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Edited by

Altaf Hussain Wani

Published by Researched & Compiled by
Kashmir Institute of Mehr un Nisa
International Relations, Islamabad Ayesha Waheed
Introduction 4

Extrajudicial Killings 6

Lawaypora Encounter 6

Demographic Changes 7

Poor Health Facilities 8

Table of Economic Downturn 9

Contents Education Blackout 11

Ban on Human Rights Organizations 12

Case Studies 13

Extrajudicial Killings 14

Tortures 19

Arbitrary Detention 23
The abysmal situation in the Indian held territory of Jammu and Kashmir has always been a
matter of great concern for the global rights watchdogs, who have time and again raised alarm
over the gross and systematic violations of human rights being committed with impunity by
the Indian ‘security forces’. However, the political and human rights situation in the region has
stooped to a new low after the Indian government stripped the region of its ‘autonomous’
status on 5 August 2019. The imperialistic decision rightly criticized by independent observers
as an act of colonialism pushed Indian occupied Kashmir to a quagmire of uncertainty and
chaos. It was for the first time in the region’s turbulent history that a population of over 14
million was put under a severe military clampdown coupled with a communication blockade
that continued unabated for more than one and a half-year. The dissolution of the state and
reducing its status from that of a state to a union territory and bringing it under Delhi’s direct
control was an atrocious assault on the rights of people that has inflicted terrible psychological
trauma on the people of Kashmir.

The actions taken by the Indian government in violation of Security Council resolutions, the
Charter of the United Nations and international law have further aggravated the rights situation
in the region as during these turbulent times there has been no letup in the state violence,
which continued to take heavy toll on physical and mental health of the already terrorized and
traumatized population. The year saw a massive upsurge in the incidents of state-violence
that has resulted in the death of hundreds of innocent civilians in particular the youth who were
killed during cordon and search operations (CASO) and fake encounters staged by the Indian
forces and its secret agencies.

Apart from deaths, the extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, torture, harassment
of the civilian, arbitrary arrests of youth, persecution of political leaders, ban on rights
organizations and a witch hunt against dissenters especially the rights activists, media
houses and journalists at the hands of occupation authorities made an already bad situation
even worse. Whereas essential fundamental freedoms such as peoples’ right to access to
information, the right to education and proper healthcare remained severely restricted during
the past two years.

During this period of time Internet services remained largely suspended in the region. The
information blockade was imposed at a time when Kashmiris were caught between the conflict
and coronavirus. Access to information and conversation through social network platforms
such as Facebook, Whatsapp and Twitter was banned at a time when people needed it the
most especially during the epidemic.

The year-long siege and suspension of economic activities for an indefinite period of time led
to severe economic meltdown, which is being widely perceived as a deliberate attempt on the
part of the BJP government to render Kashmiris economically crippled and dependent on the
Indian state.

Along with abrogation of Article 370 and
35-A, the imposition and enactment
of a regime of new laws especially
the redefinition of state’s domicile law • Modi’s unilateral and
stoked fears of demographic change-
over in the region. And issuance of PRCs illegal actions in IIOJK
(permanent residence certificates) to over
a million outsiders (non-state subjects) by are parallel with Israel’s
the occupation authorities have further
accentuated the contours of the Indian illegal actions in the
government’s settler colonialism policies
that as a matter of fact pose a serious occupied West Bank
existential threat to the majority community
that after 5th August 2019 feels completely (Palestine) and this
alienated, marginalized and robbed of rights
and its distinct cultural identity. shows the Indian fascist
The Kashmir Institute of International government’s intention
Relations (KIIR) has been closely monitoring
and documenting human rights abuses of turning Kashmir into
being committed by India in occupied
Kashmir. another Palestine.
The book in hand provides a chronological
account of the incidents of violence that • Since August 5, 2019,
have taken place during the last quarter of
the year 2020. It also provides an insight of Kashmir has suffered
the devastating impacts of the violence on
the region’s fragile economy, education and repeated disconnections
healthcare system.
of internet and in Dec
2020 it broke the record
of the 17 months longest
blackout by the so-called
democratic state.

EXTRAJUDICIAL KILLINGS Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director
The Kashmiris have been facing at Human Rights Watch said “Security
continued oppression including so-called forces have long operated with impunity
cordon and search operations and fake in Kashmir, and past army investigations
encounters. The toxic Hindutva ideology have been more focused on shielding
of RSS & BJP has resulted in systematic those responsible for abuse than
targeting of Kashmiri youths through providing justice. There can be no end to
extra-judicial killings. According to data the cycle of violence in Kashmir if security
provided by the Kashmir Media Service, forces are not held accountable for their
95,723 civilians, including women and past and current abuses.”2
children, from Jan 1989 to Dec 2020,
305 civilians since Aug 5, 2019, and 263 LAWAYPORA ENCOUNTER
civilians in the year of 2020 have been
killed by the Indian Army in IIOJK.1 In a fresh act of barbarism, the Indian
Army killed three civilians in a fake
India has been continuously engaged in a encounter in the Lawaypora area of
violation of the 2003 ceasefire Agreement Srinagar. The slain have been identified
with Pakistan and targeting civilians who as Ajaz Ahmed Ganai and Athar Mushtaq
are living on the Line of Control. In 2020, Wani of Pulwama and Zubair Ahmed
India has killed 25 people and injured 200 Lone of Shopian. The families of three
people by committing more than 2,700 youth claimed that they were students
ceasefire violations. and left home to submit university forms.
Kashmir Inspector General of Police Vijay
Kumar admitted the Names of the trio
killed in the ‘encounter’ were not in the
95,723 civilians, including ‘list of terrorists’. 3
women and children, from
Jan 1989 to Dec 2020, 305
civilians since Aug 5, 2019,
and 263 civilians in the
year of 2020 have been
killed by the Indian Army
Ajaz Ahmed Ganai , Athar Mushtaq Wani
and Zubair Ahmed Lone

1 Kashmir Media Service, accessed on Jan 09, 2021,

2 Human Rights Watch, India: New Reports of Extrajudicial Killings in Kashmir, hrw Aug 14, 2020, accessed
on Jan 09, 2021
3 Pakistan for international inquiry into extra-judicial killings by India in IIOJK, Daily Times Jan 1, 2021,
accessed on Jan 10, 2021,
Wailing Relatives of Slain Students of Lawaypora Encounter

Impunity for human rights violations
and inaccessibility of the right to justice
are among the main challenges facing 161,330 civilians from Jan
the people of Jammu and Kashmir. The
draconian laws in IIOJK i.e. Armed Forces 1989 to Dec 2020, 14417
Special Powers Act, 1990 (AFSPA) and
Jammu & Kashmir Public Safety Act, 1978
civilians since Aug 5, 2019,
(PSA) guarantees the immunity to the and 2958 civilians in the
Indian troops/Army. Indian government
detained more than 70 Kashmiri political year of 2020 have been
leaders and activists in Kashmir after illegally detained by the
local elections held in Jammu & Kashmir
in Dec 2020. Since Aug 5, 2019, at least Indian Army in IIOJK
389 people have been detained under
the Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety
Act (PSA). In 2018 the government has
omitted the proviso of Section 10 of PSA
which allows police to transfer detainees, DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGES
who are permanent residents of Kashmir,
out of state. This caused problems for the The unilateral and illegal actions of the
families of detainees who have to spend Government of India are direct violation
too much money and time to meet their of Security Council resolutions on
relatives. Jammu and Kashmir, the Charter of the
United Nations and international law, the
Fourth Geneva Convention, in which,
According to data provided by the Kashmir
paragraph 6 of Article 49, clearly says
Media Service, 161,330 civilians from Jan
“that the occupying Power shall not
1989 to Dec 2020, 14417 civilians since
deport or transfer parts of its own civilian
Aug 5, 2019, and 2958 civilians in the
population into the territory it occupies.”
year of 2020 have been illegally detained
by the Indian Army in IIOJK.4
4 Kashmir Media Service, accessed on Jan 09, 2021,
The internet ban, as well as the uncertain
Out of 33,000 who had political situation, has catastrophic
impact not only on the education &
applied for domicile economy of IIOJK but also deteriorated
the health sector of Kashmir. Where the
certificates at least 25,000 world is fighting together to mitigate the
deadly impact of COVID19 and spreading
people have been granted awareness without causing panic,
domicile certificates to doctors in J&K are fighting COVID-19
without a full library of resources. The
non-Kashmiri residents absence of reliable internet connectivity
created a space for misinformation, such
which have raised fear of as fake UNICEF memos, to spread. In
such circumstances, telemedicine and
demographic changes in online video consultations are impossible
IIOJK. which further threatens the already weak
and limited medical services in the region.

