Numerical Modeling For Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Combustion

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The Babcock & Wilcox Company

Chapter 6
Numerical Modeling for Fluid Flow,
Heat Transfer, and Combustion

Numerical modeling – an overview The term numerical modeling usually refers to the
use of numerical methods on high-powered computers
Continuous and steady advances in computer tech- to solve a complex system of mathematical models based
nology have changed the way engineering design and on the fundamental physics of the system. In this re-
analyses are performed. These advances allow engi- spect, it describes the second approach identified above.
neers to deal with larger-scale problems and more com- As an example, consider analysis of hot air moving
plex systems, or to look in more detail at a specific through a length of duct composed of several differ-
process. Indeed, through the use of advanced com- ent components all in a cold environment.
puter technology to perform engineering analysis, nu- The first type of analysis would involve a network
merical modeling has emerged as an important field model. This model would describe the pressure drop
in engineering. While this chapter focuses on fluid and heat loss along the duct based on the length,
flow and heat transfer, Chapter 8 provides a brief dis- shape, number of turns, etc. This model is based on
cussion of numerical modeling for structural analysis. extensive flow measurements taken on the individual
In general, the term numerical method describes components (i.e., straight sections, turns, reductions,
solving a mathematical description of a physical pro- etc.) that make up the duct. A set of empirical and fun-
cess using a numerical rather than an analytical ap- damental correlations is used to analyze the flow rate
proach. This may be done for a number of reasons, through the duct. The computation can be set up quickly
including the following: and with minimal effort. Results and multiple variations
can be rapidly obtained. While results are reasonably
1. An analytical means of solving the equations that accurate, they are limited to the components for which
describe the system may not exist. a flow correlation already exists. A unique component
2. Even though an analytical method is available, it design that has not been described by a correlation may
may be necessary to repeat the calculation many not be accurately evaluated with this type of model.
times, and a numerical method can be used to ac- The second type of analysis would involve a CFD
celerate the overall process. model of the same duct. The detailed behavior of the
A small-scale replica of an apparatus is considered flow through the entire duct is modeled. From this
a physical model because it describes the full-size ap- information, pressure drop and heat loss along the
paratus on a smaller scale. This model can incorpo- length of the duct may be determined. However, un-
rate varying levels of detail depending on need and like the first analysis, this type of model provides ad-
circumstances. A mathematical description of a physi- ditional details. For example, the first model does not
cal system (referred to as a mathematical model) can consider how the flow through a bend differs if it is
also incorporate varying levels of detail. Similar to a followed by another bend or a straight section; the first
physical model, the amount of detail is often deter- model may result in the same pressure drop regard-
mined by the accuracy required and the resources less of how the components are arranged. The second
available to use the model. This creates a need to analysis would account for these differences. In addi-
strike a balance between accuracy, complexity and tion, variation in heat loss from one side of the duct to
efficiency. the other can be determined. Most importantly, this
There are two basic approaches to mathematical model is not restricted to duct components where ex-
modeling. tensive experimental data is available. New concepts
can easily be evaluated.
1. Model the behavior of a system. Network flow mod- These two approaches have both benefits and limi-
els and heat exchanger heat transfer correlations tations. The appropriate use of each is determined by
are examples of a system model. the information needed and the information available.
2. Model the fundamental physics of a system to de- While both approaches are important engineering tools,
termine the behavior. Computational fluid dynam- the remaining discussion here will focus on the second,
ics (CFD) and chemical reaction models fall into specifically on CFD and combustion modeling, and how
this category. they relate to furnaces, boilers and accessory equipment.

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The Babcock & Wilcox Company

Benefits to a burner, but the same level of detail may not be

necessary for flow in a duct. The complexity is often
There are numerous benefits to using a sophisti- dictated by the problem.
cated tool such as a numerical model for engineering
analysis. These tools can often provide information Historical perspectives
that can only be obtained through expensive experi-
ments or may not be available any other way. Numeri- In many ways, the history of numerical modeling
cal modeling may often be used to obtain needed in- in the context of CFD has followed the development
formation quickly and at a reduced cost. of computational capabilities. Early efforts in CFD
While it is important to understand the advantages started in the 1960s, when computers first became
of using numerical modeling, it is equally important commercially available, and when many of the con-
to understand that it is only one means of obtaining cepts and ideas that form the basis of current tech-
the required information. Engineering has long relied niques in CFD were first developed. One example is
on theory and experiments for design and analysis. the way much of the turbulent flow is modeled today.
Numerical modeling adds a third approach. Each ap- Early efforts were often limited to simple two-dimen-
proach offers different insights with different benefits. sional laminar flows. The resolution of the geometry
was also very limited.
Increased understanding It was not until the 1970s that CFD saw substan-
tial successes. It was during this time that CFD be-
The primary purpose of using numerical modeling gan to be used for general engineering problems.
is to increase understanding of a physical process. As Progress included turbulence modeling, two-dimen-
such, it is often used in addition to or in conjunction sional reacting flows and three-dimensional flows.
with other available tools. Consider the duct example As further advances were made in computational
described above. It is possible to use a network model technology, more sophisticated and detailed numeri-
on a large number of duct designs to narrow the pos- cal models, as well as increased resolution, became
sibilities to a few candidate designs. A full CFD model possible. This increased the acceptance of CFD as a
could then be used to analyze each of the candidate useful engineering tool and gave it a much wider ap-
designs to gain a better understanding of the plication base. Soon, large comprehensive combustion
strengths and weaknesses of each design. CFD models were developed. These were fully three-
Exploration of unfamiliar conditions dimensional turbulent-reacting flow models. Sub-mod-
els of detailed physics for specific applications were
As previously described, it is possible that a compo- included, such as pulverized coal combustion and ra-
nent of the duct can not be accurately described within diation heat transfer models. Improvements continue
the context of a flow network model. A conservative to be made today that promise to increase the utility
approximation can be used but may result in an overly of combustion CFD modeling.
conservative solution. A CFD model of the new com-
ponent can provide the missing information, or a CFD
model of the entire system can be performed. The Modeling process
model allows the exploration and analysis of new
equipment and systems. In its simplest terms, a numerical model is provided
with input data that is used to fix specific operating
Design validation/examination of interactions parameters and return results. Without further un-
Traditional methods of analysis and design are of- derstanding, this simplistic view of modeling can lead
ten focused on individual system components such as to unsatisfactory results. More appropriately, a multi-
the burners, air system, or heat transfer surfaces in a step process is used:
furnace. A full accounting of the complex interaction 1. Obtain a complete situational description includ-
between the components is often not given. Numeri- ing physical geometry, process flow, physical prop-
cal modeling provides a vehicle to evaluate the inter- erty data and the level of detail needed. It is im-
actions and validate the system design. portant to obtain detailed information because
seemingly small differences can have a significant
Troubleshooting effect on numerical solutions.
Engineering analysis often investigates the behav- 2. Define the modeling assumptions appropriate for
ior of existing systems. This is particularly true when the specific flow system and computer model se-
the behavior does not agree with the expectations. Nu- lected while making appropriate tradeoffs; cost
merical modeling can play a vital role in determining and time are balanced against level of detail and
the nature of the problem and suggesting solutions. information required.
3. Prepare the input data by converting the general
Flexibility technical information obtained in step 1 into the
A distinct feature of numerical modeling is that it detailed inputs required by the computational
is a flexible method of analysis. Modeling can be used model selected. Much of this is accomplished with
to look at any number of different geometries or oper- the use of various computer programs such as com-
ating conditions. In addition, the level of detail used puter assisted drafting (CAD) software and mesh
in the model can vary from use to use. A high level of generation software. Verification of the input data
detail may be required to model flow near a fuel inlet is an important part of this process.

