UTS Bahasa Inggris Ganjil Kelas 11 Sma

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I. Read carefully and choose the best answer between a, b, c, d, or e!

1. Kate : We’ll have a long holiday next month. What are you going to do?
Yani : ....
Kate : I hope you have a nice trip
Complete the dialogue above ....
a. I am thinking of going to Bali
b. Sorry, I can’t tell you
c. It’s not your business
d. I have nothing to do
e. I don’t know what to do

2. Alex : What do you think about the film ?

Bram : I think .......................
Complete the dialogue above ....
a. I like it
b. Thank you
c. I can’t hear you
d. You forget it
e. Let’s go

3. Jade: What do you think of my drawing?

Rose: It's amazing, but I think you should erase the scribbles over here.
Jade: Thank you so much for you opinon, Rose!
Rose: My pleasure.
From the dialogue above, Rose is...
a. Asking for attention
b. Asking a question
c. Giving an opinion
d. Giving help
e. Asking for help

4. Yandy : How’s your vacation in Mentawai island, Nindy?

Nindy : It was terrific! The beaches are beautiful.
Yandy : Really? What else did you do there?
Nindy : Oh, I went parasailing! It was the most breath-taking thing that I’ve ever done.
Roby : Thanks.
The underlined expression expresses ....
a. Satisfaction
b. Dissatisfaction
c. Agreement
d. Opinion
e. Advice

5. Bryan : Sam, I thought you were on a big company.

Sam : Well, I've Just come out of it.
Bryan : Why?
Sam : Well, I didn’t really enjoy working there.
The underlined expression expresses ....
a. Satisfaction
b. Dissatisfaction
c. Agreement
d. Opinion
e. Asking satisfaction

6. Alex : How do you feel about this food?

Bram : It is very tasty. I’m completely satisfied.
Alex : Me too.
The underlined expression expresses ....
a. Asking satisfaction
b. Giving dissatisfaction
c. Asking Agreement
d. Giving Opinion
e. Showing sympathy

The following text is for number 36 to 40

36. When will the event be held?

a. August 14th.
b. August 15th.
c. August 16th.
d. August 17th.
e. August 18th.

37. Where is the location of the party?

a. Florida.
b. Alaska.
c. Chicago.
d. Aberdeen.
e. Washington.

38. When must we respond to the letter?

a. June 21st.
b. June 22nd.
c. June 23rd.
d. June 24th.
e. June 25th.

39. What kind of the text is it?

a. Invitation.
b. Suggestion.
c. Ofter.
d. Surprise.
e. Announcement.

40. “You are invited to celebrate.”

The Indonesian translation of the underlined word above is….
a. merayakan
b. menyampaikan
c. mengundang
d. membuka
e. Menutupi

The following text is for number 21 to 25

To: All teachers

Would you please come to watch our students’ performance for Angklung festival on
June 21st 2016 in Hall of Surya Dharma School at 08.00 a.m. until the end of the event.

Surya Permana

21. Who is the recipient of the text above?

a. Teachers.
b. Students.
c. Students and teachers.
d. Math teacher.
e. Headmaster.
Jawaban: a

22. When will the festival be held?

a. June 21st
b. June 22nd
c. June 23rd
d. June 24th
e. June 25th
Jawaban: a

23. Where will the festival be held?

a. The hall.
b. The yard.
c. The football court.
d. The tennis court.
e. The street.
Jawaban: a

24. When will the festival be begun?

a. 08.00.
b. 09.00.
c. 10.00.
d. 11.00.
e. 12.00.
Jawaban: a

25. What kind of the text is it?

a. Invitation
b. Report
c. Advertisement
d. Personal letter
e. Public letter
Jawaban: a

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