A stringent lockdown in J&K under

military command & control allowed
the Indian fascist government to
surreptitiously scrap its special status
in August 2019. In early April 2020, the
Indian government announced a new
domicile law for Jammu and Kashmir. Out
of 33,000 who had applied for domicile
certificates at least 25,000 people have
been granted domicile certificates to non-
Kashmiri residents which have raised
fear of demographic changes in IIOJK.
A Paramilitary trooper stops an Ambulance
The Modi government issued the new
domicile law one week after government-
The pandemic has brought unprecedented
imposed countrywide lockdown. The
challenges for doctors and health facility
purpose of lockdown amid lockdown
providers in Kashmir. According to the
was to avoid any public outrage and to
World Health Organization recommended
make their grievances inaudible. IIOJK is
in danger of being colonized by the Modi
regime through Indian illegitimate actions.
The indigenous Kashmiris are losing their
political and cultural identity, their rightful
demographic majority and ownership of
their properties in their own homeland.

doctors closed the counseling centers
for treating depression, anxiety, trauma-
The seventeen months related disorders that have afflicted
Kashmir due to military lockdown.
internet blackout has Furthermore, hospitals in Kashmir are
become the longest equipped with a mere 93 ventilators for a
population of around eight million.6
communications blackout
in the history of any Jammu and Kashmir is facing a deficit of
around two thousand nurses in different
democracy. hospitals and health centers. The
gagging of health professionals not only
threatens their lives but also weakens the
doctor-patient ratio is a minimum of state’s ability to understand the crisis and
1:1000 but in J&K the ratio is 1:1,658.5 control it efficiently.

Another problem with healthcare in

Kashmir under lockdown exceeds ECONOMIC DOWNTURN
medicine shortages. Medical stores The communication blackout and internet
in Kashmir have only filled half of ban have crippled the business in IIOJK.
all requested medicines. Due to the Kashmir’s tourist industry contributes 8%
communications blackout, medical to the state’s gross domestic product.
stores cannot effectively communicate The Daal Lake and its shores have been
with dealers and medication suppliers. empty of tourists since Aug 5, 2019. The
owners of Shikara (boats) used to earn
Rs 1,000-Rs 1,500 a day. Now they count
According to the World themselves lucky if they make Rs 400 a
day. The carpets, rugs and traditional
Health Organization Shawl industry is also facing the loss of
recommended doctor- millions.

patient ratio is a minimum Before Aug 5, 2019, hotels were used

of 1:1000 but in J&K the to fully booked by the tourists but now
the situation has been totally changed,
ratio is 1:1,658. most of the hotel owners had to close
their hotels as the hotel occupancy has
dropped by 80 to 90 percent. The lack of
The lockdown has not spared mental the internet has also made tourists fearful
health services in the region either. The of becoming isolated from the outside

5 Burhan Bhat, “Ill-managed hospitals of Capital City,” KashmirWalla March 2, 2020, accessed on Jan 8, 2021,
6 Muneeb Yousuf & Rouf Bhat, “Securitising Health: India silences frontline health workers in Kashmir
amid COVID-19,” Carvan April 24, 2020, accessed on Jan08, 2021,
With Tourist Arrivals On Decline, empty shikaras stand in a row on the banks of famed Dal Lake in Srinagar.

world especially when their own safety career opportunities as most of the
might be at risk. The carpet industry, businesses, firms, companies, start-ups
handicrafts, paper Mache, tourism and small businesses have been moved
industry, IT and e-commerce have lost out of Kashmir since August 2019. Youth
more than $30 billion in economic output working in hotels have been rendered
since August 2019. jobless and businesses have been
shut for months without any hope of
There are so many families whose survival normalcy in the region. The startups i.e.
is completely dependent on earnings online platforms dealing in books, news
from these industries. They have earned portals, local courier and parcel service
no money since August 5, the shutdown companies are no longer functional due
has devastated their lives. The IT industry to internet clampdown.
alone employed an estimated 25,000
people but the communication blackout
disrupted IT projects and IT company
owners have left with no option but to
close their offices or to relocate their
firms from IIOJK.

The current crisis has affected the young

generation so badly. Despite having a
rosy future the students are losing hopes
of a sustainable career and bright future
after the Indian government’s continuous Clampdown in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir
illegal actions in IIOJK. They have no
In IIOJK, the education blackout has
completed 17 months in Dec 2020. During the II World War,
There are at least 2700 private schools
are operating in IIOJK. The clampdown more than 2000 schools
on education has not only destroyed the
future of around 6,50,000 students but
were requisitioned for
also disrupted the livelihood of around war use. Even the war &
65,000 teaching and non-teaching staff
who are dependent on schools. The shortage of school space
schools, colleges and tuition centers are didn’t halt the schooling
still closed due to the indefinite lockdown,
earlier due to the abrogation of Article of children, their classes
370 and now the COVID19 and slow
speed 2G internet services are halting
were held in chapel, pubs,
the online education system in Jammu and church crypts in order
& Kashmir. The students are unable to
attend online classes because they have to continue education.
no 4G connectivity unlike other children
in the rest of the world amid pandemic
lockdown, who are getting benefited by Students are unable to appear in board
online classes unfortunately students exams due to the unavailability of mobile
in J&K are deprived of that. Umi Kalam services. According to G N Var, PResident
Fatimah is currently preparing for NEET of Private Schools Association and
says she doesn’t have any stories of her Coaching Centres Association, “Kashmir
childhood that she can really share. Most is the only place in the world where 2.7
of the time was spent confining herself million hapless children do not have
to her home. She recalls that she was in access to knowledge and information.
Class 9 when 2016 unrest happened and Can there be any injustice bigger than
schools remained closed for half a year. this?”

Indian Army occupied schools in J&K for military purpose

Education should be the last thing to be were complicit in violent anti-muslim
affected by the adversities around. During riots in Delhi, which killed 53 people and
the II World War, more than 2000 schools injured more than 500 people. AI also
were requisitioned for war use. Even the condemned Hindu nationalist party BJP,
war & shortage of school space didn’t halt particularly Prime Minister Narendra
the schooling of children, their classes Modi for making hate speeches against
were held in chapel, pubs, and church the Muslim minority in India.
crypts in order to continue education.7

There is no other source from where

students can continue their studies. There
were coaching classes running in different Case Studies
localities of Kashmir but the unavailability
of transportation services and lockdown Killings
amid lockdown made it impossible for
students to attend coaching classes or
online classes.