6-2 Steam 41 / Numerical Modeling for Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Combustion
The Babcock & Wilcox Company

4. Run the numerical computational model until an are used to predict boiler behavior, evaluate design
acceptable solution is obtained. modifications, or investigate localized phenomena. Ex-
5. Analyze the results to verify the initial model as- amples of flue gas applications include predicting tem-
sumptions, to check the results against known perature distributions within a furnace, evaluating
trends, to benchmark the output with known field fluid mixing due to the retrofit of systems to control
data, and to present the results in a usable form. nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions, and improving air
heater flow distributions to increase heat absorption.
In application, the computer programs or software
Water-side applications include determining flow rates
used to perform the modeling function are broken
for boiler furnace circulation systems and evaluating
down into three general groups that work together to
system stability, among others. Many of the uses are
complete the analysis:
summarized in Table 1.
1. Pre-processing: generation of the calculational
mesh or grid representing all boundary conditions
(part of step 3 above and discussed later under Theory
Mesh generation), The foundation of numerical modeling is the devel-
2. Solution: execution of the numerical model to de- opment of a mathematical description of the physical
rive an acceptable solution (step 4 above), and system to be modeled. Whether this is as simple as
3. Post-processing: generation of typically graphical heat transfer through a wall or as complex as a pul-
or tabular key results from the numerical model
to permit interpretation and evaluation of the re-
sults (part of step 5 above).
Table 1
Sample Numerical Model Applications
Despite recent advances in technology, increased Application Purpose
understanding of physics, and improvements in de-
Windboxes Evaluate flow field within windbox,
scribing input conditions, limitations remain in apply- determine expected air distribution
ing numerical modeling to engineering problems. Nu- to combustion equipment, and
merical modeling can only be applied where there is determine pressure losses
an adequate understanding of the physics involved. throughout system
In situations where there is not an appropriate math-
Burners Accurately determine boundary
ematical description of the physics, numerical model- conditions for furnace models,
ing is not possible. Even when a description exists, it evaluate flame and burner flow
may be too complex to be readily used in a model and characteristics
a simplified approach is required. In this case, results
will reflect the simplifying assumptions of the model. Overfire air ports Accurately determine boundary
conditions for furnace models,
Computer technology continues to limit the level of determine flow characteristics and
detail that can be modeled with numerical methods. pressure losses through port
Our understanding of the physics of systems that are
routinely modeled with CFD far exceeds the compu- Pulverized Examine combustion characteristics
tational resources (size and speed) that are available coal-fired boilers throughout the entire furnace;
evaluate fuel/air mixing, furnace
to model them. A considerable amount of effort is ex- performance, heat transfer,
pended on developing simplified descriptions of the emissions and flow characteristics
physics to make the problem manageable with current
computer technology. Recovery boilers Examine combustion characteristics
The precision and accuracy of the input data also throughout the entire furnace;
evaluate fuel/air mixing, furnace
represents a significant limitation to numerical mod- performance, heat transfer,
eling. Sources where this may be significant include emissions, carryover and flow
the level at which the geometry is described and rep- characteristics within the furnace
resented, the accuracy of imposing an inlet condition,
Waste-to-energy Examine combustion characteristics
and the assumptions made in specifying other bound-
boilers of the entire furnace; evaluate
ary conditions and modeling parameters. fuel/air mixing, furnace
Despite these limitations, numerical modeling can performance, heat transfer,
be used in conjunction with other engineering analy- emissions and flow characteristics
ses. When applied appropriately, numerical modeling
Selective catalytic Determine inlet flow and
can provide invaluable information.
reduction systems temperature distributions; evaluate
flow correction devices to meet
Uses specified velocity and temperature
Many applications for CFD and combustion mod-
Wet scrubbers Determine flow and pressure drop
eling exist within the design and evaluation of steam conditions, evaluate scrubber
generators (or boilers) and related equipment. Nu- emission removal performance
merical models of the flue gas and steam-water flows

Steam 41 / Numerical Modeling for Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Combustion 6-3
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verized coal flame, the first step is to adequately de- The system of processes, equations and interrela-
fine the mathematical description. tionships in a coal-fired boiler is far more complex, as
The description is derived from first principles and shown in Fig. 1. Five fundamental processes must be
physical laws and is primarily based on a set of con- addressed while providing for all key interactions:
servation relationships that result in a series of ordi-
1. Fluid transport: fluid motion, component mass
nary and partial differential equations (ODE and
and energy transport in a turbulent mixing envi-
PDE). The PDEs describe such things as the conser-
vation of mass, momentum, energy, and others. In
2. Particle transport: particle (in this case coal) or dis-
addition, fundamental relationships are used to complete
crete phase motion in a fluid.
the description of the system. The complete description
3. Homogeneous chemical reactions: gaseous species
is made up of these PDEs and algebraic relationships.
Combustion modeling results in a particularly com-
4. Heterogeneous chemical reactions: particle combustion.
plex mathematical description of the overall process.
5. Radiative heat transfer: radiative heat transfer in
Each physical process involved in a combustion sys-
a particle-laden participating media.
tem is described individually; however, they interact
with other physical processes. This interaction creates The second step to modeling the system is to use an
a coupling between all the descriptions of the indi- appropriate technique to solve the set of equations that
vidual processes. has been chosen to describe the physical system. It is not
To demonstrate this coupling, consider a simple dif- possible to analytically solve the partial differential equa-
fusion flame. Fluid dynamics describe the process of tions typically encountered in modeling combustion sys-
mixing two streams of reactants. The resulting reac- tems. Thus, the differential equations are discretized to
tion alters the constituents of the fluid, and heat re- obtain a set of non-linear algebraic equations that can
lease from the reaction increases the local tempera- be solved with known numerical techniques. The last
ture. The change in temperature and chemical compo- step in the process is to obtain the final solution.
sition has a strong effect on local density. This change Following is a more detailed description of each of
in density, in turn, has a strong effect on the fluid flow. these processes.

Complex Coupling Phenomena

Between Subprocess Modules
Fluid Transport

Particle Velocities Gas Properties

Gas Velocities Gas Velocities Gas Velocities

and Pressure

Particle Size Change in Gas O2 NOX

and Density Composition and
Particle Transport Number and Velocity Heterogeneous Homogeneous
Chemical Reaction Gas Composition
Module of Particles and Temperature Chemical Reaction
Module Module

Number and Particle Size,

Temperature, and Radiation Heat
Location of Transfer
Particles Composition

Gas Composition
and Temperature

Radiative Heat
Transfer Module

Fig. 1 Model for the evaluation of pulverized coal-fired combustion based upon five fundamental processes.

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The Babcock & Wilcox Company

