Gmail - Free Chegg Answer From TechLaCarte

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1/23/2021 Gmail - Free Chegg Answer from TechLaCarte

EZ Syafiq <>

Free Chegg Answer from TechLaCarte

Learning Hub <> Sat, Jan 23, 2021 at 3:07 AM
To: "" <>

Welcome to the family of TechLaCarte, Recently you've asked for Unblur this Chegg Question on our website:

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Please write a program in matlab. Please prompt the user for inputs. Thank you!

Expert Answer… 1/3
1/23/2021 Gmail - Free Chegg Answer from TechLaCarte

Matlab code is given below:

% This code calculates the Magnitude of resultant of forces and

% distance at which resultant acts
clear all;
n = input('Enter the number of forces acting on the beam: ');
i = 1;
while i<=n
F(i) = input('\nEnter magnitude of force with sign convention: ');
L(i) = input('\nEnter the distance of force from left hand side support: ');
i = i+1;
resultant =0; x = 0;
j = 1;
while j <= n
resultant = resultant + F(j); % Resulant of forces
x = (x + F(j)*L(j)); % Product of force and distance from Left hand side
j = j+1;
xc = x/resultant; % Defining distance to point C
fprintf('\nResultant of forces is:%0.2f \n',resultant)

fprintf('\nDistnace of forces from left hand side is:%0.2f \n',xc)

Output of the above code is as given below:

>> Resultant_of_force
Enter the number of forces acting on the beam: 3

Enter magnitude of force with sign convention: 150.5

Enter the distance of force from left hand side support: 10

Enter magnitude of force with sign convention: 200

Enter the distance of force from left hand side support: 12

Enter magnitude of force with sign convention: 198

Enter the distance of force from left hand side support: 15

Resultant of forces is:548.50

Distnace of forces from left hand side is:12.53


Screenshot of the code is as given below:… 2/3
1/23/2021 Gmail - Free Chegg Answer from TechLaCarte

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