Paper 1 Reading

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Test 1 PAPER 1 READING (1 hour 30 minutes) * Panta For questions 1-18, read th three texts below and decise which answer (A,B,C or B) best 5 ach gap, Mark your answers on the separate answer shect. Vancouver In the last ten years or so, hundreds of thousands of people from all over the wodd have (1) up residence in Vancouver, in westem Canada. To relax in the evening, resents @).. down the city streets and, you join them, you are tkely to overhear aeterent language at ‘almost every other step. People come to Vancouver forts mid climate, its wendetu eeting 'between the ocean and the mountains, is clean and gate environment and its edveatonal and job ‘portunities. And (3)... some may grumble about the speed a which new butenge have (2) ‘there's no doubt that the new arvals and (5). tourism indsty have helped ful an urban renaissance. Locals once relerrd to Vancouver as Terminal Cy because of he cys rolo as 0 terminus or gateway to all other places. Though the name has falen slighty out of (6) Vancouver is more a gateway than ever. 1A taken B pu © made © bun 28 prow B stumble © tusge D stat 3A conversely B nevertheless «© =muchas. «=D evenso 4A soungup —B gatheredup —¢ plledup moved up 5A progressing 8 blooming © fourshing — sweting 8A approval = favour © cninion = support, Putting Pen to Paper Joumalsts the myst are usualy por letras. Rave hoard (7). that ths becaue of the lntnctive cstaste we fe at wring something We are not going tobe paid fo, but ean, Doleve we have quite such mercenary characters tis more probably tha (8). in cut wore na 8 Peper 1 Reading 2 always (9). to got the greatest possible foc, the essential spontaneity of eter (10) Us The fal creative art, who does not consciously work on the effect at al hough he may ro ne a Passage dozens of times), doesnot have this problem. | bellove that ts in his inherent {¥250 ofthe etect of his words tht tore (11) the only sure test of tho real artist. When ‘Shakespeare wrete some of his famous nes he (12). ever thought consciously hat was tho Centastbetwven plysylables thal made them go atfective, as well as showing him tobe a great ver TA slg B toe © remarked presumed A sie B tr © me © once 9A stiving ——B exoring «contending —Dtacking 30. misses B escapes avoids D passes M1 A goes B remains © as © eviete 12 A Inevitably 8 conicenty —¢ pariculary surely ‘Supermarket Opening ‘The opening ct a now supermarket usod tobe abit of an event in Britain, You could aby rely fon a soap star, a disc jockey ra minor member ofthe royal family to come down and cut the ‘bbon. Now it seems that nw branches are (1)... up every day in many areas and #9 ho poor 28 celery has become (1)... Why pay a famous person when any Tom, Dick or Hany wi! pen tor nothing? Last week, waling pensioners dldnt care who opane the nevi branch of Supertuy, (15). they were atthe ont, According 1o one prospective customer who bnew ‘someone who wotked there, the frst fwe mon ever the (16)... would be geting @ botte of sttershave, and the fst ve women, a bunch of fowers, This (7). fnformaton quickly swept (18). the crowd insitigfeengs ot smug superonty amang those at he rn and ony trom the ltecomes, 13 A popping §—B lespg © mping nipping 14 A superuous B excessive Supls residual 18 A deste —Bsolongas © incase ragardless 16 A entance 8 doorway © treshold—-D barr 7A clipping = stand = sting’ © srippet, 18 A among B tough © across aound Test 1 You are gringo reed four exact wich ar al oncomad chine in some way wth ho power iu images. For questions 18-26, choose the answer (A, 8, C or D) ; ‘otto Mark your answers on the sop Part 2 te answer sheet 1” 20 Screen Learning ‘few days ago nodced my sbeyear-ol eating noodles ina unny way. He was lng ‘hem up with his teth while trying to look free. ‘Tm a litle dinosaur’ he sd. He ‘was play-acting a scene from