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1. How many original heirs are there?

Robert Fouche and Maggie Clark Fouche had 15 children, 2 died, therefore 13 original heirs.
The list of heirs as we know is attached, still an ongoing search so any info you can provide is
appreciated. The latest RE Fouche family tree is also attached (please send me any
2. Is there a pending court order against Mr. Eugene and Ms. Maggie
Discussed – can be revisited
3. Why are the percentages written incorrectly?
Percentages written in the Trust Proposal are only estimates, meant to give a sense of what the
percentage of interest would likely be. Final percentages would have to be verified by an estate
attorney. Copies of Robert Fouche probate and Maggie Fouche probate are attached. Also
attached is an estate summary from 1988 that gives a more thorough explanation.
4. The housing is not a good idea and it wouldn’t benefit the Fouche
Estate, because It’s not a steady income for the estate and The
median income in Yazoo is only $35,000.00.
The family has only been brainstorming and asking for input on any future development.
No actual development project can take place until the family has a structure that will allow us
to enter into legal transactions for the estate. I’m including a timber inspection arranged by
Saundra from 2019 when we were exploring being able to cut timber (which we were not legally
able to act on). The current proposal for a management structure is to create a Trust, funded
by each heir’s share, and with the established corporation acting as Trustee; this option will be
discussed Saturday. If you have any other alternative to propose please bring it up for

5. Why does the executive board have 2 representatives from some

family members and 1 from the other family members?
The Executive Officers of the Board are elected once a year (July) from nominations submitted.
These positions can be held by any family member, so there is likely to be some duplication as
they are also part of a family branch. The remainder of the Executive Board is comprised of 1
representative for each branch. This person is selected by their branch members.
6. Where is Monica the arbitration lawyer from and what law firm she
Attorney Monica Rainge is Director of the Georgia Agricultural Mediation Program for the
Federation of Southern Cooperatives. Their website is They
work with hundreds of families who have heir property issues and we are hoping she can help us
resolve whatever roadblocks there are preventing us from unifying.

7. Who is Michael Fouche(Porschia Caldwell)?

Addressed by Laura

8. Did Eugene sell 100 acres of land and who he sold it too?
Family has no knowledge - please provide any information you have to support this. Was land
part of the RE Fouche Estate or another family branch property?

9. Why did Laura have Mike collecting money for hunting privileges?
Addressed by Laura

10. When asked about the gravel pit, you all claim you all did not know,
but yall have it registered as a Article of Incorporation?
Addressed by Darryl. Family is not operating an active gravel pit at this time.

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