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Digestion and Absorption of Lipids (25.1)

25.1 What percent of dietary lipids are triacylglycerols?
25.3 What effect do salivary enzymes have on triacylglycerols?
25.7 What function does bile serve in lipid digestion?
Triacylglycerol Storage and Mobilization (25.2)
25.13 What is the distinctive structural feature of adipocytes?
25.15 What is triacylglycerol mobilization?
25.17 What role does cAMP play in triacylglycerol mobilization?
Glycerol Metabolism (25.3)
25.19 In which step of glycerol metabolism does each of the following events occur?
a. ATP is consumed.
b. A phosphorylation reaction occurs.
c. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate is produced.
d. Glycerol kinase is active.
25.21 How many ATP molecules are expended in the conversion of glycerol to a glycolysis
25.22 What are the two fates of glycerol after it has been converted to a glycolysis
Oxidation of Fatty Acids (25.4)
25.29 Explain what functional group change occur, during one turn of the B-oxidation pathway
in a.) Step 1 b.) Step 2 c.) Step 3
25.31 What is the configuration of the unsaturated enonyl CoA formed by dehydrogenation
during a turn of the B-oxidation pathway?
25.37 How many turns of B-oxidation pathway would be needed to degrade each of the
following fatty acids to acetyl CoA? a.) 16:0 fatty acid b.) 10:0 fatty acid
ATP Production from Fatty Acid Oxidation (25.5)
25.41 Identify major fuel for skeletal muscle in a.) active state b.) resting state
25.47 Which yield more FADH2, saturated or unsaturated fatty acids? Explain.
25.49 Compare the energy released when 1 g od carbohydrate and 1 g of lipid are completely
degraded in the body.
Ketone Bodies
25.51 What three body conditions are conducive to ketone body formation?
25.53 What is the relationship between oxaloacetate concentration and ketone body formation?
25.65 What is ketosis?
Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids (25.7)
25.67 Compare the intercellular locations where fatty acid biosynthesis and fatty acid
degradation take place.
25.69 Coenzyme A plays an important role in fatty acid degradation. What is its counterpart in
fatty acid biosynthesis, and how does its structure differ from that of coenzyme A?
25.81 What role does molecular oxygen, O2, play in fatty acid biosynthesis?
Relationships Between Lipogenesis and Citric Acid Cycle Intermediates (25.8)
25.85 What is the citric acid cycle diacid intermediate counterpart for each of the following
lipogenesis C4 – ACP monoacid intermediates?
a.) Butyrate b.) Acetoacetate
c.) B-Hydroxybutyrate d.) Crotonate
25.87 Identify each of the following C4 species as a (1) hydroxyl acid, (2) keto acid, (3)
saturated acid, or (4) unsaturataed acid.
a.) Crotonate b.) Oxaloacetate
c.) Acetoacetate d.) Malate
25.88 Identify each of the following C4 species as a monocarboxylic acid or dicarboxylic acid.
a.) Succinate b.) Butyrate
c.) B-Hydroxybutyrate d.) Fumarate
Biosynthesis of Cholesterol (25.9)
25.89 Approximately what percent of the total amount of cholesterol in your body is derived
from the following? a.) Your diet b.) Biosynthesis
20.90 What is the starting material for the biosynthesis of cholesterol?
25.91 In each of the following pairs of intermediate in the biosynthetic pathway for cholesterol,
specify which one is encountered first in the pathway.
a.) mevalonate and squalene
b.) isopentenyl pyrophosphate and lanosterol
c.) lanosterol and squalene
Relationships Between Lipid and Carbohydrate Metabolism (25.10)
25.95 Name three types of compounds for which acetyl CoA, the primary link between lipid
and carbohydrate metabolism, is the following;
a.) Biosynthetic starting material
b.) Degradation product
25.96 Name four possible fates for the acetyl CoA produced through degradation of
carbohydrate and lipid dietary sources.

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