a recent TV programme, so | quizred him about what the remembered abovt dinosaurs. The answer was, not alot ‘There isa modish rush to embrace inernet and computer learning, bt i fearing va ‘ascreena good method! One writer tells how he tried out anintaractive programe ‘with bis son. The father diigenty read the words while the son fiddled with the pictures. "Had he spent ten minutes in ront ofa book he might posibly have learned something” said his father. ‘Television, as my son and his noodles demonstrate isan impressionistic, sugestive ‘medium. Research about television and learning shows tht learring goes on in a Tearing environment where dialogue i taking place wit teachers or parent. neds ‘to be mediated. There is nothing wrong with harnessing new technology to teach our children, but there is sil 2 big roe fr formal edvetion, In order to be used euccosstuly in teaching, TV programmes must be shown in a conventonal classroom, focus on alogue bbe accompanied by discussion wit adits appeal to adults and chidren com> ‘The writer bebeves that ‘screen laaming’ehould be used A. with enthusiasm, Bin moderation without preconceptions. D. inisolaon. ) which you think ts bes accorsng a tom ae? Hollywood by 1918, four-fifths ofthe film-making capacity of the world had relocated to Hollywood. Locals disapproved, seeing their suburb of Los Angels infected by these new vulgarians, But in the end snobbery yielded to the true American, value, sucess. And success isthe box-office gross. Hollywood knows a good film when it sees one: one that may make a star, but must make somebody's fortune In less than a century, Hollywood has grown from a tofee-nosed village t0 2 town as famous as New York, Rome or Pars. And physically, of course it has changed beyond recognition: a century ago, you would walk through orange groves to the village store. Yet in a way, i is stil a village ~ parochial, with Timited horizons — just ite bit of Los Angeles. For all who live and work in it there is one topic of conversation ~ films: how much they have made, who is ‘dating whom, who's been stabbed in the back, who is ‘attached’ to which projet. Those who have been succesful often try to get away: to work there, but ive somesshere else Yet itis still the one place in the world to which almost everyone who is anyone in show-business (and plenty who arent) eventually avitates What does the witer say about present-day Holywood? “Tha local people stl lok down onthe fi industry. It retains some charactorsies ofa small community Ithas been adversoly affcted by its reputation People who ive there are wored by the violence com> Who does and plenty who aren refer on ina 16? ‘A. pooplo lass wel-krown inthe wold of entrainment 1B poople not resent in Holywood {© poopie untkoy to actiove colby status people not welcome In Heywood Supra 9deg i opr pu0peR a aa “suoWRASnm! sy\yM-PUE-YTERA MoU JO UOKINpOIM ou Y uol2D.3sN]]| YOO res ot puokog 0B ou pp ¥ woo ka asnnsoq Aydesboro4d jo panoxddesp sow UY ‘snonpie 0% so sain Bumued wéo0. fou (00) mow 219 posn AOU, uorseazdx® Jo opous mot ‘uses ye sou punoy pey Kou veg mou sradesBO}oNd ‘son on aitdeoc, abou oxnears euro soe pata 9q tou poo suvousfeorreysout wodn topuodap os sezmiatd ue ‘pres fon “hydnxBoiond uo du w Buons oof pe Ait 91a YORYia LH plEOM remove ou 218 we ‘oq ou prnoo pure ou sem AydeaBojoyd wep oBreNo uSNe 0 ofeur yo punt mou eur aaasvad jo Won yx 304) 30 sm 9 oHuT woneUIO;eUOD soNG o} YBNOL FEAR ure sfoeia uy denteus sonpeid prnoa sropuTed ww) pu sBurpunouins rena s1049 Jo PL090x WONT “Bune ¥ Busy >0¢ axoM Wout ogous sosodand uae so 39} wo} He use she Aamo sou Aq pontonut sei KyesBoioNg Aydnasojoyg reat Test 1 Pans ‘You are going to read an extract rom a novel Seven paragraphs have boon removed from the TR Groote rom the pargeaphs A-H the one which fis each gap (27-39). Thereis one extra paragraph whic you donot need