

ations of the Army. 69 when special circumstances required them. All

Various means short of court action were such contracts had to be approved by the Under :

used to secure price concessions early in the Secretary of War. Although decentralization of
war. Nevertheless the problem remained trou- authority to place contracts was vigorously pur-
blesome. It was not until March 1943 that the sued by the War Department, the Under Secre-
Supreme Court, hearing appeals on cases in- tary of War was reluctant to decentralize author-
volving the state laws of California and Penn- ity to the various arms and services to promul-
sylvania, rendered its decision. If the land on gate new contract forms or to deviate from
which the consuming Army camp was located standard contract clauses on their own respon-
belonged to the state, the price regulation was sibility.

applicable; otherwise it was not. Congress The first of the standard contract forms per-
might, of course, override these state milk laws fected for defense supply purchases— War De-
if the national interest required such action.
partment Supply Contract Form 1— was adopted
in September 1941. 72 Thereafter during the war
years many other standard forms and clauses
Developments in Contractual Procedures
were adopted and amended. By the end of the
During World War I many undesirable situa- war some 22 standard contract forms approved
tions had developed as a result of the great dis- for general use by the War Department and

similarity in the contractual relations between some 74 additional contract forms approved for
the various producers and the government. use by particular technical services and the Air
These caused delay and created confusion in the Forces were listed in the Procurement Regula-
letting and settlement of contracts. In order to tions. 73

avoid a repetition of that experience, procure- Special Quartermaster standard contract forms
ment planners sought to evolve standardized grew out of practical experience. Some were in-
contract forms which would be adaptable to war- tended for the purchase of coal and petroleum
time use. Their work resulted in the approval, and oil supplies. One form was devised for stor-
shortly after the outbreak of World War II, age contracts and another for a uniform burial

of six war contract forms. These were intended contract. Some contracts were developed in a
for use in an emergency, but although the coun- 69 See, for example, Col Rowe, Chief of Ping &

try was already in a "limited" emergency and Control Div, OQMG, to JAG,
25 Feb 41, sub: State
gradually drifted into a vigorous defense pro- Milk Marketing Laws, and 1st ind, Col E. C. McNeil,
Actg JAG, to TAG, 28 Mar 41, on same.
gram, no authority for the use of these forms 70
( 1 ) Penn Dairies, Inc., et al., vs. Milk Control Com-

was granted by the War Department. mission of Pennsylvania, 318 U.S. Reports 261. (2)

The peacetime standard contract forms con- Pacific Coast Inc., vs. Department of Agriculture of Cali-
fornia et al., ibid., 285.
tinued to be used. As experience developed and 71
Rpt, History of Purchases Division, ASF, n. d., p.

purchasing shifted to a negotiated basis, special 312. Mimeographed copy on file at Hist Sec, OQMG.
contract provisions and new forms were pro- 72
OQMG Cir Ltr 283, 22 Oct 41, sub: WD & Sup
Contract Form 1.
mulgated as additional standard forms. Where PR
PR 3 (8-23-45), par. 304.1, and 13 (8-23-
conditions demanded, contracting officers were 45).

short form to expedite procurement by elimi- of indemnity for costs in the event a formal
nating the tremendous amount of paper work contract was never consummated. Letter con-
and time involved in the use of existing forms. tracts were preliminary contractual agreements
For example, the procurement of subsistence customarily used in situations wherein the
supplies in the open market emphasized the items, quantities, prices, and delivery dates were
need for a To expedi-
simple, concise contract. known but where the principal contract pro-
ate on-the-spot subsistence procurement the visions required additional time consuming
OQMG prepared an informal "Offer and Ac- negotiations. 76
ceptance," which, with slight amendments, was Some contractors to whom letters of intent
approved by the Under Secretary of War. Its had been issued refused to proceed promptly to
use was authorized in the procurement of all production, insisting instead on more attractive
supplies and services, except coal, whenever the unit prices or escalator clauses. To overcome
issue of written invitations for bids or quota- this difficulty a new form, "Letter Purchase
was considered impracticable. 74
tions Order," was approved by the Under Secretary
The most popular short form of contract was of War on 10 January 1942. It could be used for
QMC Form 308, a unilateral purchase order the placing of orders in those instances where
that had been used by the Corps before the war. the need for the supplies was so urgent as to
Its provisions on the amount of the transaction render impractical prior negotiations regarding
and delivery time were liberalized. The form prices, schedules of deliveries, or other terms,
was commonly employed not only by the QMC or where such negotiations had failed to result
but also by the Transportation Corps and the in an agreement. 77
Chemical Warfare Service. Initially purchases The OQMG initiated the use of letters of in-

were restricted to transactions of $5,000 or less, tent in the summer of 1940. On 1 July clothing
but the limit was increased to $500,000 by May and equipage stocks were entirely inadequate to
1943. This form was used provided delivery or meet the requirements of the expanding Army.
performance time did not exceed 180 days. By The Quartermaster General had obligated under
the fall of the year, because procurement was contract all available funds for the purpose, and
leveling off, the flexibility needed in the early the Munitions Bill had not yet passed Congress.
phases of the war procurement program could Additional bids had been issued and opened,
give way to standardization, and this form was and he proposed to send out letters of intent to
replaced by a standard purchase order form- successful bidders informing them that when
War Department Contract Form 18. and if funds became available under the Muni-
Various shortcuts in contracting were also de- tions Bill, the contracting officer would enter
vised to expedite purchases in the expanding into a contract with them at the bid price. Thus
procurement program and to speed up produc- production could be started in anticipation of
tion. These included letters of intent or "letter
74 Memo, Col Cound, OQMG, for USW, 2 Feb 42,
contracts" and letter purchase orders. There was
sub: Proposed Form of Informal Negotiated Contract,
a slight difference between a letter of intent and and 1st ind, OUSWto TQMG, 11 Feb 42, on same,
a letter contract, although both conveyed the 161.
History of Purchases Div, ASF, pp. 320-322.
"intention" of the government to purchase. The 76
( 1 ) TICAF, Glossary of Terms in Use at The In-

letter of intent was a preliminary agreement dustrial College of the Armed Forces, 1946, pp. 18-19.

which authorized a contractor to undertake (2) Report of The Secretary of War, 1941 (Washington,
1941), p. 30.
preparatory measures and start production for 77
OUSW P&C Gen Directive 5, 13 Jan 42, sub:
intended purchase at once, with the assurance Form for Ltr Purch Order, 400.138.


the contract, a procedure approved by the As- co-ordinating the procurement of supplies. This
sistant Secretary of War. Since it took approxi- promoted by the work of the Pro-
objective was
mately nine months to "convert dollars into ap- curement Assignment Board in the Office of
preciable quantities of clothing and equipage." the Under Secretary of War (later in the Pur-
troops were supplied during the first nine chases Division. SOS), which reviewed items
months of the fiscal year 1941 by initiating pro- and assigned purchase responsibility- to the ap-
curements on letters of intent prior to the avail- propriate supply service.
ability of funds. '- During the emergency period, In the summer of
1941 the board was directed
letters of intent were also used to secure imme- to make comprehensive study of the alloca-
diate production of certain bottleneck items, tion and procurement of supply items for the
such as axles, joints, and transfer cases, "in antic- entire Army. At the request of the board, the
ipation of the award of contracts for
motor QMC furnished a report suggesting the as-
vehicles." signment to it of eighteen items of clothing,
As the character of the war procurement textiles, equipment, and general supplies. 82 The
changed, letters of intent ceased to be used. Let- OQMG itself undertook a study of the conflicts
ter purchase orders continued to be employed existing between the Corps and other supply
for some time, but only when it was essential to arms, sen-ices, and defense agencies. The Quar-
give the contractor a binding commitment to termaster General was convinced that central-
permit of preparatory work without delay, or ized purchase was imperative for those items for
where it was impossible to negotiate a definitive which productive capacity was inadequate. In
contract because of the experimental nature of the face of growing shortages of critical mate-
the work involved. The Corps used this form rials and keen competition for them, co-ordina-
particularly in contracts for dehydrated vegeta- tion and orderliness of procurement was "almost
bles and for the purchase of frozen foods.- By nonexistent." The consolidation of procure-
1944 the use of these instruments of procure- ments wherever possible and the co-ordination
ment had been discontinued except as author- of procurements in all other cases would, he
ized by the Director of Procurement in specific urged, "result in a steady flow of these essential
exceptional cases. 81 materials in an amount sufficient to fill our

I Memo. TQMG for ASW. 29 Aug 40. sub:
Elimination of Duplication in Purchase Ltrs of Intent, and 1st ind. OASW to TQMG. 30 Aug
Responsibility 40, on same. 161. (2) Ltr, TQMG
to Julius H. Am-
berg. Special Asst to SW, 25 Jun 41. sub: Senate In-
%-estigation— Progress of Program to Date, 333.9.
In the course of streamlining procedures, the
War Department
" Ltr. TQMGto OASW, 31 Oct 40. sub: Weekly
attacked the problem of co- Progress Rpt. 319.1.
ordinating and consolidating procurements of 80
( ) Lt Col Paul P. Logan. to CG OQMG,
the supply arms and services more vigorously. CQMD. 18 Feb 42. sub: Contract for Dehydrated
Onions. (2) Col Logan to same. 9 Apr 42, sub: Con-
Interbranch procurement to eliminate inter-
tract for Dehydrated Carrots. 161. (3) Ltr, Lt Col E.
agency- competition for similar items had been H. Foley. Jr..' OQMG,
to Legal Br. Purchases Div.
established in 1918, but the program had made ASF. 2" May 43. sub: Ltrs of Intent, Ltr Orders, and
Termination, 164.
slow progress during the ensuing years of peace. 81
OQMG OO 30-49, 25 Sep 44, sub: Discontinu-
In 1940 and 1941 the impact of the expanding ance of Ltrs of Intent and Ltr Orders.
( 1 ; Memo, Chairman of PAB for TQMG, 8 Aug
defense program upon the supply of raw mate-
41. sub: Asgmt of Items of Sup and Equip. (2) Ltr,
rials and the production of finished items em-
TQMG to USW, 26 Aug 41, same sub. Both in
phasized anew the wisdom of consolidating and 400.12.

needs." Shoes, cotton duck, webbing, textiles, attack on Pearl Harbor, a very heavy load was
rope, paper (other than technical), hand tools, placed on the duck and webbing industries by
hardware fittings and findings for equipage, and the increased Army requirements of the defense
kitchen appliances were among the items The program, to which were added those of the
Quartermaster General recommended for cen- British and other foreign purchasing commis-
tralized procurement by one agency on requisi- sions. Until 1942 the various services purchased
tions from all using agencies. their articles in a finished state, leaving to their
Consolidation of procurement progressed contractors the task of obtaining the necessary
slowly. It was in late December 1941 that the duck and webbing. In this competition,
Procurement Assignment Board directed that Quartermaster contractors experienced con-
the purchase of all canvas, duck, and webbing siderable difficulty in procuring these materials
for the entire War Department be accomplished in sufficient quantities to meet their needs.
by the QMC. 84 In January procurement of Moreover, a lack of co-ordination existed not
paper and paper products was centralized in the only among the services but also among the
Corps. The board recommended co-ordination operating units in the OQMG.
rather than consolidation for the other items The pyramiding of priorities for duck and
proposed for centralized procurement. By mid- heavyweight webbing in limited supply indus-
1942 the trend toward consolidation, while not tries caused all military agencies to experience
remarkable, was well defined. When the war difficulties in procuring these materials in the
ended, the number of items for which the Corps fall of 1941. The Quartermaster General, certain
had central procurement responsibility for the that centralized procurement was the only solu-
War Department agencies totaled several tion, requested the Under Secretary of War to

thousand. 85 designate the Corps as the central purchasing

Of all the items assigned to the QMC, the agency for all canvas used by the War Depart-
centralized procurement and distribution of cot- ment. In anticipation of the assignment of
ton duck and webbing, as carried out by the this responsibility, he took action to centralize
QMC Duck and Webbing Pool, offered a war- the procurement of duck within the Corps itself
time experiment that was unique in its con- and to furnish it to contractors. Conferences
ception, operation, and control. There had been were held in the OQMG to develop a workable
a duck shortage in every major war in which plan for the centralized purchase of duck and
the United States had been engaged. Recalling webbing for all arms and services, the responsi-

the experience of World War I when demand which was assigned to the Corps two
bility for

had far outstripped the ability of industry to weeks after the attack on Pearl Harbor. 88
produce, the QMC had collaborated closely in
1939 and 1940 with various carpet and plush
manufacturers who could convert their facilities
83 Ltr. TQMG to USW, 25 Oct 41. same sub.
Memo, Dir of Purchases & Contracts, OUSW, for
to duck production. In the light of that experi- TQMG et al.. 22 Dec 41, no sub.

ence, too, procurement planners in the Office of 85

See PR 6, Appendix I (6-21-45).
the Assistant Secretary of War had long before (1) Ltr, Col H. K. Rutherford, Dir of Ping Br,
OASW. to TQMG, 21 Jun 39, sub: War Procurement
the declaration of the emergency proposed to
of Duck and Webbing. (2) 1st ind, Maj M. V.
assign to the QMC the war procurement of Bronsbn, OQMG, to ASW, 30 Jun 39, on same.
duck and webbing for all supply arms and
Memo, TQMG for USW, 1 Oct 41, sub: Central-
ized Purch of Canvas.
services of the Army. 86 88
Memo, Dir of Purchases & Contracts, OUSW for
While no such action was initiated before the TQMG et al., 22 Dec 41, no sub.

A new unit was established as a special group age and a minimum of backhaul. Originally the
in the Equipage Section of the Supply Division pool was intended to provide for Army needs
towork on duck, webbing, tentage and equip- only, but it always maintained close relations
ment items only. Headed by Colonel Robert T with the Navy and the Marine Corps. It often
Stevens, who until this time had been an active furnished duck to fill their requirements, and in

civilian advisor on textile matters to the addition its activities were soon expanded to
OQMG, this unit operated the duck and provide for the needs of the War Shipping
webbing pool during the war years. It consisted Board, the Maritime Commission, and war aid
of a compact group of officers and civilians with requirements.
extensive textile experience who were permitted Competition and shortages of critical mate-
a far wider area of judgment and discretion in rials alsoemphasized the need for Army-Navy
handling the program than was customary in co-ordination. Wartime developments in joint
Quartermaster procurement. 89 procurement occurred sometimes as the result
As soon as the new responsibility had been of practical needs and sometimes through the
assigned to the Corps, it requested the various co-operative inclinations of purchasing officers
services to submit estimates of their require- in the two services. Procurement of subsistence
ments for duck and webbing. The pool was cre- for the War and Navy Departments, for

ated from emergency experience, and in the example, was not formally assigned to a central

beginning there was confusion concerning the agency, but beginning in mid-1942 the QMC
responsibility for the execution of contracts for bought many subsistence items, both perishable
these items, the allocation of facilities, the trans- and nonperishable, for the Navy. The trend to-
fer of funds, the control of the materials pur- ward joint procurement crystallized during 1945
chased, and the handling of shipments. Careful in two formal actions affecting Quartermaster
study, however, evolved procedures that were procurement. These developments were stimu-
satisfactory to all concerned. 90 lated in part by a joint Army-Navy study initi-
Duck requirements for all arms and services ated in the fall of 1944 upon directive of the
were consolidated to simplify procurement Under Secretary of War and the Secretary of the
operations. The pool procured by personal Navy what extent and by what
to determine to
negotiation, which proved to be more effective methods procurement in the War and Navy
in securing a favorable price than the invitation Departments could be further co-ordinated. 91
to bid system. The pool tapped all known
sources of production, with the Jeffersonville 89
Rpt, Col R. T. Stevens and R. A. Butland, 1 Feb
Quartermaster Depot controlling contract oper- 44, sub: The QMC Duck and Webbing Pool, p. 2.
90 For
a comprehensive discussion of the evolution
ations and the dyeing and finishing of duck. and operation of the duck and webbing pool, see (1) j

Since the pool bought duck chiefly in the grey ibid. (2) Rpt, Stevens and Butland, 20 Aug 45, sub:

state, it acted as a converter for most of the Supplement to QMC Duck and Webbing Pool Rpt of
1 Feb 44.
known production of grey duck in the country. 91
Rpt, Col William H. Draper, Jr., GSC, and Capt
Yardages of any one type or width were given Lewis L. Strauss, USNR, Feb 45, sub: Coordination
various colors and finishes, dependent upon the of Procurement between the War and Navy Depts, 3
vols. Hereafter referred to as the Strauss- Draper Rpt.
characteristics wanted by the several arms and
The general conclusion of the report was that a difi-
services. Huge savings to the government nite need existed for further co-ordination of procure-
resulted, for the pool tied duck production into ment policies in connection with a large number of
functions and of actual procurement activities in con-
all of the known duck finishing capacity of the
nection with large classes of similar materiel procured
type desired, operating with efficient use of stor- by various services and bureaus.

Although these developments did not bring Contract Placement Policies and Problems
about an actual consolidation of procurement
for the two military services, they put co- In peacetime procurement, price was the
ordination on a definite basis and may be con- determining factor in awarding contracts. Many
sidered as the fruits of the wartime experience other considerations, however, had to be taken
of working together. into account by contracting officers in the place-
The establishment of the Quartermaster ment of contracts during World War II. The
Purchasing Office in New York City repre- burden of military demands on industry com-
sented an attempt to further co-ordination with pelled the use of every means of production,
the Navy in reference to textiles. 92 During most and a wide dispersion of contracts became a
of the war the QMC centralized procurement of factor of increasing importance. It was the part
textiles in the Philadelphia Depot, while the of wisdom, too, to contract with small manu-
Navy negotiated its textile contracts in Wash- facturers for the simpler, civilian-type items that
ington. The two military departments in March were required, reserving the more complicated
1945 engaged space for adjoining offices in production problems for plants geared to han-
New York City. When collaborative procure- dle them. The avoidance of areas of congestion
ment of clothing and textiles was approved in and labor shortage had also to be considered in

the summer of 1945, the Navy immediately the placement of contracts. Price continued to
transferred its procurement activities to New be a factor but a much more complicated one
York. The advent of V-J Day delayed the trans- in its application. Prices had to be controlled
fer of clothing and textile contracts from Phila- to prevent dissipation of government funds,
delphia until December 1945. Thus the war excessive profits to contractors, and inefficient
ended before actual joint activity took place at production that would be wasteful of critical

the Joint Purchasing Office, but some progress facilities, materials, and manpower. Moreover,
had been achieved in the direction of co- price control would forestall public criticism.

ordination and collaboration. The variety of factors used in selecting con-

A similar development took place in refer- tractors fluctuated in importance as the war
ence to the procurement of fuels and lubricants. progressed, but performance on time, in the
A centrally located Joint Army and Navy Petro- amount and quality required, always remained
leum Purchase Agency was approved by the the primary consideration of contracting
War and Navy Departments on 11 January officers.

1945. 93 It was June before the petroleum-

purchasing units of the QMC, the AAF, and Smaller War Plants Program
theNavy came to occupy joint office space in

Washington. The units, however, continued to Contracting officers were harassed by seem-
report to their respective commands. The ingly contradictory pressure at every stage of
recommendation of the Joint Procurement the emergency. On the one hand, they were
Committee for a unified command charged with
Ibid., I, 13; III, 36-41.
staff responsibility for the control of require- 93
(1) Ibid., I, 15; III, 42-55. (2) Memo, Sec
ments, specifications, purchase, inspection, stor- of Navy and USW for CG ASF
Jan 45, sub: et al., 1 1

age, and distribution of petroleum, petroleum Joint Procurement of Fuels and Lubricants, and 1st
ind, Lt Gen W. D. Styer, ASF, to TQMG, 12 Jan 45.
products, and containers for the Army and 94 For elaboration of joint Army-Navy procurement
Navy was not accomplished. It remained a of petroleum see Erna Risch, Fuels for Global Conflict,
problem for postwar study. 94 pp. 12-15.

urged to obtain speedy delivery of high-quality During the emergency period the Corps built
goods, and, on the other, they were confronted up an impressive record in aiding distressed
with public and congressional pressures for the plants and communities, but after the attack on
consideration of such matters as dispersion of Pearl Harbor contracting officers temporarily

orders, relief of industrial distress, and sub- relegated the program to the background and
sidization of marginal producers. The urgency concentrated a disproportionate share of orders
of the demand for supplies, particularly after with large firms. Even as the contract distribu-
Pearl Harbor, caused contracting officers to dis- tion machinery was being discarded in the
miss as sheer politics all such considerations spring of 1942, it became apparent that in an
except the ability to perform at the lowest cost all-out war effort all existing production
to the government. In time, however, it became resources, small as well as large, would have to

evident that concentration on a small number be utilized to the fullest extent.

of low-cost suppliers might not only prove The failure of the War Department to check
detrimental to the small business structure of the trend toward concentration of defense busi-
the nation but might impair war production ness spurred Congress to action and a Smaller
itself.Broadening the production base became War Plant Corporation (SWPC) was created,
imperative if the heavy demands on industry with a capitalization of $150,000,000. It had ex-
were to be met. tensive powers, including the authority to enter
The QMC, more than any other supply into contracts with any government agency and
service, felt the impact of the pressures to to arrange for the performance of these con-
spread contracts among small plants and in tracts by subletting. It was also authorized to
labor-surplus areas throughout the country. The lend money, build facilities, purchase equip-
commercial nature of the great majority of its ment, or up such facilities or equipment as
items permitted the Corps to make maximum it might deem necessary to provide small plants

use of existing capacity, to reduce to a mini- with production facilities for war or essential
mum requirements for additional facilities and civilian purposes. 96
equipment, and to relieve the distress of firms The passage of the act went more or less

and communities hard hit by material shortages unheralded in the QMC and the War Depart-
and the curtailment of production for civilian ment generally, but by the fall of 1942 Congress
consumption. In anticipation, and later on had impressed upon General Somervell its
receipt of directives from higher authority, the determination to see both the spirit and letter

QMC sought to achieve a wider dispersion of of the act carried out. 97 Headquarters, SOS,
the load on facilities making its items. For this sought to achieve the desired contract distribu-
purpose it split large orders; it invited bids on tion and formally implemented the Small Busi-
an f. o. b. factory basis, disregarding the cost of
9' For elaboration of these developments see Yoshpe,
transportation to government destination; and
The Small Business Man and Quartermaster Contracts,
it participated in fairs, exhibitions, industrial
1940-1942, pp. 2-4, 22-33, 74-82.
conventions, and "Defense Special Trains" in 96 56 U. S. Statutes 351.

order to uncover useful sources of supply. It

(1) Address, Maj W. S. Holmes, OQMG, 18Jun
43, sub: Insp Problems in Connection with Small War
encouraged subcontracting wherever feasible,
Plants, Verbatim Rpt of Insp Conf, l6Jun 43, PQMD,
and distributed contracts to firms in "distressed and 17-19 Jun 43, NYQMPO, pp. 182-84. (2)
areas"and to small plants and production pools Testimony of Gen Somervell, 15 Oct 42, Hearings be-
fore Special Committee to Study and Survey Problems
throughout the country under prescribed con-
of American Small Business Enterprises, U. S. Senate,
tract distribution policies and procedures. 95 77th Cong., 1st Sess, Pt. X, pp. 1171ff.

ness Act in October 1942 by issuing policy Small Business Act were realized while at the
statements and directives bearing upon relation- same time the Corps conserved special abilities,
ships with the SWPC. In the course of time kept needed concerns intact, and enabled some
these relationships and operational procedures of the larger plants that had been consistently
were considerably simplified and decentralized efficient and co-operative to continue in
to the field as a result of recommendations operation.
made by the OQMG. 98
The QMC also pursued a number of specific Avoidance of Congested Labor Areas
policies which fostered increased participation
of small firms in the war effort. It entered into As the war progressed, the question of the
an agreement whereby WPB representatives became increasingly impor-
availability of labor
conferred with the OQMG, previewing pro- tant in the placement of contracts. The heavy
curement plans at the time they were first war production loads placed on industry by the
initiated. This agreement permitted the Small QMC and other supply services soon brought
War Plants Division to take the necessary steps congestion and critical labor shortages in many
which would facilitate the participation of small localities. Quartermaster suppliers were seri-

plants in appropriate Quartermaster procure- ously handicapped in their efforts to recruit and
ments. Quartermaster inspectors aided and ad- maintain an adequate labor supply, primarily as

vised small contractors on management and a result of the lower wages paid their workers.
production problems. Loans were made avail- The greater opportunities offered by shipbuild-
able to them by the SWPC, and price premiums ing, ordnance, and aircraft plants and their more
up to 15 percent were given if necessary to apparent relation to the war effort were respon-
bring their production up to desired levels of sible for the loss of workers in industries sup-
efficiency. The OQMG also pursued a policy of plying the QMC. While the full impact of
the utmost leniency in assessing damages for these factors was not felt early in the defense
delays in performance under such contracts. period, labor difficulties grew after Pearl

Complicated items, like the field range, on Harbor, contributing in an increasing degree to
which small manufacturers were unable to bid the problem of contract delinquency. Since
directly,were broken down and procured as plant capacity for Quartermaster items was gen-
single components and subassemblies. These erally abundant and widely dispersed, it was im-
and numerous other policies of aid were perative that contracts be sharply curtailed in
pursued to facilitate Quartermaster contract tight labor market areas as a means of helping
placement with small plants. to offset this situation.
In carrying out the smaller war plants pro- The withholding of contracts in labor short-

gram, the commercial nature of the bulk of age areas would not only assure adequate man-
QMC procurements, the teamwork, and the power for performance on these contracts when
zeal of all personnel concerned enabled the they were placed elsewhere but also on those
Corps to place twice as many awards with small remaining in such an area. Contracts could be
manufacturers as all the rest of the technical placed in localities where small war plants were
services combined. In 1943, 1944, and 1945, 71,
and 67 percent, respectively, of all Quarter- ( 1 ) Memo, CG SOS for Chiefs of Sup Svs, 30
65, 98

master contracts, representing approximately 50 Oct 42, sub: Procedure on Relationship with Small
War Plants Division, WPB. (2) Yoshpe and Massen,
percent of the total value of procurements, went
Procurement Policies and Procedures, pp. 132-37.
to smaller war plants." The objectives of the 99 Ibid.,
p. 141.

badly in need of work and manpower pools action was taken to prohibit further awards for
were still untapped. Competition for manpower the manufacture of Quartermaster supplies in
would thereby be avoided, and
in critical areas the Seattle area and to provide for the transfer
procurement goals would be achieved. of delinquent contracts.
Little attention had been given to these The policy of avoiding congested labor areas
objectives during the emergency, or defense was given official standing in the fall of 1942 by
period, despite the suggestions offered by the the WPB and the War Manpower Commission.
Office of the Assistant Secretary of War and the In outlining the various considerations which
Advisory Commission to the Council of were to govern the negotiation of war contracts,
National Defense. In the spring of 1942 Head- WPB gave high priority to the avoidance of
quarters, SOS, took the lead in cautioning the labor-shortage areas, and the War Manpower
supply services to avoid congested labor mar- Commission was to certify to the war procure-
kets in the allocation of new contracts. It felt ment agencies the necessary labor market infor-
that where other considerations were equal, the mation for putting this policy into effect. 103
relative supply of manpower should "weigh Representatives of all the supply services col-
heavily" in the decision as to where contracts laborated in working out procedures whereby
should be placed. 100 due consideration would be given to labor sur-
The Labor Section in the OQMG urged pro- plus and shortage areas in contract placement.
curement personnel to place contracts in labor On the Pacific coast and in a number of other
it found many delinquent con-
surplus areas, for areas where unusually critical labor shortages
tractors located in areas of labor shortages. Pro- developed, Production Urgency and Manpower
curement personnel, however, saw little cause Priorities Committees were established, with
for alarm at the time, and it was late in the sum- appropriate Army representation, and particu-
mer before the Director of Procurement called larly stringent contract placement policies were
the attention of the depot commanders to the applied. 104
SOS memorandum. 101 The OQMG sought to give maximum effec-

In the meantime, SOS investigation of Quar- tiveness to these policies. It circularized lists of
termaster awards in Seattle clearly indicated the labor-market areas prepared by the War Man-
folly of undue concentration of contracts in crit- power Commission and provided guidance to
ical labor areas. Since 1 May Quartermaster de- on all details of policy. It was
field installations

pots had placed clothing, equipage, and general not, however, always possible to avoid tight
supplies contracts of over $4,000,000 with
Seattle manufacturers, in the face of serious SOS Memo, 25 Apr 42, sub: Consideration of
Labor Sup Awarding Contracts.
labor shortages experienced by many war plants 101
(1) Maj W. E. Downs to Col Cound, OQMG,
with higher wage scales in the area. Delin- 2 2 May 42, sub: Labor Shortages as a Cause of Con-

quency was inevitable. At the same time the tract Delinquency. (2) M. C. Bishop to Dir of Pro-
curement, 12 Aug 42, sub: Withdrawal of Contracts
Army was under criticism for failure to place
from Labor-Shortage Areas. (3) Ltr, Dir of Procure-
more business in the New York area where ment, OQMG, to CG JQMD, 15 Aug 42, sub: Con-
some 400,000 workers were unemployed. The sideration of Labor Sup in Awarding Contracts.

Quartermaster General was requested to "ex-

Memo, Hq SOS for TQMG, 22 Aug 42, sub:
Contracts Awarded by QMC
in Seattle.
plore the possibility" of transferring as many 103
wpg Directive 2, amended, 10 Oct 42, sub:
current contracts as possible out of the Seattle Placing War Contracts by Negotiation, 7 Federal Reg-
ister 8179.
area to localities where the labor supply situa- 104
Yoshpe, Labor Problems in Quartermaster Procure-
tion was less critical. As a consequence, ment, pp. 55-57.

labor areas. Circumstances sometimes justified priate contract provisions. These were basic de-
such awards, as for example, the inability of vices to the achievement of certain Quartermas-
other manufacturers to meet required delivery ter objectives, common to all War Department
schedules or the failure of manufacturers in procurement agencies, namely, the maintenance
other areas to bid on requirements after due of incentives for efficient low cost and maxi-
solicitation. However, the fact that staff juris- mum production, the control of inflation, the
diction in connection with the policing of the securing of fair prices on contracts, and the pre-
problem was shared by a number of
labor-area vention of the dissipation of government funds
components of the War Department organiza- as well as the accumulation of excessive profits.

tion made adequate control impossible. Until The QMC, even more than the other tech-
the end of the war avoidance of labor-shortage nical services, had to deal with suppliers who
areas continued to be an important factor in could find civilian business attractive and ex-
contract placement, and Quartermaster field in- empt from the regulation of profit margins.
stallations were cautioned to obtain proper With civilian demand greater than industry
clearance in all cases and exercise great care in could satisfy, with profits often very high on
the placement of contracts in tight labor areas civilian sales, and with the necessity of compet-
in accordance with established policies and pro- ing in procurement against civilian bidders, the
cedures. 105 Corps had to steer a careful course in price
supervision and contract renegotiation to avoid
Cost Analysis and Forward
jeopardizing the critical job of Army purchas-
Pricing Program

The growth of price policies was a develop- Under normal conditions procurements ob-
ment concomitant with the departure of Quar- tained as a result either of competitive bidding
termaster purchasing policies from the tradi- or negotiated contracts gave the government a

tional practice of awarding contracts on adver- price thatwas fairly reasonable. During the de-

tised procurements to the lowest bidder. 106 In fense and war periods, however, the market be-

the years of peace before 1939 no thorough came a seller's market. Under the impact of an
planning of pricing methods had been under- expanding procurement program, free competi-

taken; in fact, such matters had been subordi- tive market conditions were impaired or became
nated in the public mind to the problem of inoperative. Even when formal competitive bid-

profit control. The QMC, like other procure- ding still prevailed, the OQMG had noted a

ment agencies, entered World War II poorly tendency for prices to "step-ladder" on succes-
equipped for contract cost analysis and negotia- sive invitations, the highest of several bids re-

tion of contracts. ceiving an award on one invitation becoming

During the period following Pearl Harbor, the lowest bid on the next. The need for regu-

emphasis in military buying was, of necessity, lar auditing of prices, manufacturing costs, and

on production and plant conversion rather than profits became obvious as the basis for negotiat-
on price. Although early awareness of the price ing contracts. To stabilize prices and protect the
problem existed, 107 not until production became
For elaboration see ibid., pp. 53-58.
stabilized and cost experience had begun to be 106
For a fuller discussion of price policies see
accumulated did improved purchasing and pric- Yoshpe, Production Control in the Quartermaster Corps,
ing methods become practicable. Effective price pp. 60-78.
See, for example, Donald B. Smiley to Col Hes-
supervision was dependent on careful cost
ter et al., OQMG, 25 Oct 41, sub: Expediting Pro-
studies, skillful contract negotiation, and appro- curement of Certain Defense Reqmts.

government's interest the Corps at first resorted In the summer of 1942 such cost studies were
which no
to the use of a "ceiling price," above undertaken on the production of various Quar-
awards could be made. This price was deter- termaster items. By the spring of the following
mined by averaging the high and low bids sub- year the procuring depots were advised that
mitted on earlier procurements of the same ar- more accurate pricing could be achieved by
ticle, taking into consideration fluctuations in using "actual cost figures," and they were di-

material and labor costs since the previous rected to obtain a cost "breakdown," explaining
awards. 108 and accompanying his bid, from each bidder on
It soon became apparent that where wide each major procurement except subsistence. 111
variations in cost existed and where all facilities The Cost Analysis Branch, OQMG, prepared
of industry were needed, the use of a ceiling studies establishing "yardstick costs" which
price in buying was an unfeasible method. The were made available to Quartermaster procure-
fairest approach was to negotiate with contrac- ment officers.
tors on the basis of their individual costs and Within a short time complaints developed
which would yield a profit compa-
offer prices that the gathering of cost data irritated contrac-
rable to thatwhich they would realize from tors, that the new procedure "created obstacles,
commercial operations on a normal basis. Such increased the work, led to confusion and gener-
procedure required the establishment of cost ally was unworkable or would lead to poorer
analysis and auditing facilities. In establishing rather than improved results." The shift

these facilities in the spring of 1942, The Quar- from the ceiling method of pricing to the use
termaster General directed the Corps to seek of cost data was so radical a change that Quar-
the "voluntary co-operation" of manufacturers termaster procurement and renegotiation offi-
in this program, which was to be presented as cers had to be given considerable instruction in
not only necessary but mutually beneficial. 109 the correct use of the procedure.
Cost studies made possible a policy of closer In bringing about this change a price admin-
pricing which resulted in fairer prices being istrator was established in the summer of 1943
paid by the War Department for its purchases. in the Procurement Division, and under his

Where careful purchasing and contracting kept guidance the organization for cost analysis was
prices close to cost, the producer had to exercise expanded and procedures were further devel-
careful management and ingenuity to increase oped and improved. Cost and price analysis
production and decrease costs in order to earn a work was installed in all major procuring de-
reasonable profit. To achieve this the producer pots. All phases of cost analysis, forward pric-
had to eliminate inefficiency and conserve both ing on new contracts, liaison with the Office of
materials and labor. Forward pricing— the Price Administration, adjustment of contract
method of utilizing cost analysis studies to prices, statutory renegotiation, and settlements
establish close prices at the time of making an 108
Gen Gregory to Sen Kenneth McKellar, 21
award or during the life of a contract— pro- Apr, and 8 May 42, no sub.
moted efficiency and contributed enormously to 109
TQMG to Gen Corbin, Chief of Procurement
producing and expediting the flow of war ma- Div, OQMG, 12 May 42, no sub.
Rpt, Cost & Price Analysis Br, OQMG, n. d.,
terials. Unlike the process of renegotiation, sub: Pricing Opns in QMC, passim.
which by repricing after the completion of a 111
Ltr, Gen
Corbin, OQMG,to CO PQMD, 10
contract recaptured profits after they had been Mar 43, sub: Negotiating Contracts with Each Con-
tractor on Estimated or Known Costs.
earned, forward pricing prevented the creation 112
Memo, Gen Corbin for CG ASF, 18 Jan 44, sub:
of excessive profits. Status of Pricing Activities, 16 1.

on terminated contracts were co-ordinated in bidding on long-term contracts because of his

the Procurement Division under a deputy direc- inability to estimate with reasonable accuracy
tor for contract adjustment. Contracting of- the costs which would actually exist during the
ficers and price analysts were given appropriate production under these contracts. In the case of
training, and certain industries, particularly tex new items, the lack of cost experience prevented
tile suppliers, were made aware of their respon the setting of a fair price at the time the con-
sibility in the war effort. 114 tractwas negotiated. And even when the item
These steps had the effect of strengthening was familiar to the contractor and cost experi-
and making more effective the cost analysis ence did exist, the impact of material shortages

work of the Corps. By insuring reasonable and priority and allocation policies, labor turn-
prices for Quartermaster requirements, cost over, wage increases, changes in price regula-

analysis and forward-pricing work stimulated tions, increased freight rates, changes in the
economical and efficient management, reduced quantities and rates of delivery, the need for
the need for statutory renegotiation of con- overtime and multiple-shift operations, the exe-
tracts, and brought substantial savings through cution of the War Department policy of more
voluntary reductions of contract prices. 115 intensified subcontracting, and many other
situations might seriously affect costs during
performance of the contract. As a consequence
Improvement of Contract Negotiation
there was an increasing demand from prospec-
tive suppliers for price adjustment provisions in
In the development of purchasing and pric- lump-sum contracts to cover changes in oper-
ing procedures, the War Department adopted ating expenses.
policies and methods which would promote War Department policy was to reduce or
closer pricing and better original negotiation of
contracts. At the same time, the policy of closer 113
OQMG OO 25-44, 31 Jul 43,
(1) Ibid. (2)
pricing carried with it the necessity of introduc- sub: Asgmt of Responsibilities for Collecting and
ing new contract provisions to minimize the Using Cost and Price Information. (3) OQMG OO
25-54, 24 Sep 43, sub: Orgn of Procurement Div.
risks contractors incurred from unpredictable 114
Textile suppliers co-operated with the Corps but
contingencies. Among the major types of con- were not in the beginning receptive to a close pricing
tracts employed, War Department policy per- procedure. The number of contractors involved in
numerous procurements— in one case the contracting
mitted the use of the cost-plus-a-fixed-fee con-
officer had to deal with 400 bids — made application
tract only when absolutely necessary. In the difficult. Habit undoubtedly had much to do with the

QMC, after the transfer of construction work attitude of the contractors who had long been accus-
tomed to the use of the "ceiling method" of pricing by
to the Corps of Engineers late in 1941, the use
the Philadelphia Depot in the procurement of textile
of this type of contract was practically elimi- items.
115 For example, the
nated from procurement operations. 116 When- Jersey City Depot, on a pro-
curement from one contractor involving 3,400,000
ever conditions permitted, fixed price contracts
bottles of water purification tablets, accomplished a
were employed to provide financial incentives reduction in price from 7 cents to 6 cents per bottle,
foreconomy and efficiency in production. effecting a total saving of $34,000. Similarly on six
contracts on razor blades the Procurement Division
Lump-sum contracts, however, were not al- estimated that a saving was achieved of $2,858,327 for
ways practicable in their ordinary form. The war the six-month period, July to December 1943. Memo,
created certain types of risks which the contrac- Gen Corbin, OQMG, for CG ASF, 18 Jan 44, sub:
Status of Pricing Activities, 161.
tor could not foresee and against which he 116
Yoshpe and Massen, Procurement Policies and Pro-
could not protect himself. He was deterred from cedures, pp. 89-90.

eliminate these risks as far as possible and to as- Expediters of the Jeffersonville Depot and the
sume certain of them which were unpredictable OQMG urged the need for increasing prices
and not subject to the control of the contrac- and relieving those who had taken contracts at
tor. This policy was carried out by the intro- a price that was too close to the actual cost of
duction of a number of novel contract provi- manufacture. In order to reduce the number of
sions, such as escalator clauses, which were de- cases requiring relief under authority of the
signed to protect the contractor against increased First War Powers Act, the contracts of some
costs of production arising out of conditions tent manufacturers were modified to accelerate
beyond his control, redetermination or renego- production with a corresponding adjustment of
tiation articles, which permitted a tentative the price to a point fair and sufficient to enable
price to be fixed and later adjusted on the basis them to meet their costs. In other cases, the
of production experience after part performance, matter was taken up with Headquarters, SOS,
and termination which protected the
articles, and the OPA, and after due consideration of
supplier when his contract was reduced or ter- profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and
minated because of changes in the Army Sup- other pertinent data, a just and mutually satis-
ply Program or the cessation of hostilities. 118 factory solution was effected. The fact that

This policy was also furthered by granting such relief would be granted encouraged manu-
adjustments in price without contract provi- facturers to submit close estimates without ex-
sions in appropriate cases under the extraordi- cessive allowances in the price to guard against
nary powers conferred by the First War Powers unforeseen risks.

Act, which permitted modification of contracts

"without consideration" in order to facilitate
the prosecution of the war. Although War De- Impact of OPA
partment policy in the relief of hardship cases
was as liberal as safety would permit, requests The maximum efficiency in war production
had to be based on conviction in the QMC that was dependent on the judicious manipulation
an upward adjustment in contract prices was es- of the profit motive. In the supervision of prices
sential to the prosecution of the war effort.

The Corps tried to keep the use of this 117

Min of Orgn Mtg of Purch Policy Advisory Com-
mittee, 11-12 Feb 43, remarks of Col A.J. Browning,
authority to an absolute minimum but in-
pp. 9-12.
stances inevitably arose where relief by this 118
Yoshpe, Production Control in the Quartermaster
method was necessary to prevent serious hard- Corps, pp. 64-66.
ship and preserve contractors' facilities for war By "consideration" was meant some benefit, such
as expedited delivery, accruing to the government in
production. Tentage production was illustrative
return for a change in the terms of a contract that
of this problem. The enormous increase in the would be in the interest of a contractor.
no p r i ce Adjustment Sec to Textile & Equipage Sec,
demands for tentage after Pearl Harbor caused
many new sources to be brought into produc-
Procurement Div, OQMG,
29 Aug 42, sub: Adjust-
ment Upward of Tent Contracts.
tion at unduly low prices. Some suppliers had 121
(1) Dir of Production to Dir of Procurement
taken on contracts during the off-peak season, and Dir of S&D, OQMG,
29 May 42, sub: Expediting
Deliveries of Critical Items. (2) Insp Rpt, Lt J. M.
expecting a fair return on the year's business
Ballentine to TQMG,
3 June 42, sub: Insp of QM
from the profits they would make on the later Activities at JQMD and Plants Located in Toledo,
sale of awnings to civilian buyers. 120 They soon Ohio. (3) For correspondence and other pertinent
documents on some of the firms involved, see files in
found they could not continue at the existing
Mail & Records Br, OQMG, on Foster Mfg. Co., Inc.,
price level and some were threatened with ruin. M. Sloane Co., Inc., and Norfolk Tent & Awning Co.

to limit profits, thegovernment had to choose This regulation placed a price ceiling on prac-

a method would prevent excessive profits

that tically all commodities and services sold or ren-
but at the same time stimulate output. Close dered by manufacturers, wholesalers, and re-

initial pricing of contracts upon the basis of tailers, if not covered by special individual price
cost-estimate analysis was used as one means of ceilings or specifically exempted from price con-
preventing excessive profits while providing in- trol. Maximum prices prescribed by the regula-
centives for efficient production. Profit control tions were the highest prices charged by each
through the imposition of price ceilings was individual seller for each commodity or service
another approach to this problem. during the month of March 1942. In those cases
The power of the QMC and other War De- where the seller did not deal in the same or a
partment procuring agencies to negotiate prices similar commodity or service during March
with their prime contractors "remained virtually 1942, the maximum price was to be the highest
untouched by the early price schedules" estab- price charged during that month by the most
lished by the Office of Price Administration and closely competitive seller of the same class.

Civilian Supply and its successor, the OPA, The OPA had conferred with Army and
created during the emergency period. Upon Navy representatives in advance of the promul-
the assumption that price stabilization was best gation of this regulation. It had explained the
transmitted from early to late stages of the pro- purposes of the regulation and its intention to
duction-distribution process, a policy of piece- exempt most specialized military items but to
meal control of prices of basic raw materials had include Quartermaster and other standard com-
been initiated. Since the early price schedules mercial items. Within two weeks, on 13 May
were primarily concerned with raw materials, it 1942, the OPA issued Supplementary Regula-
was not until the OPA decided on the "big tion No. 4,
which exempted many finished
freeze," the General Maximum Price Regula- assemblies of combat items, the parts and sub-
tion affecting prices at retail, wholesale, and assemblies for them regardless of who bought
manufacturing levels, that the Corps became them, and a long list of other items. It did not
more actively .concerned with the supply aspects exempt finished articles purchased by the armed
of price control. forces which were the same as, or similar to,
Shortly after Pearl Harbor, Congress enacted articles commonly entering into private civilian
the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 12 as ^
use. These included finished articles such as
a means of checking profiteering and other dis- standard commercial foods, clothing, and many
ruptive practices resulting from abnormal mar- other Quartermaster items. The philosophy be-
ket conditions. The law validated all existing hind was that exemptions of com-
this action
price schedules, gave the price administrator ex- mercial or civilian-type items, whether directly
press powers to issue maximum price regula- or indirectly purchased by the war agencies,
tions, and rendered purchases made above pre- would make it difficult to maintain price stabi-

scribed levels illegal. General price increases lization of such items in their civilian uses.
were becoming a grave threat to the efficient Such exemptions would tend to cause price
production of war materials and to the stability competition between military and civilian buy-
of the national economy. As a consequence on
28 April 1942 the OPA issued a General Maxi-
History of Purchases Div, ASF, p. 196.
mum Price Regulation as "the cornerstone for a
56 U. S. Statutes 23, approved 30 Jan 42.
comprehensive program to eliminate the dan- 124 OPA Bull 1, 28 Apr 42, sub: GMPR.
124 125
ger of inflation." 7 Federal Register 3724.

ers and perhaps undue diversion of goods to the tors were unwilling to sell at March prices. The
126 Quartermaster General complained of the paral-

The Quartermaster General, as the largest ysis of Quartermaster procurement and of his
buyer affected by the General Maximum Price inability to fulfill his mission because of this

Regulation, immediately protested vigorous- regulation. 128

He charged that its application would The bottleneck was broken during this inter-

seriously hamper Quartermaster procurement val number of concessions obtained from

by a

activities. The regulation's definition of "similar the OPA. One of the most important was won
commodities or services" was broad enough to on 3 June 1942, when the OPA promulgated
include changes in design and specification that Maximum Price Regulation No. 157. Effective

did not substantially affect serviceability or the 1 July, it covered the fabrication and sale of
price line in which the commodities would yarns, textiles, and apparel, including in addi-

usually have been sold. Necessary price in- tion to articles made of cloth, leather shoes,

creases would thereby have been precluded from other leather goods, fur products, rubber fabrics,
changes ordinarily made in Quartermaster items and rubber apparel when made to military spec-
because of altered military requirements, the de- ifications. It allowed for certain increased labor
mands of the conservation program, or other and material costs not reflected in the prices set

factors. Operational problems of the Corps by the General Maximum Price Regulation and

under this regulation also arose from the failure for certain costs resulting from changed specifi-

to make any provision for price adjustments to cations. Changes in delivery requirements neces-

cover increased costs of overtime or multiple sitating delivery rates different from those at

shift operation frequently needed to expedite which the same goods were delivered prior to 1
deliveries, and the lack of provision for cover- April 1942 were later deemed "a change in spec-
ing many Quartermaster suppliers who had de- ification" within the meaning of this new regu-
livered goods in March 1942 at prices nego- lation.

tiated months earlier when costs were lower For reasons of military expediency or out of
and who could not be expected to continue to consideration for special circumstances sur-

use March delivery prices. It was anticipated too rounding production on Quartermaster require-
that difficulties would arise in reference to con- ments, the OPA made a number of other con-
tractors producing new items introduced since cessions. Within one week after the promulga-
the base period, items which could not be tion of Maximum Price Regulation No. 157, a
priced by reference to base-period prices. Final- number of essential military items procured by
ly, the urgency of war demands did not permit the Corps— all of which "were urgently needed
resort to the appeal procedures prescribed by to equip task forces" then moving overseas—
the OPA. were completely exempted from the provisions
The Quartermaster procurement program 126 Thomas B. Worsley, Wartime Economic Stabiliza-
quickly felt the effect of the General Maximum tion and the Efficiency of Government Procurement
Price Regulation. Its impact was somewhat (Washington, 1949), p. 138.
eased by the postponement until
(1) Memo, Col Cound, Deputy Dir of Procure-
1 July 1942 of
ment Sv, OQMG, for CG SOS, 2 May 42, sub: GMPR.
the effective date of the regulation with respect TQMG
for Deputy Dir of Procurement &
(2) Memo,
to contracts of the War and Navy Departments. Distr, SOS, 13 May 42, sub: Price Reg.

Such was limited, however, because most

128 Memo, TQMG
for CG SOS, 23 May 42, sub:
Unsatisfactory Current Status of Procurement.
deliveries on proposed Quartermaster contracts 129 Ltr, David Cobb, Asst General Counsel, OPA,

were to be made after 1 July and many contrac- to Gen Corbin, OQMG, 8 Jul 42, no sub.

of the General Maximum Price Regulation. 130 ance. Matters of general policy or of concern to
The exemptions were to last throughout 1942, other services were handled by Headquarters,
but from time to time at Quartermaster request ASF, which dealt directly with the OPA in ex-

some were extended for stated periods (90 pediting the solution of over-all price control
days), or if production and cost experience war- problems.
ranted they were "lopped off" the exempted
list. At about this time the OPA also exempted
Statutory Renegotiation of Quarter-
from the General Maximum Price Regulation
master Contracts
many motor transport items, field jackets, and
emergency field rations and other subsistence Attempts to control excessive profits through
items. At the request of the Director of Procure- price ceilings, negotiation based on cost-esti-

ment the OPA removed the $1,000 limitation mate analysis, and redetermination of contract
from emergency purchases and also exempted prices after cost experience, failed to eliminate
sales and deliveries through Army sales stores, them entirely. Consequently, the government
commissaries, canteens, and post exchanges also resorted to the use of other devices— excess
from all price regulations. 131 profits taxes and statutory renegotiation— to re-

The legal responsibilities of Quartermaster cover such profits.

procurement personnel with respect to OPA The profiteering scandals in World War I

price controls were also clarified. Because price lent force to the determination to eliminate ex-
regulations and the Emergency Price Control war contracts in World War
cessive profits in
Act contained prohibitions against buying or II.During the early stages of the war, when
receiving goods or services above prescribed speed in procurement was emphasized, time
ceilings, questions arose as to the liability of could not be taken for extensive negotiations as

government contracting and disbursing officers. to terms and prices of contracts. It was more
To expedite procurement the OPA in the sum- important to get production started. Since many
mer of 1942 relieved contracting and disbursing companies were asked to produce items the spe-
officers from liability and from the criminal and cial construction of which was peculiar to mil-

civil penalties for paying more than ceiling itary use and on which experience and data on
prices. the costs of production were lacking, cost esti-

By the time OPA price regulations became mates were necessarily unreliable and proved
effective for Army procurement after 1 July much too high when production got into full

1942, the QMC had won important concessions swing.

and gained greater latitude for its procurement Insofar as the QMC was concerned, this ele-
officers. Still the bulk of its purchases came ment of novelty and lack of experience in pro-
under these regulations. If the attitude of the
Corps had originally been "belligerent" toward
(1) Ltr, Gen Corbin, OQMG, to Leon Hender-
son, OPA, 29 May 42, sub: GMPR. (2) Amendment
price control as an OPA survey charged, 133
by 2 to Supplementary Reg 4 to GMPR, 9 Jun 42. The
this date it was co-operating co the fullest ex- items exempted included, among others, ski troop
equipment, field ranges and spare parts, canteens, can-
tent with the OPA in checking inflation
teen cups, meat cans, helmet liners, and field rations
through price control. To obtain rulings on C, D, and K.
questions of application and administration of 151
Yoshpe, Production Control in QMC, p. 69.

regulations and to avoid delays and confusion,

OPA Supplementary Order 7, effective 11 Jul 42,
sub: Removal of Liability.
the QMC maintained active liaison with the 133 Worsley, Wartime Economic Stabilization and the
OPA to prevent any delay in contract perform- Efficiency of Government Procurement, p. 146.

duction and purchasing was not so significant. tion Act, this board was redesignated the War
Most of the articles purchased by the Corps had Department Price Adjustment Board and acted
a commercial counterpart commonly produced as the co-ordinating agency of the War Depart-
by the same contractor. Quartermaster procure- ment in renegotiating contract prices. It laid
ment had at least the guidance of comparable down the policies to be followed by the chiefs
commercial price levels and prior commercial of the supply services who were directed to
experience in the awarding of its contracts. Ac- establish price adjustment and cost analysis
cording to the chief of the Price Adjustment sections. 136
Section, prices were "in nearly all cases below The board determined that renegotiation and
the level of comparable commercial items." pricing should be carried out in a manner to en-
When excessive profits did accrue under Quar- courage and reward the production of war
termaster contracts, they resulted chiefly from materials. 137 The War Department recognized
the unprecedented expansion in volume of both that it would be difficult to maintain any incen-
the government and civilian business of the con- tive for contractors to reduce costs in order to
tractor. This increase in sales was the "most increase their profits if all these additional
potent contributing factor to excessive profits profits were taken from them by renegotiation.
in the field of Quartermaster procurement." 134
A basic principle of renegotiation was the con-
Shortly after Pearl Harbor, congressional in- tractor's right to a reasonable profit.
vestigation into the operations of defense In deciding on a reasonable profit margin for
brokers and war contractors disclosed exorbitant a contractor, price adjustment officers were ex-
profits and made restrictive legislation impera- pected to give consideration to certain variable
tive. The result was the passage of Section 403 factors. Among these were a comparison of the
to the Sixth Supplemental National Defense prices charged the government and those
Act, approved 28 April 1942, and known as the charged by the contractor's competitors; the
Renegotiation Act. Under this act, as amended amount of capital he employed and the portion
in October, the War, Navy, and Treasury De- supplied by the government; the extent of the
partments and the Maritime Commission were risk he assumed, as evidenced by pricing policy,
given authority to renegotiate contracts, deter- the difficulty of conversion to war work, and
mine fair profits, refix prices, and recapture ex- the loss of the contractor's civilian markets; his
cessive profits realized on government war busi- inventive contribution and technical improve-
ness with these departments. The act was later ments, particularly in the development of new
extended in the spring and summer of 1943 to materials, production methods, and labor and
include the War Shipping Administration and material saving devices and substitutions; and
the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. War 134
Memo, Col Moore, OQMG, for WD
Price Ad-
contracts and subcontracts were to include a justment Bd, 25 Oct 43, sub: Price Reductions on
provision requiring renegotiation of price at a Future Deliveries, 161.
period when, "in the judgment of the Secretary, (1) For a more detailed discussion of the back-
ground of this legislation see Yoshpe, Production Con-
profits could be determined with reasonable trol in QMC, pp. 71-73. (2) See also Joint Statement
135 by the War, Navy, and Treasury Depts and Maritime
Even before Congress had taken legislative Commission, 31 Mar 43, sub: Purpose, Principles,
Policies, and Interpretations of the Act.
War Department had created a Price
action the 136
Yoshpe, Production Control in QMC, pp. 73-74.
Adjustment Board in the SOS for the purpose See Min of Orgn Mtg of Purch Policy Advisory
of controlling Committee, 11-12 Feb 43, remarks of Col Browning
profits and adjusting on
contracts. With the passage of the Renegotia-
and Maurice Karker, Chairman of WD
Price Adjust-
ment Bd, pp. 9-12, 38-44.

his co-operation with competitors. Still another of excessive profits. Over-all control of rene-
factor to be considered was the contractor's gotiation activities in the Corps was vested in a
efficiency in reducing costs, maintaining quality Price Adjustment Section (later Renegotiation
of production, and economizing in the use of Branch) in the Procurement Division. 139
manpower and materials. It was recognized that Progress, however, was slow. By July 1943 the
the low-cost, efficient producer was entitled to work accomplished in all War Department
a higher margin of profit both as recognition of renegotiation units was for the most part pre-
his efforts and as an incentive for further and liminary and in the nature of advance planning.
even more satisfactory endeavor. The general Securing qualified personnel and developing
policy was to renegotiate with a contractor or procedures made for delay. In conformity with

subcontractor on an over- all basis, arriving at a directive of the Under Secretary of War early

decisions through a study of profits realized or in 1943 to speed renegotiation, the QMC
likely to be realized from his war contracts expanded its staffs engaged in cost analysis and

taken as a whole. When suppliers were engaged renegotiation work, and established five district
inboth civilian business and war contracts, as renegotiation offices in New York City, Boston,

most Quartermaster suppliers were, the Rene- Chicago, San Francisco, and Greenville, S. C 140

gotiation Act applied only to the war contract The OQMG continued to review all settle-

portion of their business. ments before approval and handled the more
The War Department desired to effect for- which efforts in the field had
difficult cases in

ward pricing as a part of over- all renegotiation. reached an impasse.

The OQMG recognized the importance of re- Quartermaster renegotiation posed special
vising prices downward so as to preclude the problems. For one thing, the number of con-
future accrual of excessive profits. In view of tractors assigned to the Corps for renegotiation

the closer pricing practiced by the Corps and proved particularly large. The job of renegotia-
the impossibility of predicting what a given tion was especially difficult because the Corps
contractor's volume of business would be, the had to deal with many comparatively small con-
OQMG found it was impossible in most Quar- tractors, who were often marginal producers,

termaster contracts to provide for future price had no cost accounting units, and lacked reli-
reductions in renegotiation agreements. It was able figures on production costs. Unlike con-
Quartermaster practice to include a general pro- tractors of other services, Quartermaster sup-
vision for periodic re-estimates of cost when pliers generally took war orders while continu-
on individual contracts
specific price reductions ing civilian business in substantial volume.
were not agreed upon. It supplemented the Renegotiation in the Corps therefore had to be
financial data accumulated and the findings prosecuted with caution, lest contractors aban-

determined through renegotiation by unit cost

studies. Contracts were then awarded on the
(1) Memo, Col Moore, OQMG, for Price WD
Adjustment Bd, 25 Oct 43, sub: Price Reductions on
basis of a comparison of unit cost figures sub-
Future Deliveries. (2) Memo, Dir of Renegotiation
mitted by the contractor with his bid and yard- Div, ASF, for QM
Price Adjustment Sec, 3 Nov 43,

stick costs, the cost of other contractors, and no sub.Both in 161.

139 Procurement Div, OQMG, OO 24, 12 Aug 42,
financial data obtained through renegotiation. 158 sub: Reasgmt of Functions of Procurement Div.
In the summer of 1942, when the planning 140
(1) Ltr, USW to TQMG, 9 Feb 43, sub: Pers
and conduct of procurement operations were and Volume of Renegotiations. (2) Ltr, TQMG to

reaching their peak of intensity, the QMC had USW, 1 Mar 43, same sub. (3) OQMG
OO 25-30,
6 Mar 43, sub: Establishment of Br Offices. (4)
to establish an organization for the elimination OQMG OO 25-30C, 20 Aug 43, same sub.

don their work in favor of their civilian con- thisprovision— primarily cotton textile mills-
tracts, which provided a less restricted and more were assigned for renegotiation to the QMC,
lucrative field. Despite these difficulties the this provision of the law fell with particular
Quartermaster renegotiation program showed severity on Quartermaster renegotiation person-
progress, the refunds at the end of the cal- nel. Because the provision was retroactive and
endar year 1943 amounting to more than contractors could file a claim within ninety days
of the enactment of the Revenue Act of 1943,
This renegotiation had been accomplished many cases had to be reopened for the calcula-
with a staff smaller in proportion to the work tion and refunding of these inventory profits.
load of assignments than that in any other Similarly, the inclusion in the act of a provi-
major renegotiating agency of the War Depart- sion for "agricultural exemption" burdened
ment. It was also achieved in the face of consid- Quartermaster renegotiations since most of the
erable agitation for the revision of the Rene- food processing companies were assigned to the
gotiation Act. During the summer and fall of Corps. A number of other statutory and admin-
1943 Congress was considering various amend- istrative provisions further complicated Quar-
ments which threatened to emasculate the Re- termaster renegotiation efforts and served to
negotiation Act. As a consequence, contractors prolong the renegotiation process. These dif-
were reluctant to furnish data or make agree- ficulties more than offset the benefit gained by

ments, either oral or written, since they hoped work load which resulted
the decrease in the
that changes in the law would enhance their from exempting from renegotiation those con-
rights or possibly would exempt them alto- tractors whose volume of government sales in
gether. a fiscal year amounted to less than $500,000 in

Most of the proposed amendments met with lieu of the previous limit of $100,000.
strong opposition from the QMC and other One of the most interesting of the problems
renegotiating agencies. 143 As a result, some of faced by Quartermaster renegotiation personnel
the most objectionable proposals were omitted involved the application of the act to textile

from the Revenue Act of 1943, which extended selling agents. Over the past fifty years, selling

the renegotiation provisions to 31 December agents had acquired increasing importance in

1944 and permitted an additional six months' the textile industry. Their functions had
extension by the President. Congress later ex- 141
OQMG, for Dir of Renego-
Memo, Col Moore,
tended these provisions to 31 December tiation Div, ASF, 5 Jan 44, sub: Recoveries on Rene-
1945 144 The substantial changes that were gotiation and Through Forward Pricing to 3 1 Dec 43
inclusive, 161.
made in the renegotiation statute resulted in a 142
(1) Memo, Col Moore for WD
Price Ad-
great unsettling of its basic procedures and im- justment Bd, 14 Oct 43, sub: Effect of Pending Legis-
posed many new burdens on the QMC. lation on Current Renegotiation, 161.