ORGANIZATIONS: 1. Zakir Ahmad Pal,
Over the past several decades, many 2. Ubair Mushtaq
credible human rights organizations 3. Adil Hussain
have emerged to report regularly on
human rights violations committed Place of incident: Batamaloo, Srinagar
against Muslims by Indian forces with Date of incident: September 17, 2020,
impunity. Indian government canceled Agency involved: Indian army, CRPF
the license of at least 20,000 non-profit and Special Operation Group of police
organizations, in the last 5 years, most of
them were human rights organizations. Testimony: On Sep 17, 2020, Zakir
Amnesty International India was one of Ahmad Pal, Ubair Mushtaq and Adil
those organizations who had to terminate Hussain, were assassinated during a
their all human rights work focused on CASO launched by CRPF and Special
denouncing attacks on human rights Operation Group of police in Batamaloo
in India due to the Indian government’s Srinagar. The cordon started at around 2
baseless & fabricated allegations on 10 am.
September 2020. Amnesty International Case
India had slammed & criticized the Indian Name: Kousar Jan Age 45
government for human rights violations
Resident of: Batamaloo
in Jammu and Kashmir moreover, in
August 2020, AI released a report on Place of incident: Batamaloo, Srinagar
Delhi anti-Muslim riots that took placed Date of incident: September 17, 2020,
in February 2020, which found that police
Agency involved: Indian army, CRPF
7 GROWING UP IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR, accessed on Jan 08 2021,
and Special Operation Group of police Case
Testimony: On September 17, 2020, Name: Irfan Ahmad Dar
the slain woman, 45- year old Kounsar Resident of: Sapore
Jan was killed by the Bullet of an Indian
army officer during a CASO launched by Place of incident: Sopore
CRPF and Special Operation Group of Date of incident: Sep 24,2020,
police in Batamaloo Srinagar. She was a Agency involved: Indian police
baker and was on way to her shop in the
morning with her son in a vehicle when a Testimony: On Sep 24,2020, Two
bullet killed her. Police said that the body policemen were put under suspension
of the woman will be handed over to her in connection with the recent alleged
family as she has no links with militancy. custodial death of a youth in Sopore. Irfan
Reports said protests and stone pelting Ahmad Dar of Sopore died within a day
on security forces erupted in the area and of his arrest by police last week. While
pitched battles continued for whole day. the family said he was killed in custody,
They said youth pelted stones on security police said he escaped from custody and
forces at various places in Batamaloo, died.
police fired tear gas shells on the youth. Case
Case Name: Adil Bhat
Name: Irfan Ahmad Dar Resident of: Kakapora Pulwama
Resident of: Gadihal, Awantipora Name: Omar Khan
Place of incident: Machoma village of Resident of: Livar village of Pahalgam
Tral in south Kashmir’s Awantipora Place of incident: Durham village of
Date of incident: Sep 24, 2020, Bijbehara in south Kashmir’s Anantnag
Agency involved: 42RR, special district
operation group ( SOG) of JK Police and Date of incident: Sep 25, 2020,
CRPF Agency involved: special operation
Testimony: On Sep 24, 2020, Irfan group ( SOG) of JK police, army and
Ahmad Dar of Gadihal, Awantipora, was CRPF
killed in a gunfight with security forces Testimony: On Sep 25, 2020, Adil Bhat
in Machoma village of Tral in south of Kakapora Pulwama and Omar Khan
Kashmir’s Awantipora, during a CASO of Livar village of Pahalgam, were killed
launched by 42RR, special operation in an overnight encounter with Indian
group ( SOG) of JK Police and CRPF. Dar, security forces in Durham village of
a Hafiz I Quran - one who has memorised Bijbehara in south Kashmir’s Anantnag
the Quran - used to run a seminary. district. The gunfight erupted last evening
His body was taken by police to North after columns of special operation group
Kashmir for burial with only his family ( SOG) of JK police, army and CRPF ring-
allowed to participate in his last rites. fenced Sirhama village following inputs
about the presence of militants.

Name: Ajaz Ahmad Reshi Case
Resident of: Samboora Name:
Place of incident: Pampore 1. Sajad Malla of Maldera, Shopian
Date of incident: September 28, 2020 2. Junaid Rashid of Tumlahal, Pulwama;
Agency involved: army’s 50RR and 3. Waseem Ahmad Magray of Chakoora
CRPF 110 Battalion. Pulwama,
Testimony: Ajaz Ahmad Reshi of Place of incident: Turi village of
Samboora was killed during an encounter Zainapora in south Kashmir’s Shopian
held on September 28, 2020, by Indian district
security forces in Pampore, during a Date of incident: October 7, 2020
CASO launched by army’s 50RR and
CRPF 110 Battalion. Agency involved: a joint contingent of
police, army and CRPF
Testimony: Sajad Malla of Maldera,
Name: Sajad Ahmad Sofi Shopian; Junaid Rashid of Tumlahal,
Resident of: Padgampora Pulwama; and Waseem Ahmad Magray
Place of incident: Pampore of Chakoora Pulwama, were killed
during a fake encounter in Hef Turi
Date of incident: September 28, 2020 village of Zainapora in south Kashmir’s
Agency involved: army’s 50RR and Shopian district on October 7, 2020.
CRPF 110 Battalion. The encounter was staged by a joint
Testimony: Sajad Ahmad Sofi of contingent of police, army and CRPF
Padgampora was killed during an who then ringfenced the village and
encounter held on September 28, 2020, launched searches. Their dead bodies
by Indian security forces in Pampore, were taken by police to PCR Srinagar
during a CASO launched by army’s 50RR and later to Handwara in north Kashmir
and CRPF 110 Battalion. for burial. Soon after their assassination,
youth came out on streets to protest. The
Indian forces fired tear shells and metallic
Name: Shabir Ahmad Shah pellets on the protesters. Two youths
Resident of: Tral sustained pellet injuries and were taken
to Pulwama hospital. They were later
Place of incident: Nunner, Ganderbal referred to SMHS Srinagar for specialized
Date of incident: October 6, 2020 treatment. The mobile internet service
Agency involved: Indian security forces in the district was shut to thwart more
Testimony: On October 6, 2020, Shabir
Ahmad Shah, Resident of Tral, was Case
assassinated by Indian security forces at Name: Tariq Ahmad Mir
Nunner, Ganderbal, during a fire opened Resident of: Zangalpora Devsar, Kulgam
by the forces. Place of incident: Yaripora area of south
Kashmir’s Kulgam district
Date of incident: October 10, 2020

