Test-2 - Capacitor + Work + Current

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1) A network of four capacitors of capacitances equal to C 1 =C, C2 =2C, C3 =3C, and C4

=4C, are connected to a battery as shown in the figure. The ratio of the charges on C 2
and C4 is
3 7 22 4
a) b) c) d)
22 4 3 7
2) four identical capacitors are connected as shown in the diagram. When a battery of 6
V is connected between A and B, the charge stored is found to be 1.5 µC. The value of C is
a) 0.1 µF b) 15 µF c) 1.5 µF d) 1 µF

3) Five capacitors, each of capacitance C, are connected as shown in the figure. The ratio of
the capacitance between P and R, and the capacitance between P and Q is a) 3 : 1
b) 5 : 2 c) 2 : 3 d) 1 : 1
4) Two capacitors C1 and C2 are charged to potentials V1 and V2, respectively, and then connected in parallel. There will
C1 C
 2
V1 V2
be no flow of energy if a) C1V1= C2V2 b) V1= V2 c) C1= C2 d)
5) Two condensers, one of capacity C and the other of capacity C/2, are connected to a
V-volt battery, as shown. The work done in charging fully both the condensers is
1 3
a) CV 2 b) CV 2
4 4
c) CV 2 d ) 2CV 2

6) A parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates has a capacitance of 9 pF. The separation between its plates

is d. The space between the plates is now filled with two dielectrics. One of the dielectrics has dielectric constant

k1=3 and thickness d/3 while the other one has dielectric constant k2=6 and thickness 2d/3. Capacitance of the

capacitor is now a) 20.25 pF b) 1.8 pF c) 45 pF d) 40.5 pF

7) In the given circuit, the potential difference across the 7𝛍F capacitor is 6 V. The change

on the 3 𝛍F capacitor is

a) 42 V b) 28 V c) 21 V d) 14 V

8) In Q.7, the potential difference across the 3.9 𝛍F capacitor is

a) 5 V b) 10 V c) 15 V d) 20 V

9) In Q.7, the potential difference across the 12 𝛍F capacitor is

a) 5 V b) 7.5 V c) 10 V d) 15 V

10) In Q. 7, the emf of the battery is

a) 15 V b) 30 V c) 20 V d) 40 V

11) The distance between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is 0.05 m. An electric field of 3 × 104 V/m is

established between the plates. It is then disconnected from the battery and an uncharged metal plate of thickness

0.01 m is inserted into the capacitor parallel to the plates. The potential difference between the plates before the

insertion of the metal plate is a) 1000 V b) 1200 V c) 750 V d) 1500 V

12) In Q. 81, the potential difference between the plates after the insertion of the metal plate is

a) 600 V b) 1000 V c) 1200 V d) 900 V

13) In Q. 81, If instead of metal plate, a dielectric plate of the same thickness and dielectric constant 2 is introduced,

then the p.d., between the capacitor pates will be

a) 1350 V b) 675 V c) 1200 V d) 900 V

14) Two metallic spheres of radii 1 cm and 3 cm, separated by a large distance, are given charges of -1 ×10-2 C and

5×10-2 C, respectively. If these are connected by a conducting wire, the final charge on the bigger spheres is

a) 1×10-2 C b) 2 ×10-2 C c) 3×10-2 C d) 4×10-2 C

15) A spherical drop of capacitance 1𝛍F is broken into eight drops of equal radius. Then the capacitance of each small

drop is

a) (1/2) 𝛍F b) (1/4) 𝛍F c) (1/8) 𝛍F d) 8 𝛍F

16) A parallel plate capacitor with air as dielectric has capacitance C. A slab of

dielectric constant K and having the same thickness as the separation between the plates, is introduced so as to fill

one-fourth of the capacitor as shown in the figure. The new capacitance will be

a) (K+2) C/4 b) (K+3) C/4 c) (K+1) C/4 d) KC/4

17) The equivalent capacitance between A and B for the combination of

capacitors shown in the figure is

a) 2 𝛍F b) 3 𝛍F c) 4𝛍F d) 6 𝛍F

18) A hollow metallic sphere of radius R is given a charge Q. Then the potential at the centre will be
1 Q 1 2Q 1 Q
a) zero b) c) d)
4 0 R 4 0 R 4 0 2 R

19) A, B, and C are three points in a uniform electric field. The electric potential is

a) maximum at A b) maximum at B c) maximum at C

d) same at all the three points A, B, and C

20) Two thin dielectric slabs of dielectric

constants K1 and K2 (K1 < K2) are

inserted between plates of a parallel plate

capacitor, as shown in the figure. The variation of electric field E between the plates with distance d as measured

from plate P is correctly shown by:

21) A parallel plate air capacitor of capacitance C is connected to a cell of emf V and then disconnected from it. A

dielectric slab of dielectric constant K, which can just fill the air gap of the capacitor, is now inserted in it. which of

the following is incorrect? a) the energy stored in the capacitor decreases K times
1  1 
CV 2   1
2 K 
b) the change in energy stored is c) the charge on the capacitor is not conserved

d) the potential difference between the plates decreases K times

22) Effective capacitance between A and B in the figure shown is (all
capacitances are in µF)
a) 23 µF b) 21 µF
14 3
c) F d) F
3 14

23) A resistance of 2 Ω is connected across one gap of a metre-bridge (the length of the wire is 100 cm) and an unknown
resistance, greater than 2 Ω, is connected across the other gap. When these resistances are interchanged, the balance
point shifts by 20 cm. Neglecting any corrections, the unknown resistance is
a) 3 Ω b) 4 Ω c) 5 Ω d) 6 Ω
24) The resistance of an ammeter is 13 Ω and its scale is graduated for a current upto 100 amp. After an additional shunt
has been connected to this ammeter, it becomes possible to measure currents upto 750 amperes by this meter. The
value of shunt-resistance is
a) 2 Ω b) 0.2 Ω c) 2 kΩ d) 20 Ω
25) A 5 V battery with internal resistance 2 Ω and a 2 V battery with internal resistance 1 Ω
are connected to a 10 Ω resistor as shown in the figure. The current in the 10 Ω resistor is
a) 0.27 A, P1 to P2 b) 0.27 A, P2 to P1 c) 0.03 A, P1 to P d) 0.03 A, P2 to P1
26) In the circuit shown, the cells A and B have negligible resistance. For V A = 12 V, R1 = 500 Ω
and R = 100 Ω. The galvanometer (G) shows no deflection. The value of V B is
a) 12 V b) 6 V c) 4 V d) 2 V
27) Which of the following has negative temperature coefficient of resistance?
a) Copper b) Aluminium c) Germanium d) Iron
28) A potentiometer circuit has been set up for finding the internal resistance of a given cell.
The main battery, used across the potentiometer wire, has an emf of 2.0 V and a negligible internal resistance. The
potentiometer wire itself is 4 m long. When the resistance R, connected across the given cell, has values of
i) infinity (ii) 9.5 Ω, the ‘balancing lengths’ on the potentiometer wire are found to be 3 m and 2.85 m, respectively. The
value of internal resistance of the cell is a) 0.25 Ω b) 0.5 Ω c) 0.75 Ω d) 0.95 Ω
29) A, B and C are voltmeters of resistance R, 1.5R and 3R respectively as shown in the figure.
When some potential difference is applied between X and Y, the voltmeter readings are V A, VB
and VC respectively.
a) VA ≠ VB ≠ VC b) VA ≠ VB = VC a) VA = VB ≠ VC a) VA = VB = VC
30) A galvanometer has a resistance of 100 Ω. A potential difference of 100 mV between its terminals gives a full scale
deflection. The shunt resistance required to convert it into an ammeter reading upto 5A is
a) 0.01 Ω b) 0.02 Ω c) 0.03 Ω d) 0.04 Ω
31) A galvanometer of resistance 50Ω is connected to a battery of 3 V along with a resistance of 2950 Ω in series. A full
scale deflection of 30 divisions is obtained in the galvanometer. In order to reduce this deflection to 20 divisions, the
resistance in series should be a) 4450 Ω b) 5050 Ω c) 5550 Ω d) 6050 Ω
32) A cell can be balanced against 100 cm and 110 cm of potentiometer wire, respectively, with and without being
short-circuited through a resistance of 10 Ω. Its internal resistance is
a) 0.5 Ω b) 1.0 Ω c) 2.0 Ω d) zero
33) A galvanometer having a resistance of 8 Ω is shunted by a wire of resistance 2 Ω. If the total current is 1 A, the part
of it passing through the shunt will be a) 0.2 A b) 0.25 A c) 0.5 A d) 0.8 A
34) A galvanometer coil has a resistance of 15 Ω and gives full scale deflection for a current of 4 mA. To convert it to an
ammeter of range 0 to 6 A,
a) 10 mΩ resistance is to be connected in parallel to the galvanometer
b) 10 mΩ resistance is to be connected in series with the galvanometer
c) 0.1 Ω resistance is to be connected in parallel to the galvanometer
d) 0.1 Ω resistance is to be connected in series with the galvanometer
35) The resistances of the four arms P, Q, R and S in a Wheatstone’s bridge are 10 Ω, 30 Ω, and 90 Ω, respectively. The
emf and internal resistance of the cell are 7V and 5 Ω, respectively. If the galvanometer resistance is 50 Ω, the current
drawn from the cell will be a) 0.1 A b) 0.2 A c) 1.0 A d) 2.0 A

