Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) : Risk Assessment Code (RAC) Matrix Severity Probability

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Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA)

Activity/Work Task: General Site Maintenance,

Housekeeping, Power Tools
Overall Risk Assessment Code (RAC) (Use highest code)
Project Location: BNA Terminal Renovation and
IAF Risk Assessment Code (RAC) Matrix
Contractor: Hensel Phelps Probability
Date Prepared: 11/25/2019 Updated: 4/14/2020
Severity Frequent Likely Occasional Seldom Unlikely
Catastrophic E E H H M
Prepared by (Name/Title): Bryce Kellerman (PS)
Critical E H H M L
Marginal H M M L L
Reviewed by (Name/Title): Brandon Bourgeois(AS)
Negligible M L L L L
Notes: (Field Notes, Review Comments) Review each “Hazard” with identified safety “Controls” and determine RAC (See above)
BB - Cutting metal studs at elevation added 4/14/20. “Probability” is the likelihood to cause an incident, near miss, or
SR – Temporary apron concrete placement added 8/11/20. accident and identified as: Frequent, Likely, Occasional, Seldom RAC Chart
or Unlikely.
“Severity” is the outcome/degree if an incident, near miss, or E = Extremely High
accident did occur and identified as: Catastrophic, Critical,
Marginal, or Negligible H = High Risk
Step 2: Identify the RAC (Probability/Severity) as E, H, M, or L for M = Moderate Risk
each “Hazard” on AHA. Annotate the overall highest RAC at the
top of AHA. L = Low Risk

Job Steps Hazards Controls RAC

Minimum PPE Requirements Personal injury At a minimum the following PPE is required at all times (100%) while in the L
construction area:
 Hard Hat (Bill worn forward at all times / No Cowboy Hardhats)
 ANSI approved Safety Glasses w/ Side Shields
 Leather Work Boots (No Tennis Shoes)
 High Visibility Vest (Shirt where allowed)
Other PPE requirements will be task specific (ie., Hearing Protection, Face Shield,
Requirements also apply to all deliver personnel and vendors/suppliers and visitors
who will be entering the construction site.
Supervision Lack of All contractors are required to have their competent person(s) on site (100%) while L
Communication they have work being performed.

Competent person must be able to communicate efficiently with the entire crew. This
This AHA has been reviewed by Hensel Phelps for general compliance with the jobsite safety requirements. The Hensel Phelps review, however, does not relieve Subcontractor of the
responsibility for compliance with all applicable safety laws, regulations, ordinances, and contractual requirements. Subcontractor is responsible for reviewing this AHA with all personnel
involved with the Definable Feature of Work (DFOW) on a regular basis and must notify Hensel Phelps and adjust the AHA as necessary whenever the plan for performing the DFOW is
modified or following an unplanned event.

Modified: 07.2015 Page 1 of 14 Form SH B06.01

includes being able to effectively speak, understand, read and write all languages the
crew uses and English.

