Essay 3 Outline Template

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______________________’s Unit 3 Essay Outline (Argument)

Your Opinion: Disease prevention is the responsibility of...

❏ individuals (and their families) more than the government.
❏ the government more than individuals (and their families).
I. Introduction Para.
a. Hook (interesting fact/statement, surprising statistic, quotation, question):
b. Topic Background Info (introduce the main topic – general information
about health and disease prevention): ____________________________________________
c. Thesis (a statement of your opinion – see the box at the top of this page):
II. Body Para. 1: Reason #1 (to prove your opinion)
a. Topic Sentence (subject of paragraph + main thing you want to say about
that subject): ________________________________________________________________________
b. Major Supporting Example: ________________________________________________________
c. Major Supporting Example: ________________________________________________________
d. Concession – what the other side says about this: _______________________________
e. Solution: How your side responds to the concession (and wins)
f. Conclusion/Transition Sentence
III. Body Para. 1: Reason #2 (to prove your opinion)
a. Topic Sentence (subject of paragraph + main thing you want to say about
that subject): ________________________________________________________________________
b. Major Supporting Example: ________________________________________________________
c. Major Supporting Example: ________________________________________________________
d. Concession – what the other side says about this: _______________________________
e. Solution: How your side responds to the concession (and wins)
f. Conclusion/Transition Sentence
IV. Conclusion Para.
a. Restate thesis/ summarize main idea
b. Concluding thought (final comment on topic, significance) OR
Recommendation (connection to the reader, course of action) OR
Prediction (What will happen if…?):

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