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Name of Drug Dosage, Route Indication Contraindication Mechanism Drug to Drug Adverse Nursing Responsibilities

and Frequency of Action Interaction Effect

Generic Name: one tablet This combination Hydrocodone Acetamino Some CNS: Drows ● Assess BP, pulse, and respirations before and
Hydrocodone- every 4 hours medication is used bitartrate and phen: Acts products that iness,mental periodically during administration. If respiratory
Acetaminophe as needed for to relieve acetaminophen on the may interact clouding, let rate is 10/min, assess level of sedation. Physical
n pain. moderate to tablets are hypothalam with this drug hargy, impa stimulation may be sufficient to prevent significant
severe pain. It contraindicated us to include: irment of hypoventilation. Dose may need to be decreased
Brand Name: contains an opioid in patients with: produce certain pain mental and by 25– 50%. Initial drowsiness will diminish with
Vicodin (narcotic) pain antipyresis; medications physical per continued use.
reliever * Significant inhibits (mixed opioid formance, ● Assess bowel function routinely. Prevention of
(hydrocodone) and respiratory prostagland agonist/antag anxiety, constipation should be instituted with increased
Classification: a non-opioid pain depression in onists such as fear, dysp intake of fluids and bulk, and laxatives to minimize
Analgesics, reliever *Acute or synthetase pentazocine, horia, psych constipating effects. Stimulant laxatives should be
Opioid Combos (acetaminophen). severe bronchial nalbuphine, ological dep administered routinely if opioid use exceeds 2– 3
Hydrocodone asthma in an Hydrocodo butorphanol), endence, days, unless contraindicated.
works in the brain unmonitored ne: Opioid naltrexone. mood ● Pain: Assess type, location, and intensity of pain
to change how setting or in the analgesic changes. prior to and 1 hr (peak) following administration.
your body feels absence of agonist; When titrating opioid doses, increases of 25– 50%
and responds to resuscitative blocks pain GIT: Const should be administered until there is either a 50%
pain. equipment perception ipation. reduction in the patient’s pain rating on a
Acetaminophen *Known or in the numerical or visual analogue scale or the patient
can also reduce a suspected cerebral GUT: reports satisfactory pain relief. A repeat dose can
fever. gastrointestinal cortex; Ureteral be safely administered at the time of the peak if
obstruction, decreases spasm, previous dose is ineffective and side effects are
including synaptic spasm of minimal.
paralytic ileus chemical vesical ● Prolonged use may lead to physical and
*Hypersensitivit transmissio sphincters, psychological dependence and tolerance. This
y to n and urinary should not prevent patient from receiving
hydrocodone or throughout retention. adequate analgesia. Most patients who receive
acetaminophen the CNS, opioids for pain do not develop psychological
(e.g., which in Dermatologi dependence. If progressively higher doses are
anaphylaxis) turn cal: Skin required, consider conversion to a stronger opioid.
inhibits rash, pru
pain ritus, Ste Patient/Family Teaching
sensation vens-John ● Advise patient to take medication as directed
into higher son synd and not to take more than the recommended
centers rome, toxic amount. Severe and permanent liver damage may
epidermal result from prolonged use or high doses of
necrolysis, acetaminophen. Renal damage may occur with
allergic prolonged use of acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
reactions. Doses of nonopioid agents should not exceed the
maximum recommended daily dose. Do not stop
HEMA: taking without discussing with health care
Thrombocyt professional; my cause withdrawal symptoms if
openia, discontinued abruptly after prolonged use.
agranulocyt ● Advise patient that hydrocodone is a drug with
osis. known abuse potential. Protect it from theft, and
never give to anyone other than the individual for
whom it was prescribed.
● May cause drowsiness or dizziness. Advise
patient to call for assistance when ambulating or
smoking. Caution patient to avoid driving or other
activities requiring alertness until response to the
medication is known.
● Advise patient to notify health care professional
if pain control is not adequate or if side effects
● Advise patient to change positions slowly to
minimize orthostatic hypotension.
● Caution patient to avoid concurrent use of
alcohol or other CNS depressants with this
● Advise patient to notify health care professional
if pregnancy is planned or suspected, or if breast

Vicodin Oral : Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Pictures, Warnings & Dosing. (n.d.). Retrieved June 16, 2020, from

Vicodin (Hydrocodone Bitartrate and Acetaminophen): Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Interactions, Warning. (2020, May 14). Retrieved June 16,
2020, from

Vicodin HP - FDA prescribing information, side effects and uses. (n.d.). Retrieved June 16, 2020, from

Vicodin, Lorcet (hydrocodone, acetaminophen) dosing, indications, interactions, adverse effects, and more. (2020, January 28). Retrieved June
16, 2020, from

Hydrocodone.1_3.pdf (2020) retrieved from:

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