General Outside Work Dehydration, snake  Drink plenty of water throughout the day when working. L
bites, spider bites,  Avoid drinking energy drinks, coffee, sodas during work day, it tends to
animal bites dehydrate you.
 Know the synthons of dehydration. Heat rash, heavy sweating, dizziness,
faster than normal heart beat rate, abdomen pain, muscles pain, confusion,
vomiting etc.
 STOP working if you develop any of the mentioned symptoms and notify your
 Know where shade access is available. Go to lunch tent for a proper area to
cool down the body.
 Snakes and spiders may be encountered while on site. Avoid turning over
material that is on the ground or sticking your hand in holes or conduits.
These are locations where snakes and spiders nest.
 Where gloves and long sleeves when handling material where snakes and
spiders may reside.
 If bitten, clean with water and soap and contact your supervisor and Hensel
Phelps Superintendent immediately. Try to remember what creature has
bitten you and any identifying marks on its body. This will aid paramedics in
the identification of what bit you.
 Avoid all animals on site. If any animals are seen within the building
structures, contact a Hensel Phelps Superintendent immediately so they can
the wildlife department
Walking Near Equipment Struck-by  Do not position your body between any equipment and a place where it could
pin you
 Do not walk under any raised loads
 Always make eye contact with operators prior to approaching. Equipment
operators have the right of way.
Material Handling Falls, Soft Tissue  Plan routes for lifting and carrying and walk the route. Remove obstacles as M
Injury, Laceration necessary.
 Get help if load is too heavy.
 Keep material in an organized manner.
 Keep rolling stock organized.
 Lift with legs, not your back and no twisting.
 Leather or cut resistant work gloves must be worn.
 Do not carry material down stairs, use material hoist.
This AHA has been reviewed by Hensel Phelps for general compliance with the jobsite safety requirements. The Hensel Phelps review, however, does not relieve Subcontractor of the
responsibility for compliance with all applicable safety laws, regulations, ordinances, and contractual requirements. Subcontractor is responsible for reviewing this AHA with all personnel
involved with the Definable Feature of Work (DFOW) on a regular basis and must notify Hensel Phelps and adjust the AHA as necessary whenever the plan for performing the DFOW is
modified or following an unplanned event.

Modified: 07.2015 Page 2 of 14 Form SH B06.01

 Stretch and flex every morning and as needed to prevent soft tissue injuries.
Heat Stress Heat Stroke  Drink water frequently and avoid liquids such as energy drinks and coffee M
Sun burn which will dehydrate you
Dehydration  Wear sunscreen when working outdoors for extended periods of time
 Take break periods in shady areas
 Alert your supervisor of any lightheadedness, dizziness, cramping, and
fatigue. These are signs of heat stress.
Cold Weather Stress Frostbite  Wear an outer layer to break the wind. M
Hypothermia  A middle layer of wool or synthetic fabric to absorb sweat and retain insulation
in a damp environment.
 An inner layer of cotton or synthetic weave to allow ventilation.
 Remove wet clothing promptly
Housekeeping Trips and Falls.  Clean Material and garbage throughout the day. L
Exposed to dust.  All work areas must be broom clean at end of day.
Shovel Injury  No dry sweeping is allowed. Sweeping must be done with means and
methods to avoid dust exposure; water or floor sweep.
 Dispose of material in proper garbage bins and empty bins when they are
getting full.
 Do not climb in dumpsters.
Install SWPPP Cuts, laceration,  Work area must be free of hazards L
punctures, pinch points  Assure that all tools are in proper working condition.
 Use gloves when handling tools and material.
 Use a T-post driver when driving T-post. Take turns when needed.
 When cutting mesh keep hand and hand fingers 6 inches away from cutting
 Use crowbar to remove inlet/drain grate.
 Do not leave hole opening unattended.
 Use a traffic control system for inlet/drains located in the street with the
assistant of a certified flagger.
 Remove material that can damage knees when kneeling and wear knee pads
to protect your knees.
Ladder Usage Falls from height.  All working off ladder must have training. M
 An inspection of the ladder shall be performed prior to using it.
 Damaged or defective ladders must be taken out of service.
 A-frame ladders must be set up on firm level ground and spreader bars locked
 Labels must be left on ladder.
 Three points of contact will be maintained on ladder while climbing ladder.
This AHA has been reviewed by Hensel Phelps for general compliance with the jobsite safety requirements. The Hensel Phelps review, however, does not relieve Subcontractor of the
responsibility for compliance with all applicable safety laws, regulations, ordinances, and contractual requirements. Subcontractor is responsible for reviewing this AHA with all personnel
involved with the Definable Feature of Work (DFOW) on a regular basis and must notify Hensel Phelps and adjust the AHA as necessary whenever the plan for performing the DFOW is
modified or following an unplanned event.