Fundamental equations taneous density (ρ) and instantaneous value ( φ ) and

ρ is the time-averaged density. The instantaneous
Combustion systems involve a complex interaction value may then be written as the sum of the density-
of many different physical processes. This includes
weighted average and the fluctuating value φ ′′ :
fluid flow, heat transfer, chemical reactions, and po-
tentially fluid-solid interactions. Some of the funda-
mental equations that describe these processes are φ = φ + φ ′′ (3)
introduced in Chapters 3 and 4. Each of these pro- Equation 3 can be substituted into the transport
cesses is briefly described below in the context of nu- equation and then time-averaged to derive equations
merical modeling. in terms of the mean quantities. While it is not impor-
Representation of turbulence tant to detail the process here, it is important to note
that the results produce additional terms in the result-
Large-scale combustion systems are typically char- ing equations. These extra terms are known as
acterized by turbulent, reacting flow conditions. The Reynolds stresses in the equations of motion and tur-
effect of turbulent flow (turbulence) on combustion bulent fluxes in the other conservation equations. Tur-
processes is significant and must be considered to ac- bulence models are generally required to model these
count for this effect. As yet, it is not practical to model extra terms, closing the system of equations.
the full detail of the temporal and spatial fluctuations
that are associated with turbulence. As computing Fluid flow and heat transfer
resources become more powerful and our ability to Gas-phase transport in combustion systems is gov-
handle the enormous amount of information that will erned by PDEs that describe the conservation of mass,
be generated increases, it may one day be possible to momentum, component mass and energy. The conser-
model the details of turbulent flow on industrial com- vation of mass or continuity equation is discussed in
bustion systems. Until that day, a simplified model Chapter 3. The conservation of momentum is repre-
representation of turbulence must be used. sented by the Navier-Stokes equations that are also
Often, dealing with turbulence involves time-aver- briefly discussed in Chapter 3. The Cartesian form of
aging the fundamental equations to eliminate the tur- Navier-Stokes equations, as well as the continuity
bulent fluctuations and utilizing a separate turbulence equation, can be found in the first four equations in
model to account for the influence of turbulent fluc- Table 2. In these four equations, ρ is the density, u, v,
tuations on the flow. The fundamental equations can and w are the velocity components, and x, y, and z are
then be solved for the mean quantities. Alternatively, the coordinate directions, µ is the dynamic viscosity, P
large scale turbulent fluctuations can be directly is the pressure, and g is the body force due to gravity.
solved while utilizing a turbulence model for the small The remaining conservation equations used to de-
scale fluctuations. This technique, called large eddy scribe the gas-phase transport are the energy and com-
simulation (LES), is an important advancement in tur- ponent mass equations, expressed in Table 2 in terms
bulence modeling but requires large computational re- of specific enthalpy and component mass fraction. The
sources compared to time-averaging. energy source terms are on a volumetric basis and rep-
Time-averaging is typically done either with resent the contribution from radiative heat trans-
Reynolds averaging, the conventional time-averaging, fer, −∇ i qr , energy exchange with the discrete phase par-
or with Favre averaging, a density-weighted averag-
ing. The latter is better suited to handle the large den- ticles, S Hpart, and viscous dissipation, SH. The component
sity variations experienced in combustion applications. mass source terms include the mean production rate
Averaging of the conservation equations is accom- due to gas-phase reactions, Ri, and the net species pro-
plished by first assuming that instantaneous quanti- duction rate from heterogeneous reactions, Sipart .
ties are represented by mean and fluctuating portions
as shown in Equation 1. By allowing φ to represent Turbulence model
the dependant variable, this can be expressed as: As previously mentioned, the process of time-aver-
aging the conservation equations introduces extra
φ = φ + φ′ (1) terms into the equations. Numerous turbulence mod-
els have been developed over the years to determine
where φ is the instantaneous value, φ is the mean the values of these extra terms. One of the most com-
mon and widely accepted approaches, known as the
portion and φ ′ is the fluctuating portion. Density- Boussinesq hypothesis, is to assume that the Reynolds
weighted averaging offers advantages over conven- stresses are analogous to viscous dissipation stresses.
tional time-averaging for combustion-related flows This approach introduces the turbulent viscosity µ and
since it simplifies the treatment of large density a turbulent transport coefficient σ into each equation.
changes. The density-weighted mean value, φ , is de- Most of the turbulence models currently used for
fined as: fluid flow and combustion are focused on determin-
ing µ. In the k-epsilon model (one of the most widely
ρφ used and accepted), the turbulent viscosity is given as:
φ = (2)
ρ Cµ k2
µt = (4)
where ρφ is the time-averaged product of the instan- ε

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Table 2
Summary of Fundamental Differential Equations

General form of the transport equation:

Physical Transport Source

Equation Parameter Coefficient Term

Continuity 1 0 Smpart

X-Momentum ~

Y-Momentum ~

Z-Momentum ~

Enthalpy H

Turbulent k
Energy k

Dissipation ε
Species Yi

Other terms appearing in general form:

Nomenclature Subscripts/Superscripts

S part = source term accounting for exchange between e = effective

discrete phase particles and gas phase t = turbulent
u, v, w = velocity components x, y, z = directional component
H = enthalpy i = ith chemical specie
k = turbulent kinetic energy ~ = Favre (density weighted) average
ε = turbulent kinetic energy dissipation − = time-average
= effective viscosity part = discrete phase particle component
= turbulent viscosity
g = gravitational vector (x, y, z)
= density
c1, c2 = model constants
Ri = reaction rate
Yi = species mass fraction

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where Cµ is a model parameter, k is the turbulent ki- Combustion

netic energy, and ε is the turbulent kinetic energy Homogeneous chemical reactions Homogeneous or
dissipation. The turbulent kinetic energy and the dis- gas-phase combustion involves the transport and
sipation are determined by solving an additional par- chemical reaction of various gas species. During this
tial differential equation for each quantity as given process, heat is released and combustion product spe-
in Table 2. cies are formed. As mentioned, a transport equation
Discrete phase transport for each of the chemical species involved is solved. The
main objective of a gas-phase combustion model is to
Many combustion applications, including pulverized determine the mean production rate, Ri for turbulent
coal, oil, black liquor and even wood involve small solid combustion.
or liquid particles moving through the combustion Various methods can be used to determine the pro-
gases. The combustion gases are described by assuming duction rate. One common method known as the Eddy
that they represent a continuum, whereas a description Dissipation Combustion Model (EDM) was developed
of the solid and liquid fuel involves discrete particles. by Magnussen and Hjertager5 and is based on the
Describing the motion of this discrete phase presents eddy break-up model.6 This model assumes that the
unique modeling challenges. There are two basic refer- rate of combustion is controlled by the rate of mixing
ence frames that can be used to model the transport of of the reactants on a molecular scale. The reaction rate
the discrete phase particles, Eulerian and Lagrangian. is given by:
The Eulerian reference frame describes a control
volume centered at a fixed point in space. Conserva-
tion equations similar to the ones used for gas trans- Wiω i
Ri = =
port are used to describe the transport mass and en- ρ
ergy of particles passing through this control volume.
The interaction of the particle phase and the gas phase  Yk 
is accomplished through source terms in the respec- N rc
ε  Wk 
tive transport equations. Wi ∑ (vij′′ − vij′ ) C A min  : k ∈ RCT j 
The Lagrangian reference frame considers a con- j=1 ρk  vkj′  (7)
trol volume centered on a single particle. This ap-  
proach tracks the particle on its trajectory as it trav-
els through space and interacts with the surrounding Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
gases. The motion of a particle can be described by:
 where Wi is the component molecular weight, vij′ and
du part   vij′′ are the reactant and product stoichiometric coeffi-
mpart = FD + Fg (5)
dt cients for the ith species and the jth reaction, ε is the
 turbulent dissipation, k is the turbulent kinetic energy,
where mpart represents the mass of the particle, u part is the CA is the model dependent mixing constant and RCTj
particle vector velocity, t is time, and FD and Fg represent denotes the set of species that are reactants for the jth
drag and gravitational forces. Aerodynamic drag is a reaction. Term 1 represents the stoichiometric coeffi-
function of the relative differences between particle and cients in the particular reaction, Term 2 represents the
gas velocities, Reynolds number and turbulent fluctua- molecular mixing rate, and Term 3 limits the reaction
tions in the gas. Consideration is also given for mass loss to the availability of individual reactants.
from the particle due to combustion.1,2,3 Magnussen7 later proposed the eddy dissipation con-
Turbulence has the effect of dispersing or diffus- cept (EDC) to overcome some limitations of other mod-
ing the particles. This dispersion effect has been iden- els. Specifically, the EDC model is applicable to non-
tified with the ratio of the particle diameter to turbu- premixed and premixed combustion and can be used
lence integral scale. For large particle sizes, particle with simplified or detailed chemistry to describe the
migration will be negligible, while at small sizes par- reaction process. A detailed description of the EDC
ticles will follow the motion of the gas phase. This ef- model can be found in Magnussen,7 Lilleheie et al.,8
fect can be modeled using the Lagrangian stochastic Magnussen9 and Lilleheie et al.10
deterministic (LSD) model.4 The LSD model computes Magnussen’s premise is that chemical reactions oc-
an instantaneous gas velocity which is the sum of the cur in the fine structures of turbulence where the tur-
mean gas velocity and a fluctuating component. The bulent energy is being dissipated. Within these struc-
instantaneous gas velocity is used in computing the tures, molecular mixing occurs and the reactions can
right-hand side of Equation 5. be treated at the molecular level. The EDC model is
From the particle velocity the particle position, xpart, based on the concept of a reactor defined by a reaction
is expressed as: zone in these fine turbulence structures. The length
 and time scales from the turbulence model are used to
dx part  characterize these fine turbulence structures. The re-
= u part (6) action rates within these fine structures can be defined
with the specification of an appropriate chemical kinet-
This equation, along with appropriate initial condi- ics mechanism. These reaction rates are then related
tions, describes the particle trajectory within the com- to the average reaction rates in the bulk fluid and then
putational domain. applied to the time-averaged transport equations.

