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,|J|,!,l|,l!!,t,iMM ,M| n
lllllIP1 |! " '


F . W . P R E N T I S S , President
D . S. G R A Y , . Vice-President W . C. W I L L A R D , Asst. Cashier
C, H . H A Y D E N , Vice-President S. G. P R E N T I S S , Asst. Cashier
W . P . L I T T L E , Cashier

CAPITAL $700,000.00
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STUDIO: 549 to 557 South High St. :: COLUMBUS
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is as important to a swell
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themselves. Electric
lighted. Walks covered
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Bell 'Phone 4805

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Easy Access to Theater and

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Club Index


President, Mrs. P a r r e t t . ALUMNA
Vice-President, Miss P a r k s President, Miss Grace L a t i m e r Jones.
Secretary, Mrs. H u m p h r e y s Vice-President, Mrs. Samuel Carroll
Treasurer, Mrs. Paine. Derby.
Critic, Mrs. Beeson. Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Grace Rarey
Press Reporter, Mrs. Reedy. Peters.
Director, Mrs. George Wells Knight.
President, Mrs. J. W a r r e n Smith. 7—AUTOMOBILE CLUB.
1st Vice-President, Mrs. J. A. Dildine. President, Chas. C. J a n e s .
2nd Vice-President, Mrs. Denman R. 1st Vice-President, Herbert A. Mason.
Kinsell. 2nd Vice-President, Hugh K. Lindsey.
Secretary, Miss Roberta H a r r i s . Treasurer, Dr. J. W. Means.
Treasurer, Mrs. E. A. Keyes. Secretary, Dr. W. E. M. Ranchous.
A s s i s t a n t Secretary, W. E. Wolfers-
President, Mr. S. P . Bush. Board of Governors—M. J. Hanly,
1st Vice-President, Mr. J. L. Hamill. Nelson J. Ruggles, I r a P. Madden,
2nd Vice-President, Mr. T. B. Sellers. Harvey Cashatt, M. A. Pixley, Lewis
-Treasurer, Mr. F . W. P r e n t i s s . M. Browne.
Secretary, Mr. E a r l S. Davis.


Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. George
President, Mrs. C. E. B a r t r a m .
Vice-President, Mrs. H. W. Steube.
Secretary, Miss Mary P. Isaminger.
Treasurer, Mrs. E. A. Keyes. 9—BRADAMANTE CLUB.
President, Mrs. William H. S h a r p .
5—COLUMBUS ART ASSOCIATION. 1st Vice-President, Mrs. N. W. Dick.
President, Mrs. William McClellan 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. George R.
Ritter. Syfert.
Acting President, Miss Cornelia L. Secretary, Mrs. William A. F e a r n .
Lauman. Treasurer, Mrs. H a r r y M. Blair.
1st Vice-President, Mrs. F . Ewing
2nd Vice-President, Mrs. Mary S. 10—CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL.
Wilcox Morehead. President, Mrs. Sylvia Casparis.
Treasurer, Mrs. Louis Kiesewetter. 1st Vice-President, Mrs. T r u i t t B.
Recording Secretary, Mrs. Alexander Sellers.
Forrest. 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. Chas. S. Ham-
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. A n n a K. ilton.
Pearce. Secretary, Mrs. Henry C. Taylor.
C h a i r m a n of Inspectors, Mrs. Robert Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Chas.
P a r k e r Little. E . Firestone.
A. B.


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President, Mrs. J. H. Rowland. ASSOCIATION.
1st Vice-President, Mrs. G. W. Crane. President. Mrs. F r a n k C. Kelton.
2nd Vice-President, Mrs. G. F . Brand. 1st Vice-President, Mrs. Dora Sandoe
Secretary. Mrs. F. H. McCormick. Bachman.
Treasurer, Mrs. Chapin B. Beem. 2nd Vice-President, Dr. Sara E.
Treasurer, Mrs. L. E. H a r r y .
12—COLLEGE WOMEN'S CLUB. Secretary. Mrs. Charles W. Lentz.
President, Edith D. Cockins.
1st Vice-President, Mrs. R. O. Busey 19—COLUMBUS F E D E R A T I O N OF WO-
2nd Vice-President, Miss Mary Stod- MAN'S CLUBS.
President. Mrs. H. H. Barker.
Recording Secretary, Miss K a t e Blair.
1st Vice-President, Mrs. J. W. Wal-
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Neal
Treasurer, Miss Mabel Boardman. 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. Mary Wilt-
Recording Secretary. Mrs. W. A.
-COLUMBUS CLUB. Treasurer, Mrs. Mann.
President, Fred W. P r e n t i s s .
1st Vice-President, J o h n M. Taylor.
2nd Vice-President. Randolph S. 20—COLUMBUS GALLERY OF FINE
Warner. ARTS.
Secretary, Theodore Lindenberg. President, F. W. Schumacher.
Treasurer. F r a n c i s R. Huntington. Vice-President a n d Treasurer, E. R.
Secretary, R. H. P i a t t .
President, Orlando Albert Miller.
1st Vice-President. Henry C. Taylor. 21—COLUMBUS G u N CLUB.
2nd Vice-President. F. W. Schu-
Secretary, Frederick Shedd. P r e s i d e n t , H . H . Shirer.
Treasurer. Charles R. Mavers.
V i c e - P r e s i d e n t , J. W a r r e n Smith.
Secretary, E . E . L e a r n e d .
T r e a s u r e r , C o u r t n e y Wilson.
16—COLUMBUS SYMPHONY ASSOCIA- Musical Director, W . E . K n o x .
President, Mrs. William King Rogers.
Vice-President, Mrs. Charles F . Clark. 23—COLUMBUS RIDING CLUB.
Secretary. Mrs. Walter H. M a r t i n . President, F r a n k Tallmadge.
. Treasurer, Mrs. B. Gwynne Hunting- Vice-President, B. W . P a y n e .
ton. Secretary, LeRoy Parker.
Chairman Hall Committee. Mrs. H a r r y T r e a s u r e r , Lloyd E. M o r r i s .
P. Wolfe.


17—COLUMBUS DAY NURSERY ASSO- P r e s i d e n t , J. W . T h o m a s , J r .
CIATION. V i c e - P r e s i d e n t , C. A. Stribling.
Secretary, Mrs. E a r l S. Davis. S e c r e t a r y a n d T r e a s u r e r , J. U p t o n
Treasurer, Mrs. W. T. Wells. Gribben.
Nothing rivets the attention of a man so quickly
as an attractive woman.

T h e Elite Families
of Columbus recognize
the superiority in the

N o better tailoring
anywhere at any price.
Our specialty is to de-
sign and copy imported
W e carry a large
stock of imported wool-
ens for men and
O u r creed—
Low Trices
W e solicit your




VENTION AND CURE OF TU- President, Mrs. Wm. A. Burt.
BERCULOSIS. 1st Vice-President, Mrs. Frank A,
President, Mrs. Samuel L. Black. Davis.
Vice-Presidents, W. O. Thompson, 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. Frank E,
Hon. Henry C. Taylor, Mrs. Wil- Powell.
liam M. Ritter. 3rd Vice-President, Mrs. Edward K,
Recording Secretary, Mrs. Luke G. Stewart.
Byrne. 4th Vice-President, Mrs. James Mc-
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. James Laughlin.
A. Allen. Treasurer, Mrs. Herbert Brooks..
Financial Secretary, Mrs. James H. Secretary, Mrs. Orlando L. Davis.
Burns. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Thos,
Treasurer, Mrs. George D. Jones. J. Bryce.
Auditor, Mr. John Seibert.
Medical Director, Dr. C. O. Probst. 34- -INSTRUCTIVE DISTRICT NURS-
Laryngologist, Dr. John Edwin Brown. ING ASSOCIATION.
Examining Physician, Dr. E. A. Har-
per. President, Mrs. Frank Tallmadge.
1st Vice-President, Mrs. Foster Cope-
29—COLUMBUS CHAPTER, DAUGH- 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. Thomas J
OLUTION. Treasurer, Mrs. Alexander McCornell
Regent, Mrs. L. C. Laylin. Recording Secretary, Mrs. N. D. Mon-
Vice-Regent, Mrs. Herbert Backhus. sarrat.
Secretary, Miss Margaret Pulling. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Her-
Treasurer, Miss Batsey Kauffman. bert Backus.
Historian, Mrs. Claire A. Dye.
Registrar, Mrs. William C. More.
Chaplain, Mrs. W. H. Kellogg. 35—JUNIOR ASSEMBLY.
Board of Governors, Mr. Meldrum
30—DIET KITCHEN ASSOCIATION Gray, Mr. Charles P. Outwaite, Mr.
President, Miss Martha Deshler. Paul Loving, Mr. Robert Dunean.
1st Vice-President, Mrs. W. D. Hamil-
2nd Vice-President, Mrs. Alfred Will- President, Mrs. Franklin Rubrecht.
son. Vice-President, Mrs. John Delano
Secretary, Miss Janet McDonald. Karns.
Treasurer, Miss Margaret Pulling. Secretary, Mrs. "William H. Innis.
Corresponding Secretary, Miss Lettie Treasurer, Mrs. Charles Case.
Auditor—:Mr. Foster Copeland
President, Mrs. Mary Wiltberger.
32—HANNAH NEIL MISSION BOARD. 1st Vice-President, Mrs. Willmon Mc-
President, Mrs. Linus B. Kauffman. Neille.
1st Vice-President—Mrs. Charles O. 2nd Vice-President — Mrs. Gotleib
Tracy. Eicher.
2nd Vice-President, Mrs. James John- Recording Secretary, Mrs. Charles L.
ston Hanna. Sprague.
3rd Vice-President, Mrs. Thomas H. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. C.
Ricketts. Wrolfe.
Treasurer, Mrs. James J. Jennings. Treasurer, Mrs. A. C. Berlin.
Secretary, Mrs. Theodore Glen. Auditor, Mrs. Fred. Seipel.

Gol d b e r g ' s
Antique Shop
<'v:.,.'.\ : >*,:'; V - Reproductions of all kinds of
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Repairing, Upholstering, and
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Citizen 'Phone 7626

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Citizen 'Phone 7654

880 Oak Street


President, Albert J . Lind.
President, Mrs. J. E. McLeod.
Vice-President, W. B. O. F r a n k .
Vice-President, Mrs. Bruce Jackson. Secretary-Treasurer, Fred L. Collins.
Secretary, Mrs. Robert Magly.
Treasurer, Mrs. J. C. Speaks. 4 8 — P L E A S U R E GUILD.
President, Helen Sayre.
Vice-President, Helen Werner.
Secretary, M a r g a r e t Wing.
President, Miss Marie Orf. Treasurer, Helen Taft.
Vice-President, Miss Florence Weisz.
Recording Secretary, Miss K a t h e r i n e 4 9 — P R E S E N T DAY CLUB.
Maeder. President, Mrs. W. H. Page.
Corresponding Secretary, Miss Cather- Secretary, Mrs. Madison Whiteside.
ine Eberly.
Treasurer, Miss P a u l i n e Burkley. 5 0 — P R O G R E S S I V E M O T H E R S ' CLUB.
President, Mrs. C. C. Logsdon.
42—OHIO CLUB. Vice-President, Mrs. D. H. Towne.
President. Mr. P . L. Schneider ( P . L.) Secretary, Mrs. H. D. Thompson.
Vice-President, Mr. B. F . Reinmund. Treasurer, Mrs. J. E. Vail.
Secretary, Mr. L. F . Sater (L. F.)
Assistant Serretary, Mr. F . E. Shaffer. 5 1 — R E S E A R C H CLUB.
Treasurer, Mr. G. A. Archer. President, Mrs. Robert Lawson.
1st "^ice-President, Mrs. J . J. Beek-
2nd Vice President, M r s . L. H. Mann.
Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. C. Mc-
President, Mrs. Cora Gale Roof.
1st Vice-President, Miss M a u d e F l y n n . Corresponding Secretary, Miss E m m a
2nd Vice-President, Miss Albertine Schoch
Smith. Treasurer, Mrs. William Dee.
Secretary, Miss Grace Lenore P i t t s .
Treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Whitford. 52—ROUND TABLE CLUB.
President, Mrs. F r a n k Martin.
44—"OLD N O R T H W E S T " GENEALOGI- Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. L. M.
CAL SOCIETY. Kissinger.
President, W. D. McKinney.
Vice-President, Prof. Samuel C. Derby.
Acting Secretary and Treasurer, H.
W a r r e n Phelps, Memorial Building.
45—OLLA PODRIDA CLUB. President, Dr. Van Der Veer Taylor.
President, Miss Belle Rankin. Vice-President, Walter D. McKinney.
1st Vice-President, Mrs. Samuel Hud- Registrar-Historian, John L. W.
son. Henney.
2nd Vice-President. Mrs. C. B. Cor- Chaplain, E. H o w a r d Gilkey.
nell. Secretary-Treasurer, Hugh Hunting-
Recording Secretary. Mrs. Florence Le ton.
Crone. Executive Committee—Dr. Willard B.
Corresponding Secretary, Miss E v a Carpenter, Walter D. McKinney, H.
Manley. P. Ward, Dr. Van Der Veer Taylor,
Treasurer, Mrs. H. M. Gates. J o h n L. W. Hennev.
Hotel Cumberland
B R O A D W A Y A T 54-TH S T R
Near 50th Street Subway Station and 53d Street " L "

"Broadway" Cars from Grand

Central Depot pass the door
7th Ave. Cars from" Pennsyl-
vania Station
Best Hotel Accommodations
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Special Rates for Permanent


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Only New York Hotel Window-screened Throughout

Formerly with Hotel Imperial



President, Mrs. C. C. Pavey. OHIO MEDICAL COLLEGE.
Vice-President, Mrs. Fred C. Rector. President, Mrs. Elmer G. Horton.
2nd Vice-President, Mrs. L. Davis. 1st Vice-President, Mrs. James A.
Secretary, Mrs. Richard Jones. Beer.
Treasurer, Miss Mary B. Sutherland. 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. Florus F.
56—UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE 3rd Vice-President, Mrs. Josiah Med-
President, Mrs. W. B. Sells. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Hugh J.
Vice-President, Mrs. Hoyt Gale. Means.
Recording Secretary, Miss Queen Am- Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Edward
mel. C. Bush.
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Mahlon Treasurer, Mrs. Harvey C. Fraker.
Treasurer, Mrs. Fannie Carl.
Historian, Mrs. Leroy H. Rose 62—WOMAN'S CLUB OF THE UNITED
Custodian, Miss Antoinette F. Rose. COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS.
President, Mrs. Walter Whitacre.
57—WATTERSON READING CIRCLE. 1st Vice-President, Mrs. Frank Van
President, Miss Helen Moriarty. Dusen.
Vice-President, Miss Annetta Walsh. 2nd Vice-President, Airs. F. J. Van
Secretary, Miss Helen Gallen. Sickle.
Treasurer, Miss Amelia Butler. Recording Secretary, Mrs. C. E. Bark-
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. C. B.
President, Mrs. Lewis A. Gooding. Treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Whitman.
1st Vice-President, Mrs. J. E. McCar- Auditor, Mrs. Newton Ai. Jones.
2nd Vice-President, Mrs. John C. Speak
Secretary, Mrs. J. J. Berting.
Treasurer, Mrs. George B. Jobson. 63—WOMEN'S MUSIC CLUB.
President, Mrs. Ella May Smith.
59—WILLIAM MORRIS SOCIETY. 1st A^ice-President, Mrs. C. Christian
President, Mrs. James M. Rector. 2nd A r ice-President—Mrs. Andrew
1st Vice-President, Prof. Thomas E. Timberman.
French. Secretary — Treasurer—Miss Clara
Director, Mrs. A. B. Nelles. Michael.
Corresponding Secretary, Miss Ruth
Recording Secretary, Miss Jane Shep-
Treasurer, Miss Harriet Sheldon. President, Conrad Born.
ATice-President, Herman G. Dennison.
60—WOMAN'S CLUB, OHIO STATE Secretary and Treasurer, Frank R.
University. Shinn.
President, Mrs. Joseph V. Denny.
1st Vice-President,, Mrs. George L.
Converse. 65—Y. M. C. A. (BUSINESS MEN'S
2nd Vice-President—Mrs. William H. GYM. CLUB).
Page. President, Theo. E. Glenn.
Secretary, Mrs. John A. Bownocker. Vice-President, Fred W. Hubbard.
Treasurer, Mrs. Wilbur E. Mann. Secretary-Treasurer, E. W. Roehm.
W. T. MORGAN, Gen'l Mgr. MRS. C. C. JENKINS, Supt. Finishing Dept-

B R cTw N
The most rapidly growing concern in Ohio. Why? Because we have
only expert workers and give every order our personal attention.

Main Office: 1092 N O R T H HIGH STREET

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Turkish and Electric Baths

(Endorsed by the highest Medical Authority)
MASSAGE, Vibratory and Hydropathic Treatment a Specialty

U. E. W H I T E I S , Proprietor
Men's Bath, 112 E. BROAD ST. Women's Bath, ISO E. BROAD ST.
Your inspection is invited and your patronage will be appreciated



President—George H. Barker. EVOLENT SOCIETY.
1st Vice-President, Osman C. Hooper. Honorary President, Mrs. Hermon M.
2nd Vice-President, Charles O. Tracy. Hubbard.
3rd Vice-President, Dr. Andrew Tim- President, Mrs. Wm. J. McComb, 939
berman. Madison Avenue.
Recording Secretary, Sinclair B.Nace. Vice-President, Mrs. A. B. Adair, 1003
Treasurer, Foster Copeland. Bryden Road.
General Secretary, Harry M. Blair. Secretary, Mrs. Henry Monford Pow-
ell, 105 Hamilton Avenue.
67—Y. W. C. A. Treasurer, Mrs. Louis F. Kiesewetter,
President, Mrs. Lynas Kauffman. 241 Woodland Avenue.
Vice-President, Airs. C. F. Hansberg- Superintendent Industrial School,
er. Mrs. N. P. Oglesby. School, 102
Treasurer, Mrs. D. C. Beggs. Hamilton Avenue.
Recordng Secretary, Mrs. Otto Eng-
werson. 73—THE ASSEMBLY.
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Edith Board of Governors, Mr. Frank C.
Dickey. Hubbard, Mr. Lincoln G. Kilbourne,
Air. George Hardy, Mr. John G.
68—CATHEDRAL SOCIAL CLUB. Dun, Mr. Ralph O. Smith.
Chairman, Mrs. James Burns; Mrs.
N. A. Court, Mrs. Frank L. Brown, 74—REVIEW CLUB.
Mrs. M. A. Corbett, Mrs. Dennis President, Mr. Albert Fauley.
Kelly, Mrs. M. S. Connors. Vice-President, Dr. William K. Rog-
69—SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF PIL- Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. John L.
GRIMS. A7. Bonney.
President. Mr. Walter D. McKinney. 75—COLLEGE EQUAL SUFFRAGE
70—OHIO ASSOCIATION OPPOSED TO President, Mrs. Ernest M. Jaros.
WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE. 1st Vice-President, Mrs. Samuel Car-
President, Mrs. Hermon M. Hubbard. roll Derby.
Honorary Vice-Presidents, Mrs. Hom- 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. William Neil
er W. Osborne, Mrs. Anna Bald- King.
win Schultz, Mrs. Frank Ray, Mrs. Secretary, Mrs. Charles Sowers.
Hugh Ewing, Mrs. H. E. Talbott, Treasurer, Miss Louise McCune.
Mrs. Allen W. Thurman. 76—KIT-KAT CLUB.
Secretary, Mrs. F. Ewing Martin. President, Osman Hooper.
Treasurer, Miss Alice B. Haney. Treasurer, A. N. Alackenzie.
Vice-Presidents, Mrs. Joseph Crane, Secretary, James Boyle.
Mrs. W. W. Clippinger, Mrs. John M. 77—HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE CITY
Gundry, Mrs. Helen M. Lucas. OF COLUMBUS.
Executive Board—The Officers and President, Frank C. Hubbard.
Mrs. Virginia Thurman Cole, Mrs. 1st Vice-President, Henry C. Taylor.
O. T. Corson. 2nd Vice-President, H. P. Ward.
Treasurer, Wm. H. Albery.
71—SUN FISH CLUB. Secretary and Attorney, Eugene Mor-
President, T. B. Miller. gan.
Vice-President, F. M. Hoover. 78—ADVERTISING CLUB OF COLUM-
Secretary-Treasurer, T. S. Huntington. BUS.
Directors—F. M. Hoover, W. A. Hop- President, E. Roy Parsons
kins, T. S. Huntington, T. B. Mil- 1st Vice-President, Charles F. Fischer.
ler, John C. Stone. 2nd Vice-President, C. E. Barker.
Secretary, Ernest S. Jaros
House Committee—Wm. A. Hopkins. Treasurer, Charles S. Anderson,
" B u r n s - M a d e " Garments for
M e n and W o m e n are T r u e
Blue T h r o u g h and T h r o u g h
•I From the selecting of the imported fab-
rics to the measuring, designing and try-on
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•J Columbus' most particular dressers (in

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73North High St.

Don't Worry Don't Worry

Columbus Window
Cleaning Co. ^
Will clean the windows and
scrub the floors of your
store, office and dwelling at
a reasonable figure. W e are
contractors for all kinds of
cleaning. -
Bell Tel. Main 7632—Citizens Tel. 7632

Columbus Society Alphabetical Index.

BBOTT, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawr- Acton, Mrs. Mary N.

A ence
(Henrietta Sibley)
1483 Belmont avenue
57 Richards avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 5
Receives Thursday Adair, Mr. and Mrs. Aurelius B.
Clubs, Mr. 42 (Hattie Miller)
Abernethy, Mr. and Mrs. George A. 1003 Bryden road
(Love) Mr. Robert M. Adair
63 Latta avenue Clubs, Mr. 16—Mrs. 16
Miss Jessie Abernethy Adair, Mr. and Mrs. Harry S.
Mr. Walter Abernethy (Montgomery)
Mr. George W. Abernethy, Jr. 417 AY Eighth avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 2 Miss Charlotte Montgomery
Adams, Dr. Douglas P.
Abernethy, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. 1103 Dennison avenue
(Cain) Adams, Miss Elizabeth
69 N Ohio avenue 114 W Ninth avenue
Miss Henrietta Abernethy Miss Margaret Adams
Miss Elizabeth B. Abernethy Miss Bertha Adams
Ackerman, Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Clubs, Miss 43
(Graham ) Adams, Mr. and Mrs. John M. (Blair)
34 Starr avenue 403 W Seventh avenue
Ackland, Mrs. Edward (Bryson) Mr. Wilbur Blair Adams
1495 Michigan avenue Clubs, Mrs. 52
Adams, Mr. and Mrs. John T.
Ackland, Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. (Sarah Noel)
(Etta Grace Bryson) 182 Buttles avenue
1471 Fair avenue Mr. Orville E. Adams
Clubs, Mr. 20-65—Mrs. 20-67 Miss Otie Adams
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Mr. Noel B. Adams Aler, Mr. Charles C.

Clubs, Mr. 42 765 Bryden road
Adamson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Miss Lulu May Aler
(Culp) Miss Florence Aler
1053 S High street Miss Ida Rowena Aler
Mr. Lester Charles Aler
Adel, Dr. Elmore E. Clubs, Mr. 14-16-42
287 E Towne street Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. (Kuhl)
Addison, Mrs. Blanche C. 92 E Eleventh avenue
(Col born) Rev. A. B. Allen
436 W Fifth avenue Clubs, Mr. 24-42
Addison, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Allen, Mrs. Caroline E.
(Gertrude Nichol) 145 7 Worthington street
3 7 Sherman avenue Mr. Thurman G. Allen, 54
Clubs, Mrs. 2 Miss C. Elizabeth Allen
Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R.
Addison, Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. (Florence A. Gilliam)
(Kinsell) 358 Kendall place
46 Jefferson avenue Mr. Harry G. Allen
Clubs, Mr. 13-14-42—Mrs. 20 Clubs, Mrs. 9
Aeby, Mrs. E. C. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry R.
(Emma IThlman) (Robertson)
"The Lincoln" 105 Winner avenue
Mr. Norman O. Aeby, 3-7-13-25-65- Clubs. Mr. 42—Mrs. 62
Clubs, Mrs. 5-20-25-63 Allen, Mr. and Mrs. James A.
(Blanche Filler)
Agler, Mr. and Mrs. Karl G. (Butler) S High street
1587 E Long street Sum. Res. : Worthington, O.
Akin, Mrs. Elizabeth J. (Boran) Clubs, Mrs. 16-20-25-33-57
215 E Town street Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney S., Jr.
(Norma Jones)
Alban, Dr. and Mrs. David R. (Lloyd) 314 Linwood avenue
172 N Washington avenue Altmaier, Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. (Stark)
Mr. D. Emmett Alban Bexley, Columbia avenue
Albaugh, Mrs. Frances Mr. Oscar Altmaier
(Anderson) Mr. Stark Altmaier
62 Thirteenth avenue Clubs, Mr. 7
Miss Mabel A. Albaugh
Mr. Walter H. Albaugh Alward, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.
Clubs, Mrs. 2-29 (Dennis)
1430 Neil avenue
Albery, Mr. and Mrs. Faxon F. D.
(Senter) Amos, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. H.
37 Lexington avenue (Williams)
Clubs, Mr. 13-16—Mrs. 16 43 Fourteenth avenue
Receives Friday
Albery, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Clubs, Mr. 42
(Wetmore) Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Chester M.
Worthington, O., R. F. D. No. 1 1336 Franklin avenue
Mr. Faxon P. Albery (Daisy Ruth Steele)
Miss Edith Albery, 2 0 Clubs, Mrs. 63, also Treas. Alumnae
Miss Florence Albery Assn., Lake Erie College
Albright, Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Anderson, Judge and Mrs. James H.
(Mary H. Home) (Princess A. Miller)
1929 Summit street 788 E Broad street
Aldrich, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Clubs, Judge 54—Mrs. 29
(Helen Bachert) Anderson, Mr. James P.
"Maplehurst," 4540 N High st. 238 Wilbur avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 51 Miss Sarah Anderson
Aldrich, Orlando W. (L.L. D.) Mr. James K. Anderson
"Maplehurst," 4540 N High street Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Lee O.
Clubs, 54, also Royal Society of (Lape)
Arts, London Eng., N. B. Acad- 1146 Neil avenue
emy of Newcastle, Eng., Col. Mr. Lloyd Anderson
Camp 78, IT. V. L., Member of Miss Mary Anderson
Amer. Institute of Civics and So-
ciety of the Army of 1812 Anderson, Mi', and Mrs. Oscar L.
(Eva F. Hale)
Aldrich, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Care of 170 N High street
(Edith Jenkins) Miss Eva Violet Anderson
"Maplehurst," 4540 N High street Clubs, Mrs. 2
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.
Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Armstrong, Mrs. Julius
(Laura Tibbetts) (Ellen Warren)
1206 Madison avenue 1436 Neil avenue
Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Miss Edna Armstrong
(Irene McCormick) Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Warren A.
1618 Granville street (Carmack)
Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 29 393 W Ninth avenue
Andrus, Mr. and Mrs. William F . Arnold, Prof, and Mrs. Charles L.
The Vendome, 50 S Third street (Burington)
328 W Eighth avenue
Angell, Mr. and Mrs. F. Henry Clubs, Prof. 70—Mrs. 60
(S. Alice Richards) Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B.
156 S Seventeenth street (Grace L. Russell)
Clubs, Mr. 7-42 1584 Hawthorne Park
Ansel, Mrs. J. W. Clubs, Mr. 3-13-16-20-74, also As-
(Minerva J. Miller) sembly, Sun Fish Club—Mrs. 3-4-
189 W Eleventh avenue 6-16, also Assembly.
Clubs, Mrs. 45
Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harris (Eleanor E. Moore)
(Valentine) 467 N Garfield avenue
Care of 80 Burt street Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 18
Clubs, Mr. 7
Arras, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F .
Anthonv, Mr. and Mrs. John Francis (McDerment)
(Glenn) 993 Bryden road
102 N Monroe avenue Clubs, Mr. 65—Mrs. 66
Mr. Alfred Glenn Anthony Ascher, Mr. and Mrs. Edward K.
Miss Alice Isabel Anthony (Rowley)
Clubs, Mrs. 33 102 Miami avenue
Archer, Mr. Edward H. Miss Frances C. Ascher
Neil House Aston, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Archer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. (Kanmacher)
(Ruth Louise Fisher) 271 S Champion avenue
277 S Champion avenue Miss Elizabeth Aston
Archer, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Atcherson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W.
(Helen W. McCabe) (Sherbrooke)
1461 Fair avenue 258 E Gay street
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-42—Mrs. 32 Miss Lucile Atcherson
Archer, Mr. and Mrs. John J. (Alban) Clubs, Mr. 7-23-42—Mrs. 20-50
777 Franklin avenue Auld, Mr. and Mrs. F. Howard
Miss Edna A. Archer, 15-29 (Bellows)
Archer, Mr. and Mrs. John J., Jr. "Arlington" A No. 5
(Wandling) Clubs, Mr. 21—Mrs. 30
1341 Franklin avenue Auld, Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Armbruster, Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. (Crandelle)
(Louise Krumm) 1107 E Long street
3102 N High street Auld, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H.
Armbruster, Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. (Kilworth)
(Gail Conagham) 1517 Clifton avenue
1546 Bryden roj.d Ault, Mr. and Mrs. Albert R.
Clubs, Mr. 42-43 (Ada Smith)
Armbruster, Mr. and Mrs. Emil 163 8 Summit street
(Olive Davidson) Avery, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E.
3100 N High street (Jessie Williams)
Armbruster, Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. 1228 Franklin avenue
(Laura Bach) Mr. Walter L. Avery
685 S High street Miss Anna Avery
Clubs, Mr. 7-42—Mrs. 63 Clubs, Mr. 7-16-42-65—Mrs. 2-20
Armbruster, Mr. and Mrs. M (Hagele) Axline, Gen. and Mrs. Henry A.
3100 N High street (Westlake)
108 S Washington avenue
Armbruster, Mrs. William (Bleistein) Clubs, Gen. 54, Grand Army of the
683 S High street Republic, also Spanish War Vet-
Miss Helen Hudgel erans—Mrs. 5-20
Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Aimer C. (Cole) Ayres, Mrs. L. S. (Edwards)
71 Woodland avenue 613 E Town street
Miss Ruth Armstrong Miss Mary B. Ayres
Clubs, Mr. 16-42—Mrs. 5-16-32 Miss Kate T. Ayres
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

TflABBITT, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Baldwin, Dr. and Mrs. Hugh A.

lift (Oneida Mitchell) (Colestine Moor)
*•• 406 S Ohio avenue 816 Oak street
Mr. E. C. Babbitt Baldwun, Dr.and Mrs. James F.
Clubs, Mr. 24 and American Society (Strickler)
Mechanical Engineers—Mrs. 2-9 405 E Town street
Babcock, Mr. and Mrs. Worthington E. Miss Alice G. Baldwin
(Deshler) Miss Josephine F. Baldwun
43 Jefferson avenue Clubs, Dr. 14-16-20-42—Mrs. 16-20
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-16-35—Mrs. 16 Ball, Mr. and Mrs. Claude B. (Lytle)
Backus, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ward 393 Fifteenth avenue
(Nichols) Clubs, "Mrs. 40-62
181 Fifteenth avenue Ball, Mr. and Mrs. Danforth E.
Clubs, Mr. 42 (Barnitz)
Backus, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. 78 N Tw7enty-first street
(Belden) Miss Ernestine F. Ball, 43
280 E State street Ball, Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Mr. Lafayette Backus, 54 (Abigal Hdye)
Clubs, Mrs. 29 565 E Broad street
Badger, Judge and Mrs. DeWitt C. Ball, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
(Slaughter) (Margaret Fen ton)
1041 Bryden road 1467 E Long street
Miss Minnie Badger
Miss Florence Badger Ballou. Miss Sarah
Mr. Clinton Badger Care Mrs. Limer, 349 W Eighth
Clubs, Judge 13-14 avenue
Bailey, Mrs. Harriet G. Clubs, Miss 20
735 Michigan avenue Bancroft, Mr. and Mrs. A. H., Jr.
Mr. C. H. Bailey (Florence I. Paul)
Baird, Mr. and Mrs. John J. (Nelson) 1767 Oak street
The Normandie, E Long street Clubs, Mrs. 15-20
Sum. Res.: Topinabee, Mich. Bancroft, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Clubs, Mr. 14-16-23-42—Mrs. 16 (Helen M. O'Donnell)
Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Duane H. 379 E Thirteenth avenue
(Laura E. Benner) Bancroft, Mr. and Mrs. E. Dow
193 Woodland avenue (Anna Colwell)
Mr. Oliver D. Baker 303 Wilbur avenue
Mr. Lorenzo P. Baker Clubs, Mr. 66—Mrs. 45 -
Baker, Mr, and Mrs. John L. Bancroft, Miss THarriet E.
(Sutphin) 9 5 Tw elfth avenue
6 9 Sherman avenue Bancroft, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Clubs, Mr. 42 (Anne Griffin)
Baker, Mr. Lorenzo M. 1262 E Long street
1270 Bryden road Bancroft, Mr. and Mrs. Warren G.
Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. (Sliter) (Catherine F. Wagner)
186 E Broad street The Normandie
Sum. Res. : Sand Lake, N. T. Miss Katherine W. Bancroft
Clubs, Mr. 44
Baker, Mr. William V.
The Annex Hotel, 247 S Fourth Barbee, Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin I. (Bulen)
986 Bryden road
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-42 Clubs, Dr. 42
Baldridge, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Barcus, Mr. and Mrs. Henry (Cook)
(Young) 1062 Bryden road
1774 E Rich street Sum. Res. : Indian River, Mich.
Clubs, Mr. 66—Mrs. 63 Miss Katharine Barcus
Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Bard, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. (Stoneman)
(Grant) 1349 E Broad street
1645 Franklin Park, S Mr. Frederick Stoneman
Miss Elizabeth Baldwin Clubs, Mr. 13-14—Mrs. 14
Miss Mabel Baldwin Bargar, Col. and Mrs. Byron L. (Neil)
Clubs, Mrs. 55-63 78 Auburn avenue
Baldwin, Mr.and Mrs. Frank M. (Herod) Miss Julia Lakin Bargar
9 8 Miami avenue Clubs, Col. 54
Mr. "William Baldwin Bargar, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C.
Mr. James Baldwin (Alice B. Stewart)
Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. (Burcky) 840 E Broad street
93 Hoffman avenue Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-21-35—Mrs. 35
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Bargar, Mrs. G. H. (Lakin) Bash, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.

59 Wilson avenue (Olivia K Schmitt)
Receives Monday 1822 Bryden road
Miss Frances A. Bargar, 29 Basore, Mr. and Mrs. Preston E. (Fisher)
Miss Lucia Bargar 411 S Ohio avenue
Mrs. William P. Little, Chicago, 111. Clubs, Mr. 42
Bargar, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alexander
(Hardesty) Bassell, Mr. and Mrs. John Young
32 Hamilton avenue (Rebecca Gray Benedict)
Clubs, Mrs. 29-30 Chittenden Hotel. N High street
Clubs, Mr. 14-23-42-65—Mrs. 16
Barker, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
(Annetta Bagley) Bassell, Dr. William Benedict ' - . •'
63 Clark place Chittenden Hotel, N High street
Miss Frances J. Barker Battelle, Col. and Mrs. John Gordon
Clubs, Mr. 65—Mrs. 11-19-62 (Norton)
Barker, Mr. and Mrs. George H. 662 E Town street
(Lena Maynard) Receives Thursday
31 Woodland avenue Mr. Gordon Battelle. 14-23-42
Clubs, Mr. 42-65 Miss Frances Battelle
Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Clubs, Col. 3-13-14-16-23—Mrs. 10-
(Mary Bell) 16-20-34
43 Douglass street Baumann, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand
Clubs, Mrs. 2 (Heil)
Barnes, Dr. and Mrs. Albert S. 937 S Third street
(Armstrong) Beard, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt C. (Dils)
307 S Eighteenth street 470 S Harris avenue
Clubs, Dr. University Club—Mrs. 2 Clubs, Mr. 3-5-13-35
Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
The Normandie Beaton, Mr .and Mrs. Ralph H.
Clubs, Mr. 42 (Eleanor Kurtz)
Barnes, Rev. and Mrs. Hiram Payson 1525 E Broad street
(Julia A. Huntington) Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin W.
Calbarn Cottage, Kenworth road, (Laura Lida Lafferty)
Clintonville, O. 83 Fourteenth avenue
Barnhill, Mrs. James U. (Reese"" Mr. Henrv L. Beatty
246 E State street Clubs, Mrs. 2
Miss Helen Barnhill Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. James M.
Clubs, Mrs. 61 (Chandler)
Barnitz, Mrs. A. W. (Evans) No. 2, The Cumberland
1097 Madison avenue Clubs, Mr. 5-7-13-14-20-23-65—Mrs.
Miss Marie Barnitz 5
Barr, Mr. and Mrs. John T. (Evans) Beatty, Gen. and Mrs. John (Tupper)
165 N Nineteenth street 49 Lexington avenue
Miss Mabel Louise Barr Mr. Wm. Gurley Beatty
Mr. "Walter Evans Barr
Barratt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
(Hattie M. Blackwood) (Means)
1332 Hunter street 71 N Monroe avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 11 Mr. George Beattv, 3-7-13-16-30
Barrere, Mrs. Carlisle B. Clubs, Mr. 13-14
The Normandie Beatty, Mrs. Wm. Gurley (Rees)
Miss Jean Barrere 52 Lexington avenue
Barrington, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Mr. William Gurley Beatty. 42-44
1948 N High street Bechtel, Mr. and Mrs. John F. (Elliott)
Clubs, Mr. 16-44—Mrs. 16 27 Franklin Park, W
Barrows, Miss Sarah T. Sum. Res. : "Oak Hill Farm," New
The Fairfield, 1806 N High street Petersburg, Ohio
Clubs, Miss 6-12-55-60 Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Edw^ard L. (Voelker)
Barry, Mrs. George (Foley) 1149 E Main street
766 Neil avenue Mr. Luther Beck
Mr. Frederick S. Barry Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Anton
Mr. George R. Barry (Hester D. Nealon)
Bartilson. Dr. Holston 1388 E Long street
The Normandie, E Long street Clubs, Mrs. 11
Barto, Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Bedwell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward
(Williams) (Margaret Kirker)
657 E Rich street Hotel Vendome
Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 20 Clubs, Mr. 14-42 Mrs. 5-20-29
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


Beebe, Mr. and Mrs. Victor G. (Wilcox) Bellows, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark
127 E Fourteenth avenue (Mary Jane Halm)
Miss Marjorie Beebe Arlington, S. W. Cor. Third ave.
Miss Dorothy Beebe Mr. C. Walter Bellows, 24
Mr. Roger W. Beebe Mr. Howard M. Bellows
Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 1 Bellows, Mr. and Mrs. George
Beebe, Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. (Smith)
(Hoffman) 144 S Monroe avenue
51 Parkwood avenue Benbow, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.
Clubs, Mr. 7-13-14-16-42—Mrs. 16- (Graves)
29 27 "Wilson avenue
Beekman, Dr. and Mrs. John J. Miss Ruth G. Benbow
(Lillian Conway) Clubs, Mr. 14
164 W Fifth avenue Benedict, Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses G.
Miss Evelyn Beekman 2133 W Broad street
Mrs. Minnie Beekman Price Clubs, Mrs. 51
Clubs, Mrs. 51
Beem, Mr. and Mrs. Chapin B. Benham, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G.
(Alda B. Wright) (Church)
1716 Oak street 1299 Bryden road
Clubs, Mrs. 11 Mr. William G. Benham, Jr., 23
Beeson, Mrs. Harry R. (Hampton) Miss Emily C. Benham, 63
1765 Bryden road Mr. E. Thirlestane Benham
Mr. Hampton Beeson Miss Caroline T. Benham
Clubs, Mrs. 10 Clubs, Mr. 16-42-54—Mrs. 16-63
Beggs, Mr. and Mrs. David C. Benkert, Dr. Louis C.
(Cora A. Sargent) 1023 Neil avenue
1581 Franklin Park, S Miss Lula B. Benkert
Miss Ethel M. Beggs Clubs, Dr. 7
Clubs, Mr. 3-14-23-42—Mrs. 2-5-15- Bennett, Mrs. Joshua M. (Deshler)
17-18-19-29-30-63-67-69 31 Jefferson avenue
Beggs, Mr. and Mrs. David W. Miss Sarah Catharine Bennett
(Alice Milmine)
Colonial Apts., 1309 E Broad st. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Smith W.
Clubs, Mr. 21-65 (Anne Drought)
Beggs, Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. 171 King avenue
(Corinne Richter) Mr. Hugh M. Bennett
Orchard Lane, Clintonville, O. Miss Grace L. Bennett
Behrens, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Clubs, Mr. 13-14-42—Mrs. 16-55
(Etta C. Vincent) Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. Linn (Clare)
37 Fourteenth avenue 700 Broad street, E
Beitel, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mr. Paul Bentley
(Lottie M. Hemler) Benua, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A.
1449 E Long street (Helen Ellsburv)
Belden. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford B. 1083 Bryden road
(Black) Miss Helen Benua
Cambridge avenue, Marble Cliff, Clubs, Mrs. 16-20
Ohio Bergin, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J.
Receives Tuesday (Theresa Burns)
Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-16—Mrs. 10-16-30- 15 82 E Long street
Mr. Ralph J. Bergin
34 Miss Helen Bergin, 16
Belknap, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Mr. Matthew A. Bergin
(Marguerite Liole) Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 16
224 W Tenth avenue
Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. (Langen) Bergin, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. (Curran)
181 S Eighteen street 910 Franklin avenue
Miss Prudence Langen Mr. Thomas Bergin
Clubs, Mr. 42 Miss Margaret Bergin, 41
Bell, Mrs. Merit E. (Beckwith) Mr. Hugh Bergin
Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 64
The Oxford, 96 Lexington avenue Berlin, Mr. and Mrs. Albert C.
Miss M. Edith Bell, 12-20 (Holstein)
Miss Florence L. Bell, 12 384 E Oakland avenue, Indianola
Bell, Mrs. Thomas (Weatherbe) Miss Rhea M. Berlin
Bullitt Park Clubs, Mrs. 37
Bellar, Miss Maud Florence Berry, Mr. and Mrs. John D. (Van Tassel)
Care Mrs. Dobbie, 691 E Broad 85 Latta avenue
Clubs, Miss 15, also Plant Flower Berry, Mr. Michael M.
and Fruit Guild 40 W Third avenue
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. (Flood) Black, Mrs. Crayton W. (Carter)
86 Buttles avenue 480 W Fourth avenue
Mr. Paul Berry Miss Anabel Black
Miss Mary Berry Miss Bernice E. Black
Mr. Girard Berry Black, Miss lone
Mr. Edward Berry 965 Oak street
Mr. Richard G. Berry, Jr. Clubs, Miss 2-4-37
Clubs, Mrs. 40-45-59 Black, Mr. and Mrs. John
Berting, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. (Laura Moore)
(Lloyd) 208 King avenue
957 Neil street Mr. Ellis M. Black
Clubs, Mrs. 5 8 Black, Judge and Mrs. Samuel L.
Bethel, Mrs. Lillian Cole (Nelson)
88 N Ohio avenue 1000 Bryden road
Clubs, Mrs. 36-45 Sum. Res. : "Big Walnut"
Bethel, Dr. and Mrs. Louis P. Miss Helen Margarette Black, 48
(Hattie Morse) Mr. James Nelson Black
1255 Neil avenue Clubs. Judge 14-16-23-42-44-65-
Miss Louise Amidon Bethel Mrs. 16-25-30-34-63
Clubs, Dr. 54—Mrs. 16-45-55-58 Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. Joe E.
Beymer, Mrs. Rose E. 300 King avenue
(Rose E. Reilly) Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 45
333 LinwTood avenue Blackford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Bibbee, Mr. and Mrs. George E. 92 E Eighth avenue
(May Lynas) Blaine, Mr. Marshall C.
1433 Highland street
1824 E Broad street
Bierman, Mrs. A. Davis Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Harry M.
840 Dennison avenue (Winnifred "Whipple)
Bierman, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Davis 1616 Bryden road
(Matthews) Clubs, Mr. 16-65—Mrs. 9-16-58
1355 E Long street Blake, Dr. and Mrs. Francis W.
Mrs. Charlotte Matthews (Flora Medary Sparrow)
Bigelow, Mr. and Mrs. Hosea B. 684 Kimball avenue
(Faye Christy) Mrs. Thomas R. Sparrow
172 S Ohio avenue (Medary)
Clubs, Mrs. 10-63 Blakey. Dr. and Mrs. Halbert
Bigelow, Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Lawson (Miller)
(Elizabeth Cole) 637 B Broad street
45 Franklin Park, W Sum. Res. : Indian River, Mich.
Clubs, Mrs. 5-6-10-12-18 Clubs, Dr. 14-25—Mrs. 15-61
Bleile, Dr. and Mrs. Albert M.
Bigelow, Mr. and Mrs. T. Lawson (Krumm)
(Mary H. BigelowO 218 King avenue
1288 Bryden road Miss Katharine L. Bleile, 12
Mr. Merrill L. Bigelow Miss Flora Bleile
Bigger, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Clubs, Dr. 13-25—Mrs. 60
(Beulah I. Storm) Bliss, Mr. Charles A.
131 W Eighth avenue 1747 Franklin Park, S
Bigger, Judge and Mrs. Thomas M. Miss Margaret Bliss
124 W Ninth avenue Blohn, Miss Anna F.
Clubs, Judge 42 22 Fourteenth avenue
Billow, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Kurtz Bloom, Mrs. W. P.
(Bertha Rhodes) (Ruth Rice)
170 S Eighteenth street Hartman Hotel
Clubs, Mr. 42 Blose, Mr. and Mrs. Otis M. (Magrew)
Bishop, Dr. and Mrs. John C. 1747 Franklin avenue
(Mary Morton) Mr. Henry Blose
374 Fifteenth avenue Clubs, Mr. 42
Blower, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W.
Bissell, Dr. and Mrs. George R (Minnie Jarvis)
(Thomas) 65 Smith place
400 Kendall place Miss Ruth Blow*er
Rev. Mr. Allen Percy Bissell Mr. Wallett Blower
Mr. G. S. Bissell Clubs, Mr. 65
Black, Mr. and Mrs. Benton K. (Bannon) Blue, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton E.
450 Vermont place (Cummings)
Clubs, Mr. 42 963 Franklin avenue
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Blue, Mr. a n d Mrs. J. Willis Bonnet, Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k F .

( M a r i e De L. K a r s h n e r ) (Mollie S. Cook)
81 E L a n e a v e n u e The Normandie
Sum. Res. : Adelphi, O. Mr. J a y X. Bonnet, 23-42
Miss Evelyn Blue, 1-52 Mr. S. Frederick Bonnet (Stevens
B o a r d m a n , Miss Alice Institute)
1233 Oak s t r e e t Mr. Morton B o n n e t
Miss Mary Bonnet
Miss I s a b e l L. B o a r d m a n Clubs, Mr. 13
Clubs, Miss 52
B o a r d m a n , Mr. a n d Mrs. C h a r l e s H . Bonney, Mr. ancl Mrs. J o h n L. V.
(Holloway) (Marie Masters)
367 W Sixth a v e n u e 30 M i a m i a v e n u e
Miss Mabel Boardman. 6 Ensign Elliott Buckmaster
Mr. C h a r l e s H. B o a r d m a n , J r . (U. S. N . )
Clubs, Mr. 13-14 Miss Helen B u c k m a s t e r
Bobb, Mr. a n d Mrs. George W i l l i a m Clubs, Mr. 3-13-74—Mrs. 20, P r e s -
ent D a y Club
(Nellie A. P r y c e ) Booth, Mr. a n d Mrs. H e n r y J. ( C o n e y )
723 O a k s t r e e t 553 E Town s t r e e t
Bobb, Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n Morton Mr. George H. Booth, 14-23
(Schille) Mr. H e r b e r t B. Booth, 23
1221 B r y d e n r o a d Miss Marjorie Booth, 20
Bobb, Mr. a n d M r s . R e u b e n H . Clubs. Mr. 3-13-14-23-42-73—Mrs.
( L o t t a M. M c P h e r s o n ) 20-34
1355 B r y d e n r o a d Borden, Mr. a n d Mrs. G. A.
M r . George C. Bobb (Pliter)
Miss Louise Bobb 42 W i n n e r a v e n u e
Boda, Mr. a n d M r s . R o b e r t F . Miss Mildred G. B o r d e n
( L y d i a J. "Wilson) Borger, M r s . S a m u e l ("Walter)
1665 F r a n k l i n a v e n u e 820 B r y d e n a v e n u e
Clubs, Mr. 7-65 Mr. F r a n k W . B o r g e r
B o h a n n a n , Prof, a n d M r s . R o s s e r D. Miss Lillian B. Borger, 41
(Short) Clubs, Mrs. 16
22 6 S i x t e e n t h a v e n u e Born, Mr. a n d Mrs. C. C h r i s t i a n
Bohl, Mr. H e n r y (Eckhardt)
1345 Neil a v e n u e 827 B r y d e n r o a d
Miss C l a r a C. Bohl, 16 Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-14-16-20-25-30-42-
Clubs, Mr. 16 64—Mrs. 10-16-20-30-63
B o l e n b a u g h , M r s . D. V. ( A l t o n ) Born, M r . a n d Mrs. C. E d w a r d
251 N Tw-entieth s t r e e t ( D o r o t h v M. N e w c o m b )
Bolin, Mr. a n d M r s . B. F . (Clemens) 677 S H i g h s t r e e t
1993 I n d i a n o l a a v e n u e Clubs, Mr. 3-7-42
Bolin, Mr. a n d M r s . S t u a r t R. Born, Mrs. C a t h e r i n e P . ( J u n g )
(Ada Brown) 677 S H i g h s t r o e t
99 S i x t e e n t h a v e n u e B o r n , Mr. a n d Mrs. C o n r a d (Moerlein)
Bone, Mr. a n d Mrs. J a m e s L. (Moffat) 671 S Hi°'h s t r e e t
38 S Ohio a v e n u e Clubs, Mr. 13-16-64, also O l e n t a n g y
Miss A n n a Bone, 2 Club a n d Cuvier Club, C i n c i n a t i —
Clubs, Mrs. 2 M r s . 10-16
Bone, Mr. a n d M r s . H u g h M a c a u l e y Bowen, Prof, a n d M r s . B e n j a m i n L.
(Jane Huntingdon) (Grace King)
83 N Ohio a v e n u e 775 E B r o a d s t r e e t
B o n e b r a k e , Mr. C h a r l e s E. Clubs, Prof. 13-54—Mrs. 6-16-20-29-
865 F r a n k l i n a v e n u e 49-60
Mr. C h a r l e s E. B o n e b r a k e , J r . B o w l a n d , Mr. Willis G.
Clubs, Mr. 42 Southern Hotel
Bonn, Rev. a n d M r s . F r e d e r i c k Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-16-30-32-42-44-
(Gummel) 65
561 M a r i o n s t r e e t B o w m a n , Mr. a n d M r s . J o s e p h M. ( B u g h )
Miss E t t e l l a B o n n N. S. D u n e d i n road, 5 E of N
Bonnet, Mr. a n d Mrs. Albert H. High
(Spilman) Clubs, M r s . 2-63
293 W E i g h t h a v e n u e Bownocker, Prof, a n d Mrs. J o h n A.
Mr. F r a n k B o n n e t (Annie Flink)
Mr. E d w i n B o n n e t 218 N i n t h a v e n u e
Mr. R o b e r t B o n n e t Clubs, Prof. 16-42—Mrs. 16
Bonnet, Mr. a n d M r s . Alvin C. ( E a r l y ) Boyd, Prof, a n d Mrs. J a m e s E.
39 F r a n k l i n P a r k , W ( E m m a Wells)
Clubs, Mrs. 20 92 W L a n e a v e n u e

Figures refer to cVub members—see front of book.



Boyd, Prof, a n d M r s . W i l l i a m W . B r a u n , Mr. a n d M r s . Carl L. ( S c h m i d t )

(Gates) 1071 S H i g h s t r e e t
56 N Monroe a v e n u e Miss Stella B r a u n
Miss M a r i o n Boyd Miss H e l e n B r a u n
Clubs, Prof. 16—Mrs. 16-20-32 B r a u n , Mr. a n d M r s . H e r m a n , J r .
B r a c k e n , Mrs. M a r y G. ( B a r r e t t ) (Buchseib)
1116 B r y d e n r o a d 95 8 S H i g h s t r e e t
Mrs. Ida Bracken Elliott (Bracket)
Mr. J a m e s S. B r a c k e n , 3-7-13 B r e n h o l t s , Mr. a n d Mrs. Alfred
Miss Stella B r a c k e n ( C l a r a A. B a t e s )
Miss E l i z a b e t h B r a c k e n 9 3 Woodland avenue
B r a c k e n , Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m C. Clubs, Mr. 13-14—Mrs. 2-29-46-63
(Mansfield) B r e n h o l t s , Mr. a n d Mrs. R o y
1219 B r y d e n r o a d (Marguerite Matticks)
Mr. R a m o n d B r a c k e n 93 W o o d l a n d a v e n u e
M r s . Caroline Mansfield B r e w e r , Mr. a n d M r s . George ( W i l s o n )
Clubs, Mr. 42 815 Neil a v e n u e
Bradbury, Mrs. E d w a r d E. (Sykes) Clubs, Mr. 7
Grandview Heights, Station A
B r a d b u r y , Mr. a n d M r s . Edw^ard G. Brickell, Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m D.
(Gay) (Cora Ross)
Grandview Heights, Station A 715 E B r o a d s t r e e t
Miss H a r r i e t B r a d b u r y , 5 8 Clubs, Mr. 7-10-13-14-30-59—Mrs.
Clubs, M r s . 40-5 8
Bradford, Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k (Leffler) B r i d g e r s , Mr. a n d M r s . S t i t h S.
The Normandie 94 N T w e n t i e t h s t r e e t
Clubs, Mr. 42 B r i g g s , M r . a n d M r s . J o s e p h M.
Bradford, Mr. a n d M r s . H e n r y S. ( H a i g ) (Ransburgh)
1943 W a l d e c k a v e n u e B r i g g s d a l e , O.
Mr. O. H. B r a d f o r d Mr. Claude M. B r i g g s
Mr. Henry LeRoy Bradford Miss J o s e p h i n e B r i g g s
Clubs, Mr. 42
B r a d f o r d , Prof, a n d M r s . J o s e p h N . B r i g h t , Mr. a n d M r s . George W .
(Walter) (Martha Worrel)
1598 Neil a v e n u e 58 L e x i n g t o n a v e n u e
Miss G r a c e B r a d f o r d Sum. R e s . : Columbus B e a c h , I n -
Miss F l o r e n c e B r a d f o r d dian River, Mich.
Clubs, Prof. 24-47—Mrs. 60 Miss Helen Quinn
Mrs. M a r y Louise B r i g h t
Bradford, M r s . O r r i n D a y ( H a w n ) Clubs, Mr. 13-14-16-25-44—Mrs. 16
975 O a k s t r e e t
Clubs, M r s . 4-5-12-19-37-67 B r i n k e r , Mr. M a r i o n T.
B r a d s h a w , Mr. a n d M r s . H a r r y J. 1369 E a s t w o o d a v e n u e
(Jones) Mrs. M. W a l l a c e ( J o n e s )
1418 M i c h i g a n a v e n u e B r i t a n , R e v . a n d Mrs. J. T. ( G e o r g e )
B r a d s h a w , Mr. J o h n W . 55 S S i x t h s t r e e t
Clubs, R e v . 65
1578 E L o n g s t r e e t
Mr. H e r b e r t B . B r a d s h a w Bronson, Mr. a n d M r s . H i r a m S.
Miss M a r g u e r i t e B r a d s h a w ( M a r y E, C h a n d l e r )
B r a g g i n s , Mr. a n d M r s . F r e d e r i c k W . Dale avenue. Grandview Heights
(Maude E. Worthington) Clubs, M r . 65—Mrs. 49
The R a m e y , 1814 N H i g h s t r e e t B r o o k s , Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k S.
Clubs, Mr. 42 (Woodbridge)
B r a n d , Mr. a n d M r s . G. F . 82 N T w e n t y - s e c o n d s t r e e t
(Mary Loeulla) Miss E s t e l l e W . B r o o k s
1212 F a i r a v e n u e
Clubs, M r s . 11-67 B r o o k s , Mr. a n d M r s . H e r b e r t (Tate>
Brandon,' Mr. a n d M r s . A r c h a r d 99 N Monroe a v e n u e
(Eleanor De W i t t ) Receives T u e s d a y
Mr. H e r b e r t Brooks, J r .
94 N T w e n t i e t h street, A p a r t m e n t Mr. P h i l l i p s B r o o k s
No. 1 Clubs, Mr. 44-54-69-76—Mrs. 29-33-
Clubs, M r s . 18 69
B r a n d o n , Mr. a n d M r s . C. W e b s t e r
(Josie Archard) B r o o k s , Miss H o r t e n s e H a m l i n
118 M i a m i a v e n u e 1455 F r a n k l i n a v e n u e
Mr. H e n r y P. B r a n d o n , 3-23-42 Clubs, Miss 29-69
Miss M a r y J . B r a n d o n , 12 B r o o k s , Mr. a n d Mrs. S t a n l e y G r a n g e
B r a t t o n , Mr. a n d Mrs. R i c h a r d H . (Rankin)
385 W T e n t h a v e n u e 53 N Twenty-first s t r e e t
Clubs, Mr. 10 Clubs, Mr. 7 •
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.



Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Brown, Mrs. Walter "Wood (Loving)
(Morton) 940 E Broad street
64 N Monroe avenue Sum. Res. : Squam Lake, N. H.
Miss Marion Morton Brooks, 48 Miss Margaret Brown, 35-48
Miss Katherine Allein Brooks. 48 Miss Helen Brown, 48
Clubs, Mr. 54—Mrs. 63 Clubs, Mrs. 10-30
Brosius, Mr. and Mrs. Alvah D. Brown, Mr. Wrilliam C.
(Claribel Thomas) Worthington, O.
37 Douglas street Clubs, Mr. 14-42
Clubs, Mrs. 2 Brown, Mr. and Mrs. "William F.
(Margaret Sexton)
Brosius, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. 923 E Broad street
(Barnes) Sum. Res.: Columbus Beach,
410 King avenue Mich.
Miss Ruth Brosius Mr. Charles W. Brown
Browm, Mr. Abram Mrs. Jane A. Sexton
Grandview, Station A, No. 5 R. Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-42—Mrs. 20
F. D. Brown ,Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Clubs, Mr. 42-44 (Donaker)
220 Lexington avenue
Brown, Miss Alice Brown, Mr. and Mrs. William Sexton
The Vendome (Grace Cockins)
Clubs, Miss 6-18 260 Morrison avenue
Browm, Mr. and Mrs. E. Frank Brownfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ira W.
The Oxford, 96 Lexington avenue (Walden)
Clubs, Mr. 3-65 139 E Eighth avenue
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Clubs, Mr. 20—Mrs. 5
31 Fifteenth avenue Browming, Mr. Mark
Miss Josephine Brown 1418 Fair avenue
Brown, Mr. Frame C. Mr. Joseph Browning
Worthington, O. Mr. Clark Browning
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-23-35-65 Mrs. Lorina Browning
Clubs, Mr. 42
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Bruce, Prof, and Mrs. Charles A.
(Alice Doyle) (Hall)
124 Wilson avenue 1981 Indianola avenue
Miss Grace McNamar Clubs, Prof. 5—Mrs. 5-18-60
Clubs, Mr. 7—Mrs. 68 Brumley, Prof, and Mrs. Oscar V.
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. (Stokes) 172 Fourteenth avenue
899 E Broad street Bruning Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. (Snow)
Sum. Res. : Indian River, Mich. Lenox Hotel, W. * Goodale and
Miss Ruth Parshall Brown Armstrong
Clubs, Mr. 13-14—Mrs. 20-32 Clubs, Mr. 31
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Brush, Mrs. Edmund J. (Peabody)
(Osee Armstrong) 547 E Broad street
1571 Hawthorne Park Clubs, Mrs. 15-20
Mr. John W. Brown, Jr. Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. (North)
Clubs, Mr. 3-13 38 E Frambes avenue
Brown, Dr. and Mrs. John E. Clubs, Mrs. 6-20-43-55
(Barker) Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. (Driscoll)
16 80 E Broad street 740 Franklin avenue
Clubs, Dr. 3-13-14-16-25—Mrs. 15- Miss Florence Bryant
16-20-29 Miss Elsie Bryant
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. John W. (Wring) Miss Gertrude Bryant
271 E Town street Bryant, Dr. Susannah L.
Miss May E. Brown, 2 0 504 Oak street
Browm, Mr. and Mrs. Morton S. Bryce, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander C.
(Taylor) (Helen Prevo)
311 Kendal place 900 Bryden road
Mr. "William Taylor Browne Clubs, Mr. 42
Miss Dorothy F. Browne Bryce, Mrs. Thomas J. (Kendall)
73 N Twenty-second street
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel K. ("Wetzel) Mr. Chalmers K. Bryce
1437 Neil avenue Mr. Thomas Jerrold Brvce
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour N. Clubs, Mrs. 33
(Mary A. Sea) Bryson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
196 8 Indianola avenue (Margaret Bradrick)
Miss Katharine Brown 1378 Neil avenue
Clubs, Mr. 42 Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 12-34
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Bryson, Mr. Will H. B u r t , Mrs. J. A. ( H a m i l t o n )

1495 Michigan a v e n u e 583 Limvood a v e n u e
Miss J u l i a L. B r y s o n B u r t , Mr. a n d Mrs. W i l l i a m A.
Bucher Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m (Mary Clark)
( E l l a Allison) 75 Hoffman a v e n u e
C a r e of 80% N H i g h s t r e e t Mr. W i l l a r d A. B u r t
Mr. H a r r y B u c h e r Miss Gertrude Burt
Clubs, Mr. 7-44 Clubs, Mrs. 16-25-33
B u c h a n a n , Mr. a n d Mrs. D a l l a s G. Bush, Dr. a n d Mrs. Alden J. ( J o y c e )
(Hildreth) 63 E i g h t e e n t h a v e n u e
The Lincoln, 631 E B r o a d s t r e e t Clubs, Dr. P r e s . Columbus D e n t a l
Buck Mr. a n d Mrs. D e W i t t C. S o c i e t y — M r s . 61
(Taylor) Bush, Mr. a n d Mrs. S a m u e l P r e s c o t t
( F l o r a Sheldon)
270 E T o w n s t r e e t M a r b l e Cliff, O.
B u c k m a s t e r , Mr. a n d Mrs. F . F . Mr. P r e s c o t t Sheldon B u s h
The N o r m a n d i e Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-16-25-65-73-74—
B u c k m a s t e r , Mr. a n d Mrs. Lloyd W . Mrs. 10-20-73
Dennison Hotel Bush, M r . a n d Mrs. "William H. ( C a r r o l l )
Buel, Mr. D a v i d 1039 O a k s t r e e t
865 B r y d e n road, also Lincoln Miss M e d i a B u s h
Hotel Butler, Mr. a n d Mrs. George S.
Clubs, Mr. 3-7-14-42-65 (Henderson)
Bulen, Mr. a n d Mrs. J. E l w o o d ( M a y n a r d ) 76 L e x i n g t o n a v e n u e
1623 F r a n k l i n P a r k , S Sum. Res. : Dublin, Ohio
Clubs, Mr. 42-65 Capt. a n d Mrs. J a m e s Kelly P a r s o n s
Bulford, Mr. a n d M r s . George H . (Henderson)
( F l o r e n c e A. B r o w n i n g ) 16 Columbus Barracks. Col.. O.
125 P a r k w o o d a v e n u e Clubs, Mr. 13-14-35-42-45—Mrs. 35
Clubs, M r . 24-42 Butler. Mrs. H e n r i e t t a M. (Mithoff)
B u r b a n k , Mr. a n d M r s . A b r a h a m 1293 E L o n g s t r e t
(Margaret Pearl Clark) Butler, Mr. a n d Mrs. J a m e s H . ( S i m o n s )
V i r g i n i a Hotel, 105 E G a y s t r e e t 77 "Wilson a v e n u e
Burdell, Mrs. W i l l i a m ( B e t z ) Mr. J. E d g a r B u t l e r
97 N F o u r t h s t r e e t Clubs, Mr. 14-42
Miss G r a c e B u r d e l l
Mrs. E m m a H a r r i s ( B u r d e l l ) Butler, M r . J a m e s M.
195 E T o w n s t r e e t
Burdell, Mr. a n d Mrs. W i l l i a m F . Clubs, Mr. 13-14-42
( J e n n i e N. K e l s e y ) Butler, Mr. a n d M r s . R. E.
665 E B r o a d s t r e e t (Jennie Crossland)
Miss D o r o t h v Burdell, 35-48 313 K i n g a v e n u e
Clubs, Mr. 13-3—Mrs. 5 Miss Jessie B u t l e r
Burgoyne, Dr. J o h n A. Miss A n n a B u t l e r
137 E S t a t e s t r e e t Miss Grace B u t l e r
Burington, Mr. a n d M r s . P . V. Butler, Mr. a n d Mrs. W i l l i a m J.
(Viola O. M o r s e ) (Briggaman)
645 E R i c h s t r e e t 275 E G a y s t r e e t
Burns, Mr. a n d M r s . H a r l e y E. Miss M a r y B u t l e r
(Emma Terry) B u t t e r w o r t h , Mr. a n d Mrs. C h a r l e s F .
64 S m i t h place (Reed)
Burns, Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s H. ( T y l e r ) Grandview Heights, Station A
1441 Neil a v e n u e B u t t e r w o r t h , Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k
Clubs, Mr. 1 6 — M i s . 25-6 8 ( H a r r i e t L. B u c k i n g h a m )
Burns, Mr. W i l l i a m T. F i r s t a v e n u e , corner P a u l a v e n u e ,
118 W F i f t h a v e n u e Grandview Heights, Station A
Mr., A n d r e w B u r n s B u t t e r w o r t h , Mr. a n d Mrs. H e n r y
Clubs, Mr. 42 (Fulcher)
Burr, Mrs. C h a r l e s E. Grandview Heights, Station A
The Lincoln Miss E m m a G. B u t t e r w o r t h
Mr. E u g e n e B u r r (Quincv, F l a . ) B u t t l e s , Mr. a n d Mrs. L u c i a n D.
Clubs, Mrs. 2-15-29 ( M a r i a n A. M i l l a r )
Burr, Mr. and M r s . K a r l E. 1070 Madison a v e n u e
(Louise C. G w v n n e ) Miss M a r i e B u t t l e s ^-<^>
R. F . D. 15-A, London, Ohio Clubs, M r s . 42—Mrs. 2
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-25, also T h e As- B u t t l e s , Mr. a n d Mrs.- Millar
sembly a n d Sun F i s h Club—Mrs. ( F l o r e n c e H a l l ) u,
5-16-63, also The A s s e m b l y 1076 M a d i s o n ' , a v e n u e
Figures refer to club members—see front of ooo%

Byers, Mr. George Cane, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. (Williams)

80 N Twentieth street 1224 Bryden road
Miss Ada W. Byers Cannon, Mrs. Anne (Gormon)
Miss Maude E. Byers 1312 Neil avenue
Miss Ophelia Byers Miss Mary E. Cannon
Mr. Robert C. Byers Miss Nan Cannon, 12-43
Miss Bernice Byers
Byrne, Mr. and Mrs. Luke G. (Leonard) Caren, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J.
30 N Washington avenue (Mary A. Bergin)
Clubs, Mr. 25-34 213 Woodland avenue
Byrne, Mr. and Mrs. William J.
(Joyce) Caren, Mr. and Mrs. John M.
1020 E Broad street (Elizabeth E. Bergin)
Mr. John Joyce Byrne, 3-7-13-14-35- 1465 E Broad street
42-65 Carl, Dr. and Mrs. Louis W. (Trabue)
Mr. Harry Byrne 112 S Washington avenue
Clubs, Mr. 14-16—Mrs. 16-20 Carlile, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
(Maud C. McLain)
1962 Iuka avenue
/gtALDERWOOD, Mrs. Etta Clubs, Mr. 65—Mrs. 29-40
l|l (Etta Conway)
^"^ 55 King avenue Carlile, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson
Clubs, Mrs. 11 (Florence Jeffrey)
Caldwell, Prof, and Mrs. Francis C. "Walnut-Ford," Reynoldsburg, R.
(Orton) F. D.
Clubs. Mr. 3-14-16-42-44—Mrs. 4-16-
206 Sixteenth avenue 49-67
Clubs, Prof. 42—Mrs. 6-29-49-60
Caldwell, Mrs. Robert W. (Gunning) Carlile, Mr. William S.
1265 Neil avenue 1654 E Broad street
Callen, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Baron Mr. Arthur Carlile, 7
(Emily M. Barnes) Mr. Raymund Carlile
Calbarn Cottage, Kenworth road, Miss F. Marie Carlile
Clintonville, O. Carman, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. (Shepherd)
Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Grandview, Station A
(Updike) Miss Hazel S. Carman
120 "Woodland avenue Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E.
Receives Thursday (Cecile Moon)
Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac B. (Irwin) Fairview ave., Grandview Heights
1339 E Broad street Clubs, Mr. 42
Mr. Rov M. Cameron Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Clubs, Mr. 13-42 (Jennie Parks)
Camnitz, Mr. and Mrs. William J. 415 E Broad street
816 Franklin avenue Clubs, Mrs. 1
Campbell, Ex-Gov. and Mrs. James E. Carpenter, Dr. and Mrs. Willard B.
(Elizabeth Owens) (McGregor)
78 Hamilton avenue 106 Buttles avenue
Mr. James E. Campbell, Jr. Clubs. Dr. 7-42-44-54-03-69—Mrs.
Clubs, Ex-Gov. 13—Mrs. 18 63-67
Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Carr, Dr. and Mrs. Ceylon S. (Smalley)
(Emma A. White) 100 Hoffman avenue
1203 E Broad street Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. (Norris)
Sum. Res. : Bryn Mawr Farm, 1714 N Fourth street
Granville, Ohio Carr, Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Miss Edna C. Campbell
Mr. S. Howard Campbell • (Chestora McDonald)
Clubs, Mr. 7-13-14-23—Mrs. 16-48 185 Miller avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 2-9
Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. S. Eugene Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. James Wr.
(Grant) (Margaret A. Feeley)
Grove Citv, O. 737 Bryden road
Receives Thursday Miss M. Elizabeth Carroll
Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Clubse, Mr. 42—Mrs. 56
(Faulhaber ) Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.
452 E Rich street (Berry)
Mr. Herbert E. Campbell 47 Wilson avenue
Clubs, Mr. 42 Miss Marie Carroll
Candy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Cole) Miss Berry Carroll
88 N Ohio avenue Mr. Paul Carroll
Clubs, Mrs. 45 Miss Lucile Carroll
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B.
(Robbins) (Metcalf)
56 N Ohio avenue 277 Woodland avenue
Mr. J. H. Robbins Clubs, Mr. 3-13—Mrs. 5
Cartzdafner, Mr. and Mrs. J. William Chapman, Dr. and Mrs. Frank R.
(Gschwend) (Altia Fisher)
136 E Lane avenue 1110 Neil avenue
Mr. Robert James Cartzdafner Clubs, Dr. 54—Mrs. 16-55
Mr. Herbert Samuel Cartzdafner Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Horace L.
Case, Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Frances Benton)
(Cunningham) 1117 E Broad street
37 Hoffman avenue Sum. Res. : Benton Place, Port
Miss Eura May Case Allegany, Pa.
Clubs, Mrs. 29-36-63 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nelson Rose
Cashatt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S. (Chapman)
(Mank) Clubs. Mr. 3-13—Mrs. 10-15-16-25-
743 Franklin avenue 30-34
Mrs. John J. Mank (Myers) Chariton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Clubs, Mr. 7-42 (Price)
Cashatt, Mrs. Jennie S. (Van Dine) 34 W Second avenue
641 E Rich street Miss Helen Chariton
Cashatt, Mr. and Mrs. John Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L.
(Clara P. Rath) (Sarah W. Forbes)
5 7 Winner avenue Bullitt Park
Sum. Res. : Topinabee, Mich. Mrs. Thomas Bell (Weatherbe)
Miss Helen R. Cashatt Clubs, Mr. 14-16-42—Mrs. 14-16-30
Clubs, Mr. 14 Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood M.
Casparis, Mr. and Mrs. Silvio (Emma Lanagan)
(Graves) 386 Abbott avenue, E
"Elton House," Marble Cliff, O. Miss Margaret Chase
Receives Tuesdays Clubs, Mr. 65—Mrs. 2-8
Mr. Kenneth E. Casparis, 3-23-13 Cheek, Mr. and Mrs. Ross W.
Miss Ruth Casparis, 48 (Josephine Griffith)
Mr. William R. Casparis, 3 24 Fifteenth avenue
Clubs. Mr. 3-5-7-10-20-64—Mrs. 3-5- Clubs, Mr. 42-43, also 32d degree
10-16-20-30-59 Mason, also Shriner, also Rotarv
Chaffee, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Club, Delta Chi Fraternity and
(Osborne) Columbus Real Estate Board
1314 Bryden road Cheney, Mrs. J. K. (Fellers)
Sum. Res. : Chautauqua, N. Y . 275 S Ohio avenue
Mr. Ward O. Chaffee
Mr. A. Vernon Chaffee
Chamberlain, Lieut, and Mrs. Benjamin W. Chenoweth, Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
The Hartman Hotel (Alexander)
Clubs, Lieut. 14-23-42-65 450 King avenue
Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Mr. Max H. Chenoweth
Park View avenue, Bexley Chenoweth, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A.
Clubs, Mr. 23-42 (Altman)
Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. George T. 1380 Eastwood avenue
(Ford) Mr. Marshall Chenoweth
85 N Twenty-second street Chenoweth, Mr. and Mrs. Milo F.
Mr. Paul Chamberlain (Wagner)
Miss Elizabeth Chamberlain 1380 Eastwood avenue
Chamberlain, Mrs. R. P.
(Mary Sheridan) Cherington, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. (Elliott)
155 S Ohio avenue 195 Hamilton avenue
Mr. Harold J. Chamberlain Receives Wednesday
Champion, Mr. John W. Miss Ethel Elliott Cherington
1501 E Long street Mr. Harold Elliott Cherington
Mrs. Anna W. Smith Cherry, Mr. William E. W.
Clubs, Mr. 42 40 W Main street
Chandler, Miss Grace E. Miss Anna H. L. Cherry
375 W Eighth avenue Mr. William D. Cherry
Clubs, Miss 63 Clubs, Mr. 42-65
Chaney, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Cherryholmes, Dr. and Mrs. Charles C.
(Addie Speaks) (Richards)
51 King avenue 1359 Bryden road
Miss Madge Chaney Chester, Mr. and Mrs. John J.
Miss Mabel Chaney (Harriet E. Lisle)
Mr. Charles Chaney 65 Franklin Park. AY
Clubs, Mrs. 58 Clubs, Mr. 14-23-42-44-54
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Childs, Mr. a n d Mrs. E m a n u e l M. Clemmer, Dr. a n d M r s . J o h n W .

(Frank) (Beauman)
1795 F r a n k l i n P a r k , S 699 F r a n k l i n a v e n u e
Chittenden, Mr. a n d M r s . Campbell M. Clubs, M r s . 5-59
(Alice F i t c h ) Cleveland, Dr. a n d Mrs. W i l l i a m H .
866 E B r o a d s t r e e t (Evans)
Clubs, Mr. 3-13—Mrs. 16-20 r 164 E T h i r d a v e n u e
Choate, Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k H. (W right) Cleveland, Mr. a n d Mrs. W i l l i a m N.
295 W Second a v e n u e (Katherine Hepburn)
Miss T h e l m a Choate 1234 B r y d e n r o a d
Christie, Rev. a n d M r s . J. W . Miss S u s a n A n i t a Cleveland
( R u t h Bigelow) Clubs, Mr. 42
1555 Clifton a v e n u e Clough, M r s . M a r y E. ( O v e r m a n )
Clubs, Mrs. 6 1195 B r y d e n r o a d
Chubb, Prof, a n d M r s . C h a r l e s St. J . M i s s S a r a Clough
47 E T w e l f t h a v e n u e Clouse, Dr. and Mrs. George M.
Clubs, Prof. 47—Mrs. 6 (Alice A t k i n s o n )
Claridge, Mr. a n d M r s . E. R. 948 Mt. V e r n o n a v e n u e
(Anderson) Clubs, Mrs. 2-11
3 89 S t o d d a r d a v e n u e Coates, Mr. a n d Mrs. A n s o n B.
Clubs, M r s . 5 8 (Leila H. Blair)
Clark, Dr. a n d Mrs. C h a r l e s F r a n k l i n 741 E B r o a d s t r e e t
( P h e b e L. R o g e r s ) Miss E l s i e M a y Coates, 55
520 E T o w n s t r e e t Clubs, Mrs. 45
Sum. Res. : "The Hermitage," Coates, Miss S a r a E.
Rosseau, Muskoka, Canada 1222 E R i c h s t r e e t
Miss M a r g a r e t A n d r e w s C l a r k Clubs, Miss .6, also Associated C h a r -
Clubs, Dr. 3-13-16, also A c a d e m y of ities Social "Workers Club
Medicine Oculists' C l u b — M r s . 5-16- Cockell, Mr. H a r v e y
20-30-38 200 W T e n t h a v e n u e
Clark, Mr. a n d Mrs. H a r r y M. ( I r w i n ) Miss I s a b e l Cockell
1590 Neil a v e n u e Miss G e r a l d i n e Cockell
Mr. W . S. C l a r k
Clubs, M r s . 62 Cockins, Miss M a u d e M.
Clark, Miss I d a 1348 Neil a v e n u e
Miss E l i z a b e t h W . Cockins
5 3 W Fourth avenue Miss E d i t h D. Cockins
Clubs, Miss 2 0-55 Clubs, Miss 16-63
Clark, Mr. a n d Mrs. T h o m a s H.
(Louchrey) Coddington, Prof, a n d Mrs. E d w i n F .
333 W E i g h t h a v e n u e (Stoner)
Mr. C h a r l e s H. C l a r k 42 6 F i f t e e n t h a v e n u e
Mr. J a m e s C. C l a r k Cohen, Mr. a n d Mrs. A b r a h a m B.
Clubs, M r . 42 (Lazarus)
Clark, Mr. F r a n k T. 392 E T o w n s t r e e t
63 8 E L o n g s t r e e t Receives F i r s t T h u r s d a y
Miss A n n a T. C l a r k e Miss R a e L. Cohen
Miss M a r y L. C l a r k e Clubs, Mrs. 2 5
Clarke, Mr. a n d Mrs. R i c h a r d T. Cohenour, Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s
(Julia Ide) (Morden)
18 S E i g h t e e n t h s t r e e t 1555 F r a n k l i n P a r k , S
Miss M a r j o r i e C l a r k e Clubs, Mr. 14
Clemens, Mr. a n d Mrs. Allen B. Cole, Prof, a n d Mrs. Alfred Dodge
(Clara Botimer) (Downer)
The N o r m a n d i e 1648 Neil a v e n u e
Clubs, Mr. 42-54 Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 15-49-60
Clemens, Mr. a n d Mrs. J. E. Cole, Mr. a n d M r s . E d m u n d A.
(Clara Yaus) ( S u e Gibbons)
75 A u b u r n a v e n u e 790 B r y d e n r o a d
Miss Bernice Clemens Sum. Res. : I n d i a n River, Mich.
M r s . George Y a u s Clubs, Mr. 13-14-42—Mrs. 20, In-
Clubs, Mr. 65 d i a n R i v e r Club
Clement, Mr. a n d M r s . B u r l D. Cole, Mr. a n d M r s . H a r r i s o n
(Marvin) (Richard)
1421 F a i r a v e n u e 43 N Ohio a v e n u e
Clubs, Mr. 3
Cole, Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n Russel
Clement, M r s . J o h n R. (Helen Taft)
(Westhaven) 790 B r y d e n r o a d
1217 F a i r a v e n u e Clubs, Mr. 42
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Connolley, Mrs. Emma D.

(Otstot) 414 W Eighth avenue
40 Wilson avenufc Miss Augusta Connolley
Mrs. Jennie C. Otstot Connolley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. D.
Cole, Mrs. Virginia Thurman (Moss)
513 E Rich street 1489 Michigan avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 20-3 8 Clubs, Mr. 42-54-65, also Rotary
Cole, Dr. and Mrs. William Utteridge Club-Columbus Indianola Tennis
(Lillian B. Colwill) Club—Mrs. 12-43
529 E Broad street Connor, Mr. and Mrs. William S.
Sum. Res.: Buckeye Lake, O. (Elizabeth Baehr)
255 Hamilton avenue
Mr. Arthur F. Brittain Receives Thursday
Clubs, Mrs. 20-63 Miss Alma Connor
Coleman, Mrs. Anna Miss Irene Connor
(Rollison) Connors, Mr. and Mrs. John L. (Fitton)
880 E Broad street 1536 Menlo place
Coleman, Mrs. Nathaniel R. Clubs, Mr. 42
(Comly) Connors, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice S.
264 E Town street (Mary E. Kane)
Miss Marietta Comly Parkview and Piatt avenues,
Clubs, Mrs. 20 Bexley
Colgan, Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Miss Agatha Connors
(Belle Hallock) Miss Eileen Connors, 63
54 Miami avenue Miss Gertrude Connors
Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis C. Miss Mildred E. Connors
(Mortimer) Clubs, Mr. 14-23-42-65—Mrs. 20-63-
638 Oak street 68
Sum. Res. : Nahant, Mass. Connors, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
Receives Tuesday (Margie Moriow)
Collins, Mrs. Gilbert G. 413 Fairwood avenue
. (O'Hara) Converse, Lieut, and Mrs. George L., Jr.
3976 Broad street (Winans)
Miss Maude Collins War Dept., Washington, D. C.
Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas B.
(Finical) Converse, Capt. and Mrs. George L.
47 Sixteenth avenue (Millar)
Clubs, Mrs. 2 298 King avenue
Sum. Res. : Johnson's Island, San-
Collmer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. dusky, Ohio
(Lentz) Lieut. Alexander Converse (Manila,
212 Fourteenth avenue P. I.)
Mr. Arthur B. Collmer Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 60
Comly, Mr. and Mrs. Smith M. Converse, Mr. Wade
(McComb) 922 Madison avenue
57 S Champion avenue Clubs, Mr. 13
Clubs, Mr. 74 Conway, Mr. Wresley G.
Comstock, Mr. James W. 479 E Broad street
332 Oak street Clubs, Mr. 65
Conard, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
(Pearl Field) Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ermond E.
29 W Third avenue (Eckard)
147 S Monroe avenue
Cones, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cook Fletcher
(Baker) Clubs, Mr. 25
1017 Franklin avenue Cook, Mr. and Mrs. George L.
Sum. Res. : Lakeside, Ohio. (Tw-itchell)
Miss Lelah Cones 125 6 Michigan avenue
Receives Monday Miss Stella Cook
Conklin, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. Demmie Preston
(Patterson) (Brown)
186 E Northwood avenue 1643 Franklin avenue
Conneally, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Clubs, Mr. 13-14-42
631 E Broad street
Clubs, Mrs. 16-20-63 Coons, Dr. Jacob J.
Connell, Mrs. Ruth E. The Normandie
(Jackson) Clubs, Dr. 25-42-65
4331/2 E Long street Cooper, Dr. and Mrs. Albert
Miss Laura J. Connell, 4 3 44 E Duncan street
Clubs, Mrs. 43-55 Clubs, Dr. 54—Mrs. 45
Figures refer to cluo members—see front of book.

Cooperrider, Dr. a n d Mrs. C h a r l e s A. Corner. Mr. and Mrs. Cassius C.

(Tippett) (Fisher)
370 S F o u r t h s t r e e t 642 E Rich s t r e e t
M i s s E d i t h Cooperrider Mr. C. M. Corner
Clubs, Mrs. 20 Miss D a i s y Corner
Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Miss Edith Corner
( E m m a M. Vermilyea) Clubs, Mr. 3-42—Mrs. 5-12-20
54 W F i r s t avenue Corrodi, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Mr. B. Percy Cooper ( H e n r i e t t a Jaeger)
Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. J o h n W. 709 S High street
(Annie Creekbaum) Corson, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar T.
2116 Indianola avenue ( E l l a M. Jacoby)
Receives last Thursday 1642 Neil avenue
Mr. Neil Robertson Cooper Sum. Res. : P o i n t e Aux Pins, Mich.
Miss Elizabeth Falconer Cooper Clubs, Mr. 25-66—Mrs. 5-34-55-60-63-
Clubs, Mrs. 51 67, also the Ohio Association Oppos-
Cope, Mr. a n d Mrs. Alexis ed to Woman's Suffrage
(lone Lewis) Corwin, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E.
53 N Champion avenue Clintonville. O.
Mrs. Florence Dean, 19 Mr. Oliver P. Corwin
(Florence Cope) Clubs, Mrs. 55
Clubs, Mr. 16, also Military Order of Cott, Mr. and Mrs. W a l t e r
the Loyal Legion-—Mrs. 16 (Mary Dittoe)
Cope, Mr. a n d Mrs. E d g a r A. 66 Cleveland avenue
(Bessie P. Boyce) Cott, Mr. a n d Mrs. William N. (Sanders)
1110 Bryden road Linworth. O.
Mr. Walter Cott
Cope, Mrs. Florence Mr. P a r k e r Cott (Athens, O.)
53 N Champion avenue Cottrell, Mr. and Mrs. H a r v e y V.
Cope, Dr. and Mrs. H a r r y (Delia Miller)
( M a r g a r e t Pierson) Dunedin road, Clintonville, O.
51 N Champion a v e n u e Court, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. ( B a r r y )
Clubs, Mrs. 55 The Normandie
Miss Lillian Court
Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. Poster Miss L o r e t t a Court
(Thomas) Clubs, Mr. 3-7-14-16—Mrs. 16-68
50 H a m i l t o n a v e n u e Courtright, Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Mr. Alfred T. Copeland (Edith L. L a u n d e r )
Clubs, Mr. 7-13-14-20-25-34-54-65— " T h e Lincoln"
Mrs. 20-34-63 Courtright. Mr. and Mrs. Winfield S.
Copeland, Miss S a r a Foster (Miller)
49 N Garfield avenue 1592 E Broad street
Miss Marjorie Coneland Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-16-42—Mrs. 10-16
Clubs, Miss 4-16-67 Covert, Mr. a n d Mrs. Charles A.
(Mary C. Van Doren)
Corbett, Mr. a n d Mrs. J a m e s P. 1969 Waldeck avenue
(Mary Irwin) Miss F l o r e n c e C. Covert, 43-5-20-67
960 Bryden road Clubs, Mrs. 5-20-55-59
Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. J o h n T. Cowles, Mr. F r e d e r i c k
( C l a r a Flovd) 245 N o r w i c h a v e n u e
2291 N F o u r t h street Clubs, Mr. 54
Mrs. K a t h a r i n e Floyd (Kinnev) Cox, Mr. a n d Mrs. Albert
Clubs, Mr. 42, also t h e Hound Club— (Mary Myers)
Mrs. 5-37, also Indianola Sewing 81 WT F r a m b e s a v e n u e
Circle Coyle, Mr. a n d Mrs. H e n r y
Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. M. Leo ( M a r y O'Donnell)
(Devlin) 1682 B r y d e n r o a d
39 Auburn street Mr. F r a n c i s L. Coyle
Sum. Res. : Delavan Lake, Wis. Mr. Lewis Coyle
Clubs, Mr. 16—Mrs. 16 M i s s A g n e s Coyle
C r a n e , Mr. a n d Mrs. C a r s o n P .
Cornell. Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown (Thompson)
(Babbett) 347 W S e v e n t h a v e n u e
1806 N High s t r e e t Miss Alice C r a n e
Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Clubs, M r s . 45
(L. Anna BrowTn) Crawford, Mr. a n d Mrs. F r e d e r i c k W .
222 King avenue ( E l i z a b e t h Dreibelbis)
Mr. P a u l Cornell 995 E B r o a d s t r e e t
Miss Mavbelle Cornell Clubs, Mr. 7-13-14-16-42—Mrs. 10-16-
Clubs, Mrs. 45 20-30
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


Crayton, Mr.1 Edward W. Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. James O.

186 /. E Gay street (Lillian Smith)
Clubs, Mr. 14 153 N Eighteenth street
Crecelius. Mr. Henry F. Clubs, Mr. 42
12 67 Bryden road
Clubs, Mr. 23
Creith, Mr. and Mrs. Horatio C. (Ardis) TpiAGES, Mr. and Mrs. John W. (Newton)
1237 Bryden road IFf 337 Linwood avenue
Clubs, Mr. 7-14-42-65 "•^ Miss Frances Caroline Dages (Wel-
Crepps, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. (Taggart) leslev)
"The Lenox' Clubs, Mr 42—Mrs. 25-30-34-44
Crider, Mr. Rollin F. Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. (Burrows)
537 E Broad street Acton Place, N Broadway
Miss Clara B. Crider Receives Friday
Receives Thursday Mr. Bering B. Daniel
Critchfield. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer P. Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. James Taft
(Boyd) (Claire Graham Stewart)
240 Marshall avenue 95 Latta avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 45-50 Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 63
Crotti, Dr. and Mrs. Andre
(Marie Gwynne) Dashiell, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. (Adams)
172 8 E Broad street 352 King avenue
Clubs, Dr. 3-7-13-14-16-30—Mrs. 10- Daugherty, Mr. and Mrs. Harry M.
16 (Lucie Walker)
Cruikshank, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. 4 81 E Town street
81 Auburn avenue Sum. Res. : Washington Court
Crum, Mr. and Mrs. Ira H. House
(May Sherwood) Mrs. B. W. Thornhill
1935 Indianola avenue Clubs, Mr. 3-13-16-42—Mrs. 16
Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 12-45 Davev. Mr. and Mrs. T. E.
Crumrine, Mr. A. M. (Ada Holland)
158 W First avenue 903 Bryden road
Mr. J. I. Crumrine Mr. Thomas E. Davey, Jr.
Clubs, Mr. 7 Mr. George Sennett Davey
Cull, Mrs. Saidie Janet (Cochrane) Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Dooley D.
1835 Indianola avenue (Gibson)
Mr. William S. Sackett 419 King avenue
Culp, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Clubs, Mrs. 62
(Hatcher) Davidson, Mrs. Joseph F. (Peiffer)
57 Seventeenth avenue 759 Bryden road
Culver, Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Mr. Joseph F. Davidson, Jr., 16
(Van Courtright) Miss Florence E. Davidson, 16
1600 E Long street
Cummings. Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. (Gibson)
(Belding) 2113 Iuka avenue
941 Madison avenue Mr. Harold G. Davidson
Clubs, Mr. 21-42—Mrs. 18-34-38-53 Davie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Cummings. Mr. and r Mrs. John E. (Mann) (Michell)
1276 Eastw ood avenue 736 Neil avenue
Mr. Vernon M. Cummings Mrs. Helen Davie (Collins)
Clubs, Mrs. 51 Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Q.
Curry, Mr. and Mrs. Wrilliam L. (Bertha Longbon)
(Robinson) 61 Starr avenue
1578 Neil avenue Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Earl S.
Clubs, Mr. 54-76 (Mary Bridgman)
Curtis, Mr. Kenneth W. Oakland park avenue, Clintonville,
Dennison Hotel. 793 Dennison Ohio
avenue Miss Dorothy A. Davis
Clubs, iMr. 3, also Yale Club Clubs, Mr. 3-42—Mrs. 20-55-63
Cussins, Mr." and Mrs. Charles D. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. (Johnson)
(Parry) 475 E Town street
1140 Fair avenue Clubs, Mr. 3-16-13-42-33-20—Mrs.
Clubs, Mrs. 2-51 16-20-33-34-63
Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. Porter (Young)
(Stella Lenhart) 37 N Champion avenue
406 W Eighth avenue Davis, Mr. and Mrs. James M. (Smith)
Clubs, Mrs. 51 1287 Bryden road
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


Davis, Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n H . H . Deeg, Mr. and Mrs. Henry

(Griffin) ( C o r a Conklin)
90 W N o r t h w o o d a v e n u e 1237 Neil a v e n u e
Clubs, Mrs. 51 Miss G e r t r u d e Conklin
D a v i s , Mr. a n d M r s . Milton P . Clubs, Mr. 42
North Broadway, near High Deems, Mr. a n d Mrs. W . C. ( R h o d e s )
Davis, Mrs. N a n n i e E. 404 W F o u r t e e n t h a v e n u e
(Frances Morgan) Miss Helen D e e m s
1243 Neil a v e n u e Clubs, Mrs. 45-51
Miss M a y m e P . D a v i s Deihl, Mr. a n d Mrs. F . N o r m a n
Miss L a u r a E . D a v i s (Mary Hanna)
D a v i s , Mr. a n d Mrs. O r l a n d o L. 243 S i x t e e n t h a v e n u e
(Campbell) Clubs, Mrs. 5 8
" T h e Lincoln' Delano, M r s . K B. ( B a r t o )
Clubs, Mr. 14-42—Mrs. 30-33 657 E R i c h s t r e t
D a v i s , Mr. a n d Mrs. Otto W . DeLong, Mr. a n d M r s . P a u l A.
(Annie T h o m a s ) (McCord)
1217 E R i c h s t r e e t 39 N Ohio a v e n u e
D a v i s , Mr. a n d Mrs. T h o m a s J. ( S p a r k s ) Clubs, Mr. 13-42
919 Neil a v e n u e Deming, M r s . Edwfin G. ( H u t s o n )
Davis, Prof, a n d M r s . V. H . ( H a s k e l l ) 1395 Neil a v e n u e
236 W E i g h t h a v e n u e Mr. D o n a l d S. D e m i n g
Sum. R e s . : Milford Centre, O. Denney, Prof, a n d M r s . J o s e p h Villiers
Clubs, M r s . 6 (Hawks)
Davis, J u d g e a n d M r s . "William Z. University grounds
(Myer) Clubs. Prof. 12. also K i t K a t Club
43 S Monroe a v e n u e — M r s . 5-10-18-49-60
D a v y , Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n W e s l e y Dennis, Mr. a n d Mrs. B. W.
(Shepard) ( H e l e n L. Moling)
59 K i n g a v e n u e 1562 R i c h m o n d a v e n u e
Miss Stella M. D a v y Dennis, Mr. a n d Mrs. J e r r y
Clubs, M r s . 45 (Bess Ryland)
D a w s o n , Mr. a n d Mrs. A l b e r t B. 1398 E L o n g s t r e e t
(Pearl Ross) Dennison, Mr. H e r m a n G.
431 E Town s t r e e t The Cumberland Apartment
Clubs, Mrs. 29 Clubs, Mr. 3-13-30-64
D a w s o n , Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k J. Derby, Mr. a n d Mrs. E a r l e C l a r k e
(Wight) (Lillie Gill)
322 W Seventh a v e n u e 654 F r a n k l i n a v e n u e
Mr. D o n a l d D a w s o n Clubs, Mr. 13-16—Mrs. 5, also T r u s -
Dean, Mr. a n d M r s . A u g u s t u s H. tee C o l u m b u s Gallery of F i n e A r t s
(Schooler) Derby, Prof, a n d M r s . S a m u e l C.
79 Twelfth a v e n u e (Leonard)
Dean, M r s . F l o r e n c e (Cope) 93 F i f t e e n t h a v e n u e
Clubs, Prof. 44—Mrs. 6-18-20-60
53 N C h a m p i o n a v e n u e
Dean, Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k L. D e r t h i c k , M r s . E m m a D.
( E v a L. H a d c o c k ) 1692 Clifton a v e n u e
254 W r oodland a v e n u e Clubs, M r s . 2-51
Clubs, Mr. 7-42 Deshler, Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n G.
Dean, Mr. a n d M r s . H. Clay (Minnie G r e e n )
(Marie Prince) Cor. E. B r o a d st. a n d P a r k v i e w
44 N T w e n t i e t h s t r e e t a v e n u e , Bexley
Clubs, Mr. 14-42—Mrs. 20-32 Sum. R e s . : S a g a p o n a c k , L. I.
Miss M a r t h a Greene Deshler, 10-16-
D e a v e r , Mr. a n d Mrs. W i l l i a m 30-35
( K a t h e r i n e Woolard") Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-14-20—Mrs. 3-16-
27 N Monroe a v e n u e 20-25-30
Receives T u e s d a y Deshler, Mr. a n d Mrs. William G.
Clubs, M r s . 9-51 (Jones)
D e B r u i n , Mr. a n d M r s . Alfred C. 86 E B r o a d s t r e e t
(Janeway) Clubs. Mr. 3-13-16-34—Mrs. 25-29-
1479 B e l m o n t a v e n u e 34-44
Dee, Mr. a n d Mrs. W i l l i a m B. Deuschle, Dr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m D
(Harriet Blakeslee) (Jessie Field)
797 Neil a v e n u e 40 N Monroe a v e n u e
Clubs, Mrs. 2-51 Clubs, Mr. 13
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.
De Vennish, Mr. a i d Mrs. Arthur P. Dodd, Mr. and Mrs. Verne A.
(Briggs) 41 W Second avenue
Briggsdale, Ohio Clubs, Mrs. 61
DeVilbiss, Mrs. Geather J. (Gin-bey) Domoney, Mr. and Mrs. Albert E.
12 81 Bryden road (Mary Bancroft)
Miss Phoebe Ginbey 1491 N High street
De Witt, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sum. Res.: Lakeside, Ottawa Co.
(McElvaine) Mr. Raymond Bancroft Domoney
94 N Twentieth street Clubs, Mrs. 29
Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas W. Donahue, Judge and Mrs. Maurice H.
(Harbour) (Martine)
50 Fifteenth avenue 156 Woodland avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 9 Clubs, Mrs. 2
Dickey, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Donavin, Mr. and Mrs. George B.
(Mary Wilber) (Edith Jones)
1986 Indianola avenue 1113 Bryden road
Miss Edith H. Dickey, 67 Miss Mary L. Donavin
Mr. Malcolm G. Dickey Clubs, Mr. 42-66—Mrs. 10-20-29
Clubs, Mr. 54 Dotter, Mrs. Mary J.
Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. James F. 262 S Seventeenth street
(Ludlam) Miss Marie Dotter
112 Fourteenth avenue Mrs. Fred Shindler
Mr. M. L. Dickinson Mr. Clement Dotter
Miss Ruth A. Dickinson
Clubs, Mr. 54—Mrs. 20-5 Douglass, Mr. and Mrs. James N.
Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. William H. (Vena Houck)
(Dickinson) 1059 Bryden road
1351 Forsythe avenue Mr. Orrin Douglass
Mr. William H. Dickinson, Jr. Mr. J. Laurence Douglass
Clubs. Mr. 3-42—Mrs. 55 Clubs, Mr. 42-65
Diehl, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Downey, Mr. and Mrs. John M.
(Hazel Huggins) (Paulus)
1601 Bryden road 15 Darby street
Clubs, Mr. 7-14 Mr. John M. Downey, Jr.
Dierdorff, Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Miss Rose T. Downey
309 Wilbur avenue Downey, Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Clubs, Mr. 32 Southern Hotel
Dildine, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Downs ,Miss Annie Villette
(Fannie Hughes) 1170 Bryden road
757 Franklin avenue Clubs, Miss 30—Mrs. 5
Clubs, Mr. 20—Mrs. 2-30-67
Dillon, Judare and Mrs. Edmond B. Downs, Dr. and Mrs. Eli M.
(Whitney) (Winterbotham)
83 Wilson avenue 131 Broad street, E
Sum. Res. : Topinabee, Mich. Sum. Res. : Lake Superior
Clubs, Judge 3—Mrs. 12-67 Doyle, Mrs. Martha A. (Basor)
Diltz, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. 60 E Broad street
Miss Callie Doyle
(Katharine Barron) Drais, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
219 Fifteenth avenue 9 6 Miami avenue
Dittoe, Mrs. Frank A. (Finck) Mr. Charles Drais, Jr.
66 Cleveland avenue Miss Hazel Drais
Dittoe, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Clubs, Mrs. 62-67
(Helen Spencer)
Lockbourne road Drought Mrs. Nannie C. (Flack)
Clubs, Mrs. 5 171 King avenue
Divine, Mrs. Susan S. (Smith) Druckemiller, Mr. and Mrs. J. F
33 Auburn street (Nancy Smith)
Mr. James J. Divine, 13-14-23-65 12 81 Bryden road
Clubs, Mrs. 5 Clubs, Mr. 42
Doan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Duboc, Mr. William A.
(Jennie Austin) The Lincoln
394 W Seventh avenue Clubs, Mr. 42-65
Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 45
Bobbie, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dun, Mr. Angus W.
(Harriet K. Knox) 115 Woodland avenue
691 E Broad street Miss Harriet Dun
Miss Maude Florence Bellar Miss Katharine Thompson Dun, 2;
Clubs. Mr. Col. Board of Trade— Miss Nancy A. Dun, 15-10-20-29
Mrs. 15-34 Miss Hattie L. Franklin
Clubs, Mr. 3
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


Dun, Mr. and Mrs. John (Davis) Dye, Prof, and Mrs. Clair A. (Sinclair)
275 Fifteenth avenue 1569 "Worthington street
Dun, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Clubs, Mrs. 29-60
(Annie Holman) Dye, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sears
Hotel Vendome (Wilson)
Clubs, Mr. 3—Mrs. 20 1942 Indianola avenue
Dun, Mr. and Mrs. John J. (Heed) Clubs, Mrs. 29
289 Fifteenth avenue Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H.
Miss Lucile Dun (Nelle Peters)
Duncan, Judge and Mrs. Thomas J. 1156 Neil avenue
(Clara McKelvey) Miss Julia Dyer
98 Hamilton avenue Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 14-15-40
Mr. Robert P. Duncan, 3-35-65 Dyer, Dr. Mary Maitland
16 S Third street
Clubs, Mrs. 5-34 Osteopathic Physician. Bell phone,
Dundon, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. (Berry) Main, 1285; Citizen, Phone 6858
38 S Champion avenue
Clubs, Mr. 14—Mrs. 20
Dunham, Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. (Fulton) 7TAGLES0N, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G.
540 E Broad street I>F (Miesse)
Clubs, Mr. 13 "*' 1403 E Long street
Dunham, Dr. and Mrs. John Dudley Eagleson. Rev. and Mrs. W. S. (Pentecost)
(Holmes) 84 N Ohio avenue
1205 Bryden road Mr. Joseph P. Eagleson
Dunham, Dr. and Mrs. John M. (Cross) Mr. John H. Eagleson
224 E Town street Miss Grace Eagleson
Sum. Res. : "Dunleith," Johnstown Early, Mrs. George W. (Evans)
Pike 108 N Twentieth street
Clubs, Dr. 16, also Masonic r Tem- Early. Dr. and Mrs. Lewis M. (Bell)
ple Assn.—Mrs. 16, also W . E. I. 108 N Twentieth street
U. and Y. W. C. A. Mrs. G. W. Earlv-Evans
Dunham, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stanley Clubs, Dr. 7-13-14-34-42—Mrs. 30
(Jordan) Earnshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Joe H.
1512 Hawthorne street (Delia Webb)
Dunlap, Mr. and Mrs. John Reed 1074 Franklin avenue
(McKee) Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-16-20-42—Mrs.
1217 Neil avenue 16-20
Mr. Roy McKee Dunlap Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C.
Dunlap, Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd M. (Alice Wright)
(Cox) 398 W Fifth avenue
946 Madison avenue Miss Esther Eaton. 6-20
Mr. Thaddeus C. Dunlap, 13 Miss Jeannette Eaton, 6
Mr. Webster Wright Eaton
Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Eagleton F. Clubs. Mr. 16-42—Mrs. 16
(Florence B. Courtright Ebeling, Miss Emma
965 E Broad street
Mr. Frederick C. Dunn 665 Oak street
Clubs, Mrs. 55 Clubs, Miss 63
Dunn, Mrs. Joseph H. (Young) Ebeling, Prof, and Mrs. Hermann
936 Bryden road 649 Franklin avenue
Sum. Res. : Columbus Beach- In- Miss Elise Ebeling
dian River, Mich. Eberst, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. (Barrett)
Miss Dorothv Dunn, 14 822 Neil avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 14 Clubs, Mr. 42
Ecker, Mr. and Mrs. Louis P.
Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Warren C. (Arabella Tryner)
(Alice Kerrick) 703 Bryden road
168 S Eighteenth street Mr. Elmer S. Ecker
Clubs, Mr. 42, also The Rotarv Clubs, Mr. 42-65
Club Eckhardt, Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Durant, Mr. and Mrs. George B. (Billings)
(Mithoff) 1514 Menlo place
1320 Bryden road Mr. Herman Eckhardt, Jr., 7
Clubs, Mr. 42 Clubs, Mr. 7
Dusenbury, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Eichenlaub, Mr. and Mrs. Al.
(McCarty) (Schilder)
79 W Third avenue 186 Lexington avenue
Miss Ada Eichenlaub. 5 7
Dwyer, Mr. and Mrs. W^alter J. Mr. Arthur Eichenlauo
(Myrtle L. Anderson) Mr. Raymond Eichenlaub
127 "Wilson avenue
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Eichenlaub, Mr. and Mrs. William English, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
(Grace Lawler) (Ada L. Phaler)
Care of 186 Lexington avenue 1227 Bryden road
Clubs, Mr. 16 Clubs, Mr. 13-14-42
Eilber, Mr. and Mrs .W^esley J. English, Mr. and Mrs. William H.
(Lauterbach) (Ida Neal)
99 Deshler avenue 948 Franklin avenue
Clubs, Mr. 16-66—Mrs. 16-22 Engwerson, Mrs. Otto
Elberfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. (Mary Beekey)
(Hatcher) 31 E Rich street
57 Seventeenth avenue Mrs. Isaac S. Beekey
Elden, Prof, and Mrs. Wallace Stedman Clubs, Mrs. 5-16-20-30-63-67
(Guerin) Eno, Prof, and Mrs. Frank H.
1734 Summit street (Nellie Kellogg)
Clubs, Prof. 42-54—Mrs. 20-60 222 Sixteenth avenue
Elder, Dr. and Mrs. Clark T.
(Fraker) Ensminger, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Clair
342 S Ohio avenue (Louise Butler)
Clubs, Mrs. 58-61 117 Hamilton avenue
Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clubs, Mrs. 15-20
(Shettler) Esswein, Mr. Samuel A.
1592 Richmond avenue 601 City Park avenue
Elliott, Mrs. Annetta Clubs, Mr. 3-7-14-42
60 Miami avenue Eutsler, Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Elliott, Mrs. Louise L. (Kelsey) (Wallace)
109 Hamilton avenue Groveport, O.
Elliott, Mrs. Ora (Thompson) Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron N.
185 E Town street (Harriet McElroy)
Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. (Smith) 70 N Monroe avenue
107 N Monroe avenue Mr. T. Clinton Evans
Miss Lucy Cable Elliott Mr. How^ard Austin Evans
Clubs, Mrs. 5-32-67
Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. C. Earl
(Edith T. Thayer) Evans, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur E.
130 Starr avenue (Gertrude Wiser)
Clubs, Mr. 42 310 E Broad street
Ellis, Miss Lucy Mrs. Mary L. Grant (Grierson)
Care Mrs. Henderson, o0 S Third Clubs, Dr. 42
street Evans, Judge and Mrs. Marcus G.
Ellison, Col. James D. (Nelson)
Southern Hotel, S High street 391 E Town street
Clubs, Col. 3-13-15-20-30-34 Sum. Res. : On Big Walnut by
Col. Country Club
Emerick, Dr. and Mrs. Edson J. (Dill) Clubs, Judge 13-14-42-65—Mrs.
140 W Broad street 10-20-25-30
Ohio Institution for Feeble Minded
Clubs, Dr. 42—Mrs. 55 Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver M.
Emminger, Dr. and Mrs. Allen F. 1634 Clifton avenue
(Coleman) Mrs. Elvira Banner (Brashear)
880 E Broad street
Mrs. Anna Coleman (Rollison) Everett, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D.
Mrs. E. C. Hull (Coleman) (Keagle)
Clubs, Mrs. 16-30 1256 Neil avenue
Emrich, Mrs. Christiana Mr. Frank K. Everett
Miss Helen Everett
1106 S High street Clubs, Mrs. 55
Engle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. (Kinsell) Evick. Mr. and Mrs. Russell
283 Seventeenth street 30 Wilson avenue
Miss Kathleen Engle Clubs, Mrs. 51
Miss Ruth Engle
English, Mrs. John
(Mary Robinson)
Marble Cliff, Ohio >rkfAIl-jIS!a, Miss M. Wr.
Miss Louise English 1r 947 E,Broad street
Miss Mary English ^ Miss J. Failing, 10
English, Mr. Matthew K. Fallon, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
227 E Rich street (Lillian D. Schrrner)
Miss Mary Elizabeth English 3 74 Kendall place
Mrs. Laura Young (English) Clubs, Mrs. 16
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Fanning, Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Fieser, Mr. and Mrs. Louis F.
(Miller) (Martha V. Kershaw)
994 Franklin avenue 31 Hamilton avenue
Mr. Cecil R. Fanning Sum. Res. : Indian River, Mich.
Miss Mary Fanning Miss Dorothy Fieser
Farrar, Dr. Holway D. Miss Martha Fieser
45 E Main street Clubs, Mr. 13—Mrs. 15-20
Clubs, Dr. 14 Filler, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley A. (Miller)
131 Franklin Park, W
Fassig, Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Miss Mary M. Miller
88 Thirteenth avenue Fillmore. Mr. Alfred E.
Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 55 137 E State street
Fauley, Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Clubs, Mr. 65
(Stanbery) Finckel, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin (Cowling)
142 7 Eastwood avenue 159 8 Franklin avenue
Clubs, Mr. 13-47-74—Mrs. 5-20 Finckel, Mr. and Mrs. George M.
Faulhaber, Mrs. Theodore (Staley) (McDaniel)
452 E Rich street 1477 Fair avenue
Fippin, Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Faulkner, Mr. James ~W. (Mattie E. Thackara)
170 S Third street 1846 Summit avenue
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-64 Mr. Clinton T. Fippin
Faunce, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mr. James C. Fippin
(Mignon B. Mannington) Clubs, Mrs. 45
The Martha, 172 S Ohio avenue Firestone, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Fearn, Mr. and Mrs. William A. (Duvall) (Longstreth)
1918 Indianola avenue 638 E Town street
Mrs. Caroline Fearn Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13—Mrs. 10-30
Clubs, Mrs. 9 Firestone, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton D .
Feeley, Mrs. Edward L. (Pennington) 5 80 E Broad street
111 Jefferson avenue Clubs. Mr. 3-13-14-17-42—Mrs. 10-
Mr. O. S. Feeley 16-20-33
Miss Ruth P. Feeley Firestone, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. (Leas)
Mrs. S. E. Swaney (Steenrod) 1266 E Broad street
Feinkhopf, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miss Anita Firestone, 6-30
The Southern Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-14-25—Mrs. 5-33
Mr. Mark D. Feinkhopf (O. S. Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.
U.) (Anna Blair)
Felch, Miss Margaret 1720 E Long street
333 W Ninth avenue Mrs. Mary Jane Blair
Clubs, Miss 20 Clubs, Mr. 42
Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley T.
Felton, Mr. and Mrs. William (Jones) (Garner)
131 Fifteenth avenue 363 TV Seventh avenue
Clubs, Mr. 42, also G. A. R. and Mr. Dudley T. Fisher, Jr. •
Loyal Legion Miss Katherine Fisher
Clubs, Mr. 20—Mrs. 20 Clubs, Mrs. 40
Felty, Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus (Alexander) Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Edward E.
950 E Broad street (Effle E. Weir)
Clubs, Mr. 7-14-42—Mrs. 32 310 W Ninth avenue
Ferris. Mr. and Mrs. "Warren B. Clubs, Mr. 42-65—Mrs. 63
(Edna H. WTalton) Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W.
1216 Fair avenue (Rhea Lintlrwaite)
Clubs, Mr. 42 3 83 S Ohio street
Fenimore, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. William G.
(Edna Paine) (Mildred Run)
913 Bryden road 691 Bryden road
Clubs, Mrs. 63 Mr. Clifford R. Fisher
Field, Mr. and Mrs. Al. G. (Wanner) Mr. Earl G. Fisher
29 W Third avenue Miss Ruth Fisher
Miss Pearl Field Miss Louise Fisher
Clubs, Mr. 42 Clubs, Mr. 42
Field, Mr. Charles A. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. H.
The Lincoln, 631 E Broad street (Cunningham)
Field, Mr. and Mrs. William K. "The Cedars," Powell, O.
(Lucie Wampler) Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M.
463 E Town street (Taylor)
Miss Katharine Field 695 Bryden road
Clubs, Mr. 3-13—Mrs. 10-16-20-63
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.