Agency involved: Special operation Testimony: on October 12, 2020,
group ( SOG) of JK Police, army’s 1 RR, Irshad Ahmad Dar of Pulwama district
and 18 Battalion CRPF of southern Kashmir was assassinated
Testimony: On October 10, 2020, by Special Operations Group of Jammu
Tariq Ahmad Mir of Zangalpora Devsar, and Kashmir Police and Central Reserve
Kulgam, was killed in an encounter in Police Force during a CASO at the old
the Yaripora area of south Kashmir’s Barzulla area of Srinagar during the night.
Kulgam district during a CASO launched Soon after his death, clashes erupted
by special operation group ( SOG) of JK between youths and security forces in the
Police, army’s 1 RR, and 18 Battalion area and police used tear smoke shells to
CRPF in Chinigam. disperse the protestors. The protestors in
Case groups pelted stones on security forces
on Barzulla Bridge, flyover and interior
Name: Zahid Nazir Bhat alias areas. Police took his body to Gantmulla
Resident of: Drubgam village Uri, Baramulla, in north Kashmir for
Place of incident: Dadoora Kangan burial. However they allowed some of his
village of south Kashmir’s Pulwama family members to be present at the time
district of burial.
Date of incident: October 10, 2020,
Name: Abdul Rashid
Agency involved: a joint team of army’s
55 RR, special operation group ( SOG) of Resident of: Budgam
JK Police and CRPF. Place of incident: Batwara area
Testimony: Zahid Nazir Bhat alias of Date of incident: Oct 14, 2020
Drubgam village, was killed in a brief
Agency involved: Indian army
gunfight in Dadoora Kangan village of
south Kashmir’s Pulwama district on Testimony: On Oct 14, 2020, A youth,
October 10, 2020, by Indian security Abdul Rashid, a Resident of Budgam,
forces, during a CASO launched by a joint was killed when an army vehicle hit a
team of army’s 55 RR, special operation motorcycle in Batwara area, sparking
group ( SOG) of JK Police and CRPF. His protests. He was working as a sweeper
dead body was then taken by police to in Srinagar Municipal Corporation. The
PCR Srinagar where they would be taken youth was hit by the army vehicle outside
to North Kashmir for burial. BB Cantonment and he died on the spot.
Case The groups of people assembled at the
spot and held a protest, demanding
Name: Irshad Ahmad Dar arrest of the erring driver. The protestors
Resident of: Pulwama also clashed with police, however, no one
Place of incident: old Barzulla area of was injured in the incident.
Srinagar Case
Date of incident: October 12, 2020 Name: Tanveer Ahmad Sofi
Agency involved: Special Operations son of Ghulam Muhammad Sofi
Group of Jammu and Kashmir Police and Resident of: Kakapora Pulwama
Central Reserve Police Force
Place of incident: Kakapora Pulwama 3. Nazim Rather, a Resident of Hakripora,
Date of incident: October 15, 2020. Pulwama,

Agency involved: Indian security forces Place of incident: Melhora village of

south Kashmir’s Shopian district
Testimony: Tanveer Ahmad Sofi son of
Ghulam Muhammad Sofi Resident of Date of incident: Oct 21, 2020
Kakapora Pulwama near J& K Bank was Agency involved: Indian security forces
gunned down by Indian security forces Testimony: On Oct 21, 2020, Umar
on October 15, 2020. Tanveer sustained Ahmad Thokar and Touseef Ahmad
bullet injury in the abdomen. He was Khanday, both residents of Kulgam
soon rushed to SMHS Hospital Srinagar district, and Nazim Rather, a Resident
by locals, where his condition is said to of Hakripora, Pulwama, were killed in
be critical. He, then, died 10 days laterin a gunfight with Indian security forces
hospital. in Melhora village of south Kashmir’s
Case Shopian district during a CASO.
Name: Tauseef Ahmad Pandit Case
son of Talangam Pulwama Name: Showkat Ahmad Lone
Resident of: Pulwama Resident of: Chersoo Awantipora,
Place of incident: Lannoo area of Place of incident: Noorpora village of
Kokernag in south Kashmir’s Anantnag Tral in south Kashmir’s Pulwama district
district Date of incident: Oct 26, 2020
Date of incident: Oct 17, 2020, Agency involved: Indian security forces
Agency involved: joint team of the Testimony: On Oct 26, 2020, Showkat
army’s 19 RR, special operation group Ahmad Lone of Chersoo Awantipora,
( SOG) of JK Police and 164 Battalion was killed in an encounter with Indian
CRPF. security forces in Noorpora village of
Testimony: On Oct 17, 2020, Tauseef Tral in south Kashmir’s Pulwama district.
Ahmad Pandit son of Talangam Pulwama, His dead body was then taken by police
was assassinated by Indian security to Baramulla or Ganderbal district and
forces at Lannoo area of Kokernag in buried there.
south Kashmir’s Anantnag district during Case
a CASO. The operation was launched by
a joint team of the army’s 19 RR, special Name: Javed Ahmad
operation group ( SOG) of JK Police and Resident of: Pulwama district
164 Battalion CRPF. Place of incident: Mochuwa.
Case Date of incident: October 27, 2020
Name: Agency involved: Special Operations
1. Umar Ahmad Thokar, Resident of Group of police, army’s 50-Rashtriya
Kulgam district Rifles and Central Reserve Police Force
2. Touseef Ahmad Khanday, Resident of Testimony: Javed Ahmad from
Kulgam district Pulwama district, was killed during a
fake encounter by indian security forces. Place of incident: Putkha Police Post,
The encounter broke out on October 27, Sopore area of north Kashmir’s Baramulla
2020, after the Special Operations Group District
of police, army’s 50- Rashtriya Rifles and Date of incident: November 4, 2020
Central Reserve Police Force cordoned
Mochuwa. Agency involved: Indian security forces
Case Testimony: On November 4, 2020, A
30- year- old inmate allegedly committed
Name: Saifullah Mir alias
suicide in the Police lockup in Sopore
Resident of: Pulwama’s Malangpora area of north Kashmir’s Baramulla
village district. Zamrood Ahmad Gojri, son of
Place of incident: Wawoosa area of Ghulam Muhammad Gojri of Hygham
Rangreth was arrested by a Police team on
Date of incident: October 30, 2020 November 1, 2020, a Police officer said.
Agency involved: Special Operation The officer said the accused had been
Group of J& K Police, Central Reserve found hanging inside the Putkha Police
Police Force and Army’s 53- Rashtriya Post that comes under the jurisdiction
Rifles of Police Station Tarzoo Sopore. He was
rushed to a local hospital where doctors
Testimony: On October 30, 2020,
declared him brought dead, the Police
in the area of Wawoosa, Rangreth,
officer said
Indian security forces including Special
Operation Group of J& K Police, Central Case
Reserve Police Force and Army’s 53- Name: Huzaifa
Rashtriya Rifles cordoned off the area
Place of incident: Meej village of
and killed Saifullah Mir alias during the
Pampore in south Kashmir’s Awantipora
shooting erupted at the area. The place
where the encounter took place is less Date of incident: November 5, 2020
than a kilometre away from the old Agency involved: a joint search party
airfield and Jammu and Kashmir Light of special operation group ( SOG) of JK
Infantry Headquarters. Safiullah had a police, army’s 50 RR and CRPF
diploma in medical electronics from the
Testimony: On November 5, 2020,
Industrial Training Institute in Pulwama
Huzaifa was assassinated during the fire
and another from the National Institute of
erupted during the cordon and search
Electronics and Information Technology
operation at Meej village of Pampore in
in Srinagar. Soon after his death, clashes
south Kashmir’s Awantipora, operated by
erupted around the town. Meanwhile, the
a joint search party of special operation
dead body was taken to Baramulla for
group ( SOG) of JK police, army’s 50 RR
burial in the presence of immediate family
and CRPF. soon after the administration
shut down the internet services in the
Case Awantipora police district.
Name: Zamrood Ahmad Gojri Age 30 Case
Son of: Ghulam Muhammad Gojri Name: Umer
Resident of: Hygham Place of incident: Meej village of

