Eumind Report. School Life: JNIS 2020-2021

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Education has evolved greatly
over time. Technology is just one
of the many factors influencing
that change. But is there more or
less pressure now then there was
say two generations ago? How
have subjects changed? How has
the attitude towards school
changed over the years? These
are some of the questions that
were asked by the students in
group 2 in interviews they
conducted of their grandparents,
parents and even themselves.
Each answer detailed how school
has changed over time?






KRRISH YES MOTHER --------------

RIANNA YES MOTHER+F --------------

PRISHA Both my grandparents lived together in a joint
family with about 6 to 8 people under one roof.
My mother experienced a transition from a joint
My grandmother's mother was a housewife
family to a nuclear family with about five people
whereas her father was a government officer.
living together. Her mother is a homemaker while her
My grandfather’s parents were a housewife and
father is a businessman. She spent her childhood in
a businessman individually. They spent their
Bombay, or now called as ‘Mumbai’. She remembers
childhood in Punjab. My grandmother recalls
the Kargil War which was one of the most brutal was
the cleaning of the Golden Temple. Not
between India and Pakistan. In her opinion, the
ordinary day to day cleaning, the lower parts of
students have a lot of pressure now due to increased
the temples are also opened. This happens once
competition and more choices. She feels that the
in 50 years and is a once in a lifetime
school system has become more holistic and does not
experience. My grandfather talks about a war
only look at academics but also considers the physical
that he witnessed, in which people came
education and emotional satisfaction of the
together to secure each other as a group and stir
understudy. She considers the subject changes by
the soul of brotherhood. They both share their
saying that each subject has its own branches now,
thoughts and beliefs that students have more
which allows the student to specialize in his or her
pressure nowadays since there are more options
career field. The days have become longer as new
and choices. In their opinion, there have been a
concepts such as day-care for toddlers have been
lot of changes over of the foremost
introduced. She believes that the teachers have become
viable and imminent changes is digitalization.
more approachable and the relationship has improved
In terms of subjects, they feel that the choices
however in addition to that they also need to have
have broadened and with globalization indeed a
knowledge out of the books in order to answer the
nation has presented numerous unused
inquisitive minds of the students nowadays. She stands
languages. They stand together saying that
by the fact that we working criteria and responsibilities
there is not much of a distinction in time
of the school have evolved. It is not just contained to
schedules. However, now the students opt for a
interaction among students of the same school and
lot of extracurricular activities and classes.
rather has opened its doors to schools all around the
They feel that prior, there was hesitation and
world. A lot of exchange programs are held and open
fear whereas to talking to the teachers in any
discussions take place to encourage fun-learning to
case presently, they have also experienced, in
make sessions more interactive.
general an alter within the schools state of

Prisha’s Grandparent’s interview

I live in a nuclear family with 4 members. My
mother is a qualified teacher however at the
moment she has chosen to be a home-maker
while my father is an entrepreneur. I have
always lived in Mumbai. I believe that I am
undergoing a historical event right now called
the coronavirus pandemic. This will always be
one of the worst pandemics the world has ever
seen. I truly stand by my opinion that there is
nothing like 'pressure', It is our mindset.
However, the competition level has affected
the way students react to a particular situation.
Prisha’s interview
The school system has become flexible, more
knowledgeable and interactive. Of course, during the coronavirus pandemic, it has shown its new
online face in which we still have the education running without any physical interaction. There are more
subjects now, especially new languages and curriculums as the world has come closer than ever before. I think
the days are almost of the same timing. However now since a lot of people have varied interests, they take a lot
of extra curricular classes. I think the teachers have learnt how to adapt to the constant changes in the system
and therefore have a lot more practical knowledge. All in all, the school has become more open minded and is
not just the place where a student goes to study anymore. Instead it is a place where we go to interact, make
new friends and have lots of fun!