One of the most troublesome problems cre-

( 1 ) Memo, Col Moore for WD
Price Adjustment
Board, 30 Nov 43, sub: Exemption Proposed for Can-
ated by the amended act involved the applica- ners. (2) Memo, Hq ASF for PriceAdjustment Sec,
tion of a retroactive provision with regard to OQMG, 7 Dec 43, sub: Hearings— Senate Finance
inventory profits. It exempted from renegotia- Committee on Renegotiations, inclosing statement of

tion the profits in certain industries which

Chairman of WD
Price Adjustment Bd, 161.
(1) 58 U. S. Statutes 2 Iff., approved 25 Feb 44.
could be attributed to the appreciation in value (2) 59 U. S. Statutes 294-95, approved 30 Jun 45.
of that part of the inventory in excess of the re-
Rpt, Statutory Renegotiation in QMC, incl in
Lt Col R. G. Haines, Sup Div,
ltr, OQMG,
to Chair-
quirements for fulfilling existing contracts. man of War Contracts Price Adjustment Bd, OASA,
Since the majority of the companies affected by 10 Jun 49, sub: Completion of Renegotiation, p. 11.

expanded from that of merchandising cottons tion Act was approved, and 31 December 1945,
and woolens to the point where the largest of when the provisions of the law expired, some
the agents exercised fairly complete supervision 75,000 cases were assigned to the Army for

and financial control of many of the mills they renegotiation. The QMC's share in this rene-
represented. Although many of their peacetime gotiation was impressive, since it handled
functions were unnecessary during the war 18,000 cases and fulfilled its mission with fewer
years, some of these agents aided government personnel compared with total assignments
officials in developing new fabrics, worked than any other service. Its gross recoveries
closely with procurement officers on specifica- totaled approximately $390,000,000, equivalent
tions, and were particularly useful in accepting to $112,000,000 net after tax credit. This was
large contracts and distributing production to accomplished at a cost of about three cents per
affiliated mills best able to manufacture the re- net dollar recovered. 148
quired item. This pooling of production to
meet a large government need spared procure- Special Procurement Responsibilities
ment officers the difficult task of having to
make arrangements with numerous mills at a Lend- Lease
critical time.

Textile selling agents were paid commissions During World War II the QMC was also
which had to be subjected to renegotiation, but assigned two special procurement responsibili-
the normal technique of renegotiation was not ties—the purchase of certain Quartermaster
applicable to them. It was not excessive profits items for lend-lease use and for supplying
that had to be renegotiated but excessive com- civilians in occupied areas. When the Lend-
missions received above rates agreed upon by Lease Act was approved on 11 March 1941, the
representatives of the QMC and the Association Corps became responsible for administering the
of Cotton Textile Merchants of New York. The lend-lease aid of Quartermaster items. The
Corps in consultation with the War Contracts QMC furnished beneficiary nations with thou-
Price Adjustment Board and the War Depart- sands of types of items, but the main class of
ment PriceAdjustment Board evolved the goods supplied during the war consisted of
"gross commission basis" of renegotiation. This clothing and textiles. Before the transfer of
meant that renegotiation was conducted on the motor transport activities to the Ordnance De-
basis of the gross commissions received from partment, however, trucks and other motor
the mills which the selling agents repre- transport equipment constituted the chief items
sented. 146 which the Corps purchased and distributed
Despite the complications of the amended under lend-lease arrangements.
Renegotiation Act, the Corps made consider- Approval of the Lend-Lease Act made it
able progress in the cases it handled during the necessary for each supply service in the War
1944 fiscal year.As the year ended, it was evi- Department to provide administrative means
dent that a sound pricing program had been de-
veloped in the Corps, and it was believed that Ibid., pp. 13-17.
Memo, Chief of Procurement Div, OQMG, for
"when the back stop of renegotiation has been CG ASF, 16 May 44, sub: Progress Rpt on Status of
removed by law," Quartermaster contracts Pricing Activities, OQMG, 161.
would be let at a price that would "preclude the
Rpt, Statutory Renegotiation in QMC, incl in
ltr, Col Haines, Sup Div, OQMG, to Chairman of War
accumulation of undue profits." l47 Contracts Price Adjustment Bd, OASA, 10 Jun 49, sub:
Between 28 April 1942, when the Renegotia- Completion of Renegotiation, p. 20.

for handling this new activity. During most of passed on to higher authority by the defense aid
1941 Quartermaster organization for this pur- unit. 151

pose was in a developmental stage. Before Pearl No procurement procedures peculiar to lend-
Harbor, however, the branch, originally estab- lease operations were evolved; instead, regular
lished in the Planning and Control Division to Army facilities and procurement procedures
maintain liaison with other government agencies were used. In order to simplify procurement, it
and foreign governments and to administer was War Department practice from the begin-
lend-lease operations in the Corps, had become ning to confine requests for materiel, wherever
a division— the Defense Aid (later International) possible, to common rather than noncommon
Division —a status it retained during the war items. 152 In the QMC, however, noncommon
years. items, such as bulk leather, Russian shoes, and
In the complicated, formal process of channel- overcoating for Russia, and suiting, cotton tex-

ing and screening requisitions for aid, the De- tiles,and battle dress uniforms for the United
fense Aid Division, OQMG, played a relatively Kingdom, frequently comprised the larger part
small part. On an informal basis, however, it of international aid. 153 Even during the first
was important in facilitating the handling of year of lend-lease the War Department also
requistions. It was the practice of the OQMG took steps to co-ordinate specifications of
to gain information through informal meetings foreign governments with those of the Regular
with representatives of the foreign nations de- Army so that transfers might be made by
siring aid. They were permitted direct contact diverting Regular Army contracts in lieu of
with the division or branch charged with an placing special orders.
item's procurement in order to clarify any ques- Ordnance materiel naturally comprised the
tions in reference to the item. Such meetings bulk of lend-lease aid. Quartermaster items,
not only afforded opportunity to thrash out however, ranked second in importance among
questions of specifications, availability, use of the supplies. In the four and a half years of
substitutes, and effect on the supply program lend-lease operations the Corps shipped 867
but also provided the initial opportunity to million dollars' worth of supplies to foreign
evaluate and screen foreign requests for aid. As governments. This figure does not include
a consequence, when requisitions were actually
filed, many potential obstacles to their approval (1) OQMG OO 74, 11 Apr 41,
no sub. (2)
OQMG OO 245, 30 Oct 41, no sub.
had been cleared away. 150
Memo, Col Hester, Chief of Procurement Con-
Quartermaster personnel participating in trol Br, OQMG, for Col H. S. Aurand, Defense Aid
these informal discussions came to be regarded
Director, 10 Oct 41, sub: Defense Aid Sup Commit-
tee, 334.8.
as a subcommittee of the Defense Aid Supply 151
For examples see (1) [1st ind] Maj Nathan
Committee established in the War Depart- Thumin, OQMG, to Defense Aid Div, OUSW, 16

ment, to which the OQMG

sent a representa- Oct 41, Truck Contract with Amtorg Trading
Corp. (2) Ltr, Col E. Santschi, Jr., Dir of Defense
tive. This concept of the subcommittee was
Aid Div, OQMG, to Dir of Defense Aid Supply Com-
formalized in October 1942 when subcommit- mittee, 8 Nov 41, sub: Motor Transportation Reqmts

tees in each of the supply services were directed of Great Britain. Both in 451.
A common item was an item required and used
to screen requests on behalf of the International by the Army of the United States and by one or more
Division, SOS. The Quartermaster subcommit- of the other United Nations. A noncommon item was
tee consulted the operating units of the OQMG any other item authorized for shipment to one of the
United Nations.
in each instance for advice on the desirability of 153 Rpts, Statistics Br, OP&C Div, OQMG,
n. d.,
approving specific requisitions, which were sub: Statistical Rpts to TQMG, 1945, p. 177.

Quartermaster supplies transferred within the most of the procedures for supplying civilians

Clothing and textiles constituted 73

theaters. in occupied areas as it did in the case of lend-
percent, equipage 15 percent, and other items lease procurement. The technical services
12 percent of these supplies. Russia received 49 submitted their recommended requirements for

percent of all shipments of Quartermaster items approval to the International Division, ASE
while the British Empire received 34 percent. 154 When these applied to a theater of combined
Reverse lend-lease, a method of reciprocal aid civilian supply responsibility, the division
under which American armed forces received discussed the requirements with the British
goods and services from allied nations, was Army Staff, as well as with the theater, prior to
inaugurated early in 1942. It consisted largely of their formal approval by the Combined Civil
subsistence,and fuels and lubricants, although Affairs Committee. As apportioned by com-
clothing and textiles and various equipment bined boards to the United States for supply
items as well as services and labor were action and as allocated by United States supply
furnished. Such reverse lend-lease meant an authorities to the Army, these requirements
equivalent reduction of Quartermaster procure- were set up as approved programs against
ment from production in the United States. which the theater commander could submit
To carry out his additional supply mission,
Civilian Supply
The Quartermaster General established a Civil-
The Joint Chiefs of Staff formalized an ian Supply Section in the Requirements Branch
accepted principle of international law on 19 of the Military Planning Division. Except for
April 1943 when they declared that "civilian fuels and lubricants, this section not only
supply is problem during the period
a military originally computed for planning purposes the
of military occupation." To handle the problem potential requirements of civilian populations
the Secretary of War established a Civil Affairs and supplied advance estimates of required
Division in the Special Staff. During the early shipping space and tonnage but, as operations
years of the war, however, considerable uncer- developed, it reviewed and analyzed require-
tainty existed as to whether the military or a ments submitted by theater commanders. Fur-
civilian agency should furnish this relief aid
154 Ibid., 182. Figures corrected in accord with
during the period of military occupation. 155 It p.
data compiled by Program Review and Analysis Div,
was November 1943 before responsibility for Office Comptroller of the Army, for inclusion in
supplying relief to liberated areas was officially forthcoming statistical volumes for this series.
155 Civilian supply in North Africa was originally
thrown upon the War Department. 156
charged to the State Department, which carried out
Because of the nature of the commodities its assignment through the Office of Foreign Relief

involved— food, sanitary supplies, clothing, and and Rehabilitation Operations, established on 21
fuels and lubricants — the QMC
inherited the November 1942. Experience demonstrated that civilian
agencies were powerless to act without military
main burden of this supply responsibility. Each support.
of the technical services, however, prepared and 156
Ltr, Pres Franklin D. Roosevelt to SW, 10 Nov

recommended civilian supply requirements for 43, no sub, incl C, p. 17, International Div, ASF, Civ
Supplies Opn Handbook, n. d.
each area which operations were con-
in 157
See hist rpt, International Div, ASF, n. d., sub:
templated. These were based upon studies of Civ Sup: A
History of the Civ Sup Br, International
the national economies involved and upon the Div, ASF, on file in OCMH.
(1) OQMG OO 25-56A, 2 Nov 43, sub: Estab-
operational assumptions furnished by higher lishment of Civ Sup Sec. (2) OQMG OO 25-56B, 20
authority. The latter established the policies and Dec 43, same sub.

thermore, when the various freed governments and 33 percent, respectively, of the total ton-
made plans to supplement military aid after nage shipped. In dollar value these two items
liberation was accomplished, it also analyzed accounted for 88 percent and 3 percent, respec-

such plans and examined their effect on tively. Figures for petroleum products are not
requirements. available because these items were shipped as

Other branches and divisions of the OQMG military supplies and issued to civilians from
shared in carrying out the civilian supply pooled United States-United Kingdom stocks
responsibility of the Corps. The various divi- in the theaters.
sions having procurement responsibility— Fuels Food shipments consisted chiefly of canned
and Lubricants, Subsistence, Procurement— pur- meats, wheat flour and grain, dehydrated soups,
chased their respective items. The Fuels and dried and evaporated milk, and dried beans and
Lubricants Division also computed and recom- peas. The Corps shipped a wide variety of cloth-
mended requirements for its items, while the ing items and shoes in the closing years of the
Subsistence Division, besides planning and pre- war. These goods were supplemented with cot-
paring the basic rations for civilian feeding, ton piece goods, canvas and paulins, wool knit-
processed requests to allocating agencies to ting yarn, and baled cotton. Initially these items
meet the food requirements. The Storage and were procured and shipped by the Foreign
Distribution Division carried out its usual Economic Administration. By the spring of
functions and, among other duties, arranged for 1944, however, the Corps had assumed responsi-
reconditioning of existing stocks for filling bility for storage and issue and by July 1945
civilian supply requisitions, provided for utiliza- was also procuring clothing, textiles, and

tion of excess stocks, and established stock shoes. 161 The principal classes of general sup-
piles. Except on technical matters and where plies furnished by the QMC were soap, insecti-
such responsibility was delegated to other divi- cides, paper products and ink, agricultural sup-
sions and branches, the Operations Branch of plies and equipment, and light construction
the Military Planning Division co-ordinated all materials.
civilian supply activities within the OQMG Most of the civilian supplies were shipped by
and maintained liaison with the International the Corps, with shipments reaching their peak
Division, ASF, and other government agen- in the second quarter of 1945. After V-J Day a
cies. rapid decline occurred in this activity because
The first Army Supply Program for purely Army responsibility in liberated areas was
civilian supply requirements was prepared in turned over to liberated governments which
July 1943 at the request of the ASF. From July continued to obtain needed supplies through
1943 to the end of the war the United States civilian agencies. Military responsibility for
shipped about 6,310,000 long tons to the civilian supply in the theaters, of course, con-
European and Mediterranean theaters, where it tinued long after V-J Day.
had combined responsibility with the United
Kingdom and Canada for civilian supply, and 159 OQMG OO 25-103, 5 Dec 44, sub: Civ Sup-
to the Pacific, where, prior to August 1945, the plies— Asgmt of Responsibilities and Functions.
See Statistical Analysis of Quartermaster Supply
Army had unilateral civilian supply responsibil- in C. L. Kieffer and Erna Risch, Quartermaster Corps:
ity for the Philippines and a small part of the Organization, Supply, and Services, Vol. II.
Netherlands East Indies. 160 These supplies were
(1) OQMG OO 25-79, 16 May 44, sub: Sup
Matters— Civ Sup. (2) Memo, Gen Doriot, OQMG,
valued at about $878,000,000. Foodstuffs and
forCG ASF, 31 May 45, sub: Procurement Responsi-
coal procured by the QMC made up 65 percent bility for Clo, Shoes, etc.

Production Control
The need for prompt delivery of defense sup- ment of all military supplies rested with the

plies was recognized from the very beginning Assistant Secretary of War. A vital factor in this

of the emergency. To speed the purchase of obligation was the supervision of production
Army supplies, procurement procedures were control, responsibility for which was charged
streamlined by various means. But greater facil- to a Production Branch. Its activities were con-
ity in placing contracts had also to be preceded cerned primarily with insuring proper co-ordi-
and accompanied by measures designed to ex- nation and compliance with the laws pertaining
pedite production. By the spring of 1941
to procurement and with expediting production
speeding up the production program was when this was not accomplished by the lower

deemed "vital to our national existence." All echelons. 4 The actual letting of contracts and
agencies of the War Department were called the day-to-day follow-up of production, how-
upon to intensify the control and expedition of ever, was the primary responsibility of the sup-
production, to strengthen their organization for ply arms and services.
this purpose, and to make every effort to equip In this production control program, the Of-
American troops and those of the foreign de- fice of Production Management also played an

mocracies "at the earliest date which is humanly important role, for it formulated and executed
measures to accelerate production, developed
The accumulation of complete up-to-date in- new or expanded facilities, sources, and meth-
formation on the status of contracts, particu- ods, and insured effective co-ordination of the
larly on the plants and items of procurement activities of the various governmental agencies.
which were delinquent, was a procedure im- Close co-operation was maintained with the
mediately useful in expediting production. It OPM, but this did not relieve the War Depart-
permitted remedial measures to be taken for
The following discussion is largely based on the

shortening the period of delinquency and insur- more detailed study prepared by H. B. Yoshpe, Produc-
performance on subsequent
ing satisfactory tion Control in the Quartermaster Corps, 1939-1944

orders. While contract delinquency was no

3 (QMC Historical Studies 8, December 1944). Here-
after cited as Production Control in QMC.
new problem in Quartermaster procurement 2
Memo, USW
for Chiefs of Sup Arms and Svs, 25
operations, its elimination became of para- Apr 41, sub: Expediting Production.
X. Reynolds, Chief of Production Expediting
mount importance in the emergency period.
Sec, to Lt Col H. B. Hester, Chief of Procurement
Control Br, Ping & Control Div, OQMG, 14 Jul 41,
Organization for Production Control sub: Orgn of Production Expediting Sec.
For a detailed discussion of the overhead organiza-
tion for production control see H. B. Yoshpe, Organ-
Under the National Defense Act of 1920 re-
ization for Production Control in World War II ( AIC Re-
sponsibility for the supervision of the procure- search Project 28, February 1946), pp. 9ff.

ment of its "primary responsibility" for control production methods in order to improve plant
and follow-up of production for which it had layout and equipment, to increase industrial
contracted. 5 capacity, and to solve problems of labor and raw
Within the OQMG the various operating materials supply.
divisions had long been responsible for follow- From the summer of 1941 until the spring of
ing up and expediting the production of items the following year the Production Expediting
called for under procurement directives issued Section pursued a program that resulted in re-

by them. The actual burden of production con- ducing delinquency in production among Quar-
trol, however, fell on the procuring depots, termaster suppliers and insuring smooth pro-
which reported to the OQMG
items that were curement. Thereafter it became little more than
not meeting schedules, and all labor difficulties. a record- keeping agency and ultimately lost its

Where manufacturers were having trouble se- identity by absorption in a new section. 8 The
curing either raw materials or fabricated parts, initiation and execution of measures designed
the depots or the Procurement Control Branch, to promote production control, however, were
OQMG, granted preference ratings or sought not confined exclusively to the Production Ex-
remedial action at the Army and Navy Muni- pediting Section. Because of the variety of the
tions Board or the Priorities Division of the corrective measures taken by the OQMG, this

OPM. 6 responsibility was diffused through many of its

Although the Corps always recognized the organizational units. A separate Labor Section,
importance of production follow-up, the quality for example, directed and executed labor poli-
of production organizations in the depots varied. cies affecting the Quartermaster procurement
While not alarming, the increase in contract de- program. A Priorities Section administered
linquency during the emergency period em- priorities policies, instructed and supervised
phasized the necessity for expanding and field personnel in all priorities matters, audited
strengthening the production control organiza- preference ratings issued by procuring depots to
tions in the field. A directive from the Under insure compliance with rules and regulations,
Secretary of War in the spring of 1941 served to and dealt with higher authority in clarifying

focus attention on this problem with the result policy intentions and breaking priorities bottle-
that the OQMG established a Production Ex- necks. The vitality of these and other adminis-
pediting Section in the Procurement Control trative units grew increasingly as the war pro-
Branch. 7 It served as a clearing house for pro- gressed.
duction problems affecting Quartermaster re- The gradual disintegration of the Production
quirements and rendered production engineer- Expediting Section, however, began in March
ing assistance when necessary to maintain pro-
duction balance. A number of industrial 5
Memo, USW for Chiefs of Sup Arms and Svs, 25
Apr 41, sub: Expediting Production.
specialists were brought into the section to 6
Ping & Control Div to TQMG, 24 May 41, sub:
on production
serve as expert technical advisers Expediting Production.
and management problems. It was their job to 7
(1) Memo, Robert P. Patterson, USW, to Chiefs
of Sup Arms and Svs, 25 Apr 41, sub: Expediting Pro-
collaborate with headquarters and the field units
duction. (2) Col G. I. Rowe, Ping & Control Div,
in studying production problems in order to OQMG, to TQMG, 24 May 41, same sub. (3) TQMG
eliminate obstacles to production; to maintain to Chief of Ping & Control Div, 4 Jun 41, same sub.

contacts with contractors and their suppliers to (4) OQMG OO 25A, 15 Oct 41, sub: Orgn and
Functions, Ping & Control Div.
determine reasons for delays; and to make con- 8
For elaboration of its history see Yoshpe, Produc-
tinuous surveys of manufacturing plants and tion Control in QMC, pp. 13ff.


1942 when the OQMG was reorganized along The Corps had ample production capacity upon
functional lines. At that time separate organi- which to draw but it could only meet require-
zations were established for procurement and ments if supplied with enough raw materials,
production control. Procurement administration component parts, and machine tools. Under
became centered in the Procurement Service emergency and war conditions, however, de-

(later Division) which acquired the procure- mand far exceeded supply. Critical shortages
ment control functions, including expediting, developed, resulting in slow, spasmodic produc-
of the Planning and Control Division. The Pro- tion.
The lack of a regular and known flow of
duction Service, on the other hand, became re- materials towar contractors made it impossible
sponsible, among other functions, for planning for them to meet production schedules.

and scheduling production, accelerating general Labor problems were also frequently an un-
production scheduling, developing production derlying cause of contract delinquency. The
programs in collaboration with the Procure- QMC relied for the bulk of its requirements on
ment Service, and furnishing the latter advisory low-wage industries, but the migration of tex-
service on production problems. tile workers, miners, and agricultural, canning,
The March order reorganizing the OQMG, and food processing workers to higher-wage
drafted in haste, permitted considerable am- munitions, aircraft, and shipbuilding industries
biguity in the responsibilities assigned to these often resulted in material delays in essential
two services, particularly in respect to expedit- Quartermaster production. The injudicious
ing. Personnel of each service often carried on placement of contracts in tight labor areas,
expediting work independently, making for where the Corps was in hopeless competition
utter confusion and duplication of effort, a with other arms and services for much needed
situation that was not improved until late in labor, inevitably resulted in delinquency on the
the summer when
was agreed that
of 1942 it part of Quartermaster suppliers. The failure of

the Military Planning Division— which ab- management to sponsor training programs per-

sorbed functions of the Production Service mitted dislocation of production with the loss
would engage in expediting activities only at of skilled workers to military service or more
the request of the Procurement Division. By remunerative employment. Discrimination be-
that time a reassignment of functions had abol- cause of race, color, creed, or national origin,
ished the Production Service and made the Pro- and the reluctance to employ aliens in defense
curement Division responsible for laying out industries were bad for morale and prevented
production programs to meet directed procure- the maximum utilization of available labor re-
ments and for technical control and co-ordina- sources. Various federal, state, local, and union-
tion of field purchasing and production. 9
imposed restrictions hampered the integration
of available labor forces into necessary work
schedules. Low morale, slowdowns, strikes, and

Causes of Contract Delinquency

The underlying causes- of contract delin-

9 OQMG OO 184, 31 Jul 42, sub: Reasgmt of
QMC Functions.
quency during World War II were complex in 10
(1) Col Hester, Chief of Procurement Control Br,
character and scope. Among the more serious to Chief of Ping & Control Div, OQMG, 23 Oct 41,
sub: Delinquent Contracts. (2) Lt A. C. Blanchard to
bottlenecks to the maintenance of production
Col Hester, 19 Dec 41, same sub. (3) Memo, Col
at a level sufficient to meet scheduled deliveries Hester for Chief of Procurement & Distr Div, SOS, 21
were material shortages and priority difficulties. Mar 42, sub: Difficulties of Production Program.

lockouts contributed their share to production exchange of information on the status of per-
delays and contract delinquency.
formance on contracts, awards were often made
Processing difficulties and managerial prob- to contractors who were still delinquent on ear-
lems further served to delay production on lier orders. Obviously, systematically planned
Quartermaster contracts. Not all Quartermaster and adequately spaced continuation orders for
suppliers were financially sound, reasonably the same item would prevent overloading and
alert to improvements in manufacturing meth- conflicting contracts, and would make for spe-
ods, and gifted with high standards of business cialization, standardization, and assembly-line

ethics. Inexperienced firms repeatedly overesti- techniques that were most conducive to opti-
mated produce and, after un-
their capacity to mum performance.
dertaking their contracts,found themselves The overloaded condition of large plants was
seriously hampered by poor organization and alleviated through subcontracting and the
the limitations of their plant facilities. Over- wider diffusion of prime contracts. While this
zealous bidders undertook the manufacture of practice had certain advantages, subcontracting
items with which they were unfamiliar and and contract distribution often brought produc-
promised delivery schedules which they were tion difficulties. Subcontracting deprived the de-
unable to meet. Such factors as failure to inter- pots of a definite measure of control. Subcon-
pret contract instructions, laxity in placing tracts were frequently assumed by small con-
orders for materials, delay in starting work on cerns, and the lack of effective follow-up and
a contract, recurring breakdowns of machinery, co-operation by the prime contractors in fur-

the necessity of replacing poor material in order nishing necessary materials, machines, and en-
to meet specifications, and the delinquency or gineering assistance often delayed production.
loss of anticipated subcontracting facilities lim- Similarly, in the use of small plants as prime
ited production. Only if suppliers' capacity, contractors, innumerable problems arose be-

equipment, and ability were analyzed prior to cause of their unfamiliarity with Army stand-
the placement of orders, and only if adequately ards, inexperience with multiple-shift opera-
equipped, qualified, and diligent suppliers were
allowed to undertake performance on contracts, 11
H. B. Yoshpe, Labor Problems in Quartermaster
could such delays be avoided. If marginal pro- Procurement, 1939-1944 (QMC Historical Studies 11,
April 1945), passim.
ducers had to be brought into production, it
( 1 ) Chief of Procurement Control Br to Chief of

was imperative to give them all possible help Ping & Control Div, OQMG,
23 Oct 41, sub: Delin-
with their problems. 12 quent Contracts. (2) F. X. Reynolds, Statement of De-
linquencies on Selected Items as of 15 Nov 41. (3)
The Quartermaster suppliers were
fact that
Chief of Procurement Sec, Sup Div, to Chief of C&E
also at work on other defense contracts and on Br OQMG, 9 Jan 42, sub: Delinquent Contracts.
(1) Ibid. (2) Ltr, Chief of Procurement Sec, Sup
commercial orders was often responsible for

contract delinquency. 13 Large percentages of

Div, OQMG,to CG
JQMD, 20 Apr 42, sub: Delin-
quent Contracts, and 1st ind, JQMD to TQMG, 24
plant capacity were devoted to nonpriority con- Apr 42.
tracts as a result of the desire to accommodate 14
Lt Chas. W. Morgan to Col O. E. Cound, Chief

regular commercial customers. In addition, the of Purch & Contract Br, OQMG,20 Apr 42, sub:
Overloading of Contractors and Manufacture of Differ-
overloading of contractors and the overlapping ent Items by Some Contractors.
of awards and final delivery dates often brought 15
( 1 ) J. Sloss, Jr., to Chief of Production Expedit-

trouble. Contractors frequently accepted orders ing Sec, OQMG, 8 Feb 42, sub: Subletting of QM
Contracts. (2) Chief of Production Br to Chief of
from various supply services and from different Ping & Control Div, OQMG, 5 Mar 42, sub: Sublet-
depots of the Corps. Since there was no depot ting Contracts for Personal Equip.

and lack of credit with which to replenish

tions, of procurement techniques in the Corps. Maxi-
promptly raw material inventories. Their lack mum production could also be promoted only
of elaborate cost-accounting systems often through a co-ordinated, centralized, long-range
caused them to take contracts at prices that af- plan of procurement for materials used by the
forded little or no prospect of profit, with the Corps and by various other government procur-
result that they attempted to "cut corners" in ing agencies. Not only did competition between
an effort to reduce costs. Quartermaster depots have to be eliminated but
Finally, contract delinquency was consider- also the unco-ordinated procurement of similar
ably increased by specification problems, par- items, such as duck, textiles, chinaware, and

ticularly by changes made in the design and cutlery, by various procurement agencies in the

manufacture of items and by rejections caused Army, by the Navy, Marine Corps, and Mari-
by suppliers' inability to meet specifications and time Commission. By pooling requirements
produce items of approved quality. Rejections and centralizing purchase responsibility in the
a minimum if critical raw ma-
had to be kept to agency having the largest over-all needs, pro-
terials, machinery, and labor were to be con- duction for such items could be scheduled in
served. For this purpose specifications had to be an orderly fashion, industrial capacity mobi-
revised to eliminate rigid and exacting qualifi- lized, and maximum production obtained with-
cations, while still preserving the needed mili- out delay.
tary characteristics, and to simplify operations,
bringing them more into line with standard Expediting Efforts of Contractors and Depots
commercial practice. The necessity for using
substitutes in the face of ever-increasing short- Depot contracting officers were zealous in

ages of material produced innumerable specifi- attempting to expedite delivery on contracts.

cation changes, resulting in stoppages of pro- Contractors, too, were usually co-operative in
duction. 16 These changes in design and manu- their efforts to reduce contract delinquency.

facture not infrequently necessitated the retool- They sought to correct fabricating defects and to

ing of a plant to produce the substitute item. eliminate production difficulties. They reorgan-
Delay was also occasioned by the change orders ized their plants and acquired additional space,
which had to be issued to authorize the substi- new equipment, and skilled labor to increase

tutions. The only solution was to keep abreast production. They trained labor for additional
of the changing materials situation and to re- shifts and sought exemptions from laws or
view specifications before procurement direc- penalty payments restricting multiple-shift op-
tives were issued. 17 erations. To expedite deliveries they sublet por-

Production on Quartermaster contracts was

impeded by a considerable number of other fac-
See Ch. II above, section on Impact of Materials
tors. Many of these resulted from the shortcom-
Shortages on Design, for a discussion of the use of
ings of procurement policies and techniques substitute materials and changes made in specifica-
under which contracting officers operated well tions.
17 F. X. Reynolds, 1 1 Jul 41,
into thewar period. Innumerable procurement (!) Digest for file,

sub: Rpt from COs QM Depots — Recommendations.

controls and restrictions long hampered the Cound TQMG, 11 Jul 41, sub: Rpt of Insp
(2) Col to
Quartermaster production program. Delay re- at JQMD. (3) Col Cound to Dir of Production Sv, 5
sulted from the time required for the negotia- May 42, sub: Substitution for Critical Materials. (4)
Chief of Production Expediting Sec to Col Cound,
tion of contracts. Expediting production was OQMG, 2 May 42, sub: Orgn of Material Unit to Re-
inextricably interwoven with the streamlining view Specs.

tions of their contracts. To reduce rejections Flow of Materials and Equipment

they inspected goods more thoroughly, re-

worked faulty materials, and requested inspec- Government-Furnished Material

tion at plants prior to shipment. These and and Equipment
many other steps were taken by contractors to
speed production on contracts. To overcome the serious problem created by
In order to remove production difficulties, de- shortages of critical materials, the QMC under-
pot contracting officers called conferences with took to furnish its contractors with necessary raw
contractors and advised them on how to im- materials and components. Cloth and minor
prove workmanship and comply with delivery findings for uniforms had been furnished to
schedules. They expedited the shipment of gov- clothing contractors by the Philadelphia Depot
ernment-furnished materials, issued preference for a number of years. Beginning in 1941 the
rating certificates, and tried to get higher rat- depot established rationing of cloth, supplying
ings when necessary. They often revised deliv- contractors on a schedule of availability sixty
ery schedules rather than cancel delinquent con- days in advance of delivery of end items. At the
tracts and executed change orders extending the request of the depot, the OQMG authorized
time for performance. They obtained the aid of administration of Minor Findings Pool in

the OQMG on priority and labor problems. April 1942, which permitted a stock of minor
They authorized the use of substitute materials findings to be carried under certain stock levels
18 19
and accepted substandard items at a discount. at this depot. This procedure on cloth and
These ameliorative measures helped reduce minor findings was continued throughout the
the period of delinquency, but broader and war. The development of the practice into a
more basic policies had to be initiated by higher general policy of procurement of raw materials
authority if contract delinquency was to be and components for issue to contractors was
eliminated. The OQMG met the problem of much debated in the months before Pearl
material shortages in part by providing the con- Harbor. 20
tractors with government-furnished materials While the adoption of such a program was
and components. To mitigate these shortages it beset by numerous problems in stocking, ac-

also pursued a comprehensive conservation pro- counting, and supervision, its advantages could
gram, and adjusted specifications to make them not be ignored. In too many cases production
conform more closely to commercial practices. had been held up pending delivery of necessary
It sought to improve the Corps' position in the materials. Rather than have their skilled oper-
priorities system in order to insure a flow of ators pirated by other defense plants when their

needed critical materials to its contractors. The production lines were curtailed or shut down
OQMG co-operated actively in the location of for lack of materials, producers of Quartermas-
materials and idle machine tools required by its ter items would "string the contract out" until
suppliers for successful performance, and, when Yoshpe, Production Control in QMC, pp. 11-12.

necessary, it extended them financial aid. In ad- Rpt, OP&C Div, OQMG, 10 May 44, sub: Proj-

dition, it made efforts to eliminate bottlenecks ect 343: Survey of Organizational Responsibilities and
Procedures with Regard to Industrial Materials.
in production by devoting greater attention to 20
( 1 ) Chief of Production Expediting Sec to Chief
production planning and scheduling. The pros- of Procurement Control Br, OQMG, 19 Aug 41, sub:
ecution of these policies made possible the Production Expediting— Shoes. (2) Chief of Procure-
achievement of Quartermaster procurement ment Control Br to TQMG, 16 Sep 41, sub: Con-
tributory Items. (3) Chief of Clothing Sec to Chief
goals. of C&E Br, OQMG, 27 Sep 41, same sub.

the needed materials arrived. It was also argued rectly by the government and loaned or leased
that providing government-furnished material to the contractor, orit was acquired by the con-

(GFM) to contractors would enable the Corps tractor for the government and amortized over

to use centralized procurement, thereby effect- the life of government contracts. 23

ing a substantial reduction of cost of the net At the Philadelphia and Jersey City Depots
item to the government. Such a program would the provision of GFE to contractors was negli-
make the small manufacturer, whose facilities gible. On the other hand, the GFE program as-

had to be used by the Corps, less dependent sumed large proportions at the Chicago, Jeffer-
upon the limited service of the manufacturers sonville, and Boston Depots. The Chicago De-
of industrial materials, who logically favored pot, for example, encouraged canners and
the old and big customers. occasionally independent producers to build
Despite the difficulties, particularly that of and install procoating equipment under GFE
accountability, inherent in such a program, the arrangements. About a hundred procoating in-

QMC gradually extended its application by fur- stallations were so established. Procoating of
nishing duck, webbing, and hardware to manu- Army canned goods destined for oversea ship-
facturers of tents and equipage; dubbing, laces, ment was undertaken to inhibit rust under long
and other findings to shoe contractors; and and exposed storage and to camouflage cans in
packing materials and components of special open storage dumps or in discard. 24 Subsistence
rations to assemblers. The five major procuring contracts, however, accounted for most of the

depots all provided some GFM, but clothing, GFE furnished by this depot. The larger part

equipage, and subsistence accounted for its was special equipment, such as drying bins, sul-

greatest use. fiting equipment, and cyntron feeding screeners,

Because procedures for the issue of GFM used by producers in dehydrating vegetables.
were costly and laborious, the outright sale of Some special facilities, representing plant ex-

such materials to contractors was thought to be pansions for the production of dried yeast and
"the most practical solution of the problem." parboiled rice produced for the armed forces,
Under authority of Executive Order 9001, were also included. 25 The Boston Depot uti-

Headquarters, SOS, authorized the sale of GFM lized a considerable amount of GFE in the form
when it would facilitate the performance of war of molds, patterns, templates, and lasts. GFE at

Subsequently, the desirability of re- the Jeffersonville Depot included sewing ma-
ducing credit transactions to a minimum and chines, cloth cutters, and baling machines used

of keeping records with contractors in order, as

well as protecting the government against the

(1) Ltr, Gen Corbin, OQMG, to Hq SOS, 22
Jun 42, sub: Govt Materials Available for Govt Con-
misuse of GFM in the hands of contractors, led tractors. (2) 1st ind, Hq SOS to TQMG, 15 Jul 42,
to a survey of procedures early in 1944. From on same.
this survey the OQMG developed the GFM 22
(1) OQMG OO 25-89, 8 Jul 44, sub: Industrial
Materials and GFM Plan. (2) QMG Cir 34, 12 Jul 44,
plan, containing a framework of policies, prin- same sub.
ciples, and procedures that were applied until 23
See PR 3 (9-5-42), par. 332.
the end of the war. 22 Marion Massen, Central Procurement Oper-
( 1 )

ations at the Chicago Quartermaster Depot (CQMD

In order to expedite the manufacture and de- hist rpt 8, Jun 46), p. 196. (2) H. W. Thatcher, The
livery of war goods, contractors were also fur- Packaging and Packing of Subsistence for the Army, pp.
nished with GFE, a term used rather loosely to 41-45.
Erna Risch, Demobilization Planning and Operation
cover government-owned equipment and facil- in the Quartermaster Corps (QMC Historical Studies
ities. Such equipment was either purchased di- 19, April 1948), pp. 67-68.

in the manufacture of textile items, and welders, placed in the top priority category, inflating it

presses, grinders, lathes, and numerous special- to the point where in order to relieve the con-
ized items required in metal work. GFE at this gestion in the A-l band, a graduated priority
depot, either leased or amortized, amounted to status had to be established. As a consequence,
about $100,000,000 at the end of the war. In- on 27 November 1940 the Priorities Commit-
cluded were about 500 separate contractors' tee, ANMB, subdivided the A-l classification
plants, with the major portion of the equip- into preference ratings of A-l -a to A-l-j inclu-
ment furnished consisting of some 3,000 to sive for Army and Navy procurements, and
5,000 sewing machines. reserved ratings A-2 to A-10 for essential civil-
ian needs.These ratings could be changed only

by appeal to the ANMB
with respect to indi-
vidual contracts. 28
To guide and direct the flow of critical mate- This priorities system was effective in con-

rials into military and essential civilian chan- trolling the use of production facilities, but it

nels and to attain maximum production for war, was not a practical method for controlling ma-
the nation's defense program relied upon a terials required in defense production. As the
patchwork of controls developed during the volume of defense contracts expanded, the de-
emergency and war periods. The first steps were mand raw materials under various preference
taken in the summer of 1940 when by joint ac- ratings far exceeded the available supply.
Army, the Navy, and the National
tion of the Although the priorities system determined the
Defense Advisory Commission a priorities sys- order of preference, it controlled neither the
tem was established to insure preferential treat- quantity of material distributed nor the time of
ment of defense production. Preference ratings delivery. It was therefore unable to insure
were issued on individual preference certificates orderly and integrated procurement by all the
which gave precedence to the military services supply services. Orders with low priority rat-

in the use of industrial facilities. A scale of pref- ings could be continually deferred while suc-
erence ratings from A-l to A-10 was assigned cessive higher rated orders were processed and
to individual contracts for items in accordance shipped. A balanced production of all items
with their strategic importance, with a rating of needed in the Army supply program became
AA reserved for emergencies. For essential impossible.
civilian needs a B series was established. 27 The In this priorities system the QMC received
contracting officer applied the appropriate rating the low rating of A-l-i for 90 percent of its

to a contract, determining it by reference to the procurements. Many of its items were of a com-
Priorities Critical List and the Priorities Direc- mercial nature and at the outset were readily
tive. The list designated the item to which procurable with the low ratings assigned,
preference ratings might be assigned, and the although raw materials, particularly metals,
directive stipulated the preference rating to be soon became virtually unobtainable without an
assigned to each of the various items in the increased rating. In the case of items not com-
Priorities Critical List.
Within few months, however,
26 Interv, OQMG historian with James Bayless,
a it became GFE Sec,JQMD, 7 Feb 47.
evident that this initial rating pattern was 27
Memo, ANMB, 17 Jun 40, sub: Establishment of
inadequate for guiding the flow of materials Priorities Committee, ANMB.
( 1 )Directive, Priorities Committee, ANMB, 27
From the beginning
into the defense program.
Nov 40. (2) ANMB,
Priorities Committee, Cir 1, 9
more and more Army and Navy projects were Dec 40, sub: Description of Preference Rating System.

mercially procurable, the situation was soon equipment other than motor vehicles. The rat-
acute. In these fields the Corps competed ing of the motor vehicle program was raised to
directly with other supply arms and services and A-l-c and the alloy and carbon steel require-
with bureaus of the Navy, which were author- ments of the QMC
1942 Truck Program were
ized to assign a much higher rating for similar rated A-l-a. 30
equipment. Not infrequently, supplies on order To prevent "lifting" of materials by services

by the Corps were "lifted" by other services by enjoying more favorable priority status, the
the simple method of placing higher ratings on ANMB on 23 December 1941 directed that

them. orders of higher priority were not to pre-empt

As a consequence, the OQMG was forced to material specifically produced for a previous de-
ask for more and more assistance from the fense order of lower priority if the material was
ANMB. This was no solution to the problem, completed at the time of acceptance of the
since the flood of requests for more favorable higher rated order or was scheduled for comple-
priority treatment resulted in a further inflation tion within fifteen days thereafter. Because this
of the priorities system that threatened to un- directive could be variously interpreted, critical
balance the entire defense program. On the materials continued to be siphoned off by
other hand, "priority conscious" industries re- projects with higher ratings.
fused to bid on Quartermaster requirements The ANMB recognized that the priorities
unless assured of preference ratings sufficiently system would have to be modified, but it was
high to enable them to secure the necessary ma- not until after Pearl Harbor that steps were
terials and component parts in time to complete taken to adjust preference ratings so as to insure
their contracts on required dates.
29 balanced production of all military items needed
Whenever the supply of materials became by the Army. Instead of concentrating complete
was usually the
critical, it QMC
that was asked production programs in one level of priority,
to curtail program. This was a reflection of
its the ANMB proposed a percentage assignment
the belief entertained by both Headquarters, whereby at least partial top priority would be
SOS, and the WPB that offensive weapons, provided to all programs to permit balanced
such as guns and tanks, were far more impor- production. Under this arrangement, the prior-
tant to ultimate victory than the items of cloth-
( 1 ) Rpt, Chief of Ping & Control Div to TQMG,
ing and equipment furnished by the Corps.
23 Apr 41, sub: Recent Procurement Problems of Div.
As a consequence, the need for a well-rounded
(2) Memo, TQMG
for USW, 16 Aug 41, sub:
Quartermaster supply program in order to Revision of Priorities System. (3) Col Doriot, Chief
Army of Production Br, to Col Cound, OQMG, 30 Mar 42,
achieve a balanced supply program for the
sub: Effect of Priority Ratings on Contract Perform-
as a whole tended to be overlooked. ance and Material Substitution. (4) Ltr, Lt Col J. Van
To prevent a complete breakdown of Quar- Ness Ingram, OQMG, to ANMB, 13 Apr 42,
termaster procurement, the ANMB gradually sub: Lifting of Materials.
( 1) Ltr, ANMB
to All Sup Arms and Svs et ai,
placed various items under higher priority. A 1 Nov 41, sub: Change in 20 Aug 41 ANMB
preference rating of A-l-b was assigned to the ties Directive. (2) Ltr, ANMB
to same, 1 Jun 42, sub:
Increased Priority Rating for 1942 Motorcycle Pro-
Corps on 1 November 1941 for use when neces-
gram. (3) Chief of Priorities Br, OQMG,
to Dir of
sary to obtain delivery of metal components MTS, 25 Jun 42, sub: Increased Priority Rating
and accessories of individual fabric and leather for Motor Vehicles.

equipment. Later this rating was made applica- (1) Ltr, Col Ingram,
51 OQMG,
to ANMB, 13 Apr
42, sub: Lifting of Materials. (2) ANMB
Memo, 16
ble when necessary on metal components and Feb 42, sub: Interpretation of Par. 944.7 (c) Priorities
accessories of all individual and organizational Reg 1, as amended.

ity assigned to each production program would categories and rerating existing contracts, Quar-
be spread over three or four grades, and no in- termaster contracting officers enabled many of
dividual program would receive top priority in their suppliers to obtain materials in sufficient
its entirety. All supply arms and bureaus would volume to sustain production. 35
receive a percentage of the A-l-a and other rat-
ings in accordance with the relative military im-
Allocation, Conservation,
portance of their programs. The would be
and Limitation Orders
delivery of items for all armed forces on "an
integrated basis." 32
The OQMG felt that the Although the priorities system had been im-
plan would "greatly alleviate the present critical proved, it still was inadequate as a control for

situation" and urged that it be placed in guiding the distribution of critical materials.
operation. 33 Experience in the administration of the defense
Early in the summer of 1942, the WPB effort had early indicated the need for other
accepted this new preference rating scheme types of controls to supplement the priorities
which embodied the basic idea of establishing system. Of these the most important were
quotas in all priority bands. Four new pref- allocations which would gear the entire defense
up— AA-1,
erence rating categories were set program to the available supply of critical ma-
AA-2, AA-3, and AA-4 — with an emergency Only by allocating these materials to the

category of AAA to break bottlenecks in the end use could a balanced production program
production of specific items. These new grades be realized and competition between the serv-
were superimposed upon all existing preference ices to complete their requirements be elim-
ratings and were authorized for issuance on ap- inated.
proved listings of items covering virtually the Early in the defense effort the OPM and later
entire military production goals of the calendar the WPB fully realized that only an allocation
year 1942. Procurement agencies could execute system would provide a regular and known flow
rerating certificates on undelivered balances of of materials to war contractors, eliminate inter-
existing contracts, and the initial assignment of agency competition, and permit efficient pro-
these ratings to new contracts could be made duction scheduling. During the OPM period
after 15 July 1942 for the remainder of the various allocation orders were devised to sup-
calendar year within the quotas fixed for each plement the existing priorities system and
item under each rating. Items not covered by insure adequate supplies for military produc-
these ratings, and quantities of applicable items tion. These distribution control orders were
in excess of the prescribed quotas continued to
be rated in accordance with existing regula-
Memo, ANMB
for Sup Arms and Svs of Army,
Bureaus and Offices of Navy Dept et al., 24 Jan 42,
tions. 34 sub: Transmittal for Study and Comment of Proposed
This rating pattern with some modification Revision of ANMB Priorities Directive.
continued in operation until the end of the
(1) Ltr, TQMG to ANMB, 7 Feb 42, sub: Com-
ments on Proposed Revision. (2) Ltr, TQMG to
war. Under this system, the importance of ANMB, 20 Mar 42, sub: Priorities Affecting QM
Quartermaster items in the supply of the Army Procurement.

was recognized. Various Quartermaster items

( 1) Memo, ANMB
to All Sup Svs et al., 29 Jun
42, sub: Priorities Directive of 12 Jun 42. (2) WPB
were covered by the new ratings, and estab- Priorities Reg 26 Jun 42.
55 For a fuller account of the
lished quotas limited the quantities to which priorities system see
H. B. Yoshpe, Priorities and Allocations: A Study of
each of the new ratings was to be assigned. By the Flow of Materials to War Suppliers ( IC AF Research
placing new contracts in these high priority Project 28, September 1946), pp. 3-36.

called M orders when they dealt with materials duction and consequently freeing materials and
and E orders when they dealt with equipment. facilities for more important ends. They could
They were a mandatory grouping of orders not serve, however, as "sensitive instruments
which controlled and curtailed the flow of ma- for achieving a balanced flow of materials to the
terialsand equipment into industry. The earli- multiplicity of military, export, and essential
est of these mandatory orders were applied in civilian production programs." Furthermore,
February 1941 to aluminum and to machine under such individual allocation systems, each
tools. Copper, nickel, tungsten, neoprene, steel, operated autonomously under a particular WPB
and other critical materials came under the materials branch, and hence there was no cor-

mandatory priorities of OPM. Included in the relation of the activities and policies of the
M series were conservation orders which different commodity groups, with the result

restricted the uses to which a given material that co-ordination in the flow of materials was
might be put. Such restrictions stimulated the completely lacking.
conservation program in the QMC and led to
the use of substitute materials. 36
Production Requirements Plan
Finally, these distribution control orders also
included L orders, or limitation orders, which Along with such piecemeal allocations of
curtailed the production of various types of particular materials, however, there also de-
goods requiring critical materials and thereby veloped a new control that came to be known
brought pressure on the consumer durable as the "Production Requirements Plan," or
goods industry to convert to war production. PRP. It stemmed from a Defense Supplies
Application of L orders, for example, brought a Rating Plan which the OPM instituted in May
halt to the production of passenger cars and 1941 to meet the problem of manufacturers
light trucks. Fitting into this pattern of priori- whose business required small amounts of ma-
ties and allocations was a system of inventory terials which they generally supplied from

control designed to curb overbuying of mate- inventory stock. Under this plan, such producers
rials and hoarding of them in anticipation of estimated the proportion of their business that
future scarcities. It was applicable to all mate- could be classified as defense work on the basis
rials for which individual mandatory control of their sales records for the preceding quarters.
did not exist. Manufacturers, dealers, public This percentage they applied to their total ma-
warehouses, railroads, and public utilities were terial requirements for the next quarter as

required to report their inventories of scarce revealed by production schedules. For this pro-
materials.Those having large stocks were for- portion they were assigned a preference rating
bidden to deliver them and buyers were pro- which they applied to procure stock for quarterly
hibited from purchasing them without specific supplies. Thus they were aided in securing a

authorization of the Director of Priorities. 37 steady flow of materials into their plants. 39 This
As in the case of preference ratings, curtail- method of allocating materials on a quarterly

ment orders provided no real control over the basis in advance of the actual placing of orders
flow of materials. They constituted a negative
56 See above, Ch. II.
approach to the problem. They either stopped 37
CPA, Industrial Mobilization for War (GPO,
or reduced the manufacture of less essential end 1947), I, 177-181.
38 455.
products, or they curtailed the use of critical Ibid., p.
39 (1) Yoshpe, Production Control in QMC, pp.
materials in the manufacture of such products.
37-38. (2) Yoshpe, Priorities and Allocations, pp.
They were useful tools in cutting off such pro- 38-41.

was was developed in the PRP

a feature that entirely on the ability of WPB to obtain the
and announced on December 1941.
3 necessary information for measuring and balanc-
The purpose of the plan was to balance the ing requirements against supply and to direct
supply and demand of critical materials each definite amounts of materials for specific
quarter, directing the available supply into the purposes within a limited time. PRP seemed to
production of necessary end products in accord- hold out the prospect of effective controls never
ance with their relative essentiality. To achieve achieved under the old priority system.
such balance the total demand for a given Until June 1942 PRP was entirely voluntary.
period had to be known in advance. Hence the However, almost immediately after WPB's
PRP necessitated a close check of essential raw establishment that agency began to take steps
material requirements through quarterly esti- to make the plan mandatory for American in-
mates submitted by manufacturers. It also re- dustry. After Pearl Harbor, the necessity for
quired a knowledge of their inventories, the maintaining rigid control over critical materials

scarcity of the particular materials, and the pos- and co-ordinating their flow emphasized the
sibility of reducing the demand by substitution need for a master control system. The search for
and conservation. Product group committees such a system engendered a lively debate over
which included SOS representation reviewed the relative merits of "horizontal allocation"
these estimates and determined the need for an (PRP) and "vertical allocation" (the Controlled
extent of any "cuts" to be made. The ANMB Materials Plan, or CMP). 41
then informed the WPB as to which broad pro- Neither the military services nor all of the
grams might be cut and by what percentages of policy-making and top operational personnel of
their requirements. WPB supported PRP. While Head-
The WPB adjusted requirements in line with quarters, SOS, co-operated with the WPB, it
available supply, and distributed materials was more favorably disposed toward a different
among end-product groups according to the scheme for controlling the flow of materials.
relative essentiality of the product to the prose- Known as the Commodity Warrant Plan, it had
Code symbols designated the
cution of the war. been developed by the Ordnance Department
end use of such items and were shown on all in the fall of 1941 and called for a vertical
purchase orders so that the ultimate supplier of allocation of claims to materials. Under this
the raw materials would be automatically ap- plan, the war agencies would compute accurate
prised as to their end use. Allocated materials raw materials requirements for a given period.
were distributed among manufacturers within WPB would determine the quantities allocable
the end-product group with adjustments made to the ANMB, which would divide the amount
to reduce any excessive inventories of these ma- 40 "Now in Search of a Policy: Allocations,"
terials. To meet contingencies not covered by Fortune,June 1942, p. 101.
allocation, a reserve was maintained. Preference See CPA, Industrial Mobilization for War, pp.
457-501. A horizontal system was one in which
ratings applied only to the end item, com- authorization for critical materials was passed directly
ponent parts, and subassemblies, and not to raw from a government agency (WPB) to the contractor
materials. The ratings designated the order of or subcontractor. In a vertical system, material control
was established at the end-product level of manufactur-
shipment of materials within an end-use symbol
ing and extended from purchaser to seller. In other
bracket during the three- month period. words, allocation would be made to each branch of the
PRP was described as a "great national military services which would in turn distribute
authorizations for material procurement to its prime
budget of materials, uniform accounting system,
contractors, and they would pass it on to their
to balance supply against demand." 4o It rested subcontractors.

between the Army and the Navy. SOS, in turn, WPB had decided to abandon PRP as soon as
would Army amount among the vari-
allot the another system could be established. The CMP
ous services, each of which would then have a was publicly announced on 2 November. It was
"bank account" of a critical item against which a vertical system of allocation, not much dif-
it could issue "checks" or warrants. Each service ferent from the Commodity Warrant Plan. 46
would use its allocated quantity in the manner Because they were the most critical and were
it deemed best for executing its procurement required fora wide variety of items, steel, cop-
program. 42 per, and aluminum were the first to come under
In considering the two rival control systems the CMP. Although the QMC
was a compara-
which had been devised to supplement the tively small user of critical metals and hence did
priorities method of distribution of critical ma- not figure prominently in the operation of the
terials, the OQMG
opposed the Commodity plan, nevertheless the CMP placed the supply
Warrant Plan. Because of the complexity and program of the Corps on a more even basis with
diversity of the items procured by the Corps, those of the Navy, the Air Forces, and the other
this plan was not adaptable to its needs. On the technical services.
other hand, the OQMG Allocations Planning The fundamental purpose of the plan was to
Committee enthusiastically endorsed the PRP. 43 assure a balance between supply and demand of
While the supply services were at odds over controlled materials by an allocation of them on
the control system to be adopted, WPB went the basis of the total requirements for con-
ahead with its plans to make PRP mandatory trolled materials presented by each claimant
for all industries using more than $5,000 worth agency. These requirements were based on bills
of scarce materials in any quarter. This action of material and planned production schedules.
was to become effective on 1 July 1942 but was Each claimant agency had to adjust its program
subsequently postponed to 1 October. 44 By that to the amount of controlled materials allotted
date more careful plans had been made for its to it. All other materials continued to be dis-
application to practically all of the metal-con- tributed through the priorities system. The
suming industries, and PRP had been much im- CMP was deemed flexible enough to permit
proved. PRP did not function smoothly, but materials other than steel, aluminum, and cop-
despite the doubts about it, this system pro- per to be included in its coverage, but such
vided the basic control of the flow of materials action was never taken.
during the third and fouth quarters of 1942 and As the CMP went into effect in the spring of
the first quarter of 1943. In the second quarter 1943, its application presented many difficulties
of 1943 both PRP and CMP were in operation in the OQMG. The plan provided for a separa-
as the transition to CMP was effected. PRP tion of Class A and B products. Class A items,
went out of existence on 30 June 1943. 45
Memo, Brig Gen C. Hines, Dir of Resources Div,
SOS, for TQMG, 18 May
42, sub: Commodity War-
Controlled Materials Plan rant Plan and Inclosures, 400.314.
45 Allocations Ping Committee to TQMG, 13 May
PRP had scarcely been launched when the 42, sub: Allocations, 400.314.
(1) WPB, Priorities Reg 11, lOJun
42. (2) ASF
WPB announced a new allocation system— Annual Rpt FY 1943, p. 66.
CMP. Since PRP had never been supported 45
For the merits and shortcomings of PRP see (J)
wholeheartedly, consideration for some time Yoshpe, Priorities and Allocations, p. 52. (2) CPA,
Industrial Mobilization for War, pp. 457-74.
had been given to developing an alternative 46
Rpt, WPB, 14 Nov 42, sub: CMP: Gen Instruc-
materials-control system. By September 1942 tions on Bills of Materials.

end-product items such as guns and tanks built ton broad-woven goods to claimant agencies
to specifications for the Army, were reported in were of particular interest to the QMC. During
the form of material requirements, and material the defense period and the first year of the war,
allotments for them were received directly from the supply of most cotton goods was ample to
the War Department. Class B products included cover total civilian and military demand. A seri-

civilian-type end products, industrial machinery ous unbalance did develop for a small number
and equipment, products requiring small of specialized fabrics such as, for example, cot-
amounts of materials, and components usually ton duck. Controls were applied to freeze
stocked for commercial purposes. Their require- cotton duck stocks and to convert selected
ments were reported in unit or dollar values, facilities to the production and distribution of
and producers of B items got their allotments cotton textiles. 49 Such controls as existed, how-
of material from the WPB. The pro-OQMG ever, permitted unrestricted military procure-
tested vigorously against the B list as it applied ment of cotton fabrics. The chief weakness of
to items of Quartermaster procurement. It ob- this system was the absence of quantitative con-
jected to the inclusion on the B list of any item trolwhich would limit military procurement.
that could be handled satisfactorily on the A list By the summer of 1943 serious shortages had
on the ground that the Corps was charged with begun to develop. Production had started to
the power to contract, schedule, and obtain de- decline, primarily because of the drift of mill
livery of these items and could not fulfill its labor to better paying munitions industries. At
obligation without "the power to allot and the same time military requirements rose
schedule the necessary material." In February sharply as a result of replacement needs and the
1943, Headquarters, SOS, and the WPB resolved necessity of meeting relief and rehabilitation
this problem by placing in Class A many of requirements for peoples in liberated areas.

these items essential to the war effort. 47 Under the impetus of expanded consumer in-
The administration of the CMP in the Corps comes, civilian demands were also increasing.
cut across the functional responsibilities of vari- All of these factors "converged simultaneously
ous divisions in the OQMG, involving as it did on the shrinking cotton textile supply." 50
the computation of requirements, production A control program was established for cotton
scheduling, and the handing down of allot- fabrics in the third quarter of 1944. The plan
ments to procuring depots. The division of re- was to establish budgetary controls over pro-
sponsibility between the Materials Controller curement by the military and export agencies.
in the Military Planning Division and the Pro- These agencies were to maintain accountability
curement and Storage and Distribution Divi- both for fabrics procured and for the estimated
sions accounted for many of the difficulties en-
countered in putting the plan into operation in 47
(1) Memo, Col Doriot, OQMG, for Chief of
the Corps. Later controls were more closely Material Program Br, Production Div, SOS, 18 Dec
integrated under the Director of the Military 42, sub: CMP Class B List, 400.314. (2) Memo, Hq
SOS for TQMG, 29 Feb 43, sub: Questions on CMP
Planning Division, facilitating the execution of Opns.
the plan. 48 48
(1) OQMG OO 25-25, 31 Dec 42, sub: CMP.
(2) OQMG OO 25-50, 13 Dec 43, sub: Issuance of
Instructions to Contractors. (3) OQMG OO
13 Dec 43, sub: Contacts with Higher Authority.
Cotton Textile Controls 49 David Novick, Melvin Anshen, and W. C.
Truppner, Wartime Production Controls (New York,

Among the special controls devised in 1944,

1949), pp. 247-48.
those which controlled the distribution of cot- 50
CPA, Industrial Mobilization for War, p. 828.

fabric content of the end items procured. frequent. The increasing activities of black mar-

Specific yardages of cotton fabrics in thirty-two ket operators and the unwillingness of produc-
categories established by the Combined Produc- ers to sell their products to the Army even at

tion and Resources Board were allotted by pro- the prevailing maximum prices established by

gram determination to each procuring claim- the OPA caused the Corps considerable diffi-

; ant. The claimants would be prohibited from culty in procuring various necessary subsistence

placing purchase orders beyond the quantity items. Normal procurement procedures proved
limitations authorized by the program deter- ineffective in the face of the shortages. The

mination. To win the support of the military Corps therefore used compulsory orders and the
services to operate within predetermined fabric requisition of personal property. It also em-
budgets, was proposed to remove two restric-
it ployed the set-aside order imposed and admin-
tions which at that time were interfering with istered by the War Food Administration

the fulfillment of military programs. Under (WFA) for the benefit of War Department sub-

Priorities Regulation 1, mills had been able to sistence procurement.

avoid taking certain rated orders. It was now Under the Selective Training and Service Act
proposed to strengthen the system by establish- of 16 September 1940, the President, through
ing in each fabric category a minimum for the the heads of the War and Navy Departments,
acceptance of rated orders that would be high was empowered to place a compulsory order
enough to absorb the total preference rated de- with any producer for any item of the type he
mand. The second restriction to be eliminated usually produced or was readily capable of man-
was a maximum percentage limitation placed ufacturing, for a fair compensation. Such orders
on the rated orders that could be accepted by took precedence over all other orders and
mills. contracts.
The existing limitation and conservation This policy was not implemented until after

orders and budgetary control over procurement Pearl Harbor. Authority to place or to delegate
proved usable devices but did not solve the the placement of orders had been intrusted to
distribution problem inasmuch as full con- the WPB. The Under Secretary of War re-

version of looms from nonessential to essential quested the delegation of this authority to the
production was not achieved. The system War Department, but in the early days of the
worked reasonably well for the military services, war the WPB was somewhat reluctant to do
and the end of the war was in sight before the this. To this unwillingness the War Department
effect of the full impact of shortages on the attributed its omission of any general instruc-
civilian economy became evident. 51 tions on the use of mandatory powers in 1942.
It was not until 1944 that the WPB decided
to delegate completely its authority to approve
Set- Aside Orders and Other
mandatory orders. Similar action was taken by
Mandatory Measures
the WFA, which agency jurisdiction over

The War Department preferred to depend food had been transferred from the WPB in
upon the voluntary co-operation of industry,
but this was not always forthcoming. Manda- 51
Ibid., 828-30. (2) Novick et al., Wartime Produc-
tory measures were applied by the Corps pri- tion Controls, pp. 242-67.

, marily in the procurement of subsistence, par-

Memo, OASW for TQMG et al., 17 Oct 40, sub:
Compulsory Orders.
ticularly in 1943 and 1944 when shortages of 53 Rpt, History of the Purchases Div, ASF, n. d., p.
certain commodities became more and more 376. Mimeographed copy on file at Hist Sec, OQMG.

December 1942. 54 This authority was then re- subsequent information, the Purchases Divi-
delegated to the technical services but limited sion, ASF, concluded that 11 of these manda-
to persons in the headquarters office of each tory orders— 4 for boneless beef, 1 for milled

chief. The Under Secretary of War retained the rice,and 6 for field jackets— could have been
authority to determine what constituted a "rea- avoided by "proper consideration of the facts,
sonable price" in compulsory orders. 55 or proper negotiations, or both."
Early in the war the QMC contemplated that Requisitioning of property 6o
was sanctioned
this measure would be used "only in extreme by the enactment of legislation in October 1940
cases" because of the adequacy of facilities for and 1941. Under the Act of 10 October 1940,
Quartermaster items. The Clothing and Textile property which was produced and intended for
Branch reported late in 1942 that it had not export but which was barred from shipment by
made use of this device but was prepared to do the Export Control Act of 1940 could be requi-
so "in the event of necessity." The Subsist- sitioned for the prosecution of the war. Under
ence Branch, however, in the spring of 1942 the Property Requisitioning Act of 16 October
anticipated difficulties in obtaining food, partic- 1941, as amended, requisitioning of personal
ularly meat and meat products, as a result of property was permitted whenever it was needed
the promulgation of the General Maximum for national defense; when the need was imme-
Price Regulation by the OPA. The Quarter- diate, permitting of no delay or resort to other
master General therefore requested authority to sources of supply; and when all other means of
place compulsory orders when the need arose, obtaining it upon reasonable terms had been
not only for these products but for any other exhausted.
Quartermaster supplies. 57 On 14 May the WPB During the greater part of the emergency
delegated to the War Department, with power period, the Corps apparently took little or no

to redelegate to The Quartermaster General, action to requisition property remaining in the

authority to issue mandatory orders for subsist- United States because exportation of it was pro-
ence items but limited the duration to three hibited. The Army and Navy Munitions Board
months. Subsequently the WFA took similar circulated lists of such blocked materials which,
action. This authority was extended periodically beginning in the summer of 1941, the OQMG
thereafter until complete delegation occurred called to the attention of its various operating
in 1944.
Although this authority was granted, The
Quartermaster General issued no orders under Exec Orders 9280, 5 Dec 42, and 9344, 19 Apr 43.

it in 1942.
In 1943 and 1944, however, the
PR 14 (6-7-44), pars. 1450.2, 1450.3.

