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Do your stakeholders pressurize you to implement CSR? If yes, what is your response to them?

What steps have you taken in implementing CSR?

Why does it need you to implement CSR? Is this your idea or your stakeholders pressurize you?
What are the measures taken by company to implement CSR in environment?
Does your company provide basic facilities to the labor?
What is your level of knowledge regarding the term Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR)?
How important to you that the company should operate on a social responsible level?
Would you be willing to pay extra for implementing CSR to make sure your stakeholders that the
company implements CSR?
In your opinion does implementing CSR make company reputed?
Does your company organize training sessions to enhance the understanding of Corporate Social
Responsibility/Sustainability at your site?
Does your company have a written health & safety policy?
Does your company have work procedures to manage the use of restricted substances and
Does your company inform their staff on Corporate Social Responsibility activities?
Does your company offer trainings on how to increase CRS activities?
Does your company have a Supplier CSR/Sustainability Policy?
From where you extract your raw material? Do you extract your raw material from conflicted
Does the labor you use is above 18 years? And have they enjoy all the facilities?

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