Death Worth A Dream: The Struggle As A Sulfur Miner

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Andrea A. Igup

If we were to compare Earth to other planets, it is beyond doubt that our planet Earth is deemed
special among the others in a way that it has vast amount of resources capable to sustain lives.
Throughout the history, Mother Earth has never failed us in catering our basic necessities in life.
Wide array of resources was bestowed before us that aid the majority of living things to survive
and lead a comfortable life.

However, not all the times life is a bed of roses, as there comes a moment that our environment
is slowly getting devalued by many. As our environment gets deteriorated, not only animals and
plants get to suffer, but also those laborers whose lives considerably dependent on these

The video introduced to us by our instructor was able to unleash and depict the harsh reality that
resides behind the skin care products and goods we are presently enjoying today. Kawah Ijen, a
volcano in Indonesia characterized by its blue fire it emits during the dawn, is where hundreds of
Indonesians were relying on in order to make a living. The sulfur that comes out from this
magnificent creation accompanied with toxic smoke is what most Indonesians are willing to die
for. These laborers were driven with their dreams, not for themselves but for their children. Even
with scarred back, deformed spine and bent legs, they still manage to climb towards the brink of
death, no matter the extent of risk it imposes on their health.

However, their efforts to obtain these sulfurs seems to be overlooked by everyone. Who would
have thought that their venture and sweat are only exchanged for a worth as Mickey Mouse
money and a single candy? These laborers also need to be compensated for the risk they are
undertaking as they are also playing a big role in the development of industry and stimulation of
economic growth.

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