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Created by Daniel Davidov

Theme 7 – Partial removable skeletized denture

1. Indications to Partial Removable Skeletized Prosthesis manufacturing.
*For patients who have alergy to acryl
*In case the edentulous space is very big (more than 5-6 teeth)
*In case the distanse between the edentulos spaces is too big
*To patients who can not adapt to PRAD
*In case we want to combine metalo-ceramic crowns with PRD restoration.

2. Enumerate varieties of Partial Removable Skeletized Prosthesis construction.

Mandibular varieties:
1) Mandibular lingual Bar
2) Mandibular Sublingual Bar
3) Mandibular Linguoplate
4) Mandibular Lingual Bar with Continuous Bar
Maxillary varieties:
1) Single palatal strap
2) Anterior-posterior Strap
3) Complete Palatal Coverage
4) U-shaped Palatal Major Connector

3. Dizavantages of Partial Removable Skeletized Prosthesis made by soldering method.

*Can break at the areas of soldering
*Can produce galvanism
*Additional stages in manufacturing, additional visits of the patient.

4. Advantages of Partial Removable Skeletized Prosthesis made by cast method:

a) on the model;
b) without model.
*Morphological functional restoration of dental arch integrity.
*Functional occlusion restoration.
*Esthetic phonetic restoration.
*Prophylactic action on tissue
*Has smaller base and volume creating comfort in oral cavity
*Has dental –periodontal and mucosal-bone support.
*Has many variants of support elements.
*Consist from more metal that permit to be more strong and resistant.
*Can be used in case of allergic reaction from acryl.
*Has favorable action on morphology and physiology on stoma. System
*Period of adaptation is shorter than PRAD.

5. Division on dental surface on the quadrants. Purpose.

The division is for the correct position of the clasps:
1. High equatorial line
2. Medium equatorial line
3. Low equatorial line
4. Diagonal equatorial line
Created by Daniel Davidov

6. Situation of the clasps elements on the support teeth.

The clasp – at the subequatorial line, on the vestibular surface.
The reciprocal – at the supraequatorial line, on the oral surface.
The rest – on the occlusal surface from mesial or distal.

7. In what order are placed elements of the attacement on the support teeth and on the
saddles of Partial Removable Skeletized Prosthesis?
During the modeling of the attachment from wax, one part of the attachment (the fixed part) is
connected to the support tooth and casted with the metal cap of the support tooth. The second part of
the attachment (the "female") is fixed in the PRSD.

8. In what cases does the continuous clasp play the principal role of Main Connector?
In case of of Kennedy class 1, when there is absence of lateral teeth from both sides.
During the action of incising food, the denture can be elevated at the lateral zones, but, the
continuous clasp prevents this. And, also spreads the mastication forces to all the remain teeth that
are with contact with the continuous clasp.

9. Antibasculant elements of Partial Removable Skeletized Prosthesis . Placing.

Antibasculant elements are the different clasps systems:
*Acker clasp
*Bonwill clasp
*Ney claps
*C-L-U-S-T-I-R clasps system
*Telescopic crowns
*Dolder bar
*Continuous clasp

10. Modern alloys using for Partial Removable Skeletized Prosthesis manufacturing.
Cr-Co (Chrome Cobalt)
Cr-Ni (Chrome Nikel)

11. Getting impressions at Partial Removable Skeletized Prosthesis manufacturing.

First impression – preliminary, with alginate.
Second impression – anatomic, with siliconic material (individual tray).

12. Modern impression materials. Characteristics.

A-class silicones (elite)
C-class silicones (Zetaplus)

13. Realisation of superhard models, with removable thermorezistant bont. Using

The individual tray is casted with supergypsum, then it is surveyed with the surveyor. Undergoes
relief process. Than, over it is pored an agar material, to duplicte the surveyed and reliefed model
At the end, the patern is casted with a special heat resistant gypsum (which is called duplicate).

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