to Use ‘Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet tro ays bs cor fund weed a ora OL bd ng od vane ene be pl Mees com rv cicas,_ sng cates ogy wi nyse SE Sens wage atop welt met la Se tonne he chemcieHon te May end foc uooy eocuseycam ad meget [SG Beso t grame ansncncte tel ea oa pata Ts was mr stn ve, Gov up hv ees caper red ratcqrad t, ee ee te cicaaeh Oat you ners yous tothe gt ete Ses crac your pret hnt an romano aot See sre thr | mo be Soe au pote orctants errant mere fol eren ema Thon be Sere tr Tis ey ace el ecm fel coyyor yy new aod a res Tine Zrowpne tonobwhe'sct nak Rendnan baat mie aay nb ceton presse nd sotytay sng son house oy. See tye tree gam cose oF Cerecuey cases mys waren Ever [8 Sra a, took sexe hr aa Socttunastqawoatpetenos ie Hronanberanyneg abou has eayyeas the Seyrtmasetet Insane tent cody, sewer holy; ae cae when Yu cP Serena Savona ngs ce wold anand ae = Aiea Eumence vv nano edn ot ae (ite Bate anne ns sone tme be 7 och hana cary one, na at e Pone 2 ruth ss corey bend myer way m Cmts fear 8 ey Sepa ei ot | et Sg ac el P st Topaiosae aro stored soneting cae a Lap oP) ~ Womans’ gs hoon a tron len cary, =o fy mabe ceecatanntecintametonng apo ere apn mash ns SScuinen nicowsngrcon way beavers ote gate ue prs mew cos oa er omg oar you Rey SSeS s oe nc proeorptons nd protons ‘twas only later that | comprehended what poor ie A oe ral tr tt cme recuse miko nan Koss oy moe coroany ome a eessed and hd at been shad out fe, sKe8 OA ‘evesing tetd.a tease cticanczven vow ay eos pa wai, must be iow, aogier 1 eta, and vray ion go ron ane ss naj err SES 1h Toco my mover jasc she wast unconscious Too asthe guaran of my education. 00 eirfaye ocasonaly, se would ike mein my ‘Sood Gotes ~ onthe 85 bus tothe Norwich see museum. Horo, handnhand, suepeus, arnt of the tree admicson. we wou Peade tough roomie of panings by the Remich Schoo of Arts 1B Te hick ow had a mother wit ache bike TiS a chia seat — theo wore extaocinay Encapon in eastron wah improvised safety ope As fara real my ether consigned me {bine ea of eer enon i the seat os oun. ¢ of exanaton — who we wer, where we came fron what we wore suposed 10 be ding there tees none. Ard yet teemed 0m fs my ea) Tested out te continos of the West Eainam tte na dark ilo hous va fataly snared forace calod Bight Read, was crammed wih Imysteres the cemanded. explanation, There tras flake th most ebvius, he question fy aor D She was, for instance, quite the most slr ersan ave ever known, a lone a room ul ‘ot peopla ae on amon. To this solaness was [aod a tana adn to a knd of roprty tncomman on tbe West Earham esate, when ‘cezasonaly broke cutinfufousspingteanngs fr handwashings and sections t bebave proper hor ecate. ca vebe tr trot ot to stay oa Roman se ge ‘oar to ramark, Wel | wou the to mee Ra ae So aes 7 E Morconary motves ware a falar theme ot ‘my mothers conversation, and poticans ‘ny mater adn te dogpest contemet ofa. he ought ofthe House of Carwmons and am fot sure her mind was eapatio of such an nprocedeneglea of be magia was a= 4 kd of opulent post ofce whore pucerats tiped coon ltr tte wi ve pound notes Sentinby a redulos publ F Most fis ear Ve logan. But heres 8 memory of sting, or perhaps balanen, at any (ata procaruly on some vantage pot nar an pst window, and leaking atthe Houses ‘hey faded away io te datanco Later on here roo phantonsfacs tal can putnames fo. my mathe, saning tows inthe back oom of {house tat | co tk was ou, snow ing ‘verte els fe great mansion at Eartha G In tare amar fouees emerged ono these stom ‘cay soe. Far er sltariness, my moet Snoart witout her cronea Thor was Mra Buckry, ho was fata onthe Royal Famiy irs Will who sid exact nth, excep 1 (guns svporing the man speaker. and Mrs {lbenno than the ors, and of whom ‘moy vaguely csappoved 1H Looking back, mas as i 8 gant psberwiht Composed of tha West Eatham ouses, my tao ander