Good Life

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Good Life

1. According to the old man, why have they chosen not to use electricity? Is his
reason still apparent/applicable today in the society/community with other forms of
modern technology?

● According to the old man in the film, they have opted not to use electricity
because “people get used to convenience” and think that what is convenient is
“better”. Thus, “they throw out what is good”. The old man further explains that
these technologies go against the natural order of things. For example, when
asked about the need for electrical lights at night, he answers “Why should the
night be bright as day? I wouldn’t like nights so bright you couldn’t see the stars.”.
He further contends that “people today have forgotten that they are really just
partof nature. They destroy nature on which our lives depend.”.

2. Based on the film, is Science and Technology really necessary to attain the
“good life”? Do you agree? Why or Why not?

● I disagree if based on the film, it is because while technology has provided us

with convenience, it has caused a disconnect between us and the Earth. As if
we are something separate from it. This planet has been on a relentless cycle of
creation and destruction ever since man was formed out of it. We came out of
the Earth whether you believe it’s though the dust of the ground. Science and
technology has been nice to us so far. The ability to contact anyone within three
seconds of thinking about it, relaxing in the bed under the glow of the TV, and
walking to a big box in the kitchen and pulling out a cold drink are all great
creature comforts. While the modernization of human life has seemingly made
things easier it has also caused distractions and taken away one necessity that
many people overlook, peace of mind. Peace of mind in the sense that you quiet
your mind, let you thoughts go, and become aware of the miraculousness
occurring constantly around you. Too many become wrapped up in modern
gadgets and neglect this necessity of the human soul. The good life is something
everybody has to work for if they want to attain it. It does not come without effort.
The cost of the good life are all the trade-offs and sacrifices we give up by
making choices for the greater good. It is giving up the things that make us feel
secure and that make living life feel easier. It involves choices that will allow us to
learn how to understand the world and form a closer relationship with the natural
world. Moreover, It involves choices to take risk as well as action in order pave
way to the good life.

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