Demystifying Suberin: Minireview / Minisynthèse

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Demystifying suberin
Mark A. Bernards

Abstract: Suberin is a term used to define a specific cell wall component that occurs, for example, in phellem (cork)
endodermal and exodermal cells and is characterized by the deposition of both poly(phenolic) and poly(aliphatic) do-
mains. Historically, the poly(phenolic) domain has been likened to lignin, and while there is an element of truth to this
comparison, recent evidence supports an alternative view in which the poly(phenolic) domain contains a significant
amount of nonlignin precursors (principally hydroxycinnamic acids and their derivatives) that are covalently linked to
each other in a manner analogous to the monolignols in lignin. Similarly, the conceptual model in which the
poly(aliphatic) domain of suberized tissues is represented as a random network of polyesterified, modified fatty acids
and alcohols has been replaced with one comprising a three-dimensional, glycerol-bridged network. Taken together, a
new model for suberin is emerging in which a hydroxycinnamic acid – monolignol poly(phenolic) domain, embedded
in the primary cell wall, is covalently linked to a glycerol-based poly(aliphatic) domain located between the primary
cell wall and the plasma membrane. The structural and biochemical evidence supporting this new suberin paradigm are
examined in this minireview, along with the presentation of a new structural model encompassing a current view of the
structure of suberin.

Key words: suberin, lignin, hydroxycinnamic acid, monolignol, poly(aliphatic) domain, poly(phenolic) domain, glycerol

Résumé : Le terme subérine définit une composante pariétale cellulaire spécifique qu’on retrouve, par exemple, au ni-
veau du suber (écorce) et des cellules endodermales et exodermales; elle se caractérise par la déposition à la fois de
substances des domaines poly(phénolique) et poly(aliphatique), pour un tissus donné. Historiquement, le domaine
poly(phénolique) a été assimilé à la lignine et, bien qu’il y ait un élément de vérité dans cette comparaison, une preuve
récente supporte une interprétation alternative selon laquelle le domaine poly(phénolique) contient une quantité signifi-
cative de précurseurs sans affinité avec la lignine (principalement des acides hydrocinnamiques et leurs dérivés) qui
sont liés par covalence les uns aux autres de manière analogue aux monolignols de la lignine. De même, le modèle
conceptuel selon lequel le domaine poly(aliphatique) des tissus subérifiés est représenté comme un réseau aléatoire
d’acides gras modifiés et d’alcools polyestérifiés, a été remplacé par un modèle comportant un réseau tridimensionnel
lié par le glycérol. Pris dans son ensemble, un modèle nouveau est en émergence pour la subérine selon lequel un do-
maine poly(phénolique) basé sur l’acide hydrocinnamique – monolignol, enrobé dans la paroi cellulaire primaire, est lié
par covalence à un domaine poly(aliphatique) basé sur le glycérol et localisé entre la parois cellulaire primaire et la
plasmalemme. Dans cette minisynthèse, l’auteur examinent les preuves structurales et biochimiques supportant ce nou-
veau paradigme pour la subérine, et présente un nouveau modèle structural englobant une perception courante de ce
que pourrait être la structure de la subérine.

Mots clés : subérine, lignine, acide hydroxycinnamique, monolignol, domaine poly(aliphatique), domaine poly(phénolique),
polyester de glycérol.

[Traduit par la Rédaction] Bernards 240

Received 18 September 2001. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on 15 March 2002.
Abbreviations: 4-CL, 4-coumaroyl-CoA ligase; CCR, hydroxycinnamnoyl-CoA oxidoreductase; CoA, coenzyme A; DFRC, derivatization
followed by reductive cleavage; DHAP, dihydroxyacetone-3-phosphate; HHT, hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:ω-hydroxypalmitic acid
O-hydroxycinnamoyltransferase; NBO, alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance; SPAD, suberin poly(aliphatic)
domain; SPPD, suberin poly(phenolic) domain; TEM, transmission electron microscopy; THT, hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:tyramine
hydroxycinnamoyltransferase; TMS, trimethylsilyl; VLC, very long chain; VLCFA, very long chain fatty acids.
M.A. Bernards. Department of Plant Sciences, University of Western Ontario, London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada

Can. J. Bot. 80: 227–240 (2002) DOI: 10.1139/B02-017 © 2002 NRC Canada

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228 Can. J. Bot. Vol. 80, 2002