( 1 ) Chief of Price Adjustment Sec to Deputy Dir


Corps issued 8 mandatory orders to food proc- of Procurement, OQMG, 27 Nov 42, sub: Memo on
essors, 7 for the production of boneless beef Statement of Purch Policies. (2) Lt Col R. T. Stevens
to same, 24 Nov 42, same sub.
and 1 for milled rice. The order for milled rice
57 Memo, TQMG for Dir of Procurement & Distr
was superseded by a voluntary contract at a new Div, SOS, 7 May 42, sub: Compulsory Orders.
ceiling price. Of the 7 orders for boneless beef, 58
Memo, Legal Br, Purchases Div, SOS, for OUSW,

were complied with; 4 were not. Six orders 27 Nov 42, sub: Procedure in Obtaining Authority for
Compulsory Orders from WPB.
were served by the Corps in 1944 on producers ,9
History of Purchases Div, ASF, p. 383.
of field jackets, 1 of which was replaced by a Personal property within the purview of this legis-
lation included any military or naval equipment or
voluntary contract. A mandatory order which
munitions, or parts thereof, or critical materials, ma-
was satisfactorily completed was also served on chinery, tools, or supplies needed for their manufac-
a manufacturer of rubber heels. On the basis of ture, servicing, or operations.

divisions. By 1942 some requisitioning of this II. Subsequently, when the control of food was
type had taken place. lodged in the Department of Agriculture, prior-
As procurement of certain subsistence items ity ratings continued to be issued and admin-
became acute in the summer of 1943, the istered by the WFA. Under War Food Order 71
OQMG became interested in requisitioning of March 1943, which superseded an earlier

under authority of the 1941 act as amended. WPB regulation, the director of the Office of
In particular, The Quartermaster General re- Supply in the Commodity Credit Corporation a
quested authority to issue requisitions for fresh was authorized to assign priority ratings to any
or frozen carcass beef and frozen boneless beef disposition of food and to the use of food in
whenever necessary to meet his requirements. any process of production. Under this regula-

Despite an earlier unfavorable decision by the tion ratings ranged from the lowest, FR-10,
Judge Advocate General, another attempt was which automatically applied to every War De-
made to delegate the requisitioning authority partment procurement contract for food, to the
to the technical services. In June 1943 the highest, FR-1. These ratings did not apply to
Under Secretary of War determined that the goods subject to rationing or set- aside orders.
OQMG, with concurrence of the WFA, could A priority-rated order of the WFA required a
compel sale of the needed supplies. 62
All cases, producer to sell to the War Department on the
however, had to relate "to food not delivered terms and in the quantities specified in accord-
under priority rated orders and food ordered set ance with the priority given in such order, or
aside for sale to the armed forces, and in viola- else he could not sell to his civilian customers.
tion of such set- aside order, refused [sic] to be The contractor was not required to produce for
sold." This authority was invoked by the Corps theWar Department, but this, in effect, was the
to secure fresh and frozen carcass beef and end achieved.
frozen boneless beef. It was also used to seize
poultry needed by the Army. 63
Second War Powers Act of
Title III of the 61
(1) Ltr, Asst to Chief of Requisitioning Div, Of-
64 fice of Exports, to Lt Col L. C. Webster, OQMG, 26
1942 contained mandatory features which
Aug 42, sub: Canned Salmon. (2) Ltr, Col Webster to
could have been invoked to obtain fair prices on BEW, 24 Sep 42, sub: Canned Pineapple and Salmon
the production of war material. "Apparently Stored at Lackawanna Warehouse Co, 431.

little question arose of the necessity for the

(1) Memo, USW for TQMG, 19 Jun 43, sub:
Requisitioning of Food by TQMG. (2) For the details
mandatory use of these powers," administered of how this delegation of authority was worked out
by the WPB and the WFA, "probably because see History of Purchases Div, ASF, pp. 365ff.
(1) Lt Col E. H. Foley, Jr., to OIC, Fid Hq,
these allocation powers were accepted by indus-
Perishable Sec, Subs Br, OQMG, 14 Aug 43, sub:
try generally" and formed the basis for the en- Reqs The New York Times, July 22,
for Beef, 430. (2)
tire war procurement program.
Although no 1943. (3) See also HR Docs 367 and 566, 78th Cong,
1st and 2d Sess, sub: Requisitioning and Disposition
formal statement was published of War Depart-
of Property Required for National Defense.
ment policy on the use of priorities and alloca- 64
(1) 56 U. S. Statutes 177. This act was approved
tion powers as mandatory methods of procure- 27 March 1942 and amended by act of 20 December
ment, the QMC made broad use of two special
1944. (2) 58 U. S. Statutes 827.
65 History of Purchases Div, ASF,
p. 357.
devices — priority ratings and set- aside orders— 66
The functions of the Commodity Credit Corpora-
in the procurement of subsistence. tion were later turned over to the Food Distribution
Administration, subsequently reorganized and renamed
The WPB took the initial steps to obtain
the War Food Administration.
food by regulatory measures with the issuance 67
OQMG Cir Ltr 69, 13 Apr 43, sub: Food
of priority ratings— the first used in World War Priorities.

The QMC was extremely cautious about in- items the set-aside was complete, that is, 100
voking any high priority ratings, the highest percent, but on many items a percentage of pro-
and only one used being FR-9. In connection duction of a selected base period was specified,
with it an "emergency order" could be used to and the duration of the order was for a tempo-
compel contractors when no volun-
to deliver rary period of shortage. Set-aside orders in-
tary contract could be drawn. Though consid- cluded not only canned vegetables and fruits,

ered less forceful than mandatory orders or but also dried fruits, rice, fish, peanuts, dried
requisitions, the emergency order had to be ac- milk products, butter, cheese, poultry, fresh
cepted within five days. It was served only after beef, pork,and other meats. Set-aside quotas
diligent efforts had been made to negotiate a were changed from time to time. subsist- QMC
voluntary contract at a fair price and only when ence officers were consulted frequently in refer-
it had been determined that the proposed pro- ence to the percentages to be placed on reserve
ducer had on hand a supply of food sufficient in and were instrumental in having the amounts
quantity to fill the order and could produce it raised to meet War Department needs.
without adding to his facilities. By the spring Infractions of set-aside orders were numerous,
of 1945 only about a dozen emergency orders resulting frequently from failure to understand
had been served upon various food suppliers, them fully. The initial set-aside orders on beef
generally with successful results. One such were not immediately successful in making
order was used by the Quartermaster market available greater quantities of beef to the armed
centers to obtain large purchases of shell and forces. Instead they seemed to have the effect of
frozen eggs in April 1945. 69 sending more beef into black-market channels.
Set-aside orders, applicable to purchases of Evasion of the set- aside orders on beef by a
both the Department of Agriculture and the small percentage of the packing industry con-
Army, specified in each case a percentage of tinued throughout 1944. 71 In the long run,
total production which was to be held for pur- however, the set-aside orders proved effective in

chase by government agencies. Immediately

after PearlHarbor when a "tight situation" de-
( 1 ) Ltr, Gen Hardigg, OQMG, to CG CQMD,
31 Sep 44, sub: Instructions on Use of Food Priorities.
veloped in the procurement of canned fruits and (2) 1st Actg Dir of Purchases Div, ASF, to
vegetables, the government resorted to Conser- TQMG, 4 Sep 44, on memo, Maj W. R. Compton,
vation Order M-86, the first mandatory set-
OQMG, for Dir of Materiel, ASF, 27 Jul 44, sub: Use
of Priority Rating FR-9 in Procurement of Subs Sup-
aside regulation of World War II. Issued by the plies. Both in 430.
WPB in March 1942, it was the joint accom-
( 1 ) Ltr, OIC Perishable Br, Fid Hq, to OQMG,

12 Jun 45, sub: Emergency Order for Shell Eggs. (2)

plishment of civilians and officers who had been
1st ind, Lt Col Logan Morrill, OQMG, to CG ASF,
buying canned vegetables and fruits for the 10 Jul 45, on same. Both in 430.
Army under the central procurement plan, and 70
For a detailed discussion of the use of set-aside
of members of the WPB. 70 M-86
and its com- orders see ( 1 ) Marion Massen, Canned Vegetables: A
Case History in Central Procurement at the Chicago
panion order M-86a provided for set-aside Quartermaster Depot During World War II (CQMD
orders on twenty-three fruits and vegetables. In Hist Rpt 3, October 1943), pp. 17-27. (2) Massen,
general the canners accepted these orders favor- Canned Meats Procurement for the Armed Forces During
World War II (CQMD
Hist Rpt 7, March 1946), pp.
ably because they defined and imposed equal
obligations on all. 71
For a detailed discussion of the orders as they ap-
Subsequently the WFA issued other set-aside plied to beef and other perishables see H. R. Rifkind,
Fresh Foods for the Armed Forces: the Quartermaster Mar-
orders. These were imposed not only on proc-
ket Center System, 1941-48 (QMC
Historical Studies
essed products but also on raw foods. On some 20, 1951), pp. 70-73.

reserving needed quotas of food for the Army maximum and economic utilization of the pro-
and other government agencies. duction available for Quartermaster

supply requirements.
Production Planning and Scheduling Production continuity was as essential as
long-range planning in securing the desired de-
Closely tied to the allocation of scarce mate- livery of items. For most Quartermaster items
rialswas the problem of planning and schedul- productive capacity, however, far exceeded re-

ing production to meet requirements. Produc- quirements. Unless the requirements were
tion scheduling
in the QMC
during the equivalent to the full productive capacity of the
emergency was inadequate; in fact, as late as the plants, the assignment of continuous produc-

fall of 1941 little thought had been given to the tion schedules was impractical. The Quarter-
problem. Because procurement plans covered master situation was unlike that which prevailed
too short a period — usually one to three in the purchase of Ordnance items, where pro-
months— and were too incomplete, satisfactory curement was scheduled up to the maximum
scheduling of production was impossible. Such capacity of output. Manufacturers of Quarter-
procurement plans were prepared by the operat- master items operated in an atmosphere of un-
ing branches of the Supply Division for the pur- certainty with respect to future awards. Repeat-
pose of initiating the procurement of items. edly the lack of continuity of contracts forced
Each plan outlined the quantities of an item them to disband their labor forces, tear down
needed for one to three months, the rate of pro- their production lines, disrupt the steady flow
duction, allocation of funds, and other informa- of materials, and transfer equipment to other
tion, on the basis of which the necessary pro- jobs. To maintain full productive capacity, con-
curement directives were prepared and sent to tractors took on commercial orders or concur-
the depot. Short-range procurement did not rent contracts from various depots or other sup-
permit contractors to make adequate plans for ply services. 74
scheduling their production. Quartermaster expediters recognized the ne-
Production was impeded also by the fact that cessity of using repeat orders in sufficient vol-
procurement directives were issued on a piece- ume to insure production continuity at an
meal and repetitive basis, involving numerous economic level. In this they had the support of.

purchases of the same item. About twenty-five the Office of the Under Secretary of War and
days elapsed between the issue of a procurement the WPB. To insure continuity of production
directive and the award of a contract, and, de- at desired rates, Headquarters, SOS, authorized
pending on the item, the contractor needed The Quartermaster General to place "advance
from thirty to ninety days to reach the rate of
production necessary to meet scheduled deliv- 72
Production scheduling was a procedure for con-
trolling the flow of components and end items in order
eries. Each separate procurement meant the loss
that deliveries of balanced quantities of specific re-
of two or three months before desired produc- quirements could be made within specified times.
tion and delivery rates could be attained. Quar- 73
(1) Memo for file, F. X. Reynolds, Chief of Pro-

termaster expediters recognized that long-range

duction Expediting Sec, OQMG,
15 Sep 41, sub:
Long- Range Procurement. (2) Reynolds to Col Hes-
procurement was basic to successful produc- ter, Chief of Procurement Control Br, OQMG,
8 Jul
tion. 73 Procurements made on the basis of the 41, sub: Insp Rpt, Procurement Ping District, Jeffer-
sonville, Ind. (3) Insp Rpt, Col Cound to TQMG, 11
entire requirements for at least a fiscal year
Jul 41, sub: Activities at JQMD.
would eliminate the time lag in the procure- 74
Memo for file, Carl Rasmussen, OQMG, n. d.

ment program and simultaneously insure the [circa Dec 41], sub: Procurement and Production.

orders for standard material" within the limits quirements in the OQMG, the Planning and
of the Army Supply Program whenever he Control Division furnished requirements pro-
deemed such action desirable and when neces- grams to higher echelons of authority. As the

sary funds were available.

^ In general the operating agency responsible for initiating
OQMG developed the policy of arranging de- procurement, the Supply Division based its
livery schedules with a manufacturer in such a procurement program on the requirements esti-

way that once he attained maximum desired mated by its operating branches. No relation-

would be made in approxi-

output, deliveries between official require-
ship, therefore, existed

mately equal monthly amounts until the con- ments and the procurement of items in the
tractwas completed, and additional orders Corps at this time. By the fall of 1941, as short-
would be placed to keep up production at about ages of materials, facilities, and labor increased
the same rate until the supply program was the difficulties of procurement, the need of con-
accomplished. 76
verting procurement into a planned program of
This earmarking of orders for specific sup- production executed in accordance with sched-
pliers and keeping them in continuous produc- uled requirements became obvious. 79
tion, however, was in direct opposition to the Dual responsibility for requirements was
War Department's policy of wide dispersion of finallyeliminated in March 1942, and a bal-
defense orders. It provoked a storm of criticism anced program of requirements was developed
from manufacturers who had no contracts and in the Army Supply Program, which became
feared they would be left out of the program for the source of procurement authority for all the
the duration of the war. The Murray Commit- supply services and the guide for the WPB in
tee of the Senate, studying the problems of the allocating materials. It permitted long-range
small businessman, raised considerable objec- planning and a closer relationship between of-

tions, and under pressure Headquarters, SOS, ficial and actual procurement. 80

ordered the discontinuance of the practice of It was no guide, however, for scheduling de-

earmarking unless "absolutely necessary."

In mand within a year. A breakdown of require-
the QMC, earmarking of orders was consider-
ably reduced, and restricted to cases where there
was "urgency of delivery," where the supplier 75
(1) OUSW
memo, 29 Dec 41, sub: Broadening
was the "only available source," or where there the Base of Defense Production. (2) Memo, Hq SOS
for Chiefs of Sup Svs, 12 May 42, sub: Continuance
was need for "developmental work." 78 Produc- of Going Contracts, quoting a WPB
ltr of 28 Apr 42.

tion continuity, however, remained a cardinal (3) Memo, Dir of Procurement & Distr Div, SOS, for
principle of Quartermaster procurement, but it TQMG, 1 May 42, sub: Placement of Advance Orders.

was accomplished without sacrificing the Corps'

OQMG Cir Ltr 175, 27 Apr 42, sub: Negotiated
responsibilities under the small war plants 77
( 1 ) Memo, Hq SOS for Chiefs of Sup Svs, 14
program. Oct 42, sub: Procurement Directives. (2) Ltr, Sen
James E. Murray to TQMG, 14 Nov 42, no sub.
To accomplish procurement objectives, pro- 78
( 1 ) Ltr, TQMG to Senator Murray, 24 Nov 42,
duction planning had to be correlated with re- no sub. (2) For a fuller discussion of small war plants
quirements. Requirements during the emer- program see Yoshpe, The Small Business Man and
Quartermaster Contracts, 1940-42. (3) Yoshpe and
gency period, however, were forecast by two Massen, Procurement Policies and Procedures, pp.
groups within the OQMG—
by the Require- 128-141.
F. X. Reynolds, Chief of Production Expediting
ments Branch of the Planning and Control
Sec, to Col Hester, Chief of Production Control Br,
Division and by the operating branches of the OQMG, 24 Oct 41, sub: Production Program.
Supply Division. As the staff agency for re- 80
See above, Ch. VI.

ments on a monthly basis was needed. But first At the beginning of the war the emphasis in
attempts to establish monthly procurement the QMC, as in all supply services, was on get-
schedules consisted solely of dividing the year's ting enough of the needed goods in time. By
requirements by twelve, a useless method under the summer of 1943 the Corps had caught up
an allocation system. Nor did it take into con- with war needs and in response to the changing
sideration other factors, such as allowance for logistical situation, the objective, as procure-
lead time in production or the possibility of ment leveled off, became that of securing the
seasonal variations in production capacity. right supplies at the right place at the right
These problems were solved by the Military time. The scheduling of deliveries to correspond
Planning Division during 1942. On the basis more closely with actual requirements became
of these developments a Master Production increasingly important. Hence a Master Produc-
Schedule was gradually evolved and applied, al- tion Schedule was established as an upper level
though it did not take its final form until the on purchasing, and efforts were made by the de-
summer of 1943. It translated official require- pots to reduce buying not controlled by such
ments for each item purchased by the Corps schedules. Greater attention began to be paid
into a monthly schedule, setting forth the rate to stock levels and to surplus and excess stocks.
at which required production was to take place Close scheduling tended to prevent the build-
in order to accomplish the mission of the ing up of surpluses and to diminish termination
Corps. 81 The allocation of scarce materials ac- claims. The more effectively this could be ac-
celerated this development, for, in order to ob- complished the less would be the problem of
tain such allocations, schedules of production liquidating stocks on hand after the war ended.
had to be submitted to Headquarters, SOS, and
to the WPB. With the introduction of the Con- Other Aids for Expediting Production
trolled Materials Plan, involving quarterly al-

lotments for specific programs, it was imperative Location of Idle Production Equipment
that delivery schedules be geared to the alloca-
tion of materials. To expedite production the QMC partici-
Procurement plans and directives had to con- pated in a program supervised by the ANMB

form to the Master Production Schedule. Such and later by the WPB to uncover and distribute
adherence was not immediately obtained in the idle and critical machine tools. The OQMG
Corps, but as the need for agreement between compiled lists of its suppliers who needed ma-
materials allocation and production rates was chine tools to complete their contracts. These
pointed up conformity was attained. Since ma- were sent to the WPB in order that the names
terial was only made available to the extent of such contractors would be placed on the
called for in the Master Production Schedule, "urgent list" to receive machine tools. When-
any changes in the Army Supply Program ne- ever bottlenecks developed in machine tools,
and rescheduling of all items
cessitated a review Quartermaster procurement officers and inspec-
of procurement in .the Master Production tors consulted with regional Critical Tool Serv-
Schedule. Subsequently, in 1944, when short- ice offices established by the WPB before they
term review of requirements was introduced in
the Supply Control System to replace the Army
OQMG OO 25-47, 10 Aug 43, sub: Responsibil-
ity and Procedure for Preparing MPS.
Supply Program, supply and demand studies 82 OQMG OO 25-47A, 17 May 44, sub: Respon-
became the basis of the Master Production sibility and Procedure for Preparing and Maintain-
Schedule. 82 ing MPS.

endorsed preference rating certificates for new jungle equipment, necessitated the development
tools. of adequate sources of supply.
When changes were made in program sched- The expansion of facilities was accomplished
ules or when production techniques were im- in anumber of ways— through the use of special
proved, machine tools were frequently rendered "Expediting Production" funds available to The
idle as a result. To obtain the maximum use of Quartermaster General, by lease agreements
these tools, WPB could direct their transfer with the Defense Plant Corporation, and
when not in use and, if necessary, could requisi- through private financing with the aid of tax
tion them. To speed the reporting of all surplus amortization benefits. The latter method ac-
or idle tools, all the technical services main- counted for most of the facilities expansion
tained liaison with a Machine Tool Section which was undertaken by Quartermaster con-
established in the Resources and Production meet the Corps' requirements. It was
tractors to
Division, SOS. 84 not, however, of significant porportions, since
In addition to applying to higher authority only a small percentage of such contractors ap-
for assistance in obtaining needed machine plied for tax amortization benefits. 86 These
tools, the OQMG made use of its own expedit- benefits resulted from legislation enacted by
ers to uncover machine tools and materials that Congress in 1940 which permitted corporations
might be useful to Quartermaster contractors. to amortize over a five-year period, for income
In this way, for example, Singer sewing ma- and excess profits tax purposes, the cost of
chines stored by the Work Projects Adminis- emergency facilities when these were certified as
tration in Denver were made available to expe- necessary to national defense. 87 The deprecia-
dite the manufacture of critical tentage. The tion allowance was not deductable from the
liquidation of the WPA and the National Youth corporation's taxes but was only an allowable
Administration released over 20,000 heavy in- deduction in computing its taxable income.
dustrial sewing machines, and Quartermaster From the beginning of the emergency, special
expediters were instrumental in getting the ap- Expediting Production funds and Defense Plant
propriate agencies to work out procedures for Corporation lease agreements were used to ex-
selling them to government contractors. pand facilities producing items needed in the
motor transport program. In January 1942, for

Expansion of Plant Facilities

(1) Ltr, ANMB Sup Svs et al., 22 May
to All
Expansion of plant facilities was necessary to 42, sub: Idle Tools and Idle Machine Hrs. (2) Prior-
expedite production for national defense. In the ities Br to Chief of Purchases Div, OQMG, 3 Jun 42,
same sub. (3) D. A. Henderson to Chiefs of all Brs,
QMC no major construction, expansion, or Purchases Div, OQMG, 20 May 42, sub: Machine
conversion projects were undertaken, however, Tools.
since so many of the items the Corps procured
AGO Memo S5-34-43, 10 Feb 43, sub: Direc-
tion for Machine Tool Transfers.
had their commercial counterparts. As Quar- 85
Ltr, Capt C. W. Weikert, OQMG, to Stewart
termaster requirements assumed unanticipated Miller, JQMD, 24 Jul 42, sub: WPA Sewing Machines.
proportions, production capacity did have to be
Memo, TQMG for USW, 17 Jul 41, sub:
Proposed Procurement Cir— Non-Reimbursement
expanded. This was particularly true for the
Applications. As of that date The Quartermaster
production of items needed in the motor trans- General indicated that no more than one percent of
port program prior to its transfer to the Ord- all Quartermaster Corps contracts are being performed

by contractors who have applied for amortization

nance Department. Furthermore, the introduc-
tion of new items, such as helmet liners and 87
54 U. S. Statutes 998ff, 8 Oct 40.

example, the War Department apportioned guarantee of loans to contractors— were taken
$12,750,000 to The Quartermaster General in in an effort to solve the financial problems of
special Expediting Production funds for this the contractors upon whom the Corps relied for
purpose. 88 Such funds were also used to expand its supplies.
facilities for the manufacture of steel helmets, Legislation enacted in 1940 enabled the Corps
the dehydration of subsistence items, and to to come to the assistance of its contractors.
finance many other projects when the contractor Under the Assignment of Claims Act it was
was unable or unwilling to do so. 89 Upon QMC possible to assign to any bank, trust company,
recommendation, the Defense Plant Corpora- or other financial institution all claims under
tion, a subsidiary of the Reconstruction Finance contracts entered into after 9 October 1940
Corporation, entered into an agreement with a whenever the amount involved exceeded $1,000
contractor who expanded his plant and then and such action was not expressly prohibited by
leased the facilities from the Defense Plant Cor- the terms of the contract. 91 Such assignments
poration at an agreed rental. Where the rental became collateral for bank loans with the gov-
did not fully reimburse the corporation, part of ernment agreeing to make all payments under
the financing was generally borne by the War the contract directly to the assignee. Quarter-
Department. Such lease agreements were used master contracting officers were instructed in

not only in the motor transport program but the expeditious handling of contracts involving
also to expand which were badly needed
facilities the assignment of claims. This action relieved
for the production of and indus-
fork-lift trucks the government in many cases of the necessity
trial tractors, the manufacture of helmet liners, of making advances or extending and guaran-
and the dehydration of subsistence items. 90 In teeing loans to contractors. By increasing the
contrast to other technical services, the. expan- working capital available for performance on
sion of plant facilities was not a major problem Quartermaster contracts, the assignment of
for the QMC, although steps had to be taken claims expedited the procurement program.
to assure the fulfillment of procurement goals. Under Congressional legislation direct gov-
ernment financing was also made available to
contractors in the summer of 1940. 92 When
Financial Aids to Quartermaster necessary for national defense purposes, the
88 Ltr, Col F. W. Browne, Office of Budget Officer,
To expedite production the QMC found it
WD, to TQMG, 7 Jan 42, sub: Apportionment,
necessary to assist contractors in financing their 004.4.
( 1 ) Memo, Brig Gen H. A. Barnes, OQMG, for
operations under government contracts. In the
Dir of Resources & Production Div, ASF, 14 May 43,
rush to obtain supplies, contracts were often let sub: Senate Investigation of Facilities Opns. (2)
without adequate investigation of a contractor's Production Svs Br to Management Control Br, Pro-

financial status. Since financially weak contrac-

curement Div, OQMG,
2 Jun 44, sub: Annual Rpt
of Production Svs Br.
tors could not always obtain bank financing, 90
(1) Ltr, Col Rowe, OQMG,
to USW, 26 Nov
government aid was necessary if they were to 41, sub: Bendix Aviation Corp— Lease Agreement for
Weiss Joints Facilities. (2) Ltr, Col Rowe to JAG, 2
deliver on their contracts. Even sound com-
Feb 42, sub: Towmotor Co. Defense Plant Corp Lease
panies became overextended and required Agreement. (3) Memo, Gen Barnes, OQMG, for Dir
assistance. As a consequence, various meas- of Resources & Production Div, ASF, 14 May 43, sub:
Senate Investigation of Facilities Opns.
ures—the assignment of claims under contracts 91
54 U. S. Statutes 1029-30, 9 Oct 40.
as collateral for loans from banks, advance pay- 92 54 U. S. Statutes 731, approved 2 Jul 40, amended
ments on contracts, and the extension and ibid., 875, approved 9 Sep 40.

War Department could make advance payments security was left to the discretion of the con-
to a contractor up to 30 percent of the contract tracting officers and varied according to the
price. In line with the cautious policy adopted financial strength and responsibility of the con-
by the War Department in the beginning, tractors. Decentralizing authority to the field

Quartermaster contracting officers were directed expedited the handling of advance payments.
to make no recommendations for advance pay- In the QMC such advance payments were made
ments unless a "definite and clear-cut" showing on numerous contracts involving the produc-
could be made that such advances would result tion of trucks, trailers, and other motor trans-
in "advantage to the government." In general port equipment; textiles; shoes; dehydrated
the aim was to restrict advances to firms which foods; parts for field ranges; and containers. 95
had "sufficient ability and reliability to com- The more liberal extension of advance pay-
plete their contracts." ments contributed to the successful accomplish-
After Pearl Harbor the policy on advance ment of the war production program.
payments was liberalized. Procedures, decisions, Under presidential authorization the War
and administration were decentralized to the Department was also able to make or partici-
supply services and their field procurement pate in direct loans or to guarantee loans by
officers. The Quartermaster General and other financing institutions to contractors engaged in
chiefs of supply services could now approve war work. 96 It was War Department policy to
advances on contracts under $5,000,000 without use guarantees of loans, up to 90 percent of the
reference to the Under Secretary of War. principal amount of the loan, in preference to
Within limits he could delegate this authority making direct loans or participating in loans.
to his contracting officers in the field. Further- The Federal Reserve banks acted as agents in
more, advances up to 50 percent of the contract carrying out these powers. A contractor applied
pricecould be made without regard to higher to his local bank, directly to a Federal Reserve
mthority, but only if required by special cir- bank, or to a liaison officer for a loan. On the
cumstances, or if contractors agreed to advance basis of information provided by contracting
:o subcontractors who required financing the the Federal Reserve bank determined

entire amount of advance in excess of 30 per- whether a loan or guarantee should be given,
:ent of the contract price. 94 and a "Statement of Necessity" was issued.
Under the new policy it was no longer neces- Arrangements for War Department loans or
sary for Quartermaster contractors to show that guarantees not in excess of $100,000 to one bor-
:hey could not obtain adequate financing else- rower (including any Navy or Maritime Com-
where. Quartermaster contracting officers had mission loans or guarantees) were then com-
:o report all cases of requests for advances that pleted by the Federal Reserve bank on such
were refused. Authority was delegated to them
:o approve the making of advance payments
(1) OQMG Cir Ltr 178, 30 Jul 41, sub: Advance

wherever The Quartermaster General was

Payments on Sup Contracts. (2) OQMG Cir Ltr 256,
22 Jun 42, sub: Advance Payments.
mthorized to do so and where the aggregate 94
(1) Ibid. (2) OQMG Cir Ltr 25, 15 Jan 42, sub:
imount of the advance under a contract did not
Advance Payments.
Memo, Col Cound, OQMG, for USW, 2 Oct
( 1 )
exceed $100,000 (later $250,000) or 30 percent
41, sub: Advance Payments Made to Contractors. (2)
)f the contract price, whichever was less. Such Memo, Col Cound for Hq SOS, 1 1 Apr 42, same sub.
idvance payments were made only upon the (3) Memo, Lt Col C. F. von dem Bussche, OQMG,
for Fiscal Div, SOS, 14 Jul 42, same sub.
urnishing of adequate security to protect the 96
7 Federal Register 2367, Exec Order 9112, 26
government against loss. The extent of such Mar 42.

terms as deemed advisable. 97 This provided

it essential ratings under manpower control pro-
an additional method of financing contracts for grams. Not only did they have no priority on
the war effort. manpower but workers could be drawn off
Various other steps were taken to aid the con- by essential industries without the need for
tractors in financing their defense orders. Efforts releases. Quartermaster labor officers worked
were made to overcome delays in the negotia- steadily to improve the "essentiality status" of
tion and execution of contracts. Banks were the Corps' suppliers and advised them on the
reluctant to loan on the strength of letters of necessary procedures to be followed in sub-
award.To speed contract execution, the War mitting their labor requests.
Department authorized contracting officers to The QMC aided contractors in obtaining
make use of one instrument combining the reasonable relaxation of state, local, and union-
invitation to bid, the bid, and the acceptance by imposed restrictions war production.
on all-out
the government. The contract was fully exe- Restrictions on the hours of employment of
cuted when the contracting officer endorsed his women particularly hampered Quartermaster
acceptance on behalf of the government, and production, since they prevented the operation
the contractor could borrow money promptly of vital plants on a multiple-shift basis. To meet
on it. Legislation and administrative action the heavy war procurement objectives and over-
which relaxed the requirements for performance come labor shortages, it was necessary to

and payment bonds executed in connection relinquish a number of gains which labor had
with contracts to secure the fulfillment of won in the past. At the same time the
all agreements was also of considerable assist- Corps was also concerned for the maintenance
ance to contractors. In addition, Quartermaster of adequate labor standards in order that high
contractors were protected from financial hard- production levels might be sustained during the
ships resulting from slowdowns, curtailments, war. Contractors were advised not only on the
and terminations of production. Interim financ- need for sound working conditions but on
ing enabled them to preserve their productive industrial engineering problems involved in
capacity and continue operations or convert to setting up production lines and on work sched-
other work. 98 ules that would make the best use of manpower.
To overcome labor shortages Quartermaster
labor officers urged the maximum use of all

potential laborers. As a result, women, minors,

Assistance on Labor Problems physically handicapped workers, and members
of racial and minority groups formerly discrim-
The fulfillment of the Quartermaster procure-
inated against in employment were brought
ment program was dependent not only on the
into war production in increasing numbers. The
degree to which its suppliers obtained materials
QMC increased the skilled workers available to
and facilities for production but also on their
suppliers by assisting in training programs.
success in obtaining and utilizing manpower.
Where the local labor supply proved inade-
To assist Quartermaster suppliers on labor-
supply and labor-relations problems the QMC
established a labor organization in the OQMG 97 OQMG Cir Ltr 242, 10 Jun 42, sub: Guarantees,

and in the field.

99 made known
It Quarter- Loans and Commitments Under Exec Order 9112.
98 Yoshpe, Production Control in QMC, pp. 58-59.
master needs to established manpower agencies.
99 For an elaboration of this brief summary of Quar-

As manufacturers of commercial items, Quar- termaster activities see Yoshpe, Labor Problems in
termaster suppliers found themselves without Quartermaster Procurement passim.

quate, the services of immigrant labor, foreign secure delivery of supplies in accordance with
workers, Japanese internees, convicts, and the requirements of the delivery schedules,
prisoners of war were obtained. Quartermaster which were determined by the Storage and Dis-
housekeeping and shelter equipment was made tribution Division according to the needs of the
available to contractors for use by seasonal service. In this conflict between quality and
workers in agriculture and food-processing quantity, inspection found itself squarely in the
plants. When inductions of skilled operators middle. Inspectors were bound by the legal
jeopardized critical production, Quartermaster aspects of the contract and consequently were
labor officers supported deferment requests. In obliged to insist upon deliveries conforming to
extreme emergencies they arranged for the specifications and other terms of the contract.
furlough of troop units for work in agriculture Where conflicts between quality and quantity
and food-processing industries. occurred, a compromise had to be evolved by
Since labor disputes curtailed production, co-operation among these three groups so that
Quartermaster labor officers sought to maintain delivery of supplies would not be delayed. It

harmonious labor-management relations. Efforts mattered little how accurately and scientifically
were made to iron out differences before work specifications were drawn if commodities were
stoppages occurred. Labor disputes of sufficient not kept up to the established standard by
severity brought direct action in the form of means of careful testing and inspection. At the
contract terminations, removal of items from same time, proper inspection, by insuring a
strike-bound plants, and government seizure smooth flow of adequate equipment from pro-
and operation of plants. Finally the Corps duction line to training camp and battlefield,

participated in a broad morale-stimulation pro- constituted a vital link in the chain of Quarter-
gram, involving rallies, speeches, exhibits, and master supply.
"E" awards, in an effort to impress upon both
capital and labor their contribution to the war Clothing, Equipment, and
effort and to elicit greater co-operation and General Supplies

more efficient production.

For fifteen years following World War I,

inspection was not an urgent problem in the

Inspection of Quartermaster Procurements QMC inasmuch as the Army could be supplied
Improvement of the organization and tech- for the most part from surplus stocks. Purchases
niques for inspection of Quartermaster procure- were largely confined to subsistence for a small,
ments strengthened production control consid- peacetime Army. The necessity of supplying the
erably. In order to achieve the desired ends of newly created Civilian Conservation Corps in
procurement, however, there had to be co-opera- 1933 created an inspection problem, and there-
tion between inspection personnel, purchasing after inspection procedures underwent many
and contracting officers, and personnel engaged modifications.
in drafting specifications. Specifications and any As in the case of procurement, responsibility
subsequent changes them were prepared by
in for prewar inspection of clothing and equipage
personnel of the Research and Development was centralized in the procuring depots— for
Branch who naturally were primarily interested example, shoe inspection at the Boston Depot.
in quality, that is, in giving the Army the best No co-ordinated system of inspection had been
equipment obtainable. On the other hand, the established. The OQMG exercised little or no
contracting officers were primarily interested in control of inspection until the beginning of the
quantity. They were under constant pressure to emergency. There existed no uniformity of

inspection policies or procedures, no over-all happened to coincide with a plan advocated by

training policies, and no standard of quality the Advisory Commission to the Council of
control. Each procuring depot had its own National Defense to decentralize responsibility
inspection system. It sent out roving inspectors for the execution and administration of con-
who performed advisory inspection at plants, tracts in order to alleviate economic distress by
but final inspection and acceptance occurred at a wide dispersion of defense orders. Both were
the procuring depot. Rejected items were bitterly opposed by the Philadelphia Depot.
shipped back to the contractor while accepted The decentralization of purchasing was tem-
items were sent to issuing depots for distribu- porarily shelved, but the OQMG went ahead
tion. Depot laboratories afforded inspection with plans to decentralize inspection of clothing
and testing services. These were supplemented and textile items. The final inspection and
by the facilities of other government agencies, acceptance of various clothing items was to take
such as the National Bureau of Standards. It place at designated supply depots. It was
was anticipated that in event of war com- anticipated that such procedure would effect
mercial laboratories would be called upon to savings in freight, storage, and handling of
assist in performing inspection and tests. Quartermaster procurements, but the Phila-
This inspection organization, which was most delphiaDepot was certain that the expense of
satisfactory for peacetime operations, although equipment and added personnel needed to
wasteful of manpower and transportation, establish a textile inspection system at depots
proved inadequate to the needs of an expanding would outweigh any such advantages. The com-
procurement program in the emergency and manding officer marshalled his arguments
war periods. As the QMC
came to appreciate against the plan, which he thought would not
the many problems involved in supplying an operate satisfactorily or be economical. In the
expanding Army, its inspection organization end he made recommendations for the transfer
changed materially. In the beginning the depots of key personnel necessary to launch the pro-
resorted to the use of branch offices and field gram according to the request of the OQMG.
supervisory organizations in order to relieve the After some modification of the original plan, a
extreme burden on the home depots. The inade- definite step was taken toward decentral-
quacy of peacetime procedures first became ization.

apparent in the case of clothing and equipage. Obviously the plan could not be put into
The Philadelphia Depot led the way in replac- 10 °
OQMG Cir 1-4, Sec. Ill, 1 Mar 39, sub:
ing its traveling inspectors by a permanent Procurement and Distr of Supplies.
field organization. Ten branch offices were Verbatim Rpt of Insp Conf, 16 Jun 43 at
PQMD, and 17, 18, 19 jun 43 at NYQMPO,
established in areas of greatest production
pp. 258-59. Hereafter cited as Insp Conf Rpt.
which kept (1) Ltr, Col Hardigg, OQMG, to CO PQMD,
capacity, each of in touch with the
contractors and inspectors in 6 Jun 39, sub: Coordination of Insp at Depots— C&E,
its designated area
400.163. (2) Ltr, Gen Corbin, OQMG, to QMSO
and co-ordinated its activities with the head- San Francisco Gen Depot, 18 Jul 40, sub: Policy
quarters office at Philadelphia. 101 Regarding Delivery of C&E, 400.163.
At the same time, the OQMG was moving 105
See the following for the points at issue:
(1) Ltr, Col Littlejohn, to OQMG,
toward a decentralization to the various supply Sep 40, sub: Insp of Clo. (2) 1st ind, Col
depots of the responsibility for final inspection W. A. McCain, PQMD, to TQMG, 2 Oct 40. (3) 2d
ind, Gen Corbin, to CO PQMD, 16 Oct 40.
and acceptance of items procured by central
(4) 3d ind, Col McCain to TQMG, 21 Oct 40. (5)
purchasing depots. It proposed activating such 4th ind, Gen Corbin to CO PQMD, 26 Oct 40. (6)
5th ind, Col McCain to TQMG, 31 Oct 40.
a plan in the summer of 1940. This program

effect at one stroke. The depot had to be given using stations. In June 1942 the Director of
considerable discretion in the development of Procurement, OQMG, called upon the various
the program. Inspection of coats, overcoats, and procuring depots to adopt this principle. 105
mackinaws was the central issue, and until the The Boston Depot had been following this

depot had accumulated the necessary reserve for principle for some time in the inspection of
immediate anticipated needs, decentralization to shoes, and the results had proved satisfactory.
the designated depots at Chicago and Atlanta Acting upon the directive, the Jeffersonville
was to be delayed. When this reserve had been Depot went over completely to factory inspec-
built up by mid- February 1941, the Philadelphia tion, and other depots began to put the same
Depot still opposed decentralization. It re- principle into effect on their contracts. At the
hearsed arguments grown familiar since the first Philadelphia Depot, however, the proposal met
discussion of the problem in 1936. The depot, with vigorous opposition. It was not that the
however, was waging a losing battle. The depot did not appreciate or use field inspection

OQMG was adamant and in April 1941 issued as a check on quality, specification compliance,
an order directing and setting out procedures and economy in the use of materials, but it

for the decentralized inspection of clothing and regarded its plant representatives as "quality
equipage. 104 The depot thereupon co-operated controllers" rather than inspectors. Phila-
fully in the inauguration of this program and delphia's contracts totaled 6,000, and proper
in building up adequate inspection services at inspection at factories, it was argued, would
the receiving installations. require a force of at least 15,000 inspectors.
Under this system centralized technical con- Depot inspection was advocated as a conserver
trol of field inspection at the procuring depots of trained manpower. Furthermore, depot per-
was retained, but final inspection and accept- sonnel agreed that the caliber of suppliers on
ance was decentralized to several receiving whom the depot had to depend was such as to
depots. This was the first step toward decentral- prevent final inspection and acceptance at
ization of final inspectionand acceptance, but factories. Decentralized inspection among the
the system had developed no uniformity of depots had proved effective despite the initial

inspection standards and continued wasteful of fears of the depot and, in the light of its

manpower and transportation. peculiar problems, the Philadelphia Depot

For a time these inspection organizations opposed the substitution of plant inspection for
were able to handle satisfactorily the military depot inspection. 106
supplies flowing to the depots. The mounting 104
(1) Memo, Lt Col W. H. Middleswart, Procure-
requirements of 1942 and 1943, however, placed ment Div, PQMD, to Maj B. E. McKeever, S&D Div,

a severe strain on depot inspection organiza-

PQMD, 12 Nov 40, sub: Decentralization of Insp
Facilities, and 1st memo ind, 14 Nov 40. (2) Ltr, Col
tions. As late as the summer of 1942, most Littlejohn, OQMG,to Lt Col T. W. Jones, PQMD,
Quartermaster procurements of clothing and 27 Feb 41, no sub, and reply, 4 Mar 41, 400.163. (3)

equipage items were still being sent to depots

OQMG Cir Ltr 53, 3 Apr 41, sub: Insp of C&E.
Ltr, Gen Corbin to CG CQMD, 15 Jun 42, sub:
for inspection and acceptance. Under the full Inspection, 400.163. An identical letter was sent to
impact of war, however, depot inspection had the other procuring depots.
(1) 1st ind, Brady, PQMD, to
Col R. C.
to give way wherever possible to final inspec-
TQMG, 23 Jun 42, on Corbin,ltr, Gen
to OQMG,
tion and acceptance at contractors' plants in CG PQMD, 10 Jun 42, sub: Insp. (2) For the views
order to keep rejections to a minimum, con- of the depot see addresses and comments of Col
Brady, Col Jones, Lt Col H. M. Manderbach, Lt Col
serve critical materials, labor, and transporta-
G. Christie, Jr., Lt Col A. E. Dennis, and others in
tion, and to expedite delivery of supplies to Insp Conf Rpt, passim.

Though it was not proposed to establish any "great need" for simplifying, standardizing, and
arbitrary rule, the trend in the Corps was unifying the methods, practices, and controls of
toward final inspections at contractors' plants in all phases of inspection. In the Corps there was
all cases where this could be done with adequate a tremendous duplication of effort, unnecessary
protection of the government's interests. Insofar travel, and wasteful utilization of manpower

as the Philadelphia Depot was concerned, the because its procuring depots operated on a
OQMG suspended its instructions pending fur- "commodity" rather than a "geographical" basis
ther study of the principle of plant inspection and covered the entire United States in their
by the depot. As a result the depot did simplify respective operations. 109
and expedite inspection procedures in a number The report found the technical services en-
of ways. It also tried out plant inspection for gaged in an unwarranted amount of inspection
officers' clothing, confining the test to several which the Trundle engineers attributed to in-
manufacturers of high-class clothing. This trial sufficient use of predetermined "scientific sam-
revealed the percentage of defective garments pling" or quality control. The QMC, it seemed,
abandoned plant
to be so high that the depot had far to go in the reduction of the quantity
inspection and gave the garments a "100% and cost of its inspection. It employed various
inspection at the Depot." inspection methods depending on the type of
The pressure for more centralized control of product, the conditions of procurement, or the
inspection coincided with an effort being made judgment of the inspector. It had no quality
by the ASF to improve and systematize inspec- control in the sense of scientific sampling, and
tion activities among the technical services. much more progress could be made in final in-
Early in the spring of 1943 it undertook a spection and acceptance at contractors' plants.
survey of inspection practices of all of the There was also considerable room for improve-
technical services. For this purpose it engaged ment in the use of manuals to acquaint inspec-
the services of a private firm of consulting tion personnel with the policies and practices
engineers — The Trundle Engineering Company established by higher echelons and in the re-

of Cleveland, Ohio. The survey was initiated on cruitment and treatment of inspection per-
8 April 1943 and within three months the sonnel. 110
Trundle engineers submitted a comprehensive Except for proposed organizational changes,
report of their findings and recommendations. 108 the recommendations of the Trundle report
The Trundle report indicated that the inspec- 107
(i) 2d ind, Gen Corbin, OQMG, to CG
tion function was not given the recognition PQMD, 26Jun 42, on ltr, same to same, 10 Jun 42,
and attention its importance warranted. In ad- sub: Insp. (2) Ltr, Col Brady, PQMD, to TQMG, 1

Aug 42, sub: Insp of C&E, 400.163.

dition, there was a lack of clearly defined lines 108 Ltr, George T. Trundle, Jr., to Brig Gen H. C.
of authority and responsibility in the technical Minton, Dir of Resources & Production Div, ASF, 2

services with respect to inspection organization, Jul 43, atchd to Report of Inspection Survey for Inspec-
tion Section, Facilities and Inspection Branch, Production
methods, and practices. Specifically, Quarter- Division, Headquarters, ASF, Washington, D. C. (Cleve-
master organization charts, manuals, and direc- land, Ohio, July 1, 1943). Hereafter cited as Trundle
Insp Rpt.
tives failed to provide a clear and adequate 109 Trundle Insp Rpt, Serial 2, Sec. VII, pp. 1-2, 7,
definition of the inspection mission. Generally, 9. See also Serial 1, pp. 4-5, 6-8, 16-17, 28, 43. Note
the inspection function was placed within the that in the report the findings common to all the tech-
nical services are summarized in Serial 1, and a brief
variouscommodity procurement sections of the
of the findings relating to each of the technical serv-
depots but there was no "standard or definite" ices appears in Serial 2.
plan for the Corps as a whole. There was a 110 Ibid., Serial
2, Sec. VII, pp. 3, 7-8, 10.

were approved." To implement these approved

cants, produced within their geographical lim-
recommendations the Trundle engineers pre- its. Zone offices, established for various geo-
pared an outline of an over-all inspection graphical locations to act as headquarters for
manual for the ASF. Representatives of the field inspection of all procuring depots with
technical services participated in meetings at contracts in these areas, serviced these contracts
which were formulated the general principles from receipt of the purchase orders to the com-
upon which the text of the inspection manual pletion of the final shipments. 114 Thus, decen-
was to be based. By the winter of 1943 a draft tralization was finally accomplished. In lieu of
of the manual had been prepared for the ASF centralized control exercised by several procur-
and was submitted to the technical services for ing depots, one central agency, the QMC In-
comment. The OQMG proposed a few changes spection Service, controlled all inspection activ-
but reported that the manual was ''eminently ities of the Corps, except those pertaining to
satisfactory for its intended use insofar as the subsistence, and fuels and lubricants.
QMC is concerned." 112
This manual set forth No time was lost in setting up the field head-
the guiding inspection policies and procedures quarters office in New York City. Measures
common to all the technical services. It was to were taken promptly to activate the inspection
be supplemented by inspection manuals pre- zones, beginning with a "trial run" for the Bos-
pared by each of the technical services. ton Zone, and to establish necessary controls,
The QMC had made many improvements prepare and publish instructions and manuals,
prior to the Trundle survey, but its findings supervise and control employment and utiliza-

were a powerful stimulus to further progress in tion of all inspection personnel, and to perform
the establishment of effective controls and the all functions incident to the transfer of supplies
formation and direction of field inspection poli- from manufacturing plants to receiving stations.
cies. In the summer of 1943 the Inspection Sec- This was not achieved without some depot op-
tion of the OQMG was promoted to a branch position. Since contracts and inspectors of the
in the Procurement Division with primary re- Jeffersonville Depot in the Boston area were to
sponsibility for supervising the inspection of all be taken over first, initialcame from
material and equipment, except fuels and lubri- that depot. The Philadelphia Depot voiced its
cants, for which the Corps entered into con- opposition, however, when new inspection
tracts. At the end of the summer a Deputy zones were activated, for it felt no criterion had
Director for Inspection was designated to assist been set up to judge the success of the Boston
the Director of Procurement in all inspection experiment. in
matters. 113 1,1
1st ind, CG ASF to Dir of Material, ASF, n. d.,
In line with the recommendations of the atchd to Trundle Insp Rpt.
Trundle report and those of the Inspection 112
OQMG, to Hq ASF, 9 Dec
1st ind, Gen Corbin,

Branch, Quartermaster inspection was placed on memo, Gen Minton, Production Div, ASF, for
TQMG, 1 Dec 43, sub: Draft of Insp Manual for
on a geographical basis in the fall of 1943. A ASF, 461.
QMC Inspection Service was created under the 113
(1) OQMG OO 25-41, 8 Jul 43, sub: Estab-
jurisdiction of the Director of Procurement, lishment of Insp Br. (2) OQMG OO
2 5-54, 24 Sep
43, sub: Orgn of Procurement Div.
OQMG, with a field headquarters in New York 1U
(1) OQMG
Cir Ltr 149, 27 Sep 43, sub: Estab-
City and ten (later eleven) inspection zones lishment of QMC
Insp Sv, and supplements thereto.
throughout the country. These zones were to (2) See also OQMG Cir 16, 24 Apr 44, sub: QMC
Insp Sv.
handle the inspection of all Quartermaster sup- 115
(1) Ltr, Brig Gen A. R. Kimball, JQMD, to
plies, except subsistence and fuels and lubri- TQMG, 17 Nov 43, no sub. (2) Ltr, Gen Kimball

Although they registered objections, the de- sented many problems. It was the summer of
pots did co-operate, and the Inspection Service 1944 before plans were worked out and ap-
went ahead resolutely with its mission. By the proved for factory inspection and acceptance of
spring of 1944 it had activated all inspection cottons, woolens, and worsteds. 118 By May
zones. During its first year of operation the 1945, however, "well over eighty percent of all
QMC Inspection Service made substantial plants" producing on Quartermaster contracts
progress in implementing the recommendations were operating on factory acceptance basis.

of the Trundle report. Subsequently, various re- The outstanding achievement in QMC in-

finements were introduced that further im- spection was this shift from nationwide admin-
proved the quality of inspection and stream- istration on a commodity basis by individual
lined operating organizations and procedures. procuring depots to geographical administra-
The problems confronting the Inspection tion of all commodities under the central con-

Service were many and varied and all demanded trol of a field headquarters. This change in basic
immediate attention. As a result of the Trundle inspection policy enabled the Corps to absorb
report, plant acceptance in place of depot ac- atremendous increase in work load without a
ceptance became the established policy of the commensurate increase in personnel. Between
ASF and the QMC. To complete the conversion November 1943, when the QMC Inspection
from depot to plant acceptance, the OQMG di- Service was established, and the end of the fiscal

rected that all contracts executed on or after 15 year 1945, the number of contracts increased

March 1944, except those for subsistence and from 7,500 to 31,000 and the number of con-
fuels and lubricants, were to contain an article tractors' plants from 5,400 to over 8,500. At the

providing for determination of the place of in- same time the number of inspectors declined
spection by the commanding officer of the in- from about 5,000 to 4,300. In November 1943
spection zone in which the contractor's plant about 60 percent of this personnel was doing
116 than 9 per-
was located. The relative advantages of plant depot inspection; by July 1945 less
or destination inspection had long been the cent was so engaged.
subject of heated arguments. The Philadelphia This conversion was effected without lower-
Depot remained unconvinced of the desirability ing the quality of inspection, a result that
of this change, but, since the die had been cast, stemmed from a comprehensive program of
it co-operated in furnishing any technical or same time by the
quality control initiated at the
contractual advice needed by inspection zone Inspection Service. The program was composed
commanders in order to prevent any lowering of three major phases: (1) the development of
of quality standards for the items it procured.
116 Ltr, Gen Corbin, OQMG, to CG PQMD, 29
At the same time, the depot made it a matter of
Feb 44, sub: Insp of Supplies, 400.163.
record that it did not believe that the directed 117
1st ind, Col Jones, PQMD, to TQMG, 6 Mar

procedure could be successful in maintaining 44, on above citation, 400.163.

(1) Col Vere Painter, QMC
Insp Sv, to TQMG,
"the present high standards of quality." Con-
5 Jul 44, sub: Insp of Textiles. (2) Deputy Dir for
version of contracts was accomplished gradually. Purchases, OQMG,to QMC
Insp Sv, 19 Jul 44, same

Some contracts, such as textile contracts, pre- sub, 400.163.

QMCManual 25-8, August 1945, sub: Proceed-
ings: Conf of OICs of Insp Zones, May 1945, p. 9,

to same, 19 Nov 43, no sub. (3) Memo, Col A. H. citing remarks of Col Painter. Hereafter cited as Conf
Rogow, Deputy Dir for Insp, to Gen Corbin, OQMG, Proceedings.
23 Nov 43, no sub. (4) Ltr, Brig Gen R. Walsh,
Ltr, Col Painter, QMC
Insp Sv, to TQMG, 16

PQMD, to TQMG, 21 Dec 43, sub: Zone Orgn of Jun 45, sub: Additional Material for Annual Rpt FY
QM Inspection Sv, 333.1. 1945.

standard inspection procedures, (2) the utiliza- item. 122 The procedure was so clearly written

tion of time-saving gauges and other inspection and graphically presented that it could be un-
devices, and (3) the institution of scientific derstood by the least experienced inspector. To
sampling plans. judge the quality of a lot, the Inspection Serv-

In the past the Corps had relied heavily on ice used a statistical approach and prepared
process inspection and final inspection at the standard sampling plans based on mathematical
procuring depot. Process inspection was a meth- laws of probability. The use of scientific sam-
od of inspecting manufacturing facilities, equip- pling plans on a nationwide basis, permitting
ment, methods of operation, and personnel in prompt determination of the quality of a lot
order to correct faulty operations before these with a minimum of inspection time, contrib-
led to the manufacture of defective products. uted most effectively to the ability of the In-

Such an inspection method required experi- spection Service to carry its increasing load of
enced personnel. The decreasing number of ex- contracts with a decreasing inspection person-
perienced inspectors available during the war nel. By June 1945 sampling plans were in use in

years necessitated adoption of another method over 2,800 plants, whereas a year earlier such
of inspection, which could be used by new per- procedures had barely emerged from the plan-
sonnel after a minimum amount of training. ning stage. 123
Under lot-by-lot inspection, which utilized a At the same time that standard inspection
sampling method, the contractor had to submit procedures were being published for major
reasonably large lots of products for inspection items of Quartermaster procurement, the In-
and in such condition that every unit in the lot spection Service initiated an intensive program
was accessible to the inspector. Acceptability of for the development of gauges and templets to
each lot was determined by sample units drawn further streamline and standardize inspection
from each part of the lot. Acceptance and rejec- techniques. The use of these devices saved many
tion were on a lot basis, and since rejection in- man-hours of inspector time, thereby permit-
volved an entire lot rather than a few defective ting maximum use of existing inspection man-
pieces, the contractor became more aware of the power.
need to control the quality of his product. 121 The QMC Inspection Service implemented
The basis for accepting or rejecting lots, how- other recommendations of the Trundle report.
ever, had to be standardized so that each pro- It initiated an extensive, co-ordinated training
ducer would receive the same treatment. This program under the direction and supervision of
was an important basic policy of the Inspection a special staff of training consultants at head-
Service and was approached through two devel- quarters. It improved the conditions under
opments—by standardizing the basis for evalu- which inspection personnel worked, and by
ating, first, the individual unit of the product number of forms,
streamlining and reducing the
and, second, the quality of the aggregate units,
that is, the lot. To determine the quality of the
(1) QMC Manual 25-5, December 1944, sub:
Annual Rpt: Year of the
First QMCInsp Sv, pp.
individual unit of the product, the Inspection 12-13. (2) QMC Insp Handbook M608-15, Decem-
Service utilized a technical approach and devel- ber 1945, sub: Sampling for Quality Control.

oped the standard inspection procedure. It was

QMC Manual 25-8, August 1945, sub: Conf
Proceedings, p. 32, giving an address by Capt> Law-
an interpretation of the specification and pro- rence R. Van Dyke, sub: The Philosophy, Logic, and
vided the inspector with a written procedure, Construction of SIP.

defining in detail the exact technique to be used

(1) Ibid., p. 10. (2) Ltr, Col Painter, QMC
Sv, to TQMG, 16 Jun 45, sub: Additional Material for
by him in accepting or rejecting a particular Annual Rpt FY 1945.

laboratory reports, and procedures gave the in- the demands of an expanding Army in the
spector greater freedom to perform his main emergency period gave rise to centralized pro-
task of quality inspection. curement of perishables. This was effected
The Inspection Service sought to meet the through the establishment of the Quartermaster
criticism of the Trundle engineers on the dupli- Market Center Program, which insured a steady

cation of inspection within a service and be- and adequate flow of perishable foods to the
tween services. Within the Corps, duplication troops and at the same time, by the distribution
of inspection was eliminated by the organiza- of buying activity, tended to cushion its impact
tion of the Inspection Service and its control of upon the market and to stabilize production
inspection on a geographical basis. To eliminate and prices.

duplication between the services as far as pos- The market center program, set up in 1941,
sible, constant surveys of contracts at plants was immediately faced with the necessity of es-
were made by the zone offices. As a result, the tablishing inspection procedures for the perish-
Jeffersonville Zone, for example, worked out ables it procured. Market centers began oper-
arrangements with the Cleveland and the Cin- ations with the purchase of fresh fruits and
cinnati Ordnance Districts to eliminate duplica- vegetables. Inspection of these items was han-
tion of inspection on a variety of items procured dled by both receiving station and market cen-
by the QMC and the Ordnance Department in ters. Purchases of local home-grown fruits and
its area.
was the established policy of the
It vegetables made by post quartermasters had to
Inspection Service to have one organization do be inspected at destination for quality, condi-
the entire inspection job wherever possible. tion, and count. Market centers furnished avail-

Usually the organization with the predominant able assistance when requested. At posts where
interest in the output made the inspection, but associate market specialists or inspectors were
other factors of convenience, greater knowledge, permanently stationed, they determined final

or availability of qualified inspectors were taken acceptance or rejection of the commodity. At

into consideration. Not all duplications of in- all other posts served by market centers but not

spection between the services could be elimi- having permanently assigned market specialists

nated because there were substantial differences or inspectors, a representative of the sales officer
in methods, and some commodities required was instructed by market center personnel in

highly specialized inspection knowledge. As the the art of inspecting fruits and vegetables.
Army and the Navy late in the war moved In the case of carlot shipments, the market
toward joint procurement of common items, centers encouraged contractors supplying such
questions of standardizing inspection between shipments to furnish federal certificates as evi-
services were raised. The war ended before the dence that the commodity met the grade re-
implications of consolidated procurement could quirements under which it was purchased. Final

be thoroughly explored. 125 inspection, however, for condition and count

was still made at destination. Where less than
(1) Ltr, Maj Orville T. Church, JQMD, to
Subsistence Cleveland District Chief, Cleveland Ordnance District,
26 Jul 44, sub: Duplication of Insp. (2) Ltr, Col F. F.
The emergency and war also brought changes Taylor, JQMD, to Hq QMC
Insp Sv, 2 Sep 44, same
in the procurement and inspection of subsist- sub, 400.8.

ence. Prior to 1941 perishable subsistence was

(1) QMC
Manual 25-5, Dec 44, sub: Annual
Rpt, p. 46.
(2) QMC
Manual 25-8, Aug 45, sub:
purchased locally by Army installations. Such Conf Proceedings, pp. 135-36, citing remarks of Col
local procurement sufficed in time of peace but Painter.

carlot quantities were purchased from jobbers sistence laboratories at Quartermaster depots.

or commission men in principal markets, in- Veterinary inspection was conducted under the
spection occured, wherever possible, at point of administrative direction of the commanding of-

purchase. Such inspection was made by a Quar- ficer of the post, camp, station, depot, or pro-
termaster marketing specialist or by an inspec- curement point and under the technical super-
tor of the Department of Agriculture. Inspec- vision of theMedical Department.
tion certificates were forwarded with purchase In the summer of 1941 the market centers be-
orders to destination points. gan to make purchases of butter, eggs, cheese,
In general, inspection might be accomplished and poultry in definite quantities for immediate
at point of shipment or at destination, which- delivery. In the course of developing inspection

ever was most feasible. Inspection at origin was procedures for these commodities, clashing
encouraged in order to decrease the number of viewpoints within the QMC were revealed.
rejections at destination. Final acceptance and Since World War I, the Department of Agricul-
possession by the government was contingent ture had been developing a system of grading,
upon inspection for condition and count at inspection, and certification of quality and con-
dition of fruits, vegetables, dairy and poultry
The market center program soon extended products, and meats. In the case of dairy and
its operations to include the purchase of dairy poultry products such inspection was permis-
and poultry products and of meats and meat sive rather than compulsory in character. It was
products. Prior to the establishment of this pro- accomplished on the basis of co-operative agree-
gram, meats and meat and dairy products had ments between the Agricultural Marketing
been procured locally on an indefinite quantity Service and the states concerned, with the con-
basis for monthly periods. Whenever available, tractor who made use of the inspection service
personnel of the Veterinary Corps inspected paying for it on a contract basis at shipping or
such items to determine the grade and the sani- processing points, or on the basis of established
tary condition of the products, as well as of the scales of fees at terminal markets.

plants in which they were produced and han- Accustomed to the use of this inspection
dled, except meat plants under the sanitary service, civilian personnel brought in to super-

supervision of the Bureau of Animal Industry vise the procurement of dairy and poultry prod-
and poultry packing and canning plants oper- ucts by the market centers favored and proposed
ating under the supervision of the Poultry In- utilizing the services of the Agricultural Mar-
spection Service of the Department of Agricul- keting Service. 129 On the other hand, military
ture. The veterinary officer inspected these
products upon delivery and, in addition, during
(1) OQMG Cir Ltr 42, 19 Mar 41, sub: Purch
of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. (2) OQMGCir Ltrs
the process of production if the product, or pro- 263, 360, and 109, 6 Oct 41, 23 Sep 43, 15 Jul 43,
tection of the government's interests, respectively, sub: Purch of Perishable Subs.
(1) Procurement Cir 12, Sec. IX, 1 Aug 38, sub:
such inspection necessary. Inspection was also Changes in AR 5-360. (2) Ltr, TAG to all CA and
provided later during storage. In the process of Dept Commanders, 8 Jul 39, sub: Insp of Meat, Meat
inspection veterinary officers used the labora- Food Products, Dairy Products and Forage. AG
(5-29-39) Misc D.
tory service of the local Army station or general us Agricultural Marketing Service: Organization and
hospital, the medical laboratories of the service Functions, Department of Agriculture, March 1940.
commands, and the laboratory of the Army Ltr, Maj E. F. Shepherd, OIC, Fid Hq, Chicago,
to Chief of Perishable Subs Br, OQMG, 18 Aug 41,
Medical Center in Washington. In some few
sub: Procedure for the Insp of Poultry, Eggs, Butter
cases they also established and maintained sub- and Cheese, 430.

personnel were used to inspection by the Veter- promptly and equitably all disagreements be-

inaryCorps and could see no reason for not ex- tween inspectors. Contractors were to be en-
tending its inspection activities. To be sure, it couraged to secure inspection at origin either
had long been established policy, especially in by the Veterinary Corps or by the Agricultural
reference to eggs, butter, and hay forage for ani- Marketing Service, whichever was available.
mals, for Army inspecting officers to honor a Regardless of which agency made the initial in-

prior inspection made by any accredited official spection, final inspection was to be accom-
agency, unless an obvious error was plainly evi- plished at destination covering fit condition of
dent. Knowing this, some contractors, anxious the food for human consumption and for com-
to meet specifications, had used certification by pliance with terms of the contract.
the Agricultural Marketing Service. It was felt, When any dairy or poultry products inspect-
however, that the gist of the market center pro- ed at point of origin by an inspector of the
posal was that "to a large extent it completely Agricultural Marketing Service were found
subordinates the station veterinary officer and upon inspection at destination not to be of the
the station quartermaster to the action of a civil grade contracted for, the contractor was to be
agency." This was not believed to be in the best notified. He might request a reinspection. In
interests of the Army. 130 that event, at the request of the officer in charge
In the face of increasing Army purchases of of the market center, the Agricultural Market-
these commodities, the QMC was confronted ing Service would send a representative to the
with the necessity of encouraging large produc- camp, post, or station to reinspect the shipment
ers and processors to bid on Quartermaster re- in question. The market center also requested
quirements. Many had refused to negotiate con- the commanding general of the corps area in
tracts in the past because purchases had been which the post, camp, or station was located to
made to cover indefinite monthly requirements send a veterinary officer to make a separate and
at firm prices and because rejections at Army independent reinspection at the same time. The
installations had been considered unfair. 131 two inspectors were expected to compare and
Complaints had arisen over differences in grad- discuss their findings before rendering their re-

ing by inspectors of the Agricultural Marketing ports. This reinspection established the grade.
Service and the Veterinary Corps. Rejection by If the inspectors did not agree, however, the re-

the veterinary officer at destination did not nec- ceiving quartermaster made the final decision,
essarily mean that an error had been made in "since all inspections are advisory and final ac-

grading on either side, since with perishable ceptance or rejection rests with the Quarter-
foods was entirely possible for grades to
it master."
change between the time of inspection at point
of shipment and that made at point of receipt. 1J0 Ltr, Brig Gen J. L. Frink, QM, Fourth CA, to

It was imperative, however, that these disputes

TQMG, 5 Sep 41, same sub, 430.
(1) 1st ind, Gen Corbin, OQMG, to QM,

be avoided or else settled promptly. Fourth CA, 19 Sep 41, on ltr cited in n. 130. (2) Ltr,
The disagreements had to be compromised John A. Martin, QM MC
Chicago, to Col Hardigg,
and a new inspection procedure amicably OQMG, 10 Oct 41, sub: Veterinary Participation in
Insp of Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Cheese, 400.163.
worked out with the Chief Veterinarian of the 132
(1) Ltr, C. W. Kitchen, Chief of AMS, to Col
Office ofThe Surgeon General and with the Hardigg, Chief of Subs Br, OQMG, 29 Aug 41, no
sub, and reply, 8 Sep 41, no sub, 430. (2) Ltr, TAG to
Agricultural Marketing Service. It sought to in-
CGs all CAs, 12 Sep 41, sub: Insp of Butter, Eggs,
sure, so far as possible, fair grading of the sup- Cheese and Poultry. (3) OQMG
Cir Ltr 263, 6 Oct
plies upon their receipt at camp and to resolve 41, sub: Purch of Perishable Subs.