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While some of the simpler models mentioned above The Carbon Burnout Kinetic (CBK) model has been
have been utilized extensively, the EDC provides a developed by Hurt et al.17 specifically to model the
means of more accurately treating the complexities of details of carbon burnout. The model has a quantita-
coal combustion and modern combustion systems. This tive description of thermal annealing, statistical kinet-
is particularly important as the sophistication of the ics, statistical densities, and ash inhibition in the late
heterogeneous combustion models improves. stages of combustion.
Heterogeneous chemical reactions Simulation of coal
combustion must account for a complex set of physical Radiative heat transfer
processes including drying, devolatilization, and char Radiative heat transfer in combustion systems is an
oxidation. When a coal particle enters the combustion important mode of heat transfer and is described by
zone, the rapid heatup causes moisture to evaporate. the radiative transfer equation (RTE):
Coal → Dry Coal + Water Vapor (8)    
( Ω i ∇ ) I (r, Ω ) = − (κ
λ λ (
+ σ λ ) Iλ r ,Ω )
Evaporation is followed by devolatilization to produce  σ     
volatiles and char. + κ λ I bλ ( r ) +
4π Ω
∫ Φ (Ω′ → Ω) I (r , Ω′) dΩ′

Dry Coal → Gaseous Fuel + Char (9)

where κ λ is the spectral absorption coefficient, σ λ is
The volatiles consist of light gases (primarily hydro- the scattering coefficient, and I bλ is the black body ra-
gen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane), diant intensity.
tars and other residues. The devolatilization rate can This equation describes the change in radiant in-
not be adequately represented with a single first-or-   
der kinetic expression. Ubhayaker et al.11 suggested tensity, I λ ( r,Ω ), at location r in direction Ω. The three
a two first-order kinetic rate expression: terms on the right-hand side represent the decrease
in intensity due to absorption and out-scattering, the
K i → α Gaseous Fuel increase in intensity due to emission, and the increase
Dry Coal  i i in intensity due to in-scattering.
(10) Radiative heat transfer information is obtained by
+ (1 − α i ) Char i i = 1, 2
solving the RTE (Equation 15) which is coupled with
the thermal energy equation by the divergence of the
where Kid is the kinetic rate of reaction and ai is the vola- radiant flux vector −∇iℑ. The divergence can be ob-
tiles’ mass fraction. The kinetic rates are first-order in the tained from:
mass of coal remaining and are expressed in an Arrhenius
form. The total devolatilization rate becomes: ∞ ∞
 4π  
∇ i ℑ = 4 ∫ κ λ Ebλ (T ) d λ − ∫ κ λ  ∫ I λ ( Ω ) d Ω  dλ (16)
= ∑α
i Ki
(11) 0 0 0 

A more advanced model known as the Chemical The two terms on the right-hand side account for
Percolation Devolatilization (CPD)12,13,14 has been de- emission and absorption, respectively.
veloped and is described elsewhere. Unlike the empiri- Discretization of equations
cal formulation of Ubhayaker et al.,11 the CPD model
is based on characteristics of the chemical structure In the preceding sections, a mathematical descrip-
of the parent coal. tion of combustion modeling, consisting of a fundamen-
Following devolatilization the remaining particle tal set of algebraic relations and differential equations
consists of char residue and inert ash. Char is assumed of various forms, has been described. This includes
to react heterogeneously with the oxidizer: fluid transport, particle transport, combustion and ra-
diative heat transfer. Because this system of equations
Char + Oxidant → Gaseous Products + Ash (12) is too complex to solve with analytic methods, a numeri-
cal method must be employed. The methods of
A basic approach to char oxidation was described discretizing the fluid transport and radiative heat trans-
by Field.15 The effective char oxidation rate is a func- fer are of particular interest and are presented here.
tion of the kinetic rate of the chemical reaction and
the diffusion rate of the oxidizer to the particle.15,16 Finite volume approach
ch It should be recognized that many of the partial dif-
K i → Gaseous Products
Char + Oxidanti  ferential equations are of a single general form as pro-
(13) vided in Table 2 and can be expressed as:
+ Ash i = 1,2
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
where Kich is the effective char oxidation rate. The to- ( ρφ ) + ( ρ uφ ) + ( ρ vφ ) + ( ρ w φ )
tal char oxidation rate is expressed as: ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z
∂  ∂φ  ∂  ∂φ  ∂  ∂φ  (17)
= ∑K ch = Γφ + Γφ + Γφ + Sφ
i (14) ∂x  ∂x  ∂y  ∂y  ∂z  ∂z 

6-8 Steam 41 / Numerical Modeling for Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Combustion
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Since many of the equations share this form, a ent techniques are possible and can be found in a ref-
single method can be used to solve all of the associ- erence on numerical methods.
ated equations. Most of these methods involve divid- There are two advantages to the finite volume ap-
ing the physical domain into small sub-domains and proach. First, the dependant variable in the resultant
obtaining a solution only at discrete locations, or grid discretized equation is a quantity of fundamental in-
points, throughout the domain. The well-known finite terest such as enthalpy, velocity or species mass frac-
difference method is one such method. Another very tion, and the physical significance of the individual
powerful method, that is particularly suited for use in terms is maintained. Second, this approach expresses
combustion modeling, is the finite volume approach. the conservation principle for the dependant variable
The basic idea of the finite volume approach is very over a finite control volume in the same way the con-
straightforward and is detailed in Patankar.18 The servation equation expresses it for an infinitesimal
entire domain is divided into non-overlapping control control volume. By so doing, conservation is main-
volumes with a grid point at the center of each. The tained over any collection of control volumes and is
differential equation in the form of Equation 17 is in- enforced over the entire domain.
tegrated over the entire control volume and after some
rearrangement becomes: Discrete ordinates method
Several radiative heat transfer models have been
developed and many are described by Brewster19 and
Modest.20 A recent review of radiative heat transfer
models21 states that the discrete ordinates method
(18) coupled with an appropriate spectral model provide
the necessary detail to accurately model radiative heat
transfer in combustion systems. This is one of the most
Carrying out the integrations, the resulting equation is: common methods currently used to model radiative
heat transfer.
∂ The discrete ordinates method (DOM)22,23 solves the
( ρφ ) ∆ V + ∑ (C
f φf − Df (φ )) = Sφ ∆ V (19) radiative transport equation for a number of ordinate
directions. The integrals over direction are replaced
by a quadrature and a spectral model is used to de-
where ∆V is the volume of the control volume, Cf is
termine radiative properties of κ and σ. This results
the mass flow rate out of the control volume, Df is the
in a set of partial differential equations given by:
diffusive flux into the control volume, and the sum-
mation is made over all the control volume faces, f. The
temporal derivative in the first term of Equation 19 ∂I m ∂I ∂I
µm + ηm m + ξm m =
can be expressed using a first-order backward differ- ∂x ∂y ∂z
ence scheme: σ (22)
− (κ + σ ) I m + κ I b + Sm
∂  φ t +∆t − φ t  4π
( ρφ ) = ρ t   (20)
∂t  ∆t  where µm , ηm , ξm are the direction cosines of the cho-
sen intensity Im and Sm is the angular integral. This
The mass flow rate Cf is determined from the solu- set of equations is solved by a method outlined by
tion of the mass and momentum equations while the Fiveland22 to find the radiative intensities throughout
diffusive flux Df is based on the effective diffusivity the combustion space. The source term for the energy
and the gradient at the control volume face. Combin- equation can be found by summing over all directions:
ing Equations 19 and 20 with the definitions of Cf and
Df and an interpolated value for φf results in an alge- ∇ i qr = 4 κ σ T 4 − κ ∑ wm′ I m′
braic expression in terms of the dependant variable (23)
φi at grid point i and the neighboring grid points. This
is expressed as:
Mesh generation
ai φi = ∑a
n φn + bi (21) Once discretized, the transport equations must be
solved at individual points throughout the domain.
where ai and an are coefficients for the control volume This requires that the individual points be specified
and its neighbors respectively and bi represents the and the relationship between other points be identi-
remaining terms. The number of neighboring values fied. Displaying the points along with the connections
that appear in Equation 21 is a function of the mesh, between them creates a pattern that looks something
the method used to interpolate the dependant vari- like a woven mesh. The process of creating the mesh
able to the control volume face, and the method used is therefore known as mesh generation.
to determine gradients at the control volume face. Mesh generation is an important and often chal-
Following this procedure for each grid point in the lenging step in the overall modeling effort. The first
entire domain produces a coupled set of algebraic criterion in mesh generation is to accurately represent
equations. This set of equations can be solved with an the geometry being modeled. Secondly, adequate de-
appropriate method from linear algebra. Many differ- tail must be placed throughout the domain to obtain