Introduction over the use of the term suberin to describe the structural
and molecular entity that defines the walls of cells that are
Suberin deposited in cells is characterized by the presence “suberized”. For example, several groups have recently writ-
of both a poly(aliphatic) domain, typically appearing as al- ten that cells from the cork layer of trees (i.e., the quintes-
ternating bands of light and dark staining material between sential suberized tissue) are composed of three main
the cell wall and plasma membrane in TEM photomicro- structural components: suberin, lignin, and carbohydrates
graphs, and a poly(phenolic) domain in the cell wall. (Marques et al. 1994, 1999; Neto et al. 1996; Conde et al.
Suberized cells are found in underground plant parts (e.g., 1998). The implication is that the poly(phenolic) domain in
epidermis, endodermis, exodermis, root phellem, and tuber these tissues is a lignin and is therefore not a component of
phellem) as well as in bundle sheath cells and the phellem suberin. This conclusion is further supported by the many
(cork) of aboveground tissues of woody species that undergo instances in the literature where the term suberin is loosely
secondary thickening (Esau 1977). Historically, the aliphatic used to describe only the aliphatic domain and its associated
domain has been described as a three-dimensional polyester “suberin phenolics” (i.e., esterified hydroxycinnamates)
network of α,ω-dioic acids, ω-hydroxy acids, very long chain (Holloway 1982; Marques et al. 1994, 1999; Graça and
fatty acids (VLCFAs), mid-chain-oxidized fatty acids Pereira 1997, 1998, 2000c; Conde et al. 1998; Zeier and
(Fig. 1) and esterified hydroxycinnamic acids (Fig. 2) (e.g., Schreiber 1997, 1998; Lopes et al. 2000a, 2000c). Indeed,
Kolattukudy 1980, 1984; Cottle and Kolattukudy 1982; Hol- saponification, which readily cleaves the ester linkages of
loway 1983; Graça and Pereira 1997). The phenolic domain, the poly(aliphatic) domain, but not the more robust ether and
on the other hand, has been likened to lignin (Kolattukudy C–C linkages of the poly(phenolic) domain, is considered to
1980, 1984; Pereira 1988; Marques et al. 1994, 1999; Neto “desuberize” suberized tissues (e.g., Gil et al. 1997). Simi-
et al. 1996; Conde et al. 1998), which is a three-dimensional larly, lipid-soluble dyes (e.g., Sudan III–IV) that partition into
polymeric network derived from the monolignols (p- the lipid components of suberin, yet have no affinity for its
coumaryl, coniferyl and sinapyl alcohols; Fig. 2). While this poly(phenolic) domain, are used to detect suberin
view remains essentially correct, emerging evidence sup- histochemically (e.g., Trockenbrodt 1994; Nunes et al. 1999).
ports the notion that glycerol is a major component of the If we accept the notion that suberized tissues contain both
aliphatic domain (Schmutz et al. 1993, 1994, 1996; Graça poly(aliphatic) and poly(phenolic) domains, (and that the lat-
and Pereira 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000a, 2000b; Moire et al. ter is not a lignin), then the term suberin must be used judi-
1999) and that the phenolic precursors to the poly(phenolic) ciously and specifically in reference to a macromolecule
domain are represented by a significant amount of containing both. Consequently, different terms must be used
hydroxycinnamic acids and their derivatives (especially in reference to either domain when they are considered sepa-
ferulic acid and feruloyltyramine; Fig. 2) in addition to rately from suberin as a whole. For example, the
monolignols (Bernards et al. 1995, 1999, 2001; Negrel et al. poly(aliphatic) domain should be referred to as the suberin
1996; Schreiber 1996; Schreiber et al. 1999; Zeier and poly(aliphatic) domain or SPAD, while recognizing that
Schreiber 1997, 1998; Zeier et al. 1999). Both lines of evi- there are nonpolymerized aliphatic (i.e., wax) components
dence suggest that it is time to re-evaluate our concepts of associated with it. Similarly, the suberin poly(phenolic) do-
the biosynthesis and macromolecular structure of the cell main can be abbreviated SPPD. These terms are used
wall modifier we term “suberin”. throughout this minireview.
In this minireview, recent literature describing both the
aliphatic and phenolic domains of suberized tissues are high-
lighted in terms of their chemical composition, physiological Chemical composition
roles, and biosynthesis. With respect to the latter, a scheme
is presented to put the biosynthetic reactions of suberization Both the SPAD and the SPPD have their own unique chem-
in a global metabolic perspective, as well as highlight some ical composition and exist as distinct entities within suberized
of the obvious gaps in our knowledge. A tentative new struc- cells (reviewed in Bernards and Lewis 1998). They do, how-
tural model is presented in which recent chemical composi- ever, appear to be covalently linked together (Stark and
tion data and conceptual ideas are taken into account. Recent Garbow 1992; Neto et al. 1996; Gil et al. 1997; Lopes et al.
reviews on the phenolic domain of suberized tissues, 2000a, 2000b), presumably at the inner surface of the cell
(Bernards and Lewis 1998), suberin and cutin (Kolattukudy wall. While the structure of each domain is discussed in
2001), and lignin (Lewis et al. 1999) have been published, greater detail in a later section, the following describes their
and the reader is urged to consult these to gain a more com- monomeric or precursor composition. It is important to keep
plete understanding of the current status of these major cell in mind that the majority of the chemical composition data
wall modifications and the issues that define our understand- collected to date has come from the chromatographic analysis
ing of them. of fragments isolated from suberized cell wall preparations af-
ter degradative procedures. Consequently, our ability to recon-
struct the original molecular domains is only as reliable as the
The suberin enigma: What’s in a name? techniques used to degrade them.
Recently, Graça and Pereira (2000c) wrote a statement
that epitomizes the suberin enigma: “What is and what The poly(aliphatic) domain (SPAD)
should be called suberin remains an open question.” That is, The SPAD of suberized tissues is assembled from a series
while it is recognized that suberized cells contain both of specific, and in some cases unique, aliphatic components
poly(aliphatic) and poly(phenolic) domains, even the most (Fig. 1). Estimates based on the analysis of cork tissue from
cursory reading of the literature reveals apparent confusion Quercus suber suggest the SPPD accounts for up to 40–50%
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Bernards 229

Fig. 1. Aliphatic precursors of suberized tissues.

OH 1-Alkanols,
Saturated series, 16:0 to 32:0

- Alkanoic Acids,
Saturated series, 16:0 to 28:0

- ω-Hydroxyalkanoic Acids,
Saturated series, 16:0 to 24:0 and 18:1

- - α,ω-Alkandioic Acids,
Saturated series, 16:0 to 24:0 and 18:1

- 9(10),ω-Dihydroxyalkanoic Acid,
HO COO Predominantly 18:0

COO 9,10-Dihydroxyalkanoic Acid,
16:0, 18:0

HO COO 9,10,18-Trihydroxyalkanoic Acid,
Predominantly 18:0
- -
OOC COO 9,10-Dihydroxy-α,ω-Alkandioic Acids,
Predominantly 18:0

- 9,10-Epoxy-ω-Hydroxyalkanoic Acid
HO COO Predominantly 18:0

- - 9,10-Epoxy-α,ω-Alkandioic Acids,
OOC COO Predominantly 18:0

O O Ferulates,
Homologous Series with C-16 to C-30
1-alkanols, including C-17, C-19 and C-21


Fig. 2. Phenolic precursors of suberized tissues.



R2 R1 R2 R1 R1

R1=R2=H, p-Coumaric Acid R1=R2=H, p-Coumaryl Alcohol R1=H, p-Coumaroyltyramine

R1=OH, R2=H, Caffeic Acid R1=OCH3, R2=H, Coniferyl Alcohol R1=OCH3, Feruloyltyramine
R1=OCH3, R2=H, Ferulic Acid R1=R2=OCH3, Sinapyl Alcohol
R1=R2=OCH3, Sinapic Acid

of the dry weight of suberized cell walls (Marques et al. detailed analysis. Herein, a general overview is provided in
1994; Graça and Pereira 1997). There are several compre- which the common components are described.
hensive papers in which the aliphatic composition of The main aliphatic structural components of the SPAD are
suberins from a wide variety of plant species are described illustrated in Fig. 1, including 1-alkanols (trace amounts to
(e.g., Holloway 1983; Matzke and Riederer 1991; Graça and 11% of monomers), ω-hydroxyalkanoic acids (13–61% of
Pereira 1997) and to which the reader is referred for a more monomers), α,ω-dioic acids (2–33% of monomers), mid-
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230 Can. J. Bot. Vol. 80, 2002