F i t c h , M r s . E d w a r d A. ( D o h e r t y ) Ford, Mr. and Mrs. J o h n A.

1265 E B r o a d s t r e e t (Mamie H. Healine)
47 Linwood avenue
F i t t s , Mrs. M a r t h a A. ( F i n c k l e ) Forrest, Mr. Alexander
963 F r a n k l i n a v e n u e 390 E Town street
F i t z p a t r i c k , Mr. a n d M r s . P e t e r A. Miss Helen Forrest, 20
( M a r g a r e t Owens) Clubs, Mr. 20-42-65—Mrs. 20
1519 E L o n g street Forstbauer, Mr. a n d Mrs. Henry L.
Clubs, Mr. 42 (Hope Warwick)
Fleming, Mr. a n d Mrs. P a u l 1591 F r a n k l i n Park, S.
(Josephine Baker) Clubs, Mr. 42
21 E F o u r t e e n t h a v e n u e Foulk, Prof, and Mrs. Charles W. ( P e r r y )
Sum. Res. : Milton, N. C. 384 King avenue
F l e t c h e r , Dr. F r e d Clubs, Prof. 15-20—Mrs. 15-20-60
182 W F o u r t h a v e n u e Fouts, Mr. and Mrs. R u p e r t A. (Nixon)
Clubs, Dr. 42 233 S Seventeenth street
F l e t c h e r , Dr. S a r a E. Clubs, Mr. 7-42—Mrs. 62
33 8 E S t a t e s t r e e t Fox, Mrs. Emma
Mr. R a y m o n d F . F l e t c h e r
Clubs, Dr. 2-18-19-63. also G o d m a n 68 W Ninth avenue
Guild Medical W o m a n ' s Club a n d Miss H a r r i e t D. Fox
H o m e o p a t h i c Medical Society of Fox, Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k S. (Armstrong)
Ohio. 251 W Third avenue
F l e t c h e r , Mr. T h a d d e u s R. Miss Louise A. Fox
879 E L o n g s t r e e t Miss P a u l i n e Fox
F l o w e r s , Mr. a n d Mrs. F r e d W . Mr. W. Wallace Fox-
(Bertha V Farr) Clubs, Mr. C. C. O. M., Lyceum Club
317 O a k s t r e e t Frambes, Mr. and Mrs. G. Stark
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Russell H a g u e (Monahan)
(Margaret Flowers) 252 E Lane avenue
Mr. Dean W. Flowers (Long Clubs, Mrs. 62
B r a n c h , N. J.) F r a n c , Mr. and Mrs. W. T. (Marks)
Miss D o r o t h y F l o w e r s 1205 Madison avenue
Miss K a t h a r i n F l o w e r s (Mt. Hol- Mr. A. J. Levy
yoke) France, Mrs. L. J. (York)
Miss A l b e r t a F l o w e r s (Mt. H o l y o k e ) 1000 E Broad street
Flow x ers, Mrs. V i r g i n i a S'. ( B r o w n ) Sum. Res. : Old Orchard, Me.
891 M i c h i g a n a v e n u e Mr. Milton York F r a n c e
Miss Olive F l o w e r s Mr. E d w a r d Watson F r a n c e
Miss Olive M. B r o w n Francis, Mrs. Albert
Floyd, Mrs. K a t h a r i n e ( K i n n e y ) (Schlasman)
22 91 N F o u r t h s t r e e t ' 1569 E Main s t r e e t
Floyd, Mr. a n d M r s . W r alter B. Mr. F r a n k F r a n c i s
(Agnes J a n e McWilliams) Mr. W a l t e r F r a n c i s
46 Jefferson a v e n u e Clubs, Mrs. 2
Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13 Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B.
Foley, Mr. a n d Mrs. Jeremiah ( G a l l a h a n ) (Alice A. Vannest)
48 Parkwood avenue 888 Neil avenue
Miss Mamie Foley Clubs, Mr. 23—Mrs. 51
Miss Ella Foley F r a n k , Mr. a n d Mrs. Benjamin F .
Follett, Mrs. Mary C. (Converse) 539 S Ohio avenue
922 Madison avenue Frankenberg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles 0.
Sum. Res. : Johnson's Island, San- (Shuflin)
duskv Bay. O. 871 Neil avenue
Mr. Wade Converse Clubs, Mr. 7
Clubs, Mrs. 20-29-34 F r a n k e n b e r g . Mr. a n a Mrs. Louis A.
Foote, Mr. Allen R. (Hoover)
315 Linwood avenue 314 King avenue
Clubs, Mr. 13
Foote, Mr. and Mrs. Moses L. Frankenberg, Mrs. Louise C. (Clemen)
(Lillie R. Bruns) Shepard, Ohio
1894 Summit street Mr. P a u l F r a n k e n b u r g
Winter Res. : Isle of Pines, W. Mr. Philip Frankenberg
Indies Mr. Robert F r a n k e n b e r g
Receives F r i d a v Frankenberg, Mrs. Otto
Mrs. S a r a h M. P o t t e r Grandview Station A
Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 29 F r a n k h a m , Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Ford, Mr. H e n r y P . (Markley)
The Lincoln. 631 E Broad street 41 N Champion avenue
Miss Mary Ford, 48 Clubs, Mrs. 45-67
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Frantz, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Gager, Mr. and Mrs. William C.
(Jessie Guthrie) ( Hollingsworth)
897 Franklin avenue 76 Hoffman avenue
Miss Gretchen Frantz Clubs, Mr. 42
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-34 Galbreath, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B.
Fraser, Miss Helen (Kelly)
58 Hamilton avenue The Lenox
Miss Jessie K. Fraser Clubs, Mr. 65—Mrs. 16
Miss Marjorie M. Fraser Gale, Mr. and Mrs. John T. (Jones)
Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. 324 Oak street
(Marv Taylor) Mrs. Cora Gale Roof, 43
R. F. D. Worthington, Ohio. Clubs, Mr. 18
High street, between Chaseland Gallagher, Mr. Eugene
and Worthington. 85 6 Neil avenue
Clubs, Mr. 42-65 Mr. Frank Gallagher
Freeman, Mrs. Geo. D. (Diemer)
Abroad Gamble, Mr. and Mrs. John T. (Knauss)
Miss Julia E. Freeman 45 W Eleventh avenue
Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Game, Mr. Francis H.
(Lois B. Slaughter) Canal Winchester, Ohio
Grandview Station, A. R. F. D. Clubs, Mr. 42
No. 5
Clubs, Mr. 13 Game, Mr. and Mrs. Reed H.
Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Laurens B. (Marie Wolf)
(Rowley) 174 E Oakland avenue
1308 Fair avenue Garard, Mr. and Mrs. John M.
Clubs, Mr. 13-42 (Susan L. Garard)
Freeman, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Luther 15 S Monroe avenue
(Bertha Mansfield) Mr. Charles G. McCune
980 Bryden road Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-42—Mrs. 30
Miss Theresa Freeman Garber, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C.
Mr. Mansfield Freeman (Daisy Curtis)
Clubs, Mrs. 29 1509 E Broad street
French, Prof. Thomas E. Clubs, Mr. 20—Mrs. 5-20
1458 Worthington street Gardner, Mrs. Margaret
Mrs. Janette H. French (Methven) (Leister)
Frisbie, Mr. and Mrs. William Martin The Normandie
(Rhodes) Mr. Charles H. Gardner
The Cumberland, Parsons avenue
Clubs, Mr. 3-7-44 Gardner, Mr. Richard H.
Fritter, Mr. Lincoln 1291 Oak street
29 Lexington avenue Mr. Earl D. Gardner, 23
Mrs. P. Fritter (McVeith) Clubs, Mr. 7-23
Frohock, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred O. Gardner, Mr. Wilson H.
(Bessie C. Standish) 41 N Twenty-first street
1381 Brvden road Clubs, Mr. 3-13
Clubs, Mr. 42 Gares, Dr. and Mrs. "William L.
Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. (Darst) (Campbell)
1376 E Broad street 405 S Ohio avenue
Mr. John W. Fuller, 13-2 3 Mr. Warren C. Gares
Miss Anne R. Fuller Miss Mabel M. Gares
Miss Mary Fuller. 20 Miss Evalyn Gares
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14—Mrs. 10-34
Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. (Hedges) Garhart, Mr. and Mrs. George
726 Franklin avenue (Neville)
Clubs, Mr. 42 245 E Maynard avenue
Fullington, Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Dr. M. N. Garhart
(Matthews) Mrs. Madge E. Cadwallader
289 Woodland avenue Clubs, Mrs. 12-18
Mr. James F. Fullington Garner, Mrs. James M.
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-42-65—Mrs. 20 (Drake)
322 TV Ninth avenue
Miss Josephine Garner, 20-55
AGER, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Clubs, Mrs. 55
(Julia Ballantine)
« 6 7 Hoffman avenue Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Miss Katharine Gager, 35 (Clara H. Ross)
Mr. John B. Gager 101 Hoffman avenue
Mr. How-ard W. Gager Sum. Res.: Conway, Mich.
Clubs, Mr. 13-14-16-29—Mrs. 14-16- Miss EP'zabeth Ross Barrett
20 Clubs, Mr. 23—Mrs. 20
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


Gaver, Dr. a n d Mrs. E . E. Gill, Miss M a r y

(Maud Raymond) 91 N t w e n t i e t h s t r e e t
27 Linwood a v e n u e Mr. C h a r l e s F . Gill
Clubs, Dr. 7-65—Mrs. 12-61 Gill. Mr. a n d Mrs. W i l l i a m A. (Mitchell)
Gay, M r s . V i r g i n i a (W T alcutt) 74 S T h i r d s t r e e t
The Vendome Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14—Mrs. 20
G e b h a r d t , Miss I d a Gillette, Mr. a n d Mrs. George Wr.
980 Neil a v e n u e ( A g n e s Lee)
1637 R i c h m o n d a v e n u e
Gemuender, Mr. a n d M r s . M a r t i n A. Gilliam, Dr. a n d M r s . D. Tod
(Denig) (Mintun)
99 N Ohio avenue 1819 F r a n k l i n P a r k , S
Clubs, M r s . 63
Geren, Miss H e n r i e t t a C. Gilliam, Dr. a n d M r s . E a r l M.
P a r k v i e w a v e n u e , " B e x l e y " Bul- (Botimer)
lit P a r k 70 W i n n e r a v e n u e
Miss J e n n i e M. Geren, 14 Mr. D a v i d Botimer Gilliam
Clubs, Miss 14 Clubs, Mrs. 4
Gerlach, Mr. a n d Mrs. E d w a r d B. Gilmore, Mrs. J. G. ( M a g r u d e r )
(Anna Steindam) 97 H a m i l t o n a v e n u e
2021 I n d i a n o l a a v e n u e Miss F l o r e n c e Gilmore, 57
Clubs, Mr. 42 Mr. J a m e s G. Gilmore
Gibson, Mrs. Allen A. Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. Tiffen
H a r r i s b u r g P i k e , 1 E of C e n t r a l (Spees)
avenue 95 W T h i r d a v e n u e
Clubs, M r s . 5-20 Gladden, Rev. "Washington
Gibson, Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k H. 631 E Town s t r e e t
(Julian) Miss Alice Gladden, 6-12-16-20
1669 N F o u r t h s t r e e t Miss Alice G. Twiss, 6
Clubs, Rev. 14-16-25-42-44
Giesy, M r . a n d M r s . E d w a r d H. ( H a l l ) Glenn, Mrs. Charles C.
325 F i f t e e n t h a v e n u e (Messick)
Mr. P a u l Giesy Linden, Ohio
Miss Louise Giesy Glenn, M r s . Sallie A. ( G o r r e l l )
Miss A n n e H a l l 1129 B r y d e n r o a d
Clubs, Mr. 42 Miss F a n n i e S. Glenn
Gilbert, Mr. a n d Mrs. H e n r y L. M i s s J e s s i e L. Glenn
(Laura Fullerton) Mr. J a m e s S. Glenn
100 Jefferson a v e n u e
Sum. R e s . : Gilbertsville, N. Y. Glenn, Mr. a n d Mrs. Theodore E.
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-74—Mrs. 5-18-20-38- (Belle C a p r o n )
49 915 Madison a v e n u e
Gilbert. Miss J a n e D. Miss H e l e n M a r Glenn
66 S T h i r d s t r e e t Miss D o r o t h v Glenn
Gilflllan. Mr. a n d Mrs. B a i l e y W. Clubs, Mr. 65—Mrs. 5-16-32-34
(Downs) Glidden, Miss E d n a
1170 Bryden road 1697 F r a n k l i n P a r k , S
Clubs, Mr. 14-42—Mrs. 30 C a r e Mrs. Nelles
Gilkey, Mr. a n d Mrs. Elliot H o w a r d Glock, Mr. a n d M r s . A l b e r t O.
(Florence Virginia Reed) ( C l a r a A. B a s s o n )
222 E L a n e s t r e e t T h e Lincoln
Miss H e l e n Gilkey Miss E d a S. Glock
Miss E t h e l H u m e s Gilkey Clubs, Mr. 7-14 •
Mr. Sheldon E a r l Gilkey
Clubs, Mr. 54 Gobey, Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n R.
Gill, Miss Allis B . 4 8 N Monroe a v e n u e
32 N G r a n t a v e n u e Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-14—Mrs. 20-59
Clubs, Miss 5-16-29
G o d m a n , Mr. a n d M r s . L e o n a r d H .
Gill, M r s . George W . ( E l l e n P r i c e ) (McLouth)
287 E B r o a d s t r e e t 236 W o o d l a n d a v e n u e
Clubs, M r s . 10-20-29-34 Clubs, Mr. 13-14-42-54—Mrs. 29-30-
Gill, Mr. a n d M r s . H e r b e r t R. 32-34-63-67
48 Cleveland a v e n u e Good, Miss Nellie
Clubs, Mr. 54 562 E M a i n s t r e e t
Gill, M r s . J o h n S. (Mitchell) Clubs, Miss 51
990 B r v d e n r o a d Good. Rev. a n d M r s . N o a h W .
Mr. M a s o n M. Gill ( E m m a Geach)
Gill, Miss J u l i a Care of 700 N F r o n t s t r e e t
257 E B r o a d s t r e e t Clubs. Rev. 65—Mrs. 5-2 0
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Goodman, Mr. Edward J. Graves, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.

854 Bryden road (Emma B. Mylander)
Clubs, Mr. 16-42 115 W Tenth avenue
Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Clubs, Mr. 13-42
(Rosetta Feibel) Graves, Mr. and Mrs. Eli R. (Rabon)
856 Bryden road 833 E Broad street
Receives first Thursday Clubs, Mr. 7-14-42—Mrs. 20-55
Clubs, Mr. 16—Mrs. 16
Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gray, Mr. David S.
(Hannah Rice) 530 E Town street
238 E State street Clubs, Mr. 20-25
Mr. Howrard G. Goodman, 42 Gray, Miss Eva
Dr. Sylvester Goodman, 42 Grandview Heights, Station A
Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. Wrilliam B. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
(Mary B. Hood) (Sturgeon)
The Cumberland "Graymont," Grandview Heights,
Clubs, Mr. 3—Mrs. 20 Station A
Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mrs. Sturgeon
(Daugherty) Clubs, Mr. 3-13-65-66—Mrs. 33
56 Auburn avenue
Receives Friday Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Meldrum (Olds)
Mrs. C. C. Daugherty (Blvthe) 530 E Town street
Clubs, Mr. 7 Sum. Res. : Duvall, Ohio
Gordon, Dr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Clubs, Mr. 3-13-16-35-65—Mrs. 16-
(Forquer) 35
836 Neil avenue Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney E.
Miss Margaret Gordon (Thompson)
Mr. Patrick A. Gordon, Jr. 1589 E Main street
Gorman, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Albert Mr. Rodney E. Gregg, Jr.
(Barrington) Miss Mary Gregg
489 Linwood avenue Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. "William
Clubs, Mr. 44 (Maud Wagner)
Gormley, Mrs. Sarah (Snell) 1643 Oak street
682 E Broad street
Miss Marv Gormley Gribben, Mr. rand Mrs. J. Upton
Mrs. C. P. Walton (Snell) (W einman)
Miss Minnie E. Snell 385 King avenue
Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Clubs, Mr. 24
(Minnie Brown) Grieves, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
58 Clark place (McClaren)
Clubs, Mr. 42 365 E Fifteenth avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 9-5 8
Graham, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Griffin, Mrs. Abbie Wr.
(Flora L. Thompson) (Spiller)
185 E Town street 65 S Fifth street
Mrs. George K. Elliott Miss Ethel Griffin, 51
Clubs, Mr. 13-14-16—Mrs. 16-20-33
Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Adam G. Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Barton (Fox)
68 W Ninth avenue
(Helen McGiven) Clubs, Mr. 42
Grove City, Ohio
Receives Tuesdays Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L.
Mr. Alan G. Grant (Schneider)
Miss Kathryn Grant Marble Cliff, Ohio
Miss Ethyl Grant Clubs. Mr. 3-13-16-35-65—Mrs. 15-16
Grant, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. 20-30-35
The Southern Hotel Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bryant
Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cranston (Maddox)
(Mary C. Gibson) 299 W Fifth avenue
Harrisburg pike Mr. Wrm. D. Maddox
Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Miss Bertha Maddox
(Corzilius) Miss An da Morin
Clubs, Mrs. 55
1365 Bryden road
Mr. Charles C. Grant Grigsby, Mr. and Mrs. "William H.
Miss Marie E. Grant Grandview Heights, Station A
Mr. Glenn Roy Grant Clubs. Mrs. 1-55
Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. (Wilson) Griswold, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.
540 Oak street (Mary J. Price)
Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond (Moores) "Dolgradog." Marble Cliff. O.
Pleasant Corners, O. Clubs. Mr. 3-13—Mrs. 3-5-20
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


G r o s s m a n , Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n G. Hagerty, Prof, and Mrs. J a m e s E d w a r d

(Mary Elizabeth Vincent) (Joyce)
1277 B r y d e n r o a d 94 Fifteenth avenue
Mr. J a c k G r o s s m a n Receives F r i d a y
Clubs, Mr. 4 2—Mrs. 20 Cluos, Prof. 25-42, also Godman Guild,
Associated Charities and S t a t e So-
Grubs, Mr. and Mrs. William H. (Torrence) ciety for the Prevention of Tuber-
77 W Second avenue culosis
Miss Jessie Grubs
Guenther. Mr. a n d Mrs. Charles J o h n Hagerty, Hon. Lorenzo D.
(Theobald) Southern Hotel
1474 Bryden road Clubs. Hon. 3-13-14-20-42
Sum. Res. : Drayton Plains, Mich. Hague, Mrs. J. R. ( S t e w a r t )
Receives T h u r s d a y 1194 Oak street
Clubs, Mrs. 12 Mr. Maurice S. Hague, 76
Guerin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry F . Miss Helen M. Hague
(Anna L. L e n h a r t Hague, Mr. a n d Mrs. Joseph Russell
62 W 1st avenue ( M a r g a r e t Flowers)
Clubs, Mrs. 15 317 Oak street
Gugle, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Sum. Res. : Locust Hills, Dublin,
(Zoa Baldwin) Ohio
894 Franklin avenue Clubs, Mr. 42-47, 65, also Advertising
Clubs, Mr. 13-14 Club of Columbus
Guilbert, Mrs. Walter D. ( J o r d a n ) Hague, Mr. and Mrs. William E.
1469 E a s t w o o d a v e n u e (Helen Lyons)
W y a n d o t t e a v e n u e , G r a n d View
Guitner, M r s . William A. ( W e s t w a t e r ) Heights
N e w m a n F l a t s , Bryden road
Haines, Mr. a n d Mrs. Clyde O.
Gumble, Mr. and Mrs Henry ( H a r m o n ) (Fennimore)
781 Bryden road 94 W Third avenue
Clubs, Mr. 42 Clubs, Mr. 65
Gumble, Mr. and *.xrs. N a t h a n Hall, Dr. E d w a r d E.
(Stella Eichberg)
787 Bryden road 48 S G r a n t s t r e e t
Mrs. Fred Eichberg Hall, Dr. a n d Mrs. E u g e n e H .
Gurney, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. (Mcintosh) (Elizabeth Leaf)
1102 Madison avenue 150 Wilson avenue
Mr. Garold Gurney Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Herman II.
Clubs, Mrs. 2 (Baker)
Guy, Mr. a n d Mrs. Waldo T. ( P a r t r i d g e ) 640 Oak street
1556 H a w t h o r n e P a r k Sum. Res. : Sand Lake. N. Y.
Miss Helen T. Guy Clubs, Mrs. 12
Clubs, Mr. 42 Haller, Mr. and Mrs. J u l i u s H.
Gutches, Mrs. M. P. ( P e t e r s ) ( K a t e Lilley)
95 Wilson avenue 1581 E Main street
Mrs. Ann Peters Sum. Res. : Topinabee, Mich.
Miss Charlotte R. Haller
Guthridge, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haller, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman R.
(Grace Green) (Marguerite Chaffee)
599 Oakwood avenue 1443 Bryden road
Mr. C. M. Guthridge
Clubs, Mrs. 37 Halliday, Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Gwinn. Mr. and Mrs. Othmel E. (Brotherton)
1706 E a s t B r o a d 539 E Town street
Miss Frances Gwinn Mr. H e r b e r t p ^ i M d a ^ , 3-13-65
Mr. E r n e s t R. Halliday. 3
Gwynne, Mr. Baldwin Clubs, Mr. 14—Mrs. 14
• Tne Lincoln" nallock, Mr. Sanford D.
Miss M a r i e V Gwvnne—10-16-35 54 Miami avenue
Clubs, Mr. 16-65 Hallwood, Mr. and Mrs. Henry S.
776 F r a n k l i n avenue
JjTADLEY. Mr. and Mrs. J o h n A. Mr. T h o m a s Henry Hallwood
(Alta L. Whittenberger) Mr. Harold Hallwood
"^Y Horel H a t m a n Miss Beatrice Hallwood
F o u r t h street Mr. N a t h a n Hallwood
Miss Florence C. Hadley Clubs, Mrs. 10 20-32
Hager, Mr. a n d Mrs. Noah C. H a l t e r m a n , Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E.
65 S Fifth street (Luella Corwin)
Clubs, Mr. 42 478 S Ohio avenue
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Hamiel, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. H a n n a , Mr. and Mrs. W a l t e r S. (Wood)

'Porman) 173 Woodland avenue
1151 E Broad street Mr. Stephen W. H a n n a
Mr. Elmer Hamiel Miss Geraldine M. H a n n a
Hamill, Mr. James L. Miss Adelaide M. H a n n a
B r o a d street, corner Columbia ave- Clubs, Mr. 7-23-42—Mrs. 16
nue H a n s b e r g e r . Mr. a n d Mrs. C h a r l e s F .
Mr. F r a n c i s L. Hamill (Josie E. W a r d )
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-20-42 780 Bryden road
H a m i l t o n , Dr. a n d Mrs. Charles S. Mr. Claude R. Hansberger
(Elizabeth Loving) Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 30-45-55-67
229 E S t a t e street Hardesty, Mrs. William A.
Clubs. Dr. 3-7-13-14-30-44—Mrs. 5-10- "The Lincoln"
16-20-38 Miss Florence I t a r d e s t v
H a m i l t o n , Dr. a n d Mrs. Edw'in A. Clubs, Mrs. 20
( M a r g a r e t Butler) Hardin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. ( M a r t i n )
153 E Twelfth avenue 21 W Oakland avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 61 Clubs, Mrs. 45
Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k A. Harding, Mr. and Mrs. A r t h u r R. (Vincent)
(Bidleman) 75 N Ohio avenue
330 E Gay street Miss May Vincent
Clubs, Mrs. 2-63 Harding, Dr. and Mrs. Geo. T.. J r .
Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. William J. (Weaver)
( I r m a M. Young) 27 Douglas street
311 W Sixth avenue Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.
Mr. H o w a r d Young (Carpenter)
Hamilton, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. D. 46 S Sixth street
(Deshler) Miss Caroline Church Hardy, 20
E Broad street. Bexley Mr. Chester H a r d y
Clubs, Dr. 3-7-13-30-35-38—Mrs. 30-35 Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. George (Mary Woods)
Hammond, Miss Alice 659 E Broad street
75* F r a n k l i n avenue Clubs, Mr. 3-13-16—Mrs. 3-5-16
Hammond, Mr. and V r s . Archibald S. Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh (Capron)
( E t t i e Benbow) 10?2 Madison avenue
153 W o o d l a n d a v e n u e Miss Georgianna H a r d y
Miss Louise Hammond H a r m e r . Mrs. M a r t h a Sturges (Sigler)
Mr. Alan A. Hammond 74 N Monroe avenue
Clubs. Mr. 42-14—Mrs. 14 Miss Lillian Harmer, 20
Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k N. Mr. Frederick S. H a r m e r
.Verna J. Fowler) Clubs, Mrs. 5-33
1587 F r a n k l i n Park. S H a r m o n , Mr. a n d Mrs. A a r o n H. (Gumble)
Win. Res. : Isles of Pines ( 248 S. S e v e n t e e n t h s t r e e t
Clubs, Mr. 42-65—Mrs. 55 Mr. Alfred H. H a r m o n
Mr. Milfred H a r m o n
Hammond, Miss J a n e M. Harmon, Mr. Ben H.
90 N Twenty-second street , Neil H o u s e
Miss Rose L. Hammond, 43 Clubs, Mr. Progress Club
Hanly, Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. (Roberts) Harmon, Gov. and Mrs. Judson (Scobey)
The Normandie 1414 E Broad street
Clubs, Mr. 7 Mrs. E d m u n d C. W r i g h t ( H a r m o n )
Hann, Mr. and Mrs. Chester K. (Vickers) Clubs. Gov. 7-14-16—Mrs. 16-20
30 Jefferson avenue Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. ( P a t r i c k )
Mr. P a u l V i c k e r s H a n n 73 Jefferson avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 5-20 Mrs. A. W. P a t r i c k (Talbot)
Hann, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Chios, Mr. 16-42—Mrs. 5-16-20-29-63
(Marian K a r n s )
66 Jefferson avenue
H a n n a , Mrs. Clarence H. (Proctor) H a r r i m a n , Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd F .
"The Lincoln" ' A m a n d a C. H a r r i m a n
Clubs. Mrs. 16-20 1052 E Rich street
H a n n a , Mr. and Mrs. James B. Miss Estelle Clegg
(Mary A. Bowman) H a r r i n g t o n . Mr. and Mrs. G. D a n a (Lilley)
1021 E Broad street ' 121 W F i r s t avenue
Miss Josephine B. H a n n a Clubs, Mrs. 63
Miss Rachel B. H a n n a H a r r i n g t o n , Mr. and Mrs. H. K.
Clubs. Mr. 13-14-16-25—Mrs. 16-20-25- (Donaldson)
30-32-59 1596 E Main street
H a n n a , Mrs. J a m e s J o h n s t o n (McFadden) H a r r i n g t o n , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G.
102 Hamilton avenue (Royster)
Mr. H a r r y C. H a n n a . 3-42-54 57 South Monroe avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 32 Clubs. Mr. 20—Mrs. 20

Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


Harris, Mrs. Emma (Burdell) Hasbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Neal J.

97 N Fourth street (Alice C. Caren)
Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim L. (Stitt) 213 Woodland avenue
1727 S Franklin park Receives Thursday
Clubs, Mr. Knights of Columbus
Harris, Dr. and Mrs. Isaac B. (Oliver) Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. (Eby)
776 Oak street 1035 Highland street
Clubs, Dr. 66—Mrs. 61-67 Mr. Stanley W. Hatch
Harris, Mrs. Lucy D. (Rupert) . Miss Arline C. Hatch
581 E Town street Clubs, Mrs. 11-51
Clubs, Mrs. 16
Harris, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Hatcher, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse F.
(Sarah Williams) (W^hipps)
369 Buttles avenue 92 Miami avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 15
Harrison, Miss Anna Hatton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.
347 E Broad street (Frances Gage)
Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. 28 Wrilson avenue
(Mary Edith Dunn) Miss Florence G. Hatton
39 Thirteenth avenue Clubs, Mr. 3—Mrs. 2 9
Clubs, Mrs. 40-58
Hatton, Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Melville
Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight (Dyer) (Jennie C. H. Hough)
1387 Brvden road Hotel Normandie
Clubs, Mr. 7-42 Clubs, Mrs. 20-29
Harrison, Miss Flora A. Hatton, Mr. and Mrs. Ellmore W.
196 E State street (Belle M. Kinsman)
Harrison, Mrs. Richard A. (Warner) 668 E Town street
370 E Town street Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13
Mr. Richard A. Harrison, Jr., 16 Hatton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mr. Warner Harrison (Lucie Jane Born)
Harrod, Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. 30 Twelfth avenue, E
(Webster) Receives Fridays
74 N Broadway Miss Edna B. Hatton, 12, also Phi
Clubs, Dr. 42 Beta Psi
Harsha, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Mr. Edward Hatton
(Primrose -xercer) Hawk, Mrs. Albert TV. (Clark)
92 S Monroe avenue 253 Marshall avenue
Mr. Mercer Harsha Mrs. Curtis Hawk
Clubs, Mrs. 2-51
Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. George E.
Hartley, Mr. Joseph A. (Weller)
1309 E Broad street 1836 N High street
Mr. Harvey E. Crippen Receives Fridays
Mr. Russell E. Hartley
Clubs, Mr. 14-65 Haw'ley, Miss Anna
283 E State street
Hartman, Dr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Miss Elizabeth M. Hawley
(Sallie A. Martzall) Hayden, Mrs. Charles L. (Fenton)
513 E Town street The Lincoln, 631 E Broad street
Clubs, Dr. 3-14
Hartsough, Mr. and Mrs. W. H., Jr. Hayden, Mrs. Eugene W,
1091 Madison avenue
(Waldo) Miss Florence Hayden
915 Studer avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 52—Mrs. 55 Hayden, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E.
(Alice Main)
Hartsough, Mr. and Mrs. William H. 675 E Broad street
(Hoff nines) Sum. Res. : Sachems Head, Conn.
1285 Highland avenue Clubs, Mr. 13
Miss Glenada Hartsough, 52-55
Clubs, Mrs. 52-55 Hayden, Mrs. Kate Bemis (Bemis)
870 Franklin avenue
Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Arlington C. Sum. Res. : Johnstown road, East
(Elizabeth Cooper) of Columbus
Dublin road Miss Gillette Hayden, 5-14-16-20-59-
Receives 1 uesday 63 and Columbus Dental Society
Clubs Mr. 42 Clubs, Mrs. 5-14-63
Hasbrook. Mr. and Mrs. George (Kolb) Hayden, Mr. and Mrs. William H.
55 Wroodland avenue (Comstock)
Receives Thursday 74 N Twenty-first street
Miss Mary Hayden
Hasbrook. Mrs. Karl (Butler) Miss Eleanor Hayden
1293 E Long street
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Haves, Mr. and Mrs. EdwTard K. Hengst, Dr. and Mrs. A. R.

(Herd) (Mabel Shallenbarger)
233 Jefferson avenut 610 LinwTood avenue
Miss Catherine Hayes Mr. James M. Hengst, 54-65
Miss Marion Hayes Hennessey, Judge and Mrs. Thomas Henry
Hayes, Mrs. John (Alkire) (Elizabeth H. Naddy)
697 E Broad street 1876 N Fourth street
Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Receives Thursdays
(Mabel Harris) Henry, Dr. and Mrs. Robert
1539 Clifton avenue (Anna Dodge)
Clubs, Mr. 23—Mrs. 23 786 N High street
Hayward, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Clubs, Mrs. 12-55
(Davis) Henry, Mr. and Mrs. William C. A.
Care of 8 E Long street (Mary du Bignon)
Clubs, Mr. 16—Mrs. 16 18 Parsons avenue
Hayward, Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. (Neff) Clubs, Mr. 3-13—Mrs. 3-10-15-20
57 Jefferson avenue Herbst, Mr. and Mrs. Fred TV. (Ruhe)
Hearn, Mr. and Mrs. John C. (Smith) 182 Jefferson avenue
805 Neil avenue Miss Alma A. Herbst
Heaton, Mr. and Mrs. Otto B. Mr. Fred W. Herbst, Jr.
(Lorena Patton) Clubs, Mr. Pres. Chamber of Com-
369 Fifteenth avenue merce
Hedges, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Rice Herron, Mr. and Mrs . Mark Wr.
(Loveaire-Ackley) (Robey)
483 E Town street 252 W Eighth avenue
Sum. Res. : Westbrook, Conn. Mr. Lynn Herron
Clubs, Mr. 7—Mrs. 10-20 Miss Ruth Herron
Hedges, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Mr. Mark W. Herron, Jr.
(Bartley) Clubs, Mr. 14—Mrs. 45
1965 Idianola avenue Hershey, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham W.
Clubs, Mrs. 51 (Ford)
Hedges, Mr. and Mrs. George R. 676 Neil avenue
(Alma E. Staehle) Miss Pauline B. Hershey
5 6 Sherman avenue Clubs, Mr. 23-42-65
Clubs, Mr. 42-65
Heffner, Mr. Albert D. Hershe5r, Mr. and Mrs. W'illiam B. C.
1099 E Broad street (Laura Clover)
Mrs. Ella Heffner Westcott 3 68 W Sixth avenue
Mr. and Mrs, William G. Rippev Clubs, Mr. 42
Clubs, Mr. 3 Heskett, Mr. and Mrs. William Elwood
Heffner. Mr. and Mrs. Oral M. (Ada Jones)
(Wilda A. Wright) 1167 E Broad street
809 S Champion avenue Miss Ella Heskett
Clubs, Mrs. 9 Miss Bessie Heskett
Heide, Miss R. Elsie Clubs, Mr. 7-42
589 Linwood avenue Hevey, Mr. and Mrs. O. D.
Heiner, Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. (Hymrod)
(Georgia Tippett) 1451 Madison avenue
47 S Champion avenue Heywood. Mr. and Mrs. • Ferdinand H.
Mr. Harry B. Heiner (Henrietta Moler)
Miss Marguerite Ruth Heiner 1597 Franklin Park, S
Miss Virginia Elizabeth Heiner Clubs, Mr. 42
Clubs, Mr. 13
Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Heywood, Mr. Harry N.
(Elizabeth Porter) "The Normandie'
413 W Seventh avenue Clubs, Mr. 3-7-23-42
Clubs, Mrs. 52 Hibben, Mrs. Thomas (Taylor)
Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. 1403 Eastwood avenue
(Ellen Beatty) Miss Margaret L. Taylor
1009 Bryden road
Clubs, Mrs. 15-20 Hicklen. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L. (Gordon)
Henderson, Prof. "William E. (Ph. D.) 1063 Oak street
1331 E Long street Mr. Leonard Gordon
Clubs, Prof. 20-42
Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. "William O. Hicklen, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis (Ganson)
(Ellis) 115 Latta avenue
50 S Third street Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. (Acton)
Miss Lucy P. Ellis 957 E Broad street
Clubs, Mr. 3-13—Mrs. 16-34 Clubs. Mr. 3-13—Mrs. 10-16-20-53
Figures refer to club members—see front of uook.
Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey F. (Draper) Hoffhine. Dr. and Mrs. Charles H.
229 Fifteenth avenue (Ella Maude McManigal)
Miss Lenora Hicks 1430 Neil avenue
Mr. John H. Pace Clubs, Dr. 42
Clubs, Mrs. 62 Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Murray
Hicks, Mrs. J. W. (Ruth Boardman)
59 Franklin Park, W Grand View
Miss Floy Hicks Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. "William F.
Clubs, Mrs. 20 (Sara Murray)
Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. 111 Wr Third avenue
(Creighton) Sum. Res. : Columbus Fishing Club
562 E Broad street Mr. William F. Hoffman, Jr.
Mrs. Isabelle G. Creighton Miss Marv Kathryn Hoffman
Mr. Warren Gray Higgins, 3-59 Clubs, Mr. 13-42. also Columbus
Clubs. Mr. 3-7-13-16-5 9—Mrs. 16-20- Fishing Club
25-59 Hofman, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B.
Higgs, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. (Barton) (Morrison)
Grandview Heights, Station A. 1 S Park View avenue, Bexley
Higgs, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Miss Marie C. Hofman
(Mary E. Langstaff) Miss Julia J. Hofman
33 Whitethorn avenue Hofman, Mr. and Mrs. Orson S.
Miss Helen P. Hand (Cynthia Dalie)
Hildreth, Mr. and Mrs. Abel E. 1632 Bryden road
(Grace E Parcher) Receives Thursday
442 E Broad street Clubs, Mr. 7-42
Hildreth, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Holbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Allen V.
(Mary J. Torr) ( Rowe)
442 E Broad street 51 Thirteenth avenue
Clubs, Mr. 42
Hill, Mrs. Rowdand G. (Potter) Hollingsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Henry S.
620 E Town street (Spittle).
Hillock, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. 341 W Seventh avenue
(Wells) Sum. Res. : R. F. D. Zanesfield
303 E Gav street Receives Friday
Mr. A. J. Hillock Miss Helen Hollingsworth
Mr. Thomas B. Hillock, Jr. Clubs, Mrs. 55
Hills, Mr. and Mrs. Brainerd D. Holman, Mrs. Cinderella
(Ransom) Grand View, Station A, Route 5
38 S Sixth street Mr. Harrv N. Holman, 20
Mr. Clarence C. Hills, 14-42-65 Holmes, Col. and Mrs. J. T.
Miss Mary Ransom (Lucy Kelley Bates)
Hines, Mr. Miner T. 47 N Grant avenue
Miss Eleanor Holmes
Columbus State Hospital Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrrence A.
Hinman, Mr. Charles D. (Dolina Mclvor)
The Osborn. 448 S Third street 47 N Grant avenue
Clubs, Mr. 3-7-14-21-44-64 Holmes, Mrs. Mellisa J. (Harrah)
Hinman, Mrs. Elise (Fitch ) 121 Jefferson avenue
1265 E Broad street Sum. Res. : Cadiz, Ohio
Hirsch, Mrs. Leonard (Mever) Mr. T. Vincent Holmes
1060 S Front street • Holton, Mr. Edward E.
Mr. Max H. C. Hirsch 55 S Fourth street
Miss Frieda Hirsch Mrs. Sarah Holton (Stimmel)
Hislop. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. (Hughes) Miss Emma Holton
6 82 E Broad street Miss Florence Holton
Hitchcock, Prof, and Mrs. Embury A. Mr. Harry Holton, 16
(Isabel Mortimore) Clubs, Mr. 3-42
380 W Eighth avenue Holtzman, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. (Crippen)
Miss Myra Hitchcock Parkview avenue and Bryden rd.
Hoe, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Holtzman. Mrs. H. (Sw7inn)
(Mabel F. Fellows) Park View avenue, Bexley
332 W Sixth avenue Mr. Minard Holtzman
Miss Margaret Hoe Clubs, Mrs. 20
Miss Edith Hoe Holtzman, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. (Zettler)
Clubs. Mr. 14-21-42—Mrs. 45 Parkview avenue, Bullitt Park
Hoeschele, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Homeier, Mrs. Louis G. (W^alker)
725 Franklin avenue 55 Limvood avenue
Figures refer to club members—see front o* book.


Homes, Dr. a n d Mrs. W . W . Horton, Dr. a n d M r s . E l m e r G.

(Sears) (Belle F i s h e r )
1406 Eastw-ood a v e n u e 2 512 N H i g h s t r e e t
Miss N i n a H o m e s Clubs, Dr. Columbus Academy of
Miss G r a c e H o m e s Medicine, Columbus C h a m b e r of
Hooper, Mr. a n d Mrs. O s m a n C. C o m m e r c e — M r s . 19-61-67
(Babbitt) H o s t e r . Mr. a n d M r s . C a r l J.
212 Jefferson a v e n u e ( M a r y Sheldon)
Mr. R i c h a r d B. H o o p e r M a r b l e Cliff, F r a n k l i n Co.. O.
Clubs, Mr. 25-66-76—Mrs. 67 Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-14-16-35-42-44-71-
73—Mrs. 16-20-35
Hoover, Mrs. E m m a A. ( M a y n a r d ) Hoster, Mr. a n d Mrs. E m i l W .
71 L e x i n g t o n a v e n u e (Helen Hall)
Sum. Res. : I n d i a n River, Mich . 1080 E B r o a d s t r e e t
Hoover, Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k E. ( D e r t h i c k ) Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-14-20-23—Mrs. 20-
1692 Clifton a v e n u e 23-30
Miss Doris H o o v e r Hoster, Mr. George J.
Mrs. E . D. D e r t h i c k 55 H a m i l t o n a v e n u e
Clubs, Mr. 44—Mrs. 51 Mr. a n d Mrs. C h a s . E . W i n t e r r i n g e r
Hoover, Mr. a n d Mrs. F r e d M. ( K i n n e a r ) (Hoster)
38 Jefferson a v e n u e H o s t e r , Mr. a n d Mrs. H e r m a n ( W e l l e )
Sum. Res. : I n d i a n River, Mich. 43 H a m i l t o n a v e n u e
Mr. Gilbert Corwin Hoover, Midship- Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-14—Mrs. 5-20-30
m a n U. S. N. H o s t e r , Miss L i n a
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-35—Mrs. 5-35 926 E B r o a d s t r e e t
Clubs, Miss 5-10-14-25-33-34-63,
Hoover, Mr. a n d M r s . F r e d e r i c R. also Alten Meins
(Fredrika Baldwin) Hoster, Mr. a n d Mrs. Louis P e t e r ( T h o m a )
Fairview avenue, Grand View 555 E R i c h s t r e e t
Clubs, Mrs. 20 Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-14-16—Mrs. 16
Hoster, Mr. a n d Mrs. L o u i s P h .
Hoover, Dr. a n d Mrs. T h o m a s C. (Grace Helman)
(Brown) 253 W o o d l a n d a v e n u e
245 E S t a t e s t r e e t Receives T h u r s d a y s
Miss M a r y H o o v e r Clubs, Mr. 3-13
Mr. T h o m a s C. Hoover. J r . H o t t , Mr. a n d Mrs. R o b e r t J o h n ( S m y t h e )
Clubs, Dr. 25—Mrs. 29 11 F r a n c i s c o Court, N H i g h s t r e e t
H o p k i n s , Mr. a n d Mrs. M. Sullivan Houser, Mr. Willis F .
• (Lockett) 32 6 W i l s o n a v e n u e
72 Miami a v e n u e Mrs. H e l e n Moore H o u s e r
Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-16-35-74—Mrs. 5- Clubs, Mr. 32
10-16-20-35 H o w a l d , Mr. a n d M r s . A r n o l d
H o p k i n s , Mrs. W i l l i a m A. (Carrie Hertenstein)
(Lucy Sullivant) 1154 B r y d e n r o a d
48 Miami a v e n u e H o w a l d , Mr. F . G.
Mr. "William A. H o p k i n s , 3-7-13-21- 1150 B r y d e n r o a d
35-42-65 Miss E. H o w a l d
Hord, Miss E d i t h Miss R, H o w a l d
1470 H i g h l a n d s t r e e t Mr. F e r d i n a n d H o w a l d , 7-42
Clubs, Miss 45 Clubs, Mr. 7-14-65
H o w a r d , Prof, a n d Mrs. C u r t i s C.
H o r n , Mr. a n d Mrs. E d w a r d O. (Brown)
(Margaret Carson) 119 Jefferson a v e n u e
1147 F r a n k l i n a v e n u e Clubs, Prof. 16-42-44—Mrs.. 15-16
Clubs, Mr. 13
H o w a r d , Rev. a n d M r s . E. L e e ( H a y e s )
H o r n , Mrs. S a r a h J. 60 W F o u r t h a v e n u e
1242 H a r r i s o n a v e n u e H o w a r d . Mr. a n d Mrs. Edw T ard D.
H o m e , Mrs. E d w a r d G. (Griffin) ( E l i z a Miller)
285 E G a y street 618 E R i c h s t r e e t
Miss F l o r e n c e H o m e Clubs, Mr. 42-65
Mr. E d w a r d T. H o m e H o w a r d , Mr. a n d Mrs. F . C.
H o r s t , Mr. a n d M r s . George C. (Mendenhull)
(Von Der Au) 2099 I u k a a v e n u e
426 K i n g a v e n u e Miss A. Mildred H o w a r d
Miss B e r t h a O. H o r s t How r ard. Mr. a n d Mrs. H o m e r C u r t i s
Miss H u l d a h E. H o r s t (Belle P a r k )
Miss E v a l y n H o r s t 178 S E i g h t e e n t h s t r e e t
Clubs, Mr. 11-42 Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 12-20
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.
Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M.

Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Hermon M.

(Annie M. Smith) (Susan Piatt)
33 Latta avenue 29 Hoffman avenue
Clubs, Mr. 42 Receives Sundays
Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon H. (Marks) Mr. Hermon M. Hubbard, Jr., 3-13
47 Smith place Mr, Piatt Hubbard
Clubs, Mr. 3-2 0—Mrs. 2 0-70
Miss Etta Howard
Mr. Wm. A. Howard, 42 Hubbard, Mrs. Hermon M.
Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell C. 371 E Broad street
(Thompson) Mr. Ralph TV. Hubbard, 3-48-65
307 W Seventh avenue Clubs, Mrs. 15-20-29
Mr. Dwight Howard Hubbard, Miss Margaret
Clubs, Mrs. 15-55 Hotel Vendome. 56 S Third streel
Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar D. Clubs, Miss 16-20-34
(Irene Miller)
1020 Franklin avenue Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A.
Receives Tuesdays (Maude Carmony)
Clubs, Mr. 3-14-24-42 1768 Summit street
Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Curtis Clubs, Mrs. 45-55
(Pearl Guy) Huff. Mr. and Mrs. J. Emory
"The Garland," Gay and Fifth sts. (Kinsell)
Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tuttle 300 E Gay street
(Sperry) Mr. Winfield S. Huff
63 6 Oak street Huffman, Mr. and Mrs. Allan S. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Prescott Howe 42 W Third avenue
Miss Nathalie Howe Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Wolfe (Huffman)
Clubs, Mrs. 1- 2 Miss Amy T. Huffman
Howe, Mrs. J. W.T (Wolfram) Clubs, Mr. 42
297 Linw ood avenue Huffman, Mr. and Mrs. William S.
Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. (Frame) 1374 Forsythe avenue
Broadview avenue, R. F. D. No. 5, Clubs, Mr. 64
Station A Hugentugler, Mrs. Luther S.
Howell, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. 1056 S High street
Grandview avenue, R. F. D. No. 5, Huggins, Mr. Burch D.
Station A 816 Oak street
Howell, Mr. Carl E. Clubs, Mr. 3-13-35-65
280 ParkwTood avenue Huggins, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus A.
Clubs, Mr. 13-24-47 (Brockman)
Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Prank A. Grandview, Station A
(Frankenberg) Huggins, Mr. and Mrs. Edward N.
Broadview avenue, R. F. D. No. 5, (Clara Ellsburyj
Station A Parkview avenue. Bullitt Park
Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Clubs. Mr. 14-16-20—Mrs. 12-14-16-
(Allison) 20-59
Grandview Heights, R. F. D. 5, Huggins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E.
Station A (Jessie Adams)
Clubs, Mrs. 51 102 Latta avenue
Howell, Miss Virginia' Clubs, Mr. 42
322 E Town street Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L.
Miss Mary H. Wirth (Harriet M. Ritson)
Hoyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. 994 E Broad street
(Eva A. Barnhill) Sum. Res. : Indian River, Mich.
90 Twelfth avenue Receives Thursday
Clubs, Mrs. 12 Miss Margaret Hughes
Hoyer, Mr. and Mrs. TV. E. (Harris) Miss Minnie R. Hughes. 48
350 W Fifth avenue Clubs, Mr. 14
Miss Edith F. Hoyer Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Ivor
Clubs, Mrs. 20 (Rachel E. Griffin)
Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. 1911 Indianola avenue
(M. Belle Smith) Sum. Res. : Shephards Inn
825 N Front street Clubs, Mr. 76, also Franklin Co.
Clubs, Mr. 13-20-73-77—Mrs. 5-20 Democratic Club, Junia Lodge I.
Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. O. O. F., York Lodge of Masonry
(Dorothy Fullerton) and Crittenden Home Board-
447 E Broad street Mrs. 16-29-36
Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-14-16-65—Mrs. 5- Hughes. Mr. John R.
10-16-20 941 N High street
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Huntington, Mr. and Mrs. Francis R.
(Edith Johnson) (Ulrick)
137 9 rors-'t^e avenue 35 Miami avenue
Miss Belle Williams Clubs, Mr. 3-13-16-20-38-65—Mrs. 16-
Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. William H. 20
(Davies) Huntington, Mr. Hugh
42 W Second avenue 212 W Tenth avenue
Miss Elizabeth A. Hughes, 63, also Miss Katharine Huntington, 12-29-43
French Alliance Clubs, Mr. 54-69
Huling, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Huntington, Mr. and Mrs. P. W.
(Rose M. Hack) (Ida H. Nothnagel)
992 Oak street 141 E Broad street
Miss Helen Huling Clubs, Mrs. 16
Clubs, Mr. 13-42 Huntington, Mr. Theodore S.
Huling, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. (Vercoe) 1465 E Long street
142 Wilson avenue Clubs, Mr. 3,-13, also Sun Fish Club
Clubs, Mr. 42 Huntington, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.
Hull, Miss Annie E. 595 E Broad street
404 W Eighth avenue Clubs, Mr. 3—Mrs. 3
Miss Alice G. Hull Huston, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald H.
Hull, Mrs. Margarite A. (Roberts) (Julia Samuel)
37 Woodland avenue
290 E Gay street Miss Florence L. Huston, 16
Hulse, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Mr. Archibald C. Huston
(Annie E. Gill) Clubs, Mr. 7-14-42—Mrs. 16-32
Hotel v enaome Huston. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G.
Hulse, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse G. (Knauss) (Wheeler )
1284 Franklin avenue 40 S Monroe avenue
Clubs, Mr. 42 Mr. Marion W. Huston
Clubs, Mr. 13—Mrs. 10-20-30-63
Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H.'iston, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
(Etta Stoddard) (Overmyer)
289 Taylor avenue 63 N Ohio avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 1 Mr. Robert Huston
Hunt,- Prof, and Mrs. John H. (Stringer) Miss Eleanor Huston
1323 Forsythe avenue Clubs, Mr. 42
Huston, Mr. "William
Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. John R. 2 08 E Rich street
(Henrietta Warden) HutchinSj Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D.
3099 N High street (Mary Meara)
Mr. Joy H. Hunt 520 E Rich street
Miss Nettie Alice Hunt Mr. TV. A. Hutchins
Hunt, Mrs. Maurice P. (Kitchen) Mr. J. J. Hutchins
208 E State street Miss Helen M. Hutchins
Clubs, Mrs. 4-15-20-67 Mr. A. Hutchins
Hunter, Mr. Charles O. Mr. Leo A. Hutchins
Columbus Club, Broad street Clubs, Mr. 42
Clubs, Mr. 3-5-13-20 Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
(Effie R. Ryland
Hunter, Mrs. Wm. F. (Randolph) 139 8 E Long street
1032 Bryden road Hutchinson, Miss Mary
Miss Mary E. Hunter, 16 Hotel Vendome
Miss Anna Eliza Hunter Clubs, Miss 59
Huntington, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gwynne Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A.
(Maybel M. Monypeny) (Cora Bergwitz)
37 N Washington avenue Connecticut avenue, Bexley
Sum. Res. : Ocean avenue, New Huchison, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
London, Conn. (Davis)
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-16-35, also Sun Fish 1606 E Long street
Club—Mrs. 16-20-34-35 Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E.
Huntington, Mrs. Benjamin N. (Bertha Cole)
(MacMahon) 1768 Summit street
620 E Broad street Clubs, Mrs. 51
Sum. Res.: Mahonbern. Morrow Hysell, Mr. and Mrs. Francis H.
Co. Ohio (Harriet Dawdey)
Miss L. R. MacMahon 305 TVilbur avenue
Clubs, Mrs. Art Collectors' Club of Miss Helen H. Hysell
Philadelphia and Union Library Clubs, Mr. 42
Association of New York
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

OKES, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Jacobs, Mr. Felix A.

