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Critical thinking questions

1. a. Draw a mind map showing different plant source of food with example.

b. List two sources of edible oil.

Ans : sunflower oil & groundnut oil 😍✅

2. .A, B, C and D are all living organisms. A, B and C need readymade food whereas D can make its
own food. The organism A can eat B as well as D. The organism B eats only D or its products
whereas organism C eats only organisms like B.

What is organism A? Give an example of A.

Ans : Organism A is omnivore and an example of omnivore is human 😍✅

Name the organism B. Give an example of B.

Ans : Organism B is herbivore and an example is cow 😍✅

What are organisms like C called? Give an example of C.

Ans : Organism C is carnivore and example of carnivore is tiger 😍✅

3. Prachi said we get food ingredients only from plants and animals, Do you agree? Give reason to
support your answer.

Ans : No, I don’t agree with Prachi as we don’t get food ingredients like salt from plants . There

are many other food ingredients which we don’t get from plants or animals 😍✅

4. The materials needed for making chapati are wheat flour and water. These materials used to
make food are called ingredients. What are the major materials required for making ‘kheer’?
Which of these comes from plants and which are from animals?
Ans : Kheer is an Indian sweet or savory. Many different types of kheer are made all over India ,

but the most common recipes main ingredient is ghee, which is an animal source. 😍✅

5. Mary is lactose intolerant that is dairy products make her tummy upset. Therefore, she has to
avoid all foods that contain milk and milk products. While visiting a supermarket, she wants to
try two new spreads launched in the mar-ket recently. Looking at the ingredients below. What
would you advise her? Which spread should she choose and why?
a. Spread A Ingredients: Whey, milk powder solids, soy lecithin, salt, oregano, chilli flakes,
starter culture, processed cheese
b. Spread B Ingredients: Chick peas, olive oil, sesame seeds, garlic powder, onion powder, garlic
salt, black pepper.

Ans : She should choose Spread B because it has least dairy products as she is lactose intolerant


6. Mohan’s mother had some moong dal with her and she wanted to grow some white structures
out of them.
A. What are these small structures that came out of the seeds called?
B. Will the moong dal sprout if Mohan’s mother would have used the cooked dal? why


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