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BEED 1-A October 12, 2020

Activity 1
Please answer the following:
1. How will you describe the nature of Physical Education as a subject? Answer it using an
 Promotes
 Healthy lifestyle for
 Young and Adult in order to be
 Socially active,
 Improves
 Capabilities and skills,
 And
 Learn new Things.

 Effective tool to:

 Develop holistic health,
 Upgrade self-esteem,
 Create circle of friends and
 Teamwork,
 Improves Academic performance,
 Offer opportunities, and;
 Nurture every individual.

2. In your own understanding, what is/are the goal/s of Physical Education to the holistic
development of students?

- For me, the goals of Physical Education to the holistic development of students are:

 Promotes awareness of having a healthy lifestyle.

Having an appropriate exercise and proper diet, prevents diseases and improve the anti-
aging process.
 To build self-esteem and good rapport with others.
It is one of the most effective way to socialize with others and to build self-confidence
that might lead them to develop their leadership skills.
 Improves academic performance.
It helps students to be knowledgeable enough and to do better in social studies.
 Reduces risk of diseases especially cardiovascular diseases.
Different physical activities reduces the risk of diseases specially heart disease because it
helps to improve our heart rate and to circulate our blood well.
 Reduces risk of stress and depression.
It promotes mental health and a very effective tool to prevent anxiety and depression
among students after spending more than 8 hours of studying.
 Improves students’ skills and capabilities.
It helps students to be globally competitive and brings honor to our country.

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