Observation Sheet

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Indicators of Assessment FOR, OF and AS Learning

Resource Teachers: Ryan S. Acojedo Teacher’s Signature:

Grade/Year Level: BSHM 3rd Year


Date: January 5, 2021

Assessment FOR Learning Assessment AS Assessment Of Learning

Write observed teacher Write observed teacher Write observed teacher activities
activities that manifest and student activities that that manifest assessment OF
assessment For learning. manifest assessment AS learning. (Assessment at the end
(Assessment while teacher learning. (Self- of teaching).
teaches. Conduct of pre-test assessment)
and post-test are included).

Tests were given to the students

Generally, Synchronous based on the lesson they’ve
Learning Class (Online discussed. There are different
Class) their class contains a varieties of how the teacher
questions Chat-box wherein assesses his students. Examples
students drop subject-related After class, students fill up of these are oral recitation or a
questions before a certain a learning log. A learning short quiz.
time end, drop into the chat- log consists of essays or
bo. Simply asking questions simply Reflection paper
during discussion/before like assessment where
starting was often done in they write what they have
Virtual Classroom. In that learned, what they are
way, the students will be expecting to learn the next
more open to other possible day in their subject and
learning and can share their how they are going to use
ideas as well. what they have learned in
the real world.

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