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1) Aeronomy is the meterological study of upper region of earth.

2) Most abundant greenhouse gas is methane.
3) Wind direction is measured by weather vine.
4) Instrument used to measured air temperature is thermometer.
5) Most abundant gas in atmosphere is nitrogen.
6) Coldest layer is mesosphere.
7) Mixture of gases surrounds the earth is atmosphere.
8) 1st atmospheric layer is TROPOSPHERE.
9) 2nd atmospheric layer is STRATOSPHERE.
10) 3rd atmosphere layer is MESOSPHERE.
11) 4th atmospheric layer is THERMOSPHERE.
12) Average weather condition of an area over long time is climate.
13) Weather balloon reach stratosphere before they burst.
14) Airplane fly at top of troposphere.
15) Oxygen atom in ozone molecule is 3.
16) Most weather occur at troposphere.
17) Reflection of light in all direction is called scattering.
18) Transfer of energy by direct contact in conduction.
19) Clouds occur at troposphere.
20) Mesosphere protects us from burning up most metores.
21) Water vapor and gas makes up less than 1% of atmosphere.
22) Low level clouds form in layer like blanket stratus.
23) Transfer of energy by moving fluids is convection.
24) Oxygen makes up about 21% of atmosphere.
25) Co2 causes pH.
26) Exosphere is highest layer of atmosphere.
27) Atmosphere layer close to earth surface is troposphere.
28) Neutralization will not affect carbon cycle.
29) Boundary b/w troposphere and stratosphere is tropo pause.
30) Hot rainy climate is called tropical.
31) Ozone gas absorbs solar energy & heat atmosphere.
32) Farthest layer from surface of the earth is exosphere.
33) Earth atmosphere is heated by infra red radiations.
34) Stratosphere has theozone layer in it.
35) Very cold temperature all the year is polar climate.
36) 2nd abundant gas in atmosphere is oxygen.
37) Instrument use to measure atmosphere pressure is barometer.
38) Hottest layer in atmosphere is thermo sphere.
39) Color of photochemical smog is brown.
40) Animal exhale carbon dioxide.
41) In troposphere when altitude increase T/P decreases.

Weather pattern:-
1) Huge body of air same T,P & humidity is air mass.
2) Boundary where air masses meet becomes a front.
3) Whispy feathery clouds is cirrus.
4) Measuring amount of water vapor in air is humidity.
5) Clouds form when water vapor In air condenses.
6) Tornado form in cumulonimbus.
7) Stationary front brings several days of precipitation.
8) Condensation begins at dew drops.
9) Storms and precipitation occur at front.
10) Line joins equal point of temperature is isotherms.
11) Anemometer measured wind.
12) Funnel shaped cloud touch earth surface is tornado.
13) Thin lines runs east and west across maps is latitude.
14) Area of low pressure usually have cloudy weather.
15) Most tornados occur at central US.
16) Bands of high speed winds 10km above earth surface is jet strems.
17) Latitude is set at 0 degree c at equator.
18) Dome of water slumps during hurricane storm surge.
19) Boundary b/w cold and warm air masses is front.
20) Boundary b/w two unlike air masses is front.
21) Air masses are characterized by humidity.
22) Storm that produce the highest weather is hurricane.
23) Cyclones have center of low pressure.
24) Line joins places of same air pressure is isobars.
25) Cyclones have centres of low pressure.
26) Warm and dry air masses are called cont tropical.
27) Reason for weather related deaths in US is flash floods.
28) Hail and sleet are forms precipitation.
29) Sudden discharge of electricity in storm is lightening.
30) Upward move of warm/ downward move of cool air is convectiom
31) Weather pattern in us move from west to east.
32) Main source of energy for water cycle is sun.
33) Climates near equator tends to be warm and rainy.
34) Violent storms generally forms across cold fronts.

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