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Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for M other & Child Health

Gharkul Parisar, NIT Complex, Nandanwan, Nagpur - 440 009

W alk in Interview
T his Institute intends to engage services o f the follow ing post at N agpur and G adchiroli D istrict on
co ntract basis for various projects.
Sr. N am e & No. Q ualification , exp erience and age lim it R em uneration D ate and
No o f the P ost (F ixed) T im e o f
1. Senior E ssential: BA M S degree from Recognized Rs. 35,000/- + 15-01-2021
R esearch U niversity HRA on
Fellow A ge lim i t : M axim um 35 years as on 01-01-2021 adm issible as 10 A.M .
(A yurveda) per 7th Pay
D esirab le : C om m ission
10-Posts i. Preference will be given to those w ho possess
higher qualification viz., M .D ./M .S. (A yu) or
(T entative) who have previous research experience i. e.
having w orked for any research project funded
by the M inistry o f A Y U SH , ICM R, CSIR,
DST or equivalent organization
ii. Skills or drafting editing o f scientific
docum ents/articles
/ technical reports etc.
iii. Publication in peer review ed jo u rn als
iv. K now ledge o f com puter applications such as
MS W ord, M S Excel and M S Pow er Point
Interested candidates fulfilling the qualifications prescribed above are requested to present on 15"
January 2021 by 10 A .M . at R A R IM C H , N ag p u r w ith duly filled application form along with se lf attested
X erox copy o f necessary certificate w ith original docum ents and tw o recent passport size photograph.

G eneral C onditions:
1. Age lim it o f the candidate will be determ ined as on 01-01-2021. Relaxable in case o f SC /ST/O B C as
per G ovt, rules.
2. A ppointm ent will be initially fo r a period for six m onths, w hich m ay be curtailed or extended at the
discretion o f the com petent authority.
3. T he engagem ent to above post w ill be purely on contractual basis and no right to claim for
continuation or regularization o f appointm ent.
4. A pplicants should bring their B io-data along with original certificates, experience certificate etc. with
a set o f photocopies and recent passport size photograph at the tim e o f interview .
5. N o T A /D A w ill be paid for attending the interview .
6. T he application form at m ay be dow nloaded from C o u n cil’s w ebsite w w w or collected
from R A R IM C H , G harkul Parisar, N IT C om plex, N andanvan, N agpur during office hours on any
w orking day
7. Institute in-charge, R A R IM C H , N agpur reserves the rights to postpone or cancel the test and
interview , w ithout assigning any reason thereof. yv

Dr. R. G ow nd R eddy
A ssistant D irector (A yu)-lncharge
s tf R r jttct w f t m a r a i m r a ’
O C O o

(^ W ra rT T w rr, 3 u m m Y& v, §TRcT ? rf fe c fr)

y< ^cH m U>h < % w , ^ . 3 t r \ £ t. <H<<HCJ<H, ^t r f t t - 0 9

*3 O

y ? 3TaT ^TTSTTr^R
^TF^JToT f ^ T ^ T foTtJ *rf^JT 3TTtJR oTRFTT 3ttT Jl(iRUlcHl lolo) ^i"
t^ ^ n-----------------
----- f^ fis id <re # ------
f ^ rs3a_f ^ r ^ r 3tt
sF. q<J 3tT 5TRT qfcsrfSt^ fcfSTT^ Tjg-
^■Mdl 3 O T W 3TRT}foqT
?T. TO ^r©zrr (fstfS^d) ?RRT
’TRHT: 4t.TT.TW.T O . q ^3 t HM Jdl SF^T 3 5 ,0 0 0 / - 15-01-
3loi+it(|<r| 3TT^ tffeTT: 3 r t? l^ c W 35 3 $ (1 -0 1 -2 0 2 1 ?T*F) yfrl <Hlp + 2021
3Tt^tcTT - ar^fifTH: TTETSTRTT 7 ct W : 10
(10-q?t) 1. /tttttth (3trt.) 3 ^ r q ^ 4 t m frq t tt4 3rrgq, c)cM 3TRfRT <s|a)
3TTf3W*T3TR, tffTTTOTlfaTR, ^ W € t 2JT TR^FST JTVfHiJ 5 ^R T f ^ T % 3WFTR l^T
(iifld )
q tf ^ r f a tf t 3ft sittr q fc q W rr # 3 T ^ m 3wtrc^K l Ft^TT I
y m r ^ f^TT 3TTTOTI