36) Three 10  , 2 W resistors are connected as in Fig. The maximum possible voltage between points A and B without exceeding
the power dissipation limits of any of the resistor is

(a) 5 3V (b) 3 5V (c) 15 V (d) 3

37) A torch bulb rated 4.5 W, 1.5 V is connected as shown in Fig. the emf of the cell need to make the bulb glow at full intensity is

(a) 4.5 V (b) 1.5 V (c) 2.67 V (d) 13.5 V

38) A heater is designed to operate with a power of 1000 W on a line of 100 V. It is connected in combination with resistance of 10
 and a resistance R to line of 100 V. The value of R so that the entire circuit operates with a power of 625 W is

(a) 5  (b) 10  (c) 15  (d) 20 

39) The main supply voltage to a room is 120 V. The resistance of the lead wires is 6  . A 60 W bulb is already giving light. What
is the decrease in voltage across the bulb when a 240 W heater is switched on?

(a) no change (b) 10 V (c) 20 V (d) more than 10 V

40) Figure shows a network of three resistances. When some potential difference is applied across the network, thermal powers
dissipated by a, B, and C are in the ratio

(a) 2 : 3 : 4 (b) 2 : 4 : 3 (c) 4 : 2 : 3 (d) 3 : 2 : 4

41) Resistors P, Q and R in the circuit have equal resistances. If the battery is supplying a total power of 12 W, what is the power
dissipated as heat in resistor R?
(a) 2 W (b) 6 W (c) 3 W (d) 8 W

Ans. a

42) A uniform chain of length L and mass M is lying on a smooth table and one third of its length is hanging vertically
down over the edge of the table. If g is acceleration due to gravity, work required to pull the hanging part on to the
a ) MgL b) c) d)
table is 3 9 18

42) The blades of a windmill sweep out a circle of area A. If the wind flows at a velocity ѵ perpendicular to the circle,
then the mass of the air of density 𝛒 passing through it in time t is

a) Aν𝛒t b) 2Aν𝛒t 2
c) Aν 𝛒t d) 2 Aν𝛒t

43) In the question number 25, the kinetic energy of the air is

1 1 1
a) d) 2 Aν𝛒t d) 2 Aν2𝛒t d) 2 Aν3𝛒t d) 2Aν3𝛒t

44) A block of mass 10 kg is moving in x-direction with a constant speed of 10 m s -1. It is subjected to a retarding
force Fr = -0.1x j m-1 during its travel from x = 20 m to x = 30 m. Its final kinetic energy will be

a) 250 J b) 275 J c) 450 J d) 475 J

2ˆ ˆ
45) A variable force, given by the 2-dimensional vector F  (3x i  4 j ), acts on a particle. The force is in newton
energy of the particle as it moves from the point with coordinates (2, 3) to (3, 0)? (The coordinates are in metres.)
a) -7 J b) zero c) +7 J d) +19 J

46) Identify the false statement from the following.

a) Work-energy theorem is not independent of Newton’s second law.

b) Work-energy theorem holds in all inertial frames.

c) Work done by friction over a closed path is zero

d) Work done is a scalar quantity.

V 
47) A particle in a certain conservative force field has a potential energy given by z . The force exerted on is

 20 y  ˆ  20 x  ˆ  20 xy  ˆ  20 y  ˆ  20 x  ˆ  20 xy  ˆ
a)  i    j  2 k b)   i    j  2 k
 z   z   z   z   z   z 
 20 y  ˆ  20 x  ˆ  20 xy  ˆ  20 y  ˆ  20 x  ˆ  20 xy  ˆ
c)   i    j  2 k d)  i    j  2 k
 z   z   z   z   z   z 

48) A particle of mass m is moving in a horizontal circle of radius r, under a centripetal force equal to – (k/r 2) where
k is constant. The total energy of the particle is

k k k 2k
a)  b)  c) d)
r 2r 2r r
49) A bullet of mass m moving horizontally with a velocity ν strikes a block of wood of mass M and gets embedded in
the block. The block is suspended from the ceiling by a massless string. The height to which block rises
2 2 2 2
v2  m  v2  M  m  v2  m  v2  M 
a)   b)   c)   d)  
2g  M  m  2g  m  2g  M  2g  m 

50) The bob of a pendulum is released is released from a horizontal position. If the length of pendulum is 2 m, what is
the speed with which the bob arrives at the lower most point. Assume that 10% of its energy is dissipated against air
resistance. (Take g = 10 m s-2)

a) 4 m s-1 b) 6 m s-1 c) 8 m s-1 d) 10 m s-1

51) A pump on the ground floor of a building can pump up water to fill a tank of volume 30 m3 in 15 min. If the tank
pump is 30%, how much electric power is consumed by the pump?

