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Allied Health Career Writing Assignment.

See the syllabus for the due date.

The student will choose and research a health care related career and write a 3 – 5-page paper answering the following questions. (MIN 3 FULL
1. What sparked your interest in this career?
2. If you have not already done so, research the profession. Given the research what are some positive and negative aspects of the
3. What is the scope of practice or a job description for someone working in the field? (if you need help finding this let me know)
4. Explain the educational requirements for the profession? What future option does this career potentially open? (i.e. career ladder)
5. What type of person is ideal for this career? What attributes/talents/skills should they possess?
6. During your research where there any areas that surprised or caused a challenge for you?
7. Since the start of this class are you as interested, more interested or less interested in this career? Why?

NOTE: I will not be adhering to any APA or MLA standards for this assignment. This paper should be double-spaced and organized. Cutting and
pasting any work that is not your own is plagiarism.

Grading Rubric:

Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________

Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning

4 3 2 1 Score
Audience cannot
Student presents
Audience has understand
information in logical, Student presents
difficulty following presentation
Information interesting sequence information in logical
paper as a result of because there is no
which audience can easily sequence.
sequence issues sequence of
Subject knowledge is Subject knowledge is Some subject Subject knowledge
evident throughout. (more evident in much of knowledge is evident. is not evident.
Subject Knowledge than required) All the paper. Some information is Information is
Of Health Career information is clear, Information is clear, confusing, incorrect confusing,
appropriate, and correct appropriate, and or flawed. incorrect or flawed

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Allied Health Career Writing Assignment.

See the syllabus for the due date.

Student covers all Student covers the Student covers Student does not
suggested objectives objectives suggested majority of the cover the
Objectives Clearly Stated/Suggested including scope of for paper but does not suggested objectives objectives given
Format Followed practice and code of fully elaborate but does not elaborate for the assignment
ethics for health career sufficiently

Paper is neatly presented Information is Information is The information

and formatted. organized with well- organized missing appears to be
constructed more than 3 minor disorganized and
Organization paragraphs but formatting elements not formatted
missing minor format
All paragraphs include Most paragraphs Paragraphs included Paragraphing
introductory sentence, include introductory related information structure is not
explanations or details, sentence, but were typically not clear and sentences
Paragraph Construction and concluding sentence explanations or constructed well do not flow
details, and
concluding sentence

The student selects an The student selects The student selects The student did not
assortment of supporting appropriate resources references but has select supporting
resources to compliments which complements difficulty materials to gain
Resources (3-5 creditable sources) learning and fulfills the the assignment collaborating meaning from this
assignments expectations important aspects to assignment
achieve a well-
rounded picture
Information clearly relates Information clearly Information relates to Information has
to the main topic. It relates to the main the main topic. No little or nothing to
includes several (3+) topic. It provides 1-2 details and/or do with the main
Quality of Information supporting details and/or supporting details examples are given topic
examples and/or examples

Material extensively Material covers Material scantly Materials do not

covers required content, required content and covers required cover the required
Content focusing on career and mostly focusing on content and/or content and/or
demonstrating student career chosen content focus is content focus is
understanding vaguely relevant irrelevant

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Allied Health Career Writing Assignment.

See the syllabus for the due date.

No grammatical, spelling Almost no A few grammatical, Many grammatical,
or punctuation errors. grammatical, spelling spelling or spelling, and
Mechanics or punctuation errors punctuation errors punctuation errors
(1-3) (4-6) (7+)


Total Score:


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