Make The Groups of Students

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Student ID:


Course code: Edu 654

Assignment no: 01

Q#01: If you are using discovery based learning, then what would be the
role of teacher in the class room?
Teachers must make a student able to understand form primary information through models,
practice and input. The teacher’s role in discovery learning is therefore along these lines basic
to the achievement of learning results. These give visual setting and subsequently carry
another sense into the learning experience.

Make the groups of students:

Teachers can reinforce the children in discovery based learning by making groups of students.
So it will help to polish and extend the children existing skills like if in a group one student
inform that we perform such activity is that manner may be another student will find the
answer of previous ideas and suggest any new any way to solve the query.

Teacher can engage students in discussions:

Even the teacher can initiate the discussion before or after the lesson, teacher may query about
the key points and can check the prior knowledge of the students and can develop the interest
of the students in the lesson. During class discussion students can clear about the concepts of
viewpoints, ideas and even hypothesis.

Teachers make sure about required resources in classroom:

Teacher should be aware about the resources such as videos, magazines, books and laptop
along with required software. Discovery based learning sometimes depends on the nature of
the subject or topic, such as incase of biology teacher can let them outside garden area,
children can explore flower and plants etc.

Arrange Competition between students:

It is also important for the role of teacher to arrange healthy competition between students to
get more efficient and good and fast results of the education process.

Q#02:How can a teacher integrate the technology with pedagogy in the

classroom? Give an example.
When a teacher relates his/her knowledge with the presence of the technology, it
clears the concepts of the students as well as it comforts the students. It is important for a
teacher to understand the pedagogical implications of integrating technology into their
classrooms. Teacher can make the notes of the lecture using technological tools. Also they
can use multimedia to show some complex diagrams to the students in a unique and
interesting way.

Teachers can try new ways to explore if the students understand the concepts being taught.
Some strategies that the teacher can use are:

1. Ask their students about how and what they understand (not in the sense of a test, but in the
sense of an interview). Just as a teacher can ask about the yesterday’s lecture.

2. Ask students what "real life" personal situations they think the topic relates to. By relating
problems to practical life students can use their knowledge in the whole life.

3. Try to get inside students’ head and see the ideas being taught from their point of view. Teacher
can find the difficulties facing the students in this way.

Teachers are required to hold discussions with other teachers about teaching. Take your time
to find someone you can share ideas with that person and get the time to learn to trust each other.
Exchange strategies for teaching difficult concepts, complex topics or dealing with other specific
types of students to develop a learning community. This integration can enhance to develop critical
and creative thinking skills and enhance student’s outcomes.


1. Digital Story telling by using iMotionHD

2. Solve a Mathematical problem using screenchomp
Q#03: Please share an example of how prior knowledge of students affects
their learning. You can chose any subject and grade level.

Prior knowledge means the knowledge which is already learnt, an important factor
about prior knowledge is that a student having prior knowledge can easily able to
communicate and comprehend against any specific topic. The main challenge a student
may face while learning new content is that how much he knows about the content such
as the nature, definition, scope and field of the topic, so if he have strong concept on
previous knowledge relevant to the new knowledge. So if the new content is according to
the interest of the student or teacher have a strong skill to demonstrate the complexity
behind the concepts then students may easily absorb the content without having prior

Even a teacher will teach that topic which the students have already knowledge
like in case of addition with carry at grade 2 level, students have prior knowledge of
addition which they have learnt in grade 1. Teacher can recall their addition concepts on
the board then move towards new content, the student will able to learn fast such method.
But if the teacher just starts from addition with carry, without recalling prior knowledge,
may be that knowledge will be in idle state not in active state, so in order to activate that
knowledge, teacher should take step. So the teacher can initiate the thinking process in
students mind.

The following figure is illustrating if in a student the prior knowledge is activated

and having few other features then it will helps the student to learn new content. While if
it will in-active, inappropriate and insufficient it will hinder the new learning


Prior Knowledge

When When

Activated Inactive

1. Sufficient 1. Insufficient

2. Appropriate 2. Inappropriate

3. Accurate 3. Inaccurate


Example: A programing class teacher before going to the concrete concepts about
array, loops, if-else conditions etc., can check the student’s prior knowledge about
algorithm, how strongly they can develop the algorithms on loops, arrays etc., before
using programing language syntax in any editor on these contents. So before learning of
new content which is a formal way of making programs code and designing of logic, the
teacher can conduct a placement assessment which is being used to assess the prior
knowledge of students and we can able to assess which level of learning the specific
student is existing. So protest and readiness test a teacher will conduct, in which he will
ask the basic algorithms on the previous topic which they will already learnt in previous
grades, the teacher will not much concern about the format or accuracy of algorithms, but
he will check either the students have prior knowledge about algorithm building? And
either knowledge is helpful is hinder? If some students would not be able to apply the
loop, if else condition may be they have inactive, insufficient and inappropriate
knowledge, teacher can recall their concepts on whiteboard so may be their previous
knowledge will be activated. The students whose knowledge is activated and sufficient
they will be able to solve at least 50% to 70% or above algorithms. So once the teacher
will move towards programming, they students whose prior knowledge were activated
they were easily able to make the logic of loops etc. while those students who didn’t
learnt effectively their previous knowledge they were feel difficulty to make
logic/algorithm using programming language.

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