Modified: 07.2015 Page 3 of 14 Form SH B06.01

 No personnel can use the top two steps.
 Personnel shall face the ladder.
 If personnel are using ladder in a high traffic area or door way the work shall
be easily visible or area flagged with caution tape.
 Do not alter the ladder in anyway.
 Do not lean “A” frame ladder on wall.
 Do not walk ladders.
 No aluminum ladders.
 Wooden ladders should be treated with a wood preservative at regular
intervals (at least annually) to prevent weathering. DO NOT PAINT!
(Ownership marking with paint is acceptable)
 Only construction grade ladders will be used on jobsites – Type 1, 1A or
better. A type 3 is a household ladder and should not be used on our work.
 The ladder’s capacity should never be exceeded.
 Use the correct size ladder for the task being performed.
 Follow the “Belt Buckle” rule. The belt buckle must remain below the last run.
 Do not twist turn
Trench and Excavation Caught In-Between  Must have awareness training to enter a trench or excavation an only after the M
Slips, Trips and Falls competent person has conducted a daily HP Inspection Sheet of the
excavation and determined it safe to enter.
 HP Dig permit is required before starting excavation
 Maintain barricades 6’ from edge of excavation
 Spoil piles are to be at least 2’ from edge of exaction or trench
 If trench is 4ft. or deeper the competent person needs to make a decision if it
can be classified as a confined space.
 Fall protection will be needed for excavations/trenches over 6ft. when the
competent person deems it necessary.
 All excavations/trenches need to be flagged off if not attended or other trades
are in the work area. The use of danger tape vs. caution tape is up to the
competent person.
 A daily inspection must be completed and documented for all trenches and
 Do not enter excavation/trench if water, fisher’s, cracks or other visible
hazards are present.
 In a rain event entrant must exit the trench/excavation and the competent
person shall reinspect it.
 Pay close attention to other exterior conditions such as vibrations or other
trades/equipment that are present
 Ensure correct ladder (Trench ladder) is being used for the job.
This AHA has been reviewed by Hensel Phelps for general compliance with the jobsite safety requirements. The Hensel Phelps review, however, does not relieve Subcontractor of the
responsibility for compliance with all applicable safety laws, regulations, ordinances, and contractual requirements. Subcontractor is responsible for reviewing this AHA with all personnel
involved with the Definable Feature of Work (DFOW) on a regular basis and must notify Hensel Phelps and adjust the AHA as necessary whenever the plan for performing the DFOW is
modified or following an unplanned event.

Modified: 07.2015 Page 4 of 14 Form SH B06.01

 Ladder must be inspected prior to use.
 Damaged or defective ladders must be taken out of service.
 Labels must be left on ladder.
 Three points of contact will be maintained on ladder while climbing ladder.
 Ladder must be tied off/secured at top and bottom.
Tool Inspection and Repair Cuts, Lacerations  If tool is identified as defective or not working properly, tag out the tool with L
Electrocution tag stating so.
Pinch Points  Once tool is tagged out, bring the tool to the jobsite trailer and inform
 Inspect tools prior to each use and ensure it has quarterly inspection tape.
 Before changing blades or checking guards, remove power source from tool
and make sure it’s deenergized by pulling trigger.
 Keep figures out of pinch points and always wear gloves while handling tools.
 Inspect electrical cords and make sure they are in good working condition and
they have quarterly tape.
 Extension cords shall have quarterly tape on both ends.
 Ensure all tools that are not double insulated have the ground prong in tack.
Power Tools Cuts, Lacerations  Inspect tools prior to use and ensure they have the quarterly tape on all cords. L
Electrocution  Keep guards on saw at all times, never pull guard out of your way, its there to
Caught-in/Pinched Points protect you.
 If tool is malfunctioning, stop using and tag out of service.
 Keep fingers out of moving parts and keep loose clothing and jewelry away.
 Keep two hands on saw at all times while using cutting tools.
 Let saw or drills come to a complete stop prior to setting down.