eens, he obligation 1 hare proper lay acess my spousal 8 wa Prat immedaley grow up and stat be werk ‘tpg te. Part 4 ‘You are going to ead an essay about posty. Fer questions 34-40, choose the answer (A.B, © ‘rD) whieh you tink te bast according othe ten answer sheet ‘Mark your answors on the separa POETRY RECITALS se nee se pin They a ny ‘hen cy se tom frm aden a ‘ne mimiutd a asingleheg: ts e8 be ute pis tat he defers of te, ‘igen oun Become eer Poets so as dead tech ede So ‘eit contend eso wai nr the tls of yet ~ ich, noes Conpeing ie monine amo of psn ‘Se wd vido alt pte tee and aceite eles Be wily mal nity oe nlc, be Tit by a stone wc poy irracing hor wk ft he et tie. Te geo io tit ey wl Re eget te 2 Cotte ie cect el ge ies ak Fett igi ne cei Senile wert wih ge ely o be he Tpit nd dees Andie at pry riding camot te 2 ‘bse fo eng oy othe hugh ‘tea bean expat ana nse an To er ond ponte hl wake ty se ot tecomplites ple sped Itt ‘lube pie ato where he reco emp eb be placed, bt a deine Oat te Sion soul eer flow te weating wih ‘Hote eee bom er have roomed of tte. poora bene. teen, The cial sion for popular etal of pt, ere The readings ae lometies inengeed with ‘rules (ua and poy ta oe avery Poplar mitre) Balser wl ce tite par wh plete and at fe dt {ana arise onl tan td ry any ge ine fitter sone wi teem eofied sie ho ovine gh tal ibe seca of poset at makes be pater and errs of emote apes les!y ‘ind to the rspectve ew is ay sale 1b my tha ae prose tne ree an epecialy bewlaring corgleniy of pocie tendencies, of in of pty ting writen, of ‘ering actos of way of peeing eg ha eacing pony, and of config bebe oat th rl the prt ney ‘ery tony speaking, tbe present dbo ia enlemporry poet) conser be Tepes ‘locust an dppeeval sown by the seul (Sid ley” rer who poems {evened o Be pte a eal oo he po, ab Be popula pefoming yo wo, vse ty tr pesaly publh ir ven in magsines ‘colts are hapier elaine be lense OF coune tis dvs tf roe, sho ‘he pace of romoing ul poet readings as oon edly icening orb st WER) ‘eas oF 3 i any erst fms. Small Teeny tet i rovic o cn ‘member shuts and alps nie poo feed sed kt autences of side an sina olen adverse pacy Teangs Oy ‘ellhoown sure on Bete progam The ensequnce of al tee eens and of pels ‘ng moe or les blged to tecome pbc efron ae asl df wowtainDenet (tem a ars For the pop” poet whose work Ins ben amie exes fore pape of eal 1 16 38 a sper Reading ‘nat genara observation about poetry does the wrter maken the opening paragraph? 'A. Tho prosont trary cmt isnot conducive to good poetry 1B Node poems appear unplanned and chaotic him. © The greamase ot poas nly emerges In retrospect. Todays poetry compares unfavourably with that of previous generations. ina des the writer think about he present conf in poetry? ‘A. Ho blames It on tho serous posts. 18 Thedietncen between serous and ‘popula’ Issekdom clear cu © Istems tom the atte of the audience. The popular poets take pleasure incising the serious poets. ‘Aecartng to the ter, how might serous poet feel about a public recta? 'A- uneasy about tne practical arangements bound to accept for nancial reasons G_pleased to reach a wider auderco Durer pressure to take part ‘The wit ole that he work of some popula poats ‘8 does rot stand upto coco analysis. Bs pao along poste traction, is undersated by exporioncad auconces 1 borets rom being writen own. ‘Which word is used to eer caparegngly tothe popular poets? A tempted (ine 52) B cnlatainos ne 53) © communicaton (ine 55) D sighost {ine 57) “The wir concedes that public petommances ‘are an iroaucion opoety for some poopie. B_ may lead some people fo acqule a taste fr more serious posty. © canbe insti as regards publ speaking canbe. good supplement to serous, written pooty, In the txt asa whole, the writer's purpose Is to '8- tester greatarunty among poos. 1B givo advice to would-be poets © persuade uso he value of poetry rectal 