Erasmus Mundus - Statement of Purpose-WHY-WHAT-HOW - Communication, Media & Cultural Studies

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Học bổng Erasmus Mundus - EM

Học bổng EM thường yêu cầu bạn viết 1 bản Statement of Purpose hoặc Letter of Motivation. Theo kinh
nghiệm của cá nhân mình, cả 2 dạng essay trên đều có nội dung giống nhau, để trả lời cho các câu hỏi WHY -
Tại sao bạn muốn đi học, What- học khoá này sẽ đem lại cho bạn điều gì, How- Bạn sẽ ứng dụng những điều
bạn học được như thế nào. Trong khi viết bạn cũng cần thể hiện bạn là người PHÙ HỢP với khoá học. Sự phù
hợp có thể thể hiện ở Kinh nghiệm làm việc, khoá học Đại học có liên quan, hay những đam mê, sở thích mà
bạn có.

Về format, Letter of Motivation cần viết dưới dạng 1 bức thư (tất nhiên)! Có mở thư, kết thư cẩn thận.

Dưới đây, tớ post lại Letter of Motivation cho khoá Communication, Media & Cultural Studies. Rất tiếc là khoá
này đã close, tuy nhiên các bạn có thể tham khảo cho quá trình apply các course khác!

Erasmus Mundus -Statement of Purpose-WHY-WHAT-HOW- Communication, Media & Cultural Studies

No 1- XYZ St-Hanoi, Vietnam
University of Florence - Polo delle Scienze Sociali
D1 ?" Room 003 - Via delle Pandette,
32 - 50127 Florence, Italy
15 December 2008
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to express my interest in your European Master of Arts in Media, Communication and Cultural
Studies programme and would like to explain my motivation in a few words for your consideration on granting me
the admission and scholarships.

As you can see from my enclosed CV, one of my most distinctive characteristics is the diversity of experiences I
possess. Graduated from Hanoi Foreign Trade University, I have had one year working for a multi-national
company and then more than three years working as founder and coordinator of GreenZoom ?" an organisation
focusing on the field of Culture and Communication for Community Development. My initiative is launched from a
firm belief that a group of young people can make real change to their community by using various methods of
communication in development projects. With the spirit of Sharing & Creating, GreenZoom strives to build a
Vietnamese community of creative, intellectual and responsible young people aiming to preserve the country?Ts
diverse culture and traditions, promote cultural exchanges and contribute passionately to the progress of society.
During the last three years, GreenZoom has achieved great attention through various development projects,
creative workshops and community exhibitions.

As part of my personal and professional development, I had chance to attend various cultural and social
exchange programmes and international conferences from Asia to Europe, Latin Amerian, Africa where I once
again appreciated the beauty of cultural diversity, the necessity of enhancing and deepening the understanding
of country?Ts unique cultural identity and heritage, the importance of developing multimodal communication for
development. I think that it has been these experiences that have shaped the person I am today.

As having set my long-term career in cultural studies and communication, I am motivated to work as an active
young activist preserving and promoting my homeland?Ts culture as well as making a difference for better
futures of community development in Vietnam by applying various ways of communication and media. After
three years working in practice and pursuing professional interest in communication, I realized that I am in need
of developing my understanding of both theoretical and practical issues relating to the mass media, culture and
the new technologies. Now it is high time for me to work out a master plan which I believe would help me bring
greater contributions to my organisation particularly and the prosperity of my country generally.

Looking for a name from a large pool of different programmes, I chose The Erasmus Mundus MA in Media,
Communication and Cultural Studies for its unique, interdisciplinary and inter-university features which enable
students to attend courses at two universities in different countries.
Firstly, considering that the focus of the programme is on Media, Culture, and Communication, taking this course
will help me explore the most recent developments of multimodal communication as well as extend skills of
multimedia production. Within the course?Ts duration, I will be equipped with numerous approaches and
applications and given opportunities to design, produce and analyse media messages in a variety of contexts.
From what I have found out at the Comundus website as well as via correspondence with programme?Ts
professors, I believe the combined skills and knowledge the course offer will give me valuable resources to take
home and contribute for my own organization growth. Therefore I consider this Master program a stepping stone
to my future career success.
Secondly, the Master?Ts program offered by a consortium of leading European higher education institutions
would give me the possibility to learn with famous scholars and excellent students and at the same time, gain
precious experience with other perspectives and cultural practices. As communication and culture strike me as
one of the most exciting areas of research today, I appreciate the chance to broaden my network, meeting and
exchanging views with peers from around the world. Besides, being familiar with living and working in a
multicultural international surroundings, I am eager to quickly adapt to new environment, to accept and
appreciate differences, to learn from others and easily get connected in a network.

Thirdly, having a passion for traveling and understanding different cultures of the world, I do hope that, through
this master course, I am able me to get an in-depth understanding and real experience of European society
where beholds the vibrant cultural and historical significance as the epicenter of civilization. I have come to
Europe one year ago as a visitor, this year I hope to come back as a student.

In conclusion, ?olearning, sharing, networking, and leading?-those are four elements that I would like to apply for
Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Master course . Upon return to Vietnam on completion of my study,
I strongly believe that the advanced knowledge and skills I have will affirm me for better contributions to my
organisation particularly and my country generally.
I well understand the great pressure and challenges that will be presented to me when studying in such a
distinguished program as yours; but given a chance, I am determined to overcome any obstacles to achieve my

I would be obliged if you could give me an opportunity to contribute to the excellence and diversity of your
advanced program.
Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to your positive reply.

Yours sincerely,


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