Traffic Control Vehicle collision,  Always keep your eyes on traffic M

distracted drivers, hit and  Do not lose focus
run, fatigue  Stretch and flex
Setting Wood Panels Lost Load / Caught In  Inspect pick points before each pick and ensure they are properly installed M
Between  Inspect rigging prior to any pick and initial use
 Use tag line on all loads
 Use whistle when load is in the air and talk to workers around your area to
inform them of the plan
 Do not stand under a load at any time
 If load gets out of control for any reason, step away from load, drop tag line
and communicate with operator to lower load slowly
Pinch points  Keep hands out from under wall panels and between two wall panels at all
This AHA has been reviewed by Hensel Phelps for general compliance with the jobsite safety requirements. The Hensel Phelps review, however, does not relieve Subcontractor of the
responsibility for compliance with all applicable safety laws, regulations, ordinances, and contractual requirements. Subcontractor is responsible for reviewing this AHA with all personnel
involved with the Definable Feature of Work (DFOW) on a regular basis and must notify Hensel Phelps and adjust the AHA as necessary whenever the plan for performing the DFOW is
modified or following an unplanned event.

Modified: 07.2015 Page 5 of 14 Form SH B06.01

 Before setting panel on ground, confirm all workers are clear of panel
 Wear gloves at all times while handling the panels
Hammer Drill Twisting / Pinch Points  Inspect tools prior to use and make sure they have the correct quarterly L
inspection tape on cord/tool
 Use all handles provided by manufacturer
 Keep hands on handles at all times
 Do not put hands or body parts between two objects
 Rebar is in concrete and if hit will twist the drill. Keep a solid grip on drill but
relaxed enough to release if rebar is hit.
 Keep loose clothing or jewelry away from rotating parts
Grinder Debris in Eye / Fire /  Inspect tools including wheel prior to use and make sure they have the correct L
Struck By / Electrocution quarterly inspection tape on cord/tool
 Use all handles provided by manufacturer
 Keep hands on handles at all times
 Keep loose clothing or jewelry away from rotating parts
 Wear full plastic face shield while using grinder
 Ensure the grinder wheel has the proper RPM’s rating
 Hot work permit must be filled out and signed
 Fire extinguisher must be within 15 feet of work
 Only change wheels with power source removed

Air Compressor Slip, Trip  While using the air compressor, full PPE is required, this includes face shield, M
Objects flying around, and ear plugs. Always wear safety glasses in addition to the face shield.
potentially in the face  Before you start the compressor, walk the hoses and ensure WHIPCHECKS
Noise are located at every connection point.
 Always point the tip of the gun away from people, use two hands to turn on/off
the gun.
 While using the compressor, watch out for workers in the area. Do not have
any workers in the line of where you are spraying.
 Keep an eye out for the hose while you move throughout the deck, it can
create a large trip hazard.

This AHA has been reviewed by Hensel Phelps for general compliance with the jobsite safety requirements. The Hensel Phelps review, however, does not relieve Subcontractor of the
responsibility for compliance with all applicable safety laws, regulations, ordinances, and contractual requirements. Subcontractor is responsible for reviewing this AHA with all personnel
involved with the Definable Feature of Work (DFOW) on a regular basis and must notify Hensel Phelps and adjust the AHA as necessary whenever the plan for performing the DFOW is
modified or following an unplanned event.

Modified: 07.2015 Page 6 of 14 Form SH B06.01

Chipping Concrete Struck-By Debris  All personnel will do daily stretching and be reminded on the safety and M
Body/Hands proper lifting procedure during chipping process (30 lb demo gun) and
Pinch Points possible concrete debris, as well as any potential trip hazard observed on site
Strain/Sprain to avoid back and tripped related injuries.
Eye Damage  PPE- Face shield, metatarsal guards on work boots, safety glasses, ear
plugs, and leather gloves.
Hearing Damage
 Face shield will be required for any workers in the area (person controlling
concrete dust), as well as ear plugs for anyone adjacent to the compressor
and work area.
 Whip checks will be on the gun and the hose that is on the compressor.
 Barricade system will be installed around the area to best protect the workers
and people on the same floor and potentially the floors below if the work is to
be done on the edge of the building.
 Water will be utilized to follow Appendix 1 of the OSHA Silica standards, as
well as a dust collection system.
 Check the following prior to operation:
o Gas and oil leaks on engine
o Inspect hoses and couplers daily prior to use
o Inspect demo gun for any loose parts and worn out springs daily
o Amount of air pressure on the compressor.