The compromise established inspection pro- The Quartermaster General granted permission
cedures but did not immediately still all con- to use veterinary inspectors assigned to Quar-
flict. The problem of co-ordination between termaster depots for market center inspections
inspectors of the Department of Agriculture in areas adjacent to the depots. Co-ordination
and of the Veterinary Corps continued to be of the inspection function was thereby achieved
troublesome. It was emphasized anew when the between market centers, Quartermaster depots,
Quartermaster market centers began in the and corps areas. Thereafter the expansion of
summer of 1942 to purchase perishable foods activities of the Veterinary Section at Field
for the Navy, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps. Headquarters paralleled the expansion of mar-
The QMC reassured the Agricultural Marketing ket center procurement. Greater effort was
Administration (successor to the Service) that made to inspect at origin, and by the end of
it did not contemplate placing inspectors at 1944 "virtually all origin inspections of dairy
Navy establishments and that it would continue products and poultry, as well as other products
to encourage vendors to use inspection by De- of animal origin were being performed by
partment of Agriculture inspectors at points of veterinary inspectors."
By the summer of 1943, however, the When the procurement of meat was under-
Veterinary Corps was inspecting commodities taken by the market center program in the
for the Navy and Marine Corps. Actually, as spring of 1942, the Veterinary Corps became re-

the marketing centers bought food for all the sponsible for inspection of meat at both origin
armed services without reference to destination, and destination. 137 Although inspectors of both
and as Veterinary Corps officers were employed the Department of Agriculture and of the Vet-
in inspecting it, there would have been consid- erinary Corps were in packing plants, problems
erable difficulty in restricting their activities to of co-ordination did not arise. Congressional
foods destined for any particular branch of the criticism, however, was voiced at the duplica-
service, except in the case
of certain types of tion of activities during the hearings on the
meat which were bought only for the Navy. 1945 appropriation bill for the Department of
The QMC believed that the prerogatives of Agriculture. All meat packing plants supplying
the Veterinary Corps should be preserved, but meats for Army consumption were required to
that the activities of the inspectors of the pass federal inspection for sanitation by the
Department of Agriculture should also be un- Bureau of Animal Industry of the Department
hampered. 135 The position of the Veterinary of Agriculture. Apart from these inspections,
Corps, as the inspection agency of the market Department of Agriculture graders also classi-
center program, continued to be strengthened.
See, for example, ltr, John A. Martin, Chief of
In October 1941 a Veterinary Section had been Procurement, Fid Hq, to Col Hardigg, OQMG, 10
established at Field Headquarters. Its functions Oct 41, sub: Veterinary Participation in the Insps of
Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Cheese, and reply, 18 Oct
were to provide inspection at origin of all dairy
41, no sub, 400.163.
and poultry products if the purchasing section 1.4
Ltr, C. Kitchen, AMA, to Gen Hardigg, Chief
so desired and to co-ordinate all veterinary in- of Subs Br, OQMG,18 Apr 42, no sub, and reply, 28

spection at origin and destination.About the Apr 42, no sub, 430.

Memo, Maj Morrill, OQMG,
for OIC, Fid Hq,
same time The Adjutant General had author- Perishable Sec, OQMG,
12 Mar 43, sub: Atchd Tele-
ized the market center program to request the type on Activities at San Francisco, 430.
services of veterinary inspectors from the com- Rifkind, Fresh Foods for the Armed Forces: The
Quartermaster Market Center System, 1941-1948, p. 55.
manding generals of the corps areas in order 137
OQMG Cir Ltr 360, 23 Sep 42, sub: Purch of
to make inspections at origin. In November Perishable Subs.

fied meats by grades at packing plants, but vet- (later the California Quartermaster Depot). 139
erinary inspectors were free to accept or reject Inspection, normally made at origin, was the
the carcasses and cuts designated for the Army. responsibility of the purchasing and contracting
In the supervision of the curing and canning of officer of each of these central procuring depots.
meat products and the preparation of meat Some items were procured by regional purchas-
products according to specifications, the Veter- ing depots for all troops served by distributing
inary Corps had sole inspection responsibility. depots within the regional area. In such cases,
The Veterinary Corps also inspected at ori- the purchasing and contracting officer of each
gin, wherever possible, and otherwise at des- regional purchasing depot was responsible for
tination all fish and sea foods procured by the the inspection of all items assigned to it for

market centers. Its inspection activities were ex- purchase. Small quantities of nonperishable
tended to cover the procurement of milk, which stores purchased locally were inspected by post,

was initiated by the market center program early camp, and station quartermasters, who could
in 1943. forward samples to regional purchasing depots
The inspection of nonperishable subsistence to determine whether the items met specifica-

involved none of the troublesome questions of tion requirements.

conflicting prerogatives and co-ordination ex- In general, veterinary personnel were not
perienced in the case of perishable foods. Prior considered competent to give proper inspection
to 1939 canned fruits and vegetables were pur- to such nonperishable subsistence as canned

chased on requisitions from military installa- vegetables and fruits. Early in 1941 the OQMG
tions by depots operating on a regional basis. made arrangements with the Agricultural Mar-

There was little or no depot warehousing of keting Service for the use of its specialists in the
these items. Inspection was made at the depot, inspection of canned fruits and vegetables, jams,
mainly through random samples drawn from jellies, preserves, syrup, and such other non-
destination points. During the emergency and perishable items as they were equipped to
war the vast amounts of nonperishables that handle. Funds to defray the expenses of such in-

had to be purchased months or a year in ad- spection were deposited with the Department
vance brought changes in procurement and in- of Agriculture. 140 The Agricultural Marketing
spection procedures. Service placed a representative at each central

A plan for centralized procurement was purchasing depot to make inspections as desired

worked out by subsistence officers of the QMC, by the commanding officer of the depot. He
civilian business authorities such as Douglas furnished an inspection certificate to the con-
MacKeachie, who had been a principal buyer tracting and purchasing officer, and a copy was
in the purchasing service of the Atlantic and forwarded to the receiving quartermaster, who
Pacific Tea Company, and his chief, Donald was thereupon not required to inspect for type,

Nelson, co-ordinator of procurement in the Na-

tionalDefense Commission. Representatives of 138
Marion Massen, Canned Vegetables: A Case His-
the National Canners Association were also tory in Central Procurement at the Chicago Quarter-
master Depot During World War I, pp. 6ff.
consulted. l38 Under the plan, which went into
•" OQMG Cir Ltr 88, 14 May 41, sub: Procure-
effect in the summer of 1941, the bulk of non- ment, S&D Nonperishable Subs Supplies.

perishables came to be purchased by three cen- 140 W. Kitchen, Chief of AMS, to Col
(1) Ltr, C.
Hardigg, OQMG, 14 Feb 41, no sub, and reply, 19
tral procuring depots— the Jersey City Quarter-
Feb 41, no sub. (2) Ltr, Gen Corbin, OQMG, to CO
master Depot, the Chicago Quartermaster CQMD, 27 Feb 41, sub: Insp of Canned Fruits and
Depot, and the San Francisco General Depot Vegetables, 400.163.

class, and grade. Regional purchasing depots The Navy provided inspection on large or-
could call upon the services of the Agricultural ders at the refinery or on barge, vessel, or other
Marketing Service for the inspection of carload transport facility. As a result of discussion in
lots of canned food items purchased by them. September 1942 l44 among the OQMG, the
Since the Agricultural Marketing Service had Ordnance Department, and the Bureau of Ships,
an extensive field organization, the practice was Navy Department, an agreement was made
to call upon the nearest representative of the with the latter whereby naval petroleum inspec-
service to act in the depot's behalf, if the point torswould be available for the inspection of
of inspection was beyond a reasonable distance motor fuels, diesel fuels, and lubricants in bulk
from the responsible procuring depot. Where shipments for overseas destinations. The Quar-
inspections could not be furnished, the OQMG termaster General designated certain depots to
authorized depots to engage such technical purchase petroleum products for overseas ship-
services as might be required. 141 These inspec- ment. Under this agreement these depots estab-
tion procedures were utilized throughout the lished liaison with the nearest Navy petroleum
war. inspector and kept him informed of the names
The prevention of losses by spoilage neces- of contractors and prospective shipments. Upon
sitated storage inspection of nonperishables. receipt of a requisition, the depot arranged for
Some foods, like milk powder, flour, and re- the purchase by direct negotiation and advised
lated items, could be spoiled by moisture. Other the local Navy inspector, requesting copies of
items— evaporated milk, canned citrus products, the inspection report. In peacetime the Navy
some dehydrated foods— deteriorated with age. used its own laboratories for testing purposes,
Nonperishable stores were therefore inspected but as its facilities became overtaxed during the
not only warehouses but also at
at contractors' war, much of the testing and inspection was
depots and ports of embarkation where regular carried out by Charles Martin and Company.
inspections and periodic sampling were made The latter's report was initialed by the Navy
to insure their arrival at destination in sound petroleum inspector. When the problem of in-

condition. 142 Such inspection corrected defective spection became acute early in 1943, investiga-
methods of care, handling, and storage and in- tion of the
files of the ANMB
and of the Ord-
sured issue of the oldest stocks first. nance Department revealed that there were
practically no such inspection reports cover-
ing Army shipments inspected by the Navy.
Fuels and Lubricants

Inspection of fuels and lubricants was always

(1) OQMG Cir Ltr 88, 14 May 41, sub: Pro-

accomplished separately because of the terms

curement, S&D of Nonperishable Subs Supplies. (2)
OQMG Cir Ltr 147, 22 Sep 43, same sub.
under which these items were procured. As late OQMG
Cir Ltr 434, 12 Dec 42, sub: Subs Stores
as 1943 procedures established in 1939 for the at Depots and PE.

inspection of these products were being fol-

These procedures were based on OQMG Circu-
lar 1-4, 1 March 1939, which in turn was based par-
lowed despite the fact that no detailed written ticularly on AR 5-360, 16 July 1937. PR 1, 14 Octo-
procedure for inspection was in force. 143 Quar- ber 1942, canceled and rescinded all procurement cir-
culars, instructions, and directives prior to 1 July 1942.
termaster purchases of petroleum products were
On 30 September 1942 OQMG Circular 1-4 was re-
made largely against Treasury Procurement vised and reprinted but it made no provision for in-
Schedules and Navy contracts; hence Quarter- spection of petroleum products.

master inspection was integrated with that of

Ltr, AGO to TQMG, 24 Oct 42, sub: Insp of
Motor Fuels, Diesel F&L for Bulk Overseas Shipmt.
other government departmental contracts. SPX 463.7 (10-17-42) OB-P-SPOPP.

Usually certified analyses were accepted. l45 rected the depot to consummate contracts with
Inspection of petroleum products obtained three leading commercial petroleum inspection
under Treasury Procurement Schedules was agencies. 148 At the request of the purchasing
governed by contract provisions. For example, depots these commercial agencies were to un-
gasoline was sampled when in the opinion of dertake complete inspection of all petroleum
the activity concerned was desirable to do so.
it products and containers for offshore ship-
Then samples were sent to and tested by the ments—at refineries, storage warehouses, and at
National Bureau of Standards or some other points where containers were being filled from
laboratory designated by the Procurement Divi- storage tanks or tank cars. The same applied to
sion, Treasury Department. Such tests, however, purchases made for maneuvers. Inspection of
were rarely made. The Treasury Department it- containers by these agencies was incidental to
self had no laboratory facilities, and it operated the inspection of petroleum products. Civilian
on the assumption that the integrity of the inspectors employed by the depot inspected
average petroleum oil company and the power container manufacturing plants, reclamation
of the government were such that certified anal- plants, and storage depots where empty con-
yses would suffice in almost every instance. tainers were stored. In the spring of 1944 their

Considering the volume of petroleum prod- activity came under supervision of the QMC
ucts being purchased, inspection was practically Inspection Service. 149
nil as the year 1942 drew to a close. In many The policies initiated by the Petroleum
cases inspection was not in the hands of Branch were carried to completion by the Fuels
OQMG personnel because of the use of other and Lubricants Division established in the
departmental contracts. There was a small in- OQMG in the summer of 1943. In May a pro-

spection unit at the Jersey City Quartermaster gram was initiated for inspection of purchases

Depot, which inspected fuel primarily for the of gasoline in the zone of interior. A spot-check
eastern seaboard, but its facilities were extremely procedure was established for sampling gasoline
limited. Most procuring depots had no petro- at a representative cross section of posts, camps,
leum inspection personnel, and existing gov- and stations. The commanding officer was re-

ernment facilities were inadequate or over- sponsible for selecting competent personnel to
taxed. 146 Responsibility for inspection of petro-
leum products was vested in the OQMG in ( 1 ) Irvin A. Ebaugh to Col H. E. Rounds, Chief

of Petri Br, OQMG, 3 Feb 43, sub: Rpt on Govern-

November 1942, but the petroleum organ- mental Insp of Petri Products. (2) A certified analysis
ization was in the process ofbeing centralized was a vendor's guarantee that the product submitted
was equal to the sample submitted for testing and ap-
in the office and despite the need no attention
proved at the time of establishing an approval list.
could be given to the inspection problem. 146 Ebaugh to Rounds, OQMG,
3 Feb 43, sub: Rpt

Overseas reports on leaking containers, illeg- on Governmental Insp of Petri Products.

ible markings, and unsatisfactory quality of
WD Cir 387, Sec. I, 28 Nov 42, sub: Respon-
sibility for Gasoline and Lubricants.
materials emphasized the urgent need for inspec- 148
Chief of Insp Sec to Maj Wiley Butler, OQMG,
tion early in 1943. In April an Inspection Sec- 19 Apr 43, sub: Status at Present. The contracts made
in April were with Charles Martin & Co., E. W. Say-
tionwas established in the Petroleum Branch,
bolt & Co., and the Ethyl Corp. Later another agency,
which put into operation during the year a na- Phoenix Chemical Laboratory, was added to test
tionwide inspection system. Inspection of over- domestic samples only.
( 1) Chief of Insp Sec to Chief of Tech & Ping
seas shipments was first attacked. Using the
Br, F&L Div, OQMG, 7 Jan 44, sub: Rpt of Conf.
small inspection section of the Jersey City (2) See also OQMG Cir 16, 24 Apr 44, sub: QMC
Depot as a nucleus, the Petroleum Branch di- Insp Sv.

take and ship samples of gasoline weekly to the for deterioration, contamination, identification,
commercial testing laboratory. In
indicated or sabotage, but also to determine whether cap-
November inspection services were extended to tured petroleum products were suitable for use
cover other petroleum products, in particular by our armed forces. For this purpose the Petro-
engine oils, and gear lubricants. This
greases, leum Branch formulated plans later carried to
procedure continued in effect until the war completion by the Fuels and Lubricants Divi-
ended. 150 sion to train technical personnel who would be
In addition, the Fuels and Lubricants Divi- able to inspect petroleum products in combat
sion introduced the use of field inspection theaters. A new troop organization known as
supervisors. The United States was divided into the Quartermaster Petroleum Laboratory was
four areas that were covered by these super- established. It consisted of a base laboratory
visors, who spot-checked the inspection of stationed in a more or less permanent location
petroleum products and container manufactur- and one or more mobile units which moved
ing and reclamation plants, inspected container throughout a prescribed area. These laboratories
and stockpile storage at depots and storage functioned only in the theaters. 152
points, and visited posts, camps, and stations to
ascertain if petroleum products
and containers 150
Chief of Insp Sec to Chief of Tech & Ping Br,
were sampled and handled correctly. 151 Under F&L Div, OQMG, 29 Nov 43, sub: Development
and Activities of the Insp Sec.
various agreements the Fuels and Lubricants 151
Chief of Tech &
Ping Br to Dir of F&L Div,
Division continued to make use of Navy OQMG, 21 Dec Adm and Opn of Insp Sec.
43, sub:
inspectors. (1) Chief of Petri Br to Dir of Mil Tng Div,
OQMG, 24 Apr 43, no sub. ( 2 ) Memo, Dir of Mil
Inspection of petroleum products was vital in
Tng Div, OQMG, to CG ASF, 14 Aug 43, sub: Use
the theaters, not only to analyze such products of Civ Institutions for Tng of Petri Technicians.

Quartermaster Storage
The mission of the Quartermaster Corps dur- various commodity branches of the Supply
ing World War II was to supply the troops Division responsible for the procurement of
with food, clothing, equipage, fuel, and all sorts particular items of supply also included among
of general supplies in the proper quantity and its duties the storage and distribution of these
quality at the right time and in the right place. items. Problems of storage were subordinated,
In addition, the Corps furnished thousands of however, to those of distribution, and the com-
"comfort items" to promote the health and wel- modity branches continued to emphasize the
peak strength of
fare of the soldier. Since the property accountability of supply officers rather
the Army was about 8,000,000 men and the than the control of supplies in the interest of
QMC also furnished various supplies to the equitable distribution and a minimum stockage
Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and the War in depots and stations. Even as early as the fall

Shipping Administration, as well as to the lend- of 1940, however, it was recognized that the
lease program, this supply mission constituted operation of the Quartermaster depot system of
an enormous operation, involving the move- supply presented problems of management and
ment of millions of tons of supplies shipped or administration that needed to be studied. Just
received by Quartermaster depots. as global war developed new methods and pro-

Throughout the emergency period and the cedures of fighting, so supply problems grew
months immediately following Pearl Harbor, more complex and modern methods of ware-
the objectives of QMC distribution operations housing had to be adapted to the Army system
were the rapid expansion of the depot system of supply. Warehousing had been considered
and the prompt delivery of supplies. It was simply a matter of space control, of allocating
most important to fill supply pipelines and get available storage facilities among the supply

supplies into the hands of the troops quickly. services. Little orno attention had been given
Toward the end of 1942, when these goals had to the use of improved equipment for handling
been achieved, greater attention could be ac- supplies or to the adoption of sounder methods
corded the problem of balanced and equitable of receiving, stacking, packing, and shipping
Improved inventory control then
distribution. supplies.

became increasingly important. 1

Alvin P. Stauffer, Quartermaster Depot Storage and
Administrative Background Distribution Operations (QMC
Historical Studies 18,
May 1948), pp. 4-5. The following discussion is
Prior toMarch 1942, while the OQMG was largely based on this study, hereafter cited as QM
organized on a commodity basis, each of the S&D Opns.

A study of these supply problems revealed Depending upon their assigned functions, they
the need for a co-ordinating unit in the OQMG, were classified as regional distributing, filler,

a need met by the establishment of a Depot key, or reserve depots. The mission of most
Division in May 1941. 2 When the OQMG was Quartermaster depots included the functions of
later reorganized along functional lines, the three or even all four of these classifications.
Storage and Distribution Service (later Divi- The continental United States was divided into
sion), headed during the war years by Brig. fifteen areas for the distribution of Quartermas-
Gen. Maj. Gen.) Frank F. Scowden, was
(later ter supplies. Each such area was served by a
established with the mission of storing, distrib- regional distributing depot which furnished
uting, and issuing all Quartermaster supplies, Quartermaster supplies directly to all camps,
as well as managing and operating Quartermas- posts, and stations within its assigned area.
ter depots. In the process the Depot Division Among the major groups of supplies only per-
became the Depot Operations Branch of the ishable subsistence, issued through Quartermas-
Storage and Distribution Service. Its respon- ter market centers, and fuels and lubricants, sent
sibilities continued to be those of correlation, directfrom producers to military stations under
standardization, and management of the Quar- contracts made by the Procurement Division of
termaster depot system. the Treasury Department, were not normally
Under the general direction of Headquarters, distributed by the regional depots. Except for
SOS, and later of Headquarters, ASF, the key items, regional depots stocked all other
OQMG determined storage and distribution major items of supply in quantities sufficient to
policies and procedures. It supervised the deliv- meet current demand. 4 The size of areas as-

ery ofgoods from the depots to ports of em- signed to regional distributing depots varied
barkation for oversea shipment and to posts, greatly but was limited by such factors as the
camps, and stations for distribution to the storage capacity of the depot, the density or
troops in the zone of interior. It revised and sparsity of the military population to be served,
simplified depot operations; improved the
it and the time required to make deliveries. This
methods of receiving, storing, and shipping system of regional depots permitted decentrali-
supplies; and it trained both civilian and mili- zation in the handling of zone of interior requi-
tary personnel in warehousing duties. Its con- sitions, and since a supply officer of a post,
trol of supplies ceased, however, after they had camp, or station in a particular area looked to
been delivered by the depots to the requisition- one and only one regional depot for the supply
ing stations. The latter were under the super- of all Quartermaster items, the task of requisi-
vision of the nine corps areas (later service com- tioning officers in the zone of interior was sim-
mands). This division of authority made im-
possible the standardization of warehousing and
distribution methods from the depots through
92, 14 May 41, no sub. (2) Maj
Daniel Borth, "The Quartermaster Depot System of
the stations. 3 Supply," QMR, XXII (November-December 1942),
31. (3) See above, Ch. I, section entitled "Impact of
the Emergency Period."
Depot Missions 3
Rpt, F. Chapin Weed, Div of Purchases, OPM, 6
Nov 41, sub: Warehousing and Distr as Found with
The depot storage system in World War II Divided Command.
was based on broad principles of decentraliza- 4
( 1 ) OQMG
Cir 190, 6 May 42, sub: Asgmt of

tion. The Quartermaster depots were the key-

Responsibility to Depots for Distr of Supplies. QM
(2) Ibid., 84, 24 May 43, same sub. (3) WD SB
stone of the Quartermaster system of supply. 38-3-QM, 19 Oct 44, sub: Depot Missions.

plified. Regional depots called on reserve depots Alaska. The purpose of assigning particular
for replacement of their stocks. ports to supply specific overseas areas, and of
Key depots handled supplies that were scarce, having these overseas areas requisition directly
in limited demand, or in need of special treat- upon the responsible was to decentralize
ment. Stockages of these commodities were rela- the handling of requisitions. In World War I all
and regional depots could not con-
tively small, overseas requisitions had been sent to Washing-
veniently or economically deal with large ton, with consequent delay and confusion.
numbers of key items. As a consequence, certain Close co-operation had to be maintained be-
key depots were expressly selected to handle tween ports and filler depots to insure prompt
items lacking general utility, such as war dog movement of supplies to the ports, departure of
equipment; items required only in restricted ships on schedule, and delivery of goods at
geographical areas, such as desert, jungle, and proper destinations overseas in accordance with
cold-climate equipment; or items demanding fixed priorities.
unusual storage conditions, such as clothing The orderly flow of supplies to the ports was
chemically impregnated as a protection against further promoted by the use of holding and re-
poison gas. Because demand for these items was consignment points. The need for such transit
specialized or limited, a key depot's area of dis- storage points had been made evident through
tribution might include two or more regional the congestion at the ports during World War I.
Sometimes a distri-
areas or parts of such areas. By the summer of 1941 such temporary storage
bution area comprised the whole zone of in- points were required to handle lend-lease goods
terior. For example, the Jeffersonville Depot as well as those of the Army. Both General
issued repair parts for tentage to all installations George Spaulding of the Division of Defense
in the United States.

Aid (predecessor of Lend-Lease) and Col. T H.

To insure that ports of embarkation would re- Dillon, Chief of the Transportation Division,
ceive an orderly and controlled flow of required OQMG, were alert to the problem, and plans
supplies, filler depots were established, generally were made in July to begin construction of
within 100 miles of the seaboard, to serve the holding and reconsignment points. The first

port or ports they were specifically assigned to was ready for use by the time of Pearl Harbor
supply and to forward goods only upon the call and a second one shortly thereafter. Although
of the port commander and only in the quanti- the control of the holding and reconsignment
ties and at the time requested. This procedure points passed to the Chief of Transportation in
was to prevent at the ports the congestion the reorganization after March 1942, the
which had developed so disastrously in World OQMG had had a large part in their devel-
War I. In emergencies the filler depots might opment. 6
help meet the needs of other ports as well. Reserve depots maintained reserve stocks to

During most of the war, the New York Port be used for replenishing stock levels of regional
of Embarkation and its outports supplied the distributing and filler depots. They also stored

European and Mediterranean Theaters of Opera- reserve stocks which were set aside in anticipa-

tions; Boston, the American bases in the Atlan-

(1) OQMG cir 1-4, pars. 90-240, 25 Jan 43, sub:
tic; Charleston, the Middle East and the Persian Distr of Supplies. (2) WD SB 38-3-QM, 19 Oct 44,
Gulf Service Command; New Orleans, the sub: Depot Missions, Pt. VI, pp. 31-35.
For a full discussion of the holding and reconsign-
Caribbean bases; San Francisco, the Southwest
ment points, see Chester Wardlow, The Transportation
Pacific and Pacific Ocean Areas; Los Angeles, Corps: Movements, Training, and Supply, in prepara-
the China-Burma-India Theater; and Seattle, tion for the series, U. S. ARMY IN WORLD WAR II.

tion of task force shortages or in preparation for War I the failure to provide sufficient storage
specific operations, such as the alerting of a divi- facilities had resulted in an unparalleled conges-

sion for overseas movement, which required tion of freight along the eastern seaboard and
supplies in excess of those normally available. had threatened to disorganize completely the
In addition, their reserve stocks included pro- Army's distributing system. In the absence of
duction on contingency reserve stocks of com- adequate depot storage facilities and the neces-
modities subject to the interruption of produc- sity of shipping goods promptly from manu-

tion or unusually heavy demands. When it was facturers' production lines, it was the practice
necessary to accept production in excess of cur- for each supply service to order finished items
rent needs, such excess was also classified as destined for Europe into eastern terminals. Piers,
contingency reserves, pending redistribution. 7 transit sheds, and other port facilities were soon
In World War II, the Quartermaster General clogged with the onrushing flood of goods, and
was concerned only with the replenishment of for miles behind the terminals loaded cars were
stocks in these reserve depots. This was a vast parked on railroad sidings awaiting movement
improvement over the first World War, when to shipside. This congestion made difficult the

he had been overburdened by direct requisitions selective loading of ships, and consequently sup-
sent to him from overseas and from hundreds of plies high on the priority list for movement to

posts, camps, and stations in the zone of interior. France could not be shipped because it was im-
Depending on their responsibilities, distribut- possible to get them to the piers. Accessibility
ing depots stocked thousands of Quartermaster rather than the actual requirements of the
items, averaging about 3,500 items but ranging American Expeditionary Forces frequently dic-
as high as 6,000 or more for installations with tated the shipments made.
highly diverse missions. 8 Depot missions were This situation was improved early in 1918
not permanently fixed. They changed during after thegovernment had taken over control of
the war as troop concentrations shifted in the the railroads and the Army supply services had
zone of interior and in the theaters of opera- been reorganized with the Purchase, Storage
tions. An installation with both filler and re- and Traffic Division in the General Staff co-
gional distributing functions might in the ordinating their activities. Storage facilities were
beginning be concerned mainly with delivering expanded through new construction and by the
goods to posts, camps, and stations in the lease of commercial warehouses. To prevent
United States and subsequently, as training congestion at the ports, a new type of installa-
camp activities diminished, with forwarding tion, the filler depot, was created to free ports
supplies to ports of embarkation. Troop move- of embarkation from the necessity of maintain-
ments were reflected in changing stock levels,
Maj Gen F. F. Scowden, Dir of S&D Div,
and the functions of the depots were altered OQMG, to COs of All Depots, 14 Sep 43, sub: Defini-
with the shifts in the direction of the global tion of Sup Responsibility, 323.3.

conflict. 9
Rpt, Statistics Br, OP&C Div, OQMG, Stat Rpts
to TQMG, 1944, pp. 121-22.
9 Ltr, Gen Gregory Col G. F. Spann, JCQMD,
8 Nov 43, sub: Change Sup Problem.
Depot Storage Operations 10
(1) Gen Scowden, "Storage and Distribution of
Quartermaster Supplies," QMR, XXII (November-
War December 1942), H. Britten, "Storage by
27. (2) L.
Lessons of World 1
the Mile," QMR, September-October 1921), 13-16.
I (

(3) Capt J. Allen Praether, History of the Storage Di-

Depot operations in 1939 profited from the vision, 1917-18 (n.d., 4 vols, typescript at QM Li-
lessons learned in 1917 and 1918. During World brary, Camp Lee), I, 65, 98.

ing large working stocks of overseas supplies. utilization of all storage space and with making
In addition, a zone system of supply was inau- recommendations as to its disposition. To
gurated on 1 July providing for the establish- enable The Quartermaster General to maintain
ment of balanced inventories at depots. These such records, the chiefs of other supply arms
installations were assigned definite geographic and services submitted periodic reports on the
areas inwhich they would be responsible for amount of space in use, vacant, and needed in
supplying all posts, camps, and stations. This the near future. Twice a year The Quartermas-
was an effort to eliminate the previous differen- ter General sent consolidated reports to The
tiation of storage activities along supply service Adjutant General. 12
lines. It was the goal of the Purchase, Storage Branch depots, in which supplies belonging
and Traffic Division to unify all storage activ- to a single service were stored, and general de-
ities of the supply services in a zone under the pots, consisting of supply sections of the vari-
jurisdiction of a single storage officer. When ous services, operated without any control other
the Army reverted to peacetime conditions, than that exercised by the responsible supply
however, the zone system of supply was service.
The supply services were almost as
discontinued. 11 autonomous as they had been in 1917, and each
The experience of World War I demonstrated was procuring and distributing supplies with-
that adequate storage facilities were vital to an out regard for other services. This situation was
even, organized flow of supplies; that distribu- altered in March 1942 when the SOS was estab-
tion was more prompt when conducted on a lished as one of the three major commands of
zonal basis; that protection of the ports of em- the War Department. Thereafter it directed the
barkation was necessary to prevent congestion storage and distribution program of the Army.
resulting from the torrent of goods directed to
them; and that efficient distribution was largely
dependent on prior planning and close co-ordi-
Co-ordination and Control
nation of the activities of the supply services. of Shipments

Efforts to co-ordinate and control the flow of

supplies to depots and to ports of embarkation
Co-ordination of Activities
were made early in 1941 in order to avoid the
of Supply Services
congestion that had developed at terminals in
It appeared that the unhappy experiences of 1917 and 1918. On the recommendation of The
1917 were about to be repeated in 1941 in the Quartermaster General, all shippers of goods
inadequate co-ordination of the activities of the consigned to Army installations were obliged
supply services. During the emergency period to give notice of anticipated shipments by pre-
and until 1942, storage and distribution oper- paid telegraph or teletype, specifying date,
ations were loosely co-ordinated in the General route, and size, and furnishing a brief general
and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of
War. The Secretary of War was charged with
allotting all storage space owned or leased by
Annual Report of The Quartermaster General
( 1 )

to of War, 1919 (Washington, D. C,

the Secretary
the War Department, but in practice such allo-
1920), pp. 21-23, 127-28. (2) Maj Gen Peyton C.
cations were based on recommendations made March, The Nation at War (Garden City, N.Y., 1932),
by the OQMG. As the service traditionally con- pp. 191-95. (3) Praether, History of the Storage Divi-
cerned with storage problems, the OQMG was sion,

AR 700-10, Sec. II, 1 Jul 36, sub: Stor and Issue.

charged with keeping adequate records of the 13
See above, Ch. I, pp. 41-42.

description of the shipment. Although this stituting comprehensive arrangements for traffic

was a step in the right direction, it by no means control. 13

established an adequate form of traffic control The Transportation Corps prepared and dis-

inasmuch as it merely informed the consignee seminated information on the status of troop
of contemplated shipments without establish- and freight movements; it maintained liaison
ing a procedure by which he could regulate with all transportation agencies operating by
such shipments. water, rail, truck, and air; and it acted for the
The rapid increase in the quantity of Army War Department on the Transportation Control
supplies held at ports in the weeks following Committee. On the basis of daily reports cover-
Pearl Harbor made adequate control of ship- ing anticipated shipments by the various gov-
ments imperative. At that time operating re- ernment agencies for about the next forty-five
sponsibilities for inland, terminal, and overseas days, this committee operated a block release
transportation were completely decentralized. system. By means of it all movements of goods
The Quartermaster General was responsible for to overseas destinations were timed and routed
the maintenance and operation of the Army to prevent overcrowding either the railroads or
transport service. He operated a fleet of some the ports. The block releases indicated the ton-
250 small vessels of all types, including 6 troop nage that could be sent to each port during a
transports and 2 cargo vessels. The ports of em- given month. 16 If necessary to prevent conges-
barkation, although a part of the transportation tion, shipments already under way could be
machinery, were under the direct control of the diverted to holding and reconsignment points
War Department General Staff. The situation maintained by the Transportation Corps. Con-
was further complicated by the lack of control taining both covered and open storage areas,
over commercial and nonmilitary shipments by these points were located along the principal
the government. railroad lines leading to the ports. Combined
A comprehensive supervisory system was with the use of filler depots at inland locations,
urgently needed. Under the broad authority they permitted the restriction of storage at ports
granted the Office of Defense Transportation for the most part to goods actually scheduled to
(ODT), such a system was created in March be sent overseas in the near future. This co-ordi-
up controls over commer-
1942. This agency set nation and control of traffic enabled the Army
cialmovements, while under its general direc- supply system to avoid the congestion that had
tion the War and Navy Departments co-ordi- occurred in 1917.
nated and supervised their transportation activ- The orderly flow of shipments of supplies
ities. The ODT authority over traffic control from the zone of interior depots to theaters of
was delegated to and exercised by the Trans- 14
(1) Ltr, TQMG
to ACofS G-4, 25 Feb 41, sub:
portation Control Committee, consisting of Notice by Wire to Govt Consignee. ( 2 ) Ltr, TAG to
representatives of the Navy, the War Depart- TQMG, 4 Mar 41, same sub. AG 523.01 (2-28-41)
ment, the ODT, the War Shipping Administra- M-D.
Maj Gen C. P. Gross, CofT, "The Transportation
tion, and the British Ministry of War Transport. Corps: Organization and Major Functions," QMR,

Within the War Department the consolidation XXIII (January-February 1944), 19ff. (2) Chester
Wardlow, The Transportation Corps: Responsibilities, Or-
of these responsibilities in one agency was ac-
ganization, and Operations in U. S. |
complished by the creation of a Transportation WORLD WAR II (Washington, D. C, 1951).

Division in the SOS, which some four months

Lecture, Maj Gen E. H. Leavey, 24 Oct 46, sub:
Communications and Transportation as Essentials of
later became the Transportation Corps. For the Mobilization (Industrial Mobilization Course, ICAF),
duration of the war it was responsible for in- p. 6.

operations was further promoted by the devel- since it was estimated that seventeen and a half
opment and use by the Army of the War square feet of floorage were necessary for each
Department Shipping Document. This docu- serviceman. 1H As long as the depots were en-
ment originated in the OQMG, growing out of gaged in the years following World War I in
a study initiated by that office in October 1942 the routine tasks of supplying the relatively
to simplify the paper procedures covering the small demands of a Regular Army of less than
shipment of supplies by reducing both the 150,000 men and of maintaining war reserves
number and the types of documents used. By for anarmed force of 1,000,000, no great burden
putting all necessary information on one docu- was imposed upon them. 19 Supply was largely
ment, the OQMG could replace at least ten dif- a matter of issuing replacements, and stocks
ferent ones used in a shipment destined for moved slowly as compared with initial issue to
overseas, namely, the shipping ticket, the pack- new troops. Occasionally, emergency goods to

ing list, dock tallies, hatch lists, and tally-ins assist victims of various catastrophes were de-
and tally-outs at the depot, the holding and re- livered to the Red Cross and other relief organ-

consignment point, the port of embarkation, izations. Such activities required neither a large

and the overseas port. The War Department labor force nor an extensive investment in ma-
Shipping Document was first used in the terials-handling equipment. With the creation
spring of 1943. This new procedure had the fur- of the Civilian Conservation Corps, Quarter-
ther advantage of making the shipping docu- master responsibility for supplying the young
ment, with sufficient copies for all purposes, ac- men enrolled in it increased enormously the ac-
company every movement of supplies, thus as- tivities of the depots between 1933 and 1940. In
suring immediate identification of the consign- meeting this demand the depots were uncon-
ment and eliminating any need to recopy data sciously preparing for the much greater expan-
at different points in transit, since all essential sion precipitated by World War II.
facts were recorded on one form. 1
In 1940 twelve depots were engaged in han-
dling Quartermaster supplies and of these all
Expansion of Depot Storage Facilities but two lay east of the Mississippi River. Five
were active storage and distributing depots. The
Adequacy of storage facilities was as impor- New York General Depot was the most im-
tant as efficient distribution in solving the sup- portant of these, being responsible for the sup-
ply problem of World War II. The QMC at- ply of nearly half the Army. It furnished prac-
tacked the problem by expanding its depot sys- tically all Quartermaster items required in

tem, by using commercial storage facilities, and Panama, Puerto Rico, and elsewhere in the

by developing a method to assure the complete

utilization of existing storage space. 17
(1) Ltr, Col J. W. G. Stephens, OQMG, to Maj
Gen Orlando Ward, Office of Chief of Military His-
tory, 31 Dec 50, no sub. (2) Memo, TQMG for CG
Distribution of Facilities ASF, 23 Mar 43, sub: WD Shipping Document. (3)
Lt Col E. B. Brownell, "Reducing Paper Work with
in 1940
the War Department Shipping Document," Military
Review, XXIV (November 1944), 74-78.
On 31 October 1940 permanent warehouse 18
(1) Memo, Gen Gregory for ACofS G-4, 3 Feb
space controlled and used by the QMC 41, no sub. (2) Ltr, Gen Gregory to Gen Somervell,
amounted to 7,700,000 square feet. This was far 27 Feb 41, sub: QMC
Stor Reqmts.
Report of the Secretary of War, 1929 (Washington,

below the minimum space needed to supply D. C, 1929), pp. 7-8.

20 Compare Charts 10 and 1 1.
millions of troops engaged in a global conflict,

Caribbean, and supplied installations in the tion of a limited national emergency, and it

huge area of New England and the Middle and ended with the fall of France in the summer of
South Atlantic States. 21 The Chicago Quarter- 1940. At the time of the proclamation, the
master Depot was second in importance, serv- President authorized an additional small in-

ing the vast interior region from Canada to the crease of 17,000 men to the Regular Army. Pre-
Gulf of Mexico and from eastern Alabama to viously, on 1 July 1939, the strength of the
western North Dakota. In 1935 a part of this Army had been increased from 174,000 to
area— Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Ten- 210,000. 23 These changes, together with other
nessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana— anticipated developments, emphasized the need
because of its increasing activities in supplying for exploring the problem of depot expansion.
the Civilian Conservation Corps was transferred The OQMG called upon the established depots
to the JefTersonville Quartermaster Depot. The to submit estimates of the cost for making im-
Eighth Corps Area Depot at Fort Sam Houston, provements to meet the increased procurement
San Antonio, Tex., supplied the southwestern program. 24 Before June 1940, however, little
area,while the San Francisco General Depot was accomplished beyond the drafting of blue-
provided goods for the rest of the West as well prints. The country could not visualize the dan-
as furnishing subsistence and certain other gerous possibilities of the world situation, and
Quartermaster items to Hawaii, the Philippines, needed appropriations were not forthcoming.
the garrisons in China and, through its Seattle
branch, those in Alaska. 22
Second Phase of Expansion
This concentration of supply installations in
the East followed naturally from the tendency The fall of France increased apprehensions as

to locate major distributing agencies in the to the country's security. The second phase of
larger commercial centers and from the neces- the emergency, involving the passage of large
sity to build depots readily accessible to Atlan- appropriations to strengthen all aspects of mili-
tic ports during World War I. With the limited tary activity, including the supply system, lasted
number of depots in the West, any Pacific con- until the attack on Pearl Harbor. On 16 Sep-
would pose difficult supply problems if this
flict tember, when the President signed the Selective
situation was not corrected. The lack of depots
in the area east of the Mississippi and south of For a general account of this depot see Col A. B.
the Potomac and Ohio Rivers was another Warfield, "The Army Supply Base," QMR, X (March-
April 1931), 19-23.
weakness of the distributing system. In this 22
For accounts of these depots see ( 1 ) Capt Wil-
region, as in 1917, training camps and maneuver liam J.Allen, "The Chicago Quartermaster Depot,"

areas would inevitably be concentrated in the

QMR, VII (November-December 1927), 5-10. (2)
Anon., "Jeff," QMR, XVI (July-August 1936), 11-15.
event of war because of the mild climate and
(3) Capt Ezra Davis, "Depots of the Quartermaster
wide stretches of open terrain. Corps," QMR, X (November- December 1930),
Biennial Report of the Chief of Staff of the United
States Army July 1, 1939 to June 30, 1941 to the Secre-
First Phase of Expansion
tary of War (Washington, D. C, 1941), p. 2.
See, for example, ( 1 ) Ltr, Col W. A. McCain, CO
The expansion of the depot system fell into PQMD to TQMG, 31 Oct 39, sub: Estimates Cover-
three periods, paralleling the phases of the war ing Extensions and Improvements. (2) For a detailed
in its impact upon the United States. The first
account of the expansion at the Philadelphia Depot see
Richard McCormick, The Physical Plant, 1917-42
period began in 1939 with the outbreak of war
(typescript historical report in files of Hist Sec,
in Europe and President Roosevelt's proclama- OQMG).







Service Act, the first units of the National distribution of troops at posts and camps
Guard, which had been called into federal serv- created a problem in determining both the loca-
were inducted. The rapid expansion of the
ice, tion and the size of new depots. Col. J. W. G.
Army to about one and a half million men Stephens, Chief of the Storage Control Branch
made urgent the need for new and larger depots responsible for planning the expansion of the
to handle the vast quantities of Quartermaster depot system, declared that, in order to secure
supplies. Until well into 1943 the distribution this information, "it was necessary that we
problem was one of initial issue, which required vigorously and religiously patrol the halls of
relatively more storage space than issue for re- the Munitions Building," then the center of
placement purposes. In addition, storage was War Department activities in Washington. 27
needed for stocking the reserves of critical raw Eventually the securing of essential data made
materials which were essential to the prosecu- possible the determination of the distributing
tion of war and which had been acquired, as a areas for which regional depots would have to
precautionary measure, by the Reconstruction be provided. Even then accurate estimates of
Finance Corporation. storage space could not be established because
During this second phase a program of ex- unanticipated events, such as the establishment
pansion was inaugurated not only for enlarging of new ports of embarkation demanding large
old Quartermaster and general depots but for stores of filler stocks in the interior, or the ac-
constructing new installations. When the at- tivation of new military stations with thousands
tack on Pearl Harbor occurred, about 11,500,000 of troops not included in the initial estimates,
square feet of depot space were ready for Quar- sometimes drastically increased the need for
termaster use, approximately 50 percent more space.
than had existed the previous year. 2 Older -

in- In determining the locations of new installa-

stallations had been expanded. Two new gen- tions many other complex factors in addition to
eral depots and two new Quartermaster depots troop distribution had to be studied. The gov-
were in use, while construction in some cases erning factor in location and size was the role
was about to begin and in others was well ad- which the distributing depots were to play in
vanced on three other general depots and five the domestic and overseas system of supply dis-

additional Quartermaster depots. tribution. 28 For the most part, these installa-
Basic to the execution of this program of ex- tions were so located that shipments could
pansion was information on the size and distri- reach the stations and ports for whose supply
bution of the Army. In this period the OQMG they were responsible within twenty-four hours
began by estimating the floorage required for by rail or truck. Transportation facilities were,
stocking essential items army of
for an therefore, a prime factor for consideration.
1,400,000 men. It was thought this number Natural commercial centers of distribution, ca-

would be in training by 1 July 1941. During pable of handling thousands of freight cars
the spring and summer the growing rate of in-
duction into the Army and the extension of the 25
Rpt, Statistics Br, P&C Div, QM Depot Opns,
period of service by an additional eighteen III (November 1941), 25.

months for drafted men and National Guards-

Memo, TQMG
for ACofS G-4, 24 Jul 41, sub:
Additional Stor Reqmts.
men caused an upward revision in estimated 27
Rpt, Conf of CA QMs, Washington, D. C, 27-29
space requirements. Calculations were then Jan 41, p. 42.

Gen Scowden,
"Storage and Distribution of Quar-
based on an army of 1, 820,000.
termaster Supplies," QMR, XXII (November-Decem-
The difficulty of obtaining correct data on the ber 1942), 28.

daily, were obviously best suited for depot loca- ment. They required large tracts of land, how-
tions. The existence of favorable freight rates, ever, and consequently their construction was
an adequate labor supply, and the elimination confined largely to the smaller urban commu-
of backhauls and crosshauls were other impor- nities or the more or less open country.
tant factors. Backhauls and crosshauls were When the problems of site selection, size,

more widely used than is realized, and their and type of construction had been solved,
elimination was vital because of the tremendous speedy completion of building operations was
saving effected in transportation. most important. To expedite construction the
In carrying out its program of expansion, the QMC used cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts, since
QMC not only constructed new buildings but work often had to start before specific allot-
leased or purchased commercial warehouses for ments of money could be made and before final

use by existing depots. It was War Department plans could be drawn on the basis of informa-
policy to restrict leasing asmuch as possible, tion on the depot's intended responsibilities.

but when new depots were needed in commu- The most serious delay in construction was oc-
nities where real estate and building costs were casioned by the shortage of building materials,
exorbitant, where no great postwar need would particularly steel. Despite these difficulties, the
exist for them, or where space was immediately Construction Division, OQMG, was able, for
required, most or all of the necessary structures themost part, to carry out the expansion pro-
were leased. Leasing had the advantage of quick gram as planned until late in 1941. After 15
procurement of needed space without requiring December the Corps of Engineers became re-
any heavy capital outlay for buying or building sponsible for construction activities.
requisite facilities. On the other hand, leased
Third Phase of Expansion
storage space had many disadvantages. Most of
the better warehouses in 1940 and 1941 were al- After the attack on Pearl Harbor and during
ready occupied either by civilian firms or by the third phase of the war, there was even
other government agencies. Much of the re- greater need for speed in completing the pro-
maining storage space was frequently undesir- gram of depot expansion. Shortages of materials
able because it was antiquated, of poor construc- and of labor became more acute, and the con-
tion, and lacked adequate fire protection. Leased struction of temporary typeswas substituted for
warehouses often had to be remodeled before permanent structures. By May 1943 Headquar-
they could be used for government storage. ters, ASF, decided not to authorize further

Small units, widely distributed, made impos- building of any sort unless disapproval would
sible the use of materials-handling equipment seriously threaten the efficiency of depot opera-
to expedite handling and storage of supplies. tions.
As a result of this decision, depot con-
In constructing warehouses the OQMG fa- struction was not expanded to keep pace with
vored single-story structures so erected as to the large increase in troop strength. Originally
provide railroad freight sidings with loading 66,000,000 square feet of covered storage space
platforms level with the car floor on one side had been estimated as necessary to supply an
of the warehouse and docks for truck loading army of 3,200,000 men. This estimate included
and unloading on the other side. Such struc-
tures with their lofty ceilings and unlimited « Stauffer, QM
Depot S&D Opns, pp. 18-19-

floor-load capacity allowed fuller utilization of

( 1 ) Ltr, TAG
to CofEngrs, 7 Mar 42, sub: Tem-
porary Type Const. (2) Ltr, Gen Scowden, OQMG,
space by the high tiering of supplies and per- to COs of all depots, 11 May 43, sub: Restriction on
mitted the efficient use of mechanical equip- Const.

storage for Quartermaster items and those of from contractors to ports. 32

other technical services stored in general depots By the beginning of 1943 the expansion pro-
administered by The Quartermaster General. In gram had been substantially completed. Eleven
April 1945, at the peak of wartime expansion Quartermaster depots and eleven Quartermaster
when the planned Army strength had almost sections of ASF depots with a new covered stor-

trebled, the total covered space, including com- age capacity of more than 25,000,000 square feet

mercial storage, did not exceed 75,000,000 were handling Quartermaster supplies. 33 Instal-

square feet— only 9,000,000 square feet more lations existing in 1939 had been enlarged; mil-
than that in the original estimate. 31 lions of square feet of commercial storage space
Various factors accounted for the success of had been leased; and six new ASF depots con-
the technical services in supplying the Army of taining Quartermaster sections, six new Quar-
more than 8,000,000 men in World War II from termaster depots, and seven subdepots had been
warehouse facilities only slightly larger than established.
those planned for 3,200,000 men. The wider use The pattern of geographical distribution of
of materials-handling equipment and improved the depots had been greatly altered during the
depot layout permitted a sharp increase in sup- war years. Because of the existing concentration
ply turnover and a better utilization of space. of depots east of the Mississippi and above the
The pressure for storage space was alleviated by Mason and Dixon Line, the expansion program
a greater use than was originally anticipated of in that area had involved primarily the modern-
leased and commercial storage, amounting to ization and enlargement of these installations
11,583,000 square feet in April 1945. The and the lease and construction of additional
open storage for selected supply
greater use of facilities to meet new demands. In contrast new
items which would not deteriorate rapidly depots were constructed in the South and West
through exposure contributed to the same end. to provide adequate facilities for the mainte-
Open storage was not as valuable in Quarter- nance of troops being trained below the Mason
master operations as in those of some other and Dixon Line and in the Southwest and to
technical services but could be used for storing support the troops in the Pacific.

such items as fuels, chemicals, and containers.

Use of Commercial Storage Space
On the other hand, the value of sheds was in-

creasingly recognized by the QMC as the war The increased storage space acquired through
progressed. This type of covered storage, con- expansion of the depot system had to be sup-
sisting of sheds with roofs but no side walls and plemented by the use of commercial storage
frequently no concrete floors, was easily con- space. This included both dry-storage and cold-
structed and relatively inexpensive. Such items storage facilities. The huge
quantities of subsist-
as shovels, tent poles, and pins were among ence purchased and the necessity of building
selected Quartermaster items of supply that re- adequate reserves of both perishable and non-
quired cover but not the degree of protection 51
Lecture, Brig Gen H. Feldman, 2 5 Oct 46, sub:
afforded by warehouses. Storage facilities were Relationship of 1939 Storage Facilities to Estimated
augmented by the use of holding and reconsign- Need (Industrial Mobilization Course, ICAF), p. 4.
ment points operated by the Transportation » Statistics Br, OP&C Div, Stat Handbook of the
Corps to assemble supplies for overseas ship- QMC, 1943, p. 25.
ment. From the middle of 1942 congestion in See Chart 1 1. For a more detailed discussion of
the expansion of the depot system throughout the
depots was further relieved by the use of over-
country and the changing missions of these installa-
seas facilities to store material shipped direct tions, see Stauffer, QM
Depot S&D Opns, pp. 27-54.
3 «•

r u

a. 1



perishable foods for supplying the armed forces and at the same time maintain enough space to
compelled the QMC to resort extensively to the complete the year's canning and prepare for the
use of commercial storage. next season's pack. This was especially true for
West Coast canners, where the wide variety of
Kansas City Plan
fruitsand vegetables and the protracted grow-
While commercial warehouses of the dry- ing season, ranging from 150 to 300 days, made
storage type were not practicable for the storage the canning period longer than elsewhere. 36 The
of hazardous or perishable supplies or for those only satisfactory solution to the problem of
with a rapid turnover, nonperishable foods of a overcrowding canners' warehouses was the
seasonal nature, especially canned fruits and prompt removal of Quartermaster supplies.
vegetables, could be stored in them. From the Commercial warehouses, located at widely
beginning of the emergency period, the QMC scattered points, were well suited for the storage
had been interested in the civilian facilities that of fruits and vegetables which were canned in
might be available for Quartermaster storage, all parts of the country. The War Department

but it was the necessity of providing storage for had no desire to lease and operate these facili-
nonperishables that resulted in the development ties on its own account, but it did need to know

of a feasible plan. A review of the problem was in advance what storage space would be avail-
initiated in April 1941 by a request from the able. It was thought that its requirements could

Chicago Quartermaster Depot for information be covered by a contract which would guarantee
on contracting for commercial storage space. 35 a definite amount of space in selected ware-
The problem of storage of nonperishable houses for use as needed. In June 1941 the
foods grew out of the change made in the pro- OQMG outlined a method whereby the depots
curement of these commodities. As the Army might negotiate a term contract with an associ-
expanded, the peacetime practice of purchase of ation of warehousemen, thereby obtaining in a
nonperishables by regional depots from whole- single agreement all the facilities needed for
salers for direct delivery to posts, camps, and commercial storage in an entire urban com-
stations gave way to a new method of cen- munity. 37
tralized procurement by field buyers directly The War Department Commercial Ware-
from the canners before and during the produc- house Pool Plan was developed to implement
ing seasons. Since such canned goods often had this method. It was popularly known as the
to be stored for as long as a year before being Kansas City Plan since it grew out of an agree-
sent to consuming installations, valuable depot ment devised by the Kansas City Quartermaster
storage spacewould be occupied for unduly long Depot and the Kansas City Warehouse Associ-
periods. This would interfere with the fluidity ation. 38 By April 1942 the OQMG
had ap-
of depot operations.
Under the WPB set-aside order of March
Ltr, Col H. B. Barry, CO CQMD, to TQMG, 12
Apr 41, sub: Stor, 400.24.
1942 canners were expected to hold government 36 For
a more detailed treatment of the canners' stor-
goods for as long as a year. They soon clamored age problem see Marion Massen, Canned Vegetables: A
for relief on storage space, particularly by the Case History in Central Procurement at the Chicago
Quartermaster Depot During World War II (CQMD
end of September when WPB Order M-237 Historical Studies 3, October 1943), pp. 75-79.
limited to 35 percent the amount of canned 37
OQMG Cir Ltr 107, 14 Jun 41, sub: Utilization
goods that could be released to civilian trade of Pub Warehousing Fac.

before 1 December. Most processors lacked suf-

(1) Stauffer, QM
Depot S&D Opns, pp. 56-61.
(2) Col Stephens, "The Kansas City Plan," QMR,
ficient storage facilities to hold canned goods XXII (November-December 1942), 54ff.

proved a contract which provided the pattern tracts with the same associations, The Quarter-
for all future negotiations. master General was given the responsibility of
Briefly, under this plan the Real Estate operating the plan for the benefit of the entire
Branch, Office of the Chief of Engineers, nego- War Department. 40 So widely was the Kansas
tiated a contracton behalf of the War Depart- City Plan used that the number of areas in
ment with a Federal Emergency Warehouse As- which the Federal Emergency Warehouse As-
sociation. This association, which included all sociation operated increased from thirteen in
warehousemen in a given urban area, agreed to November 1942 to forty-two by the fall of
do all the necessary handling of supplies and 1944.
guaranteed that a certain proportion of the stor- In actual practice theQMC derived more
age facilities of its members would be available benefit from the plan than any other supply
on short notice. The amount of space which the service. About 95 percent of the space was nor-

association might be required to offer varied ac- mally consigned to it. Canned fruits and vegeta-
cording to the length of notice given. For in- bles always constituted the larger part of the
stance, 2 Vi percent might be demanded in 5 supplies stored under this plan. As much as 90
days, 5 percent in 10 days, and 10 percent in 15 percent of the space allotted to the Corps at

days. The association posted a performance times was occupied by nonperishable foods. 42
bond as a guarantee that the requested space These included not only canned fruits and vege-
would be made available. 59 tables but canned fish and meats, evaporated
Eventually the Kansas City Plan operated in milk, and dried eggs. In addition, supplies with
most of the larger urban centers where the ma- a slow turnover, such as cots, bedsteads, com-
jority of commercial warehouses were located. A forters, mattresses,and pillows, were also stored
large amount of storage space became available in commercial warehouses.
under the plan without the expense of con-
structing or leasing warehouses and at a cost Cleveland Plan
that covered only the space actually occupied.
The administrative burden on the OQMG was Early in June 1943, after the Kansas City Plan
appreciably reduced by the establishment of a had been operating for more than a year, it was
central office in each urban warehouse associa- criticized by the OPA, the WPB, and the De-

tion, the secretary of which allocated War De- partment of Justice because the rate schedules

partment supplies among the available ware- }9 Ltr, Maj S. E. Beggs, OQMG, to all COs of QM

houses, and consolidated invoices for submission Depots and QM Sup Offs of Gen Depots, 15 Apr 42.
sub: Assoc of Warehousemen- Kansas City Plan.
to the OQMG. The secretary could supply the
(1) SOS Cir 34, 2b, 28 Jul 42, no sub. (2) Ltr.
OQMG quickly and promptly with any data Col Robinson E. Duff, SOS, to TQMG, 21 Jul 42.
concerning the storage situation in a given city. sub: Arrangements for Stor Under Kansas City Plan.

