Ueshima-2017-Journal of Clinical Anesthesia

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Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 37 (2017) 114

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Journal of Clinical Anesthesia

Lumbar vertebra surgery performed with a injected into each side) was injected into the bilateral dorsal space of
bilateral retrolaminar block the fourth thoracic spinous process. During the operative period, no re-
markable events occurred. No additional analgesics were administered
during the perioperative period. This suggests that a retrolaminar
Lumbar vertebra surgery block can block the posterior rami of the lumbar nerves. A bilateral
Retrolaminar block retrolaminar block was an effective analgesic for lumbar vertebrae
Perioperative pain surgery.
Acknowledgements relating to this article: none.

To the Editor, Hironobu Ueshima, MD, PhD, Lecturer*

Eiko Hara, MD, Associate Professor
The number of lumbar vertebrae surgeries has increased in recent Hiroshi Otake, MD, PhD, Professor
years. Despite this increase, the methods for perioperative pain man- Department of Anesthesiology, Showa University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
agement have remained limited. A retrolaminar block has been report- ⁎Corresponding author at: Department of Anesthesiology, Showa
ed to be an effective analgesic in breast cancer surgery, transapical University Hospital, Hatanodai Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
transcatheter aortic valve implantation, and ribs fracture treatment [1, E-mail address: ueshimhi@yahoo.co.jp (H. Ueshima).
2,3]. However, the use of a retrolaminar block for lumbar vertebra sur-
gery has not been reported. Here, we report the successful use of a
retrolaminar block in a lumbar vertebrae surgery for perioperative http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclinane.2016.12.021
pain management. The patient was an 80-year-old man who
underwent lumbar laminoplasty of L2 to L4 and presented with a non- References
steroidal anti-inflammatory drug allergy. Considering the efficacy of
[1] Murouchi T, Yamakage M. Retrolaminar block: analgesic efficacy and safety evalua-
perioperative analgesia, we performed a bilateral retrolaminar block
tion. J Anesth 2016;30:1003–7.
under general anesthesia. An ultrasound-guided bilateral retrolaminar [2] Ueshima H, Hiroshi O. Transapical transcatheter aortic valve implantation performed
nerve block was performed using a high-frequency linear probe at- with a retrolaminar block. J Clin Anesth 2016;35:274.
tached to a LOGIQ e Premium ultrasound system (GE Healthcare [3] Yoshida H, Yaguchi S, Chiba N, Kitayama M, Hanada H. Ultrasound-guided lumbar
retrolaminar block for acute lumbar trauma. Anaesth Intensive Care 2015;43:528–9.
Japan, Tokyo, Japan). A 0.375% levobupivacaine 40 mL in total (20 mL

0952-8180/© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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