(Take g = 10 m s-2) a) 36.5 kW b) 4404 kW c) 52.5 kW d) 60.5 KW

52) A potential energy of a system increases if work is done

a) by the system against a conservative force b) by the system against a nonconservative force
c) upon the system by a conservative force d) upon the system by a nonconservative force
53) A motor is used to deliver water at a certain rate through a given horizontal pipe. To deliver n times the water
through the same pipe in the same time, the power of the motor must be increased
a) n times b) n2 times c) n3 times d) n4 times
54) Water falls from a height of 60 m at the rate of 15 kg/s. to operate a turbine. The losses due to frictional forces
are 10% of energy. How much power is generated by the turbine? (Take g = 10 m/s 2)
a) 7.9 kW b) 8.1 kW c) 10.2 kW d) 12.3 kW
55) A cyclist rides up a hill at a constant velocity. Determine the power developed by the cyclist if the length of the
connecting rod of the pedal is r = 25 cm, the time of revolution of the rod is t= 2 s and the mean force exerted by his
foot on the pedal is F = 15 kg.
ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ
56) A uniform force of (3i  j ) N acts on a particle of mass 2 kg. Hence the particle is displaced from position (2i  k ) m
ˆ ˆ ˆ
to position (4i  3 j  k ) m. The work done by the force on the particle is
a) 9 J b) 6 J c) 13 J d) 15 J
57) A particle of mass 50 kg is at rest. The work done to acceleration it by 20 m/s in 10 s is
a) 103 J b) 104 J c) 2×103 J d) 4×104 J
58) A car of mass m starts from rest and accelerations so that the instantaneous power delivered to the car has a
constant magnitude P0. The instantaneous velocity of this car is proportional to
a ) p0t / m b) p0 t / m c ) p0t 2 / m d) m / p0t
59) A machine gun fires 240 bullets per minute. If the mass of each bullet is 10 g and the velocity of the bullets is 600
m/s, the power ( in kW) of the gun is
a) 43200 b) 432 c) 72 d) 7.2
60) Two similar springs P and Q have spring constants KP and KQ, such that KP > KQ. They are stretched, first by the
same amount (case a), then by the same force (case b). The work done by the springs W P and WQ are related as, in
case (a) and case (b), respectively:
a) WP = WQ ; WP < WQ b) WP > WQ ; WQ > WP c) WP < WQ ; WQ < WP d) WP = WQ ; WP > WQ
61) A block of mass 10 kg, moving in x direction with a constant speed of 10 m/s, is subject to a retarding force F=
0.1x J/m during its travel from x = 20 m to 30 m. Its final KE will be:
a) 475 J b) 450 J c) 275 J d) 250 J
62) A particle of mass m is driven by a machine that delivers a constant power k watts. If the particle starts from rest,
the force on the particle at time t is
mk 1/2 1
a) t b) mk t 1/2 c) 2mk t 1/ 2 d) mk t 1/2
2 2
63) A ball is thrown vertically downwards from a height of 20 m with an initial velocity v 0. It collies with the ground,
loses 50 percent of its energy in collision and rebounds to the same height. The initial velocity v 0 is (Take g= 10 m s2)
a) 10 m s-1 b) 14 m s-1 c) 20 m s-1 d) 28 m s-1
64) The heart of a man pumps 5 litres of blood through the arteries per minute at a pressure of 150 mm of mercury.
If the density of mercury by 13.6 × 103 kg/m2 and g= 10 m/s2, then the power of heart in watt is
a) 1.50 b) 1.70 c) 2.35 d) 3.0

65) A child is swinging a swing. Minimum and maximum height of the swing from earth’s surface are 0.75 m and 2 m,
respectively. The maximum velocity of this swing is
a) 5 m/s b) 10 m/s c) 15 m/s d) 20 m/s

1 A 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 B 6 D 7 A 8 D 9 C 10 B
11 D 12 C 13 A 14 C 15 A 16 B 17 D 18 B 19 B 20 B
21 C 22 C 23 A
24 A 25 D 26 D 27 C 28 B 29 D 30 B 31 A 32 B 33 D
34 A 35 B 36 b 37 d 38 c 39 d 40 c 41 a
42 d 42 A 43 C 44 D 45 C 46 C 47 B 48 B 49 A 50 B
51 B

52 a 53 c 54 b 55 c 56 a 57 b 58 b 59 d 60 b
61 a 62 a 63 c 64 b 65 a

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