2. 4 - t - d l^ l / #B ft % *JT JRtfcT W fittl d'+ifl<£l

f c f l t -Jr-Hlft ^T 3T5T3Tg £ ^ 3?T*t S m iS ^ f^TT tHTWI
3. f^T3R ftc p ijs Hf5chi3# ycM?W/c^g'
4. #^TST 7TRT- TRT.TRT. TRT.TRT. TW.TRT. qRR cgj?e
^T 7ll<H|
$ w l t t d fsttrtfcr jfr^THT gT^ s?^o.+ jj-JiiddKl £ 3 w jta t t 3 t t 4 ^ q? m ^ r f e w 15
3T?rafr 2021 STFT: 10 ¥3t w rfu td floT W 5t MI-HMYd 3TPPR FR^tl ^ 7TT?T
iM-(.Wd. q £ qr 3 ^ 1 ^ T T^l

<i w m qftf^UfcPli:
1. iJ-tfldcJR # 3TRT
O tfRTT 0 1 -0 1 -2 0 2 1 3T5RTR # cHIUJfl I 3WHl^cT 3Tl1cr / 31d-Hf2ld ddcHltPl /
3 ^ gat JTWc^ ^r TR^iR % f^zm r^H R 3 ^ ^ffPTT 3^ tgz f^l^jfll
2. Pi-yf^d ?r? ^ i f f W ^ ^ ?Wt, ^ r w a w aritr^rfr fW^Frit^R ^^rtt ut ^ r m 3tt t t ^ t t ^i
3. JH ^ W d qST mTI rl<6 ^
o 3lo-|s(tr 3 iitiK *R p )dl jftT t ^ r f ^ c T ^ t P i< d < d l ^IT P lili^ lc flct’<u l % f?)y c^lcji +<<rl
' s o
^ r jrl^twiR «& ^ r tti
4. m W ^R #r 3 f l t 5 ^ 3TOTT gpflSTCT, JJpT TOWT W , 3 ^ 3 ^ TOFJT q ¥ 3TTfe % tpfet ^W t 3^T
^ ifo lili ( M C ) q R R t t 7TT?3r q ife t TTT*T HT#I

5. W CTr^R # MRT #T f^cr ^TRT / 3T?^ ^T ^ J ld ld STfT ^ I T oHIUJIII

6. 3TTt5^T ?R yR^T Mfi'Hci # <^s)-Hi$ci w w w .ccras.n sii-ricnl^ f^TT 3TT TRkTT ^ ^ 3ft ^R t f^g?T
O TJ5T.3Tlt.ft. <W^«HT, ^ T g ^ , 5TRTR
-J ^ U+f^d f^IT
3TT TT^kTT ^1
7. y w f r 3rft^FTfr, r a r i m c h , ? t t w f%^T 1^Rfr ^R n r 5HTTT qfrarriT 3frr t t t w c ^ r ^ t ^rfSt^r ^it
3t1i J^ r t s ?t fri

?f. 3t r . tffT

w n fr (3tw)
a ^ R r 3 T T ^ f c r jtt? t w f tts r 3w j t o r - ^ R ^ ira -
o- C O o