1D anayse a cient dabat inthe wort of poetry. per 17 PAPER 3 USE OF ENGLISH (1 hour 30 minutes) Panta For questions 1-15, read ho tox bolow and think ofthe word which best fits each space, Use fone ord in each space. Theres an examale at the beginning (), my Wee youranswors In CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet emer: (]TAELE LO CAN PARROTS COMMUNICATE? Everyone knows tha parc can itate human speech, but ean (0) 2286, birds also understand ‘meaning? Two decades apo, eserchar rene Pepperberg started working wth Alex, an Atican 70y pare, and ever since ten, she has been building (1) ‘data on him. Pepparter, @ ‘ecenty published book The Alex Stucies makes fascinating reading, caims Alex ssn’ copy speech butintentenally uses words to get (3) ‘ts hat he wants. {In actual (€) Some of his cognitive skis are identical to thse ofa fwe-yea-old chi, 6 8 chi’, Al's leaming has been a steady progression Eay on, he (8) ‘vocal whether nothing were the sare oeliferent. Now, he carte (1) nn moe coMplox leaks, Proseted (8)... dilrentcolouad bals and blocks and asked the number of red ioc, nel answer corel, He request things as well (9)... he ask o ston your shoulder ‘284 you pit him (10)... els, hel complain; Wanna go should’ ACI)... experts romain septa, seeing very (12) In Alex’ perormance beyond caring by association, by (12)... of intense taining. Yet Alex appears to (14) Iastered simple two-way communication. As parrot ve fr 60 years or more, Alex may suprise (15) at ner i Pa \ below. Uso the word given in capitals a the ena Pan2 sons 16-25, read the oe ‘same fine. There gees More ain on oe cor cea : ee norm mnths ais eee ‘ cote: (OFLA OM ET Tse VANILLA ‘ranks tothe vbiqutous use of vanila as a (0) Cutan ice creams FLAVOUR ite tasto fs more (18) to the maorty of RECOGNISE plant and cakss tho world over people than tbe appearance oft ‘The plant isl ls actualy a native ofthe wopical forests of Central America ands the ont variety of orchid to be grown on a commercial scale. Its daicate white fowers open inthe eal moming and, aftr polination by insects or hamming bids, a narrow bear-tke pod forms and (17) ......, taking & RIPE pod of fe to coven months 0 each (18) uu. Its this pod whichis. MATURE harvested to provide the food crop we know as vanila. 3 Despite ts American origins, for decades it was ony cultvatd (1). ‘onthe Incian Ocean island of Madagascar, wher it was introducod atthe end ‘lho nineteenth century. soon became clear thatthe vanilla grown there wag of quality (20)... other areas, and the island quicky became KNOW 070 of the wors major (21). ‘SUPPLY » In recent years, however, new (22) ..n.n.- Rave entered the vanila market COMPETE 54, (28) ns y Madagasca’s importance has started to sip. Of course, CONSEQUENCE tho (28)... ef naw producers means a small marketshare, whist the EMERGE ‘devolopment of artical subetuts is (25)... © undermine demand for THREAT the real hing, 2 Peper Use of English Exam © Some ofthe tourts are hoping to get compensa and ink they haves von © 0 compnsaon feb oo sao he sa and ‘There's ne Point in ting to wade acrogs te ver, the curent ifr to I you'e asking me which ofthe candidates shoud get the jb, tr ala | dont have 27 bol [7 Wit onty the missing word in CAPITAL LETTERS on th Wee] separate answor sheet 26. The prizewinning scubpture ison atthe National Gattis wook. ‘AS we rounded he bend, he fst few houses came into ‘There is widespread that too much sugar is bad for you. 27 We need to give some consderaton tothe downturn nou als, and ‘come up wih anew mavketing strategy S that te goverment has toon fread to ‘The economic stuation sso #601 him, you know. He seoms a roa joker, but hee's & more strong resemblance to thei broter 28 Francesca and Kate both . 