Pampore in south Kashmir’s Awantipora Kashmir’s Shopian district
Date of incident: November 5, 2020 Place of incident: Kutpora, a village of
Agency involved: a joint search party south Kashmir’s Shopian district
of special operation group ( SOG) of JK Date of incident: November 10, 2020
police, army’s 50 RR and CRPF Agency involved: joint team of army’s
Testimony: On November 5, 2020, 34 RR, CRPF and police
Umer was assassinated during the fire Testimony: On November 10, 2020, a
erupted during the cordon and search joint team of army’s 34 RR, CRPF and
operation at Meej village of Pampore in police surrounded Kutpora, a village of
south Kashmir’s Awantipora, operated by south Kashmir’s Shopian district, tucked
a joint search party of special operation away in thick apple orchards some 5
group ( SOG) of JK police, army’s 50 RR kms from Shopian town, and began a
and CRPF. Soon after, the administration search operation. Umer Mushtaq Lone
shut down the internet services in the son of Mushtaq Ahmad Lone, Resident
Awantipora police district. of Kutpora village, was assassinated by
Case the firing of Indian security forces during
Name: Shahzad Ahmad Wani, CASO.
Age 42 Case

Resident of: Shalipora village of Kulgam Name: Irfan Ahmad Thokar

Place of incident: district Jail Mattan, Son of: Mohammad Ishaq Thokar.
Anantnag Resident of: Kutpora, a village of south
Date of incident: November 8, 2020 Kashmir’s Shopian district

Agency involved: Indian police Place of incident: Kutpora, a village of

south Kashmir’s Shopian district
Testimony: A 42 year old man, Shahzad
Ahmad Wani, Resident of Shalipora Date of incident: November 10, 2020
village of Kulgam, was detained in district Agency involved: joint team of army’s
Jail Mattan, Anantnag jail. He used to 34 RR, CRPF and police
work as a labourer in the apple market. Testimony: On November 10, 2020, a
On November 8, 2020, he died in jail. joint team of army’s 34 RR, CRPF and
The reason of his demise is explained police surrounded Kutpora, a village of
by the authorities as the brief illness south Kashmir’s Shopian district, tucked
of the man. However, the family of the away in thick apple orchards some 5 kms
deceased questioned his death. If he from Shopian town, and began a search
was not keeping well why didn’t the jail operation. Irfan Ahmad Thokar son of
authorities inform us at all,” his father Ali Mohammad Ishaq Thokar, Resident of
Muhammad said. Kutpora village, was assassinated by
Case the firing of Indian security forces during
Name: Umer Mushtaq Lone CASO.
Son of: Mushtaq Ahmad Lone
Resident of: Kutpora, a village of south
Case head of the family, a chef by profession,
Name: was not present at the time of the incident.
1. Farooqa Begum Resident of Balkote
2. Tiyib Ahmad Mir Resident of Sultan
Dhaki Torture
3. Irshad Ahmad Resident of Kamalkote
4. Afrar Ahmad Resident of Gohalan.
Place of incident: LOC border at Uri
sector. Muhamad Yasin Rather of Sirhama;
Date of incident: November 12, 2020 Shahid Yousuf Sheikh of Bon–Nambal;
Agency involved: Indian security forces Irshad Ahmad Rather of Sirhama and
Testimony: On November 12, 2020, four Mudasir Magray of Sirhama
civilians were assassinated during firing Place of incident: Durham village of
at the LOC border at Uri sector. The Bijbehara in south Kashmir’s Anantnag
deceased civilians have been identified district.
as Farooqa Begum Resident of Balkote,
Date of incident: Sep 25, 2020
Tiyib Ahmad Mir Resident of Sultan Dhaki,
Irshad Ahmad Resident of Kamalkote and Agency involved: Indian army
Afrar Ahmad Resident of Gohalan. Testimony: On Sep 25, 2020, Four
Case civilians were injured when an explosive
Names material went off near the Durham village
of Bijbehara in south Kashmir’s Anantnag
1. Shameema Begum, 43, wife of district. The injured were identified as
Abdul Majeed Ganie and her daughters - Muhamad Yasin Rather of Sirhama;
2. Nighat Bano, aged 13 Shahid Yousuf Sheikh of Bon–Nambal;
3. Tabassum Bano, aged 9. Irshad Ahmad Rather of Sirhama and
Mudasir Magray of Sirhama. “All the
Resident of: Lari Boniyar area of Uri in four were rushed to hospital where from
north Kashmir’s Baramulla district two were referred to SMHS Srinagar for
Place of incident: Lari Boniyar area of specialised treatment.”
Uri in north Kashmir’s Baramulla district Case
Date of incident: Nov 28, 2020 Name: Hamida Bi
Testimony:On Nov 28, 2020: A woman wife of Mohammad Din
and her two daughters died due to
Resident of: Qasba village of Poonch
asphyxiation in Lari Boniyar area of Uri
in north Kashmir’s Baramulla district. Place of incident: Shahpur Kirni area of
The deceased have been identified as Poonch
Shameema Begum, 43, wife of Abdul Date of incident: October 2, 2020
Majeed Ganie and her daughters - Nighat
Agency involved: Indian army
Bano, 13, and Tabasum Bano, 9. The
Testimony: On October 2, 2020, A November 4, 2020. Indian army, CRPF
middle aged woman from Qasba village and police cordoned the Lalpora Meej
of Poonch was injured in a cross- Line area in Pampore in search of militants.
of Control firing in Shahpur Kirni area of Case
Poonch by indian firing and shelling. The
injured has been identified as Hamida Name:
Bi wife of Mohammad Din Resident of 1. Hakim Bi of Gohalan
Qasba. The woman was near her house 2. Sarfaraz Lateef of Gohalan
when a bullet hit her in hand.
3. Sajad Ahmad of Balkote
4. Saif Ali of Kamalkote.
Name: Showkat Ahmad
Place of incident: LOC border at Uri
Resident of: Chekpora Budgam sector.
Place of incident: Pattan area of Date of incident: November 12, 2020
Baramulla district
Agency involved: Indian security forces
Date of incident: November 3, 2020
Testimony: On November 12, 2020, five
Agency involved: Indian army civilians were injured during firing and
Testimony: On November 3, 2020, an intense shelling at the LOC border at Uri
employee of the Power Development sector. The injured have been identified
Department was injured after a stray as Hakim Bi of Gohalan, Sarfaraz Lateef
bullet fired in army camp during a of Gohalan, Sajad Ahmad of Balkote and
training session which hit him in his hand Saif Ali of Kamalkote. Some of the injured
accidentally in Pattan area of Baramulla persons were immediately shifted to
district. He was repairing a power Government Medical College Baramulla
transmission line at Wanigam Pattan where some critically injured persons
at the time of the incident. The injured were referred to Srinagar.
employee was identified as Showkat Case
Ahmad of Chekpora Budgam. He was
shifted to Sub District Hospital Kreeri Name:
where he was treated for bullet wound in 1. Adil Ahmad Resident of Samboora;
hand. 2. Raja Begum of Naman Kakapora;
Case 3. Shabir Ahmad Dar,
Name: Kifayat Ahmad 4. Mushtaq Ahmad,
Place of incident: Lalpora Meej area in 5. Amir Bashir,
Pampore 6. Gh. Mohuidin,
Date of incident: November 4, 2020. 7. Habibullah Sheikh,
Agency involved: Indian security forces, 8. Gh. Nabi Sheikh,
9. Suhail Ahmad,
Testimony: Kifayat Ahmad was injured 10. Abrar Dar,
during an encounter between militants
and security forces in Pampore area of 11.
Bashir Ahmad, all residents of
south Kashmir’s Pulwama district on Kakapora.

