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Baylor U. professor & M.D. Carol Baker: ‘Let’s just get rid of all the whi... about:reader?url=

Baylor U. professor & M.D. Carol

Baker: ‘Let’s just get rid of all the
whites in the United States’
Posted on

6-7 minutes

On May 9, 2016, in Atlanta, Georgia, the National Meningitis

Association ( hosted a panel discussion,
“Achieving Childhood Vaccine Success in the U.S.,” before its
“Give Kids a Shot” Gala. The panel addressed a range of issues
including parents who opt out of childhood vaccine requirements,
physicians who stray from the recommended vaccine schedule,

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Baylor U. professor & M.D. Carol Baker: ‘Let’s just get rid of all the whi... about:reader?url=

and the role of the media in creating or removing barriers to


The panelists were (from left to right):

Paul Lee, M.D., Director of the International Adoption Program and

Pediatric Travel Center at Winthrop-University Hospital in Mineola,
New York (moderator).

Carol J. Baker, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics, Molecular Virology

and Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas.

Dorit Rubinstein Reiss, PhD., Professor of Law, University of

California, Berkeley’s Hastings College of Law. Reiss favors legal
liabilities for parents who opt for non-vaccination, and is noted for
her support of California Senate Bill 277, which reduced
exemptions to vaccination requirements for enrollment in California
schools and daycare centers.

Arthur Caplan, PhD., Professor of Medical Ethics at NYU Langone

Medical Center.

William Schaffner, M.D., Professor of Preventive Medicine and

Infectious Diseases, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

Alison Singer, President of Autism Science Foundation.

Paul Offit, M.D., Director of the Vaccine Education Center at the

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Baylor U. professor & M.D. Carol Baker: ‘Let’s just get rid of all the whi... about:reader?url=

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Beginning at the 53:35 mark in the video below, Dr. and Professor
Carol J. Baker speaks, with surprising inarticulateness and
incoherence for a professor who should be used to public
speaking — sentences and thoughts begin, then trail off to
something else entirely. (Dorit Rubinstein Reiss is an even worse
speaker — furtive, incoherent, inarticulate — and she’s a full
professor of law at UC Berkeley!) At the 53:58 mark, Dr. Baker

“The fight, the battle is being fought — one family, one physician,
one health center. That’s why we’re doing as well as we are.
We’re talking about the minority [of vaccine refusers], and
strategies against the minority. So I have the solution: Every study
published in the last five years, you look at vaccine refusers, I’m
not talking about people we can talk them into coming to terms,
but refusers. (54:28 mark) Let’s just get rid of all the whites in
the United States, because Houston is the most diverse city in
the entire United States. There are seven Asian languages spoken
in that city. I’ve been in the [racial] minority for more than 20 years

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Baylor U. professor & M.D. Carol Baker: ‘Let’s just get rid of all the whi... about:reader?url=

in the city of Houston. The majority of them are what we all

‘Hispanics’ — it’s not a race or an ethnicity, it’s a political
designation. A lot of them are from Central or South America,
Mexico. Guess who wants to get vaccinated the most in Houston?
Immigrants! It is the ‘well educated’ — in terms of pieces of
paper and the paper on the wall — [who are the vaccine
refusers], people that have been here for a long time, and it’s very
unfortunate and.
But I think we need not lose the big picture. The big picture is
there are physicians out there — family practitioners,
pediatricians, internists — talking one on one with either the older
child — I don’t know when a child stops being a child. For me, I
was 30, I wrote my mother and said ‘Hey, I’m a grown-up’. They’d
already given me an M.D. degree by then, so it’s a good thing I
was grown up.
I think that we need to do things as an articulate media-trained
group to encourage that conversation, and encourage our health
care system to value what vaccines do. Give people enough time
to talk to individual families. Most hesitant people, it’s absolutely
right, someone said it earlier, some families are having ‘pre-natal
visits’. That’s the time to talk about vaccines. This war is fought
one on one, with individual families. We need to support those
policies that give health care providers, nurses, I mean nurses are
really really important, they’re the ones who are probably giving
the shots, and if they’re not on board with accepting vaccines,
then do you think they’re gonna be supportive of you
recommending a vaccine? You have to have your whole [health
care] practice situation on board.”

Note from Eowyn, May 17, 2020: As the reader can see, the

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Baylor U. professor & M.D. Carol Baker: ‘Let’s just get rid of all the whi... about:reader?url=

video above can no longer be viewed because the Immunization

Action Coalition made it “private”. But I found another video,
thanks to YouTuber Tallest Skil. Skil says “All records regarding
this panel, and all references to Dr. Carol Baker, have been
scrubbed from the National Meningitis Association’s website, as

“Let’s just get rid of the whites in the United States” – Carol J.
Baker, M.D. & Professor.

But not one person — on the panel or in the audience —

challenged or asked Dr. Baker what she meant by that.

Instead, beginning at the 1:03:06 mark, a fat blonde woman in

salmon pink, who identifies herself as a public health nurse in New
Jersey who audits immunization and works with pediatrics,
suggests that medical insurance companies deny coverage for
children whose parents refuse vaccines. The woman says:

“My question is legally, would it be possible to go to the insurance

companies that cover vaccines, if a parent refuses to have
vaccines, would they be willing to not cover the medical care for a

At some time, while we were sleeping, the United States was

taken over by insane tyrants.

See also:

New study finds link between child vaccination and autism


It’s not paranoia: Maker of DTaP vaccine admits it causes autism

Physicians say aborted human fetal cells used for measles

vaccine may cause autism

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Baylor U. professor & M.D. Carol Baker: ‘Let’s just get rid of all the whi... about:reader?url=

HPV vaccines have infertility side-effects

CDC admits millions of Americans given cancer virus via

polio vaccine,

Aborted human fetal cells in your food, vaccines, and cosmetics

Why are our babies getting hepatitis B vaccination?

Some thoughts on the globalist agenda, vaccines and population



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