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Name of the disease – Celiacs disease By – Narendra Nath


What is the disease? - The disease in simple words can be defined as intolerance of a
protein named gliadin which is gluten in wheat products. This can interfere in the child’s
digestion and absorption of essential nutrients needed for development.

How do children get the disease? – The disease occurs due to genetics (how specify) and
exposure to a trigger as I said earlier. There are antibodies in our body that when the gluten
enters the intestine our own body attacks and destroys the cells also called as villi of the
intestine. As a result, the absorption property of the intestines is lost. If a family member
has the disease the chances of the baby having the disease increases.
At what age usually it starts?
What are the symptoms of the disease? – The most common symptom to look out for is
diarrhoea. The child also complains of bloating and stomach ache. If these symptoms aren’t
caught in time there will be weight loss. These common symptoms will only arise when the
child eats gluten in his food. Since they lose a lot of nutrients, your kid could get tired easily.
Some other symptoms could be weakened bones. All these symptoms are due to
deficiencies of fat soluble vitamins such as A,D,E and K. Sometimes the child might start
having an itchy rash which could leave on its own or with the help on an steroid oinment.
Atypical (latent) forms also exist.
Will child need tests? – does any member any your family as such suffer from celiac
disease? If so I would like to conduct some tests (if no no tests?). Make sure your child eats
his regular diet and get him to me for testing. It is important to not give him gluten free diet
as this could affect his testing. Your child must be tested if he has the following symptoms
underweight for age , Diarrhoea lasting for more than a week, recurrent abdominal pain and
if he has anemia. Your child could be placed in a high risk group if he has a family member
with celiac disease, and if someone has IgA deficiency. The first step used is blood test. This
test can reveal whether there are antibodies to tissue transglutaminase. In children with
celiacs the values will usually be pretty high. Now to confirm the diagnosis a biopsy of the
small intestine must be involved. This test involves swallowing a small flexible tube called an
endoscope, which has a camera at the end. A paediatric gastroenterologist performs this
test while the child is sedated. The biopsy is not painful.

How is the disease treated? – The treatment for the disease can be initiated at home itself.
The only method to do so is to eat gluten free products. If the child is underweight it is
better to start him with vitamin and essential nutrients supplements. The gluten free diet
must be followed for life. Even if he takes a small amount of gluten he can cause recurrence
of the disease. Always read the label oh whatever food product you buy. Avoid foods
containing wheat rye or barley. Include fresh fruits and vegetables, meats , poultry, nuts,
oils and sugar. After starting a gluten free diet you can monitor your child’s progress. He’ll
be more active than usual and will start to feel better.
No grains are allowed?
When to call the ambulance? – When you notice your child being weak without any reason.
Also keep a check on his weight by using weight balance. If he loses weight rapidly always be
ready to call the ambulance.
This question is not very relevant to this disease

Is there anything parents can do to make the child feel better before a doctors visit? -
Parents always give support to their child. You can ensure that gluten free diet becomes a
part of the entire family to elevate the satisfaction of the child. The childs school can be
warned of his condition. It’s the little changes that helps to keep the child healthy and happy
on the long run.

Can disease be prevented? – The disease in general cannot be prevented but the symptoms
of the disease can be controlled if you follow the above mentioned guidelines.

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