chain epoxide- and di- and tri-hydroxy-substituted With the advent of newer, more selective lignin degrada-
octadecanoates (trace amounts to 58% of monomers), and tion techniques, such as thioacidolysis, which cleaves only
glycerol (10–26% of monomers) (Holloway 1983; Graça and 8-O-4′ ethers of monolignols (Lapierre et al. 1986; Monties
Pereira 1997). In addition, hydroxycinnamic acids (approx. 1989; Fig. 3), and their application to suberized tissues
1.5% of monomers) such as p-coumaric, caffeic, and espe- (Borg-Olivier and Monties 1989, 1993; Lapierre et al. 1996;
cially ferulic acids (Graça and Pereira 1997; Fig. 1), as well Schreiber 1996; Zeier and Schreiber 1997; Marques et al.
as ferulic acid esters of long-chain alcohols (Fig. 2), also 1999), a new picture of the SPPD began to emerge. For ex-
called ferulates (Adamovics et al. 1977; Chatterjee et al. ample, thioacidolitic analysis of suberized potato tissues
1977; Laver and Fang 1989; Baldé et al. 1991; Bernards and yielded approximately 10% of the monomers released from
Lewis 1992) have been identified in hydrolysates and ex- lignified tissues. Since thioacidolysis only yields between 20
tracts, respectively, from suberized tissues. According to and 40% of lignin monomers, this suggests that potato SPPD
Matzke and Riederer (1991), the α,ω-dioic acids represent contains much less “lignin” than lignified tissues. Compari-
aliphatics unique to suberized tissue, and can be used as di- sons between methylated and nonmethylated samples further
agnostic markers to differentiate between suberized and revealed that the monolignols in the SPPD are more highly
cutinized tissues. cross-linked than those in wood or wheat straw lignins
The principal analytical tools used to identify SPAD com- (Lapierre et al. 1996). Interestingly, careful analysis of the
ponents are (i) organic solvent extraction to isolate products revealed evidence for feruloyltyramine, which is a
unpolymerized wax components, (ii) hydrolysis (including hydroxycinnamoyl amide (Negrel et al. 1996). Moreover, no
BF3–MeOH transesterification, reduction with LiAlH4, and evidence for p-hydroxy-substituted phenolics was found
alkaline hydrolysis with NaOCH3 or NaOH) to isolate with thioacidolysis, despite the abundance of this mono-
esterified components, and (iii) subsequent gas chromatogra- substituted phenolic in NBO hydrolysates (Borg-Olivier and
phy of their TMS-, methyl-, or acetyl-derivatives. The yield Monties 1989). It is now known that a significant amount of
and spectrum of aliphatics is dependent on hydrolysis condi- the p-hydroxybenzaldehyde units released via NBO were de-
tions, with complete removal only achieved by very harsh rived from tyramine (Borg-Olivier and Monties 1993), pre-
treatment (Lopes et al. 2000a). With the use of these rela- sumably present as feruloyltyramine units in the SPPD
tively simple techniques, the composition of aliphatics and (Negrel et al. 1996). More recently, we have applied the rel-
waxes from suberized tissues is generally considered to be atively new derivatization followed by a reductive cleavage
completely known. However, as will be discussed below, (DFRC) technique developed by Lu and Ralph (1997;
there is still much to learn about their biosynthesis and Fig. 3) to suberized tissues. The DFRC technique results in
macromolecular assembly in vivo. In considering the struc- cleavage of both 7-O-4′ and 8-O-4′ aryl ethers within pheno-
tures shown in Fig. 1, it is important to keep in mind that the lic polymers (Fig. 3) with yields generally comparable to
proportion of the individual aliphatic components differs those of thioacidolysis. However, in our hands, only 5–6%
widely from species to species. For example, in potato of the amount of monolignols liberated from lignified tissues
(Solanum tuberosum) suberin, α,ω-dioic acids (33% of could be recovered (Razem and Bernards 2002) from
monomers) and ω-hydroxyalkanoic acids (32% of mono- suberized potato cell walls, again emphasizing the difference
mers) predominate in the SPAD, while epoxides and mid- between these two distinct phenolic polymers. NMR studies
chain hydroxylated fatty acids are present in only trace (Bernards et al. 1995), in which the metabolic fate of spe-
amounts. By contrast, epoxides (31% of monomers) and ω- cific carbon atoms in the phenylpropanoid side chain was
hydroxyalkanoic acids (41% of monomers) predominate in tracked using 1-[13C]-L-phe, 2-[13C]-L-phe, and 3-[13C]-L-
Q. suber (Holloway 1983). phe, demonstrated that hydroxycinnamic acids were major
components of the potato SPPD, and supported the conclu-
The suberin poly(phenolic) domain (SPPD) sion that they were covalently cross-linked via bonds other
The chemical composition of the SPPD has been a matter than esters. Detailed phenolic analyses of suberized tissues
of controversy for some time (Bernards and Lewis 1998). including potato (Razem and Bernards 2002), Clivia miniata
The first attempts to define the SPPD of suberized tissues re- (Zeier and Schreiber 1997), maize (Zea mays) (Schreiber et
lied on alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation (NBO), a degradative al. 1999; Zimmermann et al. 2000), and several other
technique that results in cleavage of phenylpropanoid side monocots and dicots (Zeier and Schreiber 1998), have now
chains and yields benzaldehyde, benzoate, and acetophenone been conducted. In general there is evidence supporting the
derivatives with aromatic substitution patterns representative hypothesis that suberized tissues contain a significant
of the phenylpropanoids in the intact tissue, but from which amount of hydroxycinnamic acids and a relatively smaller
the identity of the parent compound can be lost (Fig. 3). In amount of monolignols than expected for a lignified tissue.
other words, the presence of p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, The results of these analyses can be summarized as follows:
vanillin, and syringin in NBO hydrolysates can be equally as one moves from the stele to the epidermis of roots, there
indicative of hydroxycinnamic acids or monolignols (Bland is an increasing amount of hydroxycinnamic acid in the
and Logan 1965) or indeed other phenolics such as tyramine poly(phenolic) components of the cell walls, ranging from
(Borg-Olivier and Monties 1993), as all yield similar substi- essentially 100% monolignol in the stele (as expected for
tuted benzaldehydes upon hydrolysis. NBO was initially de- lignified walls of the vascular tissues) to a mixture of
veloped as an analytical tool to quantify lignins. When it monolignol and hydroxycinnamic acid in the epidermis. In
was then applied to suberized tissues, the presence of substi- other words, the phenolic monomer profiles for lignified and
tuted benzaldehydes in the hydrolysate was taken as evi- suberized tissues are different, and apparently tissue specific.
dence of lignin. These differences may reflect the different physiological

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Bernards 231

Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the common lignin degradation techniques. (a) Alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation (NBO),
(b) thioacidolysis, and (c) derivitization followed by reductive cleavage (DFRC). The lignin macromolecule is depicted by a monomer
cross-linked to other monomers (labeled “R”). R1 and R2 denote the –OCH3 substitution sites for the common monolignols (See
Fig. 2). The basic reaction conditions for each technique are indicated, along with the principle reaction products. Note that for the
NBO reaction, both monolignol and hydroxycinnamic acid units are indicated, since polymers derived from either precursor yield the
same products. Figure adapted from Lu and Ralph (1997), and Zeier and Schreiber (1998).