Prisha’s Mother’s interview GRANDPARENTS-


I interviewed my mother Dr.Samera Gupta who is an She adds that the time schedules have also
occupational therapist. She lived in a house of 6 in considerably changed which is mainly due to the
South Mumbai but eventually shifted to Juhu and added pressure as students have to put in many
attended Jamnabai Narsee School from the 8th Grade. more hours into working than the times she was
Her father was a businessman and her mother was a studying in. She says that the teachers have also
fashion designer. She thinks that the pressure now has had to change and adapt to the new systems by
dramatically changed over the past decades, far more reading and studying much more than they had to
than she was a child, she also added that when she in the generation before ours.
was in school they barely had any board choices as She mentions that the students now are
compared to all the Indian and international appreciating school much more as everyone now
curriculums that we are privileged to have as of this understands the importance of education and
generation but these new curriculums have also had a universities and they know that the only way to
large extent of pressure onto the students.According get into a good university is by performing well
to her, the school systems have changed to a massive in school and she also adds how the teachers are
extent as they have had to adapt largely to the new majorly helping the students in performing well
systems of international learning, and also due to the in extra curricular activities
pandemic, the adaptation has taken place even more
drastically. She says that the subjects that are offered
to us now are much more than the fixed subject
patterns that they had, we now have multiple
languages and subject choice unlike them who did not
have many options.She adds that the time schedules
have also considerably changed which is mainly due
to the added pressure as students have to put in many
more hours into working than the times she was
studying in. She says that the teachers have also had
to change and adapt to the new systems by reading
and studying much more than they had to in the
generation before ours. Krrish’s Mother’s interview

These are the subjects chosen

by students in the year 2000.
Computer science was 20%,
medicine was 22%, law 15%
and business 30%
According to me, the school system in the last The time schedules have become more vast but
decade has changed to a large extent. A decade for me, it was bound to happen as everyone
ago we usually did everything on paper and had knows, as you grow your time schedules change
to write down everything including notes given drastically and become much more narrow. The
by our teachers in school whereas now with teachers have converted from good to great as I
advancements in technology, communication have grown I’ve realized that the teachers have
has become much easier where we do not have made us understand their subjects much better by
to get back to school to submit our homework comparing them to real-life instances and also
and do not have to be at school to check our giving examples of real-life experiences which
papers mark and even check our papers as makes it easier to understand and relate to. My
they're just mailed to us. The subjects have also appreciation for school has had an immense
become more receptive where before we just change from going to try to act sick so I couldn’t
had to study what's in our portion and nothing go to school to now trying to act normal when I’m
else but now in subjects such as global sick so I don’t miss out on anything in school.
perspective and global politics where we get to
study about what is going on around the world
and what crisis’ we’re facing.

This graph shows the usage of technology between this

generation and the previous one. The previous

generation was 15% and the current is 95%.
I live in a house with 4 other people and 2 pets in
RIANNA Mumbai. My mother is a homemaker and my father
My mother lived in a house with 4 other works in mergers and acquisitions. I believe school
people in Mumbai. Her mother worked as a now is more advanced not only in regards to
secretary in an architectural firm and her father technology but also subject wise and curriculum
was an entrepreneur. According to her school wise. There are different curriculums which teach in
was rigid and mostly focused on academics different innovative ways allowing a student to pick
and not as much on extracurriculars. the one that best suits their needs. Languages from all
curriculum was much simpler and the subjects over the world are taught and learning goes way
were theoretical but the teachers tried to make past textbook knowledge and into more detail of
it interesting for the students. Of course, each subject in an objective way making classes
technology then was not as advanced as it is more interactive. There are many extracurriculars as
now and most learning was done using the school now is not just academic based. Students
textbooks. There was a lot of pressure on are given options to explore different fields and
students to get good grades and complete showcase their talents on many platforms.
homework assignments etc. students spent Technology allows a more advanced and easy
more time outdoors than students today. My learning, earlier assignments had to be submitted in
father lived in a house with 5 other people in person now communication between teachers and
Mumbai. His mother was in government students is just a click away making submissions a
service and his father worked in finance and lot easier. Teachers and students interact more and
accounts. According to him school now is it’s not just the teachers teaching students now it
more tailored to each student’s need than it works both ways. Leadership roles and
was back then where school was more decision-making roles and teamwork have
generalized. Subjects were less developed allowing students to learn leadership and
objective-based and the teachers’ relationships teamwork by actively leading. Pressure has reduced
with students weren’t as friendly as it is now. but competitiveness has increased, bringing out the
School back then was more dreary and best in students ensuring development.
pressurizing than it is now. Technology back
then was minimal as compared to now where it
is extremely advanced. There weren’t many
opportunities provided by schools for students
to showcase their talent. Only the local
languages were taught and the subjects were
simple and basic.
Rianna’s Father’s interview:

Rianna’s mother’s interview


My grandmother age 72 years had very different My father age of 45 didn’t have a very
answers and views than my father and myself. different range of answers than what I had.
She had 12-14 people staying at home and her However, they did differ in certain aspects.
mother was a housewife and her father an He lived with 4 people in one house. My
engineer. She explained that most of the parents grandmother, his mother was also a
had the profession at that time. Her hometown housewife and his father was a
was Amehbad. They lived in a huge huge businessman with his own company. He
bungalow, most of the houses were designed in was born in Ahemdabad but brought up
that way during those times she said. The event here in Mumbai, where we are still living.
that made her smile and was surely historic was The historic event is something that to date
when Jawaharlal Nehru visited her town. She is known to the new generation, the Babri
spoke about how he was so passionate about masjid incident. My father described it as
meeting everyone. In regards to school life, she an incident that changed Indian politics
feels that students are expected to know and do forever, and till today is a controversy. You
a lot more today and it adds a lot more pressure. can’t say that it impressed my father, but it
The competition had widely increased as well. definitely left an impact. For school life,
The systems of school have changed for the my father is an ex-student of Jamnabai,
better and so have the additions to subjects and therefore he relates more to the school
appreciation of school. She feels now students systems and ways
have friendlier relations with teachers than they
did before.

Aarya’s grandmother’s interview

I'm Aarya, 14 years old. I live with 6 For me, the school system has stayed the same,
people and stay in Mumbai. My father apart from the shift I made from ICSE to
is a businessman in the corporate world IGCSE. I have learned many new subjects such
and my mother is a production as business, Gp, economics, and studied history
designer. As for a historical event, we and Hindi in a very different way. My
are currently living through one, appreciation of school and teachers has
COVID 19. Regarding school life, yes increased massively, these past 6 months as
there is a workload, but we as people COVID made us all realize what a huge part of
add extra pressure. The school wishes school was. Hats off to our teachers who have
the best for us, students, it is the developed such personalized feelings for each
competition in today’s day and age that one of their students and managed to deliver the
makes students nervous and makes us same teaching online.
doubt ourselves. That is what makes us

Aarya’s interview

These are the

subjects chosen by

students in 1990.
Computer science
was 30%, medicine
was 25%,law was
15% and business
was 30%
My mother feels that the schools’ are
My grandfather believes that in his generation extremely encouraging and are more
they had never even thought of the idea of participative now and now the teacher is
doing school from home and he thinks that, one of the biggest roles in the student’s
that is one of the biggest ways the schools life. School now really encourages
have changed. He feels that school is always extracurricular activities such as sports,
appreciating the students and the schools are singing, dancing and etc. Mom: She
always encouraging them. He also thinks that believes that there are many more
school can extract some of the students’ opportunities now, as they have
deepest talents and gives them a stage for it. international boards such as IGCSE and
He feels that the era has completely changed IB. Mom: she feels that back when they
back when he was in school and he thinks that were in school they had fewer subjects
digitalization is the biggest difference and has and lesser options and she feels that
made a huge impact on the students. today’s world is much more competitive
than before, which is good for today’s

I think that the current global pandemic

going on in the world is one of the
biggest historical events in the history
of the planet. I feel that the pressure on
the students has decreased as students
have a lot more options for fields and
subjects than before.

Manas‘s grandfather’s interview

This shows the attitude difference

towards school between generations.
Parents was 25% and current is 75%


“Learn as much as you can while you are young, since life
becomes too busy later.” – Dana Stewart Scott

This is a timeline depicting the invention and

development of school over time.

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