J The Normandie
Miss Marguerite Ickes
Clubs, Mrs. 9
1421 Hamlet street
Mr. WTilliam E. Jacobs
Miss Bertha Jacobs
Ide, Mrs. Belle W. (Wilson) Clubs, Mr. 13
41 N Twenty-first street Jaeger, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr. W. H. Gardner, 3-13 (Delhner Williamson)
Ingersoll, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Converse 1063 Bryden road
(Johnson) Clubs, Mr. 7—Buckeye Lake Yack
99 Winner avenue Club
Inglis, Dr. and Mrs. "William Darling Jameson, Mr. and Mrs. William O.
(Alice Cockins) (Candida Medina)
140 Buttles avenue 1420 Fair avenue
Sum. Res. : Canonsburg, Pa. Sum. Res. : Old Orchard, Me.
Receives Wednesdays Janes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.
Miss Ella Dickson (Eva Sells)
Clubs, Dr. 7-65—Mrs. 61 1353 Highland street
Ingraham, Dr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Mr. Charles Marion Janes
(Richardson) Clubs, Mr. 7
North Broadwray, near High Janeway, Mrs. W. F.
Innis, Mrs. Harry (Elrick)
(Mary Osman) 1515 Neil avenue
294 Seventeenth avenue Miss Edith Janeway
Sum. Res.: Locks, Ross Co., O. Mr. Ralph Janeway
Mr. Alwyn Osman Innis Jaros, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S.
Clubs, Mrs. 36-37 (Zillah Heidenheim)
Innis, Mr. and Mrs. William H. 1517 Hawthorne street
(Benner) Clubs, 18-70-71-72—Mrs. 6-18-71
1307 Franklin avenue
Ireland, Mr. and Mrs. Wrilliam A. Jaynes, Mr. and Mrs. Willis C. (Brown)
(Florence Savre) 67 Fifteenth avenue
621 E Town street Miss Helen B. Jaynes
Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 16-20 Mr. Oliver B. Jaynes
Irvin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Clubs, Mrs. 6-20
(Irvin ) Jeffers, Mr. and Mrs. Herman P.
1451 Madison avenue (Bertha Louise Petry)
Miss Faye Irvin 432 W Sixth avenue
Miss Jeannette Irvin Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 11
Irvine, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth C. Jeffrey, Mr. J. "Walter
(Rowland) Worthington, O.
869 Franklin avenue Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-14-23-35-42-65
Mr. William R. Irvine
Clubs, Mr. 42 Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. (Harris)
Isaminger, Miss Mary F. 5 81 E Town street
394 E Town street Sum. Res. : "Beeclrwold," Station
Clubs, Miss 4-20-23 B, Columbus R. F. D.
Ishman, Dr. Mary K. Mrs. Lucv D. Harris (Rupert)
Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-14-16-25-34-42-44-
Columbus State Hospital, N. S. 66, also East Side Bowling Club—r
W. Broad, W. of Central avenue Mrs. 16-20-63
Clubs, Dr. 6
Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm D.
Tff ACKSON. Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Abroad
.jl (Donnally)
196 Oak street Jeffrey, Hon. .and Mrs. Robert H.
Clubs, Mr. 54 (Kilbourne)
Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Merrill Parkview avenue
Dennison Hotel Sum. Res. : Bexley Sta.. Kelveden,
Clubs, Mrs. 51-62 Col., O.
Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman S. Clubs, Hon. 7-13-14-16-42-65—Mrs.
(Jessie Winters) 10
57 W Second avenue Jeffrey, Mr. Thomas
Miss Mayme Jackson 161 Fourteenth avenue
Clubs, Mr. 42 Miss Maud D. Jeffrey
Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Miss Gertrude M. Jeffrey
(Weeks) Jennings. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv C.
17 Fourteenth avenue (Sallie Palm)
Receives Wednesday 904 Neil avenue
Clubs, Mr. 42 Mr. Howrard P. Jennings
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. James J. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. David (White)
(Ysabel Pagels) The Lincoln, 631 E Broad st
77 Sherman avenue Receives Thursdays
Miss Elizabeth Jennings Miss Elise Picard Ebeling
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-65—Mrs. 32 Jones, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt C.
Jobson, Mr. and Mrs. George B. (Hoeriger)
(Ear ley) 1189 E Rich street
74 N Champion avenue Clubs, Mr. 44
Clubs, Mrs. 58 Jones, Mr. Emma L.
Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. (Barcus) 131 Fifteenth avenue
151 S Garfield avenue Jones, Mrs. Eugenia M. (Miller)
Clubs, Mrs. 10-20 813 N Park street
Johnscott, Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. Clarence Miller Jones, 13
(McCuskey) Miss Laura E. Jones
1957 Indianola avenue Jones, Mr. L. Ewing
Johnson, Mrs. Albert Tracy
874 S. High street
(Margaret Tewrksbury) Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-23-42-65
1324 E Broad street Jones, Mr. and Mrs. George D.
Miss Ruth Baird Johnson, The Char- (Hollow ay)
ity Guild 1175 E Broad street
Miss Jean Tewksbury Johnson, 48 Miss Grace Latimer Jones, , 6-12-20-
Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander H. 49
(Ide E. Marshall) Miss Janet Macdonald
Dennison oHtel Miss Lila Macdonald
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Clubs, Mr. 14-44—Mrs. 16-20-25
(Grace Reah) Jones, Miss Helen
2 73 S Ohio avenue 1305 Oak street
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook
(Jones) Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Irving M.
"Grasmere," National road. Alton. (Nellie C. Luchtenberg)
Ohio 729 Wilson avenue
Clubs, Mr. 16-42—Mrs. 6 Clubs, Ml. 3-13-14-23-42-65
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. EdwTard Jones, Dr. and Mrs. J. F.
(Helen T. Musser) 900 Neil avenue
1203 E Broad street Sum. Res. : Ludington, Mich.
Receives Fridays Mr. Carl F. Jones (Kenyon College)
Mr. Stanley B. Johnson, 14 Clubs, Dr. 7-42—Mrs. 61
Miss Frances Johnson Jones, Mrs. J. Kilbourne (Denig)
Clubs, Mr. 13-23-32-42—Mrs. 15-20 334 E Town street
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. George Tewksburv Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. (Austin)
(Esther D. Sharp) 84 Fifteenth avenue
135 S Garfield avenue Clubs, Mr. 65
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-35—Mrs. 35 Jones, Miss Olive
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 95 W Eleventh avenue
(Alice E. Bancroft) Clubs, Miss 12-60
368 E Broad street Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond V.
Mrs. Thomas Johnson (Anne Miller)
Mr. J. Leonard Johnson 1277 E Broad street
Mr. William McKinley Johnson Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. (Jones)
Miss Esther Johnson 279 E Broad street
Miss Nellie Johnson Mr. Bertram G. Jones
Miss Carrie Johnson Clubs, Mr. 14—Mrs. 55
Clubs. Mr. 14-42—Mrs. 20-29-33 Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. (Beck)
Johnston, Mr. Calvin C. 1436 Madison avenue
1044 Oak street Clubs, Mrs. 55
Mrs. Susan A. Johnston (White) Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. (Butler)
Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. 35 Parkwood avenue
(H. Louise Prugh)
160 S Monroe avenue Clubs, Mr. 7-13-14-20-65—Mrs. 12-20-
Johnston, Mrs. Ethel G. 55
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. William E.
1081 Fair avenue (Morgan)
Miss Alice M. Johnston, M. D. 83 N Champion avenue
Miss Mary Clough Johnston Mr. Robert M. Matthew
Miss Ruth Hall Johnston Jones. Mr. and Mrs. "William Harvey
Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Gansey R. (Mayme Marsh)
(Genevieve Sisson) 1646 Richmond avenue
175 7 Franklin avenue Sum. Res. : "Mitiwanga," Huron,
Mrs. Sarah G. Sisson (Grant) Ohio
Clubs, Mr. 42-65—Mrs. 1 Clubs. Mr. 42
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Jordan, Mrs. J. A. (Gill) Karns, Mr. and Mrs. John Delano

32 N Grant avenue (Bonn)
Miss Mary R. Jordan, 20 561 E Gay street
Clubs, Mr. 3-20 Sum. Res. : "Bonnydell Cottage,"
Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. WTilden E. Put in Bay, Ohio
(Sally Brown) Receives Wednesdays
785 E Broad street Miss Bonn5rdell Karns
Miss Ledra Joseph Clubs, Mr. Jefferson Club—Mrs. 2-12,
Clubs, Mr. 13 secy. 19-36, and district vice-presi-
dent of the Southeast District of
Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. State Federation of Women's
(Lucy Beatty) Clubs
653 E Broad street Karshner, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm A.
Clubs. Mr. 3-7-13-14-16-20-35-65— (Julia Kinney)
Mrs. 16-20-35 328 W Fourth avenue
Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. John, Jr. (Reinhard) Miss Ida M. Noble
571 E Town street Clubs. Mr. 16-42—Mrs. 16
Sum. Res.: "Joyce Crest," Worth- Kauffman, Mr. and Mrs. George Beecher
ington, Ohio (Hughes)
Mrs. J. G. Reinhard (Frey) 1831 N High street
Clubs, Mr. 14—Mrs. 16 Receives Fridays
Mr. George Hughes Kauffman
Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. William E. (Kost) Mr. Linus Lee Kauffman
201 Marshall avenue Clubs, Mr. 59—Mrs. 25-59
Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kauffman, Mr. and Mrs. Linus Benton
(Helen Black) (Norton)
1185 E Broad street 906 E Broad street
Clubs, Mr. 3-14-35-42-65—Mrs. 35 Miss Betsey Beecher Kauffman, 5-6-
Judd, Prof, and Mrs. Horace
(Ella Gerry) Clubs. Mr. 42-63-67—Mrs. 5-29-32-
281 Thirteenth avenue 63-67
Clubs, Mrs. 60 Kauffman, Mr. and Mrs. Mvron Beecher
Judkins, Mr. and Mrs. John Q. (Elizabeth D. Shields)
(Frances Throckmorton) 100 W Maynard avenue
67 W Second avenue Clubs, Mrs. 6
Mr. Morton Judkins Kaufman, Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Miss Mary Judkins (Elizabeth Wagner)
1151 Bryden road
Julian, Mrs. Del E. (Hines) Miss Mary Kaufman
1806 N High street Mr. Harold Kaufman
Mr. Cecil H. Julian Miss Margaret Kaufman
Clubs, Mrs. 45 Clubs, Mr. 7-14-42-65
Julian, Mr. and Mrs. Earl (Brooks) Keating, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
119 Northwood avenue (Seely)
1317 E Broad street
Julian, Mr. and Mrs. Newell T. (Thrall) Mr. David T. Keating
1469 Neil avenue Mr. Harvey Keating
Miss Grace Keating
Clubs, Mr. 13-14-16—Mrs. 16
ACHELMACHER, Mr. N. L. C. Kehrer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A.
(Sarah Miller)
~£ 68 E Broad street
Clubs. Mr. 13-42, also New York
Athletic Club
25 W Frambes aveneu
Clubs, Mr. 5-47
Keeler, Mrs. Alexis (Perry)
Kahn. Dr. and Mrs. Louis (Steinhauser) 1100 Fair avenue
626 E Rich street Clubs, Mrs. 2
Miss Celia Lois Kahn Keller, Mrs. Alice J. (Baker)
Clubs, Dr. 7, also Progress Club
187 N Eighteenth street
Kail. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. (Kiser) Clubs, Mrs. 2
5 8 King avenue Kelley, Mrs. Asbury C. (Hamilton)
Mr. Fred Kail 30 S Monroe avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 45 Kelley, Mrs. D. N. (Crume)
Kampmann, Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. 51 Jefferson avenue
(Margarete Becker; Clubs, Mrs. 15
336 Linwood avenue Kellogg, Dr. and Mrs. Hiram W.
Miss Marie J. Kampmann (Cora May Brown)
Karb, Mayor and Mrs. George J. 39 Jefferson avenue
(VanDine) Miss Ruth Kellosg
641 E Rich street Mr. Paul Kellogg (Princeton)
Clubs, Mayor 7-14-42 Clubs. Dr. 25-29-33-66
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kilbourne, Mr .and Mrs. Lincoln

(Pirrung) (Burr)
1618 E Broad street Parkview avenue, Bexley
Mr. Edmund P. Kelly Clubs, Mr. 14-42—Mrs. 14
Clubs, Mr. 7-14-16-42—Mrs. 16-20- Kilbourne, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln G.
68 (Fisher)
Kelsey, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. (Dell) 28 Jefferson avenue
338 Kendall place Sum. Res.: Hawkhurst, Union Fur-
Kelton, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin (Brace) nace, O.
586 E Town street Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Montaigue
Miss Louise TV. Kelton, 20 Kimball, Mrs. Walter B. (Johnson)
Miss Grace B. Kelton, 20 1375 Fair avenue
Miss Lucy S. Kelton Kimberly, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Eliott
Kelton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. (Coit) (Price)
51 N Monroe avenue 621 E Rich street
Mr. Stanton C. Kelton Clubs, Mrs. 6
Miss Elizabeth Coit Kelton, 6 King, Mrs. Cora (Kemmerer)
Mr. Edwin C. Kelton 1791 Franklin Park S
Clubs, Mrs. 20-29 King, Rev. and Mrs. Isaac F.
Kemmler, Mrs. Wm. S. (Ella Bowen)
(Palm) 775 E Broad street
895 S High street Clubs, Rev. 44
Mrs. Tillie Hampshire (Kemmler) King, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Newton
Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin M. (Horton)
(Christina E. Boag) 200 E Oakland avenue
1815 Franklin Park S Clubs, Mr. 3-13-54—Mrs. 16-20-34
Mr. Robert M. Kendall
Clubs, Mr. 66—Mrs. 20-55 Kinkead, Judge and Mrs. Edgar B.
Kennedy, Mr. and rMs. William C. (Snyder)
(Piatt) 1944 Iuka avenue
1377 Brvden road Miss Mabelle Kinkhead, 4-20-61
Clubs, Mr. 16 Clubs, Judge 76—Mrs. 5 8
Kinnaird, Mr. and Mrs. C. Malcolm
Kershaw, Mr. Samuel Charles (Jennie I. Norris)
821 Oak street 288 E Fifteenth avenue
Clubs, Mr. 42 Miss Helen N. Kinnaird
Clubs, Mr. 7
Keyes, Mr. and Mrs. Elias A. Kinnear, Mrs. Josiah
(Alice Strickler) The Normandie
184 N Monroe avenue
Sum. Res.: Conneaut, O. Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Receives Wednesdays (Yoakley)
Clubs, Mrs. 2-4-5-12-17-19-67 67 N Grant avenue
Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. James Edgar
Keyes, Mrs. Frank E. (Bertha Rankin)
632 E Broad street 347 W Tenth avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 5-20 Clubs, Mrs. 6
Kibler, Mr. George E. Kious, Dr. and Mrs. Harvey C.
825 Dennison avenue (Lavender)
Clubs, Mr. 3-42 986 Neil avenue
Kiesewetter, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Miss Ruth L. Kious
(Frances Orthoefer) Clubs, Dr. 23—Mrs. 52
697 S High street Kirk, Mrs. Rachel A. (Whltaker)
Clubs, Mr. 13 141 Fifteenth avenue
Miss Helen Sohl
Kiesewetter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Clubs, Mrs. 45
(Elizabeth H. O'Harra) Kiser, Mr. John M.
241 Wroodland avenue
Clubs. Mr. 3-13-16—Mrs. 10-16 81 Miami avenue
Miss Katharine D. Kiser, 43
Kilbourne, Mrs. Charles E. Clubs, Mr. 42-65
The Lincoln Kissinger, Mr. and Mrs. Louis M.
Kilbourne, Col. and Mrs. James (Owen)
(Wright) 1006 Hunter avenue
604 E Town street Clubs, Mrs. 52
Clubs, Col. 3-7-13-14-16-25-44-54— Klages, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds
Mrs. 10-16-20-29-30 (Corinne M. Krag)
Kilbourne, Mr. and Mrs. James Russell 914 Franklin avenue
(Dorothy R. Greene) Klie, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
1015 E Broad street (Zumbusch)
Clubs. Mr. 3-7-13-14-23-35-44-54-65- 737 Franklin avenue
74MMrs. 5-10-16 Mr. Robert Klie
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Klie, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Krumm, Mrs. Alex. W. (Mary M. Zettler)

(Matilda Methoff) 975 S High street
1135 Bryden road Miss Nettie B. Krumm
Miss Doris Klie Mr. Alex. W. Krumm
Klippart, Mrs. John Hancock Mr. Samuel Krumm
(Emeline Rahn) Mr. James Krumm
275 E Town street Miss Edna Krumm
Miss Josephine Klippart Clubs, Mrs. 15
Clubs, Mrs. 5, also Art Students' Krumms, Mr. Charles S. M.
League 277 S Eighteenth street
Clubs, Mr. 7-14-43
Kloger, Mrs. R. E. Krumm, Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. (Bock)
1217 Fair avenue 634 E Rich street
Knauss, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Mrs. C. F. Krumm
(Rannells) Clubs, Mr. 16-42—Mrs. 16
48 Wilson avenue Krumm, Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. (McDonald)
Mr. Rannels W. Knauss, 23-4 2 346 Linwood avenue
Clubs, Mr. 42
Krumm, Mr. and Mrs. J. Zettler
Knauss Col. W. H. (Ann R. Folev)
35 8 Fifteenth avenue 1805 Franklin park S
Knight, Prof. Prof, and Mrs. George W. Clubs, Mr. 42
(Mariette Barnes) Kuhn, Prof, and Mrs. Harry W. (Dowdell)
Sum. Res.: Wequetonsing,. Mich. Abroad
Miss Margaret A. Knight, 6 Clubs, Mrs. 20
Miss Adelaide Knight Kumler. Miss Sarah M.
Clubs, Prof. 42-54-76—Mrs. 6-10-53- 1333 Highland street
61 Sum. Kes. : Oxford, Ohio
Knight, Prof, and Mrs. William A. Clubs. Miss 12-55-63, also English
206 W Lane avenue Club
Mr. Harry C. Knight Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. (Bradley)
Clubs, Prof. 16 1521 Hawthorne street
Knighton, Mrs. J. R. Clubs, Mrs. 20
361 King avenue • Kurtz, Mr. Charles L.
Mr. Clyde R. Knighton 1525 E Broad street
Clubs, Mrs. 51 Miss lone Kurtz, 20-67
Knox, Mr. and Mrs. F. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Beaton
The Normandie (Kurtz)
Clubs, Mr. 13 Clubs, Mr. 14
Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kutchin, Dr. and Mrs. Horace L.
(Lou Etta Flickinger) (E. Louise Jenkins)
1065 Broad street 128 Wilson avenue
Clubs. Mrs. 4
Koerner, Mr. and Mrs. Fred G.
(Sophia Koch)
919 City Park avenue
Miss Millie Koerner
Mr. C. Oscar Koerner
Koerner. Mr. J. Nick
m A MONTE, Mr. and Mr s. Chas. L.
741 Wilson avenue
Clubs. Mr. 13-74
589 Linwood avenue Lampman, Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn D.
Miss A. Mary Koerner (Welch)
Clubs, Mr. 42 116 PTfteenth avenue
Kos, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr. Forbes Bronson Lampman, 23
(Josephine Winnings) Clubs, Mr. 23-42—Mrs. 20
175 N Washington avenue Landacre, Prof, and Mrs. Francis Leroy
Mr. Max Kos (Yeazell)
Krag, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. (Sanger) 135 Twelfth avenue
914 Franklin avenue Landman, Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Clubs, Mr. 14-42 (Ethel Weyant)
Krick, Mr. and Mrs. Kay C. (Mary Keer) 1506 Hawthorne street
15-24 Menlo place Clubs, Mrs. 20
Kropp, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (Terrell) Lane, Mr. Eugene
First avenue, near Paul avenue, 212 Wilbur avenue
Station A Miss May E. Lane
Clubs, Mr. 42 Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Bowman)
Krumm, Mrs. Albert (Schwenker) 1979 Iuka avenue
277 S Eighteenth street Miss Lena L. Bowman
Clubs, Mrs. 16—Mrs. 5 Clubs, Mr. 65
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Quintin R. (Gundy) Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O.
160 S 17th street (Helen Wester man)
Clubs, Mr. 13 14 West Frambes avenue
Lang, Mr. and Mrs. Louis (Kossman) Clubs, Mrs. 37
Columbia avenue Laylin, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence D.
Mr. Herbert L. Lang (Fanny Hagerman)
Miss Olga M. L a n g 303 West Eighth avenue
L a n g d o n , Mr. a n d Mrs. W a r r e n E . Clubs, Mr. 54-66—Mrs. 12-17-55-67
(Cowgill) Laylin, Mr. a n d Mrs. Lewis C.
1478 Belmont avenue (Frances Dewey)
Clubs, Mr. 42 203 W Tenth avenue
L a n m a n , Mrs. Georgiana B. ( B u r n h a m ) Mrs. W. B. Woolverton (Dewey)
The Lincoln Mr. Robert W. Laylin
Mr. H e n r y A . L a n m a n Mr. Lewis F . Laylin
Mr. G. B u r n h a m L a n m a n Clubs, Mr. 13—Mrs. 2-16-20-25-29-45-
L a n m a n , Mrs. Henry A. (Kelsey) 55
497 E Town street Lazarus, Mr. and Mrs. Fred (Eichberg)
Miss Cornelia Trumbull L a n m a n , 5- 1080 Bryden road
14-34-63 Mr. Robert ^ a z a r u s
Clubs, Mrs. 5-14-34-63 Mr. Jeffrey L. L a z a r u s
Lanman, Mr. and Mrs. J o h n T. Clubs, Mr. 16-25-42—Mrs. 10-16-20-30-
(Charlotte E. Stilwell) 34
1447 F a i r avenue Lazarus, Mr. and Mrs. Fred ( J r . )
Miss F a i t h R. L a n m a n (Meta Marx)
Miss Anne B. L a n m a n 319 Linwood avenue
L a n m a n , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K. ( S h a r p ) Clubs, Mr. 7-42-65
Fifth and Central avenues L a z a r u s , Mr. and Mrs. Simon
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-16-65—Mrs. 15-16-20- ( E d n a C. Yondorf)
30 42 N Champion avenue
L a t h a m , Dr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Mr. 7-42-65
(Mame Lytle Lazenby, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. (Akin)
69 E ..un"c.n s t r e e t 348 W Eighth avenue
Clubs, Dr. 23 Clubs, Mr. 23
Lattimer, Mr. a n d Mrs. Gardner (Williams)
Leach, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. (Bingham)
71 Clark place 354 Kendal place
Lattimer, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. (Williams) Miss Vivian Aleta Leach, 63
Cor. P a r k v i e w a n d Dale a v e n u e s , Clubs, Mr. 42
Mrs. S a r a h A. L a t t i m e r Leach, Dr. Robert
Mrs. L u t h e r Williams 37 W Second avenue
Clubs, Mr. 13-14-15-16-20-23-25-42-54 Clubs. Dr. 54
— M r s . 10-15-16-20 Leach, Dr. Sherman
Laughridge, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. ( W a t e r s ) 41 W Second avenue
537 Linwood avenue Miss J a n e Leach
Clubs. Mrs. 51 Clubs, Dr. 7-42
Mr. H a r r y Laughridge Leamy, Mr. and Mrs. Alan (Margaret H u e t )
Miss Alice Loughridge Grandview Heights, Station A
Lauterbach, Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k E. (Eilber) Mr. F r a n k H u e t
107 Deshler avenue Clubs, Mr. 7-42
Mrs. Emelie Lauterbach
Clubs, Mr. 7-14-16-42-65—Mrs. 16 Lear, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S.
Lawler, Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n L. (Doran) (Mattie Emerson)
54 Woodland avenue 261 Hamilton avenue
Miss Grace M. Lawler Clubs, Mr. 7
Mr. J o h n C. Lawler, J r . Lee, Mrs. Samuel (Taylor)
Clubs, Mr. 42 1465 E Long street
Lawrence, Dr. and Mrs. F l o r u s F r e m o n t Clubs, Mrs. 10
(Cora E. Peirce) Le Favor, Miss J u l i a M.
201 E S i x t e e n t h a v e n u e 99 N Garfield avenue
Mr. Gerald Peirce Lawrence Clubs, Miss 63
Mr. J a m e s Cooper Lawrence
Miss Elizabeth Camila Lawu*ence Legg, Mr. a n d Mrs. William A. (Vercoe)
Clubs, Dr. 25-42, also American 1086 Madison avenue
Academy of Medicine and American Leighton, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Alex
Medical Ass'n.—Mrs. 2-12-17-19-59- ander (Victoria E. P a u l )
61-63-69 14 S Eighteenth street
Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sum. Res. : St. F a u s t i n , Que.
(Reese) Clubs, Prof. 42, also University Club,
1329 Wesley avenue Geneva, and Kanadasaga Club,
Clubs. Mrs. 51-55 Geneva.
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


Leiendecker, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Lilley, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. (Collom)
(Nonnemacher) 1224 F a i r avenue
84 E Moler street Lillie, Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. (Tice)
Lentz, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. (Woodward) 1460 Eastwood avenue
. 462 King avenue Sum. Res. : Touring
Clubs, Mrs. 51 Receives F r i d a v
Lentz, Mr. J o h n J. Clubs, Mrs. 20
484 Jefferson avenue Lilly, Mr. a n d Mrs. Lemuel D- (Hayes)
Miss K a t h a r i n e A. Lentz 202 K i n g a v e n u e
Clubs, Mr. 13-14-42 Clubs, Mrs. 55
Lentz, Dr. a n d Mrs. Thomas C. Limer, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. (Ballou)
(Linnie Wells) 349 W Eighth avenue
2369 Williams street Miss S a r a h Ballou
Miss Doris Lentz Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 15
Miss Monabelle Lentz
Clubs, Dr. 23—Mrs. 51 Lindenberg, Mr. a n d Mrs. Carl R. (Hicks)
Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Marble Cliff, R. F . D., No. 5
(Louise Bond) Clubs, Mr. 3-13-20-25—Mrs. 10-20-25
94 W Second avenue Lindenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Clubs, Mr. 42 (Robbins)
Leonard, Mr. Edwin B. 1234 E Broad street
86 W Second avenue Mr. Leo Lindenberg, 3-7-13
Mr. F r a n c i s M. Leonard, 16-42-45 Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14—Mrs. 10-59
Miss Grace Leonard Lindenberg, Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k H.
Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. William V. (Desha Hubbard)
(Hughes) Marble Cliff
838 Bryden road Clubs, Mr. 3-13, also Sun Fish Club
Clubs, Mr. 42
Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. (Hamilton) Lindenberg, Mr. and Mrs. George W a l t e r
48 Auburn street (Amy D. Townsend)
Mr. Eugene H. Leslie 42 Auburn avenue
Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. L. Receives F r i d a v
Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-35
(Ella Bristol)
1815 F r a n k l i n avenue Lindenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Otto H.
Clubs, Mr. 42 (Louise Shwab)
Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. (Miller) 38 Auburn s t r e e t
143 E Frambes avenue Clubs, Mr. 3-5-13-20-35-65—Mrs. 5-20-
Mr. Walter M. Noyes 35-
Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. (Thomas) Lindenberg, air. a n d Mrs. P a u l (Talmadge)
1928 I n d i a n o l a a v e n u e Grand View
Mr. Geo. H. Lewis Clubs, Mr. 3-13
Lewis, Rev. and Mrs. H a r r y B. (Durnell) Lindenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Philip
1384 F a i r avenue (Clara K a n m a c h e r )
Mr. Fletcher Lewis 1306 E Broad street
Clubs, Rev. 42 Miss M a r y Lindenberg (Art Ass'n.)
Lewis, Mrs. Lorenzo W. (Small) Miss Florence Lindenberg (Art Ass'n.)
58 Chittenden avenue Miss Louise Lindenberg
Miss Madeliene Lewis Mr. Philip H. Lindenberg
Lewis, Mr. a n d Mrs. W. H. (Miller) Miss E m m a K a n m a c h e r
794 F r a n k l i n avenue Clubs, Mr. 13-14—Mrs. 20
Miss A n n a R. Lewis Lindenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Clubs, Mrs. 20 (Woodworth)
Lewis, Mr. W a t k i n 145 Brvden place
75 Miami avenue Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13
Lichtenberg, Mr. and Mrs. F r i t z A. Lindenberg, Mrs. Susana D. (Siebert)
( M a r g a r e t Wilcox) 1071 Bryden road
957 Madison avenue Sum. Res. : Gratiot Beach, P o r t
Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 12-43-55 Huron, Mich.
Liggett, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K. Miss Charlotte Lindenberg, 10
(Drissila Kinkade) Lindenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
393 W Eighth avenue (Helen Hasbrouck)
Clubs, Mrs. 4-20-55 m Grandview Heights S t a t i o n A
Likes, Mr. and Mrs. J o h n G. Clubs, Mr. 3-13-35—Mrs. 20-35
(Rose Ellen Elder) L i n h a r t , Dr. and Mrs. Christopher P.
Care of 100 N High street (Crawford)
Mrs. M a r t h a Elder 413 S t o d d a r t avenue
Lilley, Mrs. Rachel C. Miss Louise L i n h a r t
1503 E Long street Miss Gladys L i n h a r t
Miss Mabel Lilley Clubs, Dr. '65
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Linn, Mr. Talfourd P. Lord, Mrs. Tlllie G. (Gemuender)

20 S Monroe avenue 1865 Franklin P a r k S.
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-15-16-20-30-34-35 Mr. Robert G. Lord
Linton, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Miss M a r i a n R. Lord
105 Thirteenth avenue Loren, Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s M.
Clubs, Mrs. 51 (Annabel L. McMillan)
Lippincott, Mrs. J o h n Howard (Thompson) 1371 N High street
1462 F a i r avenue Mr. J a m e s M. Loren. J r .
Miss Ruth Li oincott Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 15-25
Miss Louise Lippincott Lose, Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Henry
Lisle, Dr. and Mrs. J o h n M. (Lulu Snyder)
(Mattie Ooe) 21 E Norwich avenue
224 W Tenth avenue
Little, Mr. a n d Mrs. W i l l i a m Loudon, Mr. a n d Mrs. J a m e s E.
( R o s e Olds) (Lola Allbee)
Normandie Hotel 95 Chittenden avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 2-20
Clubs, Mrs. 20
Little, Mr. and Mrs. William P. Lovejoy, Mr. and Mrs. George E. (Canniff)
(Bates) 1490 Neil avenue
1617 H a w t h o r n e P a r k Clubs, Mrs. 55-62
Miss Helen K. L i t t l e Lovejoy, Mrs. N a t h a n E. (Drew)
Miss Evelyn D. Little 805 E Broad street
Mr. Robert P. Little Clubs, Mrs. 29-33
Clubs, Mr. 5-42-54—Mrs. 5-63
Litz, Mr. a n d Mrs. G. W. Loving. Mr. Paul
229 E State street
( E t h e l G. Wakefield) Clubs, Mr. 3-13-35
1298 Bryden road Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M.
Livesay, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. 186 E Town street
(Althea Mohler)
263 E Broad street Loy, Mr. and Mrs. L u t h e r
Receives T h u r s d a y (Minnie Cooper Bell)
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-71-73—Mrs. 20 572 E Rich street
Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilmer Miss L a u r a Stan-
(Cleon Henry) Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert
236 E Northwood avenue (Alice Richardson)
Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. Robert ( F o r r e s t e r ) 41 S Monroe avenue
43 Cleveland avenue Clubs, Mr. 3-13
Miss Helen Livingston Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. ( S a r a R. Rea)
Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. J o h n A. (Thomas) 382 E Oakland avenue
Clubs, Mr. 54
957 Neil avenue
Loeb, Mr. a n d Mrs. A. W. (Lowenstein) Ludwig, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
314 Kendall place (Grace D. R e i n h a r t )
2270 N High street
Loewer, Mr. and Mrs. Valentine
(Nellie Crook) Luke, Dr. and Mrs. Zedaker V.
1422 Bryden road (Lulu Young)
The Norwich. E S t a t e street
Long, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford Mr. E. E a r l Luke
(Marv Lees Sheldon) Clubs, Mrs. 2-20
R. F. D. No. 2. Station A
Clubs, Mr. 66—Mrs. 20 Lupfer, Mr. and Mrs. George B. (Briggs)
1592 H a w t h o r n e P a r k
Long, Mr. and Mrs. F . U. ( E v a J a n n e y ) Clubs, Mr. 42-65
30 Winner avenue
Mr. Herbert J. Long Lupher, Mr. and Mrs. P r e s t o n W.
Mr. Clarence H. Long (Grace G. Lynch)
920 Bryden road
Long, Mr. George S. Clubs, Mr. 42
The Lincoln
Clubs, Mr. 42-65 Lushey, Mr. George
Longsworth, Dr. and Mrs. C. R. (Clinger) 150 E Blake avenue
76 West F o u r t h avenue Lushey. Mr. and Mrs. H a r r y W.
Cluos, Mrs. 11 (Mabel E n g e l h a r t )
Lord, Prof, and Mrs. Henry C. 365 Linwood avenue
(Edith Hudson) Clubs, Mr. 42
O. S. U. Grounds Lybarger, Mr. and Mrs. Olney J.
Clubs, Prof. 13—Mrs. 1-20-34-60-63 (Mary Denune)
Lord, Mrs. N a t h a n i e l W. (Osborn) 1235 Summit .street
338 W Eighth avenue Clubs, Mrs. 58
Mr. J a m e s Lord Lynas, Mr. and Mrs. James ( E v a n s )
Clubs. Mrs. 20-34 194 King avenue
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Lynas, Mr. and Mrs. Milton L McCartv, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. (Shaffer)
(Carrie Andres) 812 E Broad street
493 W F o u r t h avenue Miss E t t a F. McCartv
Miss Mamie Andres Clubs, Mr. 3-13
Clubs, Mrs. 5 McClearv. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton A.
(Maybell C. Crawford)
212 Fifteenth avenue
cALLISTER, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Clubs, Mr. 23
il (Knox)
86 Miami avenue
Clubs, Mr. 14—Mrs. 4-15-17-67
McClees, Mr. H a r r y L.
1462 Neil avenue
Miss Imogene McClees
McAllister, Mr. and Mrs. E a r l S. McClellan, Dr. and Mrs. J a m e s J. (Tuffs)
(Anna Shannon) ( F r a n c e s Tuffs)
196 Miller avenue 615 E Town street
McAllister, Mr. J a m e s P. Miss F r a n c e s McClellan
230 W Eighth avenue Clubs, Dr. 3-42—Mrs. 33
Mr. Robert F . McAlister McClelland, Mr. H e n r y C.
Mr. J. D. McAlister 321 E Broad street
Clubs, Mr. 42 Miss Emma McClelland
McAllister. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel V. (Pool) Miss Clara McClelland
1143 Neil avenue Miss Isabel McClelland
McColm. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm H. (Baker)
McAllister, Mr. and Mrs. Willis C. 1270 Bryden road
(Hamilton) Sum. Res. : Copenhagen. N. Y.
205 Woodland avenue
Miss Marion McAllister McComb, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. (Baldwin)
Clubs, Mr. 14—Mrs. 5 939 Madison avenue
Dr. J. Baldwin McComb
McAlpine. Mr. a n d Mrs. Adam H. (Benn) Clubs, Mr. 14—Mrs. 14-34. also Pres.
1557 E Long street 72 '
Miss J e a n McAlpine
Miss M a r g a r e t McAlpine McCombs, Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s (Flowers)
Mr. F r a n k McAlpine 825 F r a n k l i n avenue
Clubs, Mr. 42 Miss Helen R. McCombs
Mr. Nelson Wilbor McCombs
McCabe, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Clellah A. Jackson McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander
Hotel Vendome (Ruthnauff)
The Oxford. 96 Lexington avenue
McCall. Prof, and Mrs. A r t h u r G. Clubs, Mr. 16-54—Mrs. 5-16-20-34
H a r r i e t Flower
141 W Eleventh avenue McCord, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W.
Clubs, Mrs. 60 (Mabel Helen Root)
24 S Monroe avenue
McCallip. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. Clubs, Mr. 7-42
(Nellie Wright)
637 Oak street McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Lester
Mrs. S a r a h McCallip (Bancroft)
Mr. C a r r i n g t o n McCallip 95 Twelfth avenue
Mr. Wright W. McCallip Miss H a r r i e t R. McCoy
Miss Emily McCallip. 3-20-63 McCullough. Mr. and Mrs. J o h n C.
Miss Mabel McCallip (Smiley)
Clubs, Mrs. 67 1368 N High street
McCann, Mr. and Mrs. E r n e s t G. Clubs, Mrs. 51
The Normandie McCune. Mr. and Mrs. E d w a r d L. (Black)
Clubs, Mr. 23—Mrs. 1 51 Miami avenue
McCarter. Miss Alice Clubs. Mr. 42—Mrs. 20
The Normandie McCune, Mr. J o h n P.
McCarty, Mr. and Mrs. Joel E. 395 E Broad street
(Richardson) Sum. Res. : Middle Bass Island,
1545 Menlo Place Lake Erie
Miss Helen M. McCartv Mr. Wm. P. McCune
Clubs, Mr. 24-42—Mrs. 5S Mr. Jack McCune
McCartv, Mr. and Mrs. J o h n Sr. ( Miller - Miss Louise McCune. 18
100 N Twentieth street Miss Dorothy McCune
Sum. Res. : "Maxholme" Bullitt Mr. Donald McCune
Park Clubs. Mr. 42
Mr. J o h n McCarty. J r . 23 McCune, Mrs. J o n a s M. (Gares)
Miss M a r g a r e t Willson McCarty 47 Winner avenue
Mr. Thomas Miller McCarty Miss Evalena Mc*>ne
E. Gleeson McCarty Mr. Jo 11 as F. McCune
James Chapman McCarty Clubs. Mrs. 20
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. (Sage) McGuier, Mrs. Jessie G.

40 N Ohio avenue 1824 E Broad street
Clubs, Mr. 65 Mr. Alan B. McGuier
McDonald, Mrs. Anna T. (Riley) Miss Mary A. McGuier
1056 Franklin avenue Mclntire, Mr. and Mrs. John F.
McDonald. Mr. J. Miller (Atkinson)
223 E Broad street 79 King avenue
Ciubs, Mr. 3-13-14-44 Mr. Charles Donald
McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm (Davis) Mrs. Martha Stratten (Atkinson)
1038 Franklin avenue Clubs, Mrs. 51
Miss Anna L. McDonald McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.
McDonald. Mrs. Margaret (Dobbie) (Alice Morris)
689 E Broad street 1097 Oak street
Miss Isabel Dobbie Mr. Karl M. McKee
McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Miss Hazel M. McKee
(Stella B. Breyfogle) Clubs, Mr. 7-42-65
266 E Gay street McKeever, Mr. George
Miss Vida F Breyfogle 96 Cleveland avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 20-30-63 Clubs, Mr. 65
McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon S. McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
(Parrish) (Avery)
50 S Ohio street 83 Sixteenth avenue
Miss Ethel McDonald Mr. Fayette A. McKenzie
Clubs, Mrs. 2-20 McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. Wralter D.
McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. (Annie Blake)
(Kelly) 14 Gill street
1360 Franklin avenue Mr. and Mrs. Blake McKinney
Mr. Paul A. McDonald (Marie Steinhoff)
Miss Mary McDonald Clubs. Mr. 25-33-42-44-54-65-66-69
Mr. Walter A. McDonald —Mrs. 20-25-33-44-63-69
Mr. Wm. J. McDonald McKnight, Prof, and Mrs. George H.
Clubs, Mr. 14 (Forrest)
McElroy, Mr. and Mrs. F. Austin 646 Franklin avenue
(Elizabeth Spahr) Clubs. Prof. 42-76, also Kit Kat
83 S Champion avenue Club and Indianola and Tennis
Clubs. Mr. 16-63-66—Mrs. 16-63 Club—Mrs. 5-60
McElroy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. James B.
(Marie Tinan) (Mary Gunning)
32 Wilson avenue 47 W Third avenue
Sum. Res. : Indian River, Mich. Mr. T. Edwin McLaughlin
Clubs. Mr. 7-13-14-16—Mrs. 16 Mr. James B. McLaughlin. Jr.
McElroy, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bancroft Miss Mary McLaugh'in
(Katherine L. Fisher) Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-16-2 3—Mrs. 5-
695 Bryden road 33-63
Clubs, Mr. 7 McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. John R.
McElroy, Mrs. Mary L. (Congdon) (Allie Vorys)
- R. F. D. No. 2, Sta. A.
70 N Monroe avenue Sum. Res. : "Rushmore"
McGavran, Dr. and Mrs. Charles TV. Miss Emily N. McLaughlin, 34-35-48
(Holmes) Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-23
121 Jefferson avenue McMahon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hatton
Dr. Harry H. Stafford (Katharine D. Ransom)
Clubs. Mrs. 61 942 Madison avenue
McGovern. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Clubs. Mr. 74—Mrs. 20-63
(Kathryn Reilly) McManigal, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F.
333 Linwood avenue (McCarthy)
Mr. Raymond A. McGovern The Oxford, 96 Lexington avenue
Mr. Arthur F .McGovern Mrs. Alcinda McCarthy
Mrs. Rose E. Beymer (Reilly) (Gallagher)
McGrath, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Clubs, Mr. 13-44-54—Mrs. 15-20
(Mary Jane Hunter) McManigal, Mr. Sidney A.
1575 Neil avenue 394 E Town street
Mr. Frank J. McGrath Miss Mary F. Isaminger, 4-63
Mr. John A. McGrath Clubs, Mr. 13-14-42
Miss Marie McGrath McMeen, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G.
Miss Lillian A. McGrath The Southern
Miss Anna McGrath Clubs, Mr. 42
McGrath,. Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. McNally, Mr. James E.
(Ruth McAllister)
230 W Eighth avenue 1588 Mt. Vernon avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 41 Clubs, Mr. 42
McGrew, Mr. James C. McNamara, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J.
1470 Fair avenue (Caroline Colburn)
Miss Edith M. McGrew 170 W Fifth avenue
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


McNeal, Mr. Edgar Holmes Main, Mr. Rufus

102 Hamilton avenue 33 N Twentieth street
Miss Isabel McNeal Major, Prof, and Mrs. David R.
McPherson, Prof, and Mrs. Wm. (Campbell)
(Heston) 40 E Lane avenue
19 8 Sixteenth avenue Clubs, Mrs. 6
Clubs, Prof. 16-42—Mrs. 20-49-60 Maltby, Miss Martha J.
McVay, Mrs. Jason 112 Hamilton avenue
(Sarah A. Updegraff) Clubs, Miss 5-6-12-20-67
91 Jefferson avenue Manger, Mrs. Lillian
MacDonald. Miss Janet 1433 Wrorthington street
Clubs, Mrs. 51
1175 E Broad street Manington, Mr. and Mrs. Howard D.
Miss Lila Macdonald, 48 (Olive A. Lombard)
Clubs, Miss 10-4 8 1397 Bryden road
Mackenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Mr. Earl Blaine Manington
(Winifred Brent) Manley, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F.
33 N Ohio avenue (Sarah Mclntire)
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-44-76—Mrs. 16 1106 Neil avenue
Mackenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald C. Miss Eva Manley, T45-5 8
(Sohl) Mann, Dr. and Mrs. Edw in C.
88 TV Mavnard avenue 218 Wilson avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 45 Mr. Russell S. Mann
Macklin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah G.
(McCann) (Jackson)
52 N Ohio avenue 215 E Lane avenue
Clubs, Mr. 42 Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Wilber E.
Maclean, Mr. and Mrs. John S. (Lazenby)
(Grant) 52 Seventeenth avenue
489 King avenue Receives Thursday
Miss Margaret R. Maclean Mansfield, Mrs. Caroline
Miss Flora E. Maclean (Chambers)
Mr. J. Norman Maclean 1219 Bryden road
Mr. Archie A. Maclean March, Miss Jessie C.
Clubs, Mr. 65 450 E Broad street
MacMahon, Miss Laura R. Clubs, Miss 16
620 E Broad street Maris, Dr. Clarence
Sum. Res. : Mahonbern, Morrow 122 E State street
Co., Ohio. Maris, Mrs. Mary Samuel (Samuel)
Macy, Mr. and Mrs. George J. 1835 Indianola avenue
(Allie Patterson) Miss Isabella Fletcher Maris
862 Neil avenue Markeson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Miss Florence Patterson (Minnie A. Pettit)
Clubs, Mrs. 18-67 N. W. Columbia and Common-
Maddox, Mr. and Mrs. James A. wealth avenues, Bullitt Park
(Speer) Miss Clara E. Markeson
12 81 Bryden road Miss Mary P. Markeson
Maddox, Mrs. Virginia D. Miss Helen G. Markeson
(Martin) Marple, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan B.
844 Bryden road (Cartzdafner)
Maetzel, Mr. and Mrs. Henry 930 Madison avenue
(Lottie Ellis) Miss Harriet Marple, 20-48
165 Deshler avenue Clubs, Mr. 14—Mrs. 20-63
Miss Clara Maetzel, 15 Marr, Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. (Revick)
Mrs. Lilly Maetzel (Anderson) 1720 E Broad street
Mr. Paul W. Maetzel Marriott, Mrs. Greenberry J.
Magrew, Mr. and Mrs. Archer M. (Bulen)
(Pence) 32 Parkwood avenue
1310 Franklin avenue Marriott, Mr. and Mrs. John M.
Magruder, Dr. and Mrs. Jesse J. (Baldwin)
(O'Neil) 1515 Menlo place
111 Cleveland avenue Clubs, Mr. 24
Mr. Charles S. Magruder Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. George S.
Miss Mary Magruder (Alice Badgly)
Magruder, Prof, and Mrs. W. T. 217 W Eleventh avenue
(Malone) Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Ross C.
342 W Ninth avenue (Delia Gunning)
Mr. W. T. Magruder, Jr. Paul ave., nr. First avenue, Ar-
Clubs, Mrs. 20-29 lington
Clubs, Mr. 3—Mrs. 4-63

Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


Martens, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Mathews, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln J.
(Emma C. Wirth) (Baker)
1725 Franklin Park, S 3 88 Kendal pi.
Miss Rose Helen Martens Sum. Res. : Luther, Mich.
Clubs, Mr. 16-65—Mrs. 16 Mrs. Jennie Baker
Martin, Mrs. Benjamin F. (Workman) Mathews, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo D.
116 S Washington avenue (Hoffer)
Clubs, Mrs. 5-20-29 Drexel avenue, Bullitt Park
Matson, Dr. and Mrs. G. H . Jr.
Martin, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ewing 1493 E Long street
116 S Washington avenue Mauk, Mrs. John J. (Myers)
Clubs, Mr. 3-5-7-13-20-44—Mrs. 5-16- 743 Franklin avenue
20 ' Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin C.
Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank (McGee)
(Edith Lewis) 27 Hoffman avenue
429 E Maynard avenue Mr. Howard Maxwell
Clubs, Mrs. 52 Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Y.
Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clippinger (Brohard)
(Goodale) 1111 Neil avenue
313 W Seventh avenue Mr. Ralph E. Maxwell
Mr. Ralph Goodale Martin May, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C.
Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 10-29-62-67 (Leah P. Gilmore)
2304 N High street
Martin, Mrs. J. F. (Knowles)
865 Bryden road Mayers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Miss Flora A. Martin (Adams)
Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. 1354 E Broad street
(Alice Robbins) Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-16-20-54—Mrs.
69 Miami avenue 10-16-20
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-16-20-44-74— Mayers, Mr. and Mrs. Horace C.
Mrs. 5-10-16-34-49 Lenox Hotel, W. Goodale street
Mr. Horace C. Mayers, Jr.
Martindale, Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Clubs, Mr. 42
W. Broad street and Hague ave- Maynard, Mr. and Mrs. Burns L. (Culver)
nue 31 Woodland avenue
Clubs, Dr. 65 Maynard, Mr. and Mrs. Horace J.
Martindill, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey W. (Patterson)
(Hocking) 109 Franklin Park, West
1005 S High street Clubs, Mr. 65—Mrs. 20-30
Martlin, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac B. Mead, Mrs. Cornelius (Knepper)
217 King avenue
(Jeannette G. Goldsmith) Clubs, Mrs. 4-20-55
869 Oak street
Mead, Mr. and Mrs. William H , Jr.,
Marvin, Mr. and Mrs. George U. (Louise Moore)
(O'Brien) Pataskala. O.
292 Seventeenth avenue Miss Ira Dellenbaugh
Clubs, Mrs. 37-52
Meade, Mr. and Mrs. William E. (Lisle)
Masefield, Dr. Harold Y. 135 King avenue
1000 Neil avenue Clubs, Mr. 65—Mrs. 55
Miss Ollie Murphy Means, Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. (Garrett)
Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. (Stengel) 130 Buttles avenue
1127 S High street Clubs, Dr. 7-42-65—Mrs. 61
Mr. Herbert A. Mason, 7 Means, Dr. and Mrs. Hugh J.
Miss Marie K. Mason, 41 (Eleanor M. Hammond)
Miss Ruth A. Mason 366 Fifteenth avenue
Clubs, Mr. 7—Mrs. 6~ Clubs, Dr. 54—Mrs. 6-12-19-29-61
Mason, Miss Mary L. Means, Dr. and Mrs. William J.
The Normandie (Huffman)
Clubs, Miss 6 715 N High street
Mathews, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Dr. John W. Means. 7-65
(Mix) Clubs, Dr. 3-7-42-65—Mrs. 61-67
329 Linwood avenue Medick, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C.
Sum. Res.: Topinabee, Mich. (Hazen)
Miss Dorothy Mathews 29 Eleventh avenue, W.
Mr. Webster Mathews Mr. Walter N. Hazen
Miss Lucile Mathews Mrs. Sarah Hazen
Clubs, Mr. 14 Clubs, Mrs. 5-20-62
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.
Meehan, Mr. D. C. Miles, Mrs. Elizabeth H.
The Southern Hotel (Hopkins)
Meehan, Mr. David C. 880 Franklin avenue
Care of 20 E Gay street Miss Adelia G. Miles
Clubs, Mr. 42 Miss Harriet L. Miles
Meek, Mr. Hugh Law Mr. Charles E. Miles, 42
The McLene, 185 E State street Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Albert M.
Mrs. Laura Law W7eek (Fanny Fullerton)
Miss Emma L. Meek 65 N Monroe avenue
Clubs, Mr. 3-13 Clubs, Mr. 13-14-65—Mrs. 16-20-49
Miller, Mrs. Almeda (Warner)
Meek, Mr. andr Mrs. James W. Marble Cliff, O.
(W arfield) Mr. S. Huston Miller
121 Fifteenth avenue Miller, Dr. and Mrs. C. L. (Whetsel)
Miss Elizabeth Meek 38 E Frambes avenue
Miss Emma L. Meek, 20
Dr. Guy T. Meek Miller, Mr. Charles F.
Mr. Paul D. Meek 132 0 Madison avenue
Clubs, Mr. 54 Mrs. Harriet M. Miller
Meek, Mr. and Mrs. William W. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
(Mary C. Bradfield) (Mary King Park)
135 8 Bryden road 832 Franklin avenue
Meeker, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mr. Warren J. Miller
(Elizabeth Parks) Clubs, Mr. 13-14-16-42—Mrs. 15-16-
Melrose place, Bullitt Park 63
Miss Marjorie Meeker Miller, Col. and Mrs. Edward T.
Mr. Campbell Meeker (Bess Watson)
Miss Marion Meeker 991 Bryden road
Clubs, Mr. 13-14-16-42-44-65-76— Clubs, Col. 4 7
Mrs. 16
Mees, Rev. Prof, and Mrs. Theo. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin E.
(Brauer) (Bertha Smith)
27 N Seventeenth street 1029 Bryden road
Clubs, Mr. 14-42-65, also Col. Beach
Meikeljohn, Prof, and Mrs. Robert (Jones) Clubs—Mrs. 2 0
1528 Worthington street Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A.
Merkle, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joseph (Miller)
(Daisy Brooke) 264 "Woodland avenue
13 73 E Broad street Clubs, Mr. 13-14-42
Clubs, Mr. 7-14-20—Mrs. 14-20 Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Merkle, Mr. and Mrs. Peter (Frey) (Lotspeich)
33 Hamilton avenue Cassiday avenue, Bexley
Clubs, Mr. 13-64 Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A.
Merkle, Mr. and Mrs. William J. (McCulloch)
(Boyle) 350 Linwrood avenue
Central and Kenworthv avenues Miller, Dr. and Mrs. Henry W.
Clubs, Mr. 23 (Ewing)
Merrick, Miss May C. 9 87 Bryden road
70 Jefferson avenue Mr. Hugh Ewing Miller
Miss Nellie W. Merrick, 20 Clubs, Dr. 5-25-34
Merrill, Mrs. M. E. (Rath) Miller, Dr. and Mrs. Howard W.
80 Winner avenue (Cora A. Thornberry)
Miss Allene Le Count Merrill, 63 190 West Lane avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 29-45-51-63, also Pres. Mrs. Hattie Thornberry
St. Albans Institute Clubs, Mrs. 51
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. James C.
Merryman, Dr. and Mrs. James M. (Lucy Harding)
(Moss) 1466 Eastwood avenue
790 Neil avenue Clubs. Mr. 42—Mrs. 10
Mesloh, Mrs. Charles TV. Miller, Mr. James T.
(Vornholt) Marble Cliff, O.
169 W Tenth avenue Miss Jessie E. Miller
Miss Ella H. Miller
Midgley, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Miss Nancy Miller
Worthington, O. Miss Almeda Miller
Clubs, Mr. 7-14-42-44—Mrs. 45-55 Miss Grace M. Miller
Miles, Mr. and Mrs. John B. (Ingram) Air. Henry Miller
1567 Granville street Miller, Mrs. Josephine R. (Clare)
Miss C. Barrett 1020 Franklin avenue
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.
Miller, Mr. a n d Mrs. L o u i s J. Mr. H u s t o n B u r t c h Mohler
(Rittinger) Clubs, Mr. 14-42
675 E L o n g s t r e e t Moling, Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n c i s M. ( B e c k )
Miller, Miss M a r y L. R e y n o l d s b u r g , O.
292 S C h a m p i o n a v e n u e Moling, Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m E.
Miss Lillian C. Miller (Lechner)
Miss Alice D a v i s 1562 R i c h m o n d a v e n u e
Miller, Mr. a n d Mrs. Orlando A. Miss Mabel E. Moling
(Ella May Morris) Monett, Mr. a n d Mrs. B e n j a m i n
637 E B r o a d s t r e e t ( L a u r a Bellow-s)
Sum. Res. : I n d i a n River, Mich. 144x/4 N W a s h i n g t o n a v e n u e
Miss Helen Louise Miller. 6 Mr. H o w a r d B. Monett
Clubs, Mr. 13-14-16-20-23-42. also Clubs. M r s . 2 0
Ohio Society of N. Y . — M r s . 10-16- Monnett, Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k S.
20 ( E l l a K. G o r m l y )
Miller, Mr. a n d M r s . T h e r o n B . ( E n g l i s h )
75 H a m i l t o n a v e n u e 36 S Monroe a v e n u e
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-16-34—Mrs. 16-20 Clubs, M r s . 5-10-2 0-29
Miller, Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m A. Monroe, Mrs. C l a r a L. (Collins)
72 W o o d l a n d a v e n u e 1224 F r a n k l i n a v e n u e
Clubs, Mr. 13-16—Mrs. 16-20 Miss F l o r e n c e E. Monroe
Miller, Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m H. Mr. E d w i n H . Monroe
(Douty) Mr. J a m e s Monroe
171 N W a s h i n g t o n a v e n u e Clubs, Mrs. 2
Clubs, Mr. 65 Monsarrat, Mrs. Nicholas (Henry)
Milligan, M r s . J. P o r t e r ( F i s h e r ) 76 F i f t e e n t h a v e n u e
301 W Sixth a v e n u e Miss M o n s a r r a t (31 Sells C o u r t )
Mr. Lowell H. Milligan _ Miss Corinne M o n s a r r a t
Miss A n n i e P . F i s h e r M o n s a r r a t , Mr. a n d M r s . N i c h o l a s D.
Clubs, Mrs. 43 ( J e a n A. Mitchell)
Mills, Dr. a n d Mrs. E d w a r d C. ( W h i t e ) 432 E B r o a d s t r e e t
1048 E L o n g s t r e e t Sum. R e s . : Sea Girt, N . J.
Miss F r a n c e s Mills Clubs, Mr. 13-20—Mrs. 20-34
Clubs, Dr. 44 Montaine, Mr. a n d Mrs. G e r a l d
Mills, Mr. a n d Mrs. W i l b u r T. (Mary Faye Kilbourne)
(Minnie L u s e ) 28 Jefferson a v e n u e
152 S Garfield a v e n u e Monypeny, M r s . C h a r l e s
Miss D o r o t h y Mills (Aikin)
Mr. W i l b u r T. Mills, J r . 37 N W a s h i n g t o n a v e n u e
Clubs, Mr. 16-24-42—Mrs. 16-63 Clubs, Mrs. 16-34
Mills, Mr. W i l l i a m A.
Monypeny, M r s . M a r i a
The McLene, 185 E S t a t e s t r e e t The Lincoln, 631 E B r o a d s t r e e t
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-20-65 Monypeny, Mr. a n d Mrs. P e r i n B .
Mills, Prof, a n d Mrs. W i l l i a m C. (Hickok)
(Buxton) 957 E B r o a d s t r e e t
78 W T e n t h a v e n u e Sum. R e s . : Center H a r b o r , N. H .
Miss Helen Mills Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-14-35—Mrs. 10-15-
Miner. Gen. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s W r i g h t 16-20-35-38
(Cooley) Monypeny. Mr. a n d Mrs. William, J r .
70 L e x i n g t o n a v e n u e (Bessie M. Miller)
Clubs. Gen. 3-15-16-44—Mrs. 10-15- 383 E B r o a d s t r e e t
16-20 Clubs, Mr. 3-42—Mrs. 20
Mitchell, M r s . J o h n G. Mooar, Mr. a n d Mrs. E d w a r d M.
(Laura Piatt) (Annie E. Hull)
432 E B r o a d s t r e e t 105 H a m i l t o n a v e n u e
Mr. Edw-ard B a r r y W a l l Mrs. H . M. P o w e l l ( E d i t h M o o a r )
Clubs, Mrs. 15-16-20-34 Clubs, Mrs. 33
Mithoff, Mrs. H e n r y A. Moodie, M r s . Gordon ( S m i t h )
799 S H i g h s t r e e t 75' S C h a m p i o n a v e n u e
Mithoff, Mr. a n d Mrs. Leslie C. Miss G r a c e Moodie
(Pompelli) Moon, M r . a n d M r s . E d w i n L. ( S t u b e r )
1320 Madison a v e n u e 1355 Neil a v e n u e
Mithoff, Mr. Oscar H. Sum. Res. : Bois B l a n c Island,
931 B r y d e n r o a d Mich.
Mr. H e n r y H. Mithoff Receives F r i d a v
Clubs, Air. 3-16-42—Mrs. 16
Mr. W a l t e r O. Mithoff Moon, Mrs. M a r k
Mohler, Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n H .
(Chappelear) 826 N H i g h s t r e e t
214 W o o d l a n d a v e n u e Clubs. Mrs. 51
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


Mooney, Mr. and Mrs. David E. (Williams) Morris, Mrs. Anna P.