O Ary l O
170°C, 4 h + +

R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1


O Ary l EtS
Ary l O Thioacidolysis SEt
EtSH, BF3–Et 2O
dioxane, 100°C, 4 h + Dimers and trimers
R2 R1 R2 R1
1. AcBr
(c) 2. Zn
3. Ac 2O, pyridine


R2 R1 R2 R1

roles played by lignified and suberized tissues, as well as exodermis, and endodermis) are different from those that
their distinct cellular origin (see below). give rise to the lignified cells of the stele (e.g., Malamy and
Benfey 1997). Similarly, wounded plant tissue develops a
wound periderm (Borchert 1978; Rittinger et al. 1987;
Physiological role(s) Knobloch et al. 1989; Trockenbrodt 1994), and the files of
The physiological roles of suberin are evident from its an- cells that form to the outside ultimately become suberized.
atomical distribution and chemical composition. Suberized Thus, it can be concluded that the distinct chemical compo-
cells are found in tissues of underground plant parts (e.g., sition and physiological roles of suberized cell walls corre-
epidermis, exodermis, root phellem, tuber phellem) as well lates with their cellular origin.
as in the Casparian band (endodermis and exodermis), and The primary role of suberized cells appears to be one of
in the bundle sheath cells and the phellem (cork) of above- water retention. This conclusion is based on our knowledge
ground tissues of woody species that undergo secondary (i) that suberization involves the deposition of a significant
thickening (Esau 1977). Interestingly, suberization is nor- amount of waxes, the removal of which results in an in-
mally associated with cells that derive from a distinct cam- crease in water permeability (Soliday et al. 1979; Vogt et al.
bium (e.g., the phellogen in bark), or specific initials in the 1983; Gil et al. 2000), and (ii) that suberization occurs pri-
root meristem (e.g., Malamy and Benfey 1997). For exam- marily in epidermal tissues that do not form a cuticle (Esau
ple, the phellogen, or cork cambium, forms a continuous 1977; Matzke and Riederer 1991). In addition, suberization
tangential layer of rectangular, radially flattened cells out- of the endodermis and exodermis provides an apoplastic bar-
side of the phloem but usually inside the epidermis (Esau rier (i.e., Casparian band) to solute transport through the cell
1977). It is clearly distinct from the vascular cambium, walls (e.g., Peterson et al. 1993, 1999).
which gives rise to the cells of the secondary xylem and It has long been hypothesized that suberized cells act as
phloem. The cells that form in files outward from the preformed, as well as wound-induced, antimicrobial barriers
phellogen ultimately become suberized and form the (Kolattukudy 1980, 1984, 1987), and this is supported by re-
phellem, or cork, layer. By contrast, the cells that form in- cent evidence showing that Erwinia carotovora and
side the phellogen (i.e., the phelloderm) are living, Fusarium sambucinum infection is greatly enhanced when
unsuberized parenchyma cells. The root meristem initials suberization is inhibited (Lulai and Corsini 1998). Interest-
that ultimately give rise to suberized cells (e.g., epidermis, ingly, invasion by E. carotovora is prevented by the SPPD

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232 Can. J. Bot. Vol. 80, 2002

Fig. 4. General biosynthetic scheme for the precursors of the suberin poly(aliphatic) and poly(phenolic) domains. The biosynthetic
reactions leading to the lipid and phenylpropanoid precursors of the SPAD (and its associated waxes) and the SPPD are depicted,
starting with starch and sucrose (i.e., the two main sources of biosynthetically available carbon in plants). The layout represents a
composite of knowledge derived from a number of different plant species (principally potato and maize). Details regarding some of
the key reactions are described in the text. No attempt is made to place any pathways or reactions into their appropriate subcellular
compartments although clearly these boundaries exist within the cell. The enzymes indicated are as follows (enzyme names fol-
lowed by an * are hypothetical): 1, starch degrading enzymes; 2, hexokinase; 3, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; 4,
phosphogluconate dehydrogenase; 5, ribulose-5-phosphate isomerase; 6, ribulose-5-phosphate epimerase; 7, transketolase; 8, sucrose
synthase; 9, UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase; 10, glucose-6-phosphate isomerase; 11, phopshoglucose isomerase; 12, pyrophosphate
– fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphorylase; 13, aldolase; 14, triose phosphate isomerase; 15, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
dehydrogenase; 16, phosphoglycerate kinase; 17, phosphoglyceromutase; 18, enolase; 19, pyruvate kinase; 20, pyruvate
dehydrogenase; 21, acetyl-CoA carboxylase; 21a, malonyl-CoA:ACP transacylase; 22, β-ketoacyl-ACP synthetase III; 23, β-ketoacyl-
ACP reductase; 24, β-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase; 25, enoyl-ACP reductase; 26, β-ketoacyl-ACP synthetase I, II; 27, stearoyl-
ACP ∆9-desaturase; 28, β-ketoacyl-CoA synthase III; 29, β-ketoacyl-CoA reductase; 30, β-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase; 31, enoyl-
CoA reductase; 32, fatty acyl-ω-hydroxylase; 33, ω-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase; 34, ω-oxoacid dehydrogenase; 35, fatty acyl-9-
hydroxylase*; 36, 9(ω)-hydroxy fatty acyl-10-hydroxylase*; 37, 9(10)-hydroxy fatty acyl-ω-hydroxylase*; 38, 9,10,ω-trihydroxyacid
dehydrogenase*; 39, 9,10-dihydroxy-ω-oxoacid dehydrogenase*; 40, ω-hydroxyacid-9,10-epoxide synthase*; 41, 9,10-epoxy-ω-
hydroxyacid dehydrogenase*; 42, 9,10-epoxy-ω-oxoacid dehydrogenase*; 43, reductases*; 44, glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase;
45, hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:1-alkanol hydroxycinnamoyl transferase; 46, DAHP synthase; 47, dehydroquinate synthase; 48, 3-
dehydroquinate dehydratase; 49, 3-dehydroshikimate reductase; 50, shikimate kinase; 51, EPSP synthase; 52, chorismate synthase;
53, chorismate mutase; 54, prephenate aminotransferase; 55, arogenate dehydratase; 56, arogenate dehydrogenase; 57, tyrosine
decarboxylase; 58, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase; 59, cinnamate-4-hydroxylase; 60, 4-coumaroyl-CoA ligase; 61, p-coumaric
acid 3-hydroxylase; 62, caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase; 63, ferulic acid 5-hydroxylase; 64, p-coumaroyl-CoA-3-
hydroxylase; 65, caffeoyl-CoA-3-O-methyltransferase; 66, hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA-5-hydroxylase*; 67, cinnamoyl-CoA
oxidoreductase; 68, hydroxycinnamaldehyde hydroxylase*; 69, coniferyl alcohol dehydrogenase; 70, hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:tyramine
hydroxycinnamoyltransferase; 71, p-coumaroyltyramine-3-hydroxylase*; 72, caffeoyltyramine-O-methyltransferase*; 73,
hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA-7-hydroxylase*; 74, (7-hydroxy)-hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA reductase*; 75, thiolase*; 76, NAD(P)H-dependent
oxidase; 77, superoxide dismutase or spontaneous; 78, peroxidase; 84, glutamine synthase; 85, glutamine:2-oxoglutarate
aminotransferase. Reactions denoted by solid lines are known, while those denoted by broken lines are hypothetical or assumed.
Shaded boxes denote known precursors incorporated into the SPAD and SPPD. Adapted in part from Gang et al. (2001), and refer-
ences cited in the text.