Place of incident: Kakapora town of splinter injuries in her legs, during
Pulwama district ceasefire violation took place in Degwar
Date of incident: November 17, 2020 Tarwan area of Poonch sector during
ceasefire violation took place in Degwar
Agency involved: Indian security forces Tarwan area of Poonch sector. She got
Testimony: injured during shelling. She was then
On November 17, 2020, eleven civilians hospitalized in Poonch hospital.
were injured by a grenade blast in Case
Kakapora town of Pulwama district. Name: Mohammad Rashid
Four among the injured were taken to
Son of: Najab Din
Pampore hospital while eight were taken
to Srinagar for treatment. Resident of: Kirni Poonch
Case Place of incident: Line of Control in
Name: Sakina Bi, Age 40 Poonch district

Wife of: Nizam Din Date of incident: November 25, 2020

Resident of: Bagyaldara Agency involved: Indian army

Place of incident: Degwar Tarwan area Testimony: Mohammad Rashid son of

of Poonch sector Najab Din Resident of Kirni Poonch was
injured by the firing on the Line of Control
Date of incident: November 20, 2020 in Poonch district on November 25, 2020.
Agency involved: Indian army He had been shifted to civil hospital
Testimony: On November 20, 2020, Poonch and is under treatment.
Sakina Bi ( 40) wife of Nizam Din Resident Case
of Bagyaldara received bullet injury on Name: Ghulam Muhammad Parray,
her thigh during ceasefire violation took
Place of incident: Singhpora Pattan in
place in Degwar Tarwan area of Poonch
north Kashmir’s Baramulla district
sector. She got injured during shelling.
She was then hospitalized in Poonch Date of incident: December 9, 2020
hospital. Agency involved: Indian army
Case Testimony: On December 9, 2020,
Name: Mansha Bi, Age 18 Ghulam Muhammad Parray was injured
Daughter of: Shamas Din in a grenade attack in Singhpora Pattan
in north Kashmir’s Baramulla district. All
Resident of: Bagyaldara the injured were shifted to a Srinagar
Place of incident: Degwar Tarwan area hospital for treatment and their condition
of Poonch sector is stable.
Date of incident: November 20, 2020 Case
Agency involved: Indian army Name: Gulzar Ahmad Khan,
Testimony: On November 20, 2020, Place of incident: Singhpora Pattan in
Mansha Bi ( 18) daughter of Shamas north Kashmir’s Baramulla district
Din Resident of the Bagyaldara received Date of incident: December 9, 2020

Agency involved: Indian army grenade attack in Singhpora Pattan in
Testimony: On December 9, 2020, north Kashmir’s Baramulla district. All the
Gulzar Ahmad Khan was injured in a injured were shifted to a Srinagar hospital
grenade attack in Singhpora Pattan in for treatment and their condition is stable.
north Kashmir’s Baramulla district. All the Case
injured were shifted to a Srinagar hospital Name: Fatima
for treatment and their condition is stable.
Wife of: Ghulam Rasool
Resident of: Budgam district
Name: Tabassum
Place of incident: Budgam district
Place of incident: Singhpora Pattan in
north Kashmir’s Baramulla district Date of incident: Dec 11, 2020
Date of incident: December 9, 2020 Agency involved: Indian army
Agency involved: Indian army Testimony: On Dec 11, 2020, A woman
was injured in Budgam district after a
Testimony: On December 9, 2020, stray bullet fired from nearby Air Force
Tabbasum was injured in a grenade attack firing range hit her, evoking protests in
in Singhpora Pattan in north Kashmir’s the area. Fatima, wife of late Ghulam
Baramulla district. All the injured were Rasool of Wulina Icchigam, was cleaning
shifted to a Srinagar hospital for treatment vegetables on her veranda when the bullet
and their condition is stable. hit her leg. She was rushed to hospital for
Case treatment where her condition is stated to
Name: Manzoor Ahmad Bhat be stable. It was found that stray bullets
fired from the firing range of the Air Force
Place of incident: Singhpora Pattan in had hit the roofs and injured the lady. The
north Kashmir’s Baramulla district incident sparked protests in the area. The
Date of incident: December 9, 2020 people were demanding an end to such
Agency involved: Indian army incidents. This is not the first time that
somebody has sustained injuries due to
Testimony: On December 9, 2020, ammunition from firing ranges in Budgam.
Manzoor Ahmad Bhat was injured in a There have been scores of deaths and
grenade attack in Singhpora Pattan in injuries due to littered explosives during
north Kashmir’s Baramulla district. All the the past some years.
injured were shifted to a Srinagar hospital
for treatment and their condition is stable. Case

Case Name: Ishfaq Ahmad Dalal

Name: Zubair Ahmad Dar Place of incident: Achabal area of south
Kashmir’s Anantnag district.
Place of incident: Singhpora Pattan in
north Kashmir’s Baramulla district Date of incident: Dec 20, 2020
Date of incident: December 9, 2020 Agency involved: indian security forces
Agency involved: Indian army Testimony: On Dec 20, 2020, a civilian
was injured by the indian security forces
Testimony: On December 9, 2020, in Achabal area of south Kashmir’s
Zubair Ahmad Dar was injured in a
Anantnag district. Ishfaq Ahmad Dalal, a Sopore Baramulla
shopkeeper, received splinter injuries and Place of incident: Pampore
was hospitalised.
Date of incident: September 12, 2020.
Agency involved: Indian security forces
ARBITARARY Testimony: Adil Ahmad Hajam, a
DETENTION Resident of Ratsuna village of Tral,
Nadeem Ahmad Dar Resident of Drangbal
Pampore, Irshad Ahmad Sofi Resident
Case of Tulbagh Pampore and Shakir Ahmad
Name: Dar of Jalalabad Sopore Baramulla, were
detained in Tral by Indian security forces
1. Bilal Ahmad Kuttay son of Ghulam
during a CASO on September 12, 2020.
Mohammad Kuttay of Chotapora
Shopian Case

2. Shahnawaz Ahmad Mir son of Zahoor Name: Akeel Ahmad Parray

Ahmad Mir of Mandujan, Shopian. Resident of: Mandigam Kralgund,
Place of incident: Jawahar tunnel in Place of incident: Mandigam Kralgund
Qazigund area of south Kashmir,
Date of incident: Sep 26, 2020,
Date of incident: Sep 9, 2020
Agency involved: Indian security forces.
Agency involved: A joint team of Kulgam
Testimony: On Sep 26, 2020, Akeel
police, army’s 9 RR and CRPF
Ahmad Parray of Mandigam Kralgund,
Testimony: On Sep 9, 2020, Indian Police was arrested from Mandigam village
apprehended Bilal Ahmad Kuttay son of here, during cordon and search operation
Ghulam Mohammad Kuttay of Chotapora ( CASO) by Indian security forces.
Shopian and Shahnawaz Ahmad Mir Case
son of Zahoor Ahmad Mir of Mandujan,
Shopian. A joint team of Kulgam police, Name: Irfan Ahmed Jaral Son of Bashir
army’s 9 RR and CRPF intercepted a truck Ahmed Jaral
coming from Jammu near Jawahar tunnel Resident of: Rengear, Keller of Shopian
in Qazigund area of south Kashmir, thus Place of incident: DKG Thanamandi ,
arresting its driver under UAPA charges. Shopian
Date of incident: October 5, 2020
Agency involved: Indian security forces
1. Adil Ahmad Hajam, a Resident of
Testimony: On October 5, 2020, Irfan
Ratsuna village of Tral,
Ahmed Jaral son of Bashir Ahmed Jaral
2. Nadeem Ahmad Dar Resident of Resident of Rengear, Keller of Shopian
Drangbal Pampore, was arrested from a passenger vehicle
3. Irshad Ahmad Sofi Resident of near DKG Thanamandi by Indian security
Tulbagh Pampore forces during a search operation.
4. Shakir Ahmad Dar of Jalalabad