During the spring of 1942 the group ware- (3) For the operating procedure see WD SB 10-142.
13 Oct 44, Stor: Kansas City Plan.
house plan was employed almost entirely for 41
(1) Ltr, Col J. J. O'Brien, Chief of Real Estate Br,
Quartermaster storage under the direction of CE, to TQMG, 21 Nov 42, sub: WD Package Plan
the Space Control Unit in the Depot Opera-
Contracts. (2) WD SB 10-142, App. IV, 13 Oct 42,
sub: Stor: Kansas City Plan.
tions Branch. While this plan was developed 42
( 1 ) Capt H. R. Pellegrino to Col Stephens,
mainly to establish reserves of space for the OQMG, 17 Feb 43, sub: Items Stored Commercially,
400.242. (2) During the spring and summer of 1943,
QMC, Headquarters, SOS, determined by July 8,000 carloads of canned vegetables from the 1942
that would be of advantage to all the supply
pack were stored in 246 warehouses in 39 cities by the
services. To avoid their making separate con- Chicago Depot. Massen, Canned Vegetables, p. 78.
did not conform with maximum price regula- tracts under the Kansas City Plan was also
tions and because the contract arrangements did charged to this same officer. The task of as-
not permit normal competition between com- signing space was divided between the officer

mercial warehouses. Under these circumstances and the Space Control Section, OQMG. The
there arose the issue of possible violation of the latter gave an assignment number to the using
antitrust laws. Temporarily, and until 15 August service while the commercial warehouse officer,
1943, the OPA exempted the contract rate out of his more detailed knowledge of the re-

schedules from the application of price ceilings. gion for which he was responsible, designated
In the meantime the QMC undertook a survey the specific warehouse to which the goods of
to determine how these storage rates compared the applying service would be shipped. The
with those charged in March 1942, the date used Cleveland Plan insisted on no guarantee of
by OPA in establishing permissible charges. At availability of space but did require weekly re-

the same time the OQMG

devised a supple- ports of vacant space in warehouses operating
mentary method of obtaining commercial under the plan to be transmitted to the appro-
storage space, which became known as the priatecommercial warehouse officer. 45
Cleveland Plan since it was first tried out in that Because of the objections raised to the Kan-
sas City Plan, the OQMG developed a new
The new system differed from the Kansas method of determining rates for storage. The
City Plan in that separate contracts were made association plan had been adopted in the first

with individual warehousemen on the basis of place as a means of simplifying the rate sched-

competitive bids. This satisfied the Department ule so that rate charges could be arrived at with-
of Justice and also the OPA because the plan out having to refer to a complicated tariff table.

expressly provided that in no instance would If the custom of the industry had been adhered
the government be charged more for storing an to, it would have been necessary to establish a
item than was permissible under maximum table of tariff charges forsome 800,000 differ-
price regulations. This system of individual con- ent items. Under the Kansas City Plan, storage
tracts made available to the War Department a rates were established on a hundredweight
wider geographical distribution of commercial basis with varying charges based on density per
warehouses, since it permitted storage in towns cubic inch of the commodity computed for six
and small which lacked sufficient facilities
cities rate classes. Later in the summer of 1944 these
for establishing a Federal Emergency Ware- were increased to fourteen. All warehouses
house Association. within a city charged the same price. The price
From an operational viewpoint the Cleveland was arrived at by taking the average charges of
Plan differed considerably from the Kansas City
(1) Memo, Gen Scowden, OQMG, for CG ASF,
Plan. Under the new system administrative
functions were decentralized to a commercial
7Jun 43, sub: WD
Commercial Warehouse Pool Plan,
and appended Statement on Opns of Plan, 400.242.
warehouse officer appointed at each of the nine (2) Memo, Lt Col E. H. Foley, OQMG, for Dir of
regional distributing depots to serve as a liaison Purch Div, ASF, 2 Jul 43, sub: Approval of Proposed
Warehouse Contract Form.
officer between the using services and the com- 44
Ltr, Gen Hardigg, OQMG, to CO JCQMD, 6
mercial warehouses. On behalf of the War De- May 44, sub: Kansas City and Cleveland Plans,
partment he made the contracts with the ware- 400.242.

housemen in his zone. This decentralization of

( 1 ) Memo, Gen Scowden, OQMG, for CG ASF,
7 Jun 43, sub: WD Commercial Warehouse Pool Plan.
procedure was completed in the summer of (2) Memo, Brig Gen T. L. Holland, OQMG, for CofT,
1944 when the responsibility for executing con- 20 Aug 43, same sub, 400.242.

storage quoted by the various members of the OPA exempted the Kansas City Plan from the
association. This method did permit some of General Maximum Price Regulation, and dur-
the warehouses to charge the government rates ing the war the two systems were used to sup-
in excess of those which they were charging in plement each other. 48 The scope of both plans
March of 1942 and did not provide for normal was broadened in the autumn of 1944 by the
competition between the various members. participation of the Navy, which by that time
Under the Cleveland Plan rates were deter- found it necessary to relieve the pressure on its

mined by fixing a basic price per cubic foot, storage facilities by resorting to the use of com-
which, in accordance with prevailing commer- mercial storage for its nonperishable foods. 49
cial charges, varied slightly from community to

community. This rate rose progressively as the Cold Storage of Perishables

density exceeded a set figure— about 31 pounds
a cubic foot, which was the approximate weight Providing cold storage for perishable subsist-
required to stack goods 8 feet high in a stand- ence became increasingly important late in

ard warehouse with a floorload capacity of 250 1942 and early in 1943. Until well into 1941 no
pounds. Basic rates were thus determined be- problem existed, inasmuch as virtually all such
cause warehousemen desired a "specific return foods were bought locally by military establish-
for each cubic foot of warehouse space" regard- ments in accordance with their requirements.
less of the amount of space actually occupied. Even after the market centers had been estab-
The basic rate was therefore increased as the lished in the spring of 1941, perishables con-
density became greater, because, other things tinued to be sent direct, as a rule, from the
being equal, the greater the density the lower producers to the requisitioning stations. The
would be the height to which goods could be War Department had no central facilities for
stacked and the fewer the cubic feet actually the storage of perishables.
In January 1941 the War Department planned
ASF approval of the Cleveland Plan in the to construct cold-storage units of various sizes
of 1943 did not mean that the War Depart-
fall in 46 Army installations, but early in the market
ment was abandoning the use of the Kansas center program many camps still lacked suffi-

City Plan. 47 A survey of storage rates had re- cient facilities to provide cold storage on the
vealed that those charged under the Kansas City standard basis of a replenishment of fruits and
Plan were only slightly in excess of OPA levels vegetables at 3-day intervals and of other perish-
in some cities while in others they averaged
( 1 ) Memo, Gen Scowden, OQMG, for CG ASF,
about the same as the prescribed maximum
7 Jun 43, sub: WDCommercial Warehouse Pool Plan,
rates. A further comparison of rates under the and appended Statement of Opn of Plan, 400.242. (2)
two plans showed that those under the Kansas Rpt, Col Stephens to Lt. Col Q. L. Kendall, OQMG,
16 Jan 46, sub: Control of Stor Space, OQMG.
City Plan averaged about the same as those 47
1st ind, Hq ASF to TQMG, 28 Oct 43, on memo,
under the Cleveland Plan. Bulky items of light TQMG for CG ASF, 30 Sep 43, sub: Cleveland Plan,
density, such as comforters and mattresses, 400.242.
(1) Ltr, H. K. Osgood, OPA, to S. G. Spear,
could be held more cheaply under the Cleve-
ODT, 24 Jan 44, no sub. (2) Ltr, S. G. Spear to Mgr,
land Plan but the cost was about equal under Federal Emergency Warehouse Assoc, Savannah, Ga.,
the two plans for storing subsistence items 17 Mar 44, no sub. (3) Col E. B. Kearns, Jr., to Dir
of S&D Div, OQMG, 5 Feb 44, sub: Comparison of
weighing thirty-seven pounds a cubic foot, and
the bulk of articles stored commercially 49 OQMG Daily Activity Journal, 29 Sep 44, pp.
weighed more than that. As a consequence, the 6-7, and 16 Oct 44, p. 4.
ables at 7-day intervals. To supply camps hav- allies, as well as the heavy civilian demand.
ing inadequate cold-storage facilities, the market A steady supply for the armed forces could be
center program began in June to establish as- insured only by the adoption of a large-scale
sembly and distributing points, located at con- storage program of seasonal foods. The more
veniently situated towns and cities in which important of these were eggs, butter, and
satisfactory commercial cold-storage space could cheese, which attained maximum production
be obtained at prevailing rates on a service con- during the spring and summer. Fruit and vege-
tract basis. Some sixteen distribution points tables were also seasonal, and the slaughter of
were eventually in operation. 51 In those rare in- cattle, hogs, and poultry followed a well-defined
stances in which suitable refrigerated space cycle. Military requirements, however, bore no
could not be found, cold-storage plants were relationship to these seasonal variations.
constructed. Perishable produce stored at assem- A co-ordinated, seasonal storage program was
bly and distribution points was not procured as initiated in the spring of 1943 by the Perishable
a reserve but to cover specific requisitions sub- Branch of the Subsistence Division, OQMG. It

mitted by the camps, and consequently such proposed to schedule storage programs for shell
supplies were moved out within a short time. eggs, butter, and cheese, and at a later date for
Storage and distribution operations of the other perishables when plans could be formu-
market center program were still kept to a lated. Headquarters, ASF, approved of the pro-
minimum. gram "in principle" and indicated that the plans
Within a short time the need for developing for the quantities to be stored from one flush
reserve stocks of perishables became obvious. season to another would have to be co-ordinated
The necessity for creating a storage program de- with the War Food Administration. By the fall,

veloped out of the serious shortages in seasonal additional storage programs for apples, pota-
foods late in 1942 and the difficulty of filling toes, boneless beef, and poultry were put into
requisitions for overseas movements. Requisi- operation. 52 Similar plans were executed in 1944
tions were not always received sufficiently far in and 1945.
advance to insure delivery at the proper time, The scope of these operations is revealed in
while, on the other hand, unanticipated cancel- the storage program for beef. In February 1943
lations resulted in unwieldy accumulation of about 7,900,000 pounds of beef were in storage

supplies at market centers. Current procure- for the armed forces. Because of the small quan-
ment from markets in the vicinity of the ports tities in storage, three fourths of the requisitions
could not be relied upon to meet the large ex- for beef went unfilled during the last quarter of
port requirements. Reserve stocks had to be
(1) Insp rpt, John A. Hawkins to TQMG, 23
maintained for the arrival of refrigerator ships. Aug 41, sub: QM Activities in
Fourth CA, 7-23 Jul 41.
Assembly and distribution points were there- (2) Subs Br, Sup Div, to Const Div, OQMG,
13 Sep

fore established in port cities, but they afforded 41, sub: Remodeling of Common Stor Bldgs for Han-
dling Perishables.
only a temporary solution to the problem for, 51
(1) Ltr, John Martin, Chief of Procurement, Fid
in accordance with their function of local redis- Hq, QMMCS, to Col Hardigg, Chief of Subs Br,
tribution of produce rather than long-range OQMG, 23 Jun 41, no sub. (2) Memo, F. Chapin
Weed for Col Hardigg, 5 Aug 41, no sub. The first
storage for overseas purposes, they maintained distribution point was established at Alexandria, La.
initially only limited stores. (1) Memo, Gen Corbin, Actg
52 for CGQMG,
Food production, although greater than in ASF, 6 Apr 43, sub: Proposed Stor Program, Perish-
able Subs. (2) 1st ind, Hq ASF to TQMG, 19 Apr 43,
prewar years, was insufficient to meet the mili- TQMG for CG
on same. (3) Memo, ASF, 3 Sep 43,
tary requirements of the United States and its same sub, 430.

1942 and the first quarter of 1943. Thereafter allocating available cold-storage space among
the stores of beef gradually increased until a public and private users. The ODT controlled
peak of 181,500,000 pounds was attained in July allshipments by rail, and the Interstate Com-
1945 despite fluctuating stockages resulting merce Commission controlled the loading and
from seasonal variations and sizable overseas allocation of refrigerator cars. Under the aus-
shipments. 35 Butter was another commodity pices of the WFA, the Inter- Agency Cold-Stor-
stocked in large quantities. Eggs, cheese, poul- age Committee was formed of representatives of
try, potatoes, and fresh pork were also held in all the interested government agencies to dis-

large volume. cuss common problems and evolve solutions

From the beginning, the lack of adequate and for them. 56
satisfactory refrigerated space was the chief Various measures were taken to relieve the
problem of the seasonal storage program. It was shortage of cold-storage space. From the sum-
further aggravated by the shortage of labor to mer of 1943 until V-J Day the WFA attempted
operate these facilities. At times in port cities to make more of this space available by restrict-
and other large distribution centers all available ing civilian storage. 57 The Army tried to use to

space was At all times, how-

filled to capacity. better advantage existing freezing facilities at

ever, 10 to 25 percent of the commercial cold- posts, camps, and stations. It also sought to
storage space of the country was vacant. This increase freezer facilities and to promote more
did not mean that it was necessarily available to effective employment of cold-storage space at

the armed forces in periods of heaviest demand. meat packing plants, by having the plants freeze

A small proportion had to be reserved for com- the meat prior to delivery. The post could thus
modities in transit. The lack of operating labor store from five to seven times more of the prod-
made some of it unavailable. In addition, much uct in space which heretofore was used for
of it was of the cooler type, whereas the Army freezing. 58
needed freezer space, which alone was suitable
for storing meat,meat products, and poultry. As 53
(1) Stat Handbook of the QMC,
1943, p. 75. (2)

the Army, inan effort to provide perishable Stat Yearbook of the QMC,
1945, p. 113. See the same
tables for the storage of other subsistence items.
foods for remote areas overseas, shifted from the 54
(1) Memo, Fid Hq, QMMCS, for Maj Logan
use of chilled to frozen foods, the requirements Morrill, OQMG, 8 Apr 44, sub: Cold-Stor Situation,

for freezer space during the war increased rather 673. (2) Ltr, E.J. Connors, Dir of Div of Transport
Pers, ODT, to Cold-Stor Warehouse Employers, 27
than diminished. 55 Aside from reducing the Jun 44, sub: Manpower Situation in Cold-Stor Ware-
storage period, the Army could do little to housing, 334.
55 Ltr, Chairman Elwood Chase, Inter- Agency Cold-
lighten the pressure on freezer space.
Stor Committee, to Lee Marshall, WFA, 31 Jul 44,
Generally, military foods were stored at
sub: Public Cold-Stor Emergency, 673.
standard commercial warehouse rates and han- 56
See, for example, ltr, Maj Morrill to Elwood
Chase, 13 Jun 44, sub: Inter- Agency Cold-Stor Com-
dled by the regular employees of the ware-
mittee Mtg, 9 Jun 44, 334.
houses. The market center program was charged 57
(1) See WFA
FO 70, Pt. 1470, 31 Jul 43, sub:
with the responsibility of obtaining satisfactory Food Stor Fac. (2) Amendt 2 to same, 21 Mar 44. (3)
refrigerated space, but since it was extremely
WFA FO 90, Pt. 1470, 22 Dec 43, same sub. (4)
WFA FO 111, Pt. 1470, 31 Aug 44, same sub.
scarce, the Storage and Distribution Division, 58
(1) Ltr, Gen Hardigg, OQMG, to Ashley Sel-

Field Headquarters, had to co-ordinate its ef- lers, WFA, Jan 44, no sub. (2) Ltr, Hardigg to D.

D. Harde, Office of Materials and Fac, WFA, 27 May

forts with those of other interested agencies.
44, no sub. (3) Ltr, J. R. Shoemaker, Asst Dir Div
The WFA, which bought perishable foods un- of Stor, ODT, to Cold-Stor Warehouses, 3 Jun 44, no
der the lend-lease program, was charged with sub, 673.

From time to time Army construction or ac- at San Francisco, where some thirty warehouses
quisition of refrigerated plants was also pro- within 200 miles of the city were in use as the
posed. Except for a small number of govern- war ended. Both the Army and the Navy were
ment-sponsored cold-storage on the
facilities experiencing difficulties in co-ordinating stor-
Pacific coast and an even smaller number along age, rail movement, and cargo loading of perish-
the Atlantic seaboard— facilities that were con- ables at the San Francisco Port of Embarkation.
structed and put into operation in the spring A market center proposal for co-operative action
and summer of 1944— no significant program resulted in the establishment of a joint Army-
was undertaken. It was established ASF policy Navy stockpile for meat and dairy products from
to approve as little new building with Army which requisitions for ship loadings were filled.

funds as possible. 59 Such building as was done A control board, composed of representatives of
under government sponsorship was aimed prin- the Navy Market Office and the Quartermaster
cipally at alleviating storage congestion at ports Market Center, was created to handle all requi-
of embarkation. sitions, allocations to warehouses, and with-
In the months before the landing in Nor- drawals from them for movement to shipside in
mandy the difficulty of securing cold-storage such a way as to prevent any unmanageable
space in the New York metropolitan area re- congestion of available facilities.

sulted in the development of the "back-up Had the Army anticipated in 1940 the huge
storage plan." It was physically impossible for amounts of perishables that would be procured
the twenty-eight cold-storage warehouses in the in World War II, the problem of providing
area to store and deliver all the supplies required cold-storage facilities would have been better
by the port of embarkation at a given time. The solved. It was the spring of 1943, however, be-
solution was to spread out the port storage re- fore the need for a full-fledged storage and dis-
serves to neighboring areas easily accessible to tribution plan was fully realized. By then it was
New York by rail. Products were at first stored too late to do more than improvise solutions.
in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, and Syra- The failure to construct cold-storage plants dur-
cuse. Market centers in these cities were respon- ing the emergency period and the absence of
sible for arranging the storage and transportation any long-range planning were the most con-
of the commodities, which could be ordered out spicuous faults of the program for supplying
of storage for movement to shipside only at the the Army with perishable foods. 62
direction of the New York Market Center. The
system was gradually expanded until earmarked Space Control
supplies were stocked in seventy-two ware-
houses outside the New York area. In effect the In still a third way the QMC attempted to
basic concept of the filler depot was applied to provide adequate storage facilities for the dis-
perishable foods. The back-up storage plan
( 1 ) Memo, Maj Morrill, OQMG, for OIC, Fid
solved the problem of cold-storage space at the Hq, 15 Apr 44, sub: Cold-Stor Situation. (2) Insp rpt,
port of embarkation and simplified the task of John A. Hawkins to TQMG,
5 Apr 44, sub: Rpt of

co-ordinating large overseas shipments without travel to San Francisco et al., l-l") Feb 44. (3) Insp
rpt, Col Robert F. Carter to TQMG, 5 Nov 43, sub:
putting an undue strain upon the storage and QM Activities at Richmond et al., 27-31 Oct 43, 673.
transportation facilities in the New York metro- 60
For more detail see Rifkind, Fresh Foods for the
politan area. 60 Armed Forces: the Quartermaster Market Center System,
1941-48, pp. 123ff.
During the opening months of 1945 the plan 61
Ibid., pp. 124-26.
was put into operation at New Orleans and also 62
Stauffer, QM Depot S&D Opns, p. 71.

tribution of its supplies. It developed a method emergencies, and to plan space assignments in
to utilize completely existing storage space, advance.
since the expansion of depots and the use of These objectives could not be achieved with-
commercial facilities did not mean
that ample out obtaining comprehensive information on
space for storing Quartermaster supplies was space in the depots and a report of its use. The
thereby automatically assured. Space Control Section began work on a report
When the war began, the Corps had no clear- of space utilization which would be sufficiently
ing house definitely charged with the respon- detailed to secure the data needed for control
sibility of controlling available space. Quarter- purposes.By the time that Headquarters, SOS,
master procuring agencies were shipping sup- became concerned about the need for clarifica-
plies into depots without knowing what, if any, tion and standardization of space reporting pro-
goods other agencies were shipping to the same cedures, the OQMG was able to report that it

installations, or how much space was available had devised a new form for its report which
for the different categories of supply at these provided clear definitions of the major terms
distributing points. Strategically located depots used, such as "net usable space vacant" and "net
were always crowded beyond their capacity to usable space assigned."
handle supplies efficiently while other depots The new form proved to be complicated to
had a large amount of vacant space. Officers in fillout and a simpler method was put into ef-
charge of storage could not preplan for the use fect early in January 1943 when two short forms

of space. This resulted in inefficiency in the were used instead of one. 66 The space control
handling of supplies and caused a considerable report, submitted semimonthly, showed space
amount of rewarehousing to keep stock loca- occupancy broken down by warehouse, shed,
tions as consolidated as possible. 63 and open storage. It was further subdivided into
Weekly depot space reports were submitted a report of space required for (1) the storage of
to the OQMG, but they were largely limited to stock levels necessary for the completion of the
statements of the total vacancy at depots plus depot's mission and (2) for special assignments,
estimates of the space situation as it would be such as reserves, excesses of stock levels, and
30, 60, and 90 days ahead. Since no standard seasonal procurement, not directly connected
definitions had been adopted of what consti- with the depot's mission but for which space
tuted vacant space, each depot reported on a had to be provided. The space utilization report
different basis. Such reports were inadequate for was submitted monthly and gave information
wartime, when the tempo of physical stock on the use of space for nonstorage purposes-
movements was greatly increased. 64 offices, bin rooms, cafeterias, and such activities
Aware of the problem, The Quartermaster as inspection, packing, crating, and shipment of
General in May 1942 assigned an officer to the supplies. Its purpose was to check the efficiency
Depot Operations Branch of the Storage and 63 Rpt, Col Stephens to Col Kendall, OQMG, 16

Distribution Division to develop an effective Jan 46, sub: Control of Stor Space, OQMG, p. 1.
control over the utilization of storage space. A 64
( 1 ) Ltr, Col Duff, Chief of Gen Depot Sv, SOS,
Space Control Section was established through
to TQMG et al., 1 Jul 42, sub: Standardization of
which the commodity branches and divisions of Space Reporting Procedures. (2) 1st ind, Col Ste-

the OQMG were to clear shipments of all sup- phens, OQMG, to Hq SOS, 6 Jul 42, on same,
plies prior to authorizing the transfer of stocks. 66 QMC
Form 24 (revised 1 Jan 43) QM Space
The section was to prevent congested storage Control Rpt and QMC Form 29, QM Space Utilization
conditions, to maintain fluid space to care for Rpt.

with which space was utilized for these pur- the Space Control Section to prevent unneces-

poses. These reporting procedures were used sary backhauls and crosshauls of supplies and, if

throughout the war without much modification the supplies had a rapid turnover, permitted it

although the two reports were later combined to select storage space in a depot that was not
again into one and submitted on a monthly already hard pressed because of a scarcity of

67 labor or materials-handling equipment. All such
These forms furnished the data necessary for factors had to be considered, for more was in-

the control of depot space but provision had volved in making space assignments than the
not been made for centralized supervision over mere process of finding vacant space.

the assignment of space. As a consequence, in In order to determine space requirements, the

many depots in the winter of 1942-43, the stock Space Control Section had to know the cubes
on hand and the amount due in the depots ex- and weights of the many Quartermaster items
ceeded their maximum storage capacity. The of supply. Unfortunately the containers in
gravity of the situation spurred the Depot Oper- which supplies were shipped had not been com-
ations Branch to request a directive that would pletely standardized. They included a wide
clarify the space assignment responsibility of variety of sizes, and it was necessary to develop
68 71
the Space Control Section. cubes and weights for hundreds of containers.
Centralized control of space assignment and By securing from the field the measurements in
utilization was established on 1 February 1943. inches, the weights, the type of package, and
A system of space assignment numbers, which the number of units per package of each item
constituted the depot's authority for accepting involved, the Space Control Section was able to
shipments, was established. Space allocations prepare and publish tables that simplified the
were made by the OQMG
for special storage depot's task of computing the space needed to

assignments as well as for supplies needed to store clothing and equipage, subsistence, and
maintain stock levels for filler and distributing general supplies. Consulting these tables also
purposes. When a commodity branch changed enabled the Space Control Section to determine
the stock level for a supply regularly handled by whether an installation was using its space to
a depot, had to obtain an allocation of space.
it the maximum advantage.
Once secured, however, no further recourse to The increasing demand for depot storage
the Space Control Section was necessary as long space that accompanied the constant expansion
as prescribed stock levels were maintained. of overseas operations demanded the utmost ef-

When these were exceeded, a new space alloca- ficiency and economy in its use, since relief

tion had to be secured for the excess. Definite could not be obtained through new construc-

time limitations were placed on special space

assignments, such as those obtained for supplies
(1) QMC Form 24 (revised 6Jun 45), Space QM
Control Rpt. (2) For more detail on these forms see
held for the account of other depots or for some
Stauffer, QM Depot S&D Opns, pp. 90-91.
unusual purpose. Such stock could only be re- 68 Depot Opns Br to Dir of S&D Div, OQMG, 27

plenished with the approval of the Space Con- Nov 42, sub: Control of Assgmt of Warehouse Space,
Section. In requesting space allotments,
trol 69 Ltr, Gen Scowden, OQMG, to COs Depots QM
commodity branches had to indicate the nature and QM Sup Offs, 1 Feb 43, sub: Efficient Utilization

of the supplies to be shipped, the number of of Available Depot Stor Space, 400.242.
70 Address, Capt Pellegrino, Chief of Space Control
square feet needed, the period of time for which
Sec, OQMG, 1 Apr 43, sub: Space Control.

space was required, and the origin arid ultimate 71

Rpt, Col Stephens to Col Kendall, 16 OQMG,
destination of the supplies. Such data enabled Jan 46, sub: Control of Stor Space, pp. 3-4.

tion. One of the difficulties confronting the gain space for effective utilization every time
Space Control Section in its assignment of space space assignments were increased or decreased
was the discrepancy between depot reports of because of altered stock levels. During the first

space and actual available square footage. This half of the war the outstanding weakness of the
discrepancy resulted from the use by the depots existing lay-out system was the low operating
of obsolete and nonstandard building plans and efficiency resulting from the frequent reware-
the failure of their reports to reflect both ob- housing of stock.
structed and unobstructed warehousing areas.
Planograph System
In the spring of 1943 the Storage and Distri-
bution Division devised the controlled ware- Early in 1944 the Space Control Section be-
house plan in order to provide a standard uni- gan to work out a plan that came to be known
form method of computing the space utilized as the planograph or Quartermaster system of
for the various activities housed within the space utilization. Its objective was the control
warehouses. This plan was based on actual of the movement of supplies in and out of a
measurements of depot floors, excluding all ob- depot in order to consolidate vacant space into
structed and operating areas. A correct estimate large segments by the normal process of attri-
of square footage was thereby furnished for tion of supplies rather than by rewarehousing.
storage purposes. Cubic storage capacities were The system was not new but was a consolida-

indicated by noting the heights to roof beams tion and expansion of existing storage practices
and trusses. As a result the storage space of the that had developed out of wartime experience.
depots could be determined more accurately Its essence was the controlled physical disper-
than ever before. On the basis of these floor sion of supplies in several different storage loca-
plans the OQMG furnished each depot with tions within a depot and an effective stock
lay-out plans showing the position of operating locator system.
aisles, the types of commodities to be placed in The planograph system was first put into ef-
various storage areas, and the location of non- fect at the Richmond Depot on an experimental

storage activities. The was to provide the

intent basis for foods earmarked for oversea shipment
maximum use of warehouse space for storage and was subsequently installed at other depots

purposes and the minimum for nonstorage ac- for filler subsistence. The general plan of oper-
tivities. No fundamental change could be made ation called for a physical division of filler sub-

in the lay-out plan by a depot without approval sistence into groups, each of which contained
of the OQMG. As a result of placing the con- a part of all the food articles stocked at the

trolled warehouse storage plan into operation depot— that is, a balanced menu. 74 The number
"a substantial recapture of usable storage space"
was achieved. 72
( 1) Ltr, Lt Col M. J. Bradbury, to CO OQMG,
RMASFD, 29 Jun 43, sub: Controlled Warehouse
Within the limits of the general space assign-
Plans. Ltr, Gen Scowden, OQMG, to QMSO
ments made in the lay-out plans, the depots SAASFD, 18 Aug 43, same sub. (3) Ltr, Gen Scow-
were responsible for the detailed planning for den to CO JCQMD, 12 Oct 43, same sub, 400.242.
73 Ltr, Brig Gen A. M. Owens, OQMG, to COs
placing particular supplies. For the sake of ready
QM Depots et at., 22 Jul 44, sub: Use of Stor Space,
location, depots consolidated stocks of similar 400.242.
items as far as possible. Thus all canned peaches 74
For the details of operation see ( 1 ) Address, Maj
Pellegrino, 11 Jan 45, QMC
Stor Conf, Camp Lee, Va.,
were placed together in one section and all
11-12 Jan 45, pp. 47ff. (2) Anon., "Plan Your Ware-
canned beans in another section. But this meth- housing by Planograph," Quartermaster Training Serv-
od compelled extensive rewarehousing to re- ice Journal, Vol. 7, No. 10, 9 Mar 45, pp. 9-11.

of groups depended on the size of the stock not compel rewarehousing when stock levels
level set for balanced rations. changed. If the authorized level of rations was
These groups in turn were divided into five reduced,all outgoing shipments would be taken

"positions" or storage locations, each of which, from the overflow and all incoming shipments
in the case of single-story warehouses, repre- would be concentrated in the other groups. In
sented a different freight-rate classification. This the normal course of distribution the warehouse
method was used because the entire weight of a occupied by the overflow would soon be vacated
carload lot of assorted foods is, by railroad rule, to receive other supplies. In a group containing
paid for according to the highest freight-rate 5,000,000 rations, this amount could be moved
commodity in the car. In the case of multi- by attrition within 15 days.
storied warehouses, it was suggested that items The success of the planograph system was
be combined in a single position according to dependent upon an effective stock locator sys-
their weight rather than their rate classification, tem handled by specially designated clerks. This
with the heavier items being placed on the system made extensive use of locator cards, each
lower floors. Stockages of supplies within the of which indicated the position of the item, its

groups were so arranged that position 1 in established stock level, the stock on hand, and
Group A would carry the same supplies — for the date on which the item was packed. There
example fruits and fruit juices— as position 1 in were as many cards for an item as there were
Group B, C, D, and E. Instead of having positions in which it was stored. All incoming
25,000,000 balanced rations stored together, for shipments cleared through the locator clerk,

example, under the planograph system there who determined in what position they would
would be five stock levels of 5,000,000 balanced be placed. The storekeeper in charge of each
rations each. These five stock levels would be position selected the specific bay in which the
stored and operated separately. shipment was to be stored. The locator clerk
Actually, however, provision would have to also chose the location from which an outgoing
be made for an overflow group for those items shipment was taken. His chief function was,
which at times would exceed normal stock therefore, the control of incoming and outgoing
levels and hence could not be stored in the reg- stocks so that, if necessary, space could be va-
ular positions. This would result in a waste of cated in large segments or even entire sections
space because the overflow area would always of warehouses by the process of attrition.
have some supplies in it while at the same time The plan had some disadvantages. It required
a certainamount of space would be vacant in a high degree of accuracy in distributing the
other groups since a few stocks would always It worked
stock level at the different positions.
be below their established levels. To avoid this most advantageously where about 5,000,000
waste, space assignments for a level of 25,000,- rations constituted the minimum stockage in
000 rations would be made on the basis of 80 any one position. The initial breakdown of the
percent of the level. The ration level would be system required some major rewarehousing, and
planned for four groups, with the Group
fifth, because this interrupted current depot opera-
E, becoming the overflow area and used only tions at a time when they had attained their
for those items for which 80 percent of the level peak level for the war, no depot employed the
was already in existence. The overflow group full planograph system as it had operated at

was also used for storing items so small in Richmond.

quantity that it was not desirable to disperse The proponents of the plan felt, however,
them into groups. The control thus set up did that its advantages outweighed its disadvan-

tages. The chief advantage, once the system had executed these functions depended the success-
been installed, was the elimination of reware- ful supply of the Army.
housing. It was possible to distribute workloads
over wider areas in the depot. Since the same
Use of Mechanical Equipment
stock items were stored in at least three or per-
haps five warehouses, congestion of freight cars To achieve this end during World War II, the
and materials-handling equipment was reduced Army resorted to the use of mechanical equip-
to a minimum because a large number of cars ment—fork-lift trucks and pallets, trailers, trac-

could be directed simultaneously to one or all tors, and conveyors. The Quartermaster General
of the railroad sidings of these warehouses. The recognized that there would be a shortage of
system eliminated long tractor hauls if two or manpower, warehouse space, and railroad cars.
more items were shipped same freight car
in the He found a common solution for all three prob-
since complete balanced rations were stored in lems through development of the fork truck
each group of subsistence. The plan also gave and pallet system.
better assurance of turnover of stock because the The use of fork-lift trucks and pallets was the
locator clerk in ordering it out would direct most significant and revolutionary storage de-
movement from the section in which he had velopment of the war. The fork-lift truck repre-
the older stock. This could be immediately de- sented the culmination of efforts extending over
termined from the locator card. half a century to combine horizontal and ver-

The success of the Richmond experiment re- tical motion in one materials-handling vehicle. 77
sulted in a test at the Charlotte Quartermaster By far the best hoisting and stacking machine
Depot of an application of the planograph sys- ever devised for warehouse use, this truck oper-
tem to clothing and equipage. 75 These supplies, ated on the cantilever principle. A fork, capable

however, did not lend themselves so readily to of picking up and depositing packaged and
the new system as subsistence. The planograph strapped material, was attached at the front end.
system was therefore not extended to new fields, A single operator of a fork-lift truck could pick
but the principle of dispersion of supplies con- up, haul for short distances of not more than
tinued to spread in the depots during the clos- 250 feet, set down, lift, and stack a large variety

ing months of the war. 76 Improvements in of supplies. By handling supplies mechanically,

space control did much to relieve the shortages the fork truck did the work of many men, thereby
of storage space and enabled the Corps to de- conserving manpower. Further savings were
liver promptly vitally needed military supplies. made by substituting women operators for men,
since the liftingwas entirely mechanical. By
Materials Handling means of the fork truck, depot personnel could
load and unload railroad cars much faster, even
Handling materials, the chief activity of any operating inside the freight cars. The freight car

supply installation, meant the removal of goods shortage was materially relieved by the rapidity
from the carrier in which they arrived; hauling with which cars were released. The fork truck
them to storage areas; piling them in predeter-
mined locations; and, conversely, the removal 75 Insp Rpt, Lt L. D. Crunkleton, 6 Feb 45, sub:
of supplies from storage; preparing them for Travel to CEQMD, 27-30 Jan 45.
76 For a summary of the favorable results achieved,
shipment by packing, baling, or crating; and QMDepot S&D Opns, p. 98.
see Stauffer,
hauling and loading them in freight cars. Upon 77
See Anon., "History of the Fork Truck," The Pal-
the speed and efficiency with which the depots let izer, Vol. II, No. 7 (July 1945), 8-11.

Erl VC

FORK-LIFT TRUCK Hacking box pallets (left) and loading a freight car (right).

operated in narrow aisles and stacked foods to long. They ordinarily were of a double-faced
the maximum height of the warehouse, thus type, with top and bottom platforms separated
making the utmost use of all available space. by stringers. These pallets were normally used
All QMC depots were fully equipped to handle with small containers having low compression
goods mechanically to take full advantage of strength because, by distributing the weight of
the economies in manpower, time, and space the load over a large area, they prevented the
that fork trucks made possible. 78 containers from being crushed. Single-faced pal-
Maximum economies in depot operations lets, consisting of a platform supported by
could be effected only by combining the use of under-stringers, were sometimes used to store
the fork-lift truck with the palletization of de- such items as kegs of nails, pails of paint, and
pot stocks, that is, the stacking of supplies on other solid items packed in containers strong
pallets with alternate patterns for alternate tiers. enough to withstand pressure resting directly
Pallets were small wooden platforms with hori- upon them. A third type of pallet on which a
zontal wooden strips called stringers placed box-shaped framework equipped with upright
underneath to give clearance for the entry of standards and diagonal crosspieces had been
the forks. They were of various sizes and types.
Maj Reid E. Smith, "How Women and Machines
Those commonly employed in Quartermaster Help QM Handling Problems," Distribution and Ware-
warehouses were 32 inches wide by 40 inches housing, XLIII (January 1944), 32.

constructed was used to store bulky or irregu- division inspected mechanical equipment which
larly shaped goods and to furnish greater stabil- had been locally procured and put into opera-
ity for items easily damaged. 79 tion at some of the depots. They made studies
To speed the handling of materials, convey- of the various types and kinds of materials-han-
ors ofboth the belt and roller types were used dling equipment and planned for its immediate
toconvey supplies between waiting freight car procurement in order to install it in all Quarter-

and storage points. They were also employed in master storage and distribution warehouses. 82
a wide variety of specialized operations, such as But appropriations for this purpose were not
baling, packing, overpacking, can handling, and available until September 1941 when the first
checking size items. Gravity wheel conveyors contracts for fork-lift trucks, pallets, tractors,
were especially useful in multistoried ware- and trailers were let.

houses where elevator service was inadequate. By March 1942 when the division had be-
Various types of stackers were operated, and to come the Depot Operations Branch of the Stor-
handle heavy materials outside warehouses dif- age and Distribution Division in the first func-

ferent types of cranes were employed. Tractors tional reorganization of the OQMG, its respon-
and trailerswere formed into tractor-trailer sibilities were widened to include providing
trains which could be used to better advantage equipment for the general depots, then under
and at less cost than load-carrying trucks. the control of the General Depot Division,
This conversion to the use of mechanical SOS. 83 Some confusion and misunderstanding
equipment was a wartime development. Handi- developed between the OQMG
and the Trans-
capped by a lack of funds, the availability of a portation Service, SOS, out of the divided re-
large labor supply, and the necessity of moving sponsibility for equipment used in warehouses
only a small amount of supplies for a peacetime and that used on piers of ports of embarkation,
force, the Army had relied previously on hand- but by July procurement responsibility for all
operated equipment and manual labor. War re- such equipment had been definitely assigned to
versed this situation. Then appropriations were The Quartermaster General. 84 At this time the
sufficient to cover the purchase of the newest
equipment, storage space was at a premium, 79
(1) Manual, Depot Opns Br, OQMG, Jul 42,
labor became increasingly scarce, and huge sub: Warehousing and Materials Handling in QM De-
pot, pp. 88-90. (2) Manual, S&D Div, OQMG, Jan
quantities of supplies had to be handled at the
44, sub: Handbook of Stor and Materials Handling
utmost speed. By 1944 the armed forces were Methods, passim.
80 Anon., "Improved Car Plate Lifter and 4-Way
praised for probably having "made greater
Pallet," Distribution and Warehousing, XLIII (July
strides in the proper use of materials-handling
1944), 46.
equipment since the United States entered the 81
Address, Lt Col E. H. Ward, 10 Jan 45, Stor QMC
war than industry had during the whole preced- Conf, Camp Lee, Va., 10-11 Jan 45, p. 6.
( 1 ) Chief of Standardization Br to Chief of Sup
ing decade."
Div, OQMG, 22 Sep 41, sub: Rpt of Insp at Ware-
The QMC took a leading part in promoting houses in 6th CA. (2) Insp Rpt, Capt S. E. Beggs and
E. S. Marnon to TQMG, 15 Sep 41, sub: Rpt of Insp
the operational efficiency of the depot system.
When the Depot Division, OQMG, was estab- at Ft Wayne QMD et a/., 451.93.
83 WD Cir 69, 7 Mar 42, sub: Definition of Respon-
lished in May 1941, it was made responsible for sibilities for Supplies.

procuring and distributing all warehouse equip- 84

(1) Ltr, Lt Col O. G. Collins, OQMG, to

Reqmts Div, SOS, 21 May 42, sub: Responsibility for

ment for Quartermaster depots and ports of
Equip in PE. (2) Memo, Chairman of PAB for
embarkation and for training depot personnel in TQMG, 28 Jul 42, sub: Procurement of Pier and
its use. During the summer, personnel of the Warehouse Equip, 400.242.

OQMG was further reorganized along func- uisition, the Plans Division, SOS, and later the

tional lines. A more extensive consolidation of Storage Division, ASF, continued to exercise
procurement activities took place so that the these functions until the war ended. The
Procurement Division now became responsible broad functions originally granted the Depot
for purchasing pier and warehouse equipment, Operations Branch had, by the need to allocate
the Military Planning Division for estimating supplies and the functional reorganization of
equipment requirements and consolidating the OQMG, been reduced to one main func-
those of the other supply services in the Army tion—the maintenance of stockpiles at desig-
Supply Program, and the Storage and Distribu- nated distribution points against which ship-
tion Division continued to be responsible for ments were made in accordance with allocation
the storage and issue of these items. 85 directives of Headquarters, ASF.
Until the fall of 1942 the QMC continued to Although the Depot Operations Branch
have both procurement and purchase respon- realized the importance of instituting better
sibility for warehouse and pier equipment. Pro- handling methods in depots, achievement of
curement planning, preparation and defense of thisend was delayed by the inability of the
estimates, and custody of funds were included manufacturers tofill Army and Navy orders for

under procurement responsibility, and purchase, equipment in the required time. Not only was
inspection, and distribution under purchase re- the existing capacity of the manufacturers insuf-
sponsibility. By November, in the interest of ficient to produce fork-lift trucks in the volume
fiscal procedure, procurement responsibility was needed, but critical shortages of steel and other
reassigned to the supply services but the pur- materials and low priorities further curtailed

chase responsibility remained with the Corps. 86 output. The branch requested an A-l-a rating
The necessity of allocating materials-handling for Army warehouse equipment. 89 Efforts to se-

equipment led to a further revision of functions. cure better ratings were decidedly hampered,
Competition among the services for such equip- however, by representatives of the Army who,
ment was keen, and the demand far exceeded through the Program Determination Commit-
the productive capacity of industry. The tee, informed the WPB
that all types of indus-
OQMG recommended the establishment of an trial power trucks could be classified as luxury

allocation committee consisting of representa- items. The OQMG recommended that they be
tives from the Army, Navy, Maritime Commis- classified as critical because of the growing
sion, and WPB. In the fall of 1942, however, scarcity of labor and because the necessity of
The Quartermaster General continued to allo-

cate equipment to the supply services in propor- OQMG OO

184, 31 Jul 42, sub: Reasgmt of
QMC Functions.
tion to their needs under the direction of the 86
SOS Cir 63, 18 Sep 42, sub: Pier and Ware-
Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations, SOS. 87 house Equip. ( 2 ) Memo, TAG for Chiefs of Sup Svs,
By February 1943 Headquarters, SOS, took over et a/., 15 Nov 42, sub: Reasgmt of Procurement Re-
sponsibilities, 451.93.
the function of screening all requirements and 87
Ltr, Gen Corbin, OQMG, to ANMB, 5 Aug
( 1 )

allocating materials-handling equipment among 42, sub: Procurement of Pier and Warehouse Equip.
the supply services and the AAF. It represented (2) SOS Cir 41, 13 Aug 42, sub: Allocation of MHE.
(1) AGO Memo S5-39-43, 17 Feb 43, sub:
the War Department on the WPB committees MHE. AGO Memo S5-82-43, May 43, same
(2) 1

which allocated such equipment among all gov- sub. (3) WD Cir 33, 27 Jan 45, same sub.
ernment agencies using it. Since the supply of ( 1 ) Depot Opns Br to Priorities Br, Procurement

warehouse equipment was never sufficient to

Sv, OQMG, 14 May
42, sub: Preference Ratings. (2)
Ltr, Maj R. B. McKinley, OQMG,
to Priorities Div,
permit the normal procedure of issuing on req- ANMB, 12 Aug 42, sub: MHE, 451.93.

fully utilizing warehouse space made their use pallet system in the depots. Old depot em-
a vital necessity. By autumn higher priorities, ployees were reluctant to adopt new methods,
the allocation of larger quantities of essential and, in any case, little or nothing was known
materials, and the acquisition of more manu- even in the commercial world about the pal-

facturing facilities had appreciably relieved the letization of many Quartermaster items. Sub-
stringency in the supply of this equipment. sistence, which was packed in uniformly sized,

At the beginning of the war the OQMG also stoutly constructed containers, was easily pal-
found it difficult to procure pallets, since few letized, but mattresses and items of clothing
manufacturers specialized in their production. and equipage, shipped in unsubstantial cases of

Most of them made pallets only in small quan- odd sizes, offered more difficulties. The necessity
tities and at high prices. But in July and Aug- of sorting clothing according to size before it

ust 1942 the OQMG ordered 1,000,000 pallets was stacked prevented the direct flow of sup-
for distribution to Quartermaster depots. Pro- plies from carrier to storage that was needed to

duction, however, was so slow in starting and achieve maximum benefits from this new sys-
shipments were so irregular that the OQMG tem. Palletization was therefore only partly ap-
emergency requirements
directed depots having plied at the Philadelphia Depot. 95 In 1942 most
to purchase locally thousands of pallets. This of the depots had begun to palletize supplies,
action resulted in a lack of uniformity and and, as knowledge and availability of pallets
standardization which later plagued the Corps. grew, the new method was applied to an in-
To reduce costs and speed production several creasing proportion of supplies. By mid-1944,
depots in the spring of 1943 started fairly com- except for bagged and baled goods, satisfactory
prehensive pallet manufacturing programs. methods of palletizing had been developed for
The difference in the cost of pallets in different most Quartermaster items. 96
sections of the country and the desirability of Many improved storage practices contributed
using pallet pools to meet requirements em- to increasing the efficiency of depot operations,
phasized the need for increased standardization but the most important single factor enabling
by 1944. was recognized that "central procure-
It the Corps to fill the unprecedented wartime
ment would materially reduce pallet costs if demands promptly was the extensive use of
shipping costs could be held at the lowest pos- pallets in conjunction with fork-lift trucks.

sible minimum figure." 93 Freight charges were

OQMG, CG SOS, 30 Jan
90 Ltr, Gen Corbin, to 43,
substantially reduced by using knock-down pal-
sub: Shortage of Manpower in Depots.
91 Chief of Warehouse Management Sec, Depot
lets which were stored in pools at seven Quar-
To reduce pallet costs by cen- Opns Br, to Ex Off, S&D Div, OQMG, 9 Feb 43, sub:
termaster depots.
Long and Cross Hauls of Pallets, 451.93.
tral procurement and to provide efficient Col Bradbury, OQMG, to COs,
92 Ltr, QM Depots
operation of pallet pools, a pallet standardiza- 43, sub: Const oi Pallets.
et al., 4 Jan
George W, Malloy, Stor Br,
9} Rpt, OQMG, Ac-
tion program was begun in the depots. Experi-
complishments of the Stor Br, OQMG, 7 Dec 41-1
ments and experience demonstrated that four Sep 45, p. 9.
sizes — 32 by 40 inches, 36 by 48 inches, 48 by Col Ward, OQMG, to COs of
94 Ltr, and ASF QM
Depots, 23 Oct 44, sub: Standardization of Pallets,
48 inches, and 48 by 60 inches— were sufficient
to handle efficiently the vast majority of Quar- 95 Richard P. McCormick, A History of Storage and
94 The pallet standard- Distribution at the Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot,
termaster supply items.
izationprogram was well-under way by 1944. 1917-43 (PQMD Historical Studies, December 1944),
Inadequacy of supply was only one of the 96 For details of these developments see Stauffer,

handicaps impeding the installation of the QM Depot S&D Opns, pp. 109-1 1.

Before the war, industry produced annually of equipment for an installation. 99

only 2,500 to 3,000 tractors and fork-lift trucks. Standardization was effected gradually through
In August 1945, however, the QMC alone was a planned adjustment rather than by an imme-
using 2,600 fork-lift trucks at its depots in the diate and costly general shifting and redistribu-

zone of interior. All the technical services at tion of equipment. For example, ifequipment
that time had in operation at their depots more which was nonstandard for a given depot was
than twice the number of fork-lift trucks pro- sent to a repair installation for maintenance, it

duced in 1940. 97 In 1942, when fork-lift trucks was replaced by standard equipment. The re-
were hard to procure, 24,982 persons handled a paired item was then sent to another installa-
monthly average of 953,256 tons. By the first tion where it did conform to the adopted
half of 1945, when the average monthly ton- standard pattern. As a result of planned adjust-
nage volume had increeased to 1,500,000 tons, ments, the standardization of equipment had
storage personnel had been reduced to only been largely effected by 1944.
18,600.Between the third quarter of 1943, when Correlating the type and capacity of equip-
the production of fork-lift trucks began to ment and the operating needs of installations
match the demand, and the second quarter of increased operating efficiency and decreased
1945, when the war reached its climax, the aver- maintenance costs and the loss of equipment
age number of tons handled per man a month operating hours. Standards, however, had not
more than doubled. The increased productivity been established for the proper maintenance of
per individual worker was estimated to have materials-handling equipment, with the result
saved $80,000,000, which, under the old manual that depot operations wereimpeded by the
methods, would have been paid in wages. 98 breakdown of equipment. Experience proved
that a small fork-lift truck suffered as much
wear and tear in 48 hours of operation as a large
Standardization Program
cargo truck in 1,000 miles of travel. The 1,000-

In 1943 the efficiency of depot operations was mile maintenance service after 192 hours of op-
further promoted by a program of standardiza- eration required on every machine in connec-
tion of mechanical equipment and of methods tion with second echelon maintenance and the
and practices for its use and maintenance. Al- 6,000-mile service after 1,152 hours of opera-
though the introduction of fork-lift trucks im- tion provided inadequate protection against
mediately increased efficiency and operating breakdowns. By the summer of 1944 this had
productivity, it was not possible in 1941 and been revised to a 1,000-mile check at the end of
1942 to match the proper type and size of every 48 operating hours and a 6,000-mile check
equipment with operating conditions and needs after 192 hours. The number of trucks out of
of individual installations. It became apparent, service daily at Quartermaster depots decreased
however, that increased efficiency would result
(1) Anon., "Improved Car Plate Lifter and 4-Way
from standardizing equipment to meet the Pallet," Distribution and Warehousing, XLIII (July
needs of specific operations. In 1943 and 1944 1944), 46. (2) Stat Yearbook of the QMC, 1945, p.
136. (3) ASF, Stat Review: World War II, p. 110.
experts in commercial storage were employed to
98 Rpt, Malloy, Accomplishments of the Stor Br,
determine what type and capacity of equipment OQMG, 7 Dec 41-1 Sep 45, pp. 2-3. See Kieffer and
was best suited to the needs of each installation. Risch, Quartermaster Corps: Organization, Supply,
In the interest of simplifying maintenance prob- and Services, Vol. II, Ch. IV.
(1) Ibid., pp. 4-5. (2) Stauffer, QM Depot S&D
lems, training, and supervision, the aim was to Opns, p. 1 14.
standardize, as far as practicable, on one make 100
WD Cir 269, 1 Jun 44, sub: Maint of MHE.

sharply from 8.5 percent in October 1943 to 2.7 their requisitions. Within the OQMG, respon-
percent in August 1945. The percentage for all sibility for the maintenance of
all Quartermas-

Army Service Forces depots declined from a ter equipment, because of its increasing impor-
peak of 9.5 percent in November 1943 to 3.1 in tance, was centralized in one organizational
August 1945. 101 By August 1945 the equipment unit— the Service Installations Division. 104 It

standardization program had demonstrated its had the primary responsibility for the super-
value in fewer deadlined machines, reduced vision and co-ordination of all activities in
costs of maintenance, and increased efficiency. connection with the maintenance of Quarter-
Apart from this effort at standardization, the master equipment, although the Procurement
initiation of a parts supply program and the Division placed the contracts for parts, the Stor-
education of depot maintenance personnel con- age and Distribution Division directed storage
tributed to reducing the number of unserviceable and issue, and the Military Planning Division
fork-lift trucks. Because the Army had generally collaborated in the determination of require-
underestimated the important part that ware- ments.
house equipment was to play in supply move- Although parts supply remained "an uphill
ment, no provision had been made for the pro- grind" from its inception till the end of the war,
curement of replacement parts. Originally, each the field maintenance manuals published by the
supply service had provided parts for end items Service Installations Division to effect stand-
from their respective depots. The lack of parts ardization of practices and prescribe policies, the
procurement, parts lists, and maintenance man- education of depot maintenance personnel, and
uals caused installations to develop local pro- the assistance given in programming preventa-
curement, resort to contract repair, or to neglect tive maintenance and parts supply were reflected

maintenance. In an effort to keep equipment in in the progressive lowering of the quantity of

operation, each of the supply services in the deadlined equipment. 10 ^
beginning placed large orders for replacement The efficiency of depot operations was further
parts with the manufacturers of materials- increased by the standardization of methods and
handling equipment. Since they were producing practices for utilizing warehouse equipment.
to the maximum capacity of their plants, the During 1941-1942 depot personnel devised var-
manufacturers found it impossible to turn out ious methods for employing the new equipment
complete units in the necessary volume and at in their local operations. Some of these han-
the same time fill orders for replacement
parts. 101
(1) Rpt, Malloy, Accomplishments of the Stor

By 1943, however, large quantities of material

Br, OQMG, 7 Dec 41-1 Sep 45, p. 6. (2) ASF, Stat
Review: World War II, pp. 27, 110.
had been in use for a considerable period of 102
(1) Col R. S. Brown, Chief of Maint & Equip
time, and one of the most important problems Br, Sv Instl Div, to Gen Administrative Div, OQMG,
17 Oct 45, sub: Tour of Duty Hist Rpt. (2) Memo,
facing the Army was the supply of spare parts.
Hq SOS for TQMG et a/., 20 Feb 43, sub: MHE
The necessity for co-ordinating the procurement Spare Parts Program, 451.93.
of replacement parts led Headquarters, ASF, to 103
AGO Memo S5-82-43, 1 May 43, sub: MHE.
(1) OQMG OO 25-35, 17May 43, sub: Asgmt
centralize purchase responsibility for spare parts
of Responsibilities with Respect to Maint. (2) Ltr,
in the QMC to the same extent that responsi- Gen Holland, OQMG, to COs of all depots, 6 Sep 43,
bility for the procurement of materials-handling sub: Procedure for Requisitioning Replacement Parts,
equipment was vested in it. 103 The Columbus 105
Rpt, Col Brown, Chief of Maint & Equip Br, Sv
Army Service Forces Depot became the central Instl Div, to Gen Administrative Div, OQMG, 17 Oct
storage point against which all services made 45, sub: Tour of Duty Hist Rpt.

dling operations were good but others were QMC these were subsistence items, and in the
wasteful of both personnel and equipment. winter of 1942-1943 the Corps conducted ex-
Commercial storage experts in 1943 and 1944 periments to determine the feasibility of using

not only evaluated the types of equipment used palletized unit loads to achieve greater speed
but also surveyed the depot methods to deter- and economy in the handling of subsistence. 108
mine which merited general adoption by all in- The advantages of palletized unit loads were
stallations. The OQMG also conducted experi- obvious in the savings that could be effected in

ments to devise standard methods for loading time and manpower, in the reduced costs, the
and unloading motor trucks, freight cars, and decreased pilferage, and the increased speed and
refrigerator cars, for blocking and bracing efficiency in handling supplies.
loaded cars to minimize or prevent damage to The Quartermaster tests
results of the early
supplies in transit, for stacking supplies in ware- were favorable, but many technical problems
house, shed, and open storage, and for the effec- had to be solved before unitized shipments
tive and most productive use of fork-lift trucks could be generally applied to Army distribution
as well as all types of conveyors, tractors and operations. Palletized supplies would have to
trailers, drum-handling devices, and
cranes, arrive undamaged at their final destination,
other types of equipment. 106 The goal was to which meant developing a means of stabilizing
develop methods which would balance equip- both the containers composing the unit load
ment and personnel so as to achieve the most and the unit load itself. Unit loads also had to
effective and productive use of both. As a result be of a size easily handled with mechanical
of this program the tonnage of material handled equipment and capable of being loaded and
per 8-hour man-day increased at the same time unloaded in normal standard carriers.
that the better balance achieved between per- The lack of fork-lift trucks and other essential
sonnel and equipment by improved methods equipment at all but the largest and best-
decreased the manpower employed. equipped manufacturing plants hindered the
application of the principle of palletized loads

Palletized Unit Loads to shipments which ideally should have started

at the producers' warehouses. The lack of facili-

After the use of fork-lift trucks and pallets ties for receiving and handling such shipments
had become a general, standard practice in all overseas as well as the sizable cubical displace-
Quartermaster storage operations, an was
effort ment of the pallet itself, which amounted to
made to extend the palletizing of supplies from about 10 percent of an entire load, caused the
depot warehouse operations to shipments by Transportation Corps to oppose extensive pal-
railroad and truck in the zone of interior as well letization of transatlantic shipments until these
as to those destined for overseas theaters. In aspects of the problem had been solved. Its
initiating the palletized unit program, the Army attitude prevented any large-scale unitized move-
was entering a field that had not been thor- ments during 1943.
oughly explored. Industry had been making
some progress before the war in shipping pal-
Stauffer, QM Depot S&D Opns, pp. 1 I4ff.
M. W. Potts, "Shipment of Palletized Unit Loads
letized unit loads, but after Pearl Harbor its a Reality," Distribution and Warehousing, XLII (Jan-
plans were "laid aside for the duration." uary 1943), 44.
Army experiments, made by the various sup-
Ltr, M. W. Potts, Consultant, to Col Bradbury,
OQMG, Rpt on First Palletized Unit
4 Jan 43, sub
ply services, were concentrated on those items Load Shipments from New Cumberland QMD to
which could be most easily unitized. In the NYPE.

At the beginning of 1944 the QMC

initiated supplies. The shortcomings exhibited at the be-
a newseries of tests which, after many experi- ginning of the war in the packing of subsistence
ments with various strapping methods and with were also evident in the packing of other Quar-
various sizes and types of pallets, achieved a termaster items for overseas shipment, which
satisfactory solution to the problem of develop- were exposed to the same hazards of rough han-
ing an economical and efficient unitizing meth- dling. The packing of clothing, equipage,
od. It was found that a pallet adhesive or glue and general supplies also followed standard
was a more satisfactory stabilizing agent than commercial practices, but these were no more
strapping for most supply items which were to suited to overseas shipment than were the pack-
be unitized. An outstanding accomplishment ings used for food.
was the development in the fall of 1944 of a The need for new methods of packing was
lighter pallet which would meet the special not immediately appreciated, but by mid-194l
needs of unitized loading and storage by occupy- some Quartermaster officers recognized that
ing less car, ship, and warehouse space. 109 existing specifications did not meet wartime
The program had developed to the point needs for overseas shipments. 113 In general, ex-
where overseas shipments could be undertaken; port packing was confined to steel-strapped
however, conditions in the ETO made such wooden containers and burlap bales. Experience,
movement impossible. The resources for han- however, suggested that even the prevailing
dling palletized unit loads had improved in specifications were not too well carried out.

England, but the ports of western Europe did The shortcomings of packing operations dur-
not have the necessary facilities. The differences, ing the opening months of the war stemmed
too, between American and European freight from the lack of a co-ordinated program for that

car design posed other difficulties in handling purpose. Quartermaster packing and crating op-
such shipments. erations were not centralized in any one branch
On the other hand, in the Pacific theaters, of the OQMG. The need was recognized, how-
where the Army had built modern facilities for ever,and in February 1942 responsibilities for
receiving goods, palletized shipments were wel- packing and crating were vested in the Depot
comed. In response to requests, Headquarters, Division. In the functional reorganization of
ASF, late in June 1945 directed the technical the OQMG that followed shortly thereafter,
services to make such movements to the maxi- these responsibilities were transferred to the
mum extent possible. 110 The QMC speeded its Storage and Distribution Division and assigned
preparations, but the surrender of Japan halted to a Packing and Crating Section of the Depot
the program just as it was starting on a large Operations Branch (later Storage Branch),
scale.Although the abrupt termination of the where steps were taken to recruit qualified pack-

program was disappointing, its value had been

demonstrated, and the development of pallet-
(1) OQMG Daily Activity Journal, 22 Nov 44,
p. 12. (2) Ibid., 26 Dec 44, p. 10.
ized unit loading of subsistence was a notable 110
(1) Ltr, Brig Gen N. H. McKay, Actg Dir of
wartime achievement of the QMC. 111 Sup, ASF, to TQMG, 20 Jun 45, sub: Palletized Shpmt
of Supplies. (2) Ltr, Gen Lutes, ASF, to TQMG,

Jul 45, same sub. Both in 451.93.

