Exercise Modul 6

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Name : Jumria Mufarridiyah Kalurung

Reg. Number : 2001020201

Class :1/F

Modul 6

Exercise 1

1). In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form.

Example: - Please don’t make so much noise. I (study) am studying .

- Let’s go out now. It (not/rain) is not raining any more.
- Listen to those people. What language (they/speak) are they
speaking ?

1. Please be quite. I am trying to concentrate.

2. Look! It is snowing.
3. Why are you looking at me like that? Have I said something wrong?
4. You are making a lot of noise. Can you be a bit quieter?
5. Excuse me, I am looking for a phone box. Is there one near here?
6. Listen. Can you hear those people next door? They are shouting at each
other again.
7. Diana can’t come to the phone because she is washing her hair.
8. Kathy usually sits in the front row during the class, but today she is
sitting in the last row.
9. I wrote to my friend last week. She has not answered my letter yet. I am
still waiting for a reply.
10. After three days of rain, I am glad that the sun is shining again today.
2). Use either the SIMPLE PRESENT or the PRESENT
PROGRESSIVE of the verbs in parentheses.

1. Diana washes her hair every other day.

2. I can’t afford that ring. It costs too much.
3. Look! It begins to rain. Unfortunately, I do not have my umbrella with me.
Tom is lucky. He is wearing a raincoat.
4. Are you always locking the door to your apartment when you leave?
5. Every morning, the sun shines in my bedroom window and wakes me up.
6. A : Look it is snowing.
B : It’s beautiful. This is the first time I’ve ever seen snow. It does not
snow in my country.
7. I do not own an umbrella. I wear a waterproof hat on rainy days.
8. Mike is a student, but he is not going to school right now because it’s
summer. He attends college from September to May every year, but in the
summers he usually has a job at the post office. In fact, he is working
there this summer
9. Right now, I am looking around the classroom. Yoko is writing in her
book. Carlos is biting his pencil. Wanning is scratching his head. Ahmed
is staring out the window. He seems to be daydreaming, but perhaps he is
thinking hard about verb tenses. What do you think Ahmed is doing?
10.There is a book on my desk, but it is not belong to me.
11.Dennis fixes the roof of his house today, and he needs some help. Can you
help him?
12.Barbara is often tutors other students in her math class. This afternoon she
helping Steve with his math assignment because he does not
understanding the material they are working on in their class this week.
13.Right now I look at Janet. She looks angry. I wonder what’s the matter.
She has a frown on her face. She certainly has not any fun right now.
14.A: Who is that woman who is standing next to the window?
B: Which woman? Do you talk about the woman who wear the blue and
gold dress?
A: No, I do not talk about her. I meant the woman who wearing the blue
B: Oh, I do not know. I did not recognize her.
15.A: Close your eyes. Now listen carefully. What do you hear. What am I
B: I believe you are rubbing the top of your desk with your hand.
A: Close, but not exactly right. Try again. Are you listen carefully?
B: Aha. You are rubbing your hands together.
A: Right!

Exercise 2

1). Here is a list of some things that Ann did yesterday (and the
times at which she did them).
1. 08.45 – 09.15 had breakfast. 4. 12.45 – 13.30 had lunch

2. 09.15 – 10.00 read newspaper. 5. 14.30 – 15.30 washed some clothes

3. 10.00 – 12.00 cleaned her flat. 6. 16.00 – 18.00 watched television

Now write sentences saying what she was doing at these times:
1. At 9 o’clock (She was having breakfast).
2. At 09.30 (She was reading the newspaper)
3. At 11 o’clock (She was cleaning her flat)
4. At 1 o’clock (She was having lunch)
5. At 3 o’clock (She was washing some clothes)
6. At 5 o’clock (She was watching television)

2). Use SIMPLE PAST or PAST PROGRESSIVE in the following

sentences by changing the verb in the brackets into the correct
Example: - I (have) had an accident yesterday.
- I am sitting in this class right now. I (sit) was sitting in this
class at this exact same time yesterday.

1. I don’t want to go to the zoo today because it is raining. The same thing
happened yesterday. I did not want to go to the zoo because it was
2. I called Roger at nine last night, but he was not at home. He was studying
at the library.
3. I did not hear the thunder during the storm last night because I was
4. It was beautiful yesterday when we went for a walk in the park. The sun
was shining. A cool breeze was blowing. The bird was singing.
5. My brother and sister were arguing about something when I walked into
the room.
6. I got a package in the mail. When I opened it, I found a surprise.
7. Tommy went to his friend’s house, but the boys were not there. They
were playing soccer in the vacant lot down the street.
8. Stanley was climbing the stairs when he tripped and fell. Luckily, he did
not hurt himself.
9. While Mrs. Emerson was reading the little boy a story, he fell asleep, so
she closed the book and quietly tiptoed out of the room.
10.I really enjoyed my vacation last January. While it was snowing in Iowa,
the sun was shining in Florida. While you were shovelling snow in Iowa,
I was lying on the beach in Florida.
11.While Ted was shovelling snow from his driveway, yesterday, his wife
brought him a cup of hot chocolate.
12.I almost had a car accident last night. I drove down Washington Avenue
when suddenly I saw a car in my lane. It was coming right at my car. I
stepped on the brakes and swerved to the right. The other car was just
missed my car by about an inch.
13.Ten years ago, the government decided to begin a food program. At that
time, many people in the rural areas of the country was starving due to
several years drought.
14.A: Did you hear what she just said?
B: No, I did not listen I was thingking about something else.
15.A: Why weren’t you at the meeting?
B: I was waiting for an overseas call from my family.
16.A: I am sure you met Carol Jones at the party last night.
B: I don’t remember her. What did she wear?
17.A: What’s wrong with your foot?
B: I stepped on a bee while I was running barefoot through the grass. It
stung me.
18.A: How did you break your arm?
B: I slipped on the ice while I was crossing the street in front of the dorm.
Exercise 3

1) In this exercise you have to make sentences with the future

progressive tense.
Example: I am going to watch television from 9 until 10 o’clock this
evening. So at 9.30, I will be watching television.