1382 Bryden road (Peters)
241 Wr Eighth avenue
Mooney, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Miss Mary E. Morris
(Frances E. Houser) Miss Alice L. Morris
1505 E Broad street Mr. Herbert C. Morris
Mrs. Virginia S. Houser Clubs, Mrs. 45-55
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-16—Mrs. 10-16-20 Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Moore. Dr. and Mrs. Dickson L. (Suzanne Jordan)
(Marie Watson) 875 E Broad street
221 E State street Mr. Bernard L. Morris
Clubs, Mr. 74—Mrs. 20-38 Clubs, Mr. 13-14—Mrs. 10
Moore, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
(Phoebe Burton) (Crawford)
Care of 172 S High street 45 Winner avenue
Sum. Res. : Moores Corners, Co- Clubs, Mr. 42
lumbus. O. Morris, Rev. Edward D.
339 E Town street
Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan (Kurtz) Miss Elizabeth P. Morris
469 N Garfield avenue Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Everett K.
Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Walter (Poggenburg)
(Elizabeth Phillips) 1052 Franklin avenue
60 N Twenty-first street Clubs, Mr. 14
Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E.
Moore, Mr. and Mrs. William C. (Baker) (Alice Thacker)
70 Auburn avenue 875 E Broad street
Clubs, Mrs. 10-20-29 Clubs, Mr. 23
Morden, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew (Fleming) Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Willard B.
94 Latta avenue (Mary H. Falkenbach)
Mr. Andrewr Morden, Jr. Drexel avenue, corner Common-
Clubs, Mr. 16-42—Mrs. 16-29-30 wealth avenue
Morris, Mr. and Mrs. William Glen
Morehead, Mrs. Mary Wrilcox (Price)
32 Hoffman avenue 1786 E Rich street
Mr. James B. Wilcox, 14-15 Morris, Mr. and Mrs. William L. (Way)
Dr. Starling S. Wilcox, 15 1075 Franklin avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 16-2 0-29 Mr. Harold Morris
Morehouse, Mr. and Mrs. Max Miss Anna Morris
(Imogene Hull) Clubs, Mrs. 1-46
1601 Hawthorne Park Morris, Mr. and Mrs. William T. (Jones)
Clubs, Air. 3-7-13-14—Mrs. 16 •29 1010 Franklin avenue
Air. Samuel Morris
Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miss Alta Morris
(Osee B. Johnson) Clubs, Mr. 74
89 N Ohio avenue Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Woodbury Treat
Mr. Roy Johnson (Mary Florence Malott)
Miss Ruhama Lewis 1163 Aladison avenue
Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Clubs, Mr. 13-74
(Ella Cooke) Morrison, Air. and Mrs. William H.
53 E First avenue (McWhirter)
Miss Mary Morgan 51 W Second avenue
Clubs, Mr. 42—Airs. 15-29 Miss Alice McWhirter
Morgan. Rev. and Mrs. Robert D. Clubs, Mr. 14—Mrs. 33-55
(Gebhardt) Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert C.
980 Neil avenue (Flora Searls)
Miss Ida Gebhardt 1374 Bryden road
Mr. Searls Alorton
Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood D. Clubs, Mr. 3-13
(Nellie Kile) Morton, Mrs. Emma H. (Hendren)
1475 Aladison avenue 649 E Town street
Mr. Robert Kile Morgan Sum. Res.: Peterboro, J\. H.
Mr. Walter E. Morgan Clubs, Mrs. 10-30
Clubs, Mr. 42 Moseley, Mr. and Airs. William H.
Morgan, Dr. and Mrs. William N. (Florence Camberlain)
(Pender) Southern Hotel, Norfolk, Conn.
70 Cleveland avenue Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Moseley. Jr.
Morrey, Prof, and Mrs. Charles B. (Virginia Kelsey)
(Grace Hamilton) Receives Mondays
188 W Tenth avenue Clubs, Mr. 3-14—Mrs, 12-29
Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 60-63
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Mosier, Mr. and Mrs. Orla H. Neal, Mr. and Mrs. Edward R.
(Thirza Deaver) (Adah Powell)
27 N Monroe avenue 1130 Highland street
Receives Tuesday Neff, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C.
Clubs, Mr. 65—Mrs. 9-51 (Celia M. Pattor)
Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon W. 1441 E Long street
(Bryan) Neff, Mr. and Airs. Wilbur Grant
1266 Eastwood avenue (Bertha Richardson)
Sum. Res.: West Branch, Mich. 1827 Franklin avenue
Mossgrove, Mr. and Mrs. James S. Clubs, Mr. 42
(Salmon) Neil, Mr. and Mrs. D. Birney (Brush)
62 Auburn street 547 E Broad street
Mr. Jesse S. Mossgrove Mr. Edmund Brush Neil
Clubs, Mrs. 5-15 Mr. David Birnev Neil. Jr.
Mueller, Mrs. Anna B. (Siebert) Clubs, Mr. 7-16-42—Mrs. 5-10-16-20
747 S High street Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry
Mumm, Mr. and Airs. William M. (Mary Webb)
(Lillian Welker) 1044 Bryden road
1226 Neil avenue Miss Jeannette A. Neil
Clubs, Mr. 42 Clubs, Mr. 14-42—Mrs. 10-34
Munson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Neil, Miss Dessie E.
(Mary G. Peabody 151 W Goodale street
45 0 E Broad street Miss Ethel G. Neil
Sum. Res.: Chautauqua, N. Y. Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. (Stone)
Miss Jessie C. March 57 Auburn street
Mr. Otto Custer Darst Sum. Res. : Worthington. Mass.
Clubs, Airs. 20-33 Miss Olive Neil
Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Madison D. Miss Fav Neil
(Florence E. Orebaugh) Clubs, Mr. 3-7-14-44
639 Oakwood avenue Neil, Mrs. John B.
Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. 117 Hamilton avenue
(Luckhaupt) CluDS. M i s 10
1462 Bryden road Neil, Mr. Joseph S.
Clubs, Mr. 23-42
Mutchmore, Mr. and Mrs. WTilliam M. Neil, Mr.335andE Broad street H.
Mrs. Moses
(Anna Tidball) (Amelia Abbott)
164 Hubbard avenue 1397 E Broad street
Clubs, Mrs. 61
Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Neil, Air. and Mrs. Robert Samuel
(Emrich) (Pamela Sullivant)
1330 Bryden road Hotel Vendome
Clubs, Air. 14—Mrs. 16 Clubs, Mr. 20—Mrs. 20
Myers, Mr. Jack Neil, Mr. and Mrs. William (Tillinghaste)
1536 E Long street
1332 Franklin avenue Sum. Res. : Worthington. Mass.
Mykrantz, Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Clubs, Mr. 7-23—Airs. 12
(Alaie AlcCormick) Nelles, Dr. and Mrs. Andrew B. (Stnckev)
751 E Broad street 1697 Franklin park, S
Mr. Frank MacMvkrantz Receives Thursday
Mr. Jack M. Mykrantz Miss Geraldine Nelles
Aliss Edna Glidden
Clubs, Dr. 3-5-63—Mrs. 5-12-18
ACE, Air. and Mrs. Wm. M. (Ellis) Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton T.
H 109 Winner avenue
Mr. Sinclair B. Nace, 3-16-42-65
Mr. Edward E. Nace
(Courtright i
73 Parkwood avenue
Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-16—Mrs. 5-10-16
Nagle, Mrs. Elizabeth Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burdett
204 S Ohio avenue 599 E Broad street
Nash, Mrs. Mary E. Clubs, Mrs. 20
Hotel Vendome Nelson, Mr. James
Nash, Mr. Simeon 391 E Town street
154 S Seventeenth street Nesbitt, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. (Howell)
Mrs. Minerva Nash (Nye) Grandview avenue, R. F. D. No. 5
Aliss May Stuart Nve Station A
Clubs, Mr. 13-23-54 Clubs, Mrs. 51
Naughton. Mr .and Mrs. James (Miller) Nesbitt, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh (Hopkins)
403 E Broad street 1473 Neil avenue
Miss Mary Naughton Mr. Hugh E. Nesbitt
Clubs, Mrs. 20
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.
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Reception Announcements, Call-
ing and Business cards in corred
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Goodman Brothers
98 North High Street

Special attention given Engraved Wedding Invitations and Announcements


Nesbitt, Mr. and Mrs. J a s . C. (Woollard)

247 B Broad street

Norton, Mr. and Mrs. P a u l T.

(Carrie Bain)

Clubs, Mrs. 51-62 898 Bryden r o a d

Newell, Dr. A r t h u r W. Miss Dorothy Norton, 14
209 S Ohio a v e n u e Miss Ruth Norton, 14
Clubs. Dr. 42, also Columbus Tennis Clubs, Mr. 14—Mrs. 14
Club Norton, Prof. Sidney A.
Newman, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. 363 E Town street
1450 E Broad street Sum. Res. : Clark's Lake, Mich.
Newman, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miss Caroline C. Norton, 16
( S a r a h E. Wilson) Mr. William H. Norton
1497 Michigan avenue Mr. Louis S. Norton
Newton, Mr. and Mrs. J o h n W. (Guilbert) Miss S a r a h L. Norton
1467 E a s t w o o d avenue Clubs, Prof. 16-20
Newell, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Norton, Mr. William Warder
(Sophia E. Dodson) Sigma Chi F r a t e r n i t y House, S2 W
209 S Ohio avenue Tenth s t r e e t
Newlove, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I. (Phillips)
40 Parkwood avenue
Miss Florence Newlove
Miss Clara Newlove
Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. (Mumper)
1471 E Broad street
(i B E I R N E , Mr. a n d Mrs. M. J.
101 E Lane avenue
Ober, Miss B e r t h a M.
Miss Bessie Nichols
Miss Louise Nichols 1342 Forsythe avenue
Nicholas, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mithoff Clubs, Miss 60
(Charlotte O'Brien) Oberer, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T.
1616 H a w t h o r n e P a r k (Dillon)
Clubs. Mr. 3-13-14-16-35—Mrs. 10-16- 595 E Broad s t r e e t
34-35 Clubs, Mr. 14-16-42
N i t s c h k e . Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n F r e d e r i c k
(Lillian Gunning) Obermeyre, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. G.
77 S m i t h place (Woodworth)
Miss Rosa Pauline Nitschke 185 E S t a t e street
Mr. C h a r l e s E . N i t s c h k e Obetz, Dr. F . Herbert
Nitschke, Mr. and Mrs. George H. 339 E Main street
(van Westervelt)
201 N Ninth street Obetz, Dr. a n d Mrs. Nelson
Mr. Wilbur Westervelt Hoffhines (Edith Lesquereux)
Clubs, Mrs. 45 1186 Neil avenue
Nitschke, Mr. a n d Mrs. J a m e s W. Sum. Res. : Buckeye Lake, O.
(Gammon) Clubs. Dr. Buckeye Lake Yacht Club
103 Miami avenue —Mrs. 5
Clubs, Mr. 44 Obetz. Mr. a n d Mrs. Owen C.
Noble, Dr. arid Mrs. R. G. ( E e h e n r o d e ) 1231 S High street
822 N High street Sum. Res. : Buckeye Lake, O.
Noble, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. J r . (Irwin) Obetz, Dr. and Mrs. Walter E.
30 L a t t a avenue 241 E Innis avenue
Mr. Clark W. Noble Ogier, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. (McVay)
Miss Grace R. Noble 57 Lexington avenue
Mr. S t u a r t L. Noble Receives Monday
Miss E l i z a b e t h H. Noble Clubs, Mrs. 30-63
Nonnenmacher. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J.
(Rieff) Oglesby, Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas P .
1321 S High street (Mary F . H u n t )
Miss Alice Nonnenmacher 102 Hamilton avenue
Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F . ( S t e w a r t ) Clubs, Dr. 54—Mrs. 4-12-67
352 W Eighth avenue O ' H a r r a , Mrs. M a r y I. (McCormick)
Norris, Dr. and Mrs. King A. (Sayre) 241 Woodland avenue
754 Neil avenue Receives F r i d a v
Mrs. Marv E. Sayre Clubs, Mrs. 10
Clubs, Dr. 7—Mrs. 63 Ohliger, Mr. a n d Mrs. Guy P. (Hill)
Norris, Mr. and Mrs. P e r r y E. (Raymond) 619 Dennison avenue
1714 N F o u r t h s t r e e t
Mr. Theodore Norris Ohliger, Mr. and Mrs. Louis (Prosser)
Mr. J. M. Norris 999 Bryden r o a d
Clubs, Mrs. 19-58 Miss Minnie Ohliger
North, Mr. and Mrs. William Clubs, Mr. 13
( B u r n e t t i e Dennis) O'Key, Dr. Clifford T.
42 L a t t a avenue 54 S F o u r t h street
Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 63 Clubs, Dr. 42
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Okey, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Overly, Dr. a n d Mrs. J o h n E. (Reed)

( S a r a h L. Schoonmaker) 1453 E Main street
81 N G r a n t avenue Miss K a t h a r i n e Wagner
Mr. a n d Mrs. P e r r y Okey (Conner) Clubs, Mrs. 45
Okey, Mr. and Mrs. H a z a r d (Ward) Overturf, Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n W .
156 Wilson avenue (Ella Kendall)
Clubs, Mr. 42 289 Seventh avenue, W
Olmsted, Mr. and Mrs. H a r r y Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 2-29-45
(Grace McDermith) Owen, Mr. D. H a r r i s
595 E Broad street 323 Linwood avenue
Mr. H a r r y Olmstead, J r . Clubs, Mr. 42
Miss M a r g a r e t Olmsted
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-54—Mrs. 10-16 Owens, Mrs. Lida Lee (Hicks)
Orr, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. (Henderson) 59 F r a n k l i n Park, W
1151 i.xadison avenue Clubs, Mrs. 20
Clubs, Mr. Republican Glee Club and 323 Linwood avenue
H a r r o w Club—Mrs. 1-2 Miss J e n n i e B. Owen
Orebaugh, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. (Miller) Oyler, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce II.
786 Oak street Owen, Mrs. M a r g a r e t J. (Evans)
Orr, Mr. a n d Mrs. J. E d w a r d (McCormick)
(Minnie B. Ellis) 159 N Ogden avenue
1421 F r a n k l i n avenue Clubs, Mrs. 8
Clubs, Mr. 47
Orr, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver (Kenny)
33 E Eighth avenue fACKARD. Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k L.
Mr. Robert L. Orr (Eva L. Elliott)
Clubs, Mrs. 55 70 N Garfield avenue
Orr, Mr. a n d Mrs. William C. (Black) Clubs. Mr. 3-7-13-14-20-24-42-65—
1089 E Broad street — M r s . 4-20-29
Mr. William B. Orr Page, Mrs. Walter Benjamin (Mary Sharp)
Miss Louise Orr 935 E Broad street
Clubs, Mr. 14-42—Mrs. 30-32 Sum. Res. : Country Home "West-
Orton, Prof, and Mrs. Edward, Jr. bank"
(Mary Anderson) Mr. Walter S. Page—14-20
"The Lincoln" Miss H a r r i e t Page, 12
Clubs, Prof. 13-59—Mrs. 18-29-59 Page, Mr. and Mrs. AVilliam Herbert
Osborn, Prof, and Mrs. Herbert (Sayles) ( R u t h Gray Brown)
485 King avenue Fairview avenue, Grandview
Mr. Morse Osborn Heights. Station A. Route 5
Miss Dorothy Osborn Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 6-20-49-60
Miss Evelvn Osborn Paine, Mr. and Mrs. E d w a r d s C.
Clubs, Mrs. 60 (Delia Jenney)
Osborn, Mr. J a m e s D. 913 Bryden road
Osborn A p a r t m e n t s , 448 S Third Mr. and "Mrs. E d w a r d C. Fenimore
street (Paine)
Clubs, Mr. 3-13 Clubs, Mr. 13-14-23—Mrs. 14-55
Osborn, Judge and Jkrs. Samuel G. Paine, Mr. and Mrs. Seth V. (Kahler)
(Marietta Cole) 848 F r a n k l i n avenue
1396 F a i r avenue Clubs, Mrs. 1
Clubs, Judge 42—Mrs. 12-20 Paine, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred A.
Osgood, Mr. Richard H. (Jessie Gibson)
1348 Oak street 1535 Menlo place
Miss Anna M. Osgood Clubs, Mrs. 6
Miss Elizabeth Osgood Palmer, Mr. Robert D.
Otstot, Mrs. Jennie C. The Normandie
40 Wilson avenue Clubs, Mr. 7-23-42-65—Mrs. 20
Outhwaite, Mr. a n d Mrs. Charles P. Palmer. Rev. and Mrs. Samuel S.
(Anne S t e w a r t ) (McCortle)
924 Madison avenue 49 N Ohio avenue
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-35-65—Mrs. 18-30-35- Clubs, Mrs. 20
63 Parish. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R.
Outhwaite, Mr. and Mrs. Singleton P. ( S a r a A. Williams)
(Margaret A. Gardner) 66 Sherman avenue
555 E Broad street Clubs, Mrs. 15-63-67
Clubs. Mr. 3-13-35, also Princeton Parish, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon
Club—Mrs. 10-20-35-63 ( M a r t h a Wilson)
Ovens, Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. (Chandler) 65 Sherman avenue
P a r k v i e w avenue, Bexlev Miss Ruth W. P a r i s h
Clubs, Mr. 14—Mrs. 20-30-32 Clubs, Mr. 42
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Park, Miss F r a n c e s Cornelia Payne, Mr. and Mrs. B e r n a r d W.

832 F r a n k l i n avenue (McDonald)
P a r k , Mr. a n d Mrs. H o w a r d C. 154 B u t t l e s avenue
( M a r t h a Sells) Mr. Morton M. P a y n e
869 Bryden road Mr. B e r n a r d W. Pavne, J r .
Sum. Res. : Worthington, O. Clubs, Mr. 23
Miss Elisabeth P a r k Pay-ntar, Mr. and Mrs. William W.
Clubs, Mr. 16-42—Mrs. 16-29 (Johnson)
315 Wilson avenue
Parker, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Pearce, Mrs. A n n a K. (Kelton)
(Lena C. Colburn) 51 N Monroe avenue
1570 E Long street Clubs, Mrs. 15-20
Clubs, Mr. 14-23-54 Pease, Mr. and Mrs. Levi C.
P a r k h u r s t , Mr. a n d Mrs. Charles P . (Lucy Marion)
(Isabella W. Wells) 1845 Indianola avenue
1700 Clifton avenue Mr. E d w a r d L. Pease, 42
Clubs, Mrs. 12-29 Clubs, Mrs. 10-62
Parks, Miss Mamie Peckinpaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. (West)
415 E B r o a d s t r e e t 1607 E Long s t r e e t
Miss Lida P a r k s , 1 Mr. Charles W. Peckinpaugh
Mr. Robert T. Peckinpaugh
P a r r e t t , Dr. and Mrs. E r n e s t M. Clubs. Mrs.. 2
(Berkstresser) Pemberton, Mr. a n d Mrs. Richard N.
The Normandie Hotel ( F a n n y Snell)
Receives T h u r s d a y 144 Wilson avenue
Clubs, Dr. 7—Mrs. 1-19 Clubs Mrs. 2-62
Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. E d w a r d Roy Pembroke, Mr. a n d Mrs. Andrew J.
(Grace Bowland) ( C l a r a Schuman)
60 L a t t a avenue 1572 Bryden road
Clubs. Mr. 47-65, also Advertising Mr. W a r r e n W. Pembroke
Club Clubs, Mr. 42
P a r s o n s , Mr. and Mrs. G u s t a v u s S. Pender, Mr. a n d Mrs. J a m e s H.
(Herron) (McDermott)
665 E Town street 70 Cleveland avenue
Mr. George M. P a r s o n s
Miss Elizabeth Parsons, 35 Perkins, Mr. a n d Mrs. Wm. L.
Miss Anne P a r s o n s 1321 H i g h l a n d avenue
Miss Lois P a r s o n s Mr. Lewis A r t h u r P e r k i n s
Clubs, Mrs. 10 Clubs. Mr 42
P a t t e r s o n , Mrs. Dorothy (Barber) P e r rill, Mr and Mrs. Urlin George
55 Cleveland avenue (Penelope McColm)
Clubs, Mrs. 29 " G a r l a n d , " Gay and Fifth streets
Mr. Malcolm Smythe
P a t t e r s o n , Mr. a n d Mrs. George W. Clubs, Mrs. 2
(Jessie Merion)
138 Wilson avenue Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver H a z a r d (Minor)
Clubs, Mr. 20-13—Mrs. 15-20 Southern Hotel
Clubs, Mr. 7-16-42—Mrs. 5-16-20-33-
P a t t e r s o n . Mr. and Mrs. M. R. (Atkins) 63
882 Bryden road
Miss L a u r a A. P a t t e r s o n . 14-16-48—• Persons, Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. (Morrill)
Clubs, Mr. 14—Mrs. 14 1619 Highland s t r e e t
P a t t o n , Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Peters, Mrs. Alice E. (Heckler)
( H a r r i e t V. H a r r i s o n ) 600 E Broad street
162 F o u r t e e n t h avenue Mrs. Marv Alice Gordy
Miss Helen P a t t o n Clubs. Mrs. 2-18, also The Ohio,
Clubs, Mrs. 6 Archeological a n d Historical So-
ciety a n d W o m a n ' s C h r i s t i a n Tem-
P a t t o n , Mr. and Mrs. H. M. perance Union.
( H a r r i e t Butterfleld) Peters, Mrs. A n n a E. (Baff)
232 S Eighteenth street 95 Wilson avenue
Miss Ruth P a t t o n
Peters, Mr. a n d Mrs. George A. (Taft)
Pausch, Mr. and Mrs. Henry, J r . 65 Hamilton avenue
(Eliza Shawaker) Mrs. Marv Taft
373 W Sixth avenue Clubs, Mr. 3-30-42—Mrs. 5-30-63
Pavey. Mr. a n d Mrs. Chas. C. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. George S. ( F l o r a Rarey)
(Eva M. Grove) 891 E Broad street
41 Wilson avenue Miss Grace R. Peters, 6
Mr. Ralph M. Pavey Miss Florence M. Peters, 6
Mr. Carl C. Pavey Miss Mary Louise Peters, 6
Clubs, Mr. 14-42-54-76—Mrs. 55-67 Clubs, Mr. 13-14—Mrs. 60
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Peters, Miss Lucy A. Platter, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert M.

77 Lexington avenue (Israel)
Mr. Chas. M. Peters 1403 Bryden road
Clubs, Miss 45 Clubs. Dr. 25
Pettigrew, Mr. Edward S. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Orland W.
Southern Hotel, S High street (Knauss)
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-16-25-30 82 18th avenue
Pfeifer, Dr. and Mrs. Claren E. (Taylor) Clubs, Mr. 7
1185 Franklin avenue Pletsch, Mr. and Mrs. John Frederick
Clubs, Mrs. 61 (Martha A. Davies)
Pfeifer, Mr. and Mrs. Leo L. 36 S. Ohio avenue
1194 Bryden road Clubs, Mr. 14-42
Clubs, Mr. 3—Mrs. 3 Plumb, Prof, and Mrs. Chas. Sumner
Pfeiffer, Rev. Prof, and Mrs. Edward E. 1980 Indianola avenue
(Mary Weiser) Mr. Winthrop Plumb
1091 Franklin avenue Miss Helen G. Plumb, 20
Mr. Robert E. Pfeiffer Clubs, Mrs. 20
Pfeiffer, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob (Harrington) Plumer, Mr. and Mrs. Wendall P.
768 Bryden road The Normandie
3Irs. S. M. Harrington (Wilhelm) Miss Margaret Plumer
Clubs, Mr. 7-42-65 Clubs, Mrs. 5-6 7
Philbrick, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Plympton, Mrs. Henry (Stewart)
The Dennison, 793 Dennison ave- 2 57 E. Broad street
Mrs. Louise Tenney (Sweeney)
nue Miss Sidney Sims
Clubs, Mr. 42-44 Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. (Jackson)
Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. 303 W. Ninth avenue
(Linnie Willard) Miss Gladys Pollock
1835 Indianola avenue Mr. Eugene Pollock
Miss Alice Willard Phillips Pomerene, Mr. and Mrs. ~Wm. R.
Clubs, Mr. 23-42-65 (Annie L. Warner)
Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. (Wiggins) Flint. O. (P. O., Worthington, O.)
627 Oakwood avenue Mr. Warner M. Pomerene
Phillips, Dr. and Mrs. Ellis (Mcllvaine) Mr. Walter H. Pomerene
32 W Woodruff avenue Clubs. Mr. 3-13-65
Poore, Mr. and Mrs. G. TV. C.
Clubs, Mrs. 15-34—Mrs. 20 (Luella B. Coffman)
Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. James Mel. 33 S. Monroe avenue
(Jordan) Receives Thursday
32 W Woodruff avenue Miss Mary Crumit
Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. Albert (Babb) Poste, Mrs. Caroline
1098 Madison avenue (Ashby)
Clubs, Mr. 44 1218 S High street
Pierson, Mr. and Mrs. Archer D. Mr. Beale E. Poste, 13-64
23 E State street Poste, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton
(Katharine Reitz)
Pirrung, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. The Wurttemberg apartments
(Catherine Robinson) Parsons avenue and Oak
1415 E Broad Clubs, Mr. 7
Clubs. Mr. 3-14-16-20-42—Mrs. 3-5-14- Postle, Dr. and Mrs. WTilbur E.
16-20-34-63 (Roberta R. Dodds)
Pittinger. Mr. and Mrs. David E. (Tress) Nelson road and 5th avenue
346 W Seventh avenue Mr. Franklin D. Postle
Clubs, Mr. 42 Mr. R. Swinton Postle
Pitts, Mr. & Mrs. Almon E. (Baird) Mr. W. Everett Postle
309 E. Gay street Clubs, Dr. 42-54—Mrs. 63-67
Sum. Res. : Topinabee, Mich. Postlewaite, Mr. and Mrs. David Neal
Miss Grace L. Pitts, 43 (Savannah Marshall)
Clubs, Mr. 42 1927 Indianola avenue
Pixley, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Clubs, Mr. 13-65—Mrs. 12-45-61
(Grace M. Hauenstein) Poston, Mr. and Mrs. Elias M. (Erb)
473 Linwood avenue 373 Kendall place
Piatt, Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford H. Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 4-20
(Margrette A. Smith) Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drake
414 E. Broad street (Eloise McCreary)
92 N. Monroe avenue
Sum. Res. : Kennebunkport, Me. Sum. Res. : Siasconset, Nantucket
Mr. Robert S. Rutherford Island, Mass.
Mr. Rutherford H. Rutherford. Jr. Clubs, Mr. 3-13-16-25-74—Mrs. 5-16-
Clubs, Mr. 3-5-13-14-20-44-65, also 63
The Assembly—Mrs. 5-17-34, also
The Assembly
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Potter. Mrs. Joseph H. (Kilbourne) Prentiss, Mr. and Mrs. Stanton G.

620 E. Town street (Virginia M. Knox)
Miss Alice Fay Potter, 20 1074 E. Broad street
Mrs. Rowland G. Hill (Potter) Clubs, Mr. 3-13—Mrs. 20
Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. II. Preston, Prof, and Mrs. John B.
(Hibbard) (Hilburn)
Kenworth road, Clintonville 290 15th avenue
Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne P. (Grubb) Clubs, Mrs. 4-56-60
1026 E. Rich street Pretzman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.
Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Winfield S. (Palmer) (Clara McGuier)
70 N. 20th street 1450 Madison avenue
Miss Anna Jane Potter Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 29
Clubs, Mr. 44-54 Price, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G. (Colby)
Powell, Mr. and Mrs. F. Evenson (Rankin) Marion, O.
1392 E. Broad street Clubs, Mr. 42
Clubs, Mr. 7-14-23—Mrs. 16-34 Price, Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. oth and Central avenue
(Flora V. Morgan) Mr. John K. Price
869 E. Broad street Clubs, Mr. 3
Mr. Wm. Kenniston Powell Price. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua D.
Mrs. Mary A. Powell (Hugget) (Mary Lenhart)
Clubs, Mr. 14—Mrs. 33-34 709 Bryden road
Powell, Mrs. H. Monford (Mooar) Miss Clara E. Price, 6-20
105 Hamilton avenue Mr. Herbert S. Price
Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Mr. Stuart E. Price
(Adelia Baldwin) Clubs, Mr. 10-14-42—Mrs. 10-20-32
1402 Fair avenue Price, Mrs. William T. (Swanson)
Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. 82 Wr. Third avenue
(Thomson) Clubs, Mrs. 58
518 E. Broad street Prior, Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Miss Cornelia Powell, 3-20 (Edna Cones)
Mr. Edward T. Powell, 13-20-65 405 Wilson avenue
Mr. Warren T. Powell
Mr. Harold T. Powell Probst, Dr. and Mrs. Charles O. (Knight)
Clubs, Mr. 3-13—Mrs. 6-20-25-63 1408 Oak street
Powell, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. (Lakin) Mr. Karl K. Probst, 43
137 King avenue Clubs, Mr. 13-16-25-54—Mrs. 16
Clubs, Mr. 42 Prosser, Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. (Wilson)
Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark 114 W. Tenth avenue
(Ada Patterson) Clubs, Mr. 69—Mrs. 60
273 E. Gay street Prugh, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B.
Miss Blanche Powell (Nettie L. Elliott)
Miss Eva Powell 160 S. Monroe avenue
Mr. Marshall Powell Pruitt, Mr. Edwin E.
Prall, Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. (Harty) Hotel Vendome
1689 Summit street Clubs, Mr. 24
Pratt, Mrs. Amasa (Bowen) Pryor, Mr. Charles F.
1010 Oak street 362 Linwood avenue
Miss Edna Pratt Miss Eva Pryor
Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. (Lilley) Miss Lela Pryor
14 87 Madison avenue Clubs, Mr. 42
Clubs, Mr. 14 Pugh, Mr. Andrew G.
Pray, Mr. and Mrs. Alvah J. 875 Franklin avenue
( Trowbridge) Miss Grayce Pugh
319 W. Ninth avenue Miss Ednah Pugh, 15
Mr. Honore R. Pray Clubs, Mr. 42
Clubs, Mr. 7-14-42—Mrs. 62 Pugh, Mr. and Mrs. David P. (Swan)
Prendergast, Mr. Frank A. 1315 Neil avenue
1164 Madison avenue Miss Belle Pugh
Miss Ruth Prendergast Pugh, Mr. John J.
Clubs, Mr. 13 208 N. Washington avenue
Prentiss, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Miss Elizabeth Pugh
(Belle Irving Hayden) Miss Katherine Pugh
706 E. Broad street Miss M. Helen Pugh, 16
Sum. Res. : "Hayden Island," Clubs, Mr. 42-65
Thousand Islands Pugh, Mrs. John M. (Bradley)
Alexandria Bay, New York 30 N. 22d street
Clubs. Mr. 3-13-14-20-64—Mrs. 15- Miss Helen C. Pugh
34 Clubs, Mrs. 16
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Pugh, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L.
(May Mason) (Rathmell)
1287 E. Main street 1535 Neil avenue
Clubs, Mr. 65—Mrs. 4 6 Mr. Allen R. Rankin
Pulling, Mr. and Mrs. James G. Clubs, Airs. 6-11
(Meek) Rankin, Dr. and Mrs. Theo. W. (Black)
55 S. Ohio avenue 451 E. Town street
Mr. Robin Pulling Miss Doris Rankin
Miss Margaret G. Pullint 30 Clubs, Dr. 13
Clubs, Mrs. 20-29-57 Ranney, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester E.
Pumphrey, Mr. and Airs. Clarence H. (Moore)
(Bradford) .566 Franklin avenue
1210 Aladison avenue Clubs. Mr. 42—Mrs. 62
Puntenney, Mr. and Airs. Jas. H. (Love) Ransom, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic W.
1163 Neil avenue (Alinnie Potter)
Miss Martha M. Puntenney 1191 Oak street
Mr. Jas. H. Puntenney. Jr. Miss Katharine Ransom
Putnam, Mr. and Mis. Charles H. Clubs, Mrs. 1-2-20-30
(Lucy Stoneberner) Rarey, Dr. and Mrs. Frank S. (Scofield)
775 Oak street 59 N Ohio avenue
Miss Marie Mueller Mr. Donald Rarey
Clubs, Mrs. 2. Clubs, Dr. 13—Mrs. 1
Putnam, Mr. David E. Rarey, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Forrest
61 S. Sixth street (Emily Daugherty)
Miss Lydia H. Putnam 35 Franklin Park, W.
Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore D. Clubs, Air. 3—Airs. 63
(Alma D. Bierman) Rasor, Prof, and Mrs. Samuel E. ,
840 Dennison avenue (Grace Adams)
Putnam, Mr. and Airs. Harry W. 1594 Neil avenue
(Blanche Thompson) Rathmell, Judge and Mrs. Frank, ,
1747 Bryden road (Felch)
Miss Corinne Putnam 333 W. Ninth avenue
Aliss Alarguerite Putnam Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 15-20
Clubs, Mr. 3-42—Mrs. 3 Raj-, Prof, and Mrs. Frank A.
Pyle, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. (Dewey) (Pauline Haulenbeck)
1018 Neil avenue Granville, Licking Co., O.
Clubs, Mrs. 20-62 Mrs. Helen Haulenbeck
Clubs, Prof. 13-42-74—Mrs. 29-34-43
Raymond, Mrs. Ida (Stockton)
UINN, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 61 W. Third avenue
<f 58 Lexington avenue
Quinn, Mr. and Airs. Joseph
Miss Mabel Raymond
Mr. Stockton Raymond
Raymund, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.
(Alice Knight) (O'Kane)
44 N. 22d street 215 W. Tenth avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 51 Mr. Bernard Raymund
Clubs, Mrs. 43
Reamer, Mr. and Airs. Ralph (Restieaux)
RALSTON. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. 1751 S. Franklin park
jK (Marr) Miss Jeannette C. Reamer
•^* E. Broad street. Bullit park Clubs, Mrs. 4
Mr. Benjamin Ralston Rector, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C.
Miss Florence Ralston, 12-18 ((Tinsley)
Clubs, Mrs. 7-15-20-42—Mrs. 15-U 118 14th avenue
20 Receives Friday
Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Clubs, Mr. 13-14-20—Mrs. 20-55
(Anna Gammill) Rector, Dr. and Mrs. James M.
224 15th avenue (Florence Kenyon Hayden)
, Clubs, Mr. Elks Club 91 Linwood avenue
Ranchous, Dr. and Mrs. Walter E. Clubs, Dr. 5-13-14-20-23-24-59-63-67,
(Bertha Buehman ) also Pi Beta Phi Fraternity—Mrs.
38 W. 5th avenue 20
Clubs, Dr. 42 Reed, Mr. and Mrs. John Lowell
Randall, Mr. and Mrs. Bmilius O.
(Mary A. Coy) (Chenoweth)
257 Woodland avenue 33 N. Champion avenue
Miss Rita Randall Clubs, Mrs. 1
Mr. D. Austin Randall Reeder, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W.
Mr. Sherman B. Randall (Lydia Morrow)
Clubs, Mr. 44-54—Mrs. 29-60 2172 Indianola avenue
Clubs, Mr. 54—Mrs. 60-63
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Reeder, Mr. and Mrs. Ed^ed A. Rhoads, Air. and Mrs. Theodore (Kinsell)
(Mary E. Griffith) 1081 N. High street
22 Wilson avenue Clubs, Mr. 3-13—Mrs. 15-20-33
Reeder, Mrs. Emma C. (Wells) Rible. Mr. and Airs. W. H.
183 W. 9th avenue (Hallie Stevenson)
Mr. Harold Reeder 12 5 o Mooberry street
Clubs, Airs. 63 Mrs. Mary Rible (Axline)
Reedy, Dr. and Mrs. Clifton (Markel) Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. (Smith)
69 Auburn avenue
164 Wilson avenue Clubs, Air. 42-65
Sum. Res. : 757 Lilley avenue Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E.
Clubs, Mrs. 1 (Carrie Uumphrys)
Reel, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. C. (Gisin) N. Parkview avenue, "Bexley,"
1279 E. Long Bullitt Park
Mr. C. Earl Richards, Jr.
Reel, Mr. and Mrs. William (Fassig) Clubs, Mr. 13-14-16-24-44—Airs. 16
999 S. High street Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Gomer E.
Mr. Walter C. Reel (Sarah Jones)
Miss Stella M. Reel 100 N. Ohio avenue
Mr. Herbert W. Reel Clubs, Mrs. 51
Reese, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J.
(Minnie L. Rees) Richter, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C.
75 Wilson avenue (Bierley)
Reese, Mr. and Mrs. Ned L. 380 E. Town street
(Alarion Parker) Clubs, Mr. 42
911 E. Broad street Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. George S. (Jackson)
Clubs, Mr. 3-7-14—Mrs. 34-63 333 TV. Tenth avenue
Reese, Rev. and Mrs. Theodore Irving Mr. Everett B. Rickard
(Comins) Miss Alexandria Rickard
85 Jefferson avenue Aliss Hortense Rickard
Sum. Res.: Cotuit. Mass. Ricketts, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H.
Clubs, Rev. 3-10-13-25-74, also St. (Anna M. Robinson)
Anthony's Club of N. Y., Mrs. 715 Brvden road
10-18-49 Clubs, Mr. 54—Mrs. 32
Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R.
(Ella Burdell) Rickly, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R.
Columbia avenue, nr. Broad street .'•4 7 F Broad street
Mr. Walter B. Reeves Miss Anna M. Harrison
Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. (Roberts) Ridenour, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank
1209 Livingston avenue (Alexander)
Miss Grace M. Reeves 1708 Bryden road
Mr. Fred O. Reeves Miss Alice Lorise Ridenour
Mr. William K. Reeves Clubs, Mrs. 2-63
Rehl, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Riebel, Dr. and Airs. John A.
(Arabella Marks) (Mabel Riner)
632 Oak street 164 Buttles avenue
Reinmund, Mr. and Mrs. Bowman F. Clubs, Mr. 24—Mrs. 61
(Ida B. Jackson) Rieger, Col. Jos. M.
43 Lexington avenue 150 E. Broad street
Mr. Bowman F. Reinmund, Jr., 42 Clubs, Col. 42
Clubs. Mr. 16-42-59-65-63—Mrs. 16-
59-63 Rightmire, Prof, and Mrs. George W.
Restieaux. Mrs. William E. (Freeman) (Edna Garner)
208 E. State street 262 19th avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 10-20 Clubs, Prof. 42—Mrs. 55
Rexford, Rev. and Mrs. Everett L. (Lunn) Riley, Mr. and Mrs. John Maloy (Jones)
94 N. Ohio avenue
69 N. 21st street Mr. Stewart Riley
Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Clubs, Mr. 3-7—Airs. 20
(Florence Jones) Rippev, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G.
851 Bryden road (Lulu H. Heffner)
Mr. John Neil Reynolds, 23 1099 E. Broad street
Mr. Elliott Reynolds, 42
Mr. H. Lee Reynolds Risley, Air. and Mrs. Chauncey (Russell)
Clubs, Mrs. 20 Somerset, Ohio
Rhoades, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. (Bolenbaugh) Risley, Mr. and Mrs. George L. (Allen)
58 W. Oakland avenue 199 W .Tenth avenue
Rhoads, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stanley (Moon) Mr. Clifford A. Risley
51 Starr avenue Mr. George Risley
Sum. Res. : Ludington, Mich. Miss Imogen Lynette Risley
Clubs, Air. 3-14-42 Mr. Fremont Orville Risley
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Ritter, Mr. and Airs. William M. Rogers, Dr. and Airs. Wrilliam King
(Gertrude Devine) (Theodora 1. Wrormley)
1453 E. Broad street 578 E. Town street
Clubs, Air. 3-13-14-16-20-23-25—Airs. Airs. Theodore G. Wormley, 1718
6-10-16-20-25-30-59 Pine street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Clubs. Dr. 3-7-13-14-16-21-35-73-74-
Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. George 76—Mrs. 16-20-35-63-73, also Colo-
(Millie Archer) nial Dames
Wvandotte avenue, Grandview
Clubs, Mr. 42 Romaine. Airs. Hattie L. (Smith)
116 12th avenue
Roberts, Mr. Edward G. Mr. Henry F. Romaine, 54
415 E. Broad street Mr. Earl D. Romaine
Clubs, Mr. 13 Aliss Ruth Romaine
Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Kline L. Miss Jean Romaine
(Julia E. Ryan) Clubs, Mrs. 44-55
1029 Franklin avenue Romer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E.
(Louise Carey)
Robins, Mr. and Mrs. James N. 802 Neil avenue
(Gertrude M. Carnahan) Clubs, Mr. 42
911 Franklin avenue
Mr. Ralph N. Robins Roof, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. (Drake)
164 N. 18th street
Robinson, Dr. and Mrs. Jas. E. (Ziegler) Clubs, Mrs. 43
1735 Franklin avenue
Root, Mr. and Mrs. Willis J. (Powell)
Robinson. Prof, and Mrs. Stillman W. 1599 S. High street
(Bushnell) ' Clubs, Mr. 13—Mrs. 58
355 W. 9th avenue
Mr. Erdis G. Robinson Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nelson
(Grace B. Chapman)
Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. (Sands) 1117 E. Broad street
The Normandie Clubs. Mr. 13-16-35—Mrs. 15-16-20-
Clubs, Mrs. 8 30-34-35-49
Rodebaugh, Mrs. Henry A. Rosenthal, Mr. Samuel
37 E. Oakland avenue 1191 Bryden road
Miss Josephine A. Rodebaugh Mr. Eugene Rosenthal
Miss Mabel C. Rodebaugh Mr. Monroe Rosenthal
Rodgers, Mr. and Airs. Andrew D. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Albert
(Eliza G. Sullivant) (Laura C. Buchanan)
632 E Broad street 2173 N. Fourth street
Clubs, Mr. 13—Mrs. 5-20 Clubs, Mr. Rotary Club—Mrs. 37-62
Rodgers, Air. and Mrs. Andrew D., Jr Ross, Air. and Mrs. Charles E. (Wrest)
(Matie Price) 196 S. Washington street
54 6 E. Rich street Ross, Mrs. Charles W. (Huff)
Rodgers, Mr. and Airs. Wm. S. S. 99 Hoffman avenue
(Florence Eberly) Ross, Dr. and Mrs. Clarence C. (Selbert)
Care of 632 E. Broad street 1083 Oak street
Rogers, Dr. Andrews Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B.
151 E. Broad street (Lucy M. Smythe)
Clubs, Dr. 30-35 288 Tappan street
Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. (Blankner) Mr. Henry D. Ross
67 Jefferson avenue Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. (Becthel)
Care of 27 Franklin Park, W.
Rogers, Mr. Frank C. Clubs, Mr. 23
The Oakland, 206 Oak street Ross, Mr. James
Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. (Harvey) Great Southern Hotel
250 19th avenue Clubs, Mr. 14
Clubs, Mrs. 43
Ross, Mr. and Airs. Ward A. (Try)
Rogers, Mrs. Henry Brown (Clara Tudor) 431 E. Town street
594 E. Town street
After 1st November, Preston road, Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W.
Marion Heights (Ada Anderson)
Miss Caroline E. Rogers, 6-48 70 N Ohio avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 6-48 Mr. J. B. Ross
Clubs, Mr. 13-42
Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. (Drayer)
791 Bryden road Rowland. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. (Inman)
79 N. Ohio avenue
Rogers, Mrs. Mary Mr. Warwick Rowland
The Lincoln, 631 E. Broad street Clubs. Mrs. 11-17-19-63
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Roys, Mr. and Mrs. John H. (Rodgers) Sanborn, Prof, and Mrs. Frank E.
"Westwood," Camp Chase P. O. (Hunneman)
Mr. David Greene (Hill School, 90 E. 14th avenue
Pottstown, Pa.) Clubs, Airs. 2 0-29-60
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-16-35—Mrs. 5-16- Sanor, Dr. and Mrs. Daniel G. (McGaffic)
20-35-38 High street and Overbrook Diive,
Rubrecht, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Indian Springs
(Blanche Newell) Clubs, Dr. 54
94 Hoffman avenue Sargent, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S.
Sum. Res.: Alacatawa Park, Mich. (Gertrude Plimmer)
Miss Alercedes E. Rubrecht 73 Linwood avenue
Clubs, Mr. Aufaite Club—Mrs. Pres. Clubs, Mrs. 43
36-67 Sarver, Mr. and Mrs. P. Marvin (Carr)
Ruetty, Mr. and Mrs. Louis (Ruhl) 100 Hoffman avenue
Parkview avenue, Bullitt Park Clubs, Pres., Motor Cycle Club
Receives Tuesdav Sater, Hon. and Mrs. John E. (Lyon)
Miss Luella C. Ruetty (Mary Lyon)
Mr. Joseph A. Ruetty 114 Buttles avenue
Mr. Louis A. Ruetty Sum. Res. : Middle Bass, Ohio
Ruggles, Mr. and Mrs. George L. (Piatt) Clubs, Hon. 5-13-16-65, also Queen
632 Linwood avenue Citv Clubs of Cincinnati—Mrs. 4-
Clubs, Mr. 44—Mrs. 55 5-6-12-16-30
Ruggles. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson John Sater, Mr. and Airs. Lowry F.
(Ruth Miles) (Katharine Morehart)
E. Broad street, cor. Wilson ave- 168 Buttles avenue
nue Clubs, Mr. 16-42-76—Mrs. 43
Clubs, Mr. 7—Airs. 5-10-29-63 Savage, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gibson
Ruine, Miss Gertrude (Walcott)
1056 Franklin avenue E. Spring street, nr. Washington
Clubs, Miss 41 avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 20-29
Rumer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles V.
(Rose Eichman) Saviers, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. (Benner)
65 Wilson avenue 1039 E. Main street
Clubs, Mrs. 11 Clubs, Mr. 7
Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Sawyier, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt C. (Kerns)
(Grace Maholm) Big Walnut Station
1337 Bryden road Mr. Robert L. Sawyier
Mrs. F. A. Maholm Sawvier, Air. and Mrs. Thomas C.
Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. (Ruhl) (Crockett)
Parkview and Maryland avenues, Big Walnut Station
Bexley Scarlett, Mr. Tand Airs. Henry L. (Davis)
Mrs. Dorotlry Rutherford 120 W ilson avenue
Aliss Roselle Rutherford Clubs, Mr. 42
Clubs, Air. 14-42
Scarlett, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. (Myra B. Siebert)
(Myra Kerr) 971 Bryden road
297 Woodland avenue Mr. Edwin J. Scarlett
Miss Elinor C. Rvan Miss Alary Scarlett
Clubs, Mr. 42 Clubs, Mr. 14—Mrs. 20
Ryder, Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. (Wilson) Scatterday, Mrs. Evelyn R. (Riddile)
1041 Franklin avenue 192 7 Waldeck avenue
Ryland, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel (Dillon) Mr. John R. Scatterday
139 8 E. Long street Schaeffer, Dr. and Mrs. George C.
(Laura M. Moore)
55 Lexington avenue
n ^ T . JOHN, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Clubs, Dr. 54, also Academy of Medi-
SgJ (Ettie Crampton) cine—Mrs. 20, French Club, also
657 Neil avenue secretary Kindergarten Association
Clubs, Mr. 23 Schille, Mrs. Sophia (Green)
Sackett, Mr. William S. 1166 Bryden road
Miss Alice Schille, 5-20-59
1835 Indianola avenue Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Walling (Clara
Saffin, Judge Chas. G. M. Schille)
170 N. 20th street Clubs, Mrs. 5-15-20
Mr. Charles G. Saffin, Jr. Schille, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H.
Clubs, Judge 64 (Annabelle Hagner)
Samuel, Miss Elizabeth N. 320 Kendall place
The Normandie Clubs, Mr. 42
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


Schlee, Mr. Nicholas Schroth, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.

543 S. Front street (Noltemeyer)
Miss Barbara Schlegel 95 Deshler avenue
Mr. Charles Schlegel Schroth, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. J.
Schlotman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. (Harrold)
(Behmer) 1521 Menlo place
90 Latta avenue Schueller, Dr. and Airs. Erwin W. (Bohl)
Mrs. Elizabeth Schlotman 904 E. Broad street
Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand C. Clubs, Dr. 13-14-16-42—Mrs. 16-30
1258 Bryden road Schueller, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. (Siebert)
Clubs, Mr, 7 814 Bryden road
Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Clubs, Mrs. 10
(Lucy Roths) Schuette, Rev. (D.D.) and Mrs. C. H.
1169 E. Livingston avenue Lewis (Wirth)
Clubs, Mr. 42 62 Wilson avenue
Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Sum. Res. : Rye Beach, Eric Co.,
(Roshon) Ohio
633 Linwood avenue Miss Gertrude Schuette
Mr. Russell O. Schneider Miss Dorothy Schuette
Mr. Roland G. Schneider Schumacher, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W.
Schneider, Mr. and Airs. John S. (Yhele) (Maribel Hartman)
1169 Bryden road* 750 E. Broad street
Miss Marie Schneider Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-14-16-23-35-42—
Miss Alice M. Schneider Mrs. 10-16-19-20-30-35
Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Schuman, Airs. John B.
(Lillian Witter) (Gockenbach)
806 Bryden road 1455 Bryden road
Clubs, Mr. 13-16-23-42—Airs. 16 Mr. Walter E. Schuman
Schoch, Miss Emma Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M.
1707 Franklin Park, S. 1031 Dennison avenue
Miss Sarah Schoch, 51 Clubs, Mr. 42
Clubs, Miss 51 Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J.
Schoedinger, Mrs. Caroline (Heverlev) 63 E Second avenue
623 E. Rich street Mr. Edward H. Schwartz
Mr. Harry Schwartz
Schoedinger, Air. and Mrs. Ferdinand P. Miss Grace Schwartz, 52
(Florence Peters) Clubs, Mrs. 52-62-45
Care of 3 64 Linwood avenue Scofleld, Mr. and Mrs. Lovet T. (Hoffman)
Schoedinger, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin O. 1031 E. Broad street
(Alice G. Siebert) Clubs, Mr. 13-14-42—Mrs. 32
117 Franklin Park, W. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Gerard C.
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-16-25-42-65—Mrs. (Mary Wulchet)
10-16-30 1597 E Long street
Schoedinger, Mr. and Airs. George J. Mr. Harlan W. Scott
(Guthke) Miss Louise W. Scott
347 Kendal place Clubs, Mrs. 4
Aliss Helen M. Schoedinger Scott, Rev. and Mrs. Herbert
Miss Emma L. Schoedinger (Clara Luse)
Mr. Ferdinand P. Schoedinger 791 Oak street
Schoedinger, Air. and Airs. George R. Clubs, Mrs. 5
( Sherman ) Scott, Dr. and Mrs. John Herbert Bryce
1160 Oak street (McLeod)
Schoedinger. Mr. and Airs. J. Albert 1126 Bryden road
(Wood) Sum. Res. : St, John's, New Bruns-
731 Bryden road wick, Canada
Clubs, Mr. 65—Mrs. 16-30-60 Scott, the Misses
Schoenborn, Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. 1274 Summit street
(Emma Wolfram ) Aliss Anna Neill Scott. 43
1083 Aladison avenue Miss Daisy M. Scott, 43
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-17 Miss Mae Mermod Scott, 43-44
Miss Jenny E. Scott
Schonthal, Mr. Joseph Scott, Air. and Mrs. Winfield (Whipple)
242 W. Eighth avenue North Broadway
Miss Marguerite Schonthal Miss Grace G. Scott
Clubs, Mr. 16-42 Miss Florence May Scott
Schooler, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. (Innis) Mr. Paul R. Scott
55 W. Paterson avenue Sears, Mr. R. H.
Clubs, Mrs. 51 1406 Eastwood avenue
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Seipel, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Shannon, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E.
(Effle Holmes) (Clara A. Lawler)
1367 Neil avenue 1575 Franklin Park, S.
Mrs. W. S. Hallev, 45 Clubs, 7-42
Clubs, Mrs. 37 Shannon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Selbach, Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry (Steinlein) (Ella J. Stewart)
224 E. Fulton street 1688 E. Broad street
Miss Bertha Selbach Receives Tuesday
Aliss Lillian Selbach Mrs. Earl S. McAllister
Miss Adala Viola Selbach 196 Miller avenue
Mr. Harry J. Selbach (nee Anna Al. Shannon)
Sellars, Mr. and Mrs. George W., Jr. Miss Alary Shannon
9Q1 Franklin avenue Miss Margaret Shannon
Mr. Dudley Sellars Mr. Albert F. Shannon, 7-42
Clubs, Airs. 59 Mr. Francis W. J. Shannon, 7-14-42
Sellers, Mr. and Mrs. Truitt B. Clubs, Mr. 7-42
(Daisy Finnell) Sharer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred (Ledman)
157 S Monroe avenue 1425 Fair avenue
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-21-25-65—Mrs. 10-20 Clubs, Mrs. 51
Sells, Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Sharp, Mr. and Airs. Amor W.
(Minnie Bargar) (Lillian Bailey Windle)
545 E. Town street 1262 E. Main street
Sum. Res. : Columbus Beach, In- Mr. Amor Windle Sharp
dian River, Mich. Miss Mary Tuther
Miss Marguerite B. Sells, 16-30 Clubs, Mr. 14-21-42-43—Mrs. 29-63
Clubs, Mr. 16-14-54—Mrs. 16-20-29 Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R.
Sells, Mr. and Mrs. James H. (Flora Field)
(Cora Needels) 529 E. Town street
91 Winner avenue Mr. Edwin R. Sharp, Jr., 3-13-35
Mr. Stanley N. Sells, 54 Clubs. Mr. 3-5-7-13-14-16-20-42—Mrs.
Clubs, Mr.'14-51—Mrs. 16-63 5-16-20
Sells, Mrs. Louise M. (Hoelcher) Sharp, Mr. Elmer D.
448 S. 3rd street 935 E. Broad street
Clubs, Mrs. 10 Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. John
Sells, Mrs. Rhoda J. (Rhoda Cross) (Martha M. Ingram)
1223 Neil avenue 147 7 Pennsylvania avenue
Miss Marv Keifer Sells Mr. David B. Sharp
Miss Myda L. Cross Mr. George I. Sharp
Sells, Mr. and Mrs. Willis (Thomas) Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H.
338 King avenue (Almeda Riddile)
Miss Laura Sells 82 16th avenue
Miss Helen Sells Clubs, Air. 14-42—Mrs. 9-55
Semans, Dr. and Mrs. Harry M. (Merrick) Shauck, Judge and Mrs. John A.
Glenwood avenue, cor. Ashland (Ada May Phillips)
Mrs. Frank Merrick 95 Winner avenue
Clubs, Dr. 54-44 Mrs. Eliza D. Phillips
Senter, Mr. and Mrs. Fernando M. Miss Helen Shauck, 10-12-20
(Campbell) Clubs. Judge 13-16, also Republican
456 E. Rich street Glee Club—Mrs. 16
Miss Bessie Senter Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. G. Randolph (Elliott)
Senter, Mr. and Mrs. Orestes 9. B. 902 Franklin avenue
(Mary Townsend) Clubs, Mr. 42
69 W. Franklin Park Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Grant (Hazel)
Mr. Herbert P. Senter The Normandie
Miss Mary Senter, 5 Clubs, Mr. 42
Clubs, Mr. 10—Mrs. 5-10-20 Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. (Hall)
Seymour, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus T. 666 N. High street
(Evelyn Owens)
141 Parkwood avenue Shawan, Mr. and Airs. Jacob A. (Koch)
Clubs, Mr. 13-14—Mrs. 10 1122 Bryden road
Mr. Jacob A. STiawan, Jr.
Seymour, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Dr. Harold K. Shawan
(Logan) Clubs, Mr. 20-25, also Central Ohio
1130 Neil avenue School Master's Club—Mrs. 20-63
Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 34 Shawran, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.
Seymour, Prof, and Mrs. Raymond J. (Flora Howald)
(Zula Merriman) 1122 Bryden road
262 Fourteenth avenue Shedd, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos B. (Krauss)
Mrs. Ella Seymour, 55 111 Hamilton avenue
Prof. 20—Mrs. 20 Clubs, Mrs. 20-63
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Shedd, Mr. Edmund E. S'heppard, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T.