Steam 41 / Numerical Modeling for Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Combustion 6-9
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an accurate solution. Other criteria include mesh to high solution gradients across cells. In this case the
quality and total mesh size. A discussion on these cri- velocity gradient from the solution can be used to dis-
teria can be found elsewhere.24 cover where more cells are needed. This is an especially
powerful tool when computational resources are limited.
Cell types
The basic unit in a mesh is the control volume or
cell. The cells are arranged such that they cover the Example applications
entire domain without overlapping. Common cell types
are shown in Fig. 2. The mesh may be made of a single Wet scrubbers
cell type (homogeneous mesh) or possibly a combina- Situation The two-phase flow in a wet flue gas des-
tion of different types (hybrid mesh). ulfurization (WFGD) scrubber tower is a complex pro-
cess involving spray atomization, liquid entrainment,
Structured mesh droplet disengagement and phase separation. The
Structured meshes consist of cells placed in a regu- physical arrangement of a basic WFGD scrubber mod-
lar arrangement such that adjacent cells can be iden- ule is shown in Chapter 35, Fig. 2. With a tray, there
tified simply by their order in a list. Fig. 3 shows how is a bubbly froth due to countercurrent flow of liquid
the neighboring cells are identifiable simply by and gas with holdup of liquid on the tray. The vari-
incrementing an index that is typically aligned with ous two-phase flow regimes complicate the calculation
the coordinate directions. This greatly simplifies the of pressure drop and gas velocity distribution in a wet
task of retrieving information from neighboring cells. scrubber. Prediction of two-phase flow is essential since
For simple geometries, a structured mesh is both simple liquid residence time and total interfacial liquid/gas
to generate and efficient when solving the problem. area are important factors in determining the amount
However, complex geometries highlight particular of SO2 absorption. Therefore, The Babcock & Wilcox
challenges with this approach. This is illustrated in Company (B&W) has implemented a multi-dimen-
Fig. 4. Two common techniques of dealing with irregu- sional two-phase flow model for wet scrubbers based
larities in geometry are 1) a cartesian stair-stepped on CFD analysis.
mesh and 2) body-fitted mesh. The stair-stepped mesh A multi-dimensional hydraulic model solves sepa-
can place cells in areas outside of the domain and rate equations for mass and momentum for both the
approximates boundaries by stair-stepping the mesh liquid and gas phases. An interfacial drag law calcu-
(Fig. 4a). The cells outside of the domain are main- lates the resistance of liquid to the gas flow and vice
tained as part of the mesh structure but are unused versa. These interfacial drag laws depend primarily
during the computation. The body-fitted mesh follows on droplet diameter. However, alternate drag equa-
geometric features and the cell shape changes to ac- tions can be implemented in the multi-dimensional
commodate these physical features (Fig. 4b). model for the various two-phase flow regimes. By us-
Slight variations of the simple structured mesh can ing the fundamental relations for interfacial drag, the
be used. Block structured meshes provide more geo- model can calculate separate three-dimensional veloc-
metric flexibility since the entire mesh is a composite ity fields for the liquid and gas phases. Both liquid and
of smaller structured meshes. gas momentum equations share a common static pres-
sure field.
Unstructured mesh
An unstructured mesh provides the maximum flex-
ibility for complex geometries. While the ease of ob-
taining neighboring cell information has been lost, the Two-Dimensional
ability to place cells anywhere in the computational
domain increases the ease by which the geometry can
be accurately represented. Fig. 4 compares an un-
structured mesh with two structured mesh ap-
proaches. With an unstructured mesh approach there
is greater control over the level of detail in the mesh
for different parts of the domain.
Embedding and adaption Triangle Tetrahedron Pyramid

More detail can be obtained in portions of the do-

main through increasing the mesh resolution by em-
bedding more cells. This is accomplished by splitting
an existing cell in some fashion to create additional
cells. By splitting a cell in each of the cell’s parametric
coordinate directions, a single hexahedron would become
eight. This greatly increases the resolution in this region.
Often it is not possible to know where resolution is
needed a priori. The process of adaption can be used to Quadrilateral Hexahedron Prism or Wedge
increase the resolution based on the actual solution. For Fig. 2 Cell or control volume types used in numerical modeling grids
example, high discretization error may often be related or meshes.

6-10 Steam 41 / Numerical Modeling for Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Combustion
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The numerical model is used as an analysis tool to

compare and contrast various design configurations
for wet scrubbers. The design features considered by
the model include:
1. an overall cylindrical geometry,
2. a tray model with baffles and porous plates,
3. nozzles located at various elevations,
4. conventional or interspatial headers,
5. separate air and water outlets,
6. multiple mist eliminator heights and elevations,
7. conical or straight inlets with or without inlet aw-
nings, and
8. cylindrical or conical outlet ducts.
These design features are adjustable, thereby permit-
ting a wide range of scrubber configurations for util-
ity boiler applications. The boundary conditions at the
gas inlet and spray nozzles can be adjusted to cover
all scrubber gas velocities and liquid mass fluxes.
Analysis The model was initially validated against a) Stair-Stepped
hydraulic data from a one-eighth scale laboratory wet
scrubber. By comparing model predictions to scale
model pressure drop data, confidence was built in the
two-phase flow modeling capability. Once validated,
the model was tested for full-scale application by com-
paring results to company design standards. Although
the model compared favorably to data and standards,
absolute prediction of wet scrubber performance is not
the primary purpose. Instead, comparative studies are
done to predict relative performance of various design
options. The numerical model excels at looking at new
design configurations that fall outside of existing de-
sign standards.
Results As discussed in Chapter 35, Sulfur Diox-
ide (SO2) Control, the flue gas enters the side of the
scrubber tower and turns upward to flow through the
tower while the reagent slurry flows countercurrent
downward, removing SO2. A uniform gas velocity pro-
file across the tower diameter maximizes removal ef-
ficiency as the reagent slurry and flue gas flow are b) Body Fitted
uniformly mixed. Fig. 5 shows the CFD modeling re-
sults as vertical velocity profiles at several plains
through the tower, and illustrates the impact of the
B&W tray design in producing uniform flue gas flow

i-1, j+1 i, j+1 i+1, j+1

i-1, j i, j i+1, j

c) Unstructured

i-1, j-1 i, j-1 i+1, j-1

Fig. 3 Unit cell identification in a rectangular arrangement. Fig. 4 How mesh or grid structure approximates geometric features.