Packing Operations 111
For a detailed account of this program see Stauf-
fer, QM Depot S&D Opns, pp. 121-35.
See above, Ch. V, section on development of
The preparation of materials for shipment by
packaging and packing.
proper packing, crating, or baling was an im- 113 Capt
J. M. Berry to
Lt Col L. O. Grice, OQMG,
portant element in the safe transport of war 31 Jul 41, sub: Packing Instructions.

ing specialists from industry. All instructions Formulation of Specifications

regarding packing and crating of Quartermaster
supplies, either for domestic or overseas ship- Precise definition of packing specifications for
ments, were thereafter co-ordinated and cleared individual items was essential for successful de-
by the chief of the Depot Operations Branch. pot packing operations, but these were non-
All contracts for Quartermaster supplies were existent at the beginning of World War II

routed through this branch in order to check insofar as export practices were concerned.
packing specifications. 114 These steps had the Standard commercial practices governing do-
effect of establishing proper co-ordination of all mestic shipments normally met Army needs in

Quartermaster packing operations and permit- peacetime. In war, however, overseas shipments
ting the initiation of a program aimed at the required the development of other specifica-
continuous improvement of operating methods. tions. Problems of space, weight, protection,
Centralization of activities was also intro- and conservation of materials had to be taken
duced where local packing and
in the depot, into consideration in their formulation.
crating operations were centralized under a One of the cardinal achievements of the
qualified packing and crating officer assigned to Packing and Crating Section, OQMG, was the
each depot storage division. It was his task to preparation of detailed packaging and packing
correlate procurement, inspection, and storage specifications for the major Quartermaster
functions with respect to packing and crating. items. 116 These specifications naturally depend-
He was responsible for the proper packing, crat- ed upon the type of packaging container
ing, and marking of all depot stock; for the selected for each item of supply and, if over-
training of personnel in these matters; for the packing was necessary, upon whether the con-
inspection of incoming shipments; and for giv- tainer was a weatherproof fiber, nailed wood,
ing technical advice on packing, crating, and or wirebound box. The formulation of such
marking problems. 115 specifications progressed slowly, since much of
It was the depot's task to select the proper 1942 and 1943 was devoted to deciding these
specification from among the hundreds issued basic developmental questions. Furthermore,
by the Corps and incorporate it in the contract. few specifications could ever be firmly estab-
It determined which contractors should pack lished inasmuch as continuous experimentation
supplies for oversea shipments and assisted con- forced repeated changes.
tractors in obtaining needed containers despite The Packing and Crating Section began com-
material shortages. Not all contractors could piling overseas packing specifications in manual
prepare supplies for oversea shipment, for many form. A manual for a large variety of general
did not have the necessary personnel and equip- supplies was issued in December 1942, but,
ment; hence such packing was generally con- because of the wide variety and the varying
fined to the largest and best-equipped plants. sizes and shapes of the items comprising gen-
During the first two years of the war, when 114
(1) See above, Ch. V, pp. 204ff. (2) Rpt, Mal-
specificationshad not been stabilized and con- loy, Accomplishments of the Stor Br, OQMG, 7 Dec
tractors were lax in meeting them, one of the 41-1 Sep 45, p. 20.
For a detailed account of the depot's role in the
most important tasks, particularly of filler de- packing program see Stauffer, QM
Depot S&D Opns.,
pots, was the repacking of supplies to insure pp. 148-52.
satisfactory delivery overseas. Thus the execu- For specifications on subsistence packing see
above, Ch. V.
tion of the packing program depended to a large 117
OQMG Packing Spec GS-1, 1 Dec 42, sub:
extent upon the depots. Specs for Gen Supplies.

eral supplies, no detailed specifications existed War II, Quartermaster supplies on hand in de-
for many items even at the end of the war. pots and procured from contractors' plants,
Overseas packing specifications designed to in- with the exception of certain heavy-type equip-
sure safe delivery of nonbalable clothing and ment and items of clothing in bales, were
equipage— for example, tentage, raincoats, and packed in accordance with standard commercial
intrenching shovels— were also written and in- domestic shipment.
practice, suitable only for
corporated in a manual. Exported Quartermaster supplies were com-
Early in the war considerable confusion had monly overpacked in wood, but early in 1941
resulted from the welter of individual packag- the growing scarcity of wood made any large-
ing and packing specifications each using serv- scale use of it impracticable.
ice had for its supplies. However, procurement Baling was suitable for most items of cloth-
responsibility had been delegated to the QMC ing and equipage, but the Philadelphia Depot
for many supplies used by other services. The objected to its extensive use for clothing be-
consequence was that contractors were bewil- cause it stretched and wrinkled cloth, because
dered by the necessity of packing the same sup- modern baling facilities were not available at

plies in a variety of ways. Moreover, requisitions depots and textile plants, and because clothing
for these items could not always be readily filled manufacturers claimed it was no more econom-
by Quartermaster depots because stocks on ical than packing in fiber containers. 119 Since
hand could not be used if they did not conform only a small percentage of clothing was being
to the packing specification of the ordering shipped overseas during the emergency period,
agency. the use of corrugated and solid fiber containers
To reduce this confusion, speed shipments, was authorized.
and hold packing costs to a minimum, The The growing scarcity of shipping space in

Quartermaster General proposed that the using 1942 and 1943, however, and the increased over-
services accept a single specification. A series of seas distribution put a premium on saving
conferences early in 1945 resulted in an agree- space. It became the general policy early in 1942

ment that Quartermaster packing specifications to bale all compressible items of clothing and
would be accepted on supplies procured by the equipage destined for distribution abroad. Ship-
Corps for two or more services. On supplies ments within the United States continued to be
procured by the QMC which were used by only made in cleated fiber and plywood boxes, heavy
one service, the specification of the using service corrugated and solid fiber containers, and nailed
was to be applied.
wooden boxes. By the summer of 1942, how-
ever, the need to save both freight and ware-
house space resulted in a move to bale all com-
Improvement of Methods
pressible clothing and equipage, whether des-
The solution of the problem of wartime han- tined for domestic or overseas shipment. Since
dling hazards was also dependent on the devel- the depots could not bale all these items, the
opment of improved packing materials and Philadelphia Depot was directed to arrange in

methods and upon better marking of supplies future procurement contracts for the baling of
shipped to theaters of operations. The need for " 8 (1) Ltr, TQMG
to CofEngrs et at., 2 Feb 45,
safe transport of subsistence spurred the devel- sub: Packing Specs. (2) Conf Rpt, E. S. Worden, 28
Apr 45, sub: Conf on Packing Specs, 25 Apr 45.
opment of the V-box, but other Quartermaster
( 1 ) Insp Rpt, Capt Berry to TQMG,
119 1 1 Mar 41,

supplies also required the development of satis-

sub: Rpt of Opns at PQMD. (2) Berry to TQMG, 14
factory packing. At the beginning of World May 41, sub: Baling at PQMD.

clothing, textiles, and textile equipage at con- not been used, the thickness of the lumber used
tractors' plants. Contractors were assisted in for containers would have had to be increased
obtaining the necessary baling machines. by about 40 percent while the use of fiber con-

By 1943 baling productivity had to be in- tainerswould have been greatly restricted. 123
creased if Army needs were to be filled. In part At the beginning of World War II, however,
this was met by increasing the productivity per the Corps had no detailed specification for the
man by developing a continuous assembly line application of steel strapping to a container of
operation for baling. A second line of approach a given size and weight. Experiments were
was to increase the productivity per baling ma- made with various types of flat and round steel

chine. Early in 1943 the Philadelphia Depot de- strapping and by March 1943 a comprehensive
veloped a new method of baling based on the specification for flat steel and round wire strap-
use of bias tubing. This tubular method re- pings on all types of containers was issued.
placed the flat baling method introduced during During the early years of the war, the OQMG
World War I. Since the ends of the tubing were was also investigating the cause for the failure
closed by twisted wire ties, the need for sewing of strapping on overseas containers, a failure
them by hand was eliminated. Although the which resulted in damaged supplies. Study re-
tubular method required less cloth, it made a vealed that improper application, tensioning,
stronger bale capable of withstanding rougher and sealing of the strap caused the majority of
treatment than the older type. 121 In general, one the failures. Skill and experience were required
baling machine turned out as many bales a day to apply strapping satisfactorily but depots
astwo had under the old method. often had to rely on untrained personnel. Rep-
Cargo space was also saved through im- resentatives of plants manufacturing steel strap-
proved methods of packing Quartermaster ping assisted in supervising and training per-
items. Field ranges and their accessories, for ex- sonnel, and constant supervision caused the loss
ample, were packed at the beginning of the war of supplies through improper strapping to de-
in four crates occupying 44.3 cubic feet and cline appreciably after the spring of 1943. 125
weighing 559 pounds. By consolidating the In December 1941 specifications did not exist
pots, pans, and accessory equipment and nest- for the proper marking of Quartermaster sup-
ing them inside the oven and other open spaces, plies to insure their arrival at the proper des-
a saving of 20.2 cubic feet or 45.5 percent of the tination. No inadequacy of packing exasperated
cargo space was made. The weight was cut to overseas personnel more than illegible and con-
480 pounds, a reduction of 14 percent. Field fusing marking which impeded easy identifica-
service shoes were packed in quantity lots in- tion of supplies. During the month of Septem-
stead of individual boxes with a resultant sav-
ing of 60 cubic feet of space on each 1,000 pairs 120
( 1 ) Packing Sec to Chief of Depot Opns Br,

of shoes. 122
Methods of packing numerous other S&D Div, OQMG, 2 Jul 42, sub: Baling. (2) Ltr,
Gen Corbin, OQMG, to CO PQMD, 2 Dec 42, sub:
items were improved to effect savings of space.
Baling at Contractors' Plants.
Whether shipped in wooden or fiber contain- 121
Insp Rpt, Lt Lee W. Oliver to TQMG, 25 May
ers, Quartermaster supplies were always bound 43, sub: New Baling Method at PQMD.
Maj F. F. Berlinger, "Packing and Crating Prob-
with steel strapping. Both flat and round types lems,'' QMR, XXII (January-February 1943), p. 106.
of strapping were used extensively. By the use 123
Rpt, Malloy, Accomplishments of the Stor Br,
of containers with steel strapping, the QMC OQMG, 7 Dec 41-1 Sep 45, p. 31.

made important savings of lumber, flatboard,

QMC Tentative Spec 106, 3 Mar 43, sub: Strap-
and shipping space. If the steel strapping had 125
See Stauffer, QM Depot S&D Opns, pp. 143-45.

ber 1942, for example, more than 38,000 im- was shown on a diagonal in the lower third of
properly marked packages were received at the one end of the container. One end was left un-
New York Port of Embarkation alone. Three marked to permit necessary markings after the
hundred men were engaged solely in the task of shipment had arrived in the theater. The objec-
remarking supplies. 126 Despite these efforts to tive was to simplify and clarify instructions for
eliminate errors at the ports, defective markings marking supplies destined for overseas, provide
continued to plague handling personnel at the a uniform marking policy, reduce nonessential

ports and in the theaters to such an extent that marking to a minimum, and thereby facilitate
the success of the war effort was threatened. the handling of supplies in depots, ports of em-
Protests poured in from the theaters and the barkation, and theaters of operations.
ports of embarkation. So successful was the experiment that the
In the fall of 1942, at the request of the Code Schenectady Plan was adopted with a few modi-
Marking Policy Committee, Headquarters, SOS, fications and incorporated in specifications in
directed The Quartermaster General to under- December 1942. The general principles of the
take a thorough study of marking requirements. plan were established as standard marking pro-
This analysis resulted in recommendations cedures for all Army shipments. The effect was
known as the Schenectady Plan because they to preserve the secrecy essential in overseas
were first put into effect at the Schenectady De- shipments, facilitate identification of supplies,
On one end of the container was sten- separate information needed for handling sup-
ciled the coded overseas destination, nomen- plies in the United States from that required in

clature and quantity of the item shipped, and the theaters, give prominence to the overseas
the size of the container as well as its weight address, and eliminate unnecessary markings.
and cube, if the pack weighed more than 100 The faults observed during the first year of the

pounds or contained more than 8 cubic feet. In war were thereby largely eliminated.
addition there was affixed to one side of the
container a colored label covered with a water- 126
Insp Rpt, Joseph Mattiello and W. McAdow
proof protective lacquer. It identified the supply to TQMG, 7 Oct 42, sub: QM NYPE.
Activities at

service and also contained data needed only in

(1) Memo, TQMG for CG SOS, 16 Nov 42,
sub: Marking of Outside Shipping Containers. (2) Ltr,
the United States, such as the consignor, con- Gen Scowden, OQMG, to CQM ETO, 24 Nov 42,
signee, requisition and shipping ticket numbers, sub: Marking of Overseas Shpmts.
(1) QMC Tentative Spec 94, 15 Dec 42, sub:
and the coded overseas destination. Specific
Specs for Marking Outside Shipping Containers by
areas on the containers were designated for the Contractors. (2) Ltr, TQMG to COs QM Depots
various markings. Thus the overseas destination et a/., 28 Jan 43, sub: Schenectady Plan.

Stock Control Operations

The distribution phase of supply consists in ficer continued until the property involved had
getting items of issue from the point of produc- been transferred to another officer or disposed
tion to the point of their final consumption, or of in accordance with established procedures.
their loss to Army use through salvage or other As a consequence, protection of the accountable
disposal action. In this process a number of officer against possible monetary loss became
functions are grouped under the general term the chief concern of those who handled supplies
"stock control." In co-ordinating and insuring and supply records.
the distribution and redistribution of supplies, This system of property accountability had
the broad field of depot supply operations be- been introduced into the Army at the close of
gins with the central distribution of stocks to World War I. It had become increasingly cum-
the depots and continues with the requisition- bersome with the passage of time and the vast
ing of material by consuming organizations, the number of articles that had to be
increase in the
processing of these requisitions and other docu- carried and accounted for in equipping and sup-
ments incidental to supply, the shipment of plying the modern army. No fundamental
goods, and the maintenance of stock control. 1
change, however, had been made in the system
Handled at depots by the stock control divi- until shortly before the outbreak of World War
sions during World War II, these activities con- II. Then a board of officers investigating the
sisted mainly of "paper work," for efficient dis- system in the QMC made recommendations
tribution was dependent upon full and accurate that resulted in a slight simplification of prop-
statistical information. erty accountability. 3
Only gradually, under the strains imposed by
Supply Administration Prior to 1942 war upon the resources of the United States,
did the Army make effective stock control and
In the QMC, as in all other supply services,
before 1939 and until well after Pearl Harbor, 1
(1) ASF, Statistical Review: World War II, p. 21.

the keystone of the supply system was property (2) Memo, Maj Gen LeRoy Opns, ASF,
Lutes, Dir of

accountability rather than equitable distribu-

for TQMG et at., 19 Jun 43, sub: Stock and Inventory
tion. It was assumed, however, that equitable For the regulations governing property account-

distribution of supplies would automatically ac- abilityand responsibility see (1) AR 35-6520 and

company the enforcement of property

changes thereto; (2) OQMG
Cir 1-5 and changes
accountability. In this system supply officers at 5
( 1) Memo, Maj Gen W
L. Reed, IG, for CofS, 5

depots and stations were pecuniarily liable for Jul 38, sub: Prop Accountability, QMC. (2) Memo,

property assigned to them for formal and

TQMG for CofS, 21 Jul 38, same sub. (3) Ltr, TAG
toTQMG et at., 16 Mar 39, sub: Proceedings of Bd
curate accounting. 2 This accountability of an of- Appointed to Study Prop Accountability. All in 140.2.

balanced distribution major objectives of its In the QMC this applied to clothing and
supply system. In peacetime the effects of any equipage items. As of 1 July 1940 the stocks of
maldistribution upon military supply and the clothing and equipage on hand were negligible,
civilian economy had been negligible because since the Army had been equipped for the past
of the small amount of goods involved. World twenty years largely from World War I stocks.
War II made equitable distribution imperative. Inasmuch as it required about nine months
Distribution had to be co-ordinated with de- from the time funds became available to obtain
mand, overstocking had to be prevented, short- finished garments in appreciable quantities, it
ages and excesses avoided, and industry had to was apparent by the fall that production was
use critical materials and valuable manpower not going to be sufficient to provide enough
only to the extent needed to fill military clothing and equipment for the large numbers
requirements. of men being inducted and at the same time
permit maintenance and distribution require-
ments. Clothing being produced was needed at
Innovations of 1940-42
precise localities where new men were being in-
By the early summer of 1940 the need to sim- ducted, but posts and corps area quartermasters,
plify the administration of supply was urgent in order to protect themselves, were submitting
in view of the developments at home and requisitions well in advance of troop inductions
abroad. The increase in the strength of the to insure having ample supplies. A centralized
Army by the federalization of the National control of these items was desirable to provide
Guard and the passage of the Selective Service equitable distribution.
Act meant that the meticulous procedures of The credit system was established in Decem-
accounting, auditing, and supply customary in ber 1940. Utilizing manpower figures furnished
a small peacetime army could not be main- by the Office of The Adjutant General, The
tained. The Supply Division of the General Quartermaster General established depot credits
Staff called upon the chiefs of all supply arms each month for a specified list of clothing items.
and services to propose a more practical system This meant that a definite allotment of these
of supply administration for the zone of in- credit items was made to corps area quartermas-
terior. Insofar as wartime theaters of operations ters at designated distributing depots to cover
were concerned, such procedures would be three months' initial and maintenance require-
automatically simplified. ments. Within the limits set by the size of its
G-4 felt that the expansion of the Army con- depot filled requisitions, but since
credits, a
stituted a "mobilization of major proportions," shipments were drafts against established cred-
and hence proposed extending the system of
it its, often small in amount, both depots and
supply credit, provision for which had been corps area quartermasters had to review requi-
made in the 1940 procurement mobilization sitions carefully to prevent shipment of an ex-
plan.' The objective of the system was to insure 4
( 1 ) Ltr, TAG Sup Svs et at., 3 May
to Chiefs of
the supply of the troops by expediting the fill- 40, sub: Sup Admin. AG
400 (4-24-40) M-D-M.
( 2 ) Ltr, TAG to same, 8 Aug 40,
same sub.
ing of requisitions, maintaining balanced stocks,
( 1 ) Memo, Brig Gen R. C. Moore, ACofS G-4,

for TQMG et at., 24 Jun 40, sub: Sup Under MR 4-1.

and preventing accumulation of excess stocks.
Under the system, depot credits were to be (2) Memo, Moore for CofS G-4, 5 Jul 40, same sub.
which might not be Both in 420.
established for those items
Ltr, TAG to Chiefs of Arms and Svs et at., 30 Dec
equitably distributed among corps areas by the 40, sub: Current Sup Policies and Procedures. AG 475
normal requisition procedures. (12-27-40) M-D-M.

cessive quantity to any one post. No depot system was the direct system of supply estab-
could ship in excess of the credits set up for the lished early in 1942 to expedite the filling of
corps area. Where credits proved inadequate, requisitions. The prewar process of requisition-
requisitions were extracted to the OQMG for ing was not conducive to speed in delivery.
action. It was also required that corps area quar- Station requisitions were sent for review pur-
termasters consider excess stocks available at poses first to the headquarters of the corps areas
other posts, camps, and stations, and fill requi- in which the stations were located, since the
sitions from these supplies before applying to corps areas controlled the funds allocated by the
the depot. This procedure permitted full use of War Department for Quartermaster supplies.
available stocks and made transshipments un- They were therefore responsible for the equita-
procurement was avoided
necessary. Excessive ble division of available money among field in-
and the accumulation of overstockages at cer- stallations in accordance with established regu-
tain camps, while others suffered shortages, was lations and allowances. Requisitions then were
prevented. 7 submitted to the depots. This double review
The credit system was ordered by the Chief entailed days and even weeks of delay in the de-
of Staff, but it "was looked upon by all con- livery of requisitioned goods. 11
cerned with doubt and suspicion." Various The abandonment after Pearl Harbor of the
shortcomings impeded its efficient operation. strict budgetary allocation of funds facilitated
Among most important was the fail-
these the the adoption of the direct system of supply,
ure of maintenance or replacement factors, which had been proposed as early as 1940.
which were based on theoretical assumptions Thereafter, although corps areas retained re-

rather than experience, to reflect actual replace- sponsibility for seeing that stations were pro-
ment needs. Moreover, factors had been deter- vided with necessary supplies, they no longer
mined for only about 50 percent of the credit reviewed requisitions. That responsibility rested
items of clothing. This meant that the quan- with the regional distributing depots, and sta-

tities issued to stations were limited to the exact tions submitted their requisitions directly to
number required to equip newly inducted re- them. The depots furnished supplies from their
cruits, with no provisions made for replace- warehouses or from excess station stocks and, if

ments. 9
By August 1942 the development of maxi-
mum and minimum
( 1 ) Ltr, Brig Gen C. L. Corbin, to QMs OQMG,
depot stock levels, practi-
of all CAs et a/., 26 Dec 40, sub: Sup Under 4-1, MR
up to that time, brought about
cally nonexistent 420. (2) Maj H. R. McKenzie, "Distribution of
the abandonment of the credit system. In the fu- Clothing and Equipage," QMR, XXI (March-April
1942), p. 30.
ture, credit items and all other items of clothing
(2) Ltr, Col H. B. Barry, CQMD,
(1) Ibid., p. 29.
and equipage were to be supplied within the to TQMG, Jan 41, sub: Sup Under
1 1 MR
4-1, and 1st
limits set by maximum stock levels, represent- ind, Gen Corbin, OQMG, to CO CQMD, 15 Jan 41,

ing the amount of an item on hand, plus

420. (3) Ltr, Col R. M. Littlejohn, OQMG,
to Col
T. L. Holland, ATGD, 9 May 41, no sub.
the amount due in, that was deemed necessary 9
( 1 ) Ltr, Maj Gen Richard Donovan, CG Eighth

for a depot to perform mission, and mini-

its CA, to TAG, 28 Apr 41, sub: Sup Under 4-1. MR
(2) Memo, Col Littlejohn, OQMG, for ACofS G-4,
mum stock levels, representing the quantity be-
27 May same sub. Both in 420.
low which the stock of an item could not fall 10
Ltr, Gen F. F. Scowden, OQMG,
Brig for QMs
without endangering the capacity of an installa- of all CAs et al., 9 Jul 42, sub: Sup Under MR 4-1,
tion to execute supply functions. 10
its 11
Rpt, QM Bd to OQMG, 10 Jun 40, sub: Admin
A more enduring innovation than the credit of Sup.

not available, such requisitions could be sent to courses permitted the depots to overcome the
another depot for action. 12 shortage of competent operators. When this
In addition to these changes in supply proce- had been accomplished, they were able to
dures, the Army also introduced modifications utilize fully the EAM system.
in its accounting methods. The outstanding in- The electric accounting machines increased
novation made during 1940 and 1941 was the the speed with which depot personnel could
introduction of electric accounting machines prepare shipping tickets, receiving reports, ac-
(EAM). In the spring of 1940, in order to accel- countability records, daily availability reports,
erate the production of stock reports, the Office due-in and due-out records, and depot stock
of the Assistant Secretary of War proposed plac- status reports. At the same time the installation
ing in all Army depots electric accounting of teletype machines insured quick transmission
machines made by the International Business of desired information between the depots and
Machines (IBM) Corporation. 13 Washington. This transmission was an auto-
Bookkeeping machines then in use in Quar- matic process since an IBM machine had been
termaster depots were incapable of providing especially developed for the Army. EAM reports
the variety of detailed records needed for the made available to the OQMG the net stock
process of supplying the Army. In fact, a large status at the depot at the end of each day and
part of the necessary accounting work had to be consolidated figures for all depots in weekly
performed manually. The IBM Corporation summaries.
tested the actual operation of its apparatus in On the basis of this status of depot stocks,
the OQMG and at several Quartermaster de- the OQMG made plans for the distribution of
pots and found it entirely applicable to the anticipated deliveries by contractors to central
military supply system.
On the basis of these procuring depots. Until the spring of 1943, cal-

experiments, it developed the initial procedures culations as to the quantities of stocks of cloth-
for the use of these machines by the Army. ing and equipage to be shipped to depots from
Through the medium of the EAM system, re- production points and quantities to be trans-
ports containing data essential to the distribu- ferred from one depot to another were deter-
tion of stocks were prepared, sorted, and printed mined by manually prepared "Distribution
within a few hours, though this work would Studies," the desired information for which was
have required days or even weeks under the old extracted from the consolidated EAM stock bal-
method. 15
The installation of the new machines met 12
Ltr, TAG to CGs of all CAs et al., 20 Jan 42,
( 1 )

with some opposition. About half of the depots sub:Direct System of Sup. AG
475 (1-16-42)
MO-D-M. (2) OQMG
Cir Ltr 50, 31 Jan 42, same
were convinced that their use was a tremendous sub.
improvement whereas the other half preferred 13
Memo, ASW for TQMG, 18 Apr 40, sub: Punch-
Card System, 140.2.
to continue under the old system. Dissatisfac- 14
Ltr, L. H. LaMotte to OASW, 17 Jul 40, no sub,
tion with the electric accounting machines de- enclosing Application of Punch-Card Equip to

veloped out of the unfamiliarity and incompe- WD Sup Records, 140.2.

15 For a description of the machines and how they
tence of the personnel handling them and from
operated see ( 1 ) Stauffer, QM
Depot S&D Opns, pp.
the "passive resistance on the part of some 159ff. (2) Maj C. C. Workman, "Electric Accounting
of our old time personnel to a change in Machines the Quartermaster Supply Program,"

methods." 16
The OQMG took steps to assign QMR, XXII (November- December 1942), 67ff.
Ltr, Gen Corbin, OQMG,
to All Depots Using
to the depots reserve officers who were familiar EAM, 15 Nov 40, sub: Issuing Sups Before Receiving
with IBM methods. The institution of training Rpt Prepared, 140.2.

ance reports. By that time the OQMG

had In 1941 only 12,000 items were assigned stand-
developed machine distribution studies of cloth- ard stock numbers. By 1944 there were over
ing and equipage which compiled for each 85,000 items included .in the master stock cata-
depot the quantities of each size of each item log file. In addition, there were over 42,000
which were due in, due out, and on hand and items of spare parts for materials-handling
also showed the stock level for each item for equipment.
each depot. The machine automatically com- By the fall of 1941 the OQMG was in a posi-
puted and printed the total assets and also the tion to press toward its goal of standardized
net stock position. This machine study could depot procedures. It began to issue a series of
be prepared in three to four days in contrast to instructions called "depot procedure directives."
the thirty to sixty days previously required. This These new procedures were aimed at first
procedure had a material effect on better supply chiefly at developing basic routines to be fol-
positions in depots. It cut down the quantities lowed by the various branches of the depot
of supplies necessary in the pipeline and made storage and distribution divisions and at estab-
possible efficient supply with smaller levels in lishing improved methods of relating stock ac-
depots. Out-of-stock conditions were reported counting and statistics to local needs. Later
daily by teletype and reviewed immediately by these procedures were more and more devised
commodity sections in the OQMGwhich ad- for the purpose of obtaining the information
vised the depots of action to be taken so that necessary to control and centralize distribution
replenishment or transfer of stock could be operations in the OQMG. 18 By the fall of 1942
effected with the minimum of delay. 17 five basic reports were being drawn from the
However, unless the reports from the depots records kept by the depots and the OQMG. Ac-
were not only prompt and frequent but accurate cording to a study made by the Control Divi-
and uniform in character and based upon the sion, SOS, at that time, these formed the basis
same interpretation of the terms used, the for a "well integrated system of depot perpetual
OQMG would find it impossible to utilize the stock control." 19
Further analysis would deter-
data with maximum effectiveness. As a conse- mine whether it was being used to best advan-
quence, late in 1941 the OQMG began to tage.
standardize depot procedures for processing
documents. Establishment of New Methods of Stock Control
Before such reform could be initiated, how-
ever, the OQMG had to revise completely the The OQMG worked constantly to expand,
existing system of stock nomenclature as set redesign, improve, and streamline procedures
forth in the Quartermaster section of the Fed- and records in order to promote efficient stock
eral Standard Stock Catalog in order to permit
correct and uniform identification of the thou- (1) B. J. Brown, "Merchandising Methods,"
QMR, XXII (November-December 1942), 63ff. (2)
sands of Quartermaster items. Unless the depots
Capt Robert A. Swain, "Depot Storage and Distribu-
used the same item names, their statistical re- tion Division Organization and Procedure," ibid., 59ff-
ports would have little value for determining (3) Ltr, Lt Col Charles C. Workman, Jr., to Maj Gen
Orlando Ward, Chief of Military History, 5 Jan 51, no
supply requirements, allocating goods for dis-
tribution operations, or filling requisitions. 18
For elaboration of these procedures see Stauffer,
During the latter part of 1940 and throughout QM Depot S&D Opus, pp. I62ff.
Memo, Donald K. Keith for Col J. F. Battley,
much of 1941 the OQMG was engaged in this Control Div, SOS, 22 Sep 42, sub: Study of Inventory
task of identifying and numbering stock items. Control Systems Employed by Sup Svs.

control to meet ever-changing demands. The tive facilities had been largely converted to the
QMC had made considerable progress toward manufacture of military supplies; the Army's
achieving an improved stock accounting system most pressing needs for initial equipment had
by the adoption of uniform procedures which been met; the pipeline had been stocked suffi-
would enable all depots to submit reports re- ciently to meet the bulk of current demands;
flecting figures derived by the same means and the strong pressure for immediate delivery of
having the same significance. The system, how- goods had been eased; and storage space, in
ever, still did not provide sufficiently complete many instances, was becoming congested. By
and detailed information for the accurate deter- this time, too, the War Department was being
mination of over-all supply requirements or for made increasingly aware of the hazards inherent
the equitable distribution of goods. This inade- in the accumulation of excess goods. There was
quacy resulted from the lack of data reflecting a growing fear on the part of producers and
actual issues of supplies to troops at posts, consumers that the Army was holding unneces-
camps, and stations, broken down by initial and sarily large quantities of food, clothing, and
replacement issue, and the failure to report reg- other essentials. Charges of military hoarding
ularly to depots all stocks on hand in post, were openly voiced. Since the Army absorbed a
camp, and station storage. 20 Realistic planning large part, and in a few cases virtually all, of the
for the determination of Army supply require- goods normally used by civilians, overstockages
ments, procurement programs, and distribution had to be scrupulously avoided in order that the
plans could only be accomplished with the civilian economy might not suffer unnecessarily
fullestknowledge of the location and status of in the distribution of the goods produced. The
stocks and the amount and purpose of issues need for more effective stock control was evi-

made at stations, whether in the zone of interior dent.

or overseas. It seemed entirely feasible to apply such con-
In the OQMG, personnel responsible for trol to the supply activities of the zone of
stock accounting and for the computation of interior. Here supply needs could be predicted
Army supply requirements were aware of the with fairly reasonable accuracy provided im-
inadequacies of existing stock status informa- proved accounting practices were adopted. The
tion. So, too, were various other groups located penalties of having "too little, too late" were
in the OPM and later the WPB, SOS Head- not as drastic as in the theaters of operations,

quarters, and in the supply services. Until mid- where circumstances were not so favorable for

1942, however, the supply services were thor- management

centralized of stocks. The Com-
oughly absorbed in providing the Army with manding General, SOS, therefore urged the

initial equipment, in filling the distribution creation of a sounder system of inventory con-
pipeline, and in building reserves both in the trol applicable at first only to the zone of
United States and overseas for coming offensive interior.

operations. Until the exceptional requirements The new system was to aim specifically at

of the early stages of the war had been met and providing no more supplies to a military unit

the Army was expanding at a more uniform than it was officially authorized to receive. De-

rate, and particularly until a body of accurate pot and station stocks were to be kept neither
statistics on replacement issues had become
20 Memo, Gen Scowden, OQMG, for ACofS for
available, a more effective stock control system
Opns, SOS, 15 Jan 43, sub: Stock Control.
could not be established. 21
Address, Gen Somervell at orientation mtg of offs
By the summer of 1942 the country's produc- of Hq SOS, 30 Nov 42, no sub.

too high nor too low but properly balanced in examining its stock reports to derive replace-
relation to the needs of all echelons. Additional ment factors from them for the zone of interior. 26
warehouse space was to be obtained through Since the WPB had been studying inventory
the elimination of obsolete and superfluous control for the purpose of increasing the output
stores. Depot goods were to be delivered more of war goods by industry and had devised tech-
rapidly. Information was to be collected that niques, methods of observation, and time-saving
was essential for computing procurement re- it was asked
procedures to supervise such studies,
quirements, scheduling purchases, and allocat- to co-operate with the Quartermaster Board in
ing supplies. 22 the study to be made at Camp Lee. 27

Since the QMC dealt "with those supplies In the meantime the Control Division, SOS,
most closely related to the personal comfort and was making a survey of the stock control sys-
health of the individual," the availability of tems of the supply services and reporting its
which was reduced accordingly in the civilian findings to the chief of the Distribution Divi-
market, its requirements were more closely sion and the Assistant Chief of Staff for Opera-
scrutinized than those of other War Department tions. Emphasis was placed on standardizing
procuring agencies. 23
It was therefore extremely methods for all the supply services, and the
alert to the advantages to be gained by better report recommended that regulations, aimed at
inventory methods. By the summer of 1942 it uniform inventory and stock control methods
felt that sufficient experience data on past issues and procedures throughout the distribution sys-

had been accumulating during the war period tem, should be drawn up from "a merchandis-
to provide the basis for improved control. ing or distribution point of view." Responsi-
Initial issues to troops, replacement issues to bility for the supervision and execution of the
troops, and stock on hand in posts, camps, and regulations to insure co-ordination of the entire
stations constituted the essential elements of stock control system should be vested in the
stock status information which were not cur- Distribution Division, SOS. The WPB report
rently tabulated. and that of the Control Division, SOS, focused
While the Requirements Branch approached attention on the problem of establishing a satis-
the problem by sending survey teams into the factory stock control system throughout the
field to collect experience data on which to base supply services, and the Assistant Chief of Staff
replacement rates, the Storage and Distribution 22
Division sought to improve the stock status 23
Ltr, Maj Gen Gregory to Col George F.
E. B.

report. Early in the summer of 1942 the Quarter- Spann, CO JCQMD, 8 Nov
43, no sub, 400.291.
Ltr, Carroll Belknap to Lt Col G. P. Baker,
master Board at Camp Lee was ordered to make
OQMG, 8 Feb 43, sub: Fid Study of Sta Stocks.
a study of basic accounting policies and inven- 25
See above, Ch. VI.
tory conditions, as they existed at this Quarter-
( 1 ) Ltr, TQMG to Col Max R. Wainer, QM Bd,
master post; to investigate particularly the
Camp 26 Jun 42, sub: Study of Accounting
Lee, Va.,
and Inventory Practices. (2) Ltr, Col D. H. Cowles,
extent of shortages and excesses; to determine OQMG, Aug 42, sub: Verification of Maint
to same, 19
the relationship between depots and the posts, Col Wainer, "The Quartermaster Board,"
Factors. (3)

camps, and stations in their distributing regions, QMR, XXII (March-April 1942), 106ff. (4) Dir of
QM Bd to TQMG, Rpt of QM
Bd, 1 Feb 42-30 Jun
making use in this case of the Richmond Depot; 44, pp. 128ff.
and to devise an experimental system intended 27
Rpt, Accounting Br, Procurement Policy Div,
to provide better methods of accounting and WPB, 29 Dec 42, sub: Improved Control Over Distr
of Supplies, USA.
stock control. The board was also later directed 28
Memo, Donald K. Keith for Col Battley, Control
to check the accuracy of* existing records by Div, SOS, 2 Oct 42, sub: Summary of Findings.

for Operations, SOS, was directed to take Furthermore, records had been kept with
immediate steps for this purpose. 29 varying degrees of accuracy. 33 Among the sup-
Late in 1942, when the Camp Lee study had ply services or even among the installations
been completed, a board of QMC officers and a reporting to one service, no uniformity had
consultant of the WPB was appointed to func- existed in the accounting practices employed, in
tion as a Stock Control Board in the OQMG. 30
the use of nomenclature for the same item, or
This board, as well as the Quartermaster Board, in the interpretation of such seemingly simple
centered its attention on the management of terms used in making entries as "stock on
station stock and on the strengthening of the hand" and "due in." One depot, for example,
control exercised by depots over these stocks. 31 listed only supplies physically in its warehouses
The stock control system put into effect for all as stockon hand, while another recorded these
the technical services on 1 June 1943 was based as well as supplies due in from contractors.
primarily on the substantially similar recom- Moreover, complicated paper work, rigid inter-
mendations made by these two boards. The pretation of regulations governing property ac-

objective was "to provide an adequate amount countability, and the necessity of formally
of supplies at the proper place and at the proper inspecting and approving many types of sup-
time without overstocking in any echelon of plies resulted in delays in posting incoming and
supply." The system was intended to develop outgoing supplies on depot stock status cards.
methods of obtaining more uniform and com- It followed that discrepancies existed between
plete statistics of stockages in the zone of in- the amount of stock actually on hand and that

terior, to prevent the requisitioning of supplies recorded. This had important consequences for
in excess of authorized levels, to insure prompt Quartermaster purchasing and distribution pro-
redistribution of excess goods, to provide better grams. 34
use of critical materials and labor, and to assist Under the new system of stock control these
the "civilian economy by improved distribution, inadequacies were remedied. Stock status re-

proper allocation of supplies to each distribut- ports were now maintained primarily for the

ing point, and the scheduling of requirements purpose of balancing supplies rather than of
in accordance with needs." 29
Memo, Maj Gen W. D. Styer, CofS, for ACofS
for Opns, SOS, n. d. [circa Jan 43], sub: Stock
Stock Status Reports 30
OQMG OO 30-7, 22 Dec 42, sub: Bd to Study
S&D Problems.
One of the focal points of the new stock con- 31
(1) Rpt, QM Bd, 31 Dec 42, sub: Stock Control.

trol system at both stations and depots was the (2) Stock Control Bd, 22 Jan 43, sub: First Prelimi-
nary Rpt.
stock status report. Prior to June 1943, such 32
wd tm
38-220, 3 May 43, sub: Stock Control
reports had been designed to meet the needs of Manual for Posts, Camps, and Stations, p. 1.

a system of property accountability rather than

33 A number
of studies submitted in 1942 analyzed
the weaknesses of the existing stock control systems
of stock control. The purpose of the report was of the supply services. ( 1 ) Dir of QM
Bd to TQMG,
to give a record of supplies on hand, due in, due n. d., sub: Rpt of QM
Bd, Camp Lee, Va., 1 Feb 42-30

and issued. In the past, however, one of the Jun 44, pp. 128-32. (2) Accounting Advisory Br, Pro-
curement Policy Div, WPB, 29 Dec 42, sub: Rpt on
many difficulties experienced in the proper Improved Control Over Distr of Supplies, USA. (3)
stockage of depots and posts, camps, and sta- Memo, Donald Keith for Col Battley, Control Div,
SOS, 22 Sep 42, sub: Study of Inventory Control Sys-
tions,had been the lack of knowledge concern-
tems Employed by Sup Svs.
ing the quantities used through initial issue and 34 Memo, Gen Scowden for ACofS for Opns, SOS,
by replacement issue. 15 Jan 43, sub: Stock Control.

establishing the property accountability of the Stock Levels

issuing officer. The new reports indicated initial
and replacement issues and distinguished be- Stock levels at both stations and depots were
tween issues and transfers of stocks from one the second focal point of the new stock control
depot or station to another. Memorandum re- system. They were the amount of stock required
ceipts, which formally acknowledged the receipt to be on hand to serve as a working inventory
of were issued for temporary use
articles that and as a reserve. Adequate inventories were es-

but which were retained in the accountability sential to provide the troops with necessary
of the supply officer, were carried on a separate supplies and to meet any emergencies created by
stock record account in order that the figures for unanticipated demands or interruptions to the
stock on hand would reflect only items actually flow of supplies.
available for distribution. 35 The most important phase of stock control
Unless specifically exempted, stock record was the correct setting of accurately determined
cards were established on each individual item stock levels. They helped assure equitable and
of supply and equipment carried in station balanced distribution of stocks and eliminated
stock. At the end of each month or when re- shortages, excesses, and surpluses. However,
quested by the chiefs of supply services, station without accurate issue and maintenance data de-
supply officers prepared reports to the distribut- rived from experience, accurate stock levels
ing depots on selected items which indicated could not be set. During the emergency period
the maximum stock level, the balance on hand and the early war years sufficient reliable infor-
and on memorandum receipt, the balance due mation about the trend of issues was not avail-
inand due out, and the cumulative initial and able to permit realistic determination of stock
replacement issues for the previous three levels. 37 Furthermore, until mid-1942 the turn-
months. The report also indicated the average over of stocks was generally so rapid, the delay
troop strength of the station for the preceding in production of equipment and supplies so
three months, its expected strength for the com- significant, and the necessity of filling the dis-

ing three months, and the kind and number of tribution pipeline so urgent that stock levels
organizations to be supplied. could have had little pertinency to the immedi-
The detailed statistical information provided ateproblem of furnishing supplies to the Army
in stock status reports furnished the basis for Depots had no opportunity to acquire balanced
establishing more adequate and accurate depot stocks and as a consequence stock levels were
and station stock levels. Such reports were also not extensively used. As late as January 1943,
useful in calculating the existence and amount stock levels had not been determined for many
of excesses. They provided an experience rec- items, and even those authorized were repeated-
ord on which to base more accurate replacement ly found inaccurate because they were based on
factors that were used not only in setting stock the unsatisfactory initial and replacement factors
levels but in computing over-all supply require-
ments. On the basis of consolidated reports by » (1) Stock Control Bd, 6 Feb 43, sub: Second Pre-
depots for their assigned areas of distribution, liminary Rpt. (2) WD TM
38-220, 3 May 43, sub:
Stock Control Manual for Posts, Camps, and Stations,
The Quartermaster General was provided with passim.
the data essential to improved planning of the 36
Memo, Gen Scowden for CG ASF, 27 Dec 43,
Army Supply Program, accurate scheduling of sub: Sta Stock Status Rpts for QM Items.
57 Carroll Belknap to Col Baker, Chief of Reqmts
procurement, and equitable allocation of sup-
Br, Mil Ping Div, OQMG, 8 Feb 43, sub: Fid Study
plies. of Post, Camp, and Sta Stocks, Receipts and Issues.

which were then employed to compute require- purchases at sales commissaries had never been
ments. 38 determined. 41
As the production situation improved, per- Station stock levels to provide replacement
mitting depots to be stocked in proper relation for clothing and equipage in the hands of troops
to the troops to be served, stock levels deter- were based upon tables of basic allowances and
mined periodically by the commodity branches tables of allowances issued by the OQMG,
of the OQMG were authorized during 1942. which prescribed the quantity of each item on a
Depot levels were defined as a range with a basis of requirements for each 1,000 men for 30

maximum and a minimum expressed in terms days. This quantity in turn was based upon the
of a specific number of days' supply translated established maintenance factor applicable to
into definite quantities of goods. For nonperish- each particular item. But again, analysis of sta-
able subsistence a 60-day supply for each man tion stocks, receipts, and issues revealed that it

supplied within a depot's area represented the could not be assumed that actual initial issues

maximum level and a 20-day supply the mini- to troops were in accordance with prescribed
mum level. The maximum level for clothing, tables of allowances. Nor could it be assumed
equipage, and general supplies was 120 days and that published maintenance factors measured
the minimum a 60-day supply. Actually, how- correctly the actual rate of necessary procure-
ever, by reason of a 30-day time lag between the ment for maintenance. "All studies to date
initiation of action for replenishment and the throw considerable doubt on the accuracy of the
receipt of such supplies, stockages normally present approved maintenance factors as meas-
fluctuated between a maximum of 60 days and a urements of true maintenance needs."
minimum of 30 days. 39
Stock levels for clothing and footwear items
According to established procedures, the presented a special problem in that they also
maximum stock level authorized at the post, had to be based on established tariffs of sizes. A
camp, and station echelon of supply was 60 size tariff is a schedule listing the sizes of cloth-

days, except at stations which included recep- ing and footwear and the proportions in which
tion centers. These were authorized to stock they were issued at the time the schedule was

a 90-day level of those items of initial issue published. Distributed to field installations,

furnished to newly inducted soldiers at reception they were to be used as a guide in requisition-
In general, stock levels were based on mainte- 58
(1) Ibid. (2) Ltr, TQMG to CG Seventh CA, 24
nance factors and a consideration of the antici- Apr 42, sub: Sup System. (3) Ltr, Gen Scowden,
pated manpower in a given area of distribution.
OQMG, to all Depots, 11 May 42, sub: Stockage
Levels. Last two in 400.291.
Stockages of nonperishable subsistence at depots 39
( 1 ) Ltr, Gen Scowden, OQMG, to All Depots,

and at posts, camps, and stations, for example, 11 May

42, sub: Stockage Levels, 400.291. (2) Stock
Control Bd, 22 Jan 43, sub: First Preliminary Rpt,
were based on "present and anticipated man-
power in relation to the components of food 40
(1) OQMG Cir Ltr 225, 28 May 42, sub: Stock
prescribed in menus prepared for the issue of Levels and Rqn Period at Posts, Camps, and Stations.
(2) Memo, ACofS for Opns, SOS, for TQMG, 22 Dec
rations in kind, and upon the items authorized Gen Scowden,
42, sub: Distr of Sups, and 1st ind,
for sale." Published menus, however, were not OQMG, to ACofS for Opns, SOS, 23 Dec 42.
infallible guides to the food actually consumed
(1) Stock Control Bd, 22 Jan 43, sub: First Pre-
liminary Rpt. (2) Carroll Belknap to Col Baker,
since many substitutes were repeatedly pro-
OQMG, 8 Feb 43, sub: Fid Study of Post, Camp, and
vided, and the rate of consumption in officers' Sta Stocks, Receipts and Issues.
42 Ibid.
messes, service clubs, post exchanges, and other

ing.One of the most difficult problems to solve, submitted by station quartermasters to depots.
however, was the maintenance of stocks in By the information obtained from them, indi-
proper sizes. vidual station tariffs of sizes became available
The national tariff of sizes in use in 1940 was for computing the distribution of sized items in
based on the issue experience of World War I lieu of the national tariffs. These experience
and the succeeding years of peace. 43 It failed, data also provided the basis for the national
however, to provide proper stockage for the tariffs established by the Clothing and Equipage
6,000 different sizes of the various clothing and Branch of the Storage and Distribution Divi-
footwear items issued by the QMG because sion, OQMG. 45

men being inducted in the Army under the Se- Stock accounting practices that were adequate
lective Service Act were in general larger than for a period when there wereno reserve stocks,
those of the peacetime Army. Furthermore, no filled distribution pipelines, and when indus-
marked regional variations among enlisted men try was not rigged for war production, had to
were soon observed, and the national tariff did give way in the summer of 1943 to a new stock
not take these into account. control system designed to maintain levels of
The use of this tariff in setting stock levels by supply and to assure that no more than was
sizes resulted in unbalanced inventories and the needed would be obtained. Stock levels became
OQMG soon received complaints of shortages the basis of the stock control system. In trans-
of particular sizes of clothing and shoes. Since lating these numbers of days of supply into

the national tariff lacked universal application actual quantities for the zone of interior, past
to the heterogeneous group composing the issues as recorded in the stock status report were
Army in 1940 and experience data were not im- the primary factor used, modified by changes in
mediately available, the OQMG sought size troop strength, type of organization, and esti-

information from the larger chain stores, mail- mate of special conditions such as new activa-

order houses, and other retail organizations tionswhich might increase issues. Control began
whose volume of business and country-wide thus with the station stock status report, which
distribution could be expected to provide a influenced the whole chain of supply. On the
guide to the sizes of clothing being sold to men basis of it, requisitions were made and edited
throughout the United States. These tariffs were and stock levels were established. Of all the
helpful. stock levels in the various echelons of supply,
By November 1941 tabulation of experience the station control level was the key one insofar
had begun after the OQMG had directed recep- as the zone of interior supply was concerned. 46
tion centers to submit weekly reports of the
sizes of clothing being issued to inductees. 45 Address, Capt B. L. Goldstein, 3 Oct 44, sub:

These data provided the basis for revision of the Proper Fitting of Clothing and Revision of Tariff Sizes,
tariff, which remained under constant study. It
QMs' Conf, Camp Lee, Va., 2-4 Oct 44.
(1) Ltr, Gen Corbin,.OQMG, to QM First CA
was frequently revised to follow the trend of et al.,25 Apr 41, sub: Shoe Stocks. (2) Ltr, Col Little-
personnel being inducted into the service. john, OQMG, to Col J. P. Hasson, Eighth CA, 22 May

When the supply system of the QMC was 41, sub: Tariffs, 420.
(1) Stock Control Bd, 22 Jan 43, sub: First Pre-
being analyzed during 1942, the problem of size liminary Rpt. (2) WD TM
38-220, 3 May 43, sub:
tariffs was again emphasized. Under the stock Stock Control Manual for Posts, Camps, and Stations,
control system inaugurated in p. 38.
June 1943, provi-
Address, W. Bobrink, 3 Oct 44, sub: Sta-
Col H.
sion was made for the recording of issue experi-
tion Control Levelsand Depot Levels in Relation to
ence for clothing in the stock status report Supply, QMs' Conf, Camp Lee, Va., 2-4 Oct 44.

Under the system established the quantity of utility purposes. Maximum distribution levels
any item of Quartermaster supply to be car- were established for all regional distributing
ried in stock at any post, camp, or station was depots. These levels comprised the quantity of
regulated through the use of a maximum stock supply, on hand and due in, necessary to main-
level, a reorder point, and a minimum stock tain desired working stocks for issue to the as-
level. The pivot of the entire system of manag- signed area. Included was a minimum stockage
ing inventories was the maximum stock level, of 60 days' supply plus necessary working stock
that is, the greatest quantity of any item author- and provision to cover the in-transit and proc-
ized to be stocked or placed on order by a essing time needed for the replenishment of
stocking point. Upon its accurate calculation supplies.
depended the possession of sufficient supplies The stock level for a filler depot was set at
by the stations and the reduction or elimination the quantity needed to provide an average physi-
of excess stockages. The maximum distribution cal stock on hand sufficient for 90 days 50
of sup-
level authorized for posts, camps, or stations ply to the troops assigned to the port of em-
was a 90-day supply. Because of the time lag in barkation being supplied by a filler depot.
replenishing stocks, however, this quantity was Because accurate past issue figures for each
seldom, if ever, reached. Instead an average sup- overseas command were not available, the
ply of 60 days was expected to be on hand. This quantity of any item to be stocked for a filler

maximum level was set by the station supply depot was normally computed by applying to
officer on the basis of issues for the previous 90 the theater of operations "maintenance factor"
days, taking into consideration the type and the estimated troop strength as of a date four
strength of the organizations and the number of months later than the effective initial date of
men to be stationed at the post. The reorder the stock level.
point, established at two thirds of the maximum The utility reserve stock level was ordinarily
level, designated the quantity required to insure established only when specifically ordered by
against exhaustion of the supply during the in- the director of the Storage and Distribution
terval between the placement of an order and Division, OQMG, or by higher authority. It

delivery. The minimum stock level or danger was to insure advanced preparation for a specific
point represented the margin of safety below operation requiring supplies in addition to those
which the stock on hand should not normally
be reduced. 48 Station supply officers reviewed 47
Forage, fuel, gasoline and lubricants, laundry sup-
the stock record cards periodically and made plies, reclamation supplies, office furniture and ma-
necessary upward or downward adjustments of chines, and warehouse equipment were excepted items
subject to special procedures. Stock levels were not set
for these items- because of long-term blanket contracts,
The Stock Control Board, OQMG, recom- extreme variations in use, or the necessity of stocking

mended that depot stock levels be defined in far in advance, as, for example, coal in summer.
( 1 ) Stock Control Bd, 6 Feb 43, sub: Second Pre-
the same manner as for posts, camps, and sta-
liminary Rpt. (2) WD TM 38-220, 3 May 43, sub:
tions, and Headquarters, ASF, directed that such Stock Control Manual for Posts, Camps, and Stations,
levels be set for each item of supply at all pp. 18-20.
(1) Stock Control Bd, 22 Jan 43, sub: First Pre-
depots by 14 August 1943. 49 In the QMC this liminary Rpt. (2) Memo, Gen Lutes, Dir of Opns,
meant the establishment of levels of supply in ASF, for TQMG, 13 Jul 43, sub: Depot Stock Levels,
regional distributing and infiller depots com- 400.291.
A 120-day supply level, which was divided be-
mensurate with the need and demand by troops, tween port stocks and filler stocks, was set for the San
and levels of reserve stock for contingency and Francisco Port of Embarkation.

normally available. Contingency reserve stock hesitated to point out deficiencies because they
levels were established when deemed essential feared that criticism would embitter relations
by a commodity branch of the OQMG in order with the stations. Varying station interpreta-
to provide against interrupted production or for tions of the terms "initial" and "replacement"
unanticipated and unusual demands. Pending issues still persisted, while the failure to distin-
redistribution, necessary production beyond cur- guish between recurring and nonrecurring issues
rent needs was included in this reserve. 51 rendered more difficult the depot's task of re-

viewing, revising, and approving station control

Stock Control System in Operation levels.
On the other hand, depot stock status
cards failed to reflect accurately the amount of
The new stock control
effectiveness of the stock on hand. Physical inventories had to be
system was dependent upon the success with taken repeatedly to check stock status figures
which the depots administered the tasks of re- with the supplies actually ready for issue. As
viewing, revising, and approving station stock late as June 1945 an inventory of more than

levels, obtaining reasonably accurate station 1,000 items by 12 depots revealed decided dis-
stock status reports, disposing of excess and crepancies requiring an average of 73 percent
obsolete stores at stations, and controlling their adjustments to the stock-on-hand balance. 55 De-
own inventories. More than ever the depots pot and station stock status reports consequently
were the nerve centers for the entire storage and could not be used precisely as anticipated in

distribution function of the Army. They were estimating requirements. Nevertheless, informa-
hampered, however, by various difficulties. Chief tion about station issues was still considered to
of these was the necessity of substituting new be "the best available basis for forecasting Zone
concepts and procedures for those long familiar of Interior future issue requirements."
to supply personnel at a time when military ac- More than any other technical service the
tivities were moving toward a climax. 52 In shift- QMC made use of stock status reports. Since
ing from the first phase of supply— setting up the Corps in general supplied the individual
supplies for an operation still in the planning rather than the organization, it had to be in a
stage— to the second of maintaining the flow of position to "meet changes which occur daily, in
supplies necessary to support an operation, sup- varying degrees of magnitude and with little or
ply officers continued to be guided by the belief
(1) Memo, Gen Lutes, Dir of Opns, ASF, for
that a stringent management of supplies might
TQMG, 13 Jul 43, sub: Depot Stock Levels, 400.291.
result in the disastrous situation of having "too (2) S&D Div Order 73, 25 Aug 43, sub: Procedure
little, too late." The new stock
objectives of the for Establishment of Stock Levels.
Col C. G. Blakeney, "The Control of Supplies,"
control system were misunderstood. The es-
Military Review, XXIV (October 1944), 67-70.
sentiality of records as a tool in effecting proper 55
(1) Address, Maj Charles Workman, n. d., sub:
control was overlooked by those who voiced Problems in Producing Accurate and Timely Stock
Control Records. (2) ASF Cir 10, Sec. VIII, 8 Jan 44,
the sentiment: "Supply the troops, never mind
sub: Stock Control.
the records." 54
( 1 ) Address, Col Bobrink, 3 Oct 44, sub: Station

Control Levels and Depot Levels in Relation to Supply,

QMs' Conf, Camp Lee, Va., 2-4 Oct 44. (2) Memo,
Limitations of Stock Status Reports Bobrink for CGASF, 12 Apr 44, sub: Sta Control
Levels, 400.291.
As a consequence, station stock status reports,
Rpt, Stat Br, OQMG, Depot Opns, Vol. 19
(June 1945), p. 17.
"the focal center of stock control," were often 56
Chief of C&E Sec to Ex Off, C&E Br, OQMG, 4
inaccurate and out of date. Moreover, depots Feb 44, sub: Sta Stock Status Rpt.

no advance information," such as alterations in procedure such as taking past issues of an item
the strength and troop composition of individ- and adjusting the quantity to the increase or de-
ual stations, increases or decreases in theater 6o
crease in expected troop strength." It in-

strength, and changes in the allowance of an volved consideration and evaluation of many
item or in the requirements of other agencies. 57 elements— specifically, tariff sizes, the number
Accurate and up-to-date knowledge of "on of men passing through a reception center if

hand" and "current issues" was required to pre- one was located within the station area, the
serve the necessary flexibility in the Quarter- extent of field training — and generally the
master supply organization. When Headquar- strength, composition, and contemplated activi-
ters, ASF, late in 1943 proposed semiannual ties at the station.
instead ofmonthly station stock status reports To encourage a downward revision of maxi-
as a means of easing the accounting burden mum stock levels, the depots were directed to
placed on stations by the new stock control pursue a more vigorous supervision of station
system, the OQMG protested vigorously. Pro- stock levels. 61 To promote the same end, station
longed discussion during the first six months of stock levels were reduced from a 90- to a 60-day
1944 resulted in authorization for continuation level of supply. This meant, in effect, a 45-day
of monthly reports for a selected number of supply since requisitions for replenishment pur-
Quartermaster items, but for most items the fre- poses would be placed only when the quantity
quency of such reports was sharply curtailed.- on hand or on order was less than three fourths
of the station control level. The effectiveness
with which station stock levels were adminis-
Station Stock Levels
tered was evident in the reduction effected in
Establishing satisfactory maximum stock the physical stocks of clothing and equipage.
levels was as troublesome for station supply offi- The per capita value of these items at stations

cers as maintaining accurate stock status reports. dropped from $45.58 on 1 June 1943, to $33-90
ASF officer teams, visiting the major stations on 31 December 1943, and to $21.96 on 31 July
in the zone of interior shortly after the installa- 1944.
tion of the new stock control system, reported 57
Memo, Gen Scowden for CG ASF, 27 Dec 43,
"a general lack of understanding among the sub: Sta Stock Status Rpts for QM
Items, 400.211.
( 1 ) ASF Cir 174, Sec. VI, 9 Jun 44, sub: Sta Stock
office personnel as to the policies and instruc-
Status Rpts. (2) Ltr, Brig Gen A. M. Owens, OQMG,
tions for reviewing levels." Depot and service for COs QM
Depots et at., 26 Jun 44, sub: Sta Stock
command supervision in the establishment, Status Rpts for Selected Items, 400.219.
59 ASF Cir 10, Sec. VIII, 8 Jan 44, sub: Stock Con-
review, and adjustment of levels was inade-
quate. Analysis showed levels greatly in excess 60 Address, Col Bobrink, 3 Oct 44, sub: Station Con-
of past issue experience and demand. They trol Levels and Depot Levels in Relation to Supply,
QMs' Conf, Camp Lee, Va., 2-4 Oct 44.
were being revised downward slowly, but at 61
(1) Cir 141, Sec. II, 6 Dec 43, sub: Sta Stock
a rate "insufficient to keep levels in line with Levels. (2) Ltr, TAG
to Chiefs of Tech Svs, 6 Dec 43,
decreasing issues and demand" as the number sub: Review and Revision of Stock Levels at Posts,
with the Camps, and Stations, 400.211 (6 Oct 43) OB-P-
of troops in the zone of interior fell
SPDDI-MB-A. (3) Ltr, Gen Scowden to COs QM
rising tempo of overseas operations. Station Depots et at., 15 Dec 43, same sub.
( 1 ) Address, Col Bobrink, 3 Oct 44, sub: Station
personnel were apt to view the determination
Control Levels and Depot Levels in Relation to Sup-
of maximum stock levels as a mere mathemati-
ply, QMs' Conf, Camp Lee, Va., 2-4 Oct 44. (2) ASF
cal exercise, but "neither the setting of the level Cir 54, Sec. I, 21 Feb 44, sub: Adjustment of Sta Stock
nor its review can be performed by any simple Levels.

During the winter of 1944-45 drastic reduc- This change in the logistical situation as it

tions in station control levels were necessitated affected QMC operations was indicated initially
by heavy theater demands which far surpassed by the establishment of a Master Production
the requirements that had been estimated. Schedule, setting an upper limit on purchasing,
Woolen and cotton clothing, certain items of and controlling the rate at which required pro-
textile equipment, and some general supplies duction was to take place, 64 and then by the de-
were in urgent demand. This demand arose velopments which led to the supply and demand
from the need to replace clothing and equip- studies. These procedures became the basis for
ment items which deteriorated or were lost dur- the Supply Control System established in the
ing the ETO campaigns of these months. The early spring of 1944. It achieved the desired co-
need was further augmented by the Army's re- ordination by integrating requirements forecast-
sponsibility for civilian supply in liberated areas ing, production scheduling, stock accounting,
and the necessity of providing clothing for pris- and disposal of excess stocks and surpluses. 65
oners of war. When the war in Europe ended, Headquarters, ASF, requested each technical
there were increased requirements for cotton service chief to submit a detailed operating plan
clothing to outfit troops redeployed to Pacific for the management of supply in depots which
theaters. Permissible station control levels of would be in accordance with the announced
such critical items were lowered to a 45-day levels, authorized reserves, and stock control
supply and in some instances to a supply of 30 policies. 66 By May 1944 The Quartermaster
days.Only by decreasing zone of interior stocks General had instructed Quartermaster depots
and centralizing them in depots where they on the stock control procedures to be put into
could be quickly shipped to theaters could the effect. Stock control furnished the basis for the
huge overseas demands be met. Supply Control System which was to effect the

The readjustment of supply levels at posts, best balance possible between supply and de-
camps, and stations early in 1944 was part of a mand. That system was constructed "from the
general program initiated by Headquarters, ASF, U. S. depot door," 68 since the basic data— the
for reviewing the logistical situation. The first records of supply on hand, issues, receipts, and
and major phase of war production was ending. dues in— were obtained from these field installa-

It had been geared to meet initial issue needs of tions. Accuracy of such data and of inventories
a rapidly expanding Army of 7,700,000, to pro-
vide similar equipment for our Allies, and to 63
(1) OQMG Daily Activity Journal, 27 Sep 44, 25
furnish the operational requirements for the Nov 44. (2) Ltr, Gen Corbin to COs QMDepots
troops engaged in overseas operations in 1942 et al., 6 Jun 45, sub: Reduction of Sta Control Levels
of Cotton Khaki Clothing, 400.291.
and 1943. In the second phase procurement 64
See above, Ch. VIII.
would have to be scheduled to meet estimated 65
(1) ASF Cir 67, Sec. II, 7 Mar 44, sub: Stock.
replacements and operational requirements. A (2) See above, Ch. VI, for application of the system to
requirements. (3) See below, pp. 384-91 for a discus-
closer correlation of procurement and consump-
sion of excess stocks and surpluses.
tion became essential. Needed supplies had to 66
ASF Cir 67, Sec. Ill, 7 Mar 44, sub: Stock.
be available on time but the accumulation of 67
( 1 ) Stock Comptroller, OQMG, to Deputy QMG
for Sup Ping et al., 15 Mar 44, sub: Implementation of
surpluses had to be avoided. To achieve these
WD and ASF Policies. (2) Ltr, TQMG to COs QM
objectives a high degree of co-ordination was Depots et al., 8 May 44, sub: Stock Control Proce-
essential between the calculation of require- dures Re Authorized Stock Levels and Reserves.
Discussion, Brig Gen T. M. Osborne, Dir of
ments, the scheduling of production, storage,
Reqmts & Stock Control Div, ASF, ASF SvC Conf
and issue, and the disposal of surpluses. Camp Grant, 111., 28-30 Jun 45, p. 271.

was increasingly important. In the past errors in might effect demand at stations. It was there-
stock on hand could be tolerated, for there was fore directed that depot stock levels be computed
always the chance that they could be absorbed on this basis.

in future procurements. As the end of the war The task of computing so many levels on a
approached, however, that possibility was new basis was monumental, but by the end of
eliminated. August most Quartermaster depots had estab-
on virtually all items stocked for
lished levels
distribution in the zone of interior, while the
Depot Stock Levels
commodity divisions and branches of the
Completely satisfactory stock levels were as OQMG were expediting the establishment of
difficult to attain at Quartermaster distributing levels for filler depots. The longest delay grew
depots as at stations. This was attributable in out of the difficulty of calculating levels for
part to the fact that establishment and revision spare parts at the Columbus and Richmond
of maximum stock levels was accomplished by Depots. The number of items for which stock
the Stock Control Branch, OQMG, which was levelswere set by depots generally ranged
hampered by its lack of familiarity with local between 4,000 and 5,0O0.

conditions and by the sheer volume of work The demand for certain items of Quartermas-
involved in computing the levels of thousands ter supply, however, proved to be so unpredict-
of items. Under the new procedures, the dis- able that the establishment of stock levels for
tributing depots were made responsible for them in terms of days was unrealistic. Items in

establishing zone of interior maximum stock sporadic demand included special force items,

levels for every item which they had to carry to women's clothing, materials-handling equip-
meet their assignments. Although it was antici- ment, and impermeable items. Footwear, the
pated that responsibility for setting levels for most highly sized item of Quartermaster supply,
depots would be delegated to them by
filler was often in irregular demand and hard to stock
1 July 1944 levels continued to be set by the in terms of levels expressed in days of supply.
commodity branches of the OQMG during the As a consequence, The Quartermaster General
war. These levels were subject to review, requested and was authorized to establish at

revision, and approval by the OQMG. 69

designated depots stockpiles for these items in

In accordance with the ASF directive, the

maximum stock on hand for regional distribu- 69 Ltr, TQMG

to COs QM
Depots et al., 8 May
tion by a depot was reduced from a 60 to a 45 44, sub: Stock Control Procedures Re Authorized
70 Stock Levels and Reserves, 400.291.
days' supply. Early in 1944 Headquarters, ASF, 70 There were exceptions to this rule. For supplies

had suggested that depot issue experience might not stocked at stations, for example, the depot could
be used as the chief factor in setting depot stock set a maximum stock level of 90 days. On the other
hand, for items stocked for assembly, manufacturing,
levels. Depot were of questionable value,
or production, such as fabrics and findings, levels of
however, for they included shipments made 120 days could be established.
both inside and outside the distributing area of
(1) [lstind], Brig Gen F. A. Heileman, Dir of
Sup, ASF, to TQMG, 26 Jan 44. (2) Address, Col
the depot, and it was exceedingly difficult to
Bobrink, 3 Oct 44, sub: Station Control Levels and
isolate outside issues. Experience had demon- Depot Levels in Relation to Supply, QMs' Conf, Camp
strated that station issues and control levels Lee, Va., 2-4 Oct 44. (3) ASF Cir 138, Sec. VII, 12
May 44, sub: Depot Stock Levels.
represented the best guide to setting a depot OQMG, CG ASF,
(1) Memo, Col Bobrink, for
level, modified by changes in troop strength, 11 44, sub: Depot Levels. (2) 2d ind, Bobrink
type of organization, and other conditions that to same, 2 Sep 44, on same. Both in 400.291.

lieu of stock levels. These were to be reviewed Control Branch was established in March, 75
quarterly to determine the adequacy of each charged with the responsibility of supervising
stockpile. 73 and co-ordinating all directives on stock control.
Supply levels at filler depots were also reduced It was to accumulate and analyze all data rela-
from 90 to 60 days early in 1944. However, filler tive to the control of stocks, appraise perform-
depots were temporarily authorized to stock an ance, and recommend corrective actions. The
additional "overseas contingency reserve" of 30 branch was also responsible for compiling ex-
days for all items on which strategic reserves perience data and sending it to the Requirements
had not been established. In effect, the old 90- Branch of the Military Planning Division for
day level was thereby maintained, and was in use in revising maintenance factors and distri-

fact re-established when the contingency reserve bution allowances. It was to prescribe the
levelon overseas stock in filler depots was dis- method by which stock levels at stations and
continued in June at the time the Normandy depots were to be established and recommend
landings occurred. In fixing filler stock levels, action when these levels were unbalanced. The
thecommodity branches of the OQMG came chief of the Stock Control Branch was also
more and more to rely on issue experience, designated stock comptroller for the OQMG.
modified by expected changes in strength, rather Unfortunately, these functions overlapped
than on replacement factors. Although stocks and frequently duplicated those which had been
for theater requirements were normally stored assigned to the Office Management and Stock
in filler depots, they could upon approval of Accounting Sections of the Storage Branch. In
Headquarters, ASF, be stored in ports of embar- the beginning there was an informal under-
kation. In any event, the entire authorized level standing that the Stock Control Branch would
of an item authorized for stockage at a port as handle those problems of stock record accounts
well as at a depot was to be stored
filler at one at posts, camps, and stations while depot prob-
or the other but not at both. lems relating to all procedures would be handled
The entire control of strategic, utility, and by the Storage Branch. 76 Since the Storage
production reserves (known collectively as SUP Branch dealt almost entirely with depot opera-
reserves) continued to be centralized in the tions, this was a natural division of work. At
OQMG, where the commodity divisions and the same time, it was realized that the rather
branches were responsible for establishing and fine line of demarcation might be difficult to
replenishing such levels and directing the issue administer in practice.
of items in these reserves in accordance with the Actually the problems involved in stock con-
policies and directives of the Commanding
General, ASF. 73
Memo, Col A. D. Hopping, OQMG, for CG
ASF, Feb 45, sub: Stockpile Stock Levels. (2) 1st

ind, Gen Lutes, Dir of Plans & Opns, ASF, to TQMG,

Administrative Developments 6 Feb 45, on same. Both in 400.291.
( 1 ) Ltr, TQMG to COs QM Depots, et at., 8 May
Within the OQMG 44, sub: Stock Control Procedures
Levels and Reserves. (2) Ltr, same to same, 10 June
Re Authorized Stock

44, sub: Depot Maximum Stock Levels for T/O and

The introduction of new stock control meth-
ZI Reqmts.
ods in 1943 necessitated administrative changes 75
OQMG OO 25-31, 12 Mar
43, sub: Establish-
in the organization of the Storage and Distribu- ment of Stock Control Div.Br, S&D
tion Division, OQMG. In order to make the
Chief of Stor Br to Dir of S&D Div, 9 OQMG
Sep 43, sub: Clarification of Functional Duties of Stock
new stock control procedures effective, a Stock Control and Stor Brs.

trol operations were inseparable from depot vising clerical methods and procedures relating
procedures. Despite co-ordinating efforts, some to the distribution and storage of Quartermas-
doubts arose at depots and in the OQMG
as to ter supplies. The Stock Control Branch, on the
whether the Storage Branch or the Stock Con- other hand, was responsible for the formulation
trol Branch was responsible for handling a par- of general depot policies and for the supervision
ticular problem. The Storage Branch therefore of their application. In general, the functions of
recommended that (1) the responsibilities of these branches were more sharply differentiated
the Stock Control Branch be made "merely staff than before. 80 This organization operated until
and advisory so far as the Office of the Quarter- the war ended.
master General" was concerned with depot
problems and the preparation of procedural
Within the Depots
directives placed in charge of the Storage
Branch; or that (2) the Office Management and In the summer of 1943 changes were also
Stock Accounting Sections of the Storage effected in the administrative organizations han-
Branch be absorbed into the Stock Control dling stock control operations in the depots.
Branch; or that (3) the functions of each branch These were an outgrowth of the general over-
"be carefully and logically segregated." 77 hauling of the supply system which had been
By the fall of 1943 the OQMGacted on these under analysis by the QMC, the Ordnance De-
recommendations by centralizing all functions partment, and the Control Division, SOS, since
relating to office management, stock accounting, the summer of 1942. By March 1943 the Con-
and stock control in the Office of the Stock trol Division had evolved a new plan to stand-
Comptroller. 78 Two days later, however, this ardize the organizational structure and operating
order was suspended by a new directive redefin- methods of the depots and to provide "more
ing the responsibilities of the Deputy The efficacious supervision over their general man-
Quartermaster General for Supply Planning and agement and warehousing policies."