while F. sambucinum infection is prevented by the SPAD. Aliphatics

Similarly, exodermal cells with suberin lamellae block the Close inspection of the monomer composition of the
ingress of Fusarium culmorum hyphae into roots of Zea SPAD (Fig. 1) reveals two basic classes of compounds:
mays and Asparagus officinalis (Kamula et al. 1995). shorter chain (principally C-18), highly oxidized fatty acids
and very long chain (e.g., C-24 to C-32) 1-alkanols, fatty ac-
ids, ω-hydroxy fatty acids and α,ω-dioic acids. Consequently,
Biosynthesis oxidation (including that of ω- and mid-chain carbons) and
chain elongation are two features of particular note in the
The biosynthesis of the monomers of the SPAD and the biosynthesis of suberin aliphatics.
SPPD has not yet been elucidated in full, and only sketchy
details are available. Most of the biochemical studies that Oxidation
have been conducted have used wound healing potato tubers Early work published by Kolattukudy’s group in the late
as a model system, while a few studies have also been car- 1970s elucidated the steps in α,ω-dioic acid biosynthesis
ried out using maize. A scheme for the overall biosynthesis (Agrawal and Kolattukudy 1977, 1978a, 1978b). Since then,
of the SPAD and SPPD precursors is depicted in Fig. 4, and little attention has been paid to the unique aspects of
represents a composite of what is known and hypothesized. aliphatic monomer biosynthesis during suberization, except
At the most basic level, both aliphatic and phenolic compo- for a series of papers (Pinot et al. 1992, 1993; Tijet et al.
nents are derived from the products of carbohydrate metabo- 1998) in which a Cyt P-450 from Vicia sativa, capable of the
lism, most notably pyruvate, phosphoenolpyruvate, and ω-hydroxylation of both fatty acids and their 9,10-epoxide
erythrose-4-phosphate. A clear point of divergence occurs and 9,10-hydroxylated derivatives are described. This work
where the fatty acid synthesis and shikimate pathways begin, was recently reviewed by Kolattukudy (2001). In summary,
with the former ultimately giving rise to the 16:0 and 18:0 Agrawal and Kolattukudy (1977, 1978a, 1978b) defined a
fatty acids that are the precursors to all of the aliphatics in pair of NADP-dependent dehydrogenases that work in series
suberized tissues and the latter yielding phenylalanine, the to first oxidize the ω-carbon of ω-hydroxyfatty acids to yield
precursor for nearly all phenylpropanoids. As outlined be- the corresponding ω-oxo-fatty acid, and then the ω-oxo-
low, key reactions appear to include fatty acid oxidation and carbon to a carboxylic acid (Fig. 4). While the description of
elongation as well as those that govern the metabolic fate of these two dehydrogenases relied on the availability of C-16
hydroxycinnamoyl-coenzyme A derivatives. and C-18 substrates, the presence of a wide range of α,ω-

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CO2 23
21a NADP+

ATP ADP NADP+ NADPH Acetyl-CoA Malonyl-CoA Malonyl-ACP

1 2 3 6-P-glucono- 21 23
Starch Glucose G6P γ-lactone β-Ketoacyl-ACP
CoASH Fatty Acid
Composite Default screen

ATP ADP + Pi 26
10 H 2O spontaneous Biosynthesis
UTP β-Hydroxyacyl-ACP
CO2 Acyl-ACP
G1P 6-P-gluconate

UDP H2O PP 9 NADP+ 25 24
i 4

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8 NAD+ NAD(P)+
NADPH trans-∆2-Enoyl-ACP
Sucrose UDP-Glc CoASH
H 2O
Fructose 5 6 35 36
18:0 9-OH-FA 9,10-diOH-FA Lipid Modification
R5P Xu5P
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2 37 37
S7P NAD+ ADP 9,ω-diOH-FA 9,10,ω-triOH-FA 9,10-epoxy-ω-OH-FA
Carbohydrate 15 16 17 CO2
18 18:1
Metabolism F6P GAP GBP 3PG 2PG PEP 28
14 O2 NADP+ ? 40
H 2O β-Ketoacyl-CoA 20:0 NADPH
NADPH 22:0
DHAP ω-OH-FA 18:1-ω-OH-FA 38 41
E4P Chain 26:0 NADP+ NADP+
12 Elongation 28:0
NADP+ 33
F6P FBP 30:0
β-Hydroxyacyl-CoA 32:0
30 ω-oxo-9,10-diOH-FA 9,10-epoxy- ω-oxo-FA
H 2O Pi NADH ω-oxo-FA
48 47
H 2O 43 O2 O2 O2
50 49 Enoyl-CoA NAD+ 34 39 42
1o Alcohols α,ω-dioic acids 9,10-diOH- α,ω-dioic acids 9,10-epoxy- α,ω-dioic acids
Shikimic Acid (predominantly 18:0) (predominantly 18:0)
52 NAD+ Poly(Aliphatic)
Pi Domain,
Chorismate VLCFA Waxes

85 54 45
2-OG CO2
56 57
Arogenate Tyrosine Tyramine
Gln Glu
71 72 Feruloyl- 78?
84 CO2 p-Coumaroyl- Caffeoyl-
tyramine Poly(Phenolic)
tyramine tyramine
Phenylalanine Benzoates Domain
* 78?
NH4+ CoASH AcetylCoA CoASH
58 70
70 75
CoASH † Hydroxycinnamoyl-
Ammonia 78 H 2O NADP+ NADPH
Cinnamate CoA’s
Recovery O2 NADH
74 77 76
NADPH H2O2 .- O2
73 O2
NADP+ O2 O2 Hydrogen Peroxide
NADP+ Generation
61 62
p-Coumaric Caffeic Ferulic 63 5-OH-Ferulic 62? Sinapic
Acid Acid Acid Acid Acid
Phenylpropanoid CoASH CoASH CoASH
Metabolism 60 60 60 60
O2 ADP, Pi O2
64 65 66 65?
p-Coumaroyl- Caffeoyl- Feruloyl- 5-OH-Feruloyl- Sinapoyl-
CoA † CoA CoA † CoA CoA †
67 67 67


68 62 68 62
p-Coumaryl- Caffeyl Conifer- 5-OH-Conifer- Sinap-
Aldehyde Aldehyde aldehyde aldehyde Aldehyde
69 69 69

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234 Can. J. Bot. Vol. 80, 2002