1 grudge agaist your ees, Leis co shart to lot and ator atts the second (Once you reach the crossroads, turning onthe night 2 128. Tho pales oer warmed the boys to keop ot rout bout her pans forthe fa, Sophia at at From this vewpolnt you can se the i Mountains ona ay 30 Jae eho engine it she devered the pars. for Present. im suprised to hear the Governor of Caos had hat tne trough my hoad over since | heard ast weok 31, Tho team oi so ln the heats that hay id not even roach the quar fale. damaged inthe storm, In ned of op king for some time ands 2B Tet 1 Part 4 Far qustons 32-38, compte tho san setence $0 ti thes asia meaning the eat seniance, sing the werd given. Be nat change the word given. You must us bose and elaht words, incung the word given. reo Wore isan exampe (0). Example: (© Do you mind # | watch you while you paint? objection DD YOU a Wit only the missing words on the separate answer sheet. 832 The author cescrbes his chisnood vv inthe book, ee YOU While YOU pant? ‘account The BUF Bok es is chichood. {33 This plant olen ges atackd ty insects = vw dack made enough money 2 Fo Kate has finally accepted that thelr Hiendship is over. terms Kate has finaly = : le Here | | wasn't expecting you 1 begin singing when they asked you to speak. took t speak. Janice soon recovered rom her cold. oot Rid _- singing when they asked you to her cold. ‘Only when the siorm subsided was it clea Just how much damage had been done, teva not -~ ofthe damage was clear. ‘When he wen the scholarship, Alan began to realise just how lucky he was. dawn \Wnen he won the scholarship, i began... |ust how lucky he was, 25 Parts cremeetons £0044, rade owing tons bau a. Fr qusons 40-83 awe wih awd S.eRor pra, You do ot ned wits complt sentences, For qusion 4 we & S731 ‘ccrdng ote incon gen ee ec «0 a 26 ‘Wit your answers to questons 4044 onthe separate answer sheet. A ite may crush an artist by tein him that what he has just dome may be ite, ‘00d in ts own way only it isnot ‘An’ And that same crite may confound anyon Gpleving Pitre dering what eked init was neh ett someting Actually, 1do not think there are wrong reasons for liking a statue or picture, Someone may like landscape painting because reminds him of home, ora portals ‘because it reminds him of frend. Theres nothing wrong with that Allo us, when Wwe se a painting, are bound tobe reminded of «hundred and one things which Jnfluence ur likes and sis. As long as these memories help sto enjoy what we se, we need not worry. I only when some irelevant memory males us te Prejudice, when we instinctively turn away fiom a magnificent picture of alpine Scene becuse we dislike climbing, that we should search our mind fr the reson for the aversion which spoils a pleasure we might otherwise have had. There we wrong reasons for ding a work of at ‘Most people lke to sce im pictures what they woud ako lke to seein realy. This 45 quite a nxtunl preference. We all lke besty in nature and are gratefil to the ats who have preserved itn thei works, In your own words, explain how, according to he wir viewer might real oa exis comments about @ work of af. Explain what the writer means by ‘some irelevant memory makes us prejciced (lines 10-19), Peper 3 Use of English ‘Arthas changed over the last few decades. Although continual change is the very essence of at, the most recent changes run far more deeply, and 90 beyond external appearances. The very concept of art is in fact being ‘questioned. At first glance might Indeed seem to be mainly a matter of ephemeral and non-essentiol questions. For Instance, contemporary art has never before enjoyed such wide popularity. Prices are soaring, and private collectors are currently placing an unprecedented numberof orders. The prices for modem classics at auctions in London and New York have reached ‘unimaginable heights, as artis increasingly regarded asa sound investment for the fare, ‘Contemporary art has infact become an integral part of today’s middle-class society. Even works of art which