(Jane B. Benbow)
347 E. Town street 14 81 Madison avenue
Shedd, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund E., Jr. Sherman, Dr. and Mrs. Edwrard C. (Hance)
(Ella Lansing) 47 N. 20th street
32 Lexington avenue Clubs, Dr. 65
Miss Mildred Shedd
Shedd, Mr. and Airs. Frederick Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. George F.
(Agnes Jeffrey) (Bola I. Widdicomb)
1440 E. Broad street Boston avenue, Bexley, Bullitt
Clubs, Mr. 14-42-54-74—Mrs. 6-12-29- Park
59 Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Shedd, Miss Alarie Edna (Martha Green)
1567 E. Long street 213 15th avenue
Miss Lilian Dorothy Shedd
Mr. E. Frisbie Shedd Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. Alilton TV.
Mr. Howard Allen Shedd (Sadie D. Tackaberrv)
Shedd, Mr. Solon M. Clubs, Mrs. 55
Mound street, nr. Oakwood avenue Shields. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
Sheets. Judge and Mrs. John M. (Mary Wnng)
(Mary E. Scott) Station B. N. High street
298 Woodland avenue Mr. Mayhew W. Shields
Mr. James E. Scott Aliss Mary M. Shields
Miss Beatrice Sheets Miss Helen J. Shields
Miss Olive Sheets Mrs. Lucius B. Wing
Miss Grace Sheets Clubs, Mr. 15-29-42—Mrs. 5-10-18-20-
Miss Marjorie Sheets 29-60
Clubs, Judge 42 Shinn, Mr. Frank R.
Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. Butler 90 Hamilton avenue
(Harriet J. Tilney) Clubs, Air. 3-13-64-74
Marble Cliff, O. Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin M.
Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-14-16-25-35-42-65- (Lana Adams)
71-76 1103 Dennison avenue
Mrs. 16-33-34-35 Clubs, Mrs. 2
Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Shoemaker. Mr. and Elias Hicks
(Harriet E. Thrall) 15 8 Buttles avenue
89 Lexington avenue Mr. Joseph P. Shoemaker
Miss Anne E. Sheldon Aliss Elizabeth Shoemaker
Miss Ruth B. Sheldon Miss Carrie O. Shoemaker
Miss Harriet S. Sheldon, 35 Shook, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton B.
Clubs, Mrs. 20-29 (Harriet Woolever)
Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. 84 Fourteenth avenue
(Sarah J. Field)
683 E. Broad street Miss Hazel Shook
Miss Harriet Sheldon Clubs, Mrs. 55
Mr. Robert Gilmore Hanford, 3-13 Shrum, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Russell
Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-65—Airs. 5-10-20- (Bimple)
63 88 W Third avenue
Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.. Jr. Shuck, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. F. (Hart)
(Ruth Church) 1326 Franklin avenue
Arlington Heights, Marble Cliff, Clubs, Airs. 51
Ohio Siebert, Mr. and Mrs. Albert H.
Clubs, Mr. 3-5-13-65—Mrs. 5-16-20 (Cora Malone)
Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Henry' 206 W. Tenth avenue
(Urania Mayers)
381 East Town street Siebert, Mr. Chas. M.
Clubs, Mr. 3-35—Mrs. 35 3 71 Lexington avene
Mr. Chas. M. Siebert, Jr.. 7-42
Shepard, Dr. and Mrs. Cassius M. Siebert, Mrs. Christian (Brown)
(Grosvenor) 747 S. High street
Dresden road, Marion Heights Miss Mary C. Siebert
Clubs, Dr. 14 Siebert, Mr. Henry L.
Shepard, Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. 2 83 S. Champion avenue
(Mabel Holbrook) Siebert, Mr. and Mrs. John (Gemuender)
1585 Richmond avenue 813 Bryden road
Clubs, Dr. 42 Sum. Res. : Gratiot Beach, Port
Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Chester C. Huron. Mich.
(Frances H. Pifer) Miss Anne M. Siebert, 6-10
965 Bryden road Aliss May M. Siebert
Mr. Lester Shepherd Miss Susan C. Siebert
Miss Louise Shepherd, 20-43 Clubs, Air. 10-14-20—Mrs. 10
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


Siebert, Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Slyh, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H.
(Alberta Dempsey) (Lakin)
627 Wilson avenue 2541 N High street
Mr. Donald Slyh
Siebert, Mr. and Mrs. Myron S. (Amen) Clubs, Airs. 51
1640 Mt. Vernon avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 55 Smalley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A.
Siebert, Prof, and Mrs. Wilbur H. (Hannah Larcomb)
(Sabine) 13 68 Oak street
182 WT Tenth avenue Smith, Mrs. Abbie Thrall
Sum. Res. : 40 Shepard street, 1073 E Broad street
street, Cambridge, Mass. Clubs, Mrs. 29-44, also Order of
Clubs, Prof. 5-2 0-42, also College Eastern Star, Mizpah Chapter 38
Equal Suffrage and First Social Smith, Miss Anna E.
Settlement Society, also Godman
Guild—Mrs. 5-48-60, also College 107 N Monroe avenue
Equal Suffrage Club. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. (Gilbert) 152 Fourteenth avenue
15o Fourteenth avenue Miss Catherine Smith
Mr. Louis C. Simon, Jr. Clubs, Mr. 16—Mrs. 4-16-20-34
Simons, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. (Smith)
(Post) 7 81 Franklin avenue
"Brandon Farm," N High street Mrs. S. W. Smith (LaMont)
Mr. Horace J. Simons Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Clare
Aliss Elizabeth Simons (Turner)
Clubs, Mrs. 2 86 Wilson avenue
Sims, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson A. Mrs. Sarah Turner
(Issaqueen Halm) Clubs, Dr. 42
743 Bryden road Smith, Air. and Mrs. Dan Laws
Sum. Res.: Indian River, Colum- (Ella May Dunning)
bus Beach 60 Jefferson avenue
Mr. Howard M. Sims Sum. Res. : Mayden Fruit Farm,
Clubs, Mr. 14—Mrs. 5-14-20 Pike County, Ohio
Sims, Mr. and Mrs. S. Walter Miss Helen Bertram Smith, 12-29-
(Mary Croswell)
243 E Rich street Clubs, Mrs. 3-16-20-22-29-44-55-63
Mr. Rav Sims Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Emery J.
Clubs, Mr. 65 (Hanna Jane Hardy)
Sinks, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N. 755 Dennison avenue
(Katharine Thurman) Miss Elvira T. Smith
Sunbury road, Mifflin Township Miss Jov H. Smith
Mr. George Sinks Mr. W^ayland M. Smith
Clubs, Mr. 7-13-74—Mrs. 5-20-38 Mr. Niles Emerv Smith
Sinks, Mr. George W. Clubs, Mr. 10-14-20-42-44-54-69—
131 Fraklin Park, W —Mrs. 4-17-19-20-29-34-63-67
Clubs, Mr. 3-13 Smith, Air. and Mrs. Ernest A. (Coates)
The Lincoln, 631 E Broad street
Sisson, Mrs. Sarah G. (Grant) Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 2 0
175 7 Franklin avenue Smith, Mr. Florizel
Sisson, Prof, and Airs. Septimus 970 Bryden road
(Oldham) Miss Roswitha Smith, Berlin, Ger-
318 TV Ninth avenue many
Clubs, Prof. 13-42-63—Mrs. 60-63 Aliss Yeteve Smith, Berlin, Germany
Skinner, Air. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ira D.
(Emeline Benewith) (Alice G. O'Donnell )
861 Neil avenue 1164 Franklin avenue
Aliss Eleanor Skinner
Miss Annie Skinner Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Slaughter, Mrs. Laura C. (Howard)
(Laura C. Smith) 1095 N High street
13 80 Forsythe aveneu Clubs, Mr. 7-14-42
Miss Minnie Slaughter Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Levi R.
Air. Richard L. Slaughter (Emma S. Gaston)
Slemmons, Mr. and Mrs. J. Whittier 1544 Hawthorne street
(Delap) Clubs, Mr. 7—Mrs. 20
1567 Richmond avenue Smith, Mrs. Margaret A. (Durbin)
Clubs, Mrs. 62 1409 E Main street
Sloane, Mrs. Ulric (Duffy) Mr. Frank C. Smith
1263 Bryden road Miss Elinor A. Smith
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Smith. Air. a n d Airs. M a r s h a l l A. Sohl, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin (Cora D. Kirk)
( C o r a M. S m i t h ) 141 15th avenue
114 T h i r t e e n t h a v e n u e Sum. Res. : " T h e Beeches." Dub-
Sum. R e s . : Westerville, Ohio lin road
Mr. H a r o l d A l b e r t S m i t h Mr. Curtis Sohl. 3-7
Miss H u r t h a M. S m i t h Mrs. R. A. Kirk (Whitaker)
Clubs, Mr. 54-65, also Royal A r c h Miss Helen Sohl, 20
Mason Clubs. Mr. 42—Mrs. 20-62
Smith, Mr. a n d Airs. M y r o n A. Sohl, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson (Kirk)
(Agnes DeWeese) 51 Clark place
1183 E L o n g s t r e e t Mrs. C a t h a r i n e Sohl (Brossman)
Clubs, Air. 42 Mr. Osmond Kirk Sohl
Clubs, M r s . 20-45-67
Smith, Mr. R a l p h O. Southard, Mr. and Mrs. T h o m a s C.
75 S Champion a v e n u e (Mary T. Hollister)
Clubs, Mr. 10-13-20 75 Fifteenth avenue
Smith, Mr. R o b e r t S. Miss A n n a E. Southard
515 E B r o a d s t r e e t Clubs, Mr. 42
Sum. R e s . : " K e n r i d g e C o t t a g e , " Southward, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M.
K e n n e b u n k p o r t , Me. (Startsman)
Clubs, Mr. 13-34 Worthington, O.
Miss Ruth Southward
Smith, Mr. a n d M r s . T h o m a s F . Miss E s t h e r Southward
(Fribley) Sowers, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W.
62 Hoffman a v e n u e (Mcllhaney)
Clubs. M r . - 7-14-32-65—Mrs. 15-20- 1516 Bryden road
Clubs, Mrs. 51
Smith, Mr. a n d Mrs. W a l t e r ( P a r k i n s o n ) Sowers, Mr. a n d Mrs. Daniel H.
Camp Chase (Elizabeth Deshler)
Air. L a m a r S m i t h 1134 E Broad street
Smith, Mr. a n d Mrs. W i l l i a m A b b o t t Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-65-74—Mrs. 16-25
(Meltha Pinney) Sowers, Mr. and Mrs. J o h n K. (Hance)
1073 E B r o a d s t r e e t 33 S Ohio avenue
Clubs, Air. 14-42-54—Mrs. 20-29 Clubs, Mr. 7-3-13-16-35-42—Mrs. 1(
Smith, Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m T. 20-30-35
(Gill) Spahr, Air. a n d Mrs. George T.
74 S Third s t r e e t ( H a r r i e t C. Marple)
Clubs, Mrs. 20 514 E Town street
Miss Marie Doering Spahr, 16-63
S m y t h e , Mr. a n d Mrs. A r t h u r H. Miss Eleanor Spahr, 16-63
(Charlotte Parmele) Clubs, Mr. 5-13-14-16-22-25-44-66-67-
242 E G a y s t r e e t Mrs. 16-20-22-63
Miss E l i z a b e t h H. Smythe, 60 Spain, Air. and Mrs. Harlow H. (Yost)
Miss Alice R. S m y t h e
Miss G r a c e A. P . S m y t h e 174 Fourteenth avenue
Clubs, Mr. 44 Miss Josephine Spain
Snee, Mrs. J o h n C. (Miller) Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. William H.
176 L e x i n g t o n a v e n u e (Zollinger)
Clubs. Mrs. 20-25-29-57 919 Neil avenue
Clubs, Mr. 42
Snell, Miss Minine E. Speaks, Mr. Albert
6 82 E B r o a d s t r e e t 942 Franklin avenue
Snively, Dr. a n d Airs. H a r r y H. Mr. H a r r y E. Speaks
(Knowdton) Mr. Oley Speaks, 16-20
1368 N H i g h street Miss Alice A. Sneaks, 63
M r s . George W. K n o w l t o n Clubs, Mr. 63-65
Clubs, M r s . 61 Speaks, Gen. and Mrs. John C.
( E d n a Lawyer)
Snively, Mrs. M. C. (Beckley) 225 King avenue
"The Lenox" Mr. Charles O. Speaks
Snow. Mr. a n d Mrs. W i l l i a m A. Mr. Stanford S. Speaks
(Graham) Mr. J o h n Speaks. Jr.
Lenox Hotel Clubs, Mrs. 40-58-63
Spear, Judge and Mrs. William T. (York)
Snyder, Dr. and Mrs. Darlington j . 82 Hoffman avenue
50 W F o u r t h avenue Mr. Louis H. Spear, 13
Clubs, Airs. 45 Dr. David A. Spear
Snvder. Mr. Ralph Clubs. Judge 13—Mrs. 62
137 E State stroet Speed. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. (Burns)
Clubs, Mr. 20-24-42 Care of 8 E Long street
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


Spees, Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. T. Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus B.
(Brockman) (Woods)
95 W Third avenue 731 Franklin avenue
Clubs, Mr. 16-42—Mrs. 16 Miss Alice C. Stevenson
Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Orville M. (Metters) Stevenson, Mr. and Airs. Justin J.
1186 Fair avenue (Ethel Bryce)
Mr. Edwin Spencer 868 Bryden road
Spencer, Mr. and Airs. Raymond M. (Bell) Clubs, Mr. 3-13-42
308 Deshler avenue Stevenson, Mr. Robert W.
Clubs, Mr. 47 59 Jefferson avenue
Soenny, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley T.
(Stevenson) (Robinson)
1018 Oak street Wurttenberg apartments, corner
Sum. Res. : Macatawa park, Mich. Parsons and Oak streets
Miss Helen Spenny Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Edward K.
Miss Nellie Spenny (Imogen Jones)
Spielman, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Sr. 840 E. Broad street
(Mary Otte) Sum. Res. : Gratiot Beach, Alich.
64 loth avenue Mr. Harford T. Stewart. 3-13-16-35
Miss Hortense E. Spielman Clubs, Air. 3-7-13-14—Mrs. 33
Mr. Howard Spielman Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Edward K., Jr.
Spier, Aliss Lucy H. (Barrea)
1200 Fair avenue 30 N. Monroe avenue
Spohr. Dr. and Mrs. Carl L. (Wirthwein) Clubs, Mr. 3-35—Mrs. 3-20-35
915 S. High street Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Frank T.
Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. (Perrine) (Mary Hatcher)
57 Jefferson avenue 849 E. Broad street
Clubs. Air. 14-2 3-42—Mrs. 34 Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14-44-54
Stage, Mr. Win. H. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holland
485 E. Broad street (Clara Ogden)
Stallman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. 916 Madison avenue
(Magnuson) Mr. Gilbert Holland Stewart, Jr., 3-
1666 E. Broad street 13-35
Sum. Res. : Conway, Mich. Clubs, Mr. 3-13
Miss Faith Stallman. 59 Stewart. M^ and Mrs. John
Clubs, Mr. 23-42—Mrs. 46 (Fannie D. Dale)
Stallman, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. 205 Wilson avenue
(Evelym "Williams) Sum. Res. : Asbury Park, N. J.
1689 E. Long street. Clubs, Mr. 42
Starr, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin R. (Nagle) Stewart, Miss Kate
1030 Madison avenue 364 Kendall place
Stearns, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Edgar Mr. R. C. Stewart
(Rose Kellstadt) Stewart, Miss Louise E.
433 E Town street
Clubs. Airs. 51 "The Lenox"
Steeb, Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. (Davy) Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Peter W.
1956 Iuka avenue (Vandervever)
Clubs, Mr. 42 1948 Iuka avenue
Steele, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (Whitcomb) Clubs, Mrs. 45
872 Wilson avenue Stiefel, Mrs. Clara K. (Rosenthal)
Clubs, Mrs. 58 1191 Brvden road
Stentz. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mr. Alilton K. Stiefel
Stiffey, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart S. (Kells)
1950 Iuka avenue 1470 Neil avenue
Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Luther P. Mr. Philip E. Stiffey
(Rowdands) Mr. Rov S. Stiffey
100 N. Champion avenue Miss Mabel Stiffey
Clubs, Mr. 42 Clubs, Mr. 7
Sterner, Mr. and Mrs. John Ix Stillman, Dr. Frank Louis
(Emma Kellar) 349 WT. Fifth avenue
762 Franklin avenue Sum. Res. : Buckeye Lake, O.
Mr. Avery L. Sterner Clubs, Dr. 7
Mr. John D. Sterner Stimmel, Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. (Blackwood)
Clubs, Mrs. 20 98 King avenue
Steube, Mr. and M^s. *Te^ry Clubs, Mrs. 11
(Anna M. Wiley) Stimmel, Mrs. John (Hendren)
170 Jefferson avenue
Mr. John W. StP'ibe 220 W. 10th avenue
Miss Marie Steube Miss Ella Louise Stimmel, 20-59
Miss Alargaret G. Steube, 4 Miss Sarah S. Stimmel
Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 2-4 Clubs, Mrs. 5
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Stimson, Mr. Charles Leslie Sullivan, Airs. Daniel E.

Monroe avenue and Oak street 1232 N. High street
Clubs, Air. 3-13 Mr. James A. Sullivan
Stimson, Air. William S. Mr. George TV. Sullivan, 42
247 S. 19th street Clubs, Mrs. 45
Clubs, Mr. 13-64 • Sullivan, Mr. and Airs. J. C.
Stites, Mr. Richard (Elizabeth Davidson)
48 Miami avenue Walhalla Park place
Clubs, Mr. 3 Miss Alice Marie Marzetti
Stockton, Dr. George Clubs, Mrs. 37
61 W. 3d avenue Sullivant, Miss Jane D.
Clubs, Dr. 25-23 24 Hoffman avenue
Stoddart, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Aliss Elizabeth Sullivant
(Minnie Cole)
1533 Franklin Park, S. Sullivant, Major L. Starling
Sum. Res. : Worthington, O., R. F. 380 E. Town street
D., 1 Mr. J. Arthur Sullivant
Mr. John Cole Stoddart. 3 Clubs, Major 42
Miss Mary M. Stoddart. 5-6 Summer, Mr. Samuel N.
Clubs, Mr. 14-42—Mrs. 5 1433 Neil avenue
Stone, Mr. John C. Clubs, Mr. 42
o33 Frankiln avenue Supplee, Mr. and Airs. TV. Rollin
Miss Lucy B. Stone (Edna L. Morgan)
Clubs, Air. 3, also Sun Fish Club 1109 Franklin avenue
Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Julius F. (Andress) Aliss Mayme Alorgan
Grandview Heights, Station A Clubs, Mr. 23
Clubs. Mr. 3-13-34-42 Sutherland, Miss Margaret TV.
Stoneman, Mr. and Mrs. William G. 222 Marshall avenue
1010 Bryden road Miss Mary B. Sutherland, 55
Clubs, Mr. 7-14-42 Mrs. Margaret Flymn (Sutherland)
Stoner, Mrs. Frances Mr. James Sutherland
(Frances Groff) Clubs, Miss 55
1990 Summit street Sutphen, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H.
Mr. Ernest J. Riggs 22 73 N. High street
Stophlett, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood W. (Hall) Mr. Harry Sutphen
121 14th avenue Miss Queen Sutphen
Clubs, Mrs. 51-62
Stouffer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles I.
(Marv E. Fuller) Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. George L. (Glick)
625 E. Rich street 539 E. Rich street
Clubs, Mr. 42 Mr. S. J. Sutton
Stout, Dr. and Mrs. Jacob A. (Bidleman) Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Louis K. (Schaefer)
326 E. Gay street 629 E. Rich street
Miss Grace Allvne Stout Miss Jessie Sutton
Clubs. Airs. 61 Miss May Belle Sutton
Mr. Raymond Sutton
Streeper, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob D.
(Clara Bissell) Suydam, Mr. George A.
44 TV. Ninth avenue 857 Neil avenue
Clubs, Mr. 54 and Ohio State U. Clubs, Mrs. 51
Assn.—Mrs. 40 Swartzel, Prof, and Mrs. Karl D. (Ebersole)
Stribling, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. 1952 Iuka avenue
(Martin) Clubs. Prof. 16-43-60—Mrs. 16-19-55-
844 Bryden road 60-63
Clubs, Mr. 24-33—Mrs. 30-33 Swerer, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore J.
Stuber, Mr. and Airs. Charles W. (Day) (Ora Zinn)
1351 Neil avenue 1525 Franklin Park, S.
Miss Ruth Stuber Clubs, Mr. 42
Mr. Daniel E. Stuber
Clubs, Mr. 42 Swickard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.
(Helena Cohen)
Sturgeon, Mrs. Martha 150 S. Monroe avenue
Grandview Heights, Station A Clubs, Mr. 2 0—Mrs. 20
Sturm, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. (O'Connor) Swift, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
1392 Brvden road (Margaret E. Carter)
Clubs, Mr. 42 750 Franklin avenue
Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dell (Murray) Miss Marie Swift
1906 N. High street Aliss Gertrude Swift
Clubs, Mr. 14-42 Aliss Rose Swift
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Swisher, Mr. and Mrs. Edward TV. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. J. TV. (Cottock)
(McKinley) 133 7 Neil avenue
281 E. Gay street Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. John Myers
Mr. David Swisher
Clubs, Air. 14-16—Mrs. 10 (Elizabeth Campbell)
Syfert, Mr. and Mrs. William H. 72 Hamilton avenue
(Katherine C. Taylor) Clubs, Mr. 3-13-16-64—Mrs. 10-16-20-
312 S. Washington avenue 38-53
Mrs. Margaret Taylor Taylor, Prof, and Mrs. Joseph Russell
155 13th avenue
f-TAFT. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Mr. Joseph Stafford
(IL (Martha Hill) Clubs, Prof. 20-42—Mrs. 20
^•^ 163 Woodland avenue Taylor, Miss Katharine
Mr. Lawrence R. Taft The Normandie
Clubs, Mr. 14-42—Airs. 16 Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Melville E. (Glidden)
Taft, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. loOl Neil avenue
(Lou Harrison)
648 E. Long street Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph B. (Pegg)
Mrs. Letitia M. Taft 1954 Indianola avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 62 Clubs, Mrs. 40-55
Taft, Mrs. Mary (Miner) Taylor, Air. and Mrs. Roy Ivan
65 Hamilton avenue (Catharine C. Lanman)
Tallmadge, Mr. and Mrs.' Darius 485 E. Town street
64 Hamilton avenue Clubs, Mr. 3-13—Mrs. 15-16-20
Miss Katherine E. Tallmadge Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. Sterling B.
Clubs, Mrs. 15 (Mayme Pickett)
Tallmadge, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 185 E. State street
(May Hedges) Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. Van der Veer
15 70 Hawrthorne Park (Helene G. Moorehead)
Clubs. Mr. 3-14-16-23-44-54—Mrs. 29- 88 Hoffman avenue
34 Clubs, Dr. 54-69—Mrs. 6-29-32-69
Tanian, Mrs. Joseph J. (Hogan) Taylor, Mr. and Airs. TV. O.
2 07 E. Broad street 1382 Neil avenue
Mr. E. Lester Tanian Clubs, Mr. 7-14-23—Mrs. 55
Miss Dorothy Tanian Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Will J. (Tyler)
Tarbell, Dr. Robert C. 1524 E. Main street
259 S. 18th street Mr. Harold Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. TV. Buchanan (Tarbell) Miss Jane Taylor
Clubs, Dr. 54 Miss Emma Tyler
Taylor, Dr.r and Mrs. A. P. (Miller) Miss Rose Tyler
W orthington, Ohio Taylor, Mrs. William A.
Taylor, Mrs. Archibald A. E. (Jane Larrie)
(Lucy Munson) 617 Franklin avenue
1331 E. Long street Teachnor, Dr. and Mrs. Wells (Fox)
Miss Lucy M. Tavlor, 29 709 Franklin avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 29 Clubs, Mrs. 29
Taylor, Miss Bessie T.
311 Kendal place Teegardin, Mr. and Mrs. John A. (Snissen)
Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. Clovis M. 1287 Bryden road
(Townsend) Terrell, Mr. and Mrs. Elah (Isabel Gay)
41 TV. Third avenue 749 Dennison avenue
Miss Ida Townsend
Clubs, Dr. 16-65—Mrs. 15-16-20 Tesseyman, Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Taylor, Hon. and Mrs. Edward L., Jr. (Ida Heinrich)
(Firestone) 1573 E. Long street
1260 E. Broad street Aliss Matilda Heinrich
Clubs, Hon. 3-13—Mrs. 10 Clubs, Mr. 7-42
Taylor, Mrs. Hannah M. (Nelson) Thacker, Mr. and Mrs. Orrin (Sheppard)
1472 Eastwood avenue 131 Woodland avenue
Miss A. E. Nelson Clubs, Mr. 42—Mrs. 5-32
Clubs, Mrs. 20 Theobald, Air. and Mrs. Adolf
Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. (Ottilie Corzilius)
1362 Bryden road 863 S. High street
Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Miss Ottilie Theobald
(Rebecca M. McKee) Theobald, Mrs. Frederick (Fassig)
1400 E. Broad street 887 S High street
Clubs, Mr. 13-14-20-25—Mrs. 10-16- Miss Hulda Theobald
20 Miss Clara Theobald
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harry Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul M.
(Orie Barbee) (Frances Hanna)
685 Bryden road 3 6 N. Champion avenue
Aliss Ruth Thomas Clubs, Mrs. 29
Clubs, Air. 13-42 Thorp, Mrs. H. H. (Siebert)
Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Beman 283 S. Champion avenue
(Elizabeth Harding) Thorpe, Mr. Henry A.
240 Fifteenth avenue 338 TV. 5th avenue
Aliss Florence Harding Miss Mabel Thorpe
Clubs, Mr. 42 Thrailkill, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall E.
Thomas, Mrs. Benj. F. (Parsons) (Hauglm)
O. S. U. Grounds 696 E Broad street
Sum. Res. : Squirrel Island, Me. Miss Marie Thrailkill
Miss Laura Parsons Thomas, 6 Miss Irene Thrailkill
Thomas, Mr. Charles A. Throop, Mr. and Mrs. Ben J.
Hotel Vendome. S. Third street (Helen Evans)
Clubs, Mr. 13-14-16-42-23 93 N .Monroe avenue
Thomas, Dr. and Mrs. David H. (Cooper) Clubs, Mr. 42
1250 E. Broad street Thurber, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. (Fisher)
Clubs, Dr. 42 695 Bryden road
Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barton Thurman, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lee
(Sinclair) (Dorothv Stearns)
1098 Bryrden road 1605 Franklin Park S.
Mr. Edward Sinclair Thomas Clubs. Mr. 3-13-74—Mrs. 20-49
Mr. J. Clark Thomas Thurman, Mr. and Airs. Allen TV.
Mr. George A. Thomas
Clubs, Mr. 14-20-42-54—Mrs. 20-29 513 E. Rich street
Thomas, Mr. and Airs. (Herbert L. (Haves) Mr. Allen G. Thurman. 3-13-35-65
190 E. 14th avenue Mr. Starling L. Thurman
Clubs, Mr. 42 Clubs, Mrs. 10
Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. James J. Thurman, Mr. and Mrs. Tod de Ford
(Maude Huston) (Frances Hayden)
208 E. Rich street 46 Lexington avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 2 Sum. Res. : Sachems Head, Conn.
Thomas, Mrs. James M. (Wayland) Tice, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. .
1277 Bryden road (Kathryn L. Boring)
Miss Julia E. Thomas 1569 Granville street
Miss Lulu TV. Thomas Clubs, Air. 42—Mrs. 11
Miss Virginia E. Thomas Timberman, Dr. and Mrs. Andrew
Mr. William A. Thomas (Delia S. Stanbery)
Thomas, Dr. and Mrs. John M. 91 Hamilton avenue
1126 Neil avenue Clubs, Dr. 13—Mrs. 6 3
Clubs, Dr. 3-7—Mrs. 6-20-55 Titus, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln G.
Thomas, Mrs. Martha (Hoge) 420 TV. 6th avenue
34 Hamilton avenue Clubs, Air. 2 3
Miss Caroline Thomas Todd, Mr. and Mrs. John E. (Luella Oren)
309 King avenue
Thomas, Mrs. Wm. O. (Billings) Mrs. Gaily Wilson (Oren)
283 Woodland avenue Clubs, Mrs. 16-45
Clubs, Mrs. 58 Todd, Mrs. William H. (Barcus)
Thompson, Dr. Dessie Dell 909 Bryden road
367 8th avenue Clubs, Mrs. 5-34-63
Clubs, Dr. 29 Toler, Miss Hattie E.
Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. George H. 12 60 Neil avenue
Wyandotte avenue, Arlington, O. Tompkins, Mrs. Jessie M. (Murfin)
Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. King G. 106 N. Monroe avenue
(Sarah Herrick) Miss Katharine Tompkins
144 E Woodruf avenue Tower, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. (King)
Clubs. Mrs. 6-43 119 Winner avenue
Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. William B.
(Halliday) Tower, Mrs. Kate (Denig)
185 E. Town street 334 E. Town street
Thompson, Dr. and Mrs. William Oxley Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Willis M. (O'Neill)
(Clark) 1563 Richmond avenue
Ohio State University Grounds Mr. Lloyd L. Towmsend
Miss Bessie A. Thompson Miss Katharine Townsend
Mr. Lorin Thompson Townshend. Mrs. Margaret A. B.
Clubs, Dr. 13-14-25—Mrs. 5-12-16-29- 53 TV. I l t h avenue
60-63 Miss Harriet N. Townshend
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

T r a c y , Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s O. Tyler, Mrs. W m . P. ( M a i n )

( M a r y I. P a t t o n ) 33 N. 20th s t r e e t
532 B r o a d s t r e e t Mr. Rufus M a i n
Sum. Res. : Columbus B e a c h , In-
d i a n River, Mich.
Clubs, Mr. 14-16-54-65-66—Mrs. 16- -JffLREY, Mr. and Airs. Demas B.
29-30-32-33 ifl (Alice R o g e r s )
Tracy, Mr. a n d M r s . U r i *** 49 A v o n d a l e a v e n u e
43 W o o d l a n d a v e n u e Miss E s t h e r U l r e y
Clubs, Mr. 14-42—Airs. 5-14-16-20 Aliss C a m e e U l r e y
T r a c y , Air. a n d M r s . William P a t t o n Clubs, Mrs. 8-45-56
(Norma Brennan) Ulrick, Air. a n d Mrs. J a m e s C. ( C l a r k )
341 Linwood a v e n u e 35 Miami a v e n u e
Clubs, Mr. 65—Mrs. 63 Mr. a n d M r s . F . R. H u n t i n g t o n ( U l -
T r a v i s , Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d E. rick)
(Clara Brister) Clubs, M r s . 5
"The Lincoln" Underhill, Mr. a n d M r s . George
Trimble, M r . a n d Mrs. C. D. ( M o r r i s ) 93 W e s t 4th a v e n u e
1154 Neil a v e n u e Mr. Allen U n d e r h i l l
Clubs, M r s . 34 Miss K i t t i e U n d e r h i l l
Trimble, Miss R a c h e l Clubs, Mrs. 37
2 81 E. B r o a d s t r e e t U p h a m , Dr. a n d Mrs. J o h n H. J.
Clubs, M r s . 10-16—Aliss 18-20-44-56- (Alice L e e )
60-63 1415 E a s t w o o d a v e n u e
Tritsch, Mr. a n d Mrs. Benj. K. ( F r a n t z ) Clubs, Dr. 3-7-13—Mrs. 16-61
1410 F a i r avenue Urlin, Mr. a n d M r s . George C. ( D e m i n g )
Clubs, Mrs. 2 Grandview Heights, Station A
Truesdell, Mr. a n d Mrs. Carl E. Aliss M a r g u e r i t e U r l i n
Miss Claudine U r l i n
373 TV. F i f t h a v e n u e Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-14
Tuller, Mr. a n d Mrs. H. E. ( R o b i n s o n )
Chittenden avenue, Indianola
Miss E m i l y B . Tuller TtfrAIL, Mr. and Mrs. C. Clifton
Mrs. Woodruff Tuller JFl (Tallmadge)
Tuller, M r . a n d M r s . H a r t w e l l ( G o r e ) ** 226 B u t t l e s a v e n u e
1225 Aladison a v e n u e Clubs, M r s . 2
Miss F l o r e n c e Tuller
Aliss U r i t h Tuller Vail, Mr. a n d Mrs. J a s . P . ( C h a s e )
Miss Gladine Tuller 1415 F a i r a v e n u e
T u r n e r , M r . a n d Mrs. E d w a r d C. ( J a h n ) Vails, Mr. a n d M r s . R a p h a e l W.
384 Linwood a v e n u e 214 E. O a k l a n d a v e n u e
Clubs, M r s . 7-13-42 Clubs, Mrs. 3
T u r n e r , Mr. a n d M r s . E r n e s t L. Vance, Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d P .
( A d a h J. B l a n d y ) (Newcomb)
The W u r t t e m b e r g 1261 O a k s t r e e t
Clubs, Mr. 3
T u r n e y , Mr. a n d M r s . H e n r y D. Vance, Mr. a n d Mrs. H e r m a n E. ( R a s c h i g )
(Emily Bartlit) Powell, Ohio
538 E. Town s t r e e t Clubs, Mr. 42
Miss H e n r i e t t e Turney, 16-20-30-35-48 Vance, Col. a n d Mrs. J o h n L. ( S h e p a r d )
M i s s A n n e T u r n e y . 20, 35, 48 254 E . B r o a d s t r e e t
M i s s E v e l y n T u r n e v , 35 Mr. C r e u z e t V a n c e
Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-16-44-64-65, also Mr. F r a n k V a n c e
Union L e a g u e Club of N. Y.—Mrs. Clubs, Col. 13-16—Mrs. 6-16
16 Vance, Mr. and Mrs. J o h n L., J r .
T u s s i n g , Mr. a n d Mrs. L. B e n t o n (Laura Frost McCarty)
( J u l i a Miller) 584 E a s t B r o a d s t r e e t
1385 E a s t B r o a d s t r e e t Clubs, Mr. 13-14—Airs. 5-6-10-30
Miss M a r y E l i z a b e t h T u s s i n g
M r . R e g i n a l d Miller Tussing. 3-7, also Vandegriff, Mr. J o h n
B u c k e y e Y a c h t Club a n d R o t a r y 31 E . L a n e a v e n u e
Club. M r s . C h a s . H. Siefert
Clubs, M r s . 3-25-63, also Vice-Pres. Mr. C h a r l e s TV. Vandegriff
The C r i t t e n d e n H o m e a n d St. Aliss S a r a h Vandegriff
Mary's Alumnas Association Miss Celia Vandegriff
T u t t l e , Prof. Alonzo H. V a n Fossen, Dr. a n d Mrs. J e s s e A.
47 12th a v e n u e (Rickets)
Tyler, Mr. a n d M r s . L e w i s Cleland 32 15th a v e n u e
(Jacques) Receives T h u r s d a y
1459 B r v d e n r o a d Aliss Aldine V a n F o s s e n
Clubs, Mr. 42 Clubs, Dr. 42
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Van Sceiver, Miss Mae Walling, Air. and Airs. H. P.

185 13th avenue (Clara M. Schille)
Clubs, Miss 52 , 1166 Bryden road
Van Sickle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. (Bland) Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. P. W.
37 N. Monroe avenue (Alargaret Lyons)
Clubs, Mr. 14 148 Buttles avenue
ATercoe, Mr. and Mrs. Fred , Mr. George E. Walsh
(Josephine McCord) Miss Annetta Walsh, 57
1610 Hawthorne Park Miss Frances Walsh
Clubs, Mr. 3-7-13-14-42-71 Miss Gertrude Walsh,
Vercoe, Mr. and Mrs. John H. (Price) Wambaugh, Mr. and Airs. Charles M.
639 E. Town street (Sells)
Vivian, Prof, and Mrs. Alfred (Chandler) The Lincoln
375 W English avenue Aliss Mary Elizabeth Ford
Clubs, Mrs. 5-2 0, Mr. Henry P. Ford
Von Gerichten, Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Clubs, Mr. 14—Mrs. 10-20-29
(Katherine L. Gessert) Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parker
181 Thurman avenue (Pocock)
Miss Laura L. Von Gerichten TV. State street, Worthington, O.
Von Gerichten, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Miss Dorothy Ward
(Sophia Stiefelmeier) Clubs, Mr. 5-42-44-54—Mrs. 5-43
117 Deshler avenue Wardall, Miss Ruth
Receives Wednesday 22 Fourteenth avenue
Mr. Theodore Von Gerichten, Jr. Clubs, Miss 6-18-60
Voorhees, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell M. Warden, Air. and Mrs. D. H.
(Mary Alberta Robinson) (Bettie L. Wright)
1759 Oak street 117 King avenue
Clubs, Mr. 42-65 Mr. Hosea G. TVarden
Mr. Delno Wright TVarden
ADDELL. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Percy Warden, Mrs. Elta Moore (Moore)
(Dunn) 566 Franklin avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 55
1200 Fair avenue
Waddell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Wardlow, Dr. Yeatman
(Elliott) 650 E Town street
48 Hoffman avenue Clubs. Dr. 3-7-16-65-74
Wagenhals, Airs. Frank S. Mr. Charles Wardlow 3-13-74
(Webb) Warner Dr. Frank
1387 Neil avenue 177 Hubbard avenue
Wagenhals, Mrs. John S. (Clark) Aliss Belle Warner
22 3 Woodland avenue Miss Cora Warner
Mr. Frank C. Wagenhals Clubs, Dr. 16-2 5
Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Campbell Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph S.
(Clara E. Barbee) (Mary Deshler)
Norwich Hotel 640 E Broad street
Sum. Res.: Grove City, Ohio Sum. Res. : Unionville, Lake Co.,
Walcutt, Mr. and Mrs. C. Harry Ohio
(Janette Howard) Mr. William D. TVarner, 3-7-13-42
Grandview, Station A, Route 5 Mr. Randolph S. TVarner, Jr.
Mr. Lester O. Walcutt (Yale)
Miss Edna L. Walcutt Clubs Mr. 3-7-13—Mrs. 25-30-34
Mr, Oscar E. Wralccutt Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Clubs, Mr. 3-21 (Ella McCraner)
Walcutt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garland apart. Gay and Fifth
(Emma Howard) streets
Grandview Heights, Station A Washburn, Mrs. Mary C. (Copeland)
Mr. Raymond Walcutt 65 W Eleventh avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 40-51 Mr. George A. TVashburn
Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. B. Clubs, Mrs. 55
(Williams) Washburn, Mr. and Mrs. D.
225 TV Tenth avenue (Nellie R. Hull)
Mr, James Walker 3125 N. High street
Walker, Mr. William R. Waters, Mr. and Mrs. I. Richmond
528 E Broad street (Hayes)
Clubs, Mr. 30-33 381 E. Town street
Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Manch J. Mrs. John Hayes
(Homes) Aliss Marian H. TVateis,
1297 Fair avenue Clubs, Mr. 32-54
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.
m a


W r atkins, Mr. a n d Mrs. J a m e s ( H a r d v ) TVeisman, Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n P .

325 E Town street (Frankenberg)
Miss D a i s y W a t k i n s 1863 S u m m i t s t r e e t
Watson, Mr. a n d Mrs. Benson G. Wells, Mr. a n d Mrs. L e o n i d a s S.
(Katherine Berry ) ( E l i z a b e t h S. B l a m p i e d )
1888 Summit street. 1445 Neil a v e n u e
Clubs, Mr. 14-23-42—Mrs. 5-20 Wells, M r s . W i l l i a m T. ( S a l t e r )
TVatson, Mr. a n d Mrs. D. K. Shepard, O.
(Louise H . H a r r i s o n ) Clubs, Mrs. 8-67
T h e Lincoln W e r n e r , Mr. a n d M r s . H e n r y C.
Mr. J a m e s H. W a t s o n (Ottilie G a e n s s l e n )
W a t s o n , Mr. a n d Mrs. E m i l e E . 1640 E. B r o a d s t r e e t
(Wadlington) Sum. Res. : R y e Beach, N. H.
31 P a r s o n s a v e n u e Miss Adeline A. W e r n e r
Clubs, M r s . 5 8 Miss H e l e n O. W e r n e r , 3-20
Miss A l a r g a r e t W e r n e r
TVatt, Mr. a n d Mrs. G. E . ( H o t t ) Clubs, Air. 3-13-14—Mrs. 6-10-20
1374 Neil a v e n u e W r escott, Dr. a n d Mrs. TV. F . (Alartindill)
W 7 eadon, Mr. a n d Mrs. F r e d e r i c k 1281 Neil a v e n u e
(Jackson) Receives T h u r s d a y
84 W F i f t h a v e n u e W e s t , Mr. Eli M.
Miss H a r r i e t R. K i r b y
Miss Alice McKee 35 S. C h a m p i o n a v e n u e
W e a k l e y , Mr. a n d M r s . C. B. Mr. J o h n W e s t
(Davis) TVest, Mr. H a r r y F .
115 W r innpr a v e n u e 1214 M a d i s o n a v e n u e
Clubs, Mrs. 51 W e s t e r m a n , Mr. a n d Mrs. H a r r y J.
Wreaks, Mrs. C h a r l e s ( M a u d I. K e m m e r l e )
2 64 E E l e v e n t h a v e n u e 16 61 F r a n k l i n P a r k , S.
Clubs, Airs. 58 Mr. D a n a R. W e s t e r m a n
Clubs, Mr. 5, also A r t S t u d e n t s '
W r ebb, Mr. a n d M r s . H. W o r t h e y L e a g u e — M r s . 5-20
(Edna Keever) W e s t w a t e r , Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s
361 Linwood a v e n u e ( E " a S James)
Mrs. S. D. W e b b ( H o l t ) 87 N Monroe avenue
Clubs, Mr. 14 Mr. R i c h a i d V e s t w a t e r
W e b b , Mrs. M a r y ( A b b o t t ) Miss M a r y W e s t w a t e r
32 S F o u r t h s t r e e t TVestwater, Mr. a n d Mrs. J a m e s G.
M i s s J e a n n e t t e Abbott, 5 (Louise Brooks)
W e b b . Mr. a n d Mrs. Scott A. ( B a i l e y ) 64 S. 18th s t r e e t
85 F r a n k l i n P a r k , TV. Clubs, M r . 43-44—Mrs. 5-29
Clubs, Mr. 23-42—Mrs. 16-20-34 W e s t w a t e r , Mrs. J a m e s M.
(Rosanne Weible)
W e b b e r , Mr. a n d Mrs. K a r l T. 429 E. B r o a d s t r e e t
(Grace Thomas) Mr. J o h n TVestwater, 3-42
.2585 W . B r o a d s t r e e t Mr. D a v i d W e s t w a t e r , 3-13-64
M r s . E m m a TV. T h o m a s W e s t w a t e r , Air. a n d Mrs. W r illiam G.
Miss Dell T h o m a s
Clubs, Mr. 13-42-65—Mrs. 4-15-20- (Alberta King)
29-59 1791 F r a n k l i n P a r k , S.
W^eber, Prof, a n d Mrs. H e n r y A. ( O b e r ) Airs. C o r a K i n g ( K e m m e r e r )
1342 F o r s y t h e a v e n u e W e t m o r e , Mr. C h a r l e s H.,
Clubs, Prof. 13—Mrs. 15-60 457 E . B r o a d s t r e e t
Miss C l a r a C. W e t m o r e
W r ebster, Mrs. Lillian ( N a g l e ) Miss E l i z a R. W e t m o r e
2 04 S. Ohio a v e n u e Aliss G r a c e D. W e t m o r e ,
Mrs. E. N a g l e Weyant, Mr. and Mrs. Theo.
Weiler, Mr. a n d M r s . A. R. ( C a r r i e T. F l a g g )
(Blanche Kahn) 1133 E. B r o a d s t r e e t
91 M i a m i a v e n u e Mr. Theo. W e y a n t , J r .
Clubs, Mr. 42 Clubs, Mrs. 46
W r einland, Mr. a n d Mrs. E d g a r L. W^eybrecht, G e n e r a l a n d Mrs. C h a s . C.
(Grace Fowler) (Brosius)
428 W . 6th a v e n u e Lincoln Hotel
Clubs, Mr. 42-65—Mrs. 45 Clubs, Gen. 13-23-42
W r heaton, Mr. a n d Mrs. C h a r l e s S. ( R o b e y )
W e i n m a n , Mr. a n d M r s . W m . N. 1387 F o r s y t h e a v e n u e
(Heinmiller) Miss M a u d F . W h e a t o n
380 K i n g a v e n u e Clubs, Mrs. 15-29
Weir, Mr. a n d Mrs. George C. ( C a r t e r ) W h e a t o n , Mrs. L i d a D ( D a n i e l s )
312 W . N i n t h a v e n u e 5. S. F o u r t h s t r e e t

Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


W h e a t o n , Mr. a n d Airs. R o b e r t J o h n Wiggins, Mr. a n d M r s . J o s e p h ( M c D o n a l d )

(Harriet Ide) 627 Oakwood a v e n u e
112 H a m i l t o n a v e n u e Win. Res. : Florida
Clubs, Mr. 16-35-44 Mr. a n d M r s . Clyde C. Phillips
Wheeler, Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s R. ( R e e d ) (TViggins)
354 TV. S i x t h a v e n u e Mr. A r t h u r W i g g i n s
Clubs, Mr. 13-14 Wigle, Aliss K a t e S.
W h e t s e l , M r s . S u s a n C. ( N e a l ) Hotel Normandie
743 D e n n i s o n a v e n u e Clubs, Aliss 14
Mr. J a m e s A. G. W h e t s e l Wikoff, Mr. a n d Airs. J a s . E .
W'hitacre, Mr. a n d M r s . TValter L. (Bertha Mead)
(Lena Darby) 176 S. 18th s t r e e t
199 F i f t e e n t h a v e n u e Clubs, Air. 16-42-65—Mrs. 16
Miss Alma W h i t a c r e Wikoff, Mr. a n d Airs. W h e e l e r C.
Clubs, M r s . 62 (Clara Crane)
TVhltaker, Dr. H e r v e y W . 751 F r a n k l i n a v e n u e
72 S. G r a n t a v e n u e Clubs, M r s . 1-29
Clubs, Dr. 13 W^ilcox, Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s E.
W h i t e , Dr. a n d Mrs. D a v i d S. ( S m i t h ) (Nellie C. Cozzens)
1656 Neil a v e n u e 95 6 B r v d e n r o a d
Clubs, Mrs. 20-60 Clubs, M r s . 55
White, Miss E d n a Noble Wilcox, Mr. J a m e s B .
22 14th 'avenue 32 Hoffman a v e n u e
Clubs, Miss 6-18-29-60 Clubs, M r . 5-16-20-42
W h i t e , M r s . E l l a G. ( G o u l d ) Wilcox, Mr. a n d Airs. R. H.
1354 Aladison a v e n u e (Bertha Peters)
Clubs, M r s . 45-51 1271 S. B r o a d s t r e e t
W h i t e , Air. a n d Mrs. J a m e s B. Air. Clarence W i l c o x
(Maud F. H a n n a ) Mr. W i l s o n Wilcox
85 H a m i l t o n a v e n u e Clubs, Mr. 42
Miss Alary E l i z a b e t h W h i t e Wilcox, Dr. S t a r l i n g S.
Clubs, Mr. 14-42—Mrs. 10-16-20-25 32 Hoffman a v e n u e
W h i t e , Mr. a n d M r s . L i n d e n G. Mr. J a m e s Milton Wilcox
(Thompson) Clubs,; Dr. 20
936 Madison a v e n u e
Mr. C a r l W h i t e T h o m p s o n TVildermuth, Mrs. J o n a s ( B r a n d t )
M r s . K. E . Merrin, 51 649 E . R i c h s t r e e t
W h i t e , Mr. a n d M r s . Z. L. ( F r e y ) TVildermuth, Mr. a n d M r s . L a f a y e t t e
819 E. B r o a d s t r e e t (Lillie R a n k i n )
Clubs, Mr. 25 123 TV. T h i r d a v e n u e
W h i t e i s , Mr. a n d M r s . U r i a h E. Wilkin, Mr. a n d Airs. R o b t . C. ( S t r o t h e r )
Mt. Vernon, Ohio, a n d c a r e 112 E . 5 83 Linwood a v e n u e
Broad street M r s . J. A. B u r t
Whiteside, Mr. and Mrs. Madison Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs. Carl S.
( E i i s e Schieble) (Loraine Engle)
"The Lincoln" 357 Miller a v e n u e
Clubs, Airs. 16-20 W i l l i a m s , Mr. a n d M r s . Allen W.
Whiting, Airs. A u g u s t u s N. (Myrtle Bradfield)
(Ellen Gilbert) 112 H a m i l t o n a v e n u e
66 S T h i r d s t r e e t Clubs, Mr. 14-25-42
Miss J a n e D o u g l a s Gilbert W i l l i a m s , Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s E .
Clubs, M r s .34 ( B e r t h a M. S o r r i c k )
W h i t m a n , Mr. a n d M r s . H e n r y L. ( P r a l l ) 83 L e x i n g t o n a v e n u e
340 W i l b u r a v e n u e Clubs, Mr. 42-44
Air. R a l p h P . W h i t m a n TVilliams, Mr. a n d M r s . C u r t i s C.
W h i t n e y , Aliss E . M. (Margaret Owen)
The Normandie 1932 Vvaideck a v e n u e
W h i t o n , Mr. a n d Mrs. C h a s . E. Aliss E l m a A. W i l l i a m s
("Le^a B. F e n t o n ) Mr. C u r t i s C. TVilliams, J r .
1473 E a s t Long s t r e e t Clubs, Mr. 13
Clubs, Mr. 4 2 Williams, Mr. D. E .
W h i t r i d g e , Air. a n d M r s . J o h n C. ( K e l l e y ) 71 C l a r k p l a c e
51 Jefferson a v e n u e Sum. R e s . : G r a n v i le, Ohio
M r s . D. N. Kelley ( C r u m e ) Aliss B a r b a r a W i l l i a m s
Clubs, Mr. 3-13—Mrs. 5-10-18 Mr. T. Reese Williams
W h i t s i t , Mr. a n d M r s . P e r r y B . Clubs, Mr. 2 3
(Luna Davidson) W i l l i a m s , M r s . E . Z. ( L e w i s )
820 S. Champion a v e n u e 75 Aliami a v e n u e
Clubs, Mr. 42 Mr. TVatkin L e w i s
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Williams, Mr. Frederick J. Wilson, Air. and Airs. Elmer G. (Ulery)

1224 Bryden road 1029 Neil avenue
Mr. A. K. Williams
Wilson, Dr. Ida M.
TViliams, Dr. and Mrs. Frederick O. 9 7 N. 20th street
(Jones) Miss Stella S. Wilson
816 Oak street Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tudor
Clubs, Dr. 42—Mrs. 2 (Jessie Buchanan)
Williams, Mr. James Andrew 1010 Madison avenue
112 Hamilton avenue Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. John F. (TVidener)
Clubs, Mr. 44 937 Madison avenue
TVilliams, Mr. James F. Clubs, Mr. 3-13
Wilson, Major and Mrs. Mack Lee
225 W. Tenth avenue (Watson)
TVilliams, Mrs. Luther (Allen) Columbia avenue, Bexley
Parkview avenue, Bexley Clubs, Major, 54, also Ohio Military
Clubs, Mrs. 15 Club
Williams, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. (Swank) Wilson, Miss Nora F.
1448 Neil avenue 209 Parsons avenue
Sum. Res.: Lakeside, Ohio Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. William Albert
Miss Edith Williams (Ellen Belt)
Miss Bertha WTiliiams Gahanna, Ohio
TVilliams, Mrs. Marshall J. (Taylor) Mrs. L. Wilson Brown
"The Oxford" Mr. William Albert Wilson, Jr.
9 6 Lexington avenue Mr. Washington Alexander Wilson
Aliss Minnie S. Williams Wiltberger, Dr. and Mrs. Benj. R.
Clubs, Mrs. 20 (Helen Immel)
Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Orr H. 117 Latta avenue
(Florence Cockell) Wiltberger, Mrs. Mary E. (Brady)
2 25 16th avenue 1831 N. Fourth street
Miss Virginia B. Wiltberger, Art
Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Roy O. Students' League
(Lenox) Mr. Percy Barnett Wiltberger
946 E. Livingston avenue Miss Lurabelle P. Wiltberger
Clubs, Mr. 7 Clubs, Airs. 4—Pres. 3 7, also Art
TVilliams, Mrs. TV. H. Students' League
Southern Hotel, S. High street Winans, Mr. and Mrs. Carey C.
Mr. Carl R. Williams 1801 Franklin Park, S.
Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K. (Huling) Winders, Mr. and Mrs. David T.
160 Wilson avenue (Schwartz)
Mr. Robert H. Williams 1577 Richmond avenue
Williard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Miss Inez Winders
(Mary E. Davis) Winders, Dr. and Mrs. Frank (Hull)
429 Stoddard avenue 1633 franklin Park, S.
Mr. Frank T. Williard Clubs, Dr. 42-14—Mrs. 29-34-42-63
Willison. Mrs. D. W. (Hess) Winders, Mr. and Mrs. Wilber
3 6 TV. Tenth avenue (Edith Edmunds)
Clubs, Mrs. 43-55 1507 E. Long street
Willoughby, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Clubs, Mr. 42
(Hancock) Wing, Air. and Mrs. Charles M.
1470 Eastwood avenue (Alice M. Townshend)
Clubs, Mr. 42 231 TV. 10th avenue
Willson, Air. and Mrs. Alfred L. Mr. Shirley T. Wing
(Hughes) Mr. Herbert C. Wing"
103 Franklin Park, TV. Miss Alargaret M.7 Wing, 6-29-48
Clubs, Mr. 20-54—Mrs. 20-25-30-34 Miss Alice T. W ing, 6-48
Clubs, Mr. 13-14-54—Mrs. 10-60-63
Willson, Air. and Mrs. Ira H. (Grace) Wing, Mr. and Airs. Clarence H.
103 Franklin Park, TV. (Cheney)
Willson, Mrs. O. F. (Swisher) Grandview Heights. R. F. D. No. 5
Mrs. Sarah Wing (Barber)
103 Franklin Park, W. Winner, Mrs. J. L. (Jane Porter)
Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. David Van Tyle 537 E. Broad street
(Markel) Receives Thursday'
143 3 Madison avenue
Miss Myriam E. Lutz Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. J. Palmer
Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. (Tudor) (Holding)
594 E. Town street 41 N. Monroe avenue
Mr. Edward Harlan Wilson Miss Orpha Holding
Mr. Philip Duncan Wilson Mr. Philip K. Winslow
Clubs, Dr. 14—Mrs. 5-14 Clubs, Mr. 14-65
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.

Winterringer, Mr. and Airs. Charles E. Woodbury, Mr. Wm. N.

