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Being young is about more than age.

It can be a rollercoaster of emotions, with an

unstable sense of self-esteem. Insecurity, loneliness and disguised vulnerability. We
search for love and we search for belonging.
But being young also carries endless possibilities, creativity, curiosity, energy,
impatience and guts. It holds a special joy of life.
In other words: It is much like life as an adult - just more intense.
Everything comes in brighter colours, maybe more contrasting colours, though.
There are just as many ways of being young as there are young people in the world.
Every single one of us is unique and each person lives life differently.
Everyone has resources, everyone has skills, personality and experience that deserve
to be discovered and nurtured.
Today, half of the world's population is under the age of 27. And young people around
the world and in Philippines will not only determine our future, they define what the
world looks like today.
Marriage is one of the most important commitments to be made in life. When a person
marries someone, it should be a mature and responsible decision. It should be a long-
lasting commitment; it should be a happy and fulfilling relationship filled with
communication, love and respect. People seem to take this commitment all too lightly in
today's generation. Teenagers are getting married because they are pregnant, they feel
they will never find love again, or because it seems convenient to them at that time.
Youth unemployment, poverty, and hunger are now global issues which governments in
different parts of the world as well as international bodies are trying to tackle. There has
never been a better time to invest in youth empowerment as they are tomorrow’s
leaders and if appropriate opportunities are made available to put their natural
endowment to creative and productive channels, they are indeed capable of working
Some beneficial outcomes of youth empowerment include empowered and skilled
youth, healthier and higher quality of life for the underprivileged, increased self-efficacy
and improved social skills of the youths, national development, entrepreneurship, less
dependability on government by youth communities.
Embracing technical and vocational skills acquisition by young boys and girls can
address the skills gap in the economy as well as provide means for young people to be
self-employed and fully engaged
And yet, millions are better informed, more social responsible and know more about the
digital and social revolution than anyone.
It’s their way of life.
So we truly need young people’s voices. As a society I don’t think we can survive
without truly listen to young people and to develop their skills.
I am here speaking to all of you because:
I believe in the power of young people.
I know that every young person has a potential to fulfil.
And we know that when we are recognized for our qualities, we can create a strong
society - together.

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