are fresh from the studio are met with enthusiasm. They reclve recognition rather quickly -too quickly fo the taste of the surlier culture cits. OF course, not all works of art are bought ‘immediately, but there is undoubtedly an increasing numberof people who enjoy buying brand new works of art. Instead of fst and expensive cas, they buy the paintings, sculptures and photographic works of young artists. They know that contemporary art also adds to their social prestige. Furthermore, since artis not exposed to the same wear and tear as automobiles, i is — in principle ~ a far better investment. Explain in your own words the evidence given by the wir of he wide popula (ine 6) ota today. Wien phrase suggests new works of at aro ot always recsived postvely when fist spayed? Ina paragraph of between 60 and 70 words, ummariso In your awn words as far a8 posalble he reasons gven in the texts for why tho pubic appreciate art. We your summary on the separate answer sheet. , Test 2 PAPER 1 READING (1 hour 30 minutes) Partt For guestons 1-18, reed the thee texts below and decide which answer (A,B, € orb) bet ts ‘each gap. ‘Mark your answers on the seperate answer sheet. ire Language ‘Young | belong toa species wih remarkable abity we can shaps events in each cher brah with exquisite precision. Language isso (1). woven into human experience that ts seareey sibo to imagine fe witout (2) are that you find wo or mere people together anywho near, they wil soon be (8) .. words. When there is no one to tk with, people tak © ‘emseives, tothe dogs, even thelr plans. ke to deserbe the sill anguage san este. ‘Tis (4) the kes that people know how to takin more or lass he sense that spiders know how to spin webs. Web>spinring was nt invented by some unsung spider genius, and doesnot (8) having ha the right education or on having an (8) fr architecture or the constuction races 1A gay B thy = > uy 2A Chances 8 Protabines ¢ Reasons —_D_—Explanatons 3A star —B recprocting exchanging Drang 4A waremis 8 dssennses C taneles comms 5A buison —B dependon © enunten —Dbankon © A eptwe — B aotcabity §—¢ Inutin © ttgence Climate and Weather (Cimate anc waster, which are mally crete bythe ar around us proton ater te nes 420 cibton of animals and pls. Camate can be a dominaing fre onthe character of lencscapes. For examele, warmth and wotneas al the year round alow te growth cf tones ences, which are natura! 7) — owes, win an nerecble Srenty of specs (8) — cas, Py Peper Resting congas cnr en sexe secon gg. Te ay a pare Spy cnweyumotecmatenecnmsdty ges man srronge mare Cestinagpar enero Sone cite means (1) Panta pe pe eesapmy pine tenes te rep Gapged dry ee sone a Pe Thain pi bow A mewn (2) orbs oa cove fesmerirenns = vernaty eacure Conversely TA pie 8A Sibeequenty oA mse 10 A along win A bag A rot fore Simtaneousy ae deste olay ait i jon seartron soy eo oecee eov000 9 Cottoe ty duis as bar person incuded serving eins but, more wonyingy, | was tobe responsible fr sig cote. nygn Set Mabourne 2 restauar can and ol on 3 cee ean. ‘Ther folowed severel days of ctensvecotte-making ining. in which (13) — mere rer wish throw about te leaning and (14) of te restaurant's Gearing espresso machine leat, ce, boi te econ pence (15) nemkng fe pete ap of ih, Pty causa. feud t wena wrt at raking acre i ot tn na a tected and (16) — expecta be (7 — ony ay wing Se aL. toss was apaent man. Making cote is bom en at and a scence he said "rc you need 19 (18) — te krack” 1A won Be ocmiul © pede Okeke 160A cating «= B sevice presenaton © marterance 15.A corcamed 8 iwhed © Cneeded D exabasted 1A tay B wey = ¢ many © neaty 17A barnes «= B depend «© pushed © cntered 18A she = Bo atan © asae D awe 35 Teat2 Part 2 Youre goingtoreatour enacts which areal concemedin some way wh the notion ot hertage. For quostone 19+26, choose the answer (A,B, Cot D) which you ink ts best according to me avk our