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Metropolis Town Square Blok GMS No 15
Jl Hartono Raya,Modernland Kota Tangerang Banten 15118

To. : PT. Mayora Indah, Tbk Date : Jan, 8 th, 2021
K3-IRGA Dept Factory Jayanti Phone : 021 – 55747788
Fax : 021 – 55747788
Our Reff : 002/MYR/I/2021
Email :

Attn. : Jamaludin
Cc ::

From : Budi Kustigar, S.IP

Sub. : General Check & Inspection for Fire Alarm
Dear Mrs,
Thank you very much for your above inquiry, We are pleased to quote you, our best price and delivery time to the
inquired item as follows:
No Item Description Qty Vol Unit Price Total Price
General Check & Inspection for Fire Alarm System 1 Lot Rp 27.000.000 Rp 27.000.000
Scope Of Work
a. Master Control Fire Alarm System
b. Chek & Cleaning Smoke Detector
c. Chek & Cleaning Heat Detector
d. Chek & Cleaning Modul JBFA
e. Troubleshoot
f. Test Partial
Sub Total Price Rp 27.000.000

Grand Total Rp 27.000.000


Price quote in : IDR , Excluded PPN 10%
Delivery time :
Delivery Point :
Payment Term : DP30% ,70% setelah Pekerjaan Selesai )
Validity : 30 Days

In case any further detail information is required, plase do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking
forward to your valued order with interest.

Yours truly,

Budi Kustigar, S.IP

Hp. 087809621046
Email :

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