Steam 41 / Numerical Modeling for Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Combustion 6-11
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through the unit. Fig. 5a shows the case without the is light, porous, irregularly shaped, and often forms
tray. The lowest profile shows how non-uniform flow in the upper boiler furnace or on the convective heat
develops as the high velocity flue gas is introduced into transfer surface. This ash can plug the top catalyst
the tower, is decelerated, and makes a sharp right- layer in selective catalyst reduction (SCR) NOx con-
angle turn to flow up the tower. In the absence of a trol systems, increasing pressure drop and decreasing
tray, the high velocity (red) and low velocity (blue) catalyst performance. Modifications to both the econo-
regions persist as the flue gas moves through the mizer outlet hoppers and the ash removal systems can
middle of the tower (middle velocity profile) entering increase ash capture to address this situation.
the first level of spray headers. Some of the non-uni- Accurately predicting how the popcorn ash behaves
formity persists even up to the mist eliminators. With within the economizer gas outlet requires detailed
the addition of the tray (Fig. 5b), the large high and knowledge of the aerodynamic properties of the ash
low velocity regions are effectively eliminated. The re- particles and sophisticated modeling techniques. Key
sulting more-uniform velocity profile and the gas/re- ash properties include the particle density, drag coef-
agent mixing on top of the tray permit higher levels ficient, coefficients of restitution, and its coefficient of
of SO2 control at reduced slurry recirculation rates. friction with a steel plate. CFD models involve solv-
This model has also been used to explore design ing the gas flow solution, then calculating the particle
changes to meet site-specific new and retrofit require- trajectories using B&W’s proprietary CFD software.
ments.25 These have included alternate flue gas exit Analysis Most CFD programs that handle particle-
geometries, flue gas inlet conditions, tower diameter to-wall interactions are not adequate to accurately
transitions, header locations, slurry recirculation rates predict the complex behavior seen in the popcorn ash
or other factors while still achieving the desired per- physical experiments. These deficiencies have been
formance. It has also been used to investigate inter- remedied by adding capabilities to B&W’s proprietary
nal design alternatives to boost performance and re- CFD software. First, the coefficient of restitution is
duce pressure drop. separated into its normal and tangential components.
Next, a particle-to-wall friction model is used for par-
Popcorn ash ticles sliding along the wall and experiencing a fric-
Situation Popcorn, or large particle, ash forms un- tion force proportional to the coefficient of friction
der certain conditions from the combustion of coal and measured in the physical tests. Also, the ability to set

Fig. 5 Effect of B&W’s tray design on gas velocities through a wet flue gas desulfurization system – numerical model results on a 650 MW absorber.

6-12 Steam 41 / Numerical Modeling for Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Combustion
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Gas and Particle Inlet 100

90 Baffle Arrangement

Percent of Ash Particles Captured


Economizer Gas Outlet 70

Gas Outlet Flue Baseline


Economizer 40
Hoppers Increasing Density
Fig. 8 Comparison of sensitivity to particle density between base
case and baffled numerical models.

particle size range typical of this application, 20 to 50

% of the particles (Fig. 8) pass through the economizer
Surfaces for Ash Removal hopper into the downstream equipment depending on
Fig. 6 Profile of popcorn ash evaluation numerical model. particle size, potentially causing the plugging prob-
lems in the SCR or air heater. Several solutions were
evaluated for this sample geometry including a design
up user-defined planes through which flue gas could that relies on the aerodynamic separation of the par-
flow, but off which particles would reflect, has been ticles from the flue gas and another design that in-
developed to accurately model particle interaction with volves physical barriers to the particles using a wire
wire mesh screens. mesh screen. The aerodynamic solution was selected
Results The numerical models used in popcorn ash and a baffle was designed and installed. The general
analysis normally extend from just above the bottom baffle location and the particle trajectories from the
of the economizer (providing a reasonably uniform numerical model are shown in Fig. 9. The fully three-
inlet flow distribution) to just beyond the opening of dimensional model predicted a dramatic improvement
the economizer gas outlet flue (see Fig. 6). For this in the particle collection efficiency with more than
sample geometry, the baseline particle trajectories from 90% of particles collected for the range of particle sizes
the numerical model are shown in Fig. 7. Over the ash evaluated and virtually 100% above a certain cut size

Fig. 9 Particle trajectories from popcorn ash evaluation numerical

Fig. 7 Base case particle trajectories from popcorn ash evaluation. model with baffle.

Steam 41 / Numerical Modeling for Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Combustion 6-13
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(see Fig. 8). Using numerical models also permitted an ated. Results are used by boiler designers and opera-
optimization of the baffle position to achieve the great- tors to evaluate air system designs, liquor spraying
est capture rate while minimizing the pressure drop. systems, liquor firing capacity, char bed combustion
In other cases, where an aerodynamic solution is not instabilities, convection pass fouling, furnace wall
obtainable, barriers made from wire mesh screens have corrosion, and CO and NOx emissions. The results
been recommended. In these cases, the screen openings shown were created by B&W’s proprietary CFD software.
would be smaller than the openings in the catalyst.26
Wall-fired pulverized-coal boiler furnaces
Kraft recovery boilers Situation Within a staged, wall-fired furnace, the
Situation A kraft process recovery boiler, as its mixing between the upward-flowing partially-reacted
name implies, recovers energy and chemicals from fuel and the jets from the overfire air (OFA) ports is a
black liquor, a byproduct of the papermaking process complex, three-dimensional process. This mixing pro-
(see Chapter 28). Air and liquor delivery systems con- cess can have a significant impact on the distribution
trol several complex and interacting combustion pro- and magnitude of CO emissions. While proprietary
cesses (black liquor spray, deposition and burning on technology standards can initially be used to set ef-
furnace walls, char bed burning, smelt flow) that af- fective OFA port arrangements for a staged combus-
fect boiler performance (capacity, reliability, emissions, tion system, numerical modeling is often used to con-
chemical recovery, and energy efficiency). Good air jet firm this design and suggest alternatives to improve
penetration and effective mixing of secondary and ter- performance. Modeling is especially useful when there
tiary air are desirable for complete combustion and re- are physical obstructions that prevent OFA port place-
duced emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydro- ment in the optimal locations. In these circumstances,
gen sulfide. Distribution of air to three or more air in- compromises must be made and determining the best
jection levels produces fuel-rich conditions in the lower available port layout may not be obvious.
furnace that are desirable for smelt reduction and re- Analysis In this example, a numerical model has
duced emissions of NOx. Flow and temperature unifor- been used to predict the steady-state flow, heat trans-
mity in the furnace minimize carryover of inorganic fer, and combustion processes within a wall-fired pul-
salts, provide an even heat load, and minimize deposi- verized-coal boiler being upgraded with low NOx burn-
tion on convection surfaces at the furnace exit. Uniform ers and OFA ports. As part of the design process, many
distribution of liquor spray ensures adequate drying
of liquor spray, minimum carryover, and stable char
bed combustion.
Analysis Detailed combustion models for black li-
quor have been developed27,28 and are used in conjunc-
tion with CFD modeling. Black liquor combustion is
simulated for individual droplets as they heat up and
burn in suspension. Stages of combustion along a
single trajectory include drying, devolatilization, char
burning, smelt oxidation, and molten salt formation.
The trajectories of thousands of particles determine
the distribution of liquor spray in the furnace as
shown in Fig. 10 for a range of droplet sizes. Combus-
tion processes on the walls and char bed are also simu-
lated with particle deposition, char burning, smelt flow
and char accumulation. These capabilities are useful
for evaluating the effect of air and liquor delivery sys-
tems on combustion processes in the furnace and for
predicting the quantity and composition of particulate
that leaves the furnace.
Results Fig. 11 shows gas velocity vectors at selected
planes that cross-sect the furnace. The char bed shape
is approximated so its impact on flow in the lower fur-
nace can be evaluated with the model. Jets of air pen-
etrate across the furnace to produce uniform upward
flow and effective mixing with combustion gases.
Three-dimensional computer-generated images can be
examined interactively to help visualize air jet pen-
etration and the interaction of jets from neighboring
air ports. Gas temperature distribution predictions,
shown in Fig. 12, are used to analyze heat transfer
in the furnace and convection pass. Other informa-
tion such as char bed surface temperature and burn-
ing rates, gas species concentrations (i.e., O 2, CO,
NOx), and wall heat flux distribution are also gener- Fig. 10 Liquor spray distribution in the lower furnace of a recovery boiler.