dioic acids in suberized tissues (ranging from 18:0 to 32:0, hydroxyhexadecanoic acid). It is presumed that the in vivo
including 18:1; Fig. 1) suggests that either they have a rela- substrates include a homologous series of long chain 1-
tively broad substrate specificity or there is a family of re- alcohols, matching those cleaved from ferulates isolated
lated monooxygenases differing in their substrate specificity from potato tubers (Bernards and Lewis 1992). The in-
vis-à-vis carbon-chain length or degree of oxidation. volvement of feruloyl-CoA in the biosynthesis is consistent
In addition to α,ω-dioic acid biosynthesis, some mid-chain with the strongly induced 4-CL activity in potato tubers af-
oxidation of SPAD aliphatic monomers (principally 18:0) ter wounding (Bernards et al. 2000).
also occurs (Fig. 4). Since the hydroxylated monomers are The incorporation of hydroxycinnamic acids into the
predominantly 9-hydroxy, 9,10- and 9,ω-dihydroxy, and SPAD is depicted via the CoA esters (Fig. 4), but there is no
9,10,ω-trihydroxyoctadecanoic acids, the logical sequence of supportive evidence for this. No experiments have been con-
hydroxylation begins at carbon 9, followed by hydroxylation ducted to elucidate this aspect of suberin biosynthesis, al-
at either carbon 10 or the ω-carbon. While all of these though it is abundantly clear that they are present as esters in
hydroxylated monomers are found in suberized tissues the mature macromolecule (Riley and Kolattukudy 1975;
(Fig. 1), 9,10,ω-trihydroxy fatty acids can also undergo fur- Cottle and Kolattukudy 1982; Borg-Olivier and Monties
ther reaction to yield 9,10-epoxy-ω-hydroxy fatty acids. 1993; Schreiber 1996; Zeier and Schreiber 1997; Bento et al.
Both the 9,10,ω-trihydroxy and 9,10-epoxy-ω-hydroxy fatty 1998; Schreiber et al. 1999; Graça and Pereira 2000c). It re-
acids can be further oxidized to yield the corresponding α,ω- mains to be seen whether there is, as of yet, an unidentified
dioic acids. It is important to emphasize that, with the excep- intermediate involved in the process.
tion of underivatized α,ω-dioic acids, the metabolic se-
quences for fatty acid oxidation outlined in Fig. 4 are
speculative, and are based on the logical arrangement of the Aromatics
aliphatic metabolites found in suberized tissues. A detailed In the context of macromolecular phenolic polymers in
analysis of the enzymes and other potential intermediates in- plants, the vast majority of research has focused on lignin
volved awaits future experimentation, although some have and the biosynthesis of monolignols, which are considered
been described in the context of cutin monomer biosynthesis their primary precursors. Recent advances in the
(reviewed in Kolattukudy 2001). biosynthesis of monolignols help shed light on what may be
happening in actively suberizing cells, which incorporate ad-
Chain elongation ditional precursors along with the three monolignols.
As noted above, suberin aliphatic biosynthesis appears to Readers are referred to the excellent recent review by Dixon
diverge at the level of the primary fatty acids, namely 16:0 et al. (2001), which summarizes the current status of our un-
and 18:0, with some undergoing chain elongation and others, derstanding of monolignol biosynthesis, and the implications
oxidation. Ultimately, some of the chain-elongated fatty ac- it has on how we envisage the flow of carbon through
ids also undergo oxidation reactions, but the site of oxida- phenylpropanoid metabolism.
tion appears to be restricted to the ω-carbon and the Until recently, phenylpropanoid metabolism has been rep-
formation of VLC α,ω-dioic acids. resented by a generalized metabolic grid in which all the
Chain elongation was initially demonstrated indirectly by hydroxylation, methylation, CoA-ligation and reduction re-
the incorporation of [14C]acetate into VLCFAs (Dean and actions leading to the three major monolignols from trans-
Kolattukudy 1977). More recently, chain elongation has cinnamic acid via the hydroxycinnamates and their CoA de-
been shown to occur via a microsomal malonyl-CoA de- rivatives occurred in any of a number of reaction sequences
pendent chain elongation pathway in maize (Schreiber et al. (e.g., Whetten and Sederoff 1995). There is growing evi-
2000). The elongation system preferred 18:0 and generated dence, based partly on in vitro substrate specificity studies
22:0 and 24:0 products. The ketoacyl-CoA synthase catalyz- of O-methyltransferases, and partly on the characterization
ing the first step in the elongation of 18:0 via malonyl-CoA of transgenic plants with modified expression of monolignol
has been cloned from maize (Schreiber et al. 2000) and is biosynthesis genes (see, for example, Guo et al. 2001; Ralph
currently under further investigation. et al. 2001), to support the notion that phenylpropane carbon
skeletons are channeled into syringyl alcohol biosynthesis as
Other SPAD monomers early as p-coumaroyl-CoA via its reduction to p-
In addition to the aliphatic monomers described above, coumaraldehyde. Subsequent hydroxylation and methylation
glycerol, ferulates, and esterified hydroxycinnamic acids are reactions then occur with the aldehydes as substrates (Dixon
also found as part of the SPAD of suberized tissues. While et al. 2001; Li et al. 1999, 2000; Osakabe et al. 1999). While
glycerol is a common metabolic intermediate, the scheme in the formation of coniferyl alcohol may still occur via the re-
Fig. 4 depicts its origin from dihydroxyacetone phosphate duction of feruloyl-CoA, the commitment step remains the
(DHAP) via glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. How this reduction of hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA esters via CCR. Thus
monomer is incorporated into the suberin macromolecule as in lignifying tissues, there is an early commitment of carbon
an ester of fatty acids and hydroxycinnamates remains un- into the biosynthesis of monolignols via CCR. In support of
known. this, it was recently shown that the activity of CCR induced
The biosynthesis of ferulates has been demonstrated in in lignifying Pinus taeda cells was considerably greater than
wound-induced potato tubers (Negrel et al. 1993; Lotfy et that in suberizing potato tubers (Bernards et al. 2000). This
al. 1994, 1995), and is catalyzed in vitro by a feruloyl- aspect of monolignol biosynthesis is highlighted in Fig. 4 in
CoA:ω-hydroxyhexadecanoic acid feruloyltransferase the distinct, divergent fates of hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA esters
(based on the only available, readily soluble substrate ω- and demonstrates how monolignol biosynthesis channels