1. Tomorrow afternoon I’m going to play tennis from 3 o’clock until 4.30.
So at 4 o’clock tomorrow I will be playing tenis.
2. Jim is going to study from 7 o’clock until 10 o’clock this evening. So at
8.30 this evening, he will be studying.
3. We are going to clean the flat tomorrow. It will take from 9 until 11
o’clock. So at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning we will be cleaning the flat.
4. The family will leave for Soe by bus at 10 to night. It will take 5 hours to
get there. So, by mid night tonight, the family will be traveling.
5. Mr. Andrew is going to teach Phonology from 08.00 until 10.00
tomorrow. When the team arrive tomorrow at 9 o’clock, he will be
teaching Phonology.

2) This time you have to ask questions in the Future Progressive.

Example: You want to borrow your friend’s bicycle this evening. (You / use
/ your bicycle this evening?)

 Will you be using your bicycle this evening?

1. You want your friend to give Tom a message this afternoon. (You / see /
Tom This afternoon?)

Will you be seeing Tom this afternoon?

2. You want to use your friend’s typewriter tomorrow evening. (You / use /
your typewriter tomorrow evening?)

Will you be using your typewriter tomorrow evening?

3. Your friend is going shopping. You want him/her to buy some stamps for
you at the post office. (You / pass / the post office when you’re in town?)

Will you be passing the post office when you’re in town?

4. You want to see your friend at 5 o’clock tomorrow. You just want to
make sure he will be home by the time. (You / not go out around 5
o’clock tomorrow, will you?)

Won’t you be going out around 5 o’clock tomorrow, will you?

5. You want to know what your girlfriend will be doing at 9 o’clock
tomorrow. (You / do at 9 o’clock tomorrow?)

What will you be doing at 9 o’clock tomorrow?


putting the verb in the brackets into the correct form.

1. Right now I am attending class. Yesterday at this time, I was attending

class. Tomorrow at this time I will be attending class.
2. Tomorrow I am going to leave for home. When I arrive at the airport, my
whole family will be waiting for me.
3. When I get up tomorrow morning, the sun will be shining, the bird will be
singing, and my roommate still will be lying in bed fall asleep.
4. A: When do you leave for Florida?
B: Tomorrow. Just think. Two days from now, I will be lying on the
beach in the sun.
A: Sounds great. I will be thingking about you.
5. A: How can I get in touch with you while you’re out of town?
B: I will be staying at the Pilgrim Hotel. You can reach me there.
6. Next year at this time, I will be doing exactly what I am doing now. I
attend school and study hard next year.
7. Look at those dark clouds. When class is over, it will probably be raining.
8. A: Are you going to be in town next Saturday?
B: No. I will be visiting my aunt in Chicago.
9. What will you be doing at this time tomorrow? I don’t know. I will
probably go to shopping.
10.I have a meeting the whole day tomorrow. When you come I will be
attending the meeting.

6.1. Evaluation

1). (ORAL). In order to practice using the progressive tenses, you are
required to answer the following questions in complete sentences. Your
answers may consist of more than one sentence.

1. What were you doing at this time yesterday?

2. What were you doing around 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon?
3. What was happening in this room when you walked in this morning?
4. What are you doing right now?
5. What is your friend on your right side doing now?
6. What do you thing your wife / husband / brother / sister / father / mother /
daughter / son is doing now?
7. What will you be doing at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning?
8. Where will you be living three years from now?
9. What will you be doing at mid night tonight?
10.What are you thinking about now?

2). (ERROR ANALYSIS). All of the following sentences are adapted from
student writing and contain typical errors. See how many of these errors
you can find and correct.

1. What you will be doing by 10 o’clock tomorrow morning?

2. Did you were watching television at 9 o’clock last night.
3. The children was playing in the room when I arrived yesterday.
4. The boy does not hear you because he sleeps soundly.
5. You are not understanding the questions.
6. I was coming here last night.
7. The reading passage is very difficult. I do not understanding it.
8. My friend will meet me when I will arrive at the airport tomorrow.
9. I was falling of the ladder when I paint the ceiling.
10.The committee members were work busily when the conference began.
11.Your are wrong. I was teaching when the football match started last night.
I did not watching television then.
12.Do you will be studying English by this time tomorrow morning?
13.Are you think the man is honest?
14.My father and John is not fishing. They are just taking a walk around the
15.The baby is does not sleeping because it very noisy here.
16.Do they will go to the market soon?
17.I will intend to go back home when I will finish my education.
18.The girl will to continue her study in Australia.
19.She is sleeping when I visited her last night.
20.I did not sick yesterday.

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