(^ M ra T R W ^ T , 3 T T ^ <Hsi Id ^1, §TRcT >H<«+>K, ^ f^ o fr)

mU '^K olcjoi), y<H.3TRT.^t. cN<h ~c>'W'M, <Hti<Hd<r|, «r||«*IH<.-09

^ o

? M W

m f^ tr ycf,<vm^i<5i r w r ^ D i omid ^ ic^icH ^fr m c f r

3WO hc; itu1 <riic( arrfaT qi^dl ^«H3Hd JHlful g^^<uicil *1|o-|t|<r| f^r||<+i 5 <^06
■Hte-UI (P R ^ d )
1 -tfiPi-y< U-HtS MNdl:- <frtJWV-H M<cf| ^|o-i|dN ILd 1<41cblcHW 35,000 / - 15-01-2021
(an^.) • T ^ irtd l:- ^.’flra 3b 4$ (1-01-2021^1 d K ^ q^d") + ?T^laSl 10
!J^r3TR7 7 d ld d l
(10 q^)
1. iJT^t A!WW (311-4.), 'Tddl 31-Hc^c^l cijf^ddl; ci|| ^d>rl

(ii<Tla) 3 n ^ f, 3TFRfrW3TR, ?ftTRT3TRr3TR, ftVTlfl f^<JI -HJH+8T 3II^J||<H-HK

f^rrT M<cI6| ^ p) ^ I y+<-MI-HI<5l ^RT t^oTT cHI^H.
3TTt <HJi<HI y|t||<rij
2. 3fK' ^ i f ^ d J l^ f g J I 31IMi ^ 1 ^ ^ + /
3llfS+c^H/ d in + 3f^c|IH ^r'Ulil 3^m 3RTWr^ri5TT
3. f^3TT y^l^ToT/c^’W
4. ^J|U|cP|^ v im - k’-HU-H cj^, U^U<H U ^ o ), k'^k'-H ^TraT

Tr UJH q N d l ^ 3^ gR T 5ft Rf^T^TT f t ^ d - «HJ^a-A||H 3 f N ^ I 3T3frfT%cT fcrfcF 15

5TT^mrtt 2021 cTT •H'-WoSl 10 9T5TcTT JTc5 3 W W ««H|U|M^, gfcr q R n t t 3TFFRRT 3 ^ ^^JWrf^KT
it s W M W E2TT ^ m r y ^ r q frarr f rs rr T ^ r t.

•H<5«mKUI 3T€t:
1. 3^gRTEfr ^zfmrzfer 01-01-2021 Tt3fr P R ^ d #k3V 3 t t |r . t o R ROM sOr i r 3WHf?r?r
O *v srRfr / sm nfr
/ a M t f r «iN cfld d ^ ^ i ^ U d <\
2. Pl-y+cil
o -H+dlcflHI
o *T?T
v jrf^FJTTW
v cHHIdtfl-HlSl 3f&T, ?T$T7T fSTufarai 3lclH«H
^ 3t3 h
■HCrl f?f ^ f r R bdl dlci^pT l 3TT3n ?l<+ic1.

3. gfrn q^rdt Pracs £r hu'M

*N ^ r r t^ tt 3rmrt ar&H arrf^T P-y+Jl
O O^ i ^ i - m i l fo g j pi-yftd -^'UI-hiSi s ^ t
^r w e it ^Wrr^r ^ pVhi ^ r .
4. 3 T ^ R T 5 fr F#ETT ^R frtS T , ■HHIUcfk-UI 3c£t ?Tc5 O T F U q t, 3 f f I W W T U F R T W ^ I d l+ 'l'f l -H-H^d cf d + o M N
0 ^ 0 o
hi-hhI£ 3n^R T^n tsrarftf^ra?' j q l ^ H <ipi4 .
5. «H<Hiycfld 3 ^ 1 ^ rF T TTF^^rRTT^T y ^ R T §Tlt / 3TcdT 3 J M R STT^tcT.
6. 3fafNt <^<s»-*-ll^c. <a^<rl si.><rlofls allJ> R>3I ^toTc^TT^t ^WT^TT
^T^RTZfr?T c)aid RARIMCH, tK<t>rt
J q f t l R , tJffT.3fRr<?r. 5RtrT5oT, STRPR
<\ ^ R T ^T^foTcT all 9l<t>r1.

7. Sm tft 3Tf?m fr, 3mTT3nT3WJ7RftTJrT, ?TRFR 2TRTT ^ &TT c^sfT *JI4Ufr ^ J^HIWd ^ S ^ T W E rr
f^gT 3litJ^R 3TT^.

y w tt f?rt?r^ (an^)

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