Case Date of incident: Oct 17, 2020,
Name: Firdous Ahmad Tak Agency involved: Indian security forces
Resident of: Doda Testimony: On Oct 17, 2020, Haris
Place of incident: Dadoora Kangan Shareef Rather, Resident of Zaffron
village of south Kashmir’s Pulwama Colony Pampore, was arrested by Indian
district security forces from the Pampore area of
Date of incident: October 10, 2020 the Awantipora police district, during a
Agency involved: a joint team of the
army’s 55 RR, special operation group Case
(SOG) of JK Police and CRPF. Name: Saqib Akbar Waza
Testimony: Firdous Ahmad Tak from Age 22
Doda, was arrested in Dadoora Kangan Resident of: Batagund
village of south Kashmir’s Pulwama
district on October 10, 2020, by Indian Place of incident: Noorpora village of
security forces, during a CASO launched Tral in south Kashmir’s Pulwama district.
by a joint team of army’s 55 RR, special Date of incident: Oct 26, 2020
operation group ( SOG) of JK Police and Agency involved: Indian security forces
Testimony: On Oct 26, 2020, Saqib Akbar
Waza, a B. Tech student aged 22 years,
Name: a Resident of Batagund was arrested by
1. Abdul Ahad Bhat, Indian security forces in Noorpora village
2. Rouf Bhat of Tral in south Kashmir’s Pulwama
3. Mohammad Yusuf Wani, district. He was doing B. Tech in Punjab.
Place of incident: Shopian district of Case
south Kashmir Name: Qaiser Ahmad Sheikh
Date of incident: Oct 12, 2020 Resident of: Serch, Ganderbal
Agency involved: Indian security forces. Profession: hospital security guard
Testimony: On Oct 12, 2020, Three Place of incident: Ganderbal
teachers Namely Abdul Ahad Bhat,
Rouf Bhat and Mohammad Yusuf Wani, Date of incident: November 2, 2020
teaching in a religious school in Shopian Agency involved: Indian security forces
district of south Kashmir were arrested Testimony: On November 2, 2020, Indian
under the stringent Public Safety Act security forces apprehended a man,
(PSA) under false allegations by Indian Named Qaiser Ahmad Sheikh, Resident
security forces. of Serch, Ganderbal, who was a hospital
Case security guard during a cordon and
Name: Haris Shareef Rather search operation at Ganderbal, under the
false allegations.
Resident of: Zaffron Colony Pampore
Place of incident: Pampore area of the

Case Pampore in south Kashmir’s Awantipora
Name: Hilal Ahmad Mir Date of incident: November 5, 2020
Resident of: Bernbugh Kangan, Agency involved: a joint search party
Profession: ATM guard at SKIMS of special operation group ( SOG) of JK
police, army’s 50 RR and CRPF
Place of incident: Ganderbal
Testimony: On November 5, 2020, Khawar
Date of incident: November 2, 2020 Sultan Mir of Dangerbal, Pampore, was
Agency involved: The teams from SOG arrested during the cordon and search
Ganderbal, 5RR, 24 RR, 115 Bn and 118 operation at Meej village of Pampore in
Bn of CRPF south Kashmir’s Awantipora, operated by
Testimony: On November 2, 2020, a joint search party of special operation
Hilal Ahmad Mir, Resident of Bernbugh group ( SOG) of JK police, army’s 50 RR
Kangan, who was working as an ATM and CRPF.
guard at SKIMS was apprehended by the Case
Indian security forces during overnight Name: Abdul Latif Mir
joint Cordon and Search Operation (
CASO) launched by the teams from SOG Son of: Sanaullah Mir
Ganderbal, 5RR, 24 RR, 115 Bn and 118 Resident of: District Baramulla
Bn of CRPF, under false charges. Place of incident: National capital’s
Case Sarai Kale Khan area, Delhi
Name: Asif Ahmad Mir Date of incident: November 5, 2020
Resident of: Serch, Ganderbal Agency involved: Delhi police
Place of incident: Ganderbal Testimony: On November 5, 2020, The
Date of incident: November 2, 2020 Delhi Police Special Cell arrested Abdul
Latif Mir from District Baramulla, J& K (
Agency involved: The teams from SOG age 22 years), from the national capital’s
Ganderbal, 5RR, 24 RR, 115 Bn and 118 Sarai Kale Khan area. On the basis of the
Bn of CRPF false information, a trap was laid near the
Testimony: On November 2, 2020, a millennium park, Sarai Kale Khan, Delhi
private security guard at SMHS, Asif and around 10.15 p. m., where he was
Ahmad Mir, Resident of Serch, Ganderbal, apprehended. The family members of the
was apprehended by the Indian security Kashmiri youth arrested in Delhi said that
forces during overnight joint Cordon and arrested youth had nothing to do with
Search Operation ( CASO) launched by militancy. Sanaullah Mir, father of Abdul
the teams from SOG Ganderbal, 5RR, 24 Latif, said that his son has completed Hifz
RR, 115 Bn and 118 Bn of CRPF, under Quran and due to lockdown was confined
false charges. to his home. He said, Latif left his home
Case on Nov 4 and said that some books had
arrived from a Dar- Ul- Uloom at Srinagar
Name: Khawar Sultan Mir
and he will collect them. “ Next day his
Resident of: Dangerbal, Pampore mobile was switched off. Later we filed a
Place of incident: Meej village of missing report at the local police station

at Sopore. We were shocked after news Case
of his arrest surfaced,” said Sonaullah Mir. Name:
Mir said that his son is innocent and was
never involved in any subversive activity 1. Arif Bilal Dar, a Resident of Sharatpora
record of which can be obtained from village
security agencies. “ We urge immediate 2. Sumair Ahmad Shah Resident of
return of our wards,” the families said. Shalatoo hamlet of the district,
Case 3. Dawood Ahmad Thokar
Name:Mohd. Ashraf Khatanam, Age 20 4. Yawar Ghulam
Son of Mohammad Ashraf Place of incident: Delhi
Resident of: District Kupwara, J& K Date of incident: November 24, 2020
Place of incident: national capital’s Sarai Agency involved: Indian security forces
Kale Khan area, Delhi Testimony: Arif, a Resident of Sharatpora
Date of incident: November 5, 2020 village along with Sumair Ahmad Shah
Agency involved: Delhi police Resident of Shalatoo hamlet of the
district, Dawood Ahmad Thokar and
Testimony: On November 5, 2020, The Yawar Ghulam had vanished from Delhi
Delhi Police Special Cell arrested Mohd. on November 24. On Thursday, their
Ashraf Khatana from District Kupwara, distraught families travelled all the way to
J& K ( age 20 years), from the national Delhi to look for them. “ We dropped in at
capital’s Sarai Kale Khan area. On the the Jamia Masjid police station where the
basis of the false information, a trap police officials apprised us that they were
was laid near the millennium park, Sarai in the custody of Delhi police’s special cell
Kale Khan, Delhi and around 10.15 p. in Janakpuri”, said Abdul Hameed, father
m., where he was apprehended. The of Sumair. According to a family member,
family members of the Kashmiri youth Dawood is a trucker who ferried an apple
arrested in Delhi said that arrested youth laden lorry to Delhi and was accompanied
had nothing to do with militancy. Bashir by Yawir, a farmer by profession. He said
Ahmad Khatana, father of Muhammad that they had lost contact with the duo
Ashraf, one of the arrested youth said on November 24 after they unload the
that he himself is an ex- army man and truck at Azadpur Mandi and went to the
can say with authority that his son is market to buy spices. Arif along with
innocent. “ We were preparing for his Sumair had left for Delhi on November
marriage as he was about to get married 23, where the latter pursued a nursing
on Nov 11. On Nov 4, he left for Srinagar course. Their families had not heard
to purchase some items for his marriage. from them from November 24 afternoon.
However, later we found his mobile off. The youth, according to their families,
Once his mobile turned on for a brief had been “picked up” by the police and
time, his location was showing Delhi. On handed over to them on Friday evening. “
Tuesday we received information that he They were in the custody of Delhi police’s
has been arrested,” said Bashir Ahmad Special Cell”, said Fayaz Ahmad, cousin
Khatana and added, “My son was a of Arif Bilal Dar, one of the traced youths.
student at a Dar- Ul- Uloom.