Operations whose duties had originally been Headquarters, ASF, directed the chiefs of the
established on 10 October. 79 Hereafter he was technical services to reorganize their respective
to act for The Quartermaster General in direct- branch depots by 1 July in line with this new
ing and co-ordinating all matters concerning plan of organization. The plan was not to be
stock control. His recommendations on such applied to general depots, however, before its

policy matters were presented to The Quarter- practicability had been determined by experi-
master General for approval. He was responsible mentation at a designated ASF depot.
for carrying out established program and stock Pursuant to this directive, The Quartermas-
control policies. ter General reorganized the Quartermaster

Under his direction, the functions of the

Stock Control and Storage Branches were grad- 78 OQMG OO 25-31 A, 16 Nov 43, sub: Orgn of
ually clarified during 1944. The functions of the Stock Control in OQMG.
Stock Control Branch became increasingly staff 79
OQMG OO 25-10A, 18 Nov 43, sub: Apmt and
Reasgmt of Key Pers.
and advisory in character. In August the Office
80 OQMG OO 25-74A, 4 Aug 44, sub: Establish-
Management and Stock Accounting Sections of ment of Procedures & Stock Accounting Br.
the Storage Branch were consolidated to form
Control Div, SOS, Mar 43, sub: Depot Opns
Rpt 67.
the Procedures and Stock Accounting Branch of 82 Memo, Gen Lutes, ASF, for Chiefs of Tech Svs,

the Storage and Distribution Division. It was 21 May 43, sub: Reorgn of Br Depots Under Rpt 67,
responsible for designing, installing, and super- 323.3.

depots by replacing the Storage and Distribution Army was engaged in the greatest supply
Division with separate Stock Control and Stor- problem in its history.
age Divisions. The objective was to emphasize Headquarters, ASF, defended the new plan,
and correlate the various stock control activities contending that it had been evolved out of pro-
by placing them in a division charged specifi- longed study. It maintained that the operating
cally with this responsibility. In the reassign- viewpoint had not been neglected in the prep-
ment of functional responsibilities, the former aration. It felt that most of the objections were
Administrative, Editing, Incoming Property, based on erroneous impressions; all that was
Stock Accounting, and Service Branches of the necessary was a fair and impartial trial of the
Storage and Distribution Division were trans- plan. For this purpose it requested The Quar-
ferred to the new Stock Control Division and termaster General to designate three ASF de-
reorganized into four branches. The new Stor- pots, one of which would be selected for the
age Division differed little from the former experiment. 85
Warehouse Branch. On the other hand, all After considerable discussion the Atlanta ASF
transportation functions of the depot were in- Depot was selected for the test. The depot op-
corporated into a Transportation Division. At erated under the plan for some eight months
the recommendation of the OQMG, based on between 17 August 1943 and 1 May 1944, when
past operating experience, the position of Direc- the War Department directed its discontinu-
tor of Supply was created in order to co-ordinate ance. Quartermaster forebodings apparently
the activities of these three divisions. The direc- were not realized, but no attempt was made to
tor reported on behalf of the three divisions to extend the plan to other ASF depots. Instead,
the commanding officer of the depot, thereby even as this experiment was being initiated,

relieving him of much of the burden imposed Headquarters, ASF, directed the chiefs of the
by the ASF plan of direct responsibility of the technical services to reorganize their supply sec-
divisions to the depot commander. 83 tions in ASF depots on the same functional pat-
The application of the plan to ASF depots tern already established in their branch depots.
met with objections from The Quartermaster Accordingly, Quartermaster supply sections at

General, who believed that the proposed ASF depots were reorganized, effective 1 Sep-
changes were "unwieldy, unworkable, and per- tember 1943. 86 This action was intended to sim-
haps, dangerous in the effect upon the present plify and co-ordinate stock control and storage
supply system." 84
He was critical of the control operations throughout each technical service
vested in the commanding officer of an ASF and thus promote efficiency of operations.
depot, the interposition of another level of com-
mand between the chiefs of the technical serv-
( 1 ) Memo, Gen Scowden for CG ASF, 7 Jun 43,
ices and the stock control activities of the various
services occupying an ASF depot, the concen- sub: Recommended Orgn Stock Control Div in Br De-
pots, 323.3. (2) Ltr, Gen Scowden to COs QMDs, 10
tration of receiving, shipping, and storage activ-
Jul 43, sub: Reorgn of Br Depots.
ities in the Storage Division, and the consolida- 84
Memo, TQMG for CG ASF, 26 Jun 43, sub: De-
tion of all stock records of the supply sections, pot Opns Rpt 67 as Applied to ASFDs, 323.3.
85 Memo,
Gen Lutes, Dir of Opns, ASF, for TQMG,
since they had varied systems of identification 8 Jul 43, sub: Depot Opns Rpt 67, 323.3.
and stock accounting, and reporting procedures ( 1 ) Memo, Gen Lutes, ASF, for TQMG et al„ 29

would have to be standardized for all technical Jul 43, sub: Orgn of Stock Control & Storage Divs at
ASF Depots. (2) Ltr, Gen Scowden to QMSOs
services. He questioned the advisability of em- ASFDs, 23 Aug 43, sub: Reorgn of QM Sup Sees,
barking on this experiment at a time when the ASFDs. Both in 323.3.


Excess Stocks in order that it might escape glutting the civil-

ian market, lowering prices, causing unemploy-

One of the most conspicuous weaknesses of ment, depressing industry, and burdening the
the Quartermaster distribution system at the be- government with unnecessarily heavy losses in
ginning of World War II was its failure to pro- the disposal of surplus military supplies.
videmeans of preventing the unnecessary ac- Before mid-1942 the accumulation of excess
cumulation of excess goods or, once they had stocks was not particularly alarming. Some ef-

been created, of redistributing overstockages to forts had been made during 1941 to prevent
the points in greatest need. The demands of their accumulation at stations, but the inade-
total war increasingly focused attention upon quacy of reports handicapped any program of
the problem of excess stocks. Any dispropor- redistribution. 87 In any event, during the emer-
tionately large stocks at some depots and station gency period, any threat from large excesses was
warehouses, or in company, battalion, or regi- negligible since the expanding Army was able
mental supply rooms, deprived others of sorely to absorb the military supplies produced by in-
needed supplies. Furthermore, the redistribution dustry, which had not yet hit its full stride in
of excess goods involved additional costs in re- war production.
handling at depots. Inexperienced post person-
nelhad to be trained in the proper method of Factors Contributing to Overstockages
packing and marking excess goods for reship-
ment to the ultimate user. They also had to be By the late summer of 1942 not only were
instructed in salvage activities, since overstock- stockages at depots rising above requirements
ages might consist of worn, damaged, or un- because of increased industrial output, but a
serviceable goods turned in by consuming number of other factors were contributing to

organizations, as well as of new or only slightly the development of excessive station invento-
worn property. Classification of excess goods as Chief of these was the "frequent movement
new, combat serviceable, suitable for issue in of troops from, to, and between stations."
the zone of interior, or fit only for limited em- Because supply agencies were not given timely
ployment had to be made before any disposal information about future troop movements and
action could be taken. increases and decreases in station and distri-
The accumulation of excess goods was dam- bution area strength, they repeatedly requisi-
aging to the war effort and to the national tioned supplies in quantities large enough to
economy. Scarce manpower, raw materials, and enable them to meet any unexpected emergen-
transportation were thereby absorbed whereas cies. As a result, some military units received
they might better have been utilized in the pro- goods far exceeding their requirements and
duction and distribution of more critical mili- were forced to leave large amounts behind
tary supplies or an ampler supply of essential when they departed. In other instances, poorly
civilian goods. Because Quartermaster items informed distributing agencies failed to furnish

shoes, clothing, and foodstuffs— were especially

(1) L", Lt Col J. B. Welch, OQMG,
to QMs
valuable in civilian life, the Corps was particu-
CAs, 3 Jan 41, sub: Reporting Excess Stocks. (2) Gen
larly vulnerable insofar as the problem of excess Corbin, Chief of Sup Div, to TQMG, 16 Sep 41, sub:
goods was concerned. Bearing in mind the dis- Excesses of C&E in CAs as of 1 Aug 41. (3) Corbin
to TQMG, 18 Nov 41, sub: Rpt of Excess Stocks of
posal problem at the end of World War I, the
C&E. All in 400.291.
War Department wished to avoid the accumu- 88 Stock Control Bd, 22 Jan 43, sub: First Prelimi-
lation of huge excesses at the end of hostilities nary Rpt.

the incoming troops with sufficient goods. tions, he would be compelled to continue mak-
The inadequacies of the requisitioning sys- ing unnecessary purchases of these items. 90
tem also contributed to the building up of ex- With many items of equipment still critical,

cess stores. Requisitions were submitted at long hoarding was deemed "detrimental to the suc-
intervals, often only quarterly or even semi- cessful prosecution of the war." Divided re-

annually. As a result, stations requisitioned suf- sponsibility, however, hindered redistribution

ficient supplies to enable them to meet any of excess stocks. While The Quartermaster
unforeseen demands made before the next peri- General, operating through Quartermaster de-
od of requisitioning. Excessive orders might pots, to move excess stocks
was given authority
have been scaled down if requisitions had been at stations, the commanding generals of the
edited carefully, but in the months immediately service commands could also shift excess house-
after Pearl Harbor such editing was rather keeping properties at posts, camps, and stations
sketchy. within their commands. It frequently followed
The pressure upon theater commanders and that neither depots nor service commands made
supply and transportation agencies led to a any redistribution, each depending upon the
"relatively uncontrolled supply of quantities of other to take the required action. 92
equipment, materials, and supplies for which The accumulation of overstockages was also
need was estimated rather than actual." 89 In due to the time-honored custom of hoarding by
addition, the War Department pursued an supply sergeants attached to consuming mili-
extremely liberal policy in approving special tary units. The War Department had pro-
issues of equipment over and above that author- claimed that the hoarding of excess stocks "to
ized by tables of equipment, plus replacement be used as a cushion" was unpatriotic and not
and operating factors. This policy resulted in to be countenanced, but even wartime exigen-
many cases of overstockages or stagnation of cies had failed to uproot this ancient custom.
items needed elsewhere. The prevailing laxity It stemmed from the fact that commanders
in editing confirmed the stations in their habit of companies, battalions, and regiments tended
of requisitioning more supplies than were ac- to judge supply officers mostly by their ability
tually needed, a practice which they condoned to have plentiful stocks constantly on hand.
on the ground that depots could not always Hence, to impress their superiors favorably,
make deliveries promptly or in the desired vol-
ume. There was, in fact, some justification in 89
(1) AGO Memo W700- 11-43, 24 Feb 43, sub:
this explanation. Excess of Working Stocks. (2) Memo, Gen Scowden
The reluctance of many stations to report ex- for ACofS for Opns, SOS, 10 Mar 43, sub: Expediting
of Rqns.
cess stocks to service commands and regional 90 Address, Maj Gen C. F. Robinson, 3 Oct 44, sub:

depots resulted in immobilizing stocks urgently Relations of Technical Services with Service Com-
needed elsewhere merely because their existence mands, QMs' Conf, 2-4 Oct 44, Camp Lee, Va.

was unknown to the agencies empowered to

(1) AGO
Memo S700-1-42, 27 Nov 42, sub:
Distr of Supplies. (2) AGO
Memo W30-6-42, 12
make transfers. The War Department repeated- Oct 42, sub: Collection and Redistr of Excess Prop
ly urged that action be taken to report excess and Equip. ( 3 ) Ltr, TAG to Chiefs of Sup Svs et al.,
22 Jun 42, sub: Proper Distr of Supplies and Equip.
property at posts, camps, and stations, in order
AG 475 (6-16-42) MO-SPPD-TS-M.
that redistribution might be effected. Such re- 92
(1) Ibid. (2) Stock Control Bd, 22 Jan 43, sub:
ports were important because if The Quarter- First Preliminary Rpt. (3) Memo, Gen Scowden for

master General did not know what excess

CG SOS, 2 Dec 42, sub: Distr of Supplies. (4) Memo,
Gen Lutes, SOS, for TQMG, 29 Dec 44, sub: Revi-
stocks were available -at posts, camps, and sta- sion of AGOMemo S700-1-42.


zealous supply officers piled up excessive stocks rationing deprived civilians of accustomed
in the storage rooms of their military organ- goods. By the summer of 1942, with the Army
izations. 93 Since there were thousands of com- aware of the dangers involved in the accumula-
panies, the ultimate result might be a dangerous tion of excess stocks and the supply situation
unbalancing of supplies. becoming stabilized, the War Department was
Unbalanced stockages also developed at de- able to take steps leading to the introduction of
pots. Nominal excesses of depot stockages were new methods of stock control. 96 One of the ob-
often inevitable. When industry produced sup- jectives of the new system was to insure the
plies in excess of current requirements, it was prompt return of excess supplies and dead
necessary for The Quartermaster General to ac- stocks to depots and the disposal of unservice-
cumulate such supplies in reserve depots. How- able equipment and outmoded and obsolete
ever, he also had to consider the availability of stocks. Any stock in excess of maximum stock
storage space, and, in some instances, such sup- levels was considered excess and was to be
plies had to be divided "among the various dis- called back to supply channels by depots. The
tributing depots in relation to their normal depots were responsible for reviewing station
stocks and anticipated future needs." Such stock status reports and issuing instructions on
action frequently had the effect of raising inven- the disposition of excess, obsolete, and out-
tories far above authorized levels. This stemmed moded stocks. Excess stocks returned to depots

from the failure of the Army Supply Program were to be fully serviceable and properly
to base requirements on monthly schedules. In- packed. 97
stead they were determined by calendar years, In the summer of 1943 the Quartermaster de-
and delivery schedules were concentrated large- pots began a review of station reports to deter-
ly in the closing months of the year. A para- mine excesses.
The most urgent problems
doxical situation resulted. On the one hand, developed in connection with the steadily

depot commanders were required to maintain a mounting quantities of used supplies accumu-
60-day stock level for zone of interior supply lating at stations. Despite regulations requiring
and a 90-day level for overseas supply. On the stations to return to depots only serviceable
other hand, they were required to accept sup- supplies, sizable quantities of unserviceable
plies flowing into the depots from manufactur- goods were sent. Furthermore, excess goods
ing plants on production schedules that bore were not properly classified as to whether they
no direct relationship to established stock were new, combat serviceable, suitable for issue
levels. Gen. LeRoy Lutes, who
"This," said Lt.

handled problems of distribution at Headquar-

9J (
1 ) AGO Memo W700-7-43, 2 1 Jan 43, sub:
Excess Supplies. (2) Rpt, Accounting Advisory Br,
ters, ASF, during the war, "is an excellent illus- Procurement Policy Div, WPB, 29 Dec 42, sub: Im-
tration of one of the most important lessons proved Control Over Distr of Supplies, USA.
94 1st ind, Gen Scowden to ACofS for Opns, SOS,
about Army supply; that is, that the supply
memo, Gen Lutes, SOS, TQMG
23 Jan 43, on for
process is an individual entity and cannot be et al., 8 Jan 43, sub: Excess Stocks atDepots, 400.291.
broken down into uncoordinated phases as pro- 95 Address, 23 Sep 46, sub: The Army Supply Pro-
gram (Industrial Mobilization Course, ICAF), p. 7.
duction, stock control and distribution." 96 See above,
pp. 364ff.
97TM 38-220, 3 May 43, sub: Stock Control Man-
ual for Posts, Camps, and Stations, pp. 24-25.
Control Measures of 1943
( 1 ) Ltr, TAG to CGs of All SvCs, 23 Jun 43, sub:

Sta Excesses. SPX 400 (22 Jun 43) OB-S-SPDDI-M.

Public opinion was much more impressed by (2) Ltr, Gen Scowden to COs QM Depots et al., 2
overstockages than by shortages, particularly as Jul 43, sub: Rpt of Excess Stocks, 400.291.

in the zone of interior, or fit for use under cer- or "retain" such overstockages. This practice
tain conditions. In many instances, all grades of was based on insufficient depot storage space.
serviceable and unserviceable supplies as well as The disposition of excess stocks was conse-
mismates of many items of clothing were found quently a sore subject at the OQMG, at Quar-
in the same containers. Returned goods were termaster depots, and at service commands. 102
often poorly packed, sometimes because of con- As military units were shipped overseas in in-
ditions beyond the station's control, such as a creasing numbers late in 1943 and 1944, the dif-

lack of shipping materials, inexperienced super- ficulties of disposing of excess stocks were aug-
vision, and shortage of qualified personnel capa- mented by the steadily growing volume of
ble of packing items according to approved material turned in at stations by such units. A
methods. Since depots were unable to rely upon amount of this material might be useable;
classification of items received from posts, much of it was fit only for salvage. In any case,
camps, and stations, they were compelled to it increased the vexatious burden of classifica-
build up rather large organizations to reclassify, tion by station personnel. Early in January,
reinspect, and repack the property received." Headquarters, ASF, instructed the depots to is-

Failure of stations to classify excess goods sue definite instructions to direct the return of
meant that the
correctly OQMG
was hampered excess serviceable equipment. 105 The OQMG
in making extracts and transfers of supplies was quick to point out that these instructions
from one depot to another, and in setting stock took no cognizance of the fact that some bulky
levels. Furthermore, only as the degree of serv- items of Quartermaster housekeeping equip-
iceabilitywas known could the probable length ment—bedsteads and mattresses, for example—
of usability of an item be estimated. This was which became excess at a station should remain
important to the accurate calculation of require- in storage there to ease the depot space
ments for procurement purposes. 100 So flagrant problem. 104
had station violations of directives governing Headquarters, ASF, authorized the use of
the shipment of only serviceable items become available post, camp, and station space, on the
early in 1944 that the supply missions of some
of the depots were being compromised by their "(1) Insp Rpt, Lt Col Daniel Borth, Jr., to
efforts to handle the huge mass of unserviceable TQMG, 9 Sep 43, sub: Rpt of Insp at et al., CQMD
supplies. 101 The responsibilities of depot com- 1-29 Aug 43. (2) Ltr, TAG to Chiefs of Tech Svs
et al., 29 Oct 43, sub: Stock Control Conf. (3) Ad-
manders, station commanders, and command- dress, Col Borth, sub: Accountability of Depots for
ing generals of the service commands were con- Property Stored at Stations, QMs' Conf, 2-4 Oct 44,
sequently spelled out in detail. Camp Lee, Va.
See n. 99 (3) above.
Depots, too, had been remiss in following 101
ASF Cir 4, Sec. Ill, 4 Jan 44, sub: Return of Sea
directives about excess goods. Although in- Excess Prop to Depots.
structed to furnish appropriate redistribution
( 1) Ltr, Col Bobrink, OQMG, to COs QM De-
pots May 44, sub: Redistr of Sta Excess Stocks.
?/ al., 1
instructions to stations on all determined excess
(2) 1st ind, Gen Heileman, Dir of Sup, ASF, to
stocks, some depots did not take action to re- TQMG, 5 Feb 44, on memo, Gen Scowden for CG
lieve stations of further accountability. The ASF, 10 Jan 44, sub: ASF Cir 4. (3) Address, Gen
Robinson, Oct 44, sub: Relations of Tech Svs with
service commands therefore complained that SvCs, Conf, 2-4 Oct 44, Camp Lee, Va.
they could not move excess stocks despite re- 103
ASF Cir 4, 4 Jan 44, sub: Return of Sta Excess
ports made to depots according to ASF instruc- Prop to Depots.
Memo, Gen Scowden for CG
ASF, 10 Jan 44,
tions. Furthermore, when the depots did send
sub: ASF Cir 4, and 1st ind, Gen Heileman, Dir of
orders, they instructed stations to "excess-hold" Sup, ASF, to TQMG, 5 Feb 44, 400.291.

approval of the service command concerned, for ing the p> L-ceding 90 days. Depot commanders
bulk storage of excess stocks which could not reviewed these excess stock reports and directed
be accommodated at depots. The reduced ac- disposition by (1) ordering the return of the
tivity of certain stations and the inactivatio'n of items to supply depots; (2) directing storage
others would make a relatively large amount of under depot control at stations; or (3) request-
space in various buildings— mess halls, class- ingcommanding generals of the service com-
rooms, recreation buildings and barracks, as mands to redistribute or declare surplus those
well as warehouses — available for storage pur- items for which such action was authorized. 106
and stations were not
poses. Since posts, camps, Originally the station excess stock report was
equipped to handle stocks with a rapid turn- to be submitted quarterly. This was subse-
over, such storage space was to be used for quently placed on a monthly basis for it was
slow-moving items, and, in addition, to store the objective of Headquarters, ASF, "to reflect

excess housekeeping equipment of a bulky na- as expeditiously as possible the excess stock

ture which would save considerable in trans- at stations into the over-all stock picture of the
portation costs. It was not intended to use sta- Technical Services."
tion storage space as "retail distribution points" A persistent and disturbing problem was the
by the depot. Supplies stored there under depot continued inability of most stations to inspect
control were to be shipped, except under special and classify excess stocks. By the fall of 1944
circumstances, only on a bulk basis to other depots were authorized to send personnel to sta-
105 excesses which had
stations. tions to inspect and classify
been reported and to furnish technical advice
on packing and crating, or to order excess
Relation to Supply Control System
stocks into the depot to be inspected there for
As troops were shifted in ever greater num- condition and classification. 108 In October The
bers from the zone of interior to the United Quartermaster General appointed a committee
Kingdom, Headquarters, ASF, early in 1944 be- to study problem and recommend a
gan a reanalysis of the logistical situation. In course of action. The same factors of inadequate
part this involved a downward revision of the packing facilities and lack of trained personnel
stock levels at posts, camps, and stations and a stillhampered the stations in their classification
corresponding increase in excess goods above efforts. The committee noted that various pro-

the authorized levels. The review culminated cedures had been tried to correct these difficul-
in the establishment in March of the supply ties but that the most satisfactory was direct

control system, which integrated requirements depot assistance. It therefore recommended that
forecasting, production scheduling, stock ac- an adequate number of "classification and pack-
counting, and disposal of excess stocks and
(1) ASF Cir 51, Sec. II, 17 Feb 44, sub: Sta Ex-
cess Stocks. (2) ASF Cir 63, Sec. I, 2 Mar 44, same
In order to accelerate the reduction of excess sub. (3) ASF Manual M 416, Nov 44, sub: Stock Con-
stocks created by these developments, Head- trol Manual for Depots, pp. 10-11.
106 ASF Cir 51, Sec. II, 17 Feb 44, sub: Reporting
quarters, ASF, directed the stations to prepare
and Handling Sta Excess Stocks.
and submit to the depots special reports indicat- 107
(1) Address, Col Borth, sub: Accountability of
ing all items in excess of authorized stock Depots for Property Stored at Station, QMs' Conf, 2^4
Oct 44, Camp Lee, Va. (2) ASF Cir 328, Sec. I, 30
levels, after they had been reviewed and revised
Sep 44, sub: Reporting Excess Stocks at Posts, Camps,
by depot personnel, and all slow-moving items and Stations.
that had been issued less than three times dur- Ibid.

ing crews be organized into teams" and sent to tion, and consequently within two months the
the stations to assist them. Such teams were to ASF revisedits instructions so that such Quar-

be used only where the quantities involved termaster serviceable property could be auto-
were large or the items critical enough to war- matically shipped to the depot supplying the
rant such action. These teams were to act in an item to the station. Only where the service-
advisory capacity for it was not intended to re- ability of such an item was in question was it
lieve the commanding general of the service to be sent to the specialized shop. Thus re-

command or the station commander of his re- pair installations rather than depots became re-

sponsibility. Although the Atlanta Depot had sponsible for classification and packing.
been experimenting with such teams and find-

ing the method satisfactory, the OQMG did Disposal of Surplus Property
not make it mandatory for all its depots.
Station inspection and classification generally The disposal of excess and surplus property,
remained inadequate. By the summer of 1945 that is, goods not needed by the Army for a

The Quartermaster General recommended that reasonable period of time in the future, was an
all classification of excess goods at stations be important development that accompanied the
discontinued and that it be accomplished only efforts to promote efficient redistribution of ex-
at depots. The stations were merely to segregate cess stocks among Quartermaster agencies. At
serviceable and unserviceable property, auto- the beginning of World War II consideration
matically returning the former to the depots was immediately given to the disposition of ob-
and shipping unserviceable property to the ap-^ solete property with a view to releasing stor-
propriate depot for classification, packing, and age space in depots. Most of such property rep-

storage after it had been repaired under the resented clothing and tools of miscellaneous
supervision of the service commands. 110 types and quantities either leftover from World
At the time, ASF policies were being revised War I or accumulated in the more than twenty
and these recommendations were not entirely years since that war.
adopted. The ASF instructed stations to return The limited objective of making storage
automatically to depots all serviceable Quarter- space available soon gave way to a broader con-

master excesses, except subsistence and petro- cept which was applied to the disposition of ex-
leum products, if they amounted to less than a cess and surplus property. The necessity to
carload and were in standard depot packs. Over- conserve raw materials and manpower and the
stockages of a carload or more were transferred need to reduce, as far as possible, military de-

to depot accountability. Unserviceable supplies

were to be sent to repair installations designated 109 Committee Rpt, Brig Gen J.
(1) A. Porter, 4
as specialized shops, which repaired, classified, Oct QMs' Conf, 2-4 Oct 44, Camp
44, Lee, Va. (2)

and packed them for storage at depots. The Address, Gen Owens, 3 Oct 44, sub: Storage and
Distribution Activities of QMC, ibid.
ASF originally directed that serviceable supplies 110
ASF SvC Conf, Camp Grant, 111., 28-30 Jun 45,
which had been removed from depot packs p. 279.

were also to be sent to the repair installations

( 1 ) ASF Cir 156, Sec. I, 1 May 45, sub: Mate-
rial-Reclm. (2) ASF Cir 234, Sec. I, 22 Jun 45, sub:
for classification and packing. In the case of Automatic Evacuation of Excess Stock.
Quartermaster items, however, many of them 112
(1) Memo, Gen Somervell for TQMG
et a/., 24

would not normally be at stations in standard Dec 41, sub: Bds of Officers to Make Survey of Sup-
plies in Gen and Br Depots. (2) Memo, Col J. C.
packs. Shipping such supplies to specialized Longino, OQMG, for ACofS, G-4, 28 Jan 42, same
shops would have been wasteful of transporta- sub. Both in 400.702.

mands upon the manufacturing and producing tain hesitancy about declaring surplus large
resources of the country during the war, quantities of supplies since neither the estimat-
it imperative for the War Department not to ing of future requirements nor the compilation
accumulate serviceable property unnecessarily. of stock status data was considered sufficiently
Realizing that the War Department had on accurate to warrant such declarations.
hand certain obsolete, outmoded, nonstandard, When the basis for calculating these factors
limited standard, substitute standard, and even had been improved with the establishment of
standard property which was above normal re- the new stock control system in the summer of
quirements, the Commanding General, SOS, 1943, the way was paved for the introduction of

directed the chiefs of the supply services to organizational and administrative changes
make an immediate survey to expedite disposal which resulted in a more vigorous handling of
of such property as might be surplus or obso- the disposition of surplus property. At ASF di-
lete. Disposal of such stocks would place cer- rection The Quartermaster General created the
tain critical items in the hands of industry, positions of Redistribution and Salvage Officer
where they could be used in producing other and Property Utilization Officer for the
vital war products. If useless for such purposes, QMC. 116 The Redistribution and Salvage Of-
they could be used to replenish civilian stocks, ficer supervised Quartermaster salvage activities
which were being badly depleted in filling the and the disposition or transfer of all Quarter-
military requirements of the expanding services. master property which had been declared sur-
Under existing regulations in 1942 The Quar- plus to the needs of the War Department. He
termaster General was authorized to declare also circularized the OQMG and Quartermaster
serviceable property surplus (1) when the prop- field installations with regard to surplus prop-
erty was in excess of the Corps' requirements; erty of other governmental agencies available
(2) when was not desired by any other sup-
it for use. The Property Utilization Officer, on
ply service; and (3) when the total current esti- the other hand, determined the Quartermaster
mated value listed on the declaration did not items and their quantities which were excess to
exceed $50,000. Property evaluated over the the needs of the Corps. He circularized the

amount was recommended to the Commanding other technical services and War Department
General, SOS, for declaration as surplus to the agencies regarding excess Quartermaster prop-
War Department. 114 The OQMG reported its erty and arranged its transfer when requested.

surplus property to the Procurement Division, He notified the Redistribution and Salvage Of-
Treasury Department, and, after clearance by ficer of such transfers and of the declarations of
that agency, it was sold by negotiation under surplus which had been made in reference to

the direction of The Quartermaster General. Quartermaster property.

'" Memo, TAG for Chiefs of Sup Svs, 23 Dec 42,

Administrative Organization sub: Surplus and Obsolete Prop. SPX 400.7 (12-18-

Handling Disposal 42) OP-P-SPDDS-MP-R.

(1) PR 7, pars. 713.1-713.2, 14 Oct 42. (2)

In the summer of 1943 Headquarters, ASF,

OQMG Cir 1-9, par. 30, 12 Dec 42, sub: Surplus
found that actual accomplishments in disposing 115 1st ind, Gen TQMG, 10 Jul 43,
Lutes, ASF, to

of surplus property had been inadequate, al- on memo, Gen Scowden, OQMG, for CG ASF, 2 Jul
43, no sub, 400.291.
though "provisions for the liquidation of obso- PR 7, par. 709, as revised on 6 Jul 43. (2)
( 1 )

lete,obsolescent, and outmoded property are as OQMG OO 25-42, 20 Jul 43, sub: Redistr of Excess
old as the problem." m
There had been a cer- and Surplus Prop.

Within less than a month a Property Utiliza- without reference to the Commanding General,
tion Section was established in the Storage and ASF. Circularization was demanded in those in-

Distribution Division to assist the Property stances where a requirement existed or where
Utilization Officer in carrying out his duties.
common items were purchased, stored, and is-

It was later redesignated the Redistribution and sued by two or more technical services. All

Disposal Branch. This represented the begin- standard, substitute standard, and limited stand-
ning of the organization within the OQMG ard items that were excess to the Corps had to
which handled the disposition of excess and be referred to the Commanding General, ASF,
surplus Quartermaster property throughout the for authority to declare such property surplus to
war years. Although a later reorganization in War Department.
the needs of the
1944 within the Storage and Distribution Divi- The establishment of the new stock control
sion resulted in the establishment of a Stock system provided the stock status data needed
Control Branch, which administered the re- for reviewing the stock position of both non-
sponsibilities of the division in reference to the standard and obsolete items, and standard items
disposal of excess and surplus property, the of Quartermaster supply. A board of officers ap-
basic functions of the division remained un- pointed by the director of the Storage and Dis-
changed. 118 The Storage and Distribution Divi- tribution Division, OQMG, made a study of
sion continued to exercise supervision over the the consolidated stock reports of the depots and
circularization, redistribution, and disposal of prepared a master list showing an assigned
excess Quartermaster serviceable property, ex- stock number for each item determined by the
cept in reference to subsistence and petroleum board to be obsolete, outmoded, or not author-
products, the responsibilities for which were ized for storage and issue by the QMC. 121

vested respectively in the Subsistence and the When such excess items were noncommon,
Fuels and Lubricants Divisions. action for disposal could be taken immediately.
In the case of items common to two or more
technical services, the Property Utilization Of-
Disposal of Nonstandard
and Obsolete Items
ficer of the OQMG circularized lists of these
items to all other technical services and to the
The administrative changes initiated in the AAF providing for a 20-day time limit within
summer of 1943 were accompanied by a re- which such property could be requested for
newed effort to dispose of excess and surplus transfer within reimbursement. When he had

property. New regulations prescribed procedure determined that such property was surplus to
for declaring serviceable military property sur- the needs of the War Department, he reported
plus to the needs of the War Department. 119
Before military property could be declared 117
OQMG OO 25-45, 9 Aug 43, sub: Orgn of

War Department, Prop Utilization Sec.

surplus to the needs of the 118
(1) OQMG OO 25-84, par. 3, 31 May 44, sub:
it had first of all to be excess to the technical Redistr and Disposal of Prop. (2) OQMG OO
services concerned, as, for example, the QMC. 25-129, 2 May 45, sub: Determination and Redistr
of Excess and Disposal of Surplus Prop.
Obsolete and nonstandard items which were
noncommon 12 ° and for which there existed no
WD Memo S5-140-43, 16 Jul 43, sub: Declara-
tion of Military Prop as Surplus to WD.
120 Noncommon items were those for which storage
foreseeable requirements by another service for
a converted use could be declared surplus by The and issue responsibility were assigned to a particular
service and were peculiar to that service.
Quartermaster General without circularization 121
OQMG Cir Ltr 148, par. 4, 27 Sep 43, sub: Dis-
to other War Department components and position of QM Prop Surplus to Needs of WD.

it by depot areas of distribution to the Redistri- item. Early in 1944 about 50 percent of this
bution and Salvage Officer of the OQMG for obsolete and nonstandard Quartermaster prop-
disposition. The latter advised the Procurement erty had been disposed of either by transfer to
Division, Treasury Department, at Washington other technical services or by declaration as
or the Treasury regional office having jurisdic- surplus to the Procurement Division, Treasury
tion over the area served by the distributing de- Department. 125 Of the remaining 50 percent,
pot where the property was located that such 4,000 items, or 10,400,000 units, represented
property, in specified quantities, was available clothing which had not been declared surplus
for transfer or disposition. Beginning in the fall because it could be used for prisoners of war or
of 1943 such surplus property was disposed of for foreign relief. This quantity included CCC
by the distribution depot as directed by the spruce-green clothing which had been frozen by
Treasury Department through the Redistribu- order of the Combined Chiefs of Staff. Also in-

tion and Salvage Officer of the OQMG or by cluded were 1,000 items which properly were
the regional Treasury office. 122 This use of the the supply responsibility of other services but
Treasury Department in the disposal of surplus which had not yet been transferred. The remain-
relieved the Corps of many tedious details in- ing 1,600 items had not yet been processed for
volved in the consummation of each sale of sur- disposal as surplus, but the OQMG
was making
plus property, such as mailing out invitations progress and had prepared a revised master list
for bids, making abstracts of proposals and of nonstandard property. 124 To expedite transfer
awards, depositing funds, obtaining additional of items which were the supply responsibility of
payments to complete them, making refunds to other services, Headquarters, ASF, directed the
unsuccessful bidders, and preparing reports. chiefs of these technical services to furnish ship-
Quartermaster depots and post quartermasters ping instructions to The Quartermaster General
had been required to take into stock many obso- for the property which was to be transferred and

lete, nonstandard, or outmoded items when to release for declaration as surplus such non-
such federal agencies as the CCC, the NYA, and standard and obsolete property as was not
the WPA were discontinued. In addition, large required. 125
quantities of supplies pertinent to other technical By way of decentralizing authority and ena-

services remained in Quartermaster stock at sta- bling depots to dispose of excess stocks at posts,

tions and depots when functions and responsi- camps, and stations without consulting the
bilities relating to construction, rail and water OQMG, authority was delegated to depot com-
transportation, and motor transport were trans- manders and to the representatives of the
ferred out of the Corps early in the war. Many
of these items had become obsolete, nonstandard,
or outmoded. Ibid., par. 5.
1st ind, Col Owens, OQMG, to Dir of Stock
The master list of obsolete and nonstandard
Control Div, ASF, 22 Mar 44, on memo, Dir of Sup,
items appearing on depot stock status reports ASF, for TQMG, 14 Mar 44, sub: Nonstandard and
prepared by the board of Quartermaster officers Obsolete QM
Property, 400.703. Other technical
services received by transfer 1,200 items, while 5,200
in the summer of 1943 included approximately
items were processed as surplus to the Treasury
27,000 items, counting each separate stock num- Department.
ber as an item. Of this number the depot stock 124
(1) Memo, Dir of Sup, ASF, for Chief of Ord-
status report reflected stock balances for 13,000
nance, 1 Apr 44, sub: Disposition of Ordnance Prop
items, comprising approximately 34,000,000 in-
in Hands of QMC. (2) An identical letter was also
dividual units, or an average of 2,600 units per sent to the CofEngrs, 400.703.

technical services in an ASF depot to declare tion was deferred pending ( 1 ) a review of such
surplus certain types of excess ASF military studies based on a uniform procedure for esti-
property. These types included serviceable obso- mating future requirements which was then un-
lete items of issue as declared by The Quarter- der consideration by the Issues Forecast Com-
master General; serviceable nonstandard com- mittee; (2) a review of such studies based upon
mercial items, including articles purchased more recent and complete data as to actual past
locally or secured from other government issues; and (3) determination of policies affect-
agencies, such as the CCC, the WPA, and the ing the supply status of Table of Allowances
like; and serviceable nonstandard items of issue property. 129
secured from a depot but not required by a It was well into 1944 before methods to deter-

depot for reissue under policies of The Quarter- mine supply requirements had become suffi-
master General. 126 This authority was granted ciently reliable to enable surpluses of standard
on the assumption that the quantities involved, items to be estimated with any degree of ac-

generally speaking, would be insignificant and curacy. When the supply control system was
scattered at various points throughout the established in the spring of 1944, progress was
country and that speedy action should be taken made because redistribution and disposal levels
to dispose of them. were defined, thereby clarifying a question that
An electric accounting machine listing of had heretofore plagued the OQMG, namely,
nonstandard and obsolete items was prepared to when did excesses reach a level high enough to

assist the depots in determining what items fell warrant redistribution of a part of the overstock-
within these categories. About once a month the age to other technical services, the Navy, other
OQMG made changes in the list, which covered federal agencies, or civilian manufacturers. The
practically every item that could be disposed of purpose of procurement planning and inventory
as nonstandard property. Depot stocks were re- control as developed through supply and de-
flected in the nonstandard account, and a mand studies was to avoid the creation of excess
monthly EAM listing was furnished by all de- stocks. The War Department recognized, how-
pots to the OQMG for review and circulariza- ever, that excesses already existed and that, be-

tion to other interested services and agencies. cause of changes in requirements and other
Thereafter such stocks were immediately trans- factors, additional excesses would be unavoid-
ferred to the requisitioning office or disposed of able. It therefore provided that, when excess
as surplus. If subsequently any similar stocks quantities were substantial and beyond the
were reported to a depot from a station, the needs of the War Department for a reasonable
depot had the authority to declare them sur- period of time in the future, they should be re-

ASF Cir 101, Sec. II, 13 Apr 44, sub: Delegation
Disposal of Surplus Standard Items of Authority to Declare Prop Surplus.
Address, Lt Col W. C. Strum, sub: Redistr and
The OQMG also reviewed the stock position Disposal of Obsolete and Nonstandard Prop and
of all standard Quartermaster supplies to deter- Standard and Limited Standard Prop Excess to Reqmts
of QMC, QMs' Conf, 2-4 Oct 44, Camp Lee, Va.
mine which items and what quantities of each 128
(1) Ibid, (2) Memo, Brig Gen H. A. Barnes,
were surplus to the needs of the War Depart- OQMG, for CG ASF, 19 May 45, sub: Excess and Sur-
ment for a given period of time. Such stock plus Prop, 400.703.
Memo (draft), Gen Scowden for TQMG, Jan 44,
status studies in 1943 indicated excesses for cer-
sub: Disposal of Serviceable Prop by QMC through 31
tain standard items of equipment, but disposi- Dec 43, 400.703.

distributed, transferred to the war reserve, 130 or 12 or 24 months, the quantity of any serviceable
disposed of as surplus. To measure excesses for standard item would have had to be extremely
the purpose of disposal decisions, it was estab- large for the item to show a redistribution and
lished that the United States redistribution and disposal quantity. Some few items did show a

disposal level for purely military items having balance, but, for the most part, disposal of such
no application to civilian or war industry would surplus Quartermaster items was negligible dur-
be "a quantity equal to the estimated future re- ing the war and was confined to obsolete and
quirements for the succeeding 24 months in- nonstandard items. Thus during the fiscal year
cluding the projected total authorized stock 1944 a total of 7,249 line items of obsolete, out-
level." For easily procured items which had moded, and nonstandard property under Quar-
a civilian orwar industry application the calcu- termaster accountability was reported by Quar-
lation was made on a 12-month instead of a 24- termaster depots to the Procurement Division,
month basis. These two groups of items were Treasury Department, for disposal. Continued
designated as classification I and II, respectively, review of the supply status of standard items of
and the chiefs of the technical services were di- Quartermaster issue made during 1944, how-
rected to take prompt action to classify items in ever, resulted in the transfer to other technical
which significant excesses existed, in accordance services, the AAF, and the Navy Department,
with the announced policies on redistribution of excess quantities of only nine line items to
and disposal levels. the value of about $1,000,000. Other standard
The chiefs of the technical services were in- Quartermaster property in excess of War De-
structed to recommend for approval to the Stock partment requirements, consisting of 18 items
Control Division, ASF, lower United States re- with an approximate value of $4,000,000, was
distribution and disposal levels than those es- reported to the Procurement Division, Treasury
tablished if the particular item was in critical Department, for disposal. 133 This analysis of
civilian supply, if it could be easily procured supply and demand studies, which had thus
and its retention for operational or stockage been initiated for the purpose of requesting dis-
purposes above the recommended lower level posal action where indicated, as well as the
was not necessary, or if it was an item that de- analysis of EAM records for the purpose of seg-
teriorated rapidly. Only when declarations of regating "inactive" items to see what appropri-
surplus were made by The Quartermaster Gen- ate disposal actionwas taken regarding them,
eral in reference to items which were believed continued during the war under the direction of
to be in short supply in civilian economy or the Stock Control Branch of the Storage and
were needed by other government agencies were Distribution Division, OQMG. Redistribution,

such recommendations submitted to Headquar-

ters, ASF. Transfer of redistribution and disposal 130
The war reserve consisted of redistribution and
war reserve had to be approved disposal quantities of items which constituted good
quantities to the
long-term assets against future war needs, which were
by the director of the Stock Control Division, not suitable for use by civilian or war industry, or for
ASF. The Quartermaster General was responsi- which replacement was sufficiently difficult, or involved
such additional expense to the government, as to make
ble, however, for determining what excess
final disposal inadvisable. ASF Cir 67, Sec. II, par. 8b
Quartermaster items were suitable for redistri-
(3), 7 Mar 44, sub: Procurement, Inventory, and Dis-
bution to other services or to civilian indus- posal Controls.
151 8b (1).
132 Ibid., Sec. II, par.
Ibid., Sec. II, par. 8c-f.
Because the redistribution and disposal level 133 Material submitted by S&D Div for Annual Rpt
was calculated for the relatively long periods of of TQMG to ASF for FY 1944, pp. 5-6.

transfers, and disposals of excess and surplus depots. One of the most serious objections made
serviceable property for the 11 months of the was in reference to inaccurate and incorrect
fiscal year ending on 31 May 1945 were processed statements of the quantities and conditions of
as follows: surplus. Such inaccuracies had resulted in situa-
Transferred to other WD components ... $2, 082, 000 tions wherein disposal agencies had sent ap-
Transferred to Navy Department 714, 000 praisers and prospective buyers to look at prop-
Transferred to other federal agencies ... 3, 000 erty which either could not be located or was
Sold to contractors 2, 000 not in the described condition. Moreover, the
Other disposals 157, 000
Army was accustomed to using abbreviations of
Disposal by Treasury Depart-
ment $22,498,000
nomenclature which were unidentifiable to

Disposal by RFC 376, 000 anyone outside the service, and it was therefore
Disposal by WFA 102, 000 necessary to instruct the depots to describe
22,976,000 items so that they could be easily identified.
Once property was reported to the disposal
Total $25,934,000
agency, it was supposed to be obligated and the
Although the initiation of the supply control property held for its disposal, but apparently
system eliminated some of the difficulties in ref- Quartermaster depots assumed that, until the
erence to surplus disposal encountered within property was taken over by the disposal agency,
the OQMG, other problems quickly developed the depots could do whatever they wanted with
as a concomitant of relationships with disposal it. This assumption had to be corrected. If a
agencies outside the War Department. This be- need existed, it was intended that surplus prop-

came apparent when the Procurement Division, ertymight be withdrawn, but this could not be
Treasury Department, first assumed disposal done until the disposal agency had been notified
functions for the War Department. Because dis- and its approval received. Still another serious
posal was a new problem for this agency and it complaint had arisen over the disposition of
had neither the personnel nor procedure estab- nominal quantities of surplus property and the
lished for handling the volume of surplus goods tendency of depots to submit declarations for
to be disposed of, the movement of such prop- insignificant quantities. This question had been
erty from Quartermaster depots tended to lag raised in the spring of 1944 when the OQMG
and gave rise to criticism of the Treasury De- had recommended local sales for a single item
partment. 135 The prompt removal of surplus de- or for groups of items of nonstandard or obso-
clared to the Procurement Division, Treasury lete surplus property having a value of less than
Department, was important because it would $50 and located at any one station. 136 As pro-
return idle property to use and would also re- vided by amendment of PR 7, 137 no single decla-
lieve the Army of storage, protection, and ad- 134
Material submitted by S&D Div for Annual Rpt
ministrative burdens. Fully aware of the impor- of TQMG to ASF FY
1945, p. 2.
(1) Address, Col Strum, sub: Redistr and Dis-
tance of this program, the officials of the
posal of Obsolete and Nonstandard Prop and Standard
Treasury Department co-operated to achieve the and Limited Standard Prop Excess to Reqmts of QMC,
desired ends. QMs' Conf, 2-4 Oct 44, Camp Lee, Va. (2) Memo,
Dir of Readjustment Div, ASF, for TQMG, 18 Feb 44,
But if War Department officials were critical
sub: Transfer of surplus to Treasury Procurement,
of the delays in the removal of surpluses, Treas- 400.703.
( 1) Memo, Col C. S. Hamilton, OQMG, for Hq
ury Procurement officials objected to the dis-
ASF, 6 Apr 44, no sub. (2) 1st ind, Dir of Readjust-
crepancies which appeared in the declaration
ment Div, ASF, to TQMG, 17 Apr 44, on same.
forms submitted by personnel of Quartermaster 137
Par. 7-701, as amended 25 May 44.

ration amounting to $100 or less could be re- Quartermaster operating level and could not
ported to a disposal agency for disposition but help but delay the rapid disposal of surplus
was to be turned over to the local salvage officer property. The problem of excess and surplus
for sale. These criticisms of the declarations be- property had been attacked by the War Depart-
ing submitted were brought to the attention of ment during the war years as an important
the depots for correction in the fall of 1944. 158 aspect of its stock control operations. Unlike
These problems were symptomatic of the ad- certain other activities, disposal of surplus prop-
ministrative difficulties which the Corps en- erty constituted a continuing responsibility after
countered in its relationship with successive V-JDay. 139
federal agencies established for the disposal of
surplus property under the Surplus Property 138
(1) Ltr, Gen Owens, OQMG, to CG JQMD, 11

Act passed in the fall of 1944. The kaleidoscopic Sep 44, sub: Preparation of SWPA-1 Forms. (2) Ad-
dress, Col Strum, sub: Redistr and Disposal of Obso-
changes in the administration of surplus prop- lete and Nonstandard Prop and Standard and Limited
erty disposal necessitated frequent reorientations Standard Prop Excess to Reqmts of QMC, QMs' Conf,
2-4 Oct 44, Camp Lee, Va.
in relationships. Changes in procedure under
139 For
postwar developments see Kieffer and Risch,
the regulations issued by the successive agencies
The Quartermaster Corps: Organization, Supply, and
controlling disposal compelled changes at the Services, Vol. II, in preparation for this series.
Bibliographical Note

The World War II historical program of the OQMG. Over a hundred of these are on file

Quartermaster Corps began officially on 11 July with the section. Only those of the Chicago
1942, as an integral part of the larger War De- Depot have been published, and they appear
partment program, with the establishment of under the title "CQMD Historical Studies."
the Historical Section in the Office of The Late in the war, the Review Section of the
Quartermaster General and later of historical Historical Division, War Department Special
units at the various QMC field installations. Staff, reviewed and approved the monographs
From the first this program was envisaged as of the Historical Section and of the field instal-

consisting of two parts: a "first narrative" phase, lations as meeting the standards established by
during which monographic studies of particu- the division. A considerable number of histor-
lar activities would be prepared as opportunity ical reports both from the section and the field

offered and as nearly concurrently with the installations were not submitted for approval
events themselves as possible; and a "final his- because they were incomplete or fragmentary.
tory" phase, during which an over-all, co- Nevertheless, such reports frequently contain
ordinated, comprehensive history would be valuable operational information.
prepared in a series of volumes, based upon Although volume makes extensive use of
existing monographs and such additional re- the approved, published monographic series, in
search as might be necessary. all cases the original collection of documentary

In the Historical Section, OQMG, approxi- material has been reviewed and citations have
mately thirty monographs were projected, of been made directly from it. This has been pos-
which twenty-one have been published under sible because these collections of notes — largely
the title, "QMC Historical Studies." They con- photostatic copies— have remained on file with
stitute the framework of research upon which the Historical Section. When the present vol-
are based the two volumes in the present series umes are completed, these notes will be de-
covering Quartermaster activities in the zone of posited with the Historical Records Section,
interior. A number of unpublished studies are Departmental Records Branch, Adjutant Gen-
also on file with the Historical Section. eral's Office.
In addition, the historical units at the field Since many of the monographs were written
installations prepared reports and monographs and published before the end of the war, they
under the supervision of the Historical Section, do not offer full coverage of Quartermaster

activities for the war years. Obviously, too, the 160 series— Contracts, damages, penalties,
continuity required for a co-ordinated, compre- bids
hensive, final history is not provided in the 420 series — Clothing and Equipage
individual monographs, although they are far 430 series— Subsistence
more detailed within their respective fields than 457 series— Packing Materials
this volume can be. As a consequence, a con- In addition to the central files much use was
siderable amount of fresh research had to be also made of "reading files," "policy books,"
done to fill intervening gaps and complete the "diaries," and like material in the files of the
record of the war years. operating units. Many of these were discarded
This source material, as well as that used in and destroyed by the operating units when no
the monographs, was located in the central files longer needed for current business, but while in
of the OQMG, maintained by the Mail and existence they frequently afforded the best ap-
Records Branch, or in the storage files in the proach for the reconstruction of any given
Technical Records Section, Departmental Rec- phase of Quartermaster activity. Documents of
ords Branch, Adjutant General's Office, in this nature generally were duplicates of the
Alexandria, Va. The materials include circular originals filed in the Mail and Records Branch,
letters, office orders, intraoffice memoranda; but were less dispersed than the file copies.
correspondence with field installations, with They therefore not only often furnished the
other government agencies, and with industry; most useful body of material on a specific sub-
inspection reports; research and development ject but also offered keys to further research in

reports, organization charts, manuals and related the originals, though finding the latter was
technical data; directives from, reports to, and often a laborious task because they usually were
correspondence with agencies exercising con- widely dispersed under a multitude of subject
trols over Quartermaster operations; transcripts headings.
of conferences and interviews; and numerous In addition to documentary sources, frequent
other materials. In all cases, footnote citations interviews with key operating personnel pro-
indicate the type of document used. If such vided the means for filling in gaps in the docu-
identification is not made, the document is a mentary evidence, reconciling apparently con-
part of the intraoffice correspondence of the flicting evidence, and helping to explain
OQMG. abstruse technical problems.
These records are classified according to the Quartermaster source material was further
War Department Decimal File System, supple- supplemented by the use of similar types of
mented by further breakdowns originated by materials of pertinent divisions of the Army
the Mail and Records Branch, OQMG. The Service Forces, particularly those of the Control
central files are divided into several main Division, on file with the Historical Records
groups: geographic, subject, personnel, com- Section, Departmental Records Branch, Adju-
mercial, and miscellaneous. The 400 series is tant General's Office. Historical reports and
probably the most important group of files monographs, prepared within the ASF, and on
since it covers supplies, services, and equipment filewith the Office of the Chief of Military His-
broken down into numerous subheads on pro- tory, Department of the Army, also were used,
curement, storage, and analyses and tests of together with anumber of historical studies of
items. Other files useful in the preparation of the Army Ground Forces, prepared by its
this volume are as follows: Historical Section.

