Capps-Amy-Hw410-Unit 9-Final Project

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Stress: Critical Issues in Management and Prevention

Unit 9 Final Project

Amy Capps

HW410: Stress: Critical Issues in Management and Prevention

August 30, 2020


Stress Management and Prevention Program

We all face challenging and stressful situations or events every day. These stressors

can be from our personal life or workplace. Stress can be defined as “The experience of a

perceived threat (real or imagined) to one’s mental, physical, or spiritual well-being, resulting

from a series of physiological responses and adaptations (Seaward, 2018).” Stress plays a

critical role in our health and well-being, especially anyone that battles with chronic illness

such as fibromyalgia. “Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread

musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues (Mayo Clinic,

2017).” Researchers have suggested that fibromyalgia may be a nervous system disorder, but

more research is needed. People that suffer with fibromyalgia experience pain or other stimuli

more intensely than those that do not have the disorder. Because of this, fibromyalgia patients

are more susceptible to the effects of stress since our bodies are almost always in a constant

state of fight or flight. There is no known specific cause although there are theories that

suggest a triggering event such as physical, psychological, or emotional trauma, or even

infection may be a contributing factor. No cure is available at this time, however there are

treatments available such as medications to manage or control symptoms. Self-care is another

suggested line of treatment. Self-care includes exercise, nutrition therapy, and stress-reduction


I posted the question “What specific stressors affect you and how?” to both of my

support groups for people with fibromyalgia. The response I received was overwhelming. The

number one stressor I identified among my fellow fibromyalgia sufferers was fear. We are

often burdened with the fear of the unknown. The unknown of what the day will bring. Will

we have a flare up, too much pain, will we be able to complete basic tasks such as bathing,

brushing teeth, washing dishes, cooking dinner for our family, take our children to the park or

play with them? We often wake up each morning not knowing how we will feel throughout

the day. Most of us with fibromyalgia can experience up to 200 different symptoms and have

comorbidities as well. Other stressors I was able to identify include but are not limited to

financial struggles, crowds, unsupportive spouse/partner, inability to work, lack of sleep,

world issues (COVID-19), new or different symptoms, upcoming doctor visits, lack of

understanding and support from family, friends and the community.

These stressors are important to consider for patients with fibromyalgia because they

directly affect our daily living and ability to function. We are often consumed by these

struggles that affect our memory and cognitive function, physical abilities, and relationships.

Stress can be anything that we perceive to be a threat to our daily life. Stress can cause many

health issues such as digestive problems, insomnia, headaches, irritability, and others. “ Over

time, continued strain on your body from stress may contribute to serious health problems, such

as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other illnesses, including mental disorders

such as depression or anxiety (National Institute of Mental Health, n.d.).” Because of the health

consequences associated with stress, it is vitally important for patients with fibromyalgia to

identify their own specific stressors and participate in a stress reduction program.

Stress management and mindfulness techniques can be a valuable tool for fibromyalgia

patients. Implementing these techniques can help patients recognize and learn ways to better

cope with their specific stressors. Yoga is a great way for anyone to stay active while also

learning to relax, especially those with fibromyalgia. There are many forms of yoga, some that

are physically demanding and some that are less so. For patients with fibromyalgia though, the

less physically demanding yoga, such as mindful lying yoga, would be of great benefit. Other

types of yoga are available with modifications for those patients with physical limitations. Yoga

will help keep the body active and moving while also promoting relaxation. “Not only is yoga an

excellent way to bring mindfulness to the body in movement, it’s also a rejuvenating practice

that offers many health benefits, such as keeping aging bones, joints, muscles, nerves, and organs

healthy, supple, and flexible (Stahl & Goldstein, 2019).” Practicing mindful yoga can help one

bring awareness to their body physically, and emotionally so that we can recognize and

understand what is happening within us leading us to find solutions.

Another great technique that patients with fibromyalgia can use is body scan/progressive

meditation. “The body scan meditation is a deep investigation into the moment-to-moment

experiences of the body and mind (Stahl & Goldstein, 2019).” Practicing this form of meditation

can help bring awareness to the parts of your body that hold the most tension, stress, and pain.