answers onthe separate answer she Heritage “The ue meaning sane of herage i thst ves people nd communes 2 pene seve of connection wh tu ptt, Obvious, we fel connects to ur persralhertage = “ily me know whoa wh ur grapes were and we wl hive heard tories aout ow they ved Bu beyond ht thre a wider ue eed ern aout our pase der to hep ue deraand and ieee ou dul ad atonal frre, Here represen fendamera! dt or anand —srince abou ee pat goes log way t tring our fare ee trou hr catty that we azheve our own ple In history. our oun "emery ne sane vay ht youinbers your snes, you ako Iberia cre whch as been pissed down trough many eerton. Therese spect of your rational erage tt you rey rot er or condone, bites yours 2nd renting fel porto something Hesiage ha phaomens amount x tach ut an would ys imperate for ur wee being I afecs erring tom estos to mitral cure Tredlonaly or ek wih the ps was hough te stores and legends pase down by our ancestors, Bu because Wester Indus society broke up communes ad fas, much of ht orl radon ha ey een os tt pcs and areca ‘mameri’ gv us cls to our parte val ‘imporant conserve and restore these Ink a3 tetient to our ancestor deny. "19 How can the wears argument inthe ist paragraph best be summarised? ‘A Hertag can reveal a ot abou what might happen tous 8 Hertoge can each us alt about how our grandparonts Wed. ertageenabies us alt tel moran and fame, 'D_Hertage mes us wet fr eabity and secuny, 20. The wir main intention eto ‘8 spi infomation B ghe a detntion © suggest an apron, encourage resbarch, 36 Paper © The Fens erences Ti osnpernmnee eee ciara rte te pas ears aa a er erp) sr ae ees eee Se eer caw a luteal py sagen whch Sas re ee ee i ae ek ea ae ete beaten es ee Sn i nat e ig nena aed oe eee oie ip cr eee Hien ae een tee ee whi some then, the landscape My own physical researches while writing my novel wereiin fact not so extensive, have never been, yet, to Wisbech or Prickwillow. As a writer of fiction T am. intersted in imagined worlds and I would much rather hazard an inspired guess at some point of authenticity than go for documentary proof. Yet this very attempt to ‘imagine’ the Fens has its special logic, fr, as the pages of Edward SSorey’s scholarly book abundantly show, the Fens are, peculiarly, not just a landscape buta state of mind. Winat does the witer come to realise about the Fens? ‘A. He underestimatod tho area a fist. He nooded a more inspiring setting for his novel {Ce should have dane more research about the area. He was wrong to think ofthe aoa atypically English ‘wnat estrtion can be made betweon the writer and Edward Storey? ‘A. Storey has a greater eve for deta. BB Stray is the more rational witor © Thelrbooks serve aterent purposes. 1D They interpret he Fens in oppaso ways. 37 Free 2 2 38 2 Museums ‘Museums mast make their collections accessible. Inthe past, this simply meant ppacking them info display cates, often with wordy labels that mado title concession to the lay person. Nowadays, accessbily should demand more ‘dun this. Displays can be Lively and interesting, making the bast use of ‘eatrical or architectural techaiques to capture visitor’ attention and perhaps stimulate emotional response, But museums should be about more than thei o4p 244 20U 0p 9458 yo usa 02 sn oyevo Ae 0 949 Hos suHAWDD Se BuO] o$ i 24024 1204) NOU ANE a ano yon asa See aan pas p20 eur gout asne094 pi 2888 > | Se s tw 2p sureu esnozepausnlay ano sng p> o1 uns On Ap 319 od 30 sedos uN Uo yp—0» SuoRs2n® of SimeuR 30K own Ie or moy pooyg av sore.n4 es EY sno euroU uma App Burges “X09 rian oq eu spnos oi “OPED put S10 "9o0d J AOU BY AE vr cor up muBeuy sed 0 yuuns 4a papsequcg a7 a FNP NOs doi Uunpou a roto.oR og seouuns asonb 1 8H WORE y-0P Ge so, OUMEI) OPED 'Yy—op psa JO oye om vaya Rest ee ple wows punose vonsnuns nn kg posse a7 B34 Um sop fade Use

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