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Bernards 235

away from the biosynthesis of the other phenolics, many of occurring, then feruloyl-CoA may not be available to THT
which also become incorporated into the SPPD. in vivo.
So what of the other phenolic precursors (i.e.,
hydroxycinnamates, hydroxycinnamate amides) found in the
SPPD? Is their biosynthesis also targeted or channeled? Un- Macromolecular structure and assembly
fortunately, less is known about this aspect of SPPD
biosynthesis. Nevertheless, there is sufficient evidence to be- At this point in time, virtually nothing is known about the
gin to piece together what might be happening. For example, macromolecular assembly of the SPAD, and only sketchy,
the hydroxylation and methylation of hydroxycinnamic acids preliminary details are known about that of the SPPD. De-
can (and does) occur at the hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA- spite the paucity of details regarding their assembly, how-
derivative level (reviewed in Dixon et al. 2001), and a puta- ever, there has been a considerable amount of new published
tively suberin-specific O-methyltransferase has been cloned information regarding the overall structure of both suberin
from maize (Held et al. 1993). Thus the formation of and the SPPD.
hydroxycinnamates may occur separately from that of
monolignols, and their metabolic fate channeled separately. Macromolecular assembly of the SPAD
In this context, the activity of 4-CL is induced within 12– By analogy with the assembly of cutin (Kolattukudy
24 h of wound-induced suberization (Bernards et al. 2000), 2001), it is assumed that the polyesters of the SPAD result
and there are presently at least three known (competing?) from the transfer of (derivatized) fatty acyl-CoAs to appro-
fates for the CoA esters formed: (i) monolignol formation, priate acceptors (i.e., glycerol, ω-, and mid-chain hydroxy
(ii) ferulate formation, and (iii) feruloyltyramine formation. acids) within the matrix. Similarly, the phenolic acids (prin-
(A fourth fate would be the direct incorporation of cipally p-coumaric and ferulic) are presumed to be incorpo-
hydroxycinnamates into the SPPD via their CoA derivatives, rated via their CoA esters, or possibly after the formation of
but this is discussed in the following section.) Regarding other derivatives such as glycosides. However, to date no
monolignols, the activity of CCR is low in suberizing pota- such transferases or transformations have been described. In
toes (Bernards et al. 2000), and likely represents a relatively any case, the apparent uniformity and regularity of the poly-
minor fate of hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA’s. By contrast, the in- mer, suggested by the uniformity and regularity of suberin
duction of HHT (Negrel et al. 1995) and THT (Negrel et al. lamellae, would argue that the assembly of suberin is a care-
1993) (which catalyze the formation of ferulates and fully orchestrated, enzyme-mediated process, rather than
hydroxycinnamoyltyramines, respectively) in potatoes dur- random a one.
ing suberization points to their potential role in channeling
phenolics into suberin and SPPD precursors. THT has been Macromolecular assembly of the poly(phenolic) domain
purified (Negrel and Javelle 1997; Hohlfeld et al. 1995, Recent progress suggests that the phenolic precursors of
1996) and cloned (Schmidt et al. 1999) from potato. In the SPPD are polymerized with a requirement for H2O2
maize, wounding induces THT activity (Ishihira et al. 2000) (Bernards and Razem 2001), adding convincing evidence
leading to the incorporation of hydroxycinnamoyltyramines for the role of an anionic peroxidase that has been impli-
into the cell wall. HHT is widespread in plants (Lotfy et al. cated for a long time (Kolattukudy 1980, 1984; Espelie and
1995) and has been purified from tobacco (Nicotiana Kolattukudy 1985; Espelie et al. 1986). Recently it was
tabacum) (Lotfy et al. 1996). The ferulates that are their shown that polyphenol oxidase is not induced by wounding
metabolic products are common in suberized tissues from a in potato, thereby discounting a role for this class of
wide variety of woody and herbaceous plants (Adamovics et oxidase in the suberization process (Partington et al. 1999).
al. 1977; Chatterjee et al. 1977; Laver and Fang 1989; Baldé Thus, the macromolecular assembly of the SPPD begins
et al. 1991; Bernards and Lewis 1992). with the biosynthesis of appropriate precursors followed by
Preliminary metabolite profiling data (Razem and their transport to the cell wall (by an as yet unknown mech-
Bernards 2002) introduces several additional intriguing anism), and subsequent polymerization into a 3-
possibilities into the biosynthesis of SPPD precursors dur- dimensional polymer by a wall-associated peroxidase.
ing suberization in potato tubers. For example, when the While the precise identity of the peroxidase(s) involved re-
macromolecular assembly of the SPPD of potato tubers is mains unproven, a specific anionic peroxidase has been im-
inhibited (Bernards and Razem 2001; Razem and plicated (Espelie and Kolattukudy 1985; Espelie et al.
Bernards 2002), one of the main phenolics that accumu- 1986; Bernards et al. 1999). However, cationic peroxidases
lates is p-coumaroyltyramine, along with smaller amounts also accumulate during wound-induced suberization
of feruloyltyramine and no evidence of soluble (Bernards et al. 1999) and have been proposed to be in-
monolignols (Razem and Bernards 2002). This suggests volved in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) suberin
that p-coumaroyltyramine is a metabolic precursor to biosynthesis (Quiroga et al. 2000). The generation of
feruloyltyramine, although the hydroxylation and isoform-specific antibodies and their use in determining the
methylation of p-coumaroyltyramine has not been demon- subcellular location of individual peroxidase isoforms is re-
strated in vitro. It is of interest to note that for potato THT quired to address this dilemma. Similarly, the source of
in vitro, the KM for p-coumaroyl-CoA is lower than that H2O2 required by the peroxidase(s) remains unproven, al-
for feruloyl-CoA, even though the Vmax is also lower though in potatoes it is likely to be an NADPH-dependent
(Hohlfeld et al. 1995). Arguably, the resulting Vmax/KM is oxidase (Bernards and Razem 2001; Razem and Bernards
much higher for feruloyl-CoA as substrate, making it a 2002), consistent with the role of this enzyme in the
more efficient carbon skeleton donor, but if channeling is Solanaceae (Doke 1985; Amacucci et al. 1999).

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236 Can. J. Bot. Vol. 80, 2002

Fig. 5. Tentative model for the structure of potato suberin. A portion of a suberized potato cell wall is pictured, including two lamellae
(SPAD) and a fraction of the SPPD. The poly(phenolic) domain is shown restricted to the primary cell wall and covalently attached to
carbohydrate units (C). The bold-faced phenolic components have been isolated using techniques such as thioacidolysis and DFRC, al-
though the linkages between them remain tenuous. The SPAD is represented by a linear, glycerol-based polyester, with esterified
“suberin phenolics”. Evidence has been presented for all of the components represented, although the stacked lipid “bilayer” arrange-
ment shown is hypothetical. In the model, the predominantly aliphatic zones would yield the light bands observed in TEM photomicro-
graphs, while the phenolic rich zones would yield the darker (electron rich) bands. The distance between two glycerol molecules
separated by a C-22 hydrocarbon would be approximately 2.5 nm (roughly equal to the thickness of suberin light bands), while the
combined thickness of a light and dark band would be between 3 and 4 nm. Ferulate esters of long chain fatty alcohols are shown in-
tercalated within the network. These molecules are thought to act as low molecular weight plasticizers within the SPAD. VLCFAs and
waxes are not represented in this structure, but they likely span successive lamellar bands or intercalate within the polyester network.
Overall, the model represents a thin, two-dimensional slice through what is envisioned to be a three-dimensional network. Accordingly,
attachments of the structure to other suberin components as well as the cell wall itself are shown with wavy lines. Connections are to
the following: C, carbohydrate; P, phenolic; S, suberin (phenolic or aliphatic).

H 2C O O
( S) O O O
- O
(COO ) O
O OH ( S) O
(H 3CO) OCH 3 OCH 3 HO
O ( S)


Primary Cell wall Suberin lamellae

The structures of the SPAD and the SPPD tinct from the SPAD, and resides within the primary cell
In addition to the notion that the SPPD contains a signifi- wall. Thus, in conjunction with the chemical composition
cant amount of hydroxycinnamic acids, two major findings data described above, it is apparent that the SPPD resembles
have revolutionized the way in which we perceive the struc- lignin in both its subcellular location and macromolecular
tures of the SPAD and SPPD: (i) conclusive evidence that assembly, while differing in its precursor composition.
the two domains are spatially distinct (Rittinger et al. 1987; A role for glycerol in the SPAD has become increasingly
Knobloch et al. 1989; Lulai and Morgan 1992; Thomson et clear, and is thought to act as a bridge not only between
al. 1995), while remaining covalently linked (Stark and acyl units, but also between the SPPD and the SPAD
Garbow 1992; Neto et al. 1996; Gil et al. 1997; Lopes et al. (Schmutz et al. 1994; Graça and Pereira 2000b). In point of
2000a, 2000b), and (ii) the demonstration of specific acyl- fact, the presence of glycerol in suberized tissues has been
glyceryl and hydroxycinnamoyl-glyceryl esters in suberized known for some time (Schmutz et al. 1993, 1994) but only
tissues (Schmutz et al. 1993, 1994, 1996; Graça and Pereira recently has its structural role been hypothesized (Schmutz
1997, 1998, 1999, 2000a, 2000b; Moire et al. 1999). For ex- et al. 1996; Moire et al. 1999; Graça and Pereira 2000a,
ample, it is now known, through histochemical (Lulai and 2000b). The current thinking is that glycerol acts as a
Morgan 1992) and NMR studies (Stark and Garbow 1992; linker between successive layers of aliphatics, and provides
Lopes et al. 2000a, 2000b), that the SPPD is spatially dis- for a linear arrangement of acyl units within the three-