Banding Wire Cuts, scrapes,  Use strapping tool make sure that other personnel are well clear of the area, M
Flying objects, Pinch so they will not be struck by strapping when it is cut.
Points  Don’t use makeshift tools for this job.
 If there are several straps, cut the one farthest away from you first. Stay out of
the danger zone that is created when the strap springs back after it is cut.
 Make sure you do not have any hand parts under the banding when banding
 Make sure you have proper body position when using manual sealer.

Concrete demo saw Lacerations, cuts, silica Before using the saw read the safety manual un use the recommended PPE. M
exposure, noise Understand the function of the tool. If you have not used this tool before ask the
This AHA has been reviewed by Hensel Phelps for general compliance with the jobsite safety requirements. The Hensel Phelps review, however, does not relieve Subcontractor of the
responsibility for compliance with all applicable safety laws, regulations, ordinances, and contractual requirements. Subcontractor is responsible for reviewing this AHA with all personnel
involved with the Definable Feature of Work (DFOW) on a regular basis and must notify Hensel Phelps and adjust the AHA as necessary whenever the plan for performing the DFOW is
modified or following an unplanned event.

Modified: 07.2015 Page 7 of 14 Form SH B06.01

exposure, fire. supervisor for information on how to use it. Inspect the tool and ensure that the
manufactured guards are in place and the handle and the trigger is working properly.
Inspect the work area were the saw will be use and remove all present hazards,
debris, material, and other unprotected individuals in the work area. PPE, use
earplugs, safety glasses and a face shield to protect your ears. If you cutting concrete
apply sufficient water and or us a HEPA vac.

When using walk behind saw, in addition to the above, ensure clear and level path
without holes for wheels to travel. Verify depth of cut with supervisor prior to starting
work. Know whether you will be cutting into a PT beam, and the location of all rebar. If
it’s possible for water to travel to floors below, ensure no materials will be damaged by
dripping water.
Viper Scrubber Electrical Shock Before machine start up- L
Pinch Points Brush/pad-holder installing and removal: When manually installing or removing the
Slip, Trip brush/pad, first ensure that all the switches are in the “off” position and lift squeegee
Soft Tissue off the floor. Always wear gloves while working on the scrubber.

Turning on and off the machine- when you have finished using the machine, release
the safety switch, turn the vacuum switch to “off, turn the solution control switch to
“off”, press the power switch to “off”, and use the squeegee lift handle to lift the
squeegee. Gently tilt the machine backward until the guide wheels touches the floor.

Machine operation
Keep both hands on the machine while in the “on” position. Access the area before
operating the machine, look for drop off, slopes, and obstacles in the way. Look for
extension cords and potential cuts in the cords, do not drive over power cords.

Cleaning/emptying the tank-

When draining the wastewater, drain hose must be folded or lowered to a lower
position, and the cap removed for wastewater to drain. Do not allow the opening of the
drain hose to face upward, as it could get wastewater on the operator.

After each use- remove the brush / pad holder. Drain solution tank and rinse with
clean water, drain the recovery tank and rinse with clean water. Remove and rinse
squeegee assembly with damp towel, keep recovery tank lid unsealed from tank to
allow fresh air to circulate freely.