(Anna Hoster) 70 V, N. 4th street
55 Hamilton avenue Clubs, Mr. 14-23
Clubs, Mr. 3-13-20
Woodhull, Mr. and Mrs. Roger S.
Wirthwein, Mr. and Mrs. Louis (Anne L. Patterson)
(Darmstaetter) 381 E. Town street
175 Deshler avenue Clubs, Mr. 3—Mrs. 3
Mr. Herman L. Wirthwein
Wise, Mrs. Zenas L. (Glenn) Woodruff, Dr. Lafayette
102 N. Monroe avenue 2805 N. Broad street
Clubs, Dr. 54
Wissinger, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Wood, Mrs. Adaline (Conkle)
(BeekeyO 659 E. Broad street
1081 E. Broad street
Miss Katherine Wissinger Woodward, Mr. Chas. A.
Clubs, Dr. 3-13-14—Airs. 16-20-30-32
178 Buttles avenue
Withrow, Prof, and Mrs. James Renwick Woodward, Mr. and Airs. Fred M.
1619 Highland street (Frankenberg)
Clubs, Mrs. 60 871 Neil avenue
Witter, Mr. Samuel B.
Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan
14 87 Neil avenue (Stella McCoy)
Wolfe, Dr. and Mrs. Albertus C. (Main) 70 S. Ohio avenue
35 W. Fourth avenue
Clubs, Dr. 7 Woodworth, Mr. and Mrs. Justin W.
(Hattie A. Pettis)
Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. 23 S. Monroe avenue
(Chappelear) Clubs, Mr. 3-13-14—Mrs. 20
1214 Bryden road
Miss Clara B. Wolfe Woollard, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. (Hillery)
Clubs, Mr. 7-14-16-42—Mrs. 16-63 247 E. Broad street
Clubs, Airs. 63
Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. (Fowler)
974 E. Broad street Woolman, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E.
Clubs, Mr. 7-14-16-32—Mrs. 16-34 (Eleanor Hatton)
803 Franklin avenue
Wolfe, Mr. Robert F. Clubs, Mr. 3-13-65—Mrs. 48
714 E. Broad street
Mr. Edgar T. Wolfe Woolman, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Clubs, Mr. 7-14-42 (Ernestine Senter)
Sherman avenue, cor. Oak street
Wolfley, Mr. and Mrs. George TV.
(Gregory) Workman, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Bryden apartments, Bryden road (Guitner)
Receives Thursday 49 S Munroe avenue
Miss W. Pauline Gregory Clubs. Mrs. 16-20-29
Aliss Maybell Gregory
Clubs, Mrs. 56 Wright, Mrs. David A. (Grice)
1454 Franklin avenue
Wolfram, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. (Wiederhold) Miss Mary O. Wright
121 Wilson avenue Aliss Martha L- Wright
Miss Lucie Wrolfram Clubs, Mrs. 46
Mr. Emil Wolfram
Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. (Eagle) Wright, Dr. and Mrs. Halstead R.
1189 Fair avenue (Inez Shellabarger)
Miss Nellie Wood 2190 Indianola avenue
Clubs, Mrs. 62
Wright, Dr. and Mrs. John TV.
Wood, Mr. and Mrs. George Elmer (Balzurah Conrow)
(Jessie Denison) 1686 Summit street
1834 Franklin avenue
Clubs, Mr. 65 Wright, Miss Maria S.
Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. 1460 E. Broad street
(Florence Taylor) Miss Julia Blakelee
329 Kendal place Clubs, Miss 15-20
Clubs. Air. 5-14-20-21-54—Mrs. 5-10-
20-30 Wright, Mr. and Mrs. R. Clark
(Elmina H. Johnson)
Wood, Miss Lillian J. 72 TV. 2d avenue
357 Miller avenue Mr. Erskine Wright
Clubs, Miss 16-29 Clubs, Mrs. 51
Figures refer to club members—see front of book.


OERGER, Air. and Airs. P. F. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R.

(Van Kirk) (Van Hook)
320 King avenue 1905 Indianola avenue
Mr. Walter A. Yoerger Clubs, Mr. 42—Airs. 29
Youmans, Mrs. Mary E. (Davis) Young, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
1242 Neil avenue (Ralphsnider)
182 Fourteenth avenue
Youmans, Dr. Thomas Grant
1242 Neil avenue INN, Mr. and Mrs. William P.
Clubs, Dr. 3-13
Young, Mrs. Ella S. (Daniels)
2 (Byrne)
TVyrandotte avenue, Grandview
Clubs, Mr. 42
763 Franklin avenue Zook, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L.
Young, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. (Moler)
(Mary A. Jones) 433 E Town street
850 Oak street Clubs, Mrs. 51
Zurmehly, Miss Jane
Miss Grace E. Aroung, 5-20 201 W Eleventh avenue
Mr. D. Harold Young Mr. M. E. Bostwick
Clubs, Airs. 2 Clubs, Miss 6-12-15
The newest and best
in men's shoes LADIES' TAILOR

$3.00 TO $6.00 Suits, $35.00 and upwards

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Columbus Street List


!86 Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood M. Chase
— Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. Daniel
33 Mrs. Susan S. Divine 62 Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s S. Mossgrove
38 Mr. anri " i ^ . Otto II. Findenberg 69 Mr. and Mrs. F r e d C. Rice
39 Mr. and Mrs. M. Leo Corbett 70 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Moore
-/- > i. and Mrs. George \v. l i n d e n b e r g 75 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Clemens
48 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Leslie 78 Col. and Mrs. Byron L. B a r g a r
.'>(> and Mrs. J o h n P . Gordon 84 Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Cruikshank
57 Mr. and Mrs. H e n r y M. Neil
49 Mr. and Mrs. Demas B. Ulrey
1478 Mr. and Mrs. W a r r e n E. Langdon 1483 Mr. and Mrs. E d g a r Abbott
1479 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. De Bruin
60 Mrs. M a r t h a A. Doyle 432 Mr. a n d Mrs. Nicholas D. M o n s a r r a t
68 N. L. C. Kachelmacher 442 Mr. and Mrs. Abel E. Hildreth
86 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Deshler 442 Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hildreth
112 Mr. and Mrs. U r i a h W. Whiteis 447 Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. H u b b a r d
134 Dr. and Mrs. Eli M. Downs 450 Miss Jessie C. March
141 Mr. a n d Mrs. P. W. H u n t i n g t o n 450 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Munson
150 Col. .los. M. Rieger 457 Mr. Charles H. Wetmore
151 Dr. Andrews Rogers 479 Mr. Weslev G. Conwav
l^c Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Baker 48o Mr. Wm. H. Stage
207 Mrs. Joseph J. T a n i a n 515 Mr. Robert S. Smith
223 Mr. J. Miller McDonald , 518 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Powell
247 Mr. a n d Mrs. J a m e s C. Nesbitt 528 Mr. William R. Walker
247 Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Woolland 529 Dr. a n d Mrs. William Utteridg' Cole
254 Col. a n d Mrs. J o h n L. Vance 532 Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. T r a c y
257 Mrs. Henry Plympton 537 Mrs. J. L. Winner
257 Miss Julia Gill 537 Mr. Rollin F . Crider
263 Mr. a n d Mrs. Theodore M. Livesay 540 Mr. and Mrs. H e n r y B. D u n h a m
279 Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Jones 547 Mr. and Mrs. D. Birney Neil
281 Miss Rachel Trimble 547 Mrs. E d m u n d J. Brush
287 Mrs. George W. Gill 555 Mr. and Mrs. Singleton P . Outhwaite
310 Dr. a n d Mrs. A r t h u r E. E v a n s 562 Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Higgins
321 Mr. H e n r y C. McClelland 565 Mr. a n d Mrs. Geo. W. Ball
835 Mr. Joseph S. Neil 580 Mr. and Mrs. Clinton D. F i r e s t o n e
347 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Rickly 584 Mr. and Mrs. J o h n L. Vance. Jr.
347 Miss A n n a Harrison 595 Mr. and Mrs. H a r r y Olmsted
371 Mrs. Hermon M. Hubbard 595 Mr. and Mrs. T h o m a s D. H u n t i n g t o n
395 Mr. J o h n P. McCune 595 Mr. a n d Mrs. Wm. T. Oberer
368 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson 599 Mr. and Mrs. Howard B u r d e t t Nelson
883 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Monypeny,' J r . 600 Mrs. Alice E. Ppfers
397 Mrs. Gilbert G. Collins 620 Miss L a u r a R. MacMahon
403 Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s Naughton 620 Mrs. Benjamin N. H u n t i n g t o n
414 Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford H. P i a t t 631 THE LINCOLN
415 Mr. and Mrs. George W. Carpenter Mrs. E. C. Aeby
415 Miss Mamie P a r k s Mr. and Mrs. Dallas G. B u c h a n a n
415 Mr. E d w a r d G. Roberts Mrs. Charles F . B u r r
429 Mrs. J a m e s W e s t w a t e r Mr. a n d Mrs. Thomas Conneally
482 Mrs. J o h n G. Mitchell Mr. a n d Mrs. William A. Courtright

Mtxb? from mrasurrmrmts
(guaranty tafitprrfrrilg
35 frat 3Btl| Bttnt £fow fork

Columbus School for Girls

Jlcademic Department—College preparatory and general literary courses.
Elementary Department—Sub-primary, primary, and intermediate classes.

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D a i l y S a v i n g s for 5 0 Y e a r s a t 6 P e r C e n t .
CITIZENS ' P H O N E 3055 BELL 'PHONE 1 0 5 5 Compound Interest
7035 1 cent 950 60 c e n t s . . 37024
10 " 9504 70 .66528
20 19006 80 .76528
30 " 28512 90 .85532
40 " 3 8 0 1 5 1.00 .95041
50 " 47520
The above table is correct as it
C. A. T H O M A S & Co. was copied from The Bankers In-
terest Book any anyone ought to
BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS be able to save 20 cents a day, and
that amount, compound interest at
BRUNSON B U I L D I N G 6 per cent, will amount to the sum
of $19,006.00 a t the end of 50
1 4 5 N . HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OHIO years, and real estate pays even
more than 6 per cent.


BROAD ST. (Continued)

Mr. and Mrs. Orlando L. Davis 911 Mr. a n d Mrs. Ned L. Reese
Mr. William A. Duboc 923 Mr. and Mrs. William F . Brown
Mr. Charles A. Field 926 Miss Lina Hoster
Mr. Henry P. Ford 935 Mrs. Walter Benjamin Page
Mr. and Mrs. Albert O. Glock 935 Mr. Elmer D. Sharp
Mr. Baldwin Gwynne 940 Mrs. Walter Wood Brown
Mrs. Clarence H. H a n n a 947 Miss M. W. Failing
Mrs. William A. Hardesty 950 Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Felty
Mrs. Charles L. Hayden 957 Mr. and Mrs. Perin B. Monypeny
Mr. and Mrs. David Jones 957 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k E. Hickok
Mrs. Charles E. Kilbourne 965 Mr. and Mrs. Eagleton F. Dunn
Mrs. Georgiana B. L a n m a n 974 Mr. a n d Mrs. H a r r y P . Wolfe
Mr. George S. Long 994 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k L. Hughes
Mrs. Maria Monvpeny 995 Mr. a n d Mrs. Frederick W. Crawford
Prof, and Mrs. E d w a r d Orton, J r . 1000 Mrs. L. J. F r a n c e
Mrs. Marv Rogers 1015 Mr. a n d Mrs. J a m e s Russell Kilbourne
Mr. a n d Mrs. E r n e s t A. Smith 1020 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Byrne
Mr. a n d Mrs. E d w a r d E. Travis 1021 Mr. and Mrs. James B. H a n n a
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M. Wambaugh 1031 Mr. and Mrs. Lovet T. Scofield
Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Watson 1065 Mr. a n d Mrs. Joseph J. Knox
Gen. a n d Mrs. Chas. C. Weybrecht 1073 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abbott Smith
Mr. a n d Mrs. Madison Whiteside 1074 Mr. and Mrs. S t a n t o n G. P r e n t i s s
632 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. S. Rodgers 1080 Mr. and Mrs. Emil W. Hoster
632 Mr. a n d Mrs. Andrew D. Rodgers 1081 Dr. a n d Mrs. Thomas K. Wissinger
637 Mr. and Mrs. Orlando A. Miller 1089 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Orr
637 Dr. and Mrs. H. Brush Blakey 1099 Mr. Albert D. Heffner
640 Mr. a n d Mrs. Randolph S. Warner 1099 Mr. a n d Mrs. Wm. G. Rippey
653 Mr. a n d Mrs. Albert G. Joyce 1117 Mr. and Mrs. Horace L. Chapman
659 Mr. and Mrs. George HardV 1117 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nelson Rose
659 Mrs. Adaline Woods 1133 Mr. a n d Mrs. Theo. Weyant
665 Mr. a n d Mrs. Wm. F. Burdell 1134 Mr. a n d Mrs. Daniel II. Sowers
675 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k E. H a v d e n 1151 Mr. a n d Mrs. Joseph W. Hamiel
682 Mrs. Sarah Gormlev 1167 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elwood Heskett
682 Mr. a n d Mrs. H. R. Ilislop 1175 Mr. and Mrs. George D. Jones
682 Miss Minnie E. Snell 1175 Miss J a n e t Macdonald
683 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sheldon 1185 Mr. a n d Mrs. Wm. J. Joyce
689 Mrs. M a r g a r e t McDonald 1203 Mr. a n d Mrs. Joseph C. Campbell
691 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dobbie 1203 Mr. and Mrs. E d w a r d Johnson
691 Miss Maud Florence Pellar 1234 Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Lindenberg
696 Mr. a n d Mrs. M a r s h a l l E. Thrailkill 1250 Dr. a n d Mrs. David H. Thomas
697 Mr. a n d Mrs. I. Richmond W a t e r s 1260 Hon. a n d Mrs. E d w a r d L. Taylor, J r .
697 Mrs. J o h n Hayes 1265 Mrs. Elise Hinman
700 Mr. a n d Mrs. Linn Bentley 1265 Mrs. E d w a r d A. Fitch
706 Mr. a n d Mrs. Frederick W. P r e n t i s s 1266 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Firestone
714 Mr. Robert F . Wolfe 1271 Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wilcox
715 Mr. a n d Mrs. Wm. D. Brickell 1277 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond V. Jones
741 Mr. a n d Mrs. Anson B . Coates 1306 Mr. a n d Mrs. Philip Lindenberg
750 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Schm 1309 Mr. Joseph A. H a r t l e y
macher 1309 Mr. a n d Mrs. David W. Beggs
751 Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k F . Mykrantz 1317 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J . Keating
775 Prof, and Mrs. Benjamin L. Bowen 1324 Mrs. Albert Tracy Johnson
775 Rev. and Mrs. I s a a c F . King 1339 Mr. and Mrs. Isaac B. Cameron
785 Mr. a n d Mrs. Wilden E. Joseph 1349 Mr. and Mrs. H a r r y C. B a r d
788 Judge a n d Mrs. J a m e s H. Anderson 1354 Mr. a n d Mrs. Charles R. Mayers
805 Mrs. N a t h a n E. Lovejoy 1373 Mr. a n d Mrs. E d w a r d Joseph Merkle
812 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McCarty 1376 Mr. and Mrs. E d w a r d C. Fuller
819 Mr. a n d Mrs. Z. L. White 1385 Mr. a n d Mrs. L. Benton Tussing
833 Mr. and Mrs. Eli R. Graves 1392 Mr. a n d Mrs. F . Evenson Powell
840 Mr. a n d Mrs. E d w a r d K. S t e w a r t 1397 Mr. a n d Mrs. Moses H. Neil
840 Mr. a n d M r s . Frederick C. B a r g a r 1400 Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Taylor
849 Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k T. S t e w a r t 1414 Gov. and Mrs. Judson H a r m o n
866 Mr. a n d Mrs. Campbell M. Chittenden 1415 Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. P i r r u n g
869 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k E. Powell 1440 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Shedd
875 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Morris 1450 Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Newman
875 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Morris 1453 Mr. and Mrs. William M. Ritter
880 Dr. and Mrs. Allen F . Emminger 1460 Miss M a r i a S. W r i g h t
880 Mrs. A n n a Coleman 1465 Mr. a n d Mrs. John M. Caren
891 Mr. a n d Mrs. George S. P e t e r s 1471 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M. Nichols
899 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k N. Brown 1505 Mr. and Mrs. J o h n W. Mooney
900 Mr. and Mrs. Linus Benton Kauffman 1509 Mr. a n d Mrs. H a r v e y C. Garber
904 Dr. and Mrs. Brwin W. Schueller 1525 Mr. Charles L. K u r t z
906 Miss H e n r i e t t a L. Kauffman 1525 Mr. a n d Mrs. Ralph H. Beaton


BROAD ST. (Continued)

1592 Mr. and Mrs. Winfleld S. Courtright 1720 Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Marr
1618 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kelly 1728 Dr. and Mrs. Andre Crotti
1640 Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Werner 1824 Mrs. Jessie G. McGuier
1654 Mr. William S. Carlile — Mr. Marshall C. Blaine
1666 Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Stallman — Mr. James L. Hamill
1680 Dr.and Mrs. John E. Brown — Mr. and Mrs. John G. Deshler
1688 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shannon — Mr. and Mrs. Nelson John Bus
1706 Mr. and Mrs. Othniel Gwinn
140 Dr.and Mrs. Edson J. Emerick — Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Martindale
2133 Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses G. Benedict COLUMBUS STATE HOSPITAL
2585 Mr. and Mrs. Karl T. Webber Dr. Marv K. Isham
2805 Dr. Lafayette Woodruff Mr. M. T. Hines
085 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harry Thomas 993 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F. Arris
691 Mr. and Mrs. William G. Fisher 999 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ohliger
695 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Fisher 1000 Judge and Mrs. Samuel L. Black
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Thurber 1003 Mr. and Mrs. Aurelius B. Adair
Mr. and Mrs. Harvery Bancroft Mc- 1009 Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Henderson
Elroy 1010 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Stoneman
703 Mr. anh Mrs. Louis P. Ecker 1029 Mr. and Mrs. Franklin E. Miller
709 Mr. and Mrs. Joshua D. Price 1032 Mrs. Wm. F. Hunter
715 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas IL Ricketts 1041 Judge and Mrs. DeWitt C. Badger
731 Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Schoedinger 1044 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Neil
737 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Carroll 1059 Mr. and Mrs. James N. Doug'.ass
743 Mr. and Mrs. Nelson A. Sims 1062 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barcus
759 Mrs. Josepn F. Davidson 1063 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jseger
765 Mr. Charles C. Aler 1071 Mrs. Susana D. Lindenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Pfeiffer 1080 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lazarus
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hansberger 1083 Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Benua
781 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gumble 1098 Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Barton Thomas
787 Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gumble 1110 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Cope
790 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Cole 111-3 Mr. and Mrs. George B. Donavin
790 Mr. and Mrs. John Russell Cole 1116 Mrs. Mary G. Bracken
791 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Rogers 1122 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Shawan
806 Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Schneider 1122 Mr. and Mrs. Bobert F. S'hawan
813 Mr. and Mrs. John Siebert 1126 Dr. and Mrs. John Herbert B. Scott
814 Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Schueller 1129 Mrs. Sallie A. Glenn
820 Mrs. Samuel Borger 1135 Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Klie
827 Mr. and Mrs. C. Christian Born 1150 Mr. F . G. Howald
8 38 Mr. and Mrs. William V. Leonard 1151 Mr. and Mrs. John TV. Kaufman
844 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Stribling 1154 Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Howald
844 Mrs. Virginia D. Maddox 1166 Mrs. Sophia Schille
851 Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Reynolds 1166 Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Walling
854 Mr. Edward J. Goodman 1169 Mr. and Mrs. John S. Schneider
856 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Goodman 1170 Mr. aDd Mrs. Pailey W. Gilflllan
865 Mrs. J. F. Martin 1170 Miss Annie Villette Downs
865 Mr. David Buel 1191 Mrs. Clare K. Stiefel
868 Mr. and Mrs. Justin J. Stevenson 1191 Mr. Samuel Rosenthal
869 Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Park 1194 Mr. and Mrs. Leo L. Pfeifer
882 Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Patterson 1195 Mrs. Mary E. Clough
898 Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Norton 1205 Dr. and Mrs. John Dudlev Dunham
900 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander C. Bryce 1214 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Wolfe
903 Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Davey 1219 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bracken
909 Mrs. William H. Todd —• Mrs. Caroline Mansfield
913 Mr. and Mrs. Edwards C. Paine 1221 Mr. and Mrs. John Morton Bobb
913 Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Fenimore 1224 Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Cane
920 Mr. and Mrs. Preston W. Lupher — Mr. Frederick J .Williams
931 Mr. Oscar H. Mithoff 1227 Mr. and Mrs. Walter English
936 Mrs. Joseph H. Dunn 1234 Mr. and Mrs. William N. Cleveland
956 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wilcox 1237 Mr. and Mrs. Horatio C. Creith
960 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Corbett 125 8 Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand C. Schmidt
965 Mr. and Mrs. Chester C. Shepherd 1267 Mr. Henrv P. Crecelius
970 Mr. Florizel Smith 1270 Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm IL McColm
971 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scarlett — Mr. Lorenzo M. Baker
980 Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Luther Freeman — Mrs. James M. Thomas
986 Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin I. Parbee — Air. and Mrs. John G. Grossman
987 Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Miller 1281 Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Druckemiller
990 Mrs. John S. Gill — Mr. and Airs. James A. Maddox
991 Col. and Mrs. Edward T. Miller — Mrs. Geather J. De Vilbiss


BRYDEN ROAD (Continued)

1287 Mr. a n d Mrs. J a m e s M. D a v i s 1397 Mr. a n d Mrs. H o w a r d D. M a n i n g t o n
— Mr.
a n d M r s . J o h n A. T e e g a r d i n
Mrs. a n d M r s . T. L a w s o n Bigelow
Dr. a n d M r s . H e r b e r t M. P l a t t e r
Mr. a n d M r s . V a l e n t i n e L o e w e r
1298 Mr. G. TV. L i t z 1443 Mr. and Mrs. L y m a n B . H a l l e r
1299 Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m G. B e n h a m 1455 Mrs. J o h n B. S c h u m a n
1314 Mr. a n d M r s . C l a r e n c e M. Chaffee 1459 Mr. a n d M r s . L e w i s Cleland Tyler
1320 Mr. a n d M r s . George B . D u r a n t 1462 Mr. a n d M r s . M a r t i n E . M u r p h y
1330 Mr. a n d Mrs. C h a r l e s F . M y e r s 1474 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s J o h n Guenthcr
1337 Mr. and Airs. F r a n k E. Ruth 1516 Mr. a n d Mrs. C h a r l e s TV. Sowers
1355 Air. a n d M r s . R e u b e n H . Bobb 1546 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d B. A r m b r u s t e r
1358 Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m W . Aleek 1572 Mr. a n d M r s . A n d r e w J. P e m b r o k e
1359 Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Cherrv- 1601 M r . a n d Airs. W i l l i a m R. Diehl
holmes 1616 Mr. a n d Airs. H a r r y M. B l a i r
1362 Air. a n d M r s . H a r r y A. T a v l o r 1632 Mr. a n d M r s . Orson S. H o f m a n
1365 Mr. a n d M r s . Glenn M. G r a n t 1682 Mr. a n d M r s . H e n r y Coyle
1374 Mr. a n d M r s . E l b e r t C. Morton 1708 Mr. a n d Mrs. J. F r a n k R i d e n o u r
1377 Mr. a n d Mrs. W i l l i a m C. K e n n e d y 1747 Mr. a n d M r s . H a r r y TV. P u t n a m
1381 Mr. a n d M r s . Wilfred O. F r o h o c k 1765 M r s . H a r r v R. B e e s o n
1382 Mr. a n d M r s . D a v i d E . Mooney 1822 M r . a n d M r s . C h a r l e s S. B a s h
1387 Mr. a n d Mrs. D w i g h t H a r r i s o n — Mrs. W i l l i a m A. G u i t n e r
1392 Mr. a n d M r s . L l o y d E. S t u r m
86 Mr. a n d M r s . R i c h a r d G. B e r r y 15 8 Mr. E l i a s H i c k s S h o e m a k e r
106 Dr. a n d Mrs. W i l l a r d B. C a r p e n t e r 164 Dr. a n d Mrs. J o h n A. Riebel
114 Hon. a n d Mrs. J o h n E . S a t e r 168 Mr. and Mrs. Dowry F . S a t e r
130 Dr. a n d Airs. C h a r l e s S. M e a n s 178 Mr. C h a r l e s A. W o o d w a r d
140 Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Darling Inglis 182 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n T. A d a m s
148 Mr. a n d Mrs. P. W . W a l s h 22 6 Mr. a n d Mrs. C. Clifton Vail
154 Mr. a n d M r s . B e r n a r d W . P a y n e 369 Mr. a n d M r s . N . E . H a r r i s
Mr. a n d Mrs. W i l l i a m J . M e r k l e — Mrs. Allen A. Gibson
33 Air. and Mrs. J o h n Lowell Reed 53 Mr. a n d M r s . A l e x i s Cope
36 Mr. and Mrs. P a u l M. T h o m s o n 53 M r s . F l o r e n c e Cope
37 Air. and Mrs. J. P o r t e r D a v i s 53 M r s . F l o r e n c e Dean
41 Mr. and Airs. C h a r l e s R. F r a n k h a m 74 Air. a n d Airs. George B. J o b s o n t^M
42 Mr. and Mrs. Simon L a z a r u s 83 Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m E. J o n e s
51 Dr. and Mrs. H a r r y Cope 100 Mr. a n d Mrs. L u t h e r P . Stephens
35 Mr. Eli M. W e s t 271 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d J. A s t o n
38 Mr. a n d Mrs. T h o m a s J. D u n d o n 277 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k E. A r c h e r
47 Mr. a n d Mrs. H a r r y H . H e i n e r 283 Mr. H e n r y L. Siebert
57 Mr. a n d M r s . Smith M. Comlv 283 M r s . H . H. T h o r p
75 M r s . Gordon Moodie 292 M i s s M a r y L. Miller
75 Air. R a l p h O. S m i t h 809 Mr. a n d M r s . O r a l M. Heffner
83 Air. a n d Mrs. F . Austin AIcElroy 820 Mr. a n d M r s . P e r r y B. TVhitsit
58 Mrs. L o r e n z o W. Lewis 95 Air. a n d Mrs. J a m e s E. Loudon
601 Mr. Samuel A. E s s w e i n 919 M r . a n d Airs. F r e d G. K o e r n e r
51 Mr. a n d M r s . Jefferson Sohl 71 Mr. a n d Mrs. G a r d n e r Lattimer
58 Mr. a n d Mrs. R o b e r t H. G r a h a m 71 Mr. D. E. Williams
63 Mr. a n d M r s . C. E. B a r k e r
Mr. a n d Mrs. R o b e r t L i v i n g s t o n
Mr. a n d M r s . H e r b e r t R. Gill
70 Mr. a n d M r s . J p r n e s H. P e n d e r
70 Dr. a n d Mrs. William N. Morgan
55 Mrs. D o r o t h y P a t t e r s o n 9 6 Mr. George M c K e e v e r 1
66 Mr. a n d M r s . W a l t e r Cott 111 Dr. a n d M r s . J e s s e J. M a g r u d e r
66 M r s . F r a n k A. D i t t o e 1
j 1


1517 Air. and Airs. TVm. H . A u l d 1692 Mrs. E m m a D . D e r t h i c k
1539 Mr. and Mrs. R. L e e H a y e s — M r . a n d Mrs. F r a n k E. H o o v e r
1555 Rev. and Mrs. J. TV. Christie 1700 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s P . P a r k h u r s t
1634 Alh. and Airs. Oliver M. E v a n s

Mr. a n d Mrs. Louis L a n g —Air. a n d Mrs. C h a r l e s E. M a r k e s o n
Mr. a n d Airs. F r a n k R. R e e v e s
619 Mr. a n d Mrs. Guy Ohliger Mr. a n d Airs. C h a r l e s C. P h i l b r i c k
743 M r s . S u s a n C. W h e t s e l 825 Mr. Geo. E . K i b l e r
749 Air. a n d Mrs. E l a h Terrell 840 Mrs. A. D a v i s B i e r m a n
755 Mr. a n d M r s . E m e r y J. S m i t h — Mr. a n d M r s . E l m o r e D. P u t n a m
793 Dennison H o t e l 1031 Mr. a n d Airs. Geo. M. S c h w a r t z
Mr. K e n n e t h W . C u r t i s 1103 D r . D o u g l a s P . A d a m s
Mr. a n d M r s . Alex. H . J o h n s o n 1103 Mr. a n d M r s . A l v i n M. S h o e m a k e r
Mr. a n d M r s . H. Merrill J a c k s o n M c C A N N — J u n e 24
Mr. a n d Mrs. Lloyd W . B u c k m a s t e r

95 Air. and Mrs. Robert C. Schroth 175 Air. a n d M r s . L o u i s W i r t h w e i n
99 Mr. a n d Mrs. W e s l e y J. Eilber 165 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maetzel
107 Air. andMrs. F r a n k E. Lauterbach 308 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Spencer
117 Mr. a n d Mrs. Theodore V a n G e r i c h t e n

2 7 D r . a n d M r s . Geo. T. H a r d i n g , J r . 43 Air. a n d Airs. H e n r y H . B a r k e r
37 Mr. a n d Airs. A l v a D. B r o s i u s

-Air. and Mrs. L o r e n z o D. M a t h e w s Mr. a n d Mrs. W i l l a r d B. Morris


44 Dr. a n d M r s . Albert Cooper 69 Dr. a n d Mrs. E l m e r E . L a t h a m

12 66 Mr. a n d Mrs. V e r n o n TV. Aloss 1415 Dr. a n d Mrs. J o h n H. J. U p h a m
1276 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n E. C u m m i n g s 142 7 Mr. a n d Airs. A l b e r t C. F a u l e y
1369 Mr. M a r i o n T. B r i n k e r 14 60 Mr. a n d Mrs. W a l t e r L. Lillie
1380 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k A. C h e n o w e t h 146 6 Air. a n d M r s . J a s . C. Miller
1380 Air. a n d M r s . Milo F . C h e n o w e t h 1467 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n W . New'ton
1403 Airs. T h o m a s H i b b e n 1469 Mrs. W a l t e r D. Guilbert
1406 Dr. a n d M r s . TV. W . H o m e s 1470 Mr. a n d M r s . H o r a c e TVilloughby
— M r . R. H. S e a r s 1472 M r s . H a n n a h M. T a y l o r

63 Dr. a n d M r s . Alden J. B u s h 82 Mr. a n d Mrs. O r l a n d W . F l e t c h e r


153 Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s O. Cutler 187 M r s . Alice J . K e l l e r
164 Mr. a n d Airs. C h a r l e s R. Roof


14 Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Alexan- 181 Air. a n d Mrs. C h a r l e s E. Bell
der Leighton 178 Mr. a n d M r s . H o m e r C u r t i s H o w a r d
18 Mr. a n d M r s . R i c h a r d T. C l a r k e 232 Mr. a n d Mrs. H . M. P a t t o n
64 Mr. a n d Mrs. J a m e s G. Wrestwater 259 Dr. R o b e r t C. T a r b e l l
168 Mr. a n d Airs. W a r r e n C. D u n n 277 Mrs. Albert K r u m m
170 Mr. a n d Mrs. N e w t o n K u r t z Billow 277 Mr. Charles S. M. K r u m m
176 Air. a n d Mrs. J a s . E. Wikoff 307 Dr. a n d Mrs. A l b e r t S. B a r n e s



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33 Mr. a n d Mrs. Oliver O r r 139 Mr. a n d M r s . I r a W . Brownfleld
92 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k B l a c k f o r d
131 M r . a n d M r s . M a t t h e w L. B i g g e r 349 Miss S a r a h Ballou
230 Mr. J a m e s P . McAllister 349 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. t a m e r
— M r . a n d M r s . E d w a r d H. M c G r a t h 352 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Norris
236 Prof, a n d M r s . V. H . D a v i s 267 Dr. Dessie Dell T h o m p s o n
241 M r s . A n n a P . M o r r i s 375 Miss G r a c e E . C h a n d l e r
242 Mr. J o s e p h S c h o n t h a l 375 Prof, and Mrs. Alfred Vivian
252 M r . a n d M r s . M a r k W . H e r r o n 3 80 Prof, a n d M r s . E m b u r y A. H i t c h c o c k
293 Mr. a n d M r s . A l b e r t H. Bonnet 393 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . K. L i g g e t t
303 Mr. a n d M r s . Clarence D. Lavlin 404 Miss Annie E. Hull
328 Prof, a n d Mrs. C h a r l e s L. A r n o l d 406 Mr. a n d M r s . George D. Cutler
333 Mr. a n d M r s . T h o m a s H . C l a r k 414 M r s . E m m a D. Connolley
33 8 M r s . N a t h a n i e l W . L o r d 417 Mr. a n d M r s . H a r r y S. A d a i r
348 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . R. L a z e n b y


92 M r . a n d M r s . A l b e r t M. Allen 2 64 M r s . C h a r l e s W e a k s

29 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k C. Medick 141 Prof, a n d M r s . A r t h u r G. McCall
45 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n T. G a m b l e 189 M r s . J. W . Ansel
53 M r s . M a r g a r e t A. B . T o w n s h e n d 201 Miss J a n e Z u r m e h l y
65 M r s . M a r y C. W a s h b u r n 217 Mr. a n d M r s . George S. M a r s h a l ]
95 Miss Olive J o n e s

1081 M r s . E t h e l G. J o h n s t o n 1384 Rev. a n d Mrs. H a r r y B. Lewis
1100 Mrs. Alexis Keeler 1396 J u d g e a n d M r s . S a m u e l G. Osborn
1140 Mr. a n d M r s . Chas. D. Cussins 1402 Mr. a n d M r s . H a r r y T. P o w e l l
1186 Mr. a n d M r s . Orville M. Spencer 1410 Mr. a n d M r s . Benj. K. Tritsch
1189 Mr. a n d Mrs. C h a s . E . W o o d 1415 Mr. a n d M r s . J a s . P . V a i l
1200 Miss L u c y H . Spier 1418 Mr. M a r k B r o w n i n g
1200 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n c i s Percy Waddell 1420 Mr. a n d Mrs. William O. Jameson
1212 Mr. a n d M r s . G. F . B r a n d 1421 M r . a n d M r s . B u r l D. Clement
1216 Mr. a n d M r s . W a r r e n B . F e r r i s 1425 Mr. a n d M r s . F r e d S h a r e r
1217 M r s . J o h n R. Clement 1447 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n T. L a n m a n
M r s . R. E . K l o g e r 1461 Mr. a n d M r s . George A. A r c h e r
1224 Mr. a n d M r s . T h o m a s M. Lillev 1462 Mrs. John H o w a r d Lippincott
1297 Mr. a n d M r s . M a n c h J. W a l l a c e 1470 Mr. J a m e s C. M c G r e w
1308 Mr. a n d M r s . L a u r e n s B . F r e e m a n 1471 Mr. a n d Mrs. Richard E. Ackland
1375 Mrs. W a l t e r B. K i m b a l l 1477 Mr. a n d M r s . George M. F i n c k e l

24 Mr. a n d M r s . R o s s W . Cheek 199 Mr. a n d M r s . W a l t e r L. "Whitacre
31 Mr. a n d M r s . F . A. B r o w n 212 Mr. a n d M r s . C l a y t o n A. M c C l e a r y
32 Dr. a n d M r s . J e s s e A. V a n F o s s e n 213 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n C. Sherwood
50 Mr. a n d M r s . N i c h o l a s W . Dick 219 Mr. a n d M r s . H . B . Ditz
64 Mr. a n d Mrs. Chas. E. Spielman 224 Mr. a n d M r s . Nelson R a m s e y
67 Mr. a n d M r s . "Willis C. J a y n e s 229 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a u n c e y F . H i c k s
70 Mr. a n d M r s . T h o m a s C. S o u t h a r d 240 Mr. a n d M r s . B e m a n T h o m a s
76 Mrs. Nicholas Monsarrat 275 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n Dun
84 Mr. a n d M r s . F r e d T. J o n e s 2 88 Mr. a n d M r s . C. Malcolm K i n n a i r d
93 Prof, a n d M r s . S a m u e l C. D e r b y 2 89 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n J. D u n
94 Prof, a n d M r s . J a m e s E . H a g g e r t y 290 Prof, a n d Mrs. J o h n B . P r e s t o n
104 Prof, a n d Mrs. George W . K n i g h t 325 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d H. Giesy
116 Mr. a n d Mrs. Llewellyn L a m p m a n 358 Col. W . H K n a u s s
121 Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s W. Meek 365 Mr. a n d M r s . W . A. Grieves
131 Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m F e l t o n 366 Dr. a n d M r s . H u g h J. M e a n s
M i s s E m m a L. J o n e s 369 Mr. a n d M r s . Otto B . H e a t o n
141 Mrs. R a c h e l A. K i r k 374 Dr. a n d M r s . J o h n C. B i s h o p
Mr. a n d M r s . Calvin Sohl 393 Mr. a n d M r s . Claude B . Ball
181 Mr. a n d M r s . H e n r v W a r d B a c k u s 426 Prof, a n d Mrs. E d w i n F . Coddington

• • • M B

38 Dr. and Mrs. W a l t e r E. Ranchous 349 Dr. F r a n k Louis S t i l l m a n
84 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Weadoo 350 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hoyer
118 Mr. W m . T. B u r n s 373 Mr. a n d M r s . Carl E . T r u e s d e l l
164 Dr. a n d M r s . J o h n J. B e e k m a n 398 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k C. E a t o n
170 Mr. a n d M r s . D a n i e l J. M c N a m a r a 436 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K. L a n m a n
299 Mr. a n d M r s . M. B r y a n t Griffith 436 Mr. and Mrs. J o h n E . Price
338 Mr. H e n r y A. T h o r p e


65 Mrs. Abbie W. Griffin — Mr. a n d Mrs. Noah C. Hager

53 Mr. a n d M r s . H e n r y A. M o r g a n


54 Mr. a n d M r s . H e n r y B . Cooper 15 8 Mr. A. M. C r u m r i n e
62 Mr. a n d M r s . H e n r y F . G u e r i n 158 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K r o p p
121 M r . a n d M r s . G. D a n a H a r r i n g t o n

1323 Prof, a n d M r s . J o h n H . H u n t 13 74 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . S. H u f f m a n
1342 Miss B e r t h a M. Ober 1379 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . G. H u g h e s
1342 Prof, a n d M r s . H e n r y A. W r eber 13 80 M r s . L a u r a C. S l a u g h t e r
1351 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . H . Dickinson 1387 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s S. W h e a t o n
1364 Mr. a n d M r s . W . B . A b b o t t

17 M r . a n d M r s . Wm,_ B. J a c k s o n 152 Mr. a n d M r s . B e r n a r d S m i t h
22 Miss A n n a F . B l o h n 155 Mr. a n d M r s . L o u i s C. Simon
Miss R u t h W a r d a l l 161 Mr. T h o m a s Jeffrev
— Miss E d n a N. W h i t e 162 Mr. a n d M r s . C. S. P a t t o n
3 7 Mr. a n d M r s . George L. B e h r e n s 172 Prof, a n d M r s. O s c a r V. B r u m l e y
43 Mr. a n d M r s . Theo. H .r A m o s 174 Mr. a n d Mrs,. H a r l o w H . S p a i n
83 Mr. a n d M r s . Alvin W . B e a t t y 182 Mr. a n d Mrs.. L e o n a r d Y o u n g
Mr. a n d M r s . Clinton B . Shook 212 Mr. a n d Mrs.. C h a r l e s W . Collmer
112 Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s F . Dickinson 262 Prof, and Mr s. R a y m o n d J. S e y m o u r
118 Mr. a n d M r s . F r e d C. R e c t o r 404 Mr. a n d Mrs. W . C. Deems
121 M r . a n d M r s . E l w o o d W . S t o p h l e t t

21 Mr. a n d Mrs. P a u l F l e m i n g 127 Mr. a n d Mrs. Victor G. Beebe
90 Prof, a n d Mrs. F r a n k E. S a n b o r n 190 Mr. a n d Mrs. H e r b e r t L. T h o m a s
70% Mr. Wm. N. Woodbury 1831 M r s . M a r y E. W i l t b e r g e r
97 M r s . WTm. Burdell 1876 J u d g e a n d Mrs. T h o m a s H. H e n n e s s e y
97 Mrs. E m m a H a r r i s 2173 Mr. a n d Mrs. Albert R o s s
1669 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k H . Gibson 2291 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n T. C o r b e t t
1714 Mr. a n d M r s . H a r r y A. C a r r 2291 Mrs. Katharine Floyd
1714 Mr. and Mrs. P e r r y E . Norris


32 Mrs. Mary Webb 370 Dr. a n d M r s . C h a s . A. Cooperrider
54 Dr. Clifford T. O ' K e y — Mr. a n d Mrs. Eugene Campbell Wag
— Mrs. Lida D. Wheaton ner
55 Mr. E d w a r d E . H o l t o n — Mr. C h a r l e s O. H u n t e r
24 7 Mr. W i l l i a m V. B a k e r
35 Dr. a n d M r s . A l b e r t u s C. Wolfe 93 Mr. a n d M r s . George Underhill
50 D r . a n d M r s . D a r l i n g t o n J. S n y d e r 182 Dr. F r e d F l e t c h e r
53 Miss I d a C l a r k 328 Mr. a n d M r s . Malcolm A. K a r s h n e r
60 Rev. and Mrs. E. Lee H o w a r d 480 Mrs. Crayton W. Black
76 Dr. a n d Mrs. C. R. Longsworth 493 Mr. a n d Mrs. Milton L. L y n a s

38 M r . a n d M r s . D. C. B r y a n t 143 Mr. a n d M r s . C. E . L e w i s
Dr. a n d M r s . C. L . Miller
14 M r . a n d M r s . W m . O. L a w s o n M c C A N N — J u n e 24
25 Mr. a n d M r s . F r e d . A . K e h r e r COL. S T R E E T L I S T — 5
81 M r . a n d M r s . A l b e r t Cox
533 Mr. J o h n C. Stone 948 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . H . E n g l i s h ,
566 Mr. a n d M r s . S y l v e s t e r E . R a n n e y 9 63 Mr. a n d M r s . C l a v t o n E . Blue
M r s . E l t a Moore W a r d e n —• M r s . M a r t h a A. F i t t s
617 M r s . W m . A. T a y l o r 994 Mr. a n d M r s . R i c h a r d J . F a n n i n g
649 Prof, a n d M r s . H e r m a n n E b e l i n g 1010 Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m T. M o r r i s
646 Prof, a n d M r s . George H . M c K n i g h t 1017 Mr. a n d M r s . Geo. W . Cones
654 Mr. a n d Mrs. E a r l e Clarke Derby 1020 Mr. a n d M r s . O s c a r D. H o w a r d
699 Dr. a n d Mrs. J o h n W. Clemmer — M r s . J o s e p h i n e R. Miller
709 D r . a n d M r s . Wells T e a c h n o r 1029 Mr. a n d M r s . K l i n e L. R o b e r t s
725 Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s L . Hoeschele 1038 Mr. a n d M r s . Malcolm M c D o n a l d
726 Mr. a n d M r s . T h o m a s D. F u l l e r 1041 Mr. a n d M r s . R o b e r t C. R y d e r
731 Mr. a n d M r s . Alpheus B . Stevenson 1052 Mr. a n d M r s . E v e r e t t K. Morris
737 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a s . A. Klie 1056 Miss G e r t r u d e R u i n e
740 M r . a n d M r s . J . D . B r y a n t 1056 M r s . A n n a T. M c D o n a l d
743 Mr. a n d M r s . H a r v e y S. C a s h a t t 1074 Mr. a n d M r s . J o e H . E a r n s h o w
Mrs. John J. Mauk 1075 Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m L . M o r r i s
750 Mr. a n d M r s . T h o m a s Swift 1091 Rev. Prof, a n d Mrs. E d w a r d E. Pfeif-
751 Mr. a n d M r s . W h e e l e r C. Wikoff fer
754 Miss Alice H a m m o n d 1109 Mr. a n d M r s . W . Rollin Supplee
757 Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s A. Dildine 1147 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d O. H o r n
762 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n D. S t e r n e r 1164 Mr. a n d M r s . I r a D. S m i t h
763 M r s . E l l a S. Y o u n g 1185 Dr. a n d M r s . Claren E . Pfeifer
776 M r . a n d M r s . H e n r y S. H a l l w o o d 1224 M r s . C l a r a L. Monroe
777 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n J. A r c h e r 1228 Mr. a n d H r s . F r a n k E . A v e r y
781 Mr. a n d M r s . C. I. S m i t h 1284 Mr. a n d M r s . J e s s e G. H u l s e
794 Mr. a n d M r s . W . H . L e w i s 1307 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . H . I n n i s
803 Mr. a n d M r s . C l a r e n c e E . W o o l m a n 1310 Mr. a n d M r s . A r c h e r M. M a g r e w
816 Mr. a n d M r s . "William C. C a m n i t z 1313 Mr. a n d M r s . George W . Wolfley
825 Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s McCombs 1326 Mr. a n d M r s . B e n j . F . S h u c k
832 M i s s F r a n c e s Cornelia P a r k 1332 Mr. J a c k M y e r s
Mr. a n d M r s . Chas. W . Miller 1336 Mr. a n d M r s . C h e s t e r M. A n d e r s o n
848 Mr. a n d M r s . S e t h V. P a i n e 1341 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n J . A r c h e r , J r .
865 Mr. C h a r l e s E . B o n e b r a k e 1360 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . A. M c D o n a l d
869 Mr. a n d M r s . E l l s w o r t h C. I r v i n e 1421 Mr. a n d M r s . J . E d w a r d O r r
870 M r s . K a t e Bemis H a y d e n 1454 Mrs. D a v i d A. W r i g h t
875 Mr. A n d r e w G. P u g h 1455 Miss H o r t e n s e H a m l i n B r o o k s
880 M r s . E l i z a b e t h H . Miles 1598 Mr. a n d M r s . B e n j a m i n F i n c k e l
894 Mr. a n d M r s . George L. Gugle 1643 Mr. a n d M r s . D e m m i e P r e s t o n Cooke
897 Mr. a n d M r s . J o s e p h H . F r a n t z 1665 Mr. a n d M r s . R o b e r t F . B o d a
901 Mr. a n d M r s . Geo. W . Sellars, J r . 1735 Dr. a n d M r s . J a s . E . Robinson
902 Mr. a n d M r s . G. R a n d o l p h S h a w 1747 Mr. a n d M r s . Otis M. Blose
910 Mr. a n d M r s . T h o m a s J. B e r g i n 1757 Mr. a n d M r s . G a n s e y J o h n s t o n
911 M r . a n d M r s . J a m e s N . R o b i n s — M r s . S a r a h G. Sisson
914 Mr. a n d M r s . R e y n o l d s K l a g e s 1815 Mr. a n d M r s . B e n j . L . L e w i s
Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s J . K r a g 1827 Mr. a n d M r s . W i l b u r G r a n t Neff
942 Mr. A l b e r t S p e a k s 1834 Mr. a n d M r s . George E l m e r Wood
1525 Mr. a n d M r s . E l m o r e J. S w e r e r 169 7 Dr. a n d M r s . A n d r e w B . Nelles
1533 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n J . S t o d d a r t 1707 M i s s E m m a Schoch
1555 Mr. a n d M r s . Charles Cohenour 1727 Mr. a n d M r s . E p h r a i m L. H a r r i s
1575 Mr. a n d M r s . A r t h u r E . S h a n n o n 1725 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s R. M a r t e n s
1581 Mr. a n d M r s . D a v i d C. B e g g s 1747 Mr. C h a r l e s A. Bliss
1587 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k N . H a m m o n d 1751 Mr. a n d M r s . R a l p h R e a m e r
1591 Mr. a n d M r s . H e n r y L . F b r s t b a u e r 1791 Mrs. Cora King
1597 Mr. a n d M r s . F e r d i n a n d H . H e y w o o d —• Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m G. "Westwater
1605 Mr. a n d M r s . A l b e r t L e e T h u r m a n 1795 Mr. a n d M r s . E m a n u e l M. Childs
1623 Mr. a n d M r s . J . E l w o o d B u l e n 1801 Mr. a n d M r s . C a r e y C. W i n a n s
1633 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k W i n d e r s 1805 Mr. a n d M r s . J. Z e t t l e r K r u m m
1645 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d S. B a l d w i n 1815 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k l i n M. K e n d a l l
1661 Mr. a n d M r s . I l a r r v J . W e s t e r m a n 1819 Dr. a n d M r s . D . Tod Gilliam
1697 Miss E d n a Gidden 1865 M r s . Tillie G. L o r d



27 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n F . Bechtel 85 Mr. a n d M r s . S c o t t A. W e b b
—• Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k E . R o s s 103 Mr. a n d M r s . Alfred L. Willson
35 Mr. a n d M r s . R a l p h F o r r e s t R a r e y 103 Mr. a n d Mrs. I r a H. Willson
39 Mr. a n d M r s . A l v i n C. B o n n e t Mrs. O. F . Willson
45 Mr. a n d M r s . Leslie L a w s o n B i g e l o w 109 Mr. a n d Mrs. H o r a c e J. M a y n a r d
59 M r s . J. W . H i c k s 117 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k l i n O. Schoedinger
—• M r s . L i d a L e e Owens 131 Mr. a n d Mrs. D u d l e y A. Filler
65 Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n J. C h e s t e r —• Mr. Geo. W. Sinks
69 Mr. a n d Mrs. Orestes A. B. Senter


700 R e v . a n d M r s . N o a h W . Good 825 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k C. H u b b a r d


543 Mr. N i c h o l a s Schlee 1060 M r s . L e o n a r d H i r s c h

49 Miss S a r a F o s t e r Copeland 467 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n H . A r n o l d
70 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k L. P a c k a r d 469 Mr. a n d M r s . J o n a h a n Moore
99 M i s s J u l i a M. Le F a v o r


135 Mr. a n d Mrs. George Tewksbury John- 151 Mr. and M r s . J o s . P . J o h n s
son 152 Mr. a n d Mrs. W i l b u r T. Mills


20 Mr. D a v i d C. M e e h a n 300 Mr. a n d M r s . J. E m o r y Huff
105 Mr. a n d M r s . A b r a h a m B u r b a n k 303 Dr. a n d M r s . T h o m a s B . Hillock
186% Mr. E d w a r d W . C r a y t o n 309 Mr. a n d M r s . Almon E . P i t t s /
242 Mr. a n d M r s . A r t h u r H . S m y t h e 319 M r s . Ulrice S l o a n e
266 Mr. a n d M r s . M o r t o n M c D o n a l d 326 Dr. a n d M r s . J a c o b A. S t o u t
273 Mr. a n d M r s . W a l t e r C l a r k P o w e l l 330 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k A. H a m i l t o n
275 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . J. B u t l e r 561 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n D e l a n o K a r n s
281 M r . a n d M r s . E d w a r d W . S w i s h e r The Garland
258 Mr. a n d M r s . F r e d W . A t c h e r s o n — Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Curtis H o w a r d
2 85 M r s . E d w a r d G. H o m e — Mr. a n d M r s . U r l i n George P e r r i l l
290 M r s . M a r g a r i t e A. H u l l — Mr. a n d M r s . C h a s . A. "Warren


L e n o x Hotel M r s . M. C. Snively
Mr. and Mrs. H e n r y D. B r u n i n g M r a n d Mrs. W i l l i a m A. S n o w
Mr. a n d Mrs. J. E. Crepps Miss Louise S t e w a r t
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Galbreath 151 Miss Dessie E . N e i l
Mr. a n d Mrs. H o r a c e C. M a y e r s


Mr. a n d M r s . F . H o w a r d A u l d Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k M. H i g g s
M r s . E d w a r d E . Bradbury- M r s Cinderella H o l m a n
Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d G B r a d b u r y M r a n d M r s . F r e d e r i c R. H o o v e r
Mr. a n d M r s . H i r a m S. B r o n s o n Mr. a n d M r s . B. M. Howell
Mr. A b r a m B r o w n Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k B. Howell
Mr. a n d M r s . C h a s . F B u t t e r w o r t h M r a n d M r s . C y r u s A. H u g g i n s
Mr and Mrs. F r a n k Butterworth Mr. a n d M r s . A l a n Le&my
Mr. a n d M r s . H e n r y B u t t e r w o r t h Mr. a n d M r s . T h e o d o r e L i n d e n b e r g
Mr. a n d M r s . J. L C a r m a n Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m H e r b e r t P a g e
M r a n d M r s . Alfred E C a r p e n t e r Mr. a n d M r s . J u l i u s F Stone
M r s Otto F r a n k e n b e r g Mrs. M a r t h a S t u r g e o n
Mr. a n d Mrs. H . D. F r e e m a n Mr. a n d M r s . George C. U r l i n
Mr. a n d Mrs. E u g e n e G r a y Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s W a l c u t t
Miss Eva Gray Mr. a n d Mrs. C. H a r r y Walcutt
M r a n d Mrs. Wm. H. G r i g s b y Mr. a n d M r s . Clarence H. W i n g

32 Miss Allis B . Gill — Mr. a n d M r s . L a w r e n c e A. H o l m e s
—• Mrs. J. A. J o r d a n 67 M r a n d M r s . C h a r l e s K i n n e y
47 Col a n d M r s . J. T. H o l m e s 81 Mr. a n d M r s . George B . Okey

48 Dr. E d w a r d E . H a l l 72 Dr. H e r v e y W . W ' h i t a k e r

1567 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n B. Miles 1618 M r a n d M r s W i l l i a m H . A n d r e w s
1569 Mr. a n d M r s . E . P . Tice
31 Mr. a n d M r s . L o u i s F . F i e s e r 97 M r s . J. G. Gilmore
32 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . A l e x a n d e r B a r g a r 98 J u d g e a n d M r s . T h o m a s J. D u n c a n
33 Mr. a n d M r s . P e t e r Merkle 102 M r s . J a m e s J o h n s t o n H a n n a
34 Mrs. M a r t h a Thomas — Mr. E d g a r Holmes McNeal
43 Mr. a n d M r s . H e r m a n H o s t e r —• D r . a n d M r s . N i c h o l a s P . Oglesby
50 Mr. a n d M r s . F o s t e r Copeland 105 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w . M. M o o a r
55 Mr. Geo. J H o s t e r — M r s H. Monford P o w e l l
—• Mr and Mrs. Chas. E. Winterringer 109 M r s . Louise L. E l l i o t t
58 Miss H e l e n F r a s e r 111 Mr. a n d M r s . C a r l o s B. S h e d d
64 Mr. a n d M r s . D a r i u s T a l l m a d g e 112 M i s s M a r t h a J. M a l t b y
65 Mr. a n d M r s . George A. P e t e r s — Mr. a n d M r s . R o b e r t J o h n W h e a t o n
— Mrs. M a r y Taft — Mr. a n d M r s . Allen W . W i l l i a m s
72 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n M y e r s T a y l o r —• Mr. J a m e s A n d r e w W i l l i a m s
75 M r a n d M r s . T h e r o n B . Miller 117 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w i n C l a i r E n s m i n g e r
78 E x - G o v . a n d M r s . J a s . E . Campbell —• M r s . J o h n B . Neil
85 M r a n d M r s . J a m e s B. W h i t e 195 Mr. a n d M r s . L. B . C h e r i n g t o n
90 Mr. F r a n k R. Shinn 255 Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m S. Connor
91 Dr. a n d M r s . A n d r e w T i m b e r m a n 261 Mr. a n d M r s . O s c a r S. L e a r

155 6 Mr. and Mrs. W a l d o T. G u y 1601 Mr. and Mrs. Max Morehouse
1570 Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k Tallmadge 1610 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vervoe
1571 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Brown 1616 Mr. and Mrs. E . Mithoff N i c h o l a s
1584 Mr. and Mrs. H a r r y B. Arnold 1617 Mr. and Mrs. William P. Little
1592 Mr. and Mrs. George B . L u p f e r

1506 Mr. a n d Mrs. E . B . L a n d m a n 1521 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. K u r t z
1512 Mr. a n d M r s . R a y S t a n l e y D u n h a m 1544 Mr. and Mrs. Levi R. S m i t h
1517 Mr. a n d Mrs. E r n e s t S. J a r o s


Chittenden Hotel —• M r s . Del E . J u l i a n
— Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n Y o u n g Bassell 1814 Mr. a n d M r s . F r e d e r i c k W . B r a g g i n s
— Dr. W i l l i a m B e n e d i c t Bassell 1831 M r . a n d M r s . Geo. B e e c h e r K a u f f m a n
8 0 % Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m B u c h e r 1836 Mr. a n d M r s . George E . H a w k i n s
100 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n G. L i k e s 1906 Mr. a n d M r s . F . Dell S u l l i v a n
170 Mr. a n d M r s . O s c a r L. A n d e r s o n 1948 M r . a n d M r s . Alfred R. B a r r i n g t o n
666 Mr. a n d Mrs. H a r r y H . S h a w 2270 Mr. a n d M r s . T h o m a s J. L u d w i g
715 D r . a n d M r s . "William J. M e a n s 2273 Mr. a n d M r s . Clarence H . S u t p h e n
786 Dr. a n d M r s . R o b e r t H e n r y 2304 Mr. a n d M r s . A r t h u r C. M a y
822 D r . a n d M r s . R. G. Noble 2516 D r . a n d M r s . E l m e r G. H o r t o n
826 M r s . M a r k Moon 2541 Mr. a n d M r s . Clarence H . Slyh
941 Mr. J o h n R. Hughes 3099 Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n R. H u n t
1081 Mr. a n d M r s . T h e o d o r e R h o a d s 3100 Mr. a n d Mrs. Emil A r m b r u s t e r
1095 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n H . Smith 3100 Mr. and Mrs. M. A r m b r u s t e r
1232 M r s . D a n i e l E . Sullivan 3102 Mr. and M r s . Albert E. A r m b r u s t e r
— Mr. a n d M r s . R o b e r t J o h n H o t t 3125 Mr. a n d M r s . D. W a s h b u r n
1368 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n C. McCullough 4540 Mr. a n d M r s . E d g a r S. A l d r i c h
—- Dr. a n d M r s . M a r y H . Snively — Orlando W. Aldrich
1371 Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s M. L o r e n —• Mr. a n d M r s . W e s l e y R. Aldrich
1491 Mr. a n d M r s . A l b e r t E. D o m o n e y — Mr. a n d M r s . Thos. A. S i m o n s
1806 Miss S a r a h T. B a r r o w s — Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s R. Shields
— Mr. a n d M r s . C. B r o w n Cornell