6-14 Steam 41 / Numerical Modeling for Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Combustion
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configurations (number and location) of OFA ports trajectories; gas streamlines) output that are used to
were modeled, and the results were compared to de- evaluate each configuration. As an example, Fig. 14
termine the best port configuration. Boiler geometry, compares contours of CO concentration throughout
including a portion of the convection tube banks, was the boiler for two different OFA arrangements for a
approximated using a collection of control volumes, 775 MW wall-fired pulverized coal boiler. Arrange-
also called a computational grid or mesh, for one of ment 1 has the OFA ports directly above the burner
the configurations considered (see Fig. 13). Local re- openings and directly across from the ports on the
finement of the mesh was used as needed to better opposing wall, while arrangement 2 uses horizontally
resolve the solution, such as within the OFA region. offset ports which provide better mixing and cross-sec-
The coal analysis and boiler operating conditions in- tional coverage. As shown in the figure, OFA arrange-
cluding burner and OFA port settings were used to ment 2 results in lower CO concentrations in the up-
set inlet and boundary conditions for the model. per furnace than the OFA arrangement 1 (15% lower
Results The model produces tabular (integrated at the arch, and 23% lower at the furnace exit). The
species concentrations, gas temperatures, gas flow results for this example were created by the B&W-
rates, emissions) and graphical (color contour plots of developed computer software.
gas speed, gas temperature, or species; coal particle The numerical model described above also provides

Fig. 11 Velocity vectors at selected planes that cross-sect a recovery furnace – horizontal planes at primary, secondary and tertiary levels
(left); vertical planes at center of furnace (center and right).

Steam 41 / Numerical Modeling for Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Combustion 6-15
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a wealth of other information for the boiler designer. this publication are not sufficient alone for final boiler
Fig. 15 provides a flue gas temperature profile design, they offer an additional tool to: 1) aid in de-
through the center of the furnace and a horizontal sign optimization, 2) address non-standard conditions,
section profile across the furnace exit gas pass. As 3) evaluate the relative impact of fuel changes, 4)
noted in Chapter 19, the average or integrated fur- highlight areas for design improvement, 5) help in-
nace exit gas temperature (FEGT) is a critical design vestigate the root causes of unusual field observations,
parameter in boiler sizing for performance while miti- and 6) screen potential approaches to address design
gating slagging and fouling. Flow areas with exces- issues. Numerical modeling will become an increas-
sively high local temperatures identified by such nu- ingly important tool in boiler engineering.
merical models may be more prone to slagging in the
furnace or fouling in the convection pass. Additional Windbox
parameters of interest provided by the numerical Situation The problems encountered in a windbox
models include, but are not limited to, local velocity analysis deal with air flow imbalance and/or excess
profiles for performance enhancement and erosion system pressure loss. Difficulties in tuning burner
evaluation, furnace heat flux profiles for steam-wa- combustion performance can be frequently attributed
ter circulation evaluation,29 variation in local chemi- to the flow distribution within the windbox. Therefore,
cal constituents such as oxygen for studying combus- creating a uniform flow distribution to each burner is
tion optimization, and many others. Numerical boiler highly desirable to obtain optimum emissions perfor-
furnace models continue to evolve and more closely mance. The flow imbalance problem can be between the
simulate field conditions. While current models as of front and rear walls of a furnace, compartments in a

Fig. 12 Gas temperature contours at vertical planes at the center of a recovery boiler furnace.

6-16 Steam 41 / Numerical Modeling for Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Combustion
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Fig. 13 Computational mesh on wall-fired boiler surface – full mesh (left) and enlarged view of upper burners and OFA ports (right).

windbox, or individual burners and/or ports. Any imbal- location, and it is far enough upstream to capture all
ance or maldistribution causes non-uniform air introduc- the resulting flow disturbances. The burners and ports
tion into the furnace. This imbalance can lead to poor must also be modeled accurately to ensure precise flow
furnace combustion and potentially higher gas emis- results. Boundary conditions are the final and very
sions. The system can be modeled to reduce air flow im- important step, to be placed accurately in the model
balance and reduce system pressure loss, which allows to exactly represent the windbox/duct flow conditions.
more flexibility in combustion tuning of a single burner. Results Once the model has been built, it is checked
Analysis A computer model that describes the de- to make sure grid characteristics are acceptable. This
tails of the windbox (walls, bends, etc.) must first be step ensures that there is enough grid resolution to ac-
built (see Fig. 16). This requires both flow and geo- curately represent the flow conditions in any area (i.e.,
metric design information. Care must be taken to en- turns, ducts, plenums) and around any objects (i.e., turn-
sure accurate representation of the entire air flow path ing vanes, perforated plates, air foils). The model is then
including any significantly-sized internal obstructions. run using CFD software. These calculations yield an
The inlet of the model is usually the outlet of the air accurate representation of the air flowing in the space
heater. This is done for two reasons. An accurate and inside the ducts and windbox.
simple air flow distribution is usually known at this Fig. 17 shows the plan view of the secondary air

Steam 41 / Numerical Modeling for Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Combustion 6-17
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Fig. 14 Carbon monoxide concentration contours at various elevations – comparison between two OFA arrangements.

ducts and the windbox with the velocity-vector flow dramatically improved the burner-to-burner flow dis-
field at the middle of the duct system. Each arrow pro- tribution to within normal design tolerances.
vides the direction and the magnitude (arrow length) The numerical model permitted testing of ten alter-
of the local air flow. Fig. 18 is Section A-A through the natives prior to selecting the low-cost solution which
windbox plan view of Fig. 17, looking into the fur- would also achieve the desired performance results.
nace. Fig. 18a shows the original design which in-
cluded a simple windbox with a large horizontal per- SCR systems with economizer bypass
forated plate intended to provide uniform flow to the Situation A selective catalyst reduction (SCR) sys-
bottom three burner rows. The numerical model re- tem with an economizer bypass is designed to reduce
sults indicated a very high velocity zone (large red NOx emissions by a chemical reaction between NOx and
arrows) in the upper windbox which forced much of added ammonia in the presence of a catalyst. (See
the air to bypass the upper burner row and over-sup- Chapter 34.) To optimize the chemical reaction at low
ply the bottom two rows. The 30% flow variation be- and intermediate loads, an economizer bypass is
tween highest and lowest flow burners was too high needed to increase the temperature of the economizer
and could lead to poor emissions performance and in- exit flue gas. The ammonia injection grid (AIG) dis-
complete combustion. Several numerical modeling it- tributes ammonia uniformly into the exit gas for the
erations using CFD computer software suggested the correct molar ratio of ammonia to NOx. Finally, the
optimized solution shown in Fig. 18b. Eliminating the catalyst is used to aid in the chemical reaction.
original large horizontal perforated plate plus adding CFD modeling of the SCR system includes full-scale
two turning vanes, a vertical solid plate in the top of representation, multiple temperature gas paths, heat
the windbox, and ten short vertical perforated plates absorption modeling capability, multi-point testing

6-18 Steam 41 / Numerical Modeling for Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Combustion
The Babcock & Wilcox Company

Fig. 15 Numerical modeling results of furnace temperature profiles for a typical 775 MW bituminous coal-fired boiler.

