Writing - Summary of Pak Rudi's Talk

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Australia Study And Leisure

Mr. Rudi Hendra is a friend of Ms. Nana, Mr. Rudi received a bachelor's degree at the
University of Padjadjaran and a master's degree at University Putra Malaysia and is currently
a Ph.D. at the University of Wollongo in Australia, Mr. Rudi choose a doctor at the
University of Wollongo because the cost of living in Australia is cheaper and the tuition fee is
also cheaper. At the University of Wollongo Mr. Rudi are conducting research in the
chemical field of natural materials about the yellow flowers. At this meeting Mr. Rudi tells
the topic of Australia. Australia is the biggest island in the world - but also the continent.
Australia are the natives of the Aboriginal Hawaian. Australians really appreciate their
surroundings. Normally, plants native to Australia, which are usually used in the area around
Australia for drugs, works of art, weapons, etc. Australia consists of six state in the New
South Wales (Sydney), Victoria (Merbourne), Queensland (Brisbane), Western Australia
(Perth), South Australia (Adelaide), and Tasmania (Hobart), and has two Territories which is
Northern Australia (Darwin) and the capital of Australia (Canberra).

Australia has a marsupial, like kangaroos, walabi, koalas and wombats. In the
language of Australia, the Kangaroo was called "Roo". Kangaroo and walabi have the same
form. However, the Wallaby has a smaller size of the kangaroo. Australia also have a great
Emu is the great birds that can't terbang.Golden wattle is the national flower of Australia.
Australia also has a plant that resembles a kangaroo which is Kangaroo paw. Kangaroo paw
is one of the plants typical of australia. We don't have far to the Netherlands to find tulips, we
can also see tulips in Australia. Every December the tulips will be held in Australia. in the
house parliament of Australia a lot planted with tulips have a lot of colors. The Parliament is
located in the capital of Australia in canberra. In addition there are also Waratah, including
plants from Australia. Australiamemiliki more than 150 species of plants they use, for
example, to make some antiseptic. This information will be disseminated by local residents
from mouth to mouth. Australia is a country all season. Australia has a diverse in every area
of australia. It is because Australia has the continent's great. in the utaraAustralia
biasanyamemiliki the warm weather, while in the south to have winter is cold. In Australia
there four seasons :

1. fall is usually the case in the Maret-Mei.

2. Winter is usually the case in the month from June to August.
3. Spring is usually the case in the September-November.
4. Summer is usually the case in the Desember-Februari.

Christmas in Australia is different from Christmas in Europe, Christmas in winter.

while In Australia, Christmas Day happens in the summer. According to Mr. Rudi, the people
of Indonesia will celebrate Christmas with visits to the family and bersilahturranmi. But
people will celebrate Christmas by going on vacation and the way. Activities that people like
Australia which is to go to the beach, go gym and fitness, go on a picnic, and they will make
a barbeque at every party. The travel to visit in Australia very much. Parliament the House is
one of the tourist attractions located in Canberra, Australia. In the Houses of Parliament,
visitors who come to see the room trial and the other room. Mr. Ayers Rock is one of the
landmarks of the most impressive in Australia in addition to the Sydney Opera House. Ayes
Rock was in Uluru-Kata Tjuta the National Park. Mr. Ayers Rock is down to the southwest
corner of the Northern Territory and close to the epicenter of the geographical centre of

Mount the highest in Australia is Mount Kosciuszko, as tall as 2.228'm (7310 the
foot) of Mount Kosciuszko is a mountain located on Main Range Mountains Snowy in
Kosciuszko the National Park, part of the National Park the Alps and Australia's, in New
South Wales, Australia and is located in the west Crackenback and close to Jindabyne. If the
Australians don't forget to visit Brighton Beach when traveling to Melbourne. the coast of
Brighton is famous for bathing the colorful and its small size. The Shrine of Remembrance,
Melbourne, Australia was built as a monument to commemorate the heroes from Australia
that serves as a warning to all Australian citizens who have served in war. Australia also have
landmarks is very famous located in Sydney is the Opera House Sydney Opera House,
Sydney, It's a famous tourist attraction in Australia. on the roof of the Opera House Sydney
will be a shining light colors at the time of the annual festival in Sydney. In addition to tell
you about Australia, Mr. Rudi also provides tips for studying english is :

1. reading a novel in English.

2. I was watching a film in English.

3. Listen to music in English.

4. and read articles that spoke English.

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