Published materials used in the preparation QMC Historical Studies— Continued

of this volume include the following: Pitkin, Thomas M., Quartermaster Equipment
for Special Forces (February 1944)
Baxter, James P., Scientists Against Time
Rifkind, Herbert R., Fresh Foods for the Armed
(Boston, 1946)
Forces: The Quartermaster Market Center Sys-
Bureau of the Budget, The United States at War
tem, 1941-1948 (1951)
(Washington, 1946)
Risch, Erna, Fuels for Global Conflict (revised
CQMD Historical Studies:
edition, 1952)
Massen, Marion, Canned Meats Procurement for
Risch, Erna, A Wardrobe for the Women of the
the Armed Forces During World War II
Army (October 1945)
(March 1946)
Risch, Erna and Thomas M. Pitkin, Clothing
Massen, Marion, Central Procurement of Dehy-
the Soldier of World War II (September 1946)
drated Vegetables for the Armed Forces (March
Stauffer, Alvin P., Quartermaster Depot Storage
and Distribution Operations (May 1948)
Massen, Marion, The History of the Helmet
Liner (April 1944)
Thatcher, Harold W, The Development of Spe-
cial Rations for the Army (September 1944)
Porges, Walter, The Subsistence Research Lab-
oratory (May 1943)
Thatcher, Harold W, Planning for Industrial
Mobilization, 1920-1940 (August 1943)
Civilian Production Administration, Industrial
Thatcher, Harold W., The Packaging and
Mobilization for War— History of the War Packing of Subsistence for the Army (March
Production Board and Predecessor Agencies,
1940-1943 (Washington, 1947) Yoshpe, Harry B., Labor Problems in Quarter-
Federal Register master Procurement, 1939-1944 (April 1945)
Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Indus- Yoshpe, Harry B., Production Control in the
trial Mobilization Course: lectures, January Quartermaster Corps, 1939-1944 (December
1945-April 1949 1944)
March, Peyton C, The Nation at War (New Yoshpe, Harry B., The Small Business Man
York, 1932) and Quartermaster Contracts, 1940-1942
Nelson, Otto L., Jr., National Security and the (April 1943)
General Staff (Washington, 1936) Yoshpe, Harry B. and Marion Massen, Pro-
Novick, David, Melvin Anshen, and W C. curement Policies and Procedures in the Quar-
Truppner, Wartime Production Controls termaster Corps During World War II (June
(New York, 1949) 1947)
QMC Historical Studies: Quartermaster Food and Container Institute for
Bradford, Donald F., Methods of Forecasting the Armed Forces, The Subsistence Research
War Requirements for Quartermaster Supplies and Development Laboratory: A Report of
(May 1946) Wartime Problems in Subsistence Research and
Cassidy, Elliott, The Development of Meat, Development (13 monographs, 1947 )

Dairy, Poultry, and Fish Products for the Quartermaster Review

Army (October 1944) United States Army in World War II:

Pitkin, Thomas M. and Herbert R. Rifkind, Wardlow, Chester C, The Transportation Corps:
Procurement Planning in the Quartermaster Responsibilities, Organization, and Operations
Corps, 1920-1940 (March 1943) (Washington, 1951)

United States Army in World War //—Continued gram—Camp and Cantonment Investigations
Watson, Mark Skinner, Chief of Staff: Prewar (Washington, 1941)
Plans and Preparations (Washington, 1950) U. S. Congress, Senate. 77th Congress, First
U. S. Congress, Hearings of the Military Affairs Session. Hearings Before a Special Committee
Committees of the Senate and House, and sub- Investigating the National Defense Program
committees of the Appropriations Committees of (Washington, 1941)
the Senate and House, 1940-1944 United States Statutes at Large
U. S. Congress, House, 77th Congress, First War Department, Annual Reports of The Quar-
Session. Hearings Before the Committee on termaster General for 1919, 1920; Annual
Military Affairs on HR. 5630— A Bill to Reports of the Secretary of War; Biennial Re-
Make Provision for the Construction Activities port of the Chief of Staff of the United States
of the Army (Washington, 1941) Army July 1, 1939 to June 30, 1941
U. S. Congress, Senate. 77th Congress, First Worsley, Thomas B., Wartime Economic Stabili-
Session. Additional Report of the Special Com- zation and the Efficiency of Government Pro-
mittee Investigating the National Defense Pro- curement (Washington, 1949)
List of Abbreviations



The following volumes have been published or are in press:

The War Department

Chief of Staff: Preiuar Plans and Preparations
Washington Command Post: The Operations Division
Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare: 1941-1942
Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare: 1943-1944
Global Logistics and Strategy: 1 940-1 943
Global Logistics and Strategy: 1 943-1 945
The Army and Economic Mobilization
The Army and Industrial Manpower
The Army Ground Forces
The Organization of Ground Combat Troops
The Procurement and Training of Ground Combat Troops
The Army Service Forces
The Organization and Role of the Army Service Forces
The Western Hemisphere
The Framework of Hemisphere Defense
Guarding the United States and Its Outposts
The War in the Pacific
The Fall of the Philippines
Guadalcanal: The First Offensive
Victory in Papua
CARTWHEEL: The Reduction ofRabaul
Seizure of the Gilberts and Marshalls
Campaign in the Marianas
The Approach to the Philippines
Leyte: The Return to the Philippines
Triumph in the Philippines
Okinawa: The Last Battle
Strategy and Command: The First Two Years
The Mediterranean Theater of Operations
Northioest Africa: Seizing the Initiative in the West
Sicily and the Surrender of Italy
Salerno to Cassino
Cassino to the Alps
The European Theater of Operations
Cross-Channel Attack
Breakout and Pursuit
The Lorraine Campaign
The Siegfried Line Campaign
The Ardennes: Battle of the Bulge
The Last Offensive
The Supreme Command
Logistical Support of the Armies, Volume I
Logistical Support of the Armies, Volume II
The Middle East Theater
The Persian Corridor and Aid to Russia
The China-Burma-India Theater
Stilwell Mission to China

StilwelTs Command Problems

Time Runs Out in CBI
The Technical Services
The Chemical Warfare Service: Organizing for War
The Chemical Warfare Service: From Laboratory to Field
The Chemical Warfare Service: Chemicals in Combat
The Corps of Engineers: Troops and Equipment
The Corps of Engineers: The War Against Japan
The Corps of Engineers: The War Against Germany
The Corps of Engineers: Military Construction in the United States
The Medical Department: Hospitalization and Evacuation; Zone of Interior
The Medical Department: Medical Service in the Mediterranean and Minor
The Ordnance Department: Planning Munitions for War
The Ordnance Department: Procurement and Supply
The Ordnance Department: On Beachhead and Battlefront
The Quartermaster Corps: Organization, Supply, and Services, Volume I
The Quartermaster Corps: Organization, Supply, and Services, Volume II
The Quartermaster Corps: Operations in the War Against Japan
The Quartermaster Corps: Operations in the War Against Germany
The Signal Corps: The Emergency
The Signal Corps: The Test
The Signal Corps: The Outcome
The Transportation Corps: Responsibilities, Organization, and Operations
The Transportation Corps: Movements, Training, and Supply
The Transportation Corps: Operations Overseas
Special Studies
Chronology: 1941-1945
Military Relations Between the United States and Canada: 1 939-1 945
Rearming the French
Three Battles: Arnaville, Altuzzo, and Schmidt
The Women 's Army Corps
Civil Affairs: Soldiers Become Governors
Buying Aircraft: Materiel Procurement for the Army Air Forces
The Employment of Negro Troops
Manhattan: The U.S. Army and the Atomic Bomb
Pictorial Record
The War Against Germany and Italy: Mediterranean and Adjacent Areas
The War Against Germany: Europe and Adjacent Areas
The War Against Japan

Adjutant General, The, 53, 140, 181, 327 Army-Navy Petroleum Board (ANPB)— Continued
Adjutant General, Office of The, 361 War Department representation on, 35
Administrative Division Army Nurse Corps, 110, 113, 116
nature of, 5, 6, 11 Army Supply Program
need for reorganization of, 11, 12 April 1942, 222
redesignation of, 12 August 1943, 217, 221, 225
subdivision of, in 1940, 11 August 1944, 225
transfer of planning functions of, 12, 210 basis for revisions of, 223
Administrative organization. See Office of The Quarter- civiliansupply requirements in, 282
master General. definition of, 221
Administrator of Priorities, 58 evolution of, 221-25
Advisory Board, Research and Development Branch, 84 February 1943, 221, 237
Aero Medical Research Laboratory, 177, 179 long-range planning of, 230
Agricultural Marketing Administration, 318 phases of, 223
Agricultural Marketing Service, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320 predecessors of, 221-22
Agriculture, Department of replacement by Supply Control System, 227

development of dehydration by, 199 September 1942, 221

inspection activities of, 316, 318, 319 shortcomings of, 226, 381
priority ratings by, 299 uses of, 211, 222, 223, 224, 226, 302
proposal for centralizing food procurement in, 30-31 Assignment of Claims Act, 305
relations of, with Subsistence Division, 231, 232 Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations, 42, 350, 366
research by, 164, 167, 177 Assistant Secretary of War
use of laboratory facilities of, 84 redesignation of, 247
Air Corps. See Army Air Corps. responsibility of, 247
Alaska Defense Command, 124 Association of Cotton Textile Merchants of New York,
Alaskan clothing list, 75-76 279
Allocation System Atlanta ASF Depot, 378
CMP as, 295-96 Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, 3 19
early mandatory orders of, 292-93 Autocar Company, 143
modifications of, 293
PRP as, 293-95 Back-up storage plan, 342
shortcomings of early, 293 Bag, multiwall paper, 206
American Bantam Company, 140, 14 Bag, Reynolds, 204
American Can Company, 197 Bag, waterproof, 204
American Expeditionary Forces (AEF), 20, 326 Bag, X-crepe, 204
American Gas Machine Company, 85, 148 Bakery equipment, field
Ames Baldwin Wyoming Company, 134, 136 contributions of industry to, 152, 155,
Armored Force Board, 171 criticism of, 153, 155
Armour and Company, 193 development of mobile, 152, 155
Army Air Corps, 70, 72 standardization of M- 1942 field bake oven for, 152
Army Air Forces, 74 standardization of mobile unit, M-1945, 156
Army Medical Center, 316 testing of, 152, 155-56
Army and Navy Munitions Board (ANMB) use of World War I, 152
allocation of materials by, 294-95 Bakery Section, Subsistence Branch, 39, 40
assignment of priorities by, 58, 284, 291 Baling
commodity committees of, 56 of clothing and equipage, 357
location of idle equipment by, 303 increase in productivity of, 358
petroleum inspection and, 320 new method of, 358
and priorities system, 290, 291 Barnes, Col. Harold A., 23
requirements and, 223, 294 Barracks bag
Army-Navy Petroleum Board (ANPB) criticism of, 127, 130
co-ordination of petroleum requirements with, 239 denim, 127
relation of Fuels and Lubricants to, 46, 240 redesign of, 127

Barracks bag— Continued Cans, tin

substitution of duffel bag for, 130 coating for, 203
Bath units, mobile conservation of, 202-03
development of lightweight model of, 166 labels on, 203
divided responsibility for development of, 165, 166 use of substitutes for, 203, 204
inadequacy of, 165, 166 Cantonment Division, 5
1941 type of, 164 Carriers, ammunition
twelve- shower headin, 165 development of, 127
twenty-four-shower head in, 165, 166 use of cargo pockets as, 127
Beef, boneless Carter's spread, 201
advantages of, 194 Central Pacific Base Command, 230
development of, 192-94 Century Machine Company, 152
mandatory orders for, 298, 299 Charles Martin & Company, 320, 32 In
Blankets, wool, 69, 70 Chemical Section, Research and Development Branch,
Blitz can. See Can, 5-gallon, development of: 118
Bobrink, Col. Henry W., 219 Chemical Warfare Service, 97, 120, 240, 261
Boot Chevrolet Company, 143
Blucher, 106 Chicago QM Depot
development of combat, 103-04 assignment of items for centralized procurement at,
development of tropical, 110 250, 251
disadvantages of jungle, 109-10 co-operation with industry by, 85, 102
Pershing, 102 GFE program at, 289
production difficulties in jungle, 109 prewar area served by, 330
standardization of combat, 104 purchase of nonperishables by, 319
standardization of jungle, 109 status in 1940, 330
Boston QM Depot subsistence procurement at, 182
conservation program at, 103 Subsistence Research Laboratory and, 35, 36, 38, 176
GFE program at, 289 use of commercial storage space by, 336
purchase of footwear at, 8, 243, 244 Chief of Engineers, 17, 156, 166
research in footwear at, 77, 108, 109, 110 Chief of Staff, USA, 80, 104
shoe inspection at, 308, 310 Chief of Staff for Materiel, SOS, 231
Bramani rubber sole, 110 Chief of Transportation, 325
British Army Staff, 281 Chief Veterinarian, Office of The Surgeon General, 317
British Ministry of War Transport, 328 Cincinnati Field Survey, 29
Browning, Brig. Gen. Albert J., 96n Cincinnati Ordnance District, 315
Bruce, Howard, 227 Civil Affairs Division, Special Staff, 281
Buckner, Maj. Gen. S. B., 72, 124 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 7, 17, 308, 329,
Budget and Accounting Division, 24 330, 387, 388
Budget Advisory Committee, 55,57 Civilian Personnel Affairs Division, 24
Bureau of Animal Industry, 316, 318 Civilian Supply
Bureau of the Budget, 29, 55, 57 administrative units for, 281, 282
Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, 164 estimating requirements for, 211-12
Bureau of Standards, 68, 149, 159 petroleum requirements for, 240
Butter products, 200-201 QM participation in, 282
Buttons QM responsibility in, 281
substitution of plastic for brass, 64 Civilian Supply Section, Requirements Branch, 281
use of brass, 63 Classification. See Standardization.
use of plastic, 74 Clay, Maj.Gen. Lucius D., 227
Buy American Act, 257, 258 Cleveland Ordnance District, 315
Cleveland Plan
California Dried Fruit Association, 200 comparison of, with Kansas City Plan, 338
California QM Depot determination of storage rates under, 339
centralized purchase of Pacific Coast petroleum prod- origin of, 338
ucts 250
at, Climatic Research Laboratory
experimentation with decentralized procurement establishment of, 81
at, 252 testing program of, 81, 84, 87
Camp Lee, 80, 95, 100 Clothing
Can, 5-gallon, 144-46 development of specialized types of, 90, 122
Can cleaner, portable, 144 thermal protection of, 121

Clothing— Continued Cold Storage— Continued

weight factor in, 121 inadequate facilities for, 339-40, 341
Clothing, cold climate measures for relieving shortage of, 341, 342
adoption of pile in, 90 for reserve stocks, 340
development of, 76 Coleman Lamp and Stove Company, 85, 148, 149
use of layering pinciple in, 88 Columbus ASF Depot, 353, 375
Clothing, jungle combat Combined Chiefs of Staff, 387
design of, 99, 100 Combined Civil Affairs Committee, 240, 281
development of, 99-101 Combined Production Resources Board, 297
improved fabrics for, 99, 100, 101 Commissary General of Purchases, 3, 4
opposition to one-piece suit in, 100 Commissary General of Subsistence, 35
standardization of, 100, 101 Committee on Jungle Clothing, 100
substitution of two-piece suit in, 100 Committee on Purchases of Blind-Made Products, 245,
testing of, 100 257, 258
Clothing, summer combat Commodity Credit Corporation, 299 299n
camouflage patterns for, 97, 98 Commodity Warrant Plan, 294-95
development of, 97-99 Comptroller General, 142
gas protection features of, 97 Compulsory Orders, 297, 298, 299
simplification of design of, 97, 99 Conservation
specialized types of, 19 aluminum, 60, 61
Clothing, winter combat chromium, 62
development of, 90ff. copper, 63-64
pile liner in, 95, 96 cordage fiber, 68
simplification of, 90, 92 duck, 71-72
standardization of, 90 food, 235
supply of, 96, 97 leather, 73
use of layering principle in, 88, 90, 92, 94, 95, 96 need for, of raw materials, 58, 59
Clothing, women's nickel, 62
for ANC, 113 nylon, 68, 74
development of, 110-17 QM policy on, 59-60
for hospital use, 113-15 and review of specifications, 60, 62, 66, 71
standardization of, 115, 116 rubber, 66-68
tropical, 116 silk, 70-71

use of layering principle in, 116 steel and alloy metals, 61-63
forWAC, 110-13 tin, 65, 203, 203n

winter, 116 wool, 68-70

for work, 115-16 zinc, 65
Clothing and Equipage Conservation Orders, 293, 300
production lead time required for, 361 Conservation Steering Committee
stocks on hand in 1940 of, 361 establishment of, 60
Clothing and Equipage Branch, Storage and Distribu- functions of, 60
tion Division Construction Division
establishment of size tariffs by, 370 and depot expansion, 333
transfer from Supply Division of, 30, 76 re-establishment of, 6
Clothing and Equipage Branch, Supply Division transfer of, 16-18
estimating of requirements by, 210 Consumption factors
in relation to developmental work, 30, 75, 76 basis of, 234, 241
transfer of, 30, 76 definition of, 234, 241
Clothing Section, Research and Development Branch, expression of, 215-16
96, 100 problems in theater, 235, 236
Clothing and Textile Branch, 298 refinement of, in Z/I, 234-35
Coast Guard, 323 in theater of operations, 216
Code Marking Policy Committee, 359 in interior, 216
zone of
Cohen, Lt. Col. Robert L., 94 Consumption and inventory records, 242
Cold Climate Unit, Standardization Branch, 76 Containers, collapsible, 144
Cold Storage Continental Can Company, 197
back-up storage plan for, 342 Contract delinquency
establishment of assembly and distribution points causes of, 285-87
for, 340 depot officers and, 288

Contract delinquency— Continued Cost analysis— Continued

efforts of contractors to reduce, 287 criticism of, 270
labor shortages and, 267, 268 establishment of facilities for, 270, 279
QM policies to reduce, 288 need for, 269
Contract Examination Branch, Planning and Control Cost Analysis Branch, 270
Division, 248 Cotton Textile Controls, 296-97
Contract placement Cowles, Col. David H., 90
avoidance of labor congested areas in, 267-69 Critical Tool Service, 303
factors affecting, 265
impact of SWPC on, 266-67 Defense Aid Division, OQMG, 280, 325
in small plants, 266, 267 Defense Aid Supply Committee, 280
Contracting officers Defense Plant Corporation, 248, 304, 305
efforts to expedite deliveries, 288 Defense Special Trains, 266
expansion of authority of, 255, 256 Defense Supplies Rating Plan, 293
pressures exerted on, 265-66 Dehydration
and relief from penalties, 275 advantages of, 198
Contractors application of, to foods, 198-99, 200
assistance in labor problems of, 307-08 co-operative efforts of industry and QMC in,

efforts to reduce delinquency, 287 199-200

financial assistance to, 305-07 of eggs and milk, 200
Contracts Depot Division
amendment of, 256 establishment of, 15, 44
approval 255of, functions of, 15, 16, 176, 349, 355
avoidance of congested labor areas in placement of, redesignation of, 324
267-69 weakness of, 16
cost-plus-fixed-fee, 271, 333 Depot Operations Branch, Storage and Distribution
damages 267
for delays in, Division. See also Depot Division; Storage Branch.
depot responsibility for, 255 co-ordination of packing instructions by, 356
development of short form of, 260-61 and development of space control program, 343, 344
deviations from standard, 255 establishment of, 324, 349
improvement of techniques in negotiations, 271-72 functions of, 350
negotiation of, 252-55 and responsibility for materials-handling equipment,
new forms for, 256, 260 349, 350
placement policies and problems, 265ff. Depot Service, SOS, 43
price adjustments in, 271 Depots
and pricing policies, 269-71 activities at, 38
renegotiation of, 275-79 administrative changes in, for handling stock control
Contracts and Claims Branch, Supply Division, 12 operations, 377-78
Control Division, SOS application of controlled warehouse plan to, 345
and organizational developments, 23, 27, 28, 40 autonomy of, 15, 345
and stock control, 364, 366, 377 branch, definition of, 42
survey of motor transport by, 22 centralized co-ordination of, 45
Control Service, OQMG, 6 commercial opposition to manufacturing at, 246
Controlled Materials Plan control of storage space in, 343, 344
announcement of, 295 delegation of responsibility to, 45, 255

purpose of,224, 295 expansion of, 251

QM 295-96
difficulties under, function of TQMG in relation to general, 43

Cooking outfit, small detachment general, 42

development of, 151-52 improved procurement organization of, 249
standardization of, 151 manufacturing operations at, 245-46
Cooking outfit, 20-man materials handling by, 347ff.
development of, 1 50 number of, in 1939, 38
modifications of, 1 50 origin of, 4
standardization of, 150, 151 promotion of efficiency at, 352-53
Coordinating Research Council, 143 reassignment of items for centralized purchase at,

Corbin, Brig. Gen. Clifford L., 76, 249 251

Corp areas, 40 role of, in stock control, 372, 375
Cost analysis types of, 38
advantages of, 270 use of mechanical equipment by, 347-49

Depots (QM) Duck— Continued

classification of, 324 efforts toextend production of, 71, 72
distribution and number of, in 1940, 329 handled by pool, 263-64
filler, 325 revision of specifications for, 71
key, 325 shortage of, 71, 263
regional distributing, 324, 326 Duck and Webbing Pool
reserve, 325 background for, 263
Deputy Director for Inspection, 312 operation of, 264
Deputy Quartermaster General for Administration and Duffel bag, 130
Management Dunn, Capt. Cecil G., 199n
establishment of, 33
responsibilities of, 33-34 E Orders, 293
Deputy Quartermaster General for Supply Planning EAM reports, 363, 364
and Operations Editing Branch, Storage and Distribution Division, 378
establishment of, 33 Eggs
redefinition of responsibilities, 377 dehydration of, 200
Desert Training Center, 104 emergency order procurement of, 300
Desert Warfare Board, 99 Eighth Corps Area Depot, 330
Developmental work. See also Research; individual Eisenhower, Lt. Gen. Dwight D., 20, 94
items. Electric Accounting Machine System, 363-64
administrative organization for, 75-96 Embarkation Service, 5
on combat footgear, 102-10 Emergency Orders, 300
on combat headgear, 101-02 Emergency Price Control Act, 273, 275
industrial co-operation in, 85-86 Engineers, Corps of
on jungle combat clothing, 99-101 assumption of construction activities by, 16-17, 22,
on leather protection, 120 156, 333
on organizational equipment, 138-72 development of camouflage by, 98
on packaging and packing, 201-06 developmental work on petroleum-handling equip-
on personal equipment, 123-38 ment by, 144
on rations, 177-201 responsibility of, for bathing equipment, 165, 166
standardization procedure in, 76-88 Equipage Section, Supply Division, 264
on summer combat clothing, 97-99 Equipment. See also under individual items.
on textiles for military use, 116-20 annual surveys of, 52-54, 75
on winter combat clothing, 88-97 specialized types of, 124, 172
on women's clothing, 110-17 use of World War I, 123
Dillon, Col. H. T., 325 Equipment Expenditure Program, 222
Director of Procurement, 34, 310, 312 Equipment, organizational
Director of Storage and Distribution, 34 automotive, 139-43
Dispenser, portable gasoline, 144 bakeries, field, 152-56
Distribution. See also Supply administration; Supply bath units, mobile, 164-66
Control System. development of, 138-71
co-ordination of, 327 field range, 146-52

flow of supplies in, 327, 328 laundry, 163-64

holding and reconsignment points in, 325 petroleum-handling, 144-46
lessons of World War I in, 326-27 refrigerator, 150-cubic foot portable, 158-60
Distribution Division, SOS, 366 salvage, mobile, 160-63
Distribution factors 157-58
semitrailer, refrigerated,
application of, to requirements, 218 tentage, 166-68
rejection of, 218 tents, 168-72
Distribution requirements Equipment, personal. See also under individual items.

computation of,218-21 development of, 123-38

definition of, 218 Ethyl Corporation, 85, 148, 321
introduction of "carry-over" method of computing, Excess stocks
219 control measures for, initiated in 1943, 381
Division of Defense Aid, 325 of station classification of, 382, 383, 384
Doriot, Col. Georges F., 76 disposal of, 386, 387, 388, 390
Duck effect of downward revision of stock levels on, 383

centralization of QM procurement of, 264 effect of supply control system on, 388
centralized WD procurement of, 263 factors contributing to development of, 379-81

Excess stocks— Continued Fork-liftTrucks— Continued

function of Property Utilization Officer in relation maintenance of, 352
to, 385 Forward pricing
organization for handling, 385-86 definition of, 270
redistribution of, 384, 388, 389 in relation to renegotiation, 279
Executive Order 9001, 258, 289 Fruits
Expediting Production funds, 304 canned, 197
Export Control Act of 1940, 298 dehydrated, 197-200
frozen, 197
Facilities Section, Production Service, 31 inspection of, 315, 316
Factor Control Committee, 231 set-aside orders for, 300
Federal Company, 143 Fuel and Construction Materials, Supply Division, 248
Federal Emergency Warehouse Association, 337, 338 Fuel and Heavy Equipment Branch, 71
Federal Prison Industries, Inc., 257, 258 Fuel and Utilities Branch, Executive Office, 27
Federal Specifications Board, 143 Fuels Branch, Resources Division, ASF, 239
Federal Standard Stock Catalog, 364 Fuels and Lubricants Division
Field Artillery Board, AGF, 131 and civilian supply, 282
Field Bag, M-1936, 124 commodity organization of, 23, 34-35, 78

Field baking equipment. See Bakery equipment, field. co-ordination of 80-octane gasoline specification by,
Field Headquarters, Chicago, 39, 250 144
Field Pack. See Pack, field. development of reports by, 242
Field Range establishment of, 211
development of, M-1937, 146 inspection policies of, 321-22
effect of materials shortages on, 61, 146-47 predecessors of, 34
maintenance problem of, 147-49 relations with ANPB, 46
standardization of, 146 responsibilities of, 35, 139, 144, 211, 238, 239, 240,
World War I type of, 146 250, 386
Finance and Accounting Division, OQMG, 5 staff responsibilities of, 240
First War Powers Act, 254, 272 Fuels and Petroleum Report, 242
Fiscal Division, OQMG, 12, 30, 55 Fumigation and bath unit
Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of Interior, 177 development of, 164
Food Distribution Administration, 299n lack of need for, 165
Food Requirements and Allocations Committee, 232
Food Service Program G-3, General Staff, preparation of troop basis, 213
elements of, 39, 40 G-4, General 209, 221, 222
Staff, 52, 53,

establishment of, 40 General Administrative Services Division, 24

in relation to conservation, 40 General Depot Service (Division) SOS, 42, 349
as staff agency, 41 General Maximum Price Regulation
Food Service Section, 39, 40 exemptions from, 274-75
Footwear impact of, on QMC, 273, 274
boot, combat, 104 issuance of, 273
boot, jungle, 109, 110 QM protests against, 274
boot, tropical combat, 1 10 in relation to food procurement, 297, 298
development of, 102-10 General Motors, 143
improvement of water-resistance in, 120 General Schedule of Supplies, 258
mold -preventives for, 120-21 General Service Division, OQMG, 12
overshoes, arctic, 108 General Staff, 6, 222
shoepacs, 106, 108 General Supplies Branch, Supply Division, 6, 210, 248
shoes, service, Type I, 102, 103 Gloves, effect of materials shortages on design of, 73
shoes, service, Type II, 103 Government-furnished equipment
shoes, service, Type III, 104 definition of, 289
trenchfoot problem, 104, 106, 108 illustrations of, 289-90
women's, 116-17 procedures 289

Forbes, Dr. William, 84 Government-furnished materials

Ford Motorcar Company, 143 extension of program for, 289
Foreign Economic Administration, 282 use of, to meet shortages, 288
Fork-lift Trucks Gregory, Maj. Gen. Edmund B., 11, 17, 21, 22, 24, 26
advantages in using, 347 Grice, Lt. Col. Letcher O., 75, 110
increased production of, 352 Grove, Col. William R., 193
1 1


Hanson, Earl P., 109n Food Technologists, 199

Institute of
Hardigg, Brig. Gen. Carl A., 211, 231, 237 Inter-Agency Cold Storage Committee, 341
Harvard University Fatigue Laboratory, 81, 84 Inter- Agency Food Allocations Committee, 232
Haversack, 124, 125. See also Pack, field. Interbranch procurement system
Headgear, combat definition of, 244n
development of, 101-02 establishment of, 244
simplification of, 102 incorporation in National Defense Act, 244
standardization of, 102 QMC participation in, 244

Helmet liner, development of, 101-02 slow progress of, 262

Herringbone twill suit Interdepartmental procurement
one-piece, 97, 99, 100 definition of, 244
two-piece, 97, 99, 100 QMC participation in Treasury schedules under, 244,
Herrington, Dr. Lovic P., 84 245
Hertz, John D., 19 supplies obtained from other federal agencies under,
Hertz committee, 19 245
Hertz report, 19, 19n use of Navy contract in, 245
Hill, Dr. David B., 84 International Business Machine Corporation, 363
Hobby, Oveta Culp, 1 1 International Division, OQMG, 33, 280
Hoffman Company, 163 International Division, SOS (ASF), 240, 280, 281, 282
Holabird Motor Transport Base, 146 Interstate Commerce Commission, 341
Holabird Motor Transport Board, 152 Intrenching tools
Holabird QM Depot development of all-purpose, 135-36
centralized purchase of motor transport items at, 244 importance of, 133
developmental work at, 141, 142, 157 redesign of, 134
repair operations at, 245 standardization of combination, 136
Holding and reconsignment points, 325 standardization of M- 1943, 134, 135
Hoos, Dr. Sidney, 219 World War I type of, 134
Huebsch Company, 163 Issues Forecast Committee, 388

Incoming Property Branch, Storage and Distribution Jacket, field, M-1943, 92, 94, 95
Division, 378 Jacket, field, olive-drab, 88, 97
Indefinite-quantity contracts, use of, 244, 245, 246 Jacket, wool field
Indiana University, 84-85, 100 classification of, 95
Industrial Mobilization Plan, 247 design of,94-95
Infantry Board, 101, 126, 136 fitting problem of, 95, 96n
"Initial factor," 214-15 Jeep
Initial issue amphibious, 141
definition of, 212 development of, 139-41
difficultiesof computing, 213-15 standardization of, 14
Inspection. See also QMC
Inspection Service. testing of, 141
development of, 308-22 Jeffersonville QM Depot
Trundle report on, 311 centralized purchase at, 5, 8, 244, 250, 251
Inspection Branch, 312 conservation efforts at, 61, 64, 68
Inspection of clothing and equipage developmental work at, 79, 124, 138, 139, 146, 152,
at contractors' plants, 310, 311 155, 159, 161, 163, 166, 167
depot responsibility for prewar, 308 distribution area of, 325, 330
plans to decentralize, 309-10 GFE program at, 289, 290
Inspection Division, 24 inspection 310, 312

Inspection of petroleum products manufacturing operations at, 44, 79, 171

inadequacy of, 321 procurement at, 169, 272
by Navy, 320, 322 role of, in Duck and Webbing Pool, 264
QM policies for, 321-22 Jerry can. See Can, 5-gallon.
under contract provisions, 320, 321 Jersey City QM Depot
Inspection Section, 312, 321 centralized purchase at, 250, 319
Inspection of subsistence petroleum inspection at, 321
co-ordination problems in, 317-18 procurement at, 27 In
by Department of Agriculture, 316, 317, 318, 320 Jesup, Lt. Col. Thomas S., 4
role of market center program in, 315 Johnson, Capt. William L., Ill
Veterinary Corps and, 316, 317, 318, 319 Joint Army and Navy Petroleum Agency, 265


Joint Chiefs of Staff, 35, 281 Machine Tabulating Branch, 229

Joint Procurement Committee, 265 Machine Tool Section, Resources and Production Divi-
Joint War Production Committee, 257 sion, SOS, 304
MacKeachie, Douglas, 319
Kansas City Plan Maintenance Division, ASF, 41
criticism of, 337 Mandatory measures
determination of storage rates under, 330, 338, 339 in second War Powers Act, 299
origin of, 336 use of, in subsistence procurement, 298, 299, 300
procedure under, 337 Manpower Priorities Committee, 268
Kansas City QM
Depot, 366 Mareng cells, 144
Kansas City Warehouse Association, 366 Marine Corps, 126, 323
Kearny, Capt. Cresson H., 109, 137 Maritime Commission, 264, 276, 287, 350
Kennedy, Maj. Stephen J., 110 Market center program
Keys, Dr. Ancel, 185 establishment of, 38, 39, 250
Kraft Cheese Company, 200, 201 expansion of, 39
operation of back-up storage plan under, 342
Labor organizational arrangements for, 39
availability of,and contract replacement, 267 perishable subsistence inspection procedures under,
efforts toovercome shortages of, 307, 308 315-19
problems and QM
assistance, 307 provision of cold-storage facilities under, 340, 341
Labor Section Marking
establishment of, 47 lack of specification for, 358
functions of, 47, 268, 284 Schenectady Plan for, 359
Landau, Hyman G., 226n study of requirements for, 359
Laundry Branch, Storage and Distribution Division, Marshall, General George C, 94, 104
139, 164 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Textile Labora-
Laundry equipment tories, 85
criticism of, 1941, 163 Master Production Schedule
improvement of, 163-64 as basis of operations, 211
Leather evolution of, 303
mold prevention in, 120-21 purpose of, 313, 374
water-resistance of, 120 Research and Development Branch responsibility
Leggings for, 77
introduction of canvas, 88 Supply and Demand Studies as basis for, 303
move to eliminate, 103 Materials, critical and strategic. See Conservation;
Lend-lease Substitute materials.
accounting system for petroleum products under, 242 Materials and Conservation Section, 60
administrative organization for, 280 Materials. Controller, Military Planning Division, 296
QM participation 280-8 in, Materials handling
QM responsibility for, 279 definition of, 347
reverse, 281 effectof shortages on, 350, 351
Lend-Lease Act, 279 increased efficiency in, by standardization of equip-
Letter contracts, 261 ment, 352
Letter purchase orders, 261 use of mechanical equipment in, 347-52
Letters of intent, 261, 262 Materials-handling equipment
Limitation Orders, 293 allocation of, 350
Littlejohn, Maj. Gen. Robert M., 75, 94, 95 establishment of maintenance standards for, 352
Logan, Capt. Paul P., 178 impact of shortages on production of, 350-51
Lutes, Lt. Gen. LeRoy, 381 OQMG responsibility for, 349-50
parts-supply program for, 353
M-Day, 247 use of, 347-49
M Orders, 293 Materials shortages
Mac Arthur, General Douglas, 99, 109, 138 in down, 72
Machete, 18-inch in duck, 71
camouflage of, 1 38 effect on production of, 63-64
development of, 136-38 end of metal, 65
specification for, 138 in fur, 72
standardization of, 138 in leather, 73
testing of, 138 in metals, 60-64
1 1 1 1


Materials shortages— Continued Munson Board, 102

in rubber, 66-67 Murray Committee, 302
in silk, 70-71
National Association of Dyers & Cleaners, 118
in wool, 68-70
National Bureau of Standards, 45, 81, 121, 309, 321
Maximum Price Regulation No. 157, 274
National Canners' Association, 65, 197, 319
Mayne, Alvin, 226
National Defense Act, 1920
Meats, canned
continuation of interbureau procurement by, 244
criticism of, 196
provisions for control of supply in, 209, 246, 247,
developmental work on, 196-97
types of, 196
Meats, smoked
war planning by OQMGunder, 210
National Defense Advisory Commission, 248, 252, 260,
developmental work on, 194-95
268, 290, 309, 319
problem of, 195-96
National Defense Research Committee, OSRD, 45, 84,
Mechanical Section, Research and Development
118, 120
Branch, 134, 147, 152, 155, 157, 158, 159, 161,
National Guard 103, 245, 332, 361
163, 165
National Research Council, 1 19, 169
Medical Corps, 81
National Youth Administration. 304, 387
Medical Department, 240, 316
Navy Department, 245, 264, 265, 265n
Medical Nutrition Laboratory, Office of The Surgeon
Navy Market Office, 342
General, 177
Nelson, Donald M., 222, 319
New York Field Survey, 29
master, 234
New York General Depot, 329
overseas, 234
New York Port of Embarkation, 130, 325, 359
Mess gear
conservation of aluminum in, 61
allocations of, 74
stainless steel, 61
uses of, 74
Methods and Factors Section, Requirements Branch,
219n Office of the Adjutant General, 361
Methyl-bromide chamber Office of Defense Transportation
development of, 164 control of refrigerator cars by, 341
discontinuance of, 165 delegation of authority over traffic control, 328
improvement 164-65
of, OfficeManagement Section, Storage Branch, 376, 377
Military Personnel and Training Division, 12, 24 No. 84
Office Order
Military Planning Division background for, 23-24
on Army research activities, 5 issuance of, 24
and CMP, 296 overlapping responsibilities under, 26-28
developmental work by, 165, 166, 169, 176 provisionsof, 24-26

efforts to centralize research in, 35, 36, 77, 117, 139 OfficeOrder No. 184
establishment of, 29, 31, 76, 211 background of, 30-3
functions of, 31, 156, 211 issuance of, 3
and Master Production Schedule, 303 modifications effected by, 31-33
in relation to OSRD, 84, 169 proposed transfer of subsistence responsibility, 36
representation on Food Requirements and Allocation Office of the Petroleum Coordinator, 239
Commmittee, 232 Office of Price Administration
and requirements, 228, 238, 353 criticism of Kansas City Plan by, 337-38, 339
Milk, dehydration of, 200 exemptions from rulings of, 46, 274-75, 339
Milk control legislation, 259-60 and impact on QMC, 255, 272-75
Minor Findings Pool, 288 issuance of GMPR by, 273, 298
Mobile Equipment Branch, Service Installations Divi- and QMpricing program, 270-71, 272
sion, 161 and storage rates, 338, 339

Montgomery Ward and Company, 28 Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply, 273
Monthly Progress Report, Section 20, 228 Office of Production Management
Motor Transport Division conservation by, 68
developmental work of, 139, 140, 141, l4ln, 146, establishment of, 58
156 priorities under, 58, 59
establishment of, 1 procurement objectives and, 222
transfer of functions of, and production control, 283, 284, 293
Motor Transport School, 7, 38 replacement of, 248, 254
Munitions Bill, 261 responsibilities of, 58

Office of The Quartermaster General Packing, subsistence— Continued

administrative developments of, 1920-39, 6-7 shortage of burlap for, 68
administrative organization of, 1 1-36 specifications for, 205
commodity-type organization of, 4, 5, 6, 11, 16, 31 use of substitute materials in, 206
continuance of commodity organization in, 34-36 Packing and Crating Section, Storage and Distribution
creation of supervisory posts, 33-34 Division
functional reorganization of, 8, 23-24, 30 preparation of packing specifications by, 356
organizational surveys, 28-30 responsibilities of, 202, 355
relations of, with other agencies, 45-47 Packing operations. See also Marking.
reorganization of July 1942, 30-33 centralized depot control of, 356
reorganization of 1941, 12 development of co-ordinated program for, 355-56
Office of Scientific Research and Development, 45, 84 formulation of specifications for, 356, 357
Office of the Stock Comptroller, 377 improved methods of, 357, 358
Office of The Surgeon General, 113, 115, 116, 165, 317 shortcomings of, 355
OQMG Allocations Planning Committee, 295 use of steel strapping in, 358
Ordnance, Chief of, 140, 143 program
Palletized unit
Ordnance Department 354
initiation of,
development of Commodity Warrant Plan by, problems in, 354
294-95 progress in, 355
loss of responsibility for helmet liner by, 85 Pallets
petroleum inspection by, 320 description of, 348
and petroleum specifications, 143 procurement of, 351
difficulties in
transfer of motor transport to, 22, 33, 139, I4ln, 157 standardization program for, 351
Ordnance Technical Committee, 144 use of, with fork-lift trucks, 347
Organization. See Office of The Quartermaster General. Parsons, Maj. Gen. J. K., 117
Organization Planning and Control Division, 24, 26, Perishable Branch, Subsistence Division
33, 34 functions of, 39
Overman Act, 244 initiation of seasonal storage program by, 340
Overseas Requirements Section, Requirements Branch, Personnel Division, OQMG, 12
229 Petroleum Administration for War (PAW)
Overseas Requirements Tables, 229, 230, 231 functions of, 46, 240
Overshoes, arctic, 108 relation of OQMG to, 46
Owens-Illinois Glass Company, 197 Petroleum Branch
establishment of, 238, 239
Pack, field functions of, 239
development of M- 1944, 126 initiation of inspection by, 321, 322
M-1928, 124, 125 replacement of, by Fuels and Lubricants Division,
M-1943, 125 238
standardization of M- 1945, 127 Petroleum-handling equipment. See also under indi-
Pack, jungle vidual items.
development of, 125 development of, 144-46
redes ignation of, 125 Petroleum products
Packaging, subsistence centralized purchase of,250
administrative responsibility for, 176, 202 computation of requirements for, 241-42
conservation of tin in, 202, 203 responsibility for estimating requirements of, 238,
definition of, 176 239, 240
developmental work by industry on, 202, 204 standardization and simplification of, 143-44
establishment of testing laboratory for, 176 Z/I supply of, under Treasury Department contracts,
impact of conservation on, 65, 202-03 250
inadequacy of commercial, 20 1 202 , Philadelphia QM Depot
military requirements of, 202 baling of clothing by, 357, 358
use of substitute materials in, 203-04 centralized procurement at, 5, 8, 244, 265
Packing, subsistence developmental work at, 54, 77, 79, 99, HO, 111,
administrative responsibility for, 176, 202 112, 113, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120, 132, 168
definition of, 176 GFM program at, 288
development of V boxes, 205-06 inspection by, 309
establishment of testing laboratory for, 176 manufacturing at, 38, 44, 245
failure of commercial, 204 opposition of, to decentralized inspection, 309, 310,
military requirements of, 202 312, 313

Philadelphia QM Depot— Continued Priority ratings, for food

opposition of, to factory inspection, 310, 311 range of, 299
origin of, 4 use of, by QMC, 300
simplification of issue by, 97, 99, 122 WFA issuance of, 299-300
Phoenix Chemical Laboratory, 32 In WPB issuance of, 299
Pierce Laboratory of Hygiene, John B., 84 Procedures and Stock Accounting Branch, Storage and
Planning and Control Division Distribution Division, 377
and conservation, 60 Procurement
establishment of, 12 abandonment of advertising method of, 247, 252-55
friction with operating divisions, 12, 14, 15, 28 administrative organization for, 248-49
functions of, 12, 210, 211, 248, 249, 285, 302 definition of, 243
Planning Division, ASF, 239 effect of materials shortages on, 59
Planograph System expansion of centralized, 249-50, 251
advantages of, 347 experimentation with decentralized, 251-52
disadvantages of, 346 influence of other agencies on, 248
initiation of, 345 local, and relation to estimating subsistence require-
method of, 345-46 ments, 237
purpose of, 345 method in 1939, 244, 246
use of stock locator system in, 346 reduction of local, 251
Plastics, extensive use of, 73-74 special QM responsibilities in, 279-82
Piatt, Spencer, 29 streamlining procurement methods, 252ff.
Piatt Report supervision of QM, 247-48
objectives of, 29 use of compulsory orders in, 297-98
recommendations of, 29-30, 76 Procurement, joint Army-Navy, 264-65
Procurement Assignment Board, 156, 262, 263
development of, 131
Procurement Control Branch
standardization of, 131
establishment of, 248
Ports of embarkation
functions of, 253, 284
cold-storage facilities for, 342
replacement of, 248
control of shipments to, 328
Procurement districts, 247, 252
designation of, for specific theater supply, 325
Procurement Division (Service)
flow of supplies to, 325, 327, 328
and assembly of ration components, 183
Post Office Department, 245
authority of, to make supplemental agreements, 257
Poultry Inspection Service, 316
civilian supply responsibility of, 282
Pounder, Capt. William F., 94, 106
as control agency, 8, 44, 255, 285
Preference ratings
effort to transfer subsistence procurement to, 36
expediting production by, 284
establishment of, 31, 249
low status of QM
items in, 290
failure to centralize all procurement activity in, 249
modification 291, 292
and inspection, 312
scale of,290
opposition of, on tentage simplification, 169
Price Adjustment Board, SOS, 276
and purchase of petroleum products, 34
Price Adjustment Section, 276, 277
Procurement Planning
Price Administrator, OQMG, 270
computation of requirements in, 209
Price Control Act of 1942, 46
conflict over, 14
Price policies, development of, 269-71
ANMB for emergency procurement of critical materials, 56
Priorities Committee,
establishment of, 58
end of, 247
failure to utilize results of, 210
modification of ratings by, 290
influence of, in research, 56, 57
Priorities Critical List, 290
negotiation of contracts provided for in, 247
Priorities Directive, 290
OPM, 284 prewar agencies for, 7
Priorities Division,
proposed decentralization under, 247
Priorities Regulation 1, 297
purpose of, 246-47
Priorities System
responsibility for, 7
early agencies handling, 58
separation of, from current procurement, 247
establishment of, 290
inadequacy of initial, 290 Procurement Regulations, 258, 260
low rating of QMC
in, 58, 290, 291 Product Development Branch
modification of, 292 clarification of responsibilities of, 29, 76

supplements to, 292-96 creation of, 76



Production Purchase— Continued

alleviation of materials shortages in, 288, 289 reduction of local post, 251
controls applied to, 290ff. removal of restrictive legislative controls on, 257-60
earmarking orders for continuous, 302 Purchase and Contract Branch, Planning and Control
need for continuity in, 301 Division, 248
planning of, 301-03 Purchase, Storage and Traffic Division, 6, 326, 327
Production Branch Purchases Division, ASF, 298
responsibilities of, 60, 283 Pyle, Ernie, 141, 150
transfer of, 27, 76 Pyron, Brig. Gen. Walter B., 239
Production Control
and allocation of materials, 292-300 Quartermaster Board
organization 283-85
for, establishment of, 80
priorities and, 290-92 field study of replacement factors by, 216
use of GFM and GFE in, 288-90 study of accounting policies and inventory by, 366,
Production Control Branch, Administrative Division, 1 367
Production Division, SOS, 223 tests by, 64, 80-81, 100, 125, 134, 136, 157, 158,
Production expediting 159, 161, 163
by aid in labor problems, 307-08 Quartermaster Corps (QMC)
by alleviation of shortages, 288ff. expansion of, 8
conflict over, 27 field organization of, 38-45
expansion of plant facilities as a means of, 304-05 functions of, 3, 4, 5, 8

by financial assistance, 305-07 impact of war on, 8

by location of idle equipment, 303-04 loss of functions by, 16-22
Production Expediting Section mission of, 3
disintegration of, 284-85 origin of, 3, 4
establishment of, 284 relations of, with other agencies, 45-47
functions of, 284 status in 1939 of, 7
Production Requirements Plan QMC Inspection Service
method of allocation under, 293-94 achievements of, 313, 314, 315
purpose of, 294 activation of inspection zones, 312, 313
QM support of, 295 creation of, 312
reaction to, 294 and implementation of Trundle report, 313
Production scheduling inspection of petroleum products and containers by,
inadequacy of early, 301 321
and its relation to requirements, 302-03 items not controlled by, 312
in relation to surplus stocks, 303 problems of, 313
Production Section, 285 policy of, 313
Production Service Quartermaster Corps Technical Committee (QMCTC)
absorption by Military Planning Division, 31, 211, establishment of, 54
285 in relation to research program, 54, 75, 87
creation of, 27 standardization action by, 104, 110, 125, 134, 141,
requirements responsibility of, 211 151, 163
research responsibility of, 79 Quartermaster Equipment Board, 85
Production Urgency Committee, 268 Quartermaster General, Office of The. See Office of The
Program Determination Committee, 350 Quartermaster General.
Property accountability, 360 Quartermaster Petroleum Laboratory, 322
Property Requisitioning Act, 298 Quartermaster Purchasing Office, NYC, 265
Property Utilization Officer, 385, 386 Quartermaster School, 7, 38, 80
Property Utilization Section Quartermaster Subsistence School, 193
establishment of, 386 Quartermaster's Department, 3, 4, 5
redes ignation of, 386
Provisional Parachute Group, 185 Ration, A, 192, 197
Purchase Ration, B, 192, 196, 197
abandonment of advertising method in, 247, 252-55 Ration, C
centralization of, for specialty items, 8 accessory kit for, 184
by competitive bidding, 246 beverage powders of, 183-84
decentralization of, in World War I, 5 biscuit of, 180, 181, 183
elimination of duplication in responsibility for, 262fT. criticism of, 181, 181n, 184
open-market, 246 development of, 180-84

Ration,C— Continued Refrigeration equipment. See also under individual items.

improvement of, 183ff. development of, 157-60
M unit of, 180, 181 responsibility for development of, 156-57
standardization of, 181 Refrigerator, 150-cubic foot portable
Ration, D development of, 158-59
comparable survival types, 180 lightweight model of, 159
as component of other rations, 179 standardization of, 159
development of, 178-80 Remount Branch, Supply Division, 248
standardization of, 179 Renegotiation
Ration, Five-in-One, 188 background for, 275, 276
Ration, Jungle, 175, 188, 189 extent of, 279
Ration, K factors considered in, 276-77
comparable assault phase types, 186, 188 legislative provision for, 276
criticism of, 186 QM administrative organization for, 277
development of, 184-86 special QM problems 279 in,

inclusion of, in Ten-in-One, 189, 190 Renegotiation Act, 276, 277, 278, 279
standardization of, 185-86 Renegotiation district offices, location of, 277
theater comment on, 18 In Replacement
Ration, Mountain, 188, 189 computation of, in requirements, 215-18
Ration, Parachute, 185 definition of, 215
Ration, Ten-in-One Replacement data teams, 217
accessory kit for, 191 Replacement factors
development of, 188-91 improvement in accuracy of, 216-18
and menu planning, 191 percentage expression of, 215
modifications in 1944 of, 189, 190, 191 in theater of operations, 216, 217, 218, 225
predecessors 188of, in zone of interior, 216
standardization of, 189 Requirements
use of, 188 computation of task force, 229-30
Ration system, garrison, 174 divided responsibility for, 209, 210, 211, 302
Rations elements in determination of, 212-21
administrative organization for development of, evolution of single control of, 211
175-77 prewar method of computing, 210
field, in 1939, 175 significance of accuracy in, 226
problems in development of, 175 theory of forecasting, 212
Rations, Field Requirements, petroleum
development of, 192ff. administrative organization responsible for estimat-
Rations, special ing, 238-40
development of, 177-92 development of records for computing, 242
initial trend toward specialization of, 207 early efforts to improve accuracy of, 239, 240
military requirements of, 206 elements in forecasting, 241-42
need for simplification of, 189 improvement in records for computing, 242
refinements in computing requirements for, 235-36 method of computing, 232-33
significance of weight and space in, 207 necessity for centralized control of, 238, 239
use of, 177-78 responsibility for computation of, 238, 239, 240
World War I, 178 Requirements, subsistence
Real Estate Branch, Office of the Chief of Engineers, administrative organization responsible for estimat-
337 ing, 231-32
Rearmament and Re-equipment Program, 221 allowance for local procurement in estimating, 237
Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 276, 305, 332 basic formula in computing, 232-33
Red Cross, 232. 329 elements in computing, 233-38
Redistribution and Disposal Branch, 386 impact of local procurement on, 237-38
Redistribution and disposal levels, 389 inadequacy of strength data used in estimating, 233
Redistribution and Salvage Officer, 385, 387 method of computing, 232-33
"Reefer" ships, 235 relations of Subsistence and Requirements Branches
Refrigerated semitrailer in preparation of, 231-32
criticism of, 157 reserves and inventory data for computing,236-37
development of, 157 Requirements Branch, Fuels and Lubricants Division
lightweight model of, 158 development of records by, 242
standardization of, 157 responsibilities of, 240


Requirements Branch, Military Planning Division San Francisco Port of Embarkation, 342
computation of task force requirements by, 229 Sanitation Division, The Surgeon General's Office, 164
development of overseas requirements tables by, 230, Saran, 109n
231 Saybolt, E. W., and Company, 32 In
early petroleum requirements by, 238 Schenectady Plan, 359
exceptions to control of, 211 Schuylkill Arsenal, 4 See also Philadelphia Quarter-

function of, 2 1 master Depot.

improvement of accuracy in estimating techniques Scientific Research and Development, Office of. See
by, 216, 218, 219, 221, 224, 226, 226n, 238, Office of Scientific Research and Development.
and subsistence requirements, 231, 232, 233, 236, Schwartz, Edward R., 85
238 Scowden, Brig. Gen. Frank F., 324
Requirements Branch, Planning and Control Division, Seattle QM Depot
27, 302 centralized purchase of Pacific Coast petroleum prod-
Requirements Committee, PAW, 240 ucts at, 250
Requirements Division, Production Service, 28, 211 experimentation with decentralized procurement at,
Requirements Division, SOS (ASF), 219, 239, 240 252
Requisitioning of property Second War Powers Act of 1942, 299
authority for, 298 Selective Service Act, 8, 297, 332, 361, 370
in subsistence procurement, 299 Selective Service System, 103
Research. See also Developmental work. Service Branch, Storage and Distribution Division, 378
effect of materials shortages on, 58 Service commands
financial restrictions on, 55-56, 57 redesignation of corps areas as, 40
impact of global war on, 57-58 relationship to supply agencies, 40-41
influence of World War I surplus property on, 52, 53 Service factor, definition of, 241
lack of integrated program for, 54-55 Service Installations Division, 24, 31, 157, 165, 353
significance of Annual Survey of Equipment reports Set-aside orders
for, 52-54 for foods, 300
status of, on eve of World War II, 51-52 infractions of, 300
and substitute materials, 56-57, 58 Shelter half
Research and Development Branch effect of duck shortage on, 131
Advisory Board of, 84 standardization of improved, 131
centralization of research responsibility in, 35, 76, use of, in combinations, 131-32
77, 79, 80 World War I, 130
and conservation, 60 Shoepac
developmental work of, 90, 96, 102, 103, 108, 119, criticism of, 106, 108
120, 131, 134, 148, 155, 157, 159, 169, 308 improvement of, 108
establishment of, 76 use of, 106
functions of, 77, 80, 139, 161, 176 Shoe-rebuilding program, and conservation, 73
industrial co-operation with, 85, 86, 102 Shoes, service
and 176
laboratories, 81, 84, 85, conservation of leather in, 73
and rations,189 effect of materials shortages on, 103
relations of, with QM
Board, 80 emergence of garrison, 102-03
Research Project Board, 36 Type I, 102, 103
Resources Division, ASF, 239 Type II, 103
Resources Division, OQMG Type III, 104
creation of, 76 women's, 116
redesignation of, 77 Shugg, Col. R. P., 19n
Revenue Act of 1943, 259, 278 Signal Corps, 240
Richmond Depot, 345, 366, 375 Simplification program
Riddell, John T., 101 in clothing, 90, 92
Robinson, Dr. Sid, 85 conflicting factors in, 169, 170, 171, 172
Rucksack, development of, 124 in intrenching tools, 136
in relation to supply, 172
Salvage equipment, mobile in tents, 169,171
criticism of,160-61 Siple, Dr. Paul A., 81
development of, 160, 161-63 Size, tariffs
one-ton, two-wheel cargo trailers for, 161 definition of, 369
responsibility for development of, 161 original basis of, 370
standardization of, 160, 163 relation to distribution requirements, 218, 219
San Francisco General Depot, 250, 319, 330 revision of, 370


Sleeping bags Stevens, Col. Robert T., 264

arctic and mountain, 132 Stevens, R. R., 28
criticism of, 133 Stock Accounting Section-, Storage Branch, 376, 377,
development of, 132-33 378
shortage of down for, 72 Stock Comptroller, Office of the. See Office of the Stock
standardization of M- 1945, 133 Comptroller.
wool, 132 Stock control
Small Business Act, 251, 266-67 development of basic reports for purposes of, 364
Small War Plants Division, 267 establishment of system for, 366, 367
Smaller War Plant Corporation, 266, 267 need for effective, 365
Smaller War Plants Program, 265-67 stock levels in relation to, 368, 370

Solid Fuels Administration for War (SFAW), 46 Stock Control Board, 366, 37
Solid Fuels Branch, OQMG, 46 Stock Control Branch,
Somervell, Brig. Gen. Brehon B., 19, 19n, 20, 40, 41, clarification of responsibilities of, 377
266 conflicting functions of, 376, 377
Space control establishment of, 376, 386
centralization of, 344 responsibilities of, 375, 376
forms for obtaining data on, 343 Stock Control Division, ASF, 225, 389
furthered by control warehouse plan, 345 Stock Control System
relief of storage space shortages by, 342-47 administrative organization for handling, 376-78
study of problem of, 343 establishment of, 366, 367
Space Control Section misunderstanding of objectives of, 372
centralized control of space assignment given to, 344 and replacement issues, 217
and Cleveland Plan, 338 stock levels in relation to, 368, 370
development of planograph system by, 345 Stock levels
and development of tables for computing space re- basis for establishment of, 369
quirements, 344 and "carry-o,ver method" of computing, 219, 224
function of, 343 definition of, 218, 368, 369
preparation of space control report by, 343 for depots, 371, 375-76
space utilization report for, 343 development of realistic, 368-69
Spaulding, Gen. George, 325 downward revision of station, 373, 374
Special Forces Section, Research and Development importance of station, 370-71
Branch, 131, 134 in supply and demand studies, 228
Specifications utility reserve, 371-72
responsibility of Research and Development Branch Stock status reports
for, 80 improvement of, 367-68
revision of, to eliminate strategic materials, 59, 60, inadequacy of, 365, 367
61,62 limitations of, 372
Specifications Section, Standardization Branch, 75 uses of, 368
Standardization. See also under individual items. Storage Branch
of depot procedures, 364 clarification of responsibilities of, 377
of mechanical equipment, 352-54 conflict with Stock Control Branch, 376, 377
procedure of, 86-87 Storage Control Branch, 11, 15, 332
Standardization Branch Storage and Distribution Division (Service)
and early developmental work, 75, 101, 110, 127, computation of short-range requirements by, 211,
130, 146 226
early responsibility for packing research, 176 conflicting functions of, 27, 28, 30, 34, 76
establishment of, 54 controlled warehouse plan of, 345
relation of, to QMCTC, 54, 75 establishment of, 24, 211, 324
responsibility of, in relation to research, 54, 75 improvement of stock status report by, 366

transfer of, 76 1943 administrative changes in, 376

Stat report, 242 and requisition guide, 230
Statistical and Public Relations Branch, Administrative responsibilities of, 44, 176, 282, 324, 355, 386
Division, 11 and subsistence, 35, 78
Steadman, Maj. Frank M., 110, 111 Storage facilities

Stephens, Col. J. W. G., 332 cold, for perishables, 339-42

Sterilization and bath unit complete utilization of space in, 342-47
criticism of, 164 construction of new, 332
description of, 164 distribution of, in 1940, 329
reclassification of, 164 enlargement of old, 332


Storage facilities— Continued Subsistence Section, Requirements Branch, 236

lease or purchase of commercial, 333 Subsistence Section, Research and Development
Storage operations. See Depots. Branch, 176, 177, 182
Stove, one-burner, gasoline, M-1941 Substitute materials. See also Conservation.
classification of, 149 definition of, 59
development of, 149 research in, 56, 57, 59
Stove, one-burner, gasoline, M-1942 Supply administration
advantages of, 150 abandonment of credit system of, 362
development of, 149-50 direct system of, 362-63
standardization of, 150 establishment of credit system of, 361-62
use of, in combinations, 150 scope of QMresponsibility for, 208
Strauss- Draper Report, 264, 264n use of IBM machines in, 363
Subsistence. See also Rations; Requirements, sub- in zone of interior, 361
sistence. Supply bureaus, reorganization in World War I, 5, 6
administrative organization for research in, 175-77 Supply Control Report, 228, 232, 242
cold storage of perishable, 334, 339-42 Supply Control System
indefinite quantity contracts for, 246 administration of, in OQMG, 228-29
initiation of seasonal storage program of perishable, advantages of, 227, 229
340 co-ordination effected by, 374
peacetime supply of, 1 74 development of, 226-29
reserve stocks of perishable, 340 establishment of, 227
set-aside orders for, 300-01 Supply Credit System
storage of nonperishable, 336 depot credits under, 361, 362
supply of, in war, 174 establishment of, 361
Subsistence Branch extension of, 361
commodity organization of, 23, 35, 36, 176 objectives of, 361
early research responsibility of, 175, 176 shortcomings of, 362
opposition to functional principle, 35, 36 Supply and demand studies
and preparation of requirements, 210, 211, 231, 232 origin of, 226, 226n, 227
prewar location in Supply Division, 6, 35 preparation of, 227-28
redesignation of, as Division, 36 use of realistic theater replacement factors in, 218
and research, 152, 175, 176, 177 Supply Division
transfer to Storage and Distribution Division, 27, 35 abolition of, 27
Subsistence Department absorption of functions of, by Procurement Service,
absorption of, by QMC, 5, 35, 176 249
commodity organization of, 176 commodity organization of, 6, 11, 38, 44, 248
origin of, 3 estimation of current requirements by, 210, 301, 302
Subsistence Division. See also Subsistence Branch. friction with planners, 12, 14, 15, 16
efforts to functionalize, 36 as procurement control agency, 8
establishment of, 36 responsibility for research in 1939, 75, 76, 85, 139
predecessors of, 35 Supply Division, G-4, 18, 42, 361
in relation to research, 35-36, 176 Supply, Priorities, and Allocations Board, 222
as War Department representative in food produc- Supply services
tion and procurement matters, 231 autonomy of, 326, 327
Subsistence Research Laboratory SOS co-ordination of activities of, 327
and butter products, 201 Supply system
and dehydration, 199, 200 character of peacetime, 243-46
development of special rations by, 177ff. property accountability in, 360
developmental work on boneless beef by, 193 shift to balanced distribution in, 361
establishment of, 175, 177 Surgeon General, Office of The. See Office of The
functions of, 176, 177 Surgeon General.
packaging research by, 203, 204, 205 Surgeon General, The, 117, 164
program of, 177 Surplus property
relation of Military Planning Division to, 35, 176 disposal of, 384-9
research activities of, 35 influence of World War I, on research, 52, 53
testing by, 197 nonstandard and obsolete items of, 386-88
Subsistence Research Project Board, 36, 176 organization for handling, 385-86
Subsistence School, 178, 193 procedures for handling, 386, 387
1 1 1 1


Surplus property— Continued Textiles, military— Continued

relations of OQMG with other agencies concerned improvement of, 117
with, 390-91 shrink-resistant treatments for, 119
standard items of, 388-91 standard, in 1939, 55-56, 117
Surplus Property Act, 391 water-repellent finishes for, 118-19
Swift & Company, 193 water-resistant and wind-resistant, 117
Trailer, 2,500-gallon, 144
Tables of Allowances, 212, 213, 214 Transit storage points. See Holding and reconsignment
Tables of Basic Allowances, 212, 213, 214 points.
Tables of Equipment, 212, 214 Transportation Branch, G-4, 18
Tables of Organ i2ation, 213 Transportation Control Committee, 328
Tables of Organization and Equipment, 214 Transportation Corps
Talbott, Lt. Col. John H., 81 development of mareng cells by, 144
Tank and Combat Vehicles Division, Ordnance Depart- establishment of, 18, 328
ment, 22 operation of holding and reconsignment points by,
Tank truck, 2,500-gallon, 144 334
Tariff of sizes, 370, 373 opposition to palletization, 354
Task forces, computation of requirements for, 229-30 responsibilities of, 328
Tent, maintenance shelter Transportation Division, OQMG
design of, 171 development of holding and reconsignment points
need for, 170 by, 325
standardization of, 171 re-establishment of, under National Defense Act, 6
Tent, portable squad shelter separation of Motor Transport from, 1
classification of, 170 separation of, from OQMG,
development of, 1 70 Transportation Division, SOS, 18, 328
Tent, sectional hospital Transportation Service, SOS, 349
design of, 171 Treasury Department
standardization of, 171 criticism of, in handling surplus property, 390
use of liner in, 171 General Schedule of Supplies of, 245, 258, 320, 324
Tent, squad objections raised by, in surplus property disposal,
development of rwelve-man, 168 390-91
problem of procurement versus simplification in testing of petroleum products under, 321
issue of, 393-95 use of, in surplus property disposal, 385, 387, 389
pyramidal eight-man, 168 Trenchfoot, 104, 106, 108
standardization of, 168-69 Troop basis, 213, 222, 233
structural modifications of, 169-70 Truman Committee, 17, 18
Tentage Trundle Engineering Company of Cleveland, Ohio
color of, 167 effect on QMC inspection of, 312
efforts to extend production of, 7 inspection manual prepared by, 312
fire-resistant finish for, 167 report of, 311
improvements in fabric for, 168 survey of inspection practices by, 311
mildew-proofing of, 167 Trucks
shortage of duck for, 7 industrial co-operation in development of, 14
weight of, 167 responsibility fordevelopment of, 139
Test Section, 87 and specification problem, 141-42
Testing standardization efforts on, 142-43
field, by QM Board,
80-81 2 1/2 -ton 6x6, 141
laboratory, 81, 84, 85, 87 types of. 142, l42n
by service boards, 81, 87
Textile Foundation, 84, 118, 168 Under Secretary of War
Textile industry, and renegotiation, 278-79 direct responsibility of TQMG to, 247
Textile Institute, Manchester, England, 117, 168 and expediting production, 284
Textile Section, Research and Development Branch, and renegotiation, 277
100, 110, 117, 131, 168 supervision of contracts by, 254
Textiles, military Uniform, service. See also Clothing.
abrasion-resistant finishes for, 1 19 conservation of wool in, 70
fire-resistant treatments for, 120 modification of World War I, 88

418 3 9999 06313 520 4 THE QUARTERMASTER CORP!

United States Employment Service, 47 War Production Board

United States Rubber Company, 108, 109 allocation of materials by 292, 294, 295, 296
University of California, 200 and ASP, 211, 223
University of Cincinnati, 85, 120 and conservation, 60, 65, 69, 72, 73, 109

University of Louisville, Institute of Industrial Re- and contract placement, 268

search, 169 criticism of Kansas City Plan by, 337

University of Minnesota, 185 establishment of, 45

and idle production equipment, 303, 304
and labor-shortage areas, 268
V boxes, 205, 206, 357 and mandatory orders, 297, 298, 299
Vegetables and negotiation of contracts, 254, 255
canned, 197 OQMG relations with, 46

commercial development of, 197 priority control of, 58, 291, 292
dehydrated, 197, 198, 199 set-aside order of, 336
frozen, 197 and study of inventory control, 366
inspection of, 315, 316 War Shipping Administration, 276, 323, 328
set-aside orders for, 300 War Shipping Board, 264
thermophilic spoilage of, 197, 198 War Shipping Document
Veterinary Corps, 316, 317, 318, 319 origin of, 329
Veterinary Section, Field Headquarters, 318 purpose of, 329
Victory Program, 222 Warehouse Branch, 378
Washington QM Depot
centralized purchase of offshore lubricants and
Wainer, Col. Max R., 80 greases at, 250
War Contracts Price Adjustment Board, 279 laboratory facilities at, 176
War Department Commercial Warehouse Pool Plan, Washington Package Research and Development
336 Laboratory, 176, 202
War Department Committee on Liquid Fuels and Weight reduction, 121, 172-73

Lubricants, 143 White, Dr. Jess H, 193, 195

War Depatment Commodity Committees, 56 White Company, 143

War Department Price Adjustment Board, 276, 279 Williams, Harry, 195
War Department Shipping Document, 329 Willys, 143
War Department Troop Deployment, 233 Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC)
War Food Administration development of clothing for, 110-13, 115-16
and allocation of cold-storage space, 341 establishment of, 110
issuance of food priority ratings by, 299 redesignation of, as WAC, 110
and mandatory orders, 297 Women's Army Corps (WAC). See WAAC.
in requisitioning priority, 299 Women's Clothing Section, Research and Development
and set-aside orders, 300-01 Branch, 111
War Food Order, 71, 299 Woodbury, Lt. Robert L., 109n
War Manpower Commission, 47, 268 Work Projects Administration, 304, 387, 388
War Munitions Program, 222
War Plans and Training Branch, Administrative Divi- Yellow Truck and Coach, 143
sion, 11, 12, 210
War Procurenent Plans. See Procurement Planning. Zone Inspection System, contract administration under,
War Produrement and Requirements Branch, Adminis- 252
trative Division, 12 Zone system of supply, 326


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