over an entire grid plane or discrete point testing, ternal objects, flue bends and flow distribution devices.
chemical species tracking, and rapid flow device test- Results One such design involves a unit operating
ing for proper mixing, flow distribution, and minimal at three loads with an economizer bypass taken off the
pressure drop. reheat side of the back wall convection pass to achieve
Analysis The numerical model is constructed and adequate remix temperatures for the chemical reac-
tuned for actual conditions of an unmodified system tion. For bypass operation, three gas paths are con-
according to existing economizer exit flue gas condi- sidered in the design process: superheat, reheat, and
tions. Drawings of future construction and design of economizer bypass. Because of physical constraints
the flue work, AIG, and information supplied by the and potential changes in the economizer outlet tem-
catalyst vendor are used to establish a base operat- perature with reheater or superheater bypass ar-
ing condition. The chemical species are tracked for ac- rangements, a bypass around the economizer surface
curate mixing of ammonia and NOx reagents. The data was selected. Fig. 19 shows the velocity flow field for
collected at specific planes in the grid are evaluated the numerical evaluation from the superheater
against established criteria for efficient NOx removal through the exit of the SCR. Fig. 20 shows the detailed
such as velocity distribution, ammonia-to-NOx ratio, velocity field and physical geometry at the bypass lo-
and average temperature entering the catalyst. Inter- cation. A key issue was the complete mixing of the high
nal corrective devices such as turning vanes, flow dis- temperature bypass flow with the main flue gas flow
tribution diverters, static mixers and porous plates, are exiting the economizer in order to provide an accept-
used to precondition the flue gas to meet the criteria ably uniform flue gas temperature entering the SCR
for NOx reduction. Grid refinement may be necessary catalyst. To achieve the desired mixing, a series of
to accurately predict the physical characteristics of in- turning vanes and mixing devices for the economizer

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Fig. 16 Numerical model of 1100 MW coal-fired boiler windbox and secondary air system.

Fig. 17 Plan view of secondary air system flow model results – velocity vectors.

6-20 Steam 41 / Numerical Modeling for Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Combustion
The Babcock & Wilcox Company

outlet hopper were developed with the aid of the nu- reduction performance of coal-fired burners. While tra-
merical model to provide the high velocity bypass jet ditional experimental methods of burner development
that would adequately penetrate the main economizer have been able to dramatically reduce NOx emission
outlet flue gas flow. Success in the design iteration pro- levels from bituminous pulverized coal burners below
cess was achieved when the velocity profile entering 0.4 lb/106 Btu (492 mg/Nm3), increasingly more strin-
the AIG and the temperature profile entering the SCR gent emission reduction regulations are pushing speci-
achieved the specified uniformity. fied combustion emission limits to well below 0.15 lb/
106 Btu (184 mg/Nm3). To develop such equipment, it
Waste-to-energy systems is becoming even more necessary to understand not
Situation Effective combustion of municipal solid only what is happening at the macro-level (which can
waste (MSW) and biomass fuels has become more chal- be observed and tested) but also with small-scale in-
lenging over time as emissions regulations have been teractions deep within the flame and initial ignition
tightened and the variation of fuel characteristics has zone. Numerical modeling studies of detailed burner
increased. As part of the process to meet these more designs offer a valuable tool by combining fundamen-
demanding requirements, numerical modeling has tal knowledge of combustion with complex fluid and
become a routine engineering tool used in the instal- thermal dynamics to better understand how to further
lation of emissions control systems such as selective reduce NOx emissions and improve combustion effi-
non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) NOx control systems ciency. When combined with small-scale and large-
(see Chapter 34), refinement of the design and opera- scale tests with advanced test instrumentation, nu-
tion of the stoker/grate combustion system with aux-
iliary burners (Chapter 16) and overall design of the
boiler (Chapters 29 and 30). Control of the flue gas in
the furnace in terms of chemical species, particles, tem-
perature and flow is important where a good furnace
design results in more uniform velocity profiles. High
velocity regions can cause: 1) increased wall deterio-
ration from the hot corrosive flue gas with premature
component replacement, 2) sub-optimal emissions con-
trol without adequate residence time at temperature,
and 3) incomplete burnout of the fuel.
Analysis A numerical evaluation of the furnace was
conducted as part of the design of a 132 ton per day
(120 tm/d) mass burn MSW stoker-fired system. Fig.
21 shows the sectional side view of a European waste-
to-energy plant design supplied by B&W. A complete
flow field evaluation of the furnace design using nu-
merical modeling was conducted to determine the Fig. 18a Before – high velocity zone in upper windbox (red arrows)
physical furnace modifications necessary to minimize under-supplies top row of burners and over-supplies other rows.
high velocity areas.
Results Fig. 22 shows the numerically evaluated
velocity vector flow field before (a) and after (b) the
design changes. The flow field is represented by ar-
rows that show the local velocity direction and mag-
nitude (arrow length). In Fig. 22a, a high velocity jet
region impinges on the top of the grate, and high ve-
locity regions exist along the first (up) and second
(down) pass furnace walls. The addition of noses at the
bottom of the first pass and the top of the second pass
walls as shown in Fig. 22b significantly reduce the ve-
locities throughout the furnace and reduce the peak
velocity regions near the grate and along the furnace
walls. The more moderate velocity in the first pass
results in less particle impingement and longer over-
all residence time. The maximum velocity in the sec-
ond pass is reduced from 13 m/s to 9 m/s (42.6 to 29.5
ft/s), which reduced the thermal load on the back wall
of the second pass.
Advanced burner development
Situation Advanced burner and combustion system
development are increasingly relying on the use of
Fig. 18b After – removal of the large horizontal perforated plate plus
numerical modeling as an integral tool in the quest the addition of two turning vanes and 10 small vertical perforated
for new hardware and concepts to improve the NOx plates provides more uniform flow to the burners.

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Fig. 19 Velocity field numerical model output – SCR system from the boiler convection pass to SCR outlet. The high velocity, high temperature
bypass flow is visible as high jet penetration is needed to achieve good thermal mixing by the SCR inlet. See also Fig. 20.

Fig. 20 SCR detail at the bypass flue location – turning vanes and mixing devices provide adequate bypass flow penetration for optimal mixing.

6-22 Steam 41 / Numerical Modeling for Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Combustion
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merical modeling is helping identify techniques to

burn fuels more cleanly.
Analysis Numerical models, with enhanced resolu-
tion (see Fig. 23), have been developed that accurately
Flue represent the critical details of physical burners. Ex-
perimental studies provide inlet flow boundary con-
ditions that can offer the starting point for the analy-
sis. These are combined with the results from funda-
mental studies of fuel devolatilization, burning of gas-
Hopper eous species, gaseous diffusion, combustion of solid
material and other factors to develop numerical mod-
els that begin to simulate the complex combustion pro-
cess in commercial coal-fired burners. Physical test-
ing, validation and adjustments to the model can pro-
duce numerical tools that can be used for advanced
burner development.
Results Fig. 24 shows detailed gas velocity fields for
an advanced burner design. In this case, analysis of
the numerical model predictions helped identify the
value of an additional burner air supply zone to in-
duce recirculation of nitrogen oxide (NO) formed in
the outer oxygen-rich portions of the flame into the
fuel-rich internal recirculation zone where NO is re-
duced. See Chapter 14 for further discussion of coal-
fired burners and combustion systems.

Fig. 21 Sectional view of a 132 t/d (120 tm/d) mass burn municipal
solid waste (MSW) boiler for European application.

a) Before design changes b) After guide nose additions

Fig. 22 MSW boiler from Fig. 21 showing flow field before and after the addition of guide noses in the furnace wall.

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Fig. 23 Detailed numerical model evaluation grid for an advanced coal burner.

Fig. 24 Gas velocity model for the coal burner shown in Fig. 23.

6-24 Steam 41 / Numerical Modeling for Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Combustion
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Advanced computational numerical modeling of a pulverized coal burner.

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