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Bernards 237

dimensional polymer. Indeed, the constant thickness of the While this minireview has attempted to both inform read-
lamellae (i.e., 3–4 nm; Schmutz et al. 1996) is likely due to ers about recent advances in suberin research as well as pro-
this arrangement. voke ideas about its identity, suberized tissues clearly remain
an enigma. And while the details about the chemical compo-
A new structural model sition, biosynthesis, and macromolecular assembly and
Taken together, the new compositional, biochemical, and structure of suberin are slowly coming to light, it is obvious
structural data derived from suberized tissues leads to the that a lot remains to be learned regarding the polymeric size,
need for a new model to help visualize the SPAD and the types of inter-unit linkages between both phenolic and
SPPD, as well as how they combine to form suberin. Fig. 5 aliphatic units, and perhaps more critically, the details re-
presents one conceptual view of what potato suberin might garding their macromolecular assembly.
look like, based on the evidence presented primarily for po-
tato tubers, but also for cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), Acknowledgements
Q. suber and Pseudotsuga menziesii, as well as partial mod-
els recently proposed by Gil et al. (1997) and Lopes et al. The author gratefully acknowledges Dr. Lukas Schreiber,
(2000a, 2000b). In Fig. 5, the SPPD is depicted as a University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, and two anonymous re-
monolignol-hydroxycinnamoyl co-polymer, covalently viewers for their careful reading of the manuscript and in-
linked to primary cell wall carbohydrates. The nature of the sightful comments. The author’s work was supported by the
inter-unit linkages remains tenuous, and is based on a pre- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Can-
sumed similarity to lignin, as well as dimers isolated from ada.
Q. suber cork after permanganate oxidation (Lopes et al.
1998). The fact that hydroxycinnamic acids are also cova-
lently linked through other than ester linkages, however, has References
been demonstrated (Bernards et al. 1995; Negrel et al. Adamovics, J.A., Johnson, G., and Stermitz, F.R. 1977. Ferulates
1996), as has their covalent attachment to carbohydrate moi- from cork layers of Solanum tuberosum and Pseudotsuga
eties (e.g., Stark and Garbow 1992). A covalent link between menziesii. Phytochemistry, 16: 1089–1090.
the SPPD and SPAD, provided via glycerol, is depicted Agrawal, V.P. and Kolattukudy, P.E. 1977. Biochemistry of
(Graça and Pereira 1999), although direct links between acyl suberization: ω-hydroxyacid oxidation in enzyme preparations
groups and both the SPPD and carbohydrates of the primary from suberizing potato tuber disks. Plant Physiol. 59: 667–672.
cell wall have also been predicted (Gil et al. 1997; Lopes et Agrawal, V.P., and Kolattukudy, P.E. 1978a. Purification and char-
al. 2000b). acterization of a wound-induced ω-hydroxyfatty acid:NADP
The SPAD of suberized cells usually has the appearance oxidoreductase from potato tuber disks (Solanum tuberosum L.).
of alternating dark and lucent lamellar bands in TEM photo- Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 191: 452–465.
micrographs. Historically, this has been attributed to alter- Agrawal, V.P., and Kolattukudy, P.E. 1978b. Mechanism of action
nating bands of electron dense and electron light of a wound-induced ω-hydroxy fatty acid:NADP oxidoreductase
components within the structure. In the proposed model, this isolated from potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) Arch.
Biochem. Biophys. 191: 466–478.
is achieved via the “stacking” of successive layers of
Amacucci, E., Gaschler, K., and Ward, J.M. 1999. NADPH oxidase
aliphatics, with esterified phenolics (as well as intercalated
genes from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and curly-leaf
ferulates and waxes), in a manner analogous to bilayers. In- pondweed (Potamogeton crispus). Plant Biol. 1: 524–528.
deed, this hypothesis has been advanced earlier (Schmidt Baldé, A.M., Claeys, M., Pieters, L.A., Wray, V., and Vlietinck,
and Schönherr 1982), albeit without the detail shown in A.J. 1991. Ferulic acid esters from stem bark of Pavetta
Fig. 5. Significantly, the SPAD is depicted as a linear poly- owariensis. Phytochemistry, 30: 1024–1026.
ester, consistent with recent literature reports (e.g., Graça Bento, M.F., Peiera, H., Cunha, M.Á., Moutinho, A.M.C., van den
and Pereira 2000a, 2000b). Berg, K.J., and Boon, J.J. 1998. Thermally assisted
transmethylation gas chromatography – mass spectrometry of
suberin components in cork from Quercus suber L. Phytochem.
Concluding remarks Anal. 9: 75–87.
Bernards, M.A., and Lewis, N.G. 1992. Alkyl ferulates in wound
Suberized tissues possess a specialized cell wall modifica-
healing potato tubers. Phytochemistry, 31: 3409–3412.
tion that consists of poly(aliphatic) and poly(phenolic) do-
Bernards, M.A., and Lewis, N.G. 1998. The macromolecular aro-
mains referred to herein as the SPAD and SPPD,
matic domain in suberized tissue: a changing paradigm.
respectively. While these two domains are spatially distinct, Phytochemistry, 47: 915–933.
they coexist in suberized cells and are covalently linked to- Bernards, M.A., and Razem, F.A. 2001. The poly(phenolic) do-
gether to form the macromolecule suberin. Their chemical main of potato suberin: a non-lignin plant cell wall polymer.
composition is unique and distinct from the related polymers Phytochemistry, 57: 1115–1122.
cutin and lignin. From biosynthetic and macromolecular as- Bernards, M.A., Lopez, M.L., Zajicek, J., and Lewis, N.G. 1995.
sembly points of view, the deposition of suberin, or indeed Hydroxycinnamic acid-derived polymers constitute the
either of its domains (i.e., SPAD and SPPD) remains only polyaromatic domain of suberin. J. Biol. Chem. 270: 7382–7386.
partially characterized and is an area ripe for further re- Bernards, M.A., Fleming, W.D., Llewellyn, D.B., Priefer, R., Yang,
search. Structurally, however, significant advancements have X.L., Sabatino, A., and Plourde, G.L. 1999. Biochemical charac-
been made in recent years, and it is time to rethink how this terization of the suberization-associated anionic peroxidase of
important cell wall modification might look in situ. potato. Plant Physiol. 121: 135–145.

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