Setting up Perimeter Protection Holes, trenches,  Do not cross any barricade unless you are authorized to do so and fully

This AHA has been reviewed by Hensel Phelps for general compliance with the jobsite safety requirements. The Hensel Phelps review, however, does not relieve Subcontractor of the
responsibility for compliance with all applicable safety laws, regulations, ordinances, and contractual requirements. Subcontractor is responsible for reviewing this AHA with all personnel
involved with the Definable Feature of Work (DFOW) on a regular basis and must notify Hensel Phelps and adjust the AHA as necessary whenever the plan for performing the DFOW is
modified or following an unplanned event.

Modified: 07.2015 Page 8 of 14 Form SH B06.01

electrical, overhead understand the hazards associated with crossing into a barricaded area.
hazards  Inspect and maintain barricades so they effectively keep unauthorized
personnel out of the area
 Used signs near walk paths and doorways to alert others of the hazards and
designate an alternative walk path
 Barricades should be used around holes and trenches, unprotected roof
edges, and under overhead work
 If using caution or danger tape outside, ensure it is the thick backing ytpe to
prevent tears and reps. Secure tightly at each end to prevent blowing away
onto the tarmac.
 Caution tape implies that personnel can enter the area using caution afer they
have determined what the hazards are
 Danger tape indicates a high degree of hazard and that only authorized
people associated with the work being performed can enter the areas.
Signage should be placed in danger areas indicating the hazard and
responsible supervisor with contact information
 Remove all barricades when they are no longer needed.
Demo Metal Studs Overhead Hazards, CAZ,  Ensure you have the proper tools and equipment to perform the task.
Falling Objects, Struck  Check walls for electrical conduit, devices prior to cutting studs.
By, Electrical, Ladders,  Ensure ladders are inspected prior to use. Set ladders on flat even surfaces.
Aerial Lifts  If an aerial lift is required, you must be tied off 100% and be certified to
operate the lift. Inspect the lift prior to every use.
 CAZ is required when working from heights and cutting metal studs.
 Cut studs in sections to ensure the entire load does not fall. Layout your cuts
prior to starting. Set the ladder or lift to the side of the section you are cutting
to ensure the section does not strike you directly if it falls.
 Do not overload the lift baskets with section cuts or other materials.
 Protect finished work around the demo area prior to beginning removal of the

Placing SOG Concrete Concrete Burns, Muscle  In addition to the required PPE onsite the following items are required during the L
Strain, Repetitive Motion, entire placement.

This AHA has been reviewed by Hensel Phelps for general compliance with the jobsite safety requirements. The Hensel Phelps review, however, does not relieve Subcontractor of the
responsibility for compliance with all applicable safety laws, regulations, ordinances, and contractual requirements. Subcontractor is responsible for reviewing this AHA with all personnel
involved with the Definable Feature of Work (DFOW) on a regular basis and must notify Hensel Phelps and adjust the AHA as necessary whenever the plan for performing the DFOW is
modified or following an unplanned event.

Modified: 07.2015 Page 9 of 14 Form SH B06.01

Trip Hazard, Struck  Rubber boots taped at the top securing them to the pant leg
By/Caught in Between  Appropriate rubber gloves
 Long sleeve shirts
 Face shields are required for individuals operating the vibrator.
 If concrete contacts skin, wash immediately with soap and water. Keep
eyewash kits near the concrete placement area.
 Stretch prior to concrete placement.
 Rotate job tasks if possible to eliminate long durations of repetitive motions. Take
regular scheduled breaks.
 Keep areas adjacent to placement clear of debris and miscellaneous materials. Be
aware of surroundings, concrete trucks, other works, CAZs, etc.
 Be aware of the location of the concrete trucks. Make eye contact with the driver
before crossing the trucks path of travel.
 In addition to the required site PPE, a face shield is required to protect face from
splashing concrete while using the vibrator.
 Do not overload shovel while mucking. Avoid twisting and overreaching. Lift with
legs when shoveling.