This will also bring awareness to our thoughts and emotions regarding our physical ailments.

Once we bring awareness to these issues, we can then learn how our stress and anxiety affects

our physical body. We can then focus on learning how to release these pains and tensions.

A third technique that can be used is the practice of S.T.O.P. This is an acronym that

stands for Stop, Take a breath, Observe, Proceed. “By taking a moment to stop, take a breath,

and observe whatever is happening, including your own thoughts, emotions, and sensations, you

can reconnect with your experience and then proceed and respond more effectively (Stahl &

Goldstein, 2019).” This practice can be done at anytime or anywhere when we feel anxious,

overwhelmed, or stressed. It gives us a moment of brief reflection on the immediate stressors we


are facing and provides us an opportunity to acknowledge it and move forward with our day.

This also provides us the opportunity to recognize how we are feeling in the moment so that we

may release any of those feelings or thoughts.

To implement this program, I would first identify anyone that is willing to participate on

a meaningful level within my support groups. If one does not want to find better ways to cope

with or manage stress, then they are less likely to fully immerse themselves in the program. To

do this I would try to spend some one-on-one time with potential candidates to gage their sense

of needs and commitment. From there I would then give them some infographics on stress, the

effects of stress on health, stress effects on patients with fibromyalgia, and the benefits of

mindfulness. We will discuss at length and in-depth the information provided to ensure they

understand. I would then show them the 3 practices or techniques I believe to be of most benefit

to them: mindful yoga, body scan/ progressive meditation, and STOP. We will discuss at length

the importance of each practice and the benefits of each.

Some of the obstacles I may face when implementing this program could include lack of

commitment from participants, denial that they may need help, unwillingness to practice one or

more of the activities, and excuses for not participating. The only way that I see to overcome

these obstacles would be education, support, and encouragement to at least give it a try. The first

step is to admit you need help followed by implementation of a program suitable to your needs.

If I can give them the support and encouragement they need and education on the benefits while

giving them real-life results from my own experiences, then they may be more apt to participate.

One health professional that could support this program would be first and foremost a

mental health expert such as a counselor specifically trained in mindfulness techniques. They are

the most qualified professional I have found that has the necessary skills to support the

implementation of this program and its participants. They are knowledgeable in the effects of

stress on the body and one’s mental health and can provide useful insight to the benefits of

practicing mindfulness. Another health professional that could help support this program would

be the participant’s own primary health care provider. This health care provider knows the

patient’s health history best and can help monitor the participant’s health status as they follow

the program.

To measure the success of the program, several follow-ups will be needed. These follow-

ups will be performed every 4-6 weeks for the first 3 months, then every 3 months up to one year

with once yearly follow-ups thereafter as deemed necessary. The participants will be interviewed

at specified times to gage their involvement and the resulting effects of the program. This will

provide an opportunity to make any necessary changes on an individual basis to help participants

receive the most benefit from the program.

Stress can have many detrimental effects on our physical, psychological, emotional, and

social health. Patients with fibromyalgia already are burdened with many of these effects even

without added stress. External and internal stressors exacerbate the many symptoms associated

with fibromyalgia. For this reason, it is extraordinarily important for those of us with

fibromyalgia to participate in programs that are aimed at reducing and managing stress.

Mindfulness has been shown to do this by bringing awareness to our stressors and teaching us

how to improve our coping skills. Even those without any chronic health condition can benefit

from a stress reduction and management program by giving them the necessary coping skills

needed to succeed in all avenues of life. Introducing mindfulness techniques into our day can

help us optimize the limited amount of time we have on this earth. We will be able to lead more

meaningful and healthier lives while giving us an overall positive impact on our experiences. All

of this leads us to improving our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.



Mayo Clinic. (2017, August 11). Fibromyalgia. Retrieved from

National Institute of Mental Health. (n.d.). 5 Things You Should Know About Stress. Retrieved from

Seaward, B. (2018). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being (9th

ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Stahl, B., & Goldstein, E. (2019). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook (2nd ed.).

New Harbinger Publications.

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