Neil H o u s e 685 Mr. a n d M r s . H a r r y E . A r m b r u s t e r
— Mr. E d w a r d H. A r c h e r 697 Mr. a n d M r s . Emil Kiesewetter
— Mr. Ben H. H a r m o n 709 Mr. a n d M r s . A l b e r t Corrodi
Southern Hotel 747 M r s . A n n a B . Mueller
Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s A. Allen — M r s . C h r i s t i a n Siebert
Mr. Willis G. B o w l a n d 799 M r s . H e n r y A. Mithoff
Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n R. D o w n e y 863 Mr. a n d M r s . Adolf T h e o b a l d
Col. J a m e s D. Ellison 874 Mr. L. E w i n g J o n e s
Mr. a n d M r s . P a u l Feinkhopf 887 M r s . F r e d e r i c k T h e o b a l d
Mr. a n d M r s . E . C. G r a n t 895 M r s . W m . S. K e m m l e r
H o n . L o r e n z o D. H a g e r t y 915 Dr. a n d M r s . C a r l L. S p o h r
Mr. a n d M r s . S a m u e l G. McMeen 95! i Mr. a n d M r s . H e r m a n B r a u n , J r .
Mr. D . C. M e e h a n 975 M r s . Alex. W^. K r u m m
Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m H .Moseley 999 Mr. a n d M r s . "William Reel
Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m H . Moseley, J r . 1005 Mr. a n d M r s . H a r v e y W . M a r t i n d i l l
Mr. a n d Mrs. Oliver H a z a r d P e r r y 1053 Mr. a n d M r s . H a r r y E . A d a m s o n
Mr. E d w a r d S. P e t t i g r e w 1056 Mrs. L u t h e r S. Hugentugler
Mr. J a m e s R o s s 1071 Mr. a n d M r s . C a r l L. B r a u n
Mrs. W. H. Williams 1106 M r s . C h r i s t i a n a E m r i e h .
172 Mr. a n d M r s . George W . Moore 1127 Mr. a n d M r s . H e n r y A. M a s o n
671 M r . a n d M r s . C o n r a d B o r n 1218 M r s Caroline P o s t e
677 Mr. a n d M r s . C. E d w a r d B o r n 1231 Mr. a n d M r s . Owen C. Obetz
—• M r s . C a t h e r i n e P . B o r n 1321 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . J . N o n n e n m a c h e r
683 M r s . W i l l i a m A r m b r u s t e r 1599 Mr. a n d M r s . Willis J . R o o t

1285 Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m H. Hartsough 1321 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . L. P e r k i n s

1035 Mr. a n d M r s . F r e d . S. H a t c h 1470 Miss E d i t h H o r d
1130 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d R. N e a l 1619 Mr. a n d M r s . L e i g h C. P e r s o n s
1333 Miss S a r a h M. K u m l e r —• Prof, a n d Mrs. J a m e s Renwick With-
1353 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s C. J a n e s
1433 Mr. a n d M r s . Geo. E . Bibbee

24 Miss J a n e D. S u l l i v a n t 75 Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m A. B u r t
27 M r . a n d M r s . F r a n k l i n C. Maxwell 76 Mr. a n d Mrs. Wm. C. Gager
29 M r . a n d M r s . H e r m o n M. H u b b a r d 82 J u d g e a n d M r s . W i l l i a m T. S p e a r
32 Mrs. M a r y Wilcox Morehead 88 Dr. a n d M r s . V a n d e r V e e r T a y l o r
— Mr. J a m e s B. W i l c o x 93 Mr. a n d M r s . H . C. B a l d w i n •
— D r . S t a r l i n g S. W i l c o x 94 Mr. a n d M r s . F i ' a n k l i n R u b r e c h t
37 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s Case 99 M r s . C h a r l e s W . R o s s
48 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k G. W a d d e l l 100 Dr. a n d M r s . Ceylon S. C a r r
62 Mr. a n d M r s . T h o m a s F . S m i t h —Mr. and Mrs. P. Marvin Sarver
67 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w i n B . G a g e r 101 Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m F . G a r r e t t

164 Mr. and Mrs William M. Mutchmore 177 Dr. F r a n k W r a r n e r

1006 Mr. a n d M r s . L o u i s M. K i s s i n g e r 1332 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s Barratt

1835 M r s . Saidie J a n e t Cull 1954 Dr. a n d M r s . R a l p h B . T a y l o r
Mrs. M a r y Samuel Maris 1957 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n J o h n s c o t t
Mr. a n d M r s . C a r l T. P h i l l i p s 1965 Mr. a n d M r s . E d g a r W . H e d g e s
Mr. William S. S a c k e t t 1968 Mr. a n d Mrs. S e y m o u r N . B r o w n
1845 Mr. a n d M r s . L e v i C. P e a s e 1980 Prof, a n d M r s . C h a s . S u m n e r P l u m b
1905 Mr. a n d M r s . H a r v e y R. Y o u n g 1981 Prof, a n d M r s . C h a s . A. B r u c e
1911 Mr. a n d M r s . I v o r H u g h e s 1986 Mr. a n d M r s . C. L. D i c k e y
1918 Mr. a n d M r s . William A. F e a r n 1993 Mr. and Mrs. B. F . Bolin
1927 Mr. and Mrs. David Neal Postlewaite 2021 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d B . G e r l a c h
1928 Mr. a n d M r s . C. E . L e w i s 2116 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n W . Cooper
1935 Mr. a n d M r s . I r a H . C r a m 2172 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a s . W. R e e d e r
1942 Mr. a n d M r s . H e r b e r t S e a r s D v e 2190 Dr. a n d M r s . H a l s t e a d R. W r i g h t


241 D r . a n d M r s . "Walter E . Obetz
1944 Judge and Mrs. E d g a r B . Kinkead 1962 Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Carlile
1948 Mr. a n d Mrs. P e t e r W. S t e w a r t 1979 Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k Lane
1950 Mr. a n d Mrs. Lewis Stentz 2099 Mr. and M r s . F . C. H o w a r d
1952 Prof, a n d M r s . K a r l D. S w a r t z e l 2113 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davidson
1956 Mr. a n d M r s . C a r l E . S t e e b
Mr a n d M r s . Lincoln G. K i l b o u r n e 67 M r . a n d M r s . C. H . R o g e r s
Mr. a n d M r s . G e r a l d M o n t a i n e 70 M i s s M a y C. M e r r i c k ,
Mr. a n d M r s . C h e s t e r K. H a n n 73 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s W . H a r p e r
Mrs. J o s h u a M. B e n n e t t 85 R e v . a n d M r s . Theo. I r v i n g R e e s e
Dr. a n d M r s . H i r a m W . Kellogg- 91 Mrs. Jason McVay
Mr. a n d M r s . Worthington E. Bab- 100 Mr. a n d M r s . H e n r y L. Gilbert
cock 111 M r s . E d w a r d L. F e e l e v
M r a n d M r s . L o u i s G. A d d i s o n 119 Prof. C u r t i s C. H o w a r d
Mr. and Mrs. W a l t e r B. Floyd 121 Mrs. Mellisa J . Holmes
M r s . D. N . Kellev —• Dr. a n d Mrs. Chas. W. McGavran
Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n C. W h i t r i d g e 170 Mr. a n d Mrs. H e n r y Steube
Mr. a n d M r s . M o r r i s A. H a y w a r d 182 Mr. a n d Mrs. Fred. F . H e r b s t
Mr. a n d M r s . H a r r y E . Stafford 212 Mr. a n d M r s . O s m a n C. H o o p e r
Mr. R o b e r t W . Stevenson 233 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d K. H a y e s
Mr. a n d M r s . D a n L a w s S m i t h 484 Mr. J o h n J. L e n t z
Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n H. H a n n ,

311 Mr. a n d M r s . M o r t o n S. B r o w n e 354 Mr. a n d M r s . B . A. L e a c h
— M i s s Bessie T. T a y l o r 358 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k R. Allen
314 M r . a n d M r s . A. W . L o e b 364 Miss K a t e S t e w a r t
320 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k H . Schille 3 73 Mr. a n d M r s . E l i a s M. P o s t o n
329 Mr. a n d M r s . K e n n e t h D. W o o d r 374 Mr. a n d M r s . T h o m a s M. F a l l o n
33 8 Mr. a n d M r s . B e n j a m i n C. Kelsey 388 Mr. a n d M r s . Lincoln J. M a t h e w s
347 Mr. a n d M r s . George J . Schoedinger 400 Dr. a n d Mrs. George R. Bissell

51 Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s F . C h a n e v 300 Mr. a n d M r s . J o e E . B l a c k b u r n
55 Mrs. E t t a Calderwood 309 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n E . Todd
58 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . D. K a i l 313 Mr. a n d M r s . R . E . B u t l e r
59 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n W e s l e y D a v y 314 M r . a n d M r s . L o u i s A. F r a n k e n b e r g
79 Mr. and Mrs. John F . Mclntire 320 Mr. a n d M r s . P . F . Y o e r g e r
98 Mr. a n d M r s . J a y C. S t i m m e l 338 Mr. a n d M r s . Willis Sells
117 Mr. a n d M r s . D.r H . W a r d e n 352 Mr. a n d M r s . N . H . Dashiell
135 Mr. a n d M r s . W m. E . M e a d e 361 M r s . J . R. K n i g h t o n
137 Mr. a n d M r s . W . R. P o w e l l 380 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . N . W e i n m a n
171 Mr. a n d M r s . S m i t h W . B e n n e t t 384 Prof, a n d M r s . C h a r l e s W . F o u l k
M r s . N a n n i e C. D r o u g h t 385 Mr. a n d M r s . J . U p t o n Gribben
194 Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s L y n a s 410 Mr. a n d M r s . F . R. B r o s i u s
202 M r . a n d M r s . Lemuel D. Lilly 419 Mr. a n d M r s . Dooley D . D a v i d s o n
208 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n B l a c k 426 Mr. a n d M r s . Geo. C. H o r s t
217 M r s . Cornelius M e a d 450 Mr. a n d M r s . E . J. C h e n o w e t h
218 Dr. a n d Mrs. Albert M. Bleile 462 Mr. a n d M r s . Chas. F . Lentz
2'22 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s R. Cornell 485 Prof, a n d M r s . H e r b e r t Osborn
225 Gen. a n d M r s . J o h n C. S p e a k s 489 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n S. M a c l e a n
298 Capt. a n d M r s . George L. Converse
31 Mr. J o h n Vandegriff 136 Mr. and Mrs. J. William Cartzdafner
40 Prof, a n d M r s . D a v i d R. M a j o r 215 Mr. and Mrs. E l i j a h G. M a n n
81 Mr. a n d M r s . J. "Willis Blue 222 Mr. and Mrs. Elliot H o w a r d Gilkey
101 Mr. a n d M r s . M. J . O ' B e i r n e 252 Mr. and Mrs. G. S t a r k F r a m b e s

92 Prof, a n d M r s . J a m e s E . Bovd ?06 Prof, a n d M r s . W m . A. K n i g h t
190 Dr. and Mrs. Howard W. Miller

High Class
For All Occasions

2 3 W e s t 2 3 d Street, Near 5th A v e n u e , N E W YORK Telephone 5268 Mad. Sq.

30 Mr. and Mrs. W m . H . Noble, J r . 90 Mr. a n d M r s . F r e d . L. S c h l o t m a n
33 Mr. and Mrs. J o s e p h Mi H o w a r d 94 Mr. a n d Mrs. Andrew Morden
42 Mr. and Mrs. William North 95 Mr. a n d Mrs. J a m e s T a f t D a n i e l s
60 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roy Parsons 102 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k E . H u g g i n s
63 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Abernethy 115 Mr. a n d M r s . L e w i s Hicklen,
85 Mr. and Mrs. J o h n D. B e r r y 117 Dr. a n d M r s . B e n j . R. W i l t b e r g e r
29 Mr. Lincoln F r i t t e r M i s s L u c y A. P e t e r s
32 Mr. a n d M r s . E d m u n d E. Shedd, J r . Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s E . W r illiams
37 Mr. a n d M r s . F a x o n F . D. A l b e r y Mr. a n d M r s . F r e d e r i c k B . Sheldon
43 Mr. a n d M r s . B o w m a n F . R e i n m u n d 96 T h e Oxford
46 Mr. a n d Mrs. Tod de F o r d T h u r m a n Mrs. M e r i t E. Bell
49 Gen. a n d M r s . J o h n B e a t t y , Mr. a n d Mrs. E. F r a n k B r o w n
52 Mrs. W m . Gurley B e a t t y Mr. a n d M r s . A l e x a n d e r McConnell
55 Dr. a n d M r s . George C. Schaeffer Mr. a n d M r s . E d w i n F . M c M a n i g a l
57 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . R. Ogier Mrs. M a r s h a l l J. W i l l i a m s
58 Mr. and Mrs. George W. B r i g h t 176 Mrs. J o h n C. Snee
— M i s s Helen M. Quinn 186 Mr. a n d M r s . Al. E i c h e n l a u b
70 Gen. a n d Mrs. C h a r l e s W r i g h t Miner 186 Mr. and Mrs. William Eichenlaub
71 Mrs. E m m a A. H o o v e r 220 Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m J. B r o w n
76 Mr. a n d M r s . George S. B u t l e r 371 Mr. Charles M. Siebert

27 Dr. a n d M r s . E. E . G a v e r 346 Mr. a n d Mrs. L e e J. K r u m m
47 Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n A. F o r d 350 Mr. and Mrs. H a r v e y A. Miller
55 Mrs . L o u i s G. H o m e i e r 361 Mr. a n d M r s . H . W o r t h e y W e b b
73 Mr. a n d M r s . S a m u e l S. S a r g e n t 362 Mr. C h a r l e s F . P r y o r
88 Mr. H . W a r r e n P h e l p s 364 Mr. a n d M r s . F e r d . P. Schoedinger
91 Dr. a n d Mrs. J a m e s M. R e c t o r 365 Mr. a n d M r s . H a r r y W. L u s h e y
297 Mrs . J. W . H o w e 366 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d C. T u r n e r
314 Mr. and M r s . Sidney S. Allen. J r . 473 Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Pixley
315 Mr. Allen R. F o o t e 489 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d A l b e r t G o r m a n
319 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r e d . L a z a r u s , J r . . 537 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . . H . L a u g h r i d g e
823 Mr. D. H a r r i s Owen 583 Mrs. J . A. B u r t
— Mrs. M a r g a r e t J. Owen — Mr. a n d Mrs. R o b e r t C. W i l k i n
32 9 Mr. a n d Mrs. B e n j a m i n A. M a t h e w s 589 Miss R. E l s i e Heide
333 Mrs . R o s e E . B e y m e r 589 Mr. J. N i c k K o e r n e r
— Mr. a n d M r s . T h o m a s W . McGovern 610 Dr. a n d M r s . A. R. H e n g s t
336 Mr. and Mrs. Carl K a m p m a n n 633 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s W . Schneider
337 Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n W. D a g e s , 732 Mr. a n d M r s . George L. R u g g l e s
341 Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m P a t t o n T r a c y
946 Mr. a n d Mrs. R o y O. "Williams 1209 Mr. a n d Mrs. Fred E. Reeves
1169 Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n H . S c h m i d t
Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m H . D i t t o e


THE NORMANDIE 1183 M r and Mrs. Myron A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Baird 1262 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bancroft
Mr. and Mrs. Warren G. Bancroft 1279 Mr, and Mrs. Chas. C. Reel
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Barnes 1293 Mrs. Henrietta M. Butler
Mrs. Carlisle B. Barrere Mrs. Karl Hasbrook
Dr. Holston Bartilson 1331 Prof. William E. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bradford Mrs. Archibald A. E. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Buskmaster 1355 Mr and Mrs. Albert Davis Bierman
Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Clemens 1388 Mr. and Mrs. Anton Becker
Dr. Jacob J. Coons 1398 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Court Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hutchinson
Mrs. Margaret Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ryland
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hanlv 1403 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G. Eagleson
Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Melville Hatton 1441 Mr. and Mrs. Fred. C. Neff
Mr. Harry N. Heywood 1449 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Beitel
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. M. Hoover 1465 Mr. Theodore S. Huntington
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Ickes 1465 Mrs. Samuel Lee
Mrs. Josiah Kinnear 1467 Mr. and Mrs. J. S Ball
Mr. and Mrs. F. Stuart Knox 1473 Mr and Mrs. Chas E. Whiton
Mr. and Mrs. William Little 1493 Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Matson. Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. McCann 1501 Mr. John W. Champion
Miss Alice McCarter 1503 Mrs. Rachel C. Lilley
Miss Mary L. Mason 1507 Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Winders
Mr. and Mrs. Wendall P. Plumer 1519 Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Fitzpatrick
Mr. Robert D. Palmer 1536 Mr. and Mrs. William Neil
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Parrett 1557 Mr. and Mrs. Adam H. McAlpine
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Rochester 1567 Miss Marie Edna Shedd
Miss Elizabeth N. Samuel 1570 Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Shaw 1573 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Tesseyman
Miss Katharine Taylor 1578 Mr. John W. Bradshaw
Miss E. M. Whitney 1582 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Bergin
Miss Kate S. Wigle 1587 Mr. and Mrs. Karl G. Agler
433% Mrs. Ruth E. Connell 1597 Mr and Mrs. Gerard C. Scott
638 Mr. Frank T. Clarke 1600 Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Culver
648 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Taft 1606 Mr. and Mrs. H. C Hutchison
675 Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Miller 1607 Mr and Mrs. Alfred B. Peckinpaugh
879 Mr Thaddeus R. Fletcher 1689 Mr. and Mrs. "Wayne A. Stallman
1048 Dr. and Mrs. Edward C. Mills 1720 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F Fischer
1107 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Auld
915 Mr and Mrs. Theodore E. Glenn 1098 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pichering ,
916 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holland Stewart 1102 Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Gurney
922 Mr. Wade Converse , 1151 Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Orr
Mrs. Mary C. Follett, 1163 Mr. and Mrs. Woodbury Treat Morris
924 Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Outhwaite 1164 Mr. Frank A. Prendergast
930 Mr. and Mrs. Nathan B. Marple 1205 Mr., and Mrs. W. T. Franc
936 Mr. and Mrs. Linden G. White 1206 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Andrews
937 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wilson 1210 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Pumphrey
939 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. McComb , 1214 Mr. Harry F. West ,
941 Mr. and Mrs. John Cummings 1225 Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Tuller
942 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hatton McMahon 1320 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Mithoff
946 Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd M. Dunlap — Mr. Charles F. Miller
957 Mr. and Mrs. Fritz A. Lichtenberg 1354 Mrs . Ella G. White
1010 Mr. and Mrs. J. Tudor Wilson , 1433 Mr. and Mrs. David Van Tyle Wilson
1022 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hardv 1436 Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Jones
1030 Mr. and Mrs. Calvin R. Starr 1450 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Pretzman
1070 Mr. and Mrs. Lucian D. Buttles, 1451 Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Irvin
1076 Mr. and Mrs. Millar Buttles — Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Hevey
1083 Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Schoenborn 1475 Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood D. Morgan
1086 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Legg , 1481 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Sheppard
1091 Mr. Eugene W. Hayden 1487 Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Pratt
1097 Mrs. A. W. Barnitz *
45 Dr. Holwav D. Farrar 562 Miss Nellie Good
339 Dr. F . Herbert Obetz 1039 Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Saviers
HOTEL HARTMANN 1149 Mr. andMrs. Edward L. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hadley 1262 Mr. and Mrs. Amor W. Sharp
Lieut, and Mrs. Benj. W. Chamberlain 1287 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Pugh
Mrs. W. P. Bloom 1409 Mrs. Margaret A. Smith



1453 Dr. a n d M r s . J o h n E. Overly 1581 Mr. a n d Mrs. J u l i u s H. H a l l e r
1524 Mr. a n d M r s . Will J. T a y l o r 1589 Mr. a n d Mrs. R o d n e y E. Gregg
1569 Mrs. A l b e r t F r a n c i s 1596 Mr. a n d Mrs. H . K. H a r r i n g t o n
201 Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m E. Joyce 240 Mr. a n d Mrs. E l m e r P . Critchfield
222 Miss M a r g a r e t W . S u t h e r l a n d 253 Mrs. A l b e r t W . H a w k
245 Mr. a n d M r s . George G a r h a r t 429 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k M a r t i n
88 Mr. a n d Mrs. R e g i n a l d C. Mackenzie 100 Mr. and Mrs. Myron Beecher Kauffman
30 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n L. V. Bonney 75 Mrs E. Z. W i l l i a m s
3 5 Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s C. U l r i c k 75 Mr. W a t k i n Lewis
35 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n c i s R. H u n t i n g t o n 81 Mr. J o h n M. K i s e r
48 Mr. R i c h a r d S t i t e s 86 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a s . A. McAllister
— Mrs. "William A. H o p k i n s 91 Mr. a n d M r s . A. R. W e i l e r
51 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d L. McCune 92 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse F. Hatcher
54 Mr. S a n f o r d D. H a l l o c k 96 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Drais
Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n c i s J. Colgan
—6 0 Mrs. 98 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k M. B a l d w i n
A n n e t t a Elliott 102 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d K. A s c h e r
6 9 Mr. a n d M r s . W a l t e r H . M a r t i n 103 Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s W. N i t s c h k e
72 Mr. a n d M r s . M. S u l l i v a n t H o p k i n s 118 Mr. a n d Mrs. C. "Webster B r a n d o n
735 Mrs. Harriet G. B a i l e y 1489 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r e d . D. Connolley
891 Mrs. Virginia S. F l o w e r s 1495 Mr. Will H . B r y s o n
1256 Mr. a n d M r s . George L. Cook —• Mrs. E d w a r d Ackland
1418 Mr. a n d M r s . H a r r y J. B r a d s h a w 1497 Mr. a n d Airs. J. H. N e w m a n

185 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n H . C a r r 357 Miss Lillian J. W o o d
196 M r . a n d M r s . E a r l S. McAllister — Mr. a n d Mrs. C a r l S. W i l k i n s
84 Mr. a n d M r s . H . P . Leiendecker
27 Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m D e a v e r 71 Mr. a n d Mrs. R o b e r t J. B e a t t y
27 Mr. a n d Airs. O r l a H. Mosier 74 Mrs. M a r t h a Sturges H a r m e r
30 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w . K. S t e w a r t . J r . 87 Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s "Westwater
37 Mr. a n d Mrs. "Wm. D. V a n Sickle 92 Mr. a n d M r s . J o s e p h D r a k e P o t t e r
40 D r a n d M r s . W r m. D. Deuschle 93 Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Throop
41 Mr. a n d M r s . J. P a l m e r W i n s l o w 99 Mr. a n d M r s . H e r b e r t B r o o k s
48 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n R. Gobey 102 Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n F r a n c i s A n t h o n y
51 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k C. K e l t o n Mr. a n d M r s . C a r l H a r r i s A n t h o n y
51 Mrs. A n n a K. P e a r c e M r s . Z e n a s L. "Wise
56 Prof, a n d M r s . "Wm. W . B o y d 106 Mrs. J e s s i e M. T o m p k i n s
64 Mr. a n d M r s . T h o m a s S. B r o o k s 107 Mr. a n d M r s . S a m u e l P. E l l i o t t
65 Air. a n d M r s . A l b e r t M. Miller 107 Miss A n n a E. Smith
70 Alr.and M r s . A a r o n N. E v a n s 184 Mr. a n d M r s . E l i a s A. K e y e s
— Mrs. Alary L. M c E l r o y Mr. C h a r l e s Leslie Stimson
15 Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n M. G a r a r d 49 Mr. and Mrs. T h o m a s E. "Workman
20 Mr. T a l f o u r d P . L i n n 57 Mr. and Mrs. W m . G. H a r r i n g t o n
23 Mr. a n d M r s . J u s t i n W . W r oodworth 92 Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s W. Harsha
24 Mr. a n d Mrs. J o s e p h W . McCord 144 Mr. and Mrs. George Bellows
30 M r s . A s b u r y C. Kellev 147 Mr. and Mrs. E d m o n d E . Cook
33 Mr. a n d M r s . G. W . C. P o o r e 150 Mr. and Mrs. C h a r l e s R. S w i c k a r d
36 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k S. M o n n e t t 157 Air. and Mrs. T r u i t t B. Sellers
40 M r a n d M r s . H a r r y G. H u s t o n 160 Mr. and Mrs. C h a s . B. P r u g h
41 Mr. a n d Mrs. G. R o b e r t L u c a s — Mr. and Mrs. E. C. J o h n s t o n
43 J u d ge a n d M r s . W i l l i a m Z. Davis
1514 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eckhardt 1535 Mr. a n d M r s . W r ilfred A. P a i n e
1515 Mr. and Mrs. J o h n M. M a r r i o t t 1536 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n L. C o n n o r s
1521 Mr. and Mrs. R o b e r t C. J . Schroth 1545 Mr. a n d M r s . Joel E . M c C a r t y
1524 Mr. and Mrs. K a y C. K r i c k


948 D r . a n d M r s . George M. Clouse 1640 Mr. a n d M r s . M y r o n S. Siebert
15 88 Mr. J a m e s E . M c N a l l y
657 Mr. a n d M r s . H e r b e r t W . St. J o h n 1242 Mrs. M a r y E . Y o u m a n s
676 Mr. a n d M r s . A b r a h a m W . H e r s h e y — Dr. T h o m a s G r a n t Y o u m a n s
736 Mr. a n d M r s . R o b e r t M. D a v i e 1243 Mrs. Nannie E. Davis
754 D r . a n d Airs. K i n g A. N o r r i s 1255 Dr. a n d Mrs. Louis P . Bethel
766 M r s . George B a r r y 1256 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s D. E v e r e t t
790 Dr. a n d M r s . J a m e s M. M e r r y m a n 1260 Miss H a t t i e E . Toler
797 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . B. Dee 1265 Mrs. Robert W. Caldwell
802 Mr. a n d M r s H e n r y E . R o m e r 1281 Dr. a n d Mrs. W. F. Wescott
805 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n C. H e a r n 1312 Mrs. Anne Cannon
815 Mr. a n d M r s . George B r e w e r 1315 Mr. a n d Mrs. David F. Pugh
822 Mr. a n d Airs. W . H. E b e r s t 1337 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor
836 Dr. a n d M r s . P a t r i c k A. G o r d o n 1345 Mr. H e n r y Bohl
856 Mr. E u g e n e G a l l a g h e r 1348 Miss Maude M. Cockins
857 Mrs. George A. S u y d a m 1351 Mr. a n d Mrs. Charles W. Stuber
861 Mr. a n d M r s . T h o m a s S k i n n e r 1355 Mr. a n d M r s . Edwin L. Moon
862 Mr. a n d M r s . George J. Macy 1367 Mr. a n d Mrs. Fred J. Seipel
871 Mr. a n d M r s . F r e d M. W o o d w a r d 1374 Mr. and Mrs. G. E. W a t t
Mr. a n d M r s . Charles O. F r a n k e n b e r g 1378 Mr. a n d Mrs. Chas. W. Bryson
Mr. a n d M r s . J o s . B. F r a n c i s c o 1382 Air. and Mrs. W. O. Taylor
900 Dr. a n d M r s . J . F . J o n e s 1387 Mrs. F r a n k S. Wagenhals
904 M r a n d M r s . H a r r y C. J e n n i n g s 1395 Mrs. E d w i n G. Deming
919 Mr. a n d M r s . T h o m a s J. D a v i s 1430 Dr. a n d Mrs. Chas. H. Iloffine
Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m H . S p a r k s 1430 Mr. a n d Mrs. Charles C. A l w a r d
957 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n A. Lloyd 1433 Mr. Samuel N. Summer
Mr. a n d M r s . J. F . B e r t i n g 1436 Mrs. J u l i u s Armstrong-
980 Mr. a n d M r s . R o b e r t D. Alorgan 1437 Mr. a n d Mrs. Samuel K. Brown
Miss I d a G e b h a r d t 1441 Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s H. B u r n s
986 Dr. a n d M r s . H a r v e y C. K i o u s 1445 Mr. and Mrs. Leonidas S. Wells
1000 Dr. H a r o l d Y. Masefield 1448 Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Williams
1018 Mr. a n d Mrs. Clarence W . P y l e 1462 Mr. H a r r y L. McClees
1023 Dr. Louis C. B e n k e r t 1469 Mr. and Mrs. Newell T. J u l i a n
1029 Mr. a n d M r s . E l m e r G. "Wilson 1470 Mr. and Mrs. S t e w a r t S. Stiffey
1106 Mr. a n d Mrs. Benj. F . M a n l e y 1473 Mr. a n d Mrs. Hugh Nesbitt
1110 D r . a n d M r s . F r a n k R. C h a p m a n 1487 Mr. Samuel B. W i t t e r
1111 Mr. a n d M r s . M a c k Y. M a x w e l l 1490 Mr. and Mrs. George E. Lovejoy
1126 Dr. a n d M r s . J o h n M. T h o m a s 1501 Mr. a n d Mrs. Melville E. Taylor
1130 Mr. a n d M r s . L a w r e n c e W. S e y m o u r 1515 Mrs. W. F . J a n e w a y
1143 Mr. a n d M r s . S a m u e l V. McAllister 1535 Mr. a n d Mrs. Lewis L. Rankin
1146 Mr. a n d M r s . Lee O. A n d e r s o n 1575 Mr. a n d Mrs. Daniel W. McGrath
1154 Mr. a n d M r s . C. D. T r i m b l e 1578 Mr. a n d M r s . Wm. L. Curry
1156 Mr. a n d M r s . J o s e p h H. D y e r 1590 Mr. a n d Mrs. H a r r y M. Clark
1163 Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s H . P u n t e n n e v 1594 Prof, a n d Mrs. Samuel E. Rasor
1186 Dr. a n d M r s . Nelson Obetz 1598 Prof, and Mrs. Jos. N. Bradford
1217 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n R e e d D u n l a p 1642 Mr. a n d Mrs. Oscar T. Corson
1223 M r s . R h o d a J. Sells 1648 Prof, a n d Mrs. Alfred Dodge Cole
1226 Mr. a n d M r s . "Wm. M. M u m m 1656 Dr. a n d Mrs. David S. White
1237 Mr. a n d M r s . H e n r y Deeg

Dr. a n d Mrs. Wilbur E. Postle
44 Mr. a n d Mrs. Jacob D. Streeper 201 Mr. and Mrs. George H. Nitschke
68 Mr. and Mrs. B a r t o n Griffith 218 Prof, and Mrs. J o h n A. Brownocker
68 M r s . Emma Fox 303 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Pollock
114 Miss Elizabeth Adams 310 Mr. and Mrs. E d w a r d E. Fisher
124 Judge a n d Mrs. T h o m a s M. Bigger 312 Mr. a n d Mrs. George C. Weir
183 Mrs. E m m a C. Reeder 318 Prof, a n d Mrs. Septimus Sisson

N I N T H A V E N U E , W. (Continued)
319 Mr. and Mrs. Alvah J . P r a y 342 Prof, a n d Mrs. W. T. Magruder
322 Mrs. J a m e s M. G a r n e r 355 Prof, and Mrs. Stillman W. Robinson
333 Judge a n d Mrs. F r a n k Rathmell 393 Mr. and M r s . W a r r e n A. A r m s t r o n g
333 Miss M a r g a r e t Felch

250 Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k P . Rogers 165 Mr. and Mrs. J o h n T. B a r r
262 Prof, a n d Mrs. George W. Rightmire 247 Mr. William S. Stimson

74 Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. H a r r o d —• Dr. and Mrs. E d g a r S. I n g r a h a m
— Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Scott — Mr. and Mrs. Milton P . Davas


186 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Conklin 236 Mr. a n d Mrs. A. Wilmer Livingston


90 Mr. and Mrs. J o h n H. H. Davis

21 Dr. and Mrs. Clarence H e n r y Lose 245 Mr. Frederick Cowles

196 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k P . Jackson 965 Miss l o n e B l a c k
206 Mr. F r a n k C. Rogers 975 Mrs. O r r i n D a y B r a d f o r d
317 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r e d W. Flowers 992 Mr. a n d M r s . C y r u s H u l i n g
317 Mr. a n d Mrs. Joseph Russell Hague 1010 Mrs. Amasa P r a t t
324 Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n T. Gale 1018 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s A. S p e n n y
332 Mr. J a m e s W. Comstock 1039 Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m H . B u s h
540 Mr. and Mrs. P a u l W. G r a n t 1044 M r Calvin C. J o h n s t o n
564 Dr. Susannah L. B r y a n t 1063 Mr. a n d Mrs. Clifford L. Hicklen
632 Mr. a n d Mrs. J a c o b " C. Rehl 1083 D r . a n d M r s . C l a r e n c e C. R o s s
636 Mr. and M r s . Charles T u t t l e Howe 1097 M r a n d M r s . C h a r l e s S. McKee
637 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. McCallip 1160 Mr. a n d M r s . Geo. R. Schoedinger
638 Mr. and Mrs. Curtis C. Collins 1191 Mr and Mrs. Frederick W. Ransom
640 Mr. a n d Mrs. H e r m a n H. Hall 1194 M r s J . R. H a g u e
665 Miss E m m a Ebeling 1233 M i s s Alice B o a r d m a n
723 Mi*, a n d Mrs. George William Bobb 1261 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d P . V a n c e
775 Mi\ a n d Mrs. Charles H . f u t n a m 1291 Mr. R i c h a r d H . G a r d n e r
776 Dr. a n d M r s . I s a a c B. H a r r i s 1305 Aliss H e l e n J o n e s
786 Mr. and M r s . E. G. Orebaugh 1348 Mr. R i c h a r d H . Osgood
791 R e v . a n d M r s . H e r b e r t Scott 1368 Mr. a n d Airs. F r a n k A. Smalley
816 D r . a n d M r s . H u g h A. B a l d w i n 1408 Dr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s O. P r o b s t
Mr. B u r c h D. H u g g i n s 1643 Mr and Mrs. William Gregg
Dr. a n d M r s . F r e d e r i c k O. W i l l i a m s 1716 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a p i n B . Beem
821 Mr. S a m u e l C h a r l e s K e r s h a w 1759 Mr. a n d M r s . C a m p b e l l M. Voorhees
850 M r a n d M r s . D. M. Y o u n g 1767 M r a n d M r s . A. H . Bancroft. J r
869 Mr. a n d Mrs. I s a a c B . M a r t l i n

37 M r s H e n r y A. R o d e b a u g h 214 Mr. a n d M r s . R a p h a e l W . V a i l s
174 Mr. a n d M r s . R e e d H. G a m e 382 Mr. a n d M r s . R a l p h M. L u c a s
200 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . N e w t o n K i n g

21 M r . a n d M r s . C h a r l e s P . H a r d i n 5 8 M r . a n d Airs. H . G. R h o a d e s

5 99 M r a n d M r s . J o s e p h G u t h r i d g e 627 Mr. a n d Mrs. Joseph Wiggins
627 M r . a n d M r s . Clyde C. P h i l l i p s 639 Mr. a n d M r s . M a d i s o n D. M u r p h y

33 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Mackenzie 75 Mr. a n d Mrs. A r t h u r R. H a r d i n g
39 Mr. a n d Mrs. P a u l A. D e L o n g 79 Mr. a n d M r s . J. H . R o w l a n d
40 M r a n d Airs. A n d r e w D. M c D o n a l d 83 Mr a n d Mrs. H u g h Macauley Bone
43 Mr. a n d M r s . H a r r i s o n Cole 84 R e v . a n d M r s . W . S. E a g l e s o n
49 R e v . a n d Airs,i. S a m u e l S. P a l m e r 88 M r s . Lillian Cole B e t h e l
52 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k J. M a c k l i n 88 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Candy
56 Mr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s E . C a r t e r 89 Mr. a n d M r s . E u g e n e M o r g a n
59 D r . a n d Airs. F r a n k S. R a r e y 94 Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n Maloy R i l e y
63 Mr. a n d M r s . R o b e r t W . H u s t o n 99 Mr. a n d Airs. M a r t i n A. G e m u e n d e r
69 Mr. a n d M r s . T h o m a s J. A b e r n e t h y 100 Mr. a n d M r s . G o m e r E . R i c h a r d s
70 Mr. a n d Airs. W m . W . R o s s

33 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n K. S o w e r s 209 Mr. a n d M r s . O. H . Newell
36 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n F r e d e r i c k P l e t s c h 209 Dr. A r t h u r W. Newell
38 Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s L. B o n e 273 Mr. a n d M r s . A r t h u r C. J o h n s o n
50 Mr. a n d M r s . Sheldon S. M c D o n a l d 275 M r s . J. K. Cheney
55 Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s G. P u l l i n g 342 Dr. a n d M r s . C l a r k T. E l d e r
70 Mr. a n d M r s . N a t h a n W o o d w a r d 383 Mr. a n d Mrs. Lewis W. Fisher
155 M r s . R. P . C h a m b e r l a i n r 405 D r . a n d M r s . W i l l i a m L. G a r e s
172 Air. a n d Airs. George W . F a u n c e 406 Mr. a n d M r s . E . F . B a b b i t t
172 Mr. a n d Mrs. Hosea B. Bigelow 411 Mr and Mrs. Preston E. Basore
204 Airs. Lillian W e b s t e r 478 Mr. a n d M r s . O s c a r E . H a l t e r m a n
204 Mrs. Elizabeth Nagle 539 Mr. a n d Mrs. B e n j a m i n F . F r a n k


813 M r s . E u g e n i a M. J o n e s

H o n . a n d M r s . R o b e r t H . Jeffrey —• Mr. a n d Mrs. L. A. H o l t z m a n
Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d N . H u g g i n s —• M r . a n d M r s . F . P . H o l t z m a n

32 Mrs. Greenberry J. M a r r i o t t 73 Mr. and Mrs. Carlton T. Nelson
35 Mr. a n d Mrs. Walter A. Jones 125 Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bulford
40 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I. Newlove 141 Mr. and Mrs. A u g u s t u s T. Seymour
48 Mr. a n d Mrs. Jeremiah Foley 280 Mr. Carl E. Howell
51 Mr. a n d Mrs. Walter B. Beebe

18 Mr. a n d Mrs. Wm. C. A. H e n r y Mr. and Mrs. William B. Goodwin
31 Mr and Mrs. Emile E. Watson T H E WURTTEMBURG
THE CUMBERLAND Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton Poste
Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s M. B e a t t y Mr. and Airs. Dudley T. S t e w a r t
Mr. H e r m a n G. Dennison Mr. a n d Mrs. E r n e s t L. T u r n e r
Mr. and Mrs. William M a r t i n Frisbie 209 Miss Nora F . Wilson


31 Mrs. Otto Engwerson 625 Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Stouffer
208 Mr. William H u s t o n 626 Dr. and Mrs. Louis K a h n
208 Mr. a n d Mrs. J a m e s J. Thomas 629 Mr. a n d Mrs. Louis K. Sutton
243 Mr. a n d Mrs. S. Walter Sims 634 Mr. a n d Airs. H a r r y W. K r u m m
277 Mr. M a t t h e w K. English 641 Major a n d Mrs. George J. K a r b
452 Mrs. Theodore F a u l h a b e r 641 Mrs. J e n n i e S. C a s h a t t
452 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Campbell 6*2 Mr. and Mrs. Cassius C. Corner
456 Mr. and Mrs. F e r n a n d o M. Senter 645 Mr. a n d Mrs. P. V. B u r i n g t o n
513 Mr. and Mrs. Allen W. T h u r m a n 649 Mrs. J o n a s Wildermuth
513 Mrs. Virginia T h u r m a n Cole 657 Mr. a n d Mrs. Richard V. B a r t o
520 Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. H u t c h i n s 657 Mrs. K. B. Delano
539 Mr. and Mrs. George L. S u t t o n 1026 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne P . P o t t e r
546 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Rodgers, J r . 1052 Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd F . H a r r i m a n
55o Mr. and Mrs. Louis P e t e r Hoster 1189 Mr. a n d Mrs. D e W i t t C. J o n e s
572 Mr. and Mrs. L u t h e r Loy 1217 Mr. and Mrs. Otto W. Davis
618 Mr. and Mrs. E d w a r d D. H o w a r d 1222 Miss S a r a E. Coates
621 Mr. and Mrs. Albert E l i o t t Kimberly 1774 Mr. and Mrs. E r n e s t M. Baldridge
623 Mrs. Caroline Schoedinger 1786 Mr. and M r s . William Glen Morris

164 Dr. a n d Mrs. William H. Cleveland

29 Mr. and Mrs. E d w a r d Conard 82 Mrs. William T. Price
29 Mr. and Mrs. Al. G. Field 88 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Russell Shrum
40 Mr. Michael M. B e r r v 94 Mr. a n d Mrs. Clyde O. H a i n e s
41 Dr. and Mrs. Clovis M. Taylor 95 Air. and Mrs. Tiffen Gilmore
42 Mr. and Mrs. Allan S. W. Huffman 95 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n c i s A. T. Spees
47 Mr. a n d Mrs. J a m e s B. McLaughlin Ill Mr. a n d Mrs. William F . Hoffman
61 Mrs. I d a Raymond 123 Mr. and Mrs. L a f a y e t t e Wildermuth
61 Dr. George Stockton 251 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r a n k S. Fox
79 Mr. and Mrs. J o s . W. Dusenbury

39 Mr. a n d Mrs. Charles F. H a r r i s o n 114 Mr. and Mrs. M a r s h a l l A. Smith
51 Mr. a n d Mrs. Allen V. Holbrook 155 Prof, a n d Mrs. Joseph Russell Taylor
62 Airs. F r a n c e s Albaugh 185 Miss Mae Van Sceiver
88 Mr. a n d Mrs. Edw. F . F a s s i g 281 Prof, and Mrs. Horace J u d d
105 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Linton 285 Air. and Mrs. Milton W. Sherwood
114 Mrs. Elvira Abbie Smith 379 Mr. a n d Mrs. Charles H. Bancroft


185 Mrs. Ora Elliott 481 Mr. a n d M r s . H a r r y M. D a u g h e r t y
—• Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m M. G r a h a m 483 Mr. a n d M r s . B e n s o n Rice H e d g e s
— Mr. a n d Mrs. William B. Thompson 485 Mr. a n d Airs. R o y I v a n T a y l o r
186 Mr. a n d M r s . J o s e p h M. L o w e 497 Mrs. H e n r y A. L a n m a n
195 Mr. J a m e s M. B u t l e r 513 Dr. a n d M r s . S a m u e l B . H a r t m a n
215 Mrs. Elizabeth J. Akin 514 Mr. a n d M r s . George T. S p a h r
224 D r . a n d M r s . J o h n M. D u n h a m 520 Dr. a n d M r s . C h a r l e s F r a n k l i n C l a r k
264 M r s . N a t h a n i e l R . Coleman 529 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w i n R. S h a r p
270 Mr. a n d M r s . D e W i t t C. B u c k ' 530 Mr. D a v i d S. G r a y
271 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n W . B r o w n 530 Mr. a n d Mrs. Meldrum Gray
275 Mrs. John Hancock Klippart 538 Mr. a n d M r s . H e n r y D. T u r n e y
2 87 Dr. E l m o r e E . Adel 539 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Halliday
322 Miss V i r g i n i a Howell 545 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n c i s A. Sells
325 Mr. a n d M r s . J a m e s W a t k i n s 550 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k F . B o n n e t
334 M r s . J. K i l b o u r n e J o n e s 553 Mr. a n d Airs. H e n r y J. B o o t h
334 Mrs. K a t e Tower 571 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n Joyce, J r .
339 R e v . E d w a r d D. M o r r i s 578 Dr. a n d Mrs. "Wm. K i n g R o g e r s
347 Mr. E d m u n d E . Shedd 581 M r s . L u c y D. H a r r i s
363 Prof. Sidney A. N o r t o n 581 Mr. a n d Mrs. Joseph A. Jeffrey
370 M r s . R i c h a r d A. H a r r i s o n 586 Mr. a n d Mrs. E d w i n K e l t o n
3 80 Mr. a n d Mrs. F r e d e r i c k C. R i c h t e r 594 Mrs. H e n r y B r o w n R o g e r s
380 Major L. Starling Sullivant 594 Dr. and Mrs. E d w a r d J. Wilson
381 Mr. a n d M r s . T h o m a s H e n r v Sheldon 604 Col, a n d M r s . J a m e s K i l b o u r n e
381 Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Woodhull 613 M r s . L. S. A y r e
390 Mr. A l e x a n d e r F o r r e s t 615 Dr. a n d M r s . J a m e s J. McClellan
391 J u d g e a n d M r s . M a r c u s G. E v a n s 620 Mrs. R o w l a n d G. Hill
391 Mr. J a m e s Nelson 620 Mrs. Joseph H. P o t t e r
392 Mr. a n d M r s . A b r a h a m B. Cohen 621 Mr. a n d M r s . W m . A. I r e l a n d
394 Miss M a r y F . I s a m i n g e r 631 R e v . W a s h i n g t o n Gladden
394 Mr. Sidney A. M c M a n i g a l 638 Mr. a n d Mrs. Charles E. Firestone
405 Dr. and Mrs. J a m e s F . Baldwin 639 Mr. a n d M r s . J o h n H . Vercoe
431 Mr. a n d M r s . Albert B . D a w s o n 649 Mrs. E m m a H. Morton
431 Mr. a n d Mrs. W a r d A. Ross 650 M r s . J u d i t h L. "Wardlow
433 Mr. a n d M r s . J a s . E d g a r S t e a r n s 650 Dr. Y e a t m a n W a r d l o w
433 Mr. a n d Mrs. Thomas L. Zook 662 Col. a n d M r s . J o h n Gordon B a t t e l l e
451 Dr. a n d M r s . Theo. W . R a n k i n 665 Mr. a n d M r s . G u s t a v u s S. P a r s o n s
463 M r . a n d M r s . "Wm. K. F i e l d 668 Mr. a n d M r s . E l l m o r e W . H a t t o n
475 M r . a n d M r s . F r a n k A. Davis

30 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k H a t t o n 15 Miss H a r r i e t E . B a n c r o f t
47 Prof, and Airs. Charles St. J. Chubb 95 Mr. a n d Mrs. Joseph Lester McCoy
47 Prof. Alonzo H. T u t t l e 116 Mrs. H a t t i e L. R o m a i n e
79 Air. a n d M r s . A u g u s t u s H . Dean 135 Prof, and Mrs. F r a n c i s Leroy Landacre
90 Mr. a n d M r s . R a l p h W . H o y e r 153 Dr. a n d M r s . E d w i n A. H a m i l t o n


33 Mr. Rufus Main — Air. and Mrs. Stith S. Bridgers
33 Mrs. Wm. P. Tyler — Mr. and Mrs. E. L. DeWitt
44 Mr. and Airs. H. Clay Dean 97 Dr. Ida M. Wilson
47 Dr. and Mrs. Edward C. Sherman 100 Mr. and Mrs. John McCarty
70 Mr. and Airs. Winfleld S. Potter 108 Mrs. George W. Early
80 Mr. George Byers 108 Dr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Early
91 Miss Mary Gill 170 Judge Charles G. Saffin
94 Mr. and Mrs. Archard Brandon 251 Mrs. L. V. Bolenbaugh
41 Air. Wilson H. Gardner 60 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore
41 Mrs. Belle W. Ide 69 Rev. and Mrs. Everett L. Rexford
53 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Grange Brooks 7 8 Mr. and Mrs. Danforth E. Ball
30 Mrs. John M. Pugh 82 Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Brooks
44 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Quinn 85 Mr. and Mrs. George T. Chamberlain
73 Mrs. Thomas J. Bryce 90 Aliss Jane M. Hammond
1927 Mrs. Evelyn R. Scatterday 1943 Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Bradford
1932 Mr. and Mrs. Curtis C. Williams 1969 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Covert
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sullivan
30 Mr. and Airs. Luke G. Byrne 171 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Miller
37 Mr. and Mrs. B. Gwynne Huntington 172 Dr. and Mrs. David R. Alban
37 Mrs. Charles Monypeny 175 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kos
144%Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Monett 208 Mr. John J. Pugh
108 Gen. and Mrs. Henry A. Axline 116 Mr. and Mrs. F. Ewing Martin
112 Dr. and Mrs. Louis W. Carl 196 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ross
116 Mrs. Benjamin F. Martin 312 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Syfert
and Mrs. Thomas B. Higgs
212 Mr. Eugene Lane 305 Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Hvsell
238 Mr. James P. Anderson 309 Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Dierdorff
303 Mr. and Mrs. E. Dow Bancroft 340 Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Whitman
120 Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Scarlett 121 Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Wolfram
22 Mr. and Mrs. Edred A. Reeder 124 Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Brown
27 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. C. Benbow 127 Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Dwyer
28 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hatton 128 Dr. and Mrs. Horace L. Kutchin
32 Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. McElroy 138 Air. and Mrs. George W. Patterson
40 Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Cole 142 Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Huling-
40 Mrs. Jennie C. Otstot 144 Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Pemberton
41 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. C. Pavey 150 Dr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Hall
47 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Carroll 156 Mr. and Mrs. Hazard Okey
48 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Knauss 160 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K. Williams
59 Mrs. G. H. Bargar 164 Dr. and Mrs. Clifton Reedy
62 Rev. (D.D.) and Mrs. C. H. Lewis 205 Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart
Schuette 218 Dr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Alann
65 Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Rumer 315 Mr. and Mrs. William W. Payntar
74 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. LaMonte 326 Mr. Willis F. Houser
75 Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Reese 330 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Evick
77 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Butler 405 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Prior
83 Judge and Mrs. Edmond B. Dillon 627 Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Siebert
86 Dr. and Mrs. Clare Smith 729 Mr. and Mrs. Irving M. Jones
95 Mrs. M. P. Gutches 872 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Steele
95 Mrs. Anna E. Peters

30 Mr. and Mrs. F . U. Long 95 Judge a n d Mrs. J o h n A. Shauck
42 Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Borden 99 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Converse Inger-
45 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Morris soll
47 Mrs . J o n a s M. McCune 105 Mr. a n d Airs. H a r r y R. Allen
57 Mr. and Mrs. J o h n C a s h a t t 109 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Nace
70 Dr. a n d M r s . E a r l M. Gilliam 115 Mr. a n d Mrs. C. B. Weakley
80 Mrs. M. E. Merrill 119 Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Tower
91 M r . and Mrs. James H. Sells

31 M r . and Mrs. George H. Barker 205 Mr. a n d M r s . Willis C. McAllister
31 M r . and Mrs. B u r n s L. M a y n a r d 213 Mr. a n d M r s . H e n r y J. C a r e n
37 M r . a n d Mrs. Archibald H. H u s t o n 213 Mr. a n d Mrs. Neal J . Hasbrook
43 Air. and Mrs. Uri Tracy 214 Mr. and Mrs. J o h n H. Mohler
54 Mr. and Mrs. J o h n L. Lawler 223 M r s . J o h n S. "Wagenhals
55 Mr. a n d Mrs. George Hasbrook 236 Mr. a n d M r s . L e o n a r d H. G o d m a n
71 Mr. a n d M r s . A i m e r C. A r m s t r o n g 241 Mr. a n d M r s . Louis F . K i e s e w e t t e r
72 Mr. a n d M r s . W i l l i a m A. Miller 241 Mrs. Mary I. O ' H a r r a
93 Mr. a n d M r s . Alfred B r e n h o l t s 25 3 Mr. a n d Airs. L o u i s P h . H o s t e r
93 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brenholts 253 Mr and Mrs. Louis W. Hoster
115 Mr. Angus W. Dun 254 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k L. D e a n
120 Mr. a n d M r s . C. S. C a m e r o n 257 Mr. a n d M r s . E m i l i u s O. R a n d a l l
131 Mr. a n d Mrs. Orrin Thacker 264 M r . a n d M r s . F r e d e r i c k A. Miller
153 Mr. a n d M r s . A r c h i b a l d S. H a m m o n d 277 Mr. a n d M r s . F r a n k B . C h a p m a n
156 Judj ?e a n d M r s . M a u r i c e H . D o n a h u e 283 M r s . W m . O. T h o m a s
163 M r . a n d Mrs. Daniel H. Taft 2 89 Mr. a n d M r s . E d w a r d M. F u l l i n g t o n
173 M r . and Mrs. W a l t e r S. H a n n a 297 Mr. a n d M r s . Daniel J . R y a n
193 M r . and Mrs. Duane H. Baker 298 Judge a n d Mrs. J o h n M. Sheets
144 Mr. a n d M r s . K i n g G. Thompson
32 Dr. a n d M r s . Ellis Phillips 32 Air. a n d M r s . J a m e s M e l . P h i l l i p s
1433 M r s . Lillian M a n g e r 1528 Prof, a n d M r s . R o b e r t Meikeljohn
1457 M r s . Caroline E . Allen 1569 Prof, a n d M r s . Clair A. D y e
1458 Prof. T h o m a s E . F r e n c h
Index to Advertisers
Barnes-Callen Facing page 100
Bates • • . . . . 94
Blue Ribbon Stables Facing page 101
Brown Dye House Co 16
Buckeye Transfer and Storage Co., Facing page 68
Bugbee (New York) 96
Burns 18
Collingwood Hotel (New York) Inside back cover
Columbus Photo Supply Co 3
Columbus School for Girls 96
Columbus Tent and Awning Co 4
Columbus Window Cleaning Co 19
Cumberland Hotel (New Y o r k ) 14
Dunn-Taft Co Facing page 68
Entertainment Supply Co Facing page 100
Fallon, T. M. & Co Facing page 100
Gerichten Art Glass Co 3
Goldberg's Antique Shop 12
Goodman Bros Facing page 69
H a r t m a n Theatre 121
Hayden-Clinton Nat. Bank Inside front cover
Higgs 94
Kampmann Costume Works 120
Martlin, I. B. . 10
Meeker, Claude 4
P a r k & Tilford (New York) Facing inside back cover
Parrell, M. and M 96
Ponch, A. (New York) 108
Robins Piano Co 8
Ross, Albert -. Facing page 101
Southern Hotel 94
Thomas, C. A. & Co 96
Weingarten, M. & I. (New York) 120
Whiteis, U. E 16
Wilson, W. A 12
Woodward Hotel 6

Kampmann Costume Works

Costumes rented for Amateur and Opera Clubs, T a b -
leaux, Minstrels, Parades, Masquerades, etc.
Our Costumes are made of the best material, are clean
and sterilized, well fitting and historically correct

Fat/APC ^ e c a r r y t n e l a r g e s t and" m o s t
I CI V l / I 5 varied line of favors in the West
Special Favors for Cotillion, Card Parties, Hallow'en,
Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Washington's
Birthday, St. Patrick's Day; Easter, Weddings and
other notable occasions. Favors and Table Decora-
tions for Dinners and Luncheons..

M. <& I.
Ladies' Tailors and Furriers
Exclusive Models Always on Exhibition

Exceptional Facilities for the Prompt

Execution of Out-of-Town Orders ::

46 7-469 FiftH Ave., New York

Opposite New Public Library



Hotel Collingwood
Half a Block from Herald Square
45 W E S T 35th S T R E E T
N e w York City

European Plan
Rooms and Bath $2 and up Suites Accordingly

Formerly of New Haven House, New Haven Conn.

A New York Home for Columbus People

W e cater for your trade particularly on

account of our Columbus connection

The S
W M . H.


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