This Paper Was Created To Fulfill The Mid-Test of Introductory Education

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This paper was created to fulfill the mid-test of introductory education

By :

Jumria Mufarridiyah Kalurung






A. Foundations and Principles of Education

The foundation is the basis of the foothold or start of an action.
Meanwhile, the principle of education is a truth that becomes the basis or
basis for thinking, both at the design and implementation stages of
Educational practice is the activity of a person or group of people or
institutions in helping individuals or groups of people to achieve
educational goals. Assistance activities in educational practice can be in
the form of educational management (macro or micro), and can take the
form of educational activities (guidance, teaching and / or training).
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the
foundations and principles of education are the assumptions that form the
basis of the foothold or starting point in the framework of educational
practice and or educational studies.Various kinds of educational
1. Various kinds of educational foundation
a. Philosophical foundations, namely philosophical foundations,
are those that are based on or are philosophical in nature.
b. The basis of sociology is a scientific analysis of social
processes and patterns of social interaction in the education
c. Cultural foundation, which contains the meaning of basic
educational norms that originate from the norms of cultural life
adhered to by a nation.
d. The foundation of psychology, which contains the meaning of
basic educational norms which are derived from the basic laws of
student development.
e. Scientific and Technological Foundation
2. Various kinds of educational principles
a. Principle of Tut Wuri Handayani
Tut Wuri Handayani's motto is contained in the first point reads,
"Everyone has the right to govern himself by considering the
orderly per units in the fairy of life. "
b. Lifelong Learning Principles
The function of lifelong learning is as a force to motivate students
so that they can carry out learning activities based on
encouragement and direction from themselves by thinking and
acting in and on their lives.
c. Principle of Independence in Learning
Principles of Independent in Learning is a learning process where
each individual can take the initiative in determining their
learning activities.

B. Foundation and Principles of Education support my study at

In the learning process at university, there are several educational
foundations and principles that have an important role in supporting students
in learning.
The foundation of education that supports my learning process at university is
the foundation of sociology which requires me to interact with others, as well
as a sense of mutual need and bond between me and my friends, or me and
my lecturers. Because we occupy the same place we are immediately
socializing. And also scientific and technological foundations, the useful
value of science and technology related to the improvement of physical and
mental well-being, advancement of civilization, as well as resilience and
competitiveness. Indirectly, I must naturally master science and technology
We know that we are currently in a Covid-19 pandemic, this directly makes
technology an important part of a variety of purposes. Especially goals in the
teaching and learning process. With technology, I find it very easy. Even
though they are far apart, the teaching and learning process at my university
is still running through social media platforms. One of them is Whatsapp.
For the principles of education, the first is the principle of Tut Wuri
Handayani. On this principle, we as students are given the freedom to make
our own choices, learn to be more independent without having to always be
ordered or forced. This principle also depends on each individual. Where not
all students have the same choices, the same enthusiasm for learning and also
the same level of knowledge. The second is the principle of independence in
learning. For this principle, we as learners can take the initiative, with or the
help of others, in determining learning activities such as determining learning
objectives or controlling the learning process ourselves. And the third is the
principle of lifelong learning. This principle emphasizes that the time to
experience education is for life and for life. The goal is to achieve self-
satisfaction or those who do it. With this, motivating us as students to be able
to carry out learning activities based on encouragement and direction from
within ourselves.

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