Finishing SOG Concrete (Bull Float Striking Against,  Be aware of workers and other obstructions behind float pole. Do not over stretch L
& Hand Trowels) Strains/Positioning, Cuts when operating bull float.
& Small Tissue Injury  Avoid awkward/compromising positions when reaching to end of placement.
 Use gloves while using hand trowel. Always wear knee pads when finishing
 Ensure CAZ is in place once finished to keep other workers, vehicles, and or
equipment out of placement area.

Equipment to be Used Training Inspection Requirements

This AHA has been reviewed by Hensel Phelps for general compliance with the jobsite safety requirements. The Hensel Phelps review, however, does not relieve Subcontractor of the
responsibility for compliance with all applicable safety laws, regulations, ordinances, and contractual requirements. Subcontractor is responsible for reviewing this AHA with all personnel
involved with the Definable Feature of Work (DFOW) on a regular basis and must notify Hensel Phelps and adjust the AHA as necessary whenever the plan for performing the DFOW is
modified or following an unplanned event.

Modified: 07.2015 Page 10 of 14 Form SH B06.01

Hand and Power Tools Familiarity with each tool / Follow manufacturer book Daily/ Before Each Shift

Ladder Ladder Awareness Daily/ Before Each Shift

Aerial Lifts Boom / Scissor lift certification Daily/ Before Each Shift

Activities Requiring a Competent or Qualified Person – Attach Proof of Competency

Activity Designated Competent or Qualified Person
This AHA has been reviewed by Hensel Phelps for general compliance with the jobsite safety requirements. The Hensel Phelps review, however, does not relieve Subcontractor of the
responsibility for compliance with all applicable safety laws, regulations, ordinances, and contractual requirements. Subcontractor is responsible for reviewing this AHA with all personnel
involved with the Definable Feature of Work (DFOW) on a regular basis and must notify Hensel Phelps and adjust the AHA as necessary whenever the plan for performing the DFOW is
modified or following an unplanned event.

Modified: 07.2015 Page 11 of 14 Form SH B06.01

Bryce Kellerman
Rigging / Signalman

Trench / Excavations Bryce Kellerman

Silica Bryce Kellerman

Signatures / Verification of Review

Name (Print) Signature Date

This AHA has been reviewed by Hensel Phelps for general compliance with the jobsite safety requirements. The Hensel Phelps review, however, does not relieve Subcontractor of the
responsibility for compliance with all applicable safety laws, regulations, ordinances, and contractual requirements. Subcontractor is responsible for reviewing this AHA with all personnel
involved with the Definable Feature of Work (DFOW) on a regular basis and must notify Hensel Phelps and adjust the AHA as necessary whenever the plan for performing the DFOW is
modified or following an unplanned event.

Modified: 07.2015 Page 12 of 14 Form SH B06.01

AHA Modified and Reviewed
Name (Print) Signature Date

This AHA has been reviewed by Hensel Phelps for general compliance with the jobsite safety requirements. The Hensel Phelps review, however, does not relieve Subcontractor of the
responsibility for compliance with all applicable safety laws, regulations, ordinances, and contractual requirements. Subcontractor is responsible for reviewing this AHA with all personnel
involved with the Definable Feature of Work (DFOW) on a regular basis and must notify Hensel Phelps and adjust the AHA as necessary whenever the plan for performing the DFOW is
modified or following an unplanned event.

Modified: 07.2015 Page 13 of 14 Form SH B06.01

This AHA has been reviewed by Hensel Phelps for general compliance with the jobsite safety requirements. The Hensel Phelps review, however, does not relieve Subcontractor of the
responsibility for compliance with all applicable safety laws, regulations, ordinances, and contractual requirements. Subcontractor is responsible for reviewing this AHA with all personnel
involved with the Definable Feature of Work (DFOW) on a regular basis and must notify Hensel Phelps and adjust the AHA as necessary whenever the plan for performing the DFOW is
modified or following an unplanned event.

Modified: 07.2015 Page 14 of 14 Form SH B06.01

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