Case Reyaz Ahmed Rather and Shabir Ahmed
Name: Sana Zabair (13) and Gojri, both residents of Nasrullah Pora
Laiba Zabair (17), Budgam, and Muhammad Ayoub Pathan
of Gondhipora village of the same district.
daughters of Muhammad Zabair The family members of the arrested
Resident of: Abbasspur village of forward persons who held a peaceful protest here
Kahuta tehsil of PaK demanding their release said that these
Place of incident: Line of Control in men were innocent and had nothing to
Poonch do with militancy. “ This is a lie on the
part of Delhi Police that these men have
Date of incident: Dec 6, 2020, links with the militant organisations. All
Agency involved: Indian army these men have a clean record and the
Testimony: On Dec 6, 2020, Two entire district knows about it,” they said.
teenage girls hailing from forward Kahuta The family of Shabir said that he used
tehsil area were detained by indian army to visit Ajmeer Sharif every year to pay
on Line of Control in Poonch after they obeisance. Reyaz’s family said he had
crossed into this side inadvertently with nothing to do with militancy and was not
the army putting in efforts for their early even remotely connected to it. Reyaz is
repatriation. The duo is real sisters and a welder by profession and had gone
has been identified as Sana Zabair ( there to get some stuff,” his family said.
13) and Laiba Zabair ( 17), daughters According to his family, he had gone to
of Muhammad Zabair, Resident of Delhi for the first time in his life. Ayoub’s
Abbasspur village of forward Kahuta son questioned whether it was a crime
tehsil of PaK. to visit Delhi. “ My father runs a saw mill
and has nothing to do with militancy. He
went to Delhi to buy some material,” he
Name: said. Pathan has three daughters and
1. Reyaz Ahmed Rather, Resident of two sons.
Nasrullah Pora Budgam Case
2. Shabir Ahmed Gojri, Resident of Name: Gowhar Ahmed Wani
Nasrullah Pora Budgam Place of incident:
3. Muhammad Ayoub Pathan of Date of incident: Dec 10, 2020
Gondhipora village of the same
district Agency involved: Indian security forces

Place of incident: Shakarpur area of Delhi. Testimony: On Dec 10, 2020, Gowhar
Ahmed Wani, a lawyer, was arrested
Date of incident: Dec 8, 2020 under UAPA by Indian security forces,
Agency involved: Special Cell of Delhi which has been registered in Imam Sahib
Police Shopian in this regard
Testimony: On Dec 8, 2020, Five persons, Case
three from Kashmir and two from Punjab, Name: Zaheer Abbas Lone
were arrested by the Special Cell of Delhi
Resident of: Inder village of Pulwama
Police from Shakarpur area of Delhi. The
three Kashmiri men were identified as
Place of incident: Gund Baba Khaleel Srinagar
village along Sangam- Naina road, 3. Zahid Khan, a Resident of Nowhatta
pulwama Srinagar
Date of incident: Dec 17, 2020 Place of incident: Srinagar
Agency involved: Indian army’s 3RR and Date of incident: December 20, 2020
JK police
Agency involved: Indian security forces
Testimony: On Dec 17, 2020, A person
was apprehended in an injured condition Testimony: Asif Ahmad Bhat of Rehmania
during a gunfight in Sangam area of Colony Srinagar, Shahid Ahmad Mir of
south Kashmir’s Anantnag district. He Khanyar Srinagar and Zahid Khan, a
was identified as Zaheer Abbas Lone of Resident of Nowhatta Srinagar, have
Inder village of Pulwama district. His wife been arrested under false allegations on
died of cardiac arrest a few days back December 20, 2020 from Srinagar during
and is survived by two children. Indian a cordon and search operation. The
army’s 3RR and JK police established a family members of these three persons on
joint Mobile Vehicle Interception Post ( Friday held a protest demonstration here,
MVIP) at Gund Baba Khaleel village along stating that their sons were innocent.
Sangam- Naina road and thus arrested Case
Zaheer. The injured militant was taken Name:
to GMC Anantnag and then shifted to
Srinagar for further treatment. 1. Sartaj Madani
Case 2. Peerzada Mansoor
Name: Gh Rasool Wani, 3. Naeem Akhtar
Resident of: Meerakabad Shalimar 4. Mansoor Peerzada
Srinagar 5. Bashir Ahmad
Place of incident: Srinagar Date of incident: Dec 21, 2020
Date of incident: December 20, 2020 Agency involved: Indian authorities
Agency involved: Indian authorities Testimony: On Dec 21, 2020, Senior
Testimony: On December 20, 2020, Gh PDP leader and former minister Nayeem
Rasool Wani, Resident of Meerakabad Akhter was reportedly detained by J& K
Shalimar Srinagar, was detained by police & is being taken to MLA hostel.
Indian authorities under false allegations Earlier in the day, two senior Peoples
and then booked under Public Safety Democratic Party leaders were detained
Act then shifted him to Kot Balwal Jail by a central agency in South Kashmir’s
Jammu. Anantnag district. The duo, according to
their families, were arrested from their
residential quarters in Khanabal housing
Name: colony. They are being questioned at
1. Asif Ahmad Bhat of Rehmania Colony police station Bijbehara. 4 PDP leaders
Srinagar, taken into preventive custody. Some
leaders that included Sartaj Madni,
Shahid Ahmad Mir of Khanyar
Naeem Akhtar, Mansoor Peerzada and
Bashir Ahmad have been taken into
preventive custody.
1. Aijaz Ahmad Bhat of Larow Tral,
2. Umer Jabar Dar of Wagad Tral,
3. Suhail Ahmad Bhat of Dogripora
4. Sameer Ahmad Lone of
Darganiegund Tral,
5. Muhammad Amin Khan residents of
Handoora Tral.
6. Rafiq Ahmad Khan, residents of
Handoora Tral.
Place of incident: Tral area of Awantipora
and Sangam area of Anantnag district
Date of incident: December 21, 2020
Agency involved: team of Police, 42 RR
and 180 Bn CRPF
Testimony: On December 21, 2020, six
persons were arrested during a CASO
launched by a team of Police, 42 RR and
180 Bn CRPF in Tral area of Awantipora
and Sangam area of Anantnag district.
The persons were identified as Aijaz
Ahmad Bhat of Larow Tral, Umer Jabar
Dar of Wagad Tral, Suhail Ahmad Bhat of
Dogripora Awantipora, Sameer Ahmad
Lone of Darganiegund Tral, Muhammad
Amin Khan and Rafiq Ahmad Khan both
residents of Handoora Tral.






DESTROYED 110,000+



11,011+ GANG-RAPED



Basement, Rubani Center, Allah Wali Market,
Street 33, F-8/1, Islamabad-Pakistan.
Phone:051-831 3723-4
Fax:051-835 6310
w w w. k i i r. o r g . p k

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