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Chan mali chan

Here is a video of Malay women dancing to the song:
Chan mali chan is a teasing love song from
Singapore or Malaysia, about a woman
comparing her beloved to a mischievous,
playful baby goat (anak kambing). The song
is in Malay. It is a very upbeat song that is
often danced to, or played with games.

In the poem, the stanzas with 4 lines are

made of 2 sections. The first section is the
metaphor, and the second section refers
directly to the beloved. In malay, this poem is
called a 4 part rhythmic pantun.

Tanjong flower

Traditional Malay wedding costume in yellow

and white
Di mana dia anak kambing saya? Where is he, my little goat?
Anak kambing saya yang makan daun talas My little goat is eating taro leaves.
Di mana dia buah hati saya? Where is he, my loved one?
Buah hati saya bagai telur dikupas My loved one is like a shelled egg.

Chan mali chan, chan mali chan Chan mali chan, chan mali chan,
Chan mali chan, ketipung payung chan mali chan, ketipung payung.

Di mana dia, anak kambing saya? Where is he, my little goat?

Anak kambing saya main di tepi sawah My little goat is playing by the paddy fields.
Di mana dia, cinta hati saya? Where is he, my loved one?
Cinta hati saya yang pakai baju merah My loved one who is wearing red.

Chan mali chan, chan mali chan Chan mali chan, chan mali chan,
Chan mali chan, ketipung payung chan mali chan, ketipung payung.

Di mana dia anak kambing tuan? Where is your little goat, sir?
Anak kambing tuan di atas jambatan Sir, your goat is on top of the bridge.
Yang mana dia si bunga pujaan? Which one of those is your favourite flower,
Si bunga tanjung dihujung dahan sir?
It is the Tanjong flower at the end of the
Kalau nak tahu anak kambing saya
Anak kambing saya di dalam bilik If you want to know where my goat is,
Kalau nak tahu intan payung saya It is in my room.
Intan payung saya yang kecil lah molek If you want to know which is my umbrella,
It is the tiniest one.
Di mana dia anak kambing tuan?
Anak kambing tuan yang bulunya kuning Where is your goat, sir?
Yang mana dia buah hati tuan? Your goat that has yellow fur.
Buah hati tuan yang putih lah kuning. Which one